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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  May 24, 2014 1:23pm-1:31pm EDT

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terrorist groups around world today. there is much more intelligence sharing between the united states and foreign governments, among the but federal government. it is more difficult for organize and larger terrorist groups to operate in the clandestine fashion, and there's much more surveillance today. and motivated and expired extremist ideologies, ideologies that are very viable, you confined and on the world wide web. a lot of times, things like what tamerlan tsarnaev did as an allegheny for his own personal failure, the economy is very important. the greater life opportunities for young people.
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it is something that will double us for quite some time. >> maybe fuelling the extremism in the united states as satisfactory in the united states, what are the factors you can identify that you think happened with bipartisanship in the united states? >> can you reiterate that? >> you think that the state of the economy is one of the biggest factors fueling the extremism in the united states, what other factors can you identify? >> contributing to extremism? one thing, immigration, multiculturalism, white nationalist movement, is very concerned that whites will be reduced to minority status in america. that is one thing that seems to be fueling the nationalist movement. to reiterate what i said earlier
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about the chicano separatist movement. they are becoming more emboldened because the demographic balance of power is shifting in their failure in the american southwest. there are more demographic trends that could give rise to political the extremism. that would be, i would say, inefficiently economy, the most important factor. >> you said by 2015 whites will no longer be the majority population. after hearing that the you think the chicano goal is a legitimate possibility for the future? like you said pretty much like chicano dream would be united mexico, united states spanish-speaking? >> the most extreme chicano separatists advocate something they would like to have closer ties with mexico, not really a political unification, kind of cultural unification that can be done gradually.
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less and less english, business would be conducted in spanish instead of english and it could be a creeping thing that happens incrementally over a period of time. yes conlan as the demographics tend to go in their favor that could am bolden them. it is worth mentioning, some people say this notion of ethnic chauvinism and racism, a lot of that is overstated because america has historically been the great melting pot. there are a lot of biracial people today, multiracial people, some people think that could be some turbulence in between but eventually these problems will work themselves out. that is a challenge, we will have to see. yes, sir. >> if there really is no
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solution right now, what do you think will be the most dire thing in the future 20 or 20 years from now? >> the dire consequences, well, off the top of my head terrorism could be one thing. they could influence people to commit in particular lone wolf terrorism but perhaps even worse than that would be the corrosive effect they can have on political discourse in america. we see a lot of polarization in america, in the media, setting channels favor -- appealed to progressives like msn b.c. fox appeals more to conservative voters and of course it is the demo the bridey of political viewpoints that people think they should be more common ground for. the center needs to be strengthened. >> we are more at risk from domestic or foreign terrorist threat?
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>> very good question. we are probably at greater risk of domestic terrorists because after 9/11 because of the massive homeland security apparatus that has been constructed and a greater intelligence sharing between the u.s. government and foreign nations it would be more difficult for foreign terrorists to penetrate the country and operate under the radar screen that would be for self radicalize lone wolf to commit terrorism based on his own initiative. >> thank you, everyone. [applause] >> thank you to the c-span crew for running around and helping us out today. there is still some coffee and two pour three cookies back there that you can fight over. thank you very much for coming
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