tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 7, 2014 10:00am-12:01pm EDT
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>> is a bigger issue of that case that your position is going to require the court to essentially tell the senate and house the house your procedures are not what you say they are. there is a separation of power power but to think what think we addressed this in the past in the case where it is in this case in the municipal or the case will see whether or not it is violated and in at least the senate wasn't violated because of the particular attack was an assessment or fee. so the court has shown that it's willing to second-guess what happens and i think there is a duty to look at that to determine whether what we are dealing with is a lawful tax or not. this is something that was of critical importance to the founder of the constitution.
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they wanted to make sure that the taxes began in the people's house rather than in the senate and if you are going to simply rely on the congress to determine whether or not it is unconstitutional or not our fundamental procedures like this, then i think that we have some problems as the constitution mean anything anymore. so i think the court can look at it and not be terribly worried about the issue especially based on what they did in years ago. >> other questions? okay we will thank our panel on behalf of the national review and the foundation. i know i had a great time. interesting discussion. thank you. [applause]
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i'm mark warner and i approved this message. >> the largest fraud in history and ed gillespie lobbyist. they paid him $700,000 to block the regulation of the energy market that they could raise utility rates. >> former leaders headed to prison. >> the million-dollar lobbyist to put enron and had a few.
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>> not directly through to the trade we are going to put a price on carbon. >> m-mike warner and obama want to tax cold which would kill thousands of good paying virginia jobs in our communities. >> the anti-agenda would raise electric bills, devastate the local economy and told thousands of good paying jobs. i will fight any tax. my plan will grow the economy by lowering the cost of energy and creating good paying jobs. i approved this message. >> ed gillespie lobbyist and partisan operative is attacking mark warner they call it a misleading, completely made up, the truth he is willing to fix healthcare to find a bipartisan solution to cut the national debt. it's why republicans governor, senator and 14 legislators have endorsed him. >> they don't solve problems working together well. >> i mark warner and i approved this message. >> i'm ed gillespie and i
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approved this message. >> i worked my way through college at the grocery store and parking lot attendant. there's opportunity and dignity in work for today too many virginians are squeezed by mark warner and president obama's policies that raise taxes could increase prices and jobs. they worked with him 90% of the time. that isn't a bipartisan. there are contentions created by measuring good jobs. >> polled by the politics senator warner is leading by about nine to 12 percentage points. we will have the senate debate live tonight at 7:00 eastern on c-span2. then at 9:00 wyeth for a debate in the second district race between incumbent democrat ron barber and
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>> this nationwide competition for middle and high school students will award 150 prizes totaling $100,000. create a five to seven minute documentary on the topic of the three branches and you. videos need to include c-span programming, show varying points of view and must be set at it by january 20, 2015. go to for more information. grab a camera and get started today. >> this is arkansas senator mark pryor with bill clinton campaigning yesterday but politics says he's trailing his challenger. tom caught in the race is rated as a tossup. here's the democrats campaign stop from yesterday. this is about 45 bits. >> welcome to the stage. your team that is putting organs
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/ [cheering] [cheering] >> good afternoon. good afternoon. i am patrick henry hayes and i'm going to be your next second district congressman. let's go get them. all right. let me first of all say it's great to be in the city of colleges. it is a terrific afternoon, and i tell you the energy that each of you are giving us on this stage is extraordinary.
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it's terrific and pumps us up. we have two weeks until early voting and we are going to start voting a lot. [applause] four weeks from tomorrow is judgment day and we know what kind of judgment we are going to have for all of us up here on the stage. so thank you for being here and helping us. good for democrats. let's go. [applause] and today is my grandson will turn six. in one week on october 13, my granddaughter isabella will turn ten. my granddaughter savanna turned 12 on july 25. now mr. president i think it was 11 days ago that you became a grandfather, right?
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[applause] september 26 at 7:over three charlotte came into this world. [applause] i talk about my grandson if he lives another 86 years he might very well see the next century and it's possible, he would've would be 91-years-old. charlotte, she would be 85-years-old plus three months in the next century with could very well be honest. so i'm up here for that generation and for your generation and i'm up here from our generation because we have to make changes in washington. we certainly get this started. you know what the government did and what the republicans did one year ago and i like to say in honor of my three grandchildren
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first of all the two that had birthdays they shut down for 16 days. wasn't that nice of them to two of whom had birthdays? we can't let that happen. that was a travesty. that wasn't something this government could do. government is supposed to work for you and that's what we did in little rock city hall. we didn't shut down. we found a way to make things happen and that's one of the things i'm proudest of in the 24 years i have the chance to serve. people told me that he made things happen. raise your hand how many of you had a chance to go there? it is a good place to live in a good place to be and we want to do that for the seven counties as we represented central arkansas. come november 4 your energy and
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your blessings we are going to make it happen so i just wanted to come and join with these candidates who care. we are up here to make things happen. we appear to go to washington to ensure that we find ways to back the meet the lives of our children and grandchildren better and we are going to do it because we don't intend to sit still or take no for an answer. we will find a way to make things have been and it makes washington functional again. i am proud as i've ever been to be on this stage with my fellow democrats by cross and bill pryor. bill clinton, god bless you and all that you do for the world so let's go get them until november 4. thank you very much. [applause] patrick henry.
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now city of conway, welcome arkansas to next governor mike ross. [applause] how about the bears? [applause] i'm proud to be the democratic nominee for governor of the great state of arkansas. mr. president, welcome home. [applause] i'm running for governor to grow the middle class and i want to build on the foundation the governor has laid especially in the areas of lower education and fair taxes and more better paying jobs. education would be to start sooner . that's why i have a prepaid plan. if you have a 4-year-old
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regardless of your income and your zip code. [applause] in congress i go to i go to the two increased programs and cut interest rates in half and we have to continue to make college within reach for more of our young arkansans. [applause] for those that do not choose college we need a renewed focus on college text so people can learn a skill and trade and certification and get a good paying job and in doing so it helps provide the state with an educated workforce that we needed to need to attract more and better paying jobs to the state. what were the fair taxes. the single mom working two jobs to make ends meet earning $34,000 a year is paying the same tax rate as someone making $340,000 a year there's nothing fair about it and we are going to fix it in a fiscally
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responsible manner. [applause] and women in arkansas should get equal pay for equal work. [applause] we have a plan to address that as well as protect survivors of domestic violence and protect them. this campaign isn't about me or any of us up here it's about all of us. it's about arkansas and the future direction of the state. are we going to build on what president clinton and governor beebe started here or are we going to turn the clock back? its move arkansas forward. here's what i need you to do. mark your calendars and on the 20th get on facebook and text everyone in the world that you know that lives in arkansas and
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told them early voting has started and tell them why you're supporting the folks on this stage and encourage them to get out and vote early than mark your calendar for november 3 and get on facebook add text and e-mail and say if you didn't get around to voting the last two weeks, tomorrow is your chance and elections do have consequences. all of the races are very close. we are working night and day and i'm asking you to join. if you help me between now and november for the promise i will work my heart out for four or hopefully the next eight years. let's move arkansas forward. thank you and god bless. >> the next governor of arkansas, mike ross. now welcome to the stage our senior united states senator for arkansas, senator mark pryor.
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[applause] >> thank you. it's great to be with you. i love this crowd and i love being on the campus. thank you very much mr. president and governor. there's one other governor we need to recognize and that is governor david pryor over there. let's give him a hand. [applause] mike ross is going to make a great governor. the election is four weeks from tomorrow and we have a lot at stake. i didn't come here to talk about my opponents but let me take this opportunity to do so. since we are on a college campus i can't resist to say that my opponent voted for huge cuts in the pell grant program.
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he voted to double the interest rate on the stafford student loan. in fact he went to harvard. he couldn't get into you see a. that he went to harvard and you know how he paid for his education? stafford student loans and he said now he wants to eliminate the stafford student loan program. that is climbing up the ladder and pulling up behind you. he refused to sign the minimum wage petition. he voted against equal pay for equal work. right now in this state, women in arkansas when they are in the workforce workforce they only make 77 cents on the dollar and i am prepared to change that in
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washington. he's also the only one in the arkansas delegation of any vote democrat or republican he is the only arkansas and washington who voted to change the age of medicare and social security to age 70. that's what they tell you i'm on your side as there is a sign that my father gave me when i came to the senate the day that i was sworn in and he said arkansas comes first. he has his millionaire and you've seen the ads on tv that you know what i have? i have the people of the state and that's how we win this race one day at a time. 28 days left and every single
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day counts. we have to get out there, knock on doors and make phone calls. today is the last day of registration. this is crunch time for all of us did to get in gear. if i were on the senate floor right now i would ask for what they call the plaintiff personal privilege and that is mr. president or should i say grampa, can i get a selfie? [cheering] there we go. we got it. [applause] >> and now please welcome the
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most popular governor in the united states of america, governor mike beebe. >> thank you. i didn't know what we were coming here today. i thought this crowd was gathered because you found out i just gave half a million dollars to use uca and you wanted to thank me for it. [applause] i didn't give them anything. it was your money. taxpayers money and i don't know how we can spare taxpayers dollars or anything any better than creating jobs and education. if we get those things right, we get everything right. [applause] which leads me to talk about
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them i going to steal your thunder if i mention something you talked about? those that don't know the president probably don't realize he gets by on about four and a half hours of sleep every night and he loves to call you at all hours. [laughter] he can't stand to be alone so if he gets bored he just starts calling people. the other night i'm watching a football game or something and my cell phone rings and the president. usually it is people calling during the day. but he says i'm going through these polls in arkansas and one of the things that stands out is that people view my mike ross
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and mark prior as people that can work together and bring people together and solve problems. that's what we ought to be talking about, who they are versus for their opponents are and how they can work together. [applause] i wasn't going to do this but i decided i am going to do it. the opponent is a smart guy. he's a good guy. he's worked with me and helped me. he worked with the last legislative session on some issues so imagine my disappointment when for pure political purposes during the republican primary season he came out knowing better against the private option which is to injure 200,000 people, saved our hospitals to spend our tax dollars in arkansas instead of
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spending them to california and taking care of arkansas people and he came out against that just for political votes when he knew better. that is enough reason right there to tell you we want somebody that will stand behind us and not take cheap political shots. [applause] if there's anybody in washington who decries the overt partisanship and the inability to get anything done across party lines and to try to do away with the gridlock that exists, if there is anyone out there that personifies their willingness to work together and get stuff done if the senior senator from arkansas mark prior. we need more like mark pryor
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then that other stuff. [applause] i don't know if that's a dog behind me or what it was but whatever it is i think he sounded like a democrat. [laughter] >> the president said it's a yellow dog. [laughter] i've known mike and served with him in the senate and he did precisely in the congress but mark pryor has done in the senate and that is he's tried to figure out how to move the country forward and work together in a fashion that allows problems to be solved rather than ideological differences to divide us in a fashion that nothing happens. so if you want somebody that will take a divided legislature of republicans and democrats and though continue with what's going on in the previous governors to put arkansas first and make organs will move forward, mike ross is your man. he works for our kind of people. [applause]
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i am not going to presume that every human being in this audience is registered to vote. i'm going to assume almost all of you are registered to vote for don't want to embarrass anybody so i'm not going to ask for a show of hands but this is the last day to register and anybody in the audience that isn't currently registered, please go do it. are we registering anybody here as we speak? there is somebody out there with it but would -- with a clipboard. i don't want you having registered in washington, d.c. last week. the big turnout means that the debate could these things when
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and the turnout by this part and educated hard-working college students makes all the difference in the world and they need to lead the way in that regard. it is my pleasure to introduce somebody that doesn't need an introduction by introduce him in this way every time i get the chance. ladies and gentlemen, the 42nd governor of arkansas bill clinton. [cheering] >> thank you very much. hello, uca and thanks for letting the other people come. [cheering]
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i want to thank the president and the entire uca staff for having us here. i want to thank the other candidates here, the representative and longtime friend tommy thompson, the candidate for the house, tyler pearson for the senate and a graduate of the clinton school of public service. the candidates for the commissioner mark robinson and john joyner for for lieutenant governor longtime friend of mine i would appreciate your support. i'm glad to be here for my cross and -- mike ross and a mark pryor. there was a headline on the website called real clear politics. as it's a decline than those back to the patch, his arkansas
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obsession. but think that this they talked to the reporter and said you don't understand. he comes back here all the time. i was there the other day to look at the tornado damage. iberia to two cousins and one of my mother's best friends this year. i'm about to go to my 50th high school union. i hate it but i am. you're going to have the anniversary of the presidential center in little rock. you are all invited by the way. [applause] i love my state. without you i never would have had a chance to do anything. and i didn't come back to the patch. i came back to the future of arkansas and the future of america. that's what you represent. [cheering] so, the first thing i want to
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say you probably figured this out this is not an ordinary election and you see these polls all over the place. i will tell you a little secret they are all correct. you say that's not possible but it is possible. they have to figure out what is the percentage of people by race, but the percentage of people by the agenda that are going to vote and for the most important thing the people by age that are going to vote. these people are here with clip boards because they are more than people in this place that aren't registered and we are here and we are going to other campuses because historically in the nonpresidential years there is a big drop-off in the youth vote. and the opponents of these candidates are betting there will be this year and i'm
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betting that there won't be and it's up to you. [applause] nobody has a bigger stake in this thing you do so i want to urge you to register and vote and i want to tell you why. first of all, there is a reason he has the highest approval rating of any governor in america. she doesn't run away from his party label, he's been for progressive things that he believes he should listen to and work with everybody. he's sort of in our dna down here. i was raised to believe i couldn't possibly be right all the time. and so i never said to anybody it's my way or the highway. ..
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mike beebe is popular because arkansas has biggest drop in a percentage of uninsured people, ma people without health insurance in the country. we ranked number one. [cheers and applause] people say i really don't like that health care law. you're working families indicates of health insurance because of it. [cheers and applause] now, you've got a good model here. just below us is louisiana. they took the my way or the highway deal. they said, we're not going to take that medicaid money, not us. it's all bad. so what happened? we ranked first in the country and the percentage of people who got health insurance, and they are near the bottom because they wouldn't take the expansion and get working families a chance to ensure their kids and themselves. and guess what? it's just been announced that
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its estimated that under the private option program, insurance premiums in arkansas will actually go down this year 2%, down. [cheers and applause] now, why is that? because if you're under 26 and you on your parents policy or if you get in the private option, then when you need health care you're not uninsured. if you get health care when your attitude some else's got to pay the bill. so what happened in our neighboring state of louisiana? blue cross has asked for a rate increase of 18.5%. a difference on average across the nation is $1800 a year to families who are healthier and have more money in their pockets because mike beebe do the right thing working with democrats, republicans, independents can anybody that cared about putting the people of arkansas first. [cheers and applause]
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the same thing is true in education. deana with the average national high school average rate is? 81%. arkansas, 84. [cheers and applause] the real reason all the student loan issues are so important that senator pryor was talking about is, we are still not above the national average in the percentage of people to go to college and get degrees. they are almost two and 50,000 arkansas adults have actually done time and execution of higher education and couldn't finish their degrees, mostly for economic reasons. so we've got a big opportunity here. wind pat hays served as mayor 24 years as mayor of north little rock, we've known each other every day and then some. and i can tell you because i was president during eight of those years, he became one of the most highly regarded mayors not just
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in arkansas but in the united states. because he balanced the budget to make of the size of the government and increased the scope of their activities, and all the way he is talking about it. do you think you got the ballpark in the arena and caterpillar they're dealing only with democrats? know. you d do with everybody and treated everybody right and his work is good and he didn't wake up in the morning thinking i wanted like to make mad today. if i make the right people mad, somebody from out of state will send me a big check. you are laughing but it's true, isn't it? everybody is trying to hijack our politics. you have to own it here because only your lives will be affected. as for this election they will go off and worry about something else, and you will be stuck with the people who get elected. so mike ross i've known since was a teenager when he drove me around and the governor's race 32 years ago. he probably wishes he was still a teenager.
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i knew he had something even then. and you've got an unusual opportunity in the governor's race and the senate race. because all four candidates have served in congress. and they've all got a record. mike ross and mike breyer have proven -- mike pryor have proven to work with them but to get anything done and they will hate in action and gridlock and shutting the government down and not anybody doing anything for anybody else. and they've been under republican as well as democratic presidents. mark pryor was one of 14 senators, seven democrats and seven republicans, who made an agreement when george bush was president to break the gridlock on nominating federal judges. do you know what happened? he got high% of his nominations approved and i did or than president obama has. why? they broke the gridlock.
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as democrats we proved we were willing to work with them. mike ross was the leader in so-called blue dog caucus. they were always pushing through bipartisan budget bills, and solutions to problems. marks opponent can't say that. marks opponent voted against the farm bill, 36% of our gdp. that's a really good move. he said i had to do it. they polluted it. they pollute it with a foodstamp bill. the foods that bill has always been in the farm bill, and we're spending way less on food stamps because unemployment rate is going down. [cheers and applause] but the money goes to farmers. and you heard mark talk about all those other votes. but i just want to say that we know what they will do by what they have done. it feels like mike bbs style of
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leadership, you've got to vote for mike ross and you've got to vote for mike breyer because they will do it. now, just think a minute about what the attack against them has been. every, they're really going against the president, aren't they? they say the polls, the present some popular in arkansas and yeah, the economy is going back nobody believes it yet because you don't feel that. but remember what i said for years ago, or two years ago, in charlotte. financial crises take an average of 10 years to get over. we just crossed over and we are now creating more jobs above where we were before the crash. six years, four years ahead of the global average for 150 years, we are doing better than that. i don't expect anybody to vote on or anybody to be happy about it because middle-class incomes haven't risen.
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the average families making less adjusted for inflation and the day i left office. we are coming back. with 700,000 more manufacturing jobs, making more cars and we've made in eight years. we've got 10 million new jobs. in three of the last four quarters, the growth rate has been 3.5, 4.5 and 4.6%. more jobs have been created here than in europe and japan combined, and they have a lot more people than we do combined. so we are going to come back. so what you have to ask yourself is, who's going to put the pedal to the metal? what does arkansas need? we need more college graduates. we need to reform the student loan program. we need to find a way to help people refinance those loans at lower interest rates. we need to give everybody a chance to pay it back as a percentage of income. mark pryor will do it and his opponent won't. [cheers and applause]
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we need to build on the advances in education and figure out a way to abolish the distinction -- this is my obsession, abolished the distance between what is academic and what is practical. so that people can get college degrees and they can have practical skills. mike ross will do it. his opponent won't talk about that. now, i could go through all those issues, but, you know, i'm telling you the truth. so why would you not vote? it's your future. it's your future. it's true, i just became a grandfather and you care more about the future when you get a kid or a grandkid, that's true. but all my life i thought that one of the greatest privileges i ever had was being born and growing up here, where i was taught not to turn away from anybody because of their race or their income or their political
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party. or just because they disagreed with me on something. i was taught by my mother that every now and then i would be wrong, and i needed to keep my ears open and. i needed to listen as much as i talked. i didn't quite take that quite too hard. [laughter] but i tried. and i'm just telling you, you cannot afford to do what their opponents won't. they want you to make it a protest vote. they are saying you may like these guys but hey, you know what you got to do. you've got to vote against the promise -- president. it's a pretty good scam. give me a six-year job for a two-year protest. that's mark pryor's opponents message. i voted to cut student loans, i voted to raise the interest rate. yeah, i voted against the
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violence against women act. no, i will never vote for equal pay for equal work. are you kidding? what i vote to raise the minimum wage? no way. i will do you one more protest vote. you've got to give me six years. for a protest that will be irrelevant in two years. or in the case of the governor, you've got to really cast a protest vote. give me a for your job that doesn't have a link to do with washington, d.c., so you can have one more protest. does that make any sense to you? [applause] throw your future of the window. don't care about the college loans. don't care about having preschool for every kid. what do we know? we know the average poor child, when he or she starts school, if they came from a family that couldn't afford to send them to kindergarten, couldn't afford a prekindergarten program, listen to this, 3 million fewer words.
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do you think that word again out to deep and on what your income is? or as mike says, what your zip code is. he doesn't. i don't. if you don't you better vote for mike ross for governor. [cheers and applause] and pat hays, it's true come easily to a two-year term but one thing we know that him is he cut the budget, balanced the budget and still did more, and he will work with people. i get tickled. his opponent once gave him an award for being a fabulous mayor and now he is criticizing them for the term he once praised him for. [applause] if you get a bipartisan budget deal the president will sign it. any president will sign it. i've been there, i know. if it's a bipartisan it will be signed. pat hays will do that kind of work for you. this is really important. if you really understand why
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mike beebe at the highest approval rating of any governor in the country, you have to vote for pat hays and mike ross and mark pryor, because they will do that. and basically the decision being presented to our voters is this. that all makes perfect sense, bill, but really i have to do one more time a guy to cast a protest vote. why? because all this out of state money buying television ads tells me to. i'd like to think about arkansas, i'd like to think about our future, i'd like to think about what would be best for our children and grandchildren i just can't do it. or you can honor mike beebe's service and continue his legacy by voting for what you are for, not what you are against. that is the right thing to do. [cheers and applause]
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ever since i was a little boy went all the civil rights trouble here. i've been sick and tired of people stirring people up making them vote at the mouth and make the vote what they are for against us and what therefore. how may times have we seen people do something they knew better than to do just because they're in a snip? look at this campus. i've been coming a long time. you have no idea how much it's grown, how much better it is, what all is going on here compared to what used to go on here. look at this crowd. you have no idea how much more diverse it is, how much more hopeful that is, how much more full of potential that is. there is nothing that can hold us back but us. [cheers and applause] >> so that's it. be faithful to the to heritage of your state.
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might be arranged at the southern governors conference to have way lynn holyfield's wonderful song, arkansas, you run deep in the sun. we commission when i was your governor a contest to write a song for our 150th birthday. the end of it is i may wander and i'm a grown but i will never be far from home. [applause] you're in my heart and you always be. arkansas, you run deep in me. vote your heart. don't vote for what they said you have to be against. vote for what you know you should be for. vote for mark pryor. vote for mike ross. vote for pat hays. vote for mike beebe's legacy and you will be happy a month from the. thank you and god bless you. [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ >> during a campaign stop senator pryor took a selfie with former president clinton. this picture from c-span's coverage yesterday. senator pryor tweeted thank you, mr. president, and thank you, arkansas. let's win this race. recent polls show republican challenger tom cotton pulling ahead. more live coverage today here on c-span2 at new nation a discussion that the president's authority to use military force against isis without written congressional authorization. that's from the cato institute in about one hour 15 minutes from the. at seven, live from virginia were a your senate debate between incumbent democrat mark warner and his republican challenger, former chair of the rnc. real clear politics show senator
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warner leading in that race. you can watch the debate live tonight on c-span2. at nine, live from arizona for debate in the second district race. this seat is the one that was once held by gabby giffords covering tucson and the southeastern part of arizona. the governor of colorado, john hickenlooper debated republican candidate bob bill press just a. "the cook political report" calling this as lanes democratic. the rothenberg political report says it's a tossup, tilts democratic. this is about 45 minutes. >> moderator: mr. beauprez, governor hickenlooper often touts an economic record he says has added 200,000 new jobs and help reduce the unemployment rate from 9.1% to 5.3% are given critical of his record in comparison to some of the surrounding states. specifically what would be your
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first two decisions to reverse hickenlooper policies that you believe we persisted in a better direction? beauprez: thank you for the question. the denver, jim, all your pardon, thank you for the opportunity. look, when i talk to coloradans about what's holding them back, they're very clear on the answer, government. we've gotten into an era where is government on the people instead of off by and for the people. when i said what do you mean, they consistently say regulations. john will tout regulation is eliminated buddies also put on the books 2000 new ones along with the federal government about 100,000 pages of regulations a year. i would if anybody out there thinks what's been holding us back getting this economy moving again is we haven't been regulated enough. i don't think so. what we have to do first is free's nonessential regulations. if it's not public safety related, stop, go to an audit,
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if it's not pro-job, pro-economic opportunity let's get rid of it. let's be a government that's open for business again and by sending that message we can get colorado really moving once more. >> moderator: why not free some of these regulations? hickenlooper: constitutional get a have the right to free this regulation. there's a legal process you got to go through which is what we've been doing. you step back and we have now eliminate over 1500 regulations, significantly simplified or dramatically changed over 5000 regulations. the point being were trying to work with industry to make sure that the regulations are actually provide the safeguards that are really necessary. when we went after methane, the first asian-american to regulate methane but we didn't do it by impose regulations. we sat down with the oil and gas industry, set the time to agree on definitions and then create a
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set of regulations that is now a national model. i think that's a challenge in each of these cases to go out and you need some regular should but how to make sure you get rid of the red tape and the stuff getting in the way of business growing. >> moderator: is the governor right? beauprez: you don't have to sign new regulation that that's what he's been doing. a government in utah, he did exactly what i said. free's nonessential regulations, eliminate the antibusiness wants and that's what he has failed to do. we've got parts of this state, grand junction, el paso county, colorado springs, actually has had negative growth five years into this supposed obama hickenlooper recovery. we have had some decent recovery in this state but i will stipulate that. there's a whole lot of the state that is to wondering where's the recovery for them. five years into it this ought to be a robust full employment
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economy. we're about 200,000 jobs short of where we normally would be if we had a full labor participation rate by colorado historically has. it's declined 2% on his watch. hickenlooper: do i get double the time? you can measure the entire country is lacking in this recession. it's been a slow steady recession. serving no one likes that. that i think when you compare us to surrounding states, the congressman says our state has been worse. our unemployment has come to about four points. the average of all the states that are contiguous to colorado is .2% drop in unemployment. we are outperforming them answer of in terms of new job creation and entrepreneurs we are one of the top 10 committees in technology for technology. that's remarkable achievement. try for moving to the next topic
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for the governor. talk about common core. critics of common core like mr. beauprez says the program is too rigid, it's a one size fits all education system and that washington should back off and give states and schools the ability to raise standards on their own. supporters of the loss i give states and schools ample flexibility while ensuring these schools meet these high standards. if you win a second term would you commit to keeping colorado in common core? hickenlooper: i don't even call a common core. i call a colorado court. so we are clear, what common core was 10 years ago, governors, nobody washington, governors came to gather, the majority of republicans have said we need higher standards. this was part of no child left behind when president bush which comes from mr. beauprez's supporters at the time. we need standards, we need to know that in a in alamosa is the same as in grand junction, the
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same again for. we also need to be able to measure our improvement and her student achievement against other states. and against other countries. the globe is become smaller and smaller and education will be the key people and more jobs down the road. the point of the colorado core comment each of these assessment systems have been personalized to colorado so they really are a common core anymore. their colorado core. i think they will work. >> moderator: get your response. i would like you to address, your opposition to common core with a vote you cast in the house in 2003 against a plan that would've allowed states to avoid being penalized for failing to meet no child left behind. beauprez: what i introduced in congress is exactly i would like to see happening in colorado right now. the federal government should block grant it to the state the money in the authority to address education. you stop and say nobody loves a child more than a mother and her dad. why in the world we need a
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federal government intervention into how and where the child gets educated? colorado historically has had great standards and we started that effort under governor bill a win. we've got good standards now but here's the reality. go talk to principles as i have, there's probably some in the room, of high-performance schools and they will tell you common core will cause them to have to dumb down or standards and their performance. and increased testing so that less instruction time and more testing time. on this governors watch, ladies and gentlemen, discourse adult life. our third grade reading scores and our math scores in colorado have deteriorated. that is a tragedy and a scandal and one that frankly i will promise you today will be addressed on my watch. let's give opportunity every child in colorado and a source with the ability to learn how to read and for i have those scores deteriorated? hickenlooper: a very small amount but i think the fact
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remains they have serious challenges and education. since we passed the read act, make sure that third graders are able, when they finished third grade cannot read. if they don't we know that a harder time catching up. couldn't get it fully funded last year. i think we will begin to see improvements. working with organizations like reach out and read making sure every tv commission in the state is able to give parents, no matter what their income level, a book, even for their child is born the each time they visit their pediatrician they get another book to make sure they're reading to their kids. literacy is a big part. i agree there might be in certain places too much testing and we should look at how much testing but we need common assessment standards. we have a legal obligation to comment assessment standards. if we pulled out of the colorado core we would be 25 or $30 million to replace all the work that's been done. beauprez: these as scores deteriorated a little bit. did it become unacceptable that
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scores to do it at all? how do you explain to those 2% of children who can't read, those 2% of additional children who can't read at grade level while maybe next you will work out a little better. ladies and gentlemen and this is a scandal that's gone on for too long spirit we are collectively as coloradans ought to commit to solving that scandal. give our kids a fighting chance. teach them how to read. >> moderator: spent on the subject of education, the jefferson county board of education has a heated debate over how to teach advanced placement history course but to summit county board members have proposed to keep the students quote benefit the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. while avoiding lessons that -- disregard of the law. mr. beauprez in your view is appropriate to promote the good aspects of american history and downplay the negative ones? beauprez: in my view it's a part for schools to instruct children us with has been lost.
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we've had too much precious instruction time because of children and/or teachers have and out of the classroom and not instructing kids. this is much more dispute that's been ongoing and brewing for long time between the school board that was elected by the people and by a teachers union and teachers specifically. i think there's a way to resolve the. i think they ought to resolve it adds adults should can professionally and outside the classroom but let's for heaven sakes get on with the main mission of schools and with teachers. >> moderator: you think the proposal is a good idea? beauprez: it and not a has every right, they have an obligation to look at curriculum. in the wisdom of the voters and the parents they get out of kilter that's why we have elections for is to resolve those differences between voters and an elected group of officials, in this case mr. hickenlooper. hickenlooper: certainly our system delegates authority to the school districts. i think it's more about the
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students and i think they're right to go out and protest for couple of days is not going to endanger their final test scores. my understanding their parents are committed to them staying current with their classrooms. but in the end it is an obligation of every school district. they are elected by their citizens to really judge what is history? for the life of me i can't say how you can get in that big of a fight. we should be able to have our kids learn about the tea party but also about martin luther king. i think that's just basic common sense that you want your kids to get the full range of american history, the good, the bad, the expensive, the challenges, and let them sort through. part of a good education is teaching kids where we made mistakes and where we need to do better and sort through complicated information and, to their own opinion. >> moderator: so you're concerned with the proposal? hickenlooper: or less it was --
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approaches to history more than what i would have gone toward but i do agree with with mr. beauprez that it isn't that school board responsibility to supervise and manage that curriculum. >> moderator: do you want to respond? beauprez: only to point out one more thing i think needs to be pointed out and that's on the governor's term we have no fallen according to obama's census department to 50 and breaking my favorite states and getting our federal tax dollars back to fund our schools. we all are concerned about adequate funding. i to start by getting at least a dollars back from washington that we sent to washington that we have every right to expect to get back to fund colorado schools. >> moderator: if you do want to respond all move on. hickenlooper: i will just throw out, bills management on education fund, we did apply. we got over $35 million for early childhood education. those foreigners that he is referring to really are based on
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affluence and how much money your state government spends on education. for more money the state spent an education the better you do in the. we've always been in the bottom five or 10. we are right now either at the bottom are close to the bottom but that' that the combination r financial successes as a state and also the funds, lack of funding we've been able to give to schools. beauprez: i've got to respond to that. the reality is that we have fallen an average household income, you talk to the affluence of our state but average house with incoming caller has fallen by $4000 in the last four years. and four years ago we were ranked 42. not in the bottom five. we were 42 and we're not talking about dollars and cents. we are talking tens of millions of dollars of difference. the job of the governor is to go get which you have every right to have back of its citizens and colorado gets 84 cents back on every dollar we send to washington. i don't think that's adequate.
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>> moderator: i will move on to the next topic in the issue of fracking. of course hot button issues here and local oil and gas and drilling. you engineered a compromise of course to ensure that ballot measures were not in this november's ballot. try to cut a deal as well. not the there's a task force studying this issue on how to proceed, what would you do, governor, if that tas task force deadlocks? whawith specific are the limits that you set in regulating fracking? hickenlooper: first i think it's fair to go back and look at that negotiations that guide us to having it in the first place. congressman beauprez one of those in the city want to keep those ballot initiatives on the ballot, that they would not pass. we would've had a $50 million food fight, no matter who won we would've been doing the same thing in the next two years. what we have now is an opportunity with some of our i
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think leading citizens from across the state to really look at the conflict. we have an issue where we have someone's right to quiet enjoyment in their home where they live but also someone who is private property, who owns the mineral rights sometimes in close proximity. how do we balance those? there are ways to find compromises and solutions that mitigate the impact of that activity on someone's enjoyment of their home. and i think if we do this, this isn't just a problem in colorado. it's in ohio and pennsylvania. it's in texas and wyoming. we are the first state to sit down and make sure both sides are at the table, right? and how do we find a compromise we don't find it on the ballot in the next two years? >> moderator: what would you do that if the commission does not reach a deal? how would you proceed on this? hickenlooper: i think the commission, if they can't reach a two-thirds majority which is what we set up, they've got to
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get to the two-thirds majority recommend something for legislation, but if they can't do that it would be a majority opinion in a minority opinion and the legislature will tackle it. they will tried to get something passed. it's too big a deal and to important to this is a $30 billion part of our economy, and to allow it to be put at risk, it effects almost every other business in the state. transfer would you commit as governor if he went to listen to whatever the commission proposes? beauprez: even if it calls for strong local control bikes i will listen to but i think it's a solution in search of a problem frankly. is what i disagree there is on with the governor. by doing what he did he perpetuate uncertainty with the oil and gas industry now for several years. that's what's been chasing investment out of the state battled in the oil and gas industry by industry in general. overregulation and uncertainty, chase job somewhere else. he referred to it earlier,
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denies this reality by the labor department phone numbers say the toll employment numbers in the five states surrounding us are better than ours when you add in involuntary part-time employed, unemployed and people who have given up looking for work and left the work force. colorado lacks behind our five neighbors. part of the reason is what is referring to right now. he said that he would create regulation even if this commission doesn't come up with something, they will find something. that's exactly what's been the problem is regulation after regulation after regulation, year after year breeds uncertainty and investment will go some else. >> moderator: i isn't too close? is there a limit to how close? beauprez: we've done this and i personally have done this because we had impact on our land. we have solved these problems and colorado historically for decades, and almost a century. by all sides coming together and
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to signing memorandums of understanding and meeting in the middle. they have done it by community by community. what we're trying to do is regulate, not better regulate an industry i changed an industry out of the state. ladies and gentlemen, we've never been able to harvest natural resources safer, more efficiently, wiser than we can right now. we ought to be celebrating that not punishing that. >> moderator: chasing major indices out of the state? hickenlooper: next you will be the largest year of investment in oil and gas industry in the history of the state. clearly this negotiation was done with the industry side by side talking to them back and forth, back and forth making sure that they compromise and the commission really had a chance of succeeding. trust me, the major players in the state like the largest operators, a half-dozen companies that drill 75-80% of the wells support this
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commissionable if we're not overregulating to a supported the net and regulations to make sure we can guarantee people, look, what i said for years ago we will be the most pro-business state in america. we are going to hold ourselves to the highest standard. the cleanest air and water. the way to do that is get both sides, industry and the nonprofit community, environmental committee side-by-side in the same room and let both sides have their share of the foreign figure out what is the solution to where both sides feel they have succeeded. >> moderator: why not take environmental concerns serious on this? beauprez: i have to push back. he's right. he brought a couple of digs into room buddy just, small independent guys that needed voice right under the bus. i hope you heard him say that. i won't do that. i won't do that in colorado. the little guys need to champion the they need a real champion. you will have that in me. >> moderator: moving on. to you, mr. beauprez the immigration reform.
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major business issues here in the states, and deal with illegal immigration remains a centerpiece of that effort. you said in a radio interview in july that if washington doesn't act quote governors ought to be allowed to do it as jan brewer try t to do in arizona but, of course, that arizona law requires state law enforcement officials to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if there's reason to suspect that the individual might be here illegally. would you as governor try to enact a similar law here in colorado, and has specifically would you target undocumented immigrants? beauprez: that is a mischaracterization. what i was referring to with jan brewer was that she defended the property rights and the lives of the people under border. had nothing to do with the legislation. this political opponents decided it does but it didn't. it had to do with jan brewer standing up when the federal government wouldn't so farmers
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and ranchers a special on our southern border whose ranches became inhabitable and unusable because the federal government failed to secure the border. that's what i respect not only about that governor but other governors who said wait a minute, federal government, do your job. and that's been the problem with illegal immigration frankly for both parties. there's been a lot of dialogue and a lot of back and forth for political gain and trying to get votes but there's been a complete lack of will to solve the problem. the governor said for years ago when the campaign that is going to lead a march on washington to somehow to resolve this problem, and i wonder how the walk is going? we have had absolutely no solution and i think governors are pretty much fed up with washington and are going to demand washington once and for all solve the problem. >> moderator: would you try to do something similar summit to what arizona did? beauprez: i never had any reference. the answer is no. i was referring to her
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protecting the private property rights and the lives and livelihood of for cities and communities especially on the border. hickenlooper: i'm not sure if he said that before but he has said before he thinks the 12 million undocumented people here should all have to leave the country first before any kind of process goes forward, even if it comes want to stay together, their families should leave, cleansing or something, the term there. you said you want to take away the driver's license and repeal that. utah has a driver's license for undocumented. nevada. you look at it as a crucial part of highway safety. i think there are four key ingredients we should get to, to get a national agreement on comprehensive immigration reform. i am working with the governor the eye of the chair this year of the national governors association about twice the 20 governors lined up on secure the border, get an id system that works come make sure there are
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consequences for people from hiring people under the table and have a guest worker system that is robust. not just for technology but for agricultural employees, tourism employs, people were we have trouble filling those jobs. these we get enough governors together and we will do this, i think governors come we are not like congress. we work together pretty well. i can sit down with republicans and democrats and talk about immigration and really move forward. i think we can pressure congress and after this midterm election i think will make progress. >> moderator: he mentioned the issue of self deportation but do you favor that policy? beauprez: no, i don't think that's necessary at all in the america we live in today. effect when the things i talk about frequently is that shame on us frankly, all of us, for allowing us to allow this the last three decades. we are more dignified than this. >> moderator: how to deal with the illegal immigrants?
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traffic he heard me say the same for peace of opposed to they need to be salty of the in public. secure the border, legal immigration, reinforced the employment laws, and then you have a system where people can self identify, apply for legal status. if they can pass a background check, they have a sponsoring employee -- employer, pay some restitution and i think and we can resolve the problem. you have to start at the front end of securing the border and modernizing legal immigration. so employers and immigrants can get an answer in a hurry. hickenlooper: i guess the one part and we worked very hard and trying to put together the colorado compact, i don't think you signed that, right? haven't taken a position the colorado compact supported by the conference, denver metro chamber, farm bureau, attorney general's, similar to the utah compact that has six basic core values and it's the thing if we
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want to get to a solution come will have to come together on. >> moderator: why haven't you signed the colorado compact? beauprez: i want to ask him a question. his president in the white house, and the president had a democrat senate and house, if they were so all fired interested in solving this problem, as the president said in '08 and he said in 2010, why is it still out? ladies and gentlemen is a failure of will. we can talk about after the election we will fix it, but it's always after the election and then some people forget. this is an issue that america is better than and would dedicate after in a hurry. the big influential position of national governors association chair, i would think he could influence the white house on just this subject but we are not grabbing national would have been a lot of talk transit i want to ask him a question about questions. >> moderator: if you have one you can do it, okay.
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hickenlooper:estate here of cour hickenlooper, to you, a number state public yet what color it has done when it comes to recreational marijuana including the district of columbia. what would be your advice to both states? should they follow a colorado model with hope of increasing their own revenue stream, including jobs in the industry, or was colorado's move a mistake? transit you know what i devised other governors and i've asked, asked for equally, i mean, i opposed it almost every elected official in the state of post a pic we're not only the first date to do this, where the first litter the first country. even copenhagen and amsterdam, they never legalized it. they just decriminalized it and there are series challenges. i think what other states should be done is take a long slow careful look and see have it
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goes here. we continued to be very concerned about young people. we don't see any data that shows a giant spike of adults suddenly smoking marijuana now that it is legal but we are worried that teenagers whose brains are still maturing, the studies were we talking or a scientist, there's a longitudinal study get but those neuroscientists are very, very concerned. they think there's a high probability that even once a week, the kid while the brain is still snowing smokes pot, it has a probability to diminish their long-term memory. is like taking my iq points. so i think any governor should look at doing this before we see what the consequences are, i would do as reckless. >> moderator: reckless here? hickenlooper: i think for us to do that without having all the data, there is not enough data interest in extent you could say was reckless. i'm not saying it was reckless because i would get quoted ever but it was up to me i would not have done it. i have opposed it from the very
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beginning. i will say it's reckless. [laughter] if it makes you happy. [applause] >> moderator: do you agree, wasn't reckless? beauprez: so will i, john. [laughter] transfer would you and governor, mr. beauprez, would you try to repeal this law? beauprez: when you take an oath to enforce the law should recognize that's one of them now. it's in our constitution. i think this is an area where john and i actually see phase -- see things. the big piece of the puzzle will be honestly educating our citizens at a special our young people about the consequences. this is a bigger public safety issue, folks, and i think that's part of the discussion we have to have it and i know the governor doesn't like me going there, but i saw the lead story in "the denver post" this morning and it brings up an
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issue i think that needs to be debated and needs to be part of this election. "the denver post" pointed out we are turning some very violent criminals, very violent and mentally unstable criminals right back out into her neighborhood, right back out onto our streets it and it happened on his watch. "the denver post," curt mitchell specifically said that his staff asked them not to print the story. apparently you don't have a right to know the truth about who's getting released into our neighborhoods. hickenlooper: this is an issue going on for very long time. amish with this question has to do with your question. sounds like we are going to do all that of evolving in the debate. so i do know which -- i read this story. the first i've heard about was employed evidently was worried about alarming people. that is not our policy of not something we tried to do. this is the problem in every state and all over the country.
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when someone serves their time, you can't keep them. we try to get a law passed less you what you could have someone coming from people have mental illness and people we deem a real threat either to themselves and others and we couldn't get it through for a variety of reasons. i think that challenge, whether we give a large, right now there's federal law limiting how many of these alerts you can send out, the alerts we can send that we do send out. but again we have to obey the law just like any governor does. >> moderator: i want to follow up still on the topic of marijuana. you with governor chris christie a few months ago and to double down on his criticism that colorado's recreational marijuana laws, hurts the quality of life. he said for the people who are enamored with the idea of the income, tax revenue from this, go to colorado in see if you want to live there. see if you want to major city in colorado where there's hip shops
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on every corner and give a flying inches to come in and get high. do you agree with chris christie? [laughter] beauprez: i'm glad chris christie has come back to colorado and seems want to invest in colorado's future. hickenlooper: i appreciate chris christie but from as chair of the national governors association. he's not all bad. >> moderator: fair enough. now is your opportunity to question each other. with already had some of that but a be this time you guys can respond. [laughter] first to you, governor hickenlooper, you can ask your question and mr. beauprez, you have 50 seconds to respond. hickenlooper: i guess i would ask the part we haven't discussed right now, your opposition to some a statewide initiative, support of others but you supported referendum a., the water grab. you oppose referendum see,
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referendum thew referendum the which are bouncing ask to try to make sure the chamber could work effectively. in each of these cases you opposed getting a compromise solution for the ballot initiatives around cracking. you said you want them to stay on so we could get resolution to those. does seem, at least on the surface, to not take into consideration the long-term consequences for the state. i wanted to ask you just to give some reasons or a reason. beauprez: somebody who's third generation coloradan on my dad's side, somebody was just i don't have a long-term interest in colorado in my heart, that's not very well thought through frankly, government. i do have the long-term interest of color at hard. reference a was a project supported by this chamber. i do disagree with see in the
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because i thought there were other options. i thought they were good options. that's a difference of public policy. you seem to have a habit of getting paralyzed by you call collaboration, or conflict. i don't. i don't have a problem looking at an issue, sometimes very difficult issues making a decision and then leaving. that's what i would've done on these energy so-called initiatives. i would've beaten them back once and for all and created certainty in the marketplace which has been desperately lacking. that's where we disagree, instead of kicking the can down the road and perpetuating uncertainty, i'd like to resolve it. >> moderator: your turn to query the governor. beauprez: governor, the king up on the point we were just at, it strikes me as curious that you took some exception with what
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your spokesman said in a newspaper of with the newspaper said about your office. you said you were trying to keep this evidence, this information about parolees, violent parolees away from the public. in fact, curt mitchell said office tried to keep them from publishing it. you said you did know anything about it, but he said they contacted your office, you weren't available for comment on friday, and your own spokesman come your own spokesman was on record as contradicting what you did, that said, your department of corrections head said that legislative fixes really work on the agenda, serving a this year. why don't you just tell us, where is all that? because it alarms me, these aren't isolated instances of grave concern i think of the citizens of colorado, people this violent that are sworn in once they get out, go commit
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mass murders as the newspaper chronicled this morning. this is a very serious public safety issue and i think policies and color do you need to be addressed. hickenlooper: certainly we've been addressing the role issues and the reform of things like solitary confinement more aggressively than probably any state in the country. i don't think of someone in my office, so in the department of corrections. so that part is a part i hadn't heard about the iditarod but if they're asking questions. i talked and ask him if this is something we are concerned about as much as anybody. these folks make threats. if i get out of going to go get again am going to come back and kill everybody in the department of corrections. well, that is a threat that should be taken safely but it's hard to prosecute. the district attorney's, there are so many threats coming out of these prisoners, especially the ones of mental illness challenges, that they're having our time to work through them. is the way to do legislation
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that can attest that? there might be. i've added you look at it the you will accuse me of taking too long or why haven't done it before. the liberation isn't necessarily weakness. some people see it as a strength. >> moderator: moving to a topic that's of interest in this room, labor. mr. beauprez got a number of republican governors have moved to weaken the power of labor unions, and turned their states into right to work states. i'm wondering if you when would you push to amend the state constitution to make the state a right to work state, or is the current system working? beauprez: i've always favored right to work. i wish colorado was a right to work state, yes. i don't know that it's a top legislative priority right now given the make of our state legislature. that's a bit of a political reality. my favorite competitive work environment? yes, i think it will benefit colorado's business community, colorado's economy and the benefit to that economy and job
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creation then i imported. >> moderator: but you would not make that a top party? beauprez: if it passed i would be glad to sign it. >> moderator: similar labor issue on minimum wage. governor hickenlooper, "the denver post" debate last week you said scheuer, when asked whether you back a minimum-wage increase right now. it's about $8 per hour per student, a of course democrats in washington want to increase this to $10.10 an hour. if you could expand your thinking on this. which you push your political capital on the line in a second term to push for a change to four significant increase the minimum wage in this state? hickenlooper: i'm not sure i would push for. it was was just or no questions at this lot attached to the. in colorado it's in our constitution. we are already increasing a minimized along with inflation. the question didn't really attached to our processes in
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colorado. i do think it's worth discussing how to get more people as consumers, and within that either going to increase in the minimum wage how do you make sure young kids just coming out of school there's an allegation or a capacity so they can get that first job? job? some kid is 16 or 17 or 18 drops out of school, they're just trying to start up in maybe they're just have the opportunity to have a lower wage. same thing one of the battles we had in the state minimum wage issue in the constitution, a lot of us restaurant folks, we have many of a high state employees in our restaurant, bartenders and waitstaff. the federal minimum wage has what's called a tip credit. it means their minimum wage is essentially half of what the other minimum wage is. i think that opportunity, when we put in our state constitution, we glossed right over that and the tip credit for any increase wasn't included. which means you end up when you're trying to be more money to your line cooks of the people
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who work in the kitchen, almost every restauranteur i knows as much if you have to pay more money to the folks in the kitchen come your hands are tied because you have to give a raise to some of the folks are the highest top. that's something i would certainly -- >> moderator: in the rebuttal? -- any rebuttal? saying the market should set the wages, not the government the you agree with that criticism and you think the minimum wage should even exist? beauprez: i certainly wouldn't increase it, and the reason is because the evidence is overwhelming. that every time you increase if you actually do just the opposite of what the state of jeff davis. instead of creating jobs you lose a number of jobs. i'm not for eliminating it but i'm certain not for raising it. here's another piece of reality that i think is important. i talk a lot about where we are
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at relative to other states, where the economy stands, the fact we're supposedly fighters into recovery and we still of negative growth in parts of colorado. i look a little deeper in some of those numbers and where there's negative growth is also happening is this administrati administration, including the governor, were pledged to help the low income people and especially women, minority communities, that's what the jobs have been the slowest coming to. decade is pretty clear on that and i think that's a tragedy. doing things like increasing the minimum wage may be a nice window dressing but it's very counterproductive. what we have to do is get a hold economy moving again, and to do that by incentivizing investment and growth, not by punishing. we've had quite enough punishment. >> moderator: we're almost out of time. time for closing statements, mr. beauprez, since you have won the drawing you get to go first. you have 90 seconds. beauprez: thank you very much for being here today. not only for the ones were in
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this room and kelly come in your chamber, your partners, but all those who might be watching or reading about this later. colorado is a special place. i think we would all agree on that. than mere fact we are here, we say gee, we are doing pretty good, we are in colorado after all. it isn't that great. it is the this is the only home i've ever had. my wife is with me today and our daughter, two of her grand ask him it's the only home we've ever won. want to ask you how you're feeling about colorado, they say, we don't feel quite as good as we normally do. we are just not colorado. why is that? is because we kind of turned things on the ticket instead of government for by and of the people, where things always happen, dreams that claudia and i never even imagine drinking true for us. people tell us, i'm sure that will be the future of colorado. why is that? invariably, teachers, small businesspeople, large businesspeople, farmers and
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start by doing one profound thing by believing and trusting in people rather than by believing and trusting in ever more government. thank you for allowing me to be here. >> moderator: governor hickenlooper. hickenlooper: i want to thank the chamber and partners for putting this together. when our company gospel and everybody got laid off i was out of work for over two years. we opened the wind in 1988 and it was a dollar a square square foot a square for the year and we started getting other restaurants and hotels to work together to try to find a special place and it took more than five years to begin to get the momentum and it's bit like colorado today. when i was elected mayor in 2003 we started working with the suburbs and we got all mayors, two thirds of them republican to support fast track and
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underfunding was blocked i was the one who called the siege is over 375 million-dollar risk and pass. we were 40th in job creation in 2010. we had a billion dollar deficit. we created a statewide economic development plan and got all the counties to merge into the regional plan than we had 13 federally declared disaster is more than any in the country. in the middle of every single one. we had the had shootings where i visited almost every hospital room and attended almost every funeral but we stayed focused. the simplified over 6,000 regulations. the expanded workforce training and access to capital, and the nature challenges like last summer's ballot challenges. i did everything possible for us long as it took to get that off the ballot to create a process that could actually have the potential to create a lasting solution.
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colorado is going to be defined more by its future than its past and the future is great to be focused around innovation and collaboration. now we are fourth in job creation. we are the number one fastest growing economy in america but we that we need to be the number one state in job creation. we need to be the number one state in education achievement and we have to be the number one state and be the healthiest state in america and i think we will. if we can continue to keep the focus and keep that collaborative spirit together there is no limit. and like that old dutch farmers farmer said 150 years ago in illinois when crossing streams it is better not switching horses. [applause]
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enron, ed gillespie, the million-dollar lobbyist to put enron and had a view. >> the arguing to put a price on carbon. mark warner and obama wants to tax coal which would kill thousands of good paying jobs in the communities. the obama border with kill thousands of good paying virginia jobs. i will fight any tax. my plan will lower the cost of energy and create good paying jobs. i'm ed gillespie and i approved this message. >> ed gillespie, the partisan political operative is attacking mark warner with false ads experts call misleading, completely made up. the truth, mark warner is working to fix health care and find a bipartisan solution to cut the national debt. that's why republicans including the former governor, u.s. senator senator and 14
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legislators have endorsed him. >> working together well. i approve this message. >> i'm ed gillespie and i approve this message. >> i've worked my way through college and my parents grocery store it as a parking attendant. i worked at the white house. there's opportunity and dignity in the works but today too many are squeezed by the policies that raise taxes, increase prices and kill jobs. we vote with the president 90% of the time. that's not bipartisan. it's time for a nude rich and by creating good jobs.
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>> this is a 20 minute portion of question period that comes from canada's public affairs channel also known as cpac. >> mr. speaker, this weekend thousands of canadian cities from coast to coast gathered to demand that the government launched a full public inquiry into 1,200 murders of missing indigenous women. make no mistake mr. speaker, there will one day when we form the government be in various. [applause]
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but there is no reason to wage when we know that lives are at risk. why won't the government call now and help save lives? [applause] >> mr. speaker on with the opposition. we are not waiting we are moving forward to make sure -- [applause] now is the time to act. now is the the kind of a government is acting. and what to do another study. we already have 40. let's be very clear. the action today and now and that's what we are delivering now and i encourage them to get onboard and make sure that these women have an opportunity to have an opportunity to make sure that they are victims of crime and are limited. [applause] stomach of spinnaker the leader of the opposition. >> mr. speaker we have learned that even before november 1, the
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forces have been deployed to support iraq. by deploying the troops in the conservative grounds it is breaking [inaudible] [applause] spinnaker we have been very clear in the announcement by the feminist or that we will be sending over the military equipment in the form of planes and the reconnaissance review where's and they will have the support of the canadian air force. we are going to continue the humanitarian assistance in that area and it will have a six-month timeline on that. we are doing our part and we will work with our allies to get the job done. >> the leader of the opposition.
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>> whether or not we would be sending over after the vote, the question is what are they doing sending them over prior to the vote? [applause] >> the prime minister stated the forces in this area that he wouldn't do so. with the permission of the member's regime, they are talking about the massacres in the regime that dump chemical weapons on its own people. why take from them like that? >> the position is very clear they don't want to airstrike anywhere no matter what these individuals or these groups do but mr. speaker i felt the mass atrocities and those indescribable and unspeakable ways and we will work with our allies to support and against
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the individuals making direct threats to canada. [applause] why is the governor giving the ability to those who use chemical and against his own population by saying this request will be responded to by a positive answer recommending and women in uniform? over the weekend of the defense minister and foreign affairs minister said there would be a second expansion in six months. why are they already contemplating a future expansion of this mission? >> that is not the case whatsoever. we indicated after our deployment that we are closing a six-month mission and those that
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support. we are going after those individuals making a threat to this country and i want to know why does that have the authority? ' mcmichael of nbc news is reporting that the united states is lowering standards for airstrikes in iraq. they are abandoning the near certainty of no civilian casualties they've been using in afghanistan and pakistan. what are the rules of engagement present a casualty and are we going to be held to a higher standard or the inbox that -- will be in lockstep? [applause] murder is rampant across iraq. you can be ensured that they lived up to the highest standards in the world.
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[applause] spinnaker mr. speaker, one of our allies is facing a humanitarian crisis but hundreds of thousands of people crossing the border will make the situation worse. well we play a role in helping the cemetery in crisis? canada is already active on this crisis and they are the seventh-largest donor and be ensured people have access to the basic necessities of food, shelter and access to drinking
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water. >> they are experiencing a crisis and have been for almost four years. many are in desperate need of assistance and i myself have the opportunity to visit the camp in northern jordan. they are waiting for up to $5 billion that has been pledged to them. what actions is canada taking to address this humanitarian crisis? >> i can tell my colleague we've been directed in the support from the generation for correcting children in the area and also mr. speaker we went out with the support for the basic needs such as now 16 million people have access to clean water in 4.1 million in the country as well as the treatment
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that now have access so mr. speaker these are the country actions and we are to lead, one of the leading countries. [applause] >> mr. speaker on friday the prime minister said that canada has strikes against isis with a national government gives permission to do so as is the case in iraq and also that if that were to be the case in this area, canada would also participate in the airstrikes in the syrian borders. while the premise to negotiate with the sure al-assad? >> has been a good minister was very clear in the question period and said we will go where we have the support of the
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government in the country. that's true in iraq and if it were to become the casing. and we will participate in the strikes in that country as well. isis knows no boundaries or borders mr. speaker. they are a threat to everyone in that area. and as i said before a direct threats to canada. [applause] the minister continues to imply that it's the only way to contribute against isil. it's not true. italy, germany, japan and -- >> the honorable member has the floor and the members need to allow him the question. >> the problem is that it's just not true. germany, japan and italy are holding the coalition without joining in combat. the italian foreign minister said that italy will not take part in airstrikes but well above all support the material
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for the humanitarian support which is a priority. why is the minister of the valuing our g-7 allies? [applause] >> we have deployed individuals with tactical fight and we've been delivering over 1.5 million pounds of military material to this area. we are seventh in the world respect to humanitarian assistance. this combat while mr. speaker is one more effort on the country's behalf to do what is right for the people of that area and to do what is right for the people of canada. [applause] the governor keeps repeating the united nations, quote, passed a resolution unanimously with respect to the situation in iraq claiming the security council has endorsed airstrikes. the minister knows full minister knows full well that the security council resolutions are not about a combat mission. about the deplorable human rights abuses that are occurring
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and the need to tackle the issue of the foreign fighters. does the minister to understand that the united nations has not endorsed a combat mission in iraq? [applause] >> of the deplorable human rights record of the individual beheadings and mass atrocities and we have indicated this is completely unacceptable in addition to the other actions we have taken as a government. we put this motion before the parliament to support our efforts for the strikes and it's the right thing to do. [applause] the honorable member texas the next writing up a minister stated that this is where we have come and i quote, the support of the government of that country. apparently, syria fell into that category. the plan to participate in the strikes in syria if the regime
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that has committed has committed the worst atrocities against its own people gives its consent? [applause] >> the honorable minister. >> the focus is iraq and the indicated that we are sending first-class equipment and first-class individuals and members to help get the job and we have been very clear about what our objectives are for the kick abilities that should have the support of everyone. [applause] >> the honorable member? [applause] >> mr. speaker the united states is working on the details the military mission in iraq and syria and the u.s. general is targeting the international coalition within iraq last week for the officials officials and local partners in order to work on a strategy. this situation is evolving quickly and that there are a number of details to be worked out.
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why is the government so insistent on having canada participate in airstrikes without knowing full well what the american strategy is? [applause] >> the situation is developing very quickly and that is why we have to do this and i vindicated over the next few weeks we will be working with our allies for this to the point of the members. [applause] according to the international process group from the airstrikes are counterproductive because the populations that we are attempting to save. in the case of serious it is even worse. airstrikes will be beneficial to the regime. what assessment has the have the conservatives do not counterproductive consequences of airstrikes in their comprehensive strategy for iraq and potentially in this area?
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and >> i disagree with the honorable member for her comments about airstrikes and what we are proposing and implementing common mr. speaker, is one more step in our effort against this terrible organization that has brutalized and dehumanized people in that area committing mass atrocities that were the direct threats to canada. i vindicated already the military equipment that we have sent the humanitarian aid, the device but we were getting the strategic attack. this is one more step that we have to take. [applause] the honorable member. >> as the conservatives opened the door to airstrikes in the serious we see that they've been unable to keep their promises to the scenery and refugees. we know that the cuts by the conservatives are causing delays in processing the refugee finals and three have been able to take
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in the 30,000 series and refugees so how is it that the minister here can't even keep his promise for bringing in 1300? [applause] >> mr. speaker into the honorable member, it is the game of mixing apples and oranges. we received many asylum seekers because it is relatively close to syria and canada is pursuing its commitment. we have already settled on more than 1500 refugees in canada. mr. speaker why should the opposition continued to ignore the fact that 18,500 by iraqis and we are talking about it today have already been resettled in canada cracks that is the record mr. speaker. [applause] stack they are making up the
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numbers and acknowledging the government failure on the issue with this eerie and refugees. [applause] after promising to bring in over 1300 last year in internal reports from the citizenship and immigration shows only a few hundred have actually arrived in canada. they just added so will the minister now keep his promise and live up to the international commitment and bring these refugees to canada now? [applause] >> we brought over 1500, we brought over 18,500 iraq used to canada and over 20,000 from the region mr. speaker. for any of those countries donating the question is what are you going to do for the millions more who can't be resettled in for the millions more who are facing genocide and
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who are facing murder and rape and the elevation of their entire community. one of the solutions is targeted to what the reaction with the arab states and allies. why won't you even consider at? [applause] the honorable member? the conservatives want to get involved in the new war when they are already having trouble taking care of their own veterans according to the unanimous report to the new veterans charter needs to be improved in which we offer more resources. but the ministers made some responses that do not meet those expectations after nine years of calling for assistance and unanimous reports and many ways the minister minister of veterans affairs waiting for to take some action?
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[applause] >> the honorable prime minister mr. secretary. >> first to get the facts right i would encourage him to raise the response to the committee report and i would encourage him to take a look at the veterans charter mr. speaker. since taking office he's invested almost $30 billion to provide benefits. [applause] in the government mr. speaker including the veterans had a decade of darkness. [applause] the response to the committee report under the chargers by leading veterans groups for example can canada describes it as a pseudo- commitment to the
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troubled benefits. the minister and the department strived as lackluster. why does the minister give this reply and what he would consider his response to this important committee report? [applause] >> mr. speaker we have a strong record when it comes to helping canada's veterans. but me highlight some of our government records who invested almost $30 billion since taking office. mr. speaker the $5 billion of new funds them of the liberals would have invested the speaker who was injured in the rehabilitation receives a minimum of $3,500 and the financial benefits each month. the veterans who are more seriously injured it can receive and upwards of six comes of income $8,000 a month and financial support mr. speaker. >> the honorable member?
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>> the government said that it would assess the results of the original combat mission after 30 days and now that the 30 days are up, has hazardous has been taken place and if so, what are the results and if not, when can we expect to see those results? [applause] >> again mr. speaker we sent the members of the special operations forces for the period of 30 days as part of a larger effort on the country's behalf sending humanitarian aid over 1.5 million pounds of military and that we have delivered to iraq, and again this is our next step to counter isil that is a direct threat and the most inhumane way into the direct threat to canada and threats to canada and this is what we do today. [applause]
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we've provided information about the accepted the cost of the mission in iraq. this government has refused to provide an estimate of the costs and whether they would be absorbed by the steadily diminishing budget as the defense ministry or if more funding will be provided. both a government please answer these basic questions. [applause] of course there will be additional costs for the mission of this type but with respect to people analyzing what's taking place and where we are asked now, i at now, i would actually prefer her to her colleague but says that isil has to be whacked good.
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>> they said isis must be stopped and destroyed. i would suggest, mr. speaker that even then, start listening to some of the colleagues. they got it right. [applause] >> the honorable member. >> we heard today that the internal report has said it's been a big factor behind the refugee settlement and i would ask them to do something unusual. instead of glorifying to be a legit success will they please focus on the future and tell us how in the future his department will have resources that are adequate to deal with the number of refugees of iraq and please focus on the future. [applause] >> i'm glad to see the honorable
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speaker focusing on the number of refugees because they are growing. the 20,000 from iraq into syria under the government since 2009, the record of that is without comparison among many of our allies so what we would like to see is the liberal party of candidates to focus on the future with other canadians with a vast majority who understands. that military action is there to protect millions of refugees. [applause] spec now we take you live to the cato institute in washington, d.c. for a discussion of presidential authority in combating isis. >> in the discussion of the wisdom of the airstrikes against isis but we are not the only ones
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