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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  September 4, 2014 4:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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we have an obligation to dedicate our resources and talents to stop olean behaviors. we must continue the work we started and build on successes so my abuse started to make possible. we must do together. we ought to our children. thank you for this time and everything you do in our community for her children. after the video, you will hear from pam jai, administrator of the substance abuse and mental health service administration. thank you. [applause] the fact the u.s. department of justice for several rights laws that protect students from harassment. these laws protect students from
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harassment when it's based on their action or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, which may include gender identity, gender expression and legacy. religion and disability. under these laws, harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct. what does harassment look like? abe earth of asian-american students at a high school was harassed daily. physically insulted another students to go back to china, forcing them to walk around the building to get to class. this is harassment based on students raise the national origin. comments are made to muslim students and students perceive to be muslim. mocking their culture and suggesting students or terrorists. one muslim student was told he will be beaten up for having a copy of the koran. a fight breaks out between targeted students.
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this is harassment based on national origin and religion. classmates are they gay high school student write comments on a soccer and physically assault, threatening ridicule him because he does not conform to the stereotypical notion of how teenage boys are expected to act and appear. title ix prohibits harassment of all students, even if the harasser interrogates are members of the same sex. although title ix does not prohibit discrimination based only on sexual orientation, this example also includes sexual harassment and arrest them eighth upon stereotypes because the student was harassed for failing to act as some of his. filippo bush attack. harassment creates a hostile environment -- [inaudible] this student's ability to
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participate in or benefit from the schools program on the basis of a protect in class. federal civil rights laws require a school district to investigate and respond appropriately. whether a hostile environment -- [inaudible] >> i think you all can clap for that. [applause] thank you, carol. it is great to have the kind of collaborators we have at the department of justice and the department of education and the white house and other places to produce things like this into actually work on this issue. i do want to thank carol and ted and roberto and all the staff working on this issue and i especially want to thank ingrid did not appear she is our chief
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cheerleader and residents with a black bear. and caitlin i think is also year from opposite communications. you will see a little bit wire communication office is so important. i want to ask my colleagues thanks for the federal partners and bullying prevention for this year's work. prevention is the number one priority and seen the focus on prevention of bullying is an important thing for martha stewart is. i'm pleased also to be representing not just vincennes, but the whole department of health and human services, which is always a privilege. we partner in olean prevention within the department of health and human services, including assistant secretary for planning and evaluation in the assistant secretary for public affairs. we also had the centers for disease control and prevention, you know that the cdc probably in the health resources and services administration and the
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health service and opposite adolescent health. we also have the whole national and dude of health and a number of the institutes within that agency our valued partners to bring forward expertise, for example, the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholisalcoholis m, drug abuse, the national institute of mental health and the national institute of child and human development. we have lots of partners within hhs and i bring their greetings and colleagues and collegial relationships. some of them may be here today. these partners have been working together and creating synergy and building opportunities to address bullying on multiple fronts including research, practice and policy. this partnership in this summit and all the hard work done by so many unassuming bubble skirt and be more needed or necessary or
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timely. it is good we can't afford one of these and i think the president and first lady for their leadership on it, but these kind of issues don't get solved in a day. we all know it takes time and commitment over time. we really want to maintain this focus. there's too much harm, too many harmful things touch the lives of america's kids that we can prevent and we can stop them being bullied or bullying others is one of them. everybody has talked a little bit about the wrong family or their own projection in terms of their education or relationship to education. i've got to know you are probably the sign assistant principal and he certainly, between being a teacher of elementary school kids and the coach in a junior high setting and now an assistant principal at the high school level has seen much of this then talks about it and is very interested,
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so i get vicariously living his interest on this issue as well. bullying is about so much more than unhappy kid or mean kids. it is about underage drinking, substance abuse, addiction, emotional and mental health problems, crime, violence, trauma and frankly unfortunately suicide. combined, it is about paying attention now are paying the consequences later. children who are bullied are four times more likely to engage in delinquent behavior and substance abuse and often carry aggressive and risky behaviors forward into adulthood. that is the reason the collaboration is so important. children don't come to us as a justice theater education get her mental health kid. they come to us as a child in a family and community with multiple issues. children bullied often suffer from low self-esteem, and
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fighting depression and as a nation we now fully understand behavioral health is absolutely essential to overall health. you can't separate those, so it is easy to understand kids bullied often have compromised physical health and diminish well-being. children who are bullying -- who are bullied or are bullying are the greatest risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. hhs has a particular interest in lg btus and i obviously do as well. lg btus experience more bullying generally including difficult violence and injury at school than their heterosexual peers. for example, cdc reports eight out of 10 lgbt students have been verbally harassed with four out of 10 being physically harassed and six out of 10 deal on faith one out of 10 have been actually the victim of physical
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assault school. in grades seven through 12, lgbt youths are more than twice as likely to have an attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers and adults have some of the highest violence against them of any other group in the country. we take bullying seriously. america's kids and young adults are at the core of the substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion of hers. they are also at the core because half of all its old mental illnesses begin before the age of 14 and three quarters before the age of 24. so if we are going to deal with adult mental health issues come with guy to deal with their kids. prevalence rates of serious mental health conditions among 18 to 25-year-olds are almost double of the general population and suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds. when you see young kids as young
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as eight, nine, 10, 11 taken their lives after histories of bullying, it is particularly compelling. he used to start drinking before age 15 or five halves are likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those at age 21 or older. everyday we keep a young person from drinking, every day or month or year that we can have them wait, the more likelihood they will not get into dependency abuse. these are just some of the reasons why preventing and supporting bullying after should be on everyone's radar. now hhs cares and bullying prevention is clearly on my radar partly because we provide the building blocks america needs to live healthy successful lives doing everything we can to reduce bullying and mitigate its impact helps us achieve the mission. we've got a lot going on hhs.
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currently definitions as you've heard already were inconsistent and make it difficult to know the true magnitude and impact of the problem, says cdc and department of education and others partnered to develop the uniform definitions of going forward data could be consistent. this can be used as a tool to help public health practitioners, school officials, researcheresearche rs and evaluators to find and gather systematic data on bullying to better inform prevention efforts. you can learn more by going onto they've now put it in my talking point says because you can't pay a very fast. anyway, learn more about it they are in reviewing the violence section there. her so launched the bullying prevention training center that includes a tool kit, user guides, specific resources and training modules designed to
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provide individuals with research-based tools and resources to organize effective only in prevention efforts in their communities as well take terrific book graphic. if you want to get that, some of those resources go wonder that prevent bullying you've heard that resource before. i have to tell you to stop the bullying website is something i am proud of because it is something hhs and education and justice and others came on and even within hhs coming up with a common website on something is pretty amazing and to then take it and give it to education and say you guys made this so they can meet on not, this is a pretty amazing effort. first of all, spearheading efforts within the institute of medicine entitled increasing capacity for reducing bullying and its impact on the life course of youth involved.
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the national institute of health has been conducting research on bullying and the national institute of child health development has administered the health behavior in school-aged children survey. publications based on these data provide the first nationally representative data on bullying prevention rates, national and international analyses with psychosocial adjustment and indicators of violence and racial and ethnic comparisons and predictors of violence and bullying and some of the first data to address cyberbullying. that is a small sampling of what has been going on within hhs. i want to tell you what is going on specifically. we are running the operating divisions within hhs beverages producer trauma informed care tip we call it a miss something six or seven years in the making come a treatment improvement protocol and we're about to release a trauma informed approach definition with some brochures and there is a
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relationship obviously. olein is a kind of trauma and as we've learned across justice education and behavioral health education having some common approach and thinking about, are how we deal with it is also important. last october, samhsa was excited to launch the guidelines for reporting on bullying that are housed on stop website. these provide reporters and news content with guidelines, recommendations and tools with how to accurately and responsibly reports on bullying. you will have an opportunity to hear about a minute break breakout later today and opposite medications helps about word. as you heard, we've been partnering with colleagues in the department of education and the department of justice to advance the president's plan to increase awareness of mental health issues and access to services outlined in the now is the time plan. it was proposed and funded after
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the december 2012 newtown, connecticut tragedy. we are in the process of collectively among us collectively awarding over 100 grand to state and local education agencies to create safe and healthy students and school environments and to increase mental health literacy among youth, school personnel, parents and community partners. some will be funded and others using some common approaches. the script help us build and improve system to support behavioral health needs of students and train adults who interact with kids on how to understand the signs and symptoms of behavioral health problems and how to refer those who need care to services. the grants are developed collaboratively with education and just as and our hope is these awards will build upon and support one another and teach us what we canoe across the rest of the country to bring a surveyor.
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now, ims particularly honored to officially announce the release of some and we are just really calling no bullying. it is a free mobile app developed by samhsa in conjunction with partners. no bullying puts the power to prevent bullying in your hand. that is you as a parent, you as a caregiver, educator, school administrator. research shows that may not be 15 minutes a day talking with your children can help prevent bullying. the know bullying nap empowers caregivers to provide information and communications support that can help other closer relationship with children and in turn children find it easier to go to them when they have a problem. as my colleagues have mentioned, studies show almost a fifth of
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students in grades nine to 12 have been bullied on school property anomalous 15% have experienced cyberbullying. there is a very real need for the know bullying app. we hope everyone will use it. here's some of the cool features. parents have access to age-appropriate conversation starters at their fingertips. parents tell us over and over again whether alcohol use or bullying or something else that they don't now to start the conversation. these are conversation starters. scheduling function allows parents to customize reminders at times that fit into their busy schedules such as walking home from the school bus stop were dinnertime so this notion of a smartphone, you've seen the ad, it tells you when to do these things. it will also help parents learn how to recognize warning times their children may be bullying or been bullied or fitness bullying. so know bullying app provides strategies for educators and
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school administrators so they can prevent in classrooms and support children. it's available for free on iphone and android smartphones. you can learn more by visiting the about 200 mark, schmitz, but it's time to get on with the rest of the day. you have a very packed agenda. i want to thank you for participating and i hope you will all leave here a little more knowledgeable committed to what it takes to make sure no child, no adolescent regardless of their shape, size, orientation, race, religion, intelligence commitment to health status, no child, no child and no team experiences humiliation, fear, taunting her denigration at the hanson boys that of others who share their school hallways. there sports the outcome of buses or sidewalks.
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the children and youth are neighbors kids. they are our own children's friends, classmates or dnc members. they may be our own children they may be our own children's children. if we don't make sure they are safe, they may be the next bullies, the next inmates at the next suicide deaths that we read about. inside, we need them to be our next teachers, next scientist, next lawyers, next business owners and even our next federal employees and policymakers. tv listings, they need to be healthy physically and psychologically. we all need then is that they need all of you. thank you so much for what you do. i hope you enjoy the summit today. [applause] >> thank you. i would now like to introduce
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the acting assistant secretary for the office of special education and rehabilitative services here at the department of education. [applause] >> thank you. good morning, everyone. how are you all doing? i'm thrilled to be here. i got here i got your little that way. i was stuck on a train for about 40 minutes, so i missteps remarks. w they were amazing because they are so committed to addressing this issue in presenting olene and principal climates. i'm sorry didn't get to hear them speak. i want to thank deb and students are putting this together. this is the fourth time we are coming together. i want to thank my staff. you will hear from a couple later today. this issue is really, really important to all of us. this is a great opportunity for educators and not the kids and
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parents and leaders to come together to really figure out our partners at the department of justice and health and human services to figure out how to we make sure our educators, the adults in our learning environments have the tools and resources to prevent and address and respond to bullying. empowering changes in the schools so we know all kids truly have the opportunities to learn and thrive. we need to make sure we're addressing the social, emotional and behavioral needs of the kids as well. students with disabilities are disproportionately affected by bullying. they are more like it to be bullied. and a number of factors, physical characteristics, poor social skills come in tolerant environment may the risk a student with his ability as bullied further remasters with intellectual disabilities, communication processing may not
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understand the extent to actually they can be bullied or understand how to communicate that they have been bullied to an adult. when our recent story of a young man with autism who is subjected to abuse and bullying and defended the other students who bullied him as his friends. we know this is a real problem. for these reasons, last year our office for guidance that clarifies schools obligations under her idea of individuals with disabilities education act that says students with disabilities is bullied, regardless of, regardless whether his result of the disability, but if they are bullied and i'm not bullying results in a student not receiving a meaningful educational benefit, that won't be back constituted a denial of
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a free appropriate public education under the idea and that must be remedied. we hope this guidance provides schools and parents and educators with real useful tools to move forward. what does this mean? this means that a student is getting bullied and is afraid to walk down the home because he is getting bullied and therefore doesn't get services or go to class, if he's not getting a meaningful educational benefit because he's afraid for the student has been bullied in the team says we need to move this kids room or restrict their receiver environment, to deny lafave. we hope this continues to serve as a resource to schools and parents and educators. but the key, and i apologize i didn't hear deb's remarks, but
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i'm confident she talked about climate and how we have to address climate. that is absolutely the key. bully not only threatens the physical and emotional safety of children, but it creates a climate of fear in this respect, creating conditions that negatively impact student learning. undermining a kid's ability to achieve to their fullest potential. when students don't feel safe, they can't thrive and are more likely to give out. for all kids, including students with disabilities, including lgbt use, positive climate means the environment is safe and inclusive, where every child is treated as a valued and precious number of that community by their peers ms-dos. i talk about safety. we talk about physical emotional safety at all times on the grounds of the school during all
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school activities means that staff are vigilant and classmates are ready to help safeguard other students from physical forms of aggression being singled out or ostracized or excluded. when we talk about inclusive, every child has access to all facets of the school environment and social fabric of the school as students with physical disabilities were lgbt you are welcomed and able to participate and they don't have to sit on the sidelines and watch. the extracurricular activities are open and available to all students providing new ways to engage with the school community and also means every child access to instruction is prioritize an exclusionary discipline practices such as suspension and expulsion are used rarely and only as a last result. so what are the key challenges? you guys are going to have an
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incredible day and there's so much to do. so much work. i want to identify key challenges. do you have the social and emotional awareness, and the social and emotional tools to understand and recognize and address bullying behaviors in themselves and in others? i can see the same for staff. d. staff have the training? are they equipped to respond to and address bullying and create cultures and climates in their schools that are safe and how he and thriving. to our policies and practices convey to students and establish that each student is about him to the community. for do our part this is unintentionally or not result in isolation and exclusion? so i have heard deb say this.
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i don't know if she said it today or not, but i have heard that we offer our children tells them what we value. we say that a lot, right, deb? our efforts must be rooted in a commitment to improve our cultures where every student has the opportunity to learn and thrive. thank you. have a great, great panel. [applause] >> good morning, everyone. i would like to introduce the first plenary session entitled bullying trends. would have been, where we are now and where we are going. we have three excellent speakers for the session and first up is mr. tom snyder from the department of education. he's the director he's the director of utah reports and information staff at the
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national statistics and is a recognized expert on execution statistics. [applause] >> thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about some of the data we collect and compile the national center for education or to six. many of the things i talk about today you may be familiar with. certainly practitioners working with bullying on a day-to-day basis, there's many things you are well aware from your own observation. i think there's something here for everybody. so many things we can talk about and also new services coming out with bullying data. new sources you can take advantage of them may be useful in your presentations. here we go. there's a number of sources for data. some of them go back further in
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time. some of them are very recent. in particular, there is a survey on school climate safety database on public schools and the ones in process since 1999-2000. the survey of fortune one was terminated in 2009-10, but there is a process underway to begin to survey again. there is a survey done on health statistics from the world health organization and that is on in school-aged children covers children in grades six through eight. this particular survey is based on individuals. unlike the public school survey, which is actually a survey of schools. also, the traditional survey we used the national center for education statistics in our indicators of school crime and safety survey with the national crime that the patient survey is
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used and what we call a school crime supplement and this is the specific survey that has the information on the bullying. there's also an an excellent survey from cdc. the youth risk behavior surveillance system. we actually use that with indicators as well not covers grades nine through 12 and again this is an individualized survey that covers children in grades nine through 12. this is an observation in terms of the recognition across the new surveys, and out in some international organizations. i do a lot of statistics as well and i work with colleagues and get a lot of feedback of people interested in many programs and specifically in the northern countries. very aggressive moves towards preventing bullying. looking at the port directly now in some of the charts we have
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been highlights of the statistics you may or may not be familiar with. this is based on the national crime victimization survey which covers children ages 12 through 18. basically you can see here that there's no real trend in terms of bullying going up and down for male together. however, there is a decline over time and bullying for males. we don't see that for females. the difference is there are not significant. the differences between males and females in 2005 and now feels are more likely to be bullied and males. if you look at the kinds of bullying that students typically report, you see the ones most frequently reported are being subject to rumors were having fun made of them. on some of the bullying articles i've been reading, we really
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focused on more physical bullying. there's actually last of the actual bullying occurs. so while it is still very important, u.s. to recognize it may not be readily observable. perhaps it is worth noting the differences for males and females to highlight here to rumors and being made fun of his much higher for e-mail spam for males. for males, they are more likely to be involved in the physical bullying incidents in the males are slightly more likely to be pushed or shoved her trips. if we turn towards the grades they are most likely to be bullied, you probably observed middle-school is the period of time where children are most likely to be bullied.
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east timor in grades six and seven. on the other hand, for cyberbullying, great 10 of 11, students are my likely to be bullied been in grades six and seven. if you look at the bullying by race ethnicity, why students are more likely to be bullied and hispanic or asian students on this is true for bullying in general, but also more specifically for cyberbullying. black students are also less likely to be cyberbully than white students. the journey towards the location where children are most likely to be bullied, typically inside the schools. sometimes people think school buses aren't more common location. while there is certainly bullying and school buses are on school grounds, most of the bullying does occur in the hallways or so, inside the
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classrooms. particularly if you're thinking about middle-school and high school students, a lot of potential for things to happen between classes and not that the data shows. on the terms the differences between males and females, the only substantial difference here is between males and urls with respect to bullying in bathrooms and locker rooms and it turns out males are more like you to be bullied and those particular locations. one other thing is particularly important as a practitioner for dealing with bullying problems is to know how often you're actually going to be alerted by the student if a bullying incident has occurred. it turns out to younger children are more likely to report a bullied and event that an older child. this is really important because it may affect your knowledge about what is occurring in the school when i turned to look at school reported data, you will
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see huge potential from incidents not been reported. even the best cases among sixth graders, only half of them are reported. turning now to look at some of the data that's reported by schools. we were just talking about was the reported by students themselves. this does show a decline in terms of bullying been reported to schools to report back to whether bullying and events were occurring per week. you have to think in terms of this is what coming up to the principals office or something the principle is dealing with at least once a week. it is certainly not. it's what is happening to individual students. it's the more extreme cases arising to the principal levels and we actually do see a decline between 99, 202,010 and dropping
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occurring every week. you looking at the same data by looking at the various types of schools. you can see from the student reported data at the middle schools are most likely to report the frequent bullying occurs frequent bullying occurs is. an nec equal percentages in the high schools. so reinforcing -- unfortunately we don't have a lot of information about elementary school students. this is one of the few places you have something. children and six greater non-evil to report. they don't have the understanding for the instruments. too complicated for them. while they report to an adult on an individual level, they can't allow survey forms on a large scale for something like this. there's also problems with
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activity as well. that is an issue with gathering information from young children. i want to turn now to tie briefly about some of the other data sources you might be able to use and be of interest to you. the health behavior survey i mentioned was characterized as not readily accessible. i've seen journal articles and important research using the survey. the website doesn't provide information. you have to obtain raw data sets into your own analysis. i think you may encounter this on a data source and we're looking at journal articles or references that will be convenient to use. i should note the survey has identified a decline in bullying for this age group and looking at middle-aged -- middle grade students and they have students and never declined from 12.6% to mac 7.5%. you'll notice the bullying data dump a line across the surveys.
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some of it has to do with methodology and in this case it's a reference. in the past couple mind is not a year-long reference period. the information we're looking at before and the children reporting about any bullying occurred already entire school year. one of the surveys that most enthusiastic now is on behavior surveillance system. this covers grades nine through 12. this is my recommendation for being one that it's easy to use. they have a very niceta tool. i think this is a really good reference point are you and you can obtain the information easily. i went to briefly mention two international studies. there is a bullying question on both of these surveys, but it's really in the context of student. a very small survey does help
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illustrate bullying is important with other countries and is a serious problem. it's about the same level in the other states. finally, there is a bullying question in the program for international student assessment that concerns 15-year-olds. somewhat surprisingly his bullying ways reported as more of a problem in the high achieving countries. has been able to assemble that context for you, but it's an interesting observation. i wanted to wind up the presentation. i want to welcome you to look at indicators of the safety report. i have a wealth of information, but also other aspects of crime and behavior in schools. we have crime in surveys they do screw crime in survey safeties group and the website you can access more information four. thank you. clap back
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>> our next speaker is dr. for research and faculty. some of her research projects include examining olean and school climate and the design evaluation and implementation of evidence-based prevention programs in schools. [applause] >> thank you for inviting me here today. i am pleased to report i am feminine to do medicine workshop workshop that was held recently just this past april on the topic of olene and it is really quite a thrill not to only participate in the activity, but also to see the institute of medicine focus on the issue of bullying. we have been doing this for her sometime enough often felt it as
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an educational issue or school issue and to see if i did a level based on the federal partners pushing it and wanted it to be covered is really very exciting and i think will help chart is a top priority both within the medical field as well as within education and am really very excited about that. so i am speaking here as the number of the panel and not an official briefing on the institute of medicine report. however, there is an official briefing i got released today on the table over there. you can take a quick look at that and perhaps do a more thorough read. it was intended to have a more practitioner research base salary for the wide audience. i'm going to give you a quick overview of some of the material covered in the report and highlight. the overall theme, which was really put together with information about bullying
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including prevalence, impact. who do we know at what are the gaps and who are different partners we need to work with in terms of putting together more systematic olean prevention initiatives. so a couple of themes came out so we started thinking about the reflections in this particular event, one of which was the interdisciplinary group that helped organize those were led by fred per vara, the editor theatrics than he is letting number of sufferers around consensus report so it's really quite an honor to work with him as our chair. there were a number of other people from different disciplines. is an important piece to make sure the different disciplines are represented there. i come from several disciplines myself in terms of education, psychology, public health and so
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that was nice. enough resonance from the field of nursing. nancy guerra is a developmental psychologist. the psychologist. today's conference and is a known and established criminologist who is a long perspective in the field. megan miranda was a pediatrician joined by a lawyer on our team, jonathan torres who provided a nice perspective around legal issues. in terms of some of the general themes that i extracted and then i'll tell them to the particular topics more specifically. i thought it was quite important and very exciting to see iowans embraced this idea of different perspectives. so we can being to use panel there as well as a practitioner panel. so i helped put together the practitioner panel into a couple of years that have been advocates and so it was great to work with them. they weren't just tacked on at the end.
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they were front and center. we begin the event having them speak about experiences and perspectives. they were providing dialogue and feedback, so it's great to have that perspective in house and just to tack on. it was truly embedded throughout and we paused many times to i feedback on these particular issues. interdisciplinary i talked about certainly the connection between physical health and mental health is one that was done so nicely and it's great to see in terms of how the different topics covered under the broader heading of bullying prevention. the life course perspective is very nice. in fact, the original title, head of life is the struggled with how you bring on an because most of the work is focused on school age you and we think about bullying or adulthood or long-term impacts relevant for
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the discussion. as we start thinking about the notion of seven, bullying and show up another concerns, so it is not just a kids phenomenon and although there is tension between nine and the definition by cdc which is focused on school issues. it's interesting to think about the definition and how it can stretch in some ways. cultural and contextual considerations are critical for this issue rather than having a panel on cultural factors, we wanted to breathe out through the different topics and there were sometimes we had to stop and make sure we were really respect the men reflecting a cultural perspective so i think that is one area we need to improve our research methodology. evaluating the strengths as well as the gaps in the literature. so to drill down a little more, the sessions began with an opening by a member who's done a lot of work in the area and she provided the science, what do we know about prevalence, introduced the definition and
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talk about different forms of bullying. she prepared a longer report that will be covered in greater detail. then we d a panel. she was one of our fabulous panelists this session talking about different issues related to the development of outcomes associated with bullying. we are from johnny you from johnny jehovah and improper terrorists about social networks and peer contact to issues related to culture. dorothy talks about a rich body of research and she's been in meetings contributed around harassment and teen dating violence and the overlap with bullying. treece valley quartet appointed presentation about how it gets under the skin and citing research about brain development in the intersection between stress and coping strategies as it relates to bullying. some of the work she's done
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originally with the unique respective and one that was poignant for many arrested think about this from orbit, and stress perspective. not just round the bullying literature, but the stress and adverse events. it was a nice frame for you tonight and this is one of the graphics at the bottom she displayed about children's brains show in the original citation is a bruise. setting. the raiders go looking at the impact of trauma in the brain and you don't have to be embarrassed itunes to see these two brands, the one on the left of a typically developing child and the one on the right for a child with experience abuse. while it is that bullying specifically, it provides the frame for thinking about trauma and adverse childhood events. i was on a panel with denise conference then and dewey cornell. but we talk about a school perspective, what body of literature if the largest.
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a vacancy of the strongest, but there's still a lot of gaps in this area. denise talked about school climate and i'm so glad to hear that was picked up today and my colleague, dewey cornell talked about the coalition is a zero tolerance in the reactive approaches schools often take about video cameras and metal detectors that we don't have research to show how the strong impact on reducing bullying. i talked about some of the meta-analyses and research about particular programs and i had this graphic in my talk about is the glass half-full or half-empty. you can do in terms of the review of the literature that we have some evidence that some programs can reduce bullying on average, maybe 20%. however, some of the studies are done abroad and may not generalize about the united states or of limited outcomes. so while it's exciting to see their evidence-based models, there's a lot more room for improvement as we think about not only impact that their
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uptake within school finance. then we moved into talking about family perspectives. melissa pope who was then attacked about the issues of disclosure and parent-child communication. she and her colleagues had a nice forthcoming paper that highlights the importance of the family dinner as an opportunity to be talking about issues of bullying and some of their research showing that it buffers the impacts of cyberbullying. exciting to see my research getting into the next ecological layer outside of the family because frankly there hasn't been a lot of research in the area, specifically on the topic of bullying, about disclosure and how parents respond. sometimes they don't respond and we would like them to, encouraging kids to fight back. then we heard from deborah gordon smith is done a lot of research in the area of violence
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protection in the chicago area, much of which has had a family focus. she summarized the broader research about violence prevention because there hasn't been a lot of prevention programming focus specifically on families but it is promising to see strategies we use in other areas of violence production should we look at those outcomes. that's a limitation of the research that we haven't always looked specifically at bullying behaviors and outcomes. we have other measures, but we need our precise measurement make sure people including the studies going forward. and religion to the hot topic of technology, really very exciting with the presentations focused on the use of technology were perpetrating bullying, but also intervention. the shallow bar up, a public health research doing work
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around different areas gave a nice presentation citing other public health interventions, even worker brought in other areas like hiv prevention where she is technology to prevent mission for different types of health related issues in the holds a lot of promise for the work and bullying prevention. it's exciting to see the interdisciplinary and international brands. you can see we are moving layers out of the ecological model year. the further we go out, the center research-based guys. we're excited to hear about the work hasn't focus specifically on the area of bullying models such as the community care model has been effective for reducing deaths and do some aggressive behavior but haven't focused so much on bullying comes to that is one area to focus. joe wright, an established researcher and pediatrician, very well known in d.c. for his work around policy and provide
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the pediatrician's perspective on health, so it's nice to hear from them making about health care providers and community settings. and then this is also a hot topic, a peer led program because there's been such a push about the state youth involved and have used the leaders are co-facilitate different types of prevention and violence efforts. there's been a bit of controversy because we often find when you are progressive kids together, sometimes pair other kids up, you can make things worse if they're not done effectively in the right way. we brought two leading researchers on the tom deshong and kim -- to talk about their tears in their long line of research around the area and virtually they focus most on gang related issues and the overlap with bullying and also some of the would interventions
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harm framework. we didn't have this much literature on peer led programs. they such a potion that is a big gap. we have a lot of homegrown models but we don't have any rigorously tested. where the youth of facilitate the programs? how can we actually scaffolding support schools and promote models with integrity and models that don't do harm, but improve the outcomes for years. and then the last word here is really about policies and practices and this is a more global perspective talking about issues relating to lgbt populations which we heard so eloquently from from colleagues about different actors and this is a very helpful knitting together different policy perspective and legal issues as it relates to prevention because as you know a state has a
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specific law relating to bullying and the fact there hasn't been a lot of research documenting the outcomes of those particular policies and certainly very little research even looking at implementation in variation of implementation. so then we sat a little more about translating what we know. how do we get what we do know out into the field with a particular interest in this evidence-based programs. while the class may be half-full or half-empty japan in the way you look at it, what do we know about the field of implementation science and prevention science we prevention science we can lean on as we think about bullying prevention. we had three leading researchers and prevention time including the windowboxes done a lot of work around substance is prevention, abigail fagan is in a lot of work and community care model and the leading methodologists and prevention sciences whose billie dunn so much work, particularly in the area suicide prevention of violence prevention and it was great to get their news.
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just about to appear, there was a release of the brief said this is the first step in a process we go through depending on the level of commitment and investment. the next that possibly could be referred to as a consensus study which would lead to a more formal book quite possibly that would summarize different issues related to bullying. this is intended to be an overview of the field and help drive the gaps that need to be filled through a more systematic study and certainly that is intended to motivate and foster more research more programming in the community. thank you for this opportunity to share some of the work the iom did to support desk and i want to acknowledge the great staff the national academy of sciences put this together. patti simon, stacy smith and kimber bogarde. they're fabulous to work within its great to be part of the network and see the issue raised that to this level of
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visibility. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, dr. bradshaw. our last speaker is dr. michael lu. prior to joining coming he was associate professor of obstetrics gynecology and public health at the ucla school of medicine and public health. he's received numerous awards for his teaching and has devoted one of the best doctors in america since 2005. tucson on for research and its visionary leadership on my source. while palm. [applause] >> good morning. i'm delighted to be here am very honored to be invited to speak at the summit. let me start off by saying what a tremendous honor that is
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farming to share this panel with dr. snyder and dr. bradshaw. i also want to take a moment to thank our partners at hhs, including samhsa, cdc, nih as well as hard as at the department of, justice and agriculture and the white house where all of this partnership and collaboration. what to give a special shout out to my colleagues at the department of education and for the planning committee for bringing this all together, all their hard work in the tremendous leadership to bring this together for this summit. i was asked to talk about where we are going. let me start by telling you how we are going to get there. i want to take a moment and look around this room. that is how we are going to get there. you know that were not going to
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be a latino to me though i'm getting prevention by working in silence. it's going to take coming together, federal partners commenced at a partners, public and private partners, educators and researchers, public health professionals and policymakers, family and community leaders and especially the use of coming together, working across the factors, e pluribus unum. that is how are going to be able to move the needle on prevention in our nation. as mentioned, i am running to be responsible for improving the health and well-being of all of america's mothers, children and families. that has been our mission for over 100 years to the children's bureau in 1912.
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coming 2.5 years ago, i've been pushing hard to do better for kids and families and our country. and when it comes to bullying prevention, we know we can still do a lot better as a nation. that would certainly make a lot of progress. in 2004, when we launched the first anti-bullying campaign, many people still believe bullying is a right of passage. kids will be kids. they used to say that's just wicked do. i think we have come a very long way in the last decade. in part due to the work of all the federal partners coming together to create stopped, your one-stop shop for all bullying resources. ..
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now, in public health there is something we call the richmond politick. recognize richmond. but the richmond politick model, you bring about real social change, you need three things, knowledge base, a strategy called critical of.
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and that think that is where we need to go in the next five years. be able to move the kneele on bali prevention. to keep bullies. keep advancing social strategy and we have to keep growing to do something about a pulley in our nation. of the workshop griquas released. first, the workshop, began to sympathize the knowledge base about what we know what we don't for example, what we know in terms of what works and what does not work. well, it turns out that we know of lot about what works. as you just heard some of the
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most promising strategies involve a community approach. the entire community to change the climate of the school, taking a multilevel approach that targets the individual, the classroom, the school, and the kaynine -- in the community. we also know a lot about what does not work conflict resolution and pair mediation do not work because billion is a form of victimization, not conflict the children of bulletin in to reinforce bullying or anti-social behavior. we have to keep building up our knowledge base about what works and what does not believe in the next five years we will know of lot more about how to move the needle on bullying prevention. second, the social strategy. now, while they're is a lot that
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we still do not know, mom you know enough to act today. each of us need to be asking ourselves what more can we doom we are doing our part. some of you may know that we just recently proposed making bullying a performance measures for our title five program. title five and, the primary health systems in all 59 states and jurisdictions millions of dollars in federal funding, state match an overmatched. as $6 billion enterprise every year. one of the biggest that we have. one of the best vehicles we have to drive improvement. i believe title five can play a major role in bullying prevention. for a sample, and virginia the state title five program baleen
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prevention program one using the model one. making bullying the prevention a performance measures for title five programs, we will be able moonbeam to hold programs accountable for moving the kneele. that title five cannot do this alone. public health professionals and policy-makers, educators and researchers, schools and communities coming together, sharing best practices, spreading effective strategy. looking at new ways by which we can support the communities in doing just that. over the past two years someone we have collaborative improvement and innovation will to share best practices and effective strategies in reducing infant mortality we created a platform called the corn
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complete with shared workspace that can provide real time data to get real-time and improvement we brought together state health officers, medicaid directors, title five directors, governors, state legislature as well as professional community leaders. over the last two years we saw 31% reduction in early. 71,000 early elected deliveries. and 9 percent reductions which translates to about 13,000 you're pregnant and. now, i cannot sale of that was attributable. but what i can say is that it has accelerated innovation across the state. we are looking to do the same by bringing collaborative
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innovation across states. third, political will. "we are doing will require a great deal of political will to get us here. as soon as groundswell of political will across the nation will do something about bullying. in all 50 states out there are laws and your policies in place to address bullying. schools and school districts that have adopted anti bullying policies. but many of you have been champions of this national movement on baleen prevention that is growing. a special shut out. some of you have in toward great pain or witnessed great pain, and i call on your courage to rise above the pain, speaking out, other families still have to go through what she went through.
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real drivers of this national movement. going forward we have to keep that momentum growing gimmicky but the political movement. growing political will. that is what it will take to start moving in the kneele in the next five years. so let me just close by adding one more thing. going forward -- going back to the first point that i made. we are not going to move the kneele on bullying by working. we have to come together. federal partners, state and local partners, public-private partners, schools and communities, across sectors, across states. look around me. look around here in this room.
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this is what chance looks like. this is what is all about. selling closing let me just say that on behalf we are all in on this partnership. we all have a partner that we can count on. we will be working side by side with you doing everything that we can to help you move the needle on a bullying for the nation's children, youth, and families. thank you very much. [applause] >> we don't have a tough time for questions but we have people
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watching. and so we have a virtual question from our social media outlets. >> we have over 300 folks virtually participating. is there any research on the lasting effects of awareness? is that only a spike in terms of impact? >> awareness raising is certainly part of the piece of the apostle whether you're thinking about putting together a bully prevention initiative. a long line of public health research shows that raising awareness is an important part, but you need the skill development of follow-up. he talked about an awareness racing event. a broader set of my activities, the one-shot deal for kids in schools generally has not been shown to be effective. there might be a kickoff event that can be combined with other
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things but the researchers generally shows that you need to spend time developing skills and talking about these issues on a regular, ongoing basis. skill development happens for kids as well as adults. awareness raising is important, and we have certainly seen some national evidence in terms of increasing the general population's awareness of the issue of bullying. it will be exciting to see some trends in terms of translating that to an outcome. it is just further evidence that it will take more than just awareness reason to change behavior. >> any other questions from the audience? i ask that you go to a microphone so that everyone can hear you. >> go ahead. >> my question is primarily for
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schneider. i had the opportunity last year to sit on a panel to discuss revising the bullying measure to better match. i am wondering if you can speak to our progress. right now the question is to not take into account. i am wondering if you can speak to whether there will be revised and when. >> i cannot speak to that specifically. i am working on the survey myself. we will be releasing information later this year. of course realistically we're looking at 2015 and 2016. we can check on that are you can contact catherine chandler. thank you. >> one last question. >> my question was generated by
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the knowledge base, things that we know. i am curious if you have any familiarity our knowledge about how restorative just as a practice for justine's that have been involved? >> i don't. i would certainly love to hear more. a lot of these practices and interventions out there to all we are trying to figure out is for the sharing to occur, can we engineer innovation so that we can accelerate our ability to move the kneele? >> thank you. >> i would like to give a warm round of applause our speakers. [applause]
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>> taking a look at primetime, tonight more book tv. our focus on book fairs and festivals with visits to a number of literary events including the harlem book fair that is underway at 8:00 eastern more of american history tv. we continue our week-long look at the war of 1812 of the program on the burning of washington at 8:00. tonight on c-span will show you a recent senate agriculture committee hearing on school lunches. according to the centers for disease control child of obesity has more than doubled and children and quadrupled adolescence. part of the reason for regulations mandating higher
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nutrition standards. here is a preview of that hearing. >> of course kids like not cold rain. that is what they prefer. they like sugar even more. you give the child the choice they're going to pick sugar. it is what they like. their tastebuds love it. we have to be the adults. you don't give them what they want. you teach them how to eat well. that takes. takes determination, creativity. and i love the fact he told the school district picked three colors every day. my children, that is how we did it. they love that. steamed vegetables, the only light steamed investable spirited want butter, cream.
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they have been eating for every meal says they are a baby. as a consequence they prefer healthy food. a lot of these kids are not getting healthy food at home. they're getting refined cover high rates at every meal. of course they prefer a burger and fries. that is what they have been fed. we have to do more. i feel that it is easy to have flexibility. that's not surf refined foods. let's actually push them to eat something healthy that makes them healthy. when a kid is obese he does not reach its full potential. he cannot concentrate in class. he is often made fun of. low self-esteem. so i am grateful that all of you
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have figured out how to solve these problems. us figure out. we can figure it out. >> a portion of a recent senate agriculture committee hearing and school lunches. once that event in its entirety tonight on our companion network . >> with congress returning monday here is a message from one of this year's student camera competition winners. >> the nsa, what is it, what does it do? it was hard to answer these questions before edwards snowden new lead to thousands of classified documents to the public showing the nsa surveillance. >> a bulk data collection.
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limited in scope. developing probables cost to the probable cause. it is a bulk collection of data. >> then nsa is controversial, and the only way to resolve that conflict, the number one issue and -- >> join as next wednesday. >> more from the recent federal partners and bullying prevention summit which aims to build upon the goal of creating a national strategy engaging private and public organizations to help ensure student safety. in this next portion you will hear about the social and emotional consequences a bullying and later a discussion of lessons learned. together they run about an hour and 40 minutes.
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>> i am going to go ahead and introduce a grenade. we had originally scheduled to have charged with us. he had a death in the family and is unable to join us today. britney bradley will be standing in for him, deputy director of the research practice division. serve as the project officer for the national center on pause a behavioral intervention due to the last 16 years and we're pleased to have her here. if everyone could give her a nice big round of applause. [applause] >> good morning. sorry about the break. i know it is hard to sit.
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i am glad to be here today. i disappointed my friend. i will do my best represent the work pdis center. they're is a group associated with this national center funded by the department for 16 years now. we are getting ready to go into our 17th year. not only the folks that work directly with the center, over 20,000 schools across the country that have helped implement this and work in the trenches and really pushed us to expand our work not just within the department of education but also with justice and mental health. a lot of affirmation. i am not going to go through them word by word.
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a lot of affirmation as i said. i encourage you to go to it the site. a wealth of informations on the knowledge base but also tools that you can use to look at fidelity implementation and blueprint to help cuba starts and implementing the program as well. when we look at a ranging structure -- sorry. we are at a point now in time where the attention on social emotional behavior hideout think has ever been greater. i have been with the department for 17 years now and i remember it bubble wrap. our collective history in this area is strong there are lots of
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practices that work. our challenge now seems to be how we organize these practices in some kind of structure of the schools and communities and mental health providers in employment. we all know putting one more thing on it teachers played is almost impossible. how do we help him implement effected practices in an efficient way my job is to talk about positive behavior talk about what it is and how it can serve as a foundation or structure for helping schools organize their practices in a better way. a turn that originally appeared in the statute. you also may hear it referred to as schoolwide, multi tiered behavior. multi to systems and support. what you call it does not matter the core components we have identified i implemented within
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the original framework. we are talking about a framework for enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidence based to achieve academically and behavior of the importance of comes. sorry. this clicker has a mind of its own. and we are talking about but we want to do we want to establish the capacity for improving classroom. other objectives that dovetail nicely with the talks this morning and i'll work on boeing to my decreasing reactive management and maximize academic achievement to achieve their goals that we want to achieve broadly. the different behavioral and social issues together. a lot of times people ask what
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is composite school climate? how can you see it? and the question is, do you see it, feel it? you walk into school and you know if it is a good place to be, a place where you would wonder children every when you walk into a school that as a positive climate what i some things we might see? posters up identifying behavioral responses that are expected of children. we may not see long lines of children of white waiting to see the assistant principal for various issues and problems. we may not hear stories of children that feel like they can't participate. and we also macy's student appears telling other peers what is expected of them as far as appropriate behavior. it is important to look at before we go when, what we're talking about when we talk about effective organizations.
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when we talk about an effective organization to we're talking about a group of people whose collective behavior is toward a certain outcome with a common goal lead is maintained by this outcome. is there a common language? when they say be respectful, do they know what that means? to establishing a common vision. actions should be based -- driven. we need to make sure that most folks in that unit share the same vision and values. we have to give teachers and practitioners time to talk about it as part of their work.
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is there a common experience or expectation? so the vision and all of this is directed by quality, not just resting solely on the shoulders of principle or administrator but on of team established to make sure these things function effectively. i want to talk a little bit above the organization you heard them talk about changing adult behavior. let's look at what kid behavior's might look like and a native school climate. we see such behavior is as noncompliant, non -- violent and
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aggressive behavior some, bullying behavior is a likely very good at identifying things that kids are doing. so one of the things he might see more reactive management, and efficient organizations, and effective strategies for delivery of instruction. what happens here is that you see this coercive cycle. so you get a more reactive and it is difficult to break out of the cycle. when he released the school discipline guidance one of the comments that he made was it is not just about fixing the kids but changing the adult behavior. what are the adults doing in the
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context? what do we do to prevent and respond to that behavior, to assure it does not continue to occur? this is something we do not think a lot about. let's look at the plus side so in a school that is engaging in implementing a more positive approach to behavioral sections of child development we see more positive than negative developments. we see challenging academic curriculum to my kids and gays in instruction, i save learning environment, opportunities to learn. the work that we have been engaged in his trying to address the course of cycle. how do we deliberately organized school environments to foster more positive and preventative
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approach is to social or emotional behavior? what do we do? in this type of environment. the social and emotional and behavioral skills that we want to see from our children. more in a basement in participation. how safe and clean environment. faculty student interaction. what do we want to see? promoting a positive factor and decreasing the risk factor so the focus has been for years looking at this cycle and how can we move into a more positive approach? how do we as adults behavior and organize the environment to create positive outcomes? this is an important consideration.
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everyone is trying to make every school a better place for our children. so -- and what do we know about change? it is difficult to and takes a lot of time and energy. so it is important for us -- is there any way that we can jump-start a change? is there any way that we can make it faster or less intensive one of the ideas that we are seeing, looking as cool climates, one of the ways that we can do this is to look at where this coercive cycle is and move this from a primarily negative cycle to a more positive. not saying it is easy or a silver bullet but it is an observation we have been making. we are looking at how we can jump-start the implementation of change that we want to see to create claman's that are conducive to supporting the
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behaviors that we want to see in our children. so what is it -- what is it going to take to shift in this direction? i enjoyed the remarks earlier. we need to be precise, explicit, efficient, and implement for sustainability over the long haul. it is not something we change every year. a three to five year commitment and something that the school and staff agrees to stick to pbgc participatory leaders to map database this -- ec participatory leaders. this is not unlike what we have said we have to do for academics. this is taken from response to intervention. looking at how we promote reading and math. this same practices that we would expect the need to be part
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of how we implement behavioral practices. we have a continual of intervention, content and fluency. we have a team-based intervention, universally screen, provide the services and support. when we look this is not unfamiliar. this is the public health model. unfortunately people started labeling kids green, red, and yellow. that was not the intent. over time we changed the triangle to a more blended model of to try to get rid of that. it is a continual that we want to emphasize. and you can see the kind of thinking behind the framework. something for everyone. addressed in some way, shape a
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more form. some kids need more support and if you need our most intensive effort. not only do they move from a more universal to a more intensive support. the expertise should move from a more universal expertise to mark directed and explicit need. it is also important to look within this triangle. not every kid face everywhere. not always the most intensive need. not always in the universal. if you were to plot his progress in his academic and social life you can see that he does well with peer interaction and homework. pretty good with attendance. this technology, his issues are
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with anchor management and problem-solving. when you are looking at this katie would set up the delivery of resources based upon these needs. we would spend the most time on what? anchorman asman and problem-solving skills. that same triangle can apply to the school. looking at school reform, the support is determined by us student need to mount an intensive we are, not by the students label, zip code, or how they look. you heard someone else bring that up. the same thing with the school. not all schools need the same thing. working within the school we would do the same thing. basic mental health services, deal with attendance, teacher retention, of this discipline referrals, inclusion and suspension. so you kind of plot the strengths and weaknesses. that data helps you decide on
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how you will put your resources in place to address the support. thad is the thinking. be one of schools to move in this direction. how we how to get them there is dependent upon what the schools needs and resources are. you will also have a slide -- and this is an important thing to remember some of the criticism that has been set about is that it is a recipe. that is not truly accurate. "we have done is looked at the core of the critical components. how they are implemented is up -- is flexible and can be customized. so if you look at here we have primary prevention. you would want behavior as a
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priority. you would want to have consistency in responding to the behavior, some kind of school wide and a class white management system in place. there is no direction or a half to about what you choose to do within your given school or district. so what we have done is focused on the core components. it does not matter what you call it. we are implementing. so if you look through the tears that we have laid out to my primary, secondary, tertiary intervention you will see generic statements for what he should include. then it is up to the school - based cleaner -- school -based team and data to customize lou did a great job of talking to the components to move policy in practice for word. this is an implementation structure that we have developed
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over time. for a long time even need a great team. then it was like, well, you need these year end these other components and schools and states. guess what, a lot of funding available. the political were not seen the benefits of what was happening in individual schools or districts consider all the different things. so if you are a top down approach -- bottom-up and top down. and this team is important to. they are the glue that holds everything together. when you are thinking about implementation this gives you an idea about the multiple components involved. another slide that we have recently developed gives you a
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concept that this just does not happen at one place at one level of. the state responsibility or the regional responsibility, the district responsibilities, the in-house school responsibilities why is this important? the whole thing that we are trying to do is increase capacity. capacity at the state level, capacity at the district level. does your school have capacity? it is fine to have external. we also want to help districts and schools develop internal abilities to provide coaching and support. two more slides. this is another graphic that we have found to be useful. more on the kind of readiness
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perspective. if you study the implementation, science car research, work to lot of people really ready to implement change. setting up your team, that is part of your readiness ability to get ready to do a new change. and then this really looks at our implementation effort. customizing the action plans, the implementation and continuous improvement cycle in our implementation. and the very last slight and comment has to do with learning over years. we have had these three circles, systems, data, and practices. we have fallen down in organizing those into systems us
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support and maintain practices basing our choice on data. the data on what we truly need. and then four years we went. what we were noticing is that bias was really a factor that we need to consider. and so we are making a concerted effort to look deliberately at cultural factors that affect our decision and implementation as we go through. how do we support decision making, culturally relevant practices and culturally knowledgeable staff behavior's. the goal of the multi to free-market is for school staff an organization structure that helps direct how adults behave in ways that support the social emotional behavioral means so
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that they can feel secure and engage to achieve learning and educational outcomes that we desire. i will turn it over. [applause] >> thank you so much. the center for emotional and senior research scientists. the lead developer teachers, staff, and family. he serves on a wide range of research advisory boards including the foundation and working with facebook on two projects including a large scale investigation to help decrease
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bully and a bullying support center for children, families and and schools. >> good morning, everyone. my job is to ask you how you're feeling. that is what i do every day. so and in a national intelligence what i am hoping to do is take what our former presented it in show you what it looks like on the ground floor. talk you through a little bit of our practices and then the implementation. and number of colleagues are here in the audience we have a vision. as you can imagine, the center for emotional intelligence. we believe that it matters a
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great deal were lots of things. most importantly for helping kids need help the lives for people to be effective in their work and we do things that the world -- we think that the world should be a more compassionate place develop approaches to bring these ideas into educational systems. i would like you to take a moment and make this personal. we have been talking at you and i want to ask you to take this inward. ask everyone to get comfortable. if you want to close rise you can do that. take a nice, long in nail please . please take a moment and think about perhaps one child the you
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know who may not be having the best year perhaps your own child . just grab that elementary and middle school or high school student and put them in your life. think about that. think about what it looks like. how does it feel to wake up in a household? empowering and inspiring day. feedback from teachers. locker rooms, bathrooms, launched, sitting alone or with someone else. being talked to were not talks
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to. afternoon, after school, back at home. what is it like an evening? how does this child feel? i cannot wait to get up in the morning, go back to school. i don't want to be there. and with that child in mind would like you to think about five things, i can tell you firsthand that i was bullied pretty heretical in my middle school. interestingly enough when i went back to visit i remember nothing i remember getting pushed around any of the positive relations? no emotions drive our attention. they drive our brands operate.
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without getting into details would we know is the emotional climate impacts our ability to learn and affects our decision making in judgment. think about that chiles choices. is that child making healthy choices? think about the child who is experiencing in there. having the best relationships? what is the trajectory for his or her mental health? finally, is that south effective ? we have developed a model based in the theory of emotional intelligence. emotional intelligence -- and i will talk you through these briefly. recognizing. think about that skill in terms of billion prevention. how many have you believe
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that the perpetrators are misperceiving other people's facial expressions of and i can tell you from my inexperiences, a classmate punching me every that thing back and it was a bit of a shock. it looked like a guy. i was desperate to get out of the class. this kid came over. what are you looking at? he misperceived my facial expression of boredom for one of anger. the second skill is the understanding of the motion, knowing the causes and consequences. for example, the difference between the anchor and disappointment. most people think that is easy, but when you get to the heart of it anchor is about unfairness and injustice where disappointment is about expectations not been met. labelling emotions, having that sophisticated
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vocabulary, knowing the difference between feeling annoyed, angry, the deficit when anchor, despair, joy, inflation, and ecstasy. expressing emotion, knowing how and when to express. there are rules and schools about emotion, aren't there? open rules meaning that teachers are open to expressing positive emotion every other schools you walk into and feel a little bit closed. i will never forget i walked into school. the administrator says over there. okay. you're welcome. thank you. the principal walked out and heard the direction and said, you know, she really needs your skills. i said, well, you hired this person. you know, the idea is that we need to be looking for
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people in schools that have these skills. don't we want to hire teachers that possess these? talking about changing adults. that is a lot of work. why don't we select people that have the skills and make sure that these teachers are learning this when they are preparing to be teachers. why are we waiting so long? the final skill is the regulation of the motion. you're our lives would be better. so what do we know? we know a lot of things. we have studied this. kids to score higher have less anxiety, depression, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol, less likely to be aggressive.
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more attentive and perform better academically. pretty good outcomes. we have also studied teachers. teachers with greater emotional intelligence a positive. less stress. we move beyond and non alateen at the interactions between and among the using tools where we are coding interactions and showing the emotional climate, the ability to regard a student's perspective and have sensitivity, to generate positive emotions is related to these outcomes. and i think all of you would say these are important outcomes.
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how many of you believe you have had a sophisticated immersion education? , think about it. how many of you learned how to recognize emotions, family members said let's talk about research base strategies and how to manage your emotions. i will give you positive reappraisal. let me share what we do. i have strong feelings about this work. obviously from my own personal experience is by looking at what happened to. as you can see, my thinking is that we need to move beyond the list on the left. our previous presenters talked about that. you know, what is that cooling to do in the long term? in forcing consequences, as your tolerance policies.
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i think about myself as a kid. what i have had the courage to really stand up? that is a lot to put on a kid. expecting children to protect other children does not resonate well with me. think about what we can move to. all players. we have been talking about that a lot. all adults need training and obviously want to shift that. what does it really looks like? well, we have characteristics that i think all of you would agree that effective approaches have these characteristics based in theory. we think harry is important. in terms of a child's emotional development of want to know what is going on, the expectations that i can have appropriate age.
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be. a common language and the list goes on . in our approach we have what we call anchor tools that we teach children and adults. for primary tools. the emotional intelligence charter. in a mood meter that we used to teach self awareness and build vocabulary, a tool and and tools that we call the blueprint to help interpersonal problem solving skills. let's take a look. firstly we want to make sure that if everybody -- if you work in a school. if you are at the front desk we train you. if you work in the transportation department which iranian. if you work in the office
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you get skills. yesterday we had a guest speaker talking about how important it was for a secretary to have the skills reading the facial expressions of the visitors that come to me whether. i don't think you are in the right quadrant. so the first one, and you can see the title. too many roles, not enough feelings. i am a big proponent. i broke every rule that there was. and while rules may be important to marbles for physical safety, what do we do for emotional safety, to create a healthy, emotional climate. what we do is start off with feelings and as people first how do you want to feel, the feelings that you want to have and use that as the driver for the behaviors. what does that look like? if you want to phil supportive.
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these are examples. as core they want to feel respected, important. this is a fifth grade classroom. included in confident. safe and supportive. this is a school that works in spanish. we want to feel happy, respected, and loved. they want to feel loved. the second is called the mood meter. our signature tool. how many of you believe that you have a sophisticated in motion vocabulary? how many of you know the difference the train jealousy an enemy? shame and guilt to? it is complicated. we want to build those with granular the.
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what we do is teach facially impressions, body language, vocal sounds, physiology command behavior. the blue is a disappointment . there are 2,000 words in the english-language. most of us use for. great, fine, -- so you can see that there are lots of words to help us become more granular. what does it look like? in a position where you are down and disappointed. you had to yell into a room.
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the strategies that we are doing. the generation of posit. jerry r. initiate positive motion. we also want to make sure that everyone wants to understand how we learn. so take a look at this. clear from the researcher. yellow emotions generate inductive reasoning ability. great for debt of reasoning. right that persuasive message. the opportunity to sell your i really feel. i have to be careful.
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as you can see i am in a place where i feel strongly that we need to integrate emotions. >> i can say that in the above. this guy from connecticut. get him out of here. say it in a way that sounds like it is an alert, think about it. what are we doing to make sure i nation's education and children are getting the skills that they need. think about it. a little bit of energy, but it is not the pleasant energy. it is an alert energy. i am holding back, just so you know cool the emotions into an electronic box that says you are feeling this way. that is a smart board. we even developed a nap or
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people can download and describe what your feeling and shift into different quadrants and choose research based strategies to help you manage emotions effectively. integrate a technology where useful so that you can record and see your report overtime. 51 percent blue. i am not, just so you know. when i show people this tool i tend to use the blue as an example, but it would be nice to know what percentage of time their spending in each of these different places, for kids to be aware of that and how that is shifting their thinking and judgment in decision making. right into education, the classroom, the common core standards, thinking about a character from a book. what did he feel? how did he go from being in the yellow to blue? what is the text based evidence?
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how impacted his relationships. the third is called the mets a moment. tools for building self regulation. there are six steps to this process. what we argue is that if you take these steps seriously it can change the way that you see the world. if something happens how many of you have triggers? raise your hand, traders. friends that have traders, work with people that have way too many traders. we all have traders. bullying is usually a result of someone being triggered. it is the perception of something that happened in the environment, a shift in the environment that does not resonate with the person . what we want to do is teach kids about those figures. what are they, be aware, how does it shift you're thinking, your physiology, are you feeling in your body when you are shifting? importantly we have to teach
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people how to stop. how many of you brega? raise your hand. how many have you intentionally breed when you're feeling stressed? like to people are raising their hands. so we know the breathing is tool. it is a tool. it helps us deactivate. helps us to build the space so that we can choose and use effective strategy. we have to teach kids that. it does not come naturally. that did not know how to breed. the fourth step is see your best self. think about that. this idea came about as a collaboration with my colleague where we realized that we were missing something important to motivation. you have to want to regulate. i was fortunate in my career that i was named the feeling er


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