tv Book TV CSPAN November 10, 2013 10:20am-11:16am EST
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[laughter] but our immigration policy instead of being used to help america, we're solving all the other countries' problems. yeah, send us all your terrorists and losers and welfare recipients. no, i'm thinking our immigration policy should be, we should be bringing in people who are better than us. not worse than us. [laughter] we want to get the average up. [applause] >> now, you can't talk about amnesty without talking about john mccain -- >> or chris christie. >> -- who is also an outspoken critic of waterboarding. >> yes. [laughter] >> which you talk about in the book. >> yes, i do. this is one of my favorite parts in the book is just a short section on waterboarding. just in case any of you have heard the girls on msnbc or the
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girls in the democratic party claiming that waterboarding was a war crime in world war ii when the japanese did it, wow, they must have been playing with their barbies as kids and not reading about the history of world war ii and what the japanese did to their prisoners. no, waterboarding would be a reward. [laughter] you've been good today, we're just going to waterboard you. let's get you out of those cold electrodes and get you into a nice waterboard. no, waterboarding as racked by the japanese -- as practiced by the japanese would be something as i describe in this book. they fill the prisoner's stomach up with water, so much water, so much water, smash down on it with a stick to make the prisoner vomit. they would pour saltwater down the prisoner's mouth until he vomited. fill prisoners -- these are three different versions of waterboarding -- fill the prisoner's stomach up with rice
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and then force him to drink water until his stomach exploded. the one case they kept citing of a guy, something assano, i think, who was convicted of a waterboarding crime for one thing, again, it was, like, waterboarding plus amputating a healthy arm. wait, was it really waterboarding here? but this was a civilian. you can't do anything to a civilian. the prisoners we have at guantanamo aren't even legitimate prisoners of war. they could be shot on sight. they're not wearing uniforms, they're not declaring themselves. but i go through all of this in the book, so you'll not be fooled. when democrats, i saw at a hearing just this year, i think it was the hearing for the new head of the fbi, and you have all these democrats just announcing on c-span that waterboarding was a war crime back in world war ii. no, it wasn't. no, it wasn't. read this week and find out -- read book and find out the truth so you can call them girls when
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they say it. [laughter] put down the bar byes, read about world war ii. >> went you're talking about -- when you're talking about the girls on msnbc, you're talking about chris matthews, right? >> yes, i am. [laughter] [applause] >> point of clarification. appreciate that. and it's funny, when they talk about how we're treating the prisoners at guantanamo bay, they fail to mention that the biggest problem they're having there right now is the epidemic of obesity. [laughter] >> no, it's true. it's called the gitmo 20. [laughter] they're all gaining weight. [laughter] and, i mean, another part of the book talking about the media, how is it that michael isikoff writing for "newsweek," same reporter, same magazine, has the biggest story, the biggest scoop in our lifetimes, the president of the united states is molesting the help, perjuring
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himself about it under oath to, sub borning the perjury of others. michael isikoff has the whole story. "newsweek" holds that one allowing matt drudge to break it and thus introducing the drudge report to the world -- [applause] that's right. one good thing out of it. and, you know, lo these many years later, same reporter, michael isikoff, "newsweek," has a story about how interrogators at gitmo are flushing qurans down the toilet. how do you even do that and, no, that's take that straight to press. 112 story died because of a false story by the same reporter who when he had a true story, "newsweek" killed it. could you start killing the untrue stories that make america look bad? and not the true stories that are embarrassing to democrats. [laughter] >> before we get off the topic of msnbc --
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[laughter] i have to know how much you miss having keith onerman on -- olbermann on every night. >> no, it is heartbreaking. there was something special about that screeching narcissist. [laughter] and i do, i do cover keith olberman in the book as well. i include the column in which -- because i don't know if any of you ever watched it, i seriously could not miss it because it was so, it's like watching a car crash every night. and i went to cornell, you know, in california you probably don't know much about cornell. it's a large school, seven different schools. one of them is the ivy league school, the school of arts and sciences. there's also a school of hotel management, there's an agriculture school. if you want to be a farmer, it's one of the best agriculture schools in the country. but those are not are ivy league schools.
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there is a school of home ec. they set that one up because it was really far away, and it used to be an all men's school so they needed to get the gals there. this is actually a school, it's now called human ecology at cornell. the only reason i mention all is normally i wouldn't take joy in attacking someone else's educationallal achievements, except every night keith olberman would do it to someone else. so, you know, someone working for the bush administration who went to, i forget, some christian law school, and it was always, oh, she sent in three boxtops to get that law degree. and, you know, if you're going to go around passing yourself off as bertrand russell, you better not be lying about having gone to an ivy league school, which he was. and which, you know, i liberated him by explaining to the world that he did not go to the ivy league cornell, he went to the old mcdonald cornell. [laughter]
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classes in milking. [laughter] fertilizer management. [laughter] but i think -- [applause] >> oh, don't make fun of him too much, you should see his roses. prize winning. [laughter] >> well, i have seen his cornell diploma. because it's technically called cornell. this is not the ivy league school. i did, too, go to yale, i went to the yale lock john smithing school. -- locksmithing school. he actually pulled it out on tv. he'd dust it every night. he puts it in the passenger seat of his car so when he picks up a girl, oh, gosh, how did that get there? [laughter] >> now, one of the things that you spent a lot of time writing about in the this book that you haven't written a lot about this
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this -- in previous books is crime. you spend a lot of time talking about crime in your columns. why is it that you wrote a lot about crime in this book? >> i realize that other than politics, the one thing i write about more than anything else is crime. and, i mean, i think it's because that is the purpose of government, keep us safe, whether it's safe from external enemies or in new york city as they're about to realize -- [laughter] oh, boy, it's going to be bad. i start off the book with that, but that's part of life as a horror when the democrats win. it can change overnight. and liberals, i mean, they have -- also i am a lawyer, so i'm interested in their lies about the death penalty, about crime statistics, and i begin that chapter going through the different ways liberals lie about crime statistics. and it's always one of these things, it's like one of those
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spot the difference cartoons, you know? you have to examine exactly what they've said and what's the trick here. for example, a big one that you may be familiar with, you know, don't buy a gun because a gun in the home is more likely to be used to kill the owner than to kill an intruder. ask, you know, i knew that -- and, you know, i knew that wasn't true. [laughter] so a little examination of this, it turns out owners killed by their own guns, something like 98 percent of the time are killed by their own guns because they're committing suicide. [laughter] i mean, that's a bad thing, but that's not the image you have in our head. no, you have like a hot shot homeowner who thinks he's a killer with a gun, and the intruder comes in and grabs the gun. that never, ever, ever happens. it never happens. it happens in hollywood movies, it does not happen in real life.
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and then the other thing you notice about that statement is why do you have to kill the intruder? couldn't you just wing him? [laughter] couldn't you hold him and, you know, until billion the police come? -- until the police come? he might see the errors of his ways, grow up and go to msnbc. [laughter] he could go to harvard law school. and another one always look for this in all kinds of crime statistics where they'll combine things that are very unalike to create a completely false impression be many your head. so, for example, every six seconds -- and usually the numbers, they'll change every time you hear it, it's every three seconds, every four seconds, every six minutes -- a woman is murdered by her husband, intimate partner -- [laughter] boyfriend. could we separate out husbands? because i'm thinking a lot of husbands aren't killing their
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wives, and, of course, they aren't. that's some tiny little percentage. and it's like, you know, every six seconds someone is killed by, in a car accident or by a cute little puppy. [laughter] well, how many are the cute little puppies, and how many are the car accidents? [laughter] every six seconds a woman is raped, spoken harshly to, asked to speak more quietly -- [laughter] you'll always notice the string of things where they're trying to create one impression if your head. oh, another one along those lines, a different way they lie -- which has always driven me crazy -- is just as i hate false charges of racism, true charges of racism are very serious things, and racism being generally practiced by
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democrats, i particularly hate it and how they flip the stories. but this claim now that you are more likely to get the death penalty if you kill, if you murder a white person than if you murder a black person. this is just another way of saying you're more likely to get the death penalty the you're white -- if you're white. because the vast majority of people who kill blacks are blacks. the vast majority of people who kill whites are whites. and by the way, where murders take place, they tend to be in neighborhoods where if it's a white killing a white, lots of white people. if it's a black killing a black, lots of black people. blacks are far less likely to impose the death penalty on another black person. that isn't the image being created when today say you're more likely to get the death penalty be you kill -- if you kill a white person. it's supposed to be these racist juries, oh, who cares if they killed blacks. no, that's not it at all. >> you say crime and politics are interconnected. to me, crime is a perfect
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example as to why government actually matters, where you look at a city like el paso, texas, that's one of the safest cities in the country, and then you go across the border to juarez, mexico, and it's one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. but new york city, where you lived for many years, is also a perfect example of that -- >> what's that racquet? is -- racket? is there a criminal trying to break in here? >> i know, i hear a door shutting right and left. >> it's willie horton. [laughter] the young kids don't know who he is. look him up. [laughter] that'll set your hair on fire. >> but the new york years under david dinkins were a night and day difference between what happened in those four years and what happened when rudy swriewl yangny was there. and you wrote about that in your book with the wilding of new york city. can you explain that dynamic? >> yes. well, first of all, just on the general point, i mean, what
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giuliani did in this city, and i think this is something that should give us all hope because things do look kind of dark for america right now in so many ways. what's happening with the military, what's happening abroad, obamacare. but remember, i mean, i was a kid then, but i remember the look on my father's face when jimmy carter was president, and i certainly specifically remember what new york city was like when i was a little girl growing up outside of new york from john lindsay to right up through david dinkins where it just got worse and worse and worse. the city was bankrupt, and it was the ungovernable city, and we were assured no one could do anything about it. giuliani comes in and overnight, overnight it became one of the safest big cities. giuliani is responsible for about 30% of the decline in crime under bill clinton which he went around claiming credit for while trying to stymy giuliani every step of the way.
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well, new yorkers are about to find out what it's like with, under david dinkins again. and i don't know, we'll see, but i don't think new yorkers are going to believe it. they know what it has been like for the last 20 years, how safe it's been. i mean, you couldn't, you couldn't walk around your neighborhood in new york without some panhandler harassing you. now, i mean, it makes commerce possible, it makes life possible. the parks are free. you can walk everywhere. and by the way, you so need one in downtown l.a., a mayor giuliani. [applause] "the new york times," i mean, they just, they will not give giuliani credit for this miraculous transformation, and i quote them. you'll see this every night on msnbc saying, oh, no, the crime rate was starting to go down under dinkins, and you'll see, i have the exact statistics, from
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kin difference' third year in office it was like, let's say 2,500 murders per year to his last year in office 2,435 murders per year. [laughter] it really, i mean, to say that, oh, no, it started under dinkins, instantly under giuliani it starts falling 0% a year. -- 30% a year. by the time he left, i'm guessing these numbers -- the accurate ones are in the book -- something like 734 murders a year in new york. it was astronomical. it is like saying, um, no really, the rate of jew killing under hitler started to go down his last year in office. [laughter] i mean, do not give with all the credit to the british and the americans and insult the good name of the fuhrer. no, it was going down before he left office. and i think it's not going to
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work with -- rather de blasio if he pursues the policies he seems quite dead set on pursuing, ending stop and frisk, the crime rate will go up. we will head back. it can change overnight. there are predators out there waiting to operate and be consistent liberal -- and the consistent liberal approach to crime is, oh, if only we're nice of them. it has nothing to do with their self-esteem. they're waiting for you to show weakness so they can pounce. [applause] >> well, that's really also the case with the mentally ill, isn't it? i mean, you go to the big cities, you go to new york or san francisco, which has to be one of the worst in the country, where there are people who are aggressively panhandling on the streets, and they're cuckoo for cocoa puffs. they belong in a room with meat traditions on -- mattresses on the walls. and that's also the same dynamic we see whenever there's a mass killing. when you have something like what happened in aurora,
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colorado, or what happened at lax last friday or any of these mass shootings. people are out of their mind, and the left thinks it's compassionate to allow hem to operate in society. >> yes, absolutely right. and i go through these mass, the recent mass shootings and all of the signs they were sending out. what you might call a red flag. everyone who encountered jared loughner, he was the tucson, arizona, mall shooter, he goes in to get a tattoo before the shooting, obviously. as he's walking out, the owner of the tattoo shop says to everyone there, that's another columbine waiting to happen. in one of jared loughner's classes, and this woman documented it, it wasn't her saying, i always thought something was off with that guy the. first day in class she's sending e-mails to her friends saying there's a seriously disturbed individual in class, i'm worried he's going to bring a gun. i think i have to drop this class, i'm seriously afraid. the teacher of the class, the
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professor kept reporting jared loughner. he said every time i write at blackboard, i turn around, and i was worried he'd have a gun on me. it's not like, oh, who's to say, anyone could snap. no, everyone knew perfectly well, but the left -- as you point out, and this was another battle of mayor giuliani's trying to get a homeless crazy woman off the street. her family was begging to have her sent to bellevue. i mean, this is not compassion for the people who have generally paranoid schizophrenia. if they take their medication, they can have perfectly normal lives, but they don't know they're sick, so they won't take their medication. you need the threat of institutionalization. i keep citing this fellow, fuller tori, who's written "the insanity offense," and he's been screaming from the rooftops basically since the deinstitutionalization movement began saying you are going to have mass murders, you are going
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to have a huge population of homeless people. instead of outing the mentally ill in mental institutions, they're going to be filling up the prisons, and that is exactly what has happened. it's also, just, you know, footnote to any republican office holders, it's a fantastic issue for republicans, fantastic issue because with everyone knows -- because everyone knows this is a problem of mental illness. it's not a problem of the device used. sometimes it's not a gun. of sometimes it's a baseball bat. sometimes the mass attack on a public school in this country that caused more casualties than any other was in michigan, and it wasn't a gun, it was a bomb. that was a mentally ill person. the problem is mental illness, it isn't the device being used. and the beauty part of republicans pushing this -- [applause] the most fun thing about pushing institutionalizing or the threat
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of institutionalization -- not all of them need to stay institutionalized, they need outpatient care works, but it doesn't work without the threat of institutionalization -- is that democrats cannot help themselves. they must defend the mentally ill, and they will be denouncing the soccer moms weeping and demanding that we lock up the mentally ill. it is a beautiful issue for republicans because liberals can't help themselves. the aclu will be out there as they were in new york with this poor, crazy woman defecating on herself, smoking crack and running into traffic. the head of the new york aclu, i believe this is in the book, testified on her behalf, on billie boggs. he said, why, she's as sane as any member of the new york aclu. well, yes, i think so. [laughter] [applause]
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>> look, it's just crazy how they define compassion. i remember when ed koch was mayor of new york, and there was a cold snap that was coming through the city. and he wanted to round up all the homeless people and put them in shelters was they would freeze to death. and the aclu took him to court and said, no, you can't do that, they have a right to be there, and a bunch of them froze to death. >> yes. it's incredibly cruel and republicans could so take the high ground and take a position. vast majority of americans agree with where the democrats cannot help themselves but to take a very unpopular position. >> now, i don't know how to work the city slow, so i haven't been working a lot of nancy grace lately. can you fill us in? [laughter] on the whole amanda knox situation? because you spent a lot of time talking about that in the book. >> yes, i do, i do write about amanda knox. i cover a lot of criminal stuff in this book. amanda knox case was this
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american girl from, i think, seattle. goes a year abroad in italy and is accused of killing, of murdering her roommate in a really horrible, you know, sex game with her boyfriend and another man in the room. and if you looked at the actual trial testimony which was quite extensive and when they write in italy when the judges who are the jury come up with their verdict, they write a full explanation. it was like 300 pages long. the evidence was pretty overwhelming. i mean, amanda knox's, her dna was found on the shaft of the murder weapon. the roommate she was accused of killing, meredith, her dna was found on the blade, and the murder weapon -- there were a few knives that were used, one of the murder weapons itself was found in amanda knox's boyfriend's apartment. so, you know, start with that and add in lots of other -- the
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fact that she kept lying about where she was that night and didn't have an alibi, and it was the strangest thing to watch. as i describe in this book, i think this is on my media chapter, not even in my crime chapter, how the american media was 100% in the tank for amanda knox. and it really was, i mean, that is the case african-americans should cite as you don't care about crime unless it's a pretty white girl. because i think the entire reason the american media was completely in the tank for amanda knox was that she was pretty. overwhelming, overwhelming evidence. and kind of a gruesome case. >> it's amazing how that happens sometimes and which ones pick up and which ones don't. the other one that's been getting a lot of play recently is the michael skekel killing. he was convicted and sentenced by a your and a judge, and now
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robert f. kennedy is all over television saying it wasn't him, it was a black guy. [laughter] a relative of kobe bryant. [laughter] >> yes. yes. yeah, that's a weird that hasn't gotten more attention. [laughter] well,you want to -- if you want to commit a murder, i recommend you do it in greenwich, connecticut, boulder, colorado, or aspen, colorado. a few other small towns. i used to say, you know, you can't really blame the police, they haven't had a hurd in this town if -- a murder in this town in 20 years, and then i think, no, i watch t. i know you're not supposed to trample all over the crime scene and have relatives coming in and out and alibis being formed. no, and if you, you're getting murdered, definitely do it in a place like new york city, because they will catch your murderer. ..
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website, now defunct, was on election day john phillips got himself an absentee ballot. he had a breathalyzer, and on abc he get drinking until he was legally drunk and voted for mccain. [laughter] >> i did. >> don't apply too much because it is her greatest nations the most people are legally drunk at 9:00. >> but the last three years were pretty brutal. first you have the whole fight over obamacare, and that was freaky party, the opposition to obamacare. you had this huge protests. the lying false claims about the people protesting to vote on obamacare using the n. word. remember that? enter breitbart offered $100,000 to anyone in a mall full of adot cameras and cell phone cameras and anyone who could produce video of that happening, and
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couldn't find anyone. and yet no apology. they will bring that when it became. so first it was that vendors the point which steam is built on went to prop up public school teachers but not build infrastructure. then you have the creation of a tea party. the 2010th elections. maybe a few too many tea party candidates. i'm thinking the christine o'donnell raise doesn't look so good that when you start adding up the senate seats that we shouldn't have been listening to just take the lose republican now. three and half years after no single republican voted for obamacare, just take the republican you up and move on. it was like war which is one thing after another. and then the primaries. the primaries went on and on and on. and then whatever time it was, 10 p.m. when florida was called immediately for romney on
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november 6, 2012. it was just like we've been at war and suddenly the shelling stopped. it was totally quiet. that's when i stopped -- i promised hannity outcome on the next night. so i crawled in depressed and miserable. and then that was it. i started catching up on like revenge and breaking bad, and lots of turner classic movies. i was so happy i did have a radio show them. oh, you poor thing but if i to talk about politics i was usually writing columns about my home appliances. >> did you ever give honey boo boo a try? >> i did not but then the tried to grab our guns and that got me back in. and then they tried to get the democrats 30 million more voters with amnesty, and that got me back in. but part of the idea of this book was to make it a fun book
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on lots of different subjects, some of which we discussed here tonight. my parents, and i guess the obituary columns i wrote for them that have always gotten a lot of comments on. a long interview on my christian the. i thought this is a fun book, not can be done. you don't have to read it from beginning to end. you can jump around here in which trick you into be interested in politics again, because we have a very important series of elections coming up next year. and like i say, that could be more important than the presidential election. we're always so focused on the presidential election. look at the state legislatures and the governorships. we are doing pretty well in the states. if we could translate that to the house of representatives and the senate, we don't need the white house. i would love to take the white house but, you know, it might be fun not to worry about the end
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of america every november, every four years. >> last question before he we go to the audience. at cpac i believe it was an 2011 you famously and correctly predicted that the republicans would nominate mitt romney and would lose the election. who's going to win the nomination next time? and are they going to win? >> that was two years out. by the way, i did support ron in 2008. i'm often accused on msnbc hypocrisy or just being fickle because of that. that was at least 2010. it was two years before the election and my point was, the main point of that cpac speech was, there is the obama magic. it was mostly it's almost impossible to take out and come and i just thought, you can't take out an incumbent. they couldn't take out george
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bush, and they put everything they had into 2004. george soros money, michael moore. they were so -- you think we were depressed? we have lives. [laughter] so it wasn't, i never hated romney. i just thought that the point chris christie, he, he was so mean. and i loved him so much back and. all, chris christie, where have you gone? >> you were a chubby chaser back in. >> i was a chubby chaser. it was crazy. it was like running off with a biker. i came back to the responsible choice. at first after seeing his speech at our convention last year, did any of the sequence i flew to tampa specifically to see chris christie's speech. mr. streetfighter, he can say the things wrong they can say.
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it was the most boring state of the state new jersey speech i'vi have ever seen. and still i was willing to forgive him because he's about to win reelection tomorrow and admittedly a large blue state. and again he's mean to liberals so i like that. he had his temporary senate appointed vote for marco rubio's amnesty bill. that is in one little vote you get forgiven for. i'll forgive republican or just about everything. i'm not going to forgive you for wanting to get the democrats 30 million more voters. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, let's thank john and ann for a great conversation. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] nice work, john. thank you.
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>> they have agreed to answer a few questions. so if anybody would -- if you will raise your hand will bring the microphone to you. and you have to raise it so i can see. you have one. if you would come over here to the aisle. while you're getting ready we're going to go to the screens because we have questions from all over, from all over the country. they e-mailed these questions in. some of them during their conversation here, and were going to start with one. they can't see the screen but you can. i read it to them. the first question is, >> that's a great question. it's so great that we now have the internet, something that, something like 10% of americans were on in 1995. fox news, talk radio is so much
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bigger. but the mainstream media, or as i call it the non-fox media, is still extremely, extremely powerful. i'll give you an example of that. i have friends. i accused them of being very suggestible. they are very angry with mitt romney for using the phrase self deportation. as if it's like go f. yourself. i think immediate could turn motherhood and apple pie into some sort of epitaph. i think it's kind of direct and to the point. self deportation as an answer to this idiotic argument about what are you going to do? round of all a. nobody read them all up and put them on buses to get to me. we won't round them up and put them on buses to get them home. they will go home the same way they came. i -- i -- is that a terrifying thought? i do think it's not not answer
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the question. i think it is the same with the war on women. manifestly its democrats with the war on women. look at how obama has treated women in his administration. that keeps coming out. democrats seem to think as long as they allow women to kill their unborn children and their job is done. bob zellner, he has a lot of respect for women. bill clinton, anthony weiner, eliot spitzer. they have so much respect for women. the particular example i used in the book is there a tax on gun ownership. and look, you often hear people say okay, as long as other people have guns, i need again. wouldn't you prefer a world without weapons? know. i would prefer a world in which women were stronger than men. how's that?
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but until that happens i want a world with guns. now, i know liberals will cite the 6'7" swedish model versus the brazilian four-foot tall jockey. but by and large men are bigger and stronger than women. without again i'm what's known as pray. whenever they talk about, for example, and this is where talk about in the book, when they talk about how we need to take the guns were from people who have restraining orders against them. it never occurred to anyone at "the new york times" that the domestic abuse e-mail could well be smart enough to get a restraining order against his wife and his arm his prey. a guy who wants to kill his wife doesn't need a gun.
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so their attack on gun ownership is just one of the ways that i think liberals have very little respect for a woman being allowed to defend her own life. >> thank you, ann. [applause] >> next question is from a labor relations executive from newport beach. >> good evening. the elephant in the room is obamacare. >> yes. >> where is it going? what are we doing to prevent its trajectory of single-payer, which has always been the objective? what's going on and how can we defeat it, defunded, and make it go away? >> other than amnesty this is the most important issue. and i mean, as with amnesty the american people are on one side. the smart harvard educated people who know so much better than we do, what kind of insurance we should have, they
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are on the other side. democrats could not pass this if they didn't have a majority in house and senate. they passed on a purely partyline vote. even than having a few procedural maneuvers. the house and senate never voted on the same bill. the supreme court saved it. my column attacking john roberts when he was nominated by the way is in this book. not that i want to brag. i'm going into too much detail. you want strategy. we have to never give up about let me just say, i was giving the supreme court ruling by john roberts is unconstitutional, a violation of the separation of powers. unit different branches of government. they're elected in different ways. is supposed a different strengths and weaknesses. both the strength and weakness of the supreme court is they don't have to stand for election. so for the body that has to stand for election, but even on a pure partyline vote could
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never have passed obamacare if they have said this is a tax. without to go to the supreme court and of john roberts said okay, i know you couldn't pass this as a tax but we will fix it for you because we don't have to be elected. we would just call it a tax. if it's a tax cut has to have originated in the house and not the center. there's so many things that are -- having the two houses never vote on the single. but the biggest one is, according to the administration as a 2010, 94 million americans are not going to be able to keep their health insurance. usually -- one thing want to point out about democrat schemes for our life. anyone their plans don't help is really screwed. whereas under republican plans, the free markets, we get to buy what we want, everything continues to get better over time. unfortunately, everything is
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better for everyone including liberals because the one thing i would like to do is force the people who voted for obama to live under obamacare. but i don't want -- [applause] so i think -- and quickly to asia strategy, this is why i love ted cruz, and gosh, i think you smelling like a rose right now. i think he did exactly what. there's no reason to carry it on any longer but those three weeks with ted cruz acted like a general organizing, being a whip in the house, branded the republican party as the anti-obamacare party and has assured come as a shirt is something never seem to do, and that is we are revisiting this issue. you californians were mayor jimmy carter created the department of education. ronald reagan ran on limiting the department of education. and what do we have still with
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us today? even the blessed ronald reagan couldn't get rid of any stupid jackass advanced by the democrats and republicans said okay, you on that one. we are not saying you won that one this time. this time we are going back. >> thank you. >> i don't think we need to shut the government down again. i don't think we need to keep it going but that was a great think ted cruz did and you keep the pressure on republicans. we are not giving up spent a question from facebook. from santa fe, new mexico, from jim stacy. the question is, how can republicans regain their legacy on civil rights? and thank you, ann, for all that you said about richard nixon's vision and initiatives on desegregation and civil rights in your book. it's about time that story was told spent it's about time republicans learned it. richard nixon was without question the best president on civil rights.
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he was the one pushing eisenhower to push the civil rights act of 1956. opposed by, that's right, lbj. you wouldn't have needed a 64 act is lbj and his democrats had not fought nixon and eisenhower on the original civil rights -- not the original. republicans have been passing them since the civil war, always blocked by democrats, always passed by republicans. the only civil rights act most young people today have even heard of is the 1964 civil rights act. because it was the person ever pushed by democratic president ever. as i quote in my second to last book, "mugged," and this nonsense about lbj saying oh, pushing the 19 safety four civil rights act, democrats has lost forever. that was a quote invented by bill moyers. even if he said it i don't know
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why a self-serving statement by politician somehow takes on this, well, he said it, it must be true. and a name or -- i am more inclined to believe because this is what actually happened, the quote from the stewart on air ar force one overhearing lbj explained a couple of democratic senators after passing the 1964 civil rights act and saying come after that act, we will have them n-word voting democrat for the next 200 just. that is history but as you read to my second to the last book, "mugged," i think we might have a cube -- a few copies of center, the few need to know the truth as the facebook person as. we need to know the truth about our history on our republican is you on civil rights because it is something to be proud of and something that should have the democrats hiding their heads in shame. it was not -- the republicans did not pick up the goldwater
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states, as i was saying before. no. those are the state's nixon or reagan did worsen. that is explained in my book. how do we recover our history? learn your history, republicans. >> retired business executive from rancho palace verdes. >> my question is, i see california as just having total -- heading towards total disaster. what do you think it would take to turn it around? >> beside you running for the u.s. senate. >> i couldn't went out to. you guys can't even elect carly -- these wealthy, attractive women. it's incredibly depressing. california's most beautiful state and union and democrats have wrecked it. just like they wrecked michigan before us.
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well, i think for the whole country, stop amnesty. change our legal immigration policies. we would like fewer of the tsarnaev brothers, the boston bombers but and i'm thinking more of those lovely -- did you read about -- with a famine of german christian homeschoolers. and eric holder deports them. weight. is there a push cart operator from pakistan illiterate in his own language, nevermind ours, who still wants to come in? sorry, you danish surgeon, we have no room for you. again, i'm thinking fixed both illegal and legal immigration, and then, and things are looking rosy for all americans. not just the ones who needs maids and nannies. he was a working-class wages go up. there to see more african-americans employed. you see more hispanic americans
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employed. and at better wages. one advantage we have over liberals, which is why they need to import government dependence, via immigration, is my own case excepted, christians are having lots of children. we are totally winning the demographic war. that's why they have to import the tsarnaev brothers. >> thank you. we will take one more from facebook here, which i will read from the screen. it's from john miller in scranton, pennsylvania. with the republican party their better with a tea party standard air like senator ted cruz and rand paul, or someone with more moderate appeal by governor christie if we're going to beat hillary in 2016? >> i'm trying to get
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conservatives out of this one fight between liberal republican, conservative republican. i supported christie until he came out for amnesty. i do not think romney was a rino. he was better on amnesty. e-verify. i mean, taxes, obamacare. he was a conservative candidate, so using the facebook example idea, dead to me. cruz, like i said i love. i'm not coming out for anyone now by gosh, he asserted put himself in good stead with republican party and he is the smartest united states century. i'll put him -- a debate against anybody. rand paul is too short. [laughter] he is. >> from riverside, california,.
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>> my name is brent. what you think about the so-called republicans which is the majority of the lifers want to figure out how to stop the tea party, stop the real conservatives when the tea party is doing what they promised their constituents that they would do? all the rest of them are just there for themselves. how do we get around that? >> i guess when the elections, run, when you run, tea partiers, make sure it is someone who can win. i wrote a column recently, and one to encourage the others, in general i don't want us primary in our own. the one exception i would make to that is in south carolina, a very, very red state. it's hard to imagine how they could be an upset and a democrat could win lindsey graham see. a particularly egregious republican, yes, check, lindsey graham. now the question is, can the republicans find a strong enough candidate to beat a long-term senator? i've taken has to be a member of the united states congress to
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one of those isn't running against lindsey graham ya. or if one steps forward, every place i go i get a lot of speeches around the country, that candidate would get a lot of money and would win. whoever sits back now could end up losing that says he forever because senators do tend to hold their seats forever. i said it before and i like christine o'donnell, but delaware is a very liberal state. republicans really shouldn't and the special looking back on it now, it's easy to say that. indiana isn't that a liberal state. i can't blame anyone for richard murdoch, another when you started talking about race and abortion. we need to have a series of unfortunate hunting accident in some of these cases. oh, my gosh. what are you doing? you are too stupid the features of and you're running for senate? the same thing with aiken. they may have the republican
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candidate consults to do with your just trying to line their own pockets and not run the strongest candidate. speaking to people who are tea partiers, the main thing i would say is run -- good candidates, don't make mistakes and avoid primary our own and to have a nice big fat veto proof majority. i mean, seriously i wouldn't primary john mccain these days. he voted against obamacare. there is no republican ideas like more than john mccain, none. you may recall, i was for hillary in 2008. [laughter] >> we are going -- with a lot of books designed to we going to end this with a question from a 20 year-old journalism college student from cal state. he is holding a book, "never
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trust a liberal over 3" and he wants to ask you a question. >> i go to cal state long beach and was just wondering center in the neighborhood, with one if you come to my college and gives my liberal professors a talking to? [applause] >> well -- well, i book all my college beaches for young america foundation. you can find the link to my webpage but it's kind of late at night. let's just go toilet paper their houses. [laughter] thanks. you've been a great audience. i'll see you at the book signing. [applause] >> great job. >> thank you. i love this. ♪ ♪
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>> booktv attended a book party for all for and cold held at the offices of the daily caller in washington, d.c. [inaudible] >> oh, sure. hey, good to see you. what did you do recently? it was something i really loved. yesterday? >> i had a bill ayers peace. spent what did you do before that? >> five liberals against obamacare? >> i had a funny bill ayers yesterday if you look for. he refuses to answer my question. spent i write about that in slander. it's the liberal scorched earth policy. they retreated burning the
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english language. >> you define it spent i write about this in slander. this is an old trick. so you can never talk. >> i've seen your stuff. nice to meet you. what did you do this week? >> ted cruz. >> actually. that's what i love you. you know i'm reading you. i'll mingle down here. this is a big place. this is fantastic. hello. >> nice to meet you. >> thank you for coming. hello. >> nice to meet you. i'm going to mingle and sr
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signing books. >> good to see you. how are you? >> hi, there. >> congratulations. what number book is this? >> ten. >> that's amazing. >> nice to meet you. >> it was so great. they were nice to me which doesn't help me get the publicity. nice to meet you, matt. that's a great name. weight, with caroline? i met you. we have. it was a long time ago when i did know you are a great writer. you are so wonderful and then so have become my two favorite people are getting married
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