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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 14, 2014 1:50pm-2:01pm EDT

1:50 pm
he israeli planners called offered, which is hebrew for separation and various yuri represents at the apartheid, which simply means separateness. this is manifested in the separation wall which cuts deep into the west bank the west bank which is built in the words of the yahoo! to present demographic spillover in the future gaza and manifested inside israel is in going to discuss here but it led to a psychological transition in israeli society and the political transition that has resulted in what seems to be a permanent right-wing majority. of these permanent right-wing dominance over the key institutions of israeli life. this week the israeli to my pc institute took a poll and the majority of jewish israelis declare that their wish to add the special relationship with the united states and find allies. at the same time, 70% of jewish israelis to clear that they
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don't believe israel will find new allies. in other words, israel should simply go it alone. the working title for my book which i proposed was masada. i can't add -- second century a.d. roman era fortress were a band at jewish fanatics hold up and committed mass suicide and the editors impose this title, goliath on me. when we look at developments in the past few weeks, the first title might've been more appropriate. so, my book begins in the gaza strip and in around the gaza strip. right now i think it is important to mention that while israel celebrate the festival of lights, the gaza strip is plunged into darkness and one power plant is able to function. this has been the case for a month and it is because israel ch, the u.s. supported release each of the gaza strip.
1:52 pm
the transitional phase i mentioned, made with operation castle at. in 2008 and 2009 in which 1400 residents mostly civilians according to the human rights group were killed. over 300 women and children were killed. most children according were killed at home. developments were taking place in israel led this time. there is a national election underway. tzipi livni who is the current peace negotiator who was then foreign minister and running for prime minister is trying to capture the mood of israeli society declared our troops behaved like hooligans in the gaza strip during this period is really had gathered, which also been barred from entering the strip described as the hill of shame. they gathered there to cheer on the attack as americans dead at the battle of manassas.
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one woman was filmed to clearing to a teenage tv crew to show the whole thing off the map. yeah, i'm a little bit fascist. these proclamations were gaining in popularity with 95% of the jewish israeli public in the first week declared their support. and high schools in israel during this assault, mock elections were held in the party that won by an overwhelming majority was the party of liebermann wound up getting the third-largest amount of becoming the foreign minister. israel's top diplomat. he remembers just cleared of ties, cleared of various charges relating to his mafia ties, by the way. some people when it was to testify against him because they mysteriously disappeared and now he has reemerged as one of the most popular politicians in israel. we are in 2009 still.
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lieberman campaigned on a very important platform. he ran ads over and over declaring no loyalty, no citizenship. in other words, if you fail to declare loyalty to the jewish state, you will be stripped of their citizenship rights in this apply to the 20% of the israeli public who are not, powys indian citizens of israel. and these laws of liebermann moved to fulfill his promise as he entered the knesset as the third-largest party in coalition with other account or members of the crew and word from benjamin netanyahu who supported an initiative was passed to require all of the citizens of israel to swear loyalty to the jewish and democratic state. a loyalty oath. these loyalty oaths was first introduced in the knesset by rabbi meyer kahane was banned from the knesset in 1988 for
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racist incitement who advocated the establishment of a theocratic fascist state of what he referred to as judaic and samaria of the west bank and the transfer of all palestinians and not who swear loyalty. savanna headline sitting, had one with ehud barak and the labor party support.
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1:57 pm
>> i do some writing here and i talked to students and i have graduate students and people in the seminar who pass out things i'm working on. and we sit around the table here and discuss them and argue and debate why handwriting and what i'm writing a lithuanian diet and it's really, really fun and intellectually stimulating. i have written lots of things when i meet there asked a question or i think of a question and i don't know the answer to it. then i go research it. and then when i finish, i first draft -- i don't make outlines usually. some people do. but i have in my head where i think i'm going and i like to draft out the little thing and then go back and add it. the reason i do that is because a colleague of mine who for
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years tried to write a second book never did and that was because he wanted every line to be perfect before he went on to the next line. i said you are not writing fiction. if you can get it down on paper, maybe you will be looked to go back and edit it. and it helps me to clarify my when i write things out. i may add it it a million times and go over and add stuff and revise. you've got to get something down so you can think it through. that is the way my mind works. and he never did finish the second book as he kept trying to get perfection. i said i write it all through and then i put it away and think about it. and then i read it through again. and i don't have the students are anybody read it until after
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i've written it two or three times and then we talk about it. i want whenever i write to inform people and to educate them. and they don't have to agree with me, but i wish to make them think. ..
2:00 pm
>> we have someone who spent a number of years at richard nixon's side. and remember that when he lost the two elections, the presidential in 1962, the gubernatorial in 196 -- pardon me n '60s and the gubernatorial in 1962. people wrote him off. he said this is my last press conference. not so. at about the same time, a young man graduated from columbia, joined the louis post dispatch -- "st. louis post-dispatch", and along the way he


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