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tv   Book Discussion  CSPAN  October 24, 2014 11:09pm-11:50pm EDT

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he said okay i'm going to go for a while but i'll be back before this heats up. as it turns out went teddy finally announced that he was running against taft archie but says i can't leave you now. taft says go now, it will be fine, you will be back in time. he goes to europe and comes back on the titanic and he died. for taft it was yet another blow. he said every time i look in the room i think is coming in. i miss him every single moment but those letters are an absolute treasure in showing how taft especially felt betrayed and saddened by his great friend teddy running against him. >> to me the most poignant part of the book is taft and roosevelt were enemies even though they have been friends for so long so after the election wilson as president. taft and roosevelt don't talk at all and taft tries to talk to roosevelt that roosevelt ignores them and finally they meet by happenstance in a hotel.
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what happened than? >> i was so happy this happen. what happened is when i finished the book up to 1912 i did not want it ended with a sense of betrayal but i didn't really know what the relationship had been like past that. i followed them in 1914, 15 and 16. people brought them together but taft says it was like an armed neutrality. in 1918 teddy was in the hospital with an operation that taft had once undergone any work undergone any wrote them a letter saying i know how painful this is an teddy wrote him back. it's often things a little bit so it just happened than some months later by happenstance they were both at the blackstone hotel in chicago and when taft checked in the elevator operator told him roosevelt was in the restroom -- restaurant eating alone. taft said bring me down immediately. he walked over to roosevelt and the whole room, 100 people dining in a broom and he says i'm so glad to see you. they throw their arms around each other and teddy says please sit down and the entire
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restaurant collapsed. entire restaurant collapse. there's a journalist there to record this. i said yes i have my ending and then what happens is only six months later teddy dies. he's only 60 years old and he dies in his sleep at night and has a private funeral. taft is an honored guest at that private funeral. he comes and stands at the grave longer than anyone else and tells teddy sister i don't know what i would have done if we hadn't come together before he died. i have loved him all my life. it's ridiculous to say you want a happy ending that you want an ending that sums things up. i couldn't bear the idea of lincoln dying in the end so knowing what mattered to him so much was to be remembered after he died from the time he was young, that was his greatest dream that his story would be told. when i found this incredible interview with tolstoy given to new york newspaper yes it shows
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he remembered him even then. tolstoy went to a remote area of the caucuses where they were barbarians who had never set foot outside the apartment where they were living so he was excited to have tolstoy. he said i told him about the napoleon and alexander the great but before i finish the chief of the barbarians stood up and said wait,, you haven't told us about the greatest ruler of the mall. we want to hear about the man who spoke with a voice of thunder and laughed with the sunrise. tell us about man, tell us of lincoln. tolstoy told him everything about lincoln and then said what made them so great after all not a great general not a great statesman. a greatness consisted of the integrity of his character in the moral fiber of his being. then i knew, here's ending ending for that book. your eyes looking somehow to make it to make it all come beyrle -- full circle. >> so, what is your next book going to be? >> right now i'm doing two
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things. i'm working on what might be potential movies about teddy and taft. they bought the rights for "the bully pulpit" maybe even a miniseries. [applause] i'm trying to think about muckrakers as a miniseries. a ida tarbell is my favorite character in the idea of this great female investigative journalist and then the relationship between teddy and taft but for a book at this stage of my life i don't think i can afford 10 years on millard fillmore or franklin pearce. there's no big person to go back too easily so i'm bringing all my guys in the room at the same time and i'm going to write about leadership. that's really what i care about underneath it all. [applause] oh thank you. i just started it. >> after you finish that book i hope you will do a great service for america by running
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him. >> the next program is 40 minutes. hello. [cheers] [applause] >> wow, the science room is rocking it tonight. at the convention center. unbelievable. we are here to hear the doctor who is just amazing. i absolutely love this guy. [applause] [applause] >> michio kaku. i love the positive questions. there's no one better at asking the positive and amazing
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questions and doctor michio kaku. he is a genius and the cofounder of the theoretical physicists at the university of new york grid is written multiple bestsellers. and this book begins the first line and the name of the book is "the future of the mind: the scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind." the two greatest mysteries in all of nature are the mind and the universe. so we start from that. and he asks the questions, do we have a soul? what happens to us after we die? who am i anyway? and where do we fit in this great cosmic scene? and that is on the first pitch. you know? [laughter] >> this is the stuff that people -- you know, when you're in college at 3:00 o'clock in the morning when you are in the dorm room, and you stay up all night
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drinking healthy carrot juice or whatever. this is what you talk about. and so any way he is an amazing man and let's hear from him. [applause] [applause] >> after such a great introduction come i cannot wait to hear the speaker myself. [laughter] >> for his welcome i have a confession to make. sometimes all of these accolades can backfire. recently new york magazine voted me as one of the 100 smartest people in new york. and so i thought, what an honor? and in all fairness i have to admit that madonna also made that same met. [laughter] and next year i understand that
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lady gaga is going to push this through entirely. and today i'm going to talk about the future and the future of your mind. however, making predictions is dangerous. and so let me quote from that great philosopher of the western world. yogi berra. he once said prediction is awfully hard to do, especially if it's about the future. and i am a physicist. we can talk about the future of the universe. billions of years from now. so let me quote from that other great philosopher, woody allen. he once said that eternity is an awful long time, especially at the end. [laughter] well, you may say to yourself, what does a physicist do anywhere? what has he done for me lately.
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well, we invented the transistor. we invented the laser and we wrote the world wide web. and along the way we invented television. we invented radar and microwave and x-ray machines. and we created the stakes program and the gps system and we visited us love to make prediction. end one physicist predicted that the internet would become a forum of high culture and high society. well, today we know that 5% of the internet is proud of you. and that is because teenage boys love onto the internet.
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and so just wait till grandma and grandpa onto the internet and 50% of the internet will be choreography. and so i began to give you a guided tour to have the sensational development of known science. let me tell you a cautionary story about a physicist, over 200 years ago we had the great french revolution and one day there were three gentlemen about to lose their head to the guillotine. it was a priest and a lawyer and a theoretical physicist dislike me. about to lose ahead to the guillotine. and they put the priests head on the chopping block and asked him, do you have any last words before we slice your head off area and he said yes. and he said got from above shall set me free very. and so they raised the blade and the blade came down and stopped
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right before he hit the neck of the priest. and the crowd gasped and they had never seen this before and so today god has spoken. and now we will talk about the lawyer. if the lawyers had on the chopping block and they said, do you have any last words. he said yes, maybe the spirit of justice and mercy. and well, all eyes were to blame. and they came down and they stopped right before it a hit this and this time the mob went crazy dancing in the streets of paris before saying that god has opened just as the mercy has spoken. and now let's see about the physicist. and they asked him, do you have any last words? and he said, yes, yes, i have
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some last words. and he said i don't know too much about god. and i know even less about the law. but i do know that there is one thing. if you look up, you will see that the rope is stuck on the pulley. [laughter] and if you remove the rope it should come out really good. and it's a big mistake. a mistake. and the blade came down and it just goes to show you that sometimes we physicists have to know when to keep our mouths shut. and so nonetheless today i will open up 300 of the world's top scientist that i have interviewed for bbc television and the science channel and the discovery channel about what
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fits on your shoulder. afterwards i will be signing her book and then you can go to ebay and auction it off. for money. you can actually make money today. [laughter] and so today we are going to talk about the future of your mind. in the previous book that i wrote, i can bring that up is physics of the future talking about the next 50 to 100 years. and it's often been said that the word physics would never enter "the new york times" bestseller list. welcome i did it twice. physics of the impossible talks about teleporters, starships and even time travel and what happens if you go back in time and you meet your teenage mother or you are born and she falls in love with you. and if your teenage mother falls
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in love with you before you are born, you're in deep doo doo. and let me talk about the greatest of all mystery. what fits on your shoulder. and we have learned more about the last 10 to 15 years than in all of human history combined. radio allows us to penetrate right into the mind and then we look for at those ricocheting off of oxygen molecules in this machine to give us gorgeous pictures of thought ricocheting like a ping-pong ball inside the human mind. and believe it or not your brain only uses 20 watts of power. and yet to simulate it with this, it would require a computer a city block by a city block and it would consume the
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energy of a nuclear power plant in have to be cooled by a river. your brain does it with 20 watts and when someone calls you a dim bulb, that is a compliment. and so how is it possible reign and what is consciousness anyway? welcome in the history of science, there have been 20,000 papers written about consciousness. and never in the history of them have so many devoted so much to produce so little. and in my book i actually give you a definition. a metric by which you can measure numeric levels of consciousness. we feel philosophical about us and we quantify it and it's all in my book. [laughter] and so to do this, the two great
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mysteries are the universe and the mind and some people think that and what is so strange about this. well, when we look at nature, the fundamental level, dna is a strength, it allows you to encode vast amounts of information on the dna molecule. in the units of thought in the brain are also part of this. and so we think that that lies at the fundamental of all biological and physical knowledge. and let's talk about telepathy. reading minds. and we talk about telekinesis and moving objects with the mind and not only that but in hollywood movies they talk about not just telepathy but uploading
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memories. and we can now do that for the first time in history. in the first memory was uploaded into a mouse brain and then we inserted the memory back into the mouse and the mouse remembered imperfectly. and last week the united states pentagon announced a 40 million-dollar initiative to record memories from gis from iraq and afghanistan, according memories is going to happen in our lifetime. and this is like the matrix. and have you ever thought yourself late at night, late at night when you're all by yourself, have you ever had that weird and bizarre thought that maybe you're the only one that is real? and it's like a movie uploaded into your mind that maybe someone is trying to test do to say whether you're smart enough
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to figure out if you're the only one. have you ever had that weird.? raise your hand if you ever have that weird.late at night. well, you are crazy. [laughter] i mean, you think you're the only one in the world. that's ridiculous. and i'm the only one in the world. and i'm actually in bed right now, i'm imagining that i'm here in washington these the at the convention center, speaking to an audience. realizing that this is now possible. your first memory was uploaded in the short term goal is to do with monkeys and alzheimer's patients. the short-term goal, not the long-term goal that creates a brain pacemaker and that is why it's something $40 million into
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this to create this for alzheimer's patients. and president barack obama has announced a 1 billion-dollar initiative, a new genome project and one disc has your genome with all of your disks on it. and the other is your connect it's second disc with all of your sensations and memories on a second disc. so when you die the genome lives on. and some say that you are immoral. it is a really you? well, it really depends on how you define you. and so let it think about what happens when you upload
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memories. this is the former governor of california. and the memory of being married to sharon stone suddenly uploaded into his mind. in the movie total recall. and this includes the uploading of a vacation that you never had or the mathematics course that you never pass. and so this is something that is actually potentially real. money is being dumped into it in the first results coming out of wake forest university and university of southern california. and exoskeleton. if you saw the world cup. how many people saw the world cup soccer game? did you see the opening ceremony? the opening ceremony, a man that is a quadriplegic, he goes up and kicks the ball and starts
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the soccer game in front of a billion people. that man was paralyzed and was wearing and exoskeleton. designed at duke university and controlled by his brain alone. christopher reeve, the man who played superman in the movie, he died in right before he died he dreamed of a day when his mind would allow him to bypass this so he can walk again. unfortunately he died too soon and we can now do it. and the military again has dumped over $150 million to create exoskeleton, like this. and surrogates, that is controlling a robot mentally. this is from the movie starring bruce willis and it's too
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dangerous to put this into outer space all of the time. why not have the robots guided mentally by nasser not sitting in his hot tub in his living room. so you can explore the universe mentally and that is the thesis behind the avatar, the movie avatar and also the movie surrogate that is mentally controlling and we can do that today. and then telekinesis, the ability to control objects at the mine. this is from the movie carrie, a high school kid has your final revenge by destroying the whole high school class at the senior prom. what is the lesson here? [laughter] and the lesson is never bring a telekinetic to the senior prom.
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[laughter] and so even superman movies have gotten wind of this revolution. every kid knows that his father died when he blew up. but in the latest superman movie his father lives on as a hologram. whose memory is inside a computer. a memory that lives on personality, all played by russell crowe. the father of superman living and this could be the future of the congress. when you go to the library of congress you can sit down and have a wonderful conversation with somebody like einstein or someone like winston churchill or george washington. because sensations have been recorded and there you are talking to a hologram and having a great afternoon tea with abraham lincoln.
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this is possible. and so the question of mines without body. if you have one with your disc and one with the correct, in some sense the mind is living beyond the body. this is the dream of science fiction writers and this is now conceivable. so let's talk about the brain. first of all, blood flow. the blood flow on your brain tells the truth. but on the right if when you tell a lie, oh, yes, when you tell a lie you have to know the truth and then you have to create the truth. in any have to cover up all the previous life you have been telling throughout these years.
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and so there is your brain on the right telling a lie. we learn from these brain scans? well, we went to the most recent part of the brain is the so-called reptilian brain. evolving from the back to the front. the back of the brain is most developed. and that is the brain. and your balance and your sense of territoriality, aggression, about things like that in the back of the brain are affected. and as the brain grows from infancy to adolescence, the center part of the brain develops. the monkey brain. the brain of emotions in the brain of etiquette and politeness and social norms. that's the center of the brain. finally when you become an adult the prefrontal cortex at the front of the brain develops. we can test old wives tales by
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looking at the living brain. what they say, everyone knows this, is that teenage kids suffer from brain damage. it is true. you could actually show from the back to the front, teenagers do not have a well formed prefrontal cortex and it's another that when a man talks to a pretty girl he startac stupid. [laughter] and it's true. when a man talks were pretty girl, blood drains from the prefrontal cortex and he becomes mentally. you can measure this by looking at what is absolutely true. so these old wives tale can be analyzed looking at this and then we have two hemispheres, one on the left and one on the right and normally the two hemispheres talked to each
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other. what an epileptic is out of control and they have seizures and so we have to cut the connection between the left and the right hemisphere. and then something bizarre and weird happens. the two brains that are now cut begins to create two different personalities. the amazing documented cases, one man confirms this with one arm he embraces her and the other arm, a documented case. one man from his left brain was an atheist in his right brain was a believer. can you imagine dying and going to heaven? you have your brain goes to heaven? and sooner or later in washington dc, i'm sure that we will find a person that has a right brain and the left brain, all inside the same school, each controlling two different arms
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trade can imagine i'm going going to the polling booth and the two of them fight over which lever to pull? that could happen. in the 1950s we had this really horrible looking gadgets placed over the brain that measured brain signals from the brain. and now we do it with implants and headbands and we have to laugh. it picks up radio from the brain and you can play video games by thinking about it. and you can buy headbands with two ears on her and at a party when you meet someone who is interesting, the two ears go like this. and then when you talk to someone who is really boring,
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and japan you always know if you are going to go home alone after party. in my class i'm going to make sure that my students where these comments so i know exactly who will fail. at the lower left, silken valley is getting rid of this. so when you walk into a room you can turn on the lights, you can turn on the internet, you can surf the web, can play video games and you can operate household appliances and then you will be able to drive a car in the future mentally. this is silken valley saying maybe in the future when we perfect the technology. and madison avenue is getting
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wind of this and we want to make this fashionable at some point. so even my colleague, stephen hawkins. he can only blink and that means his sole communication is blinking. so we hooked him up to a computer mentally. the next time you see him on tv, look at his right side. the chip picks up radio messages from his brain and allows him to type on a laptop computer mentally. bypassing any mechanical modes by thinking that he's able to type. we can now even do this with paraplegic people. the military is very interested. they have pledged to put a chip in on top of the brain connected
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to a mechanical arms and legs and this man is totally paralyzed. he cannot scratch his nose. he cannot communicate with his loved ones, he's a prisoner in his own body. and he can now operate kitchen appliances and surf the web and play video games and this person can now operate mechanical arms. communicating by blinking and she cannot feed herself and she cannot feed herself mentally. the pentagon, as i said tucked about this in the revolutionary prosthetics program so that injured soldiers can control the
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exoskeleton. and at the soccer game, a billion people witnessed a historic event the power of the mind in a person setting off base as well. and then realizing that even beyond that the capability of controlling robots mentally, this is japan. and then this work or controls this as shown on the right. mentally controlling a robot and this can be the future of firemen and emergency workers that can control this that can work right into a fire. right into dangerous environment. and do the work that they have to do. in japan we have a nuclear meltdown, three of them
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simultaneously going on even as we speak. and they still have not got control of three melted cores. every robot has failed because are simply not sophisticated enough and so why not put this in mentally. so do you remember when we were kids? we used to play hooky all the time. and he would ask your mother, can you write a note saying that john is at today. well, this is the future and in the future you will have a surrogate and the circuit will have a video image on it and the teacher will see your image sitting in your chair and you will see the teacher in your surrogate. this is the future of education. isn't the future wonderful? we will never be able to play hooky ever again and you will never miss a day of class
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because you or your surrogate is always diligently taking notes just like we did when we were little. right. and so this could be the future of the internet. so today you have your glasses, you can recognize people safely in the biography appears and we can now create internet so that translations occur as someone who speaks chinese to you and you will see their biography under translation underneath their image. how many times have you been a part of this and you bump into an old friend and you think, who is this person? jim, john, did i know this person? in the future your contact lens will say that it's him, silly. and you will see him every year at the national book festival.
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here is the complete biography even if he speaks chinese to you. let's say afterward there is a cocktail party with some very important people there but you don't know who they are. and you will know exactly who to suck up to at any cocktail party. so this will change everything. who are the first people to buy internet contact lenses? college students making final examinations, they will blink all the answers to the final exam right there in their contact lenses. and who is the next person? barack obama so he doesn't have to have these individuals giving his speech. including he's always on a message, as they say.
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so you can see the potential is living in the matrix. when you walk into a room he was the identification of all the objects if you see nothing but the romans of the roman empire, you will be the roman empire resurrected if you walk through the ruins of rome and you can argue and you will see subtitles translating italian into english. so in the future everyone will be connected and these are emergency workers of the future controlled mentally by the mind. and so this is a prospect of exoskeletons and the prospects of living in the matrix and then this is a possibility of retrieving memories wester for
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the first time in history, scientists at wake forest university reported the world's first memory and it had a hippocampus that was wired up. and they tape-recorded the impulses across the upper half in a later they reinserted the memory and the mouse remembered the task. and that mit a few months later they duplicated this experiment and uploaded a false memory and then last week united states pentagon announced a 40 million-dollar project to create them for years a memory chip for veterans of iraq and dan to enhance their memories. and like i said in the future, you will be able to relive the
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vacation you never had. and so beyond that i got my phd years ago, you can now photograph this. now we do it every day and this is how we do it. this picture here converts blood flow into this as you look at a picture. and then we are able to create an image. from the brain we have created a picture what you are looking at. looking at some of the first ever photographed in history. and it's reconstructed in human
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mind. and then you will reconstruct this picture of the mona lisa from your blood flow inside the brain and then when you fall asleep it records your memory of your dream. in the future you may wake up and see the dream you had that you had the previous night and we can also begin to hand things like lucid dreaming which is something right out of science fiction. it's when your conscious while you are dreaming and it was once considered we proved that it is real. and you can now control the stream while you are dreaming so have any of you had this episode of dreaming that unity you are dreaming while you are dreaming? and hundreds of people have done it and you can trai


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