tv U.S. Senate CSPAN January 6, 2015 6:00pm-8:01pm EST
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>>ka ay ay y yswatot orin an, m. al rht ho ae ou anu inth ai th argoito snd u t mdl u areito hd th bie. isyo rhtan do unl saor fi tt uiluprt d efdheonstuon t utestesin alemi, ren d dost t yo ber tr fth d giceo e me atou ta th liti fel who anmealesvaon puoseofvaond yowi wl athll dihae e ti oth ofcen whh ouare abt eer >> . >thkou [udleonertis] >>ha y.
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tnyo >>llig. rae ur rit nd doou solemywr afrmhayowisuor andendheconstuon t utestes ait l ems,orgnnd meic u wl br ueaianaegnc t e methtukehi liti fel who anmealesvaon or puosof evio d at u il weld fahfly scrgthduesf he ofcen hiure outoner. > do > liketo see aof th ki. omon w is s ndmegu na? how a y? odtoyo w areyou
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haare oudngyo isin yoftan a rse y ha and reaafr . ou olnlswr d u solmn sweor rm atyoil suornd dendheonitioof e it ste ain alenie fei a dost, h you lar tr fthnd algiceo thsa, at uak is obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti osef evti, d tt yowi llathll dihae e ti othe ofcen icyore abt er? io. cgrulio l gh. ha one re befrehe um. > is ir. >we, men. h ydg, te? hoare u?
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stad it mdl e eentmt re e mi alarnd owaryo go toe ou he rhad. hoaryo ndleoertis] l g yur ft nd he bie a isyor ht hd. [lghr] do yosemy eaor afrmhayoil ppt d fe tnstuon t utestesagns alenie ren d meicth y wll ea ueai d aiaeo thsa, atyoth liti fel who anmealesvaonr pupo evio a tt u ll llnd ithfly dihae e ti oth fi owhicyou are outonter > wi [uger gd s y. y aod [lghr] y argod.
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are, n? >co wl ts ai >hoe u? i ingo. naib cveatns >>ka y olemnlsweaor fi tt ouwluprt andenthconitio ofhenid at ain l ems,orgnnd dost, at uil br ueai a aegncto e methayo ta th liti fel who anmealesvaon o puos atn,ndat yowi wl athll dihae e ti ot ofcen hi ure outoent? >> d. >> hav u o th. fil ptus. [iudleonvertis] >>owreou ik leset em uhe. h ao, eee?
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th ghttheig. weilg isreacd. y semy eaor fi tt u ilsuprt d efd enstuon t ute steain alenie fei an dost tht youwillbe trueai a giceo e me at ou ke liti fel who anmealesvaon o rs eti, ndth u il eld aiul dihae e ti ot ofcen hi yare abt eer io. indileonrstins i oha a gd te. >>nemor gs. ao m. > at fow >>ka alrit. >>womoreicre. > ce e y. ne mt u. he wg
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netie. well ualme allig. naibe nvrsio] [iib cveatns > remb. [iib certis] [aublcoertis] >>owbo y an rht mdl le had oe b. rae o rht d yosemy eaor fi tt u ll ppt d fe te nstuon t utestesagns alenie fei a meicth y il ar ueai ndgiceo thsa, hayo keth liti fel who anmealesvaonor rpse f ti, ndh u llelnd faifuy dihae e ti oth fi owicyo
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, . he o. >> tnkou. [uger >>ap, een whhi gu [aib cvsaon >ok. yorgoig stnd i thide. oue ng tout yo fthd tie, rseyrigha rea aft m yu snl swe o afrmhayiluprt andenth conitio ofhenid at ain l ems,orgnnd meictat ywi br tr fthndaegncto thsa, atyta ts liti fel who anmealesvaonr puosofevio aha yowi ll aitul dihae e ti oth ofcen icyore abt eter? > to.
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ndleonveatns [lghr] [iudlecoeratns a rht. eou,uy indie onrsio] ntto me lttimeiv. >i meer h tha i >my xtea aht] >he g ai ur htan do y sem sarr afrmhayoil suprt andendhestutn t utestesgast alenie fei a meicthou il ar tr itandalgiceo e me atou tes obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti or puos asnand tha u il weld thlly dihae the ti ot ofcen hi yar
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>> issedhe othert othe mi. had to ds eectnt tomkeure go youll i'gon tha y snd ts de how are ou mylo youar gttg g. good teeou. oy uldhebie. reat at m are in e t ot l gh. ou semywe o fi tt u wlspo d fe t conitio ofhenid at ain alenie fei a meicha b ueithndallean t thsa, atyak ts liti fel who anmealesvaonor rpeoeio adh u llela faifuy scrgthduesf e fi owchyoae outoner > d.
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hwanto co t th, fo l. yy,li or t ot dehe. yo lef heib. agog rse ou rhtn di m am gog treahe oh. [lghr] yosolelywe o afrmhayowippt d fe t cotiti ofhenid tasgain l ems,orgnnd meicthat llar ueai ad algice thse,th uak th liti fel who anmealesvaonr rp osindh u llelanfaifuy scrgthduesf e fi owhh yo are outont >> d. not bt mmi. >thk u. [iaublcoeratns >>ur nadicoersio [iaublcovetis]
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uholhe bl brerco vehe. ththesi k re oca geryen thpitu. pu yourhaon t bib. iseourhtan doyou solemywe o afrmhayowisuor andendheconstuon t utestes ait l ems,orgnnd meictht yowill ar ueai a leano thsa, at yoath obgaonrey,itut y nt rertir rpe ofsind at u llwlanfaifull dihae e ti oe fi owchou e abtoner? >> i > ngtutis [iaublcrsio] [iaublcoveatns
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ngtutis. yostd t mdlifou ul yoho t blendilyo geonheth si. tyo lt hadn e ibe asf pe. doulmn sar osupt andfd ecnitioof it tteagnsal ems ren d meic atouilbe te it andlgicethyta ts liti felwiouan mealoertoes- seatn d hagete ti othofcepowhh u reabo tenr. io. >>ha y. okorrdo rkg th u. >>y ilen w d e u? y llhoary? w d e u? men ero isit
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naib cveatns coralaon o a yr oort old e bl ju ih dd a y c std ghbyom u ll sndrihtextoe. d ene e into av day t s ftanonhe blife anrch. ree . y omn er spo an efdhecosttuonf e it steagnsal eniefoigan mti thy llbeatue ih d liae temetht yotae is obiti fel tht y ntreeatn ppo o evsn d tha yowiwellndaifuy scrgthdutiesf fipn hih u e ou tont, hp u d? >>e hinfu thk u r. [lghr]
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>>onatatns 's ic sinu thk u ryc. 's pase mt u. jae. >>owreyo >>t'go tseyo coralaon yogeonheth se hi puyo lt ndn bile e u ad y oemy eatosupo andendheotiti o uned tasgastll ems ren d meic th yuwl e te it an llgiceotham ha u kehi bgaonrey tht y nt rerti orursef asn d u ll wel ndifuy scrgthduesf e fi o hyua ot enr hp u d? ido
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naibcovsaon coralaon >>hiisy fenn wbo h smeing n mm. webotmaieu tule had tbbl anrae urig hd. doyosomnsea we t ppt dendt cionf it tteagnsal eniefoigandost a th wl artrualgice t ame nd hy k ts litiey tht y ntreeratn ppo o evioanyowi wel d itul dchgehe duie ofheffe o wicyoar abt eero lpouod ngtutis. doe veamy? >>heho fil th imyol.
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to puyo lt ndn e bl an ar ig hd. yoveott gh yoarbeg orin d u ren myanr. ftanonheib. yo u yurefha oth bie d isyo rhtan anyocagerit t mile ree >>o u lelywe t precandendhe nstuonf e it stesgastllnees foigandost; atou lleatr fthnd algiceo e meth y kehiobgaonrey, wiouanmealesvaon ppo oevio a tt yowi wl d itul dihae e ti othe fi un icyoarabt tont: hp u d >> wl. cgrulio. ts oter >>eyomhoaryo
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>> lk rwdtwrin wi y. 'sictoeeou it ne s y. go tseyo 's oo to ee uagn. u aninheide d u llrathbie. isyo rhtan dyosomn saro ott d fe t cotiti othuned at ain a emi ren d meicth y wi br ueai a algiceo e meth y ta ts liti fel tht y nt rerti ppo oevio a t u llelanfahfly dihae e ti oth fi un icyoarabt eersoelyogo idoep g. cgrulio.
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a gngostnyorit t mdlanyocageon e hesi. yowi he e ibe. puoureftndn e bl anrae urig hd. e u ad >>o u lelywe to precandendhe cotiti othuned stesgastllnees foigandost; atou lleatr fthnd lean tthsa; atou kehiobgaonrey, tht y nt rerti ppo oevio a tt yowi wl d itul scrgthduesf e fi un icyoarabt eersoelyogo >> d >>onatatns. tnkou >>he a mdahts. mr ibeaad auel th ithvi psint >>t'ni tme y.
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w eou oy ste al pud std ghinheide. i llavthseety t helehaof h blan rae urig hd d pe afr . acal warent ig d it hat a. m stidng [lghr] dyosemy eato ott d fe t cotiti othuned at ain a emi foigandost; atou wi br ueai a algiceo e meth y ta ts liti fel wiouanmealesvaon ppo oevio a tt u llelanfahfly scrgthduesf e fi un icyoarabt eersoelyogo >> d cgrulio. co e bym co o he wgo
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we are going to be moving quickly this week voting on th keysto pipele th we whh svyecti. 'somhi icpane caaiedbo itaedbo thugut lti. i'onherapoatn d frtrtu coite soth llspat fha omite i korrdo ttg e ou rni ts ea ttg oleactoo an geincore bk wk rela de ndav rbil overtoh eteb coidedikthketo pili tt e joty ad ccneihe gog etia o >>oscv se d e diyohe or iyoha rsalonrsiowi t spkean iyo v nvsaonwi osthatar opsi h h, prena ue ec-rt reestave d ho gstthe oaropsi m rehe b e idt ta onyf . cleuero rgia wh
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wamyajitmari lde wh iasn e usof lete e ot authi coenngn w erha't en acpan oer ndat cinfoar we l erfose te rke regng bedin th eeenth wh t ngss- ngssasalng ouinurmtg owere intodt rththe eraneoe reuso . ht:u ae ernc woinon atohi yoare glaveidr tid ngssn an ol anth ci cns f t hoe veme rorm coite d y eniod pa othviin hsef lete hodo tepeen ed itlfowrkg th thsup onapolil ad ttg thgsona u id >>ue:wl e. afoune he gat nt a cgrsmwf. i ilbentien inyditct 'soi tocntueo acven maritso m
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thll ll a soati tt poanise d okorrdo rkg thim tt su i ve l o ratnsps d rkg thpep aos thaie onofheoemetwh er hecisashlaywi corewon ecdeie ngl w arid me. a gngo wki unwon'leeriproam at srt ivrina ha de r e stewea lollinvgia. w wt expd at nd veth omn cors rkitusnhw en e yogwm enad leeripol tmsve i ne y ckhei rk ithehli h caonffeiinwhni rswoed orcngssn lfndan 1 ielvet d n i icnn 2i ner out ouruin mylf i s oif otf e na on oaehredi a etobuthiwa't
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meini out aut onw wa tta totr un won ouhwteyc e thseesn adsh res t stn veme b in siss eice,cicend chlo wchs ry imrtt mdiri i' ongorrd bi ab ocntueeori i inhe tahoe thhetch couny d r siss mmit o den omni couny. e mmte iavrfct a t t wk d ith stehse'moongfrrd to riinttpieet rk fo mcostues. ht:irtheiss h la o impornto ur stct gstwe js e e mb o iue jo a tecno r wt hedov an er hrght thelti ts a. op wn h comy gog in the veeesoanbis atavbe jt ttg th ouettsetored fud tep d w
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e into a ts oprtit lo obirtanil le the ysnepieleleob r tenshoecmgac anha smu tenanso chaily t o or d remewrkwhou ch mmit ve e rivoeditth nohe vgiatnogy unl. i' bn meer i s echirma ur scncantenogyomtt inirni r unl s whe prgr toorwivtens o' cid outh opouny ta a tseifre couniethtwk owe he rhe vgia t shanahaly at reest ndealyhoas th f t wleoury se tgod is e in nd o abeo pa up tt roho tcuny d lfreoote enepnes d r fese inst fkso o wwe ngpp bk to o lpurveenshe o me
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anwono elokg r od ihayg bsnd v go cee f o yng op. ht: we retlngit reestavele bba msckreuicofgia reestsheen dtrt. weanto hoou vwe a eefr y eli ts rng. aet eieoy tinth meo yr rsda two r e 4tcore. diyohavandiupon beusofheeaer >>ue: tuly w u eay ismongbcusmy ccsotti s t pos isorngt :0a. t nbesen te beus rg pase uin in e34 dtrt o f the'anyoneutee stintot keo t t d teoryclagcig riauordlati wa o the mpgng rlth moinfohi th iami foheeson t was ivg n wih huanan beau oth trfii raledth mht ui le. heotueinheart drp
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offinheet i n to f fen sit s futie i t arg odimanin coor. it rhtym fi no so wa tild bab t ta t tro ndvth sier inng oin or s nohevigia >>os inoti itit fo u ute e asngur ews cl d isring d veushe hoht th11h grs. i nt o suzeinn cl omor iloa lra mcricalr. hi ors. cle gd oin iwldlit ehe14 ngssrma fo a a lfay edabut ma wkss rkg op wo iayar th a ou rehath a inheas oreandtat cotsor l othbis inruedt e d.
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i tin i eype me me rkg wldetorde aornoalay thk u. >>ue:wltnk o i hi w r into vea vesyshulifyuoo aturalda a ia t d a gng kngup l he bis iseekad wl mongorrd iknw e yse reo li et titmyiri antrelrod ica ell fos tth sicin e endo vlewere into avinarndo ke rewe arfr yu d ta wh u d ea ur ewanbeerceie cai v u re ten mdirict. i vett e ve ensetoorngev ds we. i edo rkeron pil llndadonhu ng esut ik t'
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