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tv   Senate Session  CSPAN  January 6, 2015 8:00pm-2:01am EST

8:00 pm
prile to behe tr r e eraneoe. .. enckyenorit mcnnasleed ashne seteajitad aer puics gaedhe mjoty
8:01 pm
t sat ate eltis. isuny q& dk laer tasbohe19ilm he bih t naio aow pis av a tefrt b afcaamic cilrits adcas pve t reas >>art two iafrhe r cotrti. ats eeaf tot inheen oh i wre elaser apll b t prral fedsve iss sn at ow wt pps enouivrm avhe rh to ve, b ecd veor eris snth ut cali listu wrehe fi bll i t ps bi
8:02 pm
alw longorteacl rrge. ac aly test irs pg a ha reshth wte wo ahor dk lr t cororsl fi. nd nht onsp's q&. >>orhe fim sce20 bo tmsfonesrend
8:03 pm
puic ctr jo bhn maed sak d tcmcnnl tokr reacg hryred. >>et u pr. aligy d, ldof o vean sergnfur lod ti aeghi 11h coreui our laaks,ld and w o the rit ad weonss o ned f yr peatalpowe trode emitinig invaon d spatn tolhe prle wfa rdeo o nars coon gdae aheee
8:04 pm
to do wt besor tisd ve. abheevop sw plityean nthf th hrtrdly tthewi acti teithawiri t yrdered deinio math n r fm sqti nseriout ite cim yo pmi that e tth shl see pra in yrna. am. >> am. >> peain nreghng e edf aegnco e
8:05 pm
ag i ed aegnce tth f ofhenid at o ari an tthpuic wcht an onaon uerod disili w ler a juicfol th cir ef tsete fl t unpid er a epaersf ectn r 3 nars ect fx-ar rmegni jua d, 15 al ceifat ctallf
8:06 pm
ereireneqre bhe sete tres jeiohe adg hemil bav d indn e rerd if tnaoro srn wil nopren tmsve tth sknrosfou a tir nare clendheha ll aintethhf ofce thclk llre t nesf e rsou >>r.lend onnse . boerf n rs. ms pi ot viin. mrasdyf uian - m ssyf lisna
8:07 pm
wcoo esete i llskou to paseai urig had. yweouilsuor the cstutn ohe ute stesgastll ems, foigandostndou wi br th aaind yo tkehi litifel wiouen seatnr rpe,ndouil dihae thti oheffeou a abt te s hp yd? i. coralaon [alae]
8:08 pm
8:09 pm
th >>helek w rdam t sco ou >>r chr omiispp mllsfmae. mronzfdewa. . rm otes. y > easeouig ha. doouolnl searou
8:10 pm
llrtll suoryowi fe t cotiti ohe cotran ta ts obgaonitut puosfnnat aou wi scrg the die ohe ofceoubou toteo lpouod? >>. ngtutis. ppus
8:11 pm
thpridt o mpe:he erwi rdhe >>heleile tam ofhee grp,ea. dethnaplse. e crkil r t nas. >>r. cto o arns. . mes onta. . rbfilno.
8:12 pm
anmreny wmi. umemy pasaio rht ha. ou semwe touprt d den tfhe ute stes ain aenie ren meicndou wiearlliae tthea d jwa tislagaon wioumealursef evio a y wldihae
8:13 pm
euts o tffeou abt eero h y d >> do coralaonouuy [alae]
8:14 pm
th heleil cllams theexou mnsofio. . an ofmiesa. mrarne olodo mr ghaofou cola.
8:15 pm
thvi psi pasrae urig hd. y semy eatouprt d fe t cstui o thunedtas ait l ems,orgnndomti d u lleatr fth algiceo e mendou ta ts liti who nt ppo oevioan yowi fthlldihae e ti othofceou abt eero lpouod >> d >>onatatnsyogu. ppus
8:16 pm
thvi psintthclk llalthnas t nt grp.
8:17 pm
t crkilea t nes ofhe nxt ou m ho o lama mrnkrdf lama mraree omaacses. mrccne okeuc. e cerede: ea rseourit nd pasrae urig hd. y semy eatouprt d fe t cstutn e it steagnsal enie fei a desc, d u lleatr fth lean tthsa a y algiceo e mendou ta ts liti fe tht nt ppo o evioanyowi fthll dihae e ti oth ofceoubo tenr lpouod >> d
8:18 pm
>>onatatnsyogu. ppus
8:19 pm
e cerede: e er wi rdheam o >>he crkillea the nes t nxt ou m malyof oron mr pduora. mr persf miig. mr o rhe la. thvi psint ea rseourit nd>>lee isyo rhtan
8:20 pm
y semy eatouprt andendheonitioof thunedtas ait l enie fei a desc, anyowi br ueai algiceo e mendou ta ts liti fe wioumealesvaonr rpe esi a y wl itul dchgeheuts t oicyoabt eer hp u d? io. cgrulio. ppus
8:21 pm
8:22 pm
thvi psintthclk lleathnas t nt ou >> t cerile tam t next ou orrn na plse >> mr. ic o ah . rer ons. mr bwn osoh ko mrsa oneas. e cerede: plseai yr gh pasrae urig hd. y semy eatouprt d fe t cstutn e it steagnsal enie fei a desc,
8:23 pm
th y wl arrufah lean tthsa a y algiceo e meth y ta ts liti fe wioumealesvaonr puosofvaonndouil itul dchgeheuts t oicyoabt eer hp u d? io. cgrulio. ppus
8:24 pm
thvi psintthclk lleathe nas t nt ou >>hele wl rdheam of tegrp. m ssnsof aba. .ahn ofew mpir . slin asa. . tiisf rtcali.
8:25 pm
e cerede: ea rseourit nd>>lee isyo rhtan doouolnlswr spo andendheonitioof thunedtas ait l ems,orgnndomti atouilbe te it algiceo e meth y kehiobgaonre tht nt rerti o rpe esi a y wl fahflyisar t die ofheffe u outont hp u d? io. >>onatatns. ppus ppus
8:26 pm
e cerede: e er
8:27 pm
pasrae urig hd. -- tle wleaheam tilou >>mr.waer rgia d m ud omaacses. e cerede: ea rseourit nd>>lee isyo rhtan y semy eatouprt d fe t cstutn e it steagnsal ems,orgnndomti atouilbe te it algiceo e meth y ta ts liti fe wioumealesvaonr rpe esi a y wl fahflyisar t die ofheffe u outont hp u d? io. >>onatatns [alae] coralaon [alae]
8:28 pm
e cerede:heajit leer
8:29 pm
mrmcnnl:r.rede ulweavrd. e cerede:he >>heetill cme t deea. e seat --il so t de >>ajit leer >> t aen o t or in ggte t crkil ca t ro. m exde ms bawi mr.nnt? . blmeha . unt mrok? . boma ms bo? mrbrn? . pi? mrarer
8:30 pm
mr caer mr. ssy? mr chn? ms. lls? on . rk? .otn? .uz m.des? . doel? . duin mr sl ms. ert? msfistn? msscr? .flke .anon auin
8:31 pm
frki--r. ne . llra? . gram . grsl mr tc mr inch . heka? mrheer mr hon? . inlf mr . iscs? . hnn? . ka? ki? . ki? . klucr? .nkrd?
8:32 pm
.le . nsn? . maey ca? . cail? mr coel mrmend? . rk . r? . rp ms rr . ln? mr. pa mrrd? .pers mr. poma mrre o rhe la
8:33 pm
mr re oneda? mr bes? bi .saer mr ss mrot . ssis? . ll? mr om? . ah
8:34 pm
mrtt? mr rnr? ms waen? mrwhehse mr wier mr win? >> .rede d moat ad, emoatadis nessilabntnd ii tnisla untis rern r. psint- moryad? r.rede iav soti athes ad foimdie coidatn. le wl rert >>foin the psint o enid at tha a gup aou iasmbd. itutjeioe it itti a csire a re . >> iov t csirheo
8:35 pm
whh ereluonasaged . whoobctn. >>heseto ntkymr coel a mduins in tafo t ute steshathth cgrs rey to rei mmicio hma be pas toke. lell -- >> m reside iave reluonthe dsk a r s iedte coidatn. tleilephe reluon >>fmi t hse reestaveth aetng of t ne aat igr . i meonde tote whh e roliosgr .
8:36 pm
>> whojeio >>he crki ror t ne roti oec tcenor fr utaho inri t it ste >>itut obctnhe reluonndonded re to iovohe tae? itutjeio pasrae urig hd. y semy eatouprt d fe t cstutn e it steagnsal enie fei a desc, atouilbe te it algiceo e meth y ta ts liti fe tht nt rerti o puosofvaonndouil itul dchgeheuts
8:37 pm
t oicyoabt eer hp u d? >> d >>onatatns ppus d the vi psint coralaon [alae]
8:38 pm
e esenprteor t mari lde mr monlli ve >>ajityad? >> he esutn ath de askortmmia nserio >>heleil re: >>he nofyg trede t utestesfhe eltif penal mpar >>itutjeio >>tsonded daged to. ov torenser ve wch t rolios re t >>itutjeio >>r.rede? i ve sotinhee askor iedte nserio >>nofyg hse o presenve t elti o psintmpar >>itut obctn e coided are . meo nserheo by wchheesutn
8:39 pm
re whoobjeio >>mr.ridt? mory ad? heoliot e sk ask its iedte nserio >> tlel po. s-s peinth an of t seteatckorhiseic r or ofhe ute stesndssn h fr t le ofhenid stes whojeiohe reluons aged . >>r.esen >> mory ad iav rolio a t de a a r iedte reluon >>he crkl rert >> xiheou o dl mein othene. >>itutjeio t reluons adndaged
8:40 pm
to i me renserheo byhiheeluonas agedto >> mehe b. who jeio m esen he reluont e sk ad r 'smmia nserio >>he cr wl po. ts- elti jie ams crarof thene. >>ov tegtethvo ich toon was agedto who rolioit i agedo. pasrae urig hd. y semy eatouprt d fe t cstutn e it steagnsal enie fei a desc, th y wl bearrufah lean tthsa, atou kehiobgaonre wioumealesvaonr rpe esi a y wl itul dchgeheuts t oicyoabt eer
8:41 pm
hp u d? io. cgrulio. ppus mr >> pridt? tajitleer iaveesutnt e skndskor iedte nserio >>hele wrert s- nofyg the esenf t utestes theleti o the srery ofheseat itut jeio t soti icoidednd re . mveoondeheote itasaged to. i me thetale
8:42 pm
>>itut objeio >>r. esen he reluon ath sk ask r s iedtenserio >>hele wlept. s-es otyi t hse prentives t econf e crarofhe na. who jeio the soti is csirean agedto io t nser t ve wchheesut i aged to. >>itutctn. mr.rede ia soti athe a r meatnserio >>helei ror >>-r 1cngrk rk aeran a aoor keerfesete itutjeio t reluons nser a reto. i meo conded e ve whh desoti re . itutctn. >>mresen he reluont eesk and itimdie nserio >>heerll rert
8:43 pm
>>nofyg hepridtf th utestesf t ltf eltion ohe sget ms d orep othsete mo who obctn e soti icoidednd agedo. oveoonde t ve whh e rluonagre to >>eobl whoobctn. mrede, ha a soti reluonthees a fr meate coidatn. >>hele wl ror nofyngheou of reestaveofhe ectn of sget o amsnd d keerfhe na. >>itutjeio t reluonsonded d re . >> irenser te vehi eesutn sgre. >> me tae. whojeio >>r.esen iava soti athde a a s iedteondeti. t crkipo. ses14 lein lra du of vgia a sreryor t
8:44 pm
jotyf tsete >>he roliosire d aged to i me t csirheot whh e sotias re to i mo bl who jeio >>r.esen iava soti ath dknsk r e meatcoidatn. tleirert. >> re 15ctgenor fr vgiaorinit he te >>itut obctnt i re t. t esenpuuehe puic lw.5 pots paic mk banor tm
8:45 pm
pi athenfhe 1 ngss thele wll rorhe reluon >> s-res16 t me afcte th apinenof lal coseci coci >> t soti isre >> vo tae. >> who obctn. we potornaneor eerm to exre at e d o th5 ngss e erwi rporthe reluonytl oak afcte potmt dutsete lalcoci >> wthtobctn i is aged . i meo coid. >>itutjeio >> veobl thtobctn. mesen >>ajit ad? ien t thees aonnt
8:46 pm
rees ask f t imdieondeti ahe ti trenser t oponf esrees b la on elend loed seraly the a rtindonat thegni o ehne core. > .esen mory ad? >> tay ianmptaa f oucotr ma naortoheh t afrnn. f t fs me. d a n rubcanajit ceedtsewreonbity weecni tortyf t ta borus
8:47 pm
kwotfar wk awts wenoanympta pounieait a l i rlltistbt ate naomis bui llavor ts ou tattorr. wa tweom bko rerng mbs,ngtute eew aday w aut ouolagrova. setore ia rmex an his tghnde ll b ban fm soon weh him aee rovy an whhee ty. enyhe cemy tday a moowt bk r yel t flr. >> m esen >>ajiteaer >>r. psintiha t jotylede fhein wos. i hpy toept nar
8:48 pm
ed i--ei--ndakg reve. isag tetac t rk ane n eecban e naon. it i mrile t wco elcoeaesacoor anthe leer wa twir. monllhe ve bet. was a satromromy ho stend a fouuos aman ofid a bein inpl thfitshi tbe flib a al tis. thayou mial nar rb'sbity tbe fiaeldmaheiv
8:49 pm
gh act o64nd i a se weilembe tt it fone apre. emecapeleee fors work tetrto sve prlendree oprtits. t remr e a abo horae mpome. e nstuonf enid at a tsetetslfs estfagemt. e ars tis wkhe amic instalttued th wldnnncg ingo p woin dblhe avagnd c torou d atanas hry fd who mmtetoayhe woer a miimmwa. t edaturerce e taays o te uny. cnosoe era' chlees w t samld
8:50 pm
thki. he areprle th muareec a sivetide i okorrd t rng wh mr monllo . lete tel u w a xis geo wo. asite ieror t er aatalsoce mmte tmen jua 7t torr, or turse hein ttinyhe ysne pene th t etg aid a e llin narsot rrtl svin coite csire mbrs of t cmieeor t ppo ofhemein den, caidganin dwaen iurer thathemein csireto coor wh l na res ratg t t ndtf cites ahe
8:51 pm
auored peese rmte >>s erobctn? >> uer t tdionnd res he satllf eseat coitesre oaned soti w ancite wlle ofretorr f t stcte t utestes na. satoheajity leer w wionnus coerti a piteanrnd an efrtep wthn re ageae prcho nser th listi a otrs. rhean i mt obct jeion ihed. mpridt,f y,et niiall saagn,o e'rit wld imir gng fwada well konfhe tin e nasets n dogh. h wca wor ts c g ard.
8:52 pm
ernekns t frs msu th iupnd cmi fmth engymmte i ulsato fen o te notyiditil bep renen whdote g stte pellyenorccsi c rk tou t e a anoutoetstard. oernhe amr. >>r.pridt, he soti ath dek. e ceril rorhe reluon. min moryar apinenor t4 core >>skor iedte coidatn d en te soti ornd t r andobcto mwrees >> jeion ihed. >>heesutns undhe
8:53 pm
rules. mr.esen i a anousonnt that e co be kt onti 4.m toy r ll a statent d sponsor quest >> is there objection? >>ithout objectio soder. >> i ask consent for the senate to proceed to the resolution of 19. >> relative to the death of a former senator from massachusetts. >> is there objection to proceeding to the measure? >> without objection. >>sk csent ite aged anthotnisaid uonhe bl >>itutjeio >>rpridt, indstd the ai a tk a as tiradng >>heleilrerthe tlof tbl. >> ll t arohe
8:54 pm
keto pili? i obct t m on rees >> obctn iar. eil wl rei ecd reinonhe nxteglave da i ak cse wnh seat mpteit binsay i meba a 9 a foowgherar a pdg theorngou i exre a thtisrerd r thus larnhe y. esete pceoorng sissitsetoalwe topepoen mutesach anthecsro:32: ll fhewely nfenmein. >> iskonnto beadrn
8:55 pm
threec tth maacsesentooowhe rerkof t two setoro ei f15 nus. who jeio pridt, iugst se or. ele tlk ll cal t le >> mr. alanr?
8:56 pm
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8:59 pm
9:00 pm
9:01 pm
9:02 pm
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9:08 pm
>>r.rede. tenorrone meco >>ha-ynd od s myoo fie i ehr dai kethot ll t iitte i ve soti tat nar rky d i eon >> wh e er ad e tlofhereluon tnuer0 cta us t fibteinhe seteoppvehe giateross >> a f iedte coidatn sd t reluonveth i je tmywneqst >>bjtiisea.
9:09 pm
iiody. t rolionowoe erndnd tir re. i re da >>ou t sats d ay f a nu? rir keo ve oer tchbef e nar omewexo cod hrd. plseroed >> anyo i re tayo tlkbo oucoinng efoto chgehes na res w binhe14 core. iss e me ocs nar rk a i ed a thegni heast core wldntdu a mir soti. h te jotyear ceedand he dete fointh leafr e iugatn d s llg wrkit uso ott eir ier
9:10 pm
tiweou datou pross. inoi she pesvehe rit t splmari tome t res arclon sti fe thcotiti. io mory ad coelwi eenth sa crty. hchsetoddss heises fo res fo. inheajitofhe seters do o amd e t res ju afrheasweid t auiceony ovioofev le adteby pevus ngss th wld dyhe mjoty atig. bad rooss inodedt e ar e 2tin01
9:11 pm
core. at tmee llt a wera bheajit buweerve car enfe d t noty d ree a tay. inodinthrerm paageas mbs t noty eschgedootttc notyigs. th aowheodto futi fm athe unrsntded thfibuerncwaa ol udpiny. d da i s t ofn d r o esi ove sa my tme th sd hece greyd r odde. inheevths t fibuer
9:12 pm
thsyems ok. buinheas ectn e sse s ea theltotesa f i doou j. keheovnmt rknd ats atheesutn iendto d f o rermwedoed fom e lstones, ty reot apt ttwe maroes stng pptto drs th sfctn t seteoa mere chge founelit dd t ta lg r e ads gelen'agemt brk wn. nomb 23--fr 3in e useaed ppg in wiinhe psintofhe seteo an t res prenthe notyro abinthrus wces
9:13 pm
qliedone f dialxute potmts itas ufouneut aso nessy. ofhereryas a rht vicobctnsuot toede he ste ojt pteed ta juese nfmeorhe esenfretngi te iple. byhain tulhe 3tsa icod coir 9 jge inacoird re jues ty d y he morn cngssin 180 so cfied a93 eciv ninio o 20 th mt nc20.
9:14 pm
th ianncdiehae analbut cessar acon meloeato gat lazaonn e na atheene opd fos t binng e 3tcore th iwhi rolyur thheiri lde adtein nveer fo tritna eecivbrch pote tbe cfied atrghmari ve. ino aptheesofhe prosrerm f t stt ts ngss yo w h wch t nath ltew yrs mar ilholeby dyunio
9:15 pm
21tis,usov t la t yrs t p tt to rscteheene teonlurnl38 meofhe0eae nn ctie wnhi pa necend eby bo pti h pevte the sna ndg so ne itee t rtuto e hioralraican futi aaheibat ye morar by en fibuerwe wy birtanipweelve e ppo re cng pridcoonenefms isilreorthbe tritnsf e sate a alw tcouc t sisshathamic pelexct.
9:16 pm
weavon al toive e ophgornnt eyxpt desve veme tt rk weai fo a w agn, co isit reec fhe mory r ffenpotsf ew ewwi rspt r is amr b stof li thpelehoenusou theigs t cngth rus t binngf enew cgrs ppteby hsty d e nstuon tie e econiv is vryle. eenecado i rusy sileajit vo itas beeusumou
9:17 pm
mes sce te ote oviowaadte19. wi ilu me taedisry imyul stemt t ror issoju autul t rmantritnsf esetendheha llse uerhe re the ofilusr. nehei isur thsehe seor obruioanth h threaon t d'thk e eraneoe re aou at ty n'wa a hior lsth nt a veme tt ai a reonlendhaor. o lyolags peal t n snars veerus nserio toefm. weo t nedoin er
9:18 pm
giate romatn'' t ndo vef re a onross t su w'r t geast lirave byn he rl cngth le gainomatnsha waan iornt srt th w t giin n thenweeetoefm e narusnas whfltame ilud inheecds r. a acoen f setofr i bedd aso-onro nd reluon >>itut oecono ded. iie t for
9:19 pm
>> m. esen >> sat f ogois regne. >>e ara w cngss toy ery n cgrs oveshe opporni f a es sarofheorwe oelff e eran op. ngtutis o nly ecd mbe ao r tuineltedemer i isppprtet is meha poer he kehenstuono r e arinpelefo threonbityor vi aoen tor
9:20 pm
lln tmsf spsili f giatn are t biisesacg ratn sie cehe 209t s enplsu wrk thyolag fm w xi wamhe fm thhoe ce rero thste oronuti moesf w ce fo a iur i19 th by rkn eaner th o mht aipa th a llasut fwa noa list t pce t w dat aro ofenor uleea toall uon t sna t
9:21 pm
suitheamdmt wld vewacaedir w deted ihe srterd te w teth narsou v f t oprtittorenthe ne andnt wh isawn 09hei ca bk u. sat wa vryifre chbe achbewhe ngerds te ulbespt deti wt llto ba. thmoono pocd ul befibuerto wstth uny tnitio noup dvi to te mpxiesf e su t tredal iue wwi srt ba o a rtulbi th stuiohabe
9:22 pm
seedbyheamic puic the ititi h dlid ealyvethla f dedeashe prasi s crsed oerrsof ngss rorla t corees he bnth letprucvef de hior e o andntgein nserveafril esov thelo t amdmt are frs - fit,o nyilusrs nohe aenorou dey tiby ldg rtas lg t eresou eb h o hetota oth for buofheilt nd
9:23 pm
th treshe ojeio to csi dbas wh th camr fle wth lee bau nod spdsheimor eer cle emecapele m ren is foo eangt ngecse ntolkhii, acunbityo te bl inha fhi ge r anarcy th flist h ce hatthal hamyolag fm wecond ir tein tyochgeo ste e cmbo a gr dibateod beuswecoda a entesngoly ias inhe wldweca ve
9:24 pm
rtnlingh oho t ma tngwoetrut ifheacne fth bo tcoidthe ea isrenwh n pti toheesoprtit yo fe mk,ndan fo bie t bdi thuti r - nconity i rmeer or whitoisai th t sathode coinsaer athisee ene dyunioisegn t waitaso . ats rtnl mieangothcoen trut ta gor shgt. feintohe cthe na wesnewi t cotitialrawo o si yrs wth mbe tangve t yrsnd
9:25 pm
hbethniay ec rely bhe stesaterhapola elti ianwod ge mo oa antoe thghulndefct o thiseshaco bor thnaon th ali tga reecon wathe na sulbe toe dcreds e rlsgrte liraveod t e listn t ef hhaed tt. ceaiy e abitof e notyndmari t or andntana me fhi he and at d atis atlend haltsa erlinhe hiorofheatn.
9:26 pm
the dtr t ergy veovnmt bstuth siifan tuult he gur liraonan cion of rsptae joty isth wt ne ste eecio oth reecdajit iss prt thyc o a doccy titen vo f ainvialha reec wt edo do iou nti. osinvialoo thhaerto pce t ha ageat gts plend t i th
9:27 pm
chbeisocd palys ttye teinde a tins vongor vion t e atmpmeeds bok anthishe war no alanrhalt wt to yhe nsuees i dis day ctetie mpmi oth pli odha extly wt ve sn omu whheonpay t otr. cleue nteitsno a rtanss. friinitanis
9:28 pm
tathe tt r e odf enstuon its niedfhe me ousetes ok ith eraneoe owha o rpoibit a i diit - satso can th w tre ned b fu mbstoor tt eafr t ltr rtrspeten coeaeson thid o e sl it sounobeabt e vaag oth menbu thsuesul nconf r lod na onof t tng weha ens aaireo eqteisosf
9:29 pm
nst ninio uer eonition th rpoibits a econ oraou nonaonfr t esen b tfoa couabrchf e gornntthonesto statalunrme herge oth gornntwi t juci eciv toeathtilynd stat y t ceaiyasalnpa wi t psousnd rtann tu o liraonov eas feyes. buwean an t a st frwd. eego veerto
9:30 pm
ostheteon mitis th spl mari. e rul ique sptala enuerf stct dg nser he flr he reha dubd halmstriedjuci caiehabe ct lf poantto a fr d pae uciyit shldob toato sae exuterah t t mory yshe peons rasabh th ninio sul ocd petisl setodal d veut r reluonit e
9:31 pm
cke ias word i20 a01o est rduty coagenis fele tout rwd a didu cpontso t alue csirchgeat e arofheeglave seio taedayo drs tatin w he ui aouhoth seteunio. e sonisheexdid nserio. nothruhaese so
9:32 pm
e d fo tt cng of tmi tt meut o thdetewoeago the eexre. t adtes pt thstdiul ts mp t snd ode th eire thhehae thoness, of8 reewhe fibteto vi listi wi i hd repeod atmbceani ves te4 me d fibuer pce. dyes 03 tou 22 e mb h gne 1 rehaaenld crse
9:33 pm
w su tree lists'itth coerce mmte ifhisa bl s en paedy eene coanes ebla leti fm chchbe toeeoth two o a cmpmi? buth i reoro do. i sysfin 09y coerceomtts e ginon. en i arits eie foth cio g geer ifoal two ousothehd e en buth ai kemo esonthanerecme beusthe e re ep atnae a list lt w - th's w 'sotor
9:34 pm
thti othe for gatt othfibuer thcoerceomtt's rtnl wmu iro th ba bnse e ths binodedan deteth morie ve idn ce yrs tt iss dedidvta toheuas mmb o thprio joty wa a dadnte t t mari mbe asel d rtnlweus ple eilt list whhetain list tatas anarcynd cotalihrghhe us ohi stme o filaagofhe bll t no cntuen tolo f eones the nt. kehimontf
9:35 pm
oprtitota oth thoehe ad grte liradbo r e bteen afhe naon drs e g su bor u thk u m pridt. ts idt an adurd ti9: a. torr a des sas fuhe mk rpeto th fmesetoroth cor tof sshutt coonalf maacses.
9:36 pm
>>icpridt bn ld sarg eron aenatheenng t cgrs atheld sete cmb. e fialeron ocrr erlr t setelor. is gi wh n na mory ad riar cdl whhiwi rm lor scrar. naib cveatnsnaib]
9:37 pm
9:38 pm
aaythe spo tonidtes nstuon queru lean tth na t precyose rll wiouan rertin diono eotf ngssourebo to te coralaon >>yaute >>owreyo ia eareo e u. hoar yu?
9:39 pm
[lghr] ana n tk a moat aute crloarthst he tig. sre t s y. naib nvsaon ngtutis.
9:40 pm
spdi tn eesof e mi >>oo cod. aute >> oay uphe. thyokn, hamyda ed sy? thmo iorntne
9:41 pm
naib cveatns
9:42 pm
tnkg mh. thkou ch. tt ulbe wdeul >>o t oerid
9:43 pm
>>hi te u veo gn >>o t oerid n aonndhoh ge aindauteis a dugerothre o heli. thk u. [iudlecoertis]
9:44 pm
iis pase mt u. rae yrit hnd. semy eayowi suornd dfe t nstuonf na stesfmecagast l emi fei or dostt br ue
9:45 pm
itanlgicetohe mend y te is obgaonrey tht anrervioorurse eviotaifuy scrgthuts t ofceoue outo dso lpouod thk u. io. >>idouge t pt th yand? ay. ne year'hstsar coralaon its grt cty. adus? stuyhenid at sete i nayha n. i gers anhaen toe ue isyo rhtan
9:46 pm
e lero ppt d fe t cstutnf it steagnsal eniefoiganostic br ue fitan lean tth sat toakth liti ee wtht y seatn ppo o asn osp wch u' auto eer. hp u d. >>hi howe u? odo e u.
9:47 pm
eaif sleth y ha. naib cnvsaon isuyasore iegty d s tt fgeth mo veis etili. thgeer remb i oneth or 19.
9:48 pm
go t e yu. ni tme y. hoaryoro iea t sar ayo go tseyo he u ntsto std? th erydy erydyl ce anal. ts myisr--l st-ila mheof0. odo e u chl.
9:49 pm
isouirdaoy? t bthy. uhao klly rlarinrole hoolar u? jo. eana. aute o ts aufuhild? ceo e u. mentth se. vee nto an eris ls u
9:50 pm
naib cnvsaon ngtutis ai. o d n dth y
9:51 pm
[lghr] erodtwhe ur n'mo. plseai yr gh ha. tool i er y suor a denhe cotiti diestes ait lneesorgn d meic tbe te itand aleanto t na? te isblatn ee who amol seatn ppo o evionf y wl t fce eutsf t cgrs hpyo gd. ha ndot. [alae] ni tseyo
9:52 pm
ay innyf uantoe swnn? >>owreou grt s y. thksorrdoi t agn. eyilstd thoun eile >> c dit rse yr rhta yu lely eao fehe nstuonf it stesgastllnie foiganomtith wi br ue fit a lean tthsa ito kehiobgaon ee thtnyesvaon puosof esi awe inaof e cllgeof e ti a autofa ofheccie do ea an y t fstimwe d thob ws you soe
9:53 pm
mid d e co d anththd me naibonertis] isyo rhtar --an yolluorth cotiti ain a eniefoigan meic br ueai a lean hesa i thta ts liti frly who a mta seatn ppo o
9:54 pm
evionnd dlltoe cedihae edues hp od? [lghr] ts mi. >>hiisorgorng w eou cai broyo h hoar yu? its odo e u.
9:55 pm
ael. hr.icrede. crl. [lghr] yolo le urotr. yo sndig ifrt. geus an he. itak aotf tice okvehe ami >>ka he wgo of
9:56 pm
rac uju bte lethn. lkeupop [iudle cvsaon
9:57 pm
>>henngl ydo cu m th d zs.
9:58 pm
tat wha enoi ts lo te. std t mdl rseyo gh hd. semy sarouil suoranefd e nstuonfhenid at ain a fei an descndea te itanalgicenhi daanthyota ts obgationreiou rervioorursef asanwi fcen e arsinouabt fa oaeay? - hp uod li tsee althki. brg e amp. >>e aastbl ay.
9:59 pm
>> ahiradaht. >> hpeohaa g ncarndhe hus. [lghr] gi maug go tseyoagn. >>erweo.
10:00 pm
[iudleonrsio] . [iudlcveatns >>ll
10:01 pm
indie onrstis] >hayirda me. stdig e dd. yoon the tse. naudleonertis] isouig nda rea afr me do yosemy we o fi tt u ll ppt d fe t cstutn t utestesagns alenie ren d dost thyouiea tr fthan giceo e me tt y tes obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti o puos vio ath u ileld faill dihae e ti ot ofcen wchy e abt eer
10:02 pm
i nouabt at. >les havere cte. >>ka lit. wt y oi uall th ur le hdnd aiourright nd ept teme d yosemy ea--o yoelyar affi th u wlppt a fe t cstutn thunedtasgast l ems,orgnnd meictatwil be ueai alean t e methyo teth liti fel who anmealesvaonor purp oaonanha u llwe nd faifuy scrgthduesf fi owhh u a outonte
10:03 pm
>> d >>onatatns. alrit wevemo o jps >this my fst > llco o owareou oinbu h w yo holde u? >>ka mon coe n. tnkyo ay he wgo cgrultis.
10:04 pm
yhava baufufaly ryng indileonvsaon > erogo >>owreo >>y snd ino od teyou. wea gogto v nn heide. threacenhe. thfalyl ou. h e u? od sey. y,icr w e u? [iauib cnvsaon alriht. butoleha ont blndrae urig
10:05 pm
an aute u olnlswr fi tt u wlsuor andendhe cotiti ofhenid at ait l ems,foigan dost, atouibr tr fthanllegnc t e meth u take is obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti o rseofatn,ndha yowiwe afaul scrge thduesf e ofcen h u abt e? >i ll. laht] >>ootoeeou >>oure go. aute oue o a tyayyoarfid . naib cveatns > ey lkeha > hvee at indie nvrsio]
10:06 pm
tnkou thnkou grt seeou thk u. y asoki. ndie nrsio] >>hak u. [lghr] >>re to eeou aute >>lato s y. aute ndibl cveatns >>how youma > meon. weildohiagn. > w aryo >>'mdog od [iudleonrsio] oy. doousemy r afrmhay il spo d efd e stutn the utestesgast alenie fei a meicthyo wlea tr fthndlliae thsa, t ukeis obgaonrey,itut y nt rertir
10:07 pm
rpeofevio a th u llelnd faifuy scrgthduesf he fi owchyo a abt er io ienodobtabut at >>amy andicre naib csaon h a y? hi me. t' gthp re owre yuswti olaryo sen >>olmao. h aryou? go teeou. oky. ghinro. m a d. naiblecoeratns
10:08 pm
heo. re g whavegottooup top gu. er wg [laghr] >>akca grdp it r jbi ow ude nvsaon >>oeth w. ne sy gs. ndieonrsio] i n dog e nex e. aut] >i notngt. > s,yey a. iaof theob. >>llit. hwe y?
10:09 pm
i,i ce. atbetidrs. w d e u,ice? [inaib certis] >>ouaninheide. wehav somein cmo hd e bie.ple ur ftnd irae eri. rht wl etth, ente doouolnlswr afrmhayowl po andenth cotiti ofhenidtas gast l ems,orgnd meica ar tr fthndallean t thsathyta this obgaonrey,itut y nt rertir pupoe ofvaona at yowlwl anfthfly scrgthduesf he fi owchou outont? >> d [aub cveao]
10:10 pm
>> liket vea oo im o e,uy >> godan >thisitor n. oy. l gh t ptures. >nito metou >>ictoeeyo ere o. [auib cvertis] ublconvsaon naib cveatns >> w hi ulhaen [idleonrtis]
10:11 pm
y uyid are j. > anyo >>nmo. [iudblcoertis] >>lligt. h, wh iyo ne? [lht] naie nrsio] ynsomneo goat wiyo cl ? rht [iudlcoeatns naudleonrsio] >i meer
10:12 pm
naudleonvsaon indie nvsaon h autoustdig in theide. ftnn thbile isyurigs. ou olnlswr afrmhayowisuor andendhcotiti ofhenid at ait l ems,orgnnd dost, atouwlbe tr ftha allean t e mett uta is obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti puooevaona tat yowi wl athll scrgthduesf e ofcen hh uare outont y io thk ou m ve esen [idibleoertis] >>o, i kw.
10:13 pm
aute iidot at. >>onatlaon >thisigby t wa indionrsio] >> remr. ll ce .
10:14 pm
le's rnachi yohothbie andr urig. lesu laht] >>ka doyoolemywe o afrmhayowll pp andendhectiti ofhenid tasagns alenie fei a dost t ywilbr tr fth d lliae thsa, at yu ta ts obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti o pupo asn,nda yowi wl anfthll dihae e ti oth ofcen hi u abt to et? >>i . nadieonvsaon y. > ne aug co o lahtr] >>heare incah pos.
10:15 pm
[aublcveaon [iudlcoertio] [iudlcoertis] [aib cvertis] [uge ndleonrtis] ndib coertis] naib cveatns
10:16 pm
udleonvsaon udlcoertis] naibe nvtis] > w, eywtto g ath st. on erwe g ha y laht] hpyvit ts y. inudleonertis] > ay
10:17 pm
u ae ntoan e mdl y argoi pur le an onhe bbl ai ou rht nd and eptere. dooolemyarr fi tt ou wl spo d efd estutn t utestesgast alenie fei a dost, hou llea ueai a lliae e meth ou kehi obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti o rpe asn,nd tt u llwend fahfly scrgthduesf e fi owhh u a outon >i o >>onatatns. onataton [aib cveatns] >he hdse. hoareou?
10:18 pm
aute [iudleonrsio] y a hdse, ar gu laht [iauib crsio] [iudblcoersio] >>owreou indie nvsaon wl, nyo ni se y omon jumhe. [aublcoeatns >alrit. ree . [luger >>ok rit re
10:19 pm
gu, okp. [uger indie nvsaon tnyo [iudlecosaon nadie onatns >>ha u. indie nvsaon > ay
10:20 pm
naib cveat] ystndn fnt yoult ot ble ser ht ept aft m doouolemyarr afrmhayowiuprt d fe tonitio ofhenid at ain alenie fei a dost, atouilbe tr fthndlliae thsa, atouakts obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti pupo vaon aha yowi el anthfuy scrgthduesf he ofcen hi ouar outont [iudlcveatns >>ha u. >>ha y. [inaib cveatns
10:21 pm
>>wh yor me the yo ae. ri, ringbong owre yo easuto met u. w are? [iudle crsio] [iublcoertis] oy. anhee youan tariginfrnt th . th isr [aublcoertis]
10:22 pm
tree ocara [iudleonertis] [aub cvsaon >>lo wh . [lghr >>hayofoth iove y. illu at, n. wcoldetnto lot of troue geer >>ka se. hobouy anme o. cnakeonmeho e y kdi yo lo anayu nt
10:23 pm
ar ygongto o? keouti. isisnotroem ths appda im rr tre yg ltlbuonn . >>ka t . > ryveryxctial [iauib crsio] aute naib nvsio] >>llig se y gs. [aublcveatns >>ex .
10:24 pm
>>as fe > remb. weado sret. > sih yr. [luger > reweo. rseyorig hd. ouolnlywe o fi tt u wlpo d fe t conitio ofhenid at ain l ems,orgnnd dost, at ywlbe uefah lean t thsath yak thi liti fel who anmealesvaon rpe ofevio, t yowll anfaifuy scrgthduesf he fi owchou e outont? iil udlcoersaon > tedo t- [aibonvertis] >> ted toal
10:25 pm
a rht tt rympsse. h, vebo. laht] h w e u? u c'tenitma wayut or y. t gea fmipiur ok. [iaublcorsio naibe nvsaon [iaublcoveats] auger
10:26 pm
iis gd eyou y anyo tnkou ne o s y. ngtatns od se u. naib cveatns] i mi totr pa f faly we o thi rname a s we t a. m ingo veouta onhisi. y? rd eein bi o s y
10:27 pm
ka. yo ho t bl pefere. we thrighsp? alrit do yolnl sarr afrmhayoil uprt andendhestutn t utestesgast l ems,orgnnd dost tt youwillear tr fa a giceo e meth ou tehi obgaonrey,itut y nt rerti puos f vasn,n tat yowi wl ndthll dihae e ti oth ofcen hi u r abt et? >io >>otdou in y nd. [iaublcoertis] m d,y epm. h a yu? ootoseeou [iudblcorsio]
10:28 pm
>>llrit. he . llig. i inhee. y lk gd. [iaubl cveatns [iudleonrsio y he lkto tnkyo [iudlcoertns >>llig. cetoee u gs. e yu bckom hpe tnkou
10:29 pm
[aubl crsio] ndie nrsio] naib nvsaon ryootoeeou. naib cveis] tnkou thk u. ou l othth desi. ftanontble rae urrigh hd,nd reatft m dyosemy eaor fi tt u llppt d fe t conitio t utestesgast l ems,orgnnd meic tt u i arrufthn algiceo eamtt u kehiobigio frlywiouanmeal rervior ppof evio a ha youil llndahfly scrgthduesf t fi un hi e outo teso hpu d?
10:30 pm
> do cgtutis [aubonvertis] wegot f rk naib cnvrsio gd see u. ho ayo ye. s. waryo is y. laht] owar oudog? yo k go, ou. sograt men. t sh the. men. idn re wehavthe na phogph t. >>e lkhe?
10:31 pm
iari. l gh a yu,uy >>hak u. ndie nrsio] wwi k p th y ou >>eydo god seou. rlluet in al [iudleonrtion aute >>e te co tts foea ghr] anaysle ero e otr de urlefthd on e bie. ai you rit nd one wl . aute d youolemy eaor fi tt u llppt d fe t stutn t ute steagns alenie fei a meicatou l
10:32 pm
be te it nd lean tth sa tt u kets liti frlywiouanmeal rervio oppe of asn,ndhayo l we a itul dihae e ti ot ofcepowhh u re abt ent, el y go >i i nbt in > anyo ndie nvsio] se. [iuble nvatns] ndie nrsaon oto seyo w a oin m? [iudlecoerio >yogotheene ptogph uto upto p.
10:33 pm
>>eaif. tnkou aut] [iaudleoertis] [aublcveatns laht] m gh. udlcoersaon ttis blaon al rht. inudleonertis] naibe ertis] > we yo
10:34 pm
h aryo? go se y. naib cveatns hoaryo i l ater wht egog too uta heide,nd yo d tbie. oth, meon or re e or debache s we net veon i e cre t nd hele ra y rig hd. nl sarr fi tt u ll ppt d fe t titi ofhenid atagns alenie fei a dost, au be tr fthndalgice t e methu tke is liti fel who anmealesvaon o
10:35 pm
puos evaon ath yowi el d thy scrgthduesf th ofcen hi yar ou t et > do. >coralaon. ndie onveatns ndie nrsio] wl, wenk uo bnger pria ryuc dide g a ptu? utha dwn indileonrsio >ho aai rte flong llig. ay [indie nvsaon >>olup y hd.
10:36 pm
> uik ki ctes aute >>ka oy. weavgoa na otogph uto > he g tnkou gys >>owknw. [luger thksgu. h ae ouoi? [udleonertis]
10:37 pm
[aublcoertis] >>ha y. > uarebay oi to stnd he ide a hds te bl. pu yo pyoef ha the bl anisour gh doyoolemy ea o afrmhayowi spo d fe t conitutn t uteat ait alenie fei a meichayo l ar ueai a aegncto e mettyo keh liti fel who anmealesvaon o urse oesin,anth u llelan aifuy dihae e ti oth ofcen wchyar outo er >> d. >>onatatns [inaibe cveio] indie onsaon
10:38 pm
>>hais realni. die nvrsio]
10:39 pm
ts o s crl. crl ts bin co o [lghr] arrg, ree . >>eycaieivthcara sme. aute >>ooupop tnkou >>oofoartoorngit yo wl odwe gd. go tseyogu ni tseyou. hegr hoaryo p? w e o m? 'sootoeeou
10:40 pm
ngtutis. yostd t de dyo geonheth se. at a rht isyo rhthan doouslelywe tsuor andendhe costutn thunedtas ait l ems ren mti atouilbe te it an legnctohe mean yota ts lgaon wiht y nt rertio puosofvaond oul llndahflydicrg thduieof eofi r whh re o ttont s he y g? ngtutis. ymmhwreu? 'suca eare okn yo hoaryo u ava easo
10:41 pm
>>ydgher le. y ce erndta b me >>hiisuronar my ier gandedagher li wt ddg u yspaby m tt id. m d hsemo re. ree . he e otraerupop er ngtutis. tnkouermu. >>t'goto eeou ata retdafoyo ashesa insthn elwa th sakitanccen yoha de odgi. itgratosee oual thk u.
10:42 pm
tnkou [lghr] okforwd osi y agn,om byby >>r.icpridt. >>owreou coralaon u aninheide y wod. u ldheib a bl u t t oerde pu urefn othbl erure oranapal yo soelywet por d eenth ostutn unedsas ait l eniefoigandost th y wl arrufah alean e kehi obgaonrey tht y nt bsvari - rervioancr h
10:43 pm
duesf e fi un ic yo >> d tnkou lo fwa twoinwi yo mchdr. hoolaryo hewe, w e ou hoolaryo co oov tth se. heda, odo e u.
10:44 pm
ayhe y g te uwh y a rdy lo u op thsetehogrheisp p. odtos y gs. ngtutis ai tnkou w aegog ce is y. [iudlecnrsio
10:45 pm
[iudle onrtis] . w o? 's od s y. mdaht lis. h o a y? yrsld he nso h a y dng [iudleonrsio] ngtutis. doyuwntoudct oh thbie? mpn temilendouan anrit m. yowita g nt m anth wargog he ddpuhile hd t bie hc ea it
10:46 pm
he wgo doouslelyswatouprt dden t niti o thunedtas ait l ems ren ddoesc at ouwi r rfat analegnctoh sa a u kthlgaonrey wiouanmeal srvio orursefaioant u ll a fthll dihae e ti othe ofce uowcyoarabt eersoelyogo hisavg n. anyosi aute y he betil mi. >>hiisy th cdy faeroh th imyepw ga >>ootoeeou co oov othsi. >>hiisy st la. anhest-s jry
10:47 pm
h a y? odo e u. w e u? hihoaryo go tseyo hebi. >>e llo ckhe. >>omonndli aosan geevyby . wl it he. naib coveatns veyby nlokp. >>ood athphogph upop
10:48 pm
[iudlecovesaon >>f ur iou. at h ne? bey,owreou myamis o ben vc pridt de hoaryo ikoani stwo iyo grds. ye a rht i'gog ptimnhe on he his d' he tie,'matin myrasobeg orin at wt e id
10:49 pm
[lghr] e sid hasveynce sid d'tavti rht w. aute s ai y n at vy ceut d'tavti rht no i'wahi m rads being sworn in. [laughter] so what the heck, do you know what i mean? i got to meet with, i invited an outfit in san francisco and i invited aout 20 to meet with me. onof hem asouyes old. the'a eapiure weav ofersitinteinmell abt th fstiranfaor shwoedn d l tt. anthpridt' an
10:50 pm
rk ia nuctinplt. g le u. u ve butulisr. h mthg mn. sst ebeeroong d arr. aute 'sootoeeouuy >>ha y. ceo etou cgrulio. itneeeg yo. anyove muh it aleurtoeeyo mi h a u? is odo e u. ngtutis. u t t oeridof m.
10:51 pm
t urefha othe b. aryorey? doouslnlswr prt d fe t cnstuonf itste ain a eniefoigandost ato ilbarrufah daean t e sett yota tsoliti fel wiouanmealesvaon ppo oevioanyo wila fathll dihae e ti oth ofcenwich o reabut o tesoelyogod? >> . >>onatatns weava otraerthr yocata aoo ene llavthfaly men. hiorn,owreou got s u. hmo cgrulio. coralaon bng eri bk m
10:52 pm
m. e u ad he wgo w o p u. he e rep er thk u mh. ngtutis. >>ha y. il fwa twoin wi y. tnkou. [iudle nertis] ngtutis. ts mwi aa. >>e thaveothi coon h rrd p. pu yor ftnonhe ie
10:53 pm
d isyo rhtan u lely wrsaro suorinpeendesi o unedsas ait l ems ren d meicnd eyilbe e lean tohesatetaehi obgaon frelwiouan meal svioorursef asn d u willlan fahflyisar tts t oicnhh u e outont she y g. coralaon wha fil t wleamy. iss fks hmo ho ay? coralaon it re o eou loinve pud >>iss mheinaw aigh--nec a neew ab, w e u? iss ri.
10:54 pm
>>er jy h mk w e u? odo e u. les idiner aryorey? e ki c sy t fnt y wt. >>erweo. yo mroonis ew vet. iinouwh? t. >>onatatns >>ha y smu. anyosouc >> he u joits ch i di. 'sootoeeouom
10:55 pm
y nd m ve esen >>t'go tseyo iss bi y. w f manay naib coveatns >>s atig? at wdeul. whdoou od heib a yopuyo lt ndonita rae urig an u olmn saro ppt d fe t constutn uned taesgastll ems ren dmti th wl ar u ai a algiceo e amad yo wi te is blatn ee wiouanmealreerti ppo oevaonayu
10:56 pm
llwlan aihfly scrgthts t fi unwhchourebo tont she y g. >> d cgrulio. h mha hr u n? w d e u? >>eyav, w e u? yoani n'geaw wh at [lghr] lo t ptu, anyoso ch >>y otr--l.
10:57 pm
y g rhtn e dle ths. ree . e u ad betil mi. ree . we ae ptophe. erodlo u >>e veorfalyomg . >>eyhaie >>eyanhas eram hoaryo mgi it gd s y
10:58 pm
w e u? 'sootoeeouan at gatamy. li ks tt tn op >>he a aoue ppl inheac lk t tre >>ha y. [lghr]
10:59 pm
[iudle nertis] >> have gndugeran ongrds. naibcovsaon naib cveatns [lghr] d,on heso ouaty me [lghr] ha aradaht aea yogeth yu
11:00 pm
[iudle onertis] n u imgi sinth t yo fhe [lghr] 'sootoeeouuy an osomchfvg uricreak. tnkou itod oseyo thk u. 's gatay w e u inma he wgo anyosouc it gd s y m. naibcovsaon
11:01 pm
>>t'go tseyo i jod rkg thous veor agig unth dd a pu o lthnon e bl rae urig hd. doyousoemyse tsuor an fndhe ntiti of unedtas ait l ems ren d meic n yowilbr ueaih d lean t he amethetae isbatn ee who anmeal esvaonr puosofvaonndtht o wiwe a ahfly scrgthts t ofcepo hih u out tont, hp u d. io. cgrulio. >>hiisy adady epth h dwlmeo e d na. 'sootoeeyo ngtutis.
11:02 pm
's pase mt u ys da y sndig he xt m l gh he g >>erweo ghthe. anwe l lk t. whakdofhear faly >>has ea it gd s y m. hi h is odo e u. >>hiisy dahr.
11:03 pm
aute >>t'sgodo e u ia hoaryo aryorey? t ly t pk ul yomo ts y bi isvebo rdy? oy t he. anyogu he e reo . is [iudleonrsio] iioto e ou
11:04 pm
u guverand a g. men. ievyo wldoo up indie nvsaon >>netw tee tnkou >>ha y. [iaublcoveaton gdoeygu. >>ha y. trey g strids. >>f ur. [iaublcoertis] >>he y g peec naib oertis]
11:05 pm
naibcoertis] vy ecl moes thk u. naibcovesaon . a gs reye ty okheea o
11:06 pm
>>onatatns go tseyo got jusrit. yo l hd nhbib isyo rghha. u snl sarr afrmhayowisuor andendhecotiti ofhenid at ait l ems,orgnnd meic tht wll arruai a algiceo e th u kehiigio frlywiouanmeal rervioorpurpoof asn,ndhawi we a fahfly scrgthduesf fi un icyoa abt te sohep u d? >> d >>onatatns. >>ha y. [iie nvsio] [uger
11:07 pm
conatlao. irt y. yo cd otdeyit.oth of y sndne o . coe n. erer ne o met u. i dne naib coertio] [laute] >>llig. a ay goneupp er >cawte re laht] ys,he . [aublcveaon
11:08 pm
[iudleonrsion indie nvsao] aht] alesu tnkyoyo >>ha y. >>ha y. ndleonrsio] > is ngat ahr] [iudlcoeatns
11:09 pm
naib cveatns laht] [iudleonrsio] >alrit gu yoantad. yo ithe ideyo ef ftha the ble rase yourit. ugot tig. a leftan rseyo rghha heo. d snl sarr fi tt u wll ppt d fe tnstuon t utestesagns alenie fei a domeic tywi be te itan algiceo e meat yota ts obgaon ee, tht y nt seatn se o evio a tat youwl llnd itul dihae e ti oth
11:10 pm
fi un hi yoa outont, lyo d? i do. >>oralatns tnkou pase. inaudleonertis] aute [iaubl cvertis] h a y? ndleonrsio >h s. w reou ona. mcoun,ely. >>ay. ow yoget e. >>s aok? l'se se ts te. inow am decrt, bu
11:11 pm
is ay it alc o. . lo u p,uy naublcorsio] ay tnkou >>ha y svy ch y >>greso eeyo retoeeou. > anyo ce to yu l. nadie nvrsio] ndie cveatns grs e bl yo solemywr fi tt uwispo d fe t cnstuon t uteat gast alenie fei a dost, hat y wl arrufah d lean tth m at
11:12 pm
yota ts obgaon ee, tht y enl seatn r rsef asn,ndhayou ll we a faitul scrgthduesf e fi un icy e outoeer lp ou d? >> wl. >>onatatns agn,onatatns. oky.ok. er e . abi crowd outhe. h lds. >>ymor. naib cnvsaon aute] vy od. cogrulio. [lghr] onatatns vodto e y. wreyo go se y. owe u odo e u.
11:13 pm
[iaublcoeraton naibe nvsaon h hyo eto seou wht yr na? >ri. >ni eeuri. l gh ree . augher naibconvsaon inudleonsaon >>ka. [iaubl cvertis] udtack tteit mo. coo bk litl bit
11:14 pm
re [aublcoeratns] >yo gs, ltlbi [iudlecoerio] tnkou >> anyo. >>onatatns ngtatns [luger tanyo aeaeengou anyo lig. [inaibe nvsaon >ho ae ? how ae ndi cveatns
11:15 pm
heowreou wh i youna >>or. inudlecvsaon >>ka yoolof tt. heweo. do nl seaor fi tt u ppt d fe t cstutn t utestesgast l ems,orgnnd dost, hywi be te fa d lean tthsat yota tsobgaon ee, tht y nt seatn opurse o asn,ndat wi we aitul dihae e ti o th fi un icyo a abt eersoelyo go >io. cgrulio. tnkou [iudib onertis] [iudblconrsio] tnko >>elareou s leaur toee
11:16 pm
u. h waryou? naibe ertis] weltnyo coralaon [lghr] thkou. hoary? iiket oky. >> you get right in here. okay. ready? okay. on mo up top.
11:17 pm
area i eato eey t. die nvsaon >>ha y. udlcoeratns indie onrsios] aut] [iaub cveato] indie nvsao] nadie ersio] y b. tnkou > l ig. keta h ido eeit
11:18 pm
ndieonrsio] naibcoertis] he ? soy. tt is rht coralaon >>ewillta y rht t mdl udhe bl yo chcet oulthd heiblais ou rit. youolnlsarr fi tt uwispo d fe t cstutn t ute steagns alenie fei a meic ttouill arrufahan lean tthse,tt yota ts obgaon ee, tht y nt seatn orpurpof asn,ndhyoil we a fahfly scrgthduesf e fi un icu e abt eersoelp u d?
11:19 pm
>> d >>onatatns >>hiis dghr. iss ura [lger >>wh utulgrt rl [aublcosaon >> g howpinov he. [idicoertis] >>hi i my m and d. cgrlaon
11:20 pm
gethgr sait. >>ndy th-ila coralaon rig tn beha thki kd sden e onhe. ghbeee >>veon >>ka >>et g t enarn re. >>oo gh he. > ay w alokiuto upto [iudleonvsaon tnyo >>ha y
11:21 pm
[laute >>ha y. tnkou >>haou so ch. ethgou e ne noid naib cveatns] naib cveatns ndie nveatns >>ha y. tnkyomu. [iaublcorsio]
11:22 pm
ndieonrsio > daserear od t seyo ho u? ou and ig ith milei llavfoth srerypuerftnd onhele doo semy eaor afrmhayoil spo d fe t nstuon t utetasgast alenie fei a dost, at u illbr ueai a alliaceo e methayo hi liti fel who anmealesvaonor urse vio a at uwi wl d fhful dihae e ti ot ofcepowhhyar outont, hey go
11:23 pm
>> will. >>hanyo ngtutis. [iudie nrsio] >>o ou >>ou ho b ycomeovbye. ka ree . he, ys w e u on -- mon. cgrulio. >>ha y. inudlecoertis] a rht
11:24 pm
>>ooto se u. thyfoyo ntue rve. >myon gd tseyo h u? ha furradahts. k r ingi l hem re t'do apiur naudie nvsio] >>ookup top, t to [iudle ertis] [iudlconvsaon
11:25 pm
a y. indie nvsaon >>ooto s y. ok. dinn r rima [iudleonrsio] naib cversio] naib cveatns] >>ll rig. t'g apectet indie csao
11:26 pm
[iudlcoertis] naudibe nvsaon a fer w hd r rmhreterovno mao o. uhovnoga heer
11:27 pm
>>erarsoof ou tud ogmsoris weenn e-spn prra.
11:28 pm
ndur cple lesi scduetre anl kwwhou tnk ou e ogmmg eaius o se a we ineerti, ke ofaboolw n itr. t fer f the-rmgornmar omwahe i yo ci. e euy w er a thchchof .ats
11:29 pm
yo s he urnt gveordr cuo. [iudleonrsio] gdarnn t allof u. meeg tnkist igti lol th spalyandeauifl ermo tay peal fahe wt. eoy wbnju bor chsts tomybrhe riopr.
11:30 pm
myothriopr d riiam t b maio bau sepele w wi anyhi en t pis o ere s. ghr] >tres noeauson pt,ower we w hk cumareytiafo eica of th. exaoiny. tsewhoo ca ofmy thatom24 rs dawerrely mnice da is feu mre eantand afor miy. enyea ubc seic ws beauful rtrsp. admisraon wks
11:31 pm
wiou a tam miae d at meme nkheo t os raldan exoiny b. we watohanth. w tohak prsint lionfo ngere a nar inn. th bh ansoucho myfer hayoarbo hee bhew yoer hanyo prsintobmat mas
11:32 pm
p bien we lt gh ec oerlortayn ma bud a lo s so myhe ai werehhe heda sanghaheashe ir potil pptefohe mar. i ai all ure hecon i truc y. wicy ater saiou re oy e h srery i is e veor ato nt un. tmeou esct fyo nks dung ifcu me
11:33 pm
seat lad a ste narsfr aun t te mrsfrom arosshe steyocoty exutes. i tnk hemhe ernandgee. ndth erlythsas o yoer wshod p stdao y ib to athat th ke s aamin hongof upor h had ein bcrve nd 20ea kbouth yrs
11:34 pm
heoqutu popl remre peler a w li, ait as a inirio an tm reig re e d ngmy th tphe he haiva big ehn e y icallo a hoit ntaow d i;om ots, ord f-e-ff he sdo,t as poa sec ro evy d ndw to exainhihe cou t sslyeler ee ntponeslas oucoda wttespch th inved" winsn chchl t torf
11:35 pm
thwo rordrien ee min worengen inkihe hocal socendhi cnttwas mo o mapr th a telittio readngwabt,ut voin gvis chrcll mnta hwas trerus abt ts. pidi w unmforblcae i eedo et dice reti dust acrdgl e idhat a unecsa ocarwttheudie nt he? ts n ab atthey wa to rebut whatu
11:36 pm
edy. d ha my iesas th een omao om s ot iteesd plinhe dicenot in secorn fendhe polatyf is belifs wairelan. at ace o he a ow sawheorwhch gavehia at are reth d menyin bua capotian th agn, sot relyapoict l. s or peol lfysm has nwhe d. nalewas jst test in otian e potil st. ti se 3 h
11:37 pm
30hwaallbo ecin wynd budi aaw rtic. heeme uily redwih tycaprti bau ndenllheas unni stngeeng ourigh anwrg sedon lio soy,nd st exrnce th ge fm te poti aiv f h d tk t hoowrs i qns o om reei cemd ouiafid. pr,kiamie cld nofgh ty hl d wodos rythnth ha hiw tirom. thy e rited d wet o lye nmema cu r hp tk treau
11:38 pm
inste. he wampoweddo batlde d asom ee. r te yoot om n yk qns iwha eyclteboug ntesiny,heiso roefretos t inr roh. th iprblth tre nseran ouids le,ndne fis e he the arthe fr th oter dof e ac heotheseoftown. our rohswasrki falitresn adme pr. e n itia iignt
11:39 pm
thheugle titeueed to pp re t grt raht-- gea ste no. isbirtar waee nd herewih id he ha a ral nnti whhesirlooki innrd norie denanis po aa t sof imgnt. ndt w hi ee. h ly ay inpics we n a-iping. helosthemrac imy. ostn tryag
11:40 pm
encntncounr, eltelieent veor i s ecpan nar we ad noppont. it waa w neels. ahr] >>isrillhe ob o lutanvern wano l at-- wouwae calthegorrn i gornanre t onee ldoa slp. [lger stt w sl,an w bamromas. he wd eaon edsd urseio o rdomawa an elilg
11:41 pm
arrind th crd he crtf pplsoghe ed hiela ei 5 h watruly uquma anweul henn toetr on t ngh tt th w in wn m fh isd ate mpd evy wne min este neyo faa a rtfeowat ei lde -srtwi lees rehi or h lage bey ber sor. ii asuhe h chicly cd ca uses
11:42 pm
my farhoasodt d rm ia rewa peulyrurad ad wldayhy cnnoyou dsso dnera faiaousa ut o spt r u he. aute lday iore ncbors ndthehe oulsa dressedut sptfo yopitns lieent veornd te ft at yo aon ar ta ayroavi aealob aut] and e ul ughtt eay ug d whe llouldha. mfaer wold il sloy. oul sine ch anwtevion.
11:43 pm
eycou ba ath nteandtemt n sapommci. eydete dat veuay tat viay rno lindovnmt i ulee he rini ndong h o penaphoshy he f gnoth imosbl apsie ce my far beevhas ad a bsued. e llsts deonring timpsili oh rst werunrssi.
11:44 pm
thogh h was fiht eightig d otaer ee ouin se itwa theig i o yowa dohrit thg. he nf nlyio plic cago elviovnmt d uinpmseme csi meoury stng, tt ecaon alcacomi bityhe n iigntprrean make hecomuntyroer hebeev mpsi for t so mti. ts wlsth ssen chisany a jes' tehis. buherwe noivwa
11:45 pm
reonbityan rd wo wa eect omll. e s nt aprce he wnexute. eutaxin rkrce ee oo fic t t tax tes pce. hee lt iw 7 rct th te woror yrs ltewa acal alrhan hto offi.ofic ntleuay asl bosuleanduae, lld tatibal esst tbe hi ophy diea neab. he cad hiela prresi pgmis pgrsivaluwita
11:46 pm
prmac prc is l as pogssve tis eanserpragti t iwato colitetoounat anno e ul ueran frkl isti d't ndstd. aute he se id ot carea wold n be ruc bhe shrtmisoter ncdig ne [lghr] m fah askeic of th oplofedft eaingornnt fsedon tgl er tnheea th rot, he pce. ttr ie idno loehed-toay name ogoveme e m dbsrtyf t
11:47 pm
bueacry nuin fohi no d reatthe ck fth oostri grrew icidyheig. was critizeby at on he leftau hitytoc ou n mathroameaty. wealed ith curse th ecuti. unrsndg oeein to laeudtr ho et vt fr th rubc sate. aht] tis re isese was aisoer a an vote a usad rimoasheeyte spkefbeer ge thee maeth cae allfout
11:48 pm
nnc in tt puuihean b a erio opponnt weulllnd h aufu a ee nerardh wos thepnclethpaio the ce he wds aandik fe ar honornvialeay ndlad pfely fiinjusowth e e tt c reantheone tht lled the wa engas ow ulimeleadithe evabonusn whh w h ncliohic w t sofohe eeihe fit a. a rigusa
11:49 pm
hoheeparadis pesolisomhis prson spsilies e pliofci fuilng cnstuon spsili w dfent t nst wh th foloin chst tehis. ieveth cobe rece toon wrdlo ndve an acptce ndpaioanspo t helpele tgod. od dthat ate waed goerentoefor r od. isovwasno asi ve t aactlve t th ve a song lo. as afihteare wa. inmanwayshisieonhe chch wa aheofsime asxcedboou n
11:50 pm
po ci dis enghnepepeivon thicmit eas iluonnd detain myfaer tugth op fnculagetha eshisf robl frout bou. aht asouhrdfr fath wi, m fher lod caoo cmmutyas a way o le. h waraed govemeas tpurst o grtriipsan sai inln strum sstce or ylnd hs fexeliedth laive oliooppl per. we a rkglas falyan wwe pud . ourylu. as orinm'
11:51 pm
gorn d raidoy toldnehbho vue samllspkof is eees it gwve theea imeer s uerea wene notthfst ha wouco t mi. [lghr] meo st hwasa taoumpite, incredlytrg n. corisg a rly rey,relly ug
11:52 pm
i wdavbn ore rti to bh bale wkef csuee d copeti bate whhein mpgn fiti listuo a keal crt ou arohed m ow rikd pel. astblur maed e opla he cldow hseto bis fll gsvelf verns e spodto copot thseesth erindni ndor setng torisl alysryg o loen, t theketbl ur s t ne eepon a hisibatn. wehc tts. i asbier tn faer an t inidteby faha s veor he cd otfi m
11:53 pm
aedinh gin ba. h lid aynen-e beseit w a reo ofomtion w li24pods h wldma fes d't yo tak talyit ddin btedegno unervyo t y lese ma dyootheomal dfenc. aute thssuof cain fls plgud . we ted si at trpe efeebut hewe id ngin fh tt with onca tyowi upnwastion wetrelti oors he dinnoohathe cold aanyms erwod beo ferf
11:54 pm
reltibuteywante to bltowher g t w ataedyy tr myel i n' ecwhhafermang a d ll. far sttea skba lguwih a umrf am. an rerdiut wld be ttd bth ag mmsier fatr rv ath leueomssne [lghr] at e othseon erwod drt leiodeenng un e sus. meeoe cud faerofirg sate emloee thr baba talet. lt. t'sa i n haen te as alwsnoohor
11:55 pm
a go srtanipt lstby th nexda. oveto ate e es li tpsi eln thouro if ty cod jgeh acon a rito haentre ft an jume. heasnmed sffs genat tswa uerocte.e n' guwhpelewbu by te rras e ldi go o pont ttora slopnes minretio t lers e trh he haagnst vo teruntsad n obmllngepor 00a. e tm a crtie terarcl
11:56 pm
os otenaits n ovlyosh -osiiv wou nev clt 7: am. wa uil a a 0a. e peted e ocpaon. al pforude r jti.he was mbedto be blicerve ad diai f eho mean i itas posionf tus d dseesto nod. ricuo sd ar thegty. ouu dagewh m, uteever dionedt
11:57 pm
at orhis osion. hipriva lehe wa xatls happrin hipulile h hhe a0r le firwh isif his a p deorv mae lae-tiin t pa easas far as we ew but rif panehi bult onrespt an lve d lenc. silrerevethg alhogh i lke he olt, amno hebed en ou sy, mydgter, dghe t dr arhiast trst tlitith wh rolyhad the re lovg laonip
11:58 pm
a g thd naio aory. cou aaysmahi lgh heloed isautesan on-l'sitwh h ha g ratnsps th jo a ue faeroneliohi a sll ouo fen hiiatwod. ovvtheshe eswodlo giv eianasisutomex therandon rlaonips wh a t ole. tisthisame. iaseved myhe
11:59 pm
omt im ws5, inghim in eryrude my heresrind nfananenr. wespo aosryay avg woin parerip thyr th n eniryewdimeioto hereathi a f u irk potss n anasy buins,nd it shul n be wecaied t se baer jod dpl eh otr' ctoes and sufeedhe pof ch hes ss.
12:00 am
hdi uhiha icod elisnergyurgin s fa bghneanhi i sn. ani sa w t cro atas itasheesmeci tt cod ovde ledbng goerr he lthaheou door tems d thevae at or anhi se wn'tre xmoeyes
12:01 am
eno epreour hy id hon pridt,eoe e caeidnont to th ill buthisveythi mri cuo. hewa arghehghth d nt h t b hei maf utndrv d d sleass, an a nonhos, weenme wha fly wahi aetba geit myater's ri mmtay, stalngnd rll talng the s alk o peiititharcuom anheev lt s test pubcffarse h hi fu anys rdynde s adtoom eryini d
12:02 am
wrg e yeor anwealkoufinng r y roh is heasectltrbl wh athe calletheesn wahigt. wncneabt or ty. my h's84 spc caedhealtal o ci a hwaadan aut poti ouneqit octynd he visi iur cty. t e alaslws if anner vi anth ive coerningo h. he er ts ae w raalndclaivsis al iheneyo ci fatles th s h thnerav y a if yo lienarul yowi hr svoi beevth ttsue oro est edolok th ath will b h s
12:03 am
wha h wldsa tay. bui me r tyto cometohe a i iim to opheegivengyndo ve fa d ancud th cotrti crsanth reposie ue,e ar e sss fm pst trees inty eecea rerm t mpveuruce syem p tersaet meur foli cend oo thitford anth i jt wte wil o. pmiat mioom turse olif sto he oseinedd leehewod ter pe. atew25 in risaty he thvde ato d jti. iti asimpat t' atrounantht ad
12:04 am
t 's ttr banymeur h v spedgeneris d venmtniateslp llnsli ttve hethwod erple ane fod it his is ccplshnt gs aon incudg eit dgofhecotfpels o ibty orsh oam ndth hlt ue ogm r ilre tleder aidsreme a rear neyorkistteste tnkso cuo e as w dse w slpi disa thim o gi homthg lk foar ha heed syro ore igual beusi ntehim hd th
12:05 am
bl an as i his si-nso ste ich ble d sa th kngmebib st youana dffen o. and hesaid ng amou b ayor t os di'tolw up. [uger aew yslaresa tome atit tweek told eib ae ld athe he sa. he ulde he. th dof e ingatii toedat s arenani we thidadnd iaihe augatn ty dou nt t coe? n h a bier u do avo hld t biblathe was rpe. aniidetenocse the a cevti
12:06 am
uff thi arnnand i ar a4: olo a i yochgeoumi, u n meo bal duri hateo m sierlk botth ingul ee f m. wknthhe ffo entmythe s aw 15.m heaser hewaie d he iey slpputaent hoe j kee aas caehi jow de. bie tspit lesd i lie he i tne a i'sinheares chis, chrtoer lahndt ieryoo dee beevmyatr'spit veinheopofung y
12:07 am
tt failgubl hos atant yepe eng d yogi egntndlo a trb, s spitvesn stjai aal o outsirssll lininth haow ortuit ad stvi f tiranceto inheamy w . dou arit oe ain a is wg. te nsnhuhi inow rett aderin or rd cae 'sotbo wt ey nto eaits t whi nt ty. i sait ess ofcsaldy anand grdp a cle an wlo the andoppa th wl no bi wil
12:08 am
isnorouind yo tahts l pp w atwe veto a weillo i. e il ke ite att ste anwwio gether d nh y hamyrd yr slovyouppaan alyswel apau] [alase [alase
12:09 am
btiprminite daid carosa or eeend ate ulli wlt plerdu oriain' feenmf e epe unn. wll ke esns om meerofheouf cmmo li tomro a 7: a. srnon cspa. lar t d ne lok a gll conic a pontl stilyn 215. poedyhe coci o forid gbm a
12:10 am
reediu t n ammison♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
12:11 am
>th ctrorsl or bendheir o naon suayig a:0p. eaeranpacic te basq&a mbsofth coreiol accausswrn inud o e ta cichir id imal ste fo wl a prriyan we lllshe oman posanemrac ipteoy >>oo min >>go mi. >pa the risguneonyo ain wh trrdiryro o ica. eou asmyolags fa tt si n win len anew ptuts. ani nt t cogrul m
12:12 am
frndarcinher exaoiny ladsh pau [apause apau] d mira wh otr, ldttfid d l hfiers. aou al rbeger da arn erki idth i manot hee, ut ve se t ces. d eerod i tdiee
12:13 am
o twe mhaeeth prislanbute pome noyeth. theisti ch o dalls cgr a tdc py trol ts w ngssegs nechleesacg r uny,ell ne to lo atgrp at is kwn as eccicef ngss he isn ipi earsp dinirti. rvr o dde av pmod plewhveon asan u ottoure e amic de eitd ua juicunr ela th i t oecvendha is tio
12:14 am
ha ie mise no e is autoumou sa tt prmie sbn reem y er sllmu wkto beone anitee n bon a si ba lity dlitsnot buius ctie bth alorhi westrian t ic t cgrsrks dtre ano bsof ngssf e tat ofuherthsi mo paiote o e fcuse jo lisoulsakeeng eieyon eiz ben leaesn he ngson blkaucu howrdthe u a w er tr dehian insraonfeintri d eirre.
12:15 am
deth chrwanfhe h ctindais owlge ananctivpolcy non ttinthlis afcaamics t pain orniesfo l amic. anbu wieus a o is at liof l usirreecve orace rgesof t iamaj obcte us . wh aian bteie, kn ts pnt wrkil ctie fohe 14t conese h owto ilu t lge mb omeerints sry coring ayuate.
12:16 am
ppus >>alst5% t doat cacu 0%f t cgrsfth nid t aic-aran th is nojuhecor thr inhaisompota. its th cte o eir arteththdisla dail bsillgsll to ebehas wiins d e sthaismeca meer rrent2 at a thdiri oolbi afiofe w er rheth cnges a won. [alase a rmbermgi t ta . alstalof t mer o
12:17 am
thcgrsial ckuc d otisri ft of e rethn pimang sen ll cmieerang mebe arecmemrs lae] [alae] llherain mebe and [alae] >>hisksotheenorus ogsshawea mae ve e st yers. 5jonew wcrs thbrige a wo wee le main her kg ld ro th rid. th cscnc oamca ed nd pres. dathvongritscts
12:18 am
dhreal r eorha etedfo negeraonf amens suemursa tngwe muifert dde ey e muchdifre. buthpre courtwas wrong r eobwa d i toonatatm fnd f hileipn eung at sbe edor ddi . enheaws pas awas rycte m wna agrat stenda utrnta ima wand cofro aeontt utrns y gi i t ury an whad e pbin carie d ire s, iny un nd ank
12:19 am
the cb tseatesre incaried fwawith stng aonvctio a a dgdernioincongr aserereo rkhe 5th anvsa. am okgford coanma of yohe ac wre peleiea ivfo eedd dii ofy dn as ll l chire oolo weein tgetrnve iivuaevrye s es onthemndey ghe er yndoel
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