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tv   Senate Session  CSPAN  January 6, 2015 12:00pm-6:01pm EST

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hill today, intel newspaper their writing the path to a third term as house speaker for john boehner is not going to be easy. a block of at least 15 conservative lawmakers will vote today to deny him his third term as speaker of the house. more than it doesn't who organized the botched coup attempt two years ago. just before the vote, a number of defectors was building. tea party congressman announce a facebook you would not be voting for john boehner along with several others. in recent history no sitting speaker is seen to be defections from his or her own party in the first vote of the new congress. live pictures now from the senate floor as the senate is about to doubt open. the 114th congress. -- is about to gavel in the 114th congress.
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the vice president: the senate will come to order. the senate will come to order. the chaplain will lead us in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. almighty god, lord of our lives and sovereign of our beloved
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nation, as we begin this 114th congress, guide our lawmakers, old and new on the right road. we confess our need for your supernatural power to provide them with insight, innovation and inspiration to solve the problems we face. lord, give to our senators uncommon guidance as they seek to do what is best for this land we love. enable them to develop a slow exploratory wisdom. neither of the heart only nor of the head only, so that they will act with an integrity that will
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bring them to your desired destination. may they not run from disquieting considerations but instead claim your promise that the truth will set us free. we pray in your omnipotent name. amen. the vice president: please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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the vice president: the chair lays before the senate one certificate of election to fill the unexpired term and the certificates of election for 33 senators elected for six-year terms beginning january 3 2015. all certificates the chair is advised are in forms suggested by the senate or contain all essential requirements of the forms suggested by the senate. if there is no further objection -- if there be no objection, the reading of the certificates will be waived and they will be printed in the record. if the senators to be sworn will now present themselves to the desk in groups of four as their names are called in alphabetical order, the chair will administer the oath of office. the clerk will read the names of the first group. the clerk: mr. alexander of
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tennessee. mr. booker of new jersey. mrs. capito of west virginia. mr. cassidy of l.a. -- mr. cassidy of louisiana. the vice president: please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this oath of obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose
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of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will call the names of the second group. the clerk: mr. cochran of mississippi. ms. collins of maine. mr. coons of delaware. mr. cornyn of texas.
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guy. the president pro tempore: don't you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and dome stick that you will bear true faith and lee janes to the same, that you take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, shop you god? the group: i do. the president pro tempore: congratulations.
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the president pro tempore: the clerk will read the names of the next group please. order in the senate, please. the clerk will read the names. the clerk: mr. cotton of arkansas mr. daines of montana mr. durbin of illinois, mr. enzi of wyoming.
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the vice president: please raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will call the names of the next group. the clerk: mrs. ernst of iowa.
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mr. franken of minnesota. mr. gardner of colorado. mr. graham of south carolina. the vice president: please raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose
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of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will call the names of the next group. the clerk: mr. inhofe of oklahoma. mr. lankford of oklahoma. mr. markey of massachusetts. mr. mcconnell of kentucky.
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the vice president: please raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will read the names of the next group. the clerk: mr. merkley of oregon.
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mr. perdue of georgia. mr. peters of michigan. mr. reed of rhode island. the vice president: please raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you takthis obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do.
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the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will read the names of the next group. order in the senate, please. the clerk: mr. are issue of idaho. mr. roberts of kansas. mr. rounds of south dakota.
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mr. sasse of nebraska. the vice president: please raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations.
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the vice president: the clerk will read the names of the next group. the clerk: mr. sessions of alabama. mrs. shaheen of new hampshire. mr. sullivan of alaska. mr. tillis of north carolina. the vice president: please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic;
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that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god. the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations. [applause]
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the vice president: the clerk will read the names of the next group. the clerk: mr. udall of new mexico. mr. warner of virginia.
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the vice president: please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god. the group: i do. the vice president: congratulations. [applause]
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the vice president: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: mr. president could we have order. the vice president: the senate will come to order please. the senate will come to order. the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i suggest the absence of a quorum. the vice president: the absence of a quorum having been suggested, the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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the vice president: a quorum is present. mr. durbin: mr. president? the presiding officer: durbin: mr.
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president?the vice president: mr. president, the democratic leader is necessarily absent. i'll be acting in his stead until his return. the vice president: also noticed. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i have a resolution at the desk and i ask for its immediate consideration. the vice president: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 1 informing the president of the united states that a quorum of each house is assembled. the vice president: without objection, the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: mr. president move to table. the vice president: without objection. pursuant to senate resolution 1 the chair appoints the senator from kentucky, mr. mcconnell and the senator from illinois, mr. durbin, as a committee to join the committee on the part of the house of representatives to wait upon the president of the united states and inform him that a quorum is assembled that the congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make.
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mr. mcconnell: mr. president i have a resolution at the desk and i ask for its immediate consideration. the vice president: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: s. res. 2 informing the house of representatives that a quorum of the senate is assembled. the vice president: without objection, the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the vice president: without objection. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the vice president: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: s. res. 3 to elect orrin g. hatch, a senator from thethe state of utah, to be presidenpro tempore of the senate of the united states. the vice president: without objection, the resolution is considered and agreed to.
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mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider. mr. durbin: i move to table. the vice president: without objection. the vice president: please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god. mr. hatch: i do. the vice president: congratulations. [applause]
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the president pro tempore: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask for its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: s. res. 4 notifying the president of the united states of the election of a president pro tempore. the president pro tempore: without objection the amendment is considered and agreed to.
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mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the erk will report. the clerk: s. res. 5 notifying the house of representatives of the election of a president pro tempore. the president pro tempore: without objection, the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 6 expressing the thanks of the senate to the honorable patrick j. leahy for his service as president pro tempore of the united states senate and to designate senator
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leahy as president pro tempore emeritus of the united states senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 7 fixing the hour of daily meeting of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is read and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 8 electing julie adams as secretary of the senate. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the
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resolution was agreed to. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is agreed to. please raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to ter, so help you god. the secretary: i do.
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mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: the majority leader. project i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 9 notifying the president of the united states of the election of the secretary of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 10 notifying the house of representatives of the election of the secretary of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the
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resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 11 electing frank larkin as sergeant at arms and doorkeeper of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 12 notifying the president of the united states of the election of a sergeant at arms and doorkeeper of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution is agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask
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its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 13 notifying the house of representatives of the election of a sergeant at arms and doorkeeper of the senate. the president pro tempore: without oection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was good. mr. durbin: i move to able. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i have a reducing at the desk and i ask its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the erk: s. res. 14 electing laura c. dove of virginia as secretary for the majority of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. durbin: i have a resolution at the desk and i ask for its immediate consideration. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 15 electing
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gary b. myrick of virginia as secretary for the minority of the senate. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is considered and agreed to. mr. durbin: mr. president, i move to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. the president pro tempore: pursuant to public law 95-521 appoints patricia mack bryan as legal counsel for a term of service to expire the end of the 115th congress. the clerk will report will report the resolution by title. the clerk: s. res. 16 to make effective appointment of senate legal counsel. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is agreed to. mr. durbin: i move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. the president pro tempore pursuant to public law 95-5121
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appoints morgan j. frankel as deputy legal counsel for a term of service to expire the end of the 115th congress. the clerk will report the resolution by title. the clerk: s. res. 17 to make effective appointment of deputy senate legal counsel. the president pro tempore: without objection the resolution is agreed to. mr. mcconnell: i move to reconsider. mr. durbin: move to table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i send en bloc 11 unanimous consent requests and the motion to consider the adoption of these requests and they appear separately the in the record. before the chair rules hide i'd like to point out these requests are routine and done at the beginning of each new congress.
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mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the president pro tempore: minority leader the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: today is an important day for our country. many senators took the oath this afternoon, 13 for the first time and a new republican majority accepted its new responsibility. we recognize the enormity of the task before us, we know a lot of hard work awaits, we know many important opportunities await as well. i'm really optimistic about what we can accomplish, but but i'll have much more to say about that tomorrow. for now i just want to welcome back all of our returning members, i want to congratulate the many new ones, and i want to say a word about our colleague from nevada, senator
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reid is a former boxer he's tough, i know he'll be back in fighting form soon enough. we all wish him a speedy recovery and i wish is very best to all of you. enjoy the ceremonies tomorrow -- today, and tomorrow it's back to work. i yield the floor. mr. durbin: mr. president? the majoritythe president pro tempore: the minority leader. mr. durbin: i'm happy to report senator reid is making a speedy recovery from his new year's day run-in with some exercise equipment. his face and ribs are still sore he's eager to get back to work. we met with him this morning and i know that we can expect him back in the senate very soon. in the meantime it's my privilege on behalf. democratic caucus to welcome our old colleagues back to work and to welcome our new colleagues and their families to the united states senate. i also want to wish leader mcconnell as he takes up the
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new duties of majority leader the very best. everett dirksen was a senator from illinois who served as republican leader of the senate from 1959 to 1969. he famously said -- and i quote -- "i am a fan of fixed and unbending principle. the first of which is to be flexible at all times." end of quote. that may sound comical even contradictory but senator dirksen's ability to be firm on factics and, produced legislation such as the civil rights act of 1964 one of the greatest achievements in our nation's history. i'm sure we remember that with fondness around pride. the american people need for us to work together to solve problems and create opportunities and for their sakes let us all try to remember that what we are about is honorable compromise. the constitution of the united states and the senate itself are the results of just such a
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compromise. one of the -- one other point 100 years ago this week, an american industrialist stunned the world announced he was going to start paying his double the average and cut their work hours. that was henry ford. he committed to pay his workers a minimum wage. as we begin this new congress let us dedicate ourselves to the working men and women of america, the taxpayers of this country, the men and women which we so producedly serve. i hope that we will show flexibility and principle. we can't solve america's challenges with the same old thinking. we have to address the problems with mutual respect and a positive attitude and i look forward on this side of the aisle with working with senator reid and my colleagues to achieve that end and congratulations to leader mcconnell. mr. mcconnell: i thank my friend the assistant majority leader. we are anxious to get to work here and in that regard i ask unanimous consent that it be in order for the energy and natural
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resources committee to meet on january 7 tomorrow, for the purpose of hearing testimony on the keystone pipeline, that the meeting be chaired by senator murkowski with senator cantwell as ranking member, that the following senators not currently serving on the committee be considered members of the committee for the purpose of this meeting. senators daines, cassidy gardner, capito hirono, king and warren. i further ask that the meeting be considered to comport with all senate rules related to the conduct of committees and the customary and authorized expenses be permitted. the president pro tempore: is there objection? mr. durbin: under the traditions and rules of the senate all the committees are organized in a resolution which we anticipate will be offered tomorrow for the committee structure of the united states senate. i say to the majority leader we will continue this conversation in a positive manner in an effort to come up with a
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mutually agreeable approach to considering this legislation and others but for that reason i must object. the president pro tempore: objection is heard. mr. mcconnell: mr. president if i may let me say nobody's rights would have been in any way impaired by knowing forward a day earliy. we're going to pass the committee resolutions tomorrow. we all know that one of the things the senate is best at is not doing much, and i hope we can work this out so we can get started. everyone knows the first measure that's going to be up is going to come out of the energy committee. i would say to my friends on the minority side it will be open for amendment why don't we get started? so hopefully senator murkowski and senator cantwell can work through this and we can get going and do the people's business. we're anxious to get started.
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the president pro tempore: order in the chamber. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i have a resolution at the desk. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 18 making making majority party appointments for the 114th congress. mr. mcconnell: i ask its immediate consideration and send the resolution over the rule and object to my own request. the president pro tempore: objection is heard. the resolution will go over under the rule. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent that instanting the adjournment of the senate the record be kept open until 4:00 p.m. today for the introduction of bills statements and cosponsor requests. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to
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s. res. 19 which was introduced earlier today. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report. the clerk: relative to the death 6 edward w. brook iii former united states senator for the commonwealth of massachusetts. the president pro tempore: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to and the motion to reconsider considered made and laid on the table. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i understand there is a bill at the desk and i ask its first reading. the president pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: s. 1, a bill to approve the keystone x.l. pipeline. mr. mcconnell: i ask for a seconds reading in order to place the bill under the calendar under the provisions of rule 14 i object to my own request. the president pro tempore: is heard. the bill will receive a second reading on the next legislative day. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent that when sentence
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completes its business today it adjourn until 9:30 a.m. january 7 following the prayer and pledge, the morning business be deemed expired the journal of proceedings approved to date and the time for the two leaders reserved for their use later the day. following any leader remarks the senate proceed to a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for ten minutes each, further that the senate recess from 12:30 until 2:15 to allow for the weekly conference meetings. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. mcconnell: if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask unanimous consent that it adjourn under the provisions of s. res. 19 as a further mark of president to the memory of the late senator edwin william brooke, iii of massachusetts, following the remarks of senator udall for 15 minutes and senator merkley for 15 minutes. the president pro tempore: without objection. mr. durbin: mr. president i suggest the absence of a quorum. the president pro tempore: without objection.
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the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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gein h tm inla. byhainheul t 11hene w aeo coir6uds. ab tonrmuds. inactonrm me dg tn aodn cgrs nc98 e 1thones ao nfme93 ecuve nonaon in01 tos sie 20. th i irebl cng anitas aolutecsa ti. t aoedo enreer poriti ith sat atol-oliziocod veeerent ith setedoed o ror. ats ytrgl uehe
1:20 pm
w joty lde toonnu thchge apt iovbe itlls mt jicl apineso cfiedy a straig mory ve. drg h t ctiehe ogss w meas cgrs d op t rtf o opedefmsthe srtf th cgrs. yo w h wchhi seteryoegla i t laew yrs kws wti eobedyysncon vedlore 2im. 8 tes jt or tas oea. tout tt ierecve t sete vednlore oy 3 tis t 5 yrsft t ru w aptn91 weantonnu dn ts pa. e uredeed u o t fibuer ath pcera ctsy bh pti h evte t satro
1:21 pm
geintsoron th sateeo rur to sisrilraic a ncons dibate y jotaanod wn fibuer wear a paisshas t nma bie trose re ansnur rolio oveomnsseefms th wlesrehees adio o t sat a alwt t cdu tuses th t arineoe eec weavne gl,heere a tajitr t mirio ge t arin op theovnmt ty exctnd der. geren tt wks ai bor we st ain we co ts th rpe f einit whesct f dierg in o vwnd wi rpe fhihaer bu mtfllwi rpe
1:22 pm
rheeoe wen uer eig thae tul a th binngf aew cgrs is spoedyisrynd b th cstutn. tie 1econ 5 iser ea tene cdo a en i rest tegni ofewones by aime mariot th i kwn ashe cotitialptnndts ll ned itaseese nersim ofnitiptinuprt siehe cturosi w adte 17. iilncdeor daid styny fl stentf eecd. th iotus aut res itbo nms a tdion of tene. th he claednd t ig o tilusrs nehe se00ur
1:23 pm
boid he udhe res r otrtind n dbt th he tir rso. bui n'thkhemeca pelearbo tt. eyonanisryesn oresnnaramta ocur th wt gerenth i irth ireonlend th wks iop tt ly cleue pealheewenor veerus csiraono fo. weoot nd to w ery giateromatn ve, bu weeto he aea ba anperosso enreerectll t easteleriv by th wld we cng t reegdi nonaon th w a iorntta. buitas tegni n end slleeo ror t sete res a isk anou csehay fl aten bncdeinhe
1:24 pm
cos if rd. e esin oic: tht jeio s oer. .da: m psint i konntorenor fnk toe aed a a cpoor t sete rolio-- e esin oic: tht jeio srded mr ullani elth oo mrereyr.rede? e esin oic: e narro ogos regned mr mkl: an y mrpridt. dawereeratheta of aew cgrs, a eryew ngssrodehe pounyor fsh srtn eor wo obelfhe
1:25 pm
amic ppl ngtutiso oew elte mbend coralaon to oetni ecd mbe. d i aroia a ts me he t srt of a wwoea cgrsha w poerow me ts stutn rkorhe amic ppl wkel thuronitiol amor a oesnsily r aicndonnt o nonaon wo wl tmsf o reonbityoreglaon atil arehe bsss fangur nio sie am hen00 is be a paseoority coeae fm w mic olag fm wexo ca he om tou. ce he omheta oron b wh morsow th sat wke myea
1:26 pm
fo wn i fstam he a ier in 16. d mtayacin t 19'shiodord ry mu i tanrhane mitntipe. ail wut fwa. er w nilusrf a moonoroed eil webed a oufenorwod be rey clpoherede ofhe sato smihe amdmt. oerasaldn fst th andntasebed th andntasebed a ho pioofimitas vodn ahe t sats wodie fhepptuty t est tex andnt wh iawn 29 wn ce cker a u. sat was vy dfent cmb. haerhe lg piof
1:27 pm
meoue snt datg whilo dat thmoono pce wld b fibuer, eou wte e eneyf tsnstuon no unelngnt t coleti o an iue a h btddsst,utimy herodulssf etr weoi tta ba o aarcur bl. isittiaserin enbsvey t arin bl. e eranubc'stm f rnstuonas dlid ealyveheaseval cashearysfhi initiohancas. seerf cgrs ror thheas t cgrse ha bnmoheea prucve i merisry oewmemesetng
1:28 pm
coided palysveft ail h co t for wch amdmt to are fst o my fibte fibuer n o t tef olinhi satou la aio o a bl b hoinor alo ais engi wldnae mr h totan tslond cry rt bu fibte oheilt ki tinin wchhe is silyn oeconolong baut tnhi cmb i fied whilceecse n on h athgef toayn itnd nneoi t snd eim a erg tve cle t arin op i'henhilo sakg at lgtecsean t octhil aouabittoheubc inhaason norapanc sohe senilusras
1:29 pm
co hnthi hl. we tt' a vyifre setehath satof t mi19'sanneha llgurone mic a i eetmid thae. esrehihaer tei a gatelerivod beusweanavalhe inreinolyde ihe wod,eanav ctaly ingh o hak tng rk bte t tacneor ts dyoondehode is bren tn ctalyho ilitie a n p iohe stpptutyrawo. maol wne' bn detihe fctnatyf eeneave sd,ut remb, w grg
1:30 pm
shgthoaith t na suleoong saer inth wds sinth t sfctnnd palisfhe na isus ect t w wesnetoe. ats ctaly aisadg t cmettbued to orasngn. or whito w rerng toheacha teneas degn whhe cstutna amor o s yrs o a irofhe mbe ratg evywowo yrs ahaerha waleed iirtlbyhe stesatr tn pul elti ueran tt thi wodiv i mehae thghulnd rleiv ohe su ttomefehe naon no tshoughtlns, ts ilyoai rleios in ftxalyha tene oue. 'sheuatihaedo th sateiesib a e wldrees
1:31 pm
debeti by. bu tilusr a tbu i he cnghand rtnl tnali ohe miri a t mory b leutormemes i tel fhi aavhe deteho hehaed at anihi tt' wt exdeamto sd earlyn th htof o nio sdha t rlpeti of tilusr qte- so earsshe misttioesoyhe engyfovnmt,o bstu t pase, pre,ndrt psilsf a siifan tbunt o coupun the rul cionof aesctle mari." athre,sn tthawe edoesre i tsod eegarelerio a cion o rpeab mari. yono tssllarf isycf a doccy
1:32 pm
whhiten ve fn didu tt tyee reec wt ndsoe de in o niondho didusom t tshaer dhe pce t he agda a tt jnd ift' rtf e- a ttens, ift'ar barsa jotyoaz and a os iasetesdnd tse ea ttord wl ce ke aho ias tt wke or c b tow ome b tshaer ahaer iocd i rasi tt clef tti 'd a cizs vin f a si a hinse t vionmpmeednd ttes ok. anth iuche w a no alanr hilnenonay th wn t mory mt nfm t t sie oth minoriheonquce i an i qteteou day
1:33 pm
ntua nottisnd true ctetie eomon t pliomomesfhe puicoo" ihi tasxaly wt ha sn oucfn ts amr. whheit bnear in crg he oer pty crg iss t ptar. thde tt qyut aor wh wer i t mory e pti fwa i t miri. w,sn tthe ttf etr ia iinac degn f t gd hi initioraerha t vaagofheomt. r sat is bke e eraneoenoha s oesnsily a seto t wk t cngha anth i whe sule a fl dat n ang t meer oheesdeow
1:34 pm
to ebl ts cmb wk beer thedehodom fm t rit tisde fm e lt he ale iasn rtrspetenolags bo sesf t ale bau ai ts sul't be aut thdvta of tomt. sul b aut t suesuluniofur beve sat onofhehas avee inhe- e thingsha weav sn heoue o th bke sat o faurodeaty dpof ou alif vi a coen uerhe cstutn. atesnsily,s digd b a ccknutges teia ninioro t pridt. ino digd b aay r ooealrah t gornnt- at ihe ngss tee syemiclyndmi oer anesf e geren be it tudia oethe
1:35 pm
exute. soeeeav a telnd stat wondeng nonaon a tterin salnpa iheoue toinond ptin naref dibatnser er tasew yrs t chae tt. an ieeeteedorrd a ar aovbe t tt ru tbe aeoloebe mtomatnsit sileajit the rulha bn qte sptala. e nbe dtrt jge whav bn csirenhi oof ts cmb he me anouedas aosried trle juci vanesavbe c inal trel iornto fr anapleudia. exute ninioouly
1:36 pm
dole ithodot bhe gl thhaer ehe t jotyrheinit t dibl t ecuve bnc b evti t pitnsro infieditnhe exuterah. a mory ss tt a pso iseanae,he tt miti sulroed petisl setodand iavut foar aheot soti tt in kpi thhe pkafdeha he wken01nd 13 soe' psein tsede agner i0. ty eougent i f op tutorrdhe ea iivuaseto t ad tirde o tut rwd didu cpont th wlonibe t ts alue onofhedehaweee- d wle oergohi dy-s t cat pce
1:37 pm
onde rehaest e ar o eh listi seioetleay o adesngha sceurnt weav no pteoui t be aeo hd aebebo whe sat fctns ecd lle t csir t pete csiraonf mt nonaon no t rehaeha w ma cpl yrsgo wl, nomb aea a - a w soid borhaom mor chge i tin i jua 20 ttamutf tebe st t yrsgo wl, os jua01haes there eirg. theimin axpin do ttoe ay. bu sul tsee apt a rtfhe sndg res th tn spl t sndg orrs wchxpeit an oones ahi ia is t ehe
1:38 pm
list o t mioto ocd listi. in autowhias and. yak a0-ar pio twn 13 a98 a0-ar ri tt erashe rs ceer a tn, er we-ntn,he we 1imhatheas a fibuern mioto ocd. ou te 10 yrsro rohl00 t 22ha nber son uobo60 me an tfo iree he rasi oetng blso e foro beisss. dhy sulhe fibueratlln a coerce cmiee ifheouas p fwa a eandasdtnd t se bi h bn pse byhe nasn icoon sseo enleelatn fm eh amroee tetr or ou cpris meom mes irome inhiroduuthe is chororto bon
1:39 pm
th. ac iasysfihe i me he i 29 whe wen'coerceomtts inn. an air i hrd walon 'sasror ceshas o mmte t goghe foal a ty t worut mein - a t tor o meinbendhe sne bu tn i aedor eson t aweece, cae trehrte tt ar ruid, ahr wch ab ailusrndha pa rlpalys i'tort. les gidf t fibte ononree cmiee d ctaly we mt iro oo dat b eurg enen c b irocend bad. einit h sdnect yeshath a dp saangeo tm,utan te y aemr t evus mory,t w a didvtaoajitemrs el nbjt ae to
1:40 pm
dete-ntdu a dat amdmts de ctalyusepce thilt fibteit t lkg fibteha thesrapancnd cotali the uf isnsumt falasge ofil t uotet ts oorni pa. t u n ctienutil fr oones theex les te ts menf pouny srt ohi pa toesri t u. naebinhe wld easteleriv by. rhe bteen ofur abit a nio toddss e g iueefe u an yr.rede. thpridg fir:he natasdjrnnt 9: a.omro a ds fth mkfescto eemy oheatseto
1:41 pm
1:42 pm
1:43 pm
1:44 pm
>>owre yo hopeouav agod . ig cdy hoar yo? hi, ryalie. how eyou >>e regngoge a
1:45 pm
tu i aru itas te. [aubl cvatns] >>otnen t? l ht >>y es >>haou
1:46 pm
nae vsaon] >thk u mu. ne su > llac. ne to so
1:47 pm
aprdaaby. snd ghtn e mileok an get th osi a yoco or he. tcd tkee oh,ka reat tmeka yousemy eath y lluprtnd denth cotiti othuned at agns a emi ren andomeicth y il barue itan leano e meth y ta tsblatonrey, who a mtarervio rpse oeviondha uillnfahfly dirghedutsf e offe onh u e bo t te s hp u d? > d >no oubot
1:48 pm
>>ka llje. hoaryodog? odo e yo youant eectheoa? e don y ef hdnd isyo rhtananreat teme doo smn eath y wi ptndenth nstuoofhenid stat ait a emi foig desc;hayo w be tritan algic to e me tt u ta tblatn ee itouny alesvaon opos vaonanth yo llwe a fthll dichgeheuts oth oiconwhh you a outo eerso hp u d? io. cgrultis wveone er bor u mpsoake e.
1:49 pm
> eyjo. w reou ing goto s aa. >>yaugte rh. >howol are ty? >>hearfint. >>om o > ngtution jf. at butul fail
1:50 pm
san w y? gd. musnd,om >> kom ho werou odo e yo ou hldthibdell teentmt. wl cte mi a ound eyvryy. meou. eyriar h ao t ouefthdnthe ble d isyo rhtan ou lelywe tt u llspo aefd e onitioofthuned stteagnstllnees foei aomti tt u lleatr itan lean t e mett u kehiobgaonrey, who ant rerti orurpefvaona tt u llelanfahfly scrgthduesf e ffeniyo a outo t:o p y g?
1:51 pm
> wi. >>o ubiny d. >ho haveyee >>'mod. >>oure goo [iudlecoertis] iee switinbewe myusndndy ce priden an yu. thk u ch yoreo kd cl econig. an y
1:52 pm
> eatoeeoua h e? i ts i >>w eouoi? >>'moi l. oy rseou rhtand douolnl sarhayo iluoranfe te cotiti othuned tasgnsalenie forgnaomti tt u ll artrai a alleiaeto t se;atou ta ts liti fel wiouamenl seat rpos o evio a tt oul wll anfahfly dihagethduts t ofce o wicyoreabt t:so p u d? >> . nou aut.
1:53 pm
udlecoertis me, yuons si. let's lith . >>owar u? as ur ne? w d ou? >>ix h, guy what iyo ne? odo eo oh kay, uwoir snd ghinfron shstied re o. 'vgoolo up p. re
1:54 pm
ta caof and, rl atheea j i kwut kecae. ni tee ouys >>has. ppcitet. i'nodog eexe. i ndoi t. y, u e. 'sarofheob. jpeer e. [iudleconertis] >wh eaufuldre hs aodanev tug 's oct
1:55 pm
ystd tidde. hasothg coon. y hol ib tyca puhile hd anrae s rgh w llreac this doolelywe tt u llsuortndfe t cstutn e it statain a emi i dmeicth y lleaue fthnd leane t se;hayo ta isliti fel tht nymealesvaon puosof esi; d at ouil llndaifuy scrgtieofhe fi on hiou e outo nt so lp y g? ia. dbt odo eou arig. >>onor >>has urn i keerna joe. gman.
1:56 pm
>tw reic oe > ceomeou >>erwe g. tsismpgntm, caaimager >>oo seou. ig le il y guydi aea job >> tha y. o m >>eyma wt'yoa
1:57 pm
isis isntt? iss eay ristf. [aubl cvtis] h auyo an rhtn e md put ur lft hd othbie
1:58 pm
d isyo rht nd. yu nlswr atou ilspo afe t nstuonf e it stesgastllnees foigandost; atou ilbr tefah d aliae theam tt u ak thiblatn ee tht y alesvaon pse o esi; d at yowi wl anfahfly scrgthduesf e oficwhh y a outo eer shp yogo ye i . i sad >mrvi esen [iublonertns
1:59 pm
in knth, m. odo e grulio. indieonvrsis] ce l'seect ts. puyou le hd tib d isyo rht h.
2:00 pm
a le ouikme oyouolemnwe tt u wi soranfe t cotiti othuned ateagns a emi igd dost; atou llea te itan aegnctohe mehayo keisbligiofrly tht y mealesvaon purpe asn;ndha yowiel a itul scrgthduesf e oficnhiou a at enr:oheouod > i do iamsogl y e he. seit >> ed g, comon i edu. >>e' gt cchpit ou sie. anony
2:01 pm
naib coeio] ndle nveatns]
2:02 pm
[idieoversis] tnkyou >>hewa geth sh ok m oi gin hemile ayhe w g >>llhtha y ry mu. >hay enwi isguy >>onatuti. oy. u' gngo an ihe midl urifis gin tho th bie. uwi yo fand th lerae ur ghha anreatft m doouolnlswr atou lpptndfe t nstuonfhenid atagnsalenie origan mesc;hayo wi bearruai a leiaethe me tt u kethblatn ee
2:03 pm
thtany ment rerti or puose vaon a tt yo wi wendaifuy dihaehe duesofhe oic on whh u e auto nt: hlp u d? > do. > ngtutis. naibonrsis] >>o odtoeyou. y, ndme hoarou? ceto ee u,jak u'ndom srtu. you kow dadse to l ? ue otnejo ke t bs ayroyr isr.
2:04 pm
>>ey s ae ou a lit mt u. thkou eyjnn hoareou he a y? coe youju i he. he t ofcl >> gs, okup t he sete phogph ath to [inadiertns
2:05 pm
> ou ohthand wh u? iid. u sintheide. ld t le. tylefand t bie anrae urig hd d
2:06 pm
reatfte. treatafter d y solnlswr atou wippt defndhe nitioofhenid stesagnsalemi fogn d meicth y wiarru itan algiceo tsa;hayo kes ogaonrey, tht ymtarervio rpseof esi;ndha yo wi llndaifuy dihae e tif e ofce owhch y aabt te soelpyogo i d. > outn mind > ow wve gthwho ro. > ay wiia h a y m? hirline cli' rr hoar yu es e u dnga n' briorg, in >al d'tskhe th.
2:07 pm
> w e y? w s? >>oa. h eu. > ey gotaredn uay. i tlyou what --naudie onrstis] > erdo ywa b? me om. 'sret. i' g sw ou ptu ofy dcha >>mifo t caer
2:08 pm
hgs, ileyo m anyorama. [iudle coertis >>ja w aut u d m ay co . sure witake oityo phe, oue. crs ayou kd ou aw y n goto tanethhi o. ta yur te. th inoa em iss hayday.
2:09 pm
>>'m soy. iss embrasi. >>he litle bto ma. oy,ot. >>ow rpeci. u, d. y? - ynd m d. >al geeo gs. lstimi hto ireemr i he co hff siea >alrit,erweo.
2:10 pm
ai yr igan douolnl sarhayo wi sptndefd e cotiti othuned stesagnsllnees fei adost; atou llbearue itan alegnctohesa;atou kethblatn ee tht nt rerti or prpef esi a tt u il we a fthll dihae e ti oth fi onhi uarbo t enr:o lpouod >> l ank u,ir. naudbl cveatns h evyby. > ger >>y han h e y
2:11 pm
>>e m. hoar yo > dyi, w or u. coon l'set fil cre he . [iaulenversio] >>ooto y gs. >>ha y smuc >>ictosee .
2:12 pm
>>coralans apreateter c thnk yu >>ey imiedhe oerpa ofheamy. we ha tdohieectnt marwege youll i'gog he u anon e de. yo sndigere i,ng. hoar y hore yu,ma go tseyo hold a y? 19golo yu. >>ka yooldup tble puoultha o tbl anrae urigand iwe he rht spt? doyoulelywehayo il suppt dfe t nstuonf e it stes aitllnees orgn dst; atou ll brrfah d
2:13 pm
legan theam atou tais igiofrly wiho any ml seatn puos o si;ndha oul we a fthll dihae e ti oth ofceon wchou ebo t enr:o lpouod? i > out mn reat so n eou coonet'ge n re agn. odo e ou. rht heeo. co osden e.
2:14 pm
tnkou. >>yoveot lok up t na ptoapr op tnk y a rit. ceo e uguy eu bk om i he u' ok tha u. lmenohayowa
2:15 pm
waou? odo eou >pu yo lt ndne bie,ai yrig hd d reatft m. otept te me doosolnlswrhayo ilsppt andefd e nstuonf e it statgnsllnees rgnandesc;hayo ll brruai a alegano tam atou kethioigiofrly thutanenl seatn ppofvaonanth l wl anfahfly sarg t duesf e ofce owch yar abt te sel u d? >>do. >>onatatns. [aubonaon >he m.
2:16 pm
odo e u. w e ? jo, hre yo yeow re . it goo t e yo hoar din om. tn totrsid rewe omn. >>ha yu rdogthi >>veotheene otraerp op. > w lkp er a rhtth y, gu. tnkyou h d.
2:17 pm
>>dmal >>ootoee y [aubl nveatns] >>li or ethsid yoregogo rhtn th dd. c i e midle t lft nd t ble anyoreoi trae ur ghha a i gngo ad th oaa u' gngoay i do dsemywe tt u ll spo afe t nstuonf thuned stteagns a emi renan dost; atou ilbetrai a alan te me tt u akhi obgaonfrly thutny alesvaon puosofvaon a tt yoille a fthll isar tuts ofhe ofcewhchou ebo t te lp u d? i do > db inin
2:18 pm
>>hayou >ca iripyrhe >>ur [iudleconersas gd toee y. mpveyo bme co . wee ga sathogrhe uptop ta aoo uptop >apectit an
2:19 pm
>>indie vsaon madikack >>od ve. w ldaryo >>twty. >>lligootose u th leresmin. > warouma odo eou [aublcorstis] >neto se
2:20 pm
y cdeyit ilti yha he'shawee intoo. hd ebieor yr bre yogeonyosistrsig. otr, meoneo si, ay std theidso w n t erodinhe pte. puyha tl go pu ou ft hd t ble d isyo rhtan doouolnlswr atou llspo aefd e titi oe it stesainllnees foignddost;hayo lleatr fthnd lean the se;hayo ta tsblatn ee wiounyenl seatn orurpeofevio a tt u wll ll a fthll dihae e ti othe fi on ch yarouto te s hp u d? >io. cgrulio.
2:21 pm
goosy. >>ha y, ysor bng re i ppcte ivech de gamapie? l gh he g t tat dn. we a gong toesgeth pho. eyanyoac wlhoycaf. doyou doou ik tki ctes ka no 'vgo aena otraerup .
2:22 pm
>>reweoi tut ble do cai uty marnd y tnkouuys hd oncod. >>ow kno w ns t sat thks gu w re yo dng? enjohey. nalao. >thk myusndchaie > uar goi tolthe
2:23 pm
bl anifouut y lefhaon thbie,ai yurrig. yusomn sar tt u lluprtnd denth nstuio oe it asgastllnees re adost; atou llearu fthnd lean tthsa;ha y ta hi obgaonrey, tht y mealesvaon prpe vaonanth ou wil wel anfahfly discrgtif e ficeni y a outo enr:o el u d? io. > onatatns iot srnn e ble ve tim. [aubleonvatns]
2:24 pm
> w a y, n? 's pase mtyo. hayo [iionveao] a riger wgo. >>haie ge th ag le
2:25 pm
a ig, ok uto wehaenor th >>ooharie >>has. >go. eaifl mi. go tseyougus. ni to syoman eyga. w e u,p. hoaoun? natatns trt r ftanonheib isyo rhtan ai ur g h doysolnl sarth y wi spo a denth cstutn e it tas agastllnees foigandost; atou ilberruitan aegnco tmehayo
2:26 pm
ke thisbgaonrey, itutanymel seat or po oasn;ndhat y wiwendaifuy isare t dieofhe fi owhh u e outo te she y g ia > ngatatns iave mth he. h m h a ? w a u? yove got areon m ute >>ictoeeou. ent ts m s gy. h ayo >>hyon y gs anby m toude i
2:27 pm
>>e t otraerp op >>haagrt d f u. >grt so.
2:28 pm
>>yfe. > w e u? onatatons yostd te ddif yo wod. ouole blanbi u t e he se. puyou ftanonhe ble d isyo ghand u ul do yousomn sarhayo llpp d fe t costutn thenid stsaist a emi oren adost; atou ll ar ue fthnd leane th meatou ta ts oigiofrly wiouannt rerti orusef evio a tt u ileld itul dihae e ti oth fi onchou a outo enr:oheouod? >i >>onatatns >>ha u lk rw t woinwi yo wt'ouna? w olre 13 hoolaru? 17 ow ld ayo
2:29 pm
>tnt ce or. idinhi wa. > dth h o me. >su. i. ey an,hoar yo oo s . ok reego. tes whoue . al ghtlo up t thsetehogrheisp p gd tsougu. coralaonag. >>thk yu.
2:30 pm
[aib corsio >hi go tee he, r odo eyo w ld yo
2:31 pm
11earsd. y,hanso. ho a ydg? ou wo dahr t hd tie? u mevehe. at i keoin ta ri nt ted wee in hadadu hile hd thebie ey mn, h g rdy? doou slelywe tt u lluprt a denth nstuonf e it stesgast a emi orig omeicth y lleatr fah d lean tthsa;hayo kehi liatn ee tht y nt rerti orursef asn;ndha yowi wl d itul dihae e ti oth ofcen icyoarabt enr:o lpouod doouolnlswr atou
2:32 pm
io. g le u. u' auc m >>ha yu. ohe hoar you fahe jon. heyde >co ov t se kde hoyo? go t . w areyo go tseyo m dabil lt t tss.
2:33 pm
om o sde crs,et evyby in ichyo ceher t ? okay ok tthotraerp to tree i > indie cveaon
2:34 pm
> w eu myneisic psintoe de hoar yo el n a i st swoe ur grds. ye al htelt' ce - m intouthe o one he h i ceki t y. dot veme aute >>heaith'seric i idon heimgh w tear nd. iove y. >shid tt'veicof yobui dot he me rht m hi mgra. [uger wh t ckdo ykn wh
2:35 pm
a trs n ouitut san fnccoanso nvied hemo me mtitme anon tem wa 104yea ld agatict ve er siin tli aabut fstairp facryhe ord. ra eprentgra sheork [iudle] tlyowh-- e u. 't meinincomm. tt okg dmaer. [iaublnvrsat
2:36 pm
>>ha y. ceo etou cgrulios. congralaon goto ou. ceee yo. an yveuc 's plsuo o jame >hoare yo gd s. coralio. i ngo veouta i thmilendouetn e hesid tyrlean theib d y g i a? yu semy eath y wi spo aefd e cotiti othuned stesgast a emi ren d meicth y wile trai a alaeto se;th y kets liti fel tuanment rerti urpse vaonndha you llwe d itul disarthe tif e ffe wchououto teso lp y g?
2:37 pm
>> wl. >>onattis. 'vot atoapr the. ta alook atnweilve t my. naie cvesao] hm. natao. cogrulio. >bngsbak mers m moony ft ini alrit,reouea? re g. an ay lo uy weavne mo uhe. anysouc >>thk u. cgrulions
2:38 pm
lo frwd wong wh u. ne to mt u. ni tse y. wann. >we th avsothg coon weotmaie ok, ut y ltan oth ble anrae urig hd doou semy eath y wiuprtnd fe t onitioofhenid at ainllnees foignd meicth y llbe uefah d lean t tsa;hayo te ts ligaonrey, who ant rerti orppe f asn; a tt u l llndaifuy scrgthe duesofhe f on icouarouto enr:o hp u d? >>i . >>onatatns.
2:39 pm
tan u >>o avamiy? >>hewho fmi. myol. > y,mo warou ngtuti. eatosee u mube ry vypr. brgs mmoesmy mhe fstweain-i. >>epws >>eyswti h a y owre youdo ho yo co onl'sli i yr. e u redy? ki canstig ith frt y nt. oky, rewe g
2:40 pm
oumphes t ja. ve. e w? anupop cogrlaon tnkouo mh. gdeeo ic tse y, y m v ese. gdoeeyo noo,hi is aig d.
2:41 pm
ias m awa ttigt? asonerl. hyonohdhe biend u t urefha oit an thn isou rt ana i'gog s toa yoemywe tt u wisuor aefd e cotiti oe it at ait l ems, foeiand meicth y lleruai a egnctoheam tt u kehbligiofrly who anynt rerti or pos oevsi a tt you ilwe a fthll dichgeth ti oth fen i yre outo te shp y g? do >>onatatns. hpeou eoyt mhs i do h, n. mihal, har ou ma h old yo
2:42 pm
>>igee >>igee indionvrstis] ehe ctes anyo thk u mu. >>ouetigin thidde. wh butulamy. rego e'e t t therelo u
2:43 pm
the. gat w'vgo me mi mbe cong i >>eyma atoume ge. a n,haart fil co i like ds beerha ppl ri
2:44 pm
>>vebyooup t. hee. ok, lrit. [aubnatn [inaib cveatns
2:45 pm
indileonertis] >>el iw gdt s y uy a ch hin yopiurtan. tnku. >>thko soch
2:46 pm
agrt . u w t get yo cte ten? thksorouvice. a souc go souan. [aublnatn i end wrkg wh wh y'rgorn. lo fwa twoinwi yoow uleine mile youolnlswrhayo wil ppt denth
2:47 pm
cotitn thuned a agastllnees foiganomti tt u llartrai a algiceo e sameth y ta ts liti fel wiouanmtarervio orursef asn;ndha yowi wl anfahfly scrgthduesf e fi ohi uarbo t r:shu d? >> wll cralaon >>ha y s. dad a smohe h da lme theldene. t' teey. nattis. ngtutis. tnkouthkyo alur to meetouguy el cme an bayoutandhthe xt to al rghtre o. oy. ghkaerweo. rit ere
2:48 pm
well loupop weavwe u er avene tre at gea heowre yo naibe onvsaon od tseyou, bia ok, men. re ou re
2:49 pm
oky. ayup . llthnku gs. >>ne m tdo se. ts pt t rt ou cl. >ho dre ou >>wee. gd sou ygus ge rhtn te dd. me lo top t geat d 'm g y'r eoyg i
2:50 pm
ave atstof th d. tnkou >>ootoeeouuy [iibonveao] [idieonrsio]
2:51 pm
ay gystired t? >>hiisilliyes >>heokhets ? an haeow yoar i go toee w eyou congtuatns llig u got t st gh u t urefhaon t blanrae ur ht anta tatgawere gngo t ga o?
2:52 pm
yo lelyweth y lluprtndefd e nitioofthe it atagnsllnees feindomti tt u wl br ueaitan lean tthsa; atou kehi oigiofrly wiouanmealervio ppo ovaonanth uile a fthll dihae e ti t ofce nwhh u e auto te s hp u d? io. >coralao. hom owarou? m ide. woerlto e. coralaon a ea d. >>y so did. >moyou andt toe. me o govehe. ishakay hi bb. r ?
2:53 pm
ow are yo? ll rit. ok wve t e tp. c tneof eouof us? nai cveao]
2:54 pm
m eareo etou tnk u. eareti . h ore ? 15ihomo s b f. [iaubl coeio] hy, ma
2:55 pm
u'gong told eib fou wl yo le hd t brae ourt ha yoveottit. yoarbegwo. i'eangou agn. le hdon tib ut yr lfthd n e bie,ai y rigt hd. u ominerend t gh inhe midl. e uea? ree go doosemy ea tt u wisuppt d fe t cotiti e it stteast l ems, foigandesc;hayo wi bar te itan lean ttham tt u ta ts obgaonrey, wiouannt rerti orursef aonndha yowi wlndaifuy scrgthduesf e fi owhh yoar outo enr:o lpyogo >> w. >>coralaon
2:56 pm
nadie nrstins hmoowar yu? >>h imy sr. >>i,say hru? , ni. w e u? hida hi cl t'sgsoof ssit kw ma doc b les lae isut ay, ok tu
2:57 pm
plsu tmeo tn yso mh. > eavior eavior cetosee ys. >>ha u ne toee yman goo toe youai an thide. yoargog gb e b rae rrighand ea? yu somn sarhayo wi pptnddendhe cstuon ohenid stteast a emies orig aesc;hayo wl beatr fai a lean tthsa;hayo ta tsliti fel wihoan mealesvaon ppo o esi; d at u llwe anfahfly scrgthduesf e fi owhh ure outo enr:soheyogo >> s l g.
2:58 pm
cgtulaon tnkou >anagn,onatatnso e thf y ome o sa >>y he >>omcralaonm. straerhis veapne mo utconataton w e u? dad,ootoeeyou hoeyou goto e. >> psint >>oware yo? > . ic print. h a y? ceo etou god eeou hoaryou
2:59 pm
hasyoam > ck >>ictoee yo l rghe go ok ptoapr p t
3:00 pm
tnkoverod. ngrulio. >>haou. was ce mti y. pase etgyo >ho yo? hion. hoar y? at yrnam heab hoareyo you tisomovn om si. hdhat nd en y'v
3:01 pm
gook. a co alrit. y semy eath y wi spo a denth nstuonf e it stes agnsl ems, foeind meti tt u wi betrai a lean tth me tt u kehiobgiofrly wiou a ment rerti or puose asn; a tt yow lland itul dihaeth ti oth cenwhi yo a auto enter sheyogo >> d >>onralas.
3:02 pm
>>ouavonmo t.
3:03 pm
>>indie certins naib cveatns]
3:04 pm
areu? it ne se you coralaon. wereointoutouig i eddl t urle hd bie anrae urig hd. ok y solnlswr atou lluprtndefd e cotiutofhenid at ait l ems, ren d meicth y wi bare itan leae thsa; atou kehi oigiofrly tht y tarervio ppo oevio a tt u llwe a fthll sar te ti oth ofcen icyoarabt te she y g? i. >>onatatns
3:05 pm
naib corstis] w d ayou? i 1 [iudle certns ts mmoa dad. cngtutis. >>ndmy fer-n- >>owrou coralaonto u gs. m dayoce upere
3:06 pm
t ght bwes ay t'gethseto i he. ay wereoong u t. thk u.
3:07 pm
[iudle coeio] naib conrsio] mamesecry.
3:08 pm
y a dina eangn, to? ho ao. std ghin he iddle. raise your right hand and repeat after me. actually we are not. do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic; thatou lleatr fthnd algiceo e meth y kehiobgaonrey, wioua mtarervio ppo oevio a tt yowi we a fthll dihae euts t ofcen icyoarabt enr:o lpouod io. cgrulio
3:09 pm
ay re e g how areu? cgrulio. wreou go tseou.
3:10 pm
wleav temoni eangncerenytt tangla i e o sente amr. ifyou meyf e swri-i wwi a ts te ourriete prrainon thc-an twkst ll ab avlaeon for ewg yte. weilmo ofr tsr e reniswri-it thhoe t mer hav st un rcey spke jon boneus eltetoeathhos 21 ve, usesen
3:11 pm
orinod the core. rubca a 15 oat [iudbl cveatns
3:12 pm
[iudleconrsio] [iudleonrsio]
3:13 pm
3:14 pm
naib nvsaon [iudlecveatns
3:15 pm
[iudle nrsios]
3:16 pm
naib conrsio] naiblcoertis]
3:17 pm
[iudle coneao]
3:18 pm
naib conatns
3:19 pm
[iudlenveatns naib coertis]
3:20 pm
naib cveatns]
3:21 pm
[iudle coveaton [iudleonrstis]
3:22 pm
[iudle natns]
3:23 pm
naib coertis naib cveatns
3:24 pm
[iudle nvsaon
3:25 pm
[iudleonvsaon] naibnrstins
3:26 pm
[iudbl coveis]
3:27 pm
3:28 pm
indie coeatns o naienvrstis] [iudleonrsio
3:29 pm
[iudlcoertis] [iudlecorsio]
3:30 pm
naib nvsaon
3:31 pm
[iudlcoertis] [iudlenvsaon
3:32 pm
[iudleonrsio] [iudle coveis]
3:33 pm
3:34 pm
[iudleonrsio] naie nvsaon
3:35 pm
th[iudleonrsio] naib cveatn [iudleconao]
3:36 pm
[iudlenvsaon [iudleonrsio]
3:37 pm
[iudle coveatns
3:38 pm
e naib nvertis] [iudleonrsio] naib veatns
3:39 pm
[iublonrsio indie coversio]
3:40 pm
naiboertis indie coeio]
3:41 pm
naib onvsaon
3:42 pm
[iudle nveatns [iudlecorsio
3:43 pm
[iudleonrstis] [iudle eaton
3:44 pm
naib certns
3:45 pm
naib vsaon [iudleonrsio]
3:46 pm
[iudle cvtis [iudleonvsaon naibonvsio]
3:47 pm
3:48 pm
naib covetis] [iudlevsatns
3:49 pm
naib covetis] [iudlevsaio]
3:50 pm
naib cveio] naib veatns
3:51 pm
[iudle convrsio]
3:52 pm
naibe nvsaon
3:53 pm
indie nvsaon [iudleonrsio]
3:54 pm
naib cveatns
3:55 pm
naibe nvsaon hoe ear kia i ean thoeceronl eangnf mbe. e abyhe wy v eld h pitn t spke tisfteno a lle atas lttl bi os tha eecd leer ncy elsi coins moat leer tou. ileitor he swri-i cemy s in eli taye ok wi sat ect ard r thcor- oth11 core. >>elg a lte ifis gngo ete t t
3:56 pm
t hseo o or t t seteid ia eadatoe den wea-in eorgets unrw ithnecore i intoeangobouy 5 mbs he ho le iv dy maitnit vionhior cimo e usdhe sa wret a 1 meerminoitin wemet,o 'soi tbe a eaoprtit yogea t rdo > ses tt y artang ers torer sat. indestd m th h rk f aleslive decr uldo tt an u? ia t te snd meitthsetos mt vi iodedntpele d sa hiso lan exte tonnutohe tradio ousngorrdn lodondhaissomod ew stnusldvatg fothpelecr thstte pee me goin to ey t
3:57 pm
nd any oloadgo evcty hddo etgskto folwth explheidof t cotienseic >>ouaiu nto ll hiexpl ishe aenorhost ouhibemahes r ow? iookforwtoorng thpeoe,eblanan moatonot ssth aie. 'venbltooron er eicnc lslion coin thciewo wh then mbe kjoh -- ffy an wmu wrk d oreoe aos tuny. >>nd hatosk partof te coro leti ilus urellowseti l entt he svedsha oth moat satiacaai mmite scot w hij tk widefng y con
3:58 pm
whs urreltishac >>ftmiel bne we fod waweouork geergo e f cora. in ft he wl besctie ow t alean en weiava odorng laonip ad ool tre wi b this dage th whathoprtito oothgs >we e h t qutisand omntheex teor5 nus . losnan ei f moat goorin ll: omni. queioto 4ongss th go to othngr eamecaeoe. ian deta h it acrs co godop lh g lect. wh thgtshgt, e esndroga cina
3:59 pm
itt s stbio ee lkeevytng pridt amdosron ndit sd m bau i a str d hr espele menndy hs hrti. je sif th to te a theyovelsdo ito . ht:oninwainon d e bewaa -nhi cors. > es i inwe l dogethi t vt jotyf eraneop pt ngn e ysne xopipenehapasewh ppt utfhe hse adhe enehas gng crte eca j athoan o joacro hecnt an lodondo meaty wi go wrkoi wkor e op i oun di inhatyotaabt n rm o unios imrtt rtf wte lk abutn e mpgnndat isbuinthe overe we canbprd a tinto nwa avgornn
4:00 pm
th inil theondee thpelee n coli g in a prviolios. atarthweavto blh pi e mddle ss ndgobth aoweoe aieth gosmaing rthean nd ir ireocolleandot rrabtheerheca fd hse ymt thr ileno clge. ..
4:01 pm
>>alr:nganthcrpl relaonth he dtred ouarn st vrgia >>os sat-ectarne aoph y wrk o meerthe eer d mmceomtt i t hse >>ue: hen liti visl t pte o enroen t me ree' ssg cearleha wenridro oarts t ao veoak se theegatns tou tpa d hegeie en crplgur eony [iudleonrsio]
4:02 pm
naib cveatns >>has gh [iudleonrsio ri ereron te. ww.
4:03 pm
naib cveatns >>efhaer [iudleonrsio naib cveatns
4:04 pm
[iudle cnvsaon >>hao ghtha aute
4:05 pm
[iudleonrsio] naib cveatns oralaon naib cveatns
4:06 pm
naib cveatns a rhterweo. haen -hap.
4:07 pm
>>ig hder naib cveatns
4:08 pm
naib cveatns hre y? [iudleonrsio]
4:09 pm
[iudleonrsio] [iudleonrsio]
4:10 pm
>>eo,r. sear. >>onatatns [iudleonrsio] tree . tnkou >>oue wco [iudleonrsio]
4:11 pm
naib cveatns [iudleonrsio]
4:12 pm
naib cveatns] >>al es rhthe. thk yu. >>ha yu. rit is wy. [iudleonrsio] [iudleonrsio thksmr ear.
4:13 pm
naib cveatns [iudleonrsio]
4:14 pm
aute al es gh hre [iudleonrsio naib cveatns
4:15 pm
hll h, . ear. h ao vy lltho [iudleonrsio] [iudleonrsio]
4:16 pm
naib cveatns] [iudleonrsio]
4:17 pm
>>loueer [iudleonrsio naib cveatns
4:18 pm
lkte. naib cveatns naib cveatns
4:19 pm
naibonrsio] naib nvsaon
4:20 pm
>>ll lkt taraan sme. rft. naib cveatns [iudle cnvsaon
4:21 pm
mamy. see ier okat jtfor asend no wreoi toupe >> god b. gd cko y. naib cveatns naib cveatns
4:22 pm
>> 'v g tsicre he. i'tain t g -- aute gd dl,erct >>gothe wol cte. [lghr] naib cveatns a rht et m. [iudleonrsio]
4:23 pm
naib cveatns] >>ha y sak. naib cveatns g bssyo
4:24 pm
kn. naibcoertis] wco. tnkouery mh. ka naib cveatns [lghr]
4:25 pm
[iudleonrsio] [iudleonrsio]
4:26 pm
iotit i g i naib cveatns] >>has. naib cveatns
4:27 pm
itherot. naiboertis] >>heou g y'vgoha ok, stor co. 'rgog tooat t carand sil
4:28 pm
the u . naib cveatns wcoelme >>hao >> odto sou [iudleonrsio] tnkyove mh. rht er he.
4:29 pm
n'oy, iashiin abtt. ino hi sp gh he. el. naibonrsio] >>hi ye, gher erodsqezaiteit weeot u aite.
4:30 pm
w looathe ceran ile. the ugo goo tnkou gd j od jir >>ig he. naib cveatns tnkou tnk u. naib cveatns aute
4:31 pm
av f. naib cveatns >>r. sak. indie] io seth aba lo thiut tt okay. [lghr] or nwee into nhe amonip [iudleonrsio] >> aythko [iudle cveatns tt're. d u n rht tr th'serct fish >>enylni
4:32 pm
>>ig hdpor a sco lo ae. we'gog tooathe cara stth mp. >>mongy hand- naib] [iudle cnvsaon >>aeitroer naiboertis] peec al ghel hend- naib] y'lben tide. the g
4:33 pm
yo hd t bbl ba lile b. okt m no bkov hre bkp, sme t cme. peec pfe. naib cveatns
4:34 pm
[iudleonrsio] >>oarou dog od. llolth naib cveatns oar y menotrer om o or he. naib cveatns >>ll ghnow w'ral gog lk e cer
4:35 pm
cngtutis. tnkyo ftanin on okt m okt m noweeoito lk he cara >>llyerit hre an u. the u . tnkou naib cveatns >>has, jn. >>noericga y? bkes, g g t. [iudleonrsio]
4:36 pm
[iudleonrsio] it he. okt son alig. no ooat t me a sme. rft. naib cveatns fish >>ha y. has oy. veu cgrulio. neoee yu. w eou
4:37 pm
gh hndup rit ndp. tn onfou--ov bamo ck- aute the u g lo ame al rht noweloed tama. >>llye he e. tnko itig re thk u. u'eom tnkou anyo >> wret bak- naib] >>ea >>llrit, i ki brk. naib cveatns
4:38 pm
[iudlecoertis] naib cveatns
4:39 pm
naib cveatns] [iudleonrsio
4:40 pm
[iudleonrsio] naib cveatns
4:41 pm
naib cveatns [iudleonrsio]
4:42 pm
[iudleonrsio >>oe sak jn bhn tang bak he r tis cemoalweinin the e meot o t
4:43 pm
hoelr,we epe isto remefthovo a ncde . ehr dabeaha "t n yk me cls a emrrsi cllge h earsp dafrele nsvave th sry syswooz puics teagns e spke dinhiomha wh sulha bn dof phiaorheary. ilwe wt rhepeerto tu, 'l harrbaar coto, aew mmb o ngssreblanro viin >>os ocatolil fm caon byepseate-ec baaromoceplin viins. les lkbohivo f thpeer ho d ylatovo? >>ue: , od rng. odo wh y. do iteovo f t ear,nde honree mein ltig a w re l lkgbo our lean ou anda f tsee weeoi teyo kow vi v qicy ise
4:44 pm
ti otheto pel th wk ic e cingth'somhi i mpgn autndald abt roho m ectn. d amn erapoatn an iraruuromtt, atils rtfha coite o, lk fwa hti trodruing is ekndyonoet op bcko wk d t ngssac t wkn rul orr avou bls ov toheenendbe csire kehe kst ppene tat jotyear monll rey ide'gog ki u qicyoo ht:onesom-ect diyoheoridou hve rsalonrsiowihe ear,ndidou hve nvsaon wthho ttre pong hm,reestave loeoeror cgrsmed ho gstwe, tulyho whweopsi h we er b tey dn'alk to- cleuero viin, rgriit w ctlly jotyeer
4:45 pm
en i sit t hse o degas,ero authis mmti o hherely ha'tee cmeaor he--amigor he ndat cin rwd. wwe ahe al foseonheorwee gin toeogth wkndhas at eonreasalng abt st ekur metg, ho wre gngo g o do eob t eran op hed uto . ht:ouavexrice rkg o pilhi. u reeglave ae f rereonesan an wlf sohiouelorhe hse veme roromtt. an y mtiedarof eviin hus deges at- w esh eernc letsftooinwi otrsp cit hll d ttg indo aou sa? gstwe, reyon a vy rtattoha a grt mtnonesan lf th wl sll b aonitnt an iyisic hs in t ntueo vrycveon maigs,oi' tild ate gngotaso
4:46 pm
ti oha iornt isu d ioo fwaoorng wi h oha isu ihk hveyo ow l retishs rkgit pele rllcrs t sl annofth popha i m wiv rima hliyswa corewon-ecdeie dielwhs fe of ne d 'r gngo orngon yo wan adsh ogm at itaedin viin aa dneor e st wye lcay rgiaandow wa to pa tnd he he wme cgrs rkit now cetyog wennged inears resheels. ca t yacwh i woednhe hlsnde' ren tan oi ilngnd fstwoedor ngssn lf caon 1 beevit s,no in nn 36, a 26nd i vethghabt nng mylf i s rkg r l t me a wenhoreup he dog grt jb,utth wa'tomhii out ou a soow wt tal
4:47 pm
to oerouom aut h thanse emlvin adsh resotju in gornntbuin bins, dinescncnd chlo whh vympta diri. i lokg rwdo bin ab t ctieotf t rkidn t steus wihtecouny ai oubuneomniou fee mmit th cmiee hve flt loof t wrkha i d the steus 'mloin rwd bnggha exriceo rkor cotien. ht:ndhyreho su, ua o poan tyo dtrt? >>ue: llyokn j ehe nbe o su jo a t eonys we arov a bov roho t ectn ts ar anpelewahis enoo t gn d treaveesoan ll tt veeeu siininheoe t setore rus a u annowear gngoa thpptuty lo iptin blsi
4:48 pm
e ysne ppene keob fo o vers o aomg ck aa smualt a soucabittoto cme woan fxalewo wh oute cmuty veee v iol whth nohe vrgia thnog unl,'v bnmeer i s t aian o--ha won ur sen d chlo cmmte rgiaanurorer viinecol cunlas aho ogmtoor wth vera. i rllxcedabthe pouny tkell tse diercounie ator sowe hreinnohe rgian ehend vaeynd rlhoasth for e ol cntand s go tin wreog d aeoexnd unha y owthugutheoury a veurote trreur anou deninst flk al, kowhohowe ca geoe bk o he vers,e ome anon o e okg r go, gh pi jsndha
4:49 pm
go resorurou pele >>os wrealngit prenti-ectarra coto rubcaofiin oepses e10 diri. nto sowurier awe fr y eli ts wke. meo lf y takihe meo urit y two fohe 4tones gstye i-- ht:idouav a qutis cae t wehe gstye auay, w vy erlinhiorng beusyucssi ws thpos tis rngat s a. ias nmb ve ver beus cig w'sunngor e hse degesn e 34iri - ihe' anneutheisni w ulli t teomy coeae,as o ere mpgng rly isorng r hm. en ce or uhe ssn. t wadrin i thy huan ae raledecse ttrfi imite nng teohe ctied eca t opde o o e tr a iannta i ferids sit sun
4:50 pm
men t slvigo m hengo te domrt soatosohs ghy m ofceern cnn iwas thll tbebl t tehe tr d hveilr ne woinfo nohe rgia >>os a rht we, kn tme ghfo u, t re aki o ews callnhi mni an veshethgh o th14 cgrs, d wt toquzen o llr dos leld,olad hi dis >>alr:oo mni. wod keo she14 ngss wrkay fr d lfda wk dbt a ny ekasorngpeleor i ae. th'rutor therein inheast ngss a at cotsfoa l of blseiuedtth en ithk th'd sendor ti wki, 'detore dne
4:51 pm
in a reoal w. anou. >>ue: llthk u. i tnkereoi tha a ry bsychul ifoulo aur clearwe enoaswe agog b--ndereoi t 'rtangp lofhe bis isean ginto b vifoar in dyse eff islly ke etut ito diri antverod sca tll lkinhe0tisictwee gog brali aunnd keurwe hr omouan ta thouis a aryo ew a ve ceib beuse iaveucgrt ten my dtrt. loto g the s' en ued wrkg vena ee i ued o heonapol hindav et lg hur lo wksbut ihi th's- 's pvigeo heo wk r e arin pelean lk fwao
4:52 pm
hangholowowes, an y kw, gtimeca cko wkeusino the' a tfpele o thehoretorngho wa tetthe godang bsan atthjo tt ne tdoto mkeu tyan be ttgn at pth prpetyorheelsnd fothrhire ht:ll rht. ngssmaelt rba coto, puic o rgiaweha y fou ti tismoin gstgrt. ceo wh y. anyo >>epseat cmscks nemeer oore, d is t fstimthereor th10 men lwmers pil hll ofhe4 wenn tou 2 areeplian doct. weeer le itgor spker ehr rurnor ref t creni eang in ea behr ok bakor te hppinon eoe flr. 'lhero ath n meerrom vgia, dmoat donbrer.
4:53 pm
>>os cgrs atoi toe or toy ido bie a doct fm rgia heoi ow fom pil ll corema y'ra mb o'beg sd av o thhte cmmes dr orro h meohi n fi. at ait cse tneten urreou bwh y seed abaad swzeandnd ecenei ern aytngou ard bin mbsar r e it sat tatskls yohk ghhe y ih nejo o cit hl? gstwe, ceaiy pe the en my mbe core w sndotf tme erasso io tt inrnioerecves vehefu th ali tet tngdo potil fe isou ilon laonip s i thk nefo m w yi tud song laonipnoju whmy feow moatbutitth maareblanshe. ht:al autth coite asimesou le
4:54 pm
av ato u ntooin ts rste o cit hl? ian e tse coitesth dn' veto frhmney a cmeer ysndea. dot ow eri'a bu'm dernedo wk hd ereryomtt asgnntan >>os y'rreacg 13er cgrsmimor decr. wdo ilhiho peal aa mehhe ferawo fce i bng runid mhcato hi? urisic o heaes polaonfo fer plee >>ue: ah i ini' ginto veoo ituly mor's 2yes a puic fnk wlfs 34 ar tireptu lve huho i rgiao inbaarcoto a ire into he to rkerar tohaioedalwoer a del ntct plee ht:anto pntut sty thi -i' sry lico wspe
4:55 pm
eiorng den bef omase th'rgo tou mpgn e ngh eyalabt eemrshe neemrshoad t mst dotisrodens ntcts. urisica stcthe loof den ctrto si th clou te fee inst'savit n wmer hodo ui tt tl gstitntesngji mon f yrschrehe denscoite,nd d't owhaheonct s, t erhe yrslohe rt nrtupgrman ve llotethr adarrs tisicepse. so tt ll bntesngto tted tthr ednd envtmt eyanak ouecom a son amic wee lkg th ngssn-ecdob th erorbo tex0 o nusr s wa tgeyo eson yr coen fimwhe he hi onofhe emrs o
4:56 pm
catolil 'lstt ois f moat tose wti i ttur, nnlvia m, y'ron t "shgt jona wth ngssn-ec doey. to y wh u cle yh. tsrcg. stf cthg d ses arma osi t cuny. llne soe dclhi. llnsfor dla gngut toury if yan me ehis u ne, u hebemeepde ..
4:57 pm
ve be goro tra pane, irra. ut tltheoof mpate vaage s his weildovery rywe ae ng arbeeron he cotrs. thbf oe weav loedt rlid. ho: vel calrs isorngnrndbou thketo pili. wtsurtad? >ue: iaveee prtyle a lott i in iis twngme o ke t cera ce y
4:58 pm
caai w tthig ait ime an mu aivealloo amics we t isntl ng twe ce dot ha aon pili wwi an evytng bu symolicly ndctnaytis tthawe k mor intmtswafr fsl eathe taneng earan. >os ti ur eplianin caer y. juswoerg e y tkig ouvotg rhe seerodot u ave thepporni? gut: i ltug the moatnan pos reaerlsa atnhagoac hure oyes ado mo, inlngll otg or nc li, ltug i ceaiyxpt
4:59 pm
hn benato yrd tbe ect. ho: ora o neor iepdee. odorng >alr:es o etawh na cnoocethre ow ta s ostd trngo h ai do he dtrur orts ad ke. ayoue mh. >>st: aherst kste. >ue:t isp tot ecuvbrch eciclyheta arentodece.f ci. iftoms t t oo tei wleraiy te no >>scongssn ect uer eay stng suorrfpsintba h 2esenal caai
5:00 pm
tkt isltwo eaiofi ahow u inhe ou inrt thonssn tseas twyar gut:taee a instgwo wee.on thond,h hhe ha enggsse ung s letitexeti per vace isgea. amoudth nheterhad, he ten be ch ore tacveitemrsof eoe ansetend i oelme at iwill asr do tn tetr i res theti por tis bf g dcrts an reblantoo tetr thaill begin foevyby >os ad o ine fodoctsri, y >>ll:i wd ke ay at eshlbe
5:01 pm
rps at t kste pinis of rs in tttyan oton licnsav beebout d paifobyhe c brhe ty wil act w tkoc brhewa etoct anyould onhaeto okt helazorir michan th mt iesioun t code fid d wodwe. ds t enitmeca benfits thko otrs wend pan foin era. ml bele at heedisulkin
5:02 pm
free irim bah are ned byt goven thaiimn gtid of loyi. gue i a ro spoercpan fo tre he deha pepl cgi unimed amnts ne dt the dmoac. ilrab te a nitialamenen buiam ge toorit ht: tir wehang ma allrg dotis tthedivdu r cmite. yo hohtpotat le chge >>es thid n boersmuas he cize uteca, e dk ne. atreme mucmo i deta thraon.
5:03 pm
bu at litisisos ansate herig reio os ndera rgiaaai ls i mitdoti, nation bu uus whrehe nes mi fm. wody wt somhi kett tial? >>es wos ay rgia. ltug iuetoda we llid t ute ntci f govnobob doel s e trghat the as vy lite anhi or 00us discse mo italy itak iillenh iert il meo att i trapant rapancy
5:04 pm
>ht:miig. rubca omoin >>llr: goomoin i rete yo sw. i wa toishmybrhe laluckod h iseiswrnin, ai priall o yowho reerin. ho:whoyo roern-w? >>av hoedfr miig. >ht:whs ou quti? caler ngtutis, d willbetcng osdidogi y aico otr--l? >>ll:is are peso re m. heillrvchga ll. the who filisut er
5:05 pm
>>es i ha chnc hacoule ea h thm. god ld a nie upl wil gvethm yo bt. >>ostha ur ca. ne orrihe fri. u aren. >>llr:onatatns one ofy y sties to et ion c-a i wat y tola lie lilitor ouyor carr porto ttg ect a ou coen intermof prerceonwaino seecoites at b tmmit ofyouchce ue:ner an coer bau wou be cnugthevoti
5:06 pm
the afforbl creac weomu cla chge acio tas ace an rtrn viia send on o icovaey. m amalbusinsn y ofsi. litean govnoor ghyes vgia fr ys h no wdeaou yeawi gell. usfisd ouea as baad t itan a lchtstn. fekeiveee prpangy olli >>ht:ou rn f th gerr oviin97 vi syrsf seles . >gstlieutan
5:07 pm
gorn. atas te fuilenof nyres w tt im he i innd sy reslos i n afrc. as mon th the opin iis 1mines omy hoe ho: ngcomu o chnd f esef. lyan itg onr li docrs. ll: mni yommt i edted hawhee eblins akofcehe sckark ulfa
5:08 pm
gut: aweo a od yea 25. wealandto ntue ow >osdavidro rfesroenss o urli foinpeen. odorng >>ll:ha a estn tib nr tins. indstd thes etn heredet' skththeycan r remoy heway ha r i00 $5 weeand00,0 sang as t bnigd ? i in kig? i hx? am indpeen t i
5:09 pm
thk u a cfud wh heepuicsnd moat eyveso gd os fr tneee esda, avdo t ow t tat pieof giatn. i l lkstolo tot. ho: aiec of leslio ttyo p inode? >ue:log st thgs. eantooduelice >>st apreatyo tain ur tehi moni. onmoin onorwmore cls ssri o li moat. >alr:e qti. e u invo o ntui iid adg r ngssn? gut cnng ban sir-adg?
5:10 pm
i rin t tink th aonshldbetin adntef sir-adg sicr e rier e ecs aw fe, ae tt. ho: hashe. >>alr:goodorng rd mvoe. o icqutis. wh hps t toc ndt hnd don'ittrgh thugtoadaly? gust bofho a prab cre a gd ass o oe ysonpili. er reeassto spor creio o t io i srterndemra we m ushkbot ngers onter coeqnc ho:beorygo ghhae e yur nstutsn e ne keh,oomoin ll:go mni.
5:11 pm
anyofotangy ll lce tohe se corema >>es tnkoukeh. calr: m onrd abt e irx ouy li a heshin o ard vianant sinanhi autt 1mohs keepg eryinet dtin o cer iup. >>es ad ase n wo odi i fafacotyndasben feedo ecn tuinover m ror reofthe cutces rrndg e oong ioulov re ab itot hebl fls fme a cde ho:sothgyo an
5:12 pm
om his werch o catolil >ue: atisn ceraise,ut eor ratnspsthas whe cn wkit he attrn tr t re e li testis rv. ho: reatyo te thimoin asngn url" >>ue thk ry ch srn iy a n meerf ngss t 1th cg gblg itoy. xp spkejon bonebactonnu e ceemalweinin vcere ranveinof corema jn nys. agn, cse tat feinut.
5:13 pm
elete t tm. psinofhe fshn as ht: uban o raremacss pridt. cogrsm eec eougios pe gastspeak bhn. wr dou snd gut: i not ayg asotll iav thoe twn nelo anohn oeer thre aviae ndatathianam vongfon ehrhen th voco u
5:14 pm
fre ws sio efrthacure ts setnginmal ppteicobled geerat t ltcd. nt du the dg d d be te bsnix he mmrio obm. a nherto ct a menissot. >>ht:befeelea istoictichahe en trch omth sisn er ofryig to geyoto vte r th r or agnsspke bone >ue: hepo t mef heshn as meer the eomhininof
5:15 pm
peinagns i he t lkdto t spr nonin is oic >>ht:you priits pit hlat cmiee asgnntaryo okg flfteyotor n da gut: tatjicry aveigndovnmt rermomtt's ht: mmng fro yr exiee a stct toey >>es aede preto f a mb arandistctttne ma aovig eao iigraon ntleua ppey poa iue >os esha praryofoth n ro.
5:16 pm
>>ue thja precor towork pveiopgmsnd inrvti pgrs d wi theomni a sveroem we e aumofgrea sssci ont d wne t keuree edog bt ismaer wori witn r rt ath otr rt. >>st cngremaelt nuckwil b hreo t ntenins nsriyoueson. wei rtthttw frwainonon ri frm emra cl: l. i wtcd ysuay o teevsi ow ha ces on ateth. y weheta a
5:17 pm
etryreecdh iden a ars. e sin spct the fe. doy rpe h bcae yoarahrti us ia risan sts cisani sctallopand i elve t reidtf th nied ste hsu lies tt arnot h be instf is cotry di l k tpuue poci ha a in he sre t uny. do no prsinta an ididundo cnot eaktowhet i spt m ainvial n. esp m fo thoffce hds stwat d tnk esiensatnsp itngsshod ? od ebe ainou
5:18 pm
ou hink e wi? gut: hethe t orwh hwas o o. l ts onesn e ce th wweisy a v aofeson lel i pe at is cgrs esot thlel of preidt a t pais bavio h eite. >>stboniearon thnes elect k ck. >cllr: irstim ll. ustsa iasbwn nan posand h bone atu notr.
5:19 pm
oulik toor o leiote rmimsatve ato ok iot is. it islysthe eplins hadtoomome e econ ty us coquce an wul leut f he dn ho: aew pi pik on. >>e: nube ops. e cmeewi be loin t s,nd i i ho frerm il atcofr tt. t hat s d asolynacctae retir er rm llin th adniraonen repuic udthrs faou so w shlde punime d fos
5:20 pm
erarehadf pele wh rego t voorhnoene whhataucetnd tein touanda ou be itwas j bhn. thuimelowie twnelsi a bhn >>s osir is rti? gut: o t init is trti isa weedfft senda mse t foswe ncostt witthmsarith elctn. i veiv cmucaon ffs in
5:21 pm
lodohoreeey ncneabt ban reulorbuen der bdeth ve e pledup y ts mistti a th rnme ty wtearo i tkeska th cotrck t rit ac. ey and hacoer abut hnoeer tt do nomn is thbepeon orthj theim >>stantwaedy to baanwee qutn bo terlits gut:i po er lits do t ho shor or lo ty shod . nt abluly esntl ate veer lits ocoremaan seto
5:22 pm
ht:tryto etto as maas awan li forndennc odorng cale iaven wtieiht yes, ne nt, d redaor etansffrclm. iam aya tena habn king ntl b threblans an me thcaov soof tse llby thhoe f ta aai. ao ave acoeraut ii ctyoywe hah idra i ve por mecaonecseeyll on coer thhepe avlae. ian reccntily.
5:23 pm
maybomef esbis llccplh at wuldli mmton th. gut: m th tnsathr ss iinhe my th tnsndhe iue arimrtt. th a woki hd erneetobe a eor whev we a unpele gotowan fht mu suhatheyar ttghe er a surt hathene. s riori t a ei e ar ng lagu. i sedecrs el th w ao i wd iou surid youdo neemaor ansn wayh hpilsre ilan sercear nded i keut te nd f
5:24 pm
vera trecive svi omheatseoror dalremeande meis ue or esiponrug e. st maksu tte scttoheerce r etanaviv thi cotrnd iope yr clmsreal wi aroiaty tenr tu >oalbere,ne cone >>lr:i. go mni. ndleonrtis] [inaibonrsio] [iaublcoveatns
5:25 pm
naib cveatns > t'dohi [aublcoertins nadie nvrsio] oy vey od naib cveio] naib nvsio] [iauib cnvtis] [aublcoeaon
5:26 pm
[iudlcoertis] naibe nvsaon [iudlcoeatns [aublcoertis] > l gh g re aublcoertis] >>ig he. ndleoertis] [iauib conrtis] [iudib cnvsio] udib cnvsio indie nvsaon
5:27 pm
indie onrsio] naibe nveatns [aib cvsaon ublconvsaon aublcoveatns [inablconvsaon rhter [iublcoersio] tnkyy ch. nauib cveatns [idleonrsio] ndleoertis]
5:28 pm
tnky, ngssma [iudleonrsio] indileonaon >>llig [iudblcoeratns] [luger] >>llhe. ea? erygo ndie nrsio] inaibe nvsaon [iudlcoeatns [iaublcoveio] ndiblcoertis]
5:29 pm
nadie onrsio] >> aee naib nvsatns >wejuhe - ghr [iauib coertis] mjo laghr] [aublconrsio [aub cvsaon rhter tnkou [iaublcoertis] naie veatns ndie nrsio [iudleonrsio]
5:30 pm
indie nvsao] [iublcveatns .. naibonrsio]
5:31 pm
[iauib ceaton naib certis] [iauib covsis]
5:32 pm
indile corsio [aublnversios] indieconrsio] .. [iudibvsaon]
5:33 pm
[iudblverstins] [aubversio
5:34 pm
un un [iudib cnvtis] [iauib certis] indileonsaon [iauib crsio]
5:35 pm
ndie nsaon [iudblcoveatns [iaueonrsio] indie onrstis] [inaib cnvsaon
5:36 pm
ndleoertis] naibcoersio] [aib cvsaon nalconvsaon
5:37 pm
indie nvsatns naib cversatns [inaibe nvrsio]
5:38 pm
[indie nvrsio] ndie nrsatns naibe nvrsns [inauib cveatns
5:39 pm
indileonertis] [iudlcoertis] ndleonveatns naibe nvsaon ndleoertis]
5:40 pm
indie onsaon ndieonrsio] indileonrstis] naibe ersaon
5:41 pm
naib cnvrsio] naie nvsio] [iib nvsio [iublcverstis] [aib cvsaon
5:42 pm
[inablcoeatns [iudleonveatns aublcoveatns auib cnvsaon [aublcveaon
5:43 pm
indie onertis] [aub cvsaon [aublcoertis] [iudle ertis] [iudlenvsaio]
5:44 pm
[inaibcoersaon naib cveio] ndie nvsaon indie nvsaon indie nvertis]
5:45 pm
[iauib cvesaon [iudlecoersio] [iublcvesaon ndieonrsaon indie nvrsios] [iudblcoerats] indie onaon
5:46 pm
i of is is oits [aublcvsatis] naib cveatns ndie nvsans ndie nvsio [iauib certis]
5:47 pm
[iublcoeatns] [aublcoerti indileonvsaon [aib coertis] naie nvsio]
5:48 pm
naibe nvrsio] naleoersaon ndleoertis] [iudleonrsio] [iudlecoersio]
5:49 pm
naie nvsion naib cveaon [inadie onrsio] [iudblcoveio] [iudblcoveio]
5:50 pm
[iudlcoertis] [iudblcoveaon [iaublcoertis] indileonrstis] [iaubl crsio
5:51 pm
nadie onrstis] indie nvsaon [iudlcoeatns ublcoeatis] [aublcvsaon
5:52 pm
ndie nrsaon naib cveaons] aublcorsio naib cerio] [iudibcoertis]
5:53 pm
naib cverstis] [iublcveaon ndieonrtis] ublcveatns
5:54 pm
[inaib coertis] [iauib crsio] [iublcoeatns [aublcoertis] naleoertis]
5:55 pm
[iudblcoeratns] [iaublcovetis] die nvrsio] [aublcoerti] [iudleonrsaon
5:56 pm
udlcoeatns indileonertis] [iaublcoveats] indilecoertis] [iudleonrsio]
5:57 pm
[inaib cnvrsio] [idie nvertis] [iublcoertis] inudleonrsio] ndib crsio
5:58 pm
fisd, eyby. nale cosaon
5:59 pm
[aubl cveatns [iudle nvertis]
6:00 pm
[iudleonrsio] [iudleonrsio] naie nveatns >>ht'rit. [aublcoertis] a rht yoreolnghi >>o yo semyeo uprtan den e nstuonf e nit stes ainl nees foigandostd akreposiliwitho an tareerti or quociond prfohe ofce


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