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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  October 11, 2014 2:50pm-3:01pm EDT

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and david eisinberger who has been following this for a while, i would say we are at the crossing roads. we have a chance going forward into new operations, this is a moment in time that future historians might look back and say they should have learned lesson x, y and z in iraq and the turning point, the cross roads was 2014-2015. i have >> i have to end it there. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you for coming. >> thank you all so much. [applause] >> i think we can all be grateful we have the facts and this book. i hope you will come up, say hello, get a book and support your local independent bookstore and your author. thank you so much for coming. >> what she is saying feed the
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author and keep the bookstore alive. anyhow, thank you. [inaudible discussions] >> here is a prime time lineup. coming up at 7 eastern, we talk about vladimer putin's rise to power. at 8:30 we look at american history through the eyes of indigenous people. and then we weigh in on life
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ending measures. >> as barbara explained this book is about scary new emerging diseases and they they emerge from and generally that is wildlife, other species and in particular non-human animals other than our domesticated animals. if you have been following certain stories into the news over the last few months you know one point of entry into the this subject is the daily newspaper itself. you have probably heard about tons of virus killing three people that visited yosemite. people have been dieing of west
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nile fever in texas. in dallas 15 peoples have died since july. there has been on ebola outbreak again central africa. the democratic republic of the congo has an ebola outbreak that has killed three dozen people. there was another ebola outbreak across the border in uganda, unrelated to the spillover that caused the outbreak in the democratic republic of the congo, and that one has been ended. this is like a drum beat of disease outbreaks and small crisis. there is another on the arabian peninsula. there is a virus that closely looks like the sars virus that
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really scared disease experts in 2003. this new virus has only killed one person and put another man in the hospital in britain. but scientist all over the world are watching it carefully and why are they watching it carefully? because they know the next big one could look something like that. so there is this, as i say a drum beat of these things, those diseases that i mentioned all have two things in common: they all come out of wildlife, emerging from non-human animals and among those i mentioned they are caused by viruses and that is the particular profile of the scariest examples of this case. they call the animal infections that pass into humans zonesis.
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it can be a bacteria, a protozoa like the creatures that cause malaria, it could be a fungus, a worm, or what caused mad cow disease. but usually it is a virus. virus more than anything cause these. and they pass from animals into the humans and don't always cause disease. sometimes they are harmless passengers in humans. there is a virus in the book i talk about and i could not resist it. you have to find the light side of this subject i you can find it and it had a gruesome name. with all due respect to the
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people that suffer and die and there are a lot of deaths in this book. it is strictly non-fiction. and i respect that. but still, i didn't want this book to be just a painful, gruesome duty or an important scary book. i wanted it to be a pleasurable reading experience with a page turner and moments of of suspense and heroism from the people studying them and yes, even moments of humor. it isn't a very funny book but i hope if might be the funniest book about ebola you ever read. >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> booktv is on twitter. follow us to get publishing news, schedule updates, author information and to talk directly
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with authors during live programs. >> booktv asked bookstores and libraries throughout the countries about the non-fiction books they are most anticipating being published this fall. this is a look at the harvard bookstore. starting off the list we examine the role feminism played in the creation of a super hero in the history of wonder woman. and charles blow recalls growing up in louisiana in the 1970s. lawrence wrights "13 days in november" and we talk about
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childhood muneizations. and recounting the istanbul war. you can visit the bookstore in cambridge massachusetts or online at >> he had two things going for him. he was ambitious, quick, and new inherently about cleanliness and i think that is was probably because he was a patient and knew the difference between a clean and dirty doctor and how it affected him. and he's was empthetic at a time period where there was an emotional detach from doctors and patients. and we still struggle with that today. but back then, when we think about someone sawing off a leg
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while you are still awake the instinct would be the person getting the leg sawed off. but imagine studying for years and knowing you would have to carve this pain and you would have to have emotional detachment. but he didn't have that quality. he trusted people and made people join him on the surgeries and that is why he was so poplar. he came back to philadelphia and clashed a lot with another doctor while trying to be a professor. this is jefferson medical college and this is charles meggs. jeff jefferson medical colleges was bringing new things to the forefront like surgical and patient clinics. they brought the most brilliant
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minds in surgery and medicine to one faculty but they were all crazy genius and didn't want to work together. there were fist fights and they would hackle each other during surgeries. and jefferson had enough ration fired the faculty and brought back ones that followed their initiati initiative. and he was selected to head up the surgery committee as the youngest member and the oldest member was charles. they had clashed before and there was much more clashing to come. >> you can watch this and other programs online at mr.


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