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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  October 24, 2013 10:00pm-12:01am EDT

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>> that's how you grow an economy. got to have an effective transportation and health care delivery system. >> what one issue, though, what one issue do you want to be
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remembered for? >> [inaudible] >> you sill have a still more time, 20 more seconds. >> creating jobs and diversifying the economy. that's how you grow and diversify the economy. dorothy, who was with me here tonight, we want our children to stay here. two in college, one in the naval academy, but the two in college are getting out soon, we want them to stay here. you needs jobs of the future to keep your chirp here. >> thank you. >> more platitudes, no plans. i don't doubt that he wants more people having jobs in virginia, but he has yet to lay out a detailed plan. it's clear he doesn't like me plan, but i have one. you know, saying the words "education and research," that's all great, but those are goals, platitudes, not plans. i like those too. i like education. i like puppies, but i don't
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bring a puppy home if i don't have a plan, or guess what my house is going to look like, and he's all puppy and no plan. that's the way this has gone, and look at his job promises from green tech up the road. he promised 5,000 jobs, and then in 2010, 2,000 union jobs in virginia from green tech, and then 900 jobs in mississippi, and by the time he left as chairman, it was down below 80 jobs in mississippi and whatever's in china. >> all right. thank you. we go to chris for a question from someone here in the commonwealth. >> rhonda asks if elected governor, what will you do to address child poverty and preschool readiness given federal sequestering on current s.t.a.r.t. and not applying for $45 million in federal money for preschool readiness. >> we should apply for that, i
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would like to do that as governor, work in a bipartisan way. we should not give up money due us from the federal government. i know my opponent likes to attack the federal government, but i want to work with them and bring the dollars in due us. i want to talk about pre-k, early childhood development. it is absolutely critical. when a child is born between birth and 3 years old, 80% of the brain is developed. let's not start at an early age picking winners and losers. let's make sure that all of our chirp have access to quality pre-k, early childhood development. that's a top priority as governor. it's important to build the work force development of the future, start early childhood developments, the biggest initiative as governor. it is absolutely critical. i'll apply for federal funding. i don't want to give away our dollars and have that go to
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other states. >> thank you. >> well, we have a plan as part of the education program to allow to provide for parents who are eligible, vouchers at the pre-k level so parents place children where they can do the best job in developing. these are poor children. that's who we are targeting there. there's no question the most important thing for any poor family is employment. it's back to so many things that grow out of that. you know, ronald reagan said the best social welfare program in the world is a job. he's still right. he still is right. you know, my italian grandfather didn't have a 6th grade education, but he was proud to work to support his family. he respected that dignity of work, and there's so many people in virginia that just want the opportunity to have that dignity of work, and there's no one more than the poor families of virginia, and as we fight off the washington regulation, you know, that's when it's appropriate to fight washington.
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245 -- that hurts the poor first and worst. as a governor, i'm a governor of the poor and all virginia. >> thank you, a question. >> the cost of higher education drastically increased over the last decade and student debt, as you know, averages well over $25,000 per graduate, at an all-time high. what specifically would you do to make education affordable for colleges and university students? will you increase funding to state institutions or support moves to make state institutions to be private or independent financially? >> i thank you. first of all, there's steps we can take, and i will tell you my greatest concern with higher education is affordability. many of our universities do a good job providing financial aid for those at the lower end of the economic scale. upper end can afford it themselves, but as we've seen with the numbers and, bob, you sited some of --
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cited some of them. middle class families are squeezed and coming out with more and more debt. we are committed to ap credit and other means to provide for $10,000 degrees and some stem programs, science, technology, engineering, and math, where we want to drive the economy, and also to use more online teaching. you know what the biggest university in virginia is? it's liberty university. because of the 92,000 online students. they do it for a long time and do it well. it's not 100% of the classroom experience, but it's very, very cost effective, and our public universities not only need to catch up with that, but it's also a way for them to sthair resources effectively across virginia. when you mention the semiprivate approach, you know, the washington post wrote two articles about my o poem when he changed his higher ed plan, when he got donations from rich out of state, uva alumni who wanted to go the semiprivate approach or move uva in the direction of
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privatization, and two days later, his website changed, and the plan changed, and when the washington post got the e-mails, they saw that the two were related. state funding is the most important. it is so important to make sure every one of our children who want to go on to have higher education that they have that opportunity, and it's not so expensive or prohibitive that they can't go. i talk about financial aid. it's tough for so many of our virginia social citizens to senr children to higher education. they said as governor next year, i have to put $15 million more in the budget just to keep pace where we are this year. i don't want to just keep pace
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on financial aid. i want to see us increase that. i think we can bring more efficiencies. i spinet a day -- spent a day here, talking about efficiencies, every business and university. we can bring more efficiencies to save money. it's important that we do that. that's what we need to do in order to provide for all of our children, but we can't do any of this. as i said when my opponent proposals $1.4 billion, doesn't say how to pay for it, criticized, it comes out of education. you can't build great universities when you sue universities as he did by suing the university of virginia costing them-year-old 600,000. >> time. do you want to respond to that? >> sure. >> your thoughts on semiprivate are more independently -- financially independent state
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universities? >> i'm sorry, i'm not understanding your question. >> if you could clarify your view on making virginia's university semiprivate or more financially independent. >> i understand. i don't support that, well, not private. we, of course, want to see better financial support, and from the state government, that comes with a growing economy and where that money comes from. you know, they use the word "efficiency," and know how it works before you make it more first time. i'm the only candidate for governor who doesn't need on-the-job training if you elect me as governor. i've been a state senator, read the bills that came to me in my committee, done homework as attorney general. i already know how virginia government works. the beginning of this year when my opponent was asked about who is in the cab nebt, he didn't know. the virginia pilot ran that on the front page. know the basics before you make things more efficient, and we talked about the public universities.
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i also support tag grants, grants that virginia citizens to go to private virginia universities so they can stay here in virginia and support the private universities as well and make college affordable for every family. >> all right. thank you. >> dr. harry wilson has the next question that goes first. >> in response to school shootings, some increased school security. what's your response to volunteers who are properly trainedded to handle fair arms? should there be armed security guards, and how can we deal with the issues that underlie the problems? >> yes. this is a serious issue. i talk about that we should help the commonwealth should help and federal money and assistance for the resource officers. i do not believe we should be arming the teachers and professors. i do not support that. there are programs that we could
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take advantage of that allow us to put resource officers, security offerses in the school. it's critical. obviously, virginia tech, the horrific tragedy that occurred. i visited the memorial today. looking at a headstone of a young man. there was a letter put there, happy birthday, october 15th, michael, this would have been your 30th birthday. you can want look at these things and not understand these things that we have to do everything that we possibly can to make sure our communities are safe. my opponent says i got an f from the nra. i don't care what grade i got from the nra. as governor, i want to make sure our communities are safe. i never want to see another newtown, aurora, virginia tech ever again. there's basic things we can do. mental illness, obviously, investing in that. there's a big piece of the medicaid expansion money to help with mental illness.
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today, many police officers find an individual with a mental illness shouldn't be going into the jail, probably should be going to a crisis stabilization center so people know how to treat the illnesses. there are people who shouldn't buy weapons, and you don't know that unless they have a background check. >> time. >> thank you for the question. there's an awful lot of issues wrapped up in the question. i'll get to many as i can. i was cochair of the governor's mental health work group of the school's safety task force after the connecticut tragedy. none of us want to see this again. i agree on that point. none of us want to see tragedies happen again. how do we make them as unlikely as possible? i believe the most important thing we can do is be much more aggressive in addressing mental health needs across our society because it's merely impossible to find the jo before it happens, but we can find people who are suffering more from
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mental illness and help them along the way. virginia doesn't do all that well in the area. we have a lot of work we need to do, both with children and with adults, and i proposedded where that money can come from to expand the resources and to leverage what we have. as attorney general, when we got the largest health care fraud resolution in the united states, that was my office where the best fighters in the country, the first place we put the money obtained from that case was in training law enforcement to be prepared to deal with people suffering from mental illness keeping police officers safers and gets them out of the criminal justice system and into the care that they need which is the direction we have to go as a society. >> i go back to my earlier point. this is a real difference in the
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race. i support universal background checks. my opponent does not. this is a fundamental difference in the race. 90% of the americans today support universal background checks. the idea that an individual could go to a gun show without any background check to check if there is a mental illness, has this individual been charged with domestic abuse? this is a simple process. i've gone through it. it takes five to ten minutes to go through a background check. why are we not asking all citizens who want to purchase a gun to go through that simple procedure? this is a fundamental difference in the race, and i'm standing on the stage of virginia tech where we experienced one of the most horrific events with a gun in american history. it is time we stand up and fight. >> okay. time. thank you to both of you. we go now to chris. i understand this question
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actually comes from one of you in the audience today. >> your question. >> this is from jenni in the audience who lives here. she says as a recent graduate with a high gpa, i'm still struggling to find a career. what will you do to help not only currently enrolledded students, but to help recent garage graduates? >> the most important thing is the economy growing faster again. it's why when asked earlier what's the number one priority? this is it. the people hit hardest are those coming into the labor market, people ready to work, but when companies are not hiring, they keep what they've got, and they don't add more. i would also point out that obamacare has been terrible for hiring. it's freezing companies in place. it's destroying the
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opportunities for millions of americans because small and medium sized businesses don't know how much the next employee costs them. my opponentmented the full blown single payer. it's destroying jobs. it's destroying job creation. small businesses are having to lay people off or throw them off the health insurance, and what you don't have happening is the new people coming into the labor markets getting hired. >> thank you. what will you do to help recent graduates? >> we have to grow adiversify. that's why i talk about we have to call for doubling the angel investor tax credit, we need to do a better job of taking great research from the universities, commercializing those, taking them out to market. it's important that we do that, can't do that unless we have an effective transportation system. we should be the global leaders in cybersecurity. this is the one area that the federal government is really plussing up.
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losses of investments and jobs created. nano technology, biolife sciences, a lot of that done here. i visited the virginia technology works facility, all new things going, that's how you grow it, we have to bring folks together, but you cannot do that unless virginia is viewed as open and welcoming. we need to bring women from silicon valley to build the business. women will not move here when others try to outlaw common forms of contraception and make the pill illegal. you can't grow an economy that way. >> thank you to both of you. hard to believe, but it's the end of the hour so we will go now to one-minute closing statements from each of the two candidates here tonight, and we begin. >> well, tonight, you've heard my vision for virginia and divisive attacks like the tv
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ads, lots of them. i spent a lifetime fighting for virginia. he fought for his partisan pals like obamacare, not only supporting obama care, but didn't think it went far enough. can you imagine? now e -- he wants to expand it in virginia. virginia, if you want to reject obamacare and failed big government approach, you've got your chance on no november 5th. that's not all. he wants to raise your taxes $1700 to pay for his infinite promises. i give you a tax cut and create 58,000 jobs. virginia deserves a governor to fight for you, and not themselves. with your support on no november 5th, i'll keep fighting for you. he never told plans for virginia, just platitudes. without mentioning me, i challenge you for the first time to tell us one detailed plan on how to pay for it. >> okay. >> thank you everyone for being
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here tonight and thanks to virginia tech and wdbj for hosting us. i thank my wife dorothy with us tonight. you know, several years ago, virginia had another candidate for governor. he came from a business background attacked for the business roar and for not having richardmond experience. he made the largest investment in k-12 education in virginia's history. he brought people together, both democrats and republicans and built a strong record of working for virginia. his name is mark warner. they are out campaigning for me today. they need the same governor again, bringing people together and focus on the economy and not on a devicive ideological agenda. i want to grorch in that style,
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and i appreciate your vote on november 5th. thank you. >> all right. thank you for being here tonight. hard to believe the hour is already past. hopefully we got to a lot of good topics and answered a lot of viewer questions. before we say good night, we thank both of you for taking time and for being here, and my -- [applause] thanks as well to the live audience here at the hay market theater. [applause] we also want to thank virginia tech for cosponsoring this debate and allowing it to be brought to you and our panelists from virginia tech, harry wilson, and my coanchor, thank you for being here, and all viewers who tweeted and facebooked and e-mailed and wrote in questions. we hope we answered some questions tonight. election day, november 5th, don't forget to vote. good night.
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>> hours after the attack on pearl harbor, first lady roosevelt was on the radio talking with america. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. i'm speaking to you tonight at a very serious moment in our history. the cabinet is convening and
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leaders in congress are meeting with the president. the state department and army and navy officials have been with the president all afternoon. in fact, the jupe these ambassador was talking to the president at the very time that japan's air ships were bombing our citizens in hawaii and the philippines and sinking one of our transports loaded with lumber on the way to hawaii. by tomorrow morning, the members of congress will have a full report and be ready for action. in the meantime, we, the people, are already prepared for action. for months now, the knowledge that something of this kind might happen has been hanging over our heads, and yet it seemed impossible to believe, impossible to drop the everyday things of life and feel there was only one thing which was important, preparation to meet an enemy no matter where he struck. that is all over now, and there is no more uncertainty.
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we know what we have to face. we know that we are ready to face it. >> watch our program on our website,, or see it saturday on c-span at 7 p.m. eastern, and we continue our series live monday as we look at first lady beth truman. >> the center held a conference
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to mark the 10th anniversary. the former secretary of state. leers some of the conference starting with treasury secretary jack lew. [applause] >> thank you so much for that kind introduction, and thanks to the center for american progress for having me here this morning. this is your 10th anniversary, and i want to commend john and all of you for creating an institution that is central to the shape of public policy in this country. it's been over a week since democrats and republicans came together to end the government shut down and eliminate the risk of default, a threat over our country. this marked a turning point
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because even though the process was messy and damming, our political leaders chose to come together for our country and economy. we now have the opportunity to build on last week's events. there's no reason to let this moment slip through our fingers. not when the american people are yearning for the parties to come together, and not when the stakes for america's workers and businesses are so high. now, if you think about where we were five years ago, we've come a very long way. back then, the financial system was in crisis, the auto industry was in free fall, and foreclosures mounting. in fact, in the months before president obama was sworn into office, we shed roughly 800,000 jobs a month, and our economy was shrinking at an 8.3 #% annual rate. the american people fought back from the brink, and because of our nation's resilience, we've seen our economy grow, businesses expand and create jobs, and our deficit shrink. private employers added 7.6
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million jobs over the past 43 months, and businesses added over 2 million jobs over the last year alone. manufacturing expanded while the housing market continues to em prove. at the same time, our deficits are half of what they were a few years ago. although progress has been made, our economy is not performing at full steam. the pace of growth and hiring is not nearly strong enough, and a reason for the trajectory is a series of crisis marked by the political brinksmanship in washington in recent years. the government shut down and the debt ceiling impasse were examples of that brinksmanship. the manufactured crisis, but a crisis nonetheless. even though we do not yet know the full extent of the damage, we know that it slowed the economic growth and job creation in this quarter. what we should learn from this experience is that washington politics should not hurt our workers, businesses, and
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economy. nor used for political leverage. that does not mean that either side should abandoned its belief, but we should be willing to find commonground to achieve solutions to the problem. with leaders working together to build a budget, this is the moment to do that. as we move forward, we have to make a projobs, progrowth agenda our focus and advance the agenda taking bipartisan action to replace sequesteration and pass a farm bill, draft an agreement that promotes growth and maintain fiscal discipline. we welcome thoughts from democrats and republicans, but any bipartisan agreement should be animated by commitment to doing two things at once, balances our medium and long term deficits while taking steps now to make the economy competitive.
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so as we pursue a path of fair and balanced deficit reduction, it's crucial that we close wasteful tax loopholes, eliminate costs where it makes sense, and use resources to make targeted investments in a few key areas like manufacturing, infrastructure, and education. as we do that, we need to replace the harmful across the board cuts known as sequesteration. the cuts were designed to be so disagreeable they would compel sensible and balanced deficit reduction policies. it should be no surprise that a policy never intended to go into effect is producing results that raise many problems, and there is now a broad bipartisan concern that these cuts are constraining the ability to make crucial commitments in areas like infrastructure, education, and defense. we know sequesteration has been a drag on economic growth and job creation. according to the congressional
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budget office, it reduces real gdp by 1.2% of the third quarter next year. this translates into 1.6 million american fewer jobs. if we agree on long term policies to create the short term cuts, we can increase the economy and increase gnarl security. we can complete unfinished work to accelerate economic growth and job creation. congress needs to finish the job of fixing the broken immigration system, and a bipartisan bill passed the senate and waiting for passage in the house of representatives. this not only bullsers borders and clear away citizenship, but increases growth by more than a trillion dollars driving growth by atracking entrepreneurs to our shores. it generatings demand and spark business activity increasing
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revenue to reduce deficit and put social security and medicare on a stable footing. another bill that constraints the economy is the farm bill. bipartisan legislation, again, already passed the senate, and it's design to protect america's farmers, ranchers, and provide a safety net for america's most vulnerable children. the farm bill creates an opportunity to work together to develop a bipartisan passage promoting growth and job creation while protecting the most vulnerable. it's time to get a bipartisan farm bill signed into law. a comprehensive budget, a sensible alternative to sequesteration, immigration reform, the farm bill amounts to a powerful jobs and growth plan. there's more to do to shift the economy into higher gear so that it's growing faster and creating more jobs. thing is, we can make progress by moving forward on things democrats and republicans have already come to work on together in the past. that means fixing our housing finance system, renewing trade
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reform, and conjunction with needed repairs to aging roads, bridges, ports, and pipelines. the key now is to move forward on all the fronts. each of these will help create jobs and grow the economy. taken together, they will significantly reduce our budget deficits even further. getting this done will require tough choices, but it will make a big difference for our country. i remain convinced that the tradition of compromise and bipartisanship and building consensus is not a thing of the past. because when we focus on what is in the best interest of the nation and not on what divides us, we can find a pathway to progress. we will meet the great test before us and secure our economic future. i think you all for everything that you do to advance policy ideas to tackle challenges faced today, and as we look forward trying to build a future of growth and shared prosperity. thank you very much.
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[applause] >> for the next speaker, i have to say i'm honored to have governor jerry brown with us who flew across the country to be here to deliver the keynote address for the lunch. we invited a governor brown over the summer, so we invited him before we thought we would have a government shut down, but i can say we are thrilled to have him this morning we talked about the difficulty of taking on issues of economic growth and expanding opportunity in washington because there's so much inaction, and frankly, dysfunction, and one of the reasons we invited governor brown here to be here to
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celebrate the 10th anniversary is because we're really seeing leadership at the state level to make progressive change, to address the country's greatest challenges in a way that moves the ball forward, expanding opportunity, improving equality, ensuring that dignity for all americans, and you don't have to -- you don't have to take my word for it because look at what's happening in california. you can see that progressive governance can work and is responding to the challenges of our time. just over the last several weeks, we've seen issues that stalled at the federal level, immigration reform, increasing the minimum wage, really had real action at the state level. obviously, there's not every issue of every agreement, but in governing you have to make hard choices, and governor brown has dope that. one of the debates that cap worked on for a long time is ensuring that there's adequate
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revenues for the rurses that we need -- resources that we need at the federal level, and i have to say governor brown's profound leadership ensuring california has the revenues it needs to deliver services and to create a great state, a state worthy to be the great state of california. that was a hard fought won, and one that is really right sized california for the long term, and so i am anxious and looking forward to hearing remarks today about the possibility of govern nans and even really trying times, the possibility of actually making progress for our goals, and i'm, again, really honored to have governor jerry brown. thank you. [applause] >> thank you for giving me the
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chance to get out of sacramento, and go to washington and give us a perspective. as i left the office, i picked up a book off the shelf i took from the father's book shelf many years ago, and i knew i was going to get around to reading it someday, which i didn't until on the plane, but the title of the book is "putting things first," a democratic view, and i had never noticed until just last night when i was looking on the plane that it's addressed to our friend and leader, governor of california, edmund g. brown, and it's in happy memory of the meeting of the executive mansion, the mansion that nancy and ronald abandoned, but which is now being reinhabited out there in california. anyway, this is signed by all
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the delegates in the 1960 convention. this is dated june 13th, 1960, and so i started reading through it all, and in the last chapter, he talks about lincoln's fate and writes out lincoln's belief that america was a trustee for humanity for the idea that ordinary men and women were fit to govern themselves, and that if america per riched in the civil war, that that idea, that the people can govern themselves would parrish as well. i think a quote that he lays out from lincoln is very appropriate. here's what he says. very early in the conflict, lincoln explain his feelings to his young secretary, john hay, saying the following, for my part, i consider the central
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idea pervading this struggle is for the necessity that is upon us of proving that popular government is not an absurdity. we must settle the question now whether in the free government, the minority have the right to break up the government whenever they choose. if we fail, it will go far to prove the incapability of the people to govern themselves. he laid out that central question, can ordinary people actually govern themselves? i think back to california where the people themselves, through the initiative, actually broke a decade of dysfunction and laid the foundation for a government that actually works. there were five separate ballot initiatives over a series of years that all passed, so this is not the representatives. this was the people themselves
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taking power into their own hands, and the first, not necessarily in chronological order, but the way i'll list them, the first was to thank the two-thirds vote for voting op the budget to a simple majority. the second was the most recent, proposition 30, that raised the taxes principally on high income earners. the third was through significantly lengthen the term for legislators, and the fourth was to create a commission to do the reapportion the instead of leaving it to the incumbent legislators, and the fifth was to create an open primary so republicans and democrats could compete in their own primary. these five changes in governance have opened up incredible possibilities that have now been seized in california. three years ago, california was
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called a failed state, not once, but many times, many publications. they were virtually shorted in the conservative venues. its credit rating was the lowest in the 50 states, and i found that rather hard to believe because california has a gross state product of close to $2 # trillion, but we were at the bottom, actually, number 50, and the deficit was 27 billion, and 27 billion represents 30% of the general fund, so this is a huge problem, but with a new power, particularly of the majority vote, the legislature, over two years, they cut a lot of programs. they really did some really tough stuff. they cut programs. most of them were good, medicaid, child care, k-12 school, university, income support, redevelopment. they did all this stuff. all the stuff that everybody
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here likes. i like. the democrats like. they still cut that structural deficit that will been around for a decade, and then they went to the people. in proposition 30 for a vote, and most of the pundits said, you can't win. the money against it came in by the tens of millions. in fact, whatever you call those people, the coch brothers, california, coke means something else. [laughter] anyway, whoever they are -- [applause] they spent a lot of money, and they were defeated by 10%. 10%. 55-45, and now after the heavy lifting of cutting popular programs and getting the people to vote for taxes and, actually, they voted a tax a quarter cents sales tax and one to three percent addition on income tax for the highest earners, then they went to workment immigration, immigration is something that not too many
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years ago we thought of in very different terms. there was proposition 187. pete wilson, former senator and then governor run for reelection, actually running against my sister, put a proposition on 187 to deprive undocumented children for the right to go to school and for the right of undocumented families of having access to health care. well, that passed. very solid majority voted for that. well, things have been turned aarp. it's a very different world in california. we passed the dream act a couple years ago. we passed the trust act. that trust is an acronym, but what it refers to is limitations enacted by state law on the right of a sheriff to hold in his jails or her jails immigrants waiting for the immigration service to come pick them up, and the the bill has
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certain exceptions for serious offenders, but it respects the rights of immigrants. it was a huge -- inconceivable 20 # years ago in california. also they passed an antiretaliation act. if an employer fails to report a worker into the immigration service because he's a union organizing drive or because the worker's exercising some right of theirs, that is an unfair labor practice and unfair immigration practice and can be seriously finedded for that. we have the antiretaliation and the driver's license. again, i want to emphasize how the political wins roll in and roll out. for most of california's history , the state never asked if you were documented or not,
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and in the 80s, the legislature required a citizenship, and then another democratic wall came along, and they abolished that. he was recalled, and the key issue was the driver's license, and arnold came in and he reestablished the requirement of being a citizen, and then -- now, just a couple months ago, we restored the law to what it was in the early 80s saying we don't ask people whether they are documented or not. in addition to that, there was a kid who came when he was 18 months, and he joined the school, graduated, went to law school, passed the bar, and the question was, could he practice? he couldn't until i signed a law that says, yes, he could practice law in the state of california, so we didn't -- [applause] we didn't wait for the federal government. here's the state that based on
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popular anywheretives had the authority and courage and capacity to really deal with immigration, and it's something i'm aware of. full disclosure when asked in the campaign, could you start a bill to give illegals a driver's license, i said no. i said, we need comprehensive immigration we form. well, nobody's given me immigration reform, i said, noings we need the licenses, need our own immigration reform in california, and maybe that spreads west or east rather. [applause] i think everything's in the west. i have to remember we have to come back here -- the key variable here is the sun comes up three hours earlier. [laughter] that means the news starts a little earlier. that's why california is out there in the margin. i was just at a luncheon for a school, and one of the speakers was a young hispanic guy, and he
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told about his story, and how when he was five years old his father came to california illegally, and then a few months later, his mother wanted to come, and so his mother took him and two brothers, and they got to the border, and as they said, the mother and one of the brothers had to split up, going to go across the desert, the older brother, and the two younger ones were put in the car, and driven by someone across the border, and he said he was very scared, and when he was telling this, it was moving. he was crying when he was talking about it, got into the house, and his mother was there, and he was very frightened, and two days later, his mother came along, but when i heard that story, i really got the power of the people, the courage of coming across the border, and all that power, 11 million people all throughout the
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country waiting to come out of the shadows and do their part for america. how can the people in washington not rise to the occasion and meet that courage with a little bit of courage down the street to vote for comprehensive immigration reform? [applause] now, the next thing we did with affordable health care, we are going all out, okay? you talk about obamacare, we are so far out on obamacare that we -- it is, by the way,ings it's working. we got to make it work. we already had 140,000 people successfully complete their application. it's happening. [applause] now, i noticed that governor got in a little trouble with the "wall street journal" because he made a comment criticizedded why did you adopt affordable health care in ohio, and he said, well,
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when i thought about the poor as much about whatever the other thing was, pure bureaucracy. the "wall street journal" was offended that st. peter would be invoke. they feel more comfortable with milton friedman or frederick hayyek. he's the one who got the noble prize in 1974. he was the intellectual guru for maggie thatcher, one of the key drivers of the ne-yo liberal -- neoliberal view from thatcher to reagan to ping. that's another story. that's what the "wall street journal" likes. i'm glad we got republicans to think about st. peter and the poor people as morality and not just politics. it's a larger dimension. these things are not solved by
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cost benefit, by the brotherhood of man that we talk about, and it's only by going back to the fundsmentals we can solve the problem in washington. there's another -- we raised the taxes on the wealthier, and we now are bringing over a million people from the bottom. that does not increase dramatically in the last 30 years from the top 1% collected, 10-12% of the income and now it's double that so at least we're moving in the right direction. the next educational, we passed a bill, took us two years, but to distribute funds
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significantly, not all of it, but we have a base funding, but 20% of the funding is allocated on a formula based on how many kids of low income are in the school, how many kids are english learners that don't speak english at home, and how many are foster care kids. this is the first time that we went beyond equal spending because equal spending for people in unequal situations is not justice. a disproportional allocation to overcome problems and barriers people face, and this is something that is crucial. in california, there's 6 billion kids, kindergarten through 12th grade, half low income families, and others from whom don't speak english at home. that's the fiche. we have to invest in that if we want to continue the social
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fabric and economic progress. climate change. california is in the fore front. i might say started by my republican predecessor even in the climate laws, our vehicle emission standards were introduced when nixon was president and ronald reagan was governor, and california got the right to set stricter standards, and we've been doing that for the last 40 years, and more recently california led the way with emissions that dealt with greenhouse gaseses, and we took the next step, ab32, to set a goal of reducing our greenhouse gaseses, significantly below what they were in 1990, and we have a goal of one-third renewable energy for our electricity sector. we are already at 22%. we'll get to the third and beyond before 2020, but we're not just doing it in california. this is not just the story of
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one state. next week, we'll be meeting after a little dinner at tom's house sitting in the front row here, the foremost climate business leaders, i might say, and we're going to meet with the governor of oregon and washington and the prime minister of british columbia to sign agreements to reduce greenhouse gases and create joint policies on climate change. it's not just other states, but california signed the first mou with a sovereign state, sovereign country, namely china. we just had a meeting last week in california with india, and we're dealing with particlat matter, black carbon, a significant greenhouse gas. the people themselves can govern, and a lot of stuff has to take place in washington, but it has to take place out among the country. there are people.
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people working on medicaid on oregon, washington, all over the place, and we have to be in washington, do what we have to do here, but out among the people we have to agent as well. one final thing, high speed rail. a lot of governors said we don't want your money. talking to the federal government. california says, we'll take it. $3 billion. we'll create high speed rail. people say you can't afford high speed rail, $65 billion. in the civil war, lincoln launched the transcontinental railroad in the middle of the crisis on not clear whether the country would survive, he could think of that. not only of lincoln's courage in being able to think big ideas, you got to be able to do more than one thing at once, and i also think of the little enjig that could. member that story? they couldn't get the train up the hill, got the little engine. the little engine huffed puffed, saying, "i think i can, i think we can, i think i can," and i
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think we can fix this country and democracy if we pull together. that's what the question is. it's not just the policy frame works that are important, but it's the spirit of the people, and i just like to end this with a quote and it was part of the 1952 acceptance speech, and i remember that speech very well. i was 14. i was -- i watched -- i remember the television set. it was a television i remember looking at, 1952, and it was the most thrilling speech i ever heard. i'm going to quote one paragraph. this will be the last thing i have to say. the people are wise, stevenson said, wiser than the republicans think, and the democratic party is a people's party, not the labor party, not the farmer's party, not the employers' party, but the party of no one because it's a party of everyone. thank you. [applause]
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>> so the governor has time for just a few questions, and i want to reit late that they should be questions, not long statements. there was one between us, and questions in the audience? right there. wait for the microphone. if you could identify yourself, please. >> i'm with the british labour party. the kind of things that you say came through from the people through this don't just come from politics. what other kind of ofertions, progressive organizations were there who were working for the changes that you have channeled?
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>> well, climate change is the direct lineage going back to ronald reagan when he signed the california clean air act, and that's when richard was an environmentalist, and he sign the clean air act which has been a steady movement in environmental direction and the oil spill from santa barr ray intensified the sensitivity, and came along and he had big bold ideas, and, you know, there are other things you can say, but he did have that. he did think of high speed rail and thought of climate change, and he did things, and then i picked up on that, and so the soil was there california has an openness, and it's changed
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whether it's on immigration or a lot of issues of driver's license and other things, and there's ordinary people, the beauty of the state itself. people look at the golden gate bridge, the mountain pes, lake tahoe, these, i think inspire people. i remember my father used to say that the place where we could entertain the idea of god or something spiritual was when he was in yosmite, he loved to go there. when you can see those, experience that, i think there's more of an openness to want to get on the side of nature instead of underminding it and wrecking it. i think that's the spirit, and then politics, democrats do have a majority, and that helps. that's two-thirds. that makes a big difference.
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>> the governor, what do you think needs to be done to move the university of california system forward? >> move forward? it's the foremost university in the world. >> i'm a former bruin, so thank you. [laughter] >> i would say it's leading edge, now, i think it has to cross a bit, get effective in the way we deliver things. there's plenty of things to do in the university. i think our universities have to not only be about innovation and signs in technology, but also has to be about understanding and passing on the vision of ghok -- democracy and heritage that built the university in the first place.
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one thyme when i was signing the bill the president of the university didn't want and we yelled at each other, this guy said, governor, let me tell you something, the university was around long before the state of california, and it will be around long after the state of california is gone, so i'm not worried about the university of california. [laughter] >> one last question, sorry. >> governor, you have the legacy of profit 13, many years ago knocked out the tax base in california which suffered from that. what are your plans to start to remedy that? >> well, we have remedied that. the proposition 30 together with proposition 98 guarantees 40% of all state funding goes to kindergarten through community colleges.
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the funding, two years ago for the state was 47 billion. within the next four and a half years, it rises to 61 or 62 billion, so the money is definitely been restored, and after a lot of cuts, there will be a progressive and steady increase in stepping, not just for k-12, but for the university, and for the first time that spending will be disproportionally directed to the kids that have the greatest challenges, so i'd say, you know, if you really want to know the complexity of it is that the property tax reduction did two things. it shifted funding from the stable tax that was always there to a totally volatile tax, and that's a big huge problem that has to be dealt with, but the second thing it did is it took from the local schools, the decision making, and put it up
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into sacramento, and that's difficult as you see in washington when you have people from san fransisco and orange county or modock and berkley, they don't think the same, and when you try to have one size fits all, it doesn't work. .. >> you have to prescribe health care and you lose a lot of things when you send messages from headquarters 3000 miles away or even 500 miles away. so we are trying to right the balance between what should be
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done at the state level and the local level and the years ahead the federal and state and local, each one according to the appropriate scale and competency that has the authority needed to get the job done. >> we have time for one last question. we have steve derryberry briefly. >> steve silverstein? >> one thing that you didn't mention was the prison system. maybe you can tell people about that system and what your plans are going forward to remedy that. >> the prison system is another mass. though far less of a mess than it ever was before and one of the things i have discovered in my 41 years -- that is how long it has been.
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but it was before 1970. and one of the things that i find is that government can best solve the problems that it first creates and one of the things i did is change the indeterminate sentence when people were given a long-term or life term or then let out when they thought that they were a part of this and the terms were far lower and it was far lower than it ever was. so now we are shifting on back a little bit from that. last year in america half the reduction took place in the prisons in california and even though the population of them is 12%. about 42,000 your people in the state prison system in just five years ago and that is a big change. there is more and to be done because the federal courts have
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done a part of this. but we don't get it done overnight and here's the important point. we will trust that up to two years in the budget to 2.5 years. high-speed rails can take about 20 years and it will certainly get done and it will get done carefully because we have to bring law enforcement and the probation and the supervisors and we are a needed something called realignment were we took this seriously. but they want the kind of people who think that i am serious and we realignment so they had to take care of it at the local level jail, probation, whatever. and we still haven't quite adjusted that. the leaders say that blood will
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run in the streets and the democratic supervisor from l.a. county also said this as well and counties have been tricked or fooled or harass you have to do it in a way that is going to stick and you're getting a foregrounded as you get more people along. and i want to tell you that reducing the number of felons is only the things you get up and beat your chest about and there are very few people that say if i am elected, you will have thousands of felons in your neighborhood. but it's happening in california. >> thank you very much. thank you, senator.
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the center for american progress president. [applause] thank you very much. we have had a great afternoon and it is my great honor to introduce secretary john kerry, who i have to say just came from the plane, he literally just drove over from the plane because he has been in europe. obviously handling the country's greatest national security challenges. he has done an amazing job in the whirlwind nine months he's been in office and we are thrilled to have him. he is rushing to go to a meeting
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at the white house and we are really thrilled that he was able to be here with us. he has been working with the center for american progress and climate and energy and we are thrilled to have him and it is my great honor to introduce the secretary john kerry. [applause] >> thank you so much. it is wonderful for me to be here. we come from the same part of the country, sharing many of the same values, none more important than our devotion to the boston red sox. no boos allowed. [laughter] >> in the role of neera, who she is as a manager of the team.
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so she obviously has been extraordinary in her leadership in this institution and it has been strong and steady ever since she took that over. and frankly before she and john opened the doors a decade ago, which is being celebrated here today, everyone here knows that they did an extraordinary job of helping to steer president clinton's administration. it is a period in which america earn huge respect around the world. it is a complex and changing world, especially her friends
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will be more impressed by the power of our example and by the example of our power. and that exemplifies these times, that person is president obama. i would say that the power of example has been strong and so we edged out this drawdown of the bilateral security agreement where we did drive down where we have a repositioning or a rebalancing or with the efforts in the middle east and leading on syria and things like the
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start treaty. i believe that many times over how america plays an indispensable role in promoting peace and security and shared prosperity around the world. as a veteran of the committee i will tell you that it has become far more clear to me in these we been these many journeys how absolutely true it is that we are indispensable and if we move in directions that we want to, climate change or a host of other challenges and we are going to do it with our leadership in the highest standards. it is my privilege to serve as the president secretary of state and everyday i get to witness
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how much engagement we offer and how much our diplomats do around the world. and i remember an observation that my dad made that he shared about diplomacy. he said good diplomacy comes from the ability to be able to see the world through someone else's eyes are the eyes of the people in another country. including how people see their own challenges, we also have to be far more conscious about how our leadership looks through other people's eyes. as neera mention, i just came back from the plane and i met with benjamin netanyahu with the syrian support group in saudi arabia and others, and in the
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past eight months, over more than a hundred days abroad in every corner of the world. i have seen how our allies and partners and those who wish to challenge us or do us harm, they are all sizing us up every day and taking our measure. what we do in washington matters deeply to them. that is why a self-inflicted wound but the shutdown we just endured can never happen again. [applause] [applause] >> is president obama said, the shutdown encouraged our enemies and emboldened our competitors and depressed our friends who looked to look to us for steady leadership and i will tell you apart from the jokes in the summer that i went to because we were being paid in one country or another could byre meals,
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there were real consequences to our not being there. now that this recent moment of politics has passed and i am no longer an elected officer, i want to talk to you about this anniversary and the progressive challenges ahead and reflect on the damage like the ones that we have just been through and what it can do to the esteem in which the united states is held in the world and a key component of our national power, none of what occurred is irreparable order reversible and the strength of our principles and the strength of our people are still the envy of the world. but being a responsible democracy requires -- we don't want ourselves to the brink or play games with our credit rating or credibility and during
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the shutdown i was in indonesia and the summit in malaysia and i spoke with our allies throughout asia and the pacific region that assembled these very summits and that is something that worries deeply to us. matters are security the leaders in that region agree the strength of our partnership is much greater than a moment in politics. but those politics also, i am telling you, weighed heavily on their minds and it has entered into the calculation of leaders as we negotiate with iran and the middle east and the peace process and israel and can we be
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counted upon and will the congress come through and can the president make an agreement that will be held and the simplistic dialogue that came with it did not impress anyone about the power of america's example. and he didn't need to talk to an asian foreign minister to get a sense of that. if you go online and read any of number of dailies of our allies papers, the london daily telegraph said that the u.s. is recklessly during late future and urge america to stop holding the world economy hostage and they reported that the damage done is great and it has shaken america's reputation. notice how none of these assessments when one political
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party or another and they took no interest whatsoever with hypothetical electoral consequences and who one the senate and no, they simply wanted to know will america be a credible partner tomorrow. i personally have every confidence that we can and that we are. but others will need to see her cst or a steadier course to rebuild their confidence. in the days to come if we let the domestic differences over one diplomacy, it will undermine our shared values and most importantly our shared interests and the question is no longer whether our politics stop at the border's edge but whether our politics stop us from providing the leadership that the world needs and whether we will lead the 6 trillion-dollar global
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energy that is the solution to what the panelists talking about and as al gore will describe to you. energy policy is a solution in the 6 million-dollar market that made america ridge in the 1990s was a 1 trillion-dollar market with 1 billion users and it has about 5 billion users that will rise to 9 billion users over the next 20 or 30 years. you and i know that if we make the right choices we can get there. the question is whether america will be a global model for entrepreneurship and a magnet for the world's brightest minds. if we take the steps to shore up our strength at home and we welcome foreign citizens, we can get there to make that choice. but the question is whether we will invest in education at home
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and ensure that the united states can compete and we can win in this highly competitive global marketplace. we have to make this a priority at a time of enormous pressure to cut government spending. when these questions are avoided altogether and put on the back burner and when we tie one hand behind our back before shutting down the government, we are just getting in our own way and we frustrate our own aspirations and the simple fact is that the shutdown created temporary but real consequences and our ability to work with our partners in the shutdown didn't just shut the world war ii memorial down, as unfortunate as that was, but it sounded our
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ability to promote the principle values that are veterans sacrificed for and shutdown notice the statue of liberty but temporary closed the doors to the refugees and students who are seeking visas to learn here and contribute to our economy. it delayed this in a critical democracy which is undergoing tremendous upheaval and why would you want to do that. they sent servants home, including those who need to enforce sanctions against iran to help to create the pressure with cautious possibility in the region. and shutdown for load critical nobel laureates of tomorrow.
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including the transatlantic partnership, a trade bill the president obama has championed to increase american exports around the world and create jobs here at home and help them to create these economic conundrums. so this moment is far more than just symbolism. or a local fight. it matters deeply to our power and our example and while this chapter is temporarily overcome we have another date looming and the experience must serve as a warning to all and it should force us what the world will look like if america is less present in less credible and make no mistake that the greatest danger to america does not come from a rising rival but the damage that we are capable
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of doing their own dysfunction and the risks that will arise in the world that may seem restrained or limited as a result and that doesn't mean that america should serve as the world's policeman. we cannot solve every problem and certainly not on our own. we remain the anchor of global security and a catalyst for global prosperity and as i have said before this is not the time to retreat or retrench. you need to be out there and engaged with the world. because for every billion dollars in goods and services, we create 5000 jobs at home. when we help other countries stand on their own 2 feet, we create this for our businesses and 11 number 15 biggest trading partners used to be the recipient of american aid
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including the republic of korea that is not donor and they used to be a recipient of aid. this includes international norms where we encourage a race of this top approach instead of this and looking ahead as we refer to this with climatic change to improve global health and ensure that women have the same rights as men and give voice to those who have none, we are the ones who give people around the world the courage to be able to speak up and the confidence to be able to work together. i have seen it. i know it. there is no arrogance in saying that. i know there are some americans who don't care how the world sees us. but in an integrated world, e.g.
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that no one can put back into a bottle, we lost the luxury of looking inward and today isolationism is the enemy of economic prosperity and security at the same time. the 21st century has seen different ideals and governance and as a model for a bunch of nations, i think we have a special responsibility to demonstrate that the democracy does deliver for its citizens and when it appears dysfunctional, aspiring people are likely to settle for another model an extremist and autocrats rush to fill the vacuum. the greater the danger to us here at home. it is connected. i have often said that america is not exceptional because we talk about ourselves as being
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exceptional and we say that we are exceptional and it's not because we say that we are. it's because we do exceptional things and we are the nations that defeat the powers and we never ask to be paid back and that is exceptional. we are a nation that has the force of our ideals and alliances and without the force of arms, that exception. we told them that they are spiraling out of control and most people think we would never rain not in. but we mustered the will and the resources to lead the global response that is now looking at the possibility of an aids free generation and that is exceptional. we have let it by 60% and afghanistan over the last decade
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and 3 million afghan girls are in school and raise life expectancy by 20 years and my friends, there are so many examples where we have helped others with no request and return and they are all exceptional. so of course our leaders confronted the disagreements and even as we did those things. but guess what? those leaders shared a deeper commitment in the world and they understood that while differences are clear they cannot be crippling. the power has never come from one ideology with the principled action of all of us together as one nation and as the aspirations that make america great go global, we have incredible opportunities for
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america to benefit and provide leadership and the work that we do over there, the experts we sell in the high standards that we set, all of them create jobs and opportunity right here at home. we cannot afford to see this young century go down to others who have decided to be more disciplined than we have. the world watches us, but i'm telling you that i can feel it and i hear it in the world will not wait for us. the shutdown is behind us, but the answers still stare us in the face. we need our confidence to be worthy and recognize as part of parcel of america's example in the world.
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and including across the aisle and the world is american stood before us so that we can do exceptional things that americans expect us as their leaders and government to be. this is how we meet our responsibilities to the nation and how we meet our responsibilities to the world. [cheers] [applause] >> well, happy birthday. [applause] it is exciting for me which is a fabulously stimulating and exciting day filled with leaders and thinkers about what it means to be a progressive in our country and i am delighted to
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share the stage with two people who are particularly important leaders in the progressive movement and i have had the pleasure of working with her for many years and i have seen her intellect and energy and action on so many occasions and she brings a passion for problem solving and serving others that is truly inspirational and i have seen her grow from a 27-year-old staffer into an accomplished leader. so i really think we owe another round of applause in appreciation to neera. [applause] [applause] >> and what can i say about john that can do him justice? there is no one like him in
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washington dc were probably anywhere else. when my husband needed a sure hand to steer his second term in the white house he turned to john. eat equal parts, but really and facilitator. always modest and levelheaded. one president obama needed a respected leader, he again turned to john. whenever i need advice, either on grand strategy or tactics, i turned to john as well. he has carried a cap on his shoulders for so long. i am deeply grateful to him and i know the voice of god, we should also show our appreciation again to john
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podesta. [applause] >> john and neera and i have been discussing what it means to be a progressive in america and in the world for years now. and we may have different experiences and backgrounds, but we share our work in and our lives and the values of justice and opportunity and equality that everyone the world over deserves to have in their lives and their societies who deserve to have the chance to live up to their potential and economic and political and social lives of the places were they born and lived. so when you look at these values of march the united states had to do and thrusting them into human history and nurturing them
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and protecting them for so many years now, it's a little surprising that we have to fight so hard on behalf of them to make the case over and over again. but neera and john and so many of you will of your sleeves to build the case for a progressive agenda that's based on data and evidence and not ideology and a fight for policies that will actually achieve results in better people's lives. i well remember when john and sarah first came to see me about this new idea they were working on. a progressive think tank that would stand up and fight back in the a city that had a lot of think tanks on the other side of the aisle that would champion our values and policies based on sound research and scholarship and would advocate and engage in
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public debate. at the same time, she and i have been had been talking about how we could see this happen and we were working on the very same idea and at the end of the clinton administration i knew we didn't have this infrastructure in place to continue to build on what had been accomplished and hold the line on any efforts at retrenchment, we would not be doing our job. so we began to talk and results are they we join forces and thus was born. there were skeptics back then. many people in washington thought it would be impossible to raise the money with the top-notch staff especially on the right.
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but they underestimated both the talent of this team and the hunger of the country for old and new progressive policies. it attracted experienced practitioners and it began influencing foreign and domestic policy and efforts to put quality health care for every agenda was essential. and it began to seem not so unusual world that this making the case for progressive policies. the combination of progressive values, evidence-based and policy formulations and forceful
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advocacy has made a unique model in washington and america, but around the world and it was not uncommon for me to be asked about cap, particularly by leaders who hoped to have an infrastructure to support their views and countries. so we see what happens when you marry the importance of ideas with those who know how to carry it forward. women's rights for organized labor and in clean air and water and so much more has been advanced by men and women who gathered the data and marshal the arguments and wrote and spoke and advocated just like that. unfortunately we have seen what happened with our public debates
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and an evidence free zone where people make claims and arguments that have no basis in evidence but are either logically motivated and politicians choose scorched-earth over common ground and workers are for load and businesses are suffering and children are thrown out of head start programs in poor mothers worrying they won't get the help that they need to buy formula and food for their babies and we are careening from crisis to crisis instead of having a plan and bringing people to that plan and focusing it on common sense solutions toward them. so it is needed today as much if not more as it ever has been because as we look ahead to the next 10 years, there are
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challenges facing our country and our world. and we will need your help as well. there are so many issues that you work on every day. i am just grateful, and that is what i came to say. i am grateful that cap exists and that people support generously and that it attracts such great talent and incredible energy and determination to make a difference on behalf of our country. progressive ideas are making this the greatest force for liberty and dignity and opportunity in the world that we have ever known and i know that cap will continue to lead the way, over the ricin and firmly planted in the here and now, hoping to renew america's
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promise of greatness for years to come. let's keep going, happy birthday. [applause] [applause] >> we thank you very much. what great goodness. it makes us all want to stand up for american greatness again. so clear and passionate. we will restore that balance again as well. it is great to be here with all of you and i want to thank you for your leadership not only for your kind introduction but to you and to john in this as well,
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encouraging this would be important work you have done over the last 10 years because it has really shown all of us the way forward. it is the way to a future where there is greater opportunity for all and more education and not less, more jobs and not less and more freedom and not less. more of a society that is more open and more inclusive and not less inclusive. that is the future that we are building. one that we create by the better choices we make together. this includes those fighters and row and we chose to do it in the middle of a recession. together we have made college
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education in our state more affordable instead of more expensive. we have accelerated the innovation curve of life science and global trade as well including manufacturing. and we have the transit and also broadband and cyberand those networks upon which this business depends. and we are doing this with these things in a very fiscally responsible way. it includes deficits and pension systems all the way through the bush recession, and only seven states that can make that claim.
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the results speak for themselves , although our work continues and we have more work to do. we passed important milestones of having 100% of the jobs that we lost in the course of the bush recession and this includes any state or region and nearly twice as fast as they're good neighbors across the river in the commonwealth of virginia. as mira mentioned, and i can't say enough especially around my colleagues, they have now for two years in a row named them the number one state for entrepreneurship and people have earned the highest medium of income in any state in the country.
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the states are upward in their word on trent economic mobility. the most important is not even johns hopkins with the belief that we share in the dignity of every individual. we believe that diversity is important and that we all do better when we are all doing better. more than half of the population, 55% since the year 2000 is due to immigrant communities in our state is a place where many varied backgrounds are willing to have hard work that will make a better future for their children and their families and their businesses. the point is that building an innovation, creating jobs and
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expanding opportunity in the face of all this tremendous challenges that vice president al gore was just talking about. doing these things requires more than smart investment. but it also requires smarts and inclusive policies that are based upon the belief that we share and the dignity like equal rights and open society where all are wanting to work and create and make new and these choices are also essential to growing the creative and innovative economy and that is why in maryland we are working between low income students and their peers and this is an important reason that we cut the gap between some by 25% and maryland's low income students
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of all races are now making greater strides in achievement than in any other state. is this by chance? no, it is by choice. this is why we have exceeded the country's most ambitious goal for minority and women-owned business and participation in state contracts since 2007. we have increased it by 70%. so the businesses now are more than a quarter of all state contracts and women now own one third of all businesses in our state. that is a higher concentration than any other state in the union. including the third lowest poverty rate among women. this year baltimore was named one of the top two metro areas for entrepreneurs. it is by choice.
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each of us must try and each of us is needed. my friend paul rightly points out and i wanted to share this with you that ecologists and biologists know that systems achieve stability in hell through diversity and not uniformity. ideologues take the opposite view. in other states right now, these narrow ideologies are working hard to roll back voting rights and rollback women's rights and none of those things are very good for going there economy. we want more people to vote and not less. we want them to participate more
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fully. and other states are passing laws that restrict voting and civil marriage equality and limit the dreams and the potential of their children and therefore our children. i would submit to you that these poor choices and the poorer results that they bring about, which include equality, exclusivity, intolerance, disparity, these choices weaken the common good that we shared and that of our country and our economy. sadly this year alone nine different states have now passed laws restricting access to the polls. our neighbors will have to
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eliminate same-day early voting. they include poor people, young people, and discouraging individual participation and that is they threaten productivity. and creativity as well. they slow economic growth and it's hard to think of anything and this includes having their voices heard and in another example they have states that continue to block and equality rights, the equal protection deserves in this limits the job
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creating potentials. this includes leading innovation companies rallying behind the right of all compost to be treated equal under the law. and they did this in part and they also did this because the more inclusive this society is a more attractive it is for the best talent out there. and that includes same-sex marriage that is losing out. just this week other business groups and they did is because of how the law would've affected these words not mine, on national and global level
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likewise, states have pursued nativists and know nothing policies and also their economic potential. to create a better paying jobs of the future. they lost their jobs shortly after that choice and these laws did nothing to protect american citizens, but they do make states less attractive for tourism and visitors and business expansion with the exception and all of our people were once strangers in strange lands in the dreams we have for our children are purely american. in america we have made other choices than we have passed the
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dream act and others to make it for those to participate in the economy. and we have achieved greater upward mobility than all other states and not only the highest median income by the u.s. in innovation and entrepreneurship and again we have made better choices because we wanted to achieve better results. this includes a conclusion as we go to our final panel. promoting the right to vote and guarantees marriage equality in treating people with respect and dignity and the these things are also things that make maryland stronger and more competitive economically and bigotry does not create jobs or expand the opportunity it actually kills
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innovation and it has shown and inclusiveness that is part of the initial capital. in a society correlates to more startups and innovation and better paying jobs. including a stronger growing middle class and what is true for our parents and grandparents is still true for us. and that we are all in this together and we all do better when we are all doing better. thank you, for your good work.
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[applause] >> up next on c-span2, congressman adam smith talks about the u.s. drone strikes and then more from the center on american progress with the reporters committee for freedom of the press post secrecy in the high court liberations deliberations on how technology can be used to help the public understand how the supreme court justices deliver and delivery. coverage begins at 9:30 a.m. on c-span2 and >> we have an author and physicist on call for engineers.
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>> you don't need a program to convinced that science and engineering is there to do it has been liquid for billions of years look at the nasa portfolio today and this includes aerospace engineers and mechanical engineers and all of the standing fields over the past 15 years but tv has aired over 40,000 programs.
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>> the u.s. program needs more open diplomats are proving and they need to discuss drone strikes as well. in the hour-long remarks, congressman smith calls for the closure of the guantánamo bay prison. this is for the international studies in washington dc. >> i appreciate that and we mention the desire to learn more about the issues they have been
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very generous with their time her time working with me and my staff as we try to push through challenging security issues. including how they continue to proceed with her fight against ideology and certainly during my time in congress, nothing has changed our policy more than 9/11. it is gone as we invaded afghanistan and iraq, how do we fight as effectively. including it is not like any other battle fought in a variety of different ways. including where we are out, at, and where we should go at this point, now more than a dozen years after the event and the challenges and how we move
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forward. it is still a war and also they declared war on us in 1996 and the only thing that is stopping them is not a lack of desire but our ability to stop them from doing that and that has not changed. the ideology is the groups have metastasize in a variety of different ways and if you are in the national security environment here in the united states and if you work at the dod and the cia and you get up in the primary thing you're thinking about is whether or not it is a dominating aspect of our national security policy as well as it should be including russia, china, what is going on in latin america, elsewhere, the
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number one thing is protecting our country from terrorists and al qaeda and the various offshoots and how do we stop that from happening. we have to stop that and one of the best ways is to get them before they get us and that involves military action of one kind or another. the second thing with close president bush and president obama trying to do this is to win the broader struggle and to stop people in the muslim world from wanting to join organizations like al qaeda and figure out what role we can play to moving towards a more moderate and effective competent form of government in these countries. the challenge is often conflicting with number two and we have seen that most notably in the drone campaign and it has been effective without question.
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the leadership to plot and plan attacks against the u.s. it has been significantly degraded by a lot of things one of the biggest things is we have targeted and disrupted leadership. top terrorists are starting pretty much all of their time worrying about staying alive. and the military campaign has also made it more difficult to we're not broader struggle. including the muslim world and others to get away from that. and they are the one group of people standing up against those attempt of the western influence and otherwise attack the muslim world to the extent that they are in the middle of a war and we are shooting at them and that feeds into the narrative.
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that is not a narrative for not doing it. it's an argument for trying to figure out how to balance it and if you choose to attack you will further anger your enemy and prevent them from attacking you. president obama, when he got into office, he had a broad and specific vision for how to do that and is now becomes cliché that we are going to reset a variety of different relationships. the goal of the notion was that the world was not fond of the bush administration and they viewed us as militaristic and self-interested, trying to force our will upon the rest of the world, we had the war in iraq and a lot of other issues and we wanted to change all that and work with the rest of the world and deliver it different methods we can build support and i think
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it's fair to say at this point fibers into it but that really hasn't worked in that at this point and i haven't seen any data, but if you polled people amongst allies and elsewhere that the level of support from the united states is probably back to what it was during the bush administration and that is not the end all of all of it. thinking that the number one goal is like this. that is not the approach but it's important element and i think a troubling thing is not just the lack of support that we see from allies but domestic here in the u.s. and the central underpinnings of our campaign to try to win this are not supported as we would like. people have long wanted us out of afghanistan and the nsa has undermined the confidence.
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there's a number of reasons we haven't had as much success in terms of building blocks for our campaign. ..


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