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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  January 20, 2014 5:41pm-6:21pm EST

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and he stood with him. he never did outwardly say we shouldn't go to war. would that have made a difference? possibly but he didn't feel that was something he wanted to do or that he should do at the time. >> host: peter baker the relationship today of the bushes and the powells and the cheney's >> guest: well you know i don't think they speak a lot. they are altogether in april when the presidential library open. president bush said nice things about vice president cheney from the dais. cheney was in the audience with a cat and the kids. condi rice was on stage and had a speaking role. if you go to the library you will see when bush wants to present his presidency that has videos narrated by condi rice and a portrait of the first lady and pictures of the daughters and a statue of the dogs. there really isn't very much dick cheney in there. i don't think he likes the idea that dick cheney was running things or think that anyone to
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present his presidency and his own terms. he wanted to be the decider as he put it. >> host: we have been talking with peter baker chief white house correspondent for the "times" and the author of this new book "days of fire" bush and cheney in the white house. you are watching booktv on c-span2's. >> booktv attended a book party for "new york times" reporter peter baker. author of "days of fire." mr. baker mingled with guests and made formal remarks. the party was held at p.j. mob mob -- p.j. clarke's in washington d.c.. >> it's not really a reality show. >> i had to wait because the president was on the bench. >> susan got stuck.
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did he get through? >> yeah he did. >> oh that's good. see how are you? >> hi buddy. how are you? it's good to see you. >> you know the president tried to block it. i thought it was actually like oh is this a favorite? >> it's drying up and -- attention. maybe his stopping by. that would be enjoyable if he could come by. >> there was a whole group of us stuck on the other side of the street. >> two blocks away. they really wouldn't let me walk the street. >> it was all a plot. >> you see how partisan the town has gotten.
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[laughter] >> how are you? how's it going how's it going? when i go to the bookstore i find your book everywhere and mine nowhere. it's still a dan balz world. >> i think it's yours now. how are you? how's it going? >> good to see you. >> nice to see you. i saw you. i was in the library last week or the week before. i wanted to say hi that i would have lost my place in line. the early morning train, right? >> i have been taking a few of them lately. things are good.
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>> he if get invited to do a talk,. [inaudible] >> that sounds interesting. yeah, i would like to do that. i'm with you on that. it sounds great. >> i won't stop you. they are in the back harriet yes, sir how are you? nice to see you again. this is our neighbor. this is my wife susan glasser. we used to run in two him on the elevator of the time. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i appreciate it. thank you very much for coming. i really appreciate it. how are you? do you know boyden greg?
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phil rocker, the the editor at the post so don't tell them anything. he's a good guy. right back there. >> can you imagine the nerve? [laughter] no, i don't think so. that's a party of a different sort. even they got screwed because they got stopped across the street. he was on jefferson i think. how was utah? a great state. >> a little different than ted cruz in terms of a set up. exactly. that is the great story.
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how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. he is one of us. he writes a column for "the washington times." he is part of the guild whether he likes it or not. [laughter] >> everybody is in publishing now. >> that's true, that's true. [inaudible] >> so everything is good? >> everything is good. >> bezos. it's good, right? what i have heard is ambitious in hiring and ramping up. that's really good. [inaudible] not too good.
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[laughter] would you like it drank? can i get you a drink? sir, nice to see you. thank you so much for coming. i really appreciate that. >> i was just wondering is he writing a song for your book too? >> we talked about that. you can think of some really creative songs about bush and cheney but i think discretion is the better part of valor here. just the guitar strumming. >> congratulations on the book. >> congratulations to you. how are you feeling? >> great. it will be a few months. >> that's a full-time job. >> we got big news today. >> peter was actually doing a
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video interview with glenn. >> he really broke the news. i was on video. [laughter] >> that's a great endorsement for him. that was part of the reason to go there. >> he was fantastic. he really was great. i think it's good for him to have a chance to run something like jim was doing and he so energetic. he's got the right metabolism and he inspires his staff. you guys will really love him. he's just terrific. we are much poorer for his loss. so nice of you to come. thanks so much. the books are in the back. >> will you sign one? >> i will be happy to. hey, how are you? thank you for coming. i appreciate it.
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who is sent here i mean, you know? >> how are you? how are you, buddy? thank you. how are you doing? you got past the motorcade and all that? >> yeah. >> my wife got stuck for 25 minutes. >> i thought about that. [inaudible] >> you are awfully nice to say that. he is amazing. that's really amazing. i was told the vice president cheney is reading it.
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>> i was flying on a plane with him down to jackson hole and -- [inaudible] >> ivan heard anything back good or bad, so. [inaudible conversations] >> by the end of the night the inscriptions will be shorter and shorter. >> he how did you do all of this? >> i was off for a year and a half. and before it was a lot of mornings. >> congratulations. >> thank you. hi buddy, how are you? thanks for coming.
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absolutely, absolutely. fantastic. you are really nice to come. >> thank you for inviting me. >> are you kidding? this is a place that is special to us. >> i hope it's a bestsellebestselle r. is it? you probably know already. >> i don't know how it works but you know. how do you want me to make it out? we have had a few book signing sessions and the next week i would go on the road. the library itself has not invited me but the host of it has. we are about a stone's throw away. i'm with them forward to that actually. we will get some people down
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there. >> at the reagan library we have books and -- [inaudible] >> that is what i've been telling my publisher. strangely enough for all the great events at the library has done over the past few years, i have never been there. i have messed the events they have done there. i'm going to try to find a way to get there some way. if for no other reason i just want to go and visit. i love these libraries. they are all really interesting. >> they have air force one. >> i have been dying to see it. the pictures make it look very extraordinary. >> is on 208 -- 200 acres and you can see the ocean.
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>> how often are you you out there? >> i go out about every two months. i'm on the library board so we have meetings for a day or so. >> that's very nice. thank you. is she doing okay? >> 92 years old and still sharp as a tack. >> that's wonderful. i would love to get out there. thanks for coming. appreciate it. >> you must know this, the news. cid know about that. >> this affects your family a little bit, right? >> she is right behind you. i was doing a video for the book and let me say they were very happy over there. we are not so happy back here but. >> i understand the.
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>> i'm excited for him to have a chance to run something. [inaudible] >> just so you know i have this little thing here. just so you know. >> who can i defame on the record here? >> the truth is he was ready to run something. his energy and -- hey buddy good to see you. thanks for coming. it's going to be real exciting for him. it's bad for us. >> it is. here and elsewhere there are so many books and now that i'm employed by kant afford all of it. >> he just left. he is going off to write about terrorism and awlaki and all that. >> you are the most gracious on face book in phrasing.
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it's a good story. >> they had a great story yesterday on the guys, gordon and -- on syria. they're really good story, really interesting. inside the white house and how they manage syria. [inaudible] >> i think that's right. it's very revealing and very interesting. [inaudible] >> like so much journalism, right? >> i love the excerpts in the magazine and i love josh bolden. in my last job. >> what did you think?
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what was that like? >> dealing with him? he is a self deceiver. he is a great believer and a believer in that he will be vindicated by history. [inaudible] >> well, you know one of the keys is to write your own history. everybody has been writing their own folks. the thing i liked about david from's review, the phrase he used -- peter from in the "times" on sunday said either -- [inaudible]
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>> they are looking for interesting voices these days. he has also been critical -- he did yeah. >> what do you think of the jfk anniversary? he didn't have a thoroughly happy relationship. i thought that was odd. do you think that officiates it? she made a little swipe at him and that's a problem. [laughter] >> how are you doing?
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did you read the book? >> not yet. i sent it to you. it's at apco. >> they called me yesterday and said i had a package. >> i said nice things, like profusely. i wanted to point out since the cameras were on you had -- the book. >> how excited are you that it is done? >> glad to be done. good to be done. six years really. i'm not trying to compete here. >> i remember where you started. >> i remember for you started. i will be doing austin, dallas, houston, the whole circuit. [inaudible]
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>> crickets. we will have a special signing in crickets. .. [inaudible conversations] >> i hope you like my title. >> i do like your title. i do like that. it was good. want to get a copy of the print, though. we usually get, as i think about it, but i should make sure.
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that would be great. that would be great. [inaudible conversations] >> well, not from -- >> well, that many believe it accessible. you know, a member of the people a year. at least they have not thrown water or wine in my face. controversy. i don't think that's it. but mostly. i have been writing, yes. good. not too bad. you know. you know. [inaudible conversations] >> the media this week.
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starting late next week ago one toward. twenty cities. crazy. that kind of stuff. yes. no. what are you doing? what are you up to? >> trying to do a little more. >> are you doing a new book? >> and rendering a new book. and stepping up. i have been doing fairly regular things. >> i heard about that. it's been great. a good post the other day, as a matter of fact. >> right. right. right. >> figure out how upset get into life again. >> he should do another book. you are so good at it. really for me because of this one, you really kind of do that
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do of the of that narrative. i chose you. it was very helpful. >> cautionary. >> mentioning here for that. absolutely. >> you are very well timed. i needed somebody to talk to. it's really great. >> in the way, congratulations. >> thanks. yes. great. yes. thank you. [inaudible conversations] >> i will let you may know. congratulations. >> yes. your grade. >> a copy of the desk.
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>> she was dead. >> all right. [inaudible conversations] >> i don't care. you know. welcome averted money. >> where excited to read it. [inaudible conversations] >> bigger every day. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> you can't judge him anyway. he is so checked out. but the new york times.
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undone. i want to play the game. i and understand that. and the san the impulse. one of them he said, you stocking me? >> kind of. >> you will see. >> can i talk to you for a second? i don't want to scrap. all right. [inaudible conversations] >> how are you? >> good. you know mark. yes. you look good. good. yes. i like it. i love it. >> hello.
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>> give me one of these. >> that was the key. >> and it's something metal. [inaudible conversations] >> say what? [inaudible conversations] >> right here, right. okay, everyone, this is the moment the you have been waiting for. peter baker will present his book. he has a few words to say. gather around everyone. and here is susan. >> hello.
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hello. can you hear me? hello. >> quiet. >> hi. hi, everybody. i don't think you can hear me through the microphone. hello. thank you so much for coming. please come closer. the key to my friend, tom, commanding radio voice. i am susan glasser, and i want to welcome everyone here tonight. i am not going to belabor the point except to say, i think everyone here knows my husband and they know that he loves a good party. usually likes to throw parties for other people and celebrate their accomplishments, so it is incredible you wanna fly special for me to be here and welcome you tonight to celebrate peter in the publication of his book. [applause] thank you. [applause]
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>> what was it called again? >> "days of fire." "days of fire." a few people, and that promise this will be brief, have offered up words of encouragement, but in the end of want to thank everybody for coming in to say, you will hear lots of things of what a great book this is and what a big accomplishment and out as the wall street journal said this morning, peter baker has managed to write a fair book about the most unsettling presidencies and sandra johnson. [applause] and i know that this washington, working hard is not necessarily the qualities that lead to success in this town, but i can say that no one worked as hard as peter did on this book. so i am so thrilled to celebrate his success tonight. his friend is here for a few anthropological observations. [laughter]
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you will all be sharing in his next book, this town this sequel. >> welcome to this week's edition of thought of going in america. i can certainly second and the test to how hard people work on this. the two of us suffered together. we used to have breakfast every few weeks at the diner in adams morgan. and, look, i mean, the bush and cheney were live very, very tough place to crack. when you put that together and you have this really to a really tiny black box of a relationship to realize what the of a challenge it was in the ad people actively trying deport him. it was just such an incredible thing to see this thing realized. peter is as loyal and as decent and as good a colleague and friend as you can ever imagine. someone who has started so qualities about this town.
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they're not always flattering. peter is sicily the opposite of all this stuff. so as i can nail the buck. but everyone should buy it. "days of fire." [laughter] it has an index commits yes. now, at risk of sounding a little bit too sincere, i am so proud of peter baker. i want -- when i saw the book come out i felt like i had an incredible sense of ownership and pride in that wanted it to do well. everyone should read it, savored . here here. i am actually already bought two copies. anyway, thank you all for coming. [applause]
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>> i'm here on behalf of all appeasers colleagues to say congratulations. the main reason you should read this book. that's so devastating. the theme with dick cheney sitting there is worth the price of the whole book. it just goes scene after scene faugh. we all know that he would write a fabulously entertaining book. a great surprise is how incredibly relevant to today that it is, how much the world has come around to the world of the bush years. civil liberties, nestle security, the economy, it is still weak after all these years. maybe even above all think about the origin of george bush. while the most impressive campaigns that we have seen in our lifetime contract to overcome a deeply unpopular congressional republican caucus. it is basically the same
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challenges that the republican party is doing today. a great thrill of the book is your living in the entertaining past lead to get smarter about the future is well. he resolutions to peter, susan, the doe, everyone else who worked on it. he's at the nicest and greatest journalists or the greatest nuys journalist, but we're happy for him. [applause] >> hello. im peters editor. [applause] as an editor i got to launch a lot. and ever since pierre delivered the book i have been talking about "days of fire". a brilliant book. but when i leave the blacktop the words mind what i tell people is it's like watching all seven seasons the west wing. the world where everyone is a
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republican. you don't just read "days of fire", you been treated. so as an editor of you believe in a book that is crazy and do everything he can to get ready to launch and then you have to let the market and the reviewers have there. in just three days of the book is the most self -- the book has been on sale we have had incredible reviews. peter baker writes with a measure and balance that seems transported backward in time from some more dispassionate future. with "days of fire" is not a dispassionate but. its mood might be described as poignant and that attitude subjects, generous to their accomplishments, and the extenuating. what peter baker has done is
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come to a full and fair reckoning with the legacy of the 43rd president. you really got it. [laughter] but peter, you've got it first. so here is to you and your magisterial buck. [applause] >> well, thank you all for coming. i cannot tell you how wonderful this is to be here. this is a special place. i don't know how many people here know this, but 13 years ago susan glasser gave me the great favor of having every rustle dinner here before we get married. a different restaurant at the time, but the space is the same and i feel the spirit is the same. to me is a very special night. antall to have her here. theo who missed it 13 years ago but is here today. it feels like we are often --
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we're always doing big things. the first book i did was published one week after we get married. the second book we were together it was delivered to the publisher they feel is born. this time around we are in the middle in my household of a very exciting project. fourth grade, new school, creating a brand new political magazine coming of november november 14th. make sure you look for it. it will be great. [applause] i don't want to talk long. quickly i do want to thank david , a great friend and fabulous boss. it's terrific combination they don't often see. i think they paid off for you.
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i got a lot out of it, too. marks great adventures in this town. we can only hope that other folks -- books to as well as the one. that was fabulous. my editor, fabulous, so supportive, so important to the product. this would not be the bucket is it not for her, but don't blame her for the things that are wrong. of the things are right or because of her. really could not be more faithful to you. thank you so much. [applause] like to go on a long time. will not. i do want to think david plumb if it is appropriate to think your critic. [applause] i do think he got what i wanted to do with the book. the line he used -- well, he describes the bush years in 23 words.
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the entire 6750 pages. another pearl harbor and ended with another great crash and in between was a vietnam. so that is where you get the title from. the president used day of fire to describe 9/11. the book makes the case that all eight years were still days a fire in the in the president had to confront easing there are interesting partnership as a developed in this experience weight. i wanted thank david. and don't know if jonathan corliss here. appreciate john. thank you so much. greg reviewed. very generous. i think magisterial, but that is cereal is code for long. those of the words i want you to go home with tonight. "days of fire." the new subtitle. and i want to thank the people who are here from the bush
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cheney white house administration, many of whom were incredibly generous to take the time to talk with me, sometimes more than once, sometimes three, four, five times, and this e-mails back and forth among the patients and their willingness to cooperate with the book that they had no control over and know, you know, knowledge about how it would turn out. they told their story. but come out in a fair and accurate way. will not name anybody because that might be exiled from whenever bush and cheney alumni. i wanted thank you for doing that. and now want to thank president bush and vice president cheney for giving us a very interesting administration to write about. you know, it is fascinating. we will be ready batted for years to come. i think that this is one effort among what will be many define,
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shape, and interpret this history. i will and with that. thank you so much. i have probably forgotten everybody, but my host committee, john, it, everyone who is here, most of them is to make anyone else? abcaeight. my parents are year, ten my four year. thank you for coming. and with that, you know, eat, drink, be married. remember "days of fire." [applause] >> your novel. you're right. you're right. [inaudible conversations] >> you're watching book tv, nonfiction authors and books every weekend on c-span2. >> is selected the top ten adult nonfiction books that were checked out of the new york
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public library during 2013


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