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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 30, 2013 1:20am-1:41am EDT

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later and encouraged george washington. they were very close like father and son. washington didn't have any children that he basically got to lafayette, and lafayette bought plantations in south america, great plantations in south america and trained the slave how to farm for themselves and liberated them and washington was going along with all of this but washington was exhausted from his 20 odd years of campaigning first in the french and indian war and then in the american revolution. he couldn't do it. but eventually when lafayette was in prison during the french revolution, his son was sent to george washington. take care of my son while all
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hell is breaking loose in europe. so there were wonderful relationships among a lot of these people. i have to say i was late in appreciating the momentous contributions of george washington. there were a lot of authors. but george washington was -- we think of what he did in conducting the war. he was smart enough to of course the big mistake going directly against the british. he learned that when he was in the french and indian war. they always marched in formation and took orders from the officer's but they had no idea what to do. they were not capable of the circumstances so he was with the
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british. washington adopted the deception in all kind of things for example washington encouraged the development of the team's. a very small numbers of people and they were hunters. when they would go against the british, the officers would be sitting on horses way in back of the battlefield and they didn't go well and expose themselves with the sharpshooters could take off a british officer from 300 yards and they thought they were safe. all the americans could see is he is on a course. but the british officers were so frightened and they had no idea what they might do.
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so the british would tear off their insignia in the hopes they wouldn't be but of course they still sat on horses were. there is disorder in the field and washington used other forms of deception. so there is one case where washington is substantially corner on the big sandbar in the middle of a river in pennsylvania and the british officer got there late in the day he didn't want to start an attack in the dark so they can't on the shore and they did their thing with dinner and so on and periodically they would check during the night and they saw the campfires burning across the water and then in the morning
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when they went to attack, washington was gone. then they marched through the snow. nobody expected they could cover the difference but they did. the surprise attack was hit and run. it's this kind of deception he put out about the traditions were. they had messages they were communicate or capture and there was misinformation. anyway, so you had washington he was often on the front lines trying to encourage forward. he would be on his white horse and would raise bullets a quite a few times. he was an extraordinarily strong person. he was a survey year that
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traveled back distances and with find directions and so on. but if one and number of occasions one went another he would have been hit maybe even tell and that would have changed history. >> so if you put all the people that you profiled in the fight from liberty in one room, what with the conversation be and what they agree on anything? >> there was a substantial amount of agreement and what is wonderful is and i alluded to this earlier, the relationships among a lot of people what to the very close affectionate relationship between lafayette and washington. >> if you pyxis' total and abigail adams and mary wellstone in the same room, when they talk about? with a talk about freedom?
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>> a lot of them would talk about liberty and cicero. the american founders, they all knew cicero because they are looking back to try to figure out how to put together -- how do they put together this new country? all they know basically all the founders knew is they didn't want a king so there wasn't much precedent for a successful arrangement. you have to go back to the roman republic and that was a very sophisticated -- it was a mixed government where there were checks and balances. they didn't really have subornation of power. it was more of a middle class big landowners. the had monegan next government in the different segments of society that were represented. but they also, for example, try
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to avoid another king is what they were trying to do in rome. instead of having one executive try to control the public, they had to executives, to councils. they each served for one year only so the heady turmoil met. and one could veto what the other recommended. so you needed to both of them to approve and one could kill the proposal so they were very concerned about trying to prevent one person from gaining total power. they were aware of that and madison was a tremendous student of the spearman and the one thing people said was you can find cases of separation of powers and checks and balances and small republics but there
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wasn't much of a precedent for doing it in a large country and that was the topic of debate. but you're asking in england for example talking about relationships in different people and for example there was a dutchman named benjamin hurley was a merchant. but he took care of a number of english exiles who wrote the second famous civil government explained the right to revolution and explained what natural rights work, the people entitled and natural rights because the argument and they do not come from government. they can't be legitimately deny it. well he fled because if anybody captured the documents, we could
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be he was an englishman in the 60's who wrote a book concerning government. was making a case for the majority rule. now this was a time when the majority of people were being exploited by the aristocratic or the royal minorities so the majority rule serves to protect the majority. that isn't our problem today. we have minorities and all that and previously of course the attacks on jews and other minorities but for a successful arrangement to limit political power and avoided any one group or individual for achieving the unit a complex arrangement.
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no one check or balance or a device is going to do everything. they don't all work all the time. that is why the founders made something fairly complex. it would be very hard to believe the executive power, legislative power, judicial power the new crop of legislative power split into chambers. in the senate there's only one that's kind of the -- one-third of its kind to be up for that election. so you've got all these things that make it very hard for one group to take over. that's not the question you asked but -- [laughter] >> i like the answer you provided. >> madison as a scholar as well as the principle behind the constitution, he was a great student of the roman republic. he knew they would have a lot to talk about.
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you have a number of scholars, a member of the kids on the free-market. he's a french man that believes in laissez-faire. they were great admirers of the scotsman and adams met in turn was a great admire her of the frenchman in the 16 sixties or so. so keep in mind that france and england were historic rivals. they've been at war for several hundred years off and on. so it's good news when they decided to have free trade with each other peacefully during the 1860's but before they made peace with each other you have the great admirers in part of
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england led meijer the frenchman and those that started what became known as laissez-faire. you have the japanese great champion what promoting the values and the self help and the country and in our ship of benjamin franklin through the japanese translating. >> some of the people you profile in your book aside from but critical lessons from liberties greatest champions of the last 2,000 years, your previous books, fdr, willson's war, the truth about roosevelt's legacy -- why is this one -- this is an update on a previous book. >> there will probably be a paperback edition. the idea was time for liberty was more of a basic resource about a quarter of a million
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words and the fault was number one, to make it shorter and more accessible. that was published in 2000 and people are accustomed don't give me anything launder. so the fault was first of all to make it much more accessible but in addition to a lot of updating, several of the people i'd written about had died in the last 12 years. it's quite interesting that i have about 10,000 books. estimate in your personal profile? >> i've accumulated them over a long period of time and a lot of them were out of print so when i have used copy will last five years i have no idea what's going on, that a great deal of these things i had to search for are achievable in the most common paperback editions but
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there's been a lot of things that are now readily available. usually instead of a paperback edition we find it on the internet and i guess there are some that are also available for ebook. >> we have been talking with jim powell fight for liberty is the name of the book by paul johnson and many others. the four were in fact is by paul johnson historian. critical lessons from liberties greatest champions of the last 2,000 years. you're watching book tv on c-span2. from freedom fest, jennie martin sat down with book tv to talk about her book tea party patriots. this is about 15 minutes. >> tea party patriots is the name of the book the second american revolution as the subtitle. the author is the co-founder of tea party patriots, jenny beth
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martin. where does that he party movement stand today? >> we have so much going on and where we stand is that we still stand for the core values that we stood for when we started out in this modern teen party movement four years ago. responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free market. we knew it would take 40 years to achieve our goal and we are four years into mechanical is to restore the constitutionally limited responsible government. >> are you stronger, more organized, more established? >> we are all free. a stronger, more organized and more established. we have over 3,000 troops now voluntarily affiliated with tea party patriots. the movement is alive and well and we are really -- we have been 32 cycles now. we've been through a cycle where we had great success and we've been through a cycle where some of the people we wanted elected
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lost. it's a learning process for the people involved especially if you are new to politics you have to get through the win and the loss to fully understand the whole process. and so, we are much more mature. >> published by henry commitee party patriots start by talking about how you came to this movement. how did you come to this movement? >> when i first started, i had gone through and was coming literally right at the end of the personal bankruptcy. my husband and i had to close his business and there was debt that he incurred from his business and we had to go through bankruptcy. we lost our home, our cars, we lost everything and we were starting over. shortly after -- shortly after we lost the house and we were looking at rentals and remember the driveway of a rental home because we knew we had to start
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over. we get a call from the mortgage company saying there was a fannie mae or freddie mac sloan available to us and did we want to take this loan and get caught up on our payment and then from there add it on to the loan for the house? we thought about it and we said this is wrong. it's part of the stimulus, the bailout from 2008 which means we've been opposed and we decided we couldn't take that. and so rick just a few weeks later at the ramp on cnbc and talked about the stimulus bill gup was going through congress at that time in 2,009 and how long it was the founding fathers would be turning over in their graves and said this is so long we should have a modern 18 party. what he said spoke to me so much to the people standing behind him who here once to pay for your neighbor's home that has more bathrooms than you when they can't afford it themselves? and it struck me because my
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husband and i didn't want our neighbors to pay for our home. we turned down by government money and started over on our own and we were literally clinging to a neighbor's back room instead of them paying for hours. so we got involved and we started 80 party and got in a conference call and a week later we were one of the 48 tea parties around the country. >> jenny beth martin, who is mark mekler? >> he's my partner and co-founder of tea party patriots. he's doing the same thing i am to limit the government. >> another thing you detail than the book as with the tea party movement isn't. how is the book portrayed in the media and what did you want to make that it's not? >> one thing that's important to understand is our movement truly is non-partisan or bipartisan or trans partisan if you will. we want people who are either
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elected to care about the same values we care about. we don't care so much about the party politics and what we've learned is that as people in congress use social issues for instance or different -- labels republican or democrat or social issues and we start paying attention to something shiny over here and in the meantime they are taking money out of our pocket and we don't even see them doing that. so we keep an eye on congress on both parties and hold them accountable. as the mexican issues like immigration, to the team for the patriots have a question? >> we do have a position and it's been the entire time to secure the border first and once the border is secure and it truly is secure, the congress can come back and talk about everything else. the reason we've taking that stance is that it's very much like when the congress talks about taxing or cutting spending they will say we can't increase spending or revenues right now and we promised we will actually
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make cuts. we've taken the word on it so many times and have been burned by it. they said if you live through this with emigration we will give back secure the border so many times. do the first inning and then come back and talk about the rest. the other thing about immigration specifically and when you look at the senate bill, the gang of eight bill in the senate, you want to be in 11,000 -- ayman 1100 almost 1200 page bill. and it moves through the senate very quickly. the amendments were very few. they dropped the final amendment which was really the final bill, 1,187 page bill on a friday. they voted for it the following thursday or friday so much like obamacare and we had a problem with obamacare and immigration for the same thing. >> but is immigration a money issue? >> we haven't approached it from a monetary standpoint. we said it is


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