tv Book TV CSPAN October 21, 2013 1:00am-1:16am EDT
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>> guest: it is a nice one. >> host: there is so molarity that people would say they want to be good and moral we have talked about this before but how do you define the morality? often people will say you cannot be moral if you are not religious and then where do you give orality? to do we have a moral jean? >> guest: people do thank you cannot find what you mean by stinkweed do it is clearly true at least through society modern western european society that there has a very distinctive to first century morality. it is a consensus is someone
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based on the golden rule two unto others as you would wish them to do unto you. >> host: to go by that? >> certainly. to a greater extent subscribe to the being but trying to find a society that people don't steal there don't kill or rape we take care of the port or the sicker the elderly. will live in a society that cares for each other we can work out for ourselves if this society we which to live high would not wish to live in the society that people cheat or do not pay
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taxes or rape or steal or kill and i supposed you could say it is reid directed selfishness because you don't want that to happen to use you want the will ordered society to be protected. but counts varies from century touse century. with the 19th century it was highly sexist. women could not vote in america in the '20s or in america or europe. we have moved on we have abandoned that which women are not capable of voting. bombs bursting as the yen in the 19th century charles
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darwin, abraham lincoln lincoln, these men were all in white and for their time to be regarded as supremely backward for our time so there is a shifting the has nothing to do with religion but this is complicated but it moves on. >> host: at some point at an -- and never lives you would not be religious society? >> guest: i do think that. it may take awhile i see in europe and america is moving in that direction it has now exceeded 20 percent that is a large percentage that has not been recognized politically but it is there. in europe is much higher. western europe. not poland for example, but scandinavia or hollander britain. >> host: a lot of that may have been because of you in
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>> host: jim rogers how did you retire at the age of 37? >> guest: i used to love what i was doing working at the market i did all the time of love is so much i did you things right with remarkable success i always wanted to have more than one life i did not want to wake up at page 75 watching a computer screen so i said i will have more life. >> host: what did you do right? >> guest: follow. sold high. the '70s were not a good time for the financial
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community that you may remember or have read about but we love to what we we're doing with a loved the fundamentals are changing dramatically when they were changing reid would jump been we borrowed a lot of money and it worked. >> host: what did you do wrong? >> guest: my first wife. [laughter] what a terrible mistake that was. >> host: with investing and "streets smarts"? [laughter] >> guest: plenty. the first one that pops to mind in 1980 i shorted oil because i thought it was going down but that was the weekend by iran and iraq went to war in the wet street up. but it is my fall whenever i lose money it is life all i
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did not have done enough hallmark somebody knew that war would start you have to move troops you don't just snap your fingers. , i was remiss in the lost money there have been many times. >> host: what is shorting the market? if you think something will go down you can sell it short and then it goes down then you buy a back. most people buy a and sell but if you sell short you sell a and a by. it is the same process you just reverse the order. >> host: is wall street's eighth free market today? >>. >> guest: i know now. >> host: is a dip your market? >> guest: let's get the government regulation with 2008 because of the hopeless
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government regulation that led to all sorts of mistakes if the government had not bothered we may not have had the collapse with a more measured collapse over time rather than all at once. >> host: mr. rogers you have a'' i want to ask you about it in your book "streets smarts" regarding regarding, the sec investigated us over our investment with george soros your business partner they claimed my partner was a gauge with stock manipulation and charged with selling the stock short only to cover his short sale by buying the shares back get a lower price and was given the opportunity in which she and the firm admitted no wrongdoing but
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promised not to do it again why would we not agree to cite it -- a sign it? why that it be construed we were manipulating the market? >> guest: that is why i did not sign of course, nobody asked me but to this day by the way that was 35 years ago so it is hard for me to comment too much i just don't remember. much less what happens 35 years ago but it seems it is legitimate but the sec did not think so and george did not want to fight is a we had that dissent to curry. >> host: you rights with the interview of cnbc you're talking about shirting fannie mae's of the you a talking about for quite awhile and you say the interviewer opined that the
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collapse was your fault? >> guest: that is in paris saying. which cannot make fame may go bankrupt that is ridiculous. people that buy the stocks are the messenger they see what is happening if you see a great new-product in dubai this stalker you manipulating the stock? no. if he sees something will fall apart if you sell it short you don't make a go down the could go up in you could lose money so if it goes down, because the company is making mistakes is another way to make money to take action in the market when you bet on the football game you bet against t. y. when you bet against 10t max
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but that is what the short-sellers do they are betting that it will fail just like you that the of the team will fail. >> host: in short selling the for the market? absolutely and holds down some of the excesses of the stock goes from than about 100 that people get swept away if the short-sellers a 80 that it never makes it to 100 so they don't buy it such a high price may be at 8085 but on the of their hands it would probably going to but since the short-sellers have to buy back so the poor people who bought the stock get 80 instead of 100 so the short
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sellers to limit some of that excesses and they are very good and provide more liquidity cousin something goes straight up fed nobody wants to sell state could this for the short-sellers to provide that liquidity. >> host: who'd did you write "streets smarts" for? >> guest: for me and my two little girls i used to think chairman but -- children were terrible waste of time or energy or money i would never have children i used to feel sorry for those people that i was totally wrong when hedger% about having children. these little girls are so much fun. if there is anybody watching this show who has not done it i urge you to go home and get on with it but don't take today off these times
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it is a lot of fun everybody should do it a and i am glad i did not miss it so part of it is for my little girls. >> host: why did you move to singapore? >> i want them to know a.j. and speak mandarin the 19th century was a century of the u.k. the 20th was the united states a 21st will be the century of patients so i am trying to prepare them for the trustee first century their board 2003 and 2008 so review their said they would learn a share it will not make them successful but it would give them a leg up into the 21st century. >> host: new rights empires always overreach and overspent. >> guest: that is a simple statement i of moisture under the impression that
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