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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  August 6, 2014 5:30pm-7:31pm EDT

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so you do see in that broad context and alignment, it's not
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an allowance but in alignment of interest in saudi arabia and egypt and the palestinian authority and israel. it's the muslim brotherhood and hamas. it was less engaged in before and it's natural they were quietly under the table in most respects to find a way to help each other and that is the phenomenon that is going on. i do think it is not in their interest if i may suggest for the united states to be seen as
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not being able to get concessions because of the strong support for the security because if they undermine the perception of their friends and we are israel's best friends come if we undermine the ability to influence their adversaries or the belief of the adversaries and our beliefs to influence them, then they will face a much difficult situation. then they may find themselves comfortable in the embrace in the quiet embrace of their neighbors. but as you referred to it, they would find themselves isolated in the community that would not accept the continuation of the occupation for a very long time. and so, while i think a lot of
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this is natural, i think it's important that israel be able to stand on its own 2 feet and the disrespect for the united states that has crept into the language of the right wing and israel is a folly for the interest. >> i'm going to ask you to end on that point but we had a couple questions for you as well. >> i try to be brief. there are the palestinian people and i think it's important to place yourself in the shoes of the palestinians. they do not see hamas as an alien organization committed to destruction and an evil terrorist organization with horns and a tail and things. they see it as one of many
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palestinian factions on the political landscape that espouses some of the things they agree with and some of which they don't. the vast majority do not subscribe to the ideology and the vast majority of them do not vote for -- and this is anecdotal but even when they won the majority people thought into their ideology or rejected simply because the others were failure. that's just for starters. palestinians for the other aspects is a different then it was 30 years ago. it almost every way. and i would argue that an occupation which is what all
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palestinians want. i don't believe that they are throwing rockets at israel because it is trying to destroy the state of israel. if that is their objective that they are on the long planned of israel's destruction. their goal -- and i don't mean to make light of it because these are terrible things but they are objective primarily is to be taken seriously internationally and to be relevant politically among the palestinians. they have said and others will certainly disagree on a number of occasions very us leaders have said that they are willing to accept the state. if they accept the recognition of israel because in their view the recognition was offered in
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exchange for nothing. they recognized and still there is no palestinian state for the recognition is what was missing and they happened 25 years ago. so, there've been some lessons learned. but i belief that hamas isn't looking to create a caliphate to the sea but they want to end the occupation, and the resistance is see seen enough context for palestinians. in that context for palestinians. and even if we don't accept that, you make peace with your enemies and not with your friends so you can't expect people to jump through all these hoops and say in order for you to qualify for the peace process with me, you have to do x. y. and z.. that paradigm of conflict resolution doesn't exist anywhere in the world. you make peace with your enemies
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as they are. and then you hope they don't remain enemies afterwards. >> i would note that even for the united states it took 1988, 89 declaration for the u.s. to be open a dialogue. ultimately that was an incentive. you see the palestinian politicians in factions learned lessons from that and i would take that point but it strikes me that the mutual recognition of 1993 is the one thing from the oslo process that has not been dismantled, rolled back from all of that experience and therefore it seems to have a pretty significant value to change the paradigm. how did he understand the unwillingness to buy into the basic mutual paradigm?
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>> a lot of people are critical of the recognition that you recognize the right to exist, you recognize the right in exchange for not the palestinian right, but the palestinian reality which was represented at the palestinian people so that is not a one-for-one. they had it been in self-determination or whatever the phraseology would have been in exchange for a reciprocal right for the palestinian self-determination that is the two state solution it would have been different in so many others and i've learned this from the people that look very critically and say arafat was establishing the relevance as the priorities as opposed to establishing the palestinian right. but let me quickly add one question let's say we don't believe them and they are
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lobbying, underhanded, deceiving individuals and we don't trust them in the movement. that's what you would expect of the conflict setting. that is an obstacle to the two state solution. how we are going to negotiate a two state solution and a government that doesn't believe in the two state solution i think there's a fundamental contradiction so it's not only one size that has extremists, but as i say you make peace with your enemies and not with your friends. >> i think a few things are true
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first israel as another state in the u.s. withdraw but it is a very strong exception that is now cemented. it's attributed very much to the organization of right or wrong but it's not so much a question of the u.s. but this administration of what might happen next. so in a second term there is already just giving up sense but it's limited. the latest withdraw its his particular to the regional context. it's very much in the conference in gaza and the proxy for the conflict particularly between the traditional sunni powers of egypt in particular against the muslim brotherhood and turkey etc. and they are very much in that regard and some of the comments that we saw were
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popular. the relations across the world with russia, china, each one is different from the other starts even before the administration intends for you to and i don't think that it's necessary. when you speak to them even given everything that i just said, you will not find a serious israeli policy and of course the number one consideration is our most important asset and that is the alliance with the united states. they will all say it, the ministers and bureaucrats. i will say one more thing i think that we do underestimate the costs in the public opinion even in this operation. they see the leaders in the world who may be more proceeded to the diplomacy to the negotiations began in europe and certainly the arab world but i don't think that they appreciate
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just how bad the image was in the public opinion worldwide. and more so to the point of the united states even the result of the look of poland or cross by age or party b's are not as they were in the past and from these relations and perspectives this is troubling. >> thank you. i want to thank all three of you for the exchange of views as we would say in the diplomacy business and we look forward to reading what you have coming out in the coming weeks and i think we've also raised a lot of broad issues out of the emerging landscape in the arab world and in the middle east that would set the context for the next phase of the relations and i hope you'll join us for future events as we look into those dynamics. [applause]
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near lafayette park at the white house supporting palestinians and protesting the action in gaza. and gaza. speakers include cornell west, analyst ray mcgovern and code pink national coordinator. this is an hour and a half. [cheering]
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[cheering] >> brothers and sisters, we are going to get started here with the rally and we are going to have some amazing speakers from all over and then we are going to march and bring the message to the streets of washington. my name is eugene. i represent the coalition and i'm going to be one of the cochairs here today and there will be several of us going back and forth and introducing speakers. before we go any further, i want to introduce my cochair who came all the way from new york to be part of this. free palestine! [cheering]
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[cheering] sisters and brothers i'm so happy to be here with you all today to introduce the next speaker. the next speaker is the executive director of mass immigrant justice center. please welcome kell khalila. >> thank you all for being here. six years ago i asked the president obama directly what do you intend to give about the palestinians. the israelis and the palestinians live in different worlds that are over the same land. through the eyes of the palestinian key sees that is one
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of steady progress through the eyes of the israelis in the occupation unless he is blind. they were lost of a brother or buried another. every day the years pass he becomes aware of what has been taken from him. for the television and a young palestinian sees the multiplying wonders of the life more than, more hope, more education. but he cannot have any of it and then he iended than he is told e lives in a democracy. what can it mean to him. he's about to build settlements to his family and because he hasn't been imprisoned and that is to change the condition of the better life for his
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children. he's denied the most fundamental needs the need for identity ando the recognition as a citizen and as a man there in gaza violence is born and bred in tel aviv. with barely anything to define himself and yet he continues to fight someone asked why does he continue to fight? because the anti-palestinians not fighting because he's poor because he's hungry or because he has hope for his children, he's fighting for worth and dignity as a human being so they may hate or score in his defense they must still respect his power and willingness to never give up. let obama know his support will not prevent change. change will come. new ammunition to further the campaign of change will come. that change will occur when the
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government alleges the palestinian people not as aliens in their own land. change will come when they learned their own children's future cannot be built on the misfortune of others. change will come when they see that their lives are not enriched by hatred. the lives of the palestinians may be cut short the power of the conviction is too strong to die. but the president can deny that change or work to make the occupation come true. if he denies that he is bringing the conflict into the story and liberty while diminishing the ideals of america. if he chooses to end the occupation that will be the choice to free the palestinian who interferes with their children that he'll do well in this and choose peace. the only piece that will last, peace with justice. thank you. [applause]
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of mas from north carolina and a number of people with her we appreciate that and we need every voice we can get [cheering] we are honored to have amazing speakers with us today and next i want to bring up someone who is very amazing in what they've put on the line and what they bring to this struggle into this fight. i want to bring mr. ray governed who is standing in solidarity with the people of gaza. please welcome ray mc govern.
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[cheering] i'm thinking about the carnage and gaza right now and my favorite contemporary prophet who said the difference is worse than evil itself. there are times when not all of us are guilty but we are always responsible. our government is enabling this massacre and we have to stop it. the profit that comes to mind is a fellow named isaiah. some of you may not realize that he went around stark naked for two years. biblical scholars say it's not
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clear that he was always naked just giving the services. that doesn't get him off the hook. i believe what he was saying is look you criticize me and say you were stripped of your garments and i say to you in a vision of justice that is much more reprehensible. it's not to cooperate with an evil and not to be in different but rather to be promoters of the same vision. two times within the last eight years i voted for an ngo. that means no guts obama.
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[cheering] remember when he made that speech in may of last year. they said i really feel sorry about that is that who we are? no that is not who we are. that may be who you are but it's not who we are. there are many of us are involved in the occupied here in washington and new york and other cities would our day going to do? arrest us? people say that's not really
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smart. even ralph waldo emerson. he said the question is what are you doing outside of the jail. so later today i'm going to join several of my colleagues from veterans for peace and from code pink and i invite you to join us because sometimes you have to put your body into the machine to stop it. let's get another round of applause. [applause] because time is short and we
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have to achieve a lot, i want to ask simple questions. 1600 people died. 9,000 people severely injured. more than 9,000 houses demolished. houses, hospitals, centers, school. who is the biggest risk in this world? answer me. which one is the biggest terrorist on the face of the earthquakes who is the biggest security challenge? israel. which country makes america the most unpopular world?
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which country destroys the security? i welcome you here. [inaudible] a few things before i finish we
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gather here to tell shame to cnn and bbc and two "washington post." shame on fox news. [applause] god bless social media. god bless actors at all the civilized people. god bless them. the last thing, stop funding terrorist palestine. stop providing them arms. my tax dollar in your tax dollars being used to kill my own children. i cannot tolerate this.
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bless the people of america that are standing with the muslims in palestine. thank you. [applause] >> thank you for so much being here. brothers and sisters i want to bring another speaker, the national coordinator of american muslims for palestine. >> thank you. welcome supporters. a criminal machine has been unleashed yet because has arisen. palestine will be free. gaza will be free and is standing tall. gaza will be victorious. to be responsible for all of the
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people that are elected and for the elected congressmen to be to answer to the american people that elected them and into the monopoly of the foreign lobby and towards the middle east. all of the crimes are being committed here. all of the crimes are being committed by our money. all of the crimes are being committed and we as the american people refused to stand with the uptight is. we refuse to stand. it's us but shoul should demandd
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israel to do what we ask it to do and to declare to tell our president but it is none of your business. it is not up to lieberman to tell them get out of here. that's what he wants. the second thing is that his secretary of state is our superpower. hshe shouldn't be insulted by te small fear yet they are and we are demanding now. we are standinwe're standing hen solidarity with palestine but also standing to tell our elected officials enough is enough. ..
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thank you. [cheers and applause] >> no justice. out of the middle east. give another round of applause. our next speaker is a man who
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needs no introduction. brother cornell west. >> we want the world to go forth right now with brothers and sisters. we are here out of deep, deep live for our precious palestinian brothers and sisters domination, not just humiliation, but more and more every day. we will stand for it. we bought stand one minute foray. i come to you in the spirit of officers i.e., my dear brother who tried to tell the troops a long time ago and we know the condition of truth is to allow us to speak just like the unapologetic love for those who are wrestling with unbelievable
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occupation. we want an end right now. [cheers and applause] and i come to you while so in this. of the prophetic tradition of w. e. b. dubois, martin luther king junior. alan baker and others and they say what? they say benjamin netanyahu is a war criminal nazi because he has chosen to promote occupation and annihilation. this is a human affair. and a few men who chooses occupation and annihilation is a war criminal and precious palestinian babies has exactly
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same status as a white baby at newtown, connecticut, as a brown baby. as a baby in israel, every human being is made in the image of god. [cheers and applause] we want the world to know that i know it well because we know the history of the catastrophe. we know the history of 750,000 precious areas were pushed out of 416 villages. we want that to be told. let's tell the truth. let's tell the truth in such a way that we are honest and open. no anti-jewish hatred here, anti-occupation here, anti-annihilation of anybody
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here. this is a universal affair, but it begins with our precious palestinian brothers and sisters whose humanity is difficult than the corporate media and we want to shatter all the lies because there is a connection. between lies against humanity. and what i want to say to my black brother in the white house [cheers and applause] barack obama is a war criminal not because he's black, but pes killed 233 and missing children and he facilitated the killing of innocent palestinians in gaza and the west bank and that would
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be true anywhere. i'm going to be honest with you before i sit down. but i would be here with the palestinian occupation of jewish brothers and sisters he cuts it is wrong, it is in just as we see it not for pigmentation or ethnic identity, but the ethical, spiritual, political consequences and that is why we do it to balance the need for resistance on the conditions of occupation and annihilation and the killing of any innocent civilian is a war crime, but we are now 1600 counting. that is the israeli state terrorism in action. and it is jewish racism in
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motion. it does not speak on behalf of the jewish brothers and sisters who have a choice to say we are against occupation. we are annihilation. let us be together. free palestine. let us live. [cheers and applause] chant co. >> free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. free, free. free, free. free, free. free, free. free free brothers and sisters, let's give it a four brother cornell west summertime. [cheers and applause] the next person i want to bring up a someone whose courage is inspiring to me every day, someone who when they saw the criminal invasion of iraq in
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2003 resigned her position from the state department and protested that injustice and stands up against injustice every single day, 79. please welcome her. [cheers and applause] >> i worked for the u.s. government way too long. i worked 29 years in the u.s. military. i was a u.s. diplomat for 16 years. when i decide one of the elements i put in my resignation letter with the unbalanced policies of the united states and israel and palestinian issues. they become more balanced, more favoring everywhere. the attacks on gaza and the three attacks in the last five years, massive attack. this is not a war. these are military attacks, military attacks with no way to defend. the palestinians in gaza are
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like fish in a barrel. there is nowhere for them to go, nowhere for them to hide. the israelis are just picking them off one by one by one with the agreement of the united states of america. it is up to us as the citizens, the citizens of this country to keep going after president obama, to keep going after the state department and our congress to say we are horrified about the level of u.s. support for israel and israel can act with impunity, but we say no, no for israel impunity. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. wales is it the only way there will be peace there is to end the siege of god. and the siege of god the, and beseech of gaza. and beseech our gaza.
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>> give another round of applause. okay, just a quick announcement. carl messineo, come up to the stage of you are in the audience appeared to have one. netanyahu, you can't hide. we've got you with genocide. netanyahu, can't you see, palestine will be free. palestine will be free. free, free, palestine. end the occupation now. free, free, palestine. occupation is a crime. please welcome the national coordinator of the coalition, mr. brian becker.
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[cheers and applause] >> sisters and brothers, all around the country and all around the world, people are standing together in solidarity with the people of gaza. the u.s. corporate media used to be able to conceal the crimes committed by the israeli defense forces, paid for by u.s. taxpayers. not the images, the horrific, gruesome images are coming through all kinds of international media and social media and they can no longer conceal the fact that the israeli government policy has never been about peace. it is only about a warrantless
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war against the indigenous palestinian population with the idea, the strategic idea that under enough pressure, with enough bombs and enough missiles, with a speech that goes on the people cannot feed themselves, cannot get medicine for their children, cannot travel, cannot see their loved ones, have to endure all the indignities of racism and occupation. the israeli government idea, their strategic concept is that the palestinian nation, the palestinian people would disappear because what people could possibly withstand decade after decade after decade of that kind of treatment. and what we see today, even though the israelis have
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succeeded in imposing gray suffering, it killed 1500, 280 children and babies. even though they succeeded in not, the israelis have failed. they have been defeated as the palestinian people will never stop resisting. and when they recessed -- [cheers and applause] and as they recessed, as the palestinian people resist, they become a magnet for support. so you will see all over the world right now the people are standing with gaza all over the united states is a change taking place. the american people no longer want to have their taxpayer money with genocide against
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palestinians. [cheers and applause] among the jewish american community, especially the younger people, a no longer see israel as a last refuge following the holocaust. they see israel as a privilege nation that is pursuing a colonial policy of racism and death and more and more jewish americans are saying no, not in our name. [cheers and applause] this is the strategic see for the u.s. and israeli plan and we just have to look back for an historical analogy, the same things seem to be true about south africa's racist apartheid government, that they had all the guns and missiles and bombs.
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but you know, the world grows up. the world grows up. the world grows up to say not one more nickel or dime for racism or part by in the apartheid government came down to not have been italicized. [cheers and applause] we are going to hear muslims, christians, jewish, people of different political persuasion. we have formed a very broad coalition and today is not the end at all. it is the beginning of a new day, a mass movement, a grassroots move and then we will turn the tide. thank you very much. let gaza live through palestine. [cheers and applause] >> free, free, palestine.
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rick, free, palestine. >> brothers and sisters, we are going to hear next from a very powerful speaker who has a very personal message, one that needs to be heard by people around this world and i won't say too much more than that. i will let her speak for herself. i want to introduce carl mr. neo and with him, my very good friend, his son, marleau. both of them does. >> good afternoon, sisters and brothers. i'm really proud to be here with my 9-year-old son who knows that gaza must be freed. [cheers and applause] anions are full, thankful that every night he goes to sleep securely, peacefully. he does not worry about
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missiles. he doesn't have to worry about waking up and having the entire building destroyed around him. that is not the way it is in gaza today. the civilian population in the gaza strip is another direct attack and gaza has nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere a mother or father can protect his or her family. entire families have been killed. children watch as their parents suffer. parents grief stricken return home to find their precious families slaughtered. hospitals, clinics, united nations, places of refuge have all been targeted. the israeli government has cleared its military, the most moral army in the world. since a, no words could be more cynical or further from the truth.
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israel is intentionally targeting civilians, a war crime, a crime against humanity. the law doesn't say you may target civilians in our home so long as you send them a text message 82nd in advance or not from the roof with a warning shot. the law says you cannot target civilians. israel cannot convert unarmed civilians into targets for death with a warning or a text message that says the israelis are coming. they are armed and on their way. let me speak personally for a moment. disregard some of the marks i had prepared about the law disproportionate for us, indiscriminate use of worse and more crimes. i went to speak not just as a lawyer, but also because i wish to speak as an american. when i was in hebrew school, they taught us that the jewish people were to be a light unto the nations. if the israeli army act as an instrument of terror, raid and its destruction not anything
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goss, using its weapons to slaughter by the scores, when i was in hebrew school, they also taught me that palestine was a land without a people or a people without a land. that was a lie. hundreds of palestinian villages were lost or destroyed. today, more than half a century later, millions of palestinian refugees there without land, without a state. just look at them huddled in gaza. they're those who label any criticism of israel and anti-jewish. but this is untrue. criticism of israel is not the same thing as being anti-jewish. [cheers and applause] my jewish education -- my jewish education taught me that it is the silence of the good people and inhumanity filled out evil to be perpetrated. my jewish education instilled in me the precious value of life
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about humanity that while we should not suffer or fundamentally, we should not pill. we as jew have two good friends allies of the israeli state, project admits an false narratives of zionism and ultimately re-examine her causes of the problem we have created. we must reject the dehumanization of the palestinian people. the valuing of jewish life is more precious than any other. jew at the great big is that the monstrous atrocities, but there is nothing in the experience of the holocaust that gives license to israel to commit monstrous atrocities against the gazans, to periodically by the palestinians and 792 death and destruction in order to break their will and destroy them as a people. i care very deeply for my people, for the jewish people and for the physical safety of,
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the moral integrity which is last day and day and they again. as a jews, i long for the day when muslims, jews and christians coexist as they once did in the historic land of palestine. [cheers and applause] that there will be no peace without justice. and so, israel must end without a moment's delay the illegal seizure and blockade of gaza. [cheers and applause] where do i stand as an american jews on the issue of gaza? i stand with the gazans in their hardy, frustration and anger. as an american jew i stand, and the blockade. as an american jew, i stand with them when i condemn the wart crowd, inhumane atrocities. and as a jewish american, i am
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doubly obligated because i know to israeli military strength comes from the billions of defense and aid the ports in each year from the united states. here we are right in front of the white house. president obama, i implore you, stop the aid to israel. we are paying for the f-16s. we are paying for the missiles that limits of homes and kill entire families. we are paying for the indiscriminate artillery, for the tapes that target schools and human places of refuge and safety. we americans are facilitated to slaughter the gazans. we are complicit here it is and obama, make it stop. [cheers and applause] we stand together at this historic demonstration moslems, christians and jew, all sharing our common humanity, our longing for justice and together in one
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voice, we demand, let not the latest. free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. let gaza lives. [cheers and applause] >> sisters and brothers, please welcome the national director of the american muslim alliance, a mahdi bray. >> welcome. you'll never get away with that. [speaking in native tongue] my, you sound wonderful. you sound wonderful here in washington d.c. on behalf of the people of gaza and palestine. right now i want to introduce -- we have a lot of speakers. and by the way, i want to let
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you know that we have thousands of postcards being distributed on behalf of the american muslim alliance addressed to obama. it doesn't say yes we can. no, it doesn't say that. it says yes we will end the occupation now. [cheers and applause] so please take one of these cards as they are being distributed at the american muslim alliance. right now to take the opportunity to introduce another person who needs no introduction whatsoever. he is my brother. he has been the forefront of civil rights and civil liberties, no of all people i want to introduce the executive director who is here because he cares, no pun intended. represent the capital american care, brother nihad awad. [cheers and applause]
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>> good afternoon. [speaking in native tongue] to my muslim brothers and sisters. shalom to my jewish brothers and sisters. peace to everyone who is listening and watching. thank you very much for coming. thank you very much for traveling to washington d.c. and thank you all who are watching c-span today and that they're not works. this should be an historic day for america. this should be an historic day for people of conscience. i am doubly disturbed as a muslim, as a palestinian, as an american to see my fellow palestinians being slaughtered every day with my tax dollar
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money. i am upset with my government because my government does not represent the values of america were piece, justice and equality for all. ladies and gentlemen, this water at the hands of the israelis defend should be called is really offensive against civilian population forces. this brutal government has been slaughtering innocent populations, knowing that it will be targeting innocent civilians. knowing that it will be hitting schools and hospitals, knowing that the biggest casualties will
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be among the civilians. so why is the majority of the casualties are civilians? there are three possibilities. number one, they have bad equipment, which i doubt. second, israeli soldiers are a bad shot. i doubt. they have an official policy to target civilian populations. and i believe that is the policy, to target civilian populations. and according to the definition of terrorism, it is any use of force against civilian population to achieve political aims, that is the definition of terrorism and that is why some latin countries, some latin countries had cleared the state of israel as a terrorist state.
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[cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, you know that the polls have shown that the american public does not support this carnage. why? because they see powerful images of children being murdered. they see lands. d.c. schools. they see you in school is being bombarded. they know that america would never stand for this. that they know this is in defiance for what we stand for as americans. even media commentators, because they start to speak truth to their audience. why? because of the social media. today, anyone who has a cell phone, like many of you, is an independent major outlet and that is why the power, the power of the images, the power this
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billion population, the faces of the vic dems have overwhelmed the world and that is why we see new voices from the jewish community, from the media, except fox news, except fox news. no news. it is only fox views and fox news should ashamed of itself because it should serve the american public, not the israeli public. [cheers and applause] so things are moving. the american people reject this war against innocent population in palestine. but why is our administration and will support of the actions of the israeli government? why congress is going to sell more arms to the state of israel?
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why is that? why is that? that is the question, ladies and gentlemen. those who are watching nationwide, congress is acting in defiance of its mandate to protect any civilian population. the people at the united state were elected by the american, not by the israeli people. and therefore, why our elected leaders are taking action on behalf of the state of israel, not america. why so? and that is why this, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to be frank, to be blunt, but also blunt with all of you. browsers are good. we can come here and vent, but this is not good enough. we need to tell our members of congress that they have pledged
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allegiance to the constitution of the united states, not israel's. and therefore, we have to hold argued that good leaders accountable. it is our tax money that is going to supply the state of israel to kill innocent people. no longer in our name. this carnage is being committed in america's name. israel has become a strategic liability on the united states. israel is being paid to stay out of trouble. but today, israel is being supplied with f-16s. this does not speak for me. it does not speak on behalf of the majority of americans and that is why commodities and gentlemen, i am asking you after this rally to call your elected representatives, to hold them accountable and to not accept the israeli talking points. they should have a fan that the united states congress.
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[cheers and applause] they have corrected our foreign policy. they have corrupted our political leaders, our political leaders to speak their party lines. they don't speak their conscience. i will give you an example. john kerry, our secretary of state. our government, when he was in fox news studios, he said, you know what he said. he said it is a of a pinpoint operation. marquis in the claim that israel does not targeting civilian population. so this is the truth that our elected leaders, our appointed leaders when they offer themselves, they speak the truth. i want them to speak the truth to america. i want them to be free from the
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party lines. i want there to be pledged their allegiance to the american values. we are not done. see this number. save it. if you want to save gaza, say this number. call this number. this is the white house member. (202)456-1111. (202)456-1111. these call the white house. express your dissatisfaction with the policy. tell them and demand that they stop the blockade on israel. a our more about our organization, the most money, go to this website. the american people should know more about this issue. visit if americans nsa website i recommend for people to learn about the facts and to learn about the life of the propaganda. thank you very much.
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peace. [cheers and applause] >> free, free, palestine. be my brothers and sisters come i want to bring up someone who is not afraid to put their own body on the line, someone who was arrested just last week at the israeli, lit in solidarity with the people of gaza. i want to bring up alli mccracken, representing code be. [cheers and applause] >> let's make some noise. [cheers and applause] my name is alli mccracken. i work with the peace group code pink. we are women led group in d.c. working to get our government to stop funding wars and occupations. i code pink, we are honored to be out here with all of you. a nascent solidarity activist and for years we've been
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protesting at the white house. we been protesting in the halls of congress. we've been protesting at the state department. we've even protested that john kerry's house. just the other day some people were arrested at the israeli embassy and we brought people to protest in gaza and the west bank. [cheers and applause] and what do we do next? what do we do when the massacre is over? how many of you have heard of the boycott divested sanctions movement? [cheers and applause] the pdf movement is an international movement to get israel to stop occupying palestine into this decision of gaza with an imposition of boycott, development and fiction. i code pink, we have earned boycott campaign called stolen beauty. it is to boycott cosmetics made in illegal israeli settlement in the west bank using stolen palestinian resources.
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not only using protests and petitions, not only have we gotten scores across the world to drop, but in london has had to shut down. [cheers and applause] in the air to the disney portion has divested $12 million. so what if the boycott gains traction across the world and has a huge impact, surely israeli apartheid will have to crumble. but it is up to all of us to be in the streets, standing up for palestine because we know our government is not going to be the one doing it. and so they stand for human rights and dignity. we know that we are in the right side of history. free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. read, free, gaza. free, free, palestine. thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> sisters and brothers, our next speaker is an activist for students against israeli apartheid. he is an activist with the u.s.-palestinian community network. please welcome tareq radi. [cheers and applause] >> today we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in palestine. as the number of quarters increases in our aim her defense, we find ourselves asking what can we do and how can i help? before the ds burroughs once connected with the resistance back home. today are generations narrative has been deeply affected by the zionist narrative language imposed upon us. we are made to believe we must strive for peace rather than justice. they placed our struggle with liberation and endless
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negotiation. they are trying to soil the words that we hold sacred. shaheed, mortar, revolutionary. these words will be sacred because they empower us and strike fear into the hearts of cowards. we are a people of resistance and we need to rebuild our culture of resistance. we did not trade our right of return for pragmatism. some aggregators may have traded in, but are shared by talia ours till the race to resist colonial domination. [cheers and applause] we must program the language we have used to describe our struggle by surrendering to the language of peace, we had, we have handcuffed the means in which our people back home can resist. we open the door for the world's most violent country to criticize our tools of liberation and be mindful of our
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language, we will protect and reinforce our narrative. and for this reason, resistance in this country will start with the tone. we are made to believe that we must separate our nationalities or other identities. this is a symptom of repression. it doesn't matter if you are an academic health care provider and ask late or other professional. our rights to resist have been matched into a very dna. destroy the boundaries that divide your identities and keep palestine late on your tongue. they must ask ourselves how is this occupation gone on for 66 years unchecked? why is it we have the factor righteousness on our side yet are always portrayed as the aggressors. one reason is because we haven't developed a consistent narrative that is socially acceptable to circulate these facts. we've had it so imposed upon estimated or they reinforce it.
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being pragmatic does not make you enlightened. there's nothing intellectual about compromising your belief. we are supposed to talk about our right to resist that should be kept at the dinner table and amongst our families. meanwhile, we have to sit back and listen to the constant affirmation that israel has a right to defend itself. the only reason the zionist entity gets away with this ludicrous rhetoric is because one, they are unwilling to deviate from the narrative into, because we plan audience to it. we must resist the zionist entity at every turn. they must other presence is not welcome anywhere that values justice. [cheers and applause] i don't care what the setting may be. there is no room for diversity of opinion on human rights. cultures of resistance foster accountability. if you support the death and destruction of another people, then you should be prepared to face the consequences.
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the zionist entity is trying to extinguish the hope. they don't realize that every bomb dropped and bullet fired, the fire in our heart grows hotter. that fire is going to reach a point where it can no longer be contained. when that happens, will throw off the cloak of colonial rule and the privilege will be reduced to ashes. some of our brothers and sisters in palestine will be liberated by appealing to those in the state department, the department of defense around the hills. palestine will be liberated by our youth and allies. no oppressed people of other good liberated by the state. the state is inherently repressive by its very nature. they may be standing in front of the white house, but now i am not here speaking so, make your mate. obama didn't do anything for black kids in chicago and is not going to do anything for our kids in palestine. [cheers and applause] this is a call for palestine to
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be laid at your tongue. this is a call to reclaim our narrative. this is a call to the annihilation of mental colonization. this is a call for the equality of all and the supremacy of nine. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. that is a sub six. give it up for one more time. brothers and sisters, what to bring up someone who is integral to this rally together. someone i looked up to vary greatly, the national direct or of american muslim alliance. >> thank you, eugene. [speaking in native tongue] in the name of the law, most gracious, most merciful. gentlemen may cry, peace, peace, peace. but there is no peace. is life so dear or peace so
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sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? for bid almighty god for i know not what other cry, but as for me, give me liberty or give me. my dear brothers and sisters, let me just say some people are of little upset. they said be careful, don't criticize the president. you may not get invited to the white house. you may not get an invitation to go have dinner at the white house. but let me tell you something. i don't care if i never go to the white house if the palestinian -- if a palestinian cant live in safe dignity and liberty in their house. [cheers and applause] i don't care. i don't care. you can't buy my dignity.
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no, no. just because you are at the table doesn't mean you are a diner. you must be a waiter without a menu. so we ours and dane. we are standing and we'll stand with what dr. king said when he was faced with the choice of standing under the president of the vietnam war was going on. he said that the pilot may ask, is it safe? in politics may ask, is a popular? that we ask, is it right? and we say no. it is not right. it is not right. it is not right that over six decades the palestinian people have done nothing but oppression and dispossession. it is not writing we are going to stand up today. we are going to stand up and
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saying indeed we have a right to stand up and say in the occupation out. in the occupation now. so we are going to get some of the speakers so i'm going to be brief and say to you that we are going to raise all the voices that we have here. we are going to raise the voice of the jewish community, muslim communities, christian communities, not religious affiliation communities. we are going to raise all the voices. we are going to lift every voice and sing. the harmony of liberty and facing the rising sun for our new day has begun. we will march on until palestine is free and victory is one. free palestine. [cheers and applause] >> free, free, palestine.
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and the occupation now. sisters and brothers, i have the honor of introducing our next speaker, lydia catina amaya, all the way from new york city, a labor trafficking survivor, a leader of a philippine organization of my coworkers. please welcome idea. [cheers and applause] >> good afternoon, everyone. [speaking in native tongue] [cheers and applause] i am lydia catina amaya dealing with workers and survivors.
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the migrant workers and uni have decided that we will free the people of palestine and gaza. we aren't here to condemn the lies and call up for what it is, massacre for israel. supported by the u.s. from the philippines, we have been pushed by u.s. elitists to go around this micro workers. they are massacre in the filipino american war.
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the issue is that the history of the annexation, exploitation for the common enemy with the palestinian people. the u.s. backed occupation, they are no longer palestinians, but the palestinian people wiry 15 u.s.-israeli occupation. we stand with the people. and massacre in gaza. [cheers and applause] end the israeli occupation. stop u.s. aid to israel. from the river to the sea, palestine shall be free.
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the [speaking in native tongue] thank you. [cheers and applause] >> others and sisters, i just want to remind you the american muslim alliance has these postcards that we are going to stand to obama. we are going to send them and we want to go out seine and the occupation. that is the bottom line. we have thousands of them. please, please do not leave it out paying the postcards to stand with the american muslim alliance as we stand with the people in gaza in palestine. these do that. thank you so much. free palestine. brothers and sisters come you can't see it, but i can see we are starting to fill up a whole
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park on all sides, going all the way back. unable to value what else. i just got a text message from someone five minutes ago. they said they are on the matcher won their way here with a train full of people coming to dryness protest. [cheers and applause] so we are only getting stronger and we are going to have a few more speakers. we've got to hold on a little bit to let her other brothers and sisters to be here. next i want to bring up a great friend of mine, a strong fighter in the struggle, brother khalilah sabra on the united @khalilah sabra on the united front. free palestine. >> within a solidarity with the palestinians right to self determination. but the government can save millions of dollars to palestine consisting of money. they can see the money to stop
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d.c., right? the black united front and solidarity all around the world, especially in palestine for years to self determination, self-defense and a right to control their land. we serve a solidarity and say free palestine. free palestine. free palestine. [cheers and applause] free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. >> brothers and sisters, the next is a very powerful brother, someone who has turned against the country and more solid over the place. iraq war veteran stance against american injustice all over the world. represent main liberation. free, free, palestine.
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free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. >> thank you my sisters and brothers. i kid you that, i want to tell you a story about how i ended up here and i want to tell you the story because right now there is a shift happening in the united states for people who never thought about palestine before, who never thought about the conflict before it are joining us in the streets, i joining us in words in conversation knowing that what is happening is a crime. we would've never imagined they would've taken our position before. i went to iraq in 2003, just like so many people joined the military. i grew up like everyone else, believe in what we are told, believing we are told as a country of four and by the people. we're about freedom and helping the oppressed. i believe that. i believe we are going to recommend tell us things like self-defense, words like israel
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uses, when they see things like terrorism, words that israel uses, when we got to iraq i had to think about what was happening and if people started protesting, as people started fighting, as people started resisting, i had to ask my, what would i be doing? our officers, commanders and politicians are telling us that they are resisting because they are terrorists. they resisting because they are evil, because they are less than human. i thought what would i do if it was my home, it was my country, my family destroyed, my brother that was killed. i realized if i was there i would be resisting, too. those people resisted were my sisters and brothers. they have the right to resist when people are occupying resistance is justified. stay with me. when people are occupied, it's justified. when people are occupied --
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resisting. in the same reason it was iraq wasn't because of self-defense, was in freedom and democracy. they went because they want to control the entire region not for us, but for banks come up corp., all companies through violation and domination and that is why they support israel. that is why they support israel. and they can't justify why it's because they want to control the region so they use that attack timed to do it. we can stop them. [cheers and applause] >> brothers and sisters, like i said we are holding on for a few more people to join us at the can be huge. a couple more great speakers. next, representing veterans for peace. [cheers and applause] >> hello, brothers and sisters. i just want to say on the u.s.
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military veterans who have been like have been my tube like what mike said. many of us have been lied to. i am also a jew and i want to say that government does not represent me. i've u.s. government which has lied to a comma which is complicit in murder, which is composed within war crimes does not represent me and neither does the state of israel represent me. i just came from the veterans for peace national defense in north carolina and i'm very proud to say we pastorally start resolution unanimously in support of palestinians in gaza and i just want to read you a couple things from it. as veterans who have put us the horror of war, we are deeply outraged by the state of israel and slaughter of many innocent civilians in gaza, like this girl who lost her entire family when her home was bombed by israel in many young children
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like this have been killed and injured. it is horrible. veterans for peace joins minds of people around the globe were shocked by the vicious, one-sided slaughter and we understand it just is that the israeli occupation. we call on israel to stop the slaughter now. stop the slaughter now. power to the people. free palestine. free gaza. thank you. >> veterans for peace, thank you for being here. next i want to bring up for the council, mr. fadi zanayed. >> on behalf of on behalf of the palestinian-american council, the 11 chapters across the country, i want to welcome you all here. we have come across these united states to be here, to tell the
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obama administration that we must stand up against occupation we must stand against oppression. we must stand against injustice and we must stand against apartheid. [cheers and applause] we have calmed with bleeding heart, with tearing eyes, with bewildered minds and screaming souls as with israel we are consumed with anger and frustration and indignation and a policy by this white house that allows israel to defend it self, but does not recognize that the palestinians have an international array to resist the occupation. [cheers and applause]
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we are perplexed that no one in this white house conference the israeli claim that it is occupying palestine and gaza. when israel controls palestine to carry out air space, land and d., it is occupying palestine and is an occupier for attacks occupied on international law. they cannot claim self-defense on those that it occupies. free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. free, free, palestine. [cheers and applause] >> next up, brothers and sisters, i want to bring up carole gay. >> good afternoon, sisters and brothers. power to the people.
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greetings from new jersey. i am here today representing the network that we are proud to be here in support of the palestinian teeple and gaza. we are here to speak again to injustice because as we all know, silence is complicity. through another remains silent in the face of these horrendous crimes against humanity, these brutal war crimes in operation, protective edge and already the death toll of operation cath lab. words are simply insufficient to express our sorrow, our anger at the atrocities being committed against the palestinians. i am sure all of you have been crying tears of rage, to, tears of rage. we understand that israel's massive assault is not about defense. it is about the annihilation of the palestinians, a lion nation that has been going for decades. we are here in solidarity with all pallas any of gaza, the west
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bank and palestinian refugees gathered around the world. we are here especially to denounce, to loudly denounce the u.s. government and urging support for israel, yes, the blind support for israel is immoral and illegal. the u.s. has a shocking disregard for human life and for international humanitarian loans. how can the u.s. stand by and watch the killing of innocent children on the beach, the shelling of half of those in u.n. schools, the environment of homes and mosques, killing entire families in one fail swoop. ..
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>> we also want to mention other people. we are happy to have you here. thank you so much. rather a boss from cleveland i believe. come on. [applause] >> thank you.
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i am coming here today not just to be in solidarity with the palestinian people. i am the palestinian people so this is our struggle. we want to tell obama here on the right, on the right side here where the white house is that the palestinian people have a right to defend themselves. they have a right to resist israeli terrorism. [applause] gaza has had tunnels inside the gaza strip since alexander the great. resistance is nothing new in palestine. we will resist when everything we have with all our might from gaza, from their west bank term ramallah in the united states and ireland all over the world we will resist. [applause]
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i want to give a big shout out to the 200 people that came from cleveland ohio with me here on over three buses. we have held seven demonstrations, seven consecutive weeks and we demand not coming here to plead. we demand the end of the bombings on the gaza strip. long live palestine. free, free palestine. from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. long live palestine. [applause] >> we are getting ready to start our march. we are going to have to people say something. we have a very important event
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happening next. they are fighting against the unbelievably racist and unjust immigration system that we have. they will be doing a video and we are sharing the stage. we want to give them time. i want to give someone who has spent many years in solidarity with the palestinians and lucy a chance. >> if you think government lives in this modern time you can't help but say to the world. people here have lost their land. some have lost their home. they live in other countries. their freedom almost gone. palestine. needs her freedom. palestine needs our love. needs our love, palestine. palestine needs her freedom.
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♪ palestine needs our love. people of all countries of every race and creed. ♪ we need a new beginning. let us plant the seed. plant the seed of love and let that love seed grow. plant the seed for every one so all the world will know that palestine needs her freedom. ♪ palestine needs our love. ♪ needs our love, palestine. needs her freedom. ♪ palestine needs our love. [applause]
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>> brothers and sisters i want to give a quick message that we are also joined in this crowd by sarah corey the sister of rachel corrie who lost her life to the brutality of the israeli apartheid and we honor her memory and we thank her sister for being present with us today. to close us out i want to bring in one final speaker. the international representative of -- give it up for mohammed. for those fighting for immigrant rights and it turns out they are here also but as akbar begins to speak we are going to begin marching on that the outside of the part. in other words, you have to turn around and march that way but
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not instantly because you have to hear his words but as soon as he is done or you think he is almost done let's begin to march. we will march to the "washington post." thank you very much. >> thank you, thank you. in the name of allah. quickly i know that we are over time and i want to say this. my name is akbar mohammed. on the international representative of louis farrakhan and the nation of islam. minister farrakhan sends you his love and greetings. if he was not faced with health challenges he would be right here on this stage lifting his voice against the slaughter that's gone on in gaza. i want to say this, america represents a ship at sea without a captain at the helm and whichever the way the wind blows and the winds are they handlebars of barack obama. we all loved him when he came into office but for him to show
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weakness in the face of the slaughter in gaza is appalling. we need to say barack be your own man. you know that it's wrong. you know that people are suffering. you are looking at it on the news every day. you know that collective punishment it is against the law. you know the israelis have the design. three wars in five years killing 2000 palestinians each time in order to -- their ranks. he also knows every time a palestinian child watches his family wiped out and says i will forgive you america it's going to be in his blood that i must take revenge for what has happened to my people. the palestinian people must resist. i just want to take a minute. look at the weakness of egypt. on monday the heads of state from all over africa will be here. they should take a page from
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1973 when the oau told the african leader send your israeli ambassador home and bring your ambassador back and close the embassy in protest. they need to show that strength today and if barack sees that the world is upset with him standing by. one more thing i want to say. when he came out for a press conference for the ukraine crisis he started off by saying israel has the right to defend itself. israel has the right to kill babies. israel has the right to kill old women and old women and wipe out entire families? now, it's entirely wrong and we must lift our voices. free palestine. free gaza. thank you. >> all right, ray. brothers and sisters mohammed for the international minister of islam. we are going to start to march to your left, to my right. we have comments in front.
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we would like to thank rabbi weiss for bringing on this congregation. we thank you for being here and we your honor way out. we are moving in this direction. i can't hear you brother. we have got to move. we are going to march out this way and go to the "washington post" so you have to turn go to your last and next we are going to bring up a very important rally, a very important message against the criminal immigration system and terrible tragedy that's happening there. they are fighting back every day across this country and we are sure to -- proud to share the space with them. they will take over and do their thing. [applause]
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the u.s. africa business summit is washing -- wrapping up in washington. [applause] >> good morning. it's a pleasure to join my colleagues in welcoming everyone to washington d.c..
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business leaders and entrepreneurs from across africa and the united states are here pretty want to thank all of you for joining us today. i also want to thank all the people at bloomberg philanthropies and the commerce department of may today's form possible. right now africa is undergoing a swift and dramatic transformation. africa is the second fastest growing region in the world and home to six of the 10 fastest-growing economies. this growth reflects the hard work africans have done to lay up solid economic foundation to support investment. the potential for expanding u.s. african economic ties offer tremendous opportunities to the people of our comments. before talking more about investment in africa let me say a few words about the u.s.. recent data demonstrate the growing strength of the u.s. economy is continuing. we saw strong gdp growth for the second quarter last week and our economy is now 6.6% larger than when the recession began in 2007.
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our private sector has created nearly 10,000 new jobs over the past 53 months. we are now in the six-month stretch with at least 200,000 new jobs each month. the first time this has happened since 1997. over the past 12 months of job growth has been higher than at any year since 2006 and the unemployment rate has fallen 1.1 percentage point. overall u.s. companies are hiring. the auto industry is thriving in the housing market is fighting its way back with fewer homes underwater. any fracturing his rebounding with more than 700,000 jobs added since february 2010. the strongest job growth over any comparable period since the late 1990s. we produce more oil at home than we import and we are now the world's leading producer of petroleum and natural gas. with the affordable care act in place health care costs have risen at the lowest rate in nearly 50 years. and our budget deficit has been cut by more than half.
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private-sector economists expect this trend to continue the strong growth in the second have the air in through the end of 2015. nonetheless despite the substantial progress millions of americans continue to struggle. unemployment is still too high and far too many families this does not feel like a recovery. the president has put forward a number of initiatives that would accelerate growth propelled job creation and expand opportunity. these include commonsense ideas like building are of a structure long-term making student loan payments more affordable and raising the minimum wage. at the treasury department where the treasury department we are helping make the president's goal of strengthening working families which will help foster broad-based prosperity and will keep taking steps so our economy can continue making strides. for example the treasures working with the department of housing and urban development to support the construction and preservation of affordable rental housing. all told thanks to the decisions
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this administration has made him the determination and resilience of american workers and businesses the united states has recovered faster than most any other advanced economy in the world. that is why according to the imf united states as a primary driver of global growth. this is good news beyond their borders especially in africa because expanding global economy provides opportunities for african companies and it gives investors around the world conference to look at new markets including africa. of course with a young dynamic population and a burgeoning private-sector africa sortie of vital market for foreign investments. that is why we are here today. we want to drive more u.s. investment in africa increased trade between africa and the united states and spur job creation both here and in africa. in a few moments you will hear from an outstanding panel of experts about a different approach we can can take two deep in financial services sector reduce risks improve
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investor confidence and unlock access to capital markets. the fact is to expand growth and attract great investment africa will need to develop open securing competitive capital markets that can provide access to financing for governments businesses and families. because of strong macroeconomic fundamentals and reforms have been put in place african countries and companies are expanding their access to international capital markets. africa attracted more than $50 billion in capital inflows in 2012 and to retain and build on the success of africa will need to pursue further economic governance reforms while building a welcoming and predictable investment climate. as president obama has said governments that are more open and transparent transparent respects his rights and abide by the rule of law grow faster and drop more investments than those that don't. the challenge ahead is to build robust secure and transparent capital markets and financial
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sectors. as everyone here knows financing is critical to building africa's infrastructure fueling the next wave of entrepreneurs and improving the standard of living for families across the continent. the point is open capital markets are vital to channeling savings and investment efficiently and they provide safe opportunities for african investments in africa. with the rapid growth and innovation in african financial sector we must also bear in mind the need to protect our financial system from terrorists, money launderers corrupt officials and criminals. we look forward to continued and growing cooperation in this important work to promote both economic and national security. i am pleased that african development bank president donald kaberuka is with us. the estate is working with the arforgen did all my bank to advance reforms and attract private investment and finance as part of president obama's
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power african initiative which will bring reliable electricity to 20 million families and businesses. to meet this goal we are going to need strong capital markets that attract long-term investors. in closing let me say the united states and our development partners want a relationship with africa to be defined by our shared economic interests. to play a part in africa's success we must invest in roads, bridges and power lines. we must provide training and support for young entrepreneurs and they must improve access to capital for small businesses and manufacturers. by strengthening our economic ties with africa we can fuel growth, alleviate poverty and foster stability and now i want to turn this session over to president kaberuka for what i know will be a valuable discussion. thank you all very much. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage chairman
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mr. tony elumelu president and chief executiveo mr. ajay banga chief executive officer and director equity bank mr. james mwangi. founder chairman ibrahim foundation dr. mo ibrahim. [applause] joint chief executive standard bank mr. subnine. [applause] co-founder ann chief executive officer of the carlisle group mr. david rubenstein. and our moderator president african development bank dr. donald kaberuka. [applause] >> good morning.
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i want to thank the secretary of state jack lew for welcoming us here. we have the easiest subject which is financed, of course. we have a panel here and today we will talk about what does it take to get more financial flows into the african continent? money is not the issue in this morning africa is the place to be. i want to begin. i recall meeting you in my office when they were launching the fund in africa. you and i had a conversation and use it may look i will give you south africa and nigeria. the rest we will see.
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how is it going? >> first i want to thank you for your support. when i was in your office and i was starting to raise our funds and it was not easy to convince people to give money to a firm like ours to invest in africa because we didn't have any road track record there. whenever you are trying to raise a country fund or a consonant fund like africa people outside of the continent will say well if you are so good how come nobody in the continent will give you money? uis want to get money initially from people there and the african development bank. for those who may not be that familiar with my industry is called private equity. as the fastest growing industry of the last 30 years in the financial service world. he went from $3 billion under management to 3.5 trillion. that's around the world that relatively speaking africa was not a major part of that private equity explosion. even today of all the money
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invested in the world about 1% of the money invested in private equity is invested in africa so the appeal is aside from the fact is we all know growth rates young demographics government young demographics government governments that don't have big debts largely compared to the west and lots of other good features in terms of the middle-class growth but there is a small figure in terms of penetration rates. we often measured the penetration rate of private equity and how much else is being done there. typically we like to go where there is in a large penetration rate because that means there's not that much competition. generally i would like to talk about markets we are going into because i don't want my competitors to come into those markets. i would like to get there before they get there but it's different in africa. in africa we need to have a private equity infrastructure. you need to have other firms doing this because you have to convince the sellers and the financiers of assets the people
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who work in a financial service industry that this is a worthwhile undertaking so that is what will we are undergoing. we think the industry will take off in africa and we now think probably the growth rate in private equity in africa will be greater than it will be in any part of the world. it will take time. it's not going to be easy. it's not easy to get control of assets. it's not easy to make the changes we want but ultimately what we try to do is make companies more efficient. economies more productive ultimately will be good for people living in the area. that's our mission is to make companies more productive get a good return for investors like the african development bank and all the other side of invested with us but it's our mission to make companies more efficient than the comics more efficient. that is the private equity is really about. >> i will follow up on that question. for americans who are wondering
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if africa is risky. you have been there now for six or seven years. what would you say to them? >> any emerging market by definition is going to be somewhat riskier than say the united states but the theory is if you take greater risk to get greater rewards. the reason that we and other firms are investing in emerging markets so-called is because of the higher growth rates are lower penetration rate of private equity and opportunities to get younger companies and have them grow. yes there are risks in africa and there are risks in the united states as well. often a risk the united states can be considerable also. i don't want to make it sound like in africa there are no risks and we are not worried about them. we are cautious that we do think the opportunities are far greater than people thought years ago and the great explosion in private equity if it's going to occur anywhere around the world in the next couple of years is probably going to be in africa
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particularly sub-saharan africa were the penetration rate is one 12th what it is the states. >> thank you so much david. sim you come from one of africa's largest areas. yesterday i was speaking to a large investor about your country. i disagreed with him nonetheless. i want you to speak to that particular investor and give him or her assurances and number two i want you to share with us the experience investing outside of your own country and african countries. >> sure. i would say to the investor first of all let's look at the character of the country which is the same we would do with a borrower. i would say look at the constitutions in the world.
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it's got one of the most sophisticated -- bill of rights and so in the constitutions of first, second and third generation in the country and secondly look at the real law. i would say look at property rights and property rights are well entrenched in a well respected. i would say look at that democratic structures and processes. they have orderly elections since the advent of democracy. they have strong civil society and there's a strong judiciary and a strong and independent central bank. so the character of this borrower is great. i would say yes there are issues. there are protests and airstrikes but those are illustrative of a healthy democracy and also of competition which is also
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healthy for democracy. this borrower of course will have the willingness to pay, they would also have the ability to pay you because look at their financial management. their debt to -- ratio is low. thirdly i would say look at their balance sheets in the balance sheets and look of their assets -- assets. they are robust and strong so this is a borrower with impeccable credentials. [applause] >> things are not working the way they should. what have you learned and what can be done differently? >> the systemic bank is 153 years old and has had the same name since october 1862. it is represented in 20 countries on the african continent and has been doing that for a number of decades.
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it's the largest financial institution on the african continent by market capitalization and assets. employs over 42,000 people throughout the continent. we have learned a lot. we have learned a lot by doing. i would say you find varying degrees of financial sophistication. as a general pop -- proposition most jurisdictions have got banking is a form of -- or save or save and borrow words borrowed through the banking system but increasingly there is more pension fund reforms as a consequence you see increasing deepening of capital markets. there are more stock exchanges. bonds are being issued. can you have day raised -- not 2 billion euro which shows you the deepening of the financial system. i would say from a banker's perspective there's a great deal
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of competition. you have got domestic banks. you have that regional banks. my friend was a fierce competitor of ours with regional strategy and they are a nuisance wherever we find them, fiercely competitive. lastly i would say there is increasing discipline and regulation and increasing supervision and better supervision and that is actually being reflected in the risk premiums that are attributable to the countries where we operate. >> thank you so much. moe. you are not here as an activist. you are here as a businessman so i want to ask you the question as a business person. you are in the telecom industry. you went where others feared to go and you made money in the process. but tell investors here what is the secret?
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what has to be done to ensure the success in the telecom industry and agribusiness and infrastructure. what can you tell them? >> i promise to be well mannered and behaved. [laughter] i am always. anyway. of course to start with you really need to do your homework. like any investment anywhere. you have to do your homework before you go in. secondly what helped us is we designed as a pan african country because we keep talking about integration of africa and unfortunately it's slow. it's very important to be across
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the borders and i think we had free roaming. something europeans fail to achieve years ago actually. we had one structure one brand etc.. the issue here is we really need to -- one thing i keep repeating we have more forms in africa than the united states. we have more reforms than you guys. ..


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