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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  January 14, 2015 10:00pm-12:01am EST

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you change careers. take data collection if you give a grant to a police department then in order to reduce the grand you require certain data and ask questions like how many people are on the floors or what kind of activities or trading but you could ask specific questions what kind of trading? the escalation in training or specific data about encounters with the mentally ill or the diversity of the police force from one year to the next or civil rights complaints and the question instead you ask about the data you think is important will seep into the
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department in a divorce suggesting what should be in that culture so if we go back to rome and several -- civil rights history the those of us from the north know that to the extent that it happened have been largely after 1964 that the federal government's for the first time said they will i give you money unless you desegregate. was the incentive so as a result they engaged in practices to integrate their schools and we were educated during that period but we should on the bias just as best practices but it is a
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vital tool to transform the deeply embedded culture. >> i agree. but we do have to write some of these incentives in statutes and some in regulation so greedy to go back to capitol hill to tweak some there not seem just as best practices and we want the executive branch to use its authority of all the items listed there are actions it could take on its own to implement these
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requirements and to see these as best practices but absolute necessities to reform the culture of police departments and while i have a microphone quickly broken windows policing is wrong. the target communities of color for the act of a few to go back to individualized suspicion but to describe a community when 90 percent are in gauging with law-abiding activities to call into lawlessness is a self and forcing concept it is about 10 percent have the black population and batting
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cage in criminal activity ended does that make you engaged in the criminal activity with the notion of broken windows policing that in order for us to change the culture we have to change that approach to law enforcement and it is unacceptable. >>. >> my question was spoken to so i can pass to save time. >> now we will wrap up the panel. >> fate q. [applause] >> now we will again started with over final panel for this afternoon. we will be hearing from
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three of the great city mayors here in america and start with kevin johnson from sacramento california also from the council of mayors. >> thank you very much it is an honor and a professor -- pleasure i flew the furthest on the redeye. [laughter] that is so much we care about this issue. [laughter] for 84 the opportunity to appear before you to discuss a topic of great concern to the nation's mayors we're chartered with developing repetition and some are critical to the future of our cities and nations and the quick action in he had to do set as a tight timeline.
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and for the support of the task force and the strong in productive partnership they have had with the nation's mayors. attorney eric holder and ron davis has shown leadership and ms. lynch will provide that leadership once she is confirmed as attorney general. i am honored to serve thank glad to be joined on this panel for two outstanding leaders for our organization in respective cities. an initial discussion of what we could learn from ferguson we discuss this further at the mayor and police chief meeting was the 20th anniversary of the cops program in little rock
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arkansas and the meeting was attended by president clinton in a possible to the generous support of the cops office. following the little rock meeting to be chaired by a wilson charged a group to develop a set of recommendations intended to improve policing in america all laugh you were present is the co-chair commissioner ramsey in those seated to my left. our group is harder work to finalize the recommendations at the conference in a couple of weeks. so we will give you a confidential preview. [laughter] we want to present it for
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the first time next week the six areas are building police community trust that is consistent with what we're here today and improving police to the practices and to ensure timely and accurate communication for independent investigations for racial and economic disparities and provide a national leadership we are pleased your cochairs with your executive director will be with us at the meeting and discuss the recommendations for the full panel as part of the working group. it is important to hear because of issues that we're discussing here today our local issues despite those
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similarities the challenge must be dealt with within the context of this city's resurvey cannot pretend there is a one-size-fits-all model you have heard that from each of the models. i am so proud of the committee as elected officials and clergy and community leaders and people for coming together to discuss these issues practically ferguson took place august 90 and 11 days later i convened a huge meeting in sacramento because you want to be practiced -- proactive we have had subsequent meetings
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and we our product of the work in sacramento i took the feedback shared each meeting to of a public safety task force comprised of elected officials and our community and we're working to implement those. one is trading to is diversity three is accountability and florida is engaged in they are consistent themes throughout. in terms of training we have strategies around cultural sensitivity in bias in recognition and the escalation techniques. it is not rocket science take-home with that is so we have going for it but in terms of diversity with line officers and with the command structure of race
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and gender and sexual orientation so the police department reflects which it serves. this city of sacramento is one of the most diverse unfortunately it does not reflect the community that we are in. in terms of accountability to make sure technology is prevalent looking at transparency reforms for what is extremely important and that hot topic you address as well with independent that there is an opportunity here in orange
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to bridge conversations and we could advance that topic for ordinaire respectable manner. so the naacp of protest organizers and use leaders that they will reach every month there is the place to meet on a monthly basis that is the task force that was completed i appointed the public safety task force to oversee the framework. this is consistent with what we do today elevation is to be the safest big city in california i know i would be challenged but the safest big city in california.
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[laughter] to be the safest says the model for community policing demonstrating a major decrease of crime and the measurable increase of community engagement. if crime goes down the engaged rate goes up. so think about what has taken place. but what is happening with the unions in the york in the mayor, i don't know what the unique challenges are so all i can say is i want sacramento to be an example to the aa by partnering with the local police units.
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i am not sure how the web prior but they have to be a vital to build trust and legitimacy and i am proud today that justice mitt is joining me for this meeting as president of the police association and. give him a round of applause. [applause] i believe secretary is one of the strong as police departments in the country and we're on the frontlines of challenges date in and day out we must have their support we have learnt we cannot make progress unless the police and the community are truly working in lockstep. we're proud to be here today we stand at the crossroads where the best position to bridge the gap among the
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residents who all of the best for our cities they give for your leadership we stand ready to work with you over the coming months to provide any assistance and also any questions that you might have. and i will turn over to the past president the one and only michael. [laughter] >> thank you very much to all members of the task force professor ramsey or the cochairs of the task force and president johnson and vice president, it is an
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honor to testify on such an important issue today. also want to is thank ron davis your great team members and partners all across the united states of america thank you for your support. and to build stronger relationships with the communities they protect and serve while promoting crime reduction. mengele time they could accomplish a number of things the venture improve the quality of life to
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increase the feeling with the day to day activity that goes on in our streets to create an environment a shared trusting values with public safety strategy to talk about the approach when i became mayor in 2008 coming to office this safety would be the number-one issue in philadelphia because without it increase graduation rates attracting businesses and creating jobs would never be possible. we take this approach would of the primary functions calabria for stadia that no
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city can be great between the government and its citizens. honestly solid ground with the police commissioner charles ramsey. and across the country knowing that i needed someone who shared my values for a safer and smarter police force and through philadelphia of the entire team assembled the director of public safety with mr. ramsey and his deputy commissioners they have worked together entirely for the last seven years to make this vision and a reality as a long disserving police commissioner 35 years in philadelphia.
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it is also why we declared crime in emergency on inauguration day. shortly after being sworn in and then to increase safety within 30 days of inauguration day. it has grown into a strategy of policing is approached since brave men and women in uniform to make philadelphia safer than it was the day before i came into office. of course, a is a relative term especially if you are a resident who hears gunshots outside your home. with 248 homicides we still have a long way to go but
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since 2007 with the approach in we have seen a dramatic reduction of shootings and all violent crime in the city of philadelphia. because of these statistics the city has developed an approach that i will share today as my observations. growing up in west philadelphia when there was a time of mistrust when you are sworn to serve their project. when i became mayor i knew in my heart that any
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corporation or partnership between citizens in the police needed to be out of an understanding but also with the emphasis on moving forward. with philadelphia is version that began with an examination of what could policing it to us. please could not be seen as an occupying force ostracize or treat citizens with contempt for just drive by in their vehicles all lolling for little or no interaction. this hands off policing does nothing to foster relationships are trust both of them are critical elements to solve crimes to have a universal understanding the police rely on citizens for the reformation they need to do
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their jobs and to work with the committee will listen to residents about their desires for their neighborhoods which led to our community policing strategy. but to focus on the trading officers received indicate vacation but those officers to engage respectfully creates confidence in both groups to produce a safe environment and just as important we need trust and understanding between the administration and leadership in the rank-and-file officers we found a partner in this effort to recall alleged the difficult balancing act that officers must perform to be
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respectful and taking precautions to protect themselves to have very deep respect and admiration for the risk these men and women take every day to put on their uniforms and demonstrates the absolute intolerance for abuse corruption and illegal behavior from the officers. even in difficult times to keep the lines of communication open i believe has resulted in stronger and more resilient so with this new approach to trading to develop a new program for the officers went into the community that they served to ask residents about neighborhood issues to help
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to have the president's help them. the residents began to see what they created not just as the uniforms that appeared the concept is not revolutionary in fact, it is done from decades ago somewhere along the way the police force has almost been militarized in the unfortunately grew. and wanted the best of both worlds with modern use the technology and metrics reinstated foot patrols and you stated to make decisions about staffing but the
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partners that every stage including the district attorney the prison or parole system even the community development corporations but still the rising with the committee that reduces crime provide residents with education with the district attorney's office and with that cease-fire to bring citizens together to make mistakes to serve their time and now considered at risk young people that we intervene to put them on the right path. with these new programs in place we listen to the voices of our citizens so
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those young black men for the forum city's united to improve opportunities to be my brother's keeper initiative that i am proud to support we already posted a workshop in philadelphia. to be assisted by the grant the partners of the police and social service industries in philadelphia with the devastating in hard to escape cycle. grosso the task force that i am a culture in birmingham alabama.
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and in what is the shared sense of destiny the idea that we are all in this together to move forward as a nation with the 21st century policing under the leadership of broccoli, and the task force. thank you very much. >> next we will hear from the mayor of baltimore civic take you for the opportunity to speak today with the president's task force on 21st century policing to the cochairs the 84 years service and i want to thank my fellow panelists who are on the forefront of this issue nationwide. mr. davis think he very
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much. in with legitimacy to improve the city of baltimore i am eager to share successes as well as how the federal government can be a partner in our initiatives moving forward but the need to build trust between communities of colorful you must remain vigilant their respectful and accountable all maintaining our focus to have safe communities for businesses and visitors we reduce violent crime but we still struggle for that breach between community and police. when for the first time in
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many years the homicide number was less than 200. i expect them to acknowledge that they were turning a corner over a generation. so they were equally concerned about the tactics in baltimore is in a much better place to find the right balance between tough on crime in building bridges of trust had a 10% decline in homicide as well a drop of every major crime category including shootings and robberies and burglaries we have seen a decrease in
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massive force and lawsuits filed against the police department while at the same time more residents are reaching offer helpful tips and have demonstrated we can learn from our past. that many of them in neighborhoods filled under siege due to the high numbers of arrests yet chosen to strike a better balance in the community police relationships are improving as a result. this past year we achieved a reduction of violent crime as well as the number of arrests and in 2015 my administration will continue to work aggressively to rid our streets of violence
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during peak periods of crime to work with the department of justice, programs to have accountability as well as a thoughtful but the camera program that government can be a strong partner in our effort to build better relationships and the community they need to learn more than logistics' of policing but the broader significance of their role in society. my administration has focused on three core principles of impartiality impartiality, legitimacy and procedural justice. trading for the higher department to center on those pencil -- principles with situational trading exercises more opportunities
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to get hands-on experience with members of the community. that cannot be achieved without of what comes from community engagement but there is work that needs to be done. both best practices to developing leaders. if there is any place where the federal government could produce a tangible impact it shed be in this area to help expand the internal affairs division to hold them accountable. one of the strategic goals is to have the internal affairs in the investigation
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and to ensure that they're all held accountable for their actions. that would expedite the process that should have better utilization of technology between local communities and by the cameras are the next up to purchase by the cameras would be expensive but it is the data that they would record. but it is a necessity also is part of providing false accusation is a necessary tool the yield on the administration has indicated a commitment to. and then they become with the first major cities but
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let me conclude to reiterate for all the men and women that work so hard every day to create safer communities in baltimore. but the vast majority agree that dignity and respect at the core of community policing. thank you again for the opportunity to share my experiences of baltimore and a look forward to your question. >> 84 the testimony. >> and the say i am delighted to be in the company of all three a few in the biggest cities and i say that sincerely. >> say that again the.
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[laughter] first of all, let me make a statement today? i want to personally applaud you on that because that will models that type of relationship that they have to have as we confront the challenges facing this country every day so that is so wonderful gesture that demographically you have one of the most diverse communities in the country. and to share the demographics of your compartment but listening to
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those recommendations that it would be great to hear though you and your union president because typically that is not something you hear from union presidents because generally that is not their mission but clearly you have a working relationship and how are you moving forward in terms of that to diversify? >> i appreciate that. is this is interesting and was elected mayor 2008 and when i first got elected our police department went from
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800 officers because of the economy down to new 600 sacramento was already below where it should be meeting in theory to officers per thousand but it was at 1.5 then down at 1.3. public safety is the number one priority but obviously it is a top priority and for me looking at the crime data over the last six years but we give you this context crime rates have gone down by 20 percent homicide rates have gone down 39% since 2013 it was the lowest rate
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in those years had that happen with less resources and officers? because i made a priority to work with the chief and the u.n. to say we are all in this together. there are three of us have a critical role to play. over in six years period we have been depositing good will and trust and investment working together so that when a situation like ferguson happens we already have a history of working well together. we are supposed to be frank here today? you didn't want us to be politically correct on everything. i am just getting permission i talked to having community meetings after ferguson. november 24 as we just so happened to have the fourth reading on the same day that
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the ferguson verdict comes down we're in a community meeting we stop and we all watched the verdict to gather 250 people there. all in the real with law-enforcement the verdict comes down 1/2 to make a comment. now it is the moment of truth what you say what you want to say you don't have time to have your handlers scripted. i just say what was on my heart that number one the father of michael brown wants all of us to protest in a peaceful manner in there is something about the verdict that did not feel
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right that doesn't mean they did not do their job or the process was not followed the something just did not feel right everybody was called and we did it the right way. when i get home iphone is blowing up. is this guy right here you can say that. you can do this and i said what did i say? what happened is they live streamed by comments in because they said i did not fully agree the local police officers took that as the slap in the face and was not supporting them. so we have this conversation so we meet the next morning to have an honest conversation and here is what i learned.
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plan make the comedy have to be extremely mindful of the men and women in uniform regardless of what i say and they have to let me be mayor and be honest in my remarks as well and together if you can find a way to say what you want to do and question and challenge the process with though every police force around the country because for six years it was good so that is why we are here today. but because we made a commitment sacramento times magazine 75 percent white
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with the police department. blacks in the city is 15% police department 4%. latino. police department and present latino 18% police department h% that is a reality. the union and the chief we are committed to lay out a plan and a strategy that gets at the numbers and read the to find and how we measure it was the target is strategies are so the community can be reflected in our police department. because it had nearly 70 percent of african-americans battle
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whole lot different from sacramento this is us be honest? we will achieve the numbers going forward lockstep. >> let me gsa sincerely as well that sacramento's should be very proud to have u.s. there we are and what you model here as well. >> i just want to add my voice to safety for your time and with your testimony i just have to specific questions not to put anybody on the spotlight interested in how you would define the preferred to citizen review board we have heard every panelist talk about community engagement with a very different model and
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what is the maximum authority the civilian review board should have? your perspective is critical because you stand at the intersection but then to talk about independent investigations because typically you don't have jurisdiction over prosecution so in in your opinion what is the model for who should have the investigative authority for the excessive use of force? >> guest: dash internal affairs within your department? what is your thinking held the independence investigation should be struck and who should have the authority? >> sure.
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i was elected city council 1991 and took off his 1982 as the former district attorney and i guess in september of '92 i put forward the idea to have civilian oversight.
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>> every city budget having made that, everyone wants more money and no one thinks that they have enough resources. but for this kind of work, i do believe in civilian oversight and i believe bennett. but it ultimately has to start with the mayor and the police commissioner in terms of discipline. >> i will take a stab at a second issue. independent investigation. we have taken multiple
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approaches and i think it is difficult as we talked earlier. it is difficult to have a one-size-fits-all type of solution. because there are -- there can be high-profile incidents whether it is in in custody death or an officer involved shooting it's not controversial in the nature of the case. so the goal for me is to make sure when there is an issue of trust at the core, that we let it run the normal course, that the city's prosecutor does their investigation and we have our internal investigation. what i have done throughout my time is brought the normal course of business there is still a lack of confidence in the community and people are not
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shy about making that known if there is still a lack of trust. on multiple occasions we have pulled together an independent panel. criminal justice experts and others to take a look at that and to do the investigation, to review all of the materials and the data that is out there and make an independent assessment. with that being said, does that change the minds of everyone that had a problem with this two of course not, but when you put together the independent panel and makes her every time we have done it that there is no one on here that works for me and i am not looking for anything but a true assessment. i'm not asking to validate what the police investigation found to support a what they decided
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it is an independent review. i can say because of that willingness to take that approach helps to build relationships of trust and i bet when people in authority refused to allow this, we need to take a look to investigate and review an incident, that is when the red flags go up in the community. >> i will take a stab and say that we have a little variation of what everyone obsessed that. the ultimate goal is to make sure that there is public confidence when investigations take place, it is thorough and independent. and this is an opportunity to
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make something better than it was. if law enforcement can again unders and that this isn't an indictment or a lack of support but if we want trust and legitimacy and if the public is not feeling that when you look at this, procedural justice that doesn't feel right we have to take a honest any honest look at it. and i think that is what we are getting at. so starting off with one of our fellow mayors in akron ohio. he has been talking about this issue for as long as i have been there for eight years. six years, but he has been there for 20 years. >> he has been there for a long time. [laughter] >> i didn't understand the depth of what he was getting at until this situation happened. we called it an emergency call and they said that is exactly what we were talking about.
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so we will present this to you. >> thank you. [laughter] >> so the task force is going to present on this issue there. and what i could say to you is that we are honestly in sacramento trying to look at what the best practices are. and i know that something needs to change. there is an awareness on our part in a national movement toward looking at an independent investigation and the appointment of a special prosecutor. especially when there is the death of an unarmed civilian. i want to be clear that our police department needs to have
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a very strong relationship with those who prosecute. so we are not saying that that should the a lesson or a preamp. so maybe 90% state the exact same because they need a strong relationship. but in the event when there are issues like this like this give us an opportunity to do things differently in a way that a responsible and productive individual helps with in a real way. in birmingham the mayor they are, because of the history with the police department, if you guys want to talk about that, it is a reminder for all of us. anytime you lease officer shoots a civilian it automatically injects this so that that gets out of the hands of local
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jurisdiction and they run this state level and beyond. that is similar to what the mayor is talking about in akron area toy can tell you honestly what the right answer is. but i do think that this is an opportunity for us not to waste this tragedy here but to seize the moment to figure out how to improve the process and it's partly what the mayors will be presenting to the commissioner. >> thank you very much. >> achy so much for your testimony we are talking about this local trust at the local level. i think it's true that you are over performers.
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i'm a social scientist and if there is a normal distribution of cities i'm guessing you guys would not call yourselves median cities. but if you don't call yourselves medium cities, my question is to take on how the federal government can be a part of this. and specifically what the federal government can do and not just those at the end of the distribution. but i'm wondering how you think about allen saint and what you need to do as leaders of her own cities and also trying to achieve moral uniformity in
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order to be able to have this going. >> we all want to say more federal resources. the we said that we would receive the best. >> so in order to get that standardization and to address cities that find themselves in the diversity just isn't there i think it is important to take the lead in hosting
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conversations and there is a role of federal government to help to educate city and police chiefs on what happens. the notion of diversity can fall on deaf ears but they don't understand the value and you don't want communities to understand the value of bridge building because you saw what happens, you could not make it up afterwards. and i think the more that we do and it's not just this with the resources and training and education to cities across the country to say that we want you to have a diverse department. in law enforcement, yes, it is right thing to do.
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but these are the operational benefits. and unfortunately i think that it would be fair to say that unless people see in operational benefit, if they will not see diversity for diversity sake, it is that the operational benefit. it is part of the importance of building the bonds of trust. so as president johnson talked about not wasting this lesson from this tragedy that should be a major lesson. that we cannot deal with diverse communities without diverse police force and you have to do things all across the board, whether it is for recruitment or how you promote within the department and also we need to include community members on the hiring panel and the promotional
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panel. so that way community leaders and those on the street, that their voices are heard especially when we make decisions with who will be in leadership. that extends the tone for the department rapid city. so i think that the resource of education would be critical at this with the hippies of cities and some of it can be peer-to-peer, but i think that the strength in that the legacy of the situation was helpful in getting that message out there. >> i would say that we did pick up somewhere in the mix there at was actually a compliment for the three of us. i thought about what you said
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many times. >> i recorded it. >> it was in their and it was inside. we talked about our relationship with our federal partners and we want to enhance our relationship so yes, we do want more resources and it's also a close partnership. i was here and i'm going to make the connection here. and america suffered the most incredible tragedy on 9/11. the country was in shock and america responded very quickly. and within a couple of days there was a new office of homeland security that became the department of homeland security and created that. we also created the transportation security administration with about 60,000
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people with an 8 billion-dollar budget because we wanted to be safe. in my view there has been no comparable response and the tragedy of 9/11 is that 2997 people were killed that day in three different locations. but every year in the united states of america somewhere between 10 and 14,000 people are killed as a result of violence. and we have not had a comparable -- and i'm taking some of his language, we do not have the comparable response to the issue of violence in the united states of america. and we have a violence problem in the united states of america and we have acknowledged that. until you with knowledge that that money was not just sitting around somewhere. but it was found because america said we want to be safe in the
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air and i would like to be safe on the ground every day in my neighborhood. and so i think that that kind of approach, the budget was down to the penny no matter how minute people you have have been severely reduced and a lot of what we see on the ground we have great partners back home, we have the fbi, the secret service, homeland security the dea, probation and parole they seem to have disappeared and all the sudden we have the proper focus of the united states of america given the sanity and the other places in the world, we cannot take our eye off the ball of terrorists. but we have homegrown
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neighborhoods and those that terrorize their children every day, we terrorize her old folks and senior citizens when they are trying to go about their business and terrorize folks that feel like they can't go outside. and so where is their security administration for what it is they are trying to do with their lives? we either want to be safe at home and abroad. so we are willing partners in this work. the boston bombing situation i don't know what those two guys were all about. but with all of the technology and all of the resources it was a camera that gave us the best image of those two individuals subsequently resulting in the death of one and the capture of another. and so we fight crime every day. most days it will be
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philadelphia and one day it could be somebody from california or could be somebody from halfway around the world. until closer partnership and relationship among all of our federal partners, and we are fighting crime they are fighting crime, each and every day. and look at how we help them in the surge of we had more opportunity with tools and resources and a lot of discussion about body count is tasers as well of getting somebody to maybe pay attention behave themselves consistent training across all of the various departments and agencies across the united states of america. the federal government would have probably have had to take on the issue of renters and one thing in ferguson, it's a different thing in staten island and probably something else in philadelphia or baltimore depending on what the state
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wants to do and what their rules and regulations are because people don't understand it, they often take too long it gets confusing, it is a secretive process and then even after it's done you can't figure out what the world just happened in front of you. but as the mayor said, you know something did not feel right. we are going to have two things among citizens and law enforcement. people have to have a better understanding of what is really going on out here to see an investment being made in their personal safety every day. >> i will say two things because i know time is of the essence. one is we believe very strongly that there has to be more bipartisanship and someone to really challenge at the federal level there have to be certain things that transcend politics and safety in the community is one of them.
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that would be the first thing. actually we believe strongly that we had an opportunity to share this with the administration and we have to have this continue to be a great message that is loud and clear in what we talk about resources being disseminated, a lot of times some go to this date and the more that they can look at getting those resources directly to the city we are where the rubber meets the road and we want to be accountable to the resources and for the record i just want to say those things. >> thank you very much. next we have roberto speaking. >> thank you so much. it is real obvious to me why they all speak so highly including with commissioner ramsey. but i have a question on a local level. all of the jurisdictions, there is competition for available
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resources. and you have all brought up the issue of the need to fund law enforcement and how do you get the community and politicians to agree when there is such high competing resources and at the same time crime threat the country has been falling throughout the past decade. what arguments do you use to get that across? >> i think you start off having a strong form of government. >> yes. >> that is always helpful. >> kind of like an inside joke. >> almost. but for me, i cannot speak for the other two we have the budget and the priority and with
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respect to how the resources are allocated, the council cannot be appropriate the funds that they can only cut it out of the budget and it's about making it clear up front when you communicate. when we talk about the fact that public safety is our top priority, we are saying that when we are together, when we are back at home and everywhere if you upfront that this is your top priority, we make those programs and resources a top priority as well. so it's reflected in the budget and everybody understands up front where you are so there are competing competitions for resources with some programs but it least in baltimore because we are very clear and i have been clear of fun but there is public safety and reducing violence, that is off the table and we look forward allocating
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resources in other areas. >> you just have to make it clearer. they say repetition penetrates and i talk about public safety every day any audience, no matter who i'm talking to, that is what we are talking about. and to the credit of city council, they are always competing against every department, everyone can make a case. and it is our job to make these decisions. so it's never been pleased versus the park system. we had a thousand 71 folks shot. we're not living in shame a lot in philadelphia. there's a big drop big production, people see the trend, but folks know that i'm going to invest and it's the worst of the recession.
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so i said when we come in and we were going to have more police officers. it didn't happen. we didn't lay off the police officers or the sanitation workers or the health care workers, it was just our thing. but we had to delay classes, i had to cut the overtime budget and we had a 15% reduction in our first year in the midst of a recession. but everyone understood and the fundamental aspect of the local government, the citizens have to be safe. so everybody took a cut but we never compromised public safety and we still reduced crime with less police officers than we had in recent times. but you have to stay focused on that. it's not a trade-off it's a balancing act but i'm not trading public safety for anything. >> i would say again for as i look at it in a couple of ways.
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you know this and we appreciate you asking the question. the public safety when you think about resources and prioritizing public safety goes through every department in a city. so you can't just look at it as the police officer fire department. it's what can every department in the city due to make sure that you have alignment and a perspective on how we can make our city safer. oftentimes that doesn't cost money. secondly when you think about the health and the vitality of the city public safety jobs, economic development, everything that we all want to happen in our community is hinged on how safe your city is. everyone has a self-interest in that whether they want to of knowledge that are not and i think that will we do once we do that, we create a shared vision of where we want to go and i gave the example that you asked me earlier that if we
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don't articulate the vision to eventually be dense and we don't get out there publicly, we will never work towards that vision. and it cost $1.5 million for 15 new officers. if we have a surplus and we don't have the vision out there, no dollars are going to get spent or lobbied someone else that others lobby on the shared vision that when the economy is doing well and we have a surplus, we are going to allocate $1.5 million towards 15 more police officers which get towards that vision. that's very important because we underestimate the public sometimes. if we lay this out the public is going to say that is exactly what we want. and we need a few more officers to make that happen until they can get it out there and not just in this role.
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you have to have more folks to be able to do that in the last thing i need to admonish is that we have to tell the success and the story, we have to measure what we have done and articulated so people know that there is a return on the investment. >> the last question will come from connie. i encourage everyone to speak more about this. >> that needs no from the expert mayors. during assessment of how well we are communicating with the union leadership [inaudible] that they are talking this way and i am talking this way. do the unions understand what
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the communities are saying about the need for more understanding from police or do they see it as an attack on this. >> one of the things i talked about legitimacy it is work that has to be done and i often talk to community leaders and i talked about this, building these relationships of trust between the community and the police, but we have to think about this like a marriage it happens, but if you wanted to be solid. [laughter] [inaudible] >> you're going to be in trouble. [laughter] >> i am suggesting that you can have a healthy relationship or
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unhealthy relationship. it is owing to be there. it's a matter of whether you choose to be healthy or not and for us to talk we have to hear each other and we have to be willing to put in the work. we have to -- the police have to hear from communities what they feel and i talked about it before when we were able to do this for the first time in decades great i didn't think that i would be foisted upon their shoulders, but i thought i would get a better reception. but i would go into communities and they were mad. they were like, my son is not a criminal. and when i sent him to school, he is getting straight grade a's. so he has to be on guard, i don't want them to feel that he has to be on guard when i send them to the store.
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>> i don't know if enough community is entertaining those conversations because you have to put into place opportunities for people to hear those conversations and make it important and you have to foster that honest communication and communities need to hear from police. they have families at home if they want to be able to go home as well. so when they feel that there is no help in the community is -- you know they feel that the community is apathetic and resistant to them the community needs to hear because we cannot, we are going to be in this relationship and there's nothing
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that the police can do on their own. we are married, it's just a matter of whether we agree or commit to having a healthy relationship. >> i know that you clearly recognize the complexity of the question and it would be impossible for us to characterize, i don't know how many officers are okay with this, we have 6400 police officers who will have 6400 different views and ideas on any given day. and i imagine in my testimony the gentleman i know that i talked to on a regular basis on our best day it will be impossible to be in the hearts and souls and minds of every one of those officers and union leaders, i respect them, but i think that now they are leaders because they were elected. just like us.
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so they have a constituency. that is a million and a half people. oftentimes they do or they have to they feel that they have to reflect some of the things that are on their members mind or you won't be the union leader. and then there is the local chapter and thousands of individuals across the country and they'll get to talking. so there's a lot of conversation out there. the officer on the street wants to do his or her job and engage with the good people of the neighborhood check themselves, i have lost seven police officers killed in the line of duty and a number of them were shot to death.
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and if you want to talk about a bad day at work i'm not sure but the absolute worst moment an elected official when a police officer has been shot, one firefighter dies and the worker dies in an explosion. when someone cracks his head and dies. be in that has hospital at hospital at that time and see that thing. talk to them about what is going on after that moment. so they want to go home as well. and so we have to bridge this divide. we can't legislate it. we can train and top we can provide leadership on both sides the mayor the other things as well, when someone is staring you down 10 feet away
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with a gun in their hands, we are not sure what they are going to do, you're going to do what you're trained to do. so many people want good police officers. but i don't think that totality of what that is about as part of this. most don't want bad police officers on the force either and that really does need to take place. as i think the message is getting out there ferguson staten island, the hundreds of others out there, people are talking about these issues and we need to have more heartfelt conversation. >> i think that officers by and large feel like they're being attacked. i do feel like the community by and large doesn't feel like it's being heard to the degree that
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it would like to be. and i think that it's upon all of us to really do a better job and i think that i have my union president in the front row modeling what could happen in the special circumstances may be circumstantial to some other city, but if we can create a framework and then share it and how do you make sure that some other cities are benefiting as well, we have to share best actresses and you guys are creating an awareness and people don't like to talk about economic asperity's and rates because those are real issues and if we can't talk about him, them, our community is going to suffer because of it. there's words like justice and fairness and respect the goes both ways. so i need to lead with leading men and women in uniform know how much i appreciate what they
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do. once i say that then they will hear me when i start to say some things that we can do to different way. if i sit down with dustin and he said that we are doing everything right, i have a problem with that. and if he said to me that we are a good unit but we want to be better we are creating an environment. >> thank you all very much, please give a round of applause to this panel. >> the gop led house voted 2316 at 191 to pass funding for the homeland security department through the end of september. the bill includes measures that would reverse president obama's executive order to shield some undocumented immigrants from deportation. one of those amendments which passed would be fun the
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preferred action for childhood arrivals program. here is a portion of that debate. >> i just want to go back a moment so that we can be clear about this. because i think we need to understand the difference between the rhetoric of today and the red eric one year ago. but the greatest funding principles of the country was that children would not be punished for this weeks of their parents. i didn't write this and no one on our side of the aisle wrote this. i wish that i would have. i am sure that we would have been proud to have been co-authors are cosponsors of that statement. what happened? one year later you are saying what happened to the poll. does that mean anything to you anymore remapped do think children should be held responsible for the actions of their parents? because that is precisely what
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you are saying today. 600,000 young people came forward and did exactly this and then it gets better. because you said this end we were so happy. because we thought we were moving forward and we thought the republican party was turning a page and you said that it's time to provide an opportunity for legal residence and citizenship for those who are brought to this country as children. so what happened? i want one of you to deny that this is one of the principles that you took into door conference last year. it is what you took and what happened one year later. here is what happened, i believe. you guys always say the same thing. oh, it is that guy from iowa, he tricked us a bus at him, he brings in one of these individuals and there's nothing we can do about it. but what excuse you have today
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when you did it with all the premeditation and thoughtfulness and bring this american amendment forward. you thought this out. where are you going to move the country forward to? will be just tell you it's 270, that's the electoral college that is the number that it takes to elect the president of the united states. >> determines time has expired. >> the gentleman from tennessee is recognized. >> thank you madam chairman. how much time is raining on each side? >> two minutes for the dentally be. >> the time has expired. thank you, madam chairman. >> let's talk about a couple of these things. the democrats like to say that this is radical. let me ask you a question. let me ask my colleagues a question. is it radical to warrant the
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rule of law? is it radical to fight or american workers who are going to lose their jobs to illegal aliens enact is it radical to prioritize -- to prioritize legal immigrants that are coming to this country? is it radical to try to protect children that are in this program with the office of refugee resettlement? democrats say the republicans are playing politics with national security and let me ask you another question. why were they saying nothing this summer when the southern border was being overrun and all sorts of trafficking was taking place. human trafficking, extract trafficking, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking. fiscal year 2014 the office of refugee resettlement released
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53518 unaccompanied children here in the united states and it is a situation. 75% of all americans reject the obama executive amnesty and 80% don't want them taking jobs from americans and those are the facts, madam chairman. >> we are either a nation of laws or not. president obama is turning every state into a border state that every town into a border town and unfortunately the lawless amnesty has taken democrats are the party of yes we can to the party of because we can. with that time i yield back my time. >> that amendment that the funds part of president obama's executive order on immigration
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was agreed to on a partyline vote. it was part of the bill to fund the homeland security department through the end of september. the legislation passed the house chamber 236191 and now goes to the senate that faces a veto threat from the president. >> david cameron spoke about the recent attacks which resulted in the deaths of 17 people. he made the remarks on the house of commons today on c-span2. and home secretary's recent may said a terrorist attack in the uk is highly likely. later the chair of the house judiciary committee bob goodlatte on some of the priorities of his committee. >> our guests this sunday on?
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takes place on sundays that sunday. >> we have drugs that were given to people who are hiv-infected if someone comes in and i could show you this in the early '80s, if someone came and to my clinic with aids the median survival would be six to eight months and half of them would be dead in eight months. now it is tomorrow when someone comes into the clinic, when someone who is recently infected, put them on the commendation of three drugs. i can accurately predict look in the eye and saying that we can take your medicine regularly you can live an additional 55 years. so to go from knowing that 50% of the people are going to die in eight months knowing that if you take your medicine and you could live as centrally a normal
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lifespan and just a little bit a few years less than normal that is a huge advance. >> sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on "q&a." >> david cameron spoke on wednesday about the attack on a french newspaper last week. his comments came during question time at the british house of commons. >> questions to the prime minister. >> thank you mr. speaker. [cheers] [cheers] >> i had meetings with individuals and timetable for the meeting that we are having today.
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>> [inaudible] >> the minister guaranteeing that he will not support the referendum. >> there should be a referendum it's actually the investment coming into britain that has gone out and there are times when britain is getting more and investment been put together. >> we want to honor the bravery and welcome [inaudible] and we had developed this the better best that we could. >> i think that my friend is right to raise this issue and i'm sure it of everyone thinking a part of this and we had
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critical care and there is a long way to go when i think that what she says about developing this vaccine is vitally important and they are leaving the work on this and maybe we should do everything to try to cut through some of the bureaucracy that should be in place. >> [inaudible] this includes solidarity with the people of france and those who seek to terrorize and divide us will fail. this has sent a clear signal and there is an action that needs to be taken. it must be to prevent young people from being drawn into
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violent extremism. so they support community led actions and is given a priority. >> let me agree with the gentleman about how important it is to stand together in favor of minimum expression, the rule of all, democracy, values that we hold dear, and i think that demonstration and the outpouring that you see here and around the world shows that these all use will not be defeated. in terms of what the gentleman says of what must be done we have to prepare for any attacker could take place and that means making sure that we fund this is properly as we do with these horrible groups and people and i met yesterday with the jewish leadership council yesterday including islamist extremism,
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that is what we are doing is putting a duty on every public organization to confront the extremism wherever they've either, whether in universities or schools or campuses were elsewhere, and that is what we are also all about. >> does he also agree on this point about those who travel to syria with more than half of them doing more? and in particular we need a much more rigorous approach including compulsory engagement to turn these people way from violent extremism. >> i think it is right that we do everything we can to stop people traveling to take part in these activities and that is what the counterterrorism bill which is going through the house of lords right now is aiming to do and also people coming back should be looked at on a
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case-by-case basis and in every case it should be considered about whether they would benefit from going to a radicalization program. we had this review in 2011 and he finds it an existing program and says that there have been cases where groups have received funding. and that is the reason when we exchange this that is why some talk about this. one or two people have referred to the current situation as something of a zombie parliament. the counterterrorism bill is absolutely vital is being discussed and debated right now. >> mr. speaker, i am glad that we can work on this issue and we will in endeavor to continue to do so.
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so now let's talk about less agreement. in may 2010, a party leader [inaudible] [inaudible] >> and party leaders said that it would have been able to find an excuse to act out. so i thought that we have to stick with this, we have to do it. can you remind us who said that? >> i am for these debates that you cannot have. >> the question is being asked and the answer must be heard. >> you cannot have these parties. so why is he so frightened in debating the dream party? >> mr. speaker, i will debate
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anyone this man with him. we all understand that that was long ago and frankly it is a pathetic excuse. >> it is not -- it is not for him it's not for me or any party leader to decide who is in the debate but it's up to the broadcasters and so if you really are telling the people of britain if he doesn't get to choose this. >> both beat the liberal democrats, i am afraid to say.
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>> why so chicken when it comes to the green? [laughter] [cheers] turco. >> there is only -- there's only one person running scared and that is the prime minister. >> when he says that he doesn't want to take part, nobody believes him. of the people behind him, not the country. however everyone knows that he is running scared. they belong to the british people, what does he think gives him the right. >> there are two credible sets of debates with all of the
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national parties we can have a debate between the two people who have become prime minister those are the credible debates and i asked them again when he looks at the green party why he is so scared. >> i will debate anyone and invite anyone to debate. i think that he has run out of excuses and running scared ♪♪ ♪ >> it is interesting, mr. speaker. we have 10 of the sessions to go and he wants to debate having a debate. he can't talk about growth in the economy. he can't talk about the energies and i have to say that the more
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time he and i can spend, the happier i will be. so please ask a serious one. [cheers] [cheers] >> mr. speaker mr. speaker. yesterday the former prime minister had to be summoned to the select committee and we now understand that the director general of the bbc is refusing to give up on another select committee. he is a paid public servant. isn't it time that we review the matter? >> looking carefully at what my honorable friend says the
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general rule should be that they should come because the bbc needs to be and is publicly accountable. and i actually think that they do a very good job and i will have a careful look at what my honorable friend says. >> that is the liaison committee meeting and the prime minister promised to look into the whole provocation of extensively redacted economy impacts. is he now going to insist on unredacted publication? >> i did look into the issue and so i will go and check about the action taken after that meeting and see what i can tell him. >> the director general
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identified a number of important gaffes in the surveillance and some of these of course have been called a breach of civil liberties. that doesn't the prime minister agree that public safety must come above everything else and that civil liberty must include not being shot or beheaded by some deranged jihadist. >> i agree with my honorable friend at the first duty of every government is to keep the country safe and we certainly don't do that by trashing our own civil liberties and traditions. so when it comes to this vital issue of having proper surveillance on the communications of potential terrorists many have taken eight clear view whether it is
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mobile communications or others, we have always believed that extremist on the production of this from the home secretary should be possible to look at communications to try to stop a terrorist outrage in the decision that i think we have to take these are we prepared to allow the future of technology development safe spaces for terrorists to communicate. the principle i think that we should adopt accordingly. >> [inaudible] they face 10 years in prison because of what the government disagrees with. we join in with the medieval regime and some believe that these alliances should be funded more on human rights and less on economic muscle. >> we don't approve of these
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sorts of punishments and we always raise these cases when british citizens are involved in the strongest possible way. >> unemployment down, long-term unemployment down to 4% all in the last year. [applause] >> what is my friend think that that says about long-term economic. >> united with my honorable friend, it is remarkable how almost every constituency in this house the number of young people waving benefit looking as a whole there are 224000 people, a quarter million people at work. those are the statistics but every one of those statistics is
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about someone who is going out and earning a wage and supporting their families and managing to achieve a better standard of living and that is what we must continue with and that is why we will continue to stick to a long-term economic plan. [inaudible conversations] >> how does the prime minister make these promises and why did he break them in. >> we said that we would get this down, the deficit is down by half from the disgraceful situation. i thought the honorable gentleman would take the opportunity to talk about this in his constituency talking about this later today where i'm working as hard as we can to try to make sure that we keep the still production growing in the country and i have to say as he
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introduced a political element so might i've. still production is up and employment is up and why is that. because they have a car industry that is growing and we have an arrow in this quiver and we are getting britain back to work. >> taking my friend aware that in the past 12 months over 60 journalists have been killed in the course of their work including those last week. just five weeks ago i attended with several other members of parliament that check with declaration of every other european country recognizing a free society and doing everything possible to protect their safety. we have reaffirmed our commitment today. >> paying tribute to my friend
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supporting the freedom of the press, and i reiterate what he says today and what struck me is when i visited this gentleman and went to see a newspaper office it would have been shot up and burned and that brings home to you what journalists and other countries have for years based in bringing the truth in front of the people which is a vital part of a free democratic system and obviously events in paris are truly horrific and i think that the duty of everyone in public life is not to say whether or not we agree with this publisher that being published what matters is that we should always defend the right of people to publish whatever is inside the law and the right to publish them of that is our job. >> rearseat a meltdown in care. ever the time for this honesty.
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>> a raise is this because absolutely, we do face real challenges with our own constituency and it proves what can be done and last week 96.6% of people can be seen within four hours of. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last week we talked about the most recent jobs there. and with the prime minister congratulate all those people who started apprenticeships in my constituency since 2010 where unemployment fell by 30% in the last year alone the evidence of the government's long-term economic plan is delivering
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this. >> i joined my honorable friend and the fact is is that in his constituency, 4000 people have begun this event is and apprenticeship and it's down 42% since the election and the long-term should be of the greatest concern to us because we have young people down 8% last year alone and this is gathering pace and providing jobs for people in each one of those jobs is the chance for them to provide a better future for their families and we have to stick to the plan and a key part of it is getting the deficit down. >> we are downgrading the cause of this in the country xe seven people believed to have died
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waiting for an amulet that never arrived. is and is a shame this is what happens in the nhs? >> really what happened was wrong and the change was made without the knowledge of this as soon as it was found out the chief executive reverse the decision and ordered an independent investigation carried out by someone from outside of the trust and they found that there have been no harm to patients. it is important to put this in context he quite rightly says that it's very important that we conduct this debate in a good and civilized way and the leader of the opposition was asked seven times whether he had used the phrase that he wanted to weaponize the nhs. sometimes he refused to answer the question and everybody knows that he said those words and if he had a shred of the in him he would get up and explain and
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that he shouldn't have said those words and apologize. >> thank you mr. speaker. a few weeks ago a tragic event occurred where a young 5-year-old girl was killed in a traffic accident. since then they have rallied around to support the families of the parents and they have raised money to try to bring them to join him at the funeral but the home office refused and said this. the parents have given an undertaking and i have even gone one step further and said that i would act as a guarantor that the relatives will return to zimbabwe. the decision is cruel and unkind. >> it is absolutely horrific
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when children are killed in accidents like this and it's heartbreaking when it happens, i would certainly look at the case and i was just discussing it with the home secretary making sure that the home office has the ability to take a look at this and what should be done. >> small businesses across the uk have had to endure a lot of this in recent years when the prices averaged over $100 per bottle in recently that price has been dropping steadily and last week chancellor indicated that some action would be taken. >> i think that we should welcome this we are beginning to see prices fall substantially at the pumps, but i agree that we want to see that go further and further and some of it will depend upon the buying strategies.
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but we will make sure that those prices are passed on. >> mr. speaker on the 30th of january i should be holding a summit in my constituency and that is one of the biggest challenges that the country faces. and that includes how we fail to invest in these resources. >> this is a crisis for the country and it has been creeping up as a silent crisis because the diagnosis hasn't been enough. and that is now happening, there is a clear dementia strategy doubling the amount of money
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going into research and we are training more people to do better with people with dementia. and i commend what we have done. getting together on organizations and they need help in every part of their life and we all have a role to play. >> the number is rising, who is right? >> well, the fact is that nationwide we have 3300 nurses and i can give him some figures
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for the constituency. if we look at the commissioning group, this year it is getting an increase of funding and if we look at this hospital while we have had is that last week is that many were seen within four hours performance across this area has been very good. which you might want to bring home and i think that this is important when we consider what has happened is that there are two authorities, redbridge which sees this go up by 65 million and that includes what has gone up since 2010. that is what has happened and that is actually right. so let me give the information as a whole in terms of this.
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that is provided 27 more doctors and 24 more nurses than 146 more beds. >> there are over 3 million people in this country and today they have published the state of the nation report that calls for education for people to prevent type two diabetes and education for people to know when to approach this with symptoms and education of people with the condition so that they can self manage and take pressure off. will the prime minister act on the report findings. >> i will certainly look at this report because i think of all the health care conditions that there are. one of the ones is that we did have a huge effect on the nhs if you look at the costs of
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things like amputations and other treatments that cost people getting diabetes. and it raises the issue about being able to self regulate where there is an enormous technology coming forward and i want to make sure that that technology is rapidly adopted by the committee. >> the independents say that the government long-term spending plan says that there are 1 million public service workers hurried so which services is he planning to cast. >> this is exactly what the treasury has said, which is that everyone who voted for the fiscal mandate is committed to 30 billion pounds of investment in the next two years. on this side of the house, my party said exactly how we need to meet that. it is 13 billion of the
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department cuts, 12 billion of welfare cuts and 5 billion from tax evasion and avoidance. so far the labor party has told is absolutely nothing about how we would raise a single penny of that money and so the challenge is if you are going to sign up for 30 million pounds of adjustments isn't it time that you told us which taxes are going to go up and what you're going to do and how you are going to wreck this country's economy. >> thank you mr. speaker. as my honorable friend aware about this over 20% of businesses are run by women and 53% by females. as my friend agree with me that these are the wheels of the long-term economic situation.
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>> yes, and the wheels keep turning, it is important with the point that we keep making, we will do this every morning and the fact is that unemployment went up by 24% under this government and the number of women who work is higher since records began. .. it is calling on the prime minister to get involved -- [inaudible]
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will the prime minister personally get involved with this and get this resolved as a matter of urgency? >> i will try and find time to see this there's today. i was looking at this issue last i was looking at this issue last night. i saw a picture on the local football team and a made me think about how vital it is to get these jokes as quickly as we can. there has been a debate is whether these -- i will have a look at this petition and see what can be done. >> will my right arm to tell the house what is worth what is worse to deny that definite or to have no plan to bring it back into powers?


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