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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 16, 2013 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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them. they all want the court to be an important institution. they want people to think well of the court. ..
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>> thank you
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>> host: you may have heard of the naked communist or that they did capitalistic now we have "the naked socialist" what is the connection between those three books? >> it finishes the trilogy my father was trying to explain and show the power's moving through the world and
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intended to do we he could do before he died. he said to have stripped communism of its lies a of fraud and you have to call it the naked communist so he did. >> host: who was a father? former fbi and chief of police and author and writer "the naked communist" was a national best-seller the naked capitalist teach sold over 1 million copies that is a lot in the 1950's. >> host: so why a "the naked socialist"? >> there is an underpinning force at work that was not subscribe to and fleshed out in the other books. socialism is more than a political party in more than a name that we call people
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it is a word that is fairly modern that rests upon these ideas that are as old as humanity we just happen to call it socialism. >> host: what are those seven pillars? >> guest: there rigo. of the all-powerful ruler. as we went down to use study cultures i found seven common idea is the second is society ends up being divided. there is always the elitist class ticket the favors that of the rulers and the permission san that was the second characteristic. the third is they promised to things in common intake from the haves and give to the have nots. the fourth is to achieve
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fairness we must regulate all things from the top and all of these do that. and number five is done with force you comply or you are dead and 6,000 years of history that has always been there of course, that of course, the control of information they tell the allies there the only one set have permission everybody has to speak truth that is what plato says so numbers statistics and the media and members of it is there is no such thing as the unalienable right they tell you what your rights are. so those seven bad idea is now that you know, then you can look to anywhere in history in the united states now nancy which of those are growing and that is sure evidence that socialism is
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your. to see those seven markers and you know, we have trouble. >> host: where is the united states? >> we are well under way in our constitution has been so ignored and altered by the supreme court there is now culture in our nation i call it thinking like a socialist your first reaction to anything is how can the government solve it for me? that is not how it is supposed to be the government's role is very limited and to david is reversed. today we have a strong ruling class we don't have that control over our senators that we should as part of our representative government. >> host: what do you mean? >> the 17th amendment, in
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the way the way it was originally set up, howard stevenson a state senator in utah for we had lunch even gone to church together he is my state senator. i can say our senator just voted for tar and voting to increase government and he is out of control. fin howard goes to the legislature to say we share the same thing so they get on the phone to call him up and say you are fired and they take as senator home and send a replacement. that cannot happen today but that is so it was set up today i have to wait five 1/2 or six years until the next election and he can do a lot more damage during that timeframe so it really did destroy and cut our representative government so
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that is one of the movement's to a strong top government of socialism. >> host: and bad amendments is the name of the chapter in educe say what are some of those bad points? >> now we need to go to my cheek knows. [laughter] we have so many good intentions when they violate the principles then our country starts to go off into areas that create more problems down the road one is about citizenship paul you need to do is be here long enough to have a baby then the baby becomes a citizen that reeks all kinds of havoc with immigration issues and it is unfortunate
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because good people want to come to our country but we need a mechanism to keep those out that will hurt our country had to do that? that system was torn down by that. >> host: is a the 14th amendment known as the due process amendment? >>. [laughter] but we look. >> host: a lot of people are in favor of the 14th amendment to use to end slavery. >> guest: yes. there are good parts eyeless those that the same time it was a very poorly written amendment read the to go back to revisit to take care of some of these amendments amendments, equal protection was ejected into our
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government and the states are meant to protect and the 14th amendment takes that away and says we can tax you add whatever weight from -- rate we wanted the state say no and the federal says sari. soties inequities were put in there in guess it is a big discussion and that is why it is complicated that is why i try to clarify. >> host: you go back several thousand years? >> as part of the warriors socialist once you have these seven pillars in your mind to see how that works you can go into history to say look at this. abated that back then and nothing has changed. so i go back to ancient china and india and decrease
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and here you have these society that takes a voice from their parents as seven or eight years old to send them into military trading for what purpose? to rise up to be a warrior so the whole society is destructive to their culture do know how they graduated? the slave population would graduate once every year usually in the fall david take the 80 new warriors to say go out and find some on causing problems and kill them. that measure graduation if you can sneak up to take him out here is the list of the most undesirables. so once again the seven pillars.
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>> how many pages? >> guest: 500 of the good stuff than the appendix it is impossible to introduce into society a greater change that a conversion of the law. >> isn't that great what he was trying to get out was the primary goal of socialism to allow the iron fist of the government to impose its will uncontrollably on the rest of us and that is the duty of the constitution it did not allow that to happen the founders were not devi's they knew this was going on now the government says for us to serve you we need
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money. so we have to get it is somehow so they do that now through the income-tax through all kinds of means to justify their existence to oppress the prosperity that should otherwise grow so once again this whole bad scenario has unfolded. >> host: to is frederick? >> good great writer i wish it to be as good and he wrote a great book that is a sure reid and he explains the principles of freedom. >> host: what is your background? >> i worked for the cia as a military analyst then i moved into their operations
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center become the intelligence officer 24/7 watching the world and something happened to which tells whoever needed to know but then the same position opened in the situation room so i went over there than president reagan started a second term and that is what the coffee into something is wrong. reagan's hands were tied in this socialist had affected his closest advisers. i had a people. i don't know if you are supposed to but the conference room had to sliding wooden doors and in the situation room if we had to give a message was looks through the people to see them and i would watch president reagan and i thought why are you leaving?
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you are the great dynamic president telling these people what they're supposed to do but then they came to realize the brilliant strategist had to fight fire with fire because his own people were dealing with america's problem solutions with bigger government is thinking like a socialist and he fought very hard to get around that and i admired him. >> host: in your book you take on richard nixon with inflated regulatory control. >> that was a real challenge. when a president gets to power what will they do with it? stay within the constitutional bounds or with a loose interpretation to perpetuate and build their own legacy? just about every president not very often we could find
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one that tried to shrinks the government nixon tried to inflate dip but what shocked me is jimmy carter. i don't like jimmy carter. there were real problems with him. he is a good man in his heart but i started to look into his legacy and he actually wanted to shrink government. out the time i was in college and to young to appreciate but he wanted to shrink government. we should have supported that but his own party came out against him. i think he told the democratic party i will automatically veto these than they turned against him. the terror credit party wanted to grow government who would have thought? he tried to shrink it while we are bad a.m. we should be grateful that his attitude was that. >> host: not a great difference between republicans and democrats?
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>> not today. the republicans try to of large government because that is scienter to power. taxes and voting and spend. that seems to be the pattern and mitt romney tried to stop that to say we have to stop and that scared people. one of the devious to parts of the socialist mentality is to make people dependent on government and once you are dependent on, when we retire to pays the bills were looking forward to medicare and not national health care. [laughter] but the government is a bsa and helping us been the politicians as we turn that off. sari. that is what was thinking like a socialist leads to.
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>> host: how does this compare to "the naked communist" or the naked capulet -- capitalists? >> it takes you through the establishment and my father treated that as a history book of that movement and those history elements that when i tried to do is get under that why is that insidious at&t full "the naked capitalist" was a look at how the money was socialized i love margaret thatcher's'' that is out of context as socialism works until they've run out of other people's money. i love that. heidi you get other people's money?
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in the book review tragedy and hope but to explain and show how it gradually unfolded in our society i was just adding this up all the countries in the world have the private bank's controlling their money how much are they in debt? $75 trillion worldwide for that we all pay billions of dollars every single month in interest because it is private institutions and hamilton had that idea at the constitutional convention a an end he was laughed out of the room and got mad and went home loan the showed up to three times during the development of the constitution.
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that weighs down the whole world the and "the naked capitalist" explains those details by reviewing long quotes some people cannot accuse my father of selective quotations that explains how central banking is hurting us. >> host: chapter 56 revolutionary top-10 books include the republic by plato and peach blossom spring? utopia by thomas more and upton sinclair. wire the socialist? >> they follow the same pattern if we violate principles for the good of the whole we can have great harmony in our society lookout place the notes will be if we were robots that is
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great but we are not in the founding fathers understood that so eddie to these he thames to change our society always strong government they don't understand the action. there needs to be a cooperative the founders said very amenable -- minimal let them handle it let the handle the problem. >> is this self published? >> guest: it is. because we have been publishing my father's books for a long time and we have for own distribution channels. i did not even ask anyone if they were interested we just pointed out there with so much information we need to develop a curriculum for the people of this nation so
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they can read and understand because things will get worse. we year on a downward slope. socialism is interesting it is a slope to bankruptcy the history section i show how cultures collapse it does not grow it consumes. so people died down here they say we have problems have the things need help. i have friends from england and europe that will site -- stop the hate to say i was involved with socialism and it works fine but another friend came home i said tel aviv felt the health system it is horrible. you can get help right away but it is sturdy and you have to wait for months if
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it is major and don't they have a thing like america? yes and the private health care sector one of the hospitals like ours? you king getting in that day. [laughter] it is a beautiful example of socialism people say that on the other hand, this wonderful -- one earned -- wonderful free market driven system. there is a lot of hope to get back to our basic principles. >> host: where does president obama is it, in your view? >> guest: he is a big government man and people ask is the socialist? i said that depends on your definition in this is the definition that i always use of government force to control or change society. and obama is right there to
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control and change society. they did that so it could not happen that individual be hired him to help guide and direct the country not change it. government force control and change society and a that definition obama is definitely a socialist. he has not declared himself a member of that party as a man think death in his heart so is he in that is where a lot of people are. >> host: how was it selling? >> very well. with the amazon kandel is the place to go. it is doing very well. >> host: you have a previous book as well. [laughter] , the socialist bathroom reader in my research as i looked into different
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countries palisade breaking the tension to go through this for decades. i gather that's information as a collective egested the communist party in 1960 we were standing on the edge of the abyss. since then we have taken a significant step forward. [laughter] >> host: that is true? >> it is. and they have joke's why is capitalism on the edge of the deep abyss? so they can see a socialist better. [laughter] a wonderful sense of humor i putted the socialist world
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record which has the best facial hair? matches a big deal which has the most murders san baths? now wins that one. in the soviet union second at 60 million it is horrific and people look at that to say that was there but how quickly it came because of those seven bad idea is. >> host: talking with all 39 of his most recent book "the naked socialist" also the author of the socialist bathroom reader here are the books. you are watching booktv on c-span2. >> host: what do you think of president obama?
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>> guest: hello. give me a big handshake we're like old friends now i see you every year. my book sums it up "the ultimate obama survival guide" i don't think much of president obama he shows the american economy every day he is a very smart hybrid marxist that hates the business and capitalism he is brilliant because he hides it he is like a stealth he has beautiful suits and he smiles i of the you snyder not a divider but underneath it is boyle the frog slowly destroy emirate -- america's most lowly people don't realize it that is what is happening because i was a columbia classmate
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there was a known plan to destroy capitalism that plan was seized by two professors they said the only way to destroy america is from within elect someone that appears to be a moderate but then overwhelm the system with a debt and spending and if you can see that happening fed is clearly happening and is in effect today i would argue your point and i have a bridge to sell you. the debt and spending are toppling the united states economy. >> why do you think obama hates business owners? >> and capitalism? >> he is a socialist. they want government control of everything you need the
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real rich people on your side so he loves it when warren buffet or this jeffrey immelt to our hollywood studios he loves that so he loves the super rich and of the pork and in between they are being slaughtered, murdered, from coast to coast the middle-class and small business that is the obama plan happening in front of our eyes all those debt will bankrupt your children and grandchildren to put them in even worse position than we are right now. >> what is a specific the president is doing? >> spending. we had a fiscal cliff
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disaster. he talks about it day and night that is one thing we have in common he goes out to so we have a fiscal cliff disaster than conjures up the deal then we are bankrupt in the bow 17 trillion in debt and 100 trillion of unfunded liabilities how do you solve it? we add $4 trillion to the debt that is his solution and the congress signed off so he wrecked the jobs summit of 4 trillion of new spending to solve the debt crisis and it makes no sense in 50 years from now people will look back to save the readers don't or dead and did not wake up they will look at this to say how could anyone be as stupid as the american people were in


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