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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  December 30, 2014 5:30pm-7:31pm EST

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surely be in u.k. treatment centers would not put intoa siation wher thr houseou b endagered. >> i will gi an aswer and then we'll d ch better whe i'm sure. on the first o cuba as everyone on the commtee will know ha had a tradtion where th sd peoplto this kind situations. the cundoctors to the places we considered safe. that i that the nhs is now beginnin a ecommon ine to make the intduions saf we ha to be onsame lel withany healthcare workers. so the keystoo this in a ay which s strucred. >> 's sisting agreement about nhs to work oa and how long ty do t has tre been any discuion
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about hanced compnsation o encourageand support volunteer to gooubecae at the oment it'sa long time what we etring to sayis the department will underwrite the finance. we have tried to makeure the prlem is not finncial. thoblem is e actual traine pop. acal it hasworked qte ll. the u.k. done a ood job an played a reallimrtant role making re it isbanded in the facilities th cn put cubanaandother health wkers. o there's a lotof the sytem
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ruggling. atas word oay. >> ijut wondered whetr ere ig be anoth partf government, wher we ave a pross in place tout together a gister of people ready to go in his place the pot-conflict environment that yocld have simil rgister for medical emergencies and be doing wit all of these issues in an dance. such awhen an tbreak he comes very serious. we are in a position erwe can send people more rapidly d deal with all of those doesc issues arise as a result. >> do you agree ith that quite >> i agr with tha pat of te rappa. th one thin addthe ce sies i'm sure everye uld agree that onef the antastic in tat te nhs is the bl service and when people are deployedndt's no been ab to find a comrad orad
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oplay great tribute which they haeto sell and thr coritions t nhs being doe. as said,oney is not the entit. the staffcan be challengng another stafhave really steppeup to try d makethat posble for the collgues volunteer rain i ant move on read the money that h bn enon the budgetas gone. it was riginally going be 100 milln. it's gone up o 230. a large amountin a treatment center. i wonder if you can give u an update on we it wi be full operati, w ch is being spent on that money. inow that youar workingon how mu is being spent the u.k. >> can i start maybe?
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we hav annoued 230 million unds aof yestdawe've spent 125 milliunds. it has two elements. the mod run facity which is for heal worers, international erraeone and. then there is the fility which is go into overtime but where we are athe moment. so our commitment is mlion pounds. now weave obviousl been continui work on ther pls r thin we will nee to do neof which havbeen announce et. so i thi as a wholee expect them to spend abou 27million pounds an giv
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ate e already planng to do to gudagainst the possibility at the remain sinicat problems into t second quarter of xt year. which could take it o 30. >> the value of oney an exception to the deveopent. in th sierra leone and t tae over lo-anng. buprumably iwoul hope we uld get more informaon with th bitish t pounds goin i and t make sue they are not ing to it into the sa. >> yeah, exactl
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just before the mpletion on key tm, a lot the cilities we coverted have been done to meet an immeia nee t expected lifsp is n th sm as whree you know building t ealth syem. th ill have aifespan and they wl maitained updatae so on. some of th will be highly usefulistprio to reuilding e eath syt. especially because there's a very heavy cceration on the westernrea where we knew they would you sur or that. wh we may well find is e build moreacilities they are because the aplohrist is en neded. dthen what can tsehings ud fo? they areproably secur and so
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there will be something usel. >> builngen to be relocated >> well, somof them are that. ers bits andpieces. >>e have quite debae bout this right at the beginning. the probem we facepidemiology kuwait was the point of that time with every30 days. so the choice was builng ome pain toreprpose might've taken severaweeks or months longer are going very fast because we see there was a real riy thista wit overt0 cases a ek. weavto gethead that curve. so that decision wastaken quite deliberately. clr in ideal world, it woulve been better to do someinthat would have layed.
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>> andsaying it very vry slow with thcontt. they have expertise. >> in tes will come back tr aouple weeksago. and it will be coming in ters of sce. so far we've treate91 atients. >> 16 or 15? from add. we have a 1urivors in which
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we have35 peoplwho have did. it iactually on tck. we have always plaed the otocols do notpen the facity immediately. we are wrong in termsf the traini and control we talked abo. it has been very callenging and i can c to somof the challenges that we are on ac to reach 80 poundsy e end th mth. > began onthe challge causeclearly people a there. i amoexpert. ptilarly in the contxt 8000 ason this srr lne andgovernment, probably 50%. in sierra lne. u' got an 80 bed facility.
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it does sm to be very vry slow it is not acriticism. ve he hidren eems to hve ee slowoff the mar in gtg the fcili upand nning. for thefirst wo or threeeeks t very fair response. i think it was theest t speed of bills. but basillbut from muddy field andobviously the's only so much training y an dwith gd to stop fily for the first foreigeye of day it's asolutely vial beause it is obvusly our wn staff and the mist oheah staff, hiordefense staff as wll. we were jeopz the health of theacit w wouldn't he ytnghere at all. it's alwa been very specic that we woulgrowthe acilit >> had you had expience
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erye volved it ebola arou t rld has had to work out of theiromrt zone. d the minstryof healthstaff to et to a pnt where yo have 450 invials working on that staff nd n facily the momt. and the alof it i coud just spend a secondnow but the 450 staff we have a they speak real and the bans on speak spanish. there's 00 mer tons p ocurement. so we are vy specific on deinupsquickly as we ul and he issu we talked ouwe abslutely witthe fe and security of our sff
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was paramnt and say to he metric. >> i would like toextend th point aboutthis. in july-august everybody was saying thatthe isting institutions and facilities woulnot be able to cope nsf hoere theleaders sing you need to ring new instituons,ncluding military and state institutnsy definition, none of them have ever lab and eoacity before. h aeries of conversis with attential organization. thfit date orgaion which with sme ability thais willing to take one risk and safely p i tspeed. pay ibe to them ad no
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one wil be surprised if y'v never donehi bere so it's not our view thatthis is been something that has been bay andled. would love to he done it st. of courswe wod. verall as my charthowst you and arf e contruon the provion f facilityis eater head a the ment there we to be on the mdeing. y'valso done itow long was it between and we are atul you were going to do is the i will hav t refresh my memory. during the course of auust,
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after he declan of he emergeny,n her words, we had a series ofdiscussions of coorshad todo a lot ligee. we've never done this before. we don't know if we can do it. on the eigh of eptember we al aged we would do it. i thnk the preentati o te fifth of veer there was an ehtee prod. >> why did it take til the eighth ofseptember ad it wll take awhile thereaer to buil the faciy. >>he wholeeason is bcause thereve many institution which has apability. >> there are few peoe
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spk to you. >> repeatedly,ay in irness to hem we have aseries of conversations befe th are willing to takeit o. w the sameset of conversations with the military. it's not a trvial thingto depymilitary cality. >> we could've do th couldn't wit? it culveeen u there by the beginni oseptember if the action had bnaknn ly augt. >> tbelear, it is nothat nothinghappening. the key thing is tobuild on at is fai. a lot of eu.k. respon was arond bstering upin sier lee. there wasn't ve ch there at all. what was tre was completely orwlmed byt ale of the oureakin the detiment of he
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trtmt of a other endemic condition at ll. >> you'veadmuiple points there. absolutely the's aigh chance u lookt eepidemic more ople will ve died as a result of the idemic. onof the robms the first of whih healthrve by paniing people quite reasonably by kiling health care workers a aea challenge situao. childbirth, althese almost certain. we all recognize that it a very jor issue. e second pblem o ourse s that it's a dee panic and is led to irriol rsponses, iccompounds that becau people at ecoo t to the
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day that thentes affec did. > the cizens dthepeople onthe gru. e chalnges you fac tt are frustratg doreof th deivery fire originally thought it would b. >>o can do sorey if you want. other people on te grond. the was a delay between march and jul
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ng wich time and onnuing go p. its lely because the sometimebetween nw and the middleofanuary you cat aranteethat. the reproctive number, whi started of aroud 1.6 has gradually rifted dowand is prably in the nxt few weeks. in that period peop a understandably frustrated that the gnity is goin on. a lot as ite underandable otn is being shown now that 've t to this point the number exceeds ontop of epidemi
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we were expecngt to be n a suitmay havbe. >> we heard ut orruptions. >> when i taed about reported and ureportednumbersis that taking and thstate number as ell? >> so clarly allthe way through with a gap between the mb which is atually there and the number that is reported we thought about.5 tim roughly. as time is gone on t would therefore because of that would talk about flattering the numbrs we are ot being advoced. the trajectory should put exact
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numbers because i woulbeery danrous. whenhis happened in some areas that this will not happen. it is clearly getting betr. ey're early some soft spots when we talk abo theoverall picture into thedistric a least in sierra leone,ut has ne quite a long way down as a result. >> what i reay want to hear from are the ngos at t deparent with gard to th chalngisand wat they hae to ay. >> there atthree ey challenges that differs from a spoken about isth cilities being able to take it out as quickly as possible with deuate and efficient traing. only wh you use the facily that you are totlytress tested in tes of everying from water soures to this speed being able to bui a 31 a ay ith the personal protective equipment that you see there is also been the srt elder. when we get a too approximate
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00eet saff in therep to 450 the sue abo training the people who actlly sprayed down thealth workers coming out of the red zone. tes abut0 minutes and the issue about spraying people wn is absolutely vita and you cn't actually catch the disease so therefore in terms of being ae to taking thm through the red zone. all of that is specific. we d talk lot aout the 80 bed facity openinghe vey ro u.k. after er. we should've done far etter at saying it will not bopened with 8 beds from week one we will neeto scale sfely.
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>> if you have paence potentllwith swing up at the front door. >>he facility h always been a referral center. it has been a place for ppl of have a blood test to respod . obviously others have been n telisnalng abohe facility being open d you will have people there who will turn up a now we are worki very closely with er the atnal ebola respse center me sure the syste a place invery morning we say have this amunt of oprational beds an as of today were offering ew patienc t come from the veryfolding centers o will be taken by our sta and go through the rocess. unfornately because we are referral cenr,any people comito us have d ebola for quite some time. as te list o to thee survor. at any one time ers an
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incrible fling of relaon or my staf be woking in vironment to see people coming through it b it's lso the levels ofrauma and ose inlved in 194. i agree with evething fers drake as sai we're involved isolation centers which taking the stra of treatntenters by taking cas who are suspected in a safe locatn whe the can be monited dessert teted qcy and it quickly and confirms move to treatment center. one of the challenges th are is the movemenof theirus itselfs u have seen has spreadrom the eat and nctration in the north a west as sierra leoe. within that arein remote areas as well. what we are tryin to do is keep upith the virs opening isation units at the village lel s that peoplean get immeat treatme.
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we mapout the right location. we have t b ahead of th vus does not chllenge. hen organaon with 9% one of the reasons hey come ad work fa ngo is the feea gher lel of safety and risk manaement are wking wh us and we needo ntinue to ensurehat track the best taff at a time when you still hearing abousiraeone adopters who are ing of the virus. >> they've just gone on strike i readyesterday. >> junioroctors yes. >> becausthey are not being adeqte protected? >>o can i just have one point and th come onto your corruption point. >> think margaret is very interested. just to greae a wr fergus
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just that notbeing clear with people, the sce of the slow and radual. as ifou've read the development select comtt for three weeks ago tey are absolutel ceer i isut the same. so we should've been cleare about that. as ou know, i'm in turn said the elivery aftran coordinating and we hav deliverypartners. inthe own ystem isunder so much strain that it's not sensibleo be putting money in thesystem. of cour the sierra leone system and tcircumstances about making sure thatpeople
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are properly paid anget their hous pay buthe graphic of examples of what thy ll do. th or tank in the lead responsibily for helping make that finaing andary ymts we. there's really difficult problems. he takes them ofias so there absote time. >> in th particular -- inome of my papers in your document,-- [inaudible] i jus c't put my finger on it >> there is a g oblem they are. onebe for me ayear or so ago
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abou h we suffered loss which actually was fully recovered from comodity provisn through the health syem. it is a carrotaristocratic country with institutns cometely detyed. less han perect behavior by some people y positions withuthori that this is in the environment where you're operating. so idoes add to the chalnge. ihin they are doing the best they can. it is difficult. it is doing the best they can and circumstances. people pay a haveseen som
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extent tho of wh ople will do. the rld bank is in late responsibility for helpingmake that finai set of arrgents work properly. ere's some reallfficult probms there is cruption in lots of her institutions. thers some things they could do. >> has that been a eature i this articular corruptn? >> i wasrying to fd in my papers or wasit your document that meets the frontlnes? i' got i somewhe. >> there ia big roblem. one of myappearances befe you a year oro ago was asking me
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about as ierra leones making a point th had suffered loss. when acally we had fully recovered from commodity provisio t the heal syste it is acharacterist of a country with institutions that are completely destroyed and he difficulty of rebuilding i i that capacity less than perfect behavior by people in y positionsof authoty. this e environment we ar erating. it is difficult. we are suppleenting the delivery. that istheir own syst to wo as wl as it ca. >>f i could comment on the infection rate. theknowif you've got the sameotes that we have ot on page two.
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.. the fact that insierra lee the numbear going up and becau of the lag it looks artificiallyetr than it is. so what we wll see hat paradoxically itwe will
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look as if the mortality rate is increasingly gnifictly. >> oka > the rtality. about0 percent. >> it isround 70 percent up to the.where wehav this data. probably ople are geing better at managi it is beginningto come downbut it does ot seem fall below50%with 50 percent with current treaent. clearly we're tryi to bring on n treatmentthat we hope wewi take itwn furtheclks the largest groups in the country. there are a lot of wst afrins suppti. i think it would bo to get tt
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on the record. also, educatiobo within siea leone and i beieve that was enioned early . but peope have sken to the uk are afraid totell the familthey have been to nigeriabe as ey are worriedabout how peoe we lleact when th come back in the duty of care. >> the qustions there, fitly, educatin, public awareness, infoatn, so one. so of the things tha w ha been doing we trained 200 community voluner witdio staton broadcasting informaon engagg ithbout 600 religis adsbecause one of theroblems is transmissionf virus and funerals and buals.
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we arelso doing astrologalesrch to undetandetter what people in sierra leone know how it cng their bevior and what th constraintto behavior change continue be and what we are seeing as ti passes isevelsre rising. most peopl are willing to quite sbstantiallyhange their entrenched ctural societalreligiously imrtant rituals to ptect thseesbut their ar a propoioof people wh because there s a not unreasonablsuspicion of authority, continue to lace primacy overheituals. rituals. so the is a continuing iuealough we are making progress. the dais poor taki also rom that hi comment, this group of sier leone and's
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ad we a engaging with them lots of different ways. one of the thins is helping i managing epidemic somethg you heard aboutnational and ditrict center andthking out what people getold. it i a bit -- what am i going to do? am i going t get help? that has beenelpful in helping think throh he protols fo for you know, making that system work as well sossible. >> and the supportin regions, can y ge us a flavor? >> other countries? >> oth countries in rica. obviouslcotries outside of aic
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>well i dn't no the numbers. cis pbably ould supplement this, this, but a nmber of african countries have opted to send help. the the african ni is rning a programto do that certainly there e lot of intenaon staff of aican origin whohe voluered and are wki some of whom whave lost their livesin doing so. we so are obviouly involved in prepedness acrossthe regn. region. a 25 million-poun allocation thpirstly the couni bordering the three affected countries. hat is the irst ring of risk othehigh ri countes.
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the strongeslink. doin the same. ma of the other countries obviously st place. >> thehoing one beria, not siera lne the 6million. > a think it s a big problem. overal somethinglike $4illion of money committed bu it cat
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actuly do anythg until you urn it intboots on the ground oacilities were programs. onof the otherbig ain points from tis is i we don'tave enough instituons which can be put instantly to work in these cotries were initutions of there own cannot expected to solve the problem that is y we havbe scrounging around. some of the oney of tat billion during the coue othe ext year will be put to use and economic recovery. it should help with that. you ar extly gh to say that the proemis not the money uthat you do with the ney. i think i s not a knw. two very quic questions.
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we talked about the problems. in hindsight after he civil war wa are ther things that u could ve done in terms ofheth inteentions that you think would have de cpacity buidi and countries tt d ave helped. he started to ta also about preparne. can yousay whatou rectly learned from ts th ould changeho you might look at preparedness r the nxt epidec, whatever itmay be. >> so, on so on the fr i think t is iportant to remember thathealth has been impoving it really veryrapidly since the civil w. the idea thatnothing
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has happened, i tink, is wrong. it started from. it started from an incredibly low base but if you look at thenbers they ve gone dn significantly. tracking them down. so you c see it really has been a sstantial provemt. that doesnot mean thee is not a uge amount mre that needs to be do. a stngthening the ystem overall is thiggest tng that w c do tprevent thse kinds of tngs not being picke up rlier. we c try to pick up th system n the europn states, but much more important really is to get the frontline o work more effectivy. >> so on lso the first thinthat is important to say, they are still putting the fire out. actually te other god
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for parliament e engaged. epidemiologyall of those kinds of things. now, early the world wi wanwh too a mch better job on hat that, and that is speci session of the execivboard. uti think thathere isan important question abo at other this should complement who. the us has a lot of initutions, and the cdc has played an important role. it it is a question about what we wanto make ofour own scientific technogical capability whichthe prime minister s been askg about. that is anffecti issue the second is arou
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responsenitutions. crucially, oiously nationly, buobviously al recognizing you annot build help system and deal with major epidemics inten or 15 years. we must bld up the system. ho next tim are we oi to no that w have a rger setof stitions to go to do wod be ready muc eaie dthe thirdrea isaround techlo. this you alluded to. we are financing with othe development, vaccine the first phase ials nderway. and thn phase xxii and three trialsa all being fast acked. other techlogies as well. i talked earli abouthow testing has been a bit constraid.
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sting a newrapid diagnostic the us in the field. yu do not nyre v to send ito the lab. >> raising t qstion out whthere was no proper funng ou what pears to be a relative simplevainto engineer a also gngorward, what is the next thing? u can have a vacce. what do we do? >> ea question. on the first one have not gotten avaccine now, but the are tee vaccines advanced ages f preclinical development already in sense on the shelan the reason he ve not been deployed, al previous epidemics have en turnd ound so quickly.
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>>artsof the d andmuc more severand lethal and burn theelves out. >>ac come to testin a vaccineinterms of trials you nd to have pele with thdisease o properly testednd w have not had any epidemics today o where you can get out there before the thing was ov. am surethat is part of itt also uil now this has been slland quick in medalerms wich has been gott on top of ve quickly. as a rult,i thik their will be a bigpu as rightly li for te other strains and we also need look ather disees. you ctually look at the
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other disse we should be loongt. an important question. >> it looks tsay thatis a useful useof taxpayer expense. aery largco. >> gr with that as you a n research over the last en years. as wsaid itwas difficult to testt ebola vaccine bu it was in pele ind thataybe ere was a higher priority. hiv, malaria, moberg. a jdgment about, you know, the order in which you do. but the one b take awa is tenogy fast velopsa will heldeal wth epidemic.
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h1 in one is clearly anoer thing to worry about ebola it s nt as trsmittae as some othe rbornenfections. >> one thwould goto thprs. >> to k up on someing at we di not answer yo kno, how hw peop treat it inthe uk when he come backhich comes to hyou armakingthe uk piticians and press he been n extmely esnsle and the way tis seen reportby and large. the hystia other countries have had oupeople tuing.
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[inaudible conversatis] >> the a a number, and thuk has been very good. good. there e eole whohav recently me back from sierra leone doing agood jo complety sa and and that isa rational, science -based sysm. >> can i inerject one point. this aso of, of course makes it easi for us t get ppl t go. one hundred stafffm hose departments part of t response as well. and you know, they a all volunteers like other bl rvts. it has me it easier for us tgetwith the pop that we needo to taceth proem where it is best ckled. >> can i just ask aoumod?
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understan you are having to fund heir effort. is thatight? >> it s not quite rit. the uaon is that obviously the ia taing cost, the estg asts he program the trners what you rere to to thepeople doing the helicopter listics milita einrs buiding the facilities, the information oplethall exist. now, have a lng-standing arngement such that wen we asketm to tke additialosts to help us deal with emergcy thee is protol that has us pay those cots so far t is 35 million pounds included in he 230. it is a vygoo a very ood arrangement, i think. itis reasonle
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>> treasury, i treasury, i mean, they got treasur i cannot rememberbu piedp. yes. i cannot for thele o meunderstand why ere asking. okay. from my.of ewhat i still se asa prett big ntribution eing asked to pay elpinyou. >> every time we waed to help, ee time we have to have an argument about who we wi p. the syt enables us t deploy resource without whh we wouldbe in much
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rse position. >> one final.i wand o uch on. yo staff asel irect flight. obvious fm the mone perspecte,ut a numbr of imcts te lack of copeitionand havin to g over the blanket increased costs. the people who volunteer and go a disincentive for people to travel and effects more people who do travel. there has been justification. so it can be a license. the direct flight >>s yu kow arof a
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wh sto f eases t avd e epiec woud be bten dict itherarisk atll yonswed tha y. is absuty glib? >> i not thi i a desi urydveby iee. >>el ido ace t iconit er smtbe uniol a a lon laov casablca >>e alsoavthen huniriairerce so ocose itu - andthougabtheer
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hod arr. >>irt ights >>el t rean s caewehi th he urntystemis ffieny ncon. erarother thin f s o > wo r i wul be e mucfose on gtng contl. the di-tm eea th etiysis ablutelyvil iw ouhango stcomeac >>ndd. wever,t functional and rkg. >>ha ou ryuc
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>> t ihe te anvear o q >>ell, iwa st leedajority leer on thflor hat day. the irhing dw go or
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i wl nver notles and prident. i will makeyou a ea will ever surprisyo if yo don't rprisee. an i ink hat dition ascarried on. it is god stem itself, itlf lenty of room for sagreentcorovers anto do so hi the frameworkof organizati. >>ust some othe 20 inrview withorr'an rm satmari ad harbaker who di earlier this year.
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the entirehe entire interview at8:00'cckn c-span. book tv pimtie. tomorrow on washington jonalthe114th cones a the new replin majoty the largest since92
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>> the c-span citiesour goes n the road traveling us cities to learn about their history and literary life. we partnered with time warner cable for a visit to austin, texas. >> we are in the private suite of lady bird johnson, johnson, the private quarters for the president and first lady. this is not part of a public tour. this has never been opened to the public, and you you are seeing it because of special access for c-span. it is not open to visitors on a daily basis. the remarkable thing about this space is it is a living breathing artifact.
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it has not changed at all since pres. president johnson died in january of 1973. there is a document in the corner of this room telling my predecessors myself and my successors that nothing in this room can change. >> we are here at the 100 block of congress avenue in austin. to my left down the block is the colorado river, and this is an historic importance site because this is where waterloo, austin's predecessor was. waterloo was a cluster of cabins occupied by four or five families, including j carroll. this is where lamarr was staying when he and the rest of the men got wind of this big buffalo herd. they jumped on their horses. congress avenue -- it was
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not really an avenue. in those days it was a muddy ravine. the men galloped on their horses gathered pistols, rode into the midst of this herd of buffalo's firing and shouting. lamarr shot of this enormous buffalo, and from their he went to the top of the hill where the capital is and told everyone that this should be the seat of the future empire. >> watch all of our events from austin saturday at noon eastern on t1 book tv. >> the british parliament is in recess for the holidays. members return on january 5. next westminster review. the rise of isis and scotland's decision to stay in the uk. this is an hour.
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>> hello. welcome to westminster review. coming up the economic recovery may be underway. a plan. >> a truly national recovery long-term economic plan to prosperity. >> we need to balance the books in a fair way. that is the statement we need. >> also the rise of islamic extremism at home and abroad. how child abusers got away with their crimes.
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it is no logerfa or juor stld to b e to decide iown aws ly fo scoismps to cast decisiveotonsimilar matters that afft only enla for only ngndand wales. l'sta with the economy. t chancello set o his test ctnd figures the autmn statement. rmly the ctesare kept cret. an etra 2 llion pounds to supportdooran nurses in teal service. service. re mon for roads. a 15 lln-pound fund for lo-awaited projects.
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, at werethe chancello veeft aoue? rdrof te treu budi a made the or trip tounveil hisin stement beforeh ner elti sayinth iependent officefo budgspsility had vid up to 3. >> or the last year haro two ndhalf mes fasr anerny over three times faster than the euro on and seve mes fast n ance. mr. speerhe deficit is down to hlf that ice heted. idngack anliving within means, r l-tm onomiclan on coue. savis in gornnt spenng.
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>>ho ho say we shod cufaster, a those who say we shouorslowly. thepace isely donrated the fact our enomys gwifaer tnlmt any otr. >> and e nocent. >> cut the% of home buyers whopay it. ahis finale. >> britain isonourse for lower tas,ore jobs higher rwth,a trul natialecovera lo-ter econoc ann cose to prospety [applauding] >> thehawcncellor go his pieminding mps i2010 thre as a pmi for abalaed budget. >> tod t chancellor h announced e deficit ext yearis forect 75 .9illion pounds.
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nhe cancelr confirm at numberan the fac he nationaebt next years forasoto flbut to ise? wages have not kpt pace h rises5 thla 53 moth. confmi nfirming wage growth is once again weaker than eecd. rking peoe are now 1600 pounds a year. soeo full-me rkis now000 pods year woe f. . eaker f workg op tre is ostf-vi csis we nd to balanc the books in thefaiay th a long-term pla. atis the stenwe ne. it will ake a abr government to deveit. [applaudg] >> over sttigittwo
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rmr ancellors. >> d hre hmright whe hewaclaiming ret for hainassed the deficit atas n a terriy gd hing to be dng [laughter] >> his prosi t dissolve to vayingegrs to diffen tis, citie of thetekingdom. yreassan athe we wi combinehi with fi denforceableomtments financial responsility. >> what e chanll said, t share ofdp hsot been metme we w nt be in t blak next year as pris 75 biiopod why shou e pui believe thi gonment will
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doanytngdient ov th ext twor three years? opposing. crucial to the run-up f e elctn imay. i spoke. e onould coinue to recov. >>bi of dilea on theihands. e office ofudget snsibility theecom was piing up fasr n excted. s notoveyetd t b'not ne i done. he o banbewe fixg e onomy they they ed to connu wi cs. ts rning. >>t isquistki s i bit of a
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sleit-of-hand too what s happning eewhere. eoe should nobe too complacent. ty willwato epat sees ahd o the elecon >>ivmonths ahead t econ biclyfter thebudget and the dicit s bee iminat y ewilnot ntinue to sink. he s ying to stake t the midd gun and saying that theye wil ut les than the conserti.
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>>owarpart are he coition parties? adinters willav eect cuts >> allaie have igd up. aftethat th diference i aloly the laest iha bince 1992. only cosiri cutting the day-to-day defit. ey donwnt tobeas rs. >>e come si othe entral lobby n the crsroad. norally th palace is quiet. the stber both houses were recale the recald.
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the reas, the continuing ri of islam eremi in sya and iraq. islamic satxtmis known asis anisilhave strengthedhe hd on teitory in syria. th my ave 3,000 jidis fighngorhem. utge abt bruli d inhostge bngeld anbead. >> il terris organition uikthose we have dealtth bef. the btity is staggeng. behdings, crucifixions, going out of yes, the se of ras awean,e autef children to the ingelgto the dark e bit not ju the brutali. it s baced b billion
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dollar has captud an oaut of tmost modn weapons. taking control of territory. any aion you takwl fuhe radicalized you ople. the treat of rdicalition islady here. we t have comprehensive strategy >> tquestions hehaso pu himse. >> let me swer th directly. i beliewe have tob prpad fo that commme
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> vingcaused thisess eared thay. is tis just polic >> i a n claiming we c roll bck is proem. what this requiress a a comprehensive stragy cluding a ll formed iraqi government a iqi armed foes s thy we ll be thenes u hve to deatth ont groun >>e lle recogniz kling extmisan for th reason gtng saudi arabia nd in rod the negotiatgab would be far me fectivehan boin? e poliiclnd the plomatic sotis ther tnreaching r mliry sotis. >>alou may h comm cse
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>> they ve gotten v differt ews at thywould ant to see emerge o the grounds lang lutn i sia sya. ned be ar of the dangers. an onongpetion lti many, man yrs onhe ground whh seens a w oer i we if get involv in syia it ihe likely outcome. > ckg t camig ainst invoing mitary action 3 monthbor m saket's be ear abt ha this is. isil is murderingusms. those who say militar action in isils an attack on lath truh
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is enily different. d muslims are ayg it. i quote th yf, re perpetrating t rst imegainst humanity. awaragait a hanity. noe houlde dot this isa dcu mison that will ta time there evidence us action is hvi theffect of lding backsil. rithywe advancin wi catastph conseqnc. tre is a coiceo ctr t, nd thha plicio a coequences. in far of action. >> ts will note soed. it wibe made r. exemm wil sprad rtheandeeperjust lik
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as a result of he last aqi war. theools inhewho draw a bisarann orill not hee it. sdi araia as00planes. etthembb. he last eopthe scene f theris. >>he wnit camto the vot a it of 481 dit ws ot just in c rlrecalled. members ofthe us of ords gather. >>he action proposeda is rit,but wemunot rely on a st-term lution oa gol, idolgical,eligious religious, and transgeneration cllge. weusdonrate that
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the a posiiveisn farreater andre coelng whatorof a count countrywould we ve become if we refuseo plaur part in thi internationaenavor to corontvi. ofcourse itis ue hat rsikes ane wouldnot definitively deato sty kafivein due courtmay be necessary fo actioof iffent kd,b th ierive now to cnta stopheir advancand dede pali >>enand bo abducted and killed withoutc and mesold ax slav subject to re and tr forms of sexua violation inudg mutilation thatiteof ts up wa mes brthtakingly braland degrading.
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>> cisanity has bn the lcano thrgh which mh evil haserupteov he ceuries, but tatsno onr happing tod thcoective rkness of ourhumatyas moved ito te vlted of iam. >> aus jts connued to und fhts ro islam at mps ban n inry onow to count to have counsel mitts. titey ther is n military soluon ite, he has tobe poticachange we faca sious thrt frohe lamic state in terms o iraqi stabili nd the tailit of the rio.
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its aparf th political obem. th ly long-term soti thatou eer work isa polition thisgovrnnt going tobe government baedby an -badonshia slamt rtsat do ntwantto makpie wth enn pulionnd tsleers anepsentatives we hv lng-term onic our has >> ier a a way we c use an nrnatna coalioto deft isil in th asee ofa a plitical seleen my vieonthe moment is n >>olfair power. >> airstrikes change the balce of ower on a tactil levelwh apars e iraqi mits fighting il mitias a few bbs delivered the rit way canhan the bance ad help t contain.
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hesecond thing at aitreso conect to the outertrost mission it i a teat to thuned kingdo and so itachievethe effectoflowing e untertrorism cntnnt ssn but ey nt oig t brin don teforceou re pong. >but it w he ru murder ofhis man wch brght hom thempact of lamic extresm savagely taed outside sbaacks i sthst loon a plienry rept rolhi mur could not he beeprend atug
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hi mderers ad peed in seven ielligee veigions por. alough they d de miak y ee not gnicntenougho ha dedifferen. they cmeto intruckn an- rror laws. utng duty on unierts to cns eresmnd rnode e powerto relocate spectsu it is eoe to n ritish spes overseas rom retuinhome. >>ouncilouel and dividus avel cunt anaddthto watch lts. deendinupon the individual case it may ruire them to complyith certain activities.
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here been of ierestha we hae sen re but i wan to rssurehat iwe will ot render an ivual stateless. they will ve itizehi rightsut when they d it we l beon our rms quite posslyn he cpany of poli. theyilbe interviewedand be ubje t further requirement. >>his is in effe exilin briticitizens to noer cotr. f hty suggests tha fuher adalize his peple and mes them more dgeus. tht dicialrocess which is whshe s advocatins he not a danger wwewillake osees in moe danger rathe than ls?
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i caution e rht and honorable gentlem t rminology is usin thiss noabout ile. they ill turnonhe sis s i ebill in a wayttis maned. >> what is ot. ishsystem tonab th manage pretersyemtobe chlenged ere seem ttthe ust be echanis wch rss chllene pon erreurand do so exdiously. >> it will bpoie. formf halleng avaible >> wmlelcome this
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meur. many of m consituent would likeo seeeople ve a oneayict. i thk she has found a bance. > is unclear acy athe governmt ntto achiev t prme minister said we are clr ininciple,ut we ne a tged direony wer. is tat is noth thidoes. if someone is erdwith a orr ad e ost coutr dedeto deor them anayritain wil coere, and theweil beetne. they ply orapermit rurn, resumably the suspect does nhe operat i ee t be descrbe asa mpora
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exusn desimplyo gea healine. >> thereasne ther sto that caus-- casta ng shad. ross-eming seor officis abo the horfic al of abuse. 1400 peple have bn us bygags ofmen mostlyf kist origi srting wth ormer cefonable. im not adlean havesid coci cmbers ld metis, beo cmmitgroups eveeto inspecon n 2,004 _-dh five.
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>> i felt ck last gh i am - i cny with honestyhat iam the time i wa dept chief principl iadno ide o scale and scop >> we fd tsimpossib to believeecsee h a eviden o he mt copelling naturfrom people who haveperateor all th yars y re chief constable. finthaimpossiblto lieve. >> id no unerndg of the ale andco. >> not sine se.
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t inesdin ese thgs. a issrson'sharity. did not geteioned. thnot soth would trned ald eye . the o no me no that i wouldnotturn lind a indeyo cer up inances of cldod iha h a 2 yeol reer, nd ts issue i ha inguarly faed the viims. >> been ardfrom he directorf ilen and ung people. nola oresign. >> you knew uthis. wan you be countable wh youae failed hein
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su ay? shouldn' y stepase fromyour pt oalow oters to b abl to d an apopriatnvesgation to wh has hped? youclear have t bn ab doanythinithis obor all the yrs. i do not acpt what you are sang i have wketremelha i ve me re ad fought hard forrotline socl cared mdeure o work hard with colleagues to make sure wimprove. ia my respsibilits icy d o not tend tresign. >> finll eyinally ty heard fmhe omisoner who resigned from the labor party
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bu ot fomis job. > do otecall one singlehr. ae n exerts ay of the aas. we okto a range of inicators. ot one lca cnsor askedmeaueion. not ne raisthe issue or ca. notone xtra po. w notean of that. > at is thof coinuing > what i stooor election to do. i tell yo 26yea having srved you are th least credible wiess i
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have ever comecross. >> they both later resigned from their posts. separately in july the government announced an overarching inquiry. how how public bodies and other institutions handled claims of abuse. attempts floundered. retired judge resigned over her establishment connections and was succeeded by fiona wolf who stepped down after making this appearance. concerns about conflict of interest. the most senior official apologized for the delay. >> when you were brought in, appointed, in the home office we have a situation
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a situation where the home secretary has been left dangerously exposed criticism over the way due diligence was carried out. this is not something ministers should do. you are responsible as head of the home office. why was that not carried out? >> i think there was divisions carried out. i have not really appreciated the threshold that we were setting was different for this inquiry. let me talk briefly. this is done rather like security. professional associations
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with anyone who might be the subject of the work of the panel and so on. a widespread search but we rely upon individuals themselves to identify social or personal connections that might either be real or perceived conflict of interest. >> you are saying it was not your fault. >> yes, i do. i would like to now basically apologize for the fact that this was not carried out in the way that it should have been. when last i was before you we talked about the first inquiry moving promptly. inevitably this has caused a delay. >> how difficult do you think it we will be to find a chairman to share this power?
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a discussion with someone who is historically, if historically, if you like, part of the establishment. >> you put the conundrum very well. on our mind throughout the process for selecting the first two candidates. >> you are watching westminster in review with me. after the independence, up next scotland and the rest of the uk. ..
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the campaign had been hard forced in the final week suggesting things were going to be close. in persuading cylinders in the union of pledge was made during the campaign by the former labor prime minister gordon brown and quickly dubbed the valve. the morning after the referendum david cameron said alongside that he wanted to look at the powers of the rest of the u.k. and stop scottish mps from voting on english matters. that upset later who accuse mr. cameron of moving the
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goalposts. opening up comments debate william pate argued there's a call for change. >> make no mistake the need and demand for renewal is palpable in serious across the united kingdom we must find that better and fairer settlement and i believe thither or delay is not an option on these issues. >> but the debate quickly turn to what is known as the ability of scots mps at westminster to vote on laws affecting england when english mps can vote on similar issues. >> our constituents feel that too many decisions are london centered and they want more power closer to them. is it a problem with the english laws that it changes the job description of members in this house but doesn't actually take take. >> i would say these issues are not mutually exclusive.
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it is entirely possible to believe there should be virtual autonomy at the local level including for her constituents in mind that if she is talking as she did at the beginning about what people feel about this i think she will have to acknowledge that they also feel that whether it be in yorkshire or county durham scottish members should no longer be voting on those matters that are being evolved to scotland. >> the debate featured the former labor prime minister gordon brown. he made what became known as the vow, timetable for powers to beat the ball. he rejected english votes for english laws. >> we cannot have one united kingdom if you have two separate classes. and you can't have representatives elected by the people who are half in and half out of the lawmaking process. let us remember the words in the new testament quoted by lincoln. a house divided cannot stand and a house divided is brought into
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desolation. >> wouldn't he agree with me that my constituents want to know why it is that he should be able to vote in this place about education in edgeworth when i have absolutely no say on these matters in his constituency? >> just because we lost the referendum now does not mean i've stopped believing. just because we didn't secure this referendum doesn't mean that i stopped believing in the people who are best placed to run a fantastic country and the people that live and work here. we engage yourself to the faithful powers and it's not that we will make sure we get the maximum devolution that the scottish people know. >> the only sensible way to move forward is to involve all of the the -- and not exclude scots or any other representatives from voting at westminster on issues.
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>> gordon brown making one of his final appearances in the comments. he later announced he was to stamp stampede -- stand down as an mp in may. what does it mean for the rest of the u.k.? here on the committee mps were told that the referendum had woken the sleeping giant of england and more devolution from westminster to the rest of the nations must follow. giving evidence to the political and constitutional reform committee local government leaders set the debate should be about more powerful local councils and not just english votes for english laws. >> but scottish referendum has awoken a sleeping giant and i don't think we are going to go back to complacency that has been in england before. >> we think the government and other political parties need to recognize what is becoming a perceived wisdom which is
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apparently after albania only. where centralized democracy in the world. >> so what sort of devolution were they looking for? >> the emergence of combined authorities essentially combinations of local authorities around travel to work areas and their economic markets is the odel th i be doted. >> meanwhile pla for me devolution to scla continued t sed thsmith mmsion set up to lookt e sue giving sweeping new pows d kbe swpi new pers including me welre measures. it omndations ive partieths&p b or liberal democrats inte scottish greens. a w days atthe architect of those pposals lord's th kalpen appeed bo mps in westminster. liral democrat member o the
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scottish affircommite specat what migt pen if t oish gornnt erach itself on spending >>hethscotti government s gng out to the money maets and borrowing moneyat an agreed rate oinrest with security anasts to the scotshovnment as an implication for the u.k. government >> ifpeple fe there no implituantee t chanc are you pay more. so probably this scottish governme wou s we need a lot ofuilng going tthe greast bug -- goveren ifou go o far in the other direction you know california i thinhis is the unid at
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of amera are tking about individuastates can tuallyoust. to me it's incceabbu i think t anyonon he isnds it ionceivable that the u. government would allow the scotti gernment, dolved ottishovrnnt so ith's the case iste an ilit aranteanif there is an plit uarantee ouhave to ta vy osely together. in the u.k. gvernnts th scti gerent is completelyfreeog out with anmpcit guarantee for the k. overnment an prl potentially cklessly. the u.k. govnmt ul evtulyay a hd onan then you are into all sos things so think trus peop to workogeth amtu faiosang lke are gog to he to smooth th o. we did see nreed borrowing
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pors and we now need beeand we will do this. e smartest ato ohis with the lowest interest ra is to come or yo we are gointo do this direct b w have your implicit guarantee a reou preped say that's it' >> busy proposing th evoliory changt as changed too in e scotsh parliament. the snp lea annocehe was standing dn as party leader and first iisr almost pledy his ng-standing detyicola sturon. but aewasn't leaving the political age altogether. heat announced he was to stamp for westmite a whirinof ctivitie t innd arou sctld but wht happens xt and what do it all me? re better o xaithbbc scla'sesinster rrponden david palter.
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>> in hewa erything anged. it was promed eveually te scotlandould et more devoluon david cameron sa tt the ith ommission to do tha thsmith mmission h n rert and is proposing ome pretty radicalows particularlyn xaon given the scch alient famo powerof the ay-to-dayevents. at will happenows er the next mon ostatill be knockein legal arliamentary claus. when the ew goerent cos to estminsterimay 2015 though this legislaonon be the statute book youll in efft iafrth you ket f e hf andsay iss e legislation to give otlandore powers. weilpass it as a priority when the nw goernmencos in. l the tee main partieat westminste the consvaves anthe liberal demcrswnt to keeth menand gog.
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>> exaso do is muster is the firs minister ofsctld atan tcome back to wemiter. ho we -- well, thatte two exurgeon >>e kethenvironmenof stminsterb itill be impoantfor how many pele are ming downith alex if 's ected as par of ths&p sn you look at the opinionpolls anyocod sily ee that th artng on aarge nuer ofmp me in thoion polls pricd eyculd have0 25 s. that would ba huge -- i would be very impornt as there isa hungpliament andeding. lkliketh fliidof devolutiad it has ceed flurry amostngsh citizens wharsaying they ow an more party powerwo >> theho question it i
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alstadurbo bsters put under it by what pen ith scotti rerendum and a prome me volutio fr otland. alou t u.k.ornnt says thewosss are not linked in e does nodend on the oher it pey obvious that there are rge nber of glish mps a large nbeof conservavendea who re yi is ll well and god and we arehppy forscotland veore porsy the otnd hasrpwers we want more wers from england whetherht be at the regional level whe the cities of verpooor manchest shefelpeaps getting mo pors orrio of t utekido again eris growingfeling atf ottish mp can vote on matrshich don't direct affect them beusth a dealt thythe-pliamen thats t air. the estion is no ging away. >> it's become obvious that there's an agreement within parties and between parties on this. >> interestingly the proposals
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put forward by the u.k. government have proposal. labor decided didn't want to be part of the process so you have at least five proposals regarding english laws and you are right within parties there is disagreement about how that can happen. you get the impression that after the general election next year when the new government comes and it may not's solved this constitutional reform as those parties. >> david porter in as much as the relationship between england and scotland that has taken on a new look in recent months. a new color has found its way onto the political map with the rise of the u.k. independence party focusing on our relationship with europe. in october a little bit of history was made in the comments on the party's first elected an mp to see.
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>> i swear by almighty god that i will be faithful to the leader queen of elizabeth according to the law so help me god. >> he was a conservative before defecting in august. he was reelected under his new colors for 60% of the vote. and then there were two just over a month later and only hours after his election victory the second elected mp took a seat in the commons. he had jumped ship from the tories forcing a by election in rochester. u.k. passed successfully tap into many voters concerns about levels of immigration into the u.k. and the government had to admit it's not going to hit its target of getting the numbers down into the tens of thousands. but david cameron's talk of trying to change the rules to limit the free movement of people within the e.u. has been given short shrift by the german
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chancellor angola merkel. the prime minister questions the labor leader ed miliband holding on david cameron's difficulties. >> the renegotiation with the european union's got to get 27 countries to agree them. how many has he got so far? >> what we have is a set of things that we want to sort out in europe. we want to sort out safeguards for the single market. we want to get out of the union, we want reform and and of immigration. >> used to say he would never be for leaving the european union. european union. that was his position two years ago. all i'm asking, i want to stay in the european union and he can't even answer the question. dallas has positioned them. he is the same words as he used them that he would never campaign to lead the european union. yes or no? >> i answer that question the last time around. what is interesting, i want britain to stay in a reformed
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european union that we need to reform. we have a plan. he has no plan. we say it's time to get out of the union pier what do they say? nothing. we say you have to safeguard the single market. what did they say? nothing. we say enough to reform immigration. what do they say? nothing. absolutely feeble and that's why mr. speaker that's why mr. speaker he faces a crisis in his leadership. >> it's not just people coming to the u.k. through legitimate routes causing concern. it's estimated 2.5000 migrants have gathered desperately looking for a way to smuggle themselves into the u.k.. the british government has spent 12 million pounds boosting security at border crossings in the town that the french want more done and the mayor says britain's generous system is to blame for schools attempting to cross the channel. >> you think that there is a perception that england is a
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soft touch for those who want to come there? [speaking in native tongue] >> you have a much more favor over shame in britain than other european countries. it's a language question. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: the second thing as the weekly benefits of 36 pounds that are given to asylum-seekers and migrants. which is a huge amount for people to -- who have nothing in their lives. >> we have come to the house of lords where the government found itself doing doing battle with a second chamber. the big row was over plans for secured colleges for young criminals in england and wales. the first secured college would
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house hundreds of young offenders doubling the amount of time they have spent in education. but pierce was scathing about the plans. >> my lord yet again parliament is being asked by the secretary of state for justice to rubberstamp a rushed and unthought through discrete proposal. on the one hand we have the secretary of state with no experience of the management of the offenders claiming that to improve the dreadful track record of this current system on which i reported adversely many times as chief inspector of prisons. by providing young offenders with better opportunities particularly in education at less cost because of economies of scale on a large site which is a young offender institution by another name. on the other we have experienced experts saying that his proposals are bad for children, bad for justice and bad for the taxpayer.
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both cannot be right. >> 60% have significant speech language and learning difficulties. 20 to 30% are learning disabled and up to 50% have learning difficulties. and putting it simply simply about one in four have an iq estimated to be below 70. so i would ask the minister to tell us where the evidence is that these young people with severe preemie -- previous trauma brain injury learning difficulties and so on that a short education program taking them away from their own environments is actually going to be effective. >> i found the visit to the young offenders institution in my constituency among the most troubling ones i have ever had. and because you met the young man who had never had a chance of any kind whatsoever in our lives and you recognize they
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could so easily have been your own sons. and you recognize too how much your own children were privileged not through money or any of the things which are foolishly trotted out by the egalitarians but just the fact that they were loved. now that leads me to be very worried about any measures which are hurried because i think this is very difficult. i just think it's very hard to get these things right. >> at present we are only committed to establish 11 secure college in worst assure. this facility will be a pathfinder intended to demonstrate the success of this new approach to educating and
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rehabilitating young offenders. i entirely agree the first secure college must be rigorously evaluated and let me reassure local lords but that is exactly what the government intends. >> but pierce rejected those arguments and voted down the idea of secured colleges. they also rejected another part of the criminal justice and court still, the plan to shake up judicial review. under the system ordinary citizens can challenge the decisions of ministers local government and public bodies. the government wants to streamline the process but pierce object -- objected to that as well. when they sent the bill back to the upper house peers rejected the idea once again inflicting the lord's 100th defeat on the government since the 2010 general election. it wasn't just the lords who were making life difficult. the government suffered its first legislative defeat of this
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parliament in the comments in mid-november. this rebellion in the ranks of proposal about pubs. an mp wanted landlords to be able to have their rights independently reviewed and to be able to buy their beer on the open market not just from the brewery that owns that pub. a labour mp summed up the arguments. >> if protocols are stopped from exploiting their time and hiking of branson charging 70% more for the cost of a pint in my view madam deputy speaker the price of the pine can only fall. >> so immigration, the rise of the u.k. at the state of the economy and the terrorist threat threat. is it any wonder perhaps the goals can't -- polls can't point to a clear winner in may. a report -- reporter spoke to john curtis from straddling university and asked him if this really was going to be the most unpredictable election ever. >> i think there is no doubt we
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are now in uncharted territory in with the battle for power at westminster now looks like. this parliament have the most substantial independent challenge in english politics since 1945 and it doesn't look as though that challenge in the form of u.k. is disappearing anytime soon. meanwhile north of the border we are seeing the scottish national party in the wake of the referendum and people look as though they might vote for the snp and 2015 as they were four years ago they gave them a majority in the scottish parliament. the greens are apparently also playing a nontrivial role and meanwhile of course the two pics suppose it parties conservative and labour are struggling to keep above the 30% mark. they are at the moment close to each other. they believe the labor has enjoyed most of this permit -- parliament which means given the
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quite serious possibility a lot of s&p mps and an unknown number of u.k. mps that is looking increasingly difficult for any of the parties to get an overall majority. >> on that point how hard will it be for labor or the conservatives to form a majority government? >> as far as the it's going to be difficult simply because we have a system which hasn't been changed since 2010. we are the new in 2010 but it's much more difficult for the conservatives to get the majority in the labor so for the conservatives the system is a problem. the second problem they face of courses where they lost most of their votes. one is to you can one of the things we know about u.k. supporters the british economy may be growing relatively fast but u.k. supporters look remarkably economically pessimistic. so the conservatives challenge
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is persuading the people whom they have lost. at the moment it's not clear that they are convinced convinced. as far as labor is concerned that problem lies in the economy but a much more deep-seated one which is during the course of this parliament they have failed to convince people that they now know how to run economy more effectively. they have not managed to overcome the suggestion that they were responsible for the financial crash and against that backdrop one sees support for the party over the course of last 12 months leaving the party now looking as though it will indeed despite the advantage it has capable of getting an overall majority. >> the coalition parties are they trying to separate themselves now and how are they doing it? >> both political parties and said the coalition are keen to emphasize their differences. the conservatives at the end of the day are key to govern britain on their own.
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many mps regard coalition with liberal democrats as having a ball and chain around their legs which they frankly do not want. the democrats are in a desperate situation. their pole position has been weak ever since the tuition fees were first in the autumn of 2010. it's got even worse during the course of 2015 -- 2014. it is worth waiting for us. yes we have made mistakes but if you want something that's in between two harsh policies interview from the conservatives you have to back us. the trouble is the liberal democrats are not known historically for their strength on the economy and this could be quite different -- difficult position to sell. >> john curtis bringing us to the end of this edition of the program. join us on the 11:00 when the parliaments in the lord's return on the fifth of january. unl then for me -- from me, aliaccarthy, goodbye.
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innemberor tan 30members theu. yth parliament gathered in the house commons r th anual olicy deat e student ragina om 11to 18ndhey discussed several issues iludinghe 100th annivearofor w i. th iha an hour. >>rd. the ut priament will now consider t first motn t dayenied eveone shlde pa t least a living wage as printed on the oeraper. to move the moti i cllfm westidlandand i ask you give him a enhusiastic welcom
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mr. vick from patel. pplaus tnkour.peaker. in ft for first timein itish story the majotyf familieshoivinvrty r fr wki hselds. r the rstime i generaonwereeeg ne clas emerging the workinpoor. 3 million workers areearning sshan mimum wages. that's2%f our couny's enre workfoe ony le in porty. the importancef e vi wage is and tt is n simply a e time ncrease onthe minmum wageutt' the map ccated by wchpeople can maintain a basic andard of livi. since 2008hecotof esstl ems hasn


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