tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 7, 2014 11:00pm-1:01am EDT
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soldier has served with them. and many paid the ultimate sacrifice and are, of course. responding to russia's aggression in our eastern neighborhood, all 28 allies have stepped up to the plate to reinforce our collective defense. from the politics of the black sea, we have more planes in the air, more ships at sea and more troops on the ground. the united states to the lead and its continuing leadership remains crucial. but most of the planes are european. most of the ships are european and many of the troops are european.
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this is nato's solidarity in action. true it all for one and one for her. but we must also plan for the future and be ready to deal with any threat from wherever they come. so for our summit, we will ensure that nato is always prepared through our new readiness action plan. we are looking closely at how we took away our forces for defense and deterrence, what combination of force as we need, where they should be deployed and their readiness.
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we are also considering reinforcement mission such as necessary infrastructure, the designation of basis and pre-positionipositioni ng of equipment and supplies. we are reviewing our defense plans, threat assessment, intelligence sharing arrangement and early warning procedures. we are also developing a new exercise schedule adapted to the new security environment. and we want to further strengthen nato response force and special forces so we can respond more quickly to any threat against any member of the alliance, including when we have leisure warning.
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their readiness requires resource is. so i welcome president obama's proposed $1 billion european reassurance initiative. it shows the united states enduring commitment to the security of your. now, other allies need to strengthen their commitment. and i am the first to say this on european nations can and should do more. nato is an insurance policy, an insurance policy against stability and all members must pay their premiums and that premium has just gone up.
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arsenic in wales, i asked all alliance features to commit, to change course on defense spending, to reverse the decline in to back up the commitment with concrete action. estonia, as an example, estonia has shown that despite a severe economic crisis, it can be done. estonia has joined the united states, greece and the united kingdom and its allies that invest at least 2% of the gross domestic product in defense. and i welcome the commitment of latvia, lithuania, poland,
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romania and turkey to do the same. and if other european allies spent 2% of their national income on defense this year, we would have another $90 billion to stand. that is the equivalent of today's defense budget that germany, italy, netherlands and norway combined. now i am not naïve. i know we will not achieve this overnight, but at this summit in wales, we need to turn a corner,
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to start two-seat defense spending in europe rise in real terms for the first time since the end of the cold war. of course, national budgets have been under incredible stress. but things are changing. public finances are coming under control and our economies are beginning to grow. i know very well then increasing defense spending is never easy. but in light of the threats we face, it has become manifest d. but of course, this is not just about what we spent. it is also out how we spend. we need to focus on what we
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really need to keep our nation safe in the 21st century. on capabilities and skills for the future, and we must do more to gather as allies and with partners. in afghanistan, we forced the biggest coalition in recent history. 50 nations for many continents united in a single cores. and in our operations from the balkans to libya, partners have made invaluable contributions. so we must maintain our political and military cooperation with them to build stability in the world. we must also do more to help
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those who require our assistance to reform and about the fact two local forces. in wales, we will launch a defense capacity building initiatives. this defense capacity building initiatives will allow us to help other nations built up effect of different structures and forces that area. so they are better able to take care of security in their region and so we can predict stability without always deployed large numbers of ground troops. so our wells so that will ensure that nato stands ready, robust
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and resolute to face the future. ladies and gentlemen, we are fortunate to live in lands that are free. the freedom is not a natural date. it has been fought for, suffered four, tied for to safeguard the flame of freedom, we must stand ready to protect and promote our values. stay strong, confident and united and destroy in our trans-atlantic community. thank you. [applause]
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>> thank you for him much, mr. secretary general. we've got about 25 minutes to continue the conversation with the secretary general. first let me echo the warm welcome from fred and general jones for coming to the atlantic council for this. we're lucky if he just came off the plane arriving at dulles. a second to remind everyone is covering this on minor television audience of the hash tag future nato for those covering on twitter. before we begin our conversation, thank you to your shout out for the nato leaders. two of them effect today. our american delicates kachina jones and our turkish delicate or both every year. terrific. thanks for being with us today. really important program and thanks for your leadership on getting off the ground. mr. secretary-general, you just
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delivered a strong message on how to deliver the bond and captured the spirit of the atlantic council mission that the solution to every strategic challenge has been trans-atlantic. interestingly for his secretary general of nato, he began a strategy by talking about the economy and energy, talking about people to people ties, cultural ties and third only getting into the security components of that. let me start there and then i want to get into today's crises. as a nato jen, that is unusual message to hear your leading policy point being ttip. >> the nato treaty. if you read in the nato treaty, you will see already the founding fathers stressed the importance of closer economic ties among allies.
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and i don't think we have reached the full potential of bad economic corporate. of course you will see the european union as part of that strengthening of economic ties among allies. but i would very much like to see a strengthening of the trans-atlantic economic ties. i think that is very much in accordance with the nato treaty so it is legitimate for a nato secretary to also speak about ttip, trans-atlantic trade and investment partnership because economics and security. >> that is an important point to point out for folks who would've assumed what article ii covers. let me turn to the issues most immediately at hand. you have been working on the whale summit agenda for a wild agenda for a while. you've been talking about preparing nato to be fit for purpose other cents it is clear
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the alliance would be drawing down forces in an and potentially moving away from being an operational alliance. yet now you have two pretty compelling crises that nato frontiers. one of the east with russia undertaking aggression and ukraine ukraine pretty plainspoken about that. but also on turkey's frontier, and other nato with what is happening and not just syria, but iraq and isis. he said we are certain that conflict, danger, and autocratic regimes. how were these two media crazy skull which were part of the planning horizon for wales on the how are these impacting your agenda heading into the well summit? >> both of these crises will have a major impact on their gender in wales. obviously, russia's aggression against ukraine will put a lot
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of emphasis on the need for a strong collective defense. that is why at this summit i hope we will adopt a readiness action plan, which will improve our ability to respond swiftly if you needed to defend him protect our allies. so maybe you would expect that in this summit to be very much focused on the situation in the east. but at the same time, we have seen the evolving prices tumbled in syria, but now also in iraq. but i could also mention libya, north africa as examples that the alliance must never become a one dimension alliance is of utmost importance that while we focus on strengthening public defense to protect allies that
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have gone potential strength in the east, we should not forget the other security challenges for the middle east, north africa, even from sabres face. so the well summit to focus on the broad range of security challenges and address all three nato task, territorial defense, crisis management and cooperative security. >> if you think about what is playing out in the eastern ukraine, it's clear the alliance has taken quite a few news to reassure and reposition forces to the eastern allies. but what about ukraine itself? what about the eastern partners if you will. right now it is clear that the focus from the kremlin is on ukraine or moldova or georgia, so poland or romania or the alliance has taken actions. how do you grapple with what essentially are nato's eastern partners? >> we have decided to step up
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our cooperation with our eastern partners. ukraine we have a nato ukraine commission and we have had several meetings recently also with the new foreign dirt and we have adopted a comprehensive corporation program. so ulysse enhanced cooperation between nato and ukraine in the coming years, including military to military cooperation. and it remains to be seen at the summit how far he can go, but personally very outspoken about it, personally i hope our defense capacity building initiatives could also apply to ukraine. but we will see. >> bullet that entail? what is the military to military relationship critics act as part of the defense capacity
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initiative? >> it is very clear to everybody that ukrainian armed force is needs modernization and further cape ability development. i think nato could be used to reform and modernize the ukrainian armed forces. but we have also decided to enhance our cooperation with moldova. by the way, recently we saw what does i take a significant step by providing troops to our cave for operation in kosovo. we have decided to develop what we call a substantial package of cooperation elements with georgia appears so with all of our eastern neighbors, we want to step up our cooperation in the coming years.
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>> or not quite quite ready for marchant, is that coming out of headquarters now? >> now you put it in a negative way. i would put it in a positive way to be continued to take steps within our open door policy. arizona remains open to european countries that fulfill the necessary criteria. and of course, it will be this summit. it will be for the summit to take decisions we are preparing a substantial package for georgia and as regards montenegro we have decided to open the focus and intensified talks and foreign ministers will assess the situation at the latest by the end of 2015 and decide whether the time is right for inviting montenegro. so i think it strikes the right
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balance to ensure that our open door policy remains credible, but at the same time we don't compromise on criteria. >> religious follow-up on the defense capacity initiative and libya. is this initiative a part of lessons learned from the alliance and libya? this is an operation after all that nato was in planning for. at the end of the operation we the operation we see no difficulties and libya. we've got a terrific amount of work at the atlantic council and the challenges of governance and libya today. has that directly informed this initiative you announced today? >> yes indeed. to indeed. but a broad net and also that afghanistan is one of the lessons learned in that respect. seeing retrospectively, i think we started our training mission in afghanistan much too late. we didn't started in earnest
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until 2009. i think we should have started much earlier. it is much better to train and develop local security forces. politically it is better to get the defense of afghanistan for an sense for an cincinnatus can face them economically of course it is a better deal to make local security forces available to take responsibility for security and to deploy our troops for a very long time. so afghanistan is an example of what we have seen and libya as an example of last year we received a request from the libyan government, a request for assistance to help them build their security sector. we responded positively. but for well known reasons, it has than a bit difficult to implement. that positive response. we stand ready.
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so once the libyan society, we are ready to assist them. >> on returning to the audience into questions of the trans-atlantic partnership. he referred to the alliance is an insurance policy first members of premiums just gone up. i think what i took away a pretty strong statement that it will soon expect all alliance leaders to commit to change the course on defense spending. that's a pretty pickle you've laid out for the alliance. imagine president abbas announced that the $1 billion european was ron's initiative has been clares was an time on capitol hill that there is a strong political instinct but it resonates. people understand the challenge we are facing from putin's russia. there is rationale behind that. they've been skeptical of the concern about whether european allies will step up to the plate with their own investment and resource is. you appraise the bench pretty high in what you articulated
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here. do you see the momentum? you think you're on a path of actually recovering from the bottom of where we've been and reversing that trend? >> i see momentum. i wouldn't suggest you use the endocrine terry. i think it would be a pale, but because many countries are still struggling with weak economies and it is of course important to cut deficit to top indebtedness because indebted countries are also too volatile. so that is part of security policy, and a sound security policy to also pursue sound fiscal these. having said that, i see a positive development in europe. i mentioned in the introduction countries that have already decided to reverse a trend and
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that is not just hot air. it is really commitment based on broad political agreements in the parliament. estonia has already achieved the 2% goal. lithuania, poland, turkey have promised to work in the same direction within a timeframe's pending from 2172 lakh 2020. and i think more will follow in addition to that they would also be important if nato allies with commit to fulfill the benchmark are spending at least 20% of the defense budget on future equipment and research and development. so it is not just the size of the budget, but also how money is spent is important that we will look at both of those issues on the summit. >> is. >> assailed elaborates on how to
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respond to this request its import may get the message out there. i returned to the audience and take common questions in our time. when they maybe collect a couple if i may. please introduce yourself for audience as well. >> my name is karen mosca, former conductor of the orchestra, but i has to happen to be an independent advisor. i was in new york for nine years or so as policy adviser for the nsi as well. my question concerning the current situation in the middle east and focusing on iraq. if and only if there was an initiative of an awakening similar to the situation back in 2006 in areas that are not necessarily under the control of the central government, central legitimate government in baghdad and if such groups requires the assistance of nato directly,
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would that be something that would be a poor discussion or consideration click >> let me pick up ambassador hunter as well. >> thank you very much to the secretary-general. i like the idea you set its economics a security later on. as you know, the relationship between nato and the e.u. is imperfect. is there any chance now or afterwards to get going she's a strong phrase, to get the three recalcitrant countries, greece, turkey and cyprus to allow the institutions to work together and also an idea that's been around a long time, to have an extra half day after the nato summit to bring the european leaders and said there can start to some kind of active serious coordination between the two institutions for common purposes. >> terrific. take these two would pick up a
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few more. >> first, on iraq if i understood the question correctly, it was a nice sense could we imagine nato assist in iraq upon request? >> awakening initiative -- [inaudible] >> i don't see nato engage directly interact. but i should know the iraqi government has requested assistance from individual nato allies, primarily from the united states. as regards to nato, we are focused on providing effective
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defense or protection of our allies, in this case of course turkey in particular is going to focus on the security situation in the region. i visited recently. we have also had consultations with the nato upon request from turkey. that is how i see nato right now. on nato e.u., you are right. we have not reached the full potential of the nato e.u. corporation. but having said that, i would add that we have made a lot of progress during recent years. when it comes to operations, we coordinate and cooperate seamless way in theaters where
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the e.u. and nato operate together. so from a practical point of view, it works quite efficiently. we have achieved a lot of progress. the european defense agency and allied command transformation work very closely together and i think i can safely say that we avoid duplication and waste of resources through close coordination. i would say an efficient division of labor. finally, on political consultations. here i think we have the biggest problem. because of these while no topics in dispute, it is sometimes difficult to authorize joint nato e.u. meetings. there is one area where allowed to discuss informal meeting.
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mainly bosnian because the e.u. operates the so-called operation, which means the e.u. can use nato assets to conduct their operations. so we are allowed to a former nato e.u. meetings. while bosnia is important, i can easily think of other issues that warrant close in the e.u. cooperation. but we have seen progress recently. actually, we have had to joint nato e.u. meetings on ukraine. so it is an example that when the situations so warrant, it is possible to find a pragmatic way forward. so all in all, i wouldn't provide the tissue bleak picture as you did. i see some light.
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i see some light. but there's still progress to be made and of course ultimately we need to find a solution to the cyprus conflict. >> so let me know from a former nato ambassador with us today, wes clark. >> wes clark here. so it looks to me like in ukraine they are fighting back pretty effectively right now. but what is nato able to do to help the other countries deal with the internal challenges that are present in the politics and countries like bulgaria? do we have a role in that or are we seating that to the e.u. click >> in nato countries themselves. i mean that today's young women right here. is there a mic on that side of the room?
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>> thank you. leander bernstein. my question is you've created quite a narrative as far as russia giving an enemy and bench and it's just questionable whether creating that image of russia is intended to reinvigorate somehow the nato alliance, which has seen a lot of a certain analyst views comment defeats in the 21st century in particular and significant struggles economically and likewise. so is this creation of russia as a working man an attempt, a defense of its kind to try to hold the alliance back together quite >> let me go ahead and pick up ambassador as well.
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>> secretary general, you mentioned the necessary conditions for the admonishment of the nato. could you describe more specifically what the necessary conditions are? will enhance corporations covered those necessary condition and as a result, will pave the way towards the nato membership for the country is quite >> terrific. we will come back to you, mr. secretary general. >> first, what we are witnessing is maybe not entirely a new kind of warfare, but we caught hybrid warfare. a combination of traditional method and more sophisticated
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covert military operations combined with sophisticated information and disinformation up grecians. and you are right in pointing to the risk that such hybrid warfare could be used again some nato allies. for instance, in the baltic states, taking into account the russian doctrine that they reserved the right to interfere or intervene, to protect what they consider the interest of russian speaking communities. as we all know in particular in estonia and lot yet, we've quite substantial rushing speaking minorities. bulgaria is another case, but do we know for historical reasons that there are special ties.
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so it is relevant. it's a highly relevant issue. we are dealing with that. we will address this particular issue as part of our readiness action plan because it is also necessary to be ready to counter such hybrid warfare. having said that and also in response to your question, is this surely a native issue? no, it is not. it goes beyond traditional military means. as i mentioned, it also includes propaganda, information and disinformation operations and that goes beyond traditional nato operations. so i think is an excellent example of an area where we need close cooperation organization with other organizations like the european union.
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but i would also think of other organizations. but it is about most of portends that we improve our ability to counter that kind of warfare. now on russia, first of all, there is no need to develop or create a specific picture of russia to reinvigorate our alliance. i think it is quite obvious to everybody why nato is needed, that we need a strong collective defense to protect their populations against any kind of threat. so i would argue that it is russia herself that creates a very particular picture right now. let me remind you that in
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november 2010 at nato russia summit in lisbon, we decided to develop a true strategic partnership between nato and russia. we have done a lot during the last more than 20 years to develop a construct is cooperation with russia because we do believe that a positive engagement with russia is the right way forward. russia sees it differently. and if you read the russian military.turn, they point to nato not as a partner, but as an adversary. so that is russia that creates this particular picture. finally, on the open door policy, let me put it this way. at the end of the day this is a political decision whether the time is right to open for
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membership. we are in close dialogue with that can't countries. for some of them we have developed what have developed what we call a membership action plan and within the membership action plan redefines the reformed -- cert reforms to be carried out, certain criteria that must be fulfilled. and as regards, montenegro has an example, we pointed to reforms of the security sector as a particular issue and we will now focus and intensify our talk with montenegro on that specific issue. so the us poorer countries know very well what is needed to answer the door.
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>> mr. secretary general, we are coming to the end of an hour. i noticed that a ton of questions in the audience. ask your question to help wrap up our conversation today. as we talk about looking forward this call to the end of your tenure when he stepped down, you have a nervous agenda still on your plate. but i want to ask us to think back on your time is secretary-general colonia came to the atlantic council in 2009, he said something that struck me at your original remarks. asked to set up the atlantic with one foot in europe and one for north america. when europe and north america come together, i am comfortable. the nature of takhar, i'm the one that feels pain. so if you think back over your tenure as nato secretary general, what it's been the biggest challenge for you to manage as someone who represents both sides of the atlantic at one time? >> i haven't felt pain. i'm quite comfortable.
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because we have, i would argue we have seen the closer transatlantic relationship during my tenure as secretary general. you have of course have of course seen our operation in afghanistan and as jim jones mentioned in his introduction tonight, we decided on a search in late 2009 was followed by a europe pn commitment and also the europeans searched in libya 2011. he showed the europeans take the lead actually for the first time in the history of our land. and i have experience during my
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tenure as secretary general that we had more political consultations in the nato council then we had in the past. also following the new strategic concept in which we declared that any ally can request consultations on any issue of adventurous spirit so we are caught a lot of consultations also on issues where we could have been the intention to intervene as the nato alliance, but we have seen the north atlantic council essay for a for a very intensive transatlantic dialogue. so both of her speak about operations in the race week about the transatlantic dialogue, we have seen a closer cooperation developed during those five years and that is why i don't feel pain, but i'm quite
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comfortable. >> well come i apologize to the city whose questions questions i was not able to take. i want to remind those of you watch it online if you want to join the secretary-general on wales and you are under 35, we are recruiting right now for a nader future leaders who traveled to the summit in september. please future applications that www.atlantic thank you, mr. secretary-general. your team has been perfect to work with. it is a joy to have you here on the atlantic council on the eve of the summit. thankjoin me in thanking the secretary-general. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated. [inaudible conversations]
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>> just days after donations largest teachers union called for education secretary arne duncan to resign from a president obama has to teachers at the white house and unveiled a new initiative. here is what the president had followed by remarks from secretary duncan. >> well, good afternoon everybody. i endorse an outstanding teachers as well as secretary arne duncan. you know, the reason we are here as it is a great time for us to focus on what we need to do to make sure next year in the year after that and the year after that continues to improve across this country. the one ingredient we now makes an enormous difference and we
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afford the best teachers here, but we also know. i suspect many of you have made a difference in their lives and be excited about learning for an extraordinary career. unfortunately, a lot of kids around the country who are not getting the kind of teaching that they need. not because there aren't a whole lot of great potentials out there, but because we are not doing enough to put a lot of our teachers any position to succeed. they may not be getting the professional development and support they need in the classroom. part of our goal since you came in office as secretary of education and how teachers can
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get better each and every year. of particular concern is the fact that typically the least experienced teachers, the ones with the least support often end up in the poorest schools. so we have a problem in which the kids who need the most skilled teachers are the least likely to get them in the most talented and skilled teachers oftentimes they're teaching the kids who are ready to best prepared and have the most resources outside the school in order to succeed. so what we're trying to do today and arne will have more to say about this this afternoon because there's more teachers here in town is too highly what we are calling excellent educators for all. and it's going to be a program in which we ask states to take a look at where they are distributing great futures, what
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are they doing in order to train and promote and placed teachers and some of the toughest environments for children. but we also are doing is providing technical assistance, highlighting best practices with the intention of making sure where every child is anywhere in the country, dave got the opportunity to have somebody in one of the classroom or beside them guiding them, mentoring them, helping them. when i think about my own experience, the only reason i'm here at the white house is as i had an extraordinary teachers as well as a pretty extraordinary mom and grandparents. i think everyone around the table feels the same ins is that that's part of what inspired some of these people to become teachers. we want to make sure the child has the access to excellent teachers. we are very confident that if we can lift up what works, that
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there will be a lot of states that want to adapt it. unfortunately right now they don't necessarily have the information and as i said, if we do not think, if we don't highlight the problem, inevitably the kids who could not tell in them just to get the most help for getting the least. that is something we need to reverse not just because it's good for these kids. we know if they've got a great teacher they're more likely to graduate, more likely to go to college, more likely to succeed any career. it's also necessary for economy because we have too many kids trapped in situations where they are not able to realize their full potential. i want to thank folks for being here and am looking forward to listen japan to find out what they can be most helpful in providing excellent teachers. thank you, everybody. >> match the white house for secretary arne duncan highlights a new education initiative.
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following his remarks earlier from white house spokesman josh earnest who's asked about the influx of unaccompanied minors crossing the u.s. border. this briefing is just over an hour. >> good afternoon, everybody. nice to see all your spelling faces this monday morning. join this brain by the secretary of education, arne duncan. he is preparing to have lunch with the president and a handful of teachers here at the white house in a few minutes and so we thought would ring into the briefing room while he is here to talk about announcements made at the department of education today to make sure we have a good quality teacher in the classroom. with that, we'll let secretary duncan makes we'll let secretary duncan make some opening remarks and then we'll take your questions and after that we'll move on to business. >> good morning. over the past couple years i've
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had the opportunity to meet with hundreds and hundreds of fantastic educators across all 50 states. in a few minutes i will meet with a couple more to talk about their experiences. helping all students meet their full potential is quite simply the life work of america's great teachers and principals and needs educated no enormous challenges his students growing up in poverty can face. right now across the country despite teachers and principals herculean efforts come as students from low-income families and students of colors often face daunting achievement gaps. a 24 teammates assessment, only 24% of students eligible for food at lunch were proficient on a fourth grade math test compared to almost 60% of others to dance. as everyone here knows, access to great teachers has far-reaching positive impact on effects for students including increased achievement letters, increase college attendance and higher wages over their lifetime. other high-performing countries not only understand this are
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from truth, but more that they act upon it. in south korea for example according to an daddy come as students from low-income families are more likely than students from wealthier families to have access to high-quality teachers. but we struggled with that here in the united states and today raising family incomes too often still predict student access to excellent educators. that is simply unacceptable and we must do better and do better together. for example, in louisiana, the percentage of teachers rated effective is 50% higher and lower property, no minority schools than high poverty high minority schools. similarly in tennessee, low poverty, low minority schools have almost a 33% more teachers rated highly fact different from paired to high poverty, high minority schools. in north carolina, highly effective teachers are 50% more
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likely to lead a disadvantage school tennis schools more privileged. by no means to the states alone actually far from it and i applaud their courage in making information public and transparent. change can only come away to openly and honestly with the facts we need more states and districts to challenge the status quo. this problem exists because of systemic inequities that shortchange certain schools, communities and districts across the country. teachers and principals are not the problem and they are actually essential elements of the solution. they devote their last to preparing students college and careers and we need to provide the support they need to succeed instead at high need schools for their talent and commitment is so desperately needed. today in collaboration with our partners, we launched the excellent educators from initiative, a three-pronged strategic effort to help states and districts support great teachers in print goals to come to an stay in high need schools
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and communities. first we ask states to submit the plans to ensure progress towards educator equity based on data in a different teachers, districts in community groups and to submit that to our department by april 2015. second that's always $4.2 million to launch the new educator equity support network to provide states and districts real-time support in developing and implementing their plans. third, this fall will publish educator equity profiles to help states use data to identify gaps in access to expert low income and minority students as well as tiny schools consistently beating the odds and making a service examples across the nation. we had to process every two years using civil rights data collection project data collection project to monitor states progress towards the goals and we are cc publicly or port their progress on their own metrics each year, encouraging ongoing public dialogue, input
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and ideas and revise their plans as necessary. this announcement builds on average to crucial partners at every level, including a pairing conversation hosted an account of chief state school officers with state and civil rights leaders and i want to paint ec ssl for being a fantastic partner. we'll push each other to act with urgency and to meet our challenges with doubtful creative solutions. the simple truth is all students deserve excellent educators and all educators deserve our full support. to reach these goals, there's no magic bullets are quick fixes the best ideas quite frankly won't come for many of us in washington. we want to help states and districts be created in recruiting, supporting and retaining educators and hanging schools and want to encourage them to involve them listen to the teachers and principals doing the hard work every single day. this is one part of a larger educational equity conversation which we were to promote fiscal equity as well the black cities
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to hide preschool, rigorous coursework from social and emotional support imperative for her school discipline policies. our department won't require any particular approach, but i can share common answer consistently heard from fantastic teachers and principals across the nation who are doing the work. first, great teachers of the great principles. we should all work to improve quality and stability of high need schools. second grade teachers want to work as a team with other great teachers and need time to collaborate. to provide flexibility to allow this to happen. third, teachers and help support early on in their careers. we should provide high-quality coaching, mentorship and professional learning opportunities to teachers and hanging schools. fourth, great teachers want to grow and take on leadership responsibilities. we need to create opportunities
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that don't require them see the classroom in advance professionally and have greater impact. fifth, great teachers that really deserve to be well paid for extra efforts in response abilities and effectiveness in keeping students on track to succeed in college and career. finally, great teachers and principals are not for the long haul and we must be as well. meaningful reform will take tireless work in the atlas commitment. the good news here is across the country, many people are taking real action, showing the courage and creativity is working to challenge status code. embossed in the district recruits and supports and retains teams have affected experienced teachers and pretty professional. louisiana state department of education's implement a tap system for teachers to advancement 66 schools with high concentration of minority and low-income goodness. teachers there report differential compensation in the early was told of the schools
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are very promising. in fact, the imbalance between highly affect the most effective teachers has basically closed in the schools. finally the state has provided $50 million to the ohio appellation of 27 world districts joining together to address challenges they face in ensuring their teachers have the support they need. not together that shape the conversation that is national or local in the solutions. students and educators for the reality for every child in the country. thank you. thank you, mr. secretary. it seems to be pinning some frustration with the education palace is. they voted over the last couple of days to call for your resignation. wondering if you could respond to that and also dare concerns of the administration policies.
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always support due process -- due process rights. we just wanted to be a meaningful bar. i think california some books get tenured after 18 months and this is this something that should be earned by demonstrated effectiveness. folks can come together neither litigate this for the next 10 years or we can come together to think about how we support teachers and how we help make sure students are supported as well. the center should absolutely be linked and we think there's a commonsense way to do that. we hope folks will come together to work together on that. >> mr. secretary and wondering how these education activity profiles will play into states that had no child left behind going forward? >> again we want states to take this seriously. we are serious about closing the achievement gaps and we had to be serious about closing opportunity gaps in the know-how important great teachers and principals are enclosing the steps in giving disadvantaged kids a chance to be successful.
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having courageous conversations we think is very important to going to where we need to estimation. >> you link them to the waivers? >> this is a piece of many things that we are considering and having states focus on this and public transparent conversations about where they are where they are trying to go and publicly what progress we are making towards these goals. we think this is really an important exercise for the nation to undertake. >> mr. secretary last month governor general of louisiana wanted to pull out a common chord. what he think of their role in his part in how to these newer forms relate to common core? are they instead of dead or in addition to? >> great teachers are essential to everything to help students of a think it's essential to move education board as a nation. across the country over 40 states are moving forward with higher standards and we think that's fantastic. we think in louisiana the
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governor is a little bit isolated they are. teachers are moving forward. teachers via the state of their -- supported their state and telling children the truth about where they are in being ready is the right thing to do for the nation. and knott. >> always or how it standards is totally about. >> what you are talking about today has no congressional component. >> it does not. >> this is coming about because you asked congress to do something that they wouldn't do or says more of a patent filed of a planned fall that the president is looking at? >> we obviously would have loved congress to fix no child left behind which is broken and back to the previous question one of the unintended consequences of the no child left behind 20 states down their standards to make colleges look good and that
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was bad for children and bad for education and bad for the country. we want to raise standards and want to take on the equity challenge in a very serious way. in a perfect world would we would have process would address this was congress pixie no child left behind. today tomorrow next week next month that we can continue to wait in their children have one chance to get an great education so we are going to move now. >> the plans that you are asking the state school chiefs to submit were really started under the 2006 law,, right? are you asking them to update or are there a lot of states that never sent them in the first place? >> that is seven or eight years ago so asking states states to common look and be transparent with their data what's working and what's not some places are doing a great job at taking this on and others aren't taken seriously to give them a chance to put their best foot forward and their best thinking for dan mcginn the state chief officers have been a fantastic
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partner here. there's a real level of courage and commitment which makes me hopeful about where we can go. no one is trying to sweep the stuff under the rug and we want them to submit their plans and on a going forward basis have clear metrics, and be transparent and be part of the business of what they are doing as we move forward. >> you are also saying in the documents he released earlier today then inexperienced teachers often are in high-need schools. >> disproportionately. >> so where do you think inexperienced teachers should go? worship for first year and second teachers go? >> again we have amazing first and second-year teachers obviously but like any team there's a diversity of veterans and younger players as well so when you have a school or district or set of schools and it does advantest schools has disproportionate number of schools and you want to balance any team. to increase effectiveness and disadvantages communities predestination we have had far too few incentives frankly lots
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of disincentives for the hardest working and most committed teachers and principals to go to ththe communities in need and mt health. we have to get together and reverse that. >> i didn't hear a direct response to julia's question. the nea is directly calling for your resignation and the ast said they appreciate the sentiment behind that call and obviously the two largest teachers union pity is their direct response and is an indication that when it comes to the kind of reforms that you and others have been pushing over the years whether it be on tenure or charter schools and effective teachers come at the teachers union simply been an obstacle to reform? >> randi weingarten has stayed with us in the nea and their convention they would have stood with us on this.
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we agree on many occasions and we disagreed occasionally. we continue to work closely with both unions and works closely with state unions as well and generally have had good working relationships. thank you. appreciate it. >> all right. i don't have anything to talk about other world than what the secretary said so we will correct the questions raised. >> a wanted to ask about the reports about possible u.s. spying in germany reports that german intelligence employee spied for the u.s.. are you in a position to confirm whether that is accurate? >> i'm not in a position to do that. we have seen those reports and we are aware that a german citizen was arrested over the weekend and alongside the claim that he was purportedly working
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with a u.s. intelligence agency. the reason i can't comment on this particular matter is that involves two things. the first is a pending german law enforcement investigation. i would not want to get ahead of better interfere in that investigation. in addition it obviously goes to purportedly direct intelligence matters for instance the united states and that's not something i frequently comment on from the podium here. what i can say more generally though is the relationship the united states has with germany is incredibly important. this is a very close partnership we have on a range of security issues including some intelligence issues. that partnership is built on respect. it's built on decades of cooperation and shared values. all of those things are high priorities not just with this evisceration to put this country. we are going to work with the germans to resolve the situation.
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>> chancellor merkel said today if these reports are true that it would be a clear contradiction of trust between allies. >> that's obviously a yes. >> if this were to be true. if this were to be spying and intelligence work that the u.s. does in a country like germany is that something the president would be comfortable if given his close i -- a clear contradiction of trust? >> i understand the purpose of the question but it's based on hypothetical. suffice it to say that doesn't change the fact that we highly value the close working relationship we have with the germans on a wide range of issues but particularly on security and intelligence matters. that cooperation is very important to the national security of the united states and our allies. we value that partnership and again it's built on shared trust. it's built on friendship and it's built on shared values and we value that relationship and
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that's why we are going to work through this matter and ensure its result appropriately with the germans. >> is a something that came up in the conversation the president had and has he spoken with her? >> it did not come up in the call. the announcement was made by a law enforcement officials on friday. the call between the present and the chancellor occurred on thursday. >> to the president speak with her? >> not that i know of. >> he said the president had a supplemental spending request with regard to the border situation. exactly how much money as he going ask for and get go into more detail about that? >> i'm not prepared to offer more details about that now. i expect we will have announcement tomorrow and at that point we will have a lot of details about what exactly is included in the final request. as you know it's related to our efforts to add additional resources to the border in the form of immigration judges
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i.c.e. lawyers asylum officials and others that can help us more rapidly and efficiently process the immigration cases that are currently backlogged as it relates to a surge with seeing him aside was border. >> with regard to the plan to move a -- judges to move the situations along the border are there concerns you will be creating backlogs elsewhere? >> the president has talked about this already and he has directed some resources if from the interior to be devoted to the border region. i know it is a view that is shared among both the? and republicans that there is work that we can do to continue to secure the border and processing these cases through the immigration system is a part of that. it also is a part of our commitment, this administration's commitment to dealing with these cases in a humanitarian way. there are due process rights
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that are afforded to these individuals. the president believes due process right should be respected. at the same time we should have a process that is efficient and reflects the state of u.s. law. is it must ration is committed to enforcing that law and if we can deploy additional resources and ensure this law is being enforced efficiently we are interested in doing that. there is an element of doubt that the president can do on its own in terms of devoting resources that exist from the interior and to the border area. it also is why we are seeking additional resources from congress again to further supplement the resources being deployed to solve this problem. >> to confirm as he spoke about this last week but the president talked about his plan to visit the border specifically during his trip to that part of the country later this week. >> that's correct. margaret. >> a couple of quick readouts on this.
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when chancellor merkel asked for was a statement from the west about this. is what you just gave going to service a statement or should we expect in the coming days additional statement and i know you can do right now but actually that addresses some of the specific allegations? >> as of right now i'm not a victim position to comment any further on this particular matter. you are certainly welcome to ask in the days ahead and if there's additional information to share i will. >> and on the announcement tomorrow about the border stuff will that be the supplemental amounts? so all the details on how much money and which subcommittees or whatever it will all be addressed in and you are not able to talk about a? >> a? >> it's a detailed compilation and i don't know but it goes to that level but we will endeavor to make officials available to answer those questions when we present the supplemental request tomorrow.
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>> your supporter over the weekend suggesting personal bomb is secretly interested in having elizabeth warren is a nominate and i'm wondering what it can address from the podium whether there's anything after to that report or plans on getting involved in choosing a democrat for the primary? >> at this point it's still in the middle of 2014 that i'm not aware of any particular positions or candidates are all that much thinking to be honest with you to the thinking of president has done is relates to the next presidential election. i have an excellent seamless reports that the president has a full plate in front of him right now in terms of trying to move this country forward in expanding opportunity for the middle class. that is what he is focused on right now that is what he will be focused on over the course of the next couple of years. when it's late 2016 and you want to talk about presidential politics maybe we can get them. >> the president also asked for more latitude for dhs and
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duplications of the -- border. have you gotten a signals from senate democrats that is something they might be interested in doing? >> i'm not in a position to talk about the conversations between senate democrats in the white house on this particular matter. i would expect however based on the comets by members of congress from democrats and republicans that we should see bipartisan support for this. there is concern about the urgent humanitarian situation we see on the southwest border. given the secretary, and security additional authority and discretion that he can use to confront that situation more efficiently, making sure that we are now watching the humanitarian issues that are at stake while also enforcing the law is a priority. it's a prior divisiveness ration and if you listen to the public comments of democrats and republicans it sounds like it's a bipartisan priority so we are certainly hopeful that when we are in a position to be more
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specific about what kind of discretion -- let me state it this way. we want to position about the authority we are seeking for the secretary of common security to be able to use to confront the situation. we are hopeful the response of will be if not unanimous at least bipartisan support for him getting that authority. >> however it is that you end up crafting that how do you get around the fact that there are dams that don't want to do and a little thing without also doing a comprehensive immigration plan? >> well first of all there is no reason -- that while there is one reason that comprehensive immigration upon hasn't gotten done and that simply because we have seen house republicans blocked a proposal from coming to the floor of the house for a vote. it's a commonsense bipartisan proposal had passed the senate and gotten a vote in the house of representatives we are confident it would have passed. we certainly are familiar and
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share that sentiment that action on a comprehensive immigration reform proposal is necessary to what is also necessary though is that we deal with this urgent humanitarian situation that has cropped up in the last few weeks in the form of a spike of the illegal migration from central american countries. what we are seeking is additional authority that can be used by the secretary of common security to deal with the situation in a humanitarian way in a way that's in line with our laws which means that those who seek to stay in this country go through the due process that is afforded them to the immigration courts. at the same time there is a commitment on the part of this administration to enforce the law and to make sure everybody in this country and people and central american countries understand that enforcing the law means if you do not have a legal basis for remaining in this country that you will be returned to your home country
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and that is also the case and it's also one of the reasons that we are seeking this greater authority that could be used by the secretary, security. george i'm going to call on you. you still get a question today. >> following up on what you just said, he you said there's an urgent humanitarian situation. are you not at all concerned about the optics the president can fly to texas to raise political money but he can't go see this urgent humanitarian situation in? >> we are not worried about the soptic's sergeant because the president is aware of the situation on the border. the secretary of hhs top cdc officials and some senior white house officials have traveled in the last several weeks to the southwest border. what they have seen is struggling. they have seen this influx of illegal migration from central
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america and what they have also seen however are the efforts of fema working closely with dhs and hhs and the department of defense to set up detention facilities to ensure that while these, while those that are apprehended are detained in a humanitarian way the law requires that began this is something the administration is committed to end his enforcing in the law. the president is well aware of what's happening along the southwest border and that is why you have seen a wide range of steps from the authority the president has to enforce the law. you have also seen and we will get more details tomorrow the request to give the administration additional resources that can be used to address this problem. it's my view and i don't think this is an unreasonable one that those who share the president's concern about the situation will be supportive of ensuring the frustration has the resources
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necessary to deal with the situation. those who are generally concerned about the border will broadly will be strongly supportive of efforts to make historic investment in border security should be supportive of an effort to level the playing field for businesses who hire immigrants and those individuals who say they are concerned about the border should be supportive of the kind of compromised commonsense bipartisan proposal that would be good for the economy that would reduce the deficit. all of those things are contained in the commonsense proposal that passed the senate and those who are concerned about the president's travel this week should also be concerned about their support for legislation that would address so many of the problems that they claim to be concerned about.
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>> you said you want to expand authority of the dhs secretary process by which these folks can be processed. >> to make the process more efficient. >> the bottom-line issue is these young people and families come into the country and they cannot be turned back immediately. they essentially have to be disbursed with family members that live here or throughout the country. he can't expedite the processor can you were the they never introduced into american society? >> mike the lower choirs and this is an anti-trafficking law that was passed by congress in 2008 and signed into law by the previous administration so we have should be clear about the love that this administration is enforcing. outlawed mandates how children from noncontiguous countries are
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treated in the immigration system. what we are seeking is for that process to be made more efficient and there are for a voice in which that process can be made efficient. some of it by assessing authority that the administration art he hasn't some of that by exercising authority that the secretary of homeland security seeks but does not yet have. the bottom line though is the law will be enforced and what that means is that beans that these children who have been apprehended will go through the immigration court process and if they are found to not have a legal basis for remaining in this country they will be returned. it is fair to say it's unlikely that most of the kids who go through this process will not qualify, it's unlikely that most of the kids to go through the
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process will qualify for humanitarian relief which is to say most of them on not have a legal basis and will not be found to that court process to have a legal basis to remain in this country. [inaudible] >> that's one of the reasons we are seeking detention facilities that can actually house more children in a humanitarian way that could deal deal with his back blog more efficiently. as one of the reasons we are seeking additional judges and asylum officials and i.c.e. lawyer so the weight is not so long. the whole process can run more efficiently in a way that is consistent with our values about the way human being should be treated but also in a way that's consistent with the immigration law requires. we are committed to fulfilling the tenants of that law and that is likely to require some children to be sent back to their own countries. that's why we have spoken in clearing candid terms that parents who are considering
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their children in the hands of a criminal with only the promise that show will be open with th the -- what on the open ours in america should not do so. the journey is dangerous and the promise is not one that can be filled. it's unlikely those children will be found to have or are unlikely to qualify for humanitarian relief. they will be sent home. >> thanks josh. i want to clarify looking at it in a different way. you are saying most of these children that have been in these desperate situations will be returned to their homes in central america. that's your estimation because that's not what we heard, certainly not in that clear the statement from secretary jones yesterday. >> a couple of things about this.
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we are going to respect that due process. each case is specific and we will be treated on a case-by-case basis. that's what the immigration law requires. that's why can we are seeking additional judges and lawyers and asylum officials who can process these claims more quickly to make sure that each case is heard and given the requisite amount of attention however based on what we know about these pieces it is unlikely that most of these kids will qualify for humanitarian relief and what that means is that means they will not have the legal basis for remaining in this country and will be returned. >> we also know 600 miners were ordered each year from nonborder states over the last decade or so. 95 reported last year according to records even assess flood from central america find times more than two years earlier has
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been pouring across the southwest border. why do you think now that more children will be sent back when at least recent indications are that has not been the case? >> well because we will have additional resources that we can use in the court system. additional judges and additional lawyers. what we will do is we will be able to put in place, we will be able to add capacity to the system that will allow these claims to be processed more efficiently. again that is in the best interest of both those who are seeking to enforce the laws like this at administration is committed to do and also the in the best interest of the humanitarian concerns that people have about the treatment of these children. additional resources will allow these cases to be processed more efficiently. i think it's important for people to understand from a policy matter is that the overall apprehensions along the border have only risen by a
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slight amount. what we have seen though is we have seen a significant increase in apprehensions and processing of children and individuals from central america. there is one certain segment that accounts for this fight. the overall levels are not that far above what we have seen in the last few years and what we have seen in the last few years is a historic low in terms of apprehensions on the border. >> outside of ramallah and honduras? >> in terms of the broader border security situation we remain near the historic lows that we have been out for the last several years. there is however a spike in a specific population and we would like congress to give the administration additional resources to deal with these cases more efficiently while respecting the basic due process rights that each of these individuals has.
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but in terms of enforcing the law gives adults a private at the border or adults with children apprehended at the border that hasn't changed either. it's important for people to understand that the efficiency of that enforcement process is also improved and the bottom line is this administration's commitment to enforcing the law of the same time respect the basic humanitarian needs of those who are apprehended. nokia. >> over the weekend ahead of the state islamic state of iran appeared to be speaking to -- is he challenging the u.s. and what does it say about cooperation with the government? >> i have seen reports of the video. we have not at this point been able to determine the authenticity of that video so that's something that is being reviewed by the intel community and the state department. since that video has not been authenticated and i'm not a position to comment it on it at
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this point. >> an attack across yemen across the saudi border preview have been cooperating with the yemeni government over years especial especially -- what does this say about this new attack since the president said the leaders on the run? are you reviewing your assessment especially in yemen? >> i have not seen reports of the situation you are talking about so we will have to follow-up with you on that matter. >> thanks josh. they're only few legislative days left until next month in the highway trust fund is going to be running out of money. is their proposal on capitol hill that you have seen to pay for that to replenish that font? >> the probe also that i've seen that i like the best is one of those put forward by this administration. it's a commonsense proposal that deserves the bipartisan support that unfortunately is there --
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in washington. it involves closing loopholes that only benefit the wealthy and well-connected. closing those loopholes generates revenue that could be used to invest in infrastructure that benefits everybody. those are the top and aunt would create a lot of jobs and would support a lot of jobs that are risk at the trust fund itself is threatened. there are a lot of reasons are what we put forward our commonsense proposal. we are certainly open to reviewing other proposals that others may put forward but in terms of how we think this piece of important piece of business should be done we have been clear about what we think is the proper path forward. >> is only going to be immigration or there's talk on the hill about the wildfires that president has asked for for money as well to battle terrorism overseas and terrorism and partnership funds.
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this is only immigration? >> there are other things as well as bleep do we let more details tomorrow. >> he said this morning the magician is committed to enforcing the law and immigration situation. if that's the case why did you your comment security secretary said that when asked why he could not say what you said? >> what the homeland security secretary was clear about was her commitment of enforcing the law. >> he kept talking about other options. >> he was asked her about whether or not this administration is committed to enforcing the law. >> will most of the children we seen the situation be returned to their homes? migrants including children we are looking at ways to create additional options for dealing with the children in particular. what are those additional options? >> edging out ad with the 2008 law requires a specific children
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apprehend him a border who richard made in central american country so when he's talking about additional options he's talking about processing them through the system. in some cases that means sending them back to their home country. once they go to the immigration system it's our view that is unlikely most of those kids will qualify for humanitarian relief. if they don't qualify for that relief and don't have a legal basis for being in this country they will be sent back. >> how do you react by democratic congressman from texas said yesterday that he thinks the president and the white house is than but one step behind and should've known months ago that this crisis was developing an basically suggested you hadn't done anything. >> was at administration has been proactive as we dealt with the situation. we have increased the amount of resources that are currently deployed to our immigration system to efficiently process the cases leading judges and
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lawyers and asylum officials. we can more effectively and efficiently processes claims that we have also opened up detention facilities to make sure those adults accompanied by children have a place where they can stay while their immigration process is playing out. and we have improved their efficiency when it comes to apprehending adults at the border quickly processing their immigration claims and in most cases sending them back to the country where they originate as well. this administration has been working proactively to deal with i think everyone thinks is a difficult situation with the idea in mind that it's important to both respect, the basic humanitarian needs of those who show up on our southwestern border but also to enforce the law. >> on that question a practically the department of homeland security had a bid to contract as early as january looking for escorts to help unaccompanied minors.
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if the administration in january had a contract out their looking for escorts to help these kids does not suggest the administration knew there was a way of calming and was not actually proactive end of this contract was out there but yet you still have the problem developed. >> for questions on contract i would check with. >> lawmakers of both parties and staffer should not have subsidies under the new health care law. we here in wisconsin today in addition you had speaker boehner's lawsuit dealing with executive actions. when you see this lawsuit potentially going forward on health care how do you react to that? >> i think they are republican members of congress who have articulated they don't agree with a lawsuit that senator johnson is purported and they don't believe senator johnson's interpretation of the law is consistent with their
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interpretation of the law. i think there's republican disagreement about the wisdom of the lava secretary johnson is pursuing. with the president believes is that the whole goal of the affordable care act in the first place was to lower health care costs and to expand access to quality affordable health insurance for every american including those employed by small businesses. we have been very clear about what those goals are and i recognize there may be somewhat eccentric johnson who johnson who don't share those goals. there are efforts to enforce the law and implement this law and a way that maximizes benefits for ththe american juon expands accs to health care so we are moving forward on that. >> you have spoken about due process but it sounds like you have judged the due process judgment. >> it would be inaccurate to prejudge that process. we are committed to the rule of
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law. as i mentioned i think to chris it's important that each of these cases is adjudicated on a case-by-case basis evaluating claims of individuals who have been apprehended. that said our general knowledge about those children from central america that have appeared at the border in rising numbers over the last few weeks that our knowledge as a general matter of those cases indicate that it's unlikely that the majority of those children will qualify for humanitarian relief. so that is just our effort to convey to you as much information as we have about the situation. it is a no-win effort to prejudge the due process that each of these individuals entitled to. >> is there a direct effect on those heading to the border to carry out these due process procedures to hear from the podium before they are for the
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most of them all qualify for humanitarian relief? >> the people that are being sent to do with this problem are highly trained professionals that have experience in this case law and they will look carefully at the specific claims of each of these individuals and they will carry out the proceedings in accordance with the law. that's the instruction they have received from the president and the secretary of common security and that is what we have a high expectation they will do. i think the president was direct when he was asked about this 10 days or so ago in an interview with mr. carles network. >> you said something different.
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>> he said don't send your children there and then he wan want -- one on two klingler that was the case in that explanation is in line with our laws. the other thing the president highlighted in this as important as well the president highlighted that what we are talking about is a very dangerous journey. in many cases this is a journey that is being led by criminal networks that are seeking only to prey upon those who live increasingly desperate situations. that is deplorable. it's one of the reasons the administration is seeking greater authority to crack down on some of those criminal networks. hopefully congress will give us the ability to enforce the law against criminal networks as well by handing out even stiffer punishments for those who are caught praying on those in a particularly vulnerable state. but our commitment here to enforcing the law and the candid
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message that is being delivered to families throughout central america is that they should not entrust their children in the hands of a criminal. on the promise that they will be welcomed in the united states of america. >> julia was asking about chancellor merkel. you volunteered and said that's a big if you to my ears that sounded like a qualified denial. why don't you just deny it? >> that's not what it was. that's not what it was. it was an observation about her question which it was predicated entirely on a hypothetical. not that it was unreasonable question but it was predicated on a hypothetical. >> what she was quoting you on was the chancellor of germany saying if it was true would constitute a breach of understanding. that is not a hypothetical. that's a statement from the german chancellor. i think he said that's a big gift so i'm just wondering what is the content because it
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sounded like what you were saying is if these allegations are unlikely to be proven true. >> that's not at all what i'm saying. that's an assumption in my effort to be as candid as possible with julia. i'm not in a position to comment. this is an intelligence matter and matter that is under investigation by the german law enforcement authorities. i'm not in a position to comment on it from here. as it relates to our relationship with germany it is a relationship that is highly valued by this country and this administration for a whole variety of reasons including the solid cooperation and partnership that we have when it comes to our nation's national security. >> win a judge on that set in some cases, the deportation hearing can take years. >> we had an immigration judge this week is that in some minors
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can take years. the country. is that not undermining the president and vice president, even two or three years? they are being welcomed in the united states. >> that meets a couple of things. it is one of the reasons again the president has directed the additional judges, officials, and attorneys be dedicated to deal with the back lots. the other thing that is important to understand is prioritizing -- people who are showing up in the next few weeks are likely to have their cases processed efficiently through the system. due process will be respected. humanitarian responsibilities dictated by the law to be respected, these children when
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they arrive will be housed in a facility maintained by hhs. the administration is committed to be enforcing the law. >> you will do a last in and laughed out? >> it is more competition than can be described in an introduction to accounting. >> we are seeking additional resources so we can real down the backlog but also address the basic due process claims of the border. it is my understanding the
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releases take place because of the backlog. we are trying to trim the backlog but also prioritize those. >>, which of those promised a court they are showing a further hearing? >> i do not have specific numbers. >> is there a reason? >> it is important to understand. if i have the number, it would not give you an accurate picture of what is happening. we have seen a recent surge in the last few weeks of recent arrivals. sometimes, because the backlog is lengthy, the notice to appear is a lengthy time. it might not necessarily give you an accurate picture of what happened.
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>> it is a small number. >> i do not have the number in front of me. >> is it closer to 10%, 100%? >> i think the number would illustrate it is not operating as efficiently. that is why we are seeking additional resources to deal with those who have been recently apprehended and making sure we are enforcing the law. >> it showed back in 2008, there were more than 8000 miners sent back and last year, the numberñi had fallen to less than 2000. it was almost 1/5 of what it had been. does that not show that what you are saying is disinformation, that when smugglers promise [indiscernible] this administration has not really been deporting.
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>> what is important is the difference between 2008 and the more recent statistics. the passage of that law, signed into law by the previous president. what that law mandated is different in the way children who arrived in the country from noncontinuous countries are treated in immigration system. the numbers you cite reflect or are the consequence of this it ministration's -- administration's consistent enforcement of the law. we are seeking greater authority for the secretary of homeland security to exercise discretion that would allow him to make that process more efficient and, in some cases, more quickly and probably -- promptly remove children from the country if it is found they do not qualify for humanitarian relief. understanding those numbers presented this morning in the
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times requires someone to take into account what the enforcement of the law requires. what that law required was a longer process for adjudicating the cases of these children from 19 -- noncontiguous countries. >> showing some of the miners who come into the country illegally are i am large able to stay. there have been so few deportations. >> i am not blaming it on the law. i am merely citing this is what the law requires. there is a suggestion from our opponents that the problem is the president is not enforcing the law. he is. we are seeing a greater authority to more effectively enforce that law that would allow the administration to act more quickly to return children from the country they originated. >> i have a question from another subject if you can remind me.
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the president's tweets. i understand those are not directly written by him. does he even read them and know they're going out? are they reviewed by the white house or is that simply doing something on his behalf? >> i am suspecting you asked me about a tweet i have not seen. the twitter handle is maintained by os a. that is the political organization, the offshoot of the campaign. it is a twitter handle maintained independently of the white house. >> what i'm going to ask about each -- about is, after the hobby lobby decision, a throwback thursday tweet to a throwback of last week when a woman made her own decisions about her own health care. does the president believe
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because of the hobby lobby decision, women were not allowed to make their own decisions about health care? >> that is certainly true of women in some cases, that what the spin court ruling, the consequences of that is it will allow bosses to interfere with what the president believes should be the freedom that any woman has to make her own decisions about her health care. >> he was aware of the tweet as far as you know? >> i'm not sure. the twitter handle is maintained independently of the white house. i am not aware of it. it sounds like, based on your description, it is consistent with a priority the president and this administration have attempted to advance, which is that women should have the freedom to make their own decisions about their health care without interference from their boss. mark. >> the administration has made
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it clear from the beginning and during the latest crisis that the priority is for an increase in the national government. we heard overnight the iraqi parliament will not intervene until the 12th. the government for nation is paralyzed. is the administration satisfied with the effort so far for iraqi leaders to overcome the issue and what else can be united states do to move along that process? >> i have been candidate -- candid, i think, that we will not move more quickly to unify that country. that nation faces an existential threat from isil right now and to confront that threat, they will have to be united. this has been confronted by an
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array of people, particularly the vice president, who has been on the phone. we made clear that is a necessary step. we also made clear that the president has made it clear additional military involvement will only be done in coordination with tangible commitments from iraq's leaders to have a more inclusive government agenda. the reason is this existential threat has a security dimension to it but it only highlights the degree to which iraq is honorable. it will require iraq's put the leaders from each of the major communities in iraq, the shia, the sunni, to put aside those
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divisions and put the interests of the country first. we are urging iraq leaders to do that and to do it more than they have in the last few weeks. >> vice president biden called and rather than move up, they're moving it back. are they brushing aside? >> no, we have seen constructive words from other leading members of her rack's society. we saw a representative comments and urge the iraqi political leadership to do the same thing. we have seen other countries in the region urge iraq a political leaders to come together and unify the country. i think there is widespread agreement in the region and around the world that the way in which this problem can be solved
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is pretty clear. i certainly have not tried to minimize the difficulty is making these kinds of decisions in reaching these kinds of agreements. to be blunt about it, reaching those agreements and making those difficult decisions are necessary for iraq to survive. >> thank you. i was talking last week to the other josh from missouri, the cocounsel in the hobby lobby case. he noticed there are 50 other cases pending that involved nonprofits. he said the president, with a stroke of a pen, could set aside all of these cases of executive order that would either circumvent, using strong
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language, previous executive order health care, or designate certain parties, such as the government or an insurer to handle health care, which abortion inducing contraception's are involved. what are your comments it is the president considering executive order? let's our belief for henry -- >> our belief for handling the situation is that hobby lobby and the supreme court struck down one part signed into law by the president. one few about how to resolve this situation is for congress to pass a law. the difficulty congress has in taking steps like this, i am not naïve.
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but in this matter, our first priority for resolving the situation is passing a law. >> no executive order. >> our first priority is for congress to take action and that is what i would like to see. >> we talked a lot about the core of the immigration problem right now. the problem for our country is they are able to get past the border and the law in place that caters specifically to them. would you agree that is our problem right now? that is our root cause of the humanitarian crisis you mentioned. >> if we can enjoy success in cooperation that would stem the tide, that would be a benefit to our country. we are engaged in pretty intensive diplomacy. you have seen in the last couple of weeks the vice president and the secretary of state traveled to that region to meet with
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leaders of those countries to try to deal with the situation there. that involved increasing funding for programs that would promote community development and set up centers to make it more efficient to move children who left the country back into that country. it also involved greater cooperation with law enforcement officials, that we have existing law enforcement relationships to improve citizen security in those countries. we are engaged in a variety of efforts, some of which are underway in the home country who are seeking to travel to this one. it is accurate to point out there is an urgent humanitarian situation that is in full bloom on the u.s. order. that is why you have seen the deployment of additional resources to try to do it that. >> if enforcing the law has contributed to the crisis, because we need to house and deal with them through the courts, with the president not
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then advocate for changing that law, or does the administration handle values of that law, or do you think expanding the leeway of dhhs will be enough? >> this is a multifaceted solution. the first is the bed rock requirement. we are also seeking additional authority from congress that can be given to exercise some discretion more promptly on how to remove children who, it is found to the court process, that they do not have a legal basis for remaining in the country. >> the law basically needs to be changed? we know most of the kids will not have that remedy within their situations anyway. >> you're right. it is our expectation that after going through the legal process, the majority of these kids will not qualify for humanitarian relief. the law we are discussing is an
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antitrafficking law. there are important benefits. there are kids moving trafficking from asia, for example, who need to have the kind of guarantees and protections in terms of ensuring due process is followed. the law is important. in light of the recent surge we have seen from central american countries, there is an additional story that can be used to enforce the law more effectively in the best interests of the country and the children. >> the supplemental request, will that include fees for border security or is this all remedied? >> the requests we are principally focused on immigration resources -- judges, lawyers, prosecutors, i would
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officials, who can make sure these cases are processed more efficiently. the thing now, i have seen reporting's on your network and outlets that a lot of these individuals traveling from central american countries are not necessarily seeking to get through the border. they are seeking out border patrol officers so they can be detained and go through the immigration system. we are certainly interested in making sure we have the additional resources in place in the immigration does them to process those claims more quickly. in most cases, we are talking about adults, they can be returned to their country more quickly. those are concerned about border security, and i saw there were a couple of republicans forceful on their advocacy for increased border security on a couple of sunday morning programs. the fact of the matter is, copper has of immigration reform
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passed in the senate and is being blocked by republicans in the house including border security. those who claim they are against comprehensive immigration reform and yet are committed to criticize and the president for his lack of effort to secure the border, are opened to have their motives questioned. i hope they will be when they do an additional interview on your network. thanks, everybody. have a good monday.
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>> discussion on nsa surveillance, cybersecurity and internet freedom. we will hear from bruce schneider who is a mother and security technologist. earlier this year he wrote an essay for the atlantic titled how the nsa threatens national security. this event was hosted by the new america foundation. >> we are going to go ahead and get started folks. hi and welcome to new america a nonprofit ci
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