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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  March 30, 2014 11:50am-12:01pm EDT

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>> strangely enough i've had the joy of working -- either -- i am the voice of the nader raider on the esther video. i've written 30 children's books over the years. another john or i was expecting to skip in this lifetime but god had other plans. i love writing for children. one of the most fun things you can do. some of my hero seven children book writers. cs lewis wrote children's books. and i really did enjoy it, and my children's books are using the men's also for adults. i hope there's a sophistication and a witness some of the best children's writing has. mine aspires to have that. i do love children's book writing. i run something in manhattan, it's a series. five interview the people that you might have heard of and might not have heard of, but
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that's a lot of fun. i really enjoy doing that. anyone can come or anyone can see it online spent and we've been talking with eric metaxas. his most recent book "seven men and the secret of their greatness." you are watching booktv on c-span2. >> visit to watch any of the programs you see here online. type the author or book title in the search bar on the upper left side of the page and click search. you can share anything you see on easily by clicking share on the upper left side of the page and selecting the format. booktv streams live online for 48 hours every weekend with top nonfiction books and authors. >> which uses a colleges this year in particular are starting to see by resistance. people are thinking very hard about whether they really want
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to spend 50, $60,000 a year, and up. everton people find what tuition is, itself i can become expensive it is compared to lesser or five years ago. they are just not seeing that as a goodbye, specially if it's going to be financed by debt. right now a lot of colleges are dealing with this sort of prices, nation that's what financial aid is. it's priced this commission when they figure how much you can possibly afford to pay. that's what's going on. using some schools having their credit rating downgrade by moody's because moody's looks at the business model of high tuition accidents and doesn't think it's sustainable. you're saying enrollment drop across the board in lots of schools. and within colleges you are seeing humanities, the new york times had a piece recently come to manage department unhappy because they're losing the prestige and losing the major to listen enrollees because people, interesting, especially women don't want to make in
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communities because they're concerned that getting chops when they get out. that has info ramifications. so i think this can't go on forever and think it won't. so what happens next? well, there are lots of things we can do. one thing we might do is people just stop going to college. i mean, 40% of college graduates wind up in jobs they could've gotten without a college degree. what's the difference to a starbucks arrest and a starbucks breast who went to college? 100 grand in student loan debt. which the rest of would you rather be? when donald trump was in a lot of financial kobe walked along a point to some homeless guy lying in the company said see that guy? he has $509 more than the come because he was broke and not in debt. that's pretty much the lesson
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for some college graduates. in today's world, while getting a head is probably harder than it's ever been, just getting by is probably easier than it's ever been. between videogames and india, who needs college? many of the things people used to think they had to exert themselves to make a life for themselves in order to enjoy are now available much more easily and i'll leave it at that. one thing you may see, there is some evidence that men in particular are less likely to go to college because they don't see it sufficiently rewarding. but i'll leave that to the experts who write on that subject. another possibility is cheaper alternatives ever seen growth in some of that already. want to do things is online education. there's a lot of that going on. it is now no longer just the domain of universities of phoenix and a few other for profit schools.
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georgia tech has online program, a full-service degree. everybody is as good as regular bachelor except it's super cheap. kind of appealing. another thing we're seeing that i would like to see more of his certification in place of the post. i'm not as optimistic, i'm not as convinced, an article in the harvard review, people just going to get certificates. i do think that certificates of actually are a big deal. people who think that to our colleges. because the highest -- higher education is getting gunned third party certification. i think that's pretty useful. another thing that's starting to happen is the rise of apprenticeship models. there was, i thought a sad article in the "washington post."
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i mean, it was about people who would go on to college and couldn't get jobs going back to trade school to learn how to be electricians and plumbers and things like the. there's nothing sad about being an electrician or a plumber. in fact, i was talking to a fellow law professor a few to go about an article about the exploitation of the working class and his response was, i might find that persuasive if i hadn't seen my electrician's house. [laughter] being an electrician is good work. there's no reason why a smart person can't be an electrician. the sad thing for these people is that going to college and run up debt before deciding to become plumbers or electricians. they would've been better off if they just skipped the college stage intoned but according to the article, guidance counselors and high school don't want to tell smart people they should skip college. smart people make better
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electricians. so i don't know if it's so bad. electricians make good money. people and skills trade make good money. in the coming years, the hands-on jobs, they can't be outsourced. back in the ninth with all the stuff from michael lind about growing hegemony of the symbolic analyst, knowledge workers and another going to run the world. here's the problem. when you're a knowledge worker, you're in competition with every other smart person on the planet, thanks to the internet. when you're a toilet fix it, the only -- your only competition for people with about 15 to 30 minute drive. >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> booktv spoke with scholars at the hoover institution, a public policy think tank at stanford university to find out what they are reading.
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>> john taylor is reading why growth matters, how economic growth in india produces poverty and lessons for other developing countries. the presentation from the council on foreign relations can be viewed on anytime. if there is another institution whose reading list you would like to here, send us an e-mail at >> up next on booktv, "after words" what guest host jonathan last and author of what to expect when no one is expecting. this week paul taylor in his latest book the next america.


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