tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 22, 2014 2:00pm-2:16pm EDT
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afternoon on a measure giving tax breaks to employers who return jobs to the united states. earlier today at the white house just a short while ago, the president signed a bill assed by the house and senate -- passed by the house and senate that overhauls work force training programs. we're going to show you that from earlier today and wait until the senate comes in at 2:15. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much. everybody, please be seated. thank you. welcome to the white house, everybody. and i want to thank joe for the generous introduction, but more importantly, for everything he does day in, day out on behalf of american workers. and i want to thank the members of congress who are here from both parties who led the effort to reauthorize the work force investment act. you know, when president clinton signed the original work force investment act back in 1998, he said it was a big step forward in making sure that every adult
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can keep on learning for a lifetime. and he was right. the law became a pillar of american job training programs. it's helped millions of americans earn the skills they need to find a new job or get a better paying job. but even back then, even in 998 our economy was changing. the notion that a high school education could get you a good job and that you'd keep that job until retirement wasn't a reality for the majority of people. advances in technology made some jobs obsolete, global competition sent other job withs overseas. and then as we were coming into office, the great recession pulled the rug out from under millions of hard working families. now, the good news is today nearly six years after the financial crisis our businesses have added nearly ten million new jobs over the past 52 months. manufacturing's adding jobs for the first time since the
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1990s, the unemployment rate is at its lowest point since september of 2008. by the way, it's the fatsest one-year drop this nearly 30 years. there are now more job openings than at anytime since 2007, pre-recession. for the first time in a decade, as joe mentioned, business leaders around the world have declared that the number one place to do business, the number one place to invest isn't china, it's the united states of america. so thanks to the hard work of the american people and some decent policies, our economy has recovered faster, and it has gone farther than most other advanced nations. as joe said, we are well positioned. we've got the best cards. so we have the opportunity right now to extend the lead we already have, to encourage companies to join the trend and bring jobs home. to make sure that the gains respect just for folks at the very top -- aren't just for
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folks at the very top, but that the economy works for every single american. the you're working hard, you should be able to get a job. that job should pay well, and you should be able to move forward, look after your family. opportunity for all. and that means that even as we're creating new jobs in this new economy, we have to make sure that every american has the skills to fill those jobs. and keep in mind not every job that's a good job out there needs a four-year degree, but the ones that don't need a college degree generally need some sort of specialized training. you know, last month i met just a wonderful young woman named rebecca in minnesota. a few years ago she was waiting tables. her husband lost his job, he was a carpenter doing construction work. he had to figure out how to scramble and get a new job that paid less, she chose to take out student loans, she enrolled in a
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community college, she retrained for a new career. today not only has her husband within able to get back into construction, but she los her job -- loves her job as an accountant. started a whole new career. and the question then is how do we give more workers that chance to adapt, to revamp, retool so that they can move forward in this new economy. and and in 2011 i called on congress to reauthorize the work force investment act, update it for the 21st century, and i want to thank every single lawmaker who's here -- lawmakers from both parties -- who answered that call. it took some compromising, but you know what? turns out compromise sometimes is okay. folks in congress got past their differences, and they got a bill to my desk. so this is not a win for democrats or republicans, it is a win for american workers. it's a win for the middle class. and it's a win for everybody
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who's fighting to earn their way into the middle class. so the bill i'm about to sign will give communities more certainty to invest in job training programs for the long run, it will help us bring those programs into the 21st century by building on what we know works based on evidence, based on tracking what actually delivers on behalf of folks who enroll in these programs. more partnerships with employers, more tools to measure performance, more flexibilities for states and cities to innovate and to run their work force programs in ways that are best suited for their particular demographic and their particular industries. and as we approach the 24th anniversary of the ada, this bill takes new steps to support americans with disabilities who want to live and work independently. so there's a lot of good stuff in here. of course, as joe said, still many that we can do, and that's
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why we've rallied employers to give long-term unemployed a fair shot. that's why we're using $600 million in federal grants to encourage companies to offer apprenticeships and work directly with community colleges. it's why in my state of the union address this year i asked joe to lead an across-the-board review of america's training programs to make sure that they have one mission: train americans with the skills employers actually need, then match them to good jobs that need to be to filled right now. so today i'm directing my cabinet, even as we're signing the bill, to implement some of joe's recommendations. first, we're going to use the funds and programs we already have in a smarter way. federal agencies will award grants that move away from what our is secretary of labor, tom perez, who's been working or very hard on this, what he calls a train and pray approach. and i'll bet a lot of you who have dealt with folks who are
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unemployed know what that means. they enroll, they get trained for something, they're not even sure whether the job's out there. if the job isn't out there, all they're doing is saddling themselves with debt, often times putting themselves in a worse position. what we want to do is make sure where you train your workers first based on what employers are telling you they're hiring for. help business design the training programs. so that we're creating a pipeline in the jobs that are actually out there. number two, training programs that use federal money will be required to make public how many of its graduates find jobs and how much they earn. that means workers, as they're shopping around for what's available, they'll know in advance if they can expect a good return on their investment. every job seeker should have all
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the tools they need to take their career into their own hands, and we're going to help make sure they can do that. and finally, we're going to keep investing in new strategies and innovations that help keep place with a rapidly-changing economy. from testing new, faster ways of teaching skills like coding and cybersecurity and welding to the giving at-risk youth the chance to learn on the job, we will keep making sure that americans have the chance to build their careers throughout a lifetime of hard work. so the bill i'm signing today and actions i'm taking today will connect more ready-to-work americans with ready-to ready-to-be-filled jobs. of course, there's so much more we can still do, and i'm looking toward to engaging all the members of congress and all the businesses and not-for-profits who have worked on this issue. i'm really interested in engaging them. see what else we can get going. i'll give you a couple of
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examples. our high school graduation rate is the highest on record. more young people are earning their college degrees than ever before. but we still have work to do to make college more affordable and lift the burden of student loan debt. i acted to give nearly five million americans the opportunity to cap their student loan payments at 10% of their income, particularly important for those to who were choosing careers that aren't as lucrative, but congress could help millions more, and i'd like to work with you on that. minimum wage, you know, this week marks five years since the last increase in the my mum wage. more and more states and business owners are raising their workers' wages. i did the same thing for federal contractors. i'd like to work with congress to make sure we can do the same for about 28 million americans, give americans a raise right now. fair pay, let's make sure the next generation of women are getting a fair deal.
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let's make sure the next generation of good manufacturing jobs are made in america. let's make it easier, not harder, for companies to bring those jobs back home. tomorrow senators will get to vote on the bring jobs home act. instead of rewarding companies for shipping jobs overseas or rewarding companies that are moving profits offshore, let's create jobs right here in america, and let's encourage those companies. so let's build on what both parties have already donen many of these issues -- done on many of these issues. let's see if we can come together. and while we're at it, let's fix an immigration system that is currently broken in a way that strengthens our borders and that we know will be good for business. we know will increase our gdp, we know will drive down our deficit. so i want to thank all the democrats and republicans here today for getting this bill dope. this is a big piece of work. you can see it's a big bill. [laughter] but i'm also inviting you back.
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let's do this more often. [laughter] it's so much none. [applause] let's pass more bills, help create more good jobs, strengthen the middle class. [applause] look at everybody, everybody's smiling, everybody feels good. [laughter] we could be doing this all the time. laugh -- [laughter] our work can make a real difference in the lives of real americans. that's why we're here. we'll have more job satisfaction. [laughter] the american people, our customers, they'll feel better about the product we produce. back in 1998 when president clinton signed the original work force investment act into law, he was introduced by a man named jim antosi from reading, pennsylvania. and jim spoke about how he had been laid off in 1995 at age 49, two kids, no college degree. with the help of job training
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programs, he earned his bachelor's degree in computer science, found a new job in his field. today jim and his wife barb still live in reading. over the past 16 years, he's been steadily employed as a programmer working his way up from contractor to full-time employee in just a few months. jim now is planning to retire after a lifetime of hard work. josh training program made a difference in his life. one thing he's thinking about doing in his retirement is teaching computer science at local community college so he can help a new generation of americans earn skills that lead directly to a job just like he had the opportunity to do. well, i ran for president because i believe even in a changing economy, even in a changing world stories like jim aren't just possible, they should be the norm. joe believes the same thing. many of you believe the same thing. i believe america is -- i don't just believe, i know america's full of men and women who work very hard and live up to the
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responsibilities. and all they want in return is to see that hard work pay off. that responsibility rewarded. they are not greedily, they're not looking -- greedy, they're not looking for the moon. they just want to know if they work hard, they can find a job, they can look after their families, they can retire with dignity. they're not going to go bankrupt when they get sick. maybe take a vacation once in a while, nothing fancy. that's what they're looking for, because they know that, ultimately, what's important is family and community and relationships. and that's possible. that's what america's supposed to be about. that's what i'm fighting for every single day as president. this bill will help move us along that path. we need to do it more. let's get together, work together, restore opportunity for every single american. so with that, i'd like to invite up some of the outstanding folks who are sitting in the audience who helped make this happen, and
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[inaudible conversations] >> president obama at the white house earlier today. the senate is gaveling back in for votes on several judicial nominations, district courts in california, florida and louisiana. we expect possible debate, too, on a measure to give tax breaks to employers who return jobs to the united states. now live senate coverage here on c-span2.
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