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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 8, 2013 10:25am-10:36am EST

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a way, is a stand-in for some of the difficulty in the country in moving on. there was a, you know, understandable call by the liberation movement to make the country ungovernable, to create a generation of people who were so rebellious that this old system could no longer survive. and i think what we're seeing partly in the maturation of things in this south africa is a new generation coming along for which rebellion is not enough. knowing when to rebel and when to build skills in order to construct a new country becomes more, a bigger part of the agenda. >> thank you, doug, and thank you, alex. you know, you were talking a little bit about the, what with
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the young people in south africa might have to say to the children that are growing up in the arab spring. and i'm wondering if you have any comments for those palestinians that are growing up this a system which many have identified as very similar to south african apartheid. looking forward, what strengths can they find, can they draw from what's going on as young people now maturing post-apartheid, you know, are able to find if growing up -- in growing up. what words would you have to say to those young palestinians that are growing up now? >> yeah. i mean, there's a deep identification in south africa with the palestinian struggle partly because during the years when the anc was deemed a terrorist organization in the u.s., the plo was one of the biggest supporters of the anc.
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so i think both because of that history and also because of the way conflict is reported in south africa, there's a kind of deep identification. and i think to the extent that the interview subjects i had talked about it it's a kind of identification around the possibilities of irreconcilable -- seemingly irreconcilable differences potentially being with bridged. because you'll be, you'll be in townships, or you'll be in parts of johannesburg where people will suddenly be in school with an afrikan-speaking white person whose participants probably -- whose parents probably supported apartheid. and people will be in school or social networks together. so i think that to the extent
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they're thinking about the middle east as opposed to what's happening down the street, this message would be seemingly irreconcilable differences are sometimes reconciled, or at least people come to a point of being able to peacefully tolerate one another. enter thank you. >> we have time for one last question. is there anybody who -- well, doug, thank you very much. [applause] >> you're watching booktv, nonfiction authors and books every weekend on c-span2. >> as you walk in, there are tables out in front with lots of pamphlets, right? not, you know, prior to entering the gun show. and the am nets are all how the government's trying to take away your right to own guns and
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obama's doing this and that and obamacare's terrible. those were the guys i wanted to talk to. i said is this your stuff, and they said, yeah, who are you? i said, actually, i'm an academic, i'm a researcher, and i'm doing research on, you know, these organizations, these ideas and trying to to understand the guise of it and actually studying men who believe this stuff. and they, you know, a bunch of them looked at me suspiciously and sort of asked me questions, and i just said, look, here's what i am, you know? i don't get it. so -- but here's my job, i want to understand how you guys see the world. i want to understand your world view. look, you will not convince me, and i will not convince you. that's off the table. what is on the table is i want to understand why you think the way you do. >> downward mobility, racial and gender equality. michael kimmel on the fears,ening psities and rage of angry white men tonight at 9 on
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"after words," part of book thf this weekend on c-span2. >> and online for december's booktv book club, we want to know what your favorite weeks were -- books were in 2013. go to and click on book club to enter the chat room. >> there was a transfer point to the gold and silver mines by rail -- eventually by rail and by steam boat and then by rail again into the mining district. the town's population was about 500 in 1900. by 1910 it was almost 8,000. >> welcome to core delain, idaho, known as the lake city, it's situated in the northern pan and l of idaho and is home to about 44,000 people. >> the biggest legacy of all is all the careers she started. all the people all over the state who got their start from louise shadegg, and the way she
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did it, by being nice to people. people knew, if they were in politics, they wanted to be friends with louise. .. a we think it was first used in the first place by some of the french-speaking who were with the british company that moved down into this area. as a tribe that lived around
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lake coeur d'alene would travel up to the trading post new the canadian border, for some reason we think because they were extremely -- today we see this person is sharp as a tack. the sharpest little tool was this awl, so they started calling the indians when it went up to trade it would take days to trade and so they got -- somehow refer to them as coeur d'alene which means people with hearts as sharp as the point of a awl. for some reason the name got attached to them. they began to call themselves the coeur d'alene. pretty soon it's on one of the early maps. the lake which deliver around this whole basin which they live
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around became known as lake coeur d'alene. them in the first military fort was built in 1878, it was named fort coeur d'alene. the little town which grew up around the fort was coeur d'alene city. and the mountains surrounding this was the coeur d'alene mountains and the rivers that run through is the coeur d'alene river. so quite often by the time we get into the early 1870s, 1880s, the region, people say i'm going to the coeur d'alene's and payment the region. step back one step in history. the battle of little bighorn. in montana. that was lost by general george armstrong custer under his command. when that happened, this is an embarrassment to the united states government, to the president, for the military. and so general sherman was sent out to look over the possibility
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of a new fort. he came right in the spot where we, basically where the building is them looked at the lake, river going out and thought it was a perfect spot for a military base. and so when a ford is commission, some people know that is a good place to make money. you can set up a saloon, a brothel, a number of things that you 300-300 soldiers. so the town started this very short distance from here. the year that fortune was created was in 1878. it's interesting because as the idea of a fort began to take shape, there was serious indian conflict in the region so this was the primary reason for it. as the town began to take shape next to the fort, really didn't even have a name to start with. it was a collection of tents and
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cabins as i said before. pretty soon it began -- the fort was called for coeur d'alene. the town took on the name coeur d'alene city as it began to expand, and then once the began to be more people move in the area, as result of while the fort was under construction, gold was discovered up in the mountains. the coeur d'alene mountains. and silver. and thousands of people came here. so if setting up of hotels and various boarding houses and pretty soon there's a hardware store and a general store and you have a 10. coeur d'alene was a transfer point to the gold and silver mines eventually by rail and by steamboat and then by rep again into the mining industry. and so we have all these people coming in to get in the mining district, they need this. and so that's the origin of the economy. what


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