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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  November 19, 2014 6:00am-8:01am EST

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you know? this answer is perplexing to me. if you're not a scientist, then be humble and listen to the peer-review scientists. if you're not a doctor and you're not a nurse, be humble. they don't have a special interest. they have an interest in giving us information. we should base our decisions upon. now i'm going to talk about the environment. you know, this pipeline is going to go through the oglala aquifer, one of the world's largest underground sources of fresh water. it provides water to farms in eight states, accounting for a quarter of the nation's cropland as well as municipal drinking wells. now, remember what i told you before, that when this oil gets into water, it is the most difficult oil to clean up because it's so heavy.
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while there's 2,537 wells wit one mile of the proposed pipeline, including 39 public water supply wells, 20 private wells within a hundred feet of the pipeline right-of-way. if the pipeline were to leak near the aquifer, the tar sands oil would quickly seep into the millions of people.minate water i've already shown you a spill in arkansas. these spills happen. now, if a spill occurred near any of these aquifers, it would be tragic. local residents know the harm the pipeline could cause. i'll show you some pictures of local objecting ts objecting toe pipeline. in april, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal leaders gathered in washington, d.c., for a rally.
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they wanted to send a strong signal to congress that they want their way of life protected. their farms, their tribal lands and their ranches. now, you're going to hear from tar sands proponents that the keystone pipeline will be safe, it will be a safe alternative to rail shipment of oil, but experience tells us otherwise. in 2010, that pipeline ruptured, spilled over a million gallons in michigan. the local health department ordered the evacuation of 50 households. approximately 100 families were advised not to drink water. one resident living near the kalamazoo river had to abandon her home because the stench from the spill made her dizzy and nauseous and sick, classic signs of acute exposure to tar sands. another resident who was pregnant said she couldn't
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breathe. she said -- quote -- "my eyes were burning, my nose was burning. it smelled like a diesel tanker had turned over in the front of my house." now, you will not hear this from the proponents. the michigan spill was the largest inland spill in history and more than four years and a billion later, it is not cleaned up. this summer, parts of the kalamazoo river were closed as dredging efforts continued to remove oil from the bottom of the river. and i talked to you about arkansas. residents were exposed to benzene, a known carcinogen, hide begin sulfite. people suffered, dizziness, nausea, headaches, respiratory problems -- all classic symptoms of exposure to the chemicals found in the tar sands. there's a section of tar sands that's already been built, the pipeline, in the gulf region. it's already experiencing
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problems that could result in another pipeline spill but you won't hear that from the proponents. according to bloomberg business week, the pipeline and hazardous materials safety administration, fimsa, found a systemic problem with substandard wells on portions of the pipeline. in fact, during one week when the pipeline was being monitored, regulators found that over 70% of the wells were flawed and required repairs. senators should pay attention to the facts. people are sick around the tar sands. when it spills, it threatens their way of life, harms them physically. all you have to look to is the evidence to see that x.l. stands for extra lethal and misery follows the tar sands. now i'm going to talk about climate.
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i want to explain here that once we begin transporting the dirty tar sands oil through that pipeline, it would unleash more carbon pollution and harm our nation's effort to address dangerous climate change. the state department says a barrel of tar sands oil would create at least 17% more carbon pollution than domestic oil. the state department says compared to average crude oil, burning the amount of tar sands oil from keystone extra lethal pipeline could add an additional 27.4 metric tons -- i'm sorry, would add an additional 27.4 million metric tons of carbon pollution each year. now, that's a fact. you don't hear the proponents talk about that.
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i know we have the senator from now now who has now taken over the chair. he knows what climate change is doing to hawaii already. i was in the state. i took a tour. i was at a conference that he organized. and we know we can't afford th this. if we allow this to happen, we would see the carbon pollution that you would get from adding 5.8 million new cars to the road or wiping out the carbon pollution reductions that we gained from the first round of fuel economy improvements for heavy duty trucks. wiped out. wiped out. and i believe this is a fact, that if we do this, we'd see the equivalent of eight new coal-fired plants and those are dirty. eight new coal-fired plants. that's the equivalent of what we
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would be getting here in terms of the carbon pollution. every year. an august 2014 study in the peer review journal "climate change" estimated the increase of fuel consumption caused by keystone x.l. would result in up to 110 million metric tons of carbon pollution each year. that's four times the state department's high-end estimate. now, i said eight coal-fired plants, right? this peer-reviewed study says it's 29. so, mr. president, we have two estimates. one says it's the equivalent of building eight new dirty coal-fired power plants and another peer-reviewed study said that it would be equal to building 29 new coal-fired power plants here in the u.s. 29. think about it in your
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mind's-eye. all you need to do is look at china to see what happens when you throw the environment under the bus. is this the kind of world we want to see for our kids? is this the future? this isn't hyperbole. this is a picture of -- i was in china in a fantastic trade trip and i never saw the sun for 10 days save for one day when it sort of peeked out. and the guide said, isn't it a beautiful day? no, it wasn't a beautiful day at all. there was like a semblance of a little sun behind a cloud. why do you think people love the environmental protection agency in our country? 70% strong. it's because they know this could be america. you throw the environment under the bus, this is what it will
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look like. now, some of my colleagues say they don't want to act on climate change, especially my republican colleagues. i don't know of a one that's ready. and they say, well, china is building coal-fired plants. well, the president just came back and the president did have an agreement with china to move forward because the chinese people can't live like this either any more. and the social unrest that is the big fear of beijing that starts to bubble up has a lot to do with this. we've had a breakthrough agreement. would this be the time, in the face of this progress, to approve this pipeline? i say it's ridiculous timing. it's ridiculous.
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i remember a time when saving the environment was bipartisan. i remember leaders like john chafee, john warner. now i don't see one republican ready to step forward and say it's time to put a price on this pollution and stop this pollution. my state has done it. oh, my state is doing great. just great. new jobs. and i'll put some information into the record on that. now, canada's natural resources minister said -- quote -- "in order for crude oil frowks grow, the -- oil production to grow, the north american crude oil pipeline network must be expanded. so we know this is just the start. now climate. everyone can say what they will. "i'm not a scientist."
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"i don't know." over the past few months, we've seen everything from the hottest august, the hottest september on record and the hottest october on record. we've seen historic droughts and extreme wildfires. i've seen them in my state. we've seen vanishing wildlife habitat in alaska, toxic algae blooming out of control and contaminating drinking water supplies in toledo, ohio, because the water is getting h hot. and the algae that couldn't survive in the colder waters survives in the warmer waters. we see these wake-up calls every day. but instead of confronting that crisis, we have the party of "no" saying, "no, i'm not a scientist." and "no, i won't listen to them." and we do nothing. and this project does the opposite. it makes matters worse.
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now, there's a lot of talk about how we need this oil to become energy independent. let me tell you something. we're going to see gas prices go up if this thing goes forward and i'll explain why. this is from economists, not from me. and it is not a win for america. big oil will be the winners. you have to know u.s. gasoline demand is on the decline and economists say it will continue to be through 2040. and since 2011, the u.s. has exported more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than it imported. so big oil will be the big winners here if this project moves forward, not american workers or families filling up at the gas pump. the reality is, keystone extra lethal will increase the price americans pay for gas i at the
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pump and it is cheaper to buy gas in the midwest today than it would be if the pipeline were built. that is because moving tar sands oil to the gulf coast gives it access to international markets, which will increase the price canadians can charge for it. so right now that oil stays in america. now it's going to be pumped out, they can get higher prices and our prices are going to go up. the exports will reduce the supply of gasoline right here in america and drive up the price. as bloomberg reported earlier this year, three separate studies have shown keystone x.l. pipeline could raise domestic prices by 20 cents to 40 cents because it would divert canadian oil away from refineries in the midwest, where it's easier to export. gulf coast refiners plan to process the cheap canadian tar sands crude that would be supplied by the pipeline into
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diesel and other products for export. during a congressional hearing at the end of 2011, my senate colleague, then-congressman ed marky, who's now a member of our environment committee, he asked the trans-canada pipeline head if they would keep to keeping the oil and refined products in the united states -- quote -- "so that this country realizes all the energy security benefits your company has promised." mr. pue -- i can't pronounce his name -- "corvious said, no, i can't do that." so the head of trans-canada is not promising to keep the oil here and the products here. we know that. so all this talk energy independence -- let me tell you how you get energy independence. you produce what you can here, and we have been doing that where it's appropriate, and you
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also utilize the sun and the wind and the geothermal and the clean energies of the future that, believe me, when you embrace that clean energy agenda, you have far more jobs, you don't have pollution you have safer communities. now, one community in point arthur owned by valero, is expected to be a major custom of crude oil. let's show that picture of point arthur. because that's in a foreign trade zone, valero can operate tax-free. in the first nine months of this year, valero has reported a net income of $2.475 billion. today you'll also harry from tar sands advocates that the tar sands oil will just be shipped by rail even if the tar sands pipeline isn't built. well, it's very expensive to ship it by rail and the truth
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is, that's not a clear-cut case. in fact, both the rail companies and tar sands produces that pioneer transporting canadian tar sands oil by rail are on the verge of insolvency because of the high transportation costs. so don't buy into that, "oh, well, if you don't build the pipeline, you'll just ship it by rail." and then they say it's safer. we know it's not safer. now, we just heard the operator of the pipeline say it's 35 permanent jobs. okay? and i don't belittle the 1,900 construction jobs for two years that you would have. i don't belittle that. but i can truly tell you, coming from my state and later i'll talk about the successes, we can dwarf that by the hundreds of thousands if you really embrace
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a clean energy economy. the materials needed for the pipeline, that's not a domestic boom. a 2011 analysis found 50% or more of the steel pipe will be manufactured outside of the united states. we need clean energy policies. as we know, it is appropriate to drill for oil in our country where it's safe. it's appropriate. and if we can get to clean coal, it's appropriate. and it's appropriate if you can get to safe nuclear. the fact of the matter is, this pipeline is going to bring filthy, dirty oil, it's going to bring misery all across the country. let's look at the wind industry. supports over 560 manufacturing facilities, supports over 50,000 full-time jobs in 2013 alone.
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and that's 50,000 full-time jobs compared to 35 full-time jobs for the pipeline. come on. the solar industry in 2013 employed 142,000 americans, an increase of 24,000 additional jobs just last year. this is the future, not the misery that follows the tar sands. not communities that have to suffer with this filthy, dirty, dirtiest of oils. and not having this pet coke stored all over the midwest where it blows on kids and having kids get asthma. here's the spill in arkansas. still can't clean it up. it's happened in 2013. show me the -- this one. this isn't -- this isn't what we want the future to look like, mr. president.
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not this. we want the air to be clean and the water to be clean. this is china. this is what happens when you ignore our people who are telling us that are having increased asthma attacks, increased respiratory disease. you're not going to hear a word about it from my colleagues. and they're going to make a jobs argument that falls flat on its face. look, we know climate change is real, whether someone says they're not a scientist or not. we all know you're not a scientist. i'm not one. climate change is real. unleashing this filthy, dirty oil unleashes far more carbon and makes the problem worse.
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you're not going to hear any of that. and you're going to hear things that just aren't true. you're going to hear about all these jobs. 35 permanent jobs compared to tens of thousands in clean energy. you're going to hear this is the greatest thing. you're going to hear, oh, it's better to transport it by pipeline than rail when, in fa fact, that's not a fact in evidence that they would do that because it's so expensive. they're not going to talk to you about this, the spills. now, we have a very important process to go through before this pipeline is approved. this legislation derails that process and that process was established by an executive order and was updated by president george w. bush. before a finding is made as to
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whether this should go forward, the president must consult with experts in many federal agencies to determine whether this pipeline is in the national interest. this includes department of defense, department of homeland security and other agencies before a permit is granted. this bill that's in front of us short circuits this review. it cuts off expert opinions of our military leaders and others when determining whether the pipeline is safe, is it in the interest of the country, is it going to be another target. we need to know and we don't have the answers on the full public health implications. i would say also -- what is also interesting is the tar sands supporters gloss over the fact that this bill tramples states' rights. the rights of citizens in south dakota to have a say in their state's ongoing proceedings concerning construction of the pipeline. and how about this fact? two -- and here you see it.
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these voices have to be heard. i will tell you, 2 million people submitted comments on the tar sands project. and passing this bill now does not allow those comments to be given due consideration by our country. now, i'm really surprised at this, given my colleagues who speak of states' rights, public comments, local viewpoints. you know, they want to bypass all of this because they have decided that they know better than the 2 million people who -- many of whom have to live side-by-side with this pipeline and many of whom would have to breathe the kind of air they're breathing in port arthur, texas, right now. i want to guarantee you this. not one senator in this chamber will live next to a refinery
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that refines this filthy, dirty oil. no, not one. and if i stand -- if any -- if i have not said something true, please correct the record. tell me. i will apologize. we don't live near refineries here. i'll tell you who does. a lot of kids who get asthma. just ask the nurses. if i told you if we embraced a clean energy agenda we could create far more jobs, be far more healthy and save this planet, wouldn't you say yes? i think you would. but, oh, not in this chamber. they listen to big oil, the koch brothers. and these are the people that will profit. they're not going to live next to the port arthur refinery. their children aren't going to live here.
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their grandchildren aren't going to live here. you know, they -- they brush aside these issues, that this is filthy, dirty oil. the dirtiest. with the most dangerous pollutants, including lead, including sulfur. and i will tell you, when you meet with the citizens of port arthur, texas, as i have done and the activists there who want to protect the kids, they say, please, please, please, we have enough of this stuff. we don't want anymore. misery follows the tar sands. and that's why i call this pipeline the keystone x.l. "extra lethal" pipeline. the evidence is clear. keystone tar stands pipeline will be harmful to our families' health, it will hurt the environment, it will worsen the
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impacts on climate change, it will raise the price of gas and that is not me. i respect economists and this is clearly the economists' view. and it's just plain dangerous because it will transport the dirtiest oil on the planet. forcing the approval of the keystone when so many concerns remain does not allow for the kind of review that our affected communities deserve. and i hope my colleagues, enough of us, will vote "no" on this. look, i see the handwriting on the wall. i do. i know what happens in this chamber and i know the votes will eventually be there. this is an issue that impacts the health and safety of our families and our planet. so if it means i'm going to have
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to stand up here time and time again to tell the story of the keystone extra lethal pipeline, i will do it. i will do it for as long as it takes. if i didn't think it was important, i wouldn't do it. and i just hope if this body does pass this pipeline today that the president will veto this dangerous legislation. i feel so strongly that the way to a prosperous, job-producing future is the embracing of clean energy. yes, we'll continue with our coal, make it as clean as we c can. we'll continue with our drilling here. yes, we'll have an all of the above where it's safe to do. we don't need a project that is so harmful to our families, to
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our communities. i talked to the people in canada who live near there. you won't hear that from my friends. it's all in the record. i hope they read the articles i placed in the record of the kind of cancers we're seeing around this stuff. i don't want to see a trail of misery extending from one end of the country that i love to another. so i hope we'll vote no on this, enough of us will, but if we can't stop it today, we can't stop it today, then i hope the president will veto this and tell this story of why this trail of misery should not be put upon the american people. one of the biggest shocks i think i had when meeting those canadians who have been putting
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up with this and men meeting the americans who live around these refineries and hearing from them what happened and hearing from my friends from chicago who remember that story, we're going to close with this, of these kids sitting around getting ready to play little league baseball when all of this petroleum coke that is stored all over the midwest just blew and it got into the mouths of these kids, it got on their clothes, they ran away. how could anyone believe that this is what the future should look like when i can show you case after case on the record substantiated by the numbers that clean energy produces far more jobs, far more jobs, and will lead us in the right direction in terms of our health. people don't want to become like
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china. they don't want to look like this. like this. they don't want to have their air look like this. you know, i come from a state where before the clean air act -- and, by the way, it was done by a republican president, thank you richard nixon. we had dirty, filthy air, you couldn't see a foot in front of you. we cleaned it up. because we stood up to the polluters and said you know what, we know we want to work with you, we want to have your product, do it in a clean manner, do it in a safe manner. and the e.p.a. again created by republicans came in there and cleaned up the air along with the local people in our state. we have rebounded in telephone he california from the recession with clean energy jobs leading the way. we're so proud of it. and our people can still see the sky. i'll tell you, i'm not going to
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go in this direction if i have to stand on my feet until they hurt and as you know, i have to wear heels because i'm very little. but i don't care. i'm not going to let us go this direction. no way. so i hope we defeat this today. if we don't, i hope the president will veto it, and i hope we can move toward a positive, bipartisan, clean energy agenda that is really the future of this nation and this planet. planet.
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prior to question that members are finishing up other business. now live to the floor of the british house of commons. >> publicly available on its website but you also know they have responsible for government and opposition on these statistics such as when they wrote on the 24th of july concerning figures used by the leader of the opposition and the shadow this is the incorrect employment figures. >> order. we want questions about government policy. the minister will learn gradually. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the picture is clear in terms of have emergency plans are in place but can urge the minister ahead of this winter do it again have another push on the council
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state of the responsibility in emergency planning? >> mr. speaker, my honorable friend makes a valid point. he's worked hard in this area. i will assure the point he makes is acted upon. >> order. questions to the prime minister. mr. graham jones. >> question number one. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i'm sure the whole house will join the condemning the senseless attack in the synagogue in west jerusalem this week were five people were killed. one victim was a uk citizen, and we center deepest condolences to his family and friends as well as to the families of the other victims. this was an appalling act of terror. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. >> mr. speaker, i think the whole house would echo the
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comments of the prime minister regarding the incident in israel. i think it is a tragedy to think we are all deeply concerned about. mr. speaker, how confident is the prime minister -- to you kick? >> what i would say to everyone in this house is that there's only one way to secure and in-out referendum on the europe and that is to back a conservative victory of the next election. >> in 2007, in -- [shouting] >> order, order. he must be heard. >> thank you, mr. speaker. in 2007 when conservatives begin control of the council following 30 years of labour mile administration we inherited the worst holy council housing in the country. i'm pleased to announced by the middle of next year all the
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homes in north westchester will meet decent home standards. will be joined and congressionally the contorted group and i agree with me that labour to pick the route when "the sun" is shining? >> i certainly join my friend and congressionally them in the work they've done. it's vital that we bring quality housing up to standard and the results they of that is good. it's important we get britain building that is now well underway. >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> glad to see they are still cheering on friday, mr. speaker. i joined the prime minister in paying tribute to the rabbi whose murder in the horrific terrorist attack in jerusalem,
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and the other victims. this was an appalling act and all of my sympathies are with their families and friends. >> here, here. >> mr. speaker, can be transferred to what is so in favor of the bedroom tax and so against the mansion tax? >> first of all i make this prediction. the people behind it will still be cheering him on friday. [shouting] the point about -- the point about -- [shouting] >> when it comes -- when it comes to the views of close colleagues, it is worth listing with the new shadow cabinet minister in charge of election, honorable lady sit next to the shadow chancellor said about the leader. said this, there's a wider
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concern in the public about whether he's got the leadership qualities to lead his own party. let alone the country but i knew it more than a labour movement. i just didn't know they were that high up. the point about the spare room subsidy is it is a basic issue of fairness. you don't get that subsidy if you're in private sector regular a combination so what are the shouldn't get it in public sector. it's a simple as that. >> and cases forgotten the two of the people behind him have just jumped ship. waiting to see if others follow. he tries to defend the bedroom tax. let me just tell him on the bedroom tax today the government is going to court against a victim of domestic violence who's been raped, assaulted, harassed and stalked by her ex-partner and will be charged a bedroom tax on her panic room. is one of 280 victims of
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domestic violence in this category. candy just remind us why that is the right thing to do? >> this is why we have a discretionary housing payment system with money made available to counsel, and up to date that money has been understand. >> he doesn't know the facts. many of these victims of -- >> order. the answers from the prime minister haven't always been fully heard and they must be, and the questions from the leader of the opposition haven't always been fully heard, and they must be. i remind the house that that's what our voters, the electorate, would expect, some decent behavior, robust but courteous exchange. mr. ed miliband. >> many of these victims of domestic violence are not getting the hardship payment. and protecting the victim of domestic violence should not be a matter of discretion. it is a matter of principal.
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[shouting] nothing better illustrates the contrast of values on the side of house and outside of the house. let's talk about the mansion tax. recently -- yeah, yeah. [shouting] recently in a penthouse in hyde park sold for 140 million pounds. is he really saying that someone in the house should pay the same amount of annual property tax as someone in the house worth a fraction of that value? >> we have made sure that there rich used in our country viticulture vision by putting out stamp duty. we put up stamp duty, we put a stamp duty on empty properties, charging foreigners probably to come and invest in our country. but the point about this is what we need is a growing economy that is providing the jobs, the livelihoods for our people. that's what we are getting were as what he said in the last week is a pasting from a pop star.
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[shouting] >> that, mr. speaker, -- mr. speaker, that's exactly what i expected from this prime minister. he only feels the pain of people struggling to find a 2 million-pound garret. that is our permission. i will tell him why we need a matching tax because the nhs is going backwards on his watch. can he explain why this morning the nhs has missed its council waiting time targets for the fourth quarter in a row, by the half-dozen people with more than 60 days for treatment? >> we are not seeing a class act opposite i have to say. [shouting] in the last week, trying to use been called useless, hopeless, out of this debt, doesn't cut it an absolute disaster that's just what the front bench thanks. [shouting]
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he asked about standards. the number of people treated for cancer is up 50% under this government. we put wellpoint 7 billion pounds extra into the nhs, money that was a responsible. and over 10 council standards we are meeting nine of them. >> he's got no answer on the nhs. this is what cancer research, this is a target that he pledged to me. this is what cancer research uk -- i know you don't want to listen. this isn't just about missed targets. thousands of patients are being failed. missing cancer target. they're doing a better job in wales for cancer. he's missing his cancer target and is missing is a&e target the let me put it in terms he might answer. on his visit, has it time to
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finletpeople why the last threes nearly 4000 people waited more than four hours for a&e and more than 700 people waited for four hours on trolleys is because i'll tell them what is happening. nurses up by 2500 under this government. the number of doctors up by 8000 under this government. millions more patients treated all because we put in extra money that they said was a responsible. he made a point about whales. let me just give him the facts. the last time a&e targets were met in wales was march 2008. the last time the urgent cancer treatment was met in wales was 2008. what is the difference between wales and england? in england the tories are in charge putting more money in, reforming our nhs, and in wales labour in charge cutting the nhs and missing targets. [shouting] >> the truth is the nhs is going backwards on his watch and the
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british people know it. we are going to campaign between now and the general election because he has failed on the nhs. we all know, mr. speaker, why this prime minister thinks a bedroom tax is great and the mansion tax upon the nhs a terrible. if you've got big money, you've got a friend in this prime minister. if you haven't come he couldn't care less. >> it's fair to say his week as a got any better. this was the week when my elite class wiped the floor with him in a television program and this was the week when he was an opinion poll in scotland the shows that more people believe in the loch ness monster and believe in his leadership. [shouting] the only problem for the labour party, is he does actually exist. [laughter] >> you are all very kind.
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[laughter] mr. speaker, the impact of excessive the second homeownership on rural communities is to remove demand from british schools from rural surfaces and post offices but those services are often close as result. will he agree to increase or allow the increasing council tax on wealthy second homeowners to create a ring fenced fund to support those vital rural surfaces because we have allowed councils to charge more council tax on second homes. many have taken that event. i think he's right to say we do need to build more houses in order to make sure the village school, village post office, village pub get the support they need. under this government that's happening. [inaudible]
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will the prime minister refute this? will he intervene in this reckless management of the northeast and stop this stupid closure now? >> welcome let me tell them what is actually happening in the nhs. first of all the clinical commissioning a group of funding is going up by 2% and more than 225 million toshiba on a specific issue, according to the figures, over 50,000 patients attended south side general hospital a&e, and of those 60% didn't require treatment. and that is what the new investment is going into the urgent care hub that is being proposed by the local managers and by the local clinicians in its constituency. >> mr. speaker, unemployment has fallen i 60% in my constituency. youth unemployment is down by two-thirds, and across the
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country, the number in training and employment are set to exceed pre-recession levels. that's the prime minister agree with me that we are on the clerk path to improving living standards further for all? and the party opposite would put this into reverse the? >> my honorable friend is right. what we've seen in the last year is the biggest fall in unemployment since records began. with more people in work in our country than ever before in our history but we have seen the first rise in the minimum wage anhad been inflation since labour's disastrous recession. we take further steps by -- zero hours contract to our plan is working as a bridge people are saying the results. there are still warning signs out there about the global economy we need to stick to our plan and deliver wealth and prosperity for our people. >> across the united kingdom the our two governments
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redistributing wealth from the poorest to the richest. -- [inaudible] to give money to our vital public services. and also a blanket bonus tax jobs guarantee for young people. [inaudible] doesn't this tell you that scotland received a clear choice quick you go to bed with -- and you wake up with this plan as prime minister. >> i'm afraid he's simply wrong because what's happening is that we see 500,000 more people in work in this year alone and we see cuts in unemployment and upshur people claiming benefit in his own constituency. that is what is happening. i know it's not convenient for the labour now to but the fact is in the quality is a down. child poverty is down. the number of people and relative poverty is down but
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those are the facts. they don't like them but they can't hide from them. >> thank you. [laughter] sorry, i hadn't thought of the opportunity. the prime minister will know the same-sex marriage act was built on the twin pillars of a quality and support for marriage. with the now put a rocket under the chassis to make sure under this administration we can deliver the same rights for those who want to celebrate their marriage with our humanist? >> what was at the time of the debate in house of lord is it would be a consultation on this asia is exactly what's happening. >> north would park hospital -- and the closer of the department locally and containing weekday closure of alexander and other clinics, given hospital management believe an extra 120
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medical bits are necessary and local people want to see the clinic fully reopen, will be transferred as the sector a state for address these concerns urgently? >> of course i will discuss with the suggested for health but i will do this in the context of what he knows which is in his own constituency, the a&e unit is getting a 21 million-pound upgrade and to to to open in december. that is because our long-term economic plan is working, putting money in the nhs and this goes to a bigger truth. you can only have a strong nhs if you have a strong economy. >> the prime minister has gone further than this process of recognizing our nuclear test spectrums but actions speak louder than words. given how poorly they've been treated when compared to other countries and the fact that one in three of their children have a series medical condition, the 20% conception ending prematurely, and hope this pmq will be first unlucky with the
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government make an extra payment of 25 mine pounds into a charitable fund in order to those veterans and the sentence they need? will have to ask them what to do their duty and stand in front of a nuclear bomb. >> let me pay to do the honorable gentleman who has been dogged in pursuit of this important cause. is a very important ruling out today that a series applications and it's right we consider our response care what the i've asked the defense secretary to me with my front to discuss the obligations of the nuclear test of the community. i listen carefully to what he says about the fund. let me say this government has taken the time to do with some of the difficult issues such as war widows which were effectively saw last week, long-term injustice of their not being battles for arctic convoy veterans, and i'm determined we deal with this issue. i hope you'll bear with me while we have some further discussions i do want u is to try to see a resolution to this issue.
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>> mr. speaker, given the prime minister's observation that red lights are flashing on the dashboard of the world economy would he agree in relation to northern ireland economy back to positive measures he could take very soon would be first of all to default corporation tax -- assembly, and secular put pressure on energy companies to reduce the price of home heating oil as well as capital and just because of their high dependence in northern ireland on the type of energy? would he take action on those immediately? >> i think my right audible jamaican port point. on and off grid heating oil and the cause, i think is more that needs to be done to put pressure on companies, not just in northern ireland by the question that he can do. on corporation tax i've made in the commitments i've said before about what we will be sitting and when we'll be saying it. but i have to say as we address this issue we'll will have to look carefully at the northern
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ireland budget and make it to northern ireland budget is working in the government of northern ireland working because that is a very important part of the overall picture. >> this week i'm launching my late small business award. [shouting] on saturday the sixth of december. will the prime minister join me in congratulate small businesses that help generate the economic recovery and we commit to shopping mall, shopping local on small businesses saturday? >> i can certainly make that commitment and that's what i will be doing on saturday. i think small business that it is an excellent initiative and i would urge all honorary members to get behind. in terms of helping small businesses it is worth noting we're cutting the jobs tax businesses and charities by up to 2000 pounds, abolishing national insurance contributions for under 21 year old comic standing the doubling of small
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bases rate release and we've got corporation tax to small business. small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy and they know in this government they have got a true friend. >> you see where the bedroom tax will be remembered just like the tour at home tax which -- [inaudible] he should be ashamed. >> what the honorable john and others have to explain is why is it right that people in private rented accommodation who are claiming housing benefit don't get a spare room subsidy that they think people who are living in council housing should get the spare room subsidy? the second question they'll have to answer is why do they oppose 83 billion pounds of reduction in welfare that is helped us to maintain spending on health, spending on schools while taking 3 million of the poorest people out of tax altogether? [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. earlier this year a 20 year-old
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was one of two girls murdered in my constituency by former partners. her partners since set up a trust. one of the objectives being to promote teaching personal social health and economic education in schools. it is mentioned in the new national curriculum but the trust feels he needs to be compulsory for all schools and that it needs to be taught by external specialist. will the prime minister help with this? >> i will look very counter to what my honorabl honorable frie. first of all i'd like to send my deepest condolences and those of all house to hollies family following her brutal murder. i would also like to pay tribute to the trust set up by her family for this is called a program of classes aimed at educating people about domestic abuse. what we have said is that sex relationship should always include relationship education as well. that goes for all schools.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. rants are skyhigh and house prices in brighton rose 13% in the last quarter alone. nurses wages were recommended to go up by 1% yet his government is blocking even this tiny rise. how does he expect hospitals like the royal sussex to be able to recruit enough nurses if they simply can't afford to live in the area? >> first of all we are making a huge investment in the royal suffixed hospital. it's to i have to say to the audible a when she's as house prices are rising under unaffordable, i've never come across a green party politicians in favor of building houses anywhere for anyone. >> thank you, mr. speaker. during his recent visit, the prime minister will have seen it firsthand of increasingly severe traffic issues. can i thanked him for ushering the local growth of you will
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deliver a new crossing near the town center? can ask them what we need is a new high level crossing, something that's been planned but not delivered for nearly 30 years? >> i will look for carefully of what my honorable friend says. i enjoyed my visit to his constituency and he's right, i could see the problems of congestion but i could also see a long-term economic plan in his constituency is working in terms of jobs and growth. he's right about the local growth of you which is a deal worth over 149 pounds in terms of government funding. this does include support for the new swing bridge which will help to tackle the congestion as well as unlocking important building sites as well. >> the people of northern ireland welcome the success of the assistance through the secret recordings made by the british intelligence services and bring some suspected terrorists including terrorist godfather's to court.
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however, there is anger that officials close and illicit fuel plant every 10 days in northern ireland. does a prime minister a great this is an intolerable situation? >> first of all no one who commits crimes in northern ireland should be immune from prosecution and i think he is right to pay tribute to those over the last few years have i think shown just what an extraordinary capable police force they are. we should remember how, the conditions they were built at the point about the national credit agency is important but we'd like to see the work of the national crime agency which i think is proving itself in operation after operation not just in united kingdom but right
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around the world. it should be playing a part in northern ireland. that's the discussion we need to with all the parties of the help overtime we can get everyone to see the sense of having this important organization. >> thank you, mr. speaker. christians and others have been murdered for their faith in nigeria, syria, iraq, pakistan and many other countries, and elsewhere the crime -- would my right honorable friend agree that our united kingdom stand above all for freedom of speech, thought and belief and we must do all in our power to protect the persecuted and stand up to the persecutors, who i was a our? >> i very much agree with my honorable friend and he's right to make this go such a cause that he presses in this house and outside his house. written as a proud record of both political and religious tolerance and, of course, the freedom of speech. in our dealings with other countries we should always make clear we believe that is the right approach.
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there's an appalling amount of persecution of religious minorities around the world and some nasa christians or more persecuted than other religions into many countries, and he named some of them. we should make sure the heart of our foreign policy is this key issue of religious tolerance. >> to reports released osha local efforts are equipped to deal with child sex exploitation but in addition, police officer being investigated for failing victims of abuse. i raise all these issues in april. i've raced with ministers, with pmqs. what will it take for this government to help a foldable people? >> first of all let me commend honorable lady for the work she's done on this issue but i think it's important within the lessons of what happened in the city of oxford near my constituency to vanessa. the reported is important because most important lesson it draws is you have to get every agency whether it's the police
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or social service our schools all working together. that is not happening in enough of our towns and cities and it needs to but in terms what this government is doing the home office is leading this effort, getting to th partners to work together and convinced we will make good progress. >> on the subject of immigration, green corps, a large sandwich making company, article 1100 people comment expanding massively thanks to the long-term economic plan. but there were reports are looking to our staff from hungary. is that right that were as labour want to that's what they gave this country for 13 you can the message to the people is this government that there are jobs in this country for people for north hampton and we be a bacon short of a platter if we forgot that. >> i think the case of green corps shows that what you need is not just proper immigration
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control both within the eu and outside the eu, but you also need to see welfare reform so it's not an option for people to live on welfare when they could work. you also need to see as we're doing education reform so young people are leaving our schools and able to take on the jobs that are available. a proper sanctions regime is actually part of a strong immigration policy. >> in december last year a prime minister visited my constituency and promised there would be 200 extra key morning commuter seats by the end of the year. last week, i met the train operator who said that they don't know how many seats there will be and they don't know when they will be available. certainly not by the end of the
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year. can he explain why his promise is being broke? >> we are making huge investment into rail services in and around greater manchester, including in his own constituency. on the specific case that he races i will write to him with the details. >> mr. speaker, is the prime minister aware that over the past year unemployment has fallen but a very well 770? disagree with me one should look kind of figures and statistics and see nearly 800 families that have a new breadwinner and a brighter future? is this not yet another vindication of the top job he and his counselor had to take? >> i think my honorable friend makes an important point. the claimant count is down by 50% since the election and the youth claimant count is coming down by 52% in the last year alone. if you look at the figures released today they showed that people have been in work for a
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year or more have seen their wages go up by 4%, more than twice the rate of inflation. of course, that is their wages before the tax reduction that his government has made because we have been a careful student of the nations finances. what we do with the labour is no growth, no jobs, and higher taxes. >> the prime minister apparently -- [inaudible] and the act imposed it was a mistake. my bill on friday is an opportunity for him to put write some of those mistakes and repeal our national health service but it's backed by the bush medical association, the royal college of nurses from the royal college of midwives, unison, unite and others represent -- [shouting] never have somebody people been united against their government about the bill that will impose an unabashed health service but will be back my bill on friday?
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not now, not ever? [shouting] >> at least we now know was paying for his bill anyway. [laughter] let me make a couple of points to the honorable gentleman. independent providers made up 5% of the nhs under labour. they now make up just 6% of the nhs. a government that had the sweetheart deal was the independent sector was the party opposite who handed the money in return for contracts. what we see in the nhs, 2500 more nurses, 8000 more doctors, more patients being treated, and nhs that is succeeding because we made the reforms and we put in the money. >> last but not least mr. gordon birtwistle. >> thank you. thank you, mr. speaker. in 2009 -- black spots. in 2014 unemployment has fallen
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to 3.5%. we are no longer a black spot. could i advise my right honorable friend -- [inaudible] economic plan is working? >> first of all can i thank him for what he says. but also commend him -- [shouting] commit his leadership on fight for more apprenticeship, more skills, more training, for young people. it is succeeding. the long-term economic plan is succeeding as it is in the rest of the country. [shouting] >> order. point of order. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. earlier and during the cabinet office, what i thought was erasable question come not even to get any answer your but can he do as a speaker to make sure that ministers do, to the south
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and answer questions properly? >> the honorable gentleman is a very expensive member of the house and he will no that the responsibility of the chair is to ensure order. the chair cannot ordinarily intervene in the content of an answer, but to do so would be to evaluate. it's not for the charity evaluate the quality of ministerial responsibility of the honorable gentleman is dissatisfied, others may feel that way or not as the case may be. but the chair is there to be an umpire, but not to offer evaluations of ministerial performance. but always keep a watch on these matters and the honorable gentleman will know that when a minister chose to go from complete the off piece, totally inappropriately end to winter on about that had nothing do with him, i made clear he must desist
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but i'm sure in the name of leadership, his ministerial boss can be relied upon to do the same. >> we will now leave the british house of commons as members move ontmoveon to other business. you have been watching prime ministers questions time and live wednesdays at seven in eastern partner is in session. you can see this week's session again sunday nights at nine eastern and pacific on c-span. for more information go to and click on the series to view every program we've aired from the british house of commons since october 1989. we invite your comments about primprime minister as questionsa twitter using hashtag pmqs. the health reform director of health and human services department discussed how the
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health marketplace is work. and the lessons learned from the first open and women period that happened last year. she's joined by a panel of health policy analyst at an event hosted by the alliance for health reform and the commonwealth fund. this is an hour and a half. >> hi. minus ed howard. i'm with the alliance for health reform and want to welcome you on behalf of senator rockefeller and others to today's program on affordability to consumers among the health plan properties inside and outside the health insurance marketplace exchanges. some of you may have heard that tomorrow the, november 15 begins the second open enrollment season for plans offered through the marketplace, the. runs through february 15. far short appeared in the six months open a moment time that
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we had last season. we all know that marketplaces had some major problems with aspects of the operation. i'm sure we will hear some about that today, as well as hearing about the steps being made to improve that functionality. we also want to look closely at the affordability part of the affordable care act. is an issue briefing in a packet that distracts how much people have to pay for private insurance last year and the impact that spending had on those doing the buying. the rates are 2015 have only recently become available and we will explore what consumers looking to renew their insurance or seeking insurance for the first time will encounter in these next few weeks. we are very pleased to have as partners in today's program the commonwealth fund, a century-old philanthropy established to vote
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the common good. and we are doubly pleased to have as our co-moderator today sara collins, vice president for health care coverage and access. she's also happens to be the principal author of that impressive issue brief i mentioned. it's in your packets. that has findings from a new commonwealth survey on out of pocket costs in the private insurance market. in addition to moderating with me, center has some important information to share with us in just a moment from that survey. before we turn to sara let me take a little housekeeping. as you can see on the screen if your in a twitter mode you can use hashtag oe2. that is not a new ocean liner or a new fed plan to float the economy. it is open enrollment second year. in your packets you'll find some
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important information including speaker bios more extensive than the intros that you will hear from us today. you also find a page, a one page materials list, a powerpoint presentation that our speakers will use, and lots more background is available for you on our website which is there will be a video recording of the briefing available probably monday followed by transcript a couple days later on that same website. also you can find the speaker slides, digital copies of the background materials and those of you are watching on c-span you can find all of that information and follow along by going to i should say to the audience here that c-span coverage is not
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live today, so check the broadcast schedule but we know it will be on sunday at 4:25 p.m. so instead of the second nfl game -- [laughter] come look at the side was a program that are about to put together. there will be other areas as well. one of the thing i just want to make sure, there are a couple of pieces of paper in your packets that are of importance for you to keep in mind. there's a green question card which you can use to write a question and have brought forward when we get to the q&a. there's a blue evaluation form that we plead with you to fill out because it helps us try to respond to the ways in which we can improve these briefings and make them even more useful to use. let's start by hearing from sara collins who not only can offer the greetings from the commonwealth fund that can also share with you the results from
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the new commonwealth affordable tracking survey. sara, good to have you back. >> thank you very much. a map of the commonwealth of what you think the alliance and thank the panelists for coming today and also to extend a warm welcome to the studio audience. i'm going to spend a few minutes discussing the premiums of the plans that are going to be sold to the marketplaces fisher, preliminary information about what we have that will conclude with open in rome starting tomorrow. and how they compare to plans that were sold last year to the marketplaces. i'm going to look at the deductibles of these plans. there's been a lot of focus on premiums and i think less on the deductibles and cost-sharing. i'm going to share with you some funnies from a couple of commonwealth fund survey's that asks what consumers think about the premiums, about the affordability of the plans as well as whether out of pocket costs are.
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as the commission opened a moment begins tomorrow and he goes through february 15. and meena seshamani and tim jost will doe this understand the des of that from a couple of different perspectives today. this week consumers were able to go online and visit the website, and browse their 2015 health plan option. so i went online and i entered the zip code where i grew up in memphis and entered a random age, 40, which is not my age, and a random income and hit the button that said continue to plan. this is what popped up on my screen. 106 health plans available for enrollment in memphis. but i experimented in the browsing future by plugging in different ages, different incomes and the display premiums all adjusted based on the information that i said the site. for people with incomes under
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400% of poverty who are eligible for the pin tax credits, the amount of the credit is displayed and its applied automatically to the plan option so these are people who say what they are going to pay. is critical consumers of incomes under 250% of poverty which is about 30,000 for an individual, know that they're eligible for cost-sharing reductions that lower the deductibles and co-pays. these reductions are also applied automatically on the screen when someone in that income range is the browsing their plan. in order for those reductions to apply you to choose a silver plan. this analysis is by john gable which shows average premiums
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first so silver level plans available this year in four states that have final rates a table for him to look at. and how they compared to last year. it also computes average deductibles. in this analysis the 2015 premiums declined in two states from 2014 and increase moderately in wednesday, that they become and less moderately in minnesota. these are patterns we're seeing across the country. if you look at the last three columns on the slide there are similar changes in average deductible. in minnesota where premiums rose somewhat more than other states, if you look at the average deductibles in that state, they fell by the same amount, and increase in premium 14%, a decline in deductibles of 14%. it's important when you look at these rates to keep in mind these are non-subsidized rates. in connecticut if you look at the second row in the slide, a
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40 year-old man making $18,000 a year would receive a tax credit of about $270 which reduces is bringing to about $65 for the plan shown on the slide. how do we evaluate the affordability of these plans in premiums and the potential and their potential out of pocket costs for people? one what is to look at how they compare to what people pay when they enrolled in plans to end up with. in the funds the affordable care act survey we fielded at the end of the open a moment period issue we asked people with market place plans an employer plans how much they paid in the premiums. so i told with incomes under 200% of poverty, which is again just under 30,000, with market place plans pay monthly premiums that are comparable to those paid by adults with employer-based coverage. this indicates the marketplace premium subsidy this year helped
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equalize the affordability of individually purchased plans and employer plans. this was not the case prior to the affordable care act going into effect for when people in this range were effectively shut out of that market because of how expensive the plans were. as you go up the income scale, tax credits decline and people pay more of the premiums for the marketplace plan. this is not the case for employer plans. most people were employer-based plans pay the same amount regardless of what their income is. we asked people in this survey with marketplace plans and employer plans for easy it was or difficult wa it was to afford the premiums. people with lower incomes with marketplace plans reported finding it easy to afford their premiums at similar rates to those who have employer coverage. but people with higher incomes were significantly less likely than those in the same income range with employer-based plans to say it was easy to afford the
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premiums. we asked people about their deductibles. people with incomes under 250% of poverty to purchase a silver plan are eligible for subsidies that lower the deductibles and co-pays. in the survey adults with incomes under that income range with marketplace plans had deductibles that are comparable to those in employer plans. adults with our income if you look at the bottom set of bars with market place plans face had deductibles and people with employer to employer-based coverage. a new survey that is in your brief features findings from a new survey that we are doing on how affordable health care itself is for people. we are calling it the tracking survey and again we look at people with all types of insurance coverage to get a read on what consumers in general are spinning out of pocket for the health care.
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we know that in all types of insurance, deductibles and co-pays are rising. we want to know how these trends are affecting consumers. we asked people with private coverage, both employer and individual purchase coverage who had a deductible how easy wa its to afford it. 43% of adults with private insurance and their deductibles were somewhere over difficult to afford. about three out of five adults with low income and half of those with moderate incomes set the deductibles or difficult to afford. we asked what they've done anything with respect to health care because of the size of the deductible such is not going to the doctor when they were sick, not getting preventive care test because of their deductible. 40% with the deductibles that were high relative to the income said they had not got needed
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care because of their deductible. just to wrap up, the marketplaces in 2015 are shaping up as stable and competitive. premiums have increased this year moderately or in fact have declined in many states. the premium tax credits and caution reduction subsidies were critical this year in reducing both premiums and deductibles were lower income families. but current trends for high deductibles and co-pays across all forms of insurance may lead many people tied out of pocket cost burdens. the reforms of the affordable care act are improving affordability and will help reduce under insurance across the country, but the underlying rate of growth in u.s. health care costs which drives growth in both premiums and deductibles will be a significant factor in consumer health care cost burdens over time. we lucky to have been during here today who will discuss some efforts underway to address that
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challenge. thank you and i will turn this back over to ed. >> thanks very much, sara. let me give the introduction to our very distinguished panelists. were not going to ship will now turn first to dr. meena seshamani who directs the office of health reform at hhs. she's a head and neck surgeon by profession and now she tends to hhs is reform implication, including delivery system reform. then we'll hear from daniel durham who as sara noted is from america's health insurance plan, or a hit. is executive a president for policy and veterans affairs. he held senior positions at social security administration at hhs and now he guides the reform and policy efforts. the final speaker will be professor tim joseph on the washington leading universal of law, the author of highly
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respected text of health laws. as we see, he literally wrote the book. is also consumer representative to the national association of insurance commissioners. and a prolific and insightful blogger and were glad to have him back. is turn first to meena seshamani from the office of health reform. thanks very much for being with us. >> thank you for having me. it's a pleasure to speak with all of you today. i thought what i would do is first go over kind where we are on the eve of the start of open enrollment 2015 has been talk that about open a moment 2015. first to some basic facts about where we are today. 7.1 million americans are enrolled in the paper premiums. about 8.7 million additional people have come in through
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medicaid and the chips since october last year. importantly one of the things we learned through outreach in 2014 was important of media involvement events, having navigators and in person help, that generated call center, call, et cetera. some lessons we learned in 2014 which will apply for this could open the roman period. first, the combination of paid social media grassroots outreach to all those things together drive enrollment, particularly when you have key data messages that are enforced across all of these channels. what are some of those key messages? talking testimonials, people who have come in, been able to get insurance are happy with her insurance. deadlines, people responded deadlines. and also talking about affordability and particularly the available at a premium tax credits, the majority of people come into the marketplace.
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also of importance as follow-up making sure we chase people who do come into the system using digital media and began focusing on regions, local partners because that's what people tend to obtain much of their information. the aca's making health care more affordable. consumers have saved denying billion dollars since 20 love and, that required 80% of premiums be spent on medical claims as opposed to administrative costs and if not families get a rebate. the average rebate in 2013 was $80. we've talked about the premium
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tax credits in the last open enrollment, nearly seven in 10 consumers got covered for $100 a month or less. nearly half it was $50 a month or less. employer remains, the lowest on record for more than a decade. the law is also making coverage affordable to small businesses with tax credits and through changes in the rating to revamp a small business of having a large premium increase if one of their employees falls ill. importantly hospitals will save an estimated 5.7 billion in uncompensated care this year and particularly in states have expand medicaid but also in other states as well again marketing to improvement in coverage. in terms of accessibility, new england journal of medicine found through a 10.3 million fewer uninsured americans since
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the start of open enrollment which was a decline of 26%. along with accessibility in terms of being able to gain coverage is the choice that you have put in 2015 there were 25% more issuers selling health insurance plans in the marketplace in 44 states. so along with the choice another aspect of what can coverage can be obtained, and now 76 million americans are eligible for preventive services, vaccines, cancer screenings, wellness visits without cost-sharing including 30 million women and 18 million children. and begin talking about what coverage people able to get, there are no exclusions for previous preexist condition, no lifetime caps on coverage. this is talking about medicaid expansion. it is a state option. this is a map to provide you all of the states that currently
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have expanded medicaid. now moving to quality. to cite the commonwealth fund, a survey showing that more than three and four newly injured consumers expressed satisfaction with the coverage. there has been significant work towards improving access to quality care for americans, including reducing harm nationally such as you health care associated infections which leads to not only better health but also reduce costs in terms of treating those complications. 150,000 euros unnecessary hospital readmissions. movements in the electronic health record skier, now 75% of eligible professionals and 92% of eligible hospitals and fall. and also demonstrations a just accountable care organizations where providers have benchmarks on quality patient experience and on how they are able to more
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efficiently use resources. these have saved $372 million. so now i will turn to document open in rome in 2015. as you probably all know it begins to affect their judgment november 15 and instead were 15. is somewhat enrolled by december 15 the coverage will start january 1. this year importantly we will be focusing both on we enrolling consumers from 2014 as well as enrolling new consumers for 2015. just to note in nevada and oregon consumers want to come back and because they switch. i think others will talk more about renewals and auto enrollment so go ahead and just kind of gloss over these two slides a bit more but basically there are a series of notices. we encouraging people to come back and shop as i mentioned 25% more issuers means more choices
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for people to be able to find a plan that fits their budget and their needs. that is really one of our private messages for people. we have a fact sheet with five steps again to encourage people to come back in, updater application and shop for a plan. such as a little bit on our resources for open enrollment in 2015. as i mentioned come in person help is critical and building be assister to me is very important. to our ancestors available in every state to help consumers to get help when you're applying for an choosing coverage. these assisters consist of navigators, non-navigator as assisters which is getting funny in different ways, certified application counselors and agents and brokers. for 2015 hhs awarded $50 million in navigator grants to 90 organizations and we are
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recruiting certified application counselors, especially those with bilingual capabilities. we want to make sure we have good language access. as some of you may have seen, access up to two language. with assister training of able at our website. just a little bit on other aspects of our education and it is important not just to have people come in, shop, get a plan that suits their needs also to educate and assist in terms of how they can best use that plan. that's what coverage to get his but it's an initiatives on to people with a new health coverage. as you can imagine a lot of the people may not have health coverage before and they're not for me with terms like payments and deductibles and coinsurance and what is the primary care physician. this initiative helps them to understand benefits, primary care physician, understand which preventive services are right for them. the are written resources,
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videos and we have information online. very briefly just somethings of what's new in 2015. and some of you missing the windowshopping is live. there's a streamlined application. it's simple. consumers only have to enter information once and it saves the data as the consumer moves through. ..


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