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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 13, 2014 10:03pm-10:31pm EDT

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islam especially muslims in america are out to so the question is how would you deal with this? >> guest: i think the government has the primary responsibility and what we know we are dealing with some of it. they are monitoring some of the radical mosques. trying to deport those who were preaching hate in the imams and not just hate that insurrection wanting to bring down the british government and thinking their god commanded them to do so. he tried to deport especially those connected with some of the extremists who went out and killed people. we have a subway bombing in britain, 77 but he was constrained by their version of the aclu. i think he came to a point where he was unable to deport any of them. we want everybody to come to america under the law in an orderly fashion and we used to have the irish and the poles and the germans and others who came
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and assimilated. they wanted their children to learn english. they loved america and they wanted them to learn. we are now hyphenated americans. we'll be goldberg said i'm not an african-american. i'm an american. yes, she gets that that's exactly right that we are all hyphenated now imports of subgroups. that's the kind of thing is harmony our country. >> host: when it comes to the civil rights movement and you touch on the distinction between dr. king and dr. abernathy and jesse jackson and al sharpton the different eras but you acknowledge that if you go back to the founders and slavery in the constitution and look at most of the history of the country where legal segregation was the law you say well that's wrong but change was needed but in most of the areas you don't embrace change and you don't embrace the idea of us working as a community to improve the quality of all of our lives.
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>> guest: let me touch on one thing you said about the founders. not all of them owned slaves and not all of them were for slavery but like mr. lincoln said 100 years later, if it required preserving slavery in order to save the union he was in favor of preserving slavery. if emancipation preserving union he would be for emancipation. the founders as you know from studying history were at a moment and this wasn't the only issue. there was the power of the states and federal us. so there are compromises. but look, dr. king referred and so did lincoln, referred back to those founding documents particular the greatest phrase ever written about human freedom. all men are created equal and endowed by their creator. they understood that rights in order to be protected from government had to be put outside the reach of government and
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dr. king appealed to that and lincoln appealed to that and you're absolutely right. >> host: but i'm not discussing that. what i'm talking about in this book in terms of trying to say their common sense solutions that predate all of this. >> guest: yes, of course. >> host: said is slavery and sodas oppression of women. >> guest: we could go on for an hour about that but slavery, denial of civil rights are moral issues primarily. yes lyndon johnson to his everlasting -- credit helped force that particular part of the country not just the south. you had race riots there too so it isn't just a southern thing, into an attitude and with the pictures on television. i was working during that period for nbc and i was with reporters and charles went down with the freedom riders in mississippi
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put film on the air that helped steer the conscious of the american people that this was not just wrong legally. this was wrong morally that black people were entitled to the same rights in the lunch counters restrooms jobs housing what a rat is not because the government was going to give it to them or should that but because they enjoy the same endowed inalienable rights as any other human being. >> host: you understand government had to enforce treatment.enforce segregation so government was an important instrument. >> guest: it wasn't again juan i don't want to be misunderstood here. i'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. there's a reason for government. our government needs to strain with the government called theological people so they wouldn't be constrained by higher people. government government is a biblically established institution that it has its limitations. the founders wanted government to be restrained and within
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boundaries of the people would be unlimited. that is why the preamble starts with the people not to the government. >> host: cal thomas thanks for coming in. cal's new book is called "what works" common sense solutions for a stronger america and you will notice on the cover cal has a groundhog over his left shoulder. that is because he thinks we keep it going to common sense solutions that our forefathers forefathers -- >> guest: repeating the same thing every day like a movie groundhog. thanks very much. >> host: cal thomas thanks so much for joining us on "after words." >> guest: thank you. this the next booktv attended a reception for cal thomas at the heritage foundation in washington d.c.. mr. thomas is celebrating 30 years as a syndicated columnist. he signed books and chatted with guests. [inaudible conversations]
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say hey my favorite guys so far. three of them. way to go. who is this for? or just sign at? ford nk. how very nice. that's a way to make points. where do they live? down the road a bit. pat and wayne? tell me what you do. >> i may liaison. >> oh great, wow. i'm glad to hear that. you take responsibility. >> yes, sir. >> and this one?
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the government is not paying for these. i just thought i'd ask. thanks very much. good to meet you. thanks. hey. how are you? who is this for? >> for john. >> john? i even asked the simplest names because if i don't it's always something else. like smith, you would think, right? >> how do you get the money out of politics unless you take the power from the federal government? >> you are never going to get it out but the point is to bring into some kind of control. look at the last election. all of the expenses, the primaries, conventions, the $7 billion. now come on. you have really good people who don't run to -- want to run for office for a lot of reasons. maybe they had a bad date in high school and the opposition
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will turn you into a stalker or something so we need to get more good people. we need to give them a reason to lead and be a member of congress and run for president. the people that can fix things aren't running and for a whole bunch of reasons. one of the major ones is the amount of money they have to raise. you sell a piece of your soul for every dollar given. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. hi. how are you doing? thanks for yesterday. that was a lot of fun. we went from show tunes to serious stuff. all right. >> this is my fiancé. >> hey derek. how are you doing? thank you. hope you enjoy it. i think we are doing something. >> there's a lot of competition.
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>> who is this for? >> this is for me. two of them just a signature and i will give them a way to listeners. >> very nice. i hope so and feels it's valuable enough to call in and get one. >> i do attribute every couple of weeks. derek. >> i was going to ask. thanks derek. you have got a winner there and heather from what i can see. derek i hope you enjoy it. thanks very much. appreciate it. hey joe. >> i started on chapter 5. >> your a fast reader. [laughter] we lost mickey rooney. >> i know.
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the story in the daily mail is very sad to whole elder abuse thing. >> you were there at the dinner when you spoke in 2008. thanks joe. thanks for coming out. appreciate it. my goodness. of course my cousin would buy a book. >> my mother would be very proud. >> that's very sweet of you. thank you. that's very sweet. i haven't forgotten. i will get into it eventually when i figure out how to do it without outing to many people. [inaudible] >> that's what they all say. [laughter] get something to eat and drink. thanks for coming over.
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>> it's either that or be homeless. i can't do anything else. i never miss your page. you do a great job. i frequently research from it for the weekly bias bash. it's very helpful. we love it. standards are falling everywhere. it will be fun. it's always fun. thanks. good to see you. tell brad i said hi. i love those people in multiple groups. come on. hi. what is at? >> logan. >> what a cool name. how did you get that name? [inaudible] >> some people say i was watching this movie.
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are you a student or independently wealthy? >> i'm in a semester program at american university. >> my alma mater. good for you. where is that in indiana? i hope you like the book and have time to read it. it sounds like you are pretty busy. thanks for coming. hello. how are you? give me the names and i will sign them one at a time. mary lou is to name's? a good old breaking nelson song. now the news has become show business so i have arrived. who is this for?
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you are trying to trip me up here. that's why i always ask. that's a beautiful son. there you go. thank you very much. it's so good to see you. you look fabulous. [laughter] i love that sign. that's a good one. he's crazy. and knott should i put linda in
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the air to macos x. >> she has had some health problems. >> did she break her arm or something? ed told me she broke her hand or something. has said he'll? >> yes, it has healed. >> did she have some other of the things? >> nothing serious. >> this one? >> lee edwards. >> lee, of course. isn't it great? wish i had thought of it. are you still hanging your hat here? >> oh yes. >> good for you. whatever it takes. thanks.
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good to see you. hi larry. >> was great. i'm glad i came. >> i'm glad he came too. very honored. for you? how long are you in town for? >> three days. >> are you going to see the cherry blossoms? >> we have already enjoyed that. i'm going to do some lobbying this week. >> lt. >> initial's? who is that? >> he is a guy you have met. you and i had wreck fest with them 10 years ago. he was the general manager. and then just autograph this one and give that to somebody. they will cherish it.
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>> i hope so. or burn it. i think i will hire a book burner for publicity. >> i would love to come. >> i've got several ideas. >> thank you. thanks for coming. my favorite two hondurans. how are you? >> could to see you. >> hi sweetie. how are you? that would be you. andrea has been tied up with the cherry blossom thing but she definitely wants to get together once before she leaves to go home. i told her i said she had to talk to you guys. >> okay. we will find something for her.
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that is a double a. >> those groundhogs are nasty. oh i'm sorry. >> for david and daniel. >> spell the other one. oh daniel. [inaudible] >> i don't know if i would wish that on anybody. somebody ever asked me once if i ever thought about running for office and i said well across my mind once and i took two aspirin and lay down for a little while and it went away.
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crazy. thanks. how are you doing? >> i grew up in that era. if you could inscribe this to peter toti. he campaigned for barry goldwater and he lives in santa rosa california. >> you tell him as a college student a friend of mine gave me a copy of the conscious conservative. i didn't know the labels that well but that just turned me around and gave me a foundation that remains today. it was a great book. >> he was a wonderful man. >> give my regards to him and thank you very much. >> thank you sir. >> thank you. i never thought i would be
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signing a book for you. >> hard to believe. >> thank you so much for inviting us. >> it's great to have you. spell your first name. >> tracy. >> thank you. >> it's been a treat to have you as a friend and mentor. >> thank you very much. it's hard to believe, isn't that? do you ever get back to west point? >> i do. >> do they ask you to. >> i speak for small classes. >> excellent. >> god bless you. >> would you sign this for my mom? >> what's her name? >> janet. >> she lives in denver. >> denver? that's very nice. i think they had less snow than we did this year. i tell people on the lecture
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circuit we get politicians all the time from washington so little on the ground is not so bad. hope to see you soon. take care. hi. what's your name? >> you robert. >> robert, good. what do you do robert? >> casper restaurant. >> my favorite, casper restaurant. >> they are still running at 10:00 at night i think. not a very good time. >> i appreciate all the work that you have done. i really do. keeping up on the commentary and writing books. >> i work on it. nobody can afford to retire anymore. i'm not cut out to be a walmart greeter. [laughter]
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>> i saw something in your book where you talked about crime and violence and he talked about -- increased gun violence. if you look at the statistics you are talking about gun violence and gang violence and all types of homicides homelessness and all those things. it's just kind of gravy. >> also the area of prison reform. if you are nonviolent nondangerous offender in most cases, not all but the most we should have alternatives to incarceration. for example forcing people to pay back the money or the property that is lost in restitution is a great old testament ethic. it makes the individual morally responsible and it also reduces the cost considerably to society
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of warehousing prison people. you know that great line from shawshank redemption were andy says to the morgan freeman character i was an honest man on the other side. i came to jail to learn how to be a criminal. >> paying restitution as opposed to putting them in prison. and knott. >> it's so good to see you and thanks for coming out. all the best to you. thank you. hey jane. really appreciate you coming. >> really impressed. you have an armed guard. when i speak at heritage nobody is guarding anything. >> there are a few crazies running around the streets of washington and if they are right-wing crazy like i am they need to protect me from them.
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i appreciate your making the effort. thanks gene. thank you brian lamb for another day of exposure on c-span. you are great american. put that on the christmas real. i didn't see you. >> do you remember the first time we met? >> wait a minute. he made before the "l.a. times"? i have just started. >> you had started previously. >> you found out and i went for a visit and you found that when i walked in the door. >> now you know.
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>> i would like for you to sign this book for her. she is 91. living in the same house. her name is josephine. she goes by joe. >> like j-lo. >> no, no. >> jo? if i had known you were coming and i would have introduced you. >> you would have embarrassed me to death. they have no sense of shame. >> we have got at least a couple of the great ones here.
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we will be talking. >> congratulations. >> thank you for everything you did for me. >> we will come up and fix the record. >> is only good stuff so if you want to tell a lie go ahead. thank you very much. come on jimbo. i forgot my refrigerator. did you get that? my favorite enemy. absolutely. >> for my lovely wife. thank you so much. >> jim, you are leaving. i can tell. >> is there any chance to get after-hours? >> only of aarp starts a network.
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i do have the distinction of blazing the trail. kevin mckee said how is going to work on a news channel? i said it will work, it will. i show these people all the time. we will look at the history. >> exactly. >> it's always a pleasure. thank you very much. you guys are great to come. appreciate it. did he stay off the thing during my talk? >> i think he was tweeting about it. [inaudible conversations] >> do you have a flip phone?
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historian simon schama presents a 3000 or history of the jewish people next on booktv. this is a little under an hour. [applause] >> thank you. thanks. settle down class. [laughter] there will as usual be an exam later on so pay attention. i don't want to hear any snoring. thank you so much to the library and thank you to pbs as well for allowing us to give a wonderful production of the bbc. it's wonderful to come back to philadelphia. it reminds me that actually the dates are right that in 1790 it must be the case that washington was still living in


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