tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 26, 2014 10:00pm-12:01am EST
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i'm going to resist the temptation to come to new and minimum-wage debate. [laughter] >> please do. >> i'm happy to have one off-line after we are done but just to be responsive to the question about millennials, you know i think one very concrete tangible reality that many people in your age cohort are facing in student debt and i think we are ripe as a country for a cross party cross ideological conversation about how to reform our student debt system and it's not simply a matter of using the terms of debt. it's also thinking about to what extent has the presence and expansion of loans contributed to the escalation of the cost of college. we have to have an honest crosscutting look at this but it's got to be one that is led actually by those of you in the millennial generation whose citizens are experiencing the
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pain and i think if you can get an issue like that would be a tangible way to get started in the country. >> let's get some more questions please. >> good morning. my name is charles and i'm a teach for america 2010 alumni and a teacher in public schools in east harlem currently teaching third grade. when i think about the indications of economic inequality for all the systems we have been discussing today i don't think we talk nearly enough about the group that is affected the most and that his children. within our school walls i am the civic coordinators that we have functions where our kids are wearing yellow t-shirts and yellow hats saying chance getting the members of the community of devoted even registering. within our school laws we have
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lodged a recycling campaign where kids and i know some adults are struggling out there. our kids can successfully recycle paper and compost. i know what materials during lunch need to go into recycling. >> that's a real accomplishment. >> my point is within our school walls we exhibit our values and enthusiasm accountability and maturity but to us the stark reality is a sinister kids go beyond the school walls there's a disillusionment of service within the school and what they are facing on a day-to-day basis when they go home to their communities. my question for you today is this. what should our messaging be and we talk a lot about millennials. we talked about the groups advocating for higher minimum wage but messaging and talking to students, when i go back to my classroom on monday morning
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which i had school today but on monday morning when i look at my kids and i give them a message what message should we be framing for one young minds in our school buildings about how they can in a realistic sense the active citizen members in their communities? >> before you begin we are going to let this go another 10 minutes. we have a number of questions and i hope that doesn't screw anybody up. i'm going to borrow from two colleagues at the brookings institute who have talked about the success sequence for young people in america and success sequence is to graduate from high school, work and have a committed partner who you want to raise a child together with before you have children. those three components are adhered to the chance that they will be a 90% chance of not
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being in poverty. so i'm a big believer in being honest with children and young people about what they are up against and what they are up against his is hard and difficult but it's made harder if they don't graduate, they don't get into the workforce and if they have a child before they are ready. it's harder for them and harder for the children. so that's the message that i would send. >> my message is very brief. it's practice power. from whatever grade you are in, whatever the context is then that could be your classroom, could be once you leave the school walls, your block, your floor and you are building, your home, your siblings, practice power example. practice the power of reframing challenge is. practice the power of mobilizing
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resources to address those challenges. practice the power of actually making your voice heard and getting clear on what it is that you want in expressing that. does that change the world overnight if you were in sixth grade? no but the accumulation of that habit in knowing that you can have agency in the world even if your world starts with five people around you right now is something that is as important as everything else concerned. >> i would just follow up on the practice power with a message i told my amber sister. she came out of college and went to teach spanish and inner-city baltimore high school that was on the verge of closing and the story she would come home with everyday were painful and shocking and i didn't understand how she was supposed to teach. we were talking about it and we come from a moral or religious background, we are the daughters of pastors and what a beautiful things we took from religion is the idea of faith, just that
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term. you can strip it from religion, believing in something that you might not be able to see and how that applied to the classroom and the students she was working with. the idea that you had to get them to believe in their power even though they might not be able to see it when they leave the walls of the school. you have to get them to believe in the virtue and the beauty of this country and the ideals that we are striving to reach even though they don't see it in their neighborhood. i think you are able to do that through practice power there but they are still going to be a gap no matter what you tell them the classroom. there's a huge gap between what happens there and what happens when i go home but if you can instill them with his idea faith even though i go home and i don't see that power by teacher told me i have i know i have it. if you can weave all that together i think you will be well on your way. >> just a quick thing. my daughter did a stint with
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teach for america in chicago and teaching kindergarten and had a headache every day. but i think the things that i would tell the students is one, stay in school and two pay attention and three when you go home practice what you've learned in school. if you have brothers and sisters, apparent other people in the household, neighbors, practice power. >> please come in the back of the room. her name? >> my name is will and they want to get a shout-out to charles because i also work at democra democracy -- so thank you charles. my question today and what we say in democracy prep is civics equals connected is and what the leader said in his opening civics is the space between people really resonated with me. as i was listening to the panel
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and eric was telling the story about how the community and that seattle galvanized around raising the minimum wage and bill pointed out that it's possible to have more civic engagement and more perhaps stagnation at the same time. as communities with different needs all around the country engage civically they often arrive at different conclusions to some problems. i'm a native of mississippi is the one thing that hasn't come up at all would-be gun rights which we all know the national level is an intractable issue. people in new york city comes a very different conclusions about the role of guns in our society and people in the small-town mississippi where i grew up. my question is what does it say about the future of our country that we want to solve problems as a community which i believe is a very powerful thing. i work for an orchard -- organization of charter schools. at the same time we come here today as americans so there is a
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national government and they need to be unified as a country. so where do you see us going as we move forward and as those trends but heads of the needs of different communities clashing at the national level? >> bill? >> i am only partially defrocked college professor so i have to restrain myself from my standard 50 minute lecture in response to that wonderful question. but i will say this. our chances of getting to yes will be substantially enhanced if we make full generous thoughtful use of our system of federalism that does not unlike some countries like france require that every decision be made at the center and then apply in exactly the same way to
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every subordinate jurisdiction of the country. some very good friends of mine have been leaders in the same-sex marriage movement. the last thing they wanted as they drove that movement is a single supreme court case that would preempt mobilization at the state level the way ruth debate or ginsburg believes roe v. wade did on the choice issue. there is a lot of room for a variety of discussion and we have to make full use of that and resolve at the center for everybody does things but only those things that need to be resolved uniformly. i think the great movement of the 20th century politics was to move more and more things away from the states and localities toward the center and for many reasons we had to do that but it's a formula that may
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have hit a wall and we have to think much harder about federalism. i will give you two reasons why. reason number one, there are some problems that are much better solved at the subnational level and number two levels of public trust and trusting governments are hired to to state in the local level than at the national level so why not build on strength? >> bob, anything to add? he said it perfectly? one down right here in front. name please. >> we are a national organization that works with communities to create engagement at the local level and i'm particularly, you are framing this whole issue of agency and power and connecting civic engagement to equality.
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it's very powerful and you mentioned power. more often than not we find that many civic engagement efforts are divisive and we mention some examples. also those in the lives of community sometimes not leaving something there. so the people are bringing the service problems are still there. part of it has to do with the issue of agency which you speak up and part of it has to do with the issue of an equity lens so when you are engaging people you are empowering them but also not creating more problems than you are trying to solve there. let me speak more about how civic engagement can do more and what ways can it do more to create capacity and empowerment. >> and in our last 40 seconds please. >> is such a great point as we
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talk about volunteers in the service to make sure that this is not a conversation weather at the local or national level that becomes about people who have lots of stuff, helping people who don't have lots of stuff which of course in the context of inequality there are material facts of unequal economic circumstances. what we are getting at here, the big question we are trying to enter his americans and this is a national question whatever you locality is come as is come is it possible in a society of unequal material circumstances to actually make the idea of equal citizenship mean something? that's it and there aren't a lot of places trying to ask or answer the questions that we get partial credit for wanting to try but only partial credit. i think your comment is really important here that a lot of what we have got to think about
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here is not a kind of serving clients in talladega but a mentality of everybody here has the capacity to make change. everybody here has the capacity and indeed the only enduring change, you know have written in the context of minimum wage and other places that the two endearing economic prosperity doesn't trickle down from the top. it emerges from middle out, the metal out of the bottom up and i would say the exact same thing is true of civic health. it does not get this build from on high. it does not flow from those who are already civically healthy to pass it on to those worn. it emerges from the middle out in the bottom up in the best thing those of us who have some capacity can do is to ensure that those right now in the middle and the bottom of our society civically and economically start getting more wherewithal more civic purchasing power to set in
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motion the virtuous cycle of increasing civic demand. that's our job right now. >> bill do you have a summation that you would like to give us before we bring this to a close? >> only to say that the conversation has been every bit as rich and stimulating as i think the organizers of this panel could have wished. thank you very much. >> thank you. will you join me in thanking the panel? [applause] [applause] ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen for next civic highlight please welcome ted mcconnell of the campaign for the civic mission of schools and susan griffin from the national council for the social studies.
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[applause] [applause] >> what a fabulous panel we were just blessed to hear from. a republic, if you can keep it promised dr. franklin. democracy needs to be reborn and each generation and education is its midwife so said john dewey. more recently america's favorite unemployed cowgirl justice sandra day o'connor has observed from one end of this country to the other knowledge of our system of government, our rights and responsibilities as citizens is not passed down through the gene pool. it must be taught and we have worked to do each of these three
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patriots describing the essential historic civic mission of our nations schools, a mission as important as foundational to day as it always has been, as it always will be. for those of us who care about the civic health of our nation, for those of us who care about people becoming cynically engaged, we must care about the foundational civic mission of our schools and folks we are not talking about your grandpa civic learning. we are not talking about old-fashioned didactic civic education. we are talking about new exciting ways to learn how to be civically engaged. my colleague, the first social studies teacher in our nation, susan griffin is going to talk a little bit about that. susan. [applause] >> it's great to be here with
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you and i have to say they are is a lot of wonderful stuff going on this afternoon but if you want to cede some of the allied civic knowledge then you come to the sessions that will have the jr. statesmen, generation citizen, and the cesar chavez public charter school on public policy. they will show you how students learn to be civically engaged, too applied knowledge and frankly i was listening to what everyone said this morning and he will plead -- be please to know that we have all the answers. [laughter] because k-12, we have this document called c-3, college career framework for state
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social standards. it looks at civic's economics geography and history k-12. it looks at getting the knowledge, doing research, evaluating evidence and taking civic action. that is described here and it lays out what needs to happen k-12. so that when students graduate, they are raring to go. they are going to volunteer, they are going to do public service. they are going to be ready for a career college but most importantly civic life. you got to come to our sessions this afternoon. >> look forward to seeing you there and thank you ncoc for another fabulous national conference on citizenship. thank you. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen please welcome ncoc board member garrett graff. ♪ >> good afternoon everyone, or good morning still slightly. as general mcchrystal said this morning the importance of national service is hard to overstate in all of the various forms that can entail. to leverage that power and to begin to try to build to the capacity to achieve the kind of scale that general mcchrystal has talked about we need to bring together a number of different institutions from the government to private corporations to educational institutions like are here today. no company has taken out of this hall to service more than cisco. cisco has been working hard with ncoc in the franklin project in the aspen institute to make a
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reality of the service year experience. and not just as a common expectation but as a common opportunity for young people. today cisco is the title sponsor of our annual conference as well as they have generously committed over $5 million to the development of service year exchange. for the first time this exchange will seek to bring service corps members, post organizations and funders together into one integrated web site and process. cisco has been all in on this project giving technical and marketing advice and fund-raising support to us and our partner institutions are a major matching grant. today to tell you a little bit more about this i have the honor of introducing patrick finn senior vice president for cisco u.s. public sector organization. he leads an integrated team of 2000 cisco employees who work to
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protect server and educate americans in all different sectors. patrick knows well the power of service himself. he has worked both with his team on a number of various service projects as well as personally involved in washington with an organization in silver spring that works with children with disabilities. it's my honor to introduce patrick finn. [applause] >> it's an honor to be here. i brought this to prove to you that we are a technology company and not a food company. [laughter] i am honored to be here with two colleagues larry paine who is the vice president of u.s. federal and lynn dougherty who actually went our commercial organization right here. so why are we here?
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if you think about what general mcchrystal said in the spirit of this conference we are here for three reasons. this is a conference about americans used, the future strength of u.s. corporations and the global viability of america to have a competitive experienced and educated workforce. cisco has a culture of giving back. every one of our 70,000 employees embrace a cause and give back to our community but here and today we are here because it's about the presence and the future of our country and our youth and there are no topics that are more important. national service is a win-win for our society. supports communities, helps people improve their lives and provides additional human
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capitol to organizations that serve other people. at cisco we want to make sure people have the skills to succeed in tomorrow's workforce and national service delivers on that important promise and really that important goal. young people who engage in national service are socially conscious, motivated, innovative, tenacious and talented. these are the people we want to work in our corporations. while serving their communities young people develop and deploy skills in communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership. these are skills that are increasingly vital in the workplace and sometimes not often found. according to a report by voices for national service the skills people acquire during their national service make them more likely to be employed and to
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earn higher salaries over the course of their career. for example about two-thirds of americorps members reported that their service experience provided them the advantage in finding a job. right now we can't accommodate for everyone. only about two-thirds of americorps members reported that -- i'm sorry. we can't accommodate everyone. there are seven applicants for every employee or for every job that is available so we need to find jobs for our youth. cisco has been a strong supporter of the concept of national service for more than a decade. for instance we provide cash and in-kind grants to americorps programs and teach for america
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that puts highly achieving recent college graduates to unser -- underserved schools for two years. now we are very proud to partner with the national services alliance ever to make national service a common opportunity and an expectation for all americans. because cisco is an i.t. company we have chosen to be an initial supporter of the national service exchange which has been built and will be run by the national conference on citizenship is, the ncoc payday want to thank the ncoc for his leadership and for being such a great partner. this is an exchange that captures the skills of our youth and aligns them with jobs that are available in the workforce. that way we are actually connecting the talents with the openings. the on line exchange will connect the youth who wish to
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serve with organizations looking for talent and services and the funders who want to support both. the exchange is indispensable in filling the vision of the alliance. it will handle organization certifications, individual service profiles, fund-raising, social media linkage and be the platform to support this important work. today, cisco has provided cash support, i.t. consulting, vendor selection and marketing assistance to the ncoc. but that is just an advertisement. what we have really done is we have challenged corporate america in a 3 million-dollar challenge grant to encourage other organizations to join us in support this initiative. through this service year exchange we will connect the right people with the right opportunities. this will give america's youth,
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young adults, the opportunity to do good work and solve problems while they become better, stronger and contributing citizens. we welcome all u.s. companies. we challenge all u.s. companies to join us in making national service here at a reality for all young americans. this is important work and will have the impact on our country's global competitiveness. thank you again for the honor of participating. enjoy your lunch. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen for our final civic highlight from the points of light corporate institute please welcome yvonne sue turner and jenni lawson. [applause] ♪ ♪
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>> good afternoon. imagine a world where every company paid its employees to volunteer, or companies they are volunteer programs to attract the best and the brightest and by the private sector use global volunteerism to drive business innovation. we are living in a world where companies are increasingly playing a positive role in meeting community needs through the power of their financial contributions and the power of their people. in many towns across america employers are the focal point of the community around which civic civic life evolved through the thick of the members. 2013 the largest corporations in the fortune 500 contributed $54 million each to communities and the giving trend is rising. 64% of companies gave more in 2013 that in 2010. and companies these days are just writing checks. they are giving back the most precious asset that time and talent of their employees. last year the billion plus change campaign at points of light announced that by then accompanies a given back
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$2 billion with a pro bono service to companies in this to the campaign is mobilizing 5000 companies and service. as companies are creating more meaningful and deeper partnerships and the communities we invite you to learn from the best corporate citizens and how they are designing engagement programs that not only drive social and business value but also inspire active citizenship. join us in our learning summit at 1:00 p.m. in the work building where we will explore what this means. we will discuss what companies are are doing and engage in a dialogue for opportunities for cooperation between corporate america civil society non-profits and universities. it will hear from corporate leaders at fedex and ge to the 50 most community minded companies in the country according to the 2013 pacific 50 list and we'll hear how they have designed committing a programs that help inspire broader elements of civic life and civic engagement like volunteerism awareness of his
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social civic engagement so we invite you to join us to learn more. >> banksy bon and continuing with our commercial messages, and a world that's moving your present weight towards big data what does it mean for measuring community mindedness as impact investors and companies and philanthropy and the private sector seek to build partnerships with the nonprofit sector and scale and lead social change. how do we build partnerships around measuring, what to measure and how to measure. you can learn a little more this afternoon if you join our learning summit at 3:00 p.m. to discuss evaluating debate metrics. yes is the topic ripe for drinks. we will hear from national experts in measurement and evaluation including brian krop the executive director of the
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executive board come executive board's h.r. practice and senior manager of corporate citizenship at deloitte. these organizations have played a very important role in the conversation around developing metrics and measures for understanding volunteerism and social impact. we will discuss the measurement framework for the civic 50, an initiative of points of light that was founded here at the ncoc. this initiative honors the 50 most community minded companies in america and this year's list will be released on december 8. we will share some insights about the questions that companies answered this year and what we are starting to understand. we will also share new points of light resources and tools to evaluate effective volunteer programs and social impact. then we are going to challenge you to think about how are you measuring your programs now, how are you partnering with your company is an philanthropic
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partners to improve your measurement out comes? i points of light we are increasingly committed to providing resources for companies looking to build and expand effective volunteer program so that they can work with you together in partnership for great outcomes in your community. please join us for this conversation and i think now it's time for lunch. thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome the ncoc committee chair gail leftwich kitsch. [applause] ♪ >> i want to first of all say thank you again to all of our speakers and especially to all of you who i've been so important what's going on here. the morning has been filled with the kind of debate and exchange of ideas and energy and
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enthusiasm that are critical to strengthening civic life in america. i also want to recognize the ncoc's board and especially the program committed many of whom will are intense today. anybody if you are here in the audience my fellow program committee, icu. please stand up so we can give you a round of applause and recognize all that you are contributing. [applause] it's a joy to work with these folks. i really enjoy my opportunity as the chair of the program committee. the moment we are going to move to lunch followed by her learning summit. the learning summit are the result of participant feedback requests for in-depth workshop sessions as a complement to our plenary programming. we hope the sessions will help you take the ideas and topics generated here and turn them into information, action and collaboration that last well beyond today.
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there are four summit in two sessions. we have a coffee break between the sessions at 2:30 so you have some options which will be greatly to identify the session of interest when he registered what is now printed on the back of your nametag. the corresponding room assignments are listed in your program and on the screen. all of the ramsar in the ward building which is just across the street. friendly as opposed to unfriendly volunteers and an ample signage will help you find your way to your sessions after lunch. we allocated rooms based on the interest identified and did our best to balance the sessions. you are welcome to chain sessions between some at one and summit to if you wish but if you go to a room that is overflowing please consider attending a different session. the summits will run until 4:30. google then reconvene an award in the same building award lecture hall to report our experiences out of the end of the day. we listened to your feedback and evaluated carefully when making
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decisions about future events and programming. this morning he received an evaluation when he registered. please make sure you complete it before you leave today. it's really important. there will be boxes on the registration table and in each of the learning summit rooms to deposit your completed evaluations. after the conference closes today and we hope you will join us for happy hour at lee's restaurant in chevy chase. chevy chase. will be an opportunity to connect with our colleagues in a fun informal setting. best of all your first drink is on us. ncoc shuttles will run between the conference from here and a happy hour and then to the friendship heights metro station and the chevy chase marriott to give you some options for getting home. but now it's time for lunch. please pick up your lunch outside the editorial doors. tables are set up right on the holland area you entered verses verses morning so you can gather around the small tables. lunch is planned to run around 12:45 at which time you'll be encouraged to move to your summer rims. thank you and enjoy.
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>> i think one of the places where we are headed right now that is scary to me is that especially at the lower tear schools in the big five, as they struggle to build buildings that compete as they struggle to catch up i think we will see a purge of nonrevenue sports in order to focus more money on sports the matter financially the most. i think that's a trend we will see in the next five years and i just don't think that's going to change. >> i think that we go down the road of paying football and women's basketball players as the agents and trial lawyers would like us to do and i have plenty of friends that travel,
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we are going to be put in a situation as a series of enterprises that will be forced to make that exact position position. the run -- nonrevenue sports will be eliminated and schools will be asked to go from 16 sports as a minimum to compete down to 12. i have set meetings with those conversations that have happened and that has bad for the country, that's bad for olympic sports and bad for opportunities for people to get out of lesser environments and get to the university and have a better opportunity in life.
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>> i was elected in 1980 and came in and 81 and if you look at my news letters and 81 and 84 there's no mention of religious freedom. congressman tony hall was the democratic member from ohio. he was my best friend in congress. we have been in a little group together for 32 years. he asked me to go to ethiopia during the famine and i went up and got on appropriations. he asked me if i want to go digging the opiate. i got an airplane by myself and you may not run over the famine but it was a very bad famine. i got in a camp in all a montu run by world vision and the embassy didn't want to spend the night. i said i want to spend the night and the guy said if used on the night i will spend the night and
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next to that camp was a camp run by mother teresa. we spent the night and a little hot. it rained the next day and the plane couldn't come back. it was a life-changing experience. in the morning people died and we saw things that, that trip in 85, tony took me to romania. and bulldozing churches and i saw people persecuted for their faith. those were bookends human rights the poor the hungry and since that time -- according to the
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rand corporation's brian michael jenkins since 9/11 approximately 120 americans and about 2000 europeans have joined our trip to join jihad is fighting in syria. next a panel of mideast experts looks at the history of the isis threat to the u.s. and why some westerners are joining the militant group. this is an hour. >> okay good afternoon everyone. hope you are having a good day. i direct the rand center for middle east public policy or as we call it tears the map. our center focuses on the middle
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east from across the rand corporation. we try to focus on the most pressing political and socioeconomic challenges basing the region and today the region is at a critical juncture. that's an understatement. the panel you are about to hear from are going to be discussing the complex challenges we are facing in the region but i wanted to know that our center here at rand we also try to focus on longer-term solutions to some of the underlying issues that are generating so much of the violence today. that is why we focus on issues like education for series refugee children which is one of the greatest displacement crises in the globe today. we have to focus on the critical question of youth unemployment in regions like the middle east. in our view we don't tackle these kinds of long-term challenges we are going to continue to see the cycle of violence that generates threats rather than opportunities from this region. so it's my pleasure to introduce these distinguished panels
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behind me and they are going to be expanding on some of these challenges but i hope focus on some opportunities as well. i can really attest to all of their expertise and knowledge and their contributions to rand on a regular basis. i work with all of them quite closely. moderating the discussion first is karen elliott house, the former publisher of "the wall street journal" former senior vice president at dow jones ann a recipient of the 1984 pulitzer prize in international reporting for her coverage of the middle east and she is also the author of a very well-known book on saudi arabia's people past religion fault lines in future which i believe is outside the doors here. she currently serves as the chair of the rand board of trustees. next to karen is brian michael jenkins's senior adviser to the president of rand who is considered to be the father of terrorism studies. all of these panels have a long
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record of publication so they will promote their books as well. ambassador james dobbins is a senior fellow and distinguished chair of diplomacy and security at the rand corporation. he most recently served as director of the rand international security and defense policy center. last but not least we have set up jones who directs the international security and defense policy center at the rand corporation. he served as the representative to the commander of u.s. special operations command to the assistant secretary of defense for special operations. please let's all welcome them. [applause] >> thank you dolly and excuse me. i feel like i'm turning my back on all of you there. we are in a time in my 30 plus years at least of going to the middle east where i think there are more divisions, chaos and
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depression than i can ever remember. we will try his dolly is set to focus on some opportunities. i hope my colleagues will have some. it's really an honor for me to get to moderate the panel because i am yes they trustee here but i would say this. even if i weren't because i'm a consumer of their product these really are three of the best experts in america on this topic. all of these divisions that are so aptly listed in the little blurb on this arab persian sunni-shia arab-israeli autocratic dictators verses demand for liberalism or fundamentalism one or both are not new.
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eric persian is older than islam and sunni-shia is as old as the early days of islam. anything of jewish arab dispute is hardly new so i would like to start by asking each of you to briefly say, why is this set of what i would regard at some level of old issue such a toxic brew now? what has made it so divisive and toxic? because all the elements have been there. >> i think first of all recent events, there is a fundamental change in what we are seeing now and some of the structures that were established a century ago during and in the wake of world war i are coming apart as these
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artificial borders dissolve, as some of these governments, autocratic governments have been removed. what we are seeing particularly in iraq and syria is we are seeing in a sons the thin veneer of control that existed having been ripped off and all of these have come up to the surface again. we are seeing these complex. and second so different for the united states is that at one time these complex were seen in this country has as distant conflicts. in the shadow of 9/11 they are somehow seen as having the ability to directly impact us and in fact concerns about the fears that they might impact us directly here united states has
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been certainly used as a justification for a more active policy. things are coming apart but it's not just there. it affects us in a very direct way because there is no difference now between a frontline and the home front. >> first of all i would say it's kind of important what's going on with a little bit of perspective. we have had regional peoples of this sort continuously since the end of the second world war. in the 1950s, 60s and 70's it was east asia and we had half a dozen wars going on with 100,000 soldiers killed in two of those wars. you have much larger numbers of civilian casualties and refugees in the middle east today. in the 1980s it was mostly latin america and africa. again you have more than 20 years going on.
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again you had more casualties and more refugees than anything we are seeing today. you also have more terrorism. american planes were getting hijacked every few weeks for a while and flown to cuba. americans were being held hostage in the middle east. american soldiers are being killed in several countries. the american ambassadors were being killed and several countries. in the 1990s it became the balkans and we have four different international military interventions going on in the balkans and that 10 year period in the civil war in bosnia was just as intense as the civil war in syria today. so what is different is now as the middle east. it's not east asia and is not africa or latin america. all those places are relatively quiet. it's now the middle east. that's one difference. the second difference is the middle east is an unusually homogeneous place.
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if you have a single dominant ethnicity. they are almost all arabs. you have a single dominant language. they are almost all speak arabic radio the single dominant religion. they are all mohammad bin and they were all part of a single country less than 100 years ago. instead of having a half a dozen somewhat autonomous complex going on with a certain amount of contagion among them you have what appears to be and that people of an entire civilization. and the conflict is much more cross-border. it's much more intense. it has several conflicting strands, the ones you mentioned so that is one thing that makes it different. the second thing is the immediacy and intensity and volume of the media content. americans were being killed as the journalists were being in the 1980s. one poor man in a wheelchair was
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pushed overboard when an entire ship was hijacked. but there weren't videos of it and if there have been videos there were only three tv channels and none of them would have broadcast as of this pictures never would have would have got now. no one would have ever seen th them. it was a news story that didn't have quite the immediacy of seeing mr. foley actually being the head of the almost real-time. i think that also gives a bit of immediacy and of course 9/11 as a background also as brian has indicated makes this much more real and apparently more threatening for americans although i would argue levels of terrorism are not as bad as they were in the 1980s and the dangers are necessarily greater. >> i would like to have a discussion on the threat level as soon as seth gets through. >> you will undoubtedly correct me on that.
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>> i would probably say two issues are of interest and may be new in one sense. one is an brian alluded to it earlier we are seeing unprecedented levels of westerners travel to the middle east particularly from europe to go fight in both syria and to a greater degree over the last several months in iraq. there is a connection and when you add gems dimension of social media twitter, myspace, youtube a connection that we can make two homes in the united states that has encouraged people from denver, from florida to fight in this area. the case of abu soleh is an interesting one. there is a kid north of miami radicalize us in the united
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states and goes over to fight with the al-qaeda affiliate of al-nusra comes back to united states for six months. no one in the u.s. law enforcement system realized that he had gone to fight with al-qaeda affiliate. he makes a decision to blow himself up. thankfully does that they are rather than here because he stays for six months, returns and then blows himself up but that connection with the unprecedented numbers make this i think different. the second issue really with the islamic state of iraq and the levant isis or isil or whatever acronym you use, we have an interesting situation where a nonstate actor has made a pretty serious bid to take over pretty important parts of one of the largest states in the middle east. we have seen elements of this with hezbollah in lebanon but this is ben a strategy and a major middle east state. that's something we haven't seen much of an alaska flow of
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decades. so you put those two together and you get a very volatile situation with westerners coming to fight. >> can you try to explain to all of us what makes the islamic state or al-qaeda, what makes that fundamentalist jihadi philosophy appealing to young americans or young arabs? what is it that makes you want to the age of hoddy? >> i will start and i am sure jim and brian, and brian i think it's out there. i will make a pitch in a recent publication. brian has a publication on american and european fighters who have gone over particularly to syria that is just out which hits on some of these. >> when jihadis come marching
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home. >> i think you need some sheet music to that. [laughter] i am sitting on a panel for the new fbi director with among others the washington office bruce hoffman and one of the things we have looked at him going around to the field offices is what has inspired people to go over but there are a couple of things. this really begs for a more analytical style project. in the absence of that there are couple of things that appear to be motivating. one is taking territory has inspired some individuals. isis, the videos up what looks like success on the battlefield has drawn some individuals particularly since june to fight with a group that appears to be winning and a group -- i was on
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"cnn" a couple of nights ago to comment on this video that came out two or three days ago. what is interesting is it was clips of people on fox, on "cnn," on and of and that -- "msnbc" diplomats saying that isis was gaining ground. they actually took those clips use them in a propaganda video and pushed it out and so they have been using her own words to make that case to our own population. it's really interesting use of social media. that argument appears to be one reason. some of these people that have gone over to fight also have been clearly looking for something. they tend to be, come from, some of them come from broken households. some have dropped out. i wouldn't call most of these individuals that have gone on
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particularly well-educated. you could say the leadership structure but there are things there being drawn to that make them want to be part of a group that appears to be important as well. i wouldn't point at least in the data i have looked at to any one factor but several of them happening over there and in their own lives that could be trying them. >> it's interesting that it is so attractive. i was just in saudi arabia and i went to see in the imams that i have talked to over a half a dozen years and his 18-year-old son was begging to go to syria, and he told him no, you shouldn't go. not that you can't go. he said i don't want to be like an arab government dictating, so he encouraged them not to go because he said you don't know enough about islam to do the proper thing in the
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the debt islamism under assault and is an important ingredient but other things that were touched: misadventure to participate in the ethnic struggle. and is the big part in the united states it is an individual decision as a young man from florida talked about one of his comments and said his life in florida socked. >> but that makes them harder to diffuse. >> of first of all there is
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no exodus. the numbers are very, very small. with approximately 120 americans who try to go overseas to hit the jihadists front abroad. there are 100 or more that has gone to syria. but this is the american muslim population of approximately 3 million. so we're talking about a tiny turnout of the al qaeda n and isil through the internet campaign.
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hold on. they're not selling a lot of cars. they are not. it is very hot individual. also some will require competence of their experience. and then to be disillusioned >> can you talk about the issues of the bias to the u.s.? is a day big red gore longer-term threat? of a threat to the homeland for just to the friends in the middle east?
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>> it is a threat to the united states ultimately. and what distinguishes isis is it claims to be is already a state where it takes and holds territory something that al qaeda never tried to do but talk about the ability of terrorist groups to organize themselves they can operate in the unfriendly environment. but they have a great deal of difficulty to do so with limited capabilities. they have this late the easier time for those that are incompetent so where maybe they're under pressure
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to pose a greater threats to even have a of a greater ability for those that have no government at all. but the biggest threat for those that they mistake as friendly where they have the active assistance of a local government. that only occurred once in afghanistan before 2001 with the operational control of 9/11. to see another state you merge in the middle east that becomes a launch platform that tends to replicate what we sent us a decade representative -- replicating and thus creates the possibility.
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some to deny a isis and that capacity to take and hold capacity is important. >> what is the goal right now? is it taking and holding more territory? >> yesterday they called the saturdays to overthrow the royal family. with the priority list where do we rank? >> the answers says the parties are areas that they tend to go from syria lebanon or jordan and israel and palestine how will they
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are received by this in the group's there. is a regional issue to highlight the areas they are most interested at the same time with isis they adopted a strategy recently that is similar to the way al qaeda has operated even outside of the areas they're primarily operating in. they have reached out to and have pledged loyalty. ottman we have seen isis members to have one group that has pledged loyalty and
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south asia in pakistan we have seen some support from the pakistan television and -- taliban and a willingness to bring the fighters. there is a willingness to expand the network in a broader area of land just the one. briefly with is the u.s. it? in general look at level of violence primarily focusing on local machine, assyria machine, assyria, and the iraqi regime. that is where most of the energy is directed. there does appear to be interest to inspire others. but i would say the focus of the effort right now is the region. >> the taliban never had
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intention our afghan ambitions whatsoever. >> but to facilitate operations it is hard to believe isis would not do the same thing. >> can i follow through? the idea not just how many square miles on the ground that has excited islamist around the world. and we're now in the process and that will have consequences and ultimately a. [laughter] to the extent that we are an impediment to the
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achievement of their goals or the survival of that enterprise will have an effect on those strategic organizations. and individual jihadist a better motivated by those ideas. as well as other groups so we would be dealing with this for a long time. when the jihadist come back here they will be arrested if we can identify them. but a fascinating problem is europe has 2,000 people going from france and united kingdom. summer going back and forth.
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the polling data indicates an extraordinary level of support for the islamic state. >> in the european countries? really? >> extraordinary levels. in many cases they come from marginalized communities. when these gics come back to these communities in europe that create the islamic states, and neighborhoods where they will enforce sure riel long then that is a catalyst for a confrontation it is the rise of the old dry white -- right-wing
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political groupings. >> so what is not a domestic problem now become societal. >> that is the point. >> it is important to underscore about the excitement certainly of the saudis said in general how they feel about the islamic state that democracy movement did not work in this is a new way to have justice and freedom to get them society that we had if we could just get the atomics day. but it clearly does seem to
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excite people and a way that americans don't understand. what should we be doing? what should we do? is it good enough to contain that is the maximum? or do you have to do more than just contain it gore ultimately? >> that is the heart of the debate is beginning to succeed some of the capability is. whether or not the air campaign by itself can
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destroy or defeat the islamic state is another question. we have did do more and this gets to the argument of boots on the ground to the accelerate. or we have to persuade those says they did once before i of not sure how much there is some resistance now but i am just not sure of the strength of the feeling there is to take on the islamic state. although the government has changed it is still not inclusive.
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>> but there pulled to the view of the iraqis cannot defeat them and the turks will not do it unless we do it. sophie go deeper and deeper. >> no doubt it is driven out of the population centers. >> so the kurds and shiia between them it will be takes the territory with our assistance you don't have to play infantry on the ground. there will be advisers said
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sun may get killed but that is a different level of engagement. the real question is syria. many are iraqis but is the irradiance civil war and the situation is more complicated the government represents a small minority. with the russians and iranians on one side and on the other side. >> and us trying to stay out? >> we're doing both.
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we are our main moderate factions to overthrow a side but not now as the question of sequencing. the regional conflagrations burn themselves out but how much damage do they do the petraeus can accelerate the better. one way to change the dynamic is if we succeed with an agreement with iran we will find the interest is helps to communicate it makes the assistance more effective. and able to broker a peace agreement in syria that requires cooperation with russia.
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ultimately that will have been but how many more people get killed or radicalized? >> but it is fair to say of what is under discussion it will of rage our arab friends especially my dear friends in saudi arabia. >> ladies tinkly need to continue to ask not what should we do but what our our interest? the connection between the west than westerners in iraq and syria makes it important
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to us. and through the visa waiver program can come to the united states to have though was allowing them to come. if we don't do anything and and this attracts westerners those small numbers of americans fell larger numbers of europeans it presents a problem especially with the small contingent that has attacks in europe and the united states. we cannot afford to stay out of this. we have the problem with afghanistan in 2001. but then what do you do?
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'' we don't want to do and i would strongly urge is the introduction of combat forces the levels of radicalization went way up. i would strongly stay away if you have a presence on the ground in its clandestine line intelligence. >> and we do a poor job as all of us it is a struggle of ideas we do a bad job to push back the at what the saudis did effectively was gave them a forum to speak about al qaeda tv
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interviews. i know their names and locations that people have gone to syria coming back to the united states are completely disillusioned they were sold a bill of goods. was a bad car salesman deal what they found they did not like. >> what about the tv networks? >> adult thing fell law-enforcement agencies are willing to identify. >> why don't they volunteer? >> that is a good question. >> they may be afraid. but it sounds and -- since out the counter message the propaganda we're hearing is not reality.
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>> i have of question about the rise of radical islam in southeast asia. we were just in cambodia where i heard references to the islamic fundamentalism. but what we have been reading about the repression of myanmar and china will that create radicalism? >> with the work we have done over the last couple of months we looked at the numbers of the jihadists
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activity 21032318 -- 2010 through 2013 most were released not southeast asia but a doubling of jihadists fighters during the same time and the rough doubling of the tax that is happening in north africa. selfie statia -- southeast asia has seen a swaying like the philippines. it has weakened its seville -- severely. one of the highlights the u.s. has been involved in a significant level since then 11. -- 9/11.
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is special operation forces. you don't see it in newspapers. with the jihadist group's in the philippines right now. it is decimated groups that turned on others. so that area, we have seen a slight revival in pakistan where there is the affiliate's but across the region, there are some concerns about the growth of jihadist groups. across the board though levels are still lower than in the middle east and north africa. and jim is in a better position in i.m. but what
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the u.s. does it in 2016 and after in south asia have a lot of implications about the jihadist activity through 2019. through cambodia and others along those lines. even china. >> but just talking recently to underscore the fact that it does have poll, awakened some sentiment from indonesia to have that under control. keep in mind and there was the original wave of activity, it was a crackdown
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to deal with this through other means. the group that was responsible, j i backed away but the term they used was innocent, they disengaged. to have a contingent quality about that. >> so that you could we engage. but it has this ephemeral quality to it. >> does someone else want to ask a question? >> my question is for brian. regarding radicalization in
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european countries to let our the possible solutions? what is the appetite to handle this in a decisive way? >> the europeans that is a huge generalization but there are large populations in the event based populations in and day handful of countries. germany. rarely, france from north africa or turkish workers horror from south asia. and then to be there for multiple generations but they are more marginalized.
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and it was to be extremely high levels of support for these ideas. it is a much greater problem there. the mine is to identify specific individuals. there it is a matter of dealing with community. in so far have they do it. they have debates of the cells. some are taking a law-enforcement approach to pass their legislation that will prohibit and they can still pick up the passport. others take a position that we must welcome them back and monitor and rehabilitate
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back into society. it is typical european kind of a fait. [laughter] civic that was the saudi way but then in prison and then rehabilitate. [laughter] then let them live happily ever after. >> i'm a member of the cycle here can having appeared in the last three months with the general public with ebola with nowhere in this before a. end to mention the syrian connection. or they're working with al qaeda? how do they get on with isil? did they first come up with the islamic state?
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what about all these groups? >> isis was so prominently on the horizon not that we did not notice that it was there before but the collapse of the iraqi army than suddenly it is running most of iraq. otherwise it was just another radical group in syria. with the iraqi army collapsed and that was surprising that was surprising not that existence. >> the relationship between al qaeda? >> we will come back to ebola. >> are really good question. this group has a history
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afghanistan in the 1980's and then to create an organization that called jihad they went to iraq in 2002 and he became affiliated to al qaeda and they changed their name to al qaeda in iraq in had an affiliate by december 2004 at which point they fought the americans for the rest for all of those in in what happens briefly is the syrian insurgency starts. >> that al qaeda and in iraq at once both syria and iraq
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this is like a feud. >> the head of the assault -- al qaeda educates a growing dispute between individuals in syria and al qaeda and iraq with control variants. and he says they should keep iraq in the others keep syria. to separate organizations. al qaeda iraq says we don't authorize or agree with this decision so they are kicked out and there is actually a funny john stuart episode because he says al qaeda in iraq has become so bad and so difficult to deal with that al qaeda itself how bad
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you have to be for leaders to kick you out? this is the origin of isis. it claims it has got whole region so we clearly see tension between al qaeda and isis over the past 10 months. particularly with africa and the self a shed to compete they fought on the ground. so we have but spices has a long history. any army officer that fighting against the predecessor organization. we know this screwball. >> it is funny how metaphors
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come into our health. and in ebola bloodshed we really into a chain them and stick out before it becomes a pandemic to create bigger problems? >> gore the idea but we will do all sorts of things. the same kind of debate going on with regard to isil or the islamic state. we tried to revise the waiver program to identify the carriers before they come back. or are we obliged to go
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there to stamp it out. >> mcfadyen is a very good analogy. [laughter] it makes the case. >> the american policy currently is to withdraw all american combat forces from afghanistan 2016 can you comment on that? is that a good policy? >> no. [laughter] >> no. and i think it will be revised. if not this administration but then an extended is the next president's decision and i guess it will be in the campaign leading up to its.
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i think the decision by the end of 2016 was made before a and the object lesson is provided left iraq prematurely. it was a mistake in the first place but now which is generally accepted as common wisdom. i think the afghan government that has a better relationship with washington and congress will at some point ask to reconsider. if things are going well is easy to say yes if it is going badly it is harder to but if they don't need as we will stay if they do we will have a harder time to decide. and it doesn't mean staying
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in large numbers but even in 2014 may be too large. may be with only 9000 troops how much pressure the afghan armed forces are put under. and could be considerable help weather the next level is not feasible or not but that decision probably will be. >> what about the neighbors? what is the relationship of the neighborhood? this is not good for their world. why do they allow this to
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settle into the extended period of conflict? >> while refocused on isis yeah their countries are fighting conflicts. they are involved in the sunii shia and involved one way or another as the states have kurds. and the affiliate -- authoritarian governments so there we calibrating their policy at the moment. s soon as it but the contradictions in turkish policy is several different
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directions it is a six dimensional in tests that is why all coalition into temporary or all commitments are conditional. and all coalitions tend to fade cement the full decision as we get americans to do this. is 300 dozen iraqi soldiers and not a sufficient enough to contain the americans can come with forces on the ground. one of the good things from the current campaign is for
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them to step up closer. to take the emirate's and turkey and there are between six to 800 advanced carbon -- combat aircraft parts to rule on the area. and we have to do tate here we don't take on these missions. a hypothetical young boy a today aged 13 and the country has been a war his entire life. but we're talking about a conflict here that are still going to be going on but he
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has a 13 year-old. now that is something we have to consider very, very carefully. what our level of commitment will be to a contest going on in some form or another over centuries. that is open the hundred warfare what does that mean for society? >> just to briefly pickup to mention in turkey, of very fragile position many may not quite understand carrying the 2006 war in iraq the primary movement of foreign fighters was through damascus in syria and iraq.
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in the one in syria the verses that pipeline from iraqi -- iraq to syria. virtually every major jihadists comes into the region renowned by turkey. violin and or air is the primary era -- area we monitor air flights into. so the point is the we have seen so mini but for them to serve streaking there clearly concerned about the direction of the country.
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that is the challenge to recognize the backdrop of government. in looking into the future. >> but there is no doubt beyond that frustration under maliki wanting a better life or a better representation severe is massive distrust with the complications of the relationship as they move forward as well. i don't take away from perhaps the implication into
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refining oil and producing and exporting it so i am pleased pleased that this interim deal which i hope will be the first to lead to a consolidated deal in the future not least with the disputed areas of kirkuk which the sunnis have reconciled but i hope this is where we will be going. >> what is the deal that would be an britain's interest? >> i think we want to see british companies flourish and we want to see a safe environment for all national companies to actually operate and we want to be able to see oil move to parts of the world do not have legal question mark over whether or not they can indeed be purchased and that is actually taking place for they think we are headed headed in
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the right direction. >> as you know iraq is sitting on a huge quantity of gas and it would very much address the over reliance on russia's gas. as their role role for britain in facilitating that? >> this is something worth further discussions on something the embassy perhaps may have some thoughts on. i would say that the potential in northern iraq is a really huge. a lot of it is untapped and i think it will help the country for many years to come. >> you said mr. chairman that they are doing a major gasification project in the south than it would be logical for they are others to look at the north as well that obviously will be easier once there is a resolution that there is of the major resources.
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>> perhaps is not going to port use terminology such as last chance there's a general acceptance that this is the last chance to solve the politics. to follow up on one more question. yes we have had a new prime minister of elections but are you at all concerned that the immediate, the politicians and administrators and bureaucrats have essentially remained the same and doesn't that bode ill when it comes to trying to encourage more inclusive form of politics which we all know is one of the common problems. you have it replace the tier below it's very important given the absence of the bureaucracy for the backup that we would associate.
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it depends what you mean by concern. in one respect having these voices participate and engage with government, depends on the authoritative prime minister and the president and whether or not they yield that authority but maliki now continues to be involved. but he continues to be inside a tent. there's also question mark as i alluded to earlier as to who armed the sunni representatives. i was i think forthright in saying there was a diverse mix of tribes in the sunni area. they did not speak with one voice and therefore requesting those sunni leaders to actually come forward not least because and we have not touched on this but have the country is at war. it's engaging and incredible battle and i'm sure we will touch on it in the west so therefore we want to attract these people absolutely to the table but many of them are not
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in a position to come to the table so they do not continue to be. >> are you satisfied that bears are not tangible evidence and intrusive approach on the new administration? is there an attempt to reach o out? >> we very much encourage that. >> i know you encourage it that are using evidence that? >> i administrated -- illustrated a number of posts and many seniors who want to see involved are yet unable to do so because on the geographical terrain they're not able to represent our participate. they are out of the country and in exile as well. we have to be careful if i may buy some i wanted to pick and say these are better people to have. we have done that in other countries actually keeping alive a person who we might think is a future president of the country are prime minister and it didn't always turn out the way we wanted.
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