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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  November 5, 2013 12:30am-2:30am EST

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two wars, the war on terrorism after 9/11, al qaeda's leadership and hiding in pakistan, and continuing to spread the influence and effort to try to attack this country. iran and north korea, the nuclear programs moving forward and again, it came back to federal service and a return to washington. the cia had really two major objectives. one was to restore the credibility of the agency that has been badly damaged, and that is what the president asked me to do. the second was to disrupt and dismantle the terrorist who disrupted this country on 9/11. the cia is made up of professionals and they aren't
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republican and they aren't democrat. they are not political. they are good public servants of america, americans who come to work every day looking to do what is best for the country to keep america safe. that is the key to what the cia and the intelligence agencies are all about until in the fall of 2009, we learned how difficult it would be and the struggle to try to find osama
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bin laden and his leadership. and we were going to meet at a place along the afghanistan pakistan border and we were going to meet with him and he was a doctor who said he could lead us. on december 30, that asset arrived at the base and just after getting out of the car within 30 feet, we have detonated an explosive and he was a double agent. and he lured our officers into a deadly trap. seven cia officers were killed.
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and they arrived over the air base and it was a bitterly cold january day and we stood at attention as the seven flag draped coffins were loaded. those are the kinds of people that gave their lives in order to protect this country and they gave us the inspiration to do everything that we could to go after osama bin laden and we got the break that we wanted and there was a 12-foot high wall and a 7-foot wall and then there was no telephone and they had
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this after a great deal of surveillance. they came to the conclusion that there is a strong possibility that bin laden was there. and i can remember when the president went around the room and i said i had a very simple test that i have often used in politics. and this was the best intelligence that we had and i think the average american would conduct this as well. and the mission was a go and two dozen of our best and brightest went into harms way 150 miles at night into pakistan.
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and they sent a message no one attacks the united states and get away with it and frankly after the bin laden operation, i thought it was time to get out and go home. 3 million people, as chuck noted, 2 million in uniform and again, very dedicated people and we want to keep america safe. and working with our nato allies and we implemented unprecedented
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sanctions and pressure on iran and this unites the world with their nuclear ambitions and making clear that they did not close the strait of hormuz or develop a nuclear weapon. and i think we should negotiate on dealing with their capabilities. but we have to maintain the supreme leader that is the key. and this came up in richmond and therefore we must remain strong and we must remain consistent that they must never be able to develop a nuclear weapon and that we may very well have to use military force to back up our policy and we worked
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together to make sure that everyone would have the opportunity to serve in our military and that is what this organization is about. giving everyone the opportunity to serve when they would like to. men and women regardless of sexual orientation and people who want to serve this country ought to have the opportunity to serve in uniform and they do now. [applause] and they strengthen our alliance with israel. we continue to support israel. we made that trip in 1991 when hundreds of thousands of jews from the soviet union were
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making and fulfilling a dream to live in a free and more prosperous life in the historic homeland and as director of the cia and secretary of defense, i believe deeply in our obligations to maintain close ties with israel. so that we can confront our common enemies together and working closely with the mayor and over the course of time, we did everything we could to ensure that israel would have the wherewithal to be able to provide for its security. we have no better friend or ally in the world than israel.
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in mice sense is that whether it is exhaustion of the last 10 years for fear of being embroiled in another conflict, there is an isn't growing mood of isolation in this country. and the fact is that this remains to be a very dangerous world. yes, we have gone after al qaeda's core leadership. and this includes mali or north africa we continue to have a threat as they test the capabilities and nuclear weapons. we have instability across the middle east and we have rising
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power who proposes unique challenges, like russia that continues to challenge our policies and we are witnessing a whole new battlefront in warfare called cyberwarfare, and i do believe that cybercould very well be the pearl harbor of the future and so we need to protect ourselves from that as well and all of this happened at a time when we are imperiled by the gridlock in washington. and this is a time when we must maintain our military strength and our role in the world is a world leader and we cannot retreat from the responsibilities the united states has in the world of today. [applause]
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>> in fact, i will tell you something. if you tell me and asked me what the biggest threat to national security is today, it is the fact that political leaders cannot come together to deal with the nations problems. and this imperils our national security and let me tell you that chuck knows this firsthand as a result of sequester and a result of the shutdown, we are hurting our military readiness in this country. we are making it much more difficult to respond to a major crisis outside of a war zone and we have sent a message of weakness to the world, and it is all avoidable. these are self inflicted wounds that can frankly be avoided.
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avoided if our elected leaders come together to make a compromise if necessary, to govern the country. and in my 50 years of public service, i have seen washington at its best in washington at its worst. and even though i see a washington that is dysfunctional today, i have also seen republicans and democrats coming together to protect our country and i believe that it can happen again and the real strength of america lies in the american people and this includes the men and women in uniform, those who are willing to put their lives on the line and that is where the real strength of america
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lies let me end by telling you the story of one family and in january of 2012, and the province in afghanistan, sergeant first class benjamin weiss, an army ranger on his deployment was struck and he died several days later in germany and he left behind a wife and two sons and a daughter. this was my practice is one of the toughest things that we do as secretary of defense, is to write a handwritten note to those who have lost loved ones. what made this letter difference is that i realized that this was
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the second time that i have written to their family and this is one of the bombings and these are the family that are sacrificing for our country and they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and fight and die in order to protect this country is in this includes the courage to govern this nation a few months after i visited a host state, i remembered on the wall there, there was a verse from the old testament from the prophets isaiah as i went
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through the base and the saying is this. and then i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i send. and then i said here i am. send me. and as you know in hebrew, it's a special word. that is the call of the trumpet and the call to service and it is the call, the timeless call to serve and to sacrifice and it binds us in a secret mission. the adl has led that mission and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. not just for this award, but for
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what you do in fighting discrimination. so that an immigrant kid for monterey could grow up and live the american dream. the secretary of defense of the greatest country the world has ever known. and i thank you all for what you have done for america or the world is past 100 years. god bless this country and god bless all of you. [applause] [applause] >> in a few moments, a look at implementation of the new health care law. and then officers from the intelligence community working
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with data surveillance and intelligence. a couple of health care hearings to tell you about. the centers for medicaid and medicare services will be on capitol hill to talk about the health care law including the health rollout. it will be live on c-span at 10:00 a.m. at the same time on wednesday morning, hhs secretary kathleen sebelius testifies in front of the senate finance committee and secretary sebelius and other obama officials won't talk about the research and the updates that should be completed by the end of the month. you can see that at 10:00 a.m. eastern on wednesday. >> you are watching c-span2 with politics and public affairs
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weekdays featuring live coverage of the u.s. senate and on weeknights, watch key items and the latest nonfiction authors and books on booktv. you can get our schedules are websites nuking join in the conversation on social media sites. >> our series on the affordable care act in conjunction with kaiser health news focuses on what is happening with the insurance plans that are being canceled. this is 45 minutes. >> on this segment of the "washington journal", we have been taking a look at the implementation of the four book act with the help of reporters from kaiser health news and julie appleby is back to discuss the reason why some individuals have seen their plans canceled by providers as a lot the law has gone into effect. it has become a hot topic and
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enjoy appleby has talked about the wall that kids have played and why are some receiving cancellation notices. >> guest: these are people who buy their coverage because they don't get coverage through their jobs. an increasing number don't get health insurance, many farmers in turn farmers by their own. that is who this affects and many of those are getting notices saying that their current policy will be discontinued by the end of the year and then they will have to enroll in the new policy and that is because many of these policies don't meet the requirements of the affordable care act. >> the numbers that we are talking about. here is an ap story from just today. we 3.5 million americans have had their health insurance policies canceled thanks to obamacare. you are saying that it is an estimate and why can't we find
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out specific numbers yet? >> there about 14 million people who buy their own coverage and there is not an exact tally, some people are getting notices that say that their policies expire by the end of this year and some states, the insurer is allowed to roll it over and so maybe they won't expire yet, but we don't have a final number yet. but it's likely to be substantial. we had insurance tell us that anywhere from 20 to 80% of their individual businesses being canceled and that's a pretty big spread and those are pretty big numbers and it could be a substantial number. >> host: how our employers picking the ones to cancel, just to lay it out for folks. >> guest: insurers are looking at this and saying that policies that did not exist before march of 2010, new policies, people purchasing policies since march of 2010, if they are not
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grandfathered and they don't meet the requirements of the formal care act, it is very likely that they will get a notice. before the affordable care act, insurers would discontinue policies or cancel policies and it wasn't unusual, they would discontinue product once unprofitable and what is unusual it would be that consumer advocates would be a part of, that insurers would be targeting some of their most costly enrollees. >> maybe they are just talking about these unprofitable lines of business. regulators say they are watching out for that and there are some individuals that can say they can't choose certain people. they are not just particular people, but entire lines of
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business and so we did see some insurers canceling policies that went people who are sicker. but they were saying that those policies were originally given to them and they are not as comprehensive as the law requires. so they maybe have limits on doctors visits and things like that and i've also done part of this, including a very profitable time, simply because it doesn't meet the standard. >> we have divvied up our lines, and if you want to chat about, it's (202)585-3880 and individual insurance plans, (505)220-3881. if you have a plan that has been canceled, all others can call in
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at (505)202-3383. and then there are stories about them untrained people so some people are getting notices that say that their plan or comparable plan is going to cost a lot more and some people are finding that with a subsidy, those that earn up to about $46,000 per year, offsetting some of those costs. i spoke with one gentleman who covered his wife and daughter that is costing about $336 a month and it's going up to 500 something dollars with a very similar deductible and in that
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case it is hard for him to understand why that is and other policies, we have heard a lot about folks in florida that have been on the national news, a policy that is only $50 per month and it's now going up quite a bit and part of the reason for that is that these policies didn't cover very much. and so it really depends on what you are paying now and what kind of policy you have and there are a number of factors. >> host: we have cancellation letters from folks that we are talking about. and they know in note in the letter that we will be offering new individual health plans that include all of the required benefits of the affordable care act and new health plans that we are offering to you for the coverage of effective date, beginning january 1, 2014. so julie appleby, if someone gets a letter like this, what should they do?
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>> they should look at the letter and understand that we know what it means. they don't have to act right away, consumer advocates tell me that folks should take time to understand what it is that they purchased already and how much is their deductible and how much is that deductible per person and how much might you have to pay before the insurance kicks in and how much might you have to pay for the entire year. and the insurer may be offering you something comparable. and that is not your only option. you don't have to roll over, you can go onto the state marketplace or health and look up other policies on that as we know we have had some problems. people can simply browse plans and get an idea or an estimate and they can't yet set up the
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account. maybe talk to an independent broker, and get some help understanding this and find something comparable and enroll in that and a number of folks a few enroll by december 15, the coverage will start on january january 1. >> host: julie appleby answering her questions. a nonprofit news service, editorially independent from the kaiser family foundation, and she is here to help answer the questions and we split a lines of differently this weekend and we will also take your comments over twitter an e-mail. we will start with those from employers insurance. >> caller: yes, i have a comment and a question. in the 80s, reagan got rid of
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the fairness act and this is when the government talked about this. and ever since then we have seen the gop and corporate types of that nature. the democrats couldn't stop it, the corporate media has been out of control due to brainwashing and the republicans are like the liberal media. and of course republicans will protect corporations. >> the corporate media have doubt republicans and that means that all media is republican media. so on this point about cancellations, president obama said that if you like your plan, you can keep it. the corporate media is running
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around telling people that he lied as if they know that these people like having a plan that didn't cover the hospitalization, that had lifetime caps on it, yearly caps on it, things of that nature, they know that these cancellations were like these plans and i'm assuming that they did not like these plans because you pay for something he didn't get anything back. >> host: the president made statements, it was something of the fact checkers column of "the washington post", he gave the president a pinocchio rating on his statement, that if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. no one will take away no matter what. julie appleby? >> guest: we heard the president
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and boston saying that the vast majority of people that have health insurance that works, you can keep it. so to eric's point, some of these plans were not that effective were helpful for folks and that is why this market was targeted by congress in the aca specifically because it had some problems and namely people who buy their own insurance, for example, before the law found that they could not buy coverage at any cost because they have a health condition and insurers were able to reject people that have a health condition or charge them more for perhaps it's good that particular condition from coverage and as eric pointed out, some of the plans have limited benefits and i have written about plans that have maybe 100-dollar per day benefits for hospitalization. we know that things cost more than $100 per day. so some of these plans were very limited for benefits and they are going away, but to eric's point, some people actually really do pick this coverage because they wanted and they want a 5000-dollar deductible or
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a 10,000-dollar deductible because it has a lower premium and they have taken the time to look at that and they have that set aside and they are not happy that these plans are going way. >> we have a lines up this morning for folks that have their plans canceled and bread is waiting from new york, new york. >> good morning, and thank you very much. first of all, i don't know what plan the last caller had talked about. and i had my plan canceled a few months back, the premiums were hyped up by about $200, disqualifying it from being grandfathered in to one of these plans to announce the by washington to be complete. my health care coverage was very complete i was very happy with the policy but what i'm not happy about is that i am now forced to sign up into a program
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where i have covered pediatrics and birth control and all sorts of other things i will never use obviously because i am a gentleman. and obviously i have to sign up going forward. the consumer reports say that no one should go onto health for at least a month until they start to get some of this out. another is a black or gray area where there will be a lapse in my coverage. so i find it very unfair that we find this so i'm even in the way we are talking about it, he didn't tell the truth and that is the sad truth about it and there a lot of americans who
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think this way as well. >> but you live in new york, and you might have a little bit more luck getting it to the policies there. but did the administration know? she may have known that these policies would be canceled, and a lot of experts are saying that they should have known quite a bit more about this because many of these policies were substandard and the law's aim was to remove substandard policies in the obama administration did talk about grandfathering. >> it means that you could keep your plan and as long as it was produced before march of 2010 and the rules of the road said it was before march of 2010, which is when the law was enacted, the most substantial changes have been made and will decide what is a substantial change. so if you have made a 5-dollar change in your co-pay, for
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example, or you increase your deductible by about 15% or more in order to keep premiums down, which many people do an individual market, they often increase their deductible and that would kick you out of this sort of grandfather status and your plan would be more likely to keep going. >> host: what about things like maternity coverage? why is it written that he can't find a plan without those things? >> guest: we are getting a lot of questions and e-mails about that and i am healthy, why do i have to paper people who are sick and this is part of the insurance and insurance pool and this is part of the law. lawmakers have decided that they wanted to create this minimum, including maternity care and prescription drugs and e.r. care
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and that kind type of thing in order to make these plans comprehensive. and people can differ and this is what they put in, they said it will spread risk across everyone. and he will never use eternity care. he may have a wife or someone who does use maternity care. many women who buy these policies will never be treated for prostate cancer and you don't pick and choose which things you could cover, but insurance talks about them being covered for everyone. >> host: is about the health health care people or the overall insurance industry? >> guest: it depends on who you ask. including something that would really benefit insurance companies. but they said if they wanted to expand coverage to people whose coverage was uninsured.
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and congress did not want to go the route of making this a government entirely and it has gone both ways for that. >> host: we are talking with julie appleby of kaiser health news. if you have an employer plan come you can give him a call at 202, 58 3880. if you have an individual plan or your plan five and if you have had your plan canceled,
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(202)385-5882 jay is waiting from oak hill. >> caller: it seems to me that when they grandfathered in these policies, they may be changed after that, several months after that, making it to where it is almost impossible for anyone to keep their plan. she said this is a minor adjustment, even they knew this is where it was going to be so they could force everyone into the pool. i had a different situation as a medicare person and my medicare has gone completely haywire in the the amount of doctor care i get now has been decreased and the supplemental plan like aarp is pushing has increased tenfold
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because of the obamacare regulations of minimum apartments. and like she is trying to say, it is fine, everyone needs to pay for pregnancy, everyone needs to pay for prostate cancer and it all works out, and if that is what the system is to try to force you into making such a mess that they will come back with a one payer system, that was what they really wanted in the first place and i don't understand a health care person such as yourself that is on there, what does kaiser permanente stand to gain? they were offering these policies is not just to let you know, it's a non-for profit policy tank, think tank of the kaiser family and not kaiser permanente. kaiser health news cover things like that health laws and doctors and attorneys may have been helping us the last couple
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weeks to try to explain this law for folks. jay brings up the medicare issue that he was talking about. >> guest: it affects people and a couple of ways. one of the ways is that they are slowing down and ratcheting down the payments and this is the private market, private insurers, medicare covered this as an alternative to medicare, which is fee-for-service. the program is having some payment increases because congress said that they were already paying this more money than they pay for the traditional medicare program and they wanted to bring it closer into alignment and some insurers with medicare advantage probably raising premiums and doing other things and making some changes as a result of that. >> host: let's go to michael from delaware. michael, good morning. >> caller: thank you for taking
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my call. this is kind of off-track with my question. but whether or not president president obama lied, i don't believe that, but he is very disingenuous with all the statements. saying that you could have kept your policy if you would like it, and i think that the result of all of this will be millions more, people are going to lose their policies and they will jump ship from the democratic policy and the republicans are going to get exactly what they wanted all along in next year's midterm election and the presidential election in the obama administration will be swept out of office and everyone will jump ship to the republican side be able to go back to the
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affordable care act before came through in my situation, this is something that i can't imagine no one anticipating this. i am retired, and when i retired my employer sponsored plan, my rates quintupled. i pay five times a month more now than when i was working and i got married after i retired and i'm not allowed to add my wife to my plan and my wife has the low minimum qualification plan and she just had a termination on it. we tried to sign up for insurance and pay for private health insurance before and insurance was more than $300 a month for premium or job that she is out, her premiums were only $5 per week. it now has gone up and they say that you might qualify for
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medicaid coverage and isn't anyone aware that if you qualify you qualify medicaid coverage, you have to forfeit your income to the government. you are only allowed to keep $3500 per month. >> host: let's talk about that situation here. >> guest: it sounds like your employer increased the amount from now. many employers do require that employers pay certain cost of the care and i'm even more than when they were employed. for your wife it sounds like she is going for a plan that has been subsidized and this is also a concern for people who buy their own insurance, they are paying 100% of the cost of this insurance, whereas when you're working, the employer usually picks up 70 or 80% of the cost of the premium and many people have no idea when they go from
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employer coverage just how much it cost because they are only paying a portion of it. they don't realize the cost of the individual market and its very surprising to folks. >> host: the president's comments were brought up. whether folks would be able to keep their health care plans if they like them or who would be a lead editorial in today's usa coverage cancellations and obama's promise is the headliner. below that is a piece from fred upton, the republican from michigan is ahead of the chair of the energy and commerce committee and he says people can keep their health care coverage, keep your coverage act and there is an opinion page today and we are talking with julie appleby today of kaiser health news. taking your questions and comments about cancellation notices and raise online for
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folks who have had their plans canceled and he he is from ridgefield, new hampshire. >> caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i called on october 1 when this thing started and mentioned the least expensive obamacare plan, which was $140 per month more than what we are currently paying. we have the 8000-dollar family deductible and we are not going to be eligible for any subsidies because it was cut off at $62,000 per year. looking at the plans. a comparable plan to what we have now is over a thousand dollars per month. and perhaps they have these
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mandates. and they had mental health and they had maternity care and hospitalization and we were paying for all of that and i hear them say the premise that obama should say that and that is why we have these plans being canceled or that these may be more affordable plans and i don't understand what he considers affordable. but this is what is really upsetting, we were told you'd be able to keep your plan and none of this is true. and i would just like to know what people consider affordable because none of these plans are affordable. >> it sounds like you are in a similar situation. many folks talk about a similar situation to have a high deductible policy right now. in a thousand dollar deductible.
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many felt it was a good plan and it helped keep the premiums down. what i am suspecting is that the deductible and the other out-of-pocket costs are probably exceeding the limit and now you have to buy a new plan and you're finding that it's going to cost a couple hundred dollars more a month which is a lot of money. ..his state already required soe of these mandates. what i am hearing from actuaries is that adding some additional benefits in lowering the deductible -- maybe the out-of- pocket max will go down -- but i and what ther part actuaries are telling me is that the insurers now have to take everybody. they did not have to take people with pre-existing conditions before.
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they could exclude their medical condition from coverage. starting january 1, the law says they cannot do that anymore. they are building into their rates the fact that they have to take all comers. you and your wife are probably healthy, but you are now going to be more average. >> gave the have had low rates than they may go up those who are older and hadbrine this occurred so intrigues theyeady of the average with the insurers to side with a eve maink the risk is having toit i take everybody of building and to the rate so it makes that difficult >> host: it hhs secretary sebelius was asked about this last week's energy i'm aske sorry energy and commerce want ttee hearing. i will play that then
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cutback to get your thoughts b on her appearance of. >> before, during comingw was ps after the law was passed the l president said he you like your health care pleiad you can't keep is he keeping his promise? >> he is. yes, he is. >> what you say to the 300,000 people in florida you mentioned those in tennessee that cannot geto health insurance?pre- is he keeping his promise to them? >> first of all, they can insurance. pla, they must be offered new they dn plants our newer options either inside ther marketplace if they don't qualify for a vigil subsidy but they absolutely will have no coverage. >> host: what was yourppearancae biggest take away from her appearance last week on theest: hill? period this demonstrates the above the administration this adds to their difficulties steadily to they have problems with theak
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web site now working properly but they have this issue they made a promiseir this.e could keep their plants is now they have to fight that if republicansou hav areto upset and democrats are nervous and they say you have to get at the website sixth or it will affect us. it is the difficulty over the health law. is >> host: this is disingenuous to say summer esth a pre-existingget ine do condition can no gete e surance does the is heard the problem of those who are losing insurance they havelled i held for a long time. but items are wrong? and seems like an excuse to countless lives since whenesidet you lose your insurance and like the head to have lostn. your doctor and the president has lied.port, that was from michigan is
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now florida is on the line for those with individual coverage. good morning. >> caller: state you for taking my call. of name-calling for my son who will turn 50 and they were paying $800 per monthkids a for both of them for coverage. o n the kids are out of the thate. my son has just ended a five his premium alone will be$1000 blood thousand dollars per inceo month -- $1,000 per month. but what gets me is they are already in the 30% tax bracket state and federal plus others that are kept under the blanket now with, 5 te the increase of the premium
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of 2.5 times eddoss, understated why republicans in event independence don't get together. i was like your comment on the situation and stephen pelosi congress getting together in any time soon they deceive there'll be a lot of discussion and debate but i don't see a lot of effort or a movement to makes cy any changes to the law. we may see this if theyf don't get the by the end of the year thereingn may be more discussion to delay other pieces of the law that may be discussed but on yoursu other point it would be interesting to know if your son had gone ontos the to sell
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these prices this summerth else that does sound ations. little hayek there may be other options for him. i have seen studies looking all over the place again depending on the floor and their baby will be something left but is this something to check. there have been studies that looked at premium cost inay the this is a difficult issue because some people will pay more is them willbefor pay less but there were somee fr wall street analysts there are a zero player in san they estimate levy 7 million people of the zero plan inand fr then there are people like
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richard did florida who are is concerned.thing wrten >> host: is there anything written that protects people from getting gouged? >> it does say any increase over 10% per year house to be reviewed by regulators ifey t they determine it is unjustified they can hold that out to say this is an unjustified is up to eachcosts. state they have varying ways stv to regulate. rejec some have given theit commissioners of power to reject their rates out right so it depends where you this lived but if people are overcharged let said they overestimated the number of insr six people on dash sick people then they have to spend at least 80% onbate. revenue care and if not they have to issue a rebate.
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if i have the estimated high even enough to the morend 201 people side of the anticipated you could see higher rates through 2016 so it depends on who enrolls >> we have 10 minutes left. senior correspondent with julie apple me also follow her of lying to let's ago go to joe who has employer insurance. >> i was going to say good we morning but it is not always a good morning dozen peopleconge know that we are stupidtors d anyway? but congressmen don'tely colle understand these laws ando not
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lonely college graduates we don't understand. i had an accident, put on social security. i was not making enough money to keep my kids with food in their mouths and roof over their head and pay my mortgage. i went back to work at a different job, got a college degree. got hurt again. worked for an ivy league college. they did not like the idea that i got hurt with them, to. so what did they do? they just did away with my job. away with your job, they do away with your insurance. they all actually talked me into cashing in my pension. so i have none of that. when peoplefense
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say this is an entitlement. 1968 for mysince soul so security benefits. >> let's let julie appleby jumped in. talking about folks trying to understand this law. we have heard a lot about the navigators out there that were built into this act to help people understand it. where do the navigators stand right now? aest: every state has navigator. some of them have other ways you can get health insurance. there is a button you can push. it is different in different states. the 36 states decided not to do their own marketplace, exchange. fewer of the navigators of the
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states that did decide to do their own health care marketplace because they have more money to do it. the federal government did not have as much money, some not as many navigators. this is really difficult. get on thee people website or talk to her broker they would have a better understanding. >> going to john now run new york, new york on the lined with books that have had their plans canceled. tell us about your situation. >> good morning. i have a unique situation. i had a terrific health-care plan that was canceled. it was a $2000 deductible plan. zero co-pay. terrific premium cap at about $9,000 total.
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letter from the insurance company basically saying because i am a sole proprietor and because i did not employ of another person, not spouse, that the affordable care act automatically deems me not to be part of a group anymore and it makes me an individual. to go on toirect me the exchanges. it was very fortunate because i had a heart attack in march. every aspect of my bills were covered. all my doctors were covered. caren had psychiatric because i almost did not make it. i was really happy with what i had. they directed me on the plan to go into the exchange. it is strange because i have to be an individual now.
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cost me $4000 more with less than standard care that my insurance offered me because there are co-pays. higher deductibles. not really a very good, effective law for me. what do you make of john situation? situation? beingsound like you are kicked over to the individual market and finding it more sensitive. some people are running into that situation. there are winners and losers and john sounds like you bought to come up with more money for his plan. the flipside of that is people like john who could not buy coverage before will now have the opportunity to do that because insurers cannot turn them away. part of the disruption of the
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market. a difficult architect. congress did target this for changes. some people are experiencing the changes. lucy on the line for individual exchanges. good morning. julie said there are winners and losers, and i guess i am one of the losers. i liked my doctor and plan. i guess some in congress did not like i plan and doctor. my insurance is scheduled to be canceled in december. i have never had a lapse. i had a good plan. now i am going to a subsidy plan with a high deductible. is not available in the state. situation to an hmo where i will need a doctors referral all the time.
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i am a nurse. i did not have a high deductible and i am going to have a high deductible. .aying for things i do not need it is funny that i go on the site every once in a while. last time i went on it said they have a countdown clock, 100 52 days left that we have to get days to get2 service and yet the service is not even working. i have been a junkie since the days you had a c-span school bus that would go around. i had a lapel pen you used to if you can get someone
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else from kaiser so we had a different opinion and viewpoint on this. differentave reporters from kaiser health news to talk about this subject every monday. we appreciate the subject. guest: sounds like a person who is in the health-care plan and likes it. she said she did not have a high deductible plan. i suspect this was purchased after march, 20 10 and insurers decided this is a block of businesses they no longer want anymore. like senior hea
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>> but not to out of love but the love for pakistan. it has to understand that as a nation know whether they should can make you bigger they your neighbor. india's size is the vintage to india g get over what the net is imperative to be happy with security as louganis india has a nuclear weapons now security is the chief now pakistan needs to trade but the 48% of those who don't go to school or in
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school to make sure the population does not continue to rise at a pace faster then the pace of economic growth. and of those can be addressed by building relations
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>> good morning. welcome to the first public carrying it is 9:20 a.m. on november 4th at the minute -- mayflower hotel located a washington d.c.. the hearing was announced at a september 63 and october october 25 and is chairman i will be the presiding officer. all five board members are president -- present and there is a quorum. pleasure shovels sand to a seattle those in favor of opening the hearing? hidden his consent we will then proceed. an independent bipartisan agency within the executive privilege established a the implement seeing the
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regulations of that comprised of four part-time board members and a full-time chairman the primary mission his review and analyze action is the executive branch takes to protect the nation from terrorism and to be sure that is balanced to protect civil liberties and to insure that they are appropriately considered with the development and implementation related to efforts against terrorism terrorism, he essentially the tea club has to function as a revisory and oversight role to the counterterrorism efforts and i want to think that many families to will participate to agree to issue their views of the board also shared the board's executive director the chief administrative officer in the chief legal officer for the tireless efforts to make this possible.
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we have agreed to provide the president and a report on the two programs. the first to 15 in the sec can't 72 under fisa amendments act. the to do 15 program his referred to as business records collection & ramp. one of the things the government collects his telephone metadata for terrorism purposes by the court and the 700 to programming is his electronic communications service providers and therefore did television -- television surveillance sections today hearing is possible recommendations regarding these programs as well as the operation of the surveillance court. just to be clear it does not necessarily represent their views or those of sobor the purpose is to explore a wide
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range of recommendations to assessed possible unintended consequences. the board believes in is in the best place to make these decisions with the options for another first panel will consist of officials of varying degrees of responsibility and after the first panel be will take a lunch break. this afternoon the second panel will include a former head change and to lawyers who have appeared before the court one on the government side and by each will post questions for each panel and the 5 million crowns for the hitherto. mayor urged to permit
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stickiest exchanges of views. this program is recorded in a transcript will be posted. written comments from the public are welcome and babies submitted on-line or by mail until november 14. since we still wait for one panel we may take a few minute break. debut be helpful to take a few mitt a break? you want to get started? okay below jumping and then pick up with the rest of the panel. i want to introduce from the national security in agency and patrick kelly and brad the assistant attorney general at the national security division at the department of justice. through allegations of the
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press the nsa has secretly voted to communication links with yahoo! in data centers under project muscular that allows the nsa to copy data flow among said davis innocency silicon on dash a silicon companies and will they please explain what impact that has on products that are the subject of this hearing? what start of that. a stiff neck and i can address the veracity of the article but to make a few general points, even by the terms of the article that self there is no connection to the assad program we are here to discuss. but i would suggest that any application made with the
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press coverage of this issue that nsa uses the executive order to undermine or circumvent or get around the eyes i is inaccurate. an end to fisa has jurisdictional coverage you're either covered for your not. and historically it was intended to cover that type of collection that would impact privacy and the key factors that many scholars said have written about like the nationality of targets targets, allocation of coverage it how it is undertaken by would no to as a general matter that any collection done would involved minimization procedures approved by the attorney-general or if under
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fisa has little place to minimize the collection with as personal information. the last one that i implore you in the public to read them with the rigor you would expect back to us so in some articles i noticed he would have a wide in paragraph two that says the nsa is well positioned to collect vast amounts of information in the round paragraph 30 have a line that says the matter how much it collects or retain so that would be useful for every petty to have coverage >> i want to return to the 215 program isn't as is a
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you know, there are legislative proposals introduced to abolish the program to modify the program and there are concerns raised about one issue response to the proposals the program should be shut down? >> i will speak to the operational side first. and also the fbi remade points publicly this is a valuable program that along with many other surveillance tools contributes to the mission and intended to help cover a theme to make the connections it did athlete
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of make the point on ashley point and aviation just are with some basics but italy involves telephone metadata no content or identifying subscriber information and that does not have location informations in the tool is used as discovery tool to see domestic ties and if tips are evidenced we hand them over to the fbi for further investigation. with the public debate there has been a lot of discussion inevitably what has happened in that is not the right question to ask from the intelligence committees perspective it is brought
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together by lots of different tools a hunt i would also suggest that any particular plot is rare to find a situation where some particular even to was only stopped as a result of one particular intelligence tool in that probably miss leads the debate with the value of the program but i ask my colleagues to wait and. >> we find this to be very helpful we have been charged only was retroactively solving crimes that we continue but on national security side to be tip -- prevent attacks which is fundamentally different and harder to do and we need information. this is not the only tool or a tool that we can say is must have the budget it is extremely helpful when we try to connect the dots and
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where we have to connect the better off we are to accomplish our mission to prevent terrorist attacks. the program that we have here. [laughter] good morning. >> dissertation in virginia is not easy but i will build the panel started early. [laughter] it does not provided with content of communications chordate as such as witches it is made to the number that it is dialed primarily it is of interest to us because we may have telephone numbers but we may not recognize that significance to analyze the
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data to provide context we may not realize the significance to provide a a way to be agile to respond more quickly it is an of case felt we could have been an open-ended also permitted us to focus resources we have a preliminary investigation then when they come to us to know if we have a say house plan dash and a safe house to have a tough escalate the preliminary investigation into a full investigation mulally us to focus our
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resources better. over the years we had a number of folks said declarations to give is the vacation of the value of the program. tractor molar filed the affidavit that their upper 27 full investigations open-ended is very difficult to say that this are that fact is very important but over time leakey and say. >> if the program was a discontinued would it be practical to get irrigation from the providers rather them the nsa and overlooking all phone calls? >> if we did not have this
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program in dues other investigative ways to obtain from members from subjects we could not see the patterns that the nsa program provides us. through the use of the grand jury subpoena of teva information about a phone number we would get the first year connected with but we would not be able to go into second or third tier of hospice which is a program and that it provides. traditionally we could perhaps go to service provider to service provider to service providers than individually tried to connect the dots but without the ability of the composite
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way it is much slower we would be less agile or less focused than as a result of lot less effective to prevent the attacks the american people what tests to prevent. >> my time is expired. >> let me just follow up with that. he then if you go from provider to provider would the information me there without the record eric retention requirement? >> it would be up to the cerebus providers to
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determine i think they allow them to keep them 8t months months, in much of said every share would then be there. student could i add something? to brian christie in date the sec regulation relates to billy records it is not clear to resettle people move to a system of and it does not provide local caused -- calls the not billy at all if they should be referred to as aniseed sec. >> you just anserine next question. [laughter] related they be heard some talk about competition downward in terms of
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retention requirement where it is not required that providers for commercial competitive reasons decrease their own record retention period. have you see that happening or is it the radical -- theoretical? >> in order to run of program the data has to be provided that allows it to be integrated so in addition to the availability they have to be in a way to the analysis of 215 can you talk about privacy concerns if just there is a regular retention and environment other than told billing records?
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is that creating additional privacy concerns and is there any reason why those cannot be sought of civil of the patients or any other kind of legal process? maybe doj? >> these are records the companies keep for some period of time being could be through grand jury subpoena they don't enjoy a porous amendment protection under the supreme court holding this but cylinder you require the companies to keep them that this data for a long for a period of time. if you create a five-year period that is information that could be subpoenaed and but the data myth is not
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private in that sense but the concerns it would be held but of the privacy side hackers cannot get into its and make go for hell of a long ever authorized didn't against your spouse of this
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congested so of the data is kept lower than i think the privacy considerations warrants that. >> dash hacking point races to my mind both the national security concern in the privacy concerns but i have to ask in light of the recent revelations is the data more protected from have been fair and he hill hear them? >> that is a great question. where else to take into account so we don't have any reason to believe that edward snowden had access to the raw material and why is that the case psi makes the case the current program is thus the most highly of regulated from government
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today and that is the benefit of those who have privacy concerned or interest. what do i read is a highly regulated program? and passed to be kept separate it from other raw intelligence. the purpose is purely for counterterrorism purposes or as if that amy. >> the film is reviewed every 90 days in together we report the fifth every 30 days of the use of data. the program is audited every day days by the department of justice and we believe 22 officials received queries based on a reasonable in particular poll suspicion the number used associated
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with a foreign terrorist organization and only seven officials are authorized to disseminate information if any u.s. information is involved there were six defecated tactical controls to limit access so for example, a typo cannot go through in a query because there are tactical controls that day and are pursuing and there are rules for the inspector general and nsa and of course, we have oversight from the department of defense. >> amplitude follow up on the reason of all articulation is suspicion standard but if meet an idea what is it?
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>> it is a legal standard that does have origins of jurisprudence to be articulated but it is the same standards used for law-enforcement to crack down somebody on the street. >> bag if we in the samples that would be the basis for it. >> another note attachment one dash connection to every al qaeda operative. budgets a query can now be made on the hunter no particular reason but sufficiently able to be met so as a tool could be used as a discovery of an unknown operatives.
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>> but the termination?? rick every to addition is in the database is only about -- could fall to 160 days and if but every inane tva's said justice department comes as the nsc is there this for sure general. >> after renegade today's the collection disappears kid new year reauthorize to press. >> lesson do germination is made into she provided the
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first time within had to be fair fights any time a determination made to the four doj to have more involvement in the process of approving a particular selectors the theory is doj has more experience if they have then met. does the administration have a position? . .
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