tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 30, 2014 3:30pm-5:31pm EST
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ndtransport byelyng on vast ntul ga that wolde arore prdepoli thn contui t bn on cre oi exrt >>f cod st aone nae. ife go bk andlott isry of ca erhi we didifu wntoake one less o of that wenee pocies which are rost ainst ucertant. every mee try to gues or thk now wt he fuure los ike coanr ear por t cap to r or we e into banheuse ofatal s and we plnt youkno we real have a hard meetnghis rit. weon relynow what the futureooks ke. wt e doo iswedo ch tr enweave picies alloa lot of themarkeplace anindidus austo chgi circumstance ce we put meinin pla heapitol hlit's really hard t ixit the uswho oay bk
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remembere d ozs al refins. weh zens of tsesml refineeshaca o of the ca regulatio opce ntl when itamtime t dcol pres, it s eay hard causwe he ts political taliment a aefier llover the cnt. keep thaininase o fward whatthrealr sns of the renaian is an op ste this a ourd pva lad. thvement trg to sp these gys. didn't he to rlon deralan so as frwd, whad to and hard out wha kd of stteesreikely be mo presen. > tnk you, mr. cirn. iimeis up. >> i recogze e entlan fm ilno mshimkus for fe mnutes >>his is a tein peln e eaheing, said an yo fo th.
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i have ts andtonsof questions,o m going toy ut themin soen of oer s. gorn, ppciate ur testony. thoiginal epca i dn'tno s reporting requiment of mo ansparencyn llin upn at conrsen bart idtre is prab se trh to getti me infoatnso tat art d erate moreeffecvely piersideppciate os comes. because there is a different type of crde ol thtis gog to be themajor frnd to ke stion. but we sonow reinieha mar iesents bed pon hat th eeive s yrs ago whh snificaly changed toy frohvy crudeo renees pasion. the he thi n prtf e scsi odeb rapoat cot a l
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peneersus atcod tually hapn thefure withllof tse mor localized soces ilable t you couldseecler iteract etweenthese neindng and re voc finies an a more locazeysem. pugliaresi, ippcied ts stamenbecause thene for prduct atfm in a stblpa oft orldthk is reay not storhat i dos hedging the riss of pric t kinofdressing colleagues kencky'squestio t ls internatoni cus on stn euro a l tis a i unrsnd ergy xtortion. and so importioof lngwhich we psed herhe hoeat we
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ulli toee rals in eupen ete europe i woulde true f crdeoil eerts. weulave a stle atrm to d that. hence the nextind of position. becausn nep ey figeyo hae thsemor basin tthe's pobablymo that argog develop like th soutrn ilins inhi w 've go throu t legislative process. so ve sill got oe deepwater appicio. wee gotn waebe hat ilalways be tre. ththenatinaetroum reserve,the alai cst exorio ketol eba at i hear i tins tat we have isuge suly,bt can't ly n governnt to t ese parameter we've otoethe mrkedo
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it. e rks ll then senda signal forwc ofthese oil basinsre ecoverab bd uponh rcing of barel ude i me sa note alt be n eloed bause t co recovery hig but he i th case wherthe a nhange in rl naics, thenthosmigh bavlale for coinued exorio does ttke ense a of tt anlys? >>ig n erisaae inonwe thelor valuatnsn hencednd while pruivy and tenology. areeeing somehings. if yo g ttradion hyaulic acri job40% of thos jobs e vy uneconomic some way 40%are ntrkng. t here's technology
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vopg o t wll drastically imovat. seinofhe high cost base in. t doen't ok likit dng wl rig away. > once agn, wewant rateeshicharobt under ucerin. try to prcre thfuture. dr. ebinger, you dstate inea wle expertsllhelp lower pcat the pump. isart ofourteimony. the as thing i wan tsk cae 'seen raisedecse peop thinkwemightid this co istarting toget tp tw aloof ppl is tere a ffen bause excep ms. goontarted searating hvyournd lihtee is tre crediblargument i separating theru oilic in eig then one b noonheter? thwl bemy lst quen.
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>> i think tim is in th ware gog have basks crde batte nt mu me ality than loti. ese ar qteiffere fm eateran ty gi very ngerm inestment sothmarke ndsth inrmation soheer regulatn ornot e iafeparatinint these bksis pray wave othe future. >> notoing awe that queio. i yieldbac >>entledyro caifa s. capps for fvemines. >>ha you, mr. aian i want to thaneach youfr ou teimonyat is hring. s w to tke amontince is is r lashearing in this sessionofcongress on and
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kwlge as wal inthe ro. i eazeialkingntthe hninll roo t iredible rve. it is hn de rm. our cle, foerhama unr whosleaderipas ued usto bonthe omtt an al colleague fr liforn ranking mberd neighb m hryaxn for theiricredile servicto th committeendo ur nation. inoe epped out, but i al want d rewell to our rid from the pech atewh i elvas added mh alue tohi comttee asll these e pplhoill be issed. heoi markexrtmarkt is coplx. i havpk upforthe hearingod eddetlsccurate informatioi believe cdu
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a oper asesme o crsing expots. t ms o in r testimon yo say th accessinth iormati is dfilt in f comeyouaytuall ha re dta which i id que unngbo opec ude o then about meew eranudel. my qesion r you telore bi i on tha wh i thi iortion s diffict ccss >> tre so ma reasons. thfit reason s thoi e the ewestkid oneblockso topeoth haven't bn around alo. t tstdels e he nelan o ia tnkbo informiofr vnezel. thereis ae ois alaround the worldeventin a shack, ut d'taveny thatre om noh ota orexa. e of thebigrobls is tat in order to geinfmationn
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l cndo an sa wchs prt til. everye does themdifrel sowh differently. me of theireported ce u can'coaroi ton nother. hainmore nste reporting inmaonis e bg prlem. anheonhang mew d.e.s aprentlynd i think r.ieskcould lk more abt is tus t way beandwaind flbeasd en lrned of this, m saidthiss platn of effort. inst smi dat on oil't thateporting reiren. thghhen yu a epc er is room r tis hapn. it jhsn'eedhatwy. ly gein informatioth iustry nt toept out he newoi sritless formation reportedou. hirdononef our rtrstr to urchas da
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becae ere is dat bies bi lonsultancies and aer negotiatg r maerfth ar, d thunreds of thsas of dla ty re ld thada wn'foale. it iscomtitive. eyon wt mpe th the sulting t irso there'a t concrn with l tahrought tre. >>noereg to anotr pithat mht be approprie w y diussionof l exports a e consirenhe ntt of our overall nrgy pocy. u also ucd tht. oue nextensive alisn eclimate pacts in yourtesny you discussed preliminary search on the pasof vario americrude l th could eorted the rb d s ft. gin the transparency chlees that you j
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describe hyobe aeto complete ts ciaasessment ta avallo yu? >> w,no of e ois wha en ble mel we u. oils aound li off of mxi rsbuwe dot ve any th nw so f n th28 test wbecause das st unaiab. sco ampred yieldback. b thi lckof ransparenc i belie isvry concering, not stfor rs id o oilexrt policybutondct a prope oversit f the instn nel. th istri asn uo lift thban belie ty edo ovenfmaon so cleay nedetoporl se th pocy theyare king uto expd upon. i yild ck tyour t ly ylds that er te ntleman from pnsvaa, mr. perefofi inutes.
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>>ha y . chirma thkou for your ttiny i oo remb t long neof the 70 after wtig r 45 nutes anhour with ur ca idli aiceacked u on the hiway meo tpping off inmeeoplebo tgo emy,he we lot o srt mpes and it was a very bad situation, waina t of oi gran sdsve men h much waste affr s th thse online ck the0s? . emns. i don tnkha di di. i tink y'rebsolutely ig cgrsmanpitts. thidea bindhe rogra made so see at t time. buthe implementi lt lot to red a lot oftheroblems had o
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withhe vilily f gale dierent ea it was bas othyear ao ewsand hasgun intohe crazesas inhe por yeare are all outofavng vacation ousi o th ty that is ere all the gali wt. duringthe cristhy couldn ge th gase ton thr mi holiday w ait of ame > ctuay ked his program a t t departnt of enrgy. u ant imagi tsmal an. peoplehi rinery takes cre l i te ening den components we tinto ntrol e ic of a of these.
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that is fr ere prices st yearhat wlde stainefor ab aear. the mbers clden b lit bitghean ha dendg eroipreshat allo that ioing to ve aptt positie effectonth ality of houholds tospend an i inkwile t pive imcton e onomy eia acecomsts took lookt is andonud that we ve ths decline tained for years that it could adas ch a1%tos. gdp. >>hat efftwould it ha on gali pceanhow d ptherrefinery cor? >>gasolineprices, if we sy at tseevs,gasolerices cod down 70 ts gon herthat iahugeplus th
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gole ic avrage a much ler an the priorear. visly,here will som lers the duction crse he wer income her thcouadd effes countrs ke vue ad hshat dpeon oi revees tat cold lad t uest ithe. thiss y e ea tht lie th tcesand focats ae certain i reallyhug. o lo puion from neela because ofocl unre, u n e prices come ckp ain. in eneral,wheni se about policis, ei is polcy organitiut i ca escribe th threecomponets oegy policy. wh des it mean for the ecom the evronment d nation sit you wre asking ab natiol
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secutyissues. wuld agne key thingi thki aboutths is howto igh tse impts fro a pocy sandpoin. the trategic petleesve as theireyoo in security. >> timesxpe. >> i recogni t gnteman fm gorgiamr. barrowor veminutes. >>hank yr. chairman. i hope ige my own ve mites. i inthey cl it i reest usn, texas we havefive refinie b also eba my seiccomes e ew lluon, yona it. i want teep th wrking theoil atch, bu tss probably t est t i m hitory thweveethe firyargins where w art andthai wat i andto k
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mrsieminski or amil, tycalythe interad oil mpanies that have firsnd octionead rfing, but that is tor pfit ceer most oit is producti ide thw thave her inies are al inpntefine that a notajors. ve you all de ay esrch on te refing cpacity? know the stdn refiners ound thecountry the is somecern or e years tat we were roducing as muchs nded right w,ut so losng fini caacity. have you looked a those nubers? >>e vetu undeay on th ality of u.s. refers aor thiincrse in e oilseing produced rom the alfoatns that weil have thtut smemein the
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early part of nextyea hit geral feelingf you come bactohecompxity of ts ovg the exprt n does he pas dfret eco z economanth indendt refinersae ncned abt how they wou ome out inth lsis. wt happened in te 90s beuse wewererodcing liht or ea i the united states most of our efinerscnverted and it co aout $2.5ilon to convert tdothheaer crude. ve you offered ycost estat? >> congressn y areight in tre we shld come uin bri he whene vethstudy dne. we re goig t hve me esimte n what th stare asciedith adng equipmnteed totake car o
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this incase andligtercrudes anhow fa ecrse will be owing. ate do kw if yo lok back overheast deade, biio fdollrs were vested in gradinreneesn xas, loisnato pce crude oi annow we have sup class and so 'scrted probl. >> ihi e conern beuse erisypally t sow plays a sere ey short date aloh ey ae muh chpetodrll. so there's omissuesith every goingo ve t nvest forthose rini ther $2.5ilon to nd hvyo lighterrude? > ere aeupraing ad new nstruction proctunrw rigow toall the reners
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to halehaand aotof the ke place in yo district. >> has hei looked at issu ecuse in theste pically uswhev we were aigd ourountry. b n are producigsmuch r tha aually we have tho downseam jobsetter ports back in houston we are exprtg on ithe stewea of losulfur disel beuseof the hvier crude gebored the soul. buthlo surdiese is imroving the vinmt ere cotrs e ndg it to let arica particularly wre our cutme are. have you ooked t of e issues? ifthat bee lood y our environmenlomunit >> that ispat oor stu >> ioofoar t is stud >>sthere yqualification
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even tugh we a doing heavr crude and proding ore deta but it alo w slfurin e contesvianot from. compre to the es fm hepas e wrld. > certainly akg he sulfu till b fantastic fo hlth and r e vironment. biger queio peole kendhat happens. when you putokingpaty in e nder is, yu' removed e dd o the barrendd up i a lot ore id sutceald etroleum ce and we are ao eorting not. we've eased petrole exports o cna 70old the la severalyeas. it isre tn coal erms of the misson. yonow, kind ofuts oth ways. >> mr.chairman, i owi am over me.
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i ike o lk about petrole >> thegntlemanmr. atta r five inues >> thank youmr chrm. a t thank yoreing here today it really informiol. really appreatyo time. if i cou jt kin of have a fepotsas wve been sitting here, iecked when we srt commitd atest texas was sein .70 when w arted anit dropd to64 ine last intes. e cussion we arehaving a the journ thsornng and one the sectnsf te paer th a decreang t of o from wsttes and what that is doing here i tiscountryih a lot ofrocers southwest. course inhio and aso in
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ennsyana but thereoudo there u to c mcella shale th wardeloping anr date eeclly in h really inreing an als coerned becauses e ic drops, we nto keure that we c keep tproduioof andalso people o er prucg. ifou go toourtestmo rellfodt interesting o pa five sed itas u. crude pos veeclined b .0 or billi brels d or 25% lowe sice1995the percntge of cru danby iorts has ll y 67to 47%, lwest lel ce992. in the teimy today espeal about the oil com inhowmuch ofthe ol comes that we've poedoeouof thene out of curoty ulyo le kethat nd
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maybe it's a qestion? te s not prouc exports abou 2 milln rrs r ay. sothe grs amou ofports an erts re difent than not. we areow kinof getting close 4 milon barrels df exrtsbut we ar alo imrting, esialyasoline inheast and es coasts. and that's bn ou miiobarrels pr day. ck t ongessman ren commts,-co-c ma lot that expt cinfr he old ast gi of thu.s. an counieinatamica an eop ey gasoline, of the beer exports we havs solin nd threason iswe justn't nee it in the s. dit is needn places li ti
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amrica. >>hank yu. if i ld tu to . ugaresi. ipe i saidyourame proper. youknow a look aosw hahappene and e hav seen thiresehere either in radio y mrketarea evti riners outther ght w rom dong anytin eeo adapto these new surges we are having? >> well, i do nk th efing dtr is a l our dostamprocei ctors facing regulatory envirmt. they ao ceuel onraedto. it's nha at all, for example is a b nme. 'sve uful to the americafactor.
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is th mate giveyo all thesprlems bause of dend shifts dicly byhe supply-side shts racally, th are unablto adjust in cost effectiveway. as we grwardiththis and lo atruxpts, we don't wtto nessyard eshi vue-added downstamubsidies. ey a a oto the comy as ll we areotnfavor of protecti, bu we re infavo taken a hard lk at the tre justmes when youov into anxport m. well, a u very m. i in a panelist and . airman, i yielbac >> thgtlan from cafoia ms. meey for vemites. >>ha you, mr. chairma supo th the s.bemes a lile and consistet exporter of nur gas ancdeil.
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then o mity dlomatic acvies >> it'a al gd question t i dotnrussia is reying sot'nother xports that a ally changg at gngn in rsirit w. itthe oil which is mh bigger demand qution. th is no aouthe pos. >> ii ulweigh in on th thproblem we haveis wold. weavhad a t vy kn ihi iimpassioned pross to dsomethg heuraine with thruia crisis but notr geopolitalvesbut the ality ocourse better l and gase ownebyprite
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coaniesd hy e likely to sh t oil or as il if you lod to where the arket gives uth greatesprit. right w thgh it' chgi the fore ai pak t ha always been assumeth the market for lng priary ul be in the fr eastbcse the priu thre hve e much higher thn osin euope alough nw hav lngpic crashing io a utdn to ery wevs where i'ev questionable wth we ca delive ntoommarket coetivy by the tewe vengeoe ady togo outse ntcts of artic. opitally think th iu of xports is extrem importt. r li ikorea d japa an aiwan are very desouto have enr fm e ited stes because hey ean
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increasing blisehina threating thselas in which l eir energy imports me from nt n oil as bu o ol. so ty e lightead i think it os povher plat statuto th exen th ese ergy there t ai heargog to be coeralchic madeby the mpies that own tt l and s. it rely is a mpcad queson. >>ery omplicated. >>hoever can answer thisow much do u e l expts - w y see oil export ineasing over time i w we rpe theeer olicy and conserti act? we seaarge umor slow increase? how doe e atlaying out we do tend toooat tha anouanal engyouoo icweo everye. we will v thatla feua omah.
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srt hat i tnk probab es re towardshe wer end rather thathupr en the reason i s ttistt kind of i tawe have in surps light swe rd thmarket for thatis not unmid t question ow much oth could be tout onthe lobal mart fre you saturate helolmarket? somethg t deof a miionor 1.5 million brels a day ight thenumr tt uld be exrt. >>hank youmr. chaman. i yield back. >> t cir regnes the chair omesviinia mr. mckinlfor five mite >> tha y m cirn thank u thepanelist. it'svyntesting at thd the ssi. isou have en more inreing perha ite rlr. some of is suje we ve gottenntoupaicar edatnal. i have ars o questions.
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tewaing an houana half myueions wasase becus i nto t to he aspt f it. i tnkou ha nsered in some rpes. perhaps we nd get io that lite t deeper but one o the questions i would k u is whis skinfo th ba to be fted? >> welltheir rups are producers at ave aned to see the b removed o those wo are producinthe whitest of the ude oil bcae ht bng scnt the most a trtine of exportg at tohe global marks hih and sowe hav seethat comin from some the independent producer ntes. >> i aal curisbeore he ge my la threer ur eson but o would be back
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towards the tail end of t bh administration g w selling at $1.95 a gallo now we have go up t .0, almost $for rela is tre an pa to yo? at caud at y did doue n price? >> say that agn? >> when gasoline priceat te pu r $1.95 unr the bush administration wt ppened to ta tm to double >>heiggestthg is he overwhelming most imptant factor in gasoline pricing is what t pce of crude oi is in the glal markets. the nextiggest thing after that isprobly the different vels of tati a t differtstes. >> then does chnge by tax? t crudeil prices go up and down.
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>> the cru oilis $ or something ike thi and where w that? it had been on averag of over $100a barrel. >> understand that i haven't se the priceets back to where the $1.95 is >> i think i might've been $1.95 one prices were lowe wh we have 4dollaroil. that is wt ur answeris we'deed o ncrea i by $40? there is on other isue th i think hi controveralut think if you lk at it yowill nd that the maates for biue beingixed with gasoline wehe en ethanol prices go up very high in some of oe markets. that has en major contributor to he prie of gasoline. i have less than o nutes. i have a small -- and west virginia and it fills aic in the marketplac
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wh clde the imct if the exrt ban werlifted? what would be the imact >> 22,0 barrels a day. in your area,robly very little. >>ecause >>ho reneries outn the mid-ntent where they have access todiscounted wti benchmk crudeulsee their sts go up. i think they e arng to tap into he utica shal as. the utica provides petroum cre at they will be able to tap in so you are thnking would be nonaffected >> in yrsta, sir. ty ip all over th country. >> rig b the qstion -
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what's the cost in the iny and i would spect itwouldn't chge very uh. >> oy. thank you ve mh d yield back the lance o my te. >> the chair recnis e gentleman from tas mr.reen fofive nte >> tha y m chairman. t get back to first mr. chairmani would k animous consent to place a statement into t ror and i thnkt'nooubt tt fact he o report that was st relsed talk abo the policy sftn expoing ue wi pensn refinerprit margin b also rmorgn oil oder t t meoowthe list about we a exporting oil now t fits the denitionf condente. is there mechaniswhe you t
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that lighter uite o of the ground and youunio hat i uld call a very limited reniproces ut it fits th finition tt c eor right now. hodo cia aif ndensate inhat eort? m green there are a at urbgws of tryi to define condense. the way eia has done th is literay baseonhelcti. if it's pruc oanilla and isix back to therude oi streamwe counted as lease coensate and measud barrels. >> iatheamdefinition as the department ofcomercefr expo? >> the darenofommercis oking at it fm different anoint andreoed the mmceepartmt now
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througlettertohe diduals whokorrin on itisallong rocessed condensa so if you taka light crudei ofs it thugdtiatntoweit would qualifasa rouct and pruc under u.s. law rit now can bexpted. >> oka is there uniforfnion for veme agencsprticully if awkersntto a betterglaonr giatn,o have one denition orcoensate? >>e ve beetrintod eiweave been tryinto understa t dfent definionanispt hat e-ze-fitalg aually rkpfectl weould sllhae at eifo
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explwe wouldwnt mk su thaweae ableto cot pceedonnses e dot ub count howucof th aerl isi ursm. thatsa oplatn of t isng rues ds atrack epos of coentepductinw odti d pos? y rki oft odti? t eordata iprid to iabythe cto ele d soe nohve h. douowsueyfimor interestglyothkaou alofheistory thahabe brghupertoy. w nedo o wn rv oios cae ha wa h s ellybig a tt was what wasupposetogw d don' av ueyf exrt h redy aiblis tha inrmatio >>hainrmioisauly
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avaiblfrom thest pele andweave be worki wi thmn speding a's il gt hat aa. oy . inr undeyo teimy yr ieng bo di btsndla swansn rl20l lfd e n u. o eor you styein mbatn th crseinstnt frtrtu a eecd gera iomb. yothk meic trsptaonf l aaj faor facg enr sto anxaleimatn on pipene cayoutrnn youmy >>he factatwe ha o built majopilis ysne inonof thehacrin
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d me ngous trsptaon system by r particular bu soy uck an bage soounow hi t fainion wer gngo acce unconntnal oiand gadrling wchicetnl do hen weneedt il th attendant infrtrtu a co-eecvely apoib o get thtmket. m cirman,hank you. >> the cha recognizes gentleman from kansas mr. pompeo for five minutes. >> thankou mr. chairma predicted little work in the run-up to see which of you predicted 62-dollar oil on december 11, 2014. none of you did. you should know you should count yourself among the many. i couldn't find anyone who did. i saw a few traders who made the claim they were in the market at the right place and they got to the right spot and i mention not only because as i hear you talk about more data and more information in the hands of government and all that i think
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as we unleash the markets of glorious things will happen. i have heard multiple things today today. i've heard folks talk about an export ban whc seems ght to . 's good reio we hvetalked abouthjos act. have and the most eoous sts on our refinerieswith her noe el standards and we ave seen agovernment ageie tally pae indlig th e anti of ha isappen with the marketpcehe w cat get e rules ut. sed on some protection that congress set come o level the congress that as we are all caed to think about how we are going to handl tis. we sulnot gethe $63 her for tomorr l alone for two nths or three ohs none hasmnoned the greenhseasules tatare about it. no one mention cé staar which have ua dramatic impact on our trsptation of the usesor the imagine tural g
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anortion. if we coulgetre i don't knowwhat's andingetween us d them i cold't tell you if natural gas prices have prestat fos ould want to investut the truth isou havmarkets operating i a state of uncertainty trying to getohe right toutcome nd we shoul not hav t hubri toti w ha a possility of geing inront of that. thinking aut thiexport bani think it's increbly imrtant at we don'lift an export ban beusgos today we ve certaioiprices sitng in the low s rang i thinkemade a mista in tting place in the 1970s and i think th's theinof thingat weshould all consider. iwant to ask u mr. ityou did a reporter month ago on hat impact gole ic, the saud changthe world e in the last quaer does that an h y think ou wha you ut out in any terial way? >> i believe that studis
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probably still valid in ter of trying to undeta what it i that relates hepre of gali in theu.. the glal markets forru oil o gasoline. mr. pompeo i think your mmt out aid eiapredicts 63-dolr oil? no wdidn't. wealk everynth. we publishsmething that is actually worth thinking abt for everybody he. wese the options marketor crude oil towork bawards to what t cfidencinterval is on foestor rudeil prices ansix mohs ago that coidence intervagot down to the w s. we have hi the bottom of the 95% nfidencere a or e committehe tay just
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looked at so numbers fr st xa intermediat95 confidenceange. will it fall in thr s for ril of theoming yeari$50 toh low sideand about $90o e high side. that's telling y that the people who are inhose markets they are not reallsure eithe >> i wil k anye omight wa tanswer. i' rd an aiclercently d h are popped h me annything el about ope s still thsa forc but a littleit youngercould mpact marks in merial ways. we taked abouthow these maets have chang. esnydy here wanttoday to y atpec is dead? >> ihink market power market power wx and wanes buifou have enough produio outside
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oftesother low ost, gh volume roucs their market power gs reduced an tha's what you aresaying now. th istribution of ru oil tside of tseewlars which nort america is b force today is dermining e pacityf he folks to constrain output and charge hier prices. that's just e reality of it. th'she o that'sa huge nefit of ts north american platform. that'shy wehe topy attention tohowt'sreformed ma sure wehave aregulatory environment atdoesn't hurt . >> thankou. my time s expired. thank you mr. chrman. >> i recogze at this tme the gentman from n york mr. enl fr five nutes. >> tha y very mh mr. chairman you kn last week in myofi
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weaven't mov in 10 years so we were throwg t all kinds of things and the was this huge chart wch id theor acrding to oil. and it either shrink or incread the map different countrs sed on the powerhse ol. it's interesting becaeat was probably abou15 t years old. the united tes istiny. udaria and veneela we verybi di ouldn't help but thinking tt we get them out day how different it would be. i think that a goothing. mr. nerneysk about the opolitical impact as d the rankingmember of foreign afirs committee ici i care very mubouthe geolic aects of it. ilie e idea of counring . tin. european countries a like --
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reluctant to snd up toim beuse they need the oil. they could buy ooil. they might actuay develop a backbone so ha lked a thisin a totlly different approach that i loked t it before but everything ofourse is aalcing a. i care abouthe envonment. want to me sure thawean ntue to export and incase the export and i tnkt's a balae. so i wantoay dr. ebinger i ha read the findings of the po lifting the bann crude oil would boost onomic grthan putdownward pressure world oil prices. larry sumers alsoalled or lifting the ba let me just ask a few question foanyone who wodarto aner the departnt of commee s grantedlicenses during the pat yearo a few oil companieso export rately sml amounts
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of light crude as mentioned da i believe the condensate me from shalelates pease coec me ifi' rong. thefore increasing the production ofcndensate would mean more acking, would it no it wld >> yes. >> among the companies exporti condensate are pioneer niol sources in enterpre oducts partrs which is shale platesae ey gettintheir condenterom? do we ow? >>eekie go forward ites. >> and where didt ? are there existing refineries and frnd partsf the world th have tak to refi ts additional crude? >>think most othe shments e tohear st pbay kore. idon't tlly have it. e partmentof commerce has a much diffentlicy towar
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ndlingata than eia d is consired prriar foation o don't hink it pliy availablyet. >> would jusadd trochecal feedstk'is condensate so it goin to mang eochemals. >> oy, thank you m king the qstions beuse obviously in aitn ecomicshere aregeopolitical ctors that merit consideration i really think t whole thing is a balance tdo thnk that iss somthgw shou lk at vy seriously. it maessestoe. agn cae thk the united stes obviously being wld powerhas to be concernedith the geopolitics of itan ino that when a ting to et our allies ieupe, germany another countrs,tsnd up to putinndisggressn
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ukrainethe were some reluctance thereecsehey rely on ussia for their energy resoces cat heput i f they lied ousr we were avlable we cod exert mo pressu an ithin that would an impoan poicy goal of theunited utestes. again hi it ha tob laeditthe environmenl ncerns and other cces well. anyoall. >> theentleman yields back. athis ti i recognize th gentleman from nebsk mr. terry for five miutes. >> thank y. one f heeasons i n for ngress6 ars ago wsa hi-level felnce on reignfel to fuel ourconomy onomy. i wantedo change tt i'm pleasetoeehat we are down to33%
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wea nly 3% of or fue nes our l is imported w. son geopolitic ssehy do we still ve 33%import of oil into ourountry and wl starwimr.sminski. >> mr. tryhawere talking ouhostly here today asil t within a er and halfo thu. is likely to be t exporter of tural gas. we ralready a t poer of coal. we do'timport muc electricit a little b thatce from québec canada, from skatchewan. onheil d we are a net porter of l prdus. the only thi weare importing his crude oil d those numbe will come down. do yount that to o to zero anthe answer wou bno necessarily. >> that'the question.
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can ? and paicar venezuelan oil boers me. dwe va gepitical responsibili talw some poatn of venezuelan oi >> i will stay ay from policydcion on whatweoul nto with veneela or not t i would y vneel s at e p of as st of wha could go wog ine ob maeto pushrices up. you ve iranian sanctions. yohave the isis problems in aq. mae ll pack will asome pointeidto reduce production. u coulhave dificti in russ. therarlotsf tings that cod ke prices go. e prices could come down to matt. whateay trigre prices comi dn i believe overthe coursef the atewonths s a combination of e unexpected rovy of oil productionn libyaand h
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same time the economy cna was owing do anemand focast to eede. an pbakground ofcasg producti t combination of al those things iust was ppg int and changed evyby's mind authathe future looli >> m pliesi one of the in i would encourage the members to diso lookat noh american lands. en you putanada in tx weeay n't like the self-sficiency apprch to security we really sa the largest atrm to be productiv >> andexo. let'think of is rt america. >> there mb ficient solutis r thepatrm whch allo both prts ad ports because refining configatns are all differeninds.
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you have a lot of very heavy catal invested in processing avy crude so that rue oht to o downto r canada and e proceed th's whre 's the mo valuable. well and that kes sense me. in our refning capacity in e united states, i wil foowp yr mment he ae we ready to bab to xpd or do weeed to expand ring capabilities in the unit states if we are going to have a mix ofore swet and in the avier crudfrom canada? who wantsogo whout one? while it'diicult to condense refiners ean capacity when the demand erein e u.s. isgoing wn typically firi a built closer where -- tt we have a terrific advantage in technolo andno -low natul gas prices.
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they make a rfiri the bes in the wor and takin advantage otseituations i this what they're refers are dog, exportin produs in e ob mket. i cou just say in terms of thglobalroduction has become, it's not specic anyme. thcuntrie that aedme refining capatyo thworld maet tha an other ast year th saudi arabia. so we are seeing china din rene capacity and demand is al in the developg orld. so tmo that demand closer refinedproducts closer to people that wi csu. we arelking lain america the
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mile east that's where future growth is. soth who market s really shting somewt. don'thk yo n rel draw a circle around nor america easily in thi mke >> ahoh i want to. >> i kw. >> thank you. at ti time i recognize the gentleman om neyrk mr. tonko for five nus. >> tnkour. cha. in umr t hearings i've tended i've noticed that when th uecisf our mnal issue ere are a number of questions about he estiteof costs an benefits of the policies in question that'sfie. those quesons explorth assumptions made i nalyses e ceaiy or uncertainty of estimates anhow sensitive the sus tchanges in the assumptions initlonditions or data that o into thmodel. frklth i a major fosof most of conversationsbout projections on clite change th much emphasionhe uncertaiie in wt e don't know an tt emphas on all the things that we have learned
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in conclusis of limate models economic forecast oversee the sa scrutiny and fny they often mi vy significant changes. we spll bodnd treasure over this commody. asweall know it stil aysa major le in fueling our econom we need to understand fulthe implicatio bore we make this change. i noted in the adnistrator's sieminski' testimony the test short-rm enrg outlook includ the disclaimer the reasonoramatic declines in crude prices may affec our ouomin the coming mont. i would like to beer understand how robust the benefit estimates provid in thesudy refeed whore likely tbe. . inger paints a positive picture resulting from theru oil export ban reportinagn of gdp of theext 25 years of $600 bliono biio to one
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int h.wilam that ranges range isbo h much e snaossed. these e modelrus based on her model results. eia'ssults. what are t assumptions i would ask the pan about theorld price of oil int unrlng eia scenarioanhow ithanges tt worldprce impa tse given estimates? >> the honorab'sienski if yocould please. >> congressman we will be looking athiand they will have a lotore to say i tink when they puis the annual engy utlook or early next. i think what i couldsay is that e lower oil prices if ey were to remin will slow down isroh in u.s. oil oduction. that is suppli demand pricg. the oher possible effect it
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could have is to make it less profitable f mpanies to exportnatural gas in the fom l rom the united states. the reason for tt is exports of lng from theus.enerally epredicated o selling into the market for that gas in rope o aa is priced at an oil uivalent at the lower oil pres of the spreader profitability exporting u.s lng into egloba markets would be reded. so that might ange tse dynamics of a little bt. so theyare are gog ba lot of pac y know i our focast i think where building in a pssibility at low prices cou sy for a while woulhave animpact and we will haveplen to say about that in the couple of mohs.
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>> ms. gordon do you hav anything to add to tha >> if i uladsi if we look at past sittions where we have had ecpitous price eclines, you think you anook at intertionally and say that e pricedeles some point co the engin f renewed growth. beuse the chins dndia's inbrazil's of the rld all of a sud if they start seeing 50-dollar oil hed start sanget's rejuvenate some of our economy and ramp prects thatidn't ke ene a 10doaril. member think it wasin 98 th the price ofilell i think 170 118 somethg like at down to $38.7 months but came rapidly back up. i believif rember correctly in the 7 a worked its way up to ee it was beforethe current pre drop low oil prices for those
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countriethat e huge oil importers and fast-gwi opulatnsin asi thoseoil prices a prudent and some inwi rejuvenate the chinese nd indian economiean bring pefully th est of the world along with t as dean for gods and services once again intensy. >> mr. chair i yield back >> at this me i rcni the gentleman omirnia mr. griffith for five minutes. >> thank y mr. chairman. petroleum coke. i love oming to eshearings because ilen all kinds of things msgordonold me abo petroleum code and you said earlier inhertestimony was worse th coal and i'm suming you me from a pollutn standpoint >> is when you rang all of the liquids out t of the heavy oil. it comesut of every refini process ut i small amounts. with heavyoils youhave a lot of these high carbon bottom of the barrel so when you put i capacity youget more liquids
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out whic good but h u get more sols out your finery. ift'very high-qualitwhich don't come o of refineries that goes into steelaglas d ceramic manufacturer if it's low-quityokegh in sulfur sulfur, higen heavy-metal this iwhat com out ofheil production process that goes intoow producon and steamed. and then you are bicly burning coal. it h abo 10 higher greenhouse gas emissionshan coal a higher iabm sulfur. then some of the wor ld nd it rants bit counter to oa cold swh coal is priced hiest it has been recently and before wewere exporting a lot inwas wanting to petroleum cokeecause it was an economi benefit. now prices of coal ar lo. if youemember last yar in
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detroit there was a pile o petroleum coke thagot a t of atntn. it's very ack and voluins. it spreading in alberta. it has spread r miles bause they areanocked a they cat ally exported so ien up being a problem. we are closeto rts. >>et me go back on h testimony just ltl bit. he said tt it's now chpeor more expensive than coa >> coal has come dn so p co is rellpred to ll. it's vey hard togedata. it is no traed. it is very perono-person compy to company but because 's byproduof rfiningnd one wants to ke thispe co it builds up a y have to get rid oit.
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of cose refiners a to get lot of money f but if they can'th still have to put into the makets of the price is relavely volatile. from environmental anoint we would be better off -- benue wi the floodi of the maet in china with this pet coke. am correct? i apriate tht ery much. pelines were brought up earlr whether or not we shoul be building them a t sety of bringingte oil and i think i detood from the comments from the tenoof the comments that the consensus or e general understanding was that thoil is gog to find a way to the unitedstes oming out ofcada whether it'sby pipeli ob truckor by train. is that a fair assessment in each one of you n swer that. >> the questioisos the reonhe pipelihere
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is real value to il there's more optioli. but 's deployed. ifouant to uld a rail facility you just get a local permit. u don' have ypoor review. if you want to build pipeline u run across federal ndr you re going to do some action at's going to trigger a ne review so the redatory program is somewhat unbalanc. the rail facility if yowant to ila peline yo amount o paperwork an intervene before you. >> i appreciate that. ere was one oftese questions that i don't think is pronounced in reationship to the inrnional situation that deals with the u.s. recently won a tradeasagainschina over eiexrt n. w does that ca then appear
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atleast from public percepontandpoint when w arebni the exrt of oil products procts and does that ak the president's hand these discussis withth countries withtexte -- poinrare eart? >> it has been rsed by a numberf people at least in th think tank communityad i kow a number international trade wyers do think it's uite poible that someone gh bring an action agnsthe united stes for the oninued ban on crudeilxportsn the me premise that it's a baie to trade. >> i would just add that because it's heaerhe are spending patysn't suitab. there is no ba on tt bstantially. >> in the intankwor there conce tt somebodel might bring anctn.
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i appreciate that. time is up and iyld back mr. chairm. >> thank you. that concludes the questions did u want to k some additional estionmr. green? i would just like to follow up wit ms. rd. y are recognized for five minutes. >> thank you. the energy policy conversation act of 1975 where we discusd importantly we haveo drs vehie stanrds energy efficienes and t strategic petroleum reserve. the next congres ddresses the exportissue should there be an fort to address the other sections likethe strategic peolm resee? i think we are in transition when it com t oi an that habe very obvus d so oil policy,ney policy is going t be animportant w apr that follows at.
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>> the sategic petroleum reserve ijust et of where i li isoutheast exs and it's impoant buagin if we are producing whate ealthoug we are still ot producing enou o for our own consumption mainlyecausef the types of o whave. like sd earlier he refinees that i represend over the years have en retooledo do the heavier cre. d it wuld take billnsf dollars to go ba to do the lighrsuit and justli it's an inestment decision f that pps. in youteimy you discuss vironmtal ss d stated earlieryu have seen conflicting ticles discussing s.efined productxports. as u.. refined proc better or wor of e product rrently consumed in other pas the world? we produce gasoline or dies
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better than india orchina fo example and i kwe mpete with euope othe product. >>rom a climate persctive it's carn. it woulde milar. from an ir quality persctive it depends on the refing specifications and ty e lower in uope it mit be lower asiat from a clite percepti i don't thk e diffen. >> know ere's a ton of carbon in china. that's theameasin east harris county nd that iwy some of would likeoee a nation aeent so we d't compete with onhand behind our back. as the.s. produc me light sweet crudand condente the ultralow sulfur dies and i mentioneitarlier but i just wanted, that is niting some of r tding partners latin america particularly i assume europe becauwe have low sulf dies nd i know the refini industry went thrgh some problems and thy are
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tuly dog very well noand exportinit does that helphe climate t leastth pollution iu in other countries? >> not climateutir pollution. sulfates that are in the air so would be much more of a reiratory isse and not ime. >> that's probably more mediate than a ring sea lel and things like thatbu it does have aenefitorhose cotrs. now lete talk about petroleum coke for thelat-nute. the higest mountains or e highest poin imy district is either a lanfilliptroleum co. it is shpe out and the 2005 energy bill whe we set up an garantees with the depament of energy for a number of things inclung win and solar and my colleague joe barton has not hr we pu for reearch and what we uld utilize ptroleuoke rther than ju shippingi to china and indiao rnhich
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again puts carbonn e air but sohe loca. is thereny suprt for trying o somethingaternave i got volved witcoal h because it was used r ad beds. ishere athing else we coul use for peoleum coke? >> c'tur it here because it's so ba. >> exactly. 's a mterof the otm e rl with noeconomics left and pti r money into there are definitely things you cod with that petroleum coke. u could take heavy metals and sulfut nd make it ctually a beneficial industrial byproduct that is ing toos money to dth. >> so it's notconomil. it'suc cheaper to put it on a ship and send sewhere else to burn i. ay. >> i want to s othing. i think it's imrtant to remember this strategic
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aet we are still connected o t rdil market. we might have to changehe way we dtrutthe spr because of the huge flow of crude oil into e gulf coastut d't think, i think we ould study is carefullybu things can chgen e r. are notgog to get d of the 82ndirborne anithk we ought to ooat the spr that way. the world could ae or we may ed that. even if we are relively indepeen a price spike in the world oil market are oil maet or me catstphe somewhe can aot of damage to themerican economy. >> that is correct a wre co from the goal of that was to buy that oil and when it was low. d thene relase it because when oil goes up because of a embargo or whaver el it do. i alo want mentionill flor is here amember from tes who was recently elected
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chairm of the republican sty group. he is going to be a member of the negy andommerce coittee in the 114th commerce. since u have sa ere s patiently for all these hou do you want to ask a few qstns before we get out of you >> first of all thk u for recoizing and thank you for longe to have thetme. wi keep cments hort. one ofyou well morthan o of youn the panel talked abot the cumbersomemisof having fedelpoly tyng to inteerwi fe markets. and i hink that's something ate on this side of eram need to wa ember that anime that we tr violate ewsof eonomicit like violing thla of physics. when you thi about gravity is anexample, the re you violate the laws of gravity rd the iacathend.
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that was o of the firsthings that my economicinructor taug me back when i was in coege. so i think eon our side again to bconstantly reminded that the free market workth best nat lab whenth fderal governme dsn't have to heavy hand. there were se coversation in here about the tranarency related thoil markets a would vigorsl disaee wit those ommts becauseotis. y say ere's no trspen that means the buyers and sellershat arout there taking ts oil d refining know nothing abt it. th's not the case. that o is ing bught and so and refined and put into finished oct andeing l and beingcsumed so to sa there's norapancy in the
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market is just false because buyers and selrs areut ther they are happy with the veof information thtey have. if they warned he would beno tradin there would beo mmerce in those pructs and s i wold not like the panel to get to fixed those comments becse they just are n true and with that yield back mr. airman and i thank you. >> mr. chairman sked f unanimous nsent alw a reonse to that. >> without oectio go ahe. >> therere is rtainly some transparency in the market. 'sworking bt the be exame of why there isn't enough information the market is the explosivens t rai ca ing baenoil. the arket dn't know the composition of hat oil and equipment wasn't rlldesigned to deal wi hat oil s thi that we aresayinghysical nistatio of the fact that
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ere isn't enou transparenc in this market >> did you want to ak for unanimous consent? >> i also ask unanimousonsent that this report from the united steelworkers thatt be included into the erd an also i have an aie from a . mason inman entitl trking flacy and uld like that to be included and the record. >> it lle ncded into the rerd and i also would like to put into the record a leer letters from the arin petroleum inite, the ameran chemical manufactes in the dieseltechnology foru without objection. that concludes today hring. i want to thk u once again for your testimony and for yor patience and resndg to our qutis nd we ae ing to
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haveorhearin on this whn we reconvenefor the14th congssnd thercordwll rein open f 10 da for additional materials. that conud. >>r.hairma i want to wish eryone happy holidays. >> merry christmas, happy lidays and enjoy the bak. that conud tay's hearing. thank you. [iudible conversations] [inaudibconversations]
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first publican leader bil doleof califoia the first challen i had was only had the booon theeb limit increase and i assume ok but then as i begin t count ads idon't believe y were going to win this and i gota bunch of the freshmen senators together in my ofcerod the conference table andwetalked and carried on. it was clearth i ha't commenced anybody. we were going to le athi and the bells ring for photo may all fty fi a went tthe floor. i went out and i sa jess helms and i sa e have got a big problem. i don think i'm going to get the new freshmen senators to vote. after hevoted he said ward can talk t them isaid ofourse youca talkt
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them. ame ckin, jessdid jesse helms and eyere all gaerthere and he sai jn and iudestand youare nt going to vote fothis debt limiinea. d he saideli understand that and i unerand many of yoraagainst. i wanted to know thai never voted for debt lmit inrease. i meer before and ronald reagan sid'm goi to dot and a you. i got all of thebuon
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>>he.k. government committed $360 million in dire suppo to help controe sprd of ola while treating ndividuals affected by thedisease. a parliamta committee recently examinewhether the unng sffective. thiss an hour and 25 minutes. >> welce. >> before we get gng suld formally deter th chair to my partner is an i ll. previously theoreticly employed by the government of sierra leo. were obviously play -- pa by
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a salary ttsierra leonev paid. >> bore we get into th details of it nos from both -- precisely the projec that you e rrng out on ehalf of eba issued just so tt we have got an idea what youre actually doi. >> tha you chair. the rescue cmiees working on aeries of projects through fundin including ilaon center in local areas of sierra leonas well as community bilization activities whch is ared towards improving foatn ouwhat ebola is d how topeventyuelf from geinit at community leve >>ow much money is at?
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>> in total it's appximate 12 manous. a then some for orgazations. >> corrects ll asus. govement fding. thnkou. and sav the children. >> thank y vy ch care. ouma focus is analic treatment center simlar to irc. are also rking in cmuty centers and also working i puic heaheducaon. our laonip in terms of fuing ismn with sr leone but we also havextensive work iliberia andguea as well. the signica aunt of so far 5 milon pounds. >>ka i'm gog star with our exrt today. i just wanted to al sta thllf you.
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i am noexpertn the el but loinat it what is al quite iteresng fou look at nieria with a massive populationmuhigr than mlion poplaon whi i th largest populatio of new in liberia and sierra lee combedand itgot aptty it usanitary thean citys pretty unsanita with lo of sls so on yeth he managed to ctr t obreak. y and what's the difference? i don'kn who feels best. so we get some feel of whwa the challengewhy did they alngnot a erger why is it t emerng? >>hair just taking the nigeria example whatapnein nigia
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ishatbecauspeople are aware ofhe facthat this od-- so quickly previous epidemics unl isne have been controlled inareativelshort riod otime. is eonstrates for the rs timereally whathidiase can do oncit's alowed properly to take hod. the nigeri ahorities gotten toofhe fir t or three casevery quickly foow up by subsequentnes and the first wave before the fit c came tonigeria the first wave of cases uld be prdted bcause the first case was identified unl quitlater on in the disease. ..
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it's importa tunrsnd at nigeria is ave rge cotry ete vry big differencfor peace cases fst ppeared, wheth is ood public hltinfrastcte nd is not the but agood one. if tsha happened in le's sa te nohwe might have seen very different pcture. nigeria i a er complex vy rge cotr it is impoan to ote that senegal mentioned to get top ofn outbak
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so whople a letter tot early enou nce yu've allowedtheomentumto build up its easy to get ut of ctrol. >> what happened tthis ry wt ppened then that w in a heah pessional. sd the international community to espond. it's a onef tho lsons to be leard abt the ivestment in hlth infrastrucrer maybe so othother programs u enrunning? am gsing that is absolutel rht. thewil be lessonso lear thathe inodou tht it' messed upov this. not inthe first couple o nt within a sense itwa ve early in the pidemic, but did not. up to about july, i n't think we should red others.
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we all of the inteatnal couny, including the u. it's extremely unhelpful. marret chandler our own chief medical offcer hasm vey rious lessons toa fm this and i thi there's some others as wel. if i wldotquite the right moment to do so >> ink well agree wit that. principally ofourse,his committee is ncerned with th mon tts snt on a u.k tax ode. i'm quiteinterested by soe o those answers. you say people weren't aware the disease coulrip away so quickly nitially. with thisnthesis sound it was awa te outreak om almt th irst oments last year. >> i thinkthe first
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identificatio in siera leone thate need t preparewith abtbruary as i undestandth thirst absolute onfirmed case was sometime ft that. e idemic started in kidn and then spl to liberia. it was a little bit afte i sierlone. t xptaon ha was wiy prevent, not amongstevery one in particular wermuch better identifie what was abtto old. most peoe expeedhis outbre clde esstially ite like all the other known obrks. chris sid, that s why - thats a pnnin ssumption. as time passed the ur n packed in. >> let me ju sp u tere. w di mss manageo prect
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the assumption was wrg? >> c i b clea e u. flagged including who and others tha e feltbehavin from april when discussinth with headviser an aly ag it ismporta. they have to think vey carefully about the ability of one country to actlly strt emgeies in anotherountry. a country sovereignto do with tho tng we need toecareful beore the su iscreted. >> nona suggesng don'tthin youcould createublic health emergenc which w wants to do. and onef these contries in sierra leone, we mustn fge the are two them. yo must therer haveeen are iven whyou'vet
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said that th cld ripway in thway in which it has the ney finish the qutio as a resut,axyes have to commit230 million poun, wor elected more sedy and with a smaller amount of ney the money could he enuch lower. so all of hat nowomyou n't ha the hindsight of and specifilly thatwa not t th wh which they were very exicit out. >> very early on in tis outea i is t late in the should burn itself ou. wh ' trying to say wth a rae of opionin ceain point you do have to rely oth global auence, which iwh given the range of opni. by may take a differe aroh to this atany give moment iou wa aebteyou wouldee multiple obrksrod the rl are if there was a
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retily quickly contained one, there is a pg and s on every sing timeruidoso is a hu aonymous moneyathe bancbetween reonding very efftely t the one thatare there at this poteespond effectel and reca it so w end our entire time shs been on aound controlblthings. as y rightly say, balancing theprofession jgmentwe would give se to assum th th uimately ta all the dierent views, me that is not a major problem wadet with the foreigneturn to he u.s. the iertional community back in retrospectisnot wt we cearil did >> thatwasn't the vie m. in fact, as far as the u.k. ovnment cluding yourself for aware.
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this otbrk might notass te much more serious outbre given t question to mr. lowckif i didn't ave a different resns pting more money upfrontwill hav he u. taxpowe to have a ow-level responding. >> so we bsilly took the decision suites at on the basis of where we thought the consent advice was athe te. in feuary, we arted planing t mch aprilmay. the th of aythe first onfirmed case srra leone came through. we had llocated mor fn. weprvided durina w wks tethatfundi r mss and others to openup thei all
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throug ths area. i beg ur pardon, the etern siraeone. as you rall i remember you state yoursf. >> i waste first person to rae attntion. i s told i hit in ctrol and that was the day. >> the nbshat who were you see nothing in to cter clinfo early september. as you know, 15-16 september cdc,h u.s. center disease control published the rsults of theirown modeling and much much largerumrs, by which timet declared h erncy. it wasn clr what had been done nothing till thead been insufficient. at 100% agree with you. halftheworld, o otrs
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ct earlie it wouldha been cheaper and easier to solve thproblem. one of the bi ways is how we are gogto ensure aybe not just relyingon h but what arethe other fosyou need to put in plac in the future which give us thegreat ality and confen that we will catcthese things earlier. >> i wanto comment onthis isue. >>oo lite too lte. >> i think i wou agree that msf has been the real ero in erms of the people on the ground as well as calling it early on. i wold also agrwith the world health organization hat e ntrnational commuty could have moilized icker. i tes of or reponsecome in ankara we were incounity healthdution which wa vital
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before it was dear on the 24 of may. particularly sinc sptember heamounttowrk to do something inedly difficult has been very, verysubstantial. >> i wod just add thati think ebola has icked one of th wost reas of arica to ha cases. sierraeone has suffered conic lack of health srces and that is apositive reason why the outbreak has gotn out of cotrol. and other countries ike uganda ich is very a soisticated meanism has hd the luxury of aer outbreaks inthat deep down. that is part of th contributing terror. >> it comes back.
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at the end, lot of the fundg that we ut n, tking about the mobile area funding, we put the vaccine type programs like that. yo just wonder coming ouf is with more mon and support and help infrastructe. out of our internationalid. partularlysierra lone with direct fnding. it just seems tome we might hava response of a model >> on the overa level of fundingand 200, 2011,
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50 million pounds to the bilateral program. ana lot ofhat -- >> you cut it they ae. > no hadn'tcut it thee. the 14-1 year some of ou tivities hadn't been possible to proceed. to think that what we've done. >> just xplained to me because the devopment committee talked about a 20% cst in country son name. >> there is debaton this this afternoon for which te minister wi be speaking. wt we've don is you tee14 year, the program o 68 million pounds, a the sme tim we take t strategic view that we wantto put in m of thantiretrovirals, immunizati aso on the value
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ne through the international vehicles. th institution and 014 th will spend million pounds of our money part of o contribution i sir leon. it absolutely the case that having the institution there is asive cllenge on budg health sector. if you look at the pogress made on the key outcomes child mortalit has hd good prress, but it has been overwhelm b th ebola outbreak. i completely agrewith the proposition an the evience that we will need a mch stroner focus in theilateral prograonhe sysm
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stngening. th iablutely right we did at e could and i'm really sorry that it was just overwhelmed by this epidemi >> en you say what you did wh you did or the last 15 yearsthe lack of a robus health care syst, not just in erra leone tts made up much more difficult toeawith and we would agree i not. perhaps thelargest in iera leone d yet when the outbreak comes along, they are only 120 doctors in the etire sierra on underanding that malari across west africa and died very early in t outbreak. it smso ths i rather opping the ball that is very significant consequences during the course of this outbrea you sld havebeen spending muchmore on a robu health care system insde sier leone
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and these other countries ll before the outbrk occurs. >> one ofheroblems i respect ani'd agree with with the fundamental pbl. we eed our phasis on thi one of the problems to pick up your point is unfortunate from countries whi are extremely cold which then train their health re workrs a lot of n don't. >> why don you have programs encourage them not toece part of the dice for oerseas and remn in the own countrie >>hat has been overhe decades and prov very, very difficult. ople once theyare trined 10 toave mobi an international aid. it ha roved a difficult thing to tackle. wld love o afford it. isn't there a magic ball it
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it - a bullet to splement tes and nditions in a way in which encourages medicall trained af to reain intheir own country quite >> unfortunaly, that is one of the thin that has been tried here and unfounately, maybe ris has the experience we would like tohave. >> getting peopl to stay in te u.k.o make sure it is very commitd to this to stop people from coming tohe u.k. th command a igh ary in one country they en trained in a countr where they cnot command a higheralary, very diicult to ncourae that has been tried i the loudlyand amica. it has a number f difficult, not east of which is fewer han commted indefinitely to supportedthe salaries because the mute you withdraw, everybody leaves
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this is a high ris optn. thmac from the point oview of this committee from the taxpayer this dichotomy that we are helping to fund people to aiand once they have trained, th then go overseas where ey think ty can enjoy a tter quality of life. there is than something that happens in the contes fro which they origilly intended we fund them essentially not to be there an long. >> in the lt year. >> comg straight out of the civil war. it was one of the most destroyed communities. that s. that w in her nrs civil waanone of the great foreign policy trids. that te country is starting from a lo base anwe have t
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have certain rality. i don't think anybody tis pal would disagree withhe fundamental point. it's not just putting money in. >> i ust decare we produc a reportbout supporting th existing -- i was jus wondering if you could give us an pdate on howthat is working particularly with the eola outbreak and the normal conditio >> while ath moment, in tms of public surve from the uk. workg te outreak they
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may be volunteers. i hope you don't md me saying that people areheroes. w have seen lots of colleue >>his is not nhs. >> it includes the nhs. originally, early n, organizations from the red css of their o rrument includg the nhson the eighth of september with the reatment cents. >> we putin plce the who and where were the departme of health court mad it throu the actime with volunteers for that. we have so far sent to wave so
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far. a teirst wa arouthe u.k. 25 in the way that is just gone some f omar now and then we ave a third wave coming. that is in aditn to what we've been tryg d on internatnal health wor >> they are inthe rotati. as we appreciate,-- >> what did you want? what were yoaiming for? wh were you aiming for is a numberhat u wated? >> there are two critical skills p inwhic we stil do't ve enough people whh remains one of the big onraints. first is that people who can run the amps. onof the ways weca get to figureout
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we've just opened t more this week, but it more nee this afgha which is the ggest maining onstrained. this afgn, which is the biggesremaining constrained but remained a halnge on te peop w can be the clnic leawill have to be experienced in thesefacilities so we had a lot ofvolunteers s much a we can put insome critical are we don't hve enough. >>an just beat down on ot? ere a shorta ofeople, t it still ems -- ventually will cmeback with he abiity
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to open. >> obviously a totalackage, the city the isolation centers, a whole buch of names. and when isent you yesterday, i checked ot the plan numbers than the actual numbe f this sce. so if i can draw your attention when we did he modeling we sumed on the lighblue ones th in order to bring it under control during the course of next month with peopl to start in the facilities to be in but the consumabs than on those games. w, the dark blulie shows where we are te moment against our plan to sca up. so we have basically 1539 todo
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beds in spasn sierra leone which 750 r. of e u.k. all of thoe are staffed. we are opening another suite o these facili ienve imminently ovethe next ew days and with each organization with a grouof unmanned cba there isa populat starting plan for the u.k. from sierra leone as you kno wve treated health workers internatnally. sothe issue istomake re fm a of those soues whi cles t nhs for th available acilities at the moment, thais okay expt for the critic aas i talked about. so we wi be coming bck to ore of toseoluteers inthe n. as i say we aa thousand public servants atthe moment. what wne to do is akthe
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peoe fro he particular rotations and facilies rather an any more fan of w. >> can i just comment on e informatioweave that cuba h ommitted 1 health profsionals to work in the u.k. treatment centers and quite significant number for the citizenan overall plan. i think one of thefirst countries in october they talk to theminster ther threin lots of her facilities. across doing aual this. thas hped us a lot in facilities. >> at bakesthe question tat
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they hav had a very fast response a w appear was s otr of volunteers that e ot there. buwe han't even rched the numbers that cuba h delivered to usis with the treatment centers. >> the poits we ave each facility and open mind about exactlyhe nationality of who does what whe. itasrom our point of vi of ve ood game. we had the same critical skills g. it is a potive thing that we could deploy he are qualityonol
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checng ises released by their trust and so on. >> i thinkthecriticism is hy you've not doe well and he voluntee. >> i am engaging with a real omtment of voluters havig come from a e perso working wi vlunteers the enthusias. >> many of you re cuently out eror do point t i feel quite strongly. that poi we tarted this ploymt pr peson th th
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siation ding th planning fothe rate o inception of health care workers inptn of healthare woers wa somewhe tween 8% and 10%per year a 70% of ose he die. no towing people into god into systemsot yettested and was totally in my view and most would agree with thatan unacceab tng oo for th voluntee who p tmselves on e lne. becausehey have proper training bin it, hese people have come out of the stem whicis in many areas over e ability to rtar ma suaons they been quit nervous about tat and sen
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execives ihospitals where th he been nervous and reasonably o. >> youse to be misudetood yet i on' thi yoant to imply thatsomehoanybody n thismmittee wasuggesting t nhs volunteer for any volueers should be put into a tuatio that strengthens th house and i think yomplied thaas we wergog. >> i didn't plhat. i thinkhat we are tryg nd ot n the scond partof your answer may well have aried why there has been luntee. it is n to do the commitment th anydy else but onhe nhs. i comback to arify the exctations that bans a olters surely be in u.k.
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treatment centers would not put intoa siation wher thr houseou b endagered. >> i will gi an aswer and then we'll d ch better whe i'm sure. on the first o cuba as everyone on the commtee will know ha had a tradtion where th sd peoplto this kind situations. the cundoctors to the places we considered safe. that i that the nhs is now beginnin a ecommon ine to make the intduions saf we ha to be onsame lel withany healthcare workers. so the keystoo this in a ay which s strucred. >> 's sisting agreement about nhs to work oa and how long ty do t
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