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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  September 29, 2014 10:30pm-12:31am EDT

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national movement with the extraordinary approach with the national strategic agenda one of the most crucial goals. so what extraordinary approach to execute with the most important concern as a crucial issue for health care. >> health care was not one of the topics spinnaker i just read that it was one of the most important goals of the four goals. >> that would be part of securing entitlements. you are quite right. talk about jobs and economic
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development you cannot get beyond a certain point. talk about entitlements you cannot have that discussion too long before you say what about health care? you cannot talk about the u.s. budget and the trajectory of spending. you cannot recognize to have three or four diseases to drive spending with diabetes her cardiovascular on the health care side. so i get to hang out with some smart guys with health care reform and whether the things that really need to get done to reform the system? over the next year we will talk more specifically about
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the policies that we have but i have to say the number one issue, aside from coverage is you have to have more affordable, portable, access ible health care insurance policies. that is a huge problem so few have pharmaceutical costs and insurance costs costs, you have some things that have to be addressed. the biggest challenge of all in health care is the escalating cost. it is unsustainable. what is the biggest expenditure with the department of defense? now weapons systems it is health care. you get right back to the key issue of health care cost. what do you do about it? we can have this debate all
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day long. it will be a combination of things to have insurance policies that incentivize consumers. we have to have preventative options to make choices early on as opposed to later in the life of the disease. looked at the last year. i am guessing personalize medicine with genomics and that will take us to the health sciences area to make more informed choices. that is a powerful thing because it takes a cost of this system.
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because science and a big data with the human genome project is a pretty amazing thing to do. to be on the trajectory of science with the choices of the average citizen. we are not there yet but we would get there is some point. most of all if you are from india it will take elevator - - a leader from the future and now he has been elected. what is he doing? he is studying to put the goals on the wall to put people in that direction. not everybody agrees and not even the bureaucracy agrees.
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it is interesting to see how far he gets stiff neck thanks for coming. >> good afternoon my question is based under former experience to the republic of china what about the coast of china and japan as the situation worsens? >> it is a very sensitive issue that is the heart and soul of china's sovereignty claims. to talk about that foreign policy it is sovereignty. the goal? to reclaim all the last territories taiwan, macao taiwan, macao, of course, they was recouped in 99 hong kong 97. taiwan does its own thing but then you have the south
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china sea so then then into indonesia to recoup the loss. but you have five other countries doing the same thing. what we need to address it properly is a code of conduct. so uptight dad goes after this i went in the east china sea or the coast guard or naval vessels some of them get downright dangerous. then you have to call a timeout to recognize for the short-term we must get busy
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to write a code of conduct. that we could be at least an honest broker with maritime exercise is transportation. that is the part that is missing right now while everybody disagrees what is the code of conduct? the geography? that has to be addressed at some point so to take these claims way out. >> thank you very much. >> hello. my name is francisco i am from mexico.
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talking about the role of united states in a changing world i believe we can change together. i would like to know your opinion what about the united states in this country. with having a chance of america has half? >> we always have to be the nation that attracts people to aspire to a better life. we have a problem today with the immigration and that is now outdated with a huge backup that makes the
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problem worse because we have no ability to address those that are here. the us citizenship becomes problematic. i've made that as a brave and courageous leader to bring people together that have not worked together for a very long time. they will go quite deep. i say that because part of the overall answer what kind of opportunities are available in mexico? we'll get the flow of immigration we have at the 40 years ago. those that keep people there. we really do have to reform our system for those that
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live in the shadows were in some cases are the second generation. and i for one don't think that is the place. third to deal with border security. 2005 is probably impractical go up and down the border with troops as i was governor there would put up light stand motion detection equipment for others that i think is not a bad thing. i would like to see us deferred to russia for border governors because they are closest to the issue because whether it
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stems from technology or others. if you empower the governors to report back to say recheck the borders working with national officials they are as secure as we can get them. to talk about border security has to end at some point because these throwaway political winds they all say i want to secure the border. what does that mean? the whole thing? a fence? may be but let's empower governors republicans and democrats both to see what border security should look alike. this would be the practical outcome to send messages to people to all corners of the country we don't wish to
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seek a better life style but less a security issue is innovation. we have to maintain that. but this difficulty and insensitive as it has been. they will decide to go someplace else. >> we have time for one more question. >> hello i am from time one -- taiwan's. i'm currently at university. my question for you is with that political situation with hong kong and taiwan
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there is a lot in taiwan. so i have heard a lot for those of a tear talk about the european situation. >> i would have to say the one issue that threatened the whole world, not so long ago was the conflict was a short range missiles. en they fail to recognize the work and success.
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the dialog about early in the implementation in real life they can work on bettering people's lives, this has resulted in a period of predictability. so i was sitting in the taiwan airport a couple months ago and was surrounded from people from china then they criticized politicians ending gauge in the free speech that it is subversive to subject people choose china. but they see that interaction that investments and over the next 10 or 20 years will probably see an effort with beijing to look
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at the sensitive aspects of that relationship. military and military. looking at how you begin to integrate those areas. it is long term is still very sensitive but i am guessing the next generation in taiwan will have something to say. the successes the last few years have better remarkable the head of the taiwan affairs office in beijing the vice minister of foreign affairs made a trip to taiwan the first time ever. he was greeted at the airport and of member of the
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democratic progressive party and they got through it all without resolution breaking out. it is step-by-step. so it would benefit from that. >> thank-you. >> first of what to say to all the students who participated today i'm sorry we cannot get them all answers that we do have 30 seconds left if you would like to give the word of the advice or encouragement. >> go out and change the world a new turn of the television set and you get the bad news the very forces that are driving the
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problems today is the solutions. with the desegregation of the nation state. so before you get too caught up with the problems of the world and member you will be finding solutions. is still have the technology and the resolve and the education. you can make it happen. thank you. [applause]
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>> in iowa democratic congressman bruce braley base is joni ernst in the senate race is an open sea because five term senator tom harkin is retiring. real clear politics rates their race a tossup this is hosted by the mine register and casey's cia tv and simpson college sinecure watching a case cc i news special commitment 2014 united states senate debate presented by kcci, the "des moines register" and simpson college senate good evening will come to simpson college in indianola i was four "des moines register" and kcci special event i am kevin cooney and tonight the first debate between the first candidates democrat bruce braley and republican joni ernst.
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buying over the seat of tom harkin. a little bit of news many iowans woke up to the latest poll done by the "des moines register" that shows joni ernst leading 44 percent and bruce braley 38% we will dig deeper coming up. we have housekeeping the format will change and includes a chance for you to tweet questions to ask the candidates to use #iadebate brooklyn toss and bruce braley will give the first opening remarks. >> i want to thank the demise register and kcci and simpson college for hosting and the viewing audience and most of you watching on television and thank you
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senator. i am bruce really working in the working-class home a small town called brooklyn my mom is a schoolteacher my dad ran of grain elevator in sold insurance before he died in 1981. aicher up with my first job in third grade and i paid my way through college and law school i admit my wife added eagles concert in ames. we have been married 30 years and have raised children in waterloo i am running for the senate because i will stand up for i women's which is what i have been doing 30 years i will work with anyone who has a good idea that is good for iowa. i am a bridge builder not abridge burner this election is about a clear choice between moving i afford are following a radical teapartier agenda to take us backwards and issue after issue a senator has stood up
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with a couple others from repealing the federal minimum wage to privatize social security to oppose the farm bill i am here tonight to listen in to learn and share my views to ask for your vote. >> good evening i'd like to thank our house kcci, the "des moines register" and the simpson college and congressmen denied for joining me tonight i am a mother and someone who cares deeply about the nation really live -- we leave our children. washington is taking our children and country in the wrong direction for the past eight years braley has been there voting for higher taxes, bigger government the wall street bailout and
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obamacare. this is his washington record he cannot defend it so he runs the most negative campaign i one has ever seen. washington has failed. but i believe in the eye away because i believe i one knows what is best for iowa and more than politicians in washington d.c. it matters because our working-class family deserves better and we are watching the winners and losers, almost always middle-class families lose there will protect social security and medicare for seniors like my mom and dad because our greatest generation has worked so hard for the american dream for our family. and as your next inedible fight washington to make sure more americans can achieve that american dream.
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>> thank you for your opening remarks he will now move to the questions with this particular section each candidate has 75 seconds and there will be at a chance for a rebuttal if need be. >> let's start with the topic that was raised in those tv ads that you have mentioned and by the campaign. the demise register iowa poll asks the criticism against the two of you were a big problem a little problem and not a problem at all? fifty-six% say it is up problem to privatize social security as an option. what would you like to say to them? >> just as i said in my opening i will fight to protect social security and medicare by folks rely on
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those also their sacred promises that have been made to those that are receiving the benefits but we have to honor those benefits. anyone that is on retirement or social security or medicare for those that in your retirement have to keep those benefits. that we have to a knowledge there is a problem with social security and medicare and within 20 years the system will be broke. we have to address the problem to look at many options for i have not endorsed one option over another but we have to come together in a bipartisan manner to solve these issues. congressmen braley has been there eight years but there is no resolution. every senior that comes up as the campaign talking point but we are no further down the line we need to protect our seniors with the social security and medicare
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>> moderator: mr. braley and 66 percent of likely voters say it is a problem you have missed all large percentage of committee hearings on veterans affairs >> that is misleading if you want to know my true record they can go to my web site where lays out all that i have done for veterans in eight years because one of the things i have done is help the iowa national guard coming back from iraq that were denied benefits for the gi bill education assistance and hardship paper by help the young man from dubuque to was a wounded warrior who could not stay in his home and was applied for a benefit and was denied and introduced a bill in his name also other wounded warriors can stay in their home. i also helped to 400 iowa
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veterans' with disability claims and helped women in the military get more protection when they are victims of domestic abuse and sexual assaults. if you look at my record this is very personal part of my father was a report to combat veteran who brought the wounds from that war home. that is where the truth is i have been there for veterans, i made 97 percent of the votes and i fight for them every day. >> now we move on to another question. security. everyone agrees in 20 years social security cannot pay its benefits. so what can you say tonight to protect social security nattily those that are seniors but what about those in their thirties or forties or fifties what about the
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people in this audience better seniors and college? >> such as security is based on the solemn promise if you work hard and pay and it will be there when you need it. that is why i have a four points plan to strengthen and social security to raise the minimum wage giving 300,000 iowans a pay raise that would daunt -- pomp dollars into the trust fund we need to expand our economy by investing in infrastructure and the manufacturing base to get people off of unemployment to pay into social security. but let me make this perfectly clear, privatizing social security is not an option. senator ernst said it is an option for her. that is not protecting social security or i a lot. it is not a retirement plan
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for iowans but wall street investment bankers. >> moderator: you use the term is sacred promise and have repeatedly said to want to protect our seniors but what about 20 something or thirtysomething or 40 something? ernst: you are right to it is a sacred promise and when it comes to social security we should not raise the retirement age. people work very hard throughout they're lifetime to put into those social security funds than they expect to have those dollars when they are retiring. for the younger workers we need to make sure they are retiring at a certain age. behalf to preserve and protect what congressman braley is proposing raising the minimum wage that is less than 1% of the annual social security spending.
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that does not shore up the system in the long term. we have to come up with other options to put on the table to make sure we work in a bipartisan manner so he is young people to get out of college know that social security will be there for them. . .
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we need to look over the economy and the united states and what we have done here in iowa by lowering taxes on hard-working iowans by balancing our budget and by bowling back job telling rules and regulations. we have a growing economy with up to 150,000 new jobs. those are workers, good-paying jobs. those are workers who will contribute to our social security system bots thank you let's move on. >> moderator: ms. ernst would he think is the greatest foreign threat facing the united states today and what can the united states do about it? ernst: there are a number of growing threats throughout the world on right now it's the threat of isil. i am someone that has served in
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the military for 22 years. my boots had been on the ground in iraq. i will stand with their troops we think there are actions carefully and they do have a number of criteria put in place when i would consider military action. the first is that we know there is a credible threat and we have actionable intelligence. do we have the resources necessary to support that mission? third is what once that mission has been accomplished what is the withdrawal plan to bring our men and women home and are we going to support them when we bring home those men and women and their families. congressman bailey when it comes to threats abroad when we are engaged in iraq and afghanistan he voted twice to defund our troops while they were engaged in combat. >> moderator: mr. braley do
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you believe that isil is the greatest foreign threat or is there another one facing united states and again what would you do? braley: let me respond to that last point. i once know i made it clear in those votes that i was voting to make sure that we were ending our decade-long involvement in iraq, not to penalize the men and women serving our country so bravely and i made that statement on the floor. it's very important to me. i agree with senator ernst at the rise in terrorism is the greatest threat we face of the country and i also agree with the four criteria she laid out but there's another very important criteria that general colin powell made as part of that risk assessment. that is making sure that the american people understand that importance and are supportive of why we are sending our brave men and women off to war. i recently had the opportunity to vote to give the president limited authority to begin
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strikes against terrorists in iraq and syria. isis is a threat that must be stopped and anytime american citizens are attacked by terrorist groups they need to be brought to justice or to the grave. that is what is happening in it that is what will continue to do. >> moderator: congresswoman ernst would you have voted as congressman braley did to allow that to go-go forward and what criteria do you put in place to decide whether or not to continue that beyond the limit? ernst: yes i would have supported that also in the criteria i've laid out previously is what i would use as we move through this process to determine if further action is needed. i would use the same criteria. americans are resilient. we will support our men and women in uniform. unfortunately congressman braley when he had the opportunity is a
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member of the veterans affairs committee was not present over 75% of his full senate congressional hearings when he could've done done something to help those veterans. >> moderator: if you'd like to respond. braley: the day the claim that is referring to i was at the world war ii memorial greeting and honor flight from western iowa. i attended the 90 minute veterans affairs hearing that same day and i went to a classified briefing because i care about what's happening to our men and women overseas. those are what you can learn if you go to my web site and look at braley truth and you will learn the true story about what i have done to fight for veterans. we need to make sure that every time we honor our veterans it's in a way that's honoring their service. >> moderator: we will move on to another topic one that i think we will want to hear from you about and that is affordable care. affordable care after obamacare
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is a lot bland as you know right now. in recent days there have been some reports that show it's even reduce medical costs in some states that have expanded their medicaid eligibility. tell us what you like and dislike about obamacare and specifically what can the government do in repealing that lower something else to hold down health care costs? braley: this is an issue where there's a clear difference between us. i think the affordable care act needs to be fixed and improved. senator ernst would appeal it and construct efforts to try to improve it. i have made it very clear that there were problems with the rollout that needed to be fixed. i voted to allow people to continue to keep their policies during a period of time we are making the transition but there has been significant positive things that have happened in iowa. we can't go back to where we were before. over 80,000 iowans were able to get access to health care because i worked with governor
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branstad and the iowa legislature to expand access. over 130,000 iowans now have access to health care coverage they didn't have before. seniors are seeing their prescription costs dropped because we are closing the doughnut hole. i have a nephew who was diagnosed with liver cancer and he would have not been able to get coverage because his pre-existing condition. now his parents don't have to worry about that. lafleur eliminated lifetime cap semper banned discrimination from pricing for women and health care coverage so we need to continue to fix what's wrong and improve the affordable care act but we can't go backwards. >> moderator: ms. ernst. ernst: every i won deserves affordable health care but obamacare is not the answer in this case. first we are seeing it costs jobs. blue cross-blue shield laid off
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over 100 workers. 29 physicians were laid off from mercy hospital. some layoffs continue. it's also an increased tax on iowans and americans, $1.2 trillion it's taking our personal health care decisions out of our hands and placing them in the hands of nameless and faceless bureaucrats in washington d.c.. it has also cut $716 billion from medicare that are seniors rely on. so i don't agree. this is something we will continue to disagree on. i believe that we need to have patient-centered care in the way that we can do that is by allowing insurance agencies to sell products across state lin lines, allowing tax credits for those that privately purchase insurance. there are a number of ways we can provide good insurance to families. >> moderator: mr. braley in
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terms of what he said cumis said there are elements that need to be fixed and he talked about a lot of that that's right. what needs to be fixed in what's broken with obamacare? braley: we addressed a problem cabin that was creating hardships for small business and we eliminated that hardship by making it easier for them to deal with recordkeeping responsibilities associated with the affordable care act by one of the things that senator ernst mentioned is something i once know is not true. iowans didn't receive a cut in medicare benefits because of the affordable care act. what we did was we cut wasteful spending out of the system and there's a big difference. "the cedar rapids gazette" looked at that plan and declared it was false because benefits to seniors have not changed. in fact because of the affordable care act medicare solvency has been extended for a significant number of years. iowa now is eighth in terms of the lowest number of people who
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don't have access to health insurance and not something we should be proud of. that resulted because of a bipartisan effort with governor instead working with congress to get a waiver to expand access to health care. >> moderator: ms. ernst i would imagine it's something to say. ernst: when it comes to medicare cuts in obamacare the congressman has stated he read every page of that bill and wouldn't change a thing with that bill. however we do see that there are a number of changes that have been made or delays that you have supported and the president has supported. when it comes to that $716 billion in medicare cuts that was the number that comes from the congressional budget office so to dispute those maybe you just need to walk down the hall and visit with them to see if that's accurate or not. >> moderator: let's move on. >> moderator: turning to the economy. there are two approaches we hear most often. one primarily benefits
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businesses and high income americans with the expectation that they will create more and better jobs. the other targets benefits to middle-income americans who might then spend more and stimulate the economy. which of these approaches ms. ernst do you think works better in what would you do to dan's? ernst: when it comes to the economy and have my own way of addressing the economy which is exactly what we have done here in iowa, which the iowa way is working. that's utilizing those policies that implemented with terry branstad a friend and supporter. the first is by lowering taxes on all hard-working iowans and we have had the largest tax cut in iowa history, returning $4.4 billion to iowa taxpayers. they also have rollback job-killing rules and regulations here in the state and we have balanced our budget. because of these great policies that we have put into place the iowa economy is booming and we
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have been able to create 150,000 new good-paying jobs here in the state of iowa. unemployment is down from 6% four years ago to 4.5% here in iowa. which means more of our neighbors and friends are going to work in providing for their families every day. if you look at the congressman's record he is supporting failed policies, higher taxes, more job-killing rules and regulations a national unemployment has gone up in the past eight years. >> moderator: mr. braley same question to you. which of those approaches you think works best in what would you do an advanced? braley: i can say with absolute clarity that the most important job for iowa's next senator is to fight for iowa's working-class families because history and about my ones would get a pay raise by simply increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, that tells me that a lot of iowans are missing out on this booming economy that
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senator ernst is talking about. she not only wants to not support raising the minimum wage, she wants to repeal the federal minimum wage and she doesn't want to raise the state minimum wage. that means he's iowans are going to continue to be left out of this recovery. i think it's important to focus on job creation is going to benefit iowans, not wall street investment members in the plan she has laid out consistently do that whether it's privatizing social security, or talking about an investment strategy that's not going to create the types of jobs we need. we need to invest in or the structure. we need to invest in our manufacturing base because that's what's going to create jobs and i was an complement our economy. every dollar we invest in infrastructure increases the national gdp by $1.60. every $80 we invest creates
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25,000 jobs. ernst: i grew up working minimum-wage jobs to put myself through college. i understand that i believe we need a minimum wage. i believe that and i support that however i believe that needs to be set by the state. what is good for iowa is not necessarily what's right for california or new york. i do believe the states need to step back. braley: 60% of the iowans that we get a pay raise by me -- raising the minimum wage, 50% of them are over the age of 30. many of them have children and depending upon these jobs and still are living in poverty. that's why my promise is to go to washington, raise the minimum wage, senator ernst doesn't think the minimum wage is a
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problem. my promise is that is your priority. >> moderator: things candidates. moving from wages, somehow seems natural, let's talk taxes. everyone could agree that something needs to be done to simplify the tax code. 5000 to 6000 to 7000 pages. what do you say should be done and what deduction should be eliminated or changed, what simplifications could be implemented? should the tax be flat or flatter and do you think the tax burdens should be shifted? mr. braley. braley: i brought in a nonpartisan group called the concorde coalition to have town hall meetings in my district so we could talk about how the federal government raises money and spends money. if you ask everybody in the room cabin how many of you think the tax code needs to be simplified every hand goes up. denise talk about specifics and say how many of you would like
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to give up your charitable contribution to your church and hands start to go down. when you say how many do you want to give up your home mortgage interest and action, and start to go down. we need to have a meaningful conversation where we put all of us this on the table me talk about the trade-offs of making things simpler. but what i do not support this senator ernst proposal that's a tea party proposal to impose a 23% national sales tax in place of the current income tax system. why? because the people who are going to be the hardest hit by that are the working-class iowans who are going to keep paying 23% national sales tax, 6% state sales tax and it's going to hit them both severely. that's why that type of a misguided proposal is not the solution and simplifying our tax problems. the solution is republicans and democrats coming together in
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solving the problem. >> moderator: ms. ernst the same question. ernst: i have not endorsed any tax plans i want to make that very clear but what i do believe is that iowans need to keep more of their paychecks in our own pockets. my family works very hard. i know many other families work very hard, so let's allow them to make the decisions on how they are spending their hard-earned paycheck. i do believe that we need to lower taxes immediately on our hard-working families and whether that's fairer, flatter or simpler i'm willing to have that discussion. again it does need to be done in a bipartisan manner. this is where you will see a very clear contrast between the congressman and myself. i have voted for one of the largest and actually it was the largest tax decrease in iowa history as i stated before where saving iowa taxpayers
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$4.4 billion over the next 10 years. the congressman has voted for one of the largest tax increases in the united states history and that hurts all of us. so we need a lower taxes mean about work in the long-term to scrap the existing tax code making it better for your -- flatter and simpler. >> moderator: mr. braley talked about getting together and have a meeting so to speak but specifically i was asking about what deduction should be eliminated and what should be changed? can you give us some specifics? braley: part of the challenges when you get people in a room and start saying let's eliminate this. you have to look at how much revenue that's going to eliminate and what you are going to replace it with. >> moderator: what are some of your feelings about this? we want to know what you think. braley: we need to start by eliminating corporate tax loopholes that reward companies for shipping jobs overseas.
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that's something that should've been done a long time ago and we need to do it now. one of the other things things we should have done is we should have given the government the ability to negotiate lower drug prices when the prescription drug bill was passed before i came to congress. that would put billions of dollars of revenue into the treasure and then we could start eliminating some of these other things you're talking about. >> moderator: ms. ernst to talk about lowering taxes and i just want to follow up on that. how are we going to lower taxes and pay for things that need to be paid for? ernst: you start by working in a bipartisan manner. we do need to sit down and talk about these issues. i'm a member of the minority party and the state senate and yet we were able to sit down and look through this and lower taxes on hard-working iowans. so yes we need to close loopholes. i don't think anybody disagrees
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with that. flatter, fairer and simpler and the way we pay for things first we need to cut spending in the federal government. but with the economy growing than our tax problems will be fixed. >> moderator: thank you. we talked about the difficult thing coming together on taxes. another difficult issue facing all of america's immigration. do you believe ms. ernst that undocumented immigrants are primarily a drain on law enforcement and social services? or are they a source primarily of needed labor and entrepreneurship that helps the economy work and regardless of how you believe how do we have too? ernst: thank you kathy. america is the greatest nation in the world which is why so many families want to come to america and do better for their own families. when i was a young woman i
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participated in an agricultural exchange with the soviet union and the family that i stayed with didn't talk to me about ad practices. what they did talk about was what was it like to be an american? they so badly wanted our freedoms so i do understand why people want to immigrate to the united states. we are a nation of immigrants that we are also a nation of laws. i believe we need to enforce those laws. first we need to secure the border and second is we need to enforce the laws that are on the books. over the long-term long term we really do need to modernize our immigration system because we do have a need for workers here in the united states. i disagree with congressman braley though when it comes to issues of immigration. i don't support amnesty and i certainly don't support executive action to grant amnesty.
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>> moderator: mr. braley are undocumented immigrants a law enforcement problem or an opportunity for the economy and how do you deal with that? braley: cappy this is another example work he -- tea party obstructionism is keeping us from getting this problem solve. this congress passed immigration reform. 14 republican senators voted for to address the long-standing problem. increase border security and the ability for people who are living here to find a pathway to citizenship, not their amnesty but by admitting they broke the law, paying the fine and going back to the back of the light and leading a solve this problem. i talked to dairy farmers in iowa who depend on immigrant labor when they used to have a hired man who grew up in the state. i talked to seek court companies and i think senator ernst and i both the tassel corn when they are younger. 30 to 40% of the t-test was in
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iowa are immigrant labor. high-tech companies are in desperate need of ph.d.s and engineers that we educate and our great research facilities and they can't send back home. so senator we had jon -- join jon mccain and marco rubio and colin speaker boehner to bring this before the house we can pass that? ernst: we are a nation of laws and we have wonderful immigrants here in the united states that have come here legally. so i don't support amnesty. i do support bringing a lot of these illegal immigrants -- there are 11.5 million of them. i believe in bringing them forward but not granting them amnesty. we have 5 million people waiting in line right now to receive united states citizenship and we need to honor that commitment to those 5 million people. braley: senator rubio and
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senator mccain did not vote for amnesty. amnesty is when you break the law and there are no consequences. that's why they voted for this bill. it has real serious tough consequences including an admission that you broke the law. >> moderator: candidates one more question before you move onto the next segment. what if any legislation would you pursue or sponsor at the federal level that deals with abortion, abortion funding or drugs connected to abortion or contraception mr. braley? braley: well what i won't do is support the type of legislation that senator ernst introduced in iowa that would have banned all forms of abortion, that would have prevented certain forms of contraception from being available to iowa women, that would have prevented in vitro fertilization and would have prosecuted doctors for performing what are now legal procedures. i don't think it's the role of government to get between women and their positions in making decisions related to their health care and that's what i
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won't support. >> moderator: ms. ernst? ernst: i support life. i believe in life and that's a discussion that we need to have civil leave. the amendment that is being referenced by the congress would not do any of the things that you stated it would do. that amendment is simply a statement that i support life. my faith has shaped me on this very issue. it is a very personal issue. so i think it is something that we will continue to disagree on. i will support life. the congressman believes in partial-birth abortion and these are things that we will continue to disagree on what we can disagree on it civilly. braley: senator ernst i respect your faith. i have my faith that is very
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deep and personal to me but let's be clear, "the cedar rapids gazette" didn't fact check on the mm introduced and said it would do all the things i said it would do, what band forms of contraception. it would prevent people from getting in vitro fertilization and you personally said that doctors who perform those procedures under your bill should be prosecuted. that's the reality and that's what "the cedar rapids gazette" said. ernst: that is only if legislation would be passed. this amendment again was a statement of life and my faith has shaped me on that. when it does come to a woman's access to contraception, i will always stand with our women aren't affordable access to contraception. again that's something that congressman braley has been trying to mislead our women voters on. i do believe in a woman's right to contraception. >> moderator: we will leave it there for the segment and want
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to thank you for those answers. we are going to begin the next part of her debate with questions from viewers and readers plus questions from twitter submitted to his life during this broadcast. again if you would like to submit any questions use the hashtag i and debate but first let's begin the debate with a question for you to view from a student here at simpson college. ms. ernst to get the first question from jake who joins us from the studio audience. you have 45 seconds to respond. >> my name is jacob mclean and i'm a junior majoring in religion at simpson college in my questions for you. ms. earns you said you'd like to to eliminate the department of education. what implications for students who receive pell grants and student loans? ernst: thank you jake. that's a great question and doesn't do anything to those receiving pell grants and student loans. those are programs that are very necessary for our college students that they can easily be housed in the department of treasury. when it comes to the department
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of education, 94% of those that are employed at the department of education at the federal level deemed by the department is nonessential employees. so i would rather save the dollars that those -- the good of those nonsocial employees being directed back to this day so they can be utilized by her teachers, by her administrators and making sure our iowa students are receiving a grade education. >> moderator: jake thinks that question. mr. braley your question comes from another simpson student. >> i'm a junior at simpson college with majors in both religion and spanish and my question is for you congressman braley. in light of new terror threats in the middle east what specific advice would you give president obama? braley: the most important advice is to make sure you do everything you can to engage our partners in the middle east and our allies around the world in dealing with this global terrorist threat.
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i thought it was very encouraging that last week in arab muslim fighter pilot who was a woman was lying in the sorties with u.s. fighters. we need to engage so that we are doing this not as the worlds police force but as a community of nations bringing to bear the full weight of world opinion on these horrific acts that we keep seeing. that's one of the most important things the president can do in addition to keeping congress engaged because only congress can declare war. >> moderator: thank you for those answers candidates and thank you to jake and jc further questions. we move on now to the questions from viewers and readers submitted leading to tonight's kcci debate received dozens and dozens of questions. candidates will have 45 seconds answer these questions as well a chance for rebuttal if needed.
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the first question goes to mr. braley. >> moderator: a person from des moines would like to know why are you opposed to tort reform such as the jury awards for people suing for damages in medical malpractice cases? braley: cappy i think we need to be doing more to protect iowa consumers and families and not taking away their rights under the constitution. one of the things that we need to be talking about is when people are making radical proposals to take away your rights. you need to be thinking about what that's going to mean when something happens to me. ..
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>> >> whether man-made or not to. i could argue it is both sides but i believe in protecting our environment but without the job killing regulation coming out of the epa which is what congressman braley support. >> the climate change does exist? ernst: i believe our climate is changing that i not sure the impact of man upon the climate change braley: there is the significant difference. senator ernst was to abolish the epa and the clean water act i see that is a misguided decision we know i was farmers to a great job for the most part to preserve the land that they
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form because stewardship is the big part of farming. but the reality is i once won a strong robust economy. clean air and clean water to hunt and fish and bike. if you don't accept this is the real problem many iowa companies believe that strongly. >> moderator: you can respond to $11 try to that the federal level could be spent here in iowa because they know the natural resources and best to protect their national resources but congressman braley sat with the epa the voting against the rule that would protect iowa farmers from epa federal government
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overreach with water on their own land and then said he would fight against this rule braley: i have to say against that's i said the epa to regulate ditches or farm ponds i did that say sir everything about to go back to square one they have been waiting for guidance under the clean water act that is exactly what that bill would have done. >> moderator: another question. congressman braley how do we eliminate to reduce the national debt without reducing taxes or cutting entitlements? if you can give that answer in 45 seconds. [laughter] braley: it is about the approach that is a whole approach of the deficit reduction workshops were iowans sat down with their neighbors to sit through the same type of decisions we have to deal with in
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congress whether to cut spending or increase revenues but has to be about that. when i was faced financial problems they tighten their belts but often they look for a part-time job. but we have to bring the balanced approach to feel those wasteful programs we should review every program for fraud and waste and increasing the economy. >> moderator: we will give you the opportunity to 11 unfortunately we do have to reduce our debt the eight years congressman braley has been in washington he voted eight times to raise the federal debt ceiling and the debt has doubled in the time he has been in washington d.c..
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we need of hard look at the way the federal government is spending. even within the department of defense even to cut back to save dollars. and there was $50 billion of waste and fraud identified and if we don't get of budget approved. >> we have a ton of your questions this is from a viewer who says senator ernst it talks about job killing regulation crushing small businesses. can you tell us as specific regulation that hurts iowa employers today? ernst: cap-n-trade is one example not only increase
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saying that tax to iowans and businesses but also $1,000 in additional utility cost was supported by 89. other areas would be that epa with the clean water act and the overreach that epa has to farmers' land. we'll get the rule to regulate waters they have to go to the federal government before they could plant a tree or face punishment braley: each of the items senator ernst manchin is not lot further she talks about cap-n-trade that did not become law. and talk about the proposed rule for clean water is a
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proposed rule. i have been working to try to make sure it is a balance rule and is harmful to farmers and agriculture but that is not a rule yet. >> ernst: these are the things the congressman has supported. and i need to do what is best for the rules and regulations. >> moderator: where do you stand today with that xl keystone pipeline? braley: i am opposed and i will be happy to tell you why. when the pipeline was first brought before congress and was being discussed with the benefits their world lot of promises and then it came for a vote on the floor they
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did not live up to what was supposed to happen there is no assurance the oil would be sold in the united states or to create a significant number of jobs but with energy policy is in reducing dependence on foreign oil or promoting renewable energy? and it did not pass the test >> moderator: usa philosophically opposed but you up support the renewable fuel standard how long would you make an exception? ernst: and tell there on equal footing will get all the subsidies going out to oriole and many other sectors within the energy industry so they to be on equal footing i continue to
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support it and i grew up on the southwest iowa farm and my father is a proud farmer one at a six jobs are created by the iowa farmer and that is why i am so proud to have the endorsement of the iowa farm bureau. i will continue to support that our fs as your next united states senator braley: i am not sure that is what senator ernst told the koch brothers when she went to this secret meeting she said she would philosophically opposed renewable fuel standard in in a perfect world hit with not exist. the renewable fuel standard is clear and strong him a first term in congress and voted to triple the rfs i stood up to big oil because their interests are not by what values ernst: at congressman braley you are now running against these
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other people you're running against me. i am the mother and a soldier and independent leader. a california billionaire extreme environmentalist is to supporting you you are pressing against the not against any of these other groups braley: i realize that. and president of bombings name is not on the ballot. i will not owe him anything on election day you will whole -- you will owe the. brothers everything. >> moderator: please continue. [laughter] ernst: i know nobody anything except the iowa people. i will stand up to do what is right for i will not california extreme environmentalist not harry reader president obama but the iowa people i have stood
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up for my community my state and rhodesian but i think congressman you have left behind in your belt wait -- beltway ways braley: i have never forgotten right have come from i voted to pass the five-year farm bill and every region iowa farm supported it the iowa corn growers are supporting in the national farmers union has given me an award. i have not forgotten. >> moderator: i will ask one more question. we would like to turn the questions that was submitted from quitters using a the #iadebate. you stated you are against a
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national minimum wage addition ago by state. what about iowa? ernst: that needs to be set by the state because our cost of living is very low. i worked minimum-wage when it was much lower. but if we do better for it the i with families by growing our economy to make sure we have good paying jobs that the college graduates are finding jobs. and to be supported by 8911 percent of college graduates could not find employment we to make sure our hard-working i with families get up in the morning with great paying jobs to provide their families braley: senator ernst has made it clear she
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is opposed to a federal minimum wage issue would vote to repeal that means if you were a full-time job on minimum-wage he will make $50,000 per year. that is wrong. she calls that ridiculous. i think it is ridiculous that a family working full time in this state makes $15,000 per year. >> moderator: let's continue with another twitter question congressman braley why day think you're better qualified to make decisions for me such as taking over health care? braley: i am a bridge builder not abridge burner we have proven track record to work with republicans the very first bill had the job training act and biofuels and community colleges i got that passed with the republican from alabama. and some benefits from the
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eye when national guard to keep manufacturing jobs here instead of having them go overseas with a proven history with the house and the senate teeeighteen calls obamacare said dictator and think gold -- impeachment should be on the table ernst: the threat to sue over chickens that came under property -- on your property so how will you walk across the aisle would you cannot walk across your yard? braley: that is not true i never threatened to sue anyone. that is not true. >> moderator: we have 30 seconds.
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if you are elected to the senate who is the first person you call for fisa? braley: chuck grassley. [laughter] >> moderator: is the country receiving aid is their country receiving aid they would cut? ernst: i would have to look at that more looking at the 2016 presidential candidates chuck grassley. [laughter] i would encourage him to do that. [laughter] braley: the field has not even shaped up yet. >> we just have five seconds left to say they khieu we appreciate it. faq very much. [applause]
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>> i am congressman braley is this jury ernst to extreme? panera guided us support to a federal minimum-wage cement she does not think there should be a national minimum wage and what did she think is right for iowa? she believes iowans can survive on $50,000 per year. joni ernst extreme ideas wrong for iowa. >> want to know what i really care about? protecting social security for seniors like my mom and dad. good schools, good paying jobs and health care we can afford when we needed.
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i am joni ernst and i approve this message because i will go to washington as a mom and a soldier and someone who cares about the iowa that we leave our children. i cannot think of anything more important than that. >> should you have a right to make your own choices? there are politicians and washington's make those choices for you i am talking about your rights purdue pete should be able to choose a firearm that is right for you for your choice and you're right but congressman braley voted against that defend your right to self-defense. >> joni ernst footage to shutdown the department of education hurting iowa students and abolish the epa that is why extremist sarah
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palin and the billionaire koch brothers whate'er in washington. joni ernst promise is for them too extreme for i s. >>
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[inaudible conversations] how are you? [inaudible conversations]
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which one way she? how about you? [inaudible conversations] >> nice seeing you. good luck. [laughter] >> thanks for being here.
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>> is this your tv producer? [inaudible conversations] the faq.
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-- thank you. how is it going? good. i'd like to hear that. >> we had such a great time. >> there is something special about her.
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>> how are you? >> click to we have here. [inaudible conversations]
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>> how many years? how many? [laughter] we both come from there. >> how long have you? >> we all care. >> but we can do better.
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which did you like best? yes. >> but my daughter is with a teach for america. and was in baltimore city. she worked there.
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>> you read not just talking about that. they're good people. my daughter's name his greatest. amazing grace. >> actually i came from here.
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[inaudible conversations] >> i am really honored to have governor martin o'malley hear from merrill lynch. in this venue civic other hachette? oh my goodness. in a minute. i did what to say there were
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a few small things in common to protect and promote the character of the city to have a strong core. n i know you did the same thing in maryland. you really help to move that for word to enhance the environment for businesses. and to put the enormous efforts into chesapeake bay. the u.s. celebrating that. but we have been
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unchallenged year of the seacoast which is the third largest bay of environmental significance in the eastern united states. . .
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we are very fortunate to have been terrific houses with these great staircases and i believe you were at our house earlier and i happen to be at his house earlier this fall as well. so you know, it's great to have someone who appreciates outstanding architecture coming here from maryland. i'm not giving this to you. you are going to sign it for me. [laughter] [applause] so from 2006 this gentleman has been governor of maryland and you have done a truly outstanding job as governor. [applause] >> thank you. >> i just have a few highlights of his career that i have failed to memorize so i'm just going to speak a little bit about his
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role as governor and also some of the other things that he has done. in the past he served in the maryland legislature and a fellow for senator mikulski. i know mikulski i should pronounce that correctly and then he was appointed assistant state attorney for the city of baltimore and as you heard he served on the baltimore city council from 1991 to 1999 so chris and jim lookout. you don't know what your future will be. he was chair of the legislative investigations taxation and finance committees. you can see that when he became governor he went on to be mayor and he also then went on to be governor and he brought with him a very strong financial
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background that has just enhanced the viability of the state of maryland. those are just a few items. his wife katie o'malley, she is a district court judge and they have two daughters, grace and tara and two sons william and jack and they are members of the st. francis of assisi's catholic church. and you know what else? >> plays a mean guitar. so thank you so much for being here and i'm sure our governor would like to say a few words. >> i will be introducing you at dinner. he is great and welcome. [applause] >> thank you all very much for being here this evening to
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support martha fuller clark. she's an outstanding leader and this state produces so many strong women. what's in the water here? it's wonderful to be here on her behalf and hopefully i will see some of you at dinner as well. thank you for having all of us in your home a few months ago. martha it is true that i do appreciate architecture but unlike your house, that house isn't mine. [laughter] it was great seeing you when you came down here with all of the state chairs. i love your governor because of her effectiveness, her ability to get things done, her ability to pull people together. my goodness a unanimous bipartisan budget. [applause] we have been able to get some difficult things done with votes from both sides of the aisle but
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we couldn't get a unanimous vote on a journey. i also want to thank my friend martin knopf for coming from maryland and john cole who is here somewhere and jennifer who has been working up here from maryland, part of our leadership pac. jennifer thank you. [applause] >> she is working really hard and she's great. >> i figured it was at least if you do censure upon it was from maryland. [laughter] let me say briefly, all of you know martha and if none are probably longer than i have but i just wanted to say a couple of words. there is good news on the horizon. i have an occasion to go around the country and speak at dinners. you can get a sense of where the country is going from the attitudes of our young people.
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i am absolutely convinced that we have 200 years of creative service still in front of us because there is emerging in our country and awareness of how our economy actually works when it's working well. it's a balanced approach. it's a combination of investments and buffers and yes from time to time raising that floor so when people work hard and play by the rules they don't have to raise their children in poverty. there's also a new way of governing and it's a new way demonstrated by your own chief executive. it's not about left or right. it's about moving people for it. it's about measuring performance. it's not about ideology. it's about collaboration. it's not about locking people out of rooms. it's about creating a better circle because the more prospectively have around the problem the more likely are to come up with a solution to those problems. [applause] and there is a third awareness that is emerging in martha
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fuller clark all her life that has been at the forefront of this and that is a deeper understanding of the vital connections we share and they are important in the importance of strengthening them, the connection between our built environment and our natural environmental, the connection between the quality of our own lives and the other living systems of this environment, our relationship and connections to one another in the here and now and the present but also the connections we have do our past and what that tells us about the connections that we will have to our children's ability to live lives where there is more opportunity for all, where pre-person gets a fair shot at being successful and giving their children a better way of life. martha is that sort of mindful
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public servant legislator that i think is the hallmark of what's best about democracy here in the granite state. people who have their own lives and work on any number of things that they bring their best wisdom forward and in service of others realizing that in fact there is a lot more that unites us than divides us. she has been an outstanding leader. you are very lucky to have her. i'm glad you to count you among my friends senator and i i encourage all of you to work hard these next 40 days. center back strong, reelect maggie hansen and carol shea-porter. you all are leading the country. you are leading the way. we have a little speed wobble here in 2010. people got a sense of what can happen if you veer off in ideology.
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collaborative mindful leaders are going to solve our problems so thank you all very much for having me. [applause] >> another big round of applause for speaker. [applause] >> it looks like martha and dyre tech -- entertaining at home, doesn't it? [laughter] that's mrs. o'connor so those are the first ladies of maryland. we have yet to have her first husband so someday. >> we can show you how. >> strong women of the granite state.
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thanks for having me. >> thanks for being here. >> k glad to. the midterms require a lot more oars in the water. >> that's right. >> how are you doing? good. >> we had over 200 people calm. >> that's awesome.
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[inaudible conversations] >> that was a fun night. >> too much time at the beach. >> where were we that day? >> this is that the state convention probably two years ago. probably six years ago. >> six years ago? you got that great irish skin that's only good for shedding. >> could i get a picture?
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>> absolutely. let me get my friends here. hey liz -- hey list can you do us a favor? >> this could be a christmas card if you play your cards right. >> one, two, three. >> do you live in portsmouth? >> i live in new hampshire. >> a couple of casual talking. >> the maryland connection. >> he had a construction company in baltimore. >> it has developed a lot. >> he and i stuck it together. >> what do you do?
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>> insurance broker. >> that's what my grandfather did. >> thanks for coming here tonight. >> i hope to see you back here. >> thanks a lot. thank you. >> this is my husband allen. as you well know behind behind every state's person dares espouse that puts up with a lot. >> thank you for backing her up. it's the hardest on spouses. you see people taking swings at us and it's harder. >> i have got some bones to pick with the local newspaper. >> a member of the house. >> absolutely.
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she's a pretty courageous woman. >> you know you are in brush country. >> she abandoned us. >> she kept telling me she was very connected. >> she's wonderful. >> do you know wendy? her brother ran a great race and also a courageous public servant. he's going to be our new attorney general. he won the primary but it's looking good for the general. thank you for correcting me. hello. very nice to meet you. is this your first? >> this is my second. we are lucky he was removed from
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office. >> they were both forced into resignation so was an open ticket but there's a leader in the office as part of that leadership team. the primary for the republican nomination so the goal is to make sure that leader succeeds. >> your county attorney out there, is that criminal and civil? >> it's the same thing as the d.a.. it's broken up by district. >> it's exclusively for criminal matters. i did that for a couple of years in baltimore city. >> i was a prosecutor for the state police for a while and our lovely 2010 house cut the budget so much that we went from six prosecutors in the entire state to three. that was a big mistake and they are still suffering and trying
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to get back prosecutors. >> you can do a lot for quality of justice. >> no i can't. it's hard when a trooper is going up against a 15 year defense attorney. how much less does justice o'brien wants? as much as he can get. >> good luck to you. keep banging on doors. are you losing a lot of weight? >> no. that's the problem with campaigning. i get up to 215. >> we have to have you run around more. >> around the dog in the morning but i still drive to the gym. that's the problem. >> should we be going into this other room? >> i think we need to.
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>> martin o'malley, good to meet you. we all have our crosses to bear. thanks, good to be back. >> what are you doing? >> not much. [laughing] >> how long have you been near? >> 17 days. >> do you like it? >> yeah. >> science and technology. >> that's fun.
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>> we have moved on from there but 17 years. and i'm running again. >> good for you. thank you for running. >> they should have the opportunity to do it. >> they want hands-on. >> this ear the committee -- i'm very proud. take you for coming. >> i'm glad to. i'm going to say hi to some of your neighbors. >> it's a real pleasure and thank you for being here. >> my neighbor. he's an attorney also.
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>> they are neighbors of mine. >> hello lisa. two attorneys in the family. my wife is a judge. i submit on the statement of fact. [laughter] it's good to be with you. >> the woman you married up. >> how long have you been near? >> just two years. >> are you breaking her in. >> i've been on one of the most republican towns in the state
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and i had four republicans tell me last night they would vote for me. two of them gave me a check but no one dared take my -- i said if you have a check and you are voting for me you don't have to. >> that's good. you are surfing. you get to bring people together. >> i bring them together. >> that's what it all about. >> governor i am running for state rep for the first time some a little nervous. >> don't mean her wrist. it's going to be great. just knock on the doors. >> i'm not looking for your autograph. i am looking for an e-mail because basing their comments earlier i have a home i'd like to send you about broadening base served. i can do martin o' >> that one would get there.
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i will reference tonight. good luck sir. >> thanks a lot. good luck to you. >> thank you. [inaudible] now you know everything i know about politics. how are you doing? >> i like your tie. >> thank you. this is my crab tide. hello again amy. hi. it's good to see you. are you making us proud? >> every day. every day.
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you and i both share a jesuit education. be careful. >> hello governor. [inaudible]
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it's good seeing you both. >> it's good to see you. i will be glad to sign it. >> do you live here in portsmouth? >> i live in massachusetts with my sister. >> how are you? you are married to the chair.
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>> you told me that. >> governor o'malley is so nice to meet you. >> ashley drake. >> i lived in virginia up until a year and a half ago and i was always jealous about marilyn. here it is the 21st century. [laughter] >> we liked the 21st century. we embrace the future. it's good seeing you. >> thank you so much governor o'malley. >> you are welcome, thank you.
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[inaudible] >> you are an inspiration for him. >> oh that's good. >> he's working at the u.n.. >> that's great. tell him i said thanks. it's great to be in the granite state. hi. >> how are you? >> we are playing six degrees to kevin bacon here. [inaudible conversations] >> how was your grandmother doing?
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i'm sorry, reverend. [inaudible conversations] what's your denomination? [applause] >> now i have the special honor of welcoming our special guest here tonight. i'm so delighted that my friend martin o'malley is with us. governor o'malley has worked over the last eight years to expand middle-class opportunity and put maryland on the path towards a brighter economic future for all of its citizens. he has fought to strengthen the
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state's public schools, worked with businesses to create jobs, invested in infrastructure improvements, stood up for marriage equality and signed into law a measure to improve maryland's minimum wage. [applause] martin o'malley knows that people, he knows that everyone counts and he knows how to put that core democratic principle into action. governor o'malley has built a fantastic record of progress that will keep maryland families strong for generations to come and he is a fantastic example of what democratic governors can do and are doing across the country. [applause] >> it's really wonderful to be here in portsmouth.
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the mayor spoke earlier and mayor you have a great city and many aspects of it remind me of my city of baltimore. it's also good to see other friends, james and then from campaigns past and the gary hart days and all of the young people that stop by your coordinated campaign headquarters. boy do you have an outstanding group of men and women working on your coordinated campaign. [applause] i can sense here in your state that you after that show we call it back in 2010 chairman buckley that little bit of the speed wobble that we had. i know maggie governor that your people appreciate good leadership and they feel a lot better about the direction in which they are headed thanks to you and the good work you have done. i couldn't help, and i want to share with you just a few words
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of encouragement because i know when you turn -- tune in to some of the cable shows to get discouraged. it's easy to get discouraged watching gridlock in congress. but i've been traveling all around the country going to j.j. dinners as many places i can in helping the democratic party because bill however charismatic and a leader is they cannot succeed unless we all stick together and we are strong. we cannot govern effectively and ever will -- deliver results for people unless we are strong as a party. as i travel around the country i'm noticing three really positive things that are happening in the country and he saw them tonight just in the course of your program. one, there's an emerging consensus about how our economy actually works when it's worki working. when you saw that in the story
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at market basket didn't you? people realize there's more to making your economy work with the human purpose than corporate bottom lines. it's about playable things like the dignity of work on the dignity of every individual in the fact that we are stronger when we are together, the economy is built from the middle out in the middle up. the second thing that i've noticed and really it through young people like those i had the blessing to meet. let's give a big look over there, come on. [applause] some of your parents were taught wittingly and unwittingly and falsely that the way to our security and prosperity was by becoming more separated and more distant from others. but you guys have it right and you were calling our country back to the truth that in fact it's our connections to one another that make a strong.


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