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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  November 30, 2014 9:56pm-11:01pm EST

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every day and forget about it. but there is no stumbling and fumbling and weight in the heat of the moment i have to reach for my pill. she was insisting it's something you take with your vitamin every day. when you think about it it's brilliant to disconnect and it also helps to destigmatize it a little bit. >> host: this has been a wonderful discussion. i've learned a lot. your book is great and i wish you every success. thanks for being here. >> authors of the latest nonfiction books are interviewed by journalists, public policy makers and others familiar with their material. "after words" airs every weekend on booktv at 10 p.m. on saturday, 12 and 9 p.m. on sunday and 12 am on monday. you can also watch online.
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go to and click on "after words" in the book tv series and the topics list on the upper right side of the page. [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] >> it might be coming out little fast. >> i tried to find a photo. just in time for christmas. [inaudible conversations] i hope you can close guantánamo. >> we are working on it.
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[inaudible conversations] happy thanksgiving. merry christmas. booktv continues with allen west who talks about the importance of preserving the core values he
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was raised on the family, faith, tradition, service, honor, fiscal responsibility, courage and freedom. he says that these values are under attack by the far left and the obama administration. this is about an hour. .. >>
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>> and incredible institution started 1971. the singular vision is so important but if you think about what is happening here today and this week it is freedom week. it reminds me of the scripture that comes from john first 36 and says some of the sun makes you free will be free indeed. so a university that is called liberty, your model says trading to be hands for christ that is of a very noble and the important mission statement for wary are.
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but when i think about that statement it is the same as if you go to basic training it is there to prepare you. just the same before they take the field. so i want to talk to you not about being trained but being a champion for christ. because of play-doh understand the connectivity for america that we will
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lose this great let -- blessing of liberty but once they finish their trading they must come out of the battlefield of the students of this great university he will go on the battlefield that we called united states of america and considerate -- consider this title, the title of liberty is this second of the three unalienable rights guaranteed to you not by man but by a creator. those are in the declaration of independence written by the incredible son of virginia by the name of thomas jefferson. you should be proud the university is named after one of those rights that comes from our creator. i want to start going through the bible because there is no way i could not
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bring the sword of the spirit as the word of god because that is what will prepare you to go out to be a champion of christ. i want to start with one of my favorite scriptures. if it says no man can stand before you all the days the of your life just as i have been with thoses i will not fill you. you can give these people possession of an eyesore to give them. only be strong and courageous. be careful and you do not turn from it so that you may have success wherever you may go. thanks but you shall
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meditates day and night according to all that is written for then you will make your way prosperous then you'll have success seven not commanded you to be strong and courageous? do not be dismayed for the lord your god is with you rather for you go. but to being a champion for christ in the country. in here for those of you in r.o.t.c. one of the most important thing this that will happen is when you except the mantle all leadership for the command of the unit.
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and that is what happened to joshua. you can imagine not the most eloquent of men, incredible responsibility that he had for one guy told immiscible it did not turn from the left or the right and i'll also tell you not just for christ to your left or right. that is the declaration of independence. so when people don't understand the they're easily swayed. when you find out people don't understand the first amendment rights then you
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have organizations for the foundation for the basis of who we are. and those that cannot stand against them. and before every tennessee home football game local minister delivers a prayer. this organization from wisconsin wrote a letter to my university to tell them to cease and desist before the football game now some of us have little snow on our heads remember having prayer in schools. i remember in georgia a local minister would come now to say a prayer before each football game i never
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remember as a kid getting carted off with a tragic injury but with the separation of church and state we are not rooted in though birds here from the judeo-christian it fade heritage because talk about separation of church and state to find that in the declaration of independence? in the united states constitution? it is simply a concept which in -- written in a letter that said here in united states of america we would not have a head of state which is also the head of church. the government for it to be
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that we cannot express ourselves in prayer that is why there is freedom of religion in the exercise thereof. but if you turn away and don't meditate day and night as i tried to tell you here and you get the opportunity did you will not be prepared to truly be the champions of christ. the other is courage how many times did guy tell joshua to be strong? you are not called as christians to be scared. if you want to be scared you're not following the example of the person who went to the cross because if he was scared he would not have done it.
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that is what you are trading to be here. trading to be champions of this country to develop the intense level of competence and you must me courageous and means developing incredible sense and one of my favorite scriptures found isaiah 541st 17 though weapon formed against you will prosper as you are condemned to. this is the heritage of the service of the lord and the vindication from a. you know, about my history you can see the face that are said about me but nothing formed against me shall prosper.
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it will not have been. because if you have courage it was alexander the great the man who conquered the known world that said fortune favors the bold. think about where you are right now. freedom week being trained as a champion at the university called liberty because somebody had a bold vision and you think about what liberty started and where it is today. you have incredible honor and privilege to be sitting on this campus. there are children all over this country would love to be in that chair you must me bold to proclaim justice
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those who established i have been a speaker at the paul n. northwestern and marquette and the reason this is special to meet tonight i not to worry about being heckled. because you were here on this campus because there is something special about you. something that is different he were here because of the boldness that you have it in the country where they say they don't have values believe in this church staff for christ staff, show them the confidence that they are wrong.
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but it does not end with that courage and confidence but that something else is called perseverance. i go to the book of john and i read these words. these things i have spoken to you. so that it be you may have peace. i have overcome the world. think about how you were sitting here right now. all dressed up looking nice, a beautiful campus and even though it is cold you want to go where it is warm.
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think about your christian brothers and sisters who all the sudden one day somebody knocked on their door to give them three choices you convert, the segment, or die. the oldest christian in communities and civilizations are driven out. think how just a couple of weeks ago pakistan a christians someone said they burned pages out of a career on. the wife who was pregnant was thrown into a kiln and set on fire. look up the young lady to when was confronted and told to converge she said i would never give up my lord and
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savior jesus christ and they threw ashes on her import ashes down her throat. when she went to the hospital to be treated their rivers that she had spoken against the profit muhammed and islamic she was shocked in the hospital and doctors refused to treat her. they got their people that have this save light that you have here. she earned her degree from a school in houston texas. he could have the confidence and the courage but if you don't have the perseverance you'll not be a champion.
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and to be persecuted throughout history but today is persecuted -- persecuted but somehow this faith continues on how another generation steps up to say i will follow the man who died for my sins. the all to the story of service and sacrifice and commitment it is that perseverance they will need not is you are trained to but as a champion for christ. even without first appearance there is something else that you need. and you wrote about it.
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even with perseverance you have to believe there is insurance that is there. turned to romans chapter eight i will read these tubers is. if kottich is for us they and who is against us? and denver's 37 but of all these things we overwhelmingly concord to him who loved us. so even if you have the perseverance and the courage and the confidence you have the assurance that if you step up their common that it is the essence of the war for the united states of america.
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to form the greatest power. because why? because of one simple thing. because they believe in freedom their worth fighting for with the world that is never known. still looking at those men that signed the declaration of independence that they were willing to sacrifice their lives and sacred honor. as that person with a sacrifice his life. as the son of god to be a
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champion of christ is also to bid for this country. but you understand there is a different relationship between the christian life will understand what it means to persevere. there was a young lady that i met from yorktown virginia. care new imagine called the revolutionary army when your town surrendered? and they got to the incredible day.
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courage boldness and perseverance. but what is the most important thing? from being a champion is confidence. i can do all things through christ. but what manner of person chained in a prison that he could do all things through christ jesus? he is a champion and that is what you have. because paul did not say i
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can do a few things. or a couple of things. he said i can do all things. and dash as you go out to be the champions they can do all things. that is the means to reduce deficit spending. because it could do all things. and america 238 years it has done all things. and it has not done a great saying this ended three different combat zones.
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it and like any other place i was born in the inner city of atlanta and georgia. look at what i could do or achieve. because of america you can do all things and the equality of opportunity that no matter where you come from or where you were born that is not determined your end the station gore achievement in life. that is what it says of the bible. that i can do all things through christ jesus to strengthen some a. so you have that confidence to go out to be a great nation. so if you think about a great nation it is all about
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the individual. christianity is our personal salvation the strength of america is in the individual spirit going back to the inalienable rights "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" but if you were not careful if you cannot be achieved before christ gore country will not think about the pursuit of happiness but the government can guarantee your happiness with his government to? you remove god that gives you the pursuit and replace it with government that will try to trick you. that is what happens when you're not a champion of christ. so the challenge is simple. confidence courage and
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confidence those are are the qualities you must take from liberty university where you have been trained to be a champion of christ. it does not help me if you do not live up to that trading. the mascot of this university, have you ever thought about that? not the tigers over the of volunteers? why is that so important? because it says it back here in matthew chapter six, chapter five you are though light of the world
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the city of the hill nor does anyone might delay up to give light to all who are in the house. let your light shine so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. there is a reason why you attend a school called liberty a reason why your mascot is the flavor because that came down on the day of pentecost the flavor that donald ray did talk about "the shining" city on the hill that is why you need to be a champion for christ. because the blatant your
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trade to carry here is nothing that is not the purpose of you attending here. the purpose here is you will be the next generation the beacon of liberty of freedom or democracy but on september 7th the day our united states constitution was signed franklin walked out of constitution hall a very bold woman came not to say dr. franklin what is it that we have? a republican or a minor key? and franklin replied in republic if you can keep it.
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we have a challenge students of liberty university there is a flavor that you must insure continues on the flavor of pentecost and the beacon of the united states of america you must guard it or else it can be lost for subsequent generations. at 53 years of age one day i will be old with bermuda shorts probably eating tapiocas to live in a high-rise place that you will drive by to say look at those old people. i am passing on to you that mantle that flavor that
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begin. for you to go fourth to be champion god bless you all. take care. [applause] >> we will start the q&a session now. please use the microphones. >> my name is chad ims of more. lieutenant-colonel west you made elijah of - - and made a lot of points including the rule of law and the things of this nation was founded on so we
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could abide by that i am curious as to the situation in the middle east you were in that region around this time in 2003 when we could establish the regime of course, there was of military victory but since then there has been much of the rest not turn into a democracy and freedom. what is it we can do to alter the strategy that we can add to those countries so they can realize this saved freedom or to maintain that government? >> the book called the lost spring by wally garett is it talks about how it came along and we blew it because
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we did not engage with the young people with that secular movement to step up to see those freedoms but when you talk about what they'll understand is two words strength and might. a understand the strongest try ban when you don't show strength, they see weakness. so first of all, you have to show a dominant power because that is what their culture understands ended you can look at how you can institute a cultural institutional change. it will not happen overnight because of centuries-old civilizations and i think we have politicize our national security strategy.
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and when you say we will go in this direction because i believe this is what we were elected for one simple thing is the enemy has a though. with uss missouri because there was the saving in the middle east and afghanistan. there is an interesting saying in afghanistan this has even smoking too much opium? we have patients.
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that is what kills us it is the number one responsibility. >> my mom is that huge fan of yours. >> let me come up and untether myself. did somebody check-in? [laughter] do a selfie. hurry up. [laughter] send this to mom. [laughter] here we go.
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okay. [applause] so my question is with freedom in the bible, david rockefeller protocol memoirs and in it he said something that was very shaky. some even believe we are working against this secret society against the best interest of the united states characterizing my family and me to conspire with others around the road to more integrated economic structure a one world. that is the charge i am guilty and proud of its. with little investigation we have done reveals this movement is called the new
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world order and his word by word a fulfillment of the one world empire in the book of revelations and daniel. so what do you know, about it? >> i don't know specifically that i am very concerned about the united states of america unbecoming subservient to a global government things that come added the united nations for which you understand recently coming al from ferguson, missouri to travel overseas to europe to make a plate before of the united nations commission on terrorism. i have a big problem with united nations to supplant
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our rule of law and the standards that we have established united states of america. thinking of un resolution in 1618 how that classifies speech to give certain religions you could be open to criminal punishment. united states of america is a sovereign state. when people don't even believe that we have a border that should be protected that should cause a lot of concern. that does not say that we are not benevolent. we are the most in the world but article one section eight states clearly we have borders that need to be protected not just physical borders but economic borders with united nations talk about how we deal with our
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children so there is a big concern and the agenda us 21. >> skull and bones. >> i don't know about that but i just went to a simple school. >> there was so weak recently. >> but the bottom line is if you are aware then be a champion for christ the and what? country. to not surrender your country. pay? >> mr. west you plan to run for president in 2016? [cheers and applause] will put you up there? proverbs chapters three verses five and six it says
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trust the lord with all your heart in leave and not on your understanding and knowledge him if he will direct your path i never would have thought 10 years ago when i retired from the united states military i would be standing here today if you want god's will is in your life he will be where he wants you to be the largest accepted a position as the ceo for national center for policy analysis as a conservative think tank in dallas and i think that is where god wants me to be right now. but just to think about being here with each and everyone of view if btu talks to 5410 people what incredible reach. someone said c-span is here. what happens if that gets out? soleri's plant yourself
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where god wants you to be not rethink. make sure we have leadership fin that is the problem with our country. >> colonel west i met a junior year and thank you so much. >> you transferred from wheaton college how many know what is going on with the rotc program? all of you should know about this. we tin college and has an incredible rotc program that is been around since 1959. it is of christian and faculty but they send out the request to the are made
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the incoming senior military class' professor be a christian. mr. weinstein has now brought a case against united states army for them wanting to send a christian to be an instructor at a christian university for the rotc program. that is what happens when you don't pay attention into what is going on in your country because i was an instructor of the year in united states military. because i was black combat arms a witness said the two historically black colleges and universities because they wanted someone who could identify with the students and even going to kansas day ahead to make sure as a member of the faculty at was consistent with the standards demanded
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of that faculty. this is house separation of church and state is mucked up because you have those that believe it should have the faith gore impact. so that was my announcement four weeks in college. >> my question for you is but i think your answer would be good for all of us to hear but as the nation that i hope has a strong national defense what should we do with isis? mcfadyen is easy the reason you don't say isil that means the islamic states if you say isil your not respecting or recognizing of modern-day states of israel because lot is the region and a wide the administration continues to
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call it isil. what you do? you kill them. [applause] >> it is waiting a psychological operational war when it you can pull apart social media to see the headings of americans that is how you get into someone's psychology and where the strong tribesmen mail and females want to be on the team. is an incredible recruitment tool. we're not afraid of the united states of america. what are they doing? they don't want to meet us face to face you take isis and crush them and make them wish they were never born and whenever corder they go
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into to say they will be there to put a bullet between their eyes that is the only way we keep the country safe and protected for the next generation because of isis, it was al qaeda because you'll get another metamorphosis with the non stage belligerent that believes the division for the world. and think about what it was like to be a christian and woman in one of the oldest civilizations of the world and for the first time in bolivia that we're sitting back to watch this happen.
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i know had to follow that? you have got to kill them. [laughter] >> i of the senior here. what you think would be the most effective way to combat ideological is lot in though long run after isis and al qaeda and the other groups? >> how many have never read part of for? though says say no the enemies and the environment and yourself. we have overseas combat operations we don't have terrorist attacks we have disasters but then they call the workplace violence. when somebody stands up and says let me be clear it ice
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this is not islamic. are they mennonites? southern baptist? there's something. [laughter] but if you continue to not understand nor identify the ideology of your enemy that it will be successful against you. we did not fight in gold were to against the kamikazes against the blitzkrieg. those are tactics so in a nation says we fight a war against terror that is the most horrible misnomer ever because terror is a tactic to understand the ideology this is something going on for almost 1400 years when thomas jefferson was in france with the barbary pirates were taking our people to attack our ships and make them hostages, he
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said why are you doing this stuff? but he simply replied you are infidels and we are commanded to do so by our profit. you know, what thomas jefferson did? he went and got one of those books so today we wonder why thomas jefferson had a career in? you wanted to understand of why they are commanded to do this and how did he respond to the barbary pirates? he sent to the united states marines and he killed them. but if you understand the ideology and you try to redefine the enemy in a way that makes you comfortable been this nation is in the point that it is right now the canadian soldier
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standing there shot in the back of his head. that n.y.p.d. officers who stand there in queens and a guy puts an accident their head for the 54 year-old deco's to a chicken processing factory and gets be headed. islam of fascism comedy heightism terrorism what happened in jerusalem in the last 24 hours? to palestinian guys go into a synagogue shooting and three rabbis lost their life how was it raised from the white house? extremism. that is the same thing they call the two-party people. they don't want to admit the ideology. >> did your opinion of a right to know the most pressing issue facing our country today? deficit, and immigration?
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ices what should new congress be focusing on? >> you asked me to a different questions. u.s. the most important issue facing the country than also the new congress. the ledger 14th congress must restore the rule of law and once again restore the of legislative branch coequal branches of government and checks and balances. too much power from the legislative branch to the executive branch and the judicial branch we have too much legislating going on from the bench from the united states of america. now to talk about the tactics tax reform, economic reform, america back to work so we could have growth opportunities and prosperity absolutely but the most important thing is to
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reestablish the preeminent of the legislative branch. look at those enumerated powers when the president stands up to say i will do an executive order for amnesty it is clear the constitution says only that congress can make rules of law regarding naturalization of the president says he wants to bring people out of guantanamo very simple only congress can make rules regarding captures of land and sea. they have to reestablish themselves. talk about the greatest problem confronting us as a country? we don't know who we are. we don't teach civics. you have seen the man on the street interviews. we laugh but it is appalling you ask a person in question
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to the test yourself. if somebody says america is a democracy they don't get it it is a constitutional republic. the greatest problem that confronts us as a people is the lotus notes information voter manipulated by political consultants that come up with trite gimmicks and they're just sound bites we have to have a better form that is racy the two biggest issues for our country. >> their work for the center of global engagement. >> don't ask me a hard question. since we were talking about isis' before for a muslim to die at the hands of the
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woman he does not get the seven versions so what we said woman combat soldiers to fight isis? [laughter] [applause] speeeight security have women in combat you have since molly pitcher took her husband's place but when you talk about women id combat or rangers or special forces or even infantry now that is a huge cultural change would you bring up is the kurdish female units fighting against isis said one was celebrated she was captured and be headed you are right that is what veggie heidi warriors year you know, about former black jack pershing he understood there
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was a fear to have any contact with pig so when he captured the insurgent fighters he slayed big san through the entrails into the pit and he kept one alive in said that is what happened to them. it quelled the insurrection because for them it stops them to go to their happy land. but don't try to get into their psyche because i don't think america is ready. remember jessica lynch? america of freaked out. i don't take we are ready to have american female combat troops captured. they are flying combat aircraft and helicopters. there is something different
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about being on the ground not a support unit that is attacked. culturally we have to get to that next point. >> second question looking for some good news in the congress to get some work done both sides have to talk to each other to use the any hopeful signs as far as people? >> i would tell you that you have someone from west virginia that is joe manchin that is that type of person but look at what has happened over the last midterm election cycle most is the conservative blue dog democrat is on. so now you have hard left
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progressive socialist that believed in the collective. the fact that mary andrew is fighting hard i know the results of the of though to of the keystone xl pipeline and they already say we will veto any way. here is an opportunity for the misstates of america to consume resources to undermine vladimir putin but yet you have a radical environmentalist that refused to see the objective truth. look at cushing okla. a creates jobs and wealth with is the unemployment rate in north dakota? o. because of the block in an oilfield. how come you cannot take that truce? that is the problem we have
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incredible ideological separation. will we continue to be a constitutional republic or a welfare nanny state? that is the separation riyadh on right now. if people of the welfare nanny state side then democracy cannot exist that the only realize they can vote themselves than there will always go for the person that promises the most benefits with the collapse of the democracy followed by a dictatorship. 1830. democracy in america. that is where we are. but this is a great nation and railways find a way. last question. >> you've got a head of mia was going to talk about the
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keystone pipeline it was denied by one vote. >> there you go. so what is your stats on the tax cuts? >> it does have to be simplified and when people talk about raising taxes most don't understand they operate from the personal income tax rate so when you raise that higher taxes you hurt the small business orders 75 or 80 percent of the economy for small business owners u.k. views -- move to a flat tax system there you see economic growth to get the two-tier flat tax 20% and 15% but
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remember the lower the rate fell less deductions but at 20 and 15% with mortgage interest but everything else goes away looking at the corporate tax rate that is trillions of dollars of capital is not here because you defense the -- have the free market which is the fundamental basis of who we are. someone said if you have a successful business you did not build that? that is the antithesis -- anti-missus this, though corporate business tax rate 28 n at 23 percent maybe get rid of those deductions just a flat
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tax rate. they will come back. that is what we need to do. hopefully this 140 the congress will institute that. last question. >> i ended my second year simultaneously also a senior in the rotc program. >> a smart trader -- ranger. >> since you started your career you have leadership developmental and advice you can share tonight? >> gasoline started to wear uniform in 1976. my father served did report to both were wounded in combat and they said one simple thing they wanted to have a first officer in the family. all the cadets that are here to be commissioned one day
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as officers listen to your noncommissioned officers. listen to the person who is your platoon sergeant and squad leaders they will respect you because you have a gold bar are your shoulder but you want them to regard you as a leader. i thank you will agree with that it is the most important thing the lieutenant that i saw fail his young officers are the ones that thought i will be a general tomorrow. and they were not successful as a matter of fact when they kept those eight over the troops they will screw you over and set you up. so you want to say i am here to serve this unit. and as i told my battalion in a back the most
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expendable person of cover battalion was me. is about to get another commander you cannot go get another soldier. if that is your mentality and they see that, and understand that is the model jesus christ gave us, he came to serve, not to be served proposal of the bible is the greatest leadership mantle though world has ever known. stick close. meditate day and night you will be the greatest leader the world has ever known. and as you go out and are a champion for christ in a country when i sit with meyer bermudez schwartzman reissues' eating tapioca i will though the country is
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in good hands. god bless you all. thank-you. [applause] . .


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