tv Book TV CSPAN September 27, 2014 11:53pm-12:01am EDT
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malaria. i think one of the beauties of vaccination is it does not include the massive compromise like widespread ddt used as. does not mean it is absolutely perfect or there is no compromise and there are risks and kids to have side effects for:but the good in done comparison to the harm is tremendous. >> a final question. >> we have books for sale in the back. >> thanks so much. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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>> absolutely nothing to play since iraq for america's conduct of war with the democrats betrayal. absolutely nothing. what happens to change the democrats from supporters is the saboteurs was this. in the spring of 2000 as american troops entered iraq , a democratic presidential primary was in progress. anti-war radicals from the '60s named howard dean was about to run away with the nomination and leading john kerry far behind. but this fact alone that
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caused john kerry who won the nomination to repudiate his support of the war to stab his country in the back and feature a young men and women that he voted to send into harm's way. of course, no republicans use words like this to describe what he did. july 2003 the whole democratic party fell into line with his betrayal with the push to lie to the country to get them into war. it was concocted in texas to benefit the oil cronies and with his former company? he said the war was illegal and unnecessary that bush lied and people died but this began of sabotage of america is efforts to destroy islamic terrorist efforts in the middle east
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the last of the next five years. what was the republican response to this treason? silence. there were too scared or too polite to to fight back. after the damage was done caldwell admitted it was the greatest mistake but the damage was done. the centerpiece of the democrats on bush is he lied about the intelligence concerning the states of sitcoms development of weapons of mass destruction. he lied about the intelligence to get the support about the necessary war. in fact, bush could not have lied. democrats like john kerry said on intelligence community and had access to every piece of intelligence that president bush did. the democrats like because they could knighted bit that
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they had turned their backs on the war they supported an had betrayed their country in order to win a primary election and attempt to win a national election. the democrats said the war was unnecessary because there is no weapons of mass destruction in iraq but the war was about the said dom acquiring the weapons it ignoring 17 security council weapons of mass destruction but the democrats put the whole country in denial so even when the evidence smacks them in the face they still cannot see it for about one month ago the big story is that there is a chemical weapons storage plant stumbled upon built upon by a son who sandinista
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