tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 13, 2014 6:00am-8:01am EDT
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>> what steps do you think would be helpful to resolve some of the disputes? >> ultimately the administrator is to send a clear message that the ig act requires absolute cooperation with the ig. if that message is sent to think everything would change. and until we get some clear message from the administrator to that effect i think the status quo will continue. >> to facto law enforcement agency? >> can you repeat the question. >> do you think that administrator mccarthy from what he has said the support in this non law and not sending out, you know, the statement that you
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should have access to my do you think that he supports what croatia's believes that they are a defacto law enforcement organization? >> you know, i do not want to put words in the minister's mouth, but the end result is that the status quo continues. i can only infer that the administrator agrees with that. >> to the extent that this committee in the staff can be of assistance to address this impact. thank you for the work did you do. i yield back, mr. chairman. >> think you, mr. chairman. >> congress and the american people established all of these
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agencies. existed not appear at a desk and one day of responsibility. congress created these agencies and as the overseer responsibilities. the office of inspector general brings transparency to the american taxpayer. with that. >> owed as soon as everything. >> requiring all these pages to be turned over. we discussed it as an is see. i have an issue with that. any combination. a step up and say we don't choose to get it. i don't like it when i read reports of the attorney general
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i have determined that providing the alleged you with access to it is helpful. so i am going to turn this over. that implies that he is also reviewing other documents. on not turning it over. that is not the responsibility to conceal documents that are not helpful. >> the robo arsenal of experienced, you have been at this how many years? >> a little over two. >> the folks the you have talked to, how long have you been at this? >> just a little over four years . the question is this is obviously an old law. this is not something new. this is requiring the administration, every administration, and the administration.
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folks that have worked in the inspector general's office times have changed. is this normal protocol? is something changing? none a political way. is this just typical normal protocol? >> i think the answer is clearly no. we did fbi oversight after the attacks, after their robert hansen scandal. we were given complete access to the material. we did not face these kinds of issues. frankly, we did not face these issues until 2010. >> for your requests and information is coming as fast read equals speed and what you are getting? >> i have not compare those to
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cases which typically result in where you have intelligence information or individuals and said the agency is doing something illegal it will be related to employee misconduct. >> can you tell what intelligence activity is? they're saying there withholding misinformation. diligence. can you tell what that is? >> to the extent that they have the intelligence activity information i don't know because they don't share it. >> i can tell you, it was not that long ago the at someone sitting at the same table. they have for years illusory epa oversight. secretly working rita find it ironic i am going to be interested to hear what intelligence a chivvies they're
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doing and what intelligence and to use there during nationwide and worldwide and why they would say that this is so secret that we're not going to allow the american people to see the activity or participate in oversight. that is a reasonable question to ask the agency that does not have investigated intelligence responsibilities of their somehow created there are until just department and what they're doing with that. thank you for allowing me the second line of questioning. >> i thank the gentleman and recognizes down from nevada. >> thank you mr. chairman. appreciate very much this hearing. we started off saying that this would be non-partisan and it turns into a more partisan thing than it should because the role that the ig place is very important. your mission is important
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command we should be working in a non-partisan fashion to support that. i do want to follow a on your comments. my good friend, the gentleman from oklahoma and to ask you clarify a little bit based upon your testimony today in your previous testimony in january. i want to ask you about some of the concerns you raised regarding your offices access to categories of information relevant to ongoing ig reviews including wiretaps and the grand jury materials and documents related to the department of justice use of material witness warrants. as i understand it in specific instances you have had to seek access to the separation from the department's. >> that is correct. >> when testifying about this same issue for the committee and january 15th you stated, and i
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quote, in each instance the attorney general or deputy attorney general provided us with the permission to receive the materials. >> said is correct. >> you also wrote in your testimony today of the department has informed you that it is there intent to continue to grant permission to access records in future audits and reviews. >> that is correct. >> so, mr. horowitz, as a preliminary matter have all of the of formation been provided? >> we are told that it has been. >> has any information you have requested from the department ultimately been withheld? >> ultimately know. we have gotten it after many months. >> so during the hearing you testified at your offices access was not necessarily specific to this attorney general, this deputy attorney general. it is an issue that my predecessors have had to deal
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with. >> it is correct that they have had to deal with timely production of material. >> so when you were asked by my good friend the gentleman from oklahoma, is this an issue that is unique to this department's, that was not the answer you just gave? >> the issue arose in tustin when my predecessor was still there and continued beyond that. there were issues that predated in terms of timeliness but we have not had a legal objection raised by a component. >> i appreciate the clarification. >> it is my understanding the apartment recently requested a formal opinion from the office of legal counsel to resolve a conflict between the interpretation of section 6a of the ig act which grants the ig prompt and full access all necessary requested information and several statues to restrict their release of certain types
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of protective information such as a grand jury and wiretap a churro. it is also might understanding that the department has told you that it is committed to working with you to provide access to all the materials necessary for your office to complete its review until the obi releases its opinion. >> as i made clear in my testimony, the is made that clear. the problem is every day this goes on we are not independent. we're not -- >> that is not an issue of the. >> as i testified today they have made it clear that they will continue to issue orders to the components. the issue is whether that is really required by congress. >> to the degree that there is clarification, the clarification within disputes with section six
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l.a. and the statute not as some would like to assert some of the department's in a lack of providing that needs to be made clear for the record. the as been working to provide your office with access to information it needs to do your job including grand jury and wiretap of formation. and i hope that both parties continue to work together as we move for. >> thank you. i yield back. >> i think the gentleman. i guess i would express my pleasure at this hearing so far up until now that it has been bipartisan, non-partisan, looking for answers of what is happening now xi's so that we can move forward and do it right i would state that i think that that is what this committee
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hearing has developed around and over and has been married on. i appreciate the bipartisan fashion. having said that let me recognize mr. duncan from tennessee. >> thank you. mr. chairman, i am sorry i preside over the house. i could not hear all of your testimony. i introduced the original bill to create an inspector general for the tennessee valley authority and have always believed very strongly in the inspector general process. has been helpful to the work of this committee. but i was really amazed by the number of inspectors general that signed this letter.
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i have not tried to counted but i'm told it was 47 a something like that. that is pretty amazing. i think that certainly is something that we have never seen before. apparently serious concern about people who are in the know, service speak. mr. horowitz, i understand that there are several high-profile investigations such as in the new black panther days, the prosecution of the late senator's to it -- to stevenson the torturer markers, other matters where you have had your investigation hindered or delayed by the office of professional responsibility.
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can you tell me about that and explain a little bit about what that has done to your work? >> the issue there is that when congress set up we were not part of the original act. kept in place the office of professional responsibility and provided that unlike with regard to all the other employees in the justice barbara we do not have jurisdiction to review alleged misconduct by department attorneys. as a result matters such as those cases go to the office of professional responsibility. so we have no authority to investigate those matters. >> i understand. what i am asking you to weather have been high-profile situations, and i am sure much lower profile cases where there have been misconduct department of justice.
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do you think that your office would be capable of investigating this type of misconduct along with the office of professional responsibility? >> we think that and demonstrated a frankly by issuing reports regarding agent misconduct such as some of the work that we have done in the fbi context. we demonstrated quite ably our ability to do that, and i think the same independence that congress believes is important over the independent oversight of the rpr should also exist. >> i will ask the panel as a whole. do you feel that there has been an overt classification of documents? departments or agencies with which you have worked or in other departments that you read or heard about? >> i have to concur with mr. horowitz. i have heard that.
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in my particular agency that has not been an issue particularly, but i have heard that issue. >> the peace corps does not have original classification authority. >> we have found issues related to that in one of the reports the we did last year. >> thank you very much call mr. chairman. >> i thank the gentleman. the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. let me begin by emphasizing how much i value the work of the inspector general's community in helping our government function better. want to thank all of you for being here. it is imperative that all inspectors general have a good working relationship with the agencies they have tasked with overseeing in order to fill the
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mission of identifying and eliminating waste, fraud, abuse and the federal government. i would like to ask about the department's overall level of cooperation with your office. you testified before the committee on january 15th of this year that most of our artists and reviews are conducted with full and timely cooperation from the department's components. is that correct? >> that is correct. >> full cooperation. >> would it be fair to say that the access concerns that you're raising your testimony are limited to specific essences. >> the problem is it takes on a
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life of its own. his senses that do not have to go to the deputy attorney general because i am able to work them out with agency at the da curve pr, whenever it is. these problems, you get more and more objections. >> thank you. your offices semiannual report to congress with your october 2013 through march to a reporting time states that it has closed 100 before investigations. thirty-five are reports and made 137 recommendations for management improvement. is that correct? >> as correct. >> the report mentions their office issued an audit of the department's efforts to address the mortgage fraud and the
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department agreed with all seven of the ig recommendations. >> that is correct. >> your office examined the watch list operations and practices and issued 12 recommendations kamal of which he appeared agree with. is that correct. >> that correct. >> can you then give us an overview of how these audits and recommendations help streamline costs and improve the department's programs and operations? >> well, we make these recommendations to do precisely that congressman so that we can not only advise the agency was steps need to be taken but the congress itself as a does its oversight. and the recommendations that we may go to the efficiencies that we find, either management or waste, fraud, this use the save the taxpayers every year tens of
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millions of dollars. >> in a sounds to me like the office is doing a great deal of valuable work to ensure that the agency maintains the standards of integrity and accountability. i want to commend and thank you again for your efforts and a thank all of you for being here this morning and clarifying, testifying and giving us the assurance is that we need to have to know you're doing good work in the oversight of our government is in good hands. mr. chairman, i think you and your back the balance of my time so. >> i think the gentleman. thank you all of you for your testimony. as been a pleasure to work with you in a non-partisan way. all of us would agree we don't
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want agencies to influence work and indeed be used to be independent at the american taxpayers depend on your work. but, of want to start with you. if this continued stonewalling of access to documents, what kind of arm can you see that would come from this, specifically with your work? >> well, in our case we have the memorandum of understanding so we're somewhat receiving information. the problem with that it is a temporary measure that we cannot rely on being there because it can be taken away. and if we do not receive access to the information that we need we cannot insure the volunteers have been victims of sexual assault are receiving the types of care and services that they
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need and are entitled to an order for them to move on with their life. >> is it your testimony today that victim's might potentially continued to suffer if you don't get the kind of access to documents that is outlined in the memo of understanding? but if they quit providing that could victims continue to be harmed? >> we will never be will tell. that is a big problem. we will be able to tell whether the agency is doing what it is supposed to do or whether or not they are performing in a poor manner than before. we can tell when they complain about the treatment. >> so what rationale would be out there to justify -- and this question is all of you, what rationale is out there to preclude you from getting information that would be deemed
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beneficial to the american people? why should they withhold stuff from you? >> yes, sir. that is a good question. i scratched my head trying to figure out the answer, but it seems to me that sometimes some of these differences are made out of whole cloth. you know, they just kind of popup. you know, based upon circumstances. it is random. and that is our problem. >> there are times when they will bury willingly give you an informational. other times you can't have this. >> that's fair. >> is that because the employee that you have working for the zero ig are somewhat inferior to the employees of the agency? >> no. >> well, i would hope that you would answer that in that manner and so what your saying is the level of and professionalism of
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your employees would be equal with the agency. >> absolutely. >> do you think the level of professionalism and privacy concerns within your agency is equal to that of the epa as a whole? >> absolutely. >> would you agree with that? the same desire to protect the integrity of the process? >> absolutely, and we have a track record of handling among the most sensitive national security information that the fbi has to our review of section 702 through various patriot actors use. we have among the most sense of deprivation that exists in our possession. >> so there is not a clearance issue here. there is not a proprietary issue really there is no reason at all why you should not be getting 100% to of what you request? >> absolutely. >> i think you said earlier that
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there has never been a case for some of that information has been disclosed in terms of causing harm to potential victims. >> that's correct. >> and so if we have all of these then what is the real genesis of this whole problem of why they do not want to share its with really the only independent source out there to protect the american people? >> it seems to me that there may be a belief that the ig act does not mean what it says that it means. >> has this been a new revelation that of a sudden we have this new revelation in the last couple of years that it does not mean that? what -- why do they come to this conclusion? >> that's a good question.
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>> so we have new council that is interpreting and a little bit differently? what your saying is from a bipartisan standpoint of we need to do is make sure that the ranking member and the chairman come together and say, well, we need of we say. >> and one of the things, there is no enforcement mechanism in the ig act. >> i'm going to close with what would be the great enforcement mechanism? if they don't give you wonder percent of the documents they get their budget cuts? >> server, i will leave that up to -- i will certainly healed. >> just one question i am just trying to figure out what you're able to out of the memorandum of understanding. let's say for example someone is raped. right now you can get to -- what
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can you get? >> right now we can get access to the restricted report that is filed in the incident report. we may have more difficulty getting other information concerning that particular incident because we can't -- we do not have a personal defining number or anything to associate with it. >> you can get the details of the rape. i am kind of confused when i look at what you agree to. >> with the exception of explicit details. we have tried to define that nearly. things that would not necessarily have anything to our review. >> i see. thank you. >> i think the gentleman. the chair is going to recognize the gentleman from oklahoma for four minutes and. >> are just need to follow-up.
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one of the documents provided, background information about grand jury investigations and, specifically the oklahoma case. the office of inspector general at that time requested a information about related to fbi agents testimony and the bureau of prisons and relating to a gentleman who died. a very controversial case in many ways. a lot happened around that case and a lot of questions stand. your reference to that case, i want to be able to ask why your bringing that up and what you have learned and what was established and what is happening. >> this is now 1997 and a hand. the misconduct review related to that matter. we needed grand jury information . the justice department's civil-rights division supported
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our rights of access to grand jury information and went to court to two different federal judges in oklahoma to confirm that the department's reading of the grand jury statue allow them to give us those materials. the two judges both said the justice to provide is right in the legal interpretation and under law entitled to get these grand jury materials. to our mind that should have resolved this issue. two federal judges have ruled. article three judges. we are at a cost of understand why. >> so fast forward to today and what you are dealing with. you are not getting access currently. >> the objection is we are not entitled as a matter of law. we have to go through this mechanism of getting approval.
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>> at that point you know have to make a request and the attorney general and say i want you to have this or don't want you to have this. he now has the ability to say that the subsidy of is not. i will give it to you or not give it to you. a vermont judge has ruled on this. is that correct or not? >> rather than i make the request. >> okay. how many cases are out there that i like that? two you have a gas? you testified earlier that you're kidding record some. >> probably ten or more examples that i could give of instances where we have either had no legal objection or the timeliness issue at least. i could probably make a longer
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list. >> thank you preserve appreciated. >> the chair recognizes the ranking member, the chairman from maryland. >> i want to thank all of you for being here today. these disputes are very serious because they without a doubt in keep you from doing your work. on the other hand of course you have the agencies such as in all these cases who cite laws that conflict with york duties and your rules and regulations that you operate under. it seems that we ought to be able to resolve this. i have two concerns. one as if we were to pass her
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legislation and sharing your viewpoint that we -- if it does not prevail i think that makes your position weaker. the other thing that i am concerned about is that if we were to do any universal thing that says that your access to an information is superior to everything, i don't know what that is. you know, and i am sure that you don't either. you may know in your area, we are talking about -- not considering what the chairman talked about, executive order. i think the president probably would face the same kind of problem with regard to what that the universe is.
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but there has got to be a way to deal with this. i keep coming back to you because i mean i, you know, when we got an agency that when you have an ig office whose duty it is to get information and protected these victims and not be trusted with the information, it seems like there is something missing that we ought to be able to get to the bottom line, how do we protect victims, get the information that we need so that we can accomplish that? so we are going to put our heads together and see what we can do to try to resolve these issues, but they are serious issues. i would imagine that if the agencies came in they probably would say we really do believe
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in what we are doing, trying to abandon all. so it is going to take of little bit of effort, but -- a lot of effort, but i do believe we should be able to resolve this. my last question, you all believe the executive order is in? >> anything that sends a strong message to agencies that the ig is there to perform oversight and in order to provide that overset the need access to agency records. anything that is clear and states that without exception i think would help. >> i agree that executive order would be helpful. also, i would like to remind the panel here that in administrative law cases their is a rock-solid case called
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chevron. agencies rely upon it to determine whether or not difference should be played to the agency that has jurisdiction well, in our case chevron would apply as well. the ig act, subject matter experts, and should be an amount of difference to our interpretation as to our access. that is not given to us. agencies use it all the time, but in our circumstance when we try to assert a chevron argument is no word. >> i would agree with you, congressman. a clarification is critical. an executive order, and prompt loc decision. we have been waiting for a few months now that would say what does the law mean. when we all think. the fbi is reinterpreting statutes.
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my agency. other inspectors general have said the same thing. ultimately trying to interpret what congress. so it is really all your issue here that you have the executive branch which speaks for the executive branch trying to divine whether this means what it says which has been the case until 2010 when the fbi general counsel raise an objection to what the fbi general counsel and others have said. ..
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want all the documents they mean all the documents. that simple test that the agencies can hear loud and clear today would question it. they are to provide it. if we hold you accountable to make sure those disclosure of the integrity and professionalism they you each have assured me that you have that is abided by because a fraction there does irreparable harm. we have a lot of great federal workers for many american taxpayers it is the only thing they can believe in to hold these agencies accountable. i have an issue going on 25 years in my district. they have no confidence and
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affiliated, democrats or republicans they have no confidence there the last hope truly. they're last hope is through the office. your involvement and the full disclosure is what they're counting on. i think across all zero i g i c testimony and the ranking member for his closing comments and i look forward to providing this committee three recommendations how to help the enforcement component i need to know the we could do encourage these agencies and with that i pitcher in --
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to avoid repeating president obama's arbitrary and hasty withdrawal of residual forces from iraq the tragic errors that gave us the taliban, we should have the draw down of our troops in afghanistan halted. the terror and chaos in iraq today will only be replaced in afghanistan if we have now abandoned that country. i might add that by now with all that is happening in iraq and beyond we should hear no more talk about treating the fight
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against terror as a matter for law enforcement. the idea that terrorists are just criminals of the difference right has been the dogma of this administration from the very beginning and it is time we put it to rest once and for all. all that we achieved in protecting the country after 9/11 came from the understanding that terrorists are not just common law breakers and terrorism is not just street crime on a bigger scale. despite years of criticizing those policies president obama himself has been pointing to the bush/cheney security apparatus as evidence that america is safe, quote, since 9/11 he said a fund raiser last month we have built up a security apparatus that makes us in the here and now pretty safe. nice to hear. especially from someone who used to speak so disparagingly about the steps we took after 9/11. after years of saying america had lost its way, abandoned our
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values in building up the security apparatus, now he is invoking it to give assurance that we are prepared. i know something about the apparatus. i was one of its architects. president obama seems willfully blind to one of the key facts about the post 9/11 security apparatus. is not self sustaining. those programs and policies must be kept strong and current. the obama administration has failed utterly in that task after 5 years of dismantling the apparatus we put in place he cannot honestly claim the same apparatus will now keep us safe. this is the most critical measure we could apply to the president's remarks today. any serious strategy has to include a major new commitment to restoring our nation's military preparedness. we simply cannot pursue a comprehensive strategy against terrorists at the same time we are sending pink slips to capt.s
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and majors in the combat zone and yet this and more is happening. in this time of hasty withdrawal, continuous disengage and dance of congratulations for all of it we have also seen dramatic and devastating drawdowns in the military power of the united states. ours is the power that underlies so much else yet even this has been taken for granted during these years. we are nearing a crisis point in a decline of american military power. it has to be addressed and right away. the administration should be aware of this by now because of the bipartisan national defence panel appointed by the president's and defense secretary. recently warned of untenable reductions in force levels. of bipartisan group chaired by bill perry, former secretary of defense. they did a superb job and i commend it to anybody who's
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interested. if it would take almost any element of our defense capability and it has been reduced in some cases with further reductions to come, army, air force, navy, marines, all of them have been subjected to a rational budget cuts having nothing to do with the strategic needs of national security. sin for instance we will be looking at an army and marine corps with authorized strength levels beneath what they were prior to 9/11, the army's 40 brigades, only four are combat ready. we have seen crucial programs and weapons systems delayed or canceled either arbitrarily or by the flimsiest of rationales. under this president we are in the midst of a systematic pullback of defense investment in ways that will severely hinder our force structure, and general ability to meet threats. it was one of the highest honors of my life to have the opportunity to serve as secretary of defense. there is no finer group of
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people anywhere than the men and women who wear the uniform of our nation. we need to do everything we can to make sure every expenditures justified but the defense budget is different from every other part of the federal budget. in most other areas you start with questions like what do we have and what can we afford. when you are looking at the defense budget of the united states used car with a question, what do we need? with that kind of careful thought is not what is driving the massive defense reductions underway now. whatever the thinking behind these decisions it bears little relation to a strategic environment that is complex, demanding and becoming more dangerous by the day. look around. other major powers are adding to their military capabilities, some with a view that exploiting what they regard as america's new vulnerability. we have got among other problems
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nuclear-armed countries with uncertain political future is. there's a constant threat of wm the proliferation which can be effectively countered only with american leadership and american power. we have all this and more besides going on in 2014 and we are investing in defense as if the dangers of the world's were all in retreat. of course they are not. as the next commander-in-chief will likely appreciate from day one in office. the next president and nestle said matching our military investment with threats and challenges we face will also find that his options have narrowed dramatically. all the capacities we need to shake events protect our interests to work to peaceful ends may not be there. even the wisest, bogus calls and the situation will not come to much without the assets to follow through weather by land, sea, air, space or cyberspace and when the next congress convenes in january i can think
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of no more urgent business fan this. leaders in both parties working together must ensure that the highest priority in our federal budget is the defense and security of the united states of america. with crises in iraq, ukraine and some much else unraveling there is little comfort in president obama's reminders now and then that ultimately things have a way of working out and ultimately the backers of the world are destined to fail. the terrorists, he has observed this time with two on the wrong side of history, a useful solemnly expressed in the active and not passive mode to motivate and not just console. the terrorists who threaten this country and our friends are on the wrong side of civilization. they will be on the wrong side of history only if we put them there. we must deal with threats before they become great dangers and dangers before they become catastrophes.
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that is where the best history is made. a story of awful things that never happened is our foresight and resulted not allow them. president obama likes to talk about cycles of history. i can tell you is the leadership of brave men and women that make history. in particular it has been the united states of america time and again that has answered threats, taken swift and determined action, kept the peace and liberated millions. all the we now face, the worst, most self-defeating illusion is the idea that american power and leadership are optional as if with or without us the world will somehow get by fifth. ask around span you will hear otherwise. they will welcome and desire american influence in any matter where freedom is on the line or security in the balance. they still believe in american leadership as of force for good like no other and they know
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their security and hours depends upon american power and will only be guaranteed with the restoration of american leadership and strength, thank you. [applause] >> thank you, mr. vice president. the vice president has to leave but has agreed to take a few questions. several of you have submitted some very good ones. we ask once the event is over if you could stay seated so the vice president can't be part and then we will have everyone come out. i will take the privilege of asking the first question. the washington post reports you receive a raptors reception on capitol hill when you came to
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speak to house republicans but it then says quote nick leon libertarian sat silently on tuesday morning as dick cheney addressed a gathering of house republicans on capitol hill. all the advice you have just given don't we have to convince a lot of people in our party first? >> yes we do. it was a great reception. they never treated that way when i was vice president. sphere is without question a strain of isolation if you will, some people call it a strong feeling against war, of view you will find in various places in our society and there is a certain part of our party a think that holds to those precepts. i have tried to make the point repeatedly that anybody who went through 9/11 or watch what happens when 19 men armed with airline tickets and box cutters
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destroyed the world trade center, took down a big part of the pentagon, killed 3,000 people, it is difficult to buy into the proposition that will be safe if we stay behind our oceans and let the rest of the world's do in its own juices. i don't believe it. i am outspoken about it and i do think as i think about it, part of the problem obviously is to remind my friends on the republican side of the aisle and some of the democrats that the issues that talk about our real and imminent, we can't pursue the course for example when we cut the defense budget at least we cut something, we do indeed need to play an active role in the world, and those who advocate an isolation force are dead wrong. >> this question is from bethany klein of cnn. what would you say to president obama in advance of this >> would you tell house
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republicans yesterday? >> i told the president, i don't know if he is watching or will read my speech, tried to lay out the principal things that need to be done especially recognition of the stretch, being honest about what is happening out there, reversal of course the administration has been falling with respect to defense spending. they are very specific things. the reception i got on the hill yesterday from my former colleagues was a very warm, i am sure there were a few in the audience who disagree. the washington post found two of them. i thought was a good meeting and part of it is i consider myself a man of the house, ten years in the house, eight years in the senate. i have always been clear i've
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referred the house. it is a fascinating time in our history and i have great respect and affection for those who served. i spent a lot of years as a member of the congress or part of it and i think we have some good people there and i think we will have a tough fight in the fall campaign with respect to the upcoming election but we will renew our commitment to democracy and have the new congress come january and hopefully it will be more successful than recent ones in terms of arriving at these questions. >> this question doesn't have a name attached to it but do you feel the current threat in the middle east is contained to the threat of militant islamic forces or does it have broader global implications and you touched a little bit on iran in your speech. you know how the situation in iraq, just recently the u.s. military was essentially providing air cover for iranian-backed shiite militias, can you talk a little bit about that and the iranian threat?
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>> i brought up a broader set of concerns than radical islam. i am very concerned, i talk about it frequently, talked about it in my remarks today, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, in particular nuclear materials and isn't just in the middle east. we found on our watch -- sat down with me and laying down photographs, color pictures taken inside the reactor in eastern syria as that had been built by the north koreans, very much players, there had been reports that one point from the father of the pakistani program that the north koreans had tried senior pakistani officials to get the latest technology for highly enriched uranium and we look at that whole area of
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proliferation of nuclear capabilities that it is a major threat. we don't know where it is going to go. we are lucky for example when eastern syria fell to isis they didn't find a nuclear reactor. it wasn't there because the israelis took it out in fall of 2007. we are lucky gaddafi surrendered his materials after what happened to saddam hussein. it does have world 5 ramifications and the future in that part of the world, clearly relevant to not just the united states but on a global basis. >> one last question from a student at american university, he asks what is the best strategy or strategies for maintaining diplomatic support in nations throughout the middle east and how can this support be complemented by military action
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to combat isis? >> my experience has been as i mentioned, my daughter liz and i traveled through the region this spring, i kept up a lot of my ties back there since desert storm, 25 years ago when i worked with all of them when we were dealing with the first gulf war. there is a perception, some israelis, arabs and so forth, perception that the united states cannot be trusted the way we had been in the past. and we need to go in and work to restore their faith in our commitments because it has been seriously eroded. there's a deep belief for example, i don't want to zero in any one particular country but generals throughout the region,
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that the united states has been supportive of the muslim brotherhood and in that part of the world the muslim brothers to perceive since 1928 as the group that emerged, egyptian islamic jihad and al qaeda, you can go down a long list and all trace their background to the muslim brothers and the united states needs to convey the fact the we understand that, not just their concerns that our concern as well too. we need to keep commitments we made. for example, when morrissey was toppled in egypt and general cc took over, i met him for the first time during that period, the immediate reaction was to start talking about withholding our traditional military to military relationship and flow of support and supply, exactly
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the wrong way to deal with those kinds of circumstances. they want to know is what we are in fact allies, that we will keep our commitments and we understand that they are on the front lines of the war on terror, they are the ones who are battling in many cases everyday to survive against the most radical elements that have taken part of iraq and syria, it is attached diplomatically and militarily from the standpoint of the united states. we have to improve ourselves and restore those relationships which have been badly damaged by the way the united states has conducted itself over the last few years. >> thank you very much. i would note this is not for this time you have had a long speech when the president decided to give a speech the same night. >> i don't think they are related. >> we will see what he does. thank you very much.
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>> thank you. [applause] >> c-span2 providing live coverage of the u.s. senate floor proceedings and keep public policy events and every weekend booktv, for 15 years the only television network devoted to nonfiction books and authors. c-span2 created by the cable-tv industry and brought to you as a public service by your local cable or satellite provider. watch us in hd, like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. >> at a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of americorps president obama was joined by former president bill clinton who created the program in 1994. this ceremony at the white house south lawn is 45 minutes. [applause]
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>> good morning, president obama, president clinton, members of congress and distinguished guests, americorps alums, americorps members. happy birthday, americorps! what an incredible honor it is to stand before you as we celebrate 20 years of service to america. please take your seats. since that burst class donned their gray shirts 900,000 americans have served in americorps.
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[applause] >> they committed 1 when 2 billion hours of service to get things done for america. now here we are at the white house joining ceremonies better taking place across the nation in all 50 states at this moment and throughout the day including territories. it is really a historic moment for every one of us. at this time i would like to ask the members of the 2014 class of americorps to stand. [applause] the rest of our guests, we invite you to follow along. as we recite the pledge that us remember is that these exact words were first spoken here at the white house 20 years ago
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today and members come as you say these words please consider its meaning, take these words to heart. think about them and i hope that you will live these words from this day on. please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i will get things done for america. >> i will get things done for america. >> to make our people safer, smarter and healthier. >> to make our people, safer, smarter and healthier. >> i will bring americans together to strengthen our communities. >> i will bring people together to strengthen communities. >> faced with apathy i will take action. >> faced with apathy i will take action. >> case with conflict i will seek common ground. >> faced with conflict of will seek common ground. >> faced with adversity i will
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persevere. >> faced with adversity i will persevere. >> i will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond. >> i will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond. >> i am an americorps member and i will get things done. >> i-man americorps member and i will get things done. >> 2014! [applause] >> good morning. you guys are all so beautiful out here. 20 years ago, i applied to become an americorps member because i wanted to challenge myself and contribute to my community. during my ear at the los angeles
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free clinic, i realized where a child eats, sleeps, plays and goes to school, a profoundly impact health. i felt the gravity of poverty, and i learned the power of resilience. my experience fundamentally changed me. i am now a pediatrician at children's hospital of oakland. [cheers and applause] >> i served 20 years ago. i took a pledge to make our communities safer, smarter and healthier. i carried this pledge with me everyday. as americorps we elevate our
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nation by being an indispensable force for promoting resilience in the face of adversity. together we strengthen america. as americorps and americorps alums we get things done. [applause] my experience and that of nearly 900,000 fellow americans would not have been possible without the wisdom, vision and perseverance of president bill clinton. [applause] >> our nation is so grateful for his leadership. it is 9 extraordinary honor to introduce the inspirational
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president bill clinton. [applause] >> thank you very much. thank you. thank you, dana, thank you for your service. mr. president, thank you for inviting me to share this day with you and thank you for your long history of community service. americorps's enduring impact remains after 20 years one of the most important things i ever had a role in in public service. 21 years ago on this lawn we established americorps in the presence of the late sgt shriver who started the war on poverty,
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and his brother in law president kennedy which he used to sign the peace corps bill. 20 years ago on this very day, we swore in the first americorps class. as i said then and i believe is even more important today service is a spark to rekindle the spirit of democracy in an age of uncertainty. i shared that great day with a lot of people including hillary who campaigned across america with me in 1992 promising the we would create a national service program. she had participated in all kinds of community service. chris jobless the children's defense fund, she said the legal aid program in arkansas at our university, we have lived this for a long time.
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i want to thank one person who is at her own ceremony in maryland say, our lead sponsor senator barbara mikulski who has been a determined defender. [applause] >> there were many people in the white house involved including a member of congress, surely, who wrote a book about this and i want to thank in particular our first -- when i left office -- biggest component, sitting here. laura connolly. thank you, senator for leading the corporation for national service for your lifetime of service. i think congressman john lewis and congressman david price who wear their then that long ago
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and supported it. i want to think someone who is not here, the man who shepherded the legislation through congress and was the firsts e e o of the corporation for national community service, siegel, whose wife phyllis is here. we wouldn't be here without his efforts either. most important, celebration of this day goes to the volunteers and what they did with their lives in americorps and actor. americorps works because all of you who went before kept your promise to get things done. americorps works because there are people from every walk of life, every religion, every racial and ethnic group, straight and gay, southern, western, eastern, people who
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have already finished college, people who don't have their high school diplomas and all things in between. there are now mountains and mountains and mountains of social research which prove that people who worked together in diverse groups make better decisions and get more done, there for creative cooperation beat constant conflict every single time. you prove that every day. [applause] >> i want to thank all of our forebears'. you know the first cooperative citizens' effort was the volunteer fire department started in philadelphia by benjamin franklin in 1736. before we became a country. in the 1830s, these americans
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are not like where i come from. when they want something to happen they complain about it for a day or two and then they just form a new organization and go do it. president roosevelt tapped this in 1933 in the civilian conservation corps. president johnson lost the department on the war on poverty in 1964. in thes i was part of the carnegie corporation called turning points and recommended community service the part of every middle school curriculum, 30 states now give credit for community service toward high school graduation. and i am proud to say the district of columbia in maryland requires it thanks to kathleen kennedy townsend when she was lieutenant governor of maryland. president george h. w. bush points of life foundation still
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tries. and i want to say there has been the bipartisan spirit at least at the executive level on this issue. when he left office my predecessor, president bush, asked me to preserve points of wight, we doubled that. when i left office i asked my successor, president bush, to save americorps and he increased it and president obama was kind enough to invite me in 2009 to the ceremony where he and the late senator edward kennedy promised to increase it again. and i hope congress will on this occasion reconsider its opposition to his budget request and give us a chance to grow americorps some more. [applause] for a thousand reasons this is a wonderful
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investment in america's future. 1.2 billion hours of public service, $2.7 billion in college scholarships, a return on investment of almost $4 for every $1 invested. the federal government and other governments avoid $2 of expenditure for every dollar we invest and every dollar we invest in americorps gets another $1 from some other organization. hard to find any program anywhere with those kinds of numbers. unbelievably enough, it may be the impact on people like our other speakers, not the president and me, that is most important. 66% of americorps volunteers, 66% chose public service as a career and virtually three quarters of them which continue
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to be regular weekly volunteers. what a difference you have made. i know this is a difficult time. i know all americans for a for our president and our men and women in uniform and the missions they are now undertaking, but this is no time to be pessimistic about america's future. look at you. look at the rainbow of diversity, united to advance our common humanity. that is the secret of our future. it is more important than our energy resources, more important even than our solar and wind resources, more important than anything else. it is what is in your heart and your ability to advance the common good. tell my last day on earth i will be grateful that i had a chance
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to start americorps. thank you and god bless you. [applause] [applause] >> president obama once said the best in me is said to her, in honor of his mother. these words truly resonated with me because i know that the best in me is though to my mother and my father, ivan marchena senior. my mother was not able to finish the eighth grade as she had to work to support her family. at 18 she emigrated from costa rica and moved to florida. my grandparents emigrated from the dominican republic to new
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jersey when my father was only two years old. she proudly served as u.s. marine corps and worked for the local and federal court system's of south florida for nearly 30 years. my parents worked harder than anyone i know to ensure that the dreams of my younger sister and i had the best opportunities available right here in america and now i have the opportunity to serve my country as a public ally, americorps member with the ymca. [applause] >> we will be helping to create an after-school program for the young boys who want a better life in montgomery county. i could not be more proud to stand before you today. and become part of the family of americorps members. like our president i will get
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things done. [applause] >> please join me in welcoming the president of the united states, president barack obama. [applause] >> hello, everybody, thank you. thank you, everybody. thank you so much. thank you, everybody have a seat, have a seat. welcome to the white house. give ivan a big round of applause for the introduction. dana, thank you for sharing your story. and i want to thank all of you for joining president clinton and me in celebrating this 20th anniversary of americorps. i want to thank some strong supporters for national service to our here today.
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treasury secretary jack lew who as a young aide to president clinton -- they both still look good, but 20 years ago helped to write the legislation creating americorps's 20 year legacy so thank you for the great job. wendy spencer never runs out of energy and is reflective of the spirit of americorps. the ceo of national community service. my dear friend, former senator harris falkner who not only used to run it but help to create this debt and the peace corps. i don't know anyone who has got a greater legacy of creating community and helping people to channel their civic virtues. we are proud of him. the new director of the peace
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corps, there she is right there. congressman john lewis. [applause] >> we didn't have an americorps program. that is why i am standing here. david price. senator martin henrik, the first americorps alum to be elected to the senate. [applause] >> everyone who is here who played a part in creating and sustaining americorps from the clinton administration to congress and all the service leaders who mobilized and rallied over the years to keep americorps going. thank all of you for living a life of active and energetic and engage citizenship because it has made america strong. you have made america strong
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because of what you have done. as president clinton mentioned, not everybody who played an enormous role in this could be here today. two people in particular who aren't but are in our hearts, eli segal who did so much to get corporation for national and community service up and running two decades ago, and a man -- [applause] -- and a man whose extraordinary achievements live on because he never stopped asking what he could do for his country, senator ted kennedy. [applause] >> his name is on the law that i signed five years ago expanding americorps, one of the last big public events teddy did. a law that will give a new generation of americans more opportunity to give back to their communities and their country. teddy's wife vicki and eli's wife phyllis are here as well.
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we thank you so much for everything you have done and for your support. [applause] >> as windy mentioned all of you are part of a national event. since yesterday, 9/11 day of service, hundreds of thousands of americans have taken part in service projects in all 50 states. michele and i spent a few hours helping out a school in d.c. joe biden volunteered down the street at george washington university. today thousands of americans are taking the pledge as new americorps members, president george h. w. bush is wearing in volunteers in maine. president george w. bush, a video seen across the country. so it echoes back to that day in
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1994 when president clinton's war in the first class of americorps members and some who were here were in that class. we're starting a journey that would change your lives forever. americorps would change the life of the nation. and that was a bold claim but bill clinton -- he knew from his own life, what the service can do. it serves a common purpose that it cultivates, the opportunity to join fellow americans to work together for something other than ourselves or something bigger for the common good. and was not the only one.
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william took the americorps pledge and went to work for use harvest in texas to improve their literacy skills. he was still public-service helping communities in mexico with community development. matthew biddle took the pledge in boston, he discovered a new source of inspiration, students who came to me and left my homework club with aids and has been an educator ever since. sondra samuels took the pledge that day. he headed to philadelphia joining the initiative to help communities reduce violent crime and gang activity and she says americorps taught her i can make a difference. a bright eager young woman shared the hope of that day too,
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she recently lost her job and law firm, became the founding executive director in chicago. and public allies received a first brands americorps ever awarded. that young woman happens to live with me. surname is michele obama. the obama households was forward on americorps for the start. starting off as a community organizer, i would not be standing here if not for service to others and the purpose the service gave my own life. i moved to chicago to become a community organizer in part in parts of steel plants closing down and hope it dried up.
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i wasn't sure what i was doing and i was working with a group of churches out there and didn't have a lot of funding. my starting salary is $13,000 a year, and gas expenses. what i found is with patience and dedicated effort i could make a difference, 100% of what i wanted sometimes just 20% and sometimes 50%. it turned out you could nudge history forward and shaped it. and see the lives of people you care about improving because of the blood, sweat and skiers you were putting into it. to begin to understand what citizenship meant, not some
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abstraction, not just words on of page. not just rights and privileges but duties and responsibilities. it gave me a sense of direction how i wanted to live my life. the idea of making a difference in other people's lives made a difference in mind. it made me whole, gave me center, gave me a compass. and what is going to happen to them. most of them are priority at that time. more gifted and more talented. that is why when i look out, i can't describe how inspired i am.
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and all the incredible things you're doing in your life. and president clinton swore in the first americorps class, and 100,000 americans learned the same lessons by serving through americorps and they come from all walks of life, small towns, all age groups, and do everything from delivering emergency relief in the aftermath of disaster, and helping veterans find jobs. and they touched millions of lives, america is stronger and more resilient and more united. you are right, americorps changed the life of our nation. it is up to us to make sure it continues. we are here to rededicate
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ourselves to the work that lies ahead. and so world. [applause] >> we are here to get things done. we are here to get things done. my administration is determined to build on a foundation president bush and president clinton and both president bushes laid. we are determined to help americorps succeed. we have seen the outcomes americorps members produce, improve literacy in schools where they work so if we're smart congress will fund this calling that meant so much to so many to keep americorps strong and we will keep doing our part. [applause] >> that is why i created a task force to expand and improve national service, we tested innovations creating new models, reach out to the public/private
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sector so americorps is as effective today as it has ever been, we created new americorps programs to address specific needs. for example femacore trains and deploy national service members to recover from disasters like hurricane stands tornadoes. and turning individuals into underachieving schools. the new justice americorps will pay members who are lawyers with unaccompanied immigrant children. americorps is mobilizing scientists and engineers to inspire young people to discover and tinker and innovate and make things. and we have brought businesses and nonprofits on board so we see how national service helps young people gain valuable skills and training and to
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employers and others, we held the national service members to find good jobs after they wrap up their service. and we are announcing a new initiative called employers of national service. if you are an employer who wants to hire talented, dedicated, patriotic, skilled, tireless, energetic workers work to america and look to the peace corps. [applause] >> organizations like the disney co. and american red cross, a city of nashville, united way, others are signing up. they know what we know. citizens who perform national service, you want them on your team. a few minutes ago, that includes our newest members, class of
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2014. so you have catherine is just took pledge. the habitat free humanity in washington. and jason took the pledge. [applause] >> she is leading a team for kids like herself. ivan the you just heard from took the pledge in mentoringwho took the pledge in mentoring young people in maryland. they are doing their part to make america sulfur and healthier and more just, because like all those who serve their country through americorps they don't just believe in but live out a fundamental truth and that is that people who love their country can change it. that is the genius of america and the promise of americorps,
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one of the reasons i am so committed to this program and so hopeful about the future. we are proud of you. that goes for all the americorps members over the years and i will be proud to serve the country, striding, citizens here. congratulations. god bless you, god bless america, thank you, president clinton. [applause] ♪ ♪
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