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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  October 13, 2014 7:47am-8:01am EDT

7:47 am
and reagan said no. only if it doesn't delay the strikes but, of course, there's blacked out text on all sides. the lesson is you've got to be super careful because if you don't get it right, then i think isis is showing the stakes are as high as all of these folks here. >> well, i think this last hour and a half has given you just a sample. it's a great book. i urge you to get it. we have copies on sale here and i want to thank you, malcolm, for coming today. i want to thank you for writing the book. thank all of you for being here. >> thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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>> you are watching the tv, television for serious readers. you can watch any program you see here online at spent as barber explain this is a book about scaring the emerging diseases and where the emerged from. and where they emerge from generally is wildlife, is some other species, nonhuman animals and the particular nonhuman animals other than our domesticated animals. if you've been following certain stories in the news over the last few months of you know that one point of entry into this subject is a daily newspaper itself. you've probably heard about antivirus killing -- enterovirus
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killing three people innocently this summer. people have been dying in north texas of west nile fever. i think in that house a alone there've been few 15 people who died of west nile fever distance july. there has been an ebola outbreak again in centra central africa,e democratic republic of the congo has an ebola outbreak that has killed three dozen people i think by now and it's still going on. there was another ebola outbreak across the border in uganda unrelated to the spillover that it caused the outbreak in the democratic republic of congo. that what has been ended. so these things are happening to this is like a charm the of disease outbreaks and small crises but there was another on the arabian peninsula. there is a virus that emerged that closely resembles the sars
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virus, to want in the same family, coronavirus, the sars virus that really scared the disease experts back in 2003. this new sarge like a virus out of the arabian peninsula has only killed one person here it's but another man in the hospital in britain, but scientists all over the world are watching it carefully. why? because they know that the next big one could look something like that. so as i said there's a drumbeat of these things. those diseases that i've mentioned all have two things in common. they all come out of wildlife. they emerge from nonhuman animals, and among those that i mentioned they are all caused by viruses. that's a particular profile of the scariest of the exemplars of this phenomenon. the scientists have a fancy name
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for it. as barbara mentioned, they call these animal infections that us into humans zoonoses. a virus or could be other forms of infectious bug. it can be a bacteria or it could be a protozoan, like the creatures that cause malaria. it could be fungus. it could be a worm. a to be something called a prion which causes mad cow disease. but usually it's a virus. virus more than anything cause of these. and they passed from animals and humans. they don't always cause disease. sometimes they become harmless passengers in humans. there's a virus that talk about in the book, and i couldn't resist because it's got such a wonderfully gruesome name. you have to find the light side of the subject where you can find it.
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and with all due respect to the people who suffer, the people who died, and there are a lot of deaths in this book. ted strickland nonfiction. i respect that, but still, still i did what this book to be just a painful, gruesome duty. just and important, scary book but i also wanted it to be a pleasurable reading experience. i wanted it to be a page turner. i wanted it to moments of suspense, as mystery and discovery, moments of heroism by some of the scientists who are outstanding this kind of thing. and yes, even some moments of humor. it's not a very funny book, but i hope it might be the funniest book about ebola you ever read. [laughter] >> you can watch this and other programs online at >> is there a nonfiction author
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a book you would like to see featured on booktv? send us in a mill to booktv at, tweet us at booktv or post on our wall >> tonight on the communicate is, three members of congress talk about their technology legislation. >> back in 2012 we passed a law that makes it possible for the major broadcasters to give back some of the spectrum that they've had, give the fcc the authority to repackage spectrum and reallocated. under current law a low-power television industry, they are granted licenses but those licenses are subject to availability of spectrum in the particular marketplace spent what i am concerned about however is an improper call for a kill switch on somebody's phone, is some government entity or an individual decides that
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they want to cut your phone off and it's your phone, i think you ought to have some protection. so what this bill says is that you certainly can ask your carried to cut your phone off and if you're the primary person to use the phone even if you're not the contract owner, you can ask that the phone be cut off. or if you're a government entity or law enforcement agency in order to cut the phone off you have to get a court order. >> very bad behavior where there are those were fraudulent try to trick the public to get information from the public, for example, a social security number or tax information, and this is a growing problem in america. particularly him on senior citizens. >> republican representative joe barton from texas, morgan griffith of virginia and leonard lance from new jersey tonight at eight eastern on "the communicators" on c-span2. >> when you think about his
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comments are interesting because people have very strong opinions about all sorts of things. you know, gay marriage, iraq, climate change, nuclear power stations without having any technical expertise in these areas. i have my strong view on american foreign policy, what do i know about this? i took one course in religion by connecting a three when i was a student in south korea, and the crusty old professor who taught the use textbook from the 1960s. so what did i know is from half a century ago. but then whenever these topics come up i spout my opinions. so i is economics different
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racks well, it's actually a very complicated thing, but the short answer is that my perpetual colleagues have been obsessed in postulating the rest of the world that the stuff is so difficult that you won't understand even if we bothered to explain it to you. [laughter] i happen to very strongly disagree with this view. i actually wrote a short professional suicide note by saying that 95% of the economic is commonsense. or made to look difficult with the use of mathematics, crafts, et cetera, et cetera. and even to remaining 5% can be understood, it's not in all technical details, if somebody
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won't bother to explain in clear wakeup which is what i tried to do in this book. this is the cover of the book. actually it came out only in the uk on different format. this is pocket-sized paperback edition, exact same content with a different publisher, different types of insulin. and, indeed, in order to make this book accessible, in order to make economics accessible to note economies, today's mary poppins, start of the chapter on finance, the matrix, my fair lady, gone with the wind. ned flanders, my favorite simpsons character. so i really try, i don't know
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how much i succeed but i really try, but don't get me wrong. being accessible doesn't mean that i'm trying to give you some baby version, dummies guide, you know. seven things that you need to know about inflation, three things that you didn't know about this and that. i do not do that because i take my readers very seriously. and i really do talk about, i mean, i really do talk about all kinds of fundamental nation. can it be science? can we get rid of politics from economics? what are the ethical foundations of economics? >> you can watch this and other programs on lion at >> booktv covers hundreds of
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author programs throughout the country all year long. here's a look at some of the events we will be attending this week. look for these programs to air in the near future on booktv on c-span2. ..
8:00 am
we talk with several legislators. the fcc is working on. joining us first from the energy and commerce committee, representative joe barton of texas. congressman barton, a lot of proposals from members of congress and different groups


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