tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 11, 2014 8:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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live on the campus of iowa estern community college this is a special debate and here is dean borg. [applause] >> welcome to council bluffs. this area includes des moines, red oak, and atlantic. the republican candidate right now isn't seeking reelection so there are 44 open seats into the u.s. house of representatives. democrats hoping to reclaim the seat are pinning it an staci
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appel. republican david young hasn't held elected office but has capital hill experience as the senator's chief of staff. ms. appel and mr. young welcome to this edition of iowa press. and you are familiar with the traditional format but this is a different setting with a television audience as well. they have agreeed not to cheer. and no opening or closing statements. just ideas and issues. i will be moderating and questions are coming from political journalist, des moines columnist and kathy henderson. mr. young and ms. appel we are
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producing this debate on the anniversary of 9/11. i am wondering where were you on 9/11? >> i was feeding my third child on my couch with my 2-year-old son sitting beside me. >> how did it change your life? >> it made us more aware it is a dangerous world. i was driving two kids into the school and went by gray's lake and hundreds of flags were there. it was really moving to think of the lives lost that day and families left behind and the first responders that went in there and tried to help. >> mr. young, where were you? >> i was sitting at my desk on
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capital hill and i saw the first glimpse of this on tv on my desk. someone called over and said turn on the tv it looks like someone is flying into world trade center. it changes your life. >> how did it change your life? >> you want to live every die day to the full est because you never know when it is your last one. >> starting with gay henderson. >> 13 years on terrorism still exist and president obama announced he is authorizing airstrikes into syria. mr. young, do you think congress should vote to authorize those strikes or do you think the president has authority? >> the president outlined in the war act of 1973 that he has
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those powers and many memberos f congress acknowledge that. but i think congress should buy into this because when the president and congress work together on issues like this it is very important and i think congress needs to be involved. >> how would you vote if you were a member? >> i don't get classified briefings or have that intelligence information but i would make sure i was on the floor listening to the debate at every moment. ge >> i will turn to you. how would you approach this as a member of congress and do you think the president has the authority to act on its own? >> i think he has the authority to act whenever the homeland is threatened and i think we are threatened with isis. i believe the way he put forward the airstrike and the humanitarian aid and working with folks on the ground makes sense. so i approve of how he is doing
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it. >> she mentioned working with people inside the state of syria. mr. young, do you agree it is a good idea to arm and train people inside syria? >> we need to make sure who we are arming. when the president spoke last night, for months he had been indecisive and i saw resilience in him last night. he talked about not just demeaning or managing the threat of isis but destroying it. and i was happy to hear that word because i thought it was long overdue. >> congress david on the armed service committee said it is hard to tell the good guys and the bad guys in syria. do you share those concerns? >> we do need to make sure we
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work and arm the right people. we need to work with people that want to defend their own freedom. that takes time and working and listening to the folks on the ground. >> you mentioned a security interest for the united states. the president last night talked about the threats and that isis might pose future security threat to the united states. do you think that that is sufficient american interest to get more involved militarily in that region or are there other interest as well involved? ms. appel? >> isis is growing and it is taking over two weak countries. we need to make sure -- i look at this as a mom. i want to make sure my homeland and state and family is protected. i appreciate what the president is doing. >> mr. young, do you feel
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american interest is represented in this? is there enough of a threat to the united states to justify this? and are there other issues the president should be paying attention to? >> the threat is real and getting larger. isis is on the move looking to over overtake baghdad and they want to go south and grasp control of the oil fields in the middle east. imagine what that could do to fuel around the world and the pocket book of americans and the economy. more importantly these terrorist trying to come to america -- there is home-grown terrorist here and we need to be vigilant about it from all angles. >> what does that mean if you are elected to congress? what would you be urging? >> i would be urging the state department to revoke the
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passport of those who have admitted they are part of terrorist organizations. our state department has that authority and right now they are not doing it. they are putting it under the religious freedom act. that is absurd. >> what would you be doing ms. appel if you were in congress? >> congress has the role of oversight. >> what would you encourage? >> i would not encourage taking away passports. >> let's move from being the world's police man to being the world's doctor. there is an ebola outbreak in africa. mr. young, what role should the united states play in outbreaks such as this? has there been not enough done to curb the threat of a pande c pandemic? >> this is so new and it could
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be in the back yard. across the river in omaha there is a bio containment unit and a patient with ebola there. it is kind of unnerving because what happens if this gets out? we need to push forward with the vaccination as fast as we can. the fda has a role in that and the ccdc. >> does congress need to provide more money for those efforts? >> if they are asked possibly. >> you said it is unnerving for the doctor to be over in the hospital in omaha. it is inappropriate? >> i don't know if is inappropriate because probably the best treatment sin america. >> same question to you. what sort of role should the united states play in the horrific outbreaks that are occurring else where but haven't reached our shores. >> it is a humanitarian effort.
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we have the best scientist in the world and coupled with that we should be working on that. >> what about the fact that the doctor who contracted ebola was flown to the midwest? are you okay with that? >> he should a united states citizen and his family wants him taken care of. >> health care in the united states hasn't been sorted out entirely. what is your position on the future of the affordable care act/obamacare? are there things in that law, ms. appel, you would like to fix? >> of course there. >> such as? >> i would say it is everybody's right to have access to health care. i think there is great things within the affordable care act making sure that big insurance companies cannot take away your insurance coverage just because you have a pre-existing
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condition. i look at it as a mom thinking about a child being diagnosed with leukemia and being told the next they they don't have coverage. >> if you had the opportunity in congress to fix the law what do you think would need to be fix snifixed >> one thing is if you were told you can keep your coverage you can keep it and with medicare we should have been able to negotiate drug prices like the va does. we should not be repealing it. i travelled the state for the last 15 months and never had one person say they want to repeal the law. what they have said is we need people that want to get together and fix it. it is atrocious we have spent 50 times to repeal it. we should spend the money to fix it. we are in this together. >> mr. young, a lot of republicans have said to repeal
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the law. i think you said repeal and replace, correct? what is it you would replace obamacare with? >> i think it is a bad law. i thought it was a bad process and very partisan. i wish this was a bill/law that both sides could have come together and senate voted on and the house as well. but it didn't. we are stuck with it. >> before you go on, do you think it is fixable or does it have to be repeal and start over? >> well, when the president delays parts of it, it is hard to tell if we will ever see it come into place and stand on its own merits. but we had a president who said if you like your doctor or insurance you can keep it and your health insurance premiums won't go up but we are seeing the opposite of that. io
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iowans are telling me they have problems. it is hurting relationships between employees and doctors. we want solutions. >> and again does that start with repealing or can you fix it? >> it is not going to be able to be repealed. this is his keynote law and it is going to be there for the long haul. i would drop the barriers along the state lines so people could shop across for insurance. we need price transparency. consumers need to know what they are paying for before they go into the doctor and see their provider and not wait to see the sticker shock afterwards. gl >> did you favor the expansion of medicaid that was included in obamacare? >> it seems to be working in iowa. i would make sure in any regard to medicaid they had flexibility. >> ms. appel, medicaid, should it have been expand?
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>> yes, we have more women and children getting coverage. >> would you expand it further? >> if need be we would. let us turn to what occurred in washington, d.c. last october. there was a debt ceiling vote andpub -- and republicans tried to get him to setting in regards of the affordable care act. should you become a member of congress would you tie future votes to raise the debt ceiling to other issues or would you vote on a stand alone prospect of raising the debt ceilings? >> you have to look at how we got there. we are not doing budgets. we are spending money out of control. i want to audit the federal government so we know where the fraud and mismanagement and duplication is. a balanced budget amendmment.
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with the the debt ceiling there are other items tied to the debt ce ceiling. maybe athe keystone xl pipeline or corporate tax inversion and lowering the corporate tax rate. i think it would be healthy to get something out of this for those who are not in favor of raising the debt ceiling. >> ms. appel, should you become a member of congress, would you vote to raise the debt ceiling? is there a point you would say the credit limit has been reached and address the issues he is bringing up of tying the future debt ceiling votes to other issues? >> i think we need to work on how and where the money is being spent. i became chair of state government and worked with
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republicans and democrats and the senate and house and managers of the departments and employees and citizens and we found ways to save money for the iowa taxpayers. >> that sounds like you are not n favor of raising the debt ceiling without cost savings in the bill. >> i think we have so much gridlock and people elected not doing their job so we need to work together so we don't have a shutdown. >> speaking of spending money, there are a lot of infrastructure problems in this country not just puddles in the road but problems with the electric grid and all kinds of infrastructure. mr. young, if you were in congress, what priority would
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you give to infrastructure improvements and would you consider a tax to have the users pay? >> on roads and bridges the gas tax isn't doing it because we have vehicles not filled by gas. electric, propane and natural gas you. we need a long term solution and make sure the users of the vehicles using our roads and bridges may a user fee. >> and what is that is solution toll roads? >> i would not go tol roads. i think it would be something in line with a gas tax. we need to not kick this can down the road like we have been doing where the highway trust fund is deplete and we throw our hands up in the air. >> ms. appel would you raise the
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gas tax to pay for highway improvement and what other commitment would you make to repairing infrastructure at a time when the budget is tight? >> i don't support raising the gas tax. our middle class iowans and their families can't afford any more taxes. our infrastructure is crumbling. in the third district we have the worst bridges and roads that need to be fixed. this is a bum budget issue and a priority. >> since every dollar is red inked do you borrow? >> i think it is something you look at the budget line by line and make this a priority. >> if you are going to devote money to infrastructure you are
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taking it away from something else or going deeper in debt. where were you going with this? >> you have to sit down, look at the budget and find priorities. work through it line by line and find out ways to fix it. >> you would not raise the gas tax. what did you say about it? >> the gas tax taxpayalone and y it is doing is it is not doing its job. >> would you in favor of raising the gas tax if need be? >> we need to have that debate first and our state legislature needs to have that debate. >> the united states senate passed what they called a comprehensive immigration bill. the house didn't react. what kind of immigration plan would get your house if you are elected? >> one that protects and secures
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the border. in the senate bill it gave d delegation of the homeland to certify the border was secure. i don't trust this president or any other president to say this is secure. i think congress need to go visit the border and vote on whether or not it is secure or not. we may need to make sure that we reform our legal system. would people be coming in the way they are illegally if it wasn't easier to come in legally with visa reform? it is a challenge we have. we live in the greatest country in the world and people are coming to better their lives. i believe in the guest worker program as well. >> do you fault or favor the business community's effort in regard to passing immigration
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reform? do you think there needs to be more workers brought into the country than the native born? >> it depends on how the economy is and the need for workers. the immigration level we let in may have to be matched up to what our unemployment needs are or the needs for certain workers. >> ms. appel, immigration reform. president obama delayed what was rumored to be executive action on his own to address this issue. if you become a member of congress do you think congress should act instead of the president? >> i think congress should act. we have a bipartisan bill that is sitting on speaker boehner's desk. it is increases the border patrol by over 22,000 individuals and creates the dream act and provides citizenship for 11 million undockmented workers.
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we need people that will go up and there the work in front of him. >> do you think president obama theas authority to act on his own or congress needs to set the policy? >> congress the -- congress and the president need to work together. >> what about the young adults, children under the age of ten, coming to the united states and trying to find relatives or a place to live? should iowa or in some way the federal government be involved in finding them a place to live? >> you have to put a face on this. these are children separated from their families in central america. and it is heart breaking. you see the pictures and hear what is happening. i know this to be certain. i do believe governors need to be notified when the children are dropped into our state or
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any state. i want to make sure the kids are taken care of. there is health needs as well as could they have diseases that could be harmful. >> i hear you saying humanitarian things and that is do i hear you saying let's take care of them they are here and settle them and find them a place to live and not send them home? >> i want to match them up with their families in central america and make sure they are with their families. we need lean on our southern neighbors, mexico, to lean on their southern border and make sure their border is secure. >> ms. appel, send them home or settle here? >> there is a process. are they refugees? if they have that status, iowa has been very welcoming to
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refugees. >> are you? >> i am. i am a mom of six. i can hardy imagine how hard it must be to send your child over miles and miles. >> i am hearing from teachers and parents and communities and they are saying we have enough needs to take care of in the schools with our other than children and this is another burden. it is hard to make sure everyone is taken care of. we need it take care of our children first. >> you are seeking to identify yourself to third district congressional voters and as you are seeking to do that others are running commercials doing it for you negatively. we have a couple of those commercials. mr. young, first one about you. >> david young says -- >> i have seen the ugly of washington, d.c. caught by its trappings. >> maybe that is why young wants to give more tax breaks to big
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corporations and billon aaires d pay for it by slashing the schools and eliminating the department of education. david young is caught up in politics and will never be for iowa >> that was a comment made on iowa press. and really the key word was the phrase there that you had and campaigning and i have been caught by its trappings. that is the phrase. that bring ups the question. are you campaigning as a washington insider or are y campaigning as an outsider with send me there and i will change things. >> you see these attack ads happen all of the time and words taken from paragraphs and sentences.
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i have seen washington, d.c. up close and it is ugly. you can get caught in a big government maze trying to penetrate it. there are traps where you bang your head against the wall but you find ways to be creative and penetrate on behalf of iowans. i am working day in and day out and being on the phones with ar-15 assault rifle -- on the phones with iowans and seeing the tears with the epa and irs coming down on them. and that is why i want to go to washington. >> those opposing your election want voters to know things about you, too. >> when your family makes it, what are you priorities? staci appel voted to spend $120,000 on flower pots at the state capital and $80,000 to
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repair on organ. her spending qualityties are -- qualities are a little off key. >> you catch the drift there. big spending. the commercial says flower pots and repairing an organ. >> this is a negative ad they are trying to take away from what my record is. my record is about creating preschools for every 4-year-old in the state of iowa. reorganizing state government and saving millions of dollars. creating equal pay for equal work and the state-wide smoking ban >> are those votes in the that commercial votes you wish didn't exist? >> the organ was a matching
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program with senator grasly when my opponent was chief of staff. >> i think i need to point out, too, neither of you are paying for the negative ads against each other. they are coming from outside sources >> you are correct. you have outside groups coming in and doing this and you cannot control it. those votes have real. and that shows the contrast between me and the opponents. she voted for the largest budget in history and talks about reorganization and oversight and those are new words to me from her. she voted against the accountability office and we need to be watching the government on the state and local level. scombl >> i was interested in the question about the government
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accou accountability office. wasn't it adding government burrocracy? >> yes, it was, i joined with the republicans and democrats against creating a government accountability office. >> whose idea was that? >> it was the republicans. i am not sure which individual put the amendment forth. but we already had a republican auditor at the time who was doing a great job and to increase government was not what we were going for. >> every dollar put in for accountability you get so much in return. i have direct experience in this as being the chief of staff oversight and watching the government and the fraud and mismanagement that comes out whether it is military contracting or overreimbursement with the medicare program.
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>> this is what we did with government reorganization. we went through department by department and found ways to make the government more efficient. every year we would go through and do it again. >> let me ask you this. we just heard each campaign trying to define each of you and most people who live in this district probably don't know you very well so starting with you, mr. young, how do you define yourself and what is this person that you want these folks to send to washington, d.c.? >> i am somebody who knows how to listen. i cannot be a better advocate for iowa if i don't know what people are thinking. when i am in the towns in the third district i am asking questions because washington, d.c. as we have seen doesn't have all of the answers. i am somebody who remembers who
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my boss is. should i be honored and humbled to be leelected? i will remember who my because was. look what happened to erin cantor, the house majority leader, and he just lot a primary because he forgot who he was and his bosses, the people in his district. i am someone that believes the best government is the government that governs closest to the people. >> ms. appel, how do you e o yo introduce yourself to people that don't know you? >> i would say republicans and democrats don't have all of the right idea and that is why we should work together. >> when you talk about your experien experience, your experience as chief of staff and your experience as a state senator,
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people don't have much of a voting record with you. you served a term and you didn't take votes. mr. young, why should somebody trust you are going to do what you say you are going to do? >> well, i can hit the ground running. and i would say that if you want to know what kind of person i am, call senator chuck grassley. he is someone who iowans trust and they know and he knows he would not have a chief of staff he didn't trust. i can hit the ground running for iowa. we have so many challenges in washington, d.c. i want to be at the table. i know who the honest brokers are and what can be and should be done. >> mr. young, what sets you apart from ms. appel? >> i think two things i just mentioned.
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a contrast in our philosophy. i like balanced budget and keeping an eye on the federal government. she voted against the accou accountability office and voted for the largest budget in history. and iowans hate debt. i want to take care of debt in washington, d.c. >> he said you are not for balanced budget. is that true? >> i don't think so. here in the state of iowa we have to balance the budget every year. >> what sets you apart from david young? >> i think my service for the state of iowa and my background being a mom of six and a financial consultant and working with families and trying to help them with retirement and putting their kids through college. there is a lot of differences between myself and mr. young. i would not have been up for the government shutdown. he is. he wants to repeal the
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affordable care act. i do not. >> you said be a mom. is that playing the card of sending a woman to congress? >> i think you want to send the most independent thinker who is willing to work hard for the middle class families of iowa. that is what you are looking for. >> would you vote to pass a balanced budget amendment to the united states constitution? >> i think we need a balanced budget that carves out for social security and medicare. >> so you would vote if it had those condition tos to amend th u.s. constitution? >> i don't believe i would. >> i would. just to add that. >> you would what? >> i would vote for a balanced budget amendment if it allowed to make sure in war times there was a possibility of busting those caps if there is an emergency where we had to protect the homeland and things like that and make sure our priority was the mandatory
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spending and the folks that people want for medicare. >> a balanced budget amendment could be a 20% across the board cut and that would affect social security and medicare budget. we have to be careful when we do that. >> iowans who are watching their televisions and listening to their radios are hearing a lot of ads for the united states senate race and in that there are issues that neither of you focused on and that is social security, medicare and the veterans administration. let's start with social security and medicare. ms. appel how would you make those systems solvant? >> i would keep my promise to the seniors and the 40 year olds and 50 year olds paying into the
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system. the best way to shore it up is creating great jobs so more people are paying into the system. i also think looking at medicare which we speak about and being able to negotiate drug prices like the veterans administration does. this is personal to me. my mom called a couple months ago and said her doctor wanted to put her on a new prescription but the copay was a $1,000 a month and she said i cannot afford that. i cannot even afford $500. >> you would not vote to raise the retirement age? or require wealthier americans to contribute more? or social security taxes on their entire income? >> when i was a financial consultant sitting at kitchen tables we made plans with the
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promise of social security being there for them and medicare being there for them. >> so how do you make it solevent if you don't make changes? >> we need to create great middle class jobs and make sure more people are paying in the system >> mr. young, how would you change the system? >> we need to make sure we keep the promise. those are not entitlements. they are benefits americans have paid into. you have to ask yourself how do we get here? if a trust fund was on wall street like berny he would be in into jail. we need it -- to do what conservative president reagan did and tip o'neill. they got together and put it on
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the table and said this is an american problem. and you can take things off the table. i would take raising the retireme retireme retireme retirement age off the table. the wealthy americans may have to forgo. but we need solutions and i want to make sure iowans are heard. >> ms. appel wanted to respond. >> my opponent talked about privatizing social security and applauded that. and changing medicare as we know it. i think seniors need to know where he stands on these issues. >> can you quote where i said i want to privatize social security? >> you applauded that. >> so many americans when they
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want a better investment on their dollars they look too stocks. >> as a financial consultant we saw the 401-k plans and retirement plans went way down. i don't see how we can afford to privatize social security. >> so let me be clear where would you put social security? you are not in favor of raising the retirement age. you want to keep the pay-as-you-go traditional security without the option of 401-k type plans. >> absolutely. >> how would social security be under your vote? >> how would it be? just like it is right now. we need to keep the promise to your seniors. >> and how would you pay for it? >> by creating good paying jobs so more people are paying into the system. >> and good paying jobs means
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setting the minimum wage where? >> $10.10 an hour. my first bill i voted on in the state senate was to increase the minimum wage to 7.25 and that was seven years ago. those folks deserve a raise. >> the federal minimum wage; where would you set it? >> i think it is time to raise the minimum wage and do it in a bipartisan effort where you make sure you are keeping in mind the small businesses that employ 70% of the workforce. we need to tie it together and make sure the main streets in the smaller cities thrive. >> give me a dollar figure. $10.10? >> that seems to be fair. >> and how do you consider small businesses having to pay the
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minimum wage? what consideration would you have in the law for them? >> in just reauthorizing it the same way it has been in the past with tax incentives and credits for small businesses. >> are you saying it should be indexed in the future? you want a comprehensive package that would raise the minimum wage and redo corporate taxes? >> just for small businesses. >> it is interesting that my opponent has been against minimum wage until this evening. >> is this a new position for you? >> i believe i spoke on the iowa press i was open and iowa public radio. >> a lot of the republicans say this is a job killer. do you not agree with that? >> well the cbo has said half a million jobs could be lost but
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with the small business tax relief like it has been done in the past it seems to offset that pace. >> the renewable fuel standard is under debate it seems every month in the heartland and in washington, d.c. do you support continuing the renewable fuel standards and how long should it be maintained, mr young? >> i do support continuing the standard. what i don't support is the epa medaling with it because the standard has been set in the law and if it is going to be changed it should be done through congress. i don't have a crystal ball and can't tell what stage you move the standard if you move it. but i believe the industry will get to the level where it is competitive at the pump with other fuels. >> ms. appel would you maintain the standard forever or do you
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foresee a point where it can be removed? >> our economy and farmers and families depend on this so i truly support it and we need to make sure we send someone that supports the renewable fuel standards here. unfortunately my opponent has stated he want to phase out the renewable fuel standards. >> i didn't hear him say that tonight. >> he didn't say it tonight. it is interesting. >> what about what he had to have this go through congress instead of it being an administrative rule through the epa? would that be a good idea to have congress decide what standard there should be for renewable fuel? >> it would be if we had a congress that is actually working and doing their job. there is too much gridlock. iowa's economy depends on the renewable fuel standards >> are you feeling confidant if congress was in charge of setting the standards this is something they would want to
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continue? especially considering the fact that, i mean, this is a big interest to iowa not necessarily a priority all over the country. >> if you look what is happening globalal globalal globalally and you want to get away from the fuel in the middle east we will have to get away theme from this. we need renewable fuel to be a part of this. >> let me ask you about a comment you talked about with the political climate and the negative ads being a problem. congress this week had an opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment dealing with the citizen's united ruling in the supreme court that opened the door to super pacs and corporate funding of campaign advertising. would you have voted for that constitutional amendment and in generally how do you feel about
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campaign finance reform? >> when it comes to campaigns and funding we need have full trance transparency. i think we need make sure we know where it is going. >> do you agree that money from corporations and money counts as constitution constitutionally protected speech? >> i do. >> you don't want to change that? >> i want to see more transparency. >> ms. appel, would you have
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voted to change the amendment? >> absolutely. i put forward to bills to take money out of politics. there is way too much money in politics. >> is campaign money from individuals count as protected speech or from corporations? >> i don't think corporations are people. so i don't think that should be protected. >> you said taking money out. how so? >> here in the state of iowa there is no limit for anything state-wi state-wi state-wide. the has to be limits on how much people contribute. >> it seems as if there is a limit for some republicans tolerance for farm subsidies. at what point would you be able to convince republicans that
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farm subsidies should continue and would you ever consider separating the food and nutrition part of the farm bill from the farm policy itself? >> in the most recent farm bill there was a reduction in direct payments. we are making progress there. even the farm bureau has taken a look at this and said maybe this is a good time start talking and having advertise conversation. you know the farm bill, $800 dollars, i believe it was, 80% was food stamps. we have many iowans who are hungry and depending on the food stamps. i don't like the fact they are not asset tests to make sure people are not defrauding the system and it isn't good for the people that need it. but the best way to lower the mount of people on food stamps is to make sure we get the economy rolling and there are good jobs out there.
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>> how would you make the argument that farm policy should be united with the nutrition aspects of the farm bill? >> it has been a marriage between the rural and the urban centers in the country. this alliance is one they hold their nose up and walk down the aisle. >> some of your fellow republicans want to end the alliance. >> that is where they stand. >> ms. appel, at what point do you think farmers should get a subsidy to by insurance whereas the small business owner doesn't get a subsidy to buy insurance for his business? >> farming is so important in iowa and the farm bill was critical and terrible we had three years of non-passage of the bill. i remember sitting at the dining room table and i have four children debating and we were talking about non-passage of the farm bill and why it wasn't
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working in the gridlock. and i remember ted saying you did so much for the people of iowa you should run for the congress and i bet you can get it fixed and that is one of the primary reasons i am running; to break up the gridlock and get things passed like the farm bill. >> and that includes guaranteeing prices for corn that is below the target price of last march so farmers this year will be getting some payments from the government to subsidize that loss. and you agree with that? >> yes, our farmers need to know how to plan for the next year or two. >> the farming industry is different than others and i believe there needs to be a base support system. for farmers is like going to las vegas every day when they wake up. they depend on the weather and
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there needs to be that support there. there needs to be the right thing for the season so there is food and fuel on the table. >> speaking of crops, there is a new cash crop with the legalization of marijuana and states are looking at medical marijuana including approving a derivative of marijuana for kids with epilepsy and other disorders. would you as a member of congress consider backing off of the federal laws and allow states to make their own decisions on how to control and distribute marijuana? >> i look at it as a mom. i think any legalization of marijuana i am not supportive of it. i do have a lot of compassion for the families that are seeing solution for their children's
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epilepsy and i can see a pathway there. >> some of the state-by-state pathways are being hamstrung by the fact you cannot transport this product across state lines and there are a lot of federal regulations that make difficult. would you as a congress person say the states know best about what is right for them? >> well i think iowa is work through the problems and rule process. so i think we have to let that process work. >> you believe in leaving the law the way it is? >> at this point, yes. >> mr. young, should the state be able to write their own destiny when it comes to medical marijuana or should we keep the war on drugs in place in the federal system? >> the states are doing it regardless of the federal laws. that is happening. i have a number of parents who have tried every effective means
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of therapy to help their child with epilepsy and i want them to have the most safe and effective products available. if that is medical marijuana, but i believe we need make sure the fda has a roll to make sure it is safe and effective. >> candidates i want to mention the veterans affairs administration. would you allow a veteran to have a voucher and go get medical care anywhere? if so, why have the va? >> i pass by the iowa veteran cemetery and pass by and think about the men and women who served our country and what we just witnessed with what has been happening with the va program. it didn't just happen under this administration. we a new director with secretary mcdonald and he gave it 90 days to turn it around chatty but i
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believe the veterans should have vouchers. >> ms. appel, would you give them vouchers to go anywhere and if so why the have the va? >> the veterans want the system fixed and funded and streamline the program. we just had the president sign into law if you live 45 minutes outside you can get care where you are at. >> you mentioned good paying jobs needing to be created. what is the single most important thing you can do as congresswoman to create good paying jobs? >> we need to make sure we fund the small business administration and their loan program. this is what creates the best paying jobs. when they want want to expand their business they need to know small businesses are funded. >> go after the united states
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tax code that is 75,000 page and comply comp likates the lives of every american. >> 18 months ago, neither one of you were seeking this office. if you are elected mr. young how long will you serve? >> as long as the people want me and as long as i have the desire. >> i am probably the same way. either as long as the people will have me. i plan to work hard for the people of iowa. >> neither of you would term limit yourself? >> i would not do a self-imposed term limits but i think term limits are something that should be discussed in congress. when i serve on the board of directors i don't want to spend longer years on it. we need to bring new information in. >> i would not self-impose term limits on myself. i think elections are term
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limits. you have to think about the government workers work 30-50 years and they will outlast. >> i am time limited and we are out of it. thank you so much for being with us. >> this is the third in iowa public televisions special election programming. iowa's most comp rehensive stat investigation. beginning with the governor's race and then the second congressional candidates debating in iowa city. for the entire crew, live from the iowa western community college in council bluffs, i am dean borg and thanks for joining us. >> funding for iowa press was provided by friends, the iowa public television foundation. >> and that wraps up that debate
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in southwestern iowa between democrat staci appel and david young. take a look at the ads locals have been seeing leading up to the election. >> when republican and tea party brokers went into the backroom saturday they those david young. 20 years on the payroll of a broken congress. >> young won the room by standing up for cutting social security and ending medicare and even raising minimum retirement age. iowa needs a healthy dose of iowa common sense. staci appel, a mom of six and worked as a financial consultant. she got results and helped make equal pay for equal work. as iowa's first woman in congress, she will work to protect medicare and put iowa families first.
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as americans we draw strength from new. your love, the alternate rebuke, the hatred of those who attacked us that bright blue morning. more than bring down buildings or murder our people. they sought to break our spirit and prove to the world that there power to destroy is greater than our power to persevere and to build. for you and america would prove them wrong. we in door to the strength the families. no act of charity never extinguished. sons and daughters are growing into extraordinary young men and women that they knew you could be. here's an example, your families have turned this day in the something that those who attack
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>> lorraine antigua. >> david i. william. and my beautiful living donor. we love you very much. always your and our prayers. also victor and his wife. also from your youngest brother. you have a new lease. renamed chair after you. tomorrow she will be two years old. judy. may god bless all the souls of 9/11 victims and my husband michael. we love you. we miss you. not a day goes by that we don't think of you.
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>> peter paul apollo. >> christina chair. >> frank thomas appellee now. >> patrick michael a rondel. >> david gregory. >> michael george our's and ski. >> louis arena. >> harris said the. >> and p ira. >> michael j. armstrong. >> jack paul aron. >> joshua taught parent. >> richard avery a runout. >> myra joy erin send. >> , francis. >> michael a.
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police officer wellington stuart that's all come together as a country to pray for our leaders to mike that would grant them wisdom, knowledge, understanding and directing them on moving this country forward. thank you. >> and my wife. no day shall a racer from the memory. maria a. baird. >> debbie as bellicose. >> oliver bennett.
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alan pondering don't >> andre been gorgeous nearby. >> : arthur m. >> frank j. >> yvonne loggia. >> bigger senior. >> canfield the buna. >> mary jane both. >> christina. >> jerry j. >> morton michael. >> richard edward. >> and my brother, hero, best friend, sal edwards jr. your memory and my love for you will last forever. the nation mourns along with the families for the victims of
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>> patrice. >> ronald michael. >> edward a. >> frank h. brennan. >> michael e. brennan's. >> daniel j. >> gary lee frank. >> jonathan eric riley. >> marked. >> paul gary. >> marion. >> my brother in law brian joseph murphy. it is not in our power to explain either that tranquillity of the wicked or the suffering of the righteous. we hold you in our hearts. we think of you often.
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we love you. >> my father. even though you are not with us anymore you are looking down at us and smiling. and love you, and i always will. ..i love you and i if >> mark francis broderick. >> herman charles broghammer. >> keith a. broomfield. >> ber jarred c. brown ii. >> janice brown. lloyd stanford brown. patrick john brown. pettina b. browne bradburn. >> mark bruce. richard george bruehert. andrew brunn. vincent edward brunton. ronald bucca.
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brandon j. bu nannen. vincent edward bronson. >> ronald. [booing] >> manning brandon j. buchanan. >> greg j. bot. >> dennis buckley. >> nancy clair boucher. >> patrick joseph boots. >> john edward balaka junior. >> steven bruce byun in. >> christopher l. buford. >> matthew j. burke. >> thomas daniel burke. >> william francis burke junior. >> charles f. burlingame the third. >> thomas e. burnett junior. >> donald j. burns. >> kathleen anne burns. >> keith james burns. >> john patrick burns trade. >> irena breslow.
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>> melton gb sila. >> thomas m. butler. >> patrick dennis burn. >> timothy g. burn. >> daniel cavellero. >> jesus batali cuday is. >> lillian azeris. >> brian joseph caggiano. >> steven dennis cappy arrow junior. >> and my husband of 30 years, fdny chief gerard barber. his grandchildren alexis, luke, thomas, alain and kate. my heart breaks that you are not here to enjoy them. love each of them from above and keep them safe. may god bless all those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks on september 11, 2001 and those who continue to suffer from the aftermath. may god bless although serving in our fire departments, police
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departments and emergency services as well as the military here and abroad. may god bless america and may we never never forget. >> and my uncle michael we all been missing every day and we know you are watching over us. >> richard michael caggiano. >> cecile are real low. >> john cahill. >> michael john cahill. >> scott walter cahill. >> thomas joseph cahill. >> george c. kaine. >> salvatori b. calabro. >> joseph calendar now. >> philip via cal cod now. >> edward calderon. >> josé calderon oviedo.
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>> kenneth marcus caldwell. >> dominic b. kaliya. >> buicks bobby calista. >> francis joseph callahan. >> liam callahan. >> suzanne m. kelly. >> gino luigi calvi. >> rocco come on is. >> michael f. camarota. >> david campbell. >> jeffrey thomas campbell. >> robert arthur campbell. >> sondra patricia campbell. >> sean thomas cadogan creates. >> john a. candela. >> vincent a. cangelosi. >> steven j. cangelosi. >> lisa abdala kanawauke. >> brian cannizzaro. >> michael r. canty. >> lewis anthony cap or ricci.
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>> john theissen naf capello. >> james christopher cappers. >> richard michael caponi. >> josé manuel cardona. >> dennis m. kerry senior. >> edward carlino. >> michael scott carlo. >> and my only child my beloved daughter dominique lisa pandolfo. >> and my brother donald w. robertson junior. donny, we love and miss you and until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand. god bless america. >> david g. carbone. >> rosemary c. carlson. >> marc steven carney. joyce anne comp annatto.
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>> john cass carrington. >> michael c. carol. >> peter j. carol. james joseph courson junior. christopher kharga sin. angeline c. carter. james marcel cartier. sharon ann carver. kassel gucci. john francisca saw that. paul reagan casio. ann heffernan casey. william joseph cashman. thomas anthony is sorry out. william otto caspar. >> alejandra chris daniel. at our silly at costello. >> maynard cost or yellow. >> josé castro. >> william e. cost well. >> richard g. candarelli. christopher sean kayvon.
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robert john car garfield. mary theresa carpio. judson cavalier. michael joseph carly. jason david kaine. juan r. manto ceballos. marsh said she cecil carter. jason michael cefl lou. thomas joseph selleck. anna mercedes centeno. jody sesta. john jay chabot. jeffrey marc chernoff. and my sister gene our hearts are forever breaking over your loss. and my son cannot marino, firefighter rescue one. we love you. we miss you every day. you are in our hearts and we will cherish the memories.
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>> william ahl cough. elijah lou. >> charles lawrence chen. mandy cheng. rosa maria talbott. marc lawrence. >> david m. charbonnet. then while chavez. >> francisco. >> douglas macmillan cherry. steven patrick cherry. vernon politari. anastos julio sibile you junior. joseph chevalier. alexander aged cheng. dorothy day j. cirillo. luis alfonso jumbo. robert chan.
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eddie wayne chen. nicholas cheval zero. john g. carol. peter a. j. cirillo. katherine allen shuras. key on casey cheng. abdul kate chaudhry. marc, i'd salahaddin. kirsten kristof. pamela chu. steven paul june 8. wei ching chong. christopher g. of r. dini. alex succumbed. francis ann salon today. elaine salo. edward cintron. lester andre cintron the third. robert c. senior.
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juan pablo cisneros. benjamin keefe clark. eugene clark. and my uncle firefighter saboteur benjamin calabra. >> in my cousin lieutenant weren't also junior. 13 years and it still feels like yesterday. we miss you and we love you and will never forget. god bless us. gregory allen clark. manny leroy clark. sarah m. clark. thomas r. clark. christopher robert clark. donna marie clark. michael j. clark. serena rachel emma clark. kevin francis cleary. james d. clear. jeffrey w. cloud.
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susan murray clyde. steven coakley. jeffrey allen kohl. patricia a. cody. daniel michael coffey. jason matthew coffey. florence g. cohen. kevin s. cohen. anthony joseph kolata none. marc joseph calais zero. steven j. calais zero. christopher michael collis auntie. kevin nathanael colbert. michelle p. colbert. keith e. coleman. scott thomas coleman. terrell coleman. liam joseph calhoun. robert d. callow. robert j. kohl. jean marie colin. john michael collins.
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michael l. collins. thomas joseph collins. joseph kent collison. jeffrey duane coleman. patricia malia culloden are. linda m. cologne. so he cologne. and my father thomas j. fisher. i love you and you will forever be in our hearts. and my father douglas brian herndon. i love you so much and i miss you every day. >> ronald edward karma. albert condé. denise connolly. susan p. colin. margaret mary connor. cynthia marie lise connolly. john e. connolly junior. james lee connor. jonathan m. connors. kevin patrick connors.
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kevin f. connolly. randy e. conway. denise michael cook. helen be cut. jeffrey w. coons. john a. cooper. julian t. cooper. joseph john carpenter junior. gerard j. coppola. joseph albert corbett. john jay corchran the third. alejandro cordero. robert joseph corgis. rubin v. carero. danny a. korea good dress. rose corrigan. james j. corrigan retired. carlos quds perez rodriguez. kevin michael cosgrove. doris marie costa. dana alexandria costanza. charles gregory costello junior. michael s. chris taylor.
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conrad coffey could toy senior. marc and john coughlin. john g. coughlin. john jay conklin. james eco. and my sister deborah martino. rest in peace with mom. we love you. >> in loving memory my brother chris terry robert clay. thank you for being our brother and our laughter. >> andre colin cox. frederick john cox. james raymond coyle. michelle corrail below. christopher seton cramer. eric a. cranford. denise elizabeth grant. james leslie crawford junior. robert james crawford. tara kathleen cramer. joanne mary create.
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john a. chrissy. daniel hal chrisman. denise a cross. kevin r. -- thomas g. crotty. john farr crowe. wells crowther. robert l. cruickshank. john robert cruise. grace grace allegra kuala. kenneth john kubis. francisco cruz could there'll. thelma cuccinelli. richard joseph could be now. neal james cardwell. thomas patrick colon the third. john cullinan. joyce rose comments. brian thomas cummins. michael joseph cunningham. robert appeared solo. lawrence damien curia. paul dario curiel. patrick joseph cora men.
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beverly l. curie. andrew peter charles greene. michael sean curtin. tricia cushing. and my uncle peter. you are an amazing man with an amazing story. we know we -- you know we miss you and love everyday. >> in my beautiful aunt lucille theresa and ibc local one brother and hero chuck costello. god bless you both. god bless everybody. god bless america. >> gavin cushiony. kay left aaron back. carlos s. dacosta. jason m. tao. brian paul dale. john bill lehr a. vincent gerard d. amadeo.
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thomas a. -- jack d'ambrosio junior. janine jones. menu well jules amodei. patrick w. dennehy. mary d'antonio. vincent g. dan's. dwight donald darcy. elizabeth and code darlin'. and that andreas data ran. edward a. andrew. michael d. diorio. lawrence iverson. michael allen davidson. scott matthew davidson. titus davidson. narita did the love. ada m. davis. clinton davis senior.
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wayne terrell davis. anthony richard dawson. calvin dawson. edward james day. william thomas dean. robert j. deangelis junior. thomas patrick deangelis. dorothy to ruvo. anna gloria d. barbera. tara e. divac. james debonair. anna m. dividend. james v. de blasio junior. jason bay chavez. and my son paul andrew aquafina. paul you were a wonderful son
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and your father and i and family will remember you to the end of our days. we love you. >> and my cousin thomas i love you. we miss you and they think of you every day. you are a man with a skip in your step and a smile in your face. pray for those jets. amen. >> paul dicolo. gerald d. kanto. simon debit cards. jason christopher defazio. david ada bail. jennifer dejesus. monique de jesus. narrator de jesus. alico pena. donald arthur. maria della torre.
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vito joseph delano. andrea della bella. joseph a. dell of vitro. palomino della gotti. carlene ann dockery. joseph de luca. men well del valle a junior. francis albert demartini. anthony thomas. martin m. demeo. francis deming. carol keyes dauman. kevin dennis. thomas francis dennis senior. genes see department. joseph nicholas depend you. robert john durante. buy dirienzo. david paul theroux bl. jamal desantis. christian lewis. edward desimone the third. andrew j. desperate enough.
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michael esposito. cindy and code tool. melanie louise do there. jerry devito. robert do that at jr.. and my niece kathy. her family and i miss you very much in love you forever. until we meet again. >> and my wife deborah h. cap men. ever we love you and miss you. >> dennis lawrence bettman. gerard p. juon. michael lewis d'agostino. matthew diaz. nancy diaz. abdullah roulette is diaz. michael a. diaz ph of the third. jude is diaz sierra. patrick florence d. cierra. rodney dickens. patricia florence. jerry d. dickerson. joseph dermot jr..
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lawrence patrick dickinson. michael diehl. john de facto. vincent francis defazio. carl anthony difranco. donald joseph difranco. john giovanni. eddie dillard. deborah anne dimartino. david virgilio. steven patrick tamino. william john dunley. orissa dinardo short christopher moore den costs. jeffrey marc dingell. rena sam venue. anthony demetrio. george dave pasquale. joseph paladino. douglas frank destefano. donald america to tullio. ramon is a dna. johnny dr. jr.. john joseph dougherty. melissa penn needed to wait.
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brendan dolan. robert e. dolan jr.. and my step-son we miss you and love you so much. you will walk with us in our hearts forever. >> my brother firefighter michael francis lynch. we know you were rescuing people in an elevator seventh tower the first to go down. you always carry this in your wallet and high school by ralph waldo emerson. you live this way. success to laugh often and to win the respect of intelligent people in the affection of children. to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends to appreciate beauty to find the best in others to leave the world a better place whether by a healthy child a garden patch or a redeemed social condition. to know even one life is breathing easier because you have lived. this is to have succeeded.
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ralph waldo emerson. we love you and we miss you michael. >> neal dollar. james dimartino. alberto dominguez. carlos dominguez. jerome marc patrick dominguez. kathleen w. donnelly. jacqueline donovan. william h. donovan. steven scott tour mary yolanda darling. raymond matthew downey senior. grant joseph doyle. joseph michael doyle. randall l. drake. patrick joseph driscoll. steven patrick driscoll. charles a. jones to third. marina duarte. loot a doodad christopher michael duffy.
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gerard j. duffy. michael joseph duffy. thomas w. duffy. antoinette dugger. jackie duggan. patrick dunn. felicia gale dold jones. christopher joseph dunn. >> richard anthony dunston. patrick thomas dwyer. joseph anthony echo eco potsdam. john bruce eagleson. edward p. erhard. robert douglas eaton. margaret ruth ackerman. and my brother-in-law jason chavez. we will never forget. your niece and nephew lara and
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liam miss and love you so much. >> and my uncle. goodbyes are not forever. goodbyes are not the end but if our tears could build a stairway they would walk right up to heaven and bring you back on again. we love you, we miss you and you are forever in our hearts. >> paul robert at that. constantine economics. barbara edwards. dennis michael edwards. michael hardy edwards. christine eagan. lisa aaron eagan. martin j. eagan jr.. michael eagan. samantha martin eagan. carol eggert. misa karen herwich. john eichler. eric adam eisenberg. daphne alder. michael j. l. ferris. marc joseph alice. valerie silver ellis.
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albert alfie william o. mary. robert are all set. it got emery jr.. doris -- christopher s. irwin l. berger. william john irwin. sarah esker saeb. josé espinal. es pinosespinosa. ruben esquilin jr. sadie ette. barbara g.etzold. eric brian evans. robert edward evans. >> to my brother, i miss you you. >> and my uncle, terrance s. hatton, the captain of fdny rescue company 1 was nicknamed
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captain manhattan. your wife beth has done an outstanding job raising terry without you. there are no word to express our family's profound sense of loss. we love, honor and miss you terribly. >> patricia mary fagan. keith george fairben. sandra farjardo-smith. charles s.falkenberg. >> zoe falkenberg. william f. fallon. williams lawrence fallon jr. anthony j. fallone jr. del lors fanelli. robert john fangman. john joseph fanning. kathleen anne faragher.
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thomas james farino. nancy c. farley. paige marie farley-hackel. elizabeth ann farmer. douglas jon farnum. john gerard farrell. john w. farrell. terrance patrick farrell. joseph d. farrelly. thomas patrick farrelly. syed abdul fatha. christopher edward are faughnan. wendy faulkner. shannon fava. bernard d.favuzza. ronald carl fazio sr. william feehan. francis jude feely. garth erequire feeney. sean b.fegan.
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lee s.fehling. peter adam feidelberg. >> and to my beautiful middle sister, vivian, you always danced to the beast your own drum, and for you, i pay tribute to you by wearing your god-awful ugly green converses today with the tacky yellow shoelaces. i know somewhere you're having a good laugh and you're enjoying yourself. >> to my uncle, william j. mcgovern, battalion chief of the new york city fire department, we love and miss you every day, uncle billy. [ tolling of bell ]
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anne marie sallerin ferreira. robert john ferris. david francis ferrugio. louis v.fersini jr. michael david ferugio. bradley james fetchet. jennifer louise fialko. kristen nicole fiedel. samuel fields. alexander milan filipov. michael bradley finnegan. timothy j. finnerty. michael c.fiore. stephen fiorelli jr. paul m.fiori. john b.fiorito. andrew fisher. bennett lawson fisher. john roger fisher.
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thomas j. fisher. lucy a. fishman. ryan d. fitzgerald. thomas james fitzpatrick. richard p. fitzsimmons. darlene e. flagg. elaine fletcher. and my uncle, leon bernard hayward, also known as emcee snan sundance. even though i didn't really know you, you will always be family in my heart and i will always love you. and in your honor, i have decided to seven our country with the united states marine corps. >> and my grandfather, walter arthur mcneil. the love that you and mama share was like no other. i raised my uncle to be a great man. now he is thed
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