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tv   Book Discussion  CSPAN  October 10, 2014 9:33pm-10:21pm EDT

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>> i think we're out of time now. in closing there was a radio program about the houseboat and often i've interviewed separately, so i heard a segment and at the end of a study by the interviewer that ralph had recently marked his 80th birthday in ralph replied the only real aging is the erosion of one's ideals, someone in a lot of on real aging these days remarkably inspirational. i'm not wonderful now, let's think ralph nader and the commenters. i think all of you for coming. [laughter] who will come upstairs now for lunch in ralph will be sitting outside to sign up if you'd like one. thanks again. [inaudible conversations]
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be magnets, wisconsin congressmen and paul ryan talking with former governor presidential candidate, mitt romney about the republican party and conservatism. this is of the union league in chicago. it's about 45 minutes. [applause] >> thank you. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. it's great to be here. it's not where we wish we were, but it's great to be here and it's wonderful to be with paul again. we had quite an experience that i know a lot of you think it must be just awful running for president because you got to go every night to a different host tom and you get debate after debate in the primaries among the general as well and you had you during press always at your heels. and yet the truth is, it is a magnificent experience because you get to see the country person by person, state-by-state. the people who make the news or
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by a march doing something strange or unusual are typically not good. the people we get to see day in and day out are wonderful people and we learned about their life stories and it was very touching and it made me more optimistic about our future. so if you get the chance to run for president, do it. it's a great thing. [laughter] >> third times a charm. [laughter] [applause] >> i've made a couple of good decisions in my life. one was who i married and the other was to i chose to be my running mate. there is no better than to be vice president of the united states ben paul ryan. and if you're going to take a shot at me, you wouldn't be a bad president yourself. so we have an interesting --
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[applause] yeah. but we have some questions about it look to you a written this year, paul. i would note that i've read it and i hope some of you have as well so your questions and reflect that. also, i know paul pretty well and as i read it i recognize he actually wrote it. [laughter] most of the books you read that are written by politicians were not asked about by politicians. they're written for politicians by professional writers. paul wrote this book i can tell because it is his voice. it is written like he speaks and that makes it even more touching and personal. i want to begin by just asking, the american idea, the subtitle for the main title of the book is the american idea. brood down for us what does it mean to you, the american idea. >> a way of life and it's a way of life that has been brought to
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life by some critical ideas and principles founded this country. in a nutshell, it's the idea that the condition of your birth was not determined the outcome of your life in this country, no matter who you are or where you came from or how you got started, you can make it in this country. is the land of opportunities and it's a country built on the idea were right errors naturally our government is designed to protect those rights that we can live in freedom can find opportunity and prosperity. no other system is quite like this one. no other country was created on an idea like this one and the reason for writing the book in a nutshell is because a lot of people don't see it. they don't think it is there for them. they are worried it's not going to be there for their kids or grandkids. so if you don't like a correction direction the country is going, which we don't, or the policies in place, which we
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think is crowding out, displacing neck, as leaders we should offer, that's why we decided to do that because the whole point of this is the american idea of maintaining the legacy of each generation secure enough for the next generation like her parents did for us. [applause] >> ahmad is without question something we subscribe to. at the same time, there are a lot of people who say that american idea has not worked for them or for their life. there's a lot of people in this country who are poor. a lot of people the middle class and it's harder and harder to make ends meet and they look around them and they watch tv and they see the rich and famous doing extraordinary things they can afford and they ask about why is it some people do so much better and i'm not doing as well as they could. how do you deal with this growing income equality, wealth inequality in the issue of
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poverty? he spent time looking at poverty in a novel way in your book describes that. give us your thoughts on the income gap, the wealth gap in the extent of poverty in this country. >> isn't something i talk a great deal about in the book. my friend bob woodson is sitting here tonight because for the last couple of years we've been touring around america, meeting with people who are triumphing over these difficult circumstances for fighting poverty, either live, person-to-person and doing it successfully. there's incredible stories i tell him that spoke about that. to your bigger question, there's a couple of ways of looking out this. you can look at the status quo and a lot of people don't think the opportunity is there for them. they are trapped in generational poverty were situational poverty or they are middle income person, you know, running hard
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on the hamster wheel and just not getting ahead. so what kind of an end and what kind of principles do you need to reunite this opportunity of upward mobility and a healthy economy and i go through all that, but it ended the day, with respect to poverty in particular , we are at the 50th anniversary of the war on poverty. we spend trillions on with the highest poverty rate. deep poverty is the highest since we been reporting. you could easily argue success in this one poverty has been measured based on input, how much money are we spending? how many programs are re-creating? not on results. non-outcomes. how many people are getting out of poverty? how many people are getting from where they are to where they want to be a to be in life? that requires a systematic review an overhaul of our approach to fighting poverty enemies government needs to be respectful of civil society, our
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communities, those doing a good job of fighting poverty in the federal government needs to play a more significant role in mining supply lines at the front lines in so many ways the federal government displays as those things that are happening in our communities that can bring people together, stop isolating people and get them out of poverty. in so many ways, being a burden casualty as it is told to the common american taxpayer, this is government's job. pay her taxes. we'll take care of it. that's not true. it doesn't work like that. everybody needs to get involved. people with faith, people without money, time, with money, with love, whatever, reintegrate and bring people back into society. there's a whole series of reforms that i call for. i'm not one of the seibu things i have it all figured out. this is a very humbling thing to do to look into an research this. but i want to get the conversation started because of
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how we do is measure inputs and talk about this quote, we will never have the conversation and reforms to break the cycle of poverty in the set of miniature, solve it. it also means a strong healthy growing economy and the policies in place today based upon the philosophy of governing that is triumphing today is holding people back. it looks at the economic life of some fixed static thing in that it's a government job to redistribute when our goal for everybody as to remove the barriers that people can blossom in moorish and really have a strong growing economy. [applause] so i won't go through the whole book tonight, but basically what i try to do is articulate core principles and policies that flow from that to reignite this american idea because i feel it's under duress.
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i feel like we are going on the wrong path, but the good news in the news in a news in the story and i tell the stories of these amazing, heroic americans from all parts of the country that has done incredible things, the seeds are there. the combat is fair. we can have this comeback in this country. we have to get a few basic things right. i have every bit of confidence we can turn things around and get our sovereign country on the right track. [applause] >> all, for those of you who have read the book may recognize paul paul contrasts two cities, detroit and janesville. i would expect detroit and chicago to be a more natural comparison. i grew up in detroit and been a big red wings -- a couple of detroiters here. a big red wings fan. you're a blackhawks fan. big rivalry. great fun. those are terrific times.
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and they were competitive and summers, detroit and chicago. i'm talking in the 1950s and the 1960s and you chicago, look what it has become. look at the city and the hub that it is the back dignity and industry, innovation and technology in detroit has suffered. you describe in some detail what happened to detroit. janesville, where you grew up, which also went through tough times and continues to go through tough times. you compare them. what happened to detroit? why has it gone through what it has gone through and how does that contrast with janesville or chicago or other places in america that went through tough times but found a way out? >> so it's a complicated story and one that the comparisons aren't easy, but i think the story of detroit is a cautionary tale for the country because if you go back and look into a physical autopsy on detroit and
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see the failures that have occurred, it is because of poor leadership and bad government. it's because of taxing and borrowing pending in passing the buck on to the point where they ended up a crowd. they could afford the police, fire department for the kids in the schools get the worst scores in the country. with a cautionary tale of what i call a philosophy of governing that if they played out throughout our country and federal government will have a similar ending. the other side of the destroyed areas to come back we hope is coming in the seeds planting of the cornerstone school, what am dilbert is doing their, with citizens and civil society are taking matters into their own hands to regenerate their community and the reforms they are having. it is a tale of what america could become if we go the wrong direction on what detroit can be if we apply the right ideas and
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principles. in janesville we live on the same block or grew up on. i come from a big extend a catholic family. >> is always a riot in the room wherever you are. >> these are the only three on by ryan claim related to. [laughter] [applause] i wish i was related to pat ryan. the don't we all, right? janesville was one of those communities where john and i grew up that is fair for people when they fall down. the lions club, the optimist, catholic churches, the lutherans , all the social in the civil society. we had a pretty hard knock in our family and my mom and grandma and i went through difficult and challenging times but for janesville, our
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community, not just turns and relatives, the people we didn't even know the team together and made a difference in getting involved in seeing what it does to support people. when we lost her general smuckers platteville general smuckers plant will militarize the loop. when we lost our general motors plant it was a huge punch to the stomach and hundreds of months of dollars of payroll into a town of $60,000 -- to a ton of 60,000 people. a lot of my buddies from high school, a lot of the people john graduated with worked better on my public appearance at the same career for their life which made a good living, gone. to see the economic havoc in our town and the city come together and hold people up and we have a ways to go, but to see the civil society and see how people help each other gives me a perfect story of the middle space between ourselves and our government which is where we live our lives. what we commonly call civil society, which is what the lexington toqueville rousseau
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brilliantly about, and scraping fabric of american life that we need to sustain them revitalize if we are going to get this country back on its tracks. people ask me why you believe what i believe in who i am. it's because of where i come from, my family and my community. >> you call that social capital as i recall. what does it take to regenerate the kind of social capital that tocqueville thought was so unique about this country? >> that is where i do discuss the downside of liberal progressivism, which i believe is a print bowl of governing with no limit. what it does is seek every problem with a large centralized solution, which ends up displays in a crowded out the civil society. i quote people who have been reading and tracking social capital for a long time. bowling alone is a fantastic
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book, a harvard economist who's written about social capital. we are not spending our lives together anymore. we are not ignorant h&r communities. we are bowling alone and this is something that has to be revitalize with economic growth. has to be revitalize it not enough economic growth that provides jobs and growth everywhere, but also with a new attitude towards our culture and community where people understand they themselves have to get involved. government has to respect the limits of that can mature and decorah not to me is how you revitalize social capital. so given the way, encourage it, don't crowded out, don't discourage it, don't our power or overwhelm people. in power. that is the secret sauce of the american life committee affair can idea that has to be revitalize aging everyone of us in our communities and the government has to respect his limits and focus on what is supposed to do and do well to increase our social capital.
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[applause] >> when they turn to a topic that i know it's not one we spent a lot of time thinking about and that is the national balance sheet and income statement. [laughter] a lot of people looked at old and thin and the work done by this commission as they laid out a plan and you are part of that effort. they laid out a plan to try and rein in the excess in washington. i don't know if anyone agreed 100% with what came out of the commission. you agree with parts and not others and of course he didn't do it entitlement, which is the part that should have been part of the discussion. nonetheless, in the vicinity of a lot of people wonderful starting point for the president to say this is a bipartisan commission. it's taking apart the federal budget for foreign forecast what
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will have been given demographic trends and financial trends in this country and that laid out a pathway so we don't have to worry about a future where we might not be able to, social security and we might not count on medicare and medicaid. we might not count on the military that was second to none in the world. the president didn't pick it up, didn't touch it. you were there. what happened? why did nothing, from the extraordinary effort, which got so much fanfare and d.c. have some as it was begun and as it was released and then just nothing. what happened? >> so as we put it together, alice rivlin and i teamed up to have an amendment to medicare medicaid reform of the biggest driver of her dad. alice rivlin is a democrat and we put this rivlin ryan plan
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together as an amendment, which had that occurred, i would've thought this is a pretty complete package. it was rejected by the elected democrats in the commission. i was also worried about the deep cuts in defense that was in it. the way i looked at bowles/simpson is there's a lot of good work here. i'm going to take the good work and add a sickly rivlin ryan. what i would do differently on defense and taxes and introduce data and pass it through the house of representatives and the next year and i did it for years in a row. we have past four years in the realm a budget plan to pay down the debt. [applause] >> before you go along, i just want to underscore something that paul just sad and mad is that the house passes important legislation. republicans are not the party of no. the houses than passing legislation. your roadmap has been passed in a joseph entitlement reforms and
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getting our country on a stable fiscal footing and yet it doesn't get picked up by the senate and of course not by the white house. so the idea that ours is the party of noah simply wrong. ours is a party passing legislation, putting the lid is nation tour to the senate. very we doesn't take it out. if people want action in this country and dealing with education to health care to immigration, to our fiscal needs, tax reform, if people want to see those things happen, they will vote for republican senators and republican president as well. [cheers and applause] the mac so i have enormous respect for bulls fans since then. they are great guys. the thinking at the time as you are the numerical benchmarks you have to pass a budget plan. i didn't like some part of what they did and i thought it was
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missing a lot comes with are run together and passed it and exceeded those benchmarks. we had assumed the president would do the same that if he didn't like bowles/simpson he would put his own plan out there meeting these benchmarks to stabilize the fiscal situation and he chose not to do that either. bowles/simpson was set up by his executive order, so we really did expect that once we decided not to support it, the house republicans, and do our thing, we thought he would've triangulated, like bill clinton did, for the sake of 2012 and surrounded and supported. instead he jettisoned it, demagogues what we were doing it did not offer a credible fiscal alternative to net anywhere close to the benchmarks i've bowles/simpson and meanwhile we have the fiscal program looming over us. why is that? you have to ask him, but my personal theory is ideology. i read about this in the book at
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the particular moment where was clear the decision being made and i just think it was more of an ideological interest in the front and center of his mind versus something that was more moderate or moderate seeming. i believe at that moment when he decided not to do you bowles/simpson, to demagogue and not offer an alternative that i was really what the administration was about. that's when i concluded we are going to need a new president to fix this mess. [applause] >> he might describe -- i agree. you might describe how it was unveiled to you. your experience -- i think it is a personal story, which is interesting and you have to nick a decision about whether or not to remain. >> three house republicans for myself, it did hunter lane and can't. we were on bowles/simpson on the white house invited us to a
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budget beach the president was going to get in all the media with coming up a day or two before and saying i hear is going to do social security reform, the all of us to guys did something to reach out to you guys. we were conditioned into thinking he went pretty far left him all these other issues, but maybe on the fiscal issues he went to move to the middle and triangulate and we thought we knew everyone from the commission that he was going to embrace bowles/simpson i would figure that was going to happen. we had a front seat and he was sitting between, closer to that column in myself, 20 feet away, giving a speech, basically calling for $400 billion in defense cuts on top of what they darty done, which was a budget driven strategy, not a strategy turbine budget, which is rather odd, but then he burst do an absolute demagogues the work we had been doing. nothing about bowles/simpson.
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it became clear to me that the demagoguery coming out of his reach was aimed at doubling down and going hard left, hit the fence, raised taxes, go after republicans. that is when i realize this is not a compromise. this is not someone who will move to the middle. we got a text from one of our colleagues say nuke i should get up and leave right now. we looked at it and we discussed it with that out of respect for the office of the presidency that we wouldn't do that, even though it's really over the pale. so we got up and probably left afterwards and did a press conference. >> we are almost out of time. let me ask one more here and let u.s. one or two if you would like an night as i have been to think the president has been as successful at -- [applause]
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that is apparently the understatement of the evening and i'll put aside foreign policy for a moment where his failures have been most glaring recently. but domestically, there was an article this week in "the wall street journal" i hope graham, former united states senator, as you know, who calculated what america would be like if the recovery were like the other postwar recoveries and he calculates there be approximately 14 million more americans working in the per capita income would be six to dollars higher. a pretty dramatic difference between the record and that which he campaigned on. the president said he bring america together. we be unified. we'd be in a post-partisan president he was reaching out across the aisle and so forth. these things have not succeeded again. and i wonder why. from your perspective, i have my own views, but from your income
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i have to then failed to work across the aisle, failed to get this economy going on the kind of timeframe -- it will come back to the private sector will find its way through almost anything and find a way. that is what our innovators and people do. but it has taken a long time. ..
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we are savage savers in this country. the money is not getting to small businesses. dodd-frank's makes big banks bigger and small banks viewer. you have obamacare putting uncertainty with that lemming employer mandates hanging out there so people are getting hired there. even the cbo tells us the
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equivalent 2.5 million people while work because of the disincentives to work obamacare so you have taxes, you have regulations, you have the fact that the death of $17 trillion in growing and no reduction in site coming and i think you have a political modus operandi which doesn't seek to bridge differences that seeks to sort of basically polarized and intimidate and divide people based upon what divides them and pray on the emotions of fears and anxieties versus an aspirational political system that speaks to people with ideas that unifies people based on aspirations and based on opportunity. ronald reagan did it very well in the 1980s. this can be done again but i do believe it's the philosophy of governing that employed and a third obama term which ruby clinton or whoever that would keep these things going and this philosophy and the -- that flows
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flows from that we need to delegate our money and power and decision-making to bureaucracies to run our lives effectively to macromanage society and micromanage the economy. it doesn't work. the whole idea of this country is self-government under the rule of law and we are not seeing self-government and we are not seeing an act equal application of on the private sector is shrinking as result of it. [applause] >> you and i have had fantastic questions over the last few years on a lot of issues but one issue that we have discussed quite a bit as foreign policy. we see things very similarly in the world for our defense program and just the state of things now. i have a few questions i want to ask you. first give us a sense of not just the obama foreign-policy but america's foreign policy.
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tell us what you think, where we are and what we want to be doing differently. >> big topics and i know you have questions from the audience so i'm not going to take much time on this but we have had a foreign-policy as a nation frankly since truman to after the second world war said we have gotten dragged in to awful things as the world and as a nation and for that to not happen in the future again and again we have to adopt a series of policies. dean acheson the secretary of state wrote a book called present at the creation, the creation of foreign policy which has been the basis of america's foreign-policy ever since. that book basically says a few things. one is that we would be involved in the world. that doesn't just mean we are -- with diplomacy and with our economy we would promote our values and their ideas and american principles of freedom and free enterprise but these
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things would be promoted around the world and the combination of being involved in the world promoting our values and linking our arms with their allies, being strong in having a strong military, those three things, being involved voting our values and being strong and doing so with our allies that's been the combination of our foreign policy. the present campaign and has adopted a different form policy. hillary clinton said something interesting the other day. she was critical of the president's foreign policy and basically said he doesn't have one and i used to say that during the campaign but the truth as he does have a foreign-policy. and it's very different than that of truman and every president -- president since truman. here's foreign-policy as one based on the view that everybody has the same interest and all want the same thing and i don't believe that. i believe some people want to dominate and oppress the people and they want to take over the nation. i believe there are some people that are fundamentally evil and
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we have seen some of them on tv this week. one that promised -- premise was false in my view. hillary clinton tries to distance yourself from the foreign policy of the president. that would work better worship at the secretary of state for four years. [applause] and she was the one with the picture were soaked with the russian foreign minister with the big red button reset and a big smile. can you imagine such a thing? did they not understand that people have very different ideas. let them are putin's objective may well be tube rebuild the russian empire but those mistakes combined with some other tactical mistakes in syria for instance to draw a red line and then say gosh i guess i can't react without getting congresses approval but right now he's willing to act in iraq
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without congresses approval. nonetheless couldn't do it than in that sends a message to russia and others in the world that is extraordinarily unfortunate for america. we have seen an explosion of very bad things throughout the world because the rest of the world has calculated what is happening. that is a dramatic reduction in our military capabilities and there's a departmental review that was recently completed report on by commission including president clinton's department of defense secretary. just take a gander at that and see what's happening to our navy and air force and our army and what's happening to our nuclear capability and bats says to these other nations guess what? america is not here. america is going to be going there. we can compete. with china's building, investing enormously the military including the deep water navy. russia is investing in their military capabilities and other
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nations as well are expanding their military might and ambitions. i happen to think the president's policies, this going out with a personal charm offensive and believing the people all want the same thing. we can all get along and by the way the navy in the multipolar world militarily is the way to go. who else besides us if it's a multi-polar military world are the others russia and china? is that who we want to see? i believe in having an american economy, and american diplomacy and an american military so strong that no one in the world would think of testing us. [applause] >> says a good republican i'm proud to say that i'd like to return to the principles of harry truman. i would like to once again say that we would be involved in the
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world. it's important to be involved in the world to keep bad things from happening. we had intelligence telling us that isis was being formed and i might come into iraq and attack a city there. what did the president due? watched as it spread across iraq. now it's difficult to pull it out. it's important to pull it out. this kind of group having to face the levant would be a terrible conclusion for the world and for us. so i would turn to the idea of being involved in the world and not pulling back and saying bad things won't happen to us. that's like paying big cannibal t you lost as churchill said. we have to be involved. we are the leader of the free world and number two we are going to promote our values, for enterprise human rights human dignity and finally we are going to be strong. we are going to have a military that strong. we are going to link arms with our allies. we are going to stand with
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israel and we are not going to waffle about who is our friend and who is not. [applause] i think you have to see that. for american security for our safety, for confidence that her children will live in freedom and have prosperity. we have to have that as our foreign policy. foreign policy and domestic policy are inextricably linked. they have to work together and i think the president has been effective in both areas as you might imagine. i have been, i was expecting that i would love his second term but i've been even more disappointed than i expected. i am hopeful that we will be successful in electing more good colleagues like you and more people will read your book and we will end up being able to pass legislation to get onto the president's desk and am ultimately taken to a new direction. america needs real leadership. [applause]
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>> are obvious goal is to build a coalition that can win a majority of the country. i have one last question before we go to the audience. it's an important one and pretty easy to enter from my perspective. if you had to decide would you choose and select juliette peppers or jared. >> that's easy, julius peppers of course. [laughter] >> there's a packer fan. >> now we are ready for audience questions. i have cue cards from 14,000 people. i don't know how that happened. there are only 450 in this room room but we screened them quickly. what is the status of immigration reform in the house and is there a possibility for compromise between the house and the senate?
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>> i don't think there is right now. i think part of the problem is the administration has decided to go outside the purview of the law in so many different areas. we clearly have a crisis on the border. three weeks ago the house passed legislation to deal with that. legislation to deal with the trafficking laws legislation to deal with problems of securing the border. we have heard nothing from the senate yet so while we have a border crisis right now a humanitarian crisis that needs to be attended to that first things first. if the president goes it alone again with his pen retain interest in the laterally right bus by changing immigration laws which is beyond the purview of the executive branch's power that the legislative branch's power and if he does do that i think you will poison the well and make it far more difficult. as a person who writes about immigration reform specifically on what i think what to do in
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the book and the person who has been supportive of immigration reform i hope he doesn't go it alone and i hope he sticks with a combine to the law confidence building fix the border and then maybe we can start talking. but we are a long ways from that right now. >> thank you. the next question, let's move on to health care. >> how much time do you have? we want a system where everybody can have access to affordable health care including every person with pre-existing conditions and we can have that system without a cost of a government takeover. we can have a custom which is a patient-centered system where each of us as patients are the nucleus of that system and the doctors, hospitals and nursing homes in insurance companies are competing against each other for our business. it's a market-based system. the reason i can see you so well as i had laser surgery 14 years
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ago. it was elective and now that surgery is half as much as a cost 13 years ago and three times as good so it's not as if these great principles of choice and competition of quality are immune to the health system that they have not fully apply to the health care system. so i put in the book in great detail what kind of the patient-centered system we ought to go to and this is for all of these programs. medicare, medicaid. we need an individual based patient-centered market-based system where we each collaborator and serve each other and providers have an incentive to innovate and create. that's a system we need to replace obamacare which will collapse under its own weight in my opinion. [applause] >> i'm sorry you can't see me more clearly. i apologize. how did the two of you manage to maintain your sanity with all the terrible things that were
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being said about you during the campaign? >> mitt do you want to go first? [laughter] >> more terrible things were said about me than him. i actually got some good advice when i was running for governor in massachusetts. the political strategist that i hired said he had a couple of rules. one of them was this, that i was not allowed to read the paper as it related to my campaign. i have course could read about other things but no articles about the campaign at all and i could watch tv. and i said i want to read these articles and he said no because you are going to have some 22-year-old person who doesn't like you and writes an article and you will find yourself subconsciously referencing it or refuting it in your comments all day long. so i don't want you to read these articles. it was great advice. i did not see all the awful stuff that was said about me. in a presidential campaign poll and i were working. it was early in the morning
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event after event after event in late at night and a lot of fund-raising and a lot of rallies. it's exhilarating. i should tell you he might think at the end of the day you'd fall into bed that you can't go to sleep at the end of the day. you have so much energy. we will be in a crowd of 20,000 people cheering and jeering and this is important and it's great in the end of the day thank heavens for the gideon of the bible. i can read that for a while and i was ready to go to sleep. it's a marvelous experience particularly if you don't spend a lot of time worrying about the attacks would come your way. i think it's harder in your family but frankly you are in it because you care about this country desperately care about american if you're worried about what people say you shouldn't be in the race. paul. >> you have to have thick skin but you don't have an permeable skin. don't let it get to you and if you believe when what you are
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doing just go for it and don't worry about the rest. >> how about your family's? >> my kids are pretty young and everyone treated them well. the media treated him well and the obama campaign they were all great. my wife doesn't like the criticism i get but she also learned how to grow thick skin as well. both of our wives are strong women. they are very smart intelligent and strong women who understood the stakes of the country. >> this is interesting. do you think think of far -- for your college is necessary to get out of poverty. [inaudible] >> no and depending. it's not necessary. job training reform skills training is essential. i goes through in great detail how that happened to bridge the skills gap. we don't have to advertises it as much as we have.
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if we have to make a cool again that it's okay to get in welding degree and it's okay to get the high-value skills that can give you good livelihood. and on college tuition inflation if we just keep feeding the beast with more federal spending in one pocket and out the other we will just feed tuition inflation. we need to get to the root cause of inflation but i would say say accreditation reform is necessary so we have real competition against a brick and. we all went to one of those but let's look at the fact that we are in a new society and let's have more competition so that a person who may be not able to go to college but can do it on line and then get their math course from m.i.t. and their theology from notre dame to engineering from the university of wisconsin allow them to bundle and put them together allow them to do innovative things and take down
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the barriers to entry that are already directed against these innovative ideas that are out there to allow people to excel at education and flatten the cause. we need more competition. we need less barriers and that to me is one of the ways we get at the root cause of college tuition along with transparency just like health care. does this degree viewer want to go and what is the success rate? so that i know before going and what i can expect come i want these health care workers in these educators competing based on outcome and value. do i get a good job and do i get a good salary? make them compete in right now are not. [applause] >> we have one more question because after this probably the
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most important thing that these two fine gentlemen are going to do is participate in a cold water plunge. [laughter] so i can't wait to see that. >> i'm the plan g. and t. is the plunger. [laughter] >> my daughter dumped a bucket of ice water in my head. >> on a regular basis, right? okay the last question. do you think the children in illinois have expanded to most states where they are supplied who were raised by gay and parents are more likely to lead happier lives now that the asexual marriage act is legal in illinois? >> i don't know about the illinois act but if there's a child that is an organ that is adopted that finds a home with loving parents than that as a child that is no longer an organ and that child is no longer homeless.


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