tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN January 1, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST
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>> in january the new congress will see the largest house gop majority since the 1928 elections, 247 republicans to 188 democrats. republicans take the senate majority with 54 seats to 44 for the democrats and two independents, a caucus with the democrats. the oldest u.s. senator is dianne feinstein, she is 81. the youngest person in the incoming senate is arkansas republican tom and who is 47. in the 1 fourteenth congress the average age of the senator will be 61. >> this sunday on q&a, the
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president and ceo of the national council of the nation's largest hispanic civil rights and advocacy group on the state of hispanics in america. immigration reform and her compelling personal story. >> the great privilege of experiencing the american dream in this country born in kansas my parents actually came to this country in the very early 50s, very early 50s, my parents came from mexico with very little education. my dad had a fifth grade education, and they believed in the promise of this country and they were seeking better opportunities for their children. they worked really hard and sacrificed and so many latinos and hispanics in this country because they wanted that better
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teacher for their children and believed in the promise of this country so they taught important values that have been our guide for our allies, my six brothers and sisters but they taught us the importance of family, faith, community hard work sacrifice, honesty, integrity. all of those were important values they share with us. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern and pacific on c-span's q&a. energy secretary ernest -- ernest moniz spoke at a bipartisan policy center earlier this month. he said the obama administration is seeking a, quote call of the above approach to energy independence. >> good afternoon, everybody. i am jason grumet president of the bipartisan policy center and we are delighted to have the
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opportunity to host this discussion on behalf of the department of energy and the international energy agency. many of you know every four years the iea conduct an in-depth peer review of the member countries and energy policies and the broader energy landscape and to date we are looking forward to the iea unveiling its latest in depth review of the united states energy policy. if friend the audit is the way we imagine it. the last of these reviews happened in 2007 where the focus was on the energy policy act of 2005 and the number of significant policy changes we are benefiting from greatly. it would be an understatement to suggest things have changed since 2005. so very eager today to hear from the iea's views on how we are doing, however did we manage the remarkable transition from scarcity to abundance?
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what are the impacts and improvements in energy e efficiency in significant increases in renewable energy, effort to address fuel economy standards and climate change and a host of other issues of interest to all of you. so it is my pleasure to introduce our two speakers, first, secretary ernest moniz. i can say everybody knows ernest moniz joined the administration in may of 2013. he knew his way around the building which is no small feat because he served as undersecretary in the clinton administration. he also served the office of science and technology policy and in the intricacies of his leadership positions he has been a professor at the institute of technology. director maria van der hoeven has been executive director of iea since 2011. she is from the netherlands and
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has a remarkable variety of leadership positions, minister of economic affairs education culture and science and twice served as elected officials in the house of representatives. iea -- ernest moniz you will lead us off about the study and margot anderson will moderate the conversation. >> thanks, jason, thanks to the bbc for hosting this event. great organization and one that is always a pleasure to be here with. also my greetings to executive director at themaria van der hoeven with the we worked -- we will
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see a few words. to open this up in terms of a fewwhom we worked -- we will see a few words. to open this up in terms of a few things we had doing. the iea that you all are very familiar with, an organization certainly born in the energy security concerns around oil and remains extremely engaged in the energy security discussion but it is a much broader discussion that was four decades ago at the founding of the iea. i will say a few words about that and i am sure maria van der hoeven will touch on that theme as well. we all know about as jason eluded the enormous changes we have had not only in four decades but six years since the last in depth review was carried
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out. i won't try to review all of those but let me say a few words about the priorities of the administration and the president, the administration as the department of energy. let me say a few words on climate policy. obviously in terms of the president's approach, we talk often, in a quite committed way about pursuing and all of the above approach which means making the investments to enable all fuels, all path wasted energy futures to be part of a low carb and future so that is what we are doing. most recently the big news was the joint announcement in july and at that you are all aware
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of, the united states committing to a pretty ambitious target of 26% to 28% reduction by 2025 and china putting forward what is also an ambitious plan. i want to emphasize one major part obviously is a statement about peaking co2 in the 2013 timeframe. that is extremely significant in terms of the commitment of the chinese government to pursuing a common strategy to clearly take responsibility, to be part of the solution. i want to call attention to the other part of the initial commitment that they made, the one about 20% non fossil energy. you start working the numbers on that and that is very ambitious. that is a giggle watch, technically, a gigawatt year per
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year, a gigawatt of energy production equivalent we a gigawatt a week to 2030. and if you put in reasonable capacity factors, that is every month a gigawatt of nuclear, two gigawatts of hydro, 2-at megawatts of wind 5 gigawatts of solar every month to 2030. so this really was ambitious. when you add the e.u.'s commitment and their ambitious commitment to twenty-third ecommerce i think we have -- certainly i feel and optimism in terms of the road to paris that we can really move the ball forward. we took some steps, we all always want more we have a good
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foundation for the road to paris in iea country and one of the things we have discussed is the role of continued technology evolution, specifically continued cost production of clean energy alternatives to address the issues and encourage policymakers to be aggressive in the path forward. we will continue to keep that focus on technology cost reduction and we will do so as i said in looking across the board in terms of fuels and technologies. a few words about energy security, and mentioned that earlier i will talk about one of the specific initiatives we are engaged with with the iea
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and that european commission, clearly stimulated by the ukraine/russia situation, the g7 with the e.u. direct support and collaboration with the iea started a process looking at energy security and coming pretty rapidly to the conclusion that perhaps we don't say it enough, that energy security is a collective responsibility among allies and friends as opposed to a purely national activity. in the united states with our dramatically increased oil and gas production, 26% increase in oil production in two years, 2012-2014, we're talking pretty
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big numbers. even with our enormous gas supplies etc. we should not be complacent in thinking somehow energy security is not something in which we have a stake. we remain coupled to the global oil price for one thing but secondly the energy insecurity of any of our allies and friends is an issue for us. that, i thought was in and of itself an important focal point of a new discussion around energy security. furthermore, none of this is perhaps new, but putting it together, i think we understand energy security is not the discussion of the time when iea was founded in. is a much broader discussion. clearly it does in fall by versification of supplies and supply routes, no question about that as right now in europe the discussion on that is principally focused around natural-gas as opposed to oil
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but it is the broader state. in addition, the development of transparent competitive markets is an important part of energy security. the addressing climate change because of what inherently involves is part of energy security. enhancing energy efficiency is a part of energy security by working on the demand side. improving infrastructure resilience is an important part of energy security. i will come back to that theme. putting in place emergency response assistance including reserves, one of the main functions in the iea taking account of fuel substitution, all of these are elements of energy security. what we are doing in our case,
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the charge coming from g7 leaders was viewed in a more expansive context with europe, with other partners of the world just like japan for example going east of the e.u. in some cases. we need to take an integrated view. that is what we are doing as we are putting together a road map to what would be the medium to long-term directions that we need to plan towards as we look to a clean and secure energy future. iea, we already discussed, is specifically doing a major effort around the gas markets and that is something we will be integrating into our energy security work. the third element i would like to mention this bottle of water
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here, if third element i will mention is this monday we had trilateral meeting of the energy ministers of canada, the united states and mexico, the first time such but trilateral meeting had taken place in seven years and just as was said six years since the last in depth review, seven years change the energy world completely and it was certainly time, probably pass time for our three countries to get together. let me say a few words about that. it was an extremely positive meeting. among the initiatives, specific initiatives agreed to in --
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enshrines, we have an effort on our side led by the iea to due date integration for north america. frankly we don't have a good handle on a lot of the data across these three countries or when we think we do it turns out we have different sets of data in the countries. we don't have good match the look at the integrated energy infrastructure and with the very impressive energy reform going on in mexico we expect not only our northern border but the southern border to seal lot more of that. mr. record from canada and i were very impressed by mr. caldwell's description of i would use the word breathtaking scope and ambition of their reform plan. this is going to be very
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exciting and one of the first steps is to get a common integrated data approach complemented by looking more specifically at the issues of infrastructure across our country's. finally my last word will be a little update. some of you heard this before on the quadrennial energy review, this was charged by the president, formerly in january also mentioned in the climate action plan of june of 2013. at its essence of gold is to integrate the equities, the concerns, the capabilities of agencies across the entire government with equities in our energy policy. that list of those with equities
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in energy is practically the entire administration. under white house chairmanship the department of energy's function as the executive secretariat we carry out the analytical arm of a major effort to integrate these threats. this year to get going we have no problem saying that four year process could be a series of 1-year proxy's so for the first year we have focusing on energy infrastructure, transmission storage and distribution of energy. this will be coming at the end of january but to give a little flavor because this is an enormous effort and we are optimistic that it will be a consequential as to how we pursue reintegrated energy approach and how we pursue a coherent discussion between the administration and congress in terms of the energy future just to give you a flavor of that,
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for example while we have a focus of an specifically on energy infrastructure, pipes and wires, let's say, the fact is what we found our enormous issues to do with what you might call associated infrastructures waterways, big challenges, certainly the waterway challenge, getting stuff on to the water has a challenge and the dimension that i have to say i had not appreciated until we went through this data exercise and analysis. on the other side of the coin, posting these papers very soon. looking at the natural gas transportation infrastructure what we found is that the macro scale that challenge isn't as great as we had thought but there are regional issues that have to be addressed so this is a little tiny flavor of what will be a very broad study
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around the current challenges of infrastructure and what we need to do to juan diasgranadosst century infrastructure going forward. that gives you a little flavor of the issues we are looking at and i think i would like to turn it over to maria van der hoeven to give us our report card. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much, secretary ernest moniz for your kind words. i would like to think you and assistant secretary -- the department of state at -- their cooperation during the process and i would also like to thank the bipartisan policy center thank you very much. to present the findings of the energy policy in the united
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states. you mentioned it already. the energy sector in recent years, the united states energy security sustainability, and economic competitiveness. the challenges remainders much to be discussed from the oil and gas industry to significant steps forward in the energy efficiency research and development and the main focus of our report, long-term sustainability of the electricity sector. it is good that you mentioned things that we are looking forward. long term development requires clarity. this means predictable effected policies that encourage distance create coordination for removal land a common understanding on the future of nuclear power. this is something i return to
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when presenting it recommendations that let's have a look at forecast change. six years ago, the last industry was published, we said the united states needed a more consistent national level energy policy. in those days there was an absence of the link at the federal level among energy environmental and security policies. we recommended to the united states the coordination between congress, administration and its the government. to large extent these concerns are being addressed not only by the introduction of the quadrennial industry but more recently the climate action plan. the united states has undergone other significant changes. the most obvious is feeling and gas production. the unconventional gas production has been a real game changer for north american markets. global energy and input costs are making a substantial
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contribution to economic activity and deployment, both within and outside the energy industry and the security has been strengthened over the past six years. it was already suggested that we were founded in response to a 1974 oil crisis. the initial role was to help countries coordinate a collective response to major disruptions in oil supply through the release of the emergency stocks in the market. this puts the united states and a strong position. stock issue 247 days throughout 2013 net imports. and industry conversion stocks 141 days as well as northeast regional product service and northeast heating oil service. the oil industry creates a renaissance over the past six years, lastly the result of
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growth in oil production and that was approved. that was expected to continue if prices remained at levels seen earlier this year and oil prices continue to plunge in november and early december. the short term oil production, should price continue, there will be an impact on production as marginal products become economical. this includes emergence and the pullback in drilling might be required. and the energy landscape in the united states has been the unexpected rise in shell gas production. lower revenues will impact the economics of gas production.
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annapolis, higher gas prices will be required for the oil driven and liquid revenues and information. and feed into higher gas prices. and the oil price and the consistency on oil price. they moved quickly from two decades of increased dependence on important gas with energy exporter and the approval for the export of energy to countries with in the united states for a trade agreement forthcoming ae bouroue ovendecomm=ifungu.s.
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the executive and legislative branches of government. i was in lima last week and the level of engagement depressed me but we all know that words are worth nothing without action. there is great opportunity for the united states along with china and other emerging economies to take a leadership role and drive for reelection when the world needs it. we agreed recent u.s.-china announcement on climate change and energy cooperation together account for one third of global greenhouse emissions from the united states, we need leadership and policies to build on pronouncements. in 2013 and executive powers and existing lost it tackle harmful emissions. the epa proposed a clean power
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plant to -- it proposed state specific rate based goals for co2 emissions from politics and guidelines to follow developing plans to achieve specific goals. executive plans to seek political climate commitments effectively realized. he mentioned energy efficiency and renewables and would like to talk about that. the united states made progress on reducing energy consumption. united states has achieved the largest improvement in energy in recent days when -- from relatively high levels as energy performance standards for appliances, new buildings are implemented. since 2008 over 1 million low-income homes have improved energy efficiency for less
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well-off families and recovery after 2009 provided 12 billion usd of direct investment in energy efficiency notably low-income homes, public buildings and research and $20 billion of related investments in organizing buildings, and electric technologies. energy efficiency from building producing 30%, more than 30% improve in any she efficiency in new homes and buildings compared to the 2006 building energy code and equipment standards. progress for renewables renewable energy has surged over the past decade and the united states has set the goal to double energy production by 2020 compared to 2012. however there is always the budget. there is no explicit national
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policy mechanism to ensure the country reaches this target. renewable portfolio standards, so good federal government employed fiscal mechanisms and lending mandate among other tools to support renewable deployment and the durability of some existing federal incentives such as energy production tax credit, for wind, remains the uncertainty. and another extension of the investor confidence contributes to develop an annual wind blow. lack of clarity over blending levels and renewable fuel standards has created difficulties for renewable transport fuels. this lack of long-term policy durability represents a challenge for investments and has to be addressed.
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more balanced approach would extend the p t c for six years while reducing its level for the basis and this will provide greater investment uncertainty and continued cost reduction. i agree with ernest moniz about cost reduction and wind costs. let me have a look to the transport. in the transport sector the largest oil consumer, new regulations and energy consumption. in 2012 federal agents finalized of program to improve fuel economy of cars and trucks sold in the united states. more stringent fuel economy standards for model years 2012-16 have been established alongside standards for heavy-duty vehicles, manufactured during model years 2014-18. these have been significant
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accomplishments. signifying to the world the united states is serious about controlling emissions. in fact these fuel economy standards are projected to save 6.3 billion barrels of oil over the life of light duty vehicles built between 2012-2020 for. and between 2014 and 2018. these is the equivalent to one half of the 0 u.s. oil imports in 2012 alongside equivalent to emissions. put another way, this will result in a vehicle fuel economy improvement trajectory from 2014 roughly parallel to improvement in the e.u. japan and china though from a lower starting point. the drop in oil prices will lead to more driving as always does. these standards serve less than
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the impact. in addition the united states is the largest market in the world and home to approximately 43% of all electric vehicles sold worldwide today. this vehicle deployment is supported by the federal government ranging up to $7,000 a vehicle and substantial idea indeed over 2 billion usd spent between 2008-2012 alone. states have taken the lead on deploying infrastructure from tax credits to stations in louisiana to rebates in maryland, that is why federal government support programs such as work place charging challenge which aims to achieve a central increase in the number of employers of the workplace charging in next five years and a good corporation. but despite this progress
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electric vehicles through 1% of sales and in order to meet national goals 1 million of maria van der hoeven vehicles on the road by 2015, fiscal incentives should be maintained to support this market infrastructure needs to be expanded and easier to find and use. and we need to build on the success of today to ensure the potential of electric vehicles can be missed. i mentioned development and demonstration. as we all know the federal government the federal government is one of the largest accounting entities for energy technology research in the world and this has played a critical role in achieving advances in energy. the department of energy's 2014 strategic plan provides a path
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to achieving and demonstrates the government's commitment to basic research and development demonstration and deployment in clean energy technologies. the technology review is providing a platform to a line energy technology and program technologies to achieve national energy goals for the priority setting over a five your horizon. the government should continue to develop approaches to secure stable long-term funding environment that would help meet technology goals and deploy negative impact on programs stability. we all know the united states is rich in storage potential in oil and gas and the united states is among the global leaders in search -- research, development and demonstration. in 2013 there were 19
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large-scale projects in operation in various stages of development including eight major demonstration projects. it is and example of the scale of challenges and rising capital costs facing the technology. so the more regulatory landscape remains on schedule. that is why a regulatory scheme permitting underground storage is in place there are gaps in areas like the ownership and long-term liabilities some of which are being addressed by individual states and here again leadership is the thing that is required. returned to the electricity market, the electricity sector was the focus and the final report has taken up. today ten regional transmission
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organizations operate across a large proportion of the united states and canada. the structure has delivered many benefits such as efficient access and minimization electricity costs. the electricity system is fragmented with less efficient use of existing assets. despite the success of markets, trade of a lecture city is utilities that remain difficult. the balance between consolidation of system operators and coordination between systems is needed. the need will become more critical when solar power continues to grow and the greater access to balancing is required. electricity is no longer just about networks. climate change and extreme weather are fundamentally changing the way we view energy
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systems. the united states is experiencing with disasters like hurricane sandy. system resiliency has become a greater priorities and never before. given the scale of challenges ahead we must increase the scope of combined public and private efforts to improve climate preparedness and resilience. thankfully regulators have begun to respond to this thread and are providing guidance to network assets and operators to enhance the resilience of the assistance and you can imagine these efforts have continued. climate is not the only threat to energy systems security of the past two decades. threats have expanded passed a result of increased use of automation, government telecommunications and other electronic communication and enabled prices. the department of energy in
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coordination with others in the federal government has released a road map to achieve energy delivery systems vital security. this feature is a strategy and related milestone in the energy sector. it is an example of strong leadership which could be replicated elsewhere. you also need to look at investments. regarding investments, the energy independence and security act of 2007 made it the policy of the united states to support the modernization of the electrical grid. last year, iea policy projected the u.s. power sector will require 2.1 trillion usd between 2014 and 235 end in addition to investing in steel there needs to be greater coordination between the gas price system and
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the high and extra high voltage power to the efficiencies. this work has started. there again is the need to cooperate cooperation to better coordinate operations as well as market planning rules. and cost recovery also required and deliver reliable service to consumers. and managing liability, requiring access to balancing and flexibilities sources over wider geographic areas that mean more interconnections and despite the advantages by investments in small grid's like demand response with renewable and resilience, the market test has been slow, the market framework and regulations should
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encourage private sector investments in advanced technologies and practices. we expect 600 gigawatts of new generation capacity will be needed before 2040, and regulation also has a role and the federal government should consider these policy mechanisms. and to our key recommendations, the previous high light, with environmentalist policy and security policies, recommending the united states with the closest coordination and policies, the quadrennial manage the review process, we recommend a complete process leading to
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energy refuge annualized to reestablish a stable coordinated strategic outcome for the energy sector. the united states grasping an opportunity to set itself from secure, sustainable energy system and of course recommend the united states grasp the opportunity and address the weaknesses that are highlighted. to do so we recommend supporting the development and implementation of energy efficiency policies with emphasis on transportation of building sectors. greater durability and predictability of fiscal incentives for renewable energy in order to in maintain investor confidence and enabling development and deployment of storage through consistent regulatory framework. third this concerns the folks at the review, we have recommendations on the sustainability of the
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electricity sector. effective coordination of national policy to reduce the uncertainties which impede investment in energy and secure electricity infrastructure including transmission, distribution, small grids, renewable energy integration and climate resilience. introduce measures for greater coordination with different grid operators to facilitate integration of greater shares of renewables and optimize regional transmission investments. and articulate a clear strategy for the future diversity of the power sector including a statement of how the federal government providing long-term support for nuclear power. once again a sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to this and as i noted there has been great progress, i look forward to seeing similar or perhaps
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greater progress after another six years. thank you for your attention. [applause] >> i am executive director of the energy project, margot anderson. i want to recognize senator byron dorgan, who has been instrumental in energy policy for many decades and without your leadership we would not have any number of successes we have had over the last few decades. appreciate you being here and we love working with you. i will say one word but while you get your questions ready if you have a question with a roving microphone if you will tell us who you are and your questions that will help us out a great deal. i want to remark like everybody who has spoken hear what a difference less than a decade makes and i think about where we
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might be seven or eight years from now given three big forces which we didn't really mention, we mentioned forces under way in the energy sector, we came out of one of the worst recessions ever. on the other side less hope major implications for not only what the federal government did to help out but what the responses were on the consumption on the production side and furthermore we had a people on the an end of pennsylvania avenue. and that is another part of this. what did we get? a b plus? if it is just a difficult job, it was in something more. we take up the challenge.
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>> energy intelligence, my question to those of view how do you move towards energy and away from traditional, when we have $60 and how does that work in the u.s.? and national policy. >> the question about the u.s.. >> they are a given at the moment. when you are an oil-producing country you are happy about oil prices. it will help to recover your economic position than it has done now. on the other hand let's use this
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opportunity. and is an opportunity for a number of countries using a lot of money and subsidies and $50 billion a year. for instance, mexico and thailand and malaysia and indonesia, to at least get rid of their subsidies. why not use this opportunity to put a price on carbon. it is not the same as gasoline. many people -- putting a price on coggan in 2015 should be achieved as well. the third thing i would like to
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mention, in many countries in the world including the united states we have done a lot of energy efficiency. and fuel efficiency. let's not forget about that. and renewables. these are assets that are more important. >> pick that up for the united states as you suggested. make it very clear the relatively low prices for oil and gas in the united states are a real boom for consumers and i would say we already see some of that affect coming in. i won't get tribute to entirely to that but we certainly saw a big jump up in terms of job creation in the last month to over 300,000 so starting with that that is clearly very important for consumers and we alluded to is that in terms of
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the economy's globally as well and obviously with the relatively soft economy is in europe, china, anything that helped get that going would be good for the world economy. having said that we still are committed to going to a low carb and the future. a few points there. even as we celebrate our increased oil production and dramatically reduced oil imports we can't forget we are still major oil importer. number 2 we do not take our eyes off the ball of continuing to reduce oil dependence in three ways, efficient vehicles technologies that will allow us to do that alternative fuel, next-generation biofuels for example and electrification vehicles. we are seeing not a huge number
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but substantial penetration and increased penetration. going to renewable the efficiency, first of all we do have a large number of states that remain with strong renewable portfolio standards. that is one way of continuing the deployment. we do have it was alluded to, policies which are not economy why did as a solution murray at advocated for but different sectors like cafe standards and proposed epa rules we have a variety of mechanisms to keep pushing towards low carb and future. finally going back to the technology each land cost reduction which is absolutely
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central want to emphasize it is not oil and gas prices being low but driving down the cost of the alternatives. we are making tremendous progress on that across-the-board. i will go to the department of energy and our technology focus. maria showed the research development and demonstration portfolio at least the budget for the portfolio and that is clearly important for addressing that continued challenge we have in one year ten years 30 years to keep driving to lower and lower, then. there is the third thing i don't want to forget, deployment. that is for addressing the more immediate term and the loan program, you may not be familiar with its scale we have
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$34 billion of commitments out there. all of the above and $40 billion of remaining commitments and the chatter of a few years ago, this is a highly successful portfolio that is getting clean energy out there big time and we will continue that over these next year's and this has impact in deployment and in further cost reduction even in this decade. >> right here. right here. >> i was very interested in what you said about integrating electricity markets and in the u.s. we had fractured
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electricity system, state by state control of those systems whether they were in markets right here. i am curious what you are actually recommending. are you recommending the federal takeover or are you talking about integrating on some other level. what is practical? if you want to take a question. >> the question prompted by yourself is not about taking over because that won't held. when i compare the united states with a number of countries, the united states, a number of states, there is a similarity. to have the right interconnections between states it will be difficult to balance, that you can help each other when it is needed.
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rich and renewable to sell renewables across the board from spain to france. it is not about taking over but regulating what regulators can do and the federal government can do. time to have something in place that anchorage is this kind of cooperation so you can balance not only within your state but on a regional basis. on a regional basis -- what you mentioned about the market between canada the united states and mexico it is where you have imports and exports of a time. with nordic countries having a lot of hydropower exposing it to northern europe. sometimes in northern europe there's a lot of -- exporting it through northern countries so this kind of mechanisms are very important to solve their
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problems. >> the united states, there is this set of different regulatory structures various boundary is that do not match physical realities. state regulatory authorities that need to be addressed. they need to be addressed. we need solutions within this system. we also have another challenge, in different parts of the country business structures a utility's and how would you structure simple tax incentives, they are irrelevant to another class of utilities. what we are doing in the
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quadrennial energy review is focus on states and regions, and carried out 14 regional meetings going around the country. we very firmly believe regional solutions are important. we can do some things to enabled that through technology. for example through the recovery effort, had a massive push on deployment. now we have to integrate those tools located at the regional operators to take full advantage of that but the other thing is we need to have flexibility and i will end by saying in the proposed epa rule for existing
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plans, flexibility to states and regions to work together is absolutely central to deconstruct. in the draft rule, which is proposed ultimately are sets of targets appropriate to different states, realities, but then the idea is now you figure out a way to meet those targets and by the way you may want to work regionally. we will be doing what we can, sometimes through our convening power to enhance those regional solutions. >> the secretary has something important. i will go over ear and start let's go right here.
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>> you mentioned counterparts in terms of integrating energy data, and creating a better investment climate particularly in mexico that was discussed at the meeting. >> the answer was yes. i will add a couple more words. first of all the reform in and of itself is critical for the investment environment but it was more than that. there is another example of integration, two other examples of integration that were raised, one was integration in terms of emergency repairs and response which could be a very valuable
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initiative. not easy. for example even with superstorm sandy the canadiens stepped forward to provide important assets. there were problems at the border. the issue is how to prepare for that. are you positioning waivers and stuff. that is one. another one which came -- was raised by our mexican colleague was a strong interest in working together on human capacity development, the work force that we all need to and potentially the mobility of that workforce of around one is much more integrated energy sectors. >> on that note let's thank our panel. thank you so much. i want to get you out on time. thank you for coming, appreciate it. [applause]
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