tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 3, 2014 6:00pm-8:01pm EST
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the >> moderator: i'm sorry, i would like to move onto another foreign policy issue. are you okay with that? maffei: sure, of course. >> the united states is still building the islamic state. there's no scientist tapping anytime soon. we are engaging in airstrikes, but so far no boot on the ground. question for you, mr. >> moderator:. he would've voted yes to armed some serious rebels. can you explain why in the second part to that is would there be any situation where you would consider sending american troops to engage in direct
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combat? katko: first and foremost, isis has made it clear they want to destroy the united states. they made it clear because they beheaded american citizens and send the message again and again. we have to take the threat seriously for they get to our shores. that is my primary goal. how do you do that? the president issued a bipartisan hill that authorized airstrikes against himelfarb six to support troops on the ground. not our troops bindview. it is not a perfect situation and sometimes they turn out to be enemies on the. right now we don't have the luxury of finding the perfect solution and we have to stop flow of isis before they get to our shores. as far as having our boots on the ground, absolutely positively the last resort. i have a son who is a sophomore who is in the army rotc program
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and most likely he would be sent in be sent into harms way into years. i don't want that to happen unless i absolutely have to. we can't turn a blind eye to terrorism. >> well with that scenario p.? maffei: at the military leaders in the united states today for the safety of our country we need to do this now to prevent them from getting over here, i would vote for boots on the ground. you cannot take it off the table because you don't know where it's going to leave. i'll tell you one thing. i am absolutely against it unless it's the last possible alternative. >> congressman. maffei: i do believe we have to pay isis to be secure from terrorists. but we have to do -- we can't get drawn into a land war. i disagree with the president on the senate voted against arming searing rebels for two reasons.
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i'm not sure they really exist in finding them and trying to get them armed at the same time our enemies will recruit far more people. secondly, we don't need more arms going and because what we found in the past is the more recent we send in, somehow they're used against us. the literary families have sacrificed enough, so i am for avoiding a land war. there are other things we can do. we have to cut off the illegal oil trade. we have to make sure we help the kurds. we have to build a better coalition. so there is a lot we can do, but we cannot allow ourselves to get caught in a land war. it is boots on the ground. >> moderator: okay, we'll turn to an issue that impacts younger voters. congressman, you've lamented the burden of student loan data for sometime now. the problem has not yet been addressed in washington although certainly the administration is
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trying. some say the real issue is not loved at all but the skyrocketing cost of college. you agree with a assessment and if so, what is the best way to combat the problem? maffei: well, it's both. we have to make sure colleges affordable in postsecondary education and trade school are affordable. not just ourselves, but our economy. i supported pell grants is one thing we can do. i've crossed party lines to make permanent the opportunity tax credit which helps families pay for college and the pay is your much does how kids graduate from college day off over time. we do have to work with colleges and universities to make them more affordable. we have to not take tuition to use it for research dollars. that's an important game. a lot of research and central new york and is a big part of our economy. it's been cut by republicans and more under president obama. i've been a big advocate for
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that. >> moderator: mr. katko. katko: when i went to law school it was $10,000. it's now $50,000. i'm old with great care, but not battle. the fact of the matter is the cost for college education has risen well above inflation since i was in college. they got to find out why that is. i bleed orange. i just use them as an example. i don't understand how cost $62,000 to go to schools. that's even higher than the others. it is choking an individual's desire to go to school. the law school is them down 40%. we have to look at what the costs are. i agree everything mr. maffei said your interest rates on student loans have more than doubled the cost of my house. that's crazy. >> moderator: there's a plan actually that would allow people to repay private loans offered in lower may and yet republicans
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are not allowing a vote on that despite the fact the president has said they should. do you support the proposal? maffei: i absolutely want to support that. i don't care whether it's public in our democratic. i don't care. i want to help kids not have discretion that when they get out of school. one of the reasons i got into this race, i want kids to raise their kids and my kids to be here. a lot of them go elsewhere to find opportunity. part of that is the student loan debt. >> moderator: mr. katko, thank you. maffei: it is john katko having more than one position. when asked in what he would cut he said department of education. the department of defense telegram to make sure loves can be issued. and yet it would be cut. again, depends which audience you're talking to. we need somebody who has the same position regardless of who's asking the question.
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>> moderator: mr. katko, briefly. katko: i was talking about block grants discount on the br casino department of education. that's just a misrepresentation, mr. maffei. >> moderator: we are fortunate out of time. we have one and it forecloses david. congressman ,-com,-com ma you go first. maffei: thank you on the list. thank you to the panelists for this debate. it's important we have a good debate about the issues. unfortunately my opponent, john katko, continues to dodge issues. he started by criticizing the president and then me for not holding the president accountable and now he agrees with the plan. that is not leadership. what we need is to make sure we have focused in the best thing to focus on for a member of congress is this economy. either laser focused on creating jobs and strengthening the middle class because of the middle-class succeeds, central new york will succeed. we've accomplished a lot.
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we've helped create jobs and save jobs at lockheed martin and the new test site is going to be a big boon for jobs essential new york. we do have our challenges. no question about that. one thing is for sure, i will not give up on central new york and you shouldn't either. i ask for your vote november 4th. >> moderator: congressman commit thank you very much. katko: at thank you for having me here. i appreciate the back-and-forth and i really enjoy it and i hope you american people in central new york got a good taste of the difference between us. in the end, leadership style. it's not attacking the other, not calling everybody out. that is not what you want to hear. you want to hear about leadership year for 20 years i've 20 years that lead people 20 years that lead people to mistake in dangerous situations you can't and i thought the good fight in texas and puerto rico
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and i'll continue to do this. the fact of the matter is mr. maffei is a product of washington. he lives there, works there, gets his money from there and i'm the exact opposite. i can tell you one thing, mr. maffei. i get more out of talking to people and having a cup of coffee and not as how i'm going to run my campaign. if i run my time as a congressman and i appreciate your simon ask for your vote. >> moderator: mr. katko, thank you. actresses are debates in the 24th congressional district. it was lively, spirited. i think congressman maffei and mr. katko for participating. election is around the corner. november 4th this year. please are member to get out of though. stay with time warner cable news for all of your coverage right up until all the votes are counted. could be a while. hope you stick with us. have a good night and be well. ♪
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>> we promise to change america, that is changing for the worse. mary landrieu goes right along with it. she does with obama 97% of the time for obamacare, amnesty, $407 billion in medicare card. janco bill cassidy stands out to barack obama because he represents you. >> i'm dr. bill cassidy and i approve this message. >> i'm a registered nurse who built in 12 states. retreat far too many who were the result of domestic violence. that's why he never understand why bill cassidy voted against the violence against women act and against affordable
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preventative care for women. bill cassidy is a doctor. you should know better. >> i mary landrieu and i approve this message because i always stand up for the women of louisiana. >> senator landrieu, i voted for you before. when you vote for obamacare, care, i knew i'd made a mistake he >> canceled health care plans, and do you refuse to repeal it. >> you are trying to scare us with nonsense about social security, medicare and veterans. >> he said that to barack obama and he will repeal and replace obamacare. >> i'm dr. bill cassidy. i approve this message because i am with you in fighting for you. >> i am mary landrieu and i approve this message. >> would fall bill companies. we are three republicans then a democrat and we are all supporting mary landrieu. because of mary, louisiana got
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billions and to rebuild after katrina and rita. we got over 50 drilling rigs to chetek on the president to get that done. >> now she's chairman of the energy committee. >> we can't afford to lose that. >> your louisiana you learn to be tough. one moment of weakness in the alligators are you alive. when i get to washington, i'll stand up to the big spenders. i will protect our gun rights. i am colonel rob maness. i will stand up to the politicians and the alligators. >> i'm part of the first generation of americans who may not achieve the same standard of leaving us their parents. that's a frightening concept. what is the role of government is sending in ensuring economic prosperity for my generation and
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future generations? colonel maness, you are first. >> actually it is senator landrieu first. >> please note the first look at but then i came from the moderator. landrieu: okay first of all, that's a legitimate concern or one of the things i work hardest on a washington is trying to lift the economic power of our country. as chair of the energy committee, i'm in a particularly great position right now on behalf of the people of louisiana to create millions of high-paying jobs are your generation can benefit. in addition i'm excited to be here at lsu wary of science, technology sheet, engineering and math in the field of energy. number two, i think access to education is important. my pony, bill cassidy refuses to sign onto a lot to lower
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interest rate of student loans are 21,000 average, 11% interest. he's refuse to do that and he was fine on my bill to double the opportunity for programs for poor students who are smarter whites were they come from families simply can't afford the cost of education. >> moderator: congressman. cassidy: let me tell you, government doesn't create permanent jobs. the greatness of our american economy comes to the american people. not from government. the government gets in the way. keystone xl pipeline would create 40,000 better jobs and better benefits. senator landrieu said her first priority becoming chair of the energy committee was to get the keystone xl pipeline. she's not been able to do so. she's done everything in our power. that just means she's not very powerful. but there's other things. the president's health care law
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on the economy. if you look at the lowest bid of income owners, they yammered then 400 food service workers had their hours reduced from full to part-time because they could not afford the obamacare law. the government, creativity going to have a better job. >> moderator: colonel maness. maness: to maintain senator landrieu has been to push through the appointees and we certainly in louisiana don't need that clout. were we to do is pull obamacare up by the roots because it's a job killer. i than 64 parishes and tacky small business owners all over that 285,000 miles on my pickup truck in everyone of them do the same message. sera come he got to do away with obamacare. we cannot afford restrictions. we cannot afford new fees. we cannot afford taxes and we are not creating them we are
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cutting the jobs to part-time jobs and that is hurting the economic spectrum. that is exactly what obamacare was supposed to help and we need to release their energy your so we can lead america. that is what we should be doing in louisiana across the board. drill bb drill. >> and another u.s. close senate race in new hampshire, and in shakiness running for a second term. she faces republican scott brown have before moving to new hampshire served from neighboring massachusetts. here's a look at the ads running in new hampshire and some of the recent debate between senator shaheen and former senator brown. [inaudible] new hampshire, where some of the highest energy in the nation. >> will go up 43%. forty-two dollars out of your pocket and will include about
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75,000 here in new hampshire. >> $12.47. 22% and that's about 83,000 homes and businesses in new hampshire. fifty dollars a month, about 50% more than they have about 100 dirty thousand new customers. ♪ >> i am definitely going to change. >> i have never voted to outsource jobs. it's interesting -- [laughter] ♪
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>> you were involved with a company on the ward whose business plan includes shipping jobs overseas to minimize costs, outsourcing. >> i've never voted to outsource jobs. it is interesting -- [laughter] ♪ >> anyone who turns on the tv these days knows we face challenges to our way of life. radical islamic terrorists are threatening to cut the cost of our country, president obama and senator shaheen is confused about the nature of the threat. not me. i want to secure the border, keep out the people who do us harm and restore the leadership. i am scott brown and i approve this message because protecting the homeland is the first step
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to make in an america strong again. >> they'll cause the granite state for nothing. we are tough here. i never back down for a fight from the people of new hampshire. i don't work with big oil are big banks. i work for you come to saving jobs helping businesses compete allowing families to refinance two months in veterans get health care close to homes via getting the job done for new hampshire. i am jeanne shaheen. i approve this message. i didn't move here. i have been here fighting for you. i would be honored to have your vote. >> moderator: senator shaheen, the mother of james foley, the journalist told abc news and national security officials repeatedly threatened her family with prosecution if they paid ransom to save her son. was this a hardline necessary or did the government mistreat the foley family? said sixth dan, i don't think
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the hardline was necessary. i have had a chance to talk to the foley family about what happened in the barbarous murder of jim foley and, with ties to new hampshire is one of the things that brought home to us in new hampshire the threat from isis. i've had the opportunity to question secretary of state kerry and secretary of defense hagel about the hardline week to go that -- because i think we need to look at how we help families who are faced with a situation the foley family was facing. we should do everything we can to help those families. i don't think we should pay ransom for americans because that puts at risk americans serving around the world but i think it's important that we treat the families with respect that we do everything they can to negotiate relief of any americans held prisoner. >> moderator: senator brown. brown: can you imagine if that happened to your child? i can't even imagine and when it
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happened, everyone of us is deeply saddened. senator shaheen and i went to the memorial service for the foley family. what the state department did was unconscionable. the fact use the strong-arm of the federal government once again, chipping away of rights and freedoms to do something important for the family to heal and also the glimmer of hope to get their child home, i would've done anything and everything to get anyone of my children home or friends of anyone i knew. that is the problem with the federal government right now. they are chipping away of rights and freedoms. they tell us what to do, how to do it and we should sit down and be quiet. with respect, i disagree. >> republicans expected to pick up senate seats tomorrow with walls closing in new hampshire at 7:00 p.m. eastern, the granite state could offer an early look at whether the gop will win enough seats to take control of the senate. to see who wins, who loses in which party will control congress come and join us night on c-span.
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>> welcome to the minnesota's seventh congressional debate on public television. tonight we had the incumbent, transfixed from detroit lakes and torrey westrom, challenger from our boy. ♪ >> moderator: welcome to pioneer public television minnesota seventh congressional district debate. my name is amy wyler said i will be your moderator this evening or we will start out with opening remarks to both
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candidates. we then move onto prepared questions and then we're back with closing remarks. asking questions this evening are two members of the media from a central minnesota. we have read since then comes the county monitor newspaper and jc cola, mr. your. welcome, gentlemen. tonight, candidates running for the u.s. house of representatives in that congressional district are: peterson and torrey westrom. we will look at a map of the district to see if you can see this is your voting area. seven district includes all of western -- the western side of minnesota with the exception of the southern counties bordering iowa. the largest city in the district is more ahead. other cities in the district are well marked, fergus falls, alexandria and marshall. the seventh is the largest
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congressional district. we will now serve at the opening remarks from both of the candidates. both candidates have 90 seconds to give opening remarks in the coin toss was one this evening by representative peterson. welcome, representative peterson. if your opening remarks. >> moderator: thank you for hosting this debate and i want to thank my constituents in the seventh district for honoring me with the navel to serve them in the last 24 years. i am someone who works across the island gets things done in baby in an off is for a period of time, i admit to the top of the upper culture committee. as chairman and ranking member, i've been at the table writing the 2008 and 2014 farm bills. probably the premier accomplishment of this congress given a farm bill done that took longer than we wanted. in january we passed a very good
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farm bill that not only covers safety net, which is what most people think about when they think about the farm bill. there's a lot more to it. there's a conservation title we are rural development which has helped us build new hospitals across this district. and now we are in the process. now it will take a while and that's one of the main reasons to make sure the farm bill is implemented correctly and they don't take it apart. in addition to back, working together in this district we've done a lot to build new airport, rose, va clinics and also political access hospitals. >> moderator: thank you. next i would like to welcome
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senator westrom. he may give your opening remarks. westrom: thank you, emea pioneer television. i mean is torrey westrom. as many of you know, i lost my eyesight in a farm related accident at the age of 14. today i serve in our state senate, run a small business in my hometown with my wife and i am the proud father of three beautiful children. i believe our country is headed in the wrong direction, but you can't change the game if you don't change the players at the table. after 24 years in washington, congressman peterson simply hasn't done enough to stand up for the big spenders in d.c. on his watch received the national debt skyrocketed. obamacare passed a democrat leadership. the keystone pipeline still not note because of the obama administration in cap-and-trade legislation passed through the house of congressman peterson
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support. during his visit in d.c. does in d.c. doesn't work in our district and i know we can do better. here in minnesota, we balance our budget. we believe in hard work and comments and and we need someone to represent the minnesota values in washington. as your next congressman, i will dedicate the can-do attitude and perseverance have had my entire life to representing our minnesota values in washington. >> moderator: thank you. we want now move on to the question. each candidate was 60 seconds to answer your question and there'll be opportunity for limited rebuttal. the first question will be asked by jp cola and representative peterson will have the opportunity to answer first. so you can start with your question. >> thank you, amy. representative peterson, farmers are concerned about the recent
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corn prices and anticipated that the job, is there anything washington can or should do to present day western minnesota retention? >> thank you, jp. the farm bill change the way we did the safety net. we have direct payments that went out to matter what the situation. under the new farm bill, we will put under crisis in this will really pay off given what has happened with prices in the last few months. we have a new safety net. we have crop insurance, which is the main safety net. they are currently in the process of being implemented and will do a lot to do a floor floor underneath the decline that's happened the last few months. >> moderator: thank you, representative peterson. westrom, your answer. westrom: agriculture is an important part of this district. i have an agriculture
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background. i have been a strong and ardent voice for farmers and agricultural communities in the state capital and i'll continue to be the strong voice. i would support this bill and the farm bill. farmers at the safety net and something that allows them to do what they want but their land and find the way they want to find and not have government tell them what they need to do, they can run their own business. a couple of things government is to do is get out of the way of farmers. rain in and stop trying to redefine navigable waters and put farmers and landowners to more federal water in epa control. build the keystone pipeline so they can get our rail cart back to hauling grain. we need a fake neocon administration in the current situation isn't getting it. >> moderator: thank you. senator westrom, the next question will start with you.
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>> moderator: senator westrom, our challenges are so much job creation as it is worker creation. what can we do to ensure the jobs available right now that filled? westrom: that's a good question. one of the most valuable things we have in our community of students and children and having jobs to come back is so important. so having a strong economy and a strong job environment, one way you do not escape regulations, big government out of the way, but we also have to have strong educational opportunities and opportunities that are attainable and accessible for students that want to further themselves in higher education and take on the challenge. but then we make sure they have good paying jobs when they leave a college that he can pay back student loans and expenses that
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go along with it. one thing occurred as i traveled or the account is district, a lot of manufacturing jobs, high-tech dogs you see in manufacturing a defined moore's is coming into those fields. we need to make sure colleges and universities are putting students that can fulfill this jobs in minnesota. >> moderator: thank you. representative peterson. peterson: thank you for the question. this is something i hear a lot about. the number one inaccuracy can't find enough qualified people to fill these jobs you that's a good problem to have. what i've been working on the last few months is to tie together the educational system, also the secondary school level with the jobs available in the district. there make you progress with some of these places. in alexandria, the new high school has four academies that started the ninth grade come to
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getting these folks experience or getting them to see the opportunities out there in the manufacturing community and the district. and they are working together with the schools and nine is the kind of thing that needs to happen because folks tell me these kids have got to start seeing the opportunity in ninth grade instead of waiting to make it out of high school. we are working it company to do more work to make sure it happens in the future. >> moderator: thank you. reid, another question to representative peterson. >> last year what can we dance to ensure we don't have proclaimed shortages again this winter and fall? peterson: a lattice than done. i just came from west come industries come a co-op east of town. then in a number of other folks have doubled their storage from last year and that's probably
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the main thing on the short-term that needs to be done. these pipelines are working on the right direction so we have the access to the product. last winter was the perfect storm. we have the coldest of all we've ever, coldest winter. crabs need to be driving a kind of all came together at the wrong time. we are ridden much better shape going into this winter, but folks are working on this. i think we've made good progress and we need to continue to be focused. >> /share we need to be aware of i know several companies around this district are doing more storage. we need to have the keystone pipeline bill rather then nancy
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pelosi, president obama and we can't block these commonsense projects. i think they're a safe way to move oil and we need to have that done to our rail cars can be back in our area with the ability to feel great, but also bring propane and because we now rely a little cars even more because the pipeline ready your home area is now not living propane anymore and that went off this past april. we need to build commonsense projects like this. we can't support leadership by congressman peterson does to block these commonsense projects like the keystone pipeline. >> thank you. jp, back to you with the question for senator westrom. >> we are taking a look at the entitlements such as medicare, social security and the federal
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portion. are they part of a discussion on a balanced budget? westrom: jp, making sure we have the program so they are available 20 years turn out is an important discussion to have. we have to rein in the out-of-control spending. it is now nearing $18 trillion. or worse than peterson, since he went to office 24 years ago it is now up to $18,000,000,000,000.24 years later. that's the wrong direction. that is our children's future at stake. we have to have a big discussion on how we balance the budget, but it has to be in the context of how we preserve the current program so those enrolled near retirement or protect it, the reasonable, incremental changes what that in a bipartisan way.
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that's the way you change it enough so you have to problem for some of those programs will be bankrupt in 20 years and we can't just put our heads in the sand. >> thank you for the question. you can't take any part of the budget off the table when you are trying to get the budget resulting get it under control. part of how we got into the current problem was the fact that we couldn't get a bipartisan vote or asked for it on the budget control act of 20 laughing. the only committee that did their work in that situation is the epic cultural community. we produced a bill. budget is an entitlement. if all the committees would've done something similar, we would've had a significant reduction. i support balanced budget amendment and voted for a number of them over the years. or shall we haven't gotten one author through the process. but we are going to have to look
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at all aspects of government. in the case of medicare, the spending comes down. medicaid is not going up as fast. social security would need to take a cab awful wages. >> moderator: senator westrom, would you like rebuttal? westrom: well, we talk about balancing the budget. he can't keep raising the debt cat. the national debt ceiling by a trillion dollars by congressman peterson did this past year and not look at a balanced budget. you've got to balance the debts. but their children's future at stake. so that would be something i would advocate for a selected balanced budget amendment. they've got a budget amendment in minnesota. congress needs 12. >> people need to understand that raising the debt ceiling is not authorizing new spending.
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outlet is doing is authorizing the payment of the spending authority happening. if you tie the budget situation to the debt ceiling, you would end up shutting down the government, which is exactly what they did a year ago when they did that. you know, we would all like to not raise the dead feeling, but we have to pay our bills. if you didn't read the debt ceiling, that's not something we should be doing. >> moderator: jp come your next question to representative peterson. >> representative peterson, regarding national security, you favor using ground troops again isis if the campaign proves ineffective? peterson: no. >> moderator: distinct answer. senator westrom. westrom: i am not advocating for ground troops.
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i think the bigger question here is the failed leadership we've seen out of president obama in this administration. it is too bad it took so long for the president to recognize the threat of isis that's what i'm grow to the point they are today. we need a commander-in-chief to recognize the serious problems rather than continuing to see the pattern of failed leadership out of president obama and his administration and that's why we need change in washington. time to shake things up. is out of president and implemented a travel ban. so many people asked me why we don't do that. i think that makes sense. travel restrictions with the ebola crisis is another pattern of failed leadership. >> moderator: thank you. your next question to senator westrom. >> senator westrom, as they affordable care and hope the
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congressional district? westrom: i call now the unaffordable care act. it's not working in this district. we travel around and farmers, small businesses, families continue to see skyrocketing premiums and it's not delivering the promise that we were told by president obama and nancy pelosi, both people that congressman peterson supporters. when they pass this legislation, it not delivering what needs to be repealed and six. we can keep the good parts of it, do you can't keep this in place when we have small businesses who keep telling me that the order%, 50%, 60% increases and more. one of the couples came and talked to me afterwards and said we have seen a $400 a year month increase because of obama cared. that's not acceptable.
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we can do better. time for a change. >> moderator: representative peterson. peterson: i didn't vote for the affordable care act. one of the reasons i actually read it. i didn't read the whole thing. i got halfway through i knew i wasn't going to support it. there are parts of this act that i've helped my constituents. that's why i'm not willing to repeal it. for example, i don't know how many times people come to in my office account children that couldn't get coverage. they were asking for help so they can buy insurance for their families because the kids had juvenile diabetes or some other preexisting condition that concluded them from having coverage. if we repealed it, we believe that. also the 26-year-old policy is getting rid of the lifetime limits on health care. those are positive things. we need to work on the part of the bill that's not working.
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there's too much of that bill written for the insurance company and for the drug companies and that's exactly the wrong thing to do in the main reason i voted against it and we didn't fix the medicare disparity situation going on for years. when you spend a trillion dollars to fix that, there's something wrong. >> moderator: senator westrom. westrom: thank you, amy. congressman peterson continues to vote to keep this the law of the land. that's what happens after 24 years. he has now said he won't work to repeal it in local newspapers and not the wrong direction. place, farmers, small businesses , the lady that just have to me last night. they need more hope that they can take the good things, rewrite it and deliver what was promised by president obama and nancy pelosi who congressman
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peterson continues to support them allow this to happen. peterson: the first two years this was enacted on that they didn't even try to repeal it. then they tried to repeal at 51 times. the senate was not going to take it up and sign a bill to repeal this law and he's going to be president for the next two years. so i told the leadership, i told john boehner that i can deliver 60 democrats to fix the problems with this bill and fix the problems that they have to do that. the democrats to say nothing is wrong, republicans want to repeal everything. the realities both are wrong and we need to go to the middle and work on things that are a problem. >> moderator: time as that. jp come ask your next question to representative peterson. >> we touched on this earlier.
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hospitals, clinics and public services are preparing for an ebola case. what should the federal government will be in helping? peterson: we should make up the folks on the frontlines have the resources they in the trade is your affair. we've done a pretty good job of identifying where the problem will come from. and so there are travel restrictions with the majority ,-com,-com ma 95% of these folks would come in if they come into the country. we've also asked in minnesota to have them add minneapolis because we do get folks in that part of the world coming into minneapolis. they should be added in the folks that have to deal with that level. we should work with the community to make sure we have
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the resources, the training they need so they can confront us. >> moderator: thank you, senator westrom. westrom: thank you. we should've had better leadership out of the current administration. our communities need confidence in what the government is offering for help is up-to-date information, which has been a big concern we found out now with the texas situation. what should i travel restrictions come a president that would recognize and do the right away. that's the kind of common sense i hear voters in this district and not make sense and i wish our president would show some leadership rather than what we've seen. >> moderator: thank you here to read next question to senator westrom. westrom: [inaudible] is the federal government doing
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enough for habitat creation sustaining habitat? westrom: i think the population has certainly increased since i was a youngster. there weren't very many 20, 30 years ago. one of the things you have to balance is not to have government programs consenting to take a project of farmland out of production and that takes land off the tax rolls for the use of the taxes paid on it and reduces the production we see, but rather focus on the environmental areas along the rivers come the street and makes another congressman i would work for that commonsense solution. i think the balances have been met pretty well lately. westrom: the conservation reserve program responsible for
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bringing back is something i worked on my entire career. i was the one that got the 36 million acres when we did the 96 bill. but what is happy been here the last two years as the price of land rental has gone up, you see people coming out of the conservation was your program because of economics. we were paid enough to compete with that. so we've had to lower the cap from which one time was 36 million. in the 2008 pillows cut to 32 million. now on this last though, we reduced it to 24 million. the reason we did that israel and at that level anyway. if it would've done that done that, the money would've disappeared with the leaves that to create the new partnership program, which is a big advantage for the red river valley of the minnesota ripper valley: forward and controlling other kinds of problems.
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>> moderator: thank you, gentlemen. that's still the time we have for questions this evening. we'll begin with senator westrom. westrom: thank you, amy and pioneer television. just after the doctors had told me i would likely never see again, i could've never imagined that one day i would be your, running for the privilege to serve my community. i was fortunate. i have parents and others who would like to give up by the following summer i was back at work billingham a family farm. that experience is two things. first, there's never a time to make excuses. second, there's always a way to get this done. like most minnesotans i'm tired of hearing excuses out of washington. reading in the out-of-control spending, repealing them fixing obamacare of stopping the big averments.
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even i can see the mess in washington. my name is torrey westrom. i met with take on the challenge then asking for your vote november 4th. thank you for watching. >> moderator: thank you, senator. representative readers then. peterson: want to thank you for this today. i want to tell a story at the end here to will dominate what experience can do. back in 2003, republican from california was the chairman of the ways and means committee he was going to do a medicare improvement which had turned coverage and so forth but he couldn't get any democrats who support him because they oppose some of things in the bill and didn't think he would do it enough in their regard. i was working on critical access hospitals. we had become friends and he said we work with me? yes to go do something with the access hospitals. we worked on the bill, brought to the floor and in the bill
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would grade the best 225 and remove to 101%. we didn't have enough bills. so the three hours on the floor. i got a lot of heat for my leadership to switch my bow. without the critical access hospital, the reimbursement of 101%, many of my wordy nine hospitals would not be here. the hospitals may not be here if we would have done that in 2003. the point is free of seven democrats were for the bill. 19 republicans passed by one vote. the reason again as i saw an opportunity and i went to make it happen. that's the kind of thing we need in washington not only in hospitals, but farm bills and other things and i ask for your vote november 4th. >> moderator: thank you, gentlemen. that's all the time we have for this evenings debate. but like to thank the candidates for joining us. most importantly it would like
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be many churches that are saxby chambliss is retiring after two terms in office. whenever you see committee would produce and democrat michelle noncom or daughter of former senator sam nunn. recent debate between the candidates. first, look at the campaign ads running in georgia. >> i am michelle nunn and i approve this message. >> within 60 years ago and today is the leading manufacturer of north america. when i hear david produce say he's proud to have outsource jobs to other parts of the world, i have to wonder, every time we invest in georgia workers, they can compete with anyone in the world. so i don't know how you can be proud of having sent american jobs overseas. >> david perdue helped create and save thousands of jobs in america. we want to know where she is on jobs, education, national security. she never says.
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that's because she supports president about his agenda. >> we don't need more about policies. we need a new direction. that is david perdue. >> david perdue. >> i am david perdue and i approve this message. >> i am michelle nunn and i per this message. the make david perdue is outsourcing reports. >> david perdue ceo of dollar general said he spent most of his career training is job service needs. >> can you describe your expansive outsourcing? >> he said yes i spent most of my crew do not. >> when asked how he defends outsourcing, perdue doubled down. >> david perdue, he's not for you. >> michelle nunn admit she's too liberal and give organizations linked to terrorists. the nunn attacked pretty without
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the independent fact checkers called mostly false any stretch. >> david perdue spent his career creating thousands of jobs. perdue will bring, tends to washington. >> i am david perdue and i approve this message. >> during your tenure at dollar general, you would over $40 million in yet there were 2000 women that sued the company during your tenure and said they were paid less than their first they were paid less. given your experience there, i wonder if you would join me today and actually supporting the paycheck fairness act, which would help ensure that all women are paid equally to their counterparts. >> thank you, michelle. this new law would only serve to plaintiffs lawyers of our country.
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i worked my entire life supporting people were work. this is another fault the actors proven by independent fact checkers. when you look at the reason why she's trying to distract us away from the real issue of job creation, you understand why. the obamacare law, the signature law of this president is killing 2.5 million jobs right now. we said that. yet she supports it. she would even ask an outlaw. i'm sorry, but when 400,000 georgians are no more upon our no more have gone through no more upon our food stamps that have gotten jobs, that is not the kind of what we need. the epa's killing thousands of jobs in their energy and utility industries today. it's no wonder barack obama wants michelle nunn to fight for you. the people of georgia want somebody to be a champion for them and fight for their families. >> moderator: david, and the people of georgia want someone to fight for them and the women deserve someone who will fight
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to make sure that they are paid equally. right now, georgia women are paid 81 cents on the dollar to them. i don't think that is satisfied are you. actions speak a lot hotter than words and clearly in terms of history and experience, i feel you would be in a position to say we need to do better here and we must. in fact, every time we actually have the opportunity to talk about a sensitive issue like this, you move it to a commerce nation in which you decide you were running against the president. i think again that women and families deserve pay equity and i am disappointed you won't join me and actually advancing the goal. perdue: michelle come i absolutely agree. there's always improvement around the world. but i haven't gotten you get to talk about obamacare. you brag it is a great girl. i support the president on this
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bill and yet it's killing 2.5 million jobs right now. going further, let's talk about amnesty. his amnesty bill will bring new workers in our country at a time when we have fewer people working at any time since jimmy carter. it seems to me this president is adamant about getting you in the senate because he needs you to be as rubber stamp in the senate. his failed policies are on the ballot in georgia they go by the name of michelle said x. >> one of many races tomorrow night on an campaign 2014 starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern. tune in to see who wins, who loses in which party will control congress. we will hear from you on the phone and get your reaction on twitter on c-span and face coverage starting tomorrow night, election night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. eric holder and head of the environmental protection agency today announced that two car
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companies, hyundai and kia will be fined $100 million for missing and gas mileage and greenhouse gas emissions for more than 2 million cars -- more than a million cars rather. here is the attorney general talking about those fines. >> under the historic settlement we announced today, hyundai and kia will remedy their conduct by doing three things. first, they will pay a civil penalty of $100 million, the largest civil penalty secured under the clean air act. this will send a strong message that cheating is not profitable and that any company that violates the law will be held to account. ..
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>> it is election day tomorrow and on tomorrow morning's "washington journal" we will get a final preview of the election with nathan gonzales of the rothenberg political report, jessica taylor, aaron blake and others. "washington journal" live is always with your phone calls, tweets and facebook comments. in new york's 19th congressional district republican chris gibson is running for a third term. is challenges democrat sean
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eldridge up next on c-span2 from albany, new york, a debate between the two candidates. ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome to our time warner cable news debate between the candidates for the 19th congressional district. i'm host liz benjamin but i will be moderating along with nick price but michael scotto. at his baby are chris gibson has been in office for two terms, republican, and his democratic challenger sean eldridge. the silicon had read several times in this campaign and we will be continuing that conversation. here are the rules that both have agreed to. moderators will ask as many questions as were able to get to. responses will be initially one minute. about halfway through the candidates which have the opportunity to ask each other questions. each candidate gets about one
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minute for an opening statement and one in for a closing statement. the order for these was selected yesterday. up first is congressman gibson. gibson: thank you and good evening. you are going to go away from this debate with to point. the first is in a challenging time i proven record of bringing people together to get things done. done. like the farm bill, helping family farms, advancing the rural economy and creating jobs. a budget and funding for infrastructure, broadband and tourism. and i helped lower energy costs and enact a sweeping reform of the va to help our veterans. i authored in we passed on the floor of the house the first time better -- ever a bill that deals with chronic lyme disease. my opponent is pouring millions of dollars into a family fortune into this race. you have seen those negative the false commercials. my opponent offers no plan, no inspiration. i grew up here in a working-class family. i thought for you. still fighting for you and delivering results at tonight am
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asking for your vote. >> moderator: thank you. mr. eldridge. eldridge: thank you to time warner cable for having us. thank you, congressman eldridge, for being here. when i was growing up in ohio i'd had was republican and my mom was a democrat. they had a lot of security conversations about politics at our dinner table and they didn't agree in every issue but they both taught me from a very young age the importance of being involved in community, speaking up and speaking out and giving a voice to those who may not have a voice on their own. right now what i'm seeing is the voices of families in our region are not heard in washington. they are being drowned out by the corporate money, special interest money in our campaigns and in the halls of congress. i'm running because i want to the fix that. i want to bring new leadership, new blood and ideas that i think i badly needed in washington. i'm asking for your vote on november 4 and your help in moving our country forward on so many important issues. and very much looking to the conversation tonight. thank you. >> moderator: thank you very much. michael scotto, the first
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question. >> this question will go to congressman eldridge and it's on the topic of ebola. the cdc announced today it will begin monitoring people arriving from a bullet affected countries in west africa for 21 days. is that announcement coupled with yesterday's announcement that's all travelers from west africa will have to go through one of those five airports that's doing extra screen enough or do you think there should be a complete travel ban? gibson: look, i'm encouraged by the news in the last 72 hours, not only these development but also the fact some of those that are sick appear to be getting better. i think this is a matter of leadership because we not only need to keep our people safe but inspire their conference. i think what we have to do is have a temporary travel ban long enough that we can get a comprehensive screening process for word in west africa. this is similar to what i went through and my parents went
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through when we came back from a combat tour in iraq. we had a medical screening and we had a customs layout. before we were allowed to get on an aircraft. we have the ability with the visa process to check to make sure that we're having folks who come here who are safe. in addition to that i want to say on funding peace, my opponent said without providing the funding. that's not what the president said in the "washington post" gave four pinocchios. i want to make it clear that we've given enough resources to this and now we need to solve the problem and inspire confidence of the american people. people. >> cities were a temperate kabul ban? gibson: long enough, would have to be in fact that while the long enough to get forward screening process that we could tie to the visa granting process so that we would have confidence in terms of anyone is coming to our country. >> mr. eldridge, your response. do you think the steps the obama mr. chabot in place over the last couple days are enough or
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do you support a temporary travel ban? eldridge: i declared to take the spread of ebola very strictly editing the fact the cdc was a lot of folks who have been exposed to get on a plane, on a crucial, that was completely unacceptable. we got to stop it now. i do think what to make sure that the cdc and the nhl funding that they need. was head of the nih you said that if they have had the research money that they needed that would likely have a vaccine for ebola today. i think the fact we've seen so many budget cuts have certainly brought about the lack of funding. i don't support a travel ban right now. i was with senator schumer earlier this week when he was endorsing our campaign and i begin an important point which is we had a travel ban, people might be trying to sneak in to i would rather know who's here in our country, take their temperature, screen them so we've got to make sure with aggressive screening after airports, at our ports, borders and we're to take this graciously. >> you mentioned first the cdc allowing people to travel, do you think the obama administration prior to this week, prior to make a late last
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week with some asleep at the switch in getting with his? eldridge: i think we should've done better. folks within exposure data been allowed to travel, including they were. that was a mistake i think we need to make sure the cdc is held accountable. the idea of having one person was to deal with this is a pretty. hopefully that will help a we've got to take susa, make sure we're monitoring those and stop the threat. gibson: discipline with the first couple of weeks and i'm not alone on that, viewers have the same reaction. they call our office and what i pledged to the and and an authority on out i will do everything i can to keep our people safe and to inspire confidence. like i said i'm encouraged by the developments in the last 72 hours, and i truly hope that going forward that were able to get our arms completely around this issue and make sure that we stop the spread. >> moderator: thank you very much. this question is for you, mr. eldridg eldredge regarding . you've indicated you would've voted against giving the obama
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administration the power to arm and train sunni rebels, yes correct. eldridge: yes. >> moderator: you agreed what the u.s. needs is a political solution to if you expand on that and tell us when if ever a boots on the resolution is appropriate. eldridge: i think wha think thee the spread of isis or so. they are an aggressive and violent organizations aggressive and violent organization for the skill of our people and done a lot of harm. we have to take that seriously. we've got to work with our allies in iraq in the middle east and the international community to address this. we've been involved militarily in iraq for a long time now and that alone hasn't worked. when i talk to families they don't want another open ended never ending conflict. i think we've got to continue to bolster allies in iraq. you could look back which insatiably left some troops there and done more to prevent the? that's a good conversation to have a where we are today a do what boots on the ground. i don't want another never ending conflict. when i talk to folks they don't want that. they want to do some nationbuilding at home, they want to make sure we're investing as well.
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i do think we can work with our allies without having boots on the ground and that's what i'm hearing from voters in new york. >> moderator: is there ever a scenario you could foresee, for example, if the u.s. was attacked again on our own soil a boots on the ground would be appropriate? eldridge: absolutely. military force should be reserved i'm aware our national security is at risk and when diplomacy has failed. we've got to do everything we can to secure our borders. given us the threat of isis we got to do a better job of securing our borders. i hope will have an opportunity to talk about this. the immigration reform that didn't pass would've provided millions for border security to protect americans. congressman eldridge continue to oppose the. let's secure our borders. let's not continue to delay on that. >> moderator: congressman condit spoken about the need to strengthen security here at home because you to believe that face is actually has anything been people with a desire to attack right here. gibson: that's right, liz.
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i want to say first and foremost that my role on the house armed services committee i take very strictly. we will keep our people safe. on the border we voted for a bill that would secure our borders in the first week of august of this year and, unfortunately, the senate didn't move it. the senate should pass and the president should sign. battle because it would keep us safer, not just like by the southern border, talking about the northern border and imports. it will also set the conditions i think. and by the way, my party is on record voting for that anything that's important. been on record voting for that means that we should have now set the conditions for comprehensive immigration reform, providing for use our build we use in august. let me say on the islamic state that this is a threat that i know personally. they have rebranded themselves but before they were the islamic state they were al-qaeda and iraq. and this is the enemy that my paratroopers that we thought it
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it's an ebola enemy. no question. they did unspeakable things. we will have to confront this. we cannot be defended have to be defeated the question is how. i didn't think the conditions were set. i disagree with the escalation answered and devoted -- he voted against i think it was a right position. i voted against it as well but i think what we need is a three things. we've covered the third and that's the border the first two things is we have to help the iraqi armed forces and the kurds defeat islamic state in iraq. that will not only neutralize the military people in iraq but will disrupt their ability. and then you are asked about what to do about syria. what we need to do is working with our friends and allies, not only in the region but across the world is put pressure on the assad regime -- >> moderator: forgiving today to catch all. we run out of time. we'll get back to the immigration question which we deviated into their but just to be clear because it did ask mr. eldredge, boots on the ground cover appropriate at some
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point in your mind? gibson: the number one priority to protect our people. if we end up learning about a threat that's in the process of attacking our country we will take any means necessary to protect our people including using ground troops if necessary. >> moderator: thank you very much. next. >> from water mains to roads, infrastructure in this district and across the country is getting older. official said the money is and, therefore, replacing all the bridges and sewers needed replacing. situations like the washington evidence single show that the list of making these improvements in time. what can the federal government do to help, congressman eldridge, starting with you. gibson: a couple things. we support, ma we are partners in this. there's a federal contribution that's made, a state contribution that's made it off at a local contribution that goes into this. the federal piece of this comes into principle bills. although there are some smaller grants that come in some of the others is one that's the infrastructure built and the
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farm bill. the infrastructure built, a surface transportation bill provides money for us. in fact, in our district we have now the bridge that is being built in part because of federal funding that help to get for our area. i'm proud of our work and proud of her companies and workers that are working on the bridge. going forward we will have challenges as far as have to fund. have come forward with new thinking that will not climb up on the back of middle-class families here because there's talk about trying to raise the gas tax. there's a smarter way we can pay for this infrastructure and we can do by expanding exploration off the coast and taking the new royalties and put it into the highway trust fund. we can also do this by bringing money back to the united states, $1.5 trillion the to receive a repatriate in, we can pay for the. and then the phone bill. i've got more to say -- >> i do want to get to sean eldridge just for your response. also the congressman mentioned the bridge. the federal government recently
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rejected the proper jury of a loan from the state to pay for the bridge. do think the federal government was right? eldridge: we need to make sure the funds are you chicago. i know some of the funds that are were meant for water and sewer projects i think we've got to make sure using it for such works meant to be done. and more broadly the federal government would not be everything to everyone but it's got to invest in things like infrastructure. we are falling down on the basics. 60% of roads a nuke state need the rebuild, many of our bridges. i also think the issue of high speed internet is critical. about 10% of have access to high speed internet in 2014. i'm worried that means or committees will fall behind. we need robust investment and infrastructure. but i think if we pass national infrastructure bank to leverage public and private funds we can get bipartisan support for that. and the to going back to the internet peace, the federal government has decided historically in rural areas access to telephone was
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necessary, access to rural electrification need to be universal. we need that with the and it. right now this congress is not getting it done. and kicking the can down the road and it's the least productive congress in history of our country. if we do the same people we will not invest in infrastructure. we need new leadership. >> do think the gas tax should be increased? eldridge: absolute not but i want to close at $4 billion giveaway to big oil companies that put the infrastructure and congressman eldridge continues to defend that giveaway. gibson: that's not true. mark record reflects that i want to move it into clean and renewable energy. i've been a leader on the. 59 votes to strengthen the energy efficiency and renewable energy account. i'm a cosponsor of a democratic bill. mr. delay from maryland is perfectly suited to bring forward this bill because he needs to do that before difficulties but it's about getting the money, $1.5 trillion that oversees getting it back into our economy and it would come back at a discounted rate
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provide a one for infrastructure can not only roads and bridges, water and sewer but including broadband and renewable energy. i'm proud to be a cosponsor and i think if you marry that course of action with the expiration you will be able to take infrastructure for a decade. >> the rejection of that loan from environmental protection agency, was that the right move? gibson: we've got to comply. we've had challenges when you put that together. we brought the resources there with the bill and now we need the states take it from there. we're not saying this infrastructure is also in the farm bill. my opponent, he said he supports farmers -- >> we will get to the farmer -- it's up for michael nutter coed spent much term -- >> let's turn to the farm bill. you said yo you would vote agait the parka because of the cuts to food steps, cuts totaled
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$80 billion, far less than what republicans at first proposed and, in fact, it split new york centers on the senator schumer voted for the senator gillibrand voted against it. what size would those cuts, what would they have had to be for you to support that bill? gibson: we should have been cutting them. let me say i think we get to support our farmers. we've worked with a number of agricultural companies. we create something called the co-pay agricultural center come worked with a group there to provide long-term leases for farmers. we've got to make the farm to work for family farms. that means access to can come access to credit and that's important. this is important difference between us. i don't think we should balance our budget on the backs of folks who needed social programs, a few to go to school hungry in the morning. center to children's is on the agricultural committee. she works every day with our farmers. she's a proud supporter of farmers. she thought these cuts went too far. i think we can raise taxes on people like me. let's pass up a good rule
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instead of cutting attrition programs, literally free lunch programs for kids to go to school hungry. i know governor cuomo stop that. it happen elsewhere in the country and that's not a risk we should take the this is broadly a difference between us. i'm not going to balance our budget on the backs of kids were hungry or our seniors. spent just to follow up if you're elected and under the farm bill comes along and there's a billion dollars in cuts for footsteps, $509 in cuts to you would vote against the bill? eldridge: in public that the dusty we can get them i think that's fun. i think $9 billion was way too much. if i would i be fighting for our farmers and i would be fighting for working families and fighting for those who need this free lunch programs. $9 billion in cuts to programs that provide seniors food, that put food on the table for families who need help, that's wrong and i'm proud to stand up and say that's wrong. congressman eldridge can begin it's about our farmers but it's not. it's about helping -- to talk a lot about being from the. uniforms are starting to you
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know people need help and that's why going to fight against these cuts. >> congressman eldridge, your response and what do you say to the families is talking about? gibson: let me just say i grew up in a middle-class home and we were on food stamps for a while. i want to be clear on this. they were no cuts to the food stamp program in the farm bill. so says president obama, so says secretary vilsack. and quite rightly so says senator sanders. and here's why. this was a fraud, waste, and abuse them in the it came from an inspector general report from the 2008 farm bill by assessing and he found out that when they put in the farm bill in 2008, they said he the kid heating assistance to automatic we go to the highest level of food stamps, okay, so states started sending 1 dollar checks to families of they could bomb them. the ig said he got to leases ann the $20. that was the recommendation of
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the obama administration. when the president signed into law he said no child will go hungry. here's the key point. it's about temperament to serve in an era of divided government because my opponent has no ability to cover but. he said he would've voted against the bill when, in fact, our farmers, we needed this for our dairy comfort of vegetable, conservation and world open to all of these things that help the rural economy grow. we would've lost out because mr. eldridge inability to compromise. it got to go to work together anytime. once again there was to point on the food stamps that had to do with this, fraud, waste, and abuse amendment and the second one that made up the little difference was if you win the lottery now you have to count those assets to quit someone win the lottery in the midwest and they went down to collect their footsteps and they found they were still eligible. >> just to follow up. mr. eldridge mentioned states have and dictate the money to support these. was that just politics are giving those governors actually
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thought that people would be a risk of going hungry? gibson: they have the right to do that. we have a federalism concept here. here's the thing to know. when it was written in the bill it said if you're getting some kind of assistance like eating assistance then you automatically qualify. but when state started sending 1 dollar checks, that was not really the intention of congress, that was an abusive, acting on the state, on the part of the state. what the ig recommended that would move that threshold to 20. if states want to send $20, and the folks could get automatic -- one thing to note is that the family was entitled to the highest level of footsteps, they had no cuts about. this only automatic remove them. gibson: let me prove it said it was a nine-point was cut and the previous version was a $20 billion cut which but you also voted for. that's cut. having the state step up and pay for, that means that a mandate on the state.
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that means property taxes go up in state taxes will go to pay for this but the federal government has to be a better partner across the road. our states, counties, our towns can't afford to pay for everything. they can't rebuild our roads and bridges on their own and they can't help working coming on the own. so this was the federal government putting the burden on the states. that's going to raise taxes for folks who. i also think that's wrong. gibson: one things to know in milton, food stamps -- this was not that. is based on based on budgeting and reduction in saving space on a fraud, waste, and abuse a minute. 400 billion to 700 billion. where i went to school that's an increase traffic i stand with her children on working and fighting for working families. >> economic element. industry analysts expect plans
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do not remain there in the long-term. what role does the federal government play in saving these jobs are least finding ways to help the chip industry grew in new york. concord and gibson cut but i disagree with the premise. i think we are and this one. by the way it took 20 plus years to win this. these investments are going in in the 1990s, and a lot of folks try to pile on to take credit. a lot of folks were doing this. quite frankly is go back to the first cuomo administration. the investments we made here made an attractive to so many companies, about 50 different countries to bring their intellectual capital, human capital here and we sit now evidence in the college of nanoscale. what we need to do is all that r&d, all that led to his being in a competitive advantage when it came to manufacturing. what we need to do is to things. make sure we don't fumble. we are in the open field, running with the ball and we won these contracts fair and square. we are not manufacturing the
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most date of the art semiconductors in the world. folks who think we can keep up, there's no one who makes a better semiconductor in the world. what we should be doing is education, pass a good job training bill. and by the way, hudson valley community college deserves credit working with high schools. these are wonderful manufacturing jobs. good jobs, about 60, $65,000 a year with benefits and a pension. i want to see us now take that technology and turn it into clean and renewable energy. he can talk more about that. >> do you think these jobs can stay long-term? eldridge: i'm glad it looks like those jobs will stay in touch is county but i do think the government needs to be careful not just working with large corporations to find tax break answers to keep me. most new jobs in the region come from so businesses that are going. the vast majority of new jobs. those businesses need help as well. that's what i worked on. i started small business investment company and work with companies and region and there's a few things would get to support small business as well.
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one is access to capital. small business administration works pretty slowly and if you're a startup company it's hard to get the support when he needed. i would like to see reform in the s. be. we need tax reform. right now because large corporations and the country and very wealthy people are not paying their fair share. that burden of taxes is only on small business and on middle-class families. if we're real texan i think we could lower tax rates for small businesses and help them grow. finally, infrastructure which it on a so critical. >> it was a mess question about tax reform but what can the government do to stimulate economic development in this field physically chip fabrication but is this something that you believe can be a long-term benefit for this region? eldridge: absolute. we've got to build on her strengths and create new strengths. i was proud to found the hudson to advanced manufacturing center. that was focus on 3-d printing technology. it's incredible we can print in layers of metal and plastic and make objects and have another may take weeks. i created that center to help
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small business and students get trained on the technology. the governor came in to partner ago that further. so yes let's build in our existing strengths, create new strengths, trained for the future i think the federal government needs to be better partner. gibson: well look, we talked about some of things we can do to continue to accelerate this. by the way i'm very optimistic because again, here's the issue but if someone is going to compete with us, we have the intellectual capital, the schools here. we've got a cost of living mine is the energy which i'm working to lower. we've got so much to offer. as we continue to fill out the manufacturing i believe will continue to win. will want to do is pull down the hudson valley, across the mohawk river valley. your nose with taken action to the you see what's going on utica that we'll set the stage and to move this up the mohawk river valley and while i was
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excited to put a deposit press release on this it's having global foundry take us over. of leaders more ownership in the duchess valley region. see that continu continue to the spent do you think where taxes are necessary? gibson: i think we need tax reform is what we need. i voted to support the small business attacks. what bothered him as well. i support lower taxes and lower energy costs. i want to tell you that i'm proud to fight. look, my opponent brings at this pledge. i oppose energy tax. it's clear and she supports them. if we're going to get these jobs was to lower energy costs. eldridge: may i respond? if we keep john boehner and we e will not get tax or corporate event for years to get done and that the dispatch to the house in a conference it would and i both energy taxes of small business and middle-class. >> we are going to get to asking each other question in a minute. >> moderator: i think this is a good opportunity for us and
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we'll let you go first, congressman. this is the point would have been operating to ask your opponent a question. go ahead. gibson: thank you, liz. shawne, in july of 2012 when you got married, you have the new york times came up and they covered the wedding. and then that you were quoted, a wonderful piece by the way, you were quoted as saying that garrison, which is in putnam county which is outside of our congressional district, you were quoted as saying that it reminds you of where you grew up in ohio, and that you are excited to be there and that you are going to build your business and build your family there. and yet just several months later, you know, you picked up and moved into our district, and within two weeks of buying that home you file to be a candidate in congress. so i'm just choose given how athletic you were in "the new york times" piece, what changed?
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eldridge: i appreciate you point out the toxins on has been my home for some time now and i'm proud of the work i've done. i'm proud i decided to base my company in kingston. look, while you were voting to shut down our government and waste billions and put our economy at risk, i was supporting small business in the hudson valley. i was craving more jobs and this congress has created. while you were voting to define planned parenthood i was on the board in the hudson valley and i'm proud of that. while you were signing the koch brothers climate pledge, i was working with, share and public policy board to help prepare our town and our cities for climate change. i'm proud of the work i've done in the hudson done. it's my home. i'm going to continue to fight for those same values and issues in congress. gibson: its most enter into did answer the question. >> moderator: anything else to say? eldridge: i guess i chose to put my company in kingston. proud of the work we've done, and going to keep fighting for those things. >> moderator: mr. eldridge him
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to have a question for the congressman? eldridge: i do. we hear about no labels leadership. why did you vote for john boehner for speaker? why did you vote for a more moderate option? gibson: look, john boehner i think, you know, stepped forward in a very difficult time. i think he provided leadership to make sure that we did not default on our debt, and it's interesting that sean eldridge criticize me. he says i voted for the poster. that boat was unable for sikorsky. we have 36 hours before we're going to have, can hardly any sikkim the first ever default in the country. and my opponent criticized me for voting that way. and look, it very well -- may very well develop over time but that was not the right position to john boehner had the right position. we had to make sure we paid our debt. so look, going forward, is he going to run again will have to wait and see. body home in florida we'll have to see what emerges.
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we've got first things first this election. eldridge: i don't think the right position was to threaten to shut down or government, people are dead because he didn't agree with the president on one issue. i don't think that was the right position. i would ever put u us in place r threaten to not pay our bills, to default. the republican compromise is meant my way or government shutdown. gibson: my vote was going for the record, my vote was the same boat as john patrick maloney, the same as bella was, the same as dan maffei. so with a keyboard attachment. eldridge: that's not active. you voted again and again to shut down the government and that hurt the hudson valley. >> moderator: we are going to move on. we move on to campaign finance and reform which actually was touched on all of it. congressman, start with you. this race has been great expense. it's brought up a lot of issues the campaign finance laws. in your opinion on the appropriate limits on how money should be regulated, independent expenditures?
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citizens united, the decision really opened the floodgates in terms of outside money. should contribution to limited at all or is this only question of disclosure and should all donors be disclosing who they're giving money to and for what? gibson: first of all, is money a problem in campaigns? i think it's evident it is. look, as artist of my point is i can think of any other reason other than money why he's the candidate. he has tremendous potential and may very well over time the imposition i think did a strong representative. but today the only reason why he is here is money. when you take a look at the system, look, i don't think that public financing is the into because we are already, i think we've got something that we've put more money in education and roads and bridges. why should we give taxpayer dollars for negative commercials? i don't think that's the answer but we need a response. i ever capping the amount of money that can be spent in an election. i am for disclosure and for rejecting all outside spending but it's the same offer i get my
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opponent. >> moderator: before we get there and you have an up-to-date but don't you into the constitutional issue when you start limiting that? gibson: very good. we did this, not exactly that. we did reform in the early '70s after watergate and the supreme court in buckley versus luke valeo eviscerated. after enron we brought forward mccain-feingold. that got eviscerated. wwe will need a cluster to a minute. my recommendation is a very short one that says something to the effect in view of the spirit of one person one vote, the congress shall have the power to regulate federal election campaigns. what that does it it signals to the court how important this is. so look, i'm an advocate. myoclonus is i haven't done anything to i offered him a chance to be a national model. we have a chance to make a big difference across the country. >> moderator: mr. eldridge, go ahead. eldridge: we have talked about this but i've been a leader for
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the fight for finance campaign reform to the voice of the voters of being drowned out by corporate money, no question. we've got to get rid of citizens united. we need more disclosure. i think it is leading by example. i disclose every single contribution we received whether it's $1 or $100. congressman gibson so talk about this when i got in the race. he has not signed onto the disclose act. why don't you sign onto the disclose that? there's more than $2 million in outside spending. we don't know any of their donors are the more than $2 million in a tactic. they're doing your dirty work and you will sign on the bill that will make them disclose their donors. gibson: it doesn't disclosure everybody. it just takes a few people but it does include . eldridge: had introduced a different bill? gibson: i've worked with you and citizen groups in this district on the very same issue. let me say one thing i disclosure. i've been willing to do that. the reason why don't, candidly
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come is because i democrats who donate to me. but i'm willing to give it to a third party source to those to to look at and just ask that we reject any democrats that gave u.s. >> moderator: could you respond to the congressman's allegations regarding your own money? it seems it's possible we're setting up a system where only the very wealthy can afford to run. eldridge: that's what i want to fight against. i am investing in my own race and that means i don't have to take a penny from corporate tax and big oil, big banks and wall street. no matter how personal honesty may become no matter how well-intentioned your, you know that corporate tax cut to be should come with strings attached. they do and shows it in your voting record of voting against raising the minimum wage to $10.10. a fun to undermine the consumer ahmadinejad protection bureau. why would you vote against -- >> moderator: i'm sorry to get you all. but the question he was time to give that was would you be able to run if he did have all personal wealth? eldridge: with more than 4000 40 individual donors. averaged occupation is under 50
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doubles. we have raised more than $2 million so absolutely. i know we doesn't respect my experience. i have helped a lot -- >> moderator: let's not muddy the water on this one. eldridge: i think i record this summer to the record of work on the issue i want to fight for an congress. gibson: let me just as i do respect your work on that. i'm surprised you will talk more about it because that's the little extremes that you truly have. look, i'm the second most independent republican in the congress and a but i've gotten the judgment right. i've got money from defense companies and then a vote against one of the defense appropriations because it wasn't right. i've got a record, i stand up right here, ge, had the second engine to the joint strike fighter and paul talk about it for a second engine. i voted no because i couldn't look my constituency i say we should have, we should build two houses for somebody to make a cheaper. >> moderator: we will have an opportunity to revisit other issues in the areas of your record, and will move on to
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michael scotto. >> we're going to stick a little bit to the issue that campaign finance. i will begin with you, mr. eldridge. you just never criticizing your opponent for being beholden to the corporate interest that donate to his campaign. a look for your campaigns or your financial disclosure forms show that you have been giving money to companies that are through your hudson river venture corporation. you have been giving a lot of money to these companies. on some level sinjar new to the district, are you in some ways buying or at least trying to buy support from those companies? eldridge: owsley not. i have been giving. i've been investing and partnering and they are working hard every day. companies like bread alone which are critical but 100 jobs, companies like prohibition distillery which are really just a stellar example of main street develop an which we could get to the old firehouse entered into this state-of-the-art distiller. i've worked with them, support
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them either great ceo working hard to work every day. i'm proud of that were. politics you get a lot of talk and election. i've acted. i supported business. i've helped create jobs and i'm proud of that record. >> wouldn't your intention on some level seem a little bit pure if you moved to the district, you volunteered, maybe you on some committee board, ran for a county level position, not right for congress? eldridge: i was on many boards including planned parenthood. i don't think we need more career politicians. we don't need more folks are going to the normal career path. that's what we have -- >> don't have to build up trust and support within the district before you run? eldridge: that's what i'm endorsed by senator gillibrand, that's why we're closing the gap. that's why we have the support of many voters and families throughout our district. i do agree with you that the number one job -- i went out there and all 11 counties listing both as a candidate but
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also as someone who helps support small business. i'm hearing they don't want to give a plane headed -- they don't want to defund planned parenthood. gibson: to the extension help some of our questions under companies, thank you. digital the new to this is where you going to build your business and your family. and only settlements where you said you move your business, you did, but you did after the last election. i don't know them so told me that several employees with hudson river ventures and other on your campaign. maybe you care to comment on that but let me say this. he says he doesn't take corporate money back but, you know, does. he takes money from the leadership, from the ceos, coo said cfo specter so many of them. go through the list. at google, that ceo, soros, whole litany we can provide to you. it's disingenuous to say you're not taking corporate money winner taking money from the leadership of those corporations. because to the people in our district they will see a
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difference between somebody who is the government relations for a summit of -- they think that ceo and someone calls the shots. and you start a super pac. eldridge: i was there one person on this issue the again and again for corporation. one person signed the coke brother climate pledge. i saw raising the men wage to $10.10. i support making sure big corporations pay their fair share. i will fight for those things and your record reflects that you been standing up with your corporate donors instead for families in region. men which is a great example. you've taken contributions from the national restaurant association and you believe $10.10 is -- >> moderator: if you want to respond directly to any of the allegations that he just me, please go ahead otherwise we will move on track but i'm proud i'm not taking corporate tax money but we do to build a system would be independent the wealthy or very well connected with wealthy people to run for office. we need to create a system where you can run on your ideas and issues and values. i am in a unique position to be
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independent. i want to fight for reform. that's what i'm going to do. >> let's turn to the issue of hydrofracking. congressman gibson if the state were to allow high-volume hydrofracking, should epa be taking a more active role in regulating this process to ensure water quality is not impacted? gibson: let me just say i'm appreciative of you asking the question because my well-heeled opponent is running $1 million campaign to mislead people about where my position is on fracking. i have said i would only support it if it's found to be safe. if this does come back and win the health study al-qaeda, another environmental study out to get it comes back it's not safe i'm not going to be supportive of it. i believe in home rules. if you have a local community that does want to do hydrofracking, they shouldn't be forced to do it. budget, i can compete with all the money. user and his multimillion dollar campaign in congress we've had one vote, ma one vote because let's face really.
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both my feet on the ground. my role as a congressman is to protect our water and air. with one vote was not we should have federal regulations for fracking. absolutely. incidentally, i'm the author unwelcome on the republican lead and the principal author from colorado, democrat of what's called the frac act. that requires countries to disclose the chemicals and comply with the s.a.f.e. mortgaging act. as a congressman this is my role. if you truly wanted to been fracking should've ran for governor. if that's first will make the decision. he makes profits. he's a part owner of these companies that do the fracking, financing and the. >> moderator: >> mr. eldridge, if you want to respond to that. eldridge: sure. i oppose fracking, and take them out of a lot of conversations with families and activists and look at the science we do have. we have seen in pennsylvania drinking water has been polluted or on what to make sure we don't pollute our drinking water.
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we have seen in ohio and oakland these earthquakes have happen. -- oklahoma. i oppose fracking i think we've got to go with the science we have now. to me that says it's the wrong approach for our region. the congressman knows as well as i do i have investment management third party similar to any mutual fund, any pension fund. and i think a lot of folks interdistrict our inattention or in mutual funds and they also oppose fracking. another example commuting on the bank of america stock and believe we should add consumer financial protection for to make sure they don't get credit for things. the question is who are going to fight for. i'm going to fight for families in region if that means costing me money. congressman gibson continue to fight for big corporations and i think that's wrong. >> what about the president's support? isn't right for some states that are allowing now and just one for new york? how do you square . eldridge: this is an area i disagree with president obama and he talks a lot about natural
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gas, without even often mentioning the caveat that might harm our fun. i've seen recen recent studies t missing ways that may a board about the impact on climate change. is a great activist in cooperstown named lou alston to use to work at exxon mobil. he has come up opposing fracking. the idea of making climate change worse very frightening to me. so i would want to pause for liking until we know better the impact of climate change in this congress isn't acting on climate change. gibson: with all the concern over friday night understand why you won't pressure understands a third party makes the investment but a third party doesn't have the profits. you get the profits. there are like stanford university some religious organizations, institutions have divested to you can send a letter and some want to divest from these funds but you won't do it. you did say if you went you move into a blind trust but you didn't and would send a letter to divest.
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that's what i just don't get. i guess that's it for you to . eldridge: there's one person who is sent out letters supporting fracking and with those lives would you say you support the company's energy policy that includes hydrofracking. if your position has changed . gibson: the next sentence as i would only supported if it's found to be safe. if it's not found to be safe -- >> why not divest? eldridge: what we need is policies in place, government policy go get companies to do the right thing. takes i can take exxon mobil, a lot of big oil companies tricky dick actual climate change, ready for carbon limitation. i want to fight for the government policies that make sure that they do the right thing. instead tonight has been signing the koch brothers pledge. >> let's move on. >> moderator: will move onto an issue that's important in the district and congressman, you brought it up so this question is for you. regarding lyme disease. the house passed the first ever
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lyme disease pacific bill. you are the sponsor, if i'm not mistaken but it prioritizes the research at a cost of $338 million through 2019. it requires tick borne illness generally. so the outlook for this bill in his sin is what and how does that change specifically added ability that any conversation, if, in fact, republicans managed to flip. gibson: is a priority but in needs to get signed into law this year. i just had a phone conference yesterday with some of the advocates. i think it looks good. senator joe brennan said she was part of this innocent we can do this with a unanimous consent. providing that no one objects. this is so important to this bill was constituent driven. when i got home from the army i didn't go to complete a couple days if somebody would grab my arm and say they had either been suffered from a number of close
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friend. so soon as i got to washington with the owners to make a difference. and two to four we have made modest difference. a little bit of money for better prevention, a little bit of money for better testing. here's the issue. we need a voice because with experts in the valley right now and they can't get their stuff published. we passed the bill so that we get the first scientific viewpoints. want to do, that guidelines for cdc will change and that will provide for better treatment and better insurance company coverage transfer isn't though, and i don't want to get into a tit for tat on the issue of lyme disease but isn't it controversial to, the whole question of chronic lyme disease? you are open to hearing from those health experts who said that actually that's not, in fact, something that is significant or even real? gibson: listen, i've are responsibly. i worked for three cores of them in peoples i listen to avoid, even people and may not agree with. i've met with health care professionals, some that say
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there is a chronic lyme disease but identity to dive into this and i've listened carefully. i know one thing for sure, i've got constituents were suffering and for a long time. we've got doctors who i trust that have shown the evidence and i believe it is chronic lyme disease and this bill will make a difference. some of said, the guy who authored the bill on autism, thinks that this bill will do the same for chronic lyme disease what's done for autism. >> moderator: just to be clear before going any further had good conversations with republicans in the u.s. senate? because it's your party takes the chamber permits great center gillibrand . gibson: i believe, the way this process works is the majority leader, because we don't want to wait until next congress, majority leader reid sent out a message and then we find out who might have objections and then i had to go personally from office to office to assuage those
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concerns are get this signed into law this year spent i think the college coursework. it is an important issue and i hear about it quite a bit. i do think if you're struck with one of these you need health care. that's why didn't we need that kind of research that is what the postal voting more than 40 times on one or two the affordable care act. to our 15,000 families in our district who didn't have helped to before who are covered now. to take that away from i think is wrong. the issue preexisting dish is important to i don't want to go back to a day when folks were deny coverage or go bankrupt because of preexisting condition. it is great to talk about lyme disease but we got to work on the. we've got to make sure health care happens. congressman gibson and i were asked whether we believe health care is a fun and a right for every american or not. i said yes. congressman gibson said no to that's an important difference. >> moderator: we will get to affordable health care and it will only a minute but i just want to make one thing through the is there something in terms of lyme disease that you think you could do better than a congressman if you are elected?
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eldridge: we've got to make sure the proper fun is there. we saw with sequester funding for all research was cut across the board and it hasn't yet passed the senate. i hope will but if it would get more things done. the least productive congress in history of a country will not get anything done on infrastructure and so many other important issues. gibson: so here's the thing though, sean. is the way we place this quest was a bipartisan budget the we worked together but you didn't support that. select the font though it's hard when you have, i understand your earnest and you certainly are very aggressive on the goals. i get that but at the end of the no one gets 100% of what they want to on the issue of the health care law, when i first read this i said then, this law will help them. it's going to hurt more people that it helps and we could help people without hurting people. look at the pledges. the pledges were our health care cost of undergo down from if you like your help to point you to keep it and it was going to cut medicare. we found all three of those
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promises have been broken. he says i voted to repeal the. listen, i voted to repeal it three times. iphoto two improved the rest of the times. one of those votes if you like to help them find you can keep it, evidently my opponent opposes that. >> moderator: forgive me for cutting you off. we are running out of time. i'm going to actually move it on to you, michael. >> congressman gibson, i'm going to stick with you and discuss immigration reform. you have addressed support for increasing border security for a guest worker program and also you said that you support giving and document immigrants the opportunity to get green cards which would essentially put them on a pathway to citizenship. given your position, and correct me if i'm wrong, it seems at least we talked about the spirit you are somewhat in line with the senate bill. so why not call on house
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leadership, john boehner, to bring up the bill, use it as a starting point at least to some a get to cover his of immigration reform in the house? gibson: it's simple actually but if you read the congressional budget office page five of their analysis is that this bill, senate bill you're referring to only cuts illegal immigration by other. the problem is it doesn't solve the problem. we just had a little colloquy here about the health care law. we had to pass it before we knew what was in a. and now look, regardless of where you on the issue we'll spend time struggling with the issue before. i don't want to see us make that mistake. you done pretty well we capping where met. i voted for visa reform. that passed the united states house and it died innocent. i have published within the way forward is that it's an earlier in this debate, i said that we passed in the house a border sector to go that i think is encouraging because republicans
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voted for it. the we've got them on record. and it's really important for our farmers, important to our families. >> you have this bill in place that was passed by the senator i understand you of your problems with it but why not at least use that as a starting point and getting something . gibson: it's a fair point, a fair point to raise that have taken action on that score. i went to the bill in what he said is low, let's drill in anwar the cbo found criticism. there's two things i think we can immediately do we get a better score. why this score matter? it matters because this is the impartial referee that assesses the bill. the american people need of faith that we're going to solve as. i recommended to think. the first thing is too many waivers in the bill. if the president are one of the secretaries kids to way. about is the cbo knows better so they score that as more lenient. the second thing we can do is
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employ the concept. we do that now for our defense. we have irregular militant the national guard. in policing with state police and county sheriffs. i argued we should have one law and we have multiple echelon enforcing it. i maintain, i recommended to the office, why didn't you at least get that forward because we may be able to get a better -- spent let me turn you come mr. eldridge. respond to his criticisms of the bill but also the fact that if this is himself properly, that the issue could be revisited again in another five or 10 years if this isn't done. eldridge: it's ironic with our lot the congress has been a congressman saying, this is a historic opportunity where senator schumer and a bipartisan coalition of senators cobbled together difficult legislation to do with immigration reform in the long run. it would have created a guest worker program to help our farmers. to would've provided billions more in border security and
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would've provided an early path would associate the would've taken more than a decade to happen. if you want to be no liberal, moderate, he's got to grips with these agreements. congressman gibson has a 0% rating on immigration reform. the only vote he simply focus on an as is to deport young dreamers. this is the difference between us. the store for cover his immigration reform is that would lower our debt, reduce forget and go our economy. >> his point is that would necessary solve the problem entirely. we saw what happened with immigration reform. eldridge: we had this historic bipartisan agreement instead of voting on in the house with creating a name is and discuss and make a better, we had an action. four more years of no cover his immigration reform and that is so symptomatic of this congress, this do nothing, least productive congress in history of our country. our economy is giving her and we're taking the can down the road on every major issue can think of the that's what i'm
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running. if congress was doing a perfect job i might do other things but right now congress is not. gibson: i will say it's him as i can. the impartial referee, the cbo assessed on page five that this only reduces illegal immigration by third. so look, i'd want to see us go through the whole process we went through with helped a lot because we're going to have to get to that. work through the. we have history but our country is, in making the six we passed simpson mazzoli. he thought that would be the answer for but we learned very quickly it wasn't and that so we ended up in this circumstance. i'm optimistic and appreciate the way you worded the original question because i'm on record. i voted for some of this reform, the security bill in august and also the visa reform. i am entirely published in the record and i've been acted on this and i'm going to be more of a difference on this issue now my opponent. the house with the republican and i got leverage as a
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republican leader. >> moderator: unfortunate we have covered a lot of ground and which were very pleased that but, unfortunately, we are at aa time and would have to move toward closing statements. since you spoke last, congressman, we will get the opportunity, mr. eldridge. eldridge: anti-semite for joining us this conversation i. one issue we didn't touch on much is the issue of health care, women's health care. i was proudest of on the board of planned parenthood in jacksonville. congressman gibson for to keep on planned parenthood but when i was knocking on doors in kingston a few months ago a middle-aged woman stopped me and said that the most important issue for her was planned parenthood. i asked her why and sh she said because when she was in her 30s, she had gone to planned parenthood. planned parenthood saved her life. it's one of the biggest health care providers and women -- for women in our issue. that's not model. that'that's not the label to ist moderate to vote to to present a bomb when you don't time for someone other issues. i think about for congressman gibson is about for this data will. a vote for two more years of the
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least productive congress in history of our country. i want to bring urgency, new ideas, new blood to congress. i'm asking for help in making that happen to i'm asking for your vote, together we can never country afford him some of these important issues we talked about tonight. thank you. gibson: thank you sean and everyone for joining in your tonight. i think it's important we reflect on what we've heard. my opponent is pouring millions of dollars into this campaign. you have no doubt seen those negative and false commercials and mailers. at the end of the day my opponent provides no plan, no inspiration. we had this discussion and he doesn't support the boppers agreements that would help our area. in contrast i have a proven record of bringing people together to get things done for us. i'm tied for second most effective legislator according to open congress and i broad and wide support including those who create jobs like a national federation of independent business, the chamber, the manufactures from the farm bureau and workers.
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and i have the support of education and environmental defense fund. very rarely d do you see such a diverse set of groups supporting one candidate leading this race they are. why? leadership. leadership that gets things done for us to whether you are a republican independent and conservative or democrat, i'm asking for your vote on the fourth of november. take it very much. >> moderator: thank you. that does -- thank you so much for purchase men and thanks to all of you at home for watching. please remember to go out and vote on november 4 and please stay with time warner cable news for all your election updates. until then have a great night and be well. ♪ ♪ >> coming up next, "the communicators" with former u.s. chief technology officer, discussing his book innovative state and how new technologies can transform government. that's followed by columnist and
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