tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN March 6, 2015 10:00pm-12:01am EST
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u that awareness and use of the cybersecurity framework within the public and private sector will help reduce the number of incidents in the future? >> well so on the awareness front i would agree with our colleagues that that still continues to be a priority and making sure, to jesse's point, that we communicate to people what we're working on here why it matters to them how it's voluntary, how everyone can use it. in terms of the other part of the question, in terms of minimizing incidents, one of the things we talk about quite a bit is, you know, there are those unknown unknowns that companies aren't going to be able to prepare for. so the reason why we talk about risk management and we talk about resiliency a lot is in some ways we're trying to have folks understand that you can't prevent every incident from occurring. and a lot of that we're focusing on the framework. the reason why we have those five functions and we talk so much ant respond and -- about respond and recover is we think
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from the security community there is a wide understanding that you can't prevent incidents. but that understanding hasn't always made its way to corporate leaders and to policymakers. so having the response -- the processes in place to respond and recover from an incident we also see are critically important. and then i think to the point of the question i think we have to remember if you go back to ari's presentation earlier in the day, this is one element of many that are going on that industry is undertaking, that the federal government, that the state government, international governments are undertaking to help manage this problem, and we think together we hope that, obviously, it will have the approach of making things better out there. >> david, if i could just build on adam's comments and i agree with him and particularly the last one about how many things we are dealing with here and you know in thinking about the
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title of the event as to whether we're gaining traction or losing ground, i think we are both gaining traction, and we are losing ground. the problem is so complicated and the bad guys have all the advantages. attacks are cheap, easy, profitable, defense is hard after the fact there is virtually no law enforcement. and jesse's comment about having to go out into the community outside the beltway and do more awareness and education, that's so true. i mean this past weeks mr. clapper said that cybersecurity is a bigger threat to our nation than international terrorism. and i think that that's probably true. but the spending be our government -- which by the way does get it and is expert -- or is about telephone times more
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on -- ten times more on terrorism than cybersecurity. all the efforts that adam and other people and those of us in the room are making in this space are not nearly enough. we need much more efforts, we need much more funding we need much more investment we need much more thinking about this otherwise we're going to continue to fall behind. >> [inaudible] >> sir or, last question. >> real quick. david lee from -- [inaudible] corporation. small company here in virginia. i -- couple comments. i mostly disagree with the panel on metrics. chris, i agree with you, it's measuring outcomes. with the framework being rosetta stone, it is the ideal framework for measuring progress and outcomes among different organizations. even though they do it differently. and if you want to know how, there is one measurement that everyone ought to be measuring which is how do they respond how fast do they respond and do
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they respond to those priority indicators of security breach. >> [inaudible] >> because if they don't -- >> hold on -- >> if they can detect them. >> well most breaches there are indicators of compromise. almost every. target had two times they could have prevented it. to there are indicators -- so there are indicators. we miss 'em. and it goes back to what mr. finch said, process control management the cybersecurity framework is great. you want to talk about -- >> i hate to do this but for time, if you have a question -- >> okay. thank you very much. come talk to me about how to measure it. thanks. [laughter] >> could i just -- i'll just respond to the comment because i think there's one thing, one point that i would make is if you think about a lot of our efforts, it is about reducing complexity. but the goal of getting these things out there is not to administer guidance -- add more guidance to add more paper for people to go through but to help make these conversations a little easier because we all
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understand where we're coming from. that is the role of standards. that's why we think a lot of these efforts are really important. that's one of the things that we think will be really helpful in the long run even in terms of reducing costs when these products and services and standards guides are coming in there, we think we can have a much richer conversation. >> when please join me. [applause] >> all right, folks, i'm going to say thank you all for attending in person. i want to also acknowledge all the folks who are, who attended via live stream. i will want to thank all the panelists who were involved today. i thought it was a very excellent and informative set of panels and discussions. and i want to also announce that we will have a -- you heard a lot today about the work of sisrik working group four. on march 19th u.s. telecom will
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have another national policy cyber forum to talk about that event, so look for that on our web site, and we'll be pushing that information out as well. thank you and have a great day. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> a newly-released justice department investigation has found patterns of racial profiling in ferguson, missouri. president obama commented on the report at a town hall in south carolina today. here's a look at what he had to say. >> the ferguson police department in conjunction with the municipality, saw traffic stops, arrests tickets as a
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revenue generator as opposed to serving the community. and that it systematically was biased against african-americans in that city who were stopped, harassed mistreated, abused called names, fined, and then it was structured so that they would get caught up in paying more and more fines that they couldn't afford to pay or were made difficult for them to pay which raised the amount of additional money that they had to pay. and it was an oppressive and abusive situation. and that is also the conclusion that justice department arrived at. the tens that now are -- the steps that now are to be taken is that the justice department has presented this evidence to
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the city of ferguson, and the city of ferguson has a choice to make. they're basically going to have to decide do they dispute the findings of the justice department -- and i shouldn't comment on that aspect of it, although i will say that what's striking about the report is a lot of this was just using e-mails from the officials themselves. it wasn't like folk or were just making it up -- folks were just making it up. but the city of ferguson will now have to make a decision, are they going to enter into some sort of agreement with the justice the president to fix what is -- justice department to fix what is clearly a broken and racially-biased system or if they don't then the justice department has the capacity to sue the city for violations of
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the rights of the people of ferguson. >> those remarks from the president today. tomorrow president obama will join congressman john lewis to lead a commemorative ceremony recognizing the bloody sunday 1965 voting rights march in selma, alabama. our live american history tv coverage gets under way from selma at noon eastern on our companion network, c-span 3. >> the c-span cities tour takes booktv and american history tv on the road traveling to u.s. city ises to learn about their history and literary life, and this weekend we partner with comcast for a visit to galveston, texas. >> people thronged to the beach and the rising tide the rising wind certainly drew them. they watched in amazement as both of these factors battered the beachfront structures. at that time we had wooden
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bathhouses out over gulf of mexico, and we also had piers and we even had a huge pavilion called olympia by the sea. as the storm increased in intensity, these beach structures literally were turned into matchsticks. ♪ ♪ >> the 1900 storm struck galveston saturday, september 8 1900. the storm began toward noon, increased in dramatic intensity and then finally tapered off toward midnight that evening. this hurricane was and still is the deadliest recorded natural event in the history of the united states. >> watch all of our events from gavel son -- galveston saturday at noon eastern on c-span2's booktv and sunday amp at two
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on american history tv on c-span3. >> now author ken walsh on his new book, "celebrity in chief," that details how celebrity culture has shaped presidential politics in recent decades. from "washington journal," this is an hour. >> host: here's a familiar face for "washington journal" watchers, ken walsh, longtime "u.s. news & world report" correspondent, also the authorand of severalwo books including his most recent, "celebrity inent. chief: the history of presidents and the culture of stardom." here is the cover of the bookhist just out. mr. walsh, you write that american presidents have always been famous, but it was only after the advent of the mass media and the vast increase in the power and reach of all -- of the presidency under fdr that the leader of the u.s. became a true superstar.s. b what did fdr do to create that?
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>> guest: well, a number ofthat things. i've written seven books now, and fdr, i think, is the first modern president. i b mean, he not only gained a lot of power and took a lot of power as the president in a modern sense because we're fighting the depression and world war ii but also he understood the importance of the mass media at the time as few other presidents ever have. he understood particularly the power of radio. millions of americans had radios in their homes. he understood that he could enter their homes as their leader and that people wanted to be reassured in many ways. so he had a sense of optimism and people became very familiar with his voice. just something as basic as that. and he had the fireside chats that were are a part of our history, soothing america, letting america know that we
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would get through the depression, that we would win world war ii x. so he became -- and so he became really a media superstar, and that's part of the celebrity in chief notion. >> host: did americans care what herbert or hoover was doing or thought? did they care what calvin coolidge was doing? >> guest: that's a very good point, they didn't. and that's part of how i define celebrity in chief the ability to bring americans into the world of the president and to be interested in the president as a person and then using your celebrity to get interest in your agenda and your policies. as you say herbert hoover trayed a number of ways -- tried a number of ways to connect with people, but the depression got so bad, he was never able to connect. he had something called hoover ball where he'd go out and throw a medicine ball around thinking it would show him as sort of a vigorous, regular sort of guy. of course, it never caught on with the country. a lot of americans were not out there i throwing a medicine ball
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around like the president was. but it was just sort of off. he just didn't get it as far as connecting with popular culture. franklin roosevelt did get it. >> host: chapter two, theodore roosevelt, the strenuous life. six presidents stand out as the biggest stars ever to occupy the white house in modern times; teddy roosevelt, fdr jfk, ronald reagan, bill clinton and barack obama. what do they have in common? >> guest: they have this aura, this certain charisma, an ability to connect with american values, not all values values dependent on the time and what people wanted from the president. of course, president franklin roosevelt was optimism, president theodore roosevelt his distant cousin, was the notion of vigor and taking on powerful interests. it goes on and on. but, and they also had the sense of sort of an aura about them. and they seemed to understand that americans have gone through
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a series of phases in defining a president. today a president needs to be an entertainer, needs to be part of the culture in the sense of keeping people interested. and our most effective presidents understand that. our least effective presidents don't or are unable to act on it. so, you know, there are other presidents i talk about in the book who were not celebrities in chief. they had a certain amount of celebrity, but they didn't capitalize on it very well. president jimmy carter, both bushes, president bush the father and son nixon president lyndon johnson. but you can just see just the names anybody familiar with history knows those were presidents who were not celebrities in their own right as their presidencies wore on. the several celebrities in chief started out famous and built on it, and that's what i think makes a big difference in shaping the perceptions of
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issues and in a president as an individual. >> host: want to name three commercial products, ted key bears, baby ruth bars and billy bear. >> guest: right. for teddy roosevelt just as an example of him as the fore runner of the modern celebrity presidents really captivated the imagination of the country. and that's a big part of this. teddy roosevelt, what you're referring to is there was a case where he was a big game hunter, and he liked to hunt not only in the united states, but all over the world. and he went out to hunt bear and one of his guides brought him a hitting baby bear to shoot at his camp. and president roosevelt decided he wasn't going to do this, so they released the bear. and this story got out. and so the teddy bear became a very popular little plush animal. it was a different versions of how it came to fame. one version is that a german manufacturer started producing teddy bears others said
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american manufacturers but it became very popular and still is. that came from teddy roosevelt sparing the life of this young bear who he didn't feel it was fair, so he let the bear go. and, of course, you mentioned billy beer, that was the brother of president carter billy carter, and he tried to attach his name to a commercial product, and it really didn't work very well. i also wanted to mention this is not unusual, commercial products being attached to presidents. there was a time when grover cleveland was president, and he had a -- his wife was a woman much younger than he was, and she was sort of the first celebrity first lady. and many people used her name -- frank or frankie -- on products without her permission. in those days the white house sort of let it go. that doesn't happen anymore. but we've had a hong history of -- a long history of presidents having their celebrity capitalized on by
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business interests and that was a case of it. >> and you write about grover and francis folsom cleveland, celebrity couple the newspapers turned frankie folsom cleveland into a huge celebrity. what was it about her? is it just something innate in these people? >> guest: that's part of it. in that particular case grover cleveland was much older than frankie, as she was called. and so the media jumped onto that as sort of an interesting moment. they were married when he was president, and she was, she was entrancing to a lot of people in the media and to the country because she was educated, she was charming and she was lovely. and so this was sort of the recipe for following them very closely. when they were married they tried to go off on their honeymoon up in rural maryland and a huge cavalcade of reporters tracked them down, and they woke up the morning after
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they were married, and they saw all these reporters all over the grounds. and president cleveland was absolutely upset and really never forgave the media for spoiling their honeymoon. and so he actually set up a house in washington where they could live not in the white house because their celebrity became to intense. -- so intense. >> host: ken walsh, you say that the modern era began with fdr. how sophisticated have we gotten "we" being -- how sophisticated have we gotten in promoting our presidents as celebrities? >> guest: extremely sophisticated. i started covering the white house in 986. this is the -- 986. this is the fifth president i've covered. we thought that ronald reagan, the first president i covered, had mastered the media of his time and he did. in those days it was really the three it's networks. -- television networks. he understood television and how it worked and was very good at
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it. and so he was able to dominate the dominant media of his time, television. since then we've had so many changes in our media world that we're all living through in the media itself and today president obama has mastered the media of his time the social media, using the white house web site to promote husband agenda and himself -- his agenda and himself. going on television shows that oh presidents disdain like the late night comedy shows but also shows the other presidents didn't even have the opportunity to go on such as "between two ferns," the zack galifianakis comedy parody show. president obama is his argument is he has to go where the voters are, and that means that understanding different segments of the electorate draw different things from different media and he goes there. i think future presidents are going to have to do the same thing to be celebrities in different venues.
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>> host: ken walsh, author of "celebrity in chief." 748-8000 for democrats 8001 for republicans and 738-8002 -- 748-8002 for independents. we'll begin taking those calls in a moment. first president bush was a modern president did he have a celebrity to him or not? >> guest: well every president has certain celebrity when they're first elected, and president bush certainly had that. but i think what happened as time went on he disdained a lot of the communications techniques that modern presidents use. he -- i don't think he ever was that confident that he was very good on television. certainly his father felt he was not very good on television. but in person president bush was a very engaging guy. he was a very gregarious person.
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a lot of people could really bond with him in person, but he didn't convey the message more broadly, and i think that's one problem he had. he also felt that many things president obama today, for instance will do, president bush did not do because he felt it was below the stature of the president, to be on the late night comedy shows, for instance. he didn't want to do that. and so i think he missed a lot of opportunities there. and also he had the same problem that his dad had in that he was not a very good communicator, garbling his syntax, making mistakes with using his words and so on. i think he got a little gun shy about that. i think as time went on he lost a lot of his celebrity. he certainly was not one of the historic celebrities in chief, and by the end of his presidency with the iraq war, the afghanistan war and the economy that went sour or, he was actually almost an anti-celebrity a figure that people were making jokes about, not a pirg that people were drawn -- not a figure that people were drawn in by and i
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think that's a fundamental different with his presidency. >> host: we're going to show you a picture here on the screen of president reagan, and you can see it over there, mr. walsh. 40 how often do presidents use celebrities to enhance their images? >> guest: it happens very, very often. here we see president reagan and nancy reagan, the first lady, with michael jackson a very -- i think a lot of people are taken up short by this because michael jackson showed up at the white house in full regalia. you can see what he's wearing there. and presidents have tried to capitalize on other people's fame for many years. franklin roosevelt, going back to him, was really a pioneer in this. there are pictures that are available from, at his library and other places with huge numbers of hollywood stars, far more than any other president had put together who'd come and sl bait his -- celebrate his birthday every year and raise money for the campaign to end polio which president roosevelt had. so he had all these very famous
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people -- james cagney and pat o'brien and one person after another at the white house. and he capitalized on that. president reagan, of course did that. some presidents tried to do it and were unable to succeed. there's a famous picture -- i'm told it's one of the most-sought pictures of any president in the white house, and that's of richard nixon with elvis presley. people might be familiar with this picture where nixon had -- elvis presley was a fan of law enforcement, and he wanted to get a law enforcement badge so he could, he could help law enforcement track down the bad guys in his mind. and he went to the white house, and he also showed up in regalia. of course nixon was a very straight-laced guy, and he looked at elvis who had on a cape, shirt open to his waist and chains, and he said something like elvis, that's quite a get-up you have on and elvis said you have your audience, and i have mine. [laughter] and so -- but there's a picture
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of them shaking hands very awkwardly. nixon was unable to really capitalize on sort of the entertainment world, and that picture showed it very well. >> host: i've got that picture in my office. let's take some calls, we're talking about the presidencies over the last -- for the 20th century and a little bit of history. billy in triwood ohio. independent line. billy, it's going to help if i push the button there. go ahead. >> caller: yes, to your guest in authoring past and present presidents, how many of the past presidents had a military background? and we know our last two democrats certainly didn't have a military background, and do you agree that the presidency is in the strength of your cabinet? i'm not even aware that barack obama has a cabinet. he addresses every problem that come down the pike. >> guest: he does. well a lot of points. one is presidents of history of
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military background, americans like to turn to presidents with military backgrounds especially in times of crisis. our first president, of course was the here reof the revolutionary -- hero of the revolutionary war, george washington. you have many who were military heroes and elected because of that sup as andrew jackson u.s. grant, fast forward president eisenhower was the hero of world war ii, he led our forces and allied forced in the invasion of normandy, was a very famous general and so on. president bush, the father, had been in the military, was in world war ii. president kennedy, it goes on and on. more recently, president obama had not been in the military, president bush, the son, had been in the national guard but he was in the military in that sense. is we have a long history of americans turning to military leaders for the presidency, and i don't think that's over. president obama is, has not had that background but that's something that americans really prize.
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and i think that the cabinet president obama is not the only president who has sort of superseded his cabinet. a lot of presidents talk about cabinet government and then when they get into office the cabinet is not really a dominant force in an administration. it's the white house staff. and i think that's certainly true of the obama administration. the white house staff makes the main decisions, the cabinet carries them out. and so i think that's not an uncommon pattern in our presidents. >> host: has the significance of the cabinet since -- in the last 50 years 60 years faded? >> guest: i think it has. if you look at, for instance just look at harry truman's cabinet. you had dean acheson, you had, you know people who were experts on foreign policy in particular helping president truman out. i think the kennedy cabinet was really up there in terms of stellar individuals who were in
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the cabinet. you've had stellar vims over time -- individuals over time. and i would say that president obama has had some very capable and consequential people in his cabinet. it's just that president obama is much more comfortable running the government through the white house, the white house staff. and so i think the history will be written that white house staff really was one of the most powerful we've had. and the caller talks about president obama taking a lot of credit for things. that's very common. when i first started doing this, president reagan -- you'll recall we had some terrible economic problems then. president reagan would take credit for anything that happened positive in the economy. he'd go to a hitting mom and pop -- little mom and pop employment operation up in rural maryland or something just to celebrate their hiring a few people to show the economy was getting better. so this is also something very common. presidents like to take credit for things even if their cabinet or their white houses are
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responsible for the policies. >> host: next call for ken walsh, thomas, daytona beach. hi thomas. >> caller: yes fellas, how you doing? >> host: please go ahead sir. >> caller: yes. i've got three comments. you're making a comment a few minutes ago about george bush, you know being kind of meek on his first term. i mean, he had every, every reason to be fairly meek. i mean he didn't win his first term. you know i challenge anybody go to wikipedia on your computer anybody that owns a computer and look it up. he lost the first election. there was more people voted for al gore than they did george bush. he did not win. >> host: what's your second point, thomas? >> caller: second point is ronald reagan was a -- he was a actor, okay? he knew how to play. that was his, that was his profession. he knew how to play the american
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people. he got on the big screen, and he told us everything we wanted to hear and make things look good. and number three mr. jeb bush -- which, you know y'all were kind of bringing up talking about e-mails and all and being forthright with his e-mails -- they need to be forthright with all the votes here in florida that went missing somehow or another between him and katherine ayers to make sure that his brother won that 2000 election. >> host: that's thomas in daytona beach florida, about george w. bush, ronald reagan and jeb bush. >> guest: right. well, we'll take them in order, the caller referred to the 2000 election where, of course, the supreme court decided that in a 5-4 decision awarding the state of florida to president bush after a huge and complicated
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fight over who had won florida,al gore v. george w. push. and the caller or's right, al gore actually won more popular votes than george bush, about 500,000 as i recall. and the democrats really could not get past that for a long time when the supreme court made its ruling because they felt al gore had actually won the popular vote, which he had. but in our system, this is the way it works, the supreme court is the arbiter in close cases like this, and that's what happened. and then as far as reagan goes president reagan had been an actor in movies and on television and had a lot of skills that are very valuable for presidents to have. reagan was once asked about a reporter sort of in conster or nation -- consternation said you know, a lot of people think you were a b movie actor, how are you qualified to be president? and he said well, you know, i think that it's difficult for me
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to imagine a president who is not an actor because he feels like those skills are so important. and that's the way reagan was, and he used them in brilliant performances on television. i'm not saying that critically. that worked for him. you just look at some of his speeches such as the famous d-day anniversary speech and his speech when the space shuttle blew up. it's rare that president's speeches are remembered anymore. reagan's were. and then jeb bush um you talk about the e-mail situation, he did help, you know, try to help his brother win florida i think when it looked like florida was going to go to al gore jeb bush was very upset because he was governor at the time and felt he had let his brother down. but i think the big problem there is the dynasty is are people ready for a thinker bush in the white house and that's -- for a third bush in the white house and that's something jeb bush has to use in dealing with his own celebrity as the member of a dynastic
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family. >> host: do any of the 2016s have that je ne sais quoi that celeb hi in -- celebrity in chief -- >> guest: right. that's a very good question, and i've been thinking about that a lot lately as we're moving into that cycle. hillary clinton, of course is the most famous by far of anybody running for president in 2016. she hasn't announced yet, but we're all expecting her to run. and you can see just in this whole issue of the e-mails that you talked about in the last segment that anything she does is sort of channeled through our perceptions of her as a celebrity. she's got a very unique resumé. she was first lady, she was senator from new york, she was secretary of state. but people know her. she has astronomical name identification, and people have very ingrained perceptions of her. and so she's going to have to take her celebrity, and she is a celebrity, and try to channel it in positive ways. she's going to draw a lot of criticism, scrutiny and
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negativity from people who don't like her but she's so famous and she is such a celebrity that people will pay attention to her. so it's up to her now to really channel that celebrity in positive ways. we have to see how that plays out. so far it's not worked out very well, i must say, but she hasn't entered the race yet. and far as the republicans go, jeb bush -- because hillary clinton has the dynasty situation with her husband bill who was president. president, two president bushs now, jeb wants to be the third he has his own dynasty question. he's not nearly the celebrity that hillary clinton is but people are drawn to him because they're interested in him and this unique resumé that he has as part of this dynastic family. what he has to do is build up his celebrity in positive ways and channel it in ways that call attention to his positive agenda, and that remains to be seen whether he can do that. >> host: what about any of the other republicans?
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>> guest: you know, i don't see a lot of real glamor or use there so far. there's a lot of coverage of scott walker the wisconsin governor who has risen to the top of a lot of republican polls. we don't know how long that'll last. again, he has not announced nor have these major other candidates, potential candidates but he would be almost an anti-celebrity. he's not a guy who goes for gamor, he's sort of a -- glamor. and he's sort of a tough guy governor. and coming after president obama -- who cannot seek another term, of course, by the constitution -- this would be a whole different change. i wouldn't guess scott walker would do interviews with youtube hosts like glozell which president obama did but he would be a more traditional communicator, i believe, and he has to build up his celebrity in positive ways, and we have yet to see that. >> host: celebrity in chief: a history of the presidents and
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the culture of stardom. next call for ken walsh, naomi in norman oklahoma. republican. >> caller: yes. i was wanting to ask him if in my opinion the news media and print media are the ones who make them into celebrities. i don't find obama the least bit glamorous or hillary or bill clinton. i think the ones you mentioned, reagan and jfk, they had wit and humor that went beyond the media. and i don't think the media was fascinated with reagan, but they were with kennedy because of his
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hollywood connection wit and humor. so i was just wondering if -- >> host: all right. thanks for calling in from norman oklahoma. let's get a response from ken walsh. >> guest: reagan and kennedy were are two people i talk about in the book as celebrities in chief, certainly qualified in all the basic ways. our caller made the reference to kennedy, glamor, a lot of people in the media interested in kennedy. he played upon the contrast with president eisenhower who was the old soldier. kennedy had been actually, a hero in world war ii in the pacific. remember the commander of pt-109 was celebrated in the media, his heroism in that situation. he brought glamor to the white house, he brought a lot of formal events. he had a beautiful wife, matinee
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good look himself and so did his wife, jack we lip, lovely children -- jacqueline, lovely chirp, and the white house played upon that. they used the glamor of the kennedys to tailor his appeal into the idea that he was a new kind of president, a vigorous energetic young leader. the torch had been passed, as kennedy said from one generation to another, and the white house was very clever in many ways in using the media, television which was emerging as the dominant medium at the time. and newspapers to put out wonderful photographs of the kennedys and you're seeing some of them now, the wonderful events that they had at the white house. pictures of the children and family, the famous picture of young john jr. hiding under the president's desk while the president was working there. there was a little opening under the desk that the little boy could get into. they released that photograph and this happened many many times with the kennedys. and the media were entranced by the kennedys. they were drawn into the
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celebrity world. kennedy was also fascinated by entertainment celebrities. his father had been a hollywood producer, joe kennedy and he was always fascinated by that world and was always interested in the intersection between politics, government and show business which his father also was interested in. pleasure and that all came out during the the kennedy administration. true hi a celebrity president. -- truly a celebrity president. president reagan -- the caller said the media didn't seem as interested in president reagan. i think the media were very interested in reagan. i covered president reagan, and he understood the media of his time. this was before the 4-hour news -- 24-hour news cycle, and he was able to come up with strategies to brilliantly really manipulate the media in ways that made him look good. he'd come up with something called the line of the day. every morning they'd put out the
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line of the day, and they'd tailor events at the white house to go along with that line so that he'd get great coverage, which he did. in those days the television networks, it was impossible for them to ignore or wonderful pictures wonderful images and reagan was terrific at generating wonderful images. his staff really were able to come up with wonderful backdrops and places for the president to speak, and the television networks found it irresistible. i think there's less of that today, but in those days reagan, if you look at some of his events, they were brilliantly staged, and they understood television very well, and reagan was very very good at television. and even though people criticized his acting in the movies he played in, as president he, as people have said or, he played the role of a lifetime. and, again i'm not saying that critically. that worked for reagan. he understood television and understood that what the country
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wanted from the president as a celebrity, someone who was interesting and who would bring back that franklin roosevelt-style optimism which reagan did. >> host: george washington, abraham lincoln, were they celebrities in their day? >> guest: absolutely -- well washington absolutely. our first president was a celebrity. of course, we didn't have the mass media that we have today. it was a whole different world. but this is a case of george washington was probably the most famous person in the continental united states when he was elected president unanimously, by way by the electoral college. the country felt that no one could lead this new country but george washington. he had led the forces in the revolution, he was, he was a man of integrity, people widely recognized him as a man of integrity, and he could hold the country together which he managed to do. there's many examples of this. when he was elected, he made the trip from mount vernon his home
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in virginia, up to the temporary capitol up in new york, and it was almost like what we think of today as a rock star cavalcade. everywhere he went people turned out to see him. people greeted him. he delayed his trip because he had so many people who wanted to see him, and he was very accommodating to this. when he arrived in new york, he crossed the river, and this was a tremendous series of barges there waiting for him people with flags and artillery salutes and so on. so he was a tremendous celebrity in his time. they had many images of washington distributed that people used they admired him so much. so he was really our first celebrity president. world was different then, but washington certainly qualified as a guy who was a celebrity in his time. lincoln, different situation. lincoln was, of course, very divisive and controversial. we hear those words a lot today with our presidents.
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but, of course, lincoln was elected largely by the north really completely by north because south had seceded because of his election. and so he was very controversial. but what happened with lincoln is one thing i wanted to mention, first of all, is he did understand the media and the idea of image. the media of his time, which was newspapers, and the idea of image. when he was running for president in 1860, he felt that it was such a rough-hewn image that people wouldn't think she was sophisticated and smart enough to be president. so he had math i knew brady a frames photographer at time -- famous photographer at the time take his photograph. in this relatively new situation called photography. but he realized when he saw lincoln, lincoln was not a good looking man. he showed up wearing wrinkled clothes, his eyes were sunken his wrinkles were very obvious.
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so what brady did was he pulled the camera back. and this was taken just before a famous speech which he gave in new york and you can see photograph. what brady, the photographer did was he had a full length picture of lincoln so you couldn't see the close up of how he really looked, his facial features and he had him put his hand on a little book on a table to give him an erudite image. that picture was used for many years after that as the president's official photograph in many ways. when he grew a beard, that photograph was actually retouched to put a beard on him because the picture was so famous. and, but lincoln, after he died is when his celebrity really triggered. there were -- after his assassination. what was happening then is he was becoming a figure of almost spiritual importance particularly in the
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african-american community because of the end of slavery and winning the civil war. and he was becoming more popular because the war was being won. so when he was assassinated, he was elevated almost to this divine status in many ways. and he then you sew all these pick -- you see all these pictures that were distributed of drawings of him being welcomed into heaven by angels and george washington. he just had a whole new plateau of fame for a very, you know very, you know awful reason because he was assassinated. and lincoln is now seen as one of our greatest presidents. when historians do ratings, he's basically in the top three all the time with franklin roosevelt and george washington, basically. but lincoln was a growing celebrity especially after the war was being worn and his life was cut short by the assassination.
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we don't know how he would have handled all the difficult issues of reconstruction, but basically he has entered this pantheon of spiritual lead exert political leaders -- leaders and political leaders over our history since then. ...s. presidents. caller: thank you. i'm really enjoying this program. i think you are making the presidency more human. i have kind of a concern. we have a president to in my opinion is a great entertainer. but my disappointed has been that the policies never seem to come to fruition. everything kind of seems to end up a mess. what i would like to know is which presidents do you think have been great entertainers or celebrities but also the most effective administrators and policy makers? guest: a very good question.
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you mentioned president obama as an entertainer. this is a controversial but also real question presidents have to answer. we are celebrity driven culture and presidents have to acknowledge that. i think obama has. people are uncomfortable with this, especially more traditional thinking people. president obama's argument is that he has to go with the voters are. they understand that people get their information from different places. it is not that people are just getting their information as that used to from people like me, white house correspondents, news conferences interviews with the mainstream media. basically, people go to the late-night talk shows. a lot of young people have gone to john stuart, the very famous
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comedian. he is become very popular with young people. president obama has communicated through that, through youtube, social media. this weekend, he is going to be participating in popular culture again by showing up at the comer moderation of the selma alabama 50th anniversary of what they called bloody sunday, a very bad outcome for civil rights demonstration 50 years ago. president bush's son is going to be there as well. president obama he has to be something of an entertainer. this was very clear his first year of office. because of his rhetoric and ability to bring people into his rhetoric, he won the nobel peace prize only a few months after he
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was elected and he hadn't done anything yet. the white house even conceded this. he was surprised that he won. he won because of the promise of hope and change and that he would listen to countries around the world and have a more harmonious foreign policy. i will let the viewers judge how that turned out. the other part of the question presidents who have been most effective and have understood how to run the government. i think you have to put franklin roosevelt right up there in the top tier. the government was much smaller then, though he expanded the government in a great way. he had a way of understanding not only how government should work but also what the country wanted from government. the reassurance that people needed in those very difficult times. he succeeded in that. there's a wonderful story about franklin roosevelt after he died . there was a to amend this
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outpouring of grief in the united states for franklin roosevelt -- there was a tremendous outpouring of grief in the united states for franklin roosevelt. the coffin was being brought to his home in new york and a man was weeping inconsolably. he was asked, did you know president roosevelt? he said, no, but he knew me. he had a tremendous amount of empathy and used his celebrity to convey to the country that he understood what people wanted and needed, and that he could deliver that did the government. he was the -- deliver that through the government. he was the only president elected for terms. he combined celebrity and effectiveness in a very historic way. host: the president has become so central to our national identity that nearly everyone once to know -- wants to know
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how they act, their strengths and weaknesses, and their intentions. we tend to think of them as superhuman or extra normal. no wonder we are deeply interested in what they do and who they are. democrat art. caller: hello? my question is, we have all of these -- host: you know what, i can tell if it is art or ari. we are going to put you on hold. someone is going to talk to you about putting the moyne done on your television. next call is alicia, in oregon. caller: this is a very
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interesting concept to look at a president -- i have a few comments. these are some of my views on the presidents. i have lived through a lot of presidents. i vaguely remember roosevelt. i remember eisenhower and from there on. i think reagan was a very excellent president and he was real, a real person, and it shows through. it was not all an act. jfk, he did several good things, and i think can being murdered -- him being murdered, everyone will remember him. i think he was elected because he was young and all the rest of them had to been old -- has beend been old.
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i think when he was murdered, our respect for the president took a nosedive. host: three things on the table for ken walsh to respond to. guest: first of all it is striking that you mentioned elenor roosevelt. the first ladies have been very important in this concept of celebrity. eleanor roosevelt was a celebrity first lady. she had her own constituency. she was devoted to civil rights women's rights, helping people in need during the depression. eleanor roosevelt because her
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husband had polio and could not get around the country very well, became what he called his eyes and ears. she was known for that. she was a celebrity, she did things that first ladies never did before. she went to the coal mines urban ghettos, the troops. she added to her husband celebrity and they were a celebrity couple. a lot of people remember eleanor as the sting from her husband because she -- distinct from her husband because she had her own image. ronald reagan, a lot of people remember him very fondly. he was an actor, as a mentioned earlier. he was very much operating on the public stage. he was brilliant at strange -- stage craft.
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liberals felt he was taking the country in a conservative direction too quickly, slowing the growth of government, confronting the soviet union and so on. at the end, he was very popular because he was able to channel celebrity in positive ways and people just like tim. that is something that people tend to forget in evaluating presidents. likability. i remember democrats complaining they could not come up with candidates or spokespeople who were as likable as president reagan and that really hurt them. president kennedy one quick point about that. his assassination deepened the cynicism in america in many ways about whether things would turn out right for us, whether we
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were justified in being confident about the future when this young president was struck down before he realize to his full potential. the real place for the country's cynicism deepened about the presidency was in vietnam, when the country felt like to buy president nixon and president johnson -- lied to by president nixon and president johnson. and second, the watergate scandal. those of the two things that i think really undermined faith in the presidency. and we never really recovered from that. host: you have a chapter in your new book, first ladies, partners in celebrity. jackie kennedy has a mystic quality as a first lady but she spent half the time outside of the white house? guest: she did.
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she didn't like the political side of being first lady. her husband understood this and gave her an enormous amount of leeway. she made a huge splash wherever she went. she had such a glamour persona and such a sense of celebrity about her. she was very young substantially younger than her husband. she was fluent in french and very cultured and brought a lot of cultured events to the white house. people were very entranced by this. she was a modern media person, basically. what was she doing? she had a tremendous impact on fashion. a lot of women copied to the pillbox hat.
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also, the other thing i might add, another case where the assassination intensified them myst mystique. a lot of people remember her at the funeral. she handle that with enormous grace. host: north carolina, you are on with ken walsh. caller: the caller earlier said something about the only president ever impeached. according to my information andrew johnson was also impeached.
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they were both impeached by the house of representatives and acquitted by the senate. richard nixon would have been impeached had he not resigned. i would like to know if you knew why andrew johnson was impeached. host: your understandin -- guest: your understanding is just the same as mine. andrew johnson was not the kind of accommodater or brilliant politician lincoln was. he had tremendous fights with congress, to girly the lincoln facti -- particularly the lincoln faction who wanted a tougher stance with the south. johnson was not very deft at this. he had problems with
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appointments and ran afoul of the senate. it was a rather technical issue of his appointments that caused the impeachment. underneath that was this tremendous stirring of animosity towards him because of his handling his ham-handed handling of reconstruction because he was allowing the south to do things with former slaves that lincoln would not have allowed, for all we know. people in the north felt that he was letting the south off much to easily -- too easily. there was tremendous animosity towards johnson. that is why the impeachment occurred. clinton was impeached by the house. the way our system works, the house brings charges
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impeachment, and the senate decides what the punishment should be. in clinton's case, as in johnson's case, the senate decided not to remove him. that is the acquittal you mentioned. next and, the only president who resigned, saw the impeachment coming. and rather than going to that -- through that, resigned, because of the watergate scandal. i think you got that pretty much exactly right. host: can a president sell a book if you announces he is reading it? guest: he can. i would welcome president obama to read my book and talk about it. host: it is a case where some presidents who have this mystique and celebrity, can just carry a book, from one meeting to another or up the stairs of air force one, and people will be interested in reading
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it. presidents can draw attention to television shows movies, other books, novels rather than nonfiction. presidents can drive sales and interest in different types of things and music, too. president obama has had different artists at the white house and it adds to the celebrity of the resident and the artists, too. beyoncé is a big fan of president obama. president clinton had a lot of hollywood and entertainment figures of the white house, t oo. it worked as a synergy to add to the celebrity of these presidents. host: you write that jfk's staff
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exaggerated the extent of his reading in order to project the air of an intellectual. and clinton wanted people to know what he was reading. it was an effort to expand his a celebrity -- to expand his celebrity and impressed different constituencies that he was paying attention to their history. guest: kennedy exaggerating the amount he would read, he was not interested in classical music but his wife brought all of these famous classical performers to the white house including public a famous cellist. he didn't even know when he had to applaud. he had to these scripted on that.
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president clinton was a tremendously interested guy in popular culture. you saw that day after day. host: dorothy missouri. please go ahead with the question or comment for ken walsh. caller: good morning. i am proud of barack obama for his stamina, his guts. he has the guts to stand up and he has been good with history in america. we don't know now how good he is, but we will know in the end just how good he is. he has been a great example. michelle obama is a great example. and i thank them that i live to be 70 years old and see this happen. this is a wonderful subject on which we can thank you. i will buy your book.
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guest: i want to mention an example about president obama. he is a relatively young man compared to some of our other presidents. president reagan was much older. he is very unflappable. you rarely see a weakness in president obama in the sense of his ability to conduct his office through adversity. and not talking about policy, but him as an individual. the other thing you mentioned me about obama. role model side. he understands that he is a role model and he uses his celebrity to pay attention to that. particularly young african-american men see him as an example of what they can achieve. he is devoted to that premise. i've talked to a lot of people
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and what a lot of people say about obama, both critics and fans democrats and republicans is that you could not ask for a better family role model than obama. he does appear to be devoted to his wife, michelle, and his children. even republicans will say, as far as family values, he can't do better than the obama family. and i think that is something a lot of people recognize. host: eric, lutherville maryland. good morning. caller: good morning. my question for mr. walsh is during his lifetime, who does he think has been the most narcissistic president and why? thank you. guest: i have covered five presidents so i have that perspective. i think before then, kennedy was
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before my time. i think he was a very narcissistic president. president clinton was as well. i covered all eight years of his residency and he was a very self-indulgent person. i will let you decide -- i'm not an editorial writer. is an individual, clinton loved the intention --attention. -- attention. he they the saxophone and wore his sunglasses during his campaign. it connected him very much to popular culture. people felt he was a cool guy and he loved that impression of himself, that he was with it and connected to popular culture. it was self-indulgent personality that he had. we saw that in the monica lewinsky scandal.
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it resulted in his impeachment and acquittal by the senate. i think that kennedy and clinton were pretty narcissistic. other presidents were narcissistic in other ways but terms of being self-indulgent, i think it was kennedy and clinton. host: last call for our guest ken walsh comes from guy in california. caller: good morning. i want to know how you think the crossover between the culture of entertainment and the culture of the presidency damages or trivializes he office and what the first steps the president should take to minimize that damage. host: what do you think, first of all? caller: i think going on to youtube and speaking before the super bowl can bring a lot of attention to the office of the presidency, but i think internationally, it can make us seem sort of trivial.
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and i think it might not be the best way for president to approach their public relations. i would like to know what you think, overall. guest: i think president obama is testing the boundaries of exactly this question. it is in the context of celebrity in chief part. he enjoys being part of popular culture and he enjoys popular culture it self -- itself. you see that in many ways. i think he is testing the boundaries of how far president can go. as is michelle, the first lady. her presenting an oscar from washington during the academy awards ceremony a couple of years ago, that is an example of how thoroughly they are into popular culture. i see that in many ways with president obama. the interviews he does, the events he talks about.
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i the idea of trivializing the president -- you have to realize we are in a different worlds now. there are many ways for presidents to can indicate. we have to be careful in concluding that a president is to realizing things when -- trivializing things when many constituencies, that is a positive thing for them. i feel that he is going out of his way to communicate with them where they are, and different types of media. i think we have to be careful to realize that the world has changed in recent years and president obama may have a better understanding of that and a lot of people -- then a lot of people. i think the next president will have to use the same methods. they will maybe not be as adept at it. but they will have to realize that this is part of the presidency now.
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going to voters in all of our diversity as a country and appealing to them in cyberspace -- diverse ways. host: you have a chapter in here about presidents as trendsetters and trend spotters. the hat industry was not pleased with jfk's hatless moments. nick's and was not responsible for many fads but he started the trend of wearing a small american flag on the lapel of his suit jacket. the last caller was talking about the super bowl. but you have something about a president calling in plays? guest: our interest in sports --
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and was a big fan of football. people did realize the extent to which he was a fan of the all. he would actually devise plays for professional and college teams and send them in. i'm not aware that any of them worked very well. it was a famous play that he sent into the washington football team. it caused a 20 yard loss. but folks would use them. you get a play from the president, the coach would give it a try. but it did not work well. in fancied himself an expert on football but his plays did not work very well. host: we have been talking with ken walsh, the author of "celebrity in chief: a history of the presidents and the culture of stardom. "
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[inaudible conversations] >> please be seated. ladies and gentlemen, the 18th chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general dempsey. >> good afternoon, everyone. thanks for being here this afternoon as we formally welcome secretary carter back to the pentagon. i mentioned to him i feel like i just did this about 12 months ago. before i say a few words i
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would like to ask you to join me in a round of applause for the color guard and the man who perform the national anthem. he we will retire either at the end of this month or the next. they are representative of the men and women i represent command we are proud of them and them being here today as part of the ceremony to welcome our knew sec. secretary of defense. please join me in a round of applause. [applause] [applause] i would like to begin by recognizing secretary carter's wife, stephanie and his two children who we are also welcoming back to the pentagon. thank you for your life of service to your country and the men and women who serve.
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we want to thank them for sharing sec. carter with us. we recognize the sacrifices we make and family lives to take the kind of jobs the secretary has agreed to take standing appear and hearing the national anthem always fills me with pride. for the 2.2 million men and women serving. deeper appreciation for their families. i am honored to speak on their behalf and on behalf of the joint chiefs here in the audience. the same sentiments stir in secretary carter's hearts. the truth is his appointment very nearly broke my oldest granddaughter's heart. i had to explain to her my knew boss would be ashton carter, not ashton kutcher. [laughter] some jokes never get old do they?
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has even i have been known to confuse the two. [laughter] i assured her we get the better end of the deal. as we know from his long experience he is the right person to leave the department of defense at this time in history, not just for what he has done but for how he has done it. he is known for bringing judgment and candor to decisions and for explaining those decisions and clear and honest language. this is something this is something those of us in the armed forces very much appreciate. willing to bear great hardships and do anything. they just ask for clarity and honesty and return. in that area his credentials are absolutely unquestioned and happen to be the traits that congress and the american people appreciate as well. mr. secretary, it is a genuine pleasure to work beside you again.
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i say beside you even if that quite literally means sitting next to you and was congressional hearings. we have two under our belt this week. thank you for your willingness to serve our nation. i have the pleasure of introducing a leader who we all admire and who has served his country for 70 years since he 1st enlisted as a soldier in 1946 ladies and government the 19 secretary of defense the honorable william j perry. [applause] [applause] >> thank you. since 1947 there have been
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24 people sworn in as secretary of defense. none of them that are qualified for this job than hash carter. qualified by intellect temperament and experience. it has been reported that he is a super smart mega- genius. some would argue with that description. but none will argue of the value of the best experience he brings to the job. he was the assistant sec. for policy in charge of the former soviet union and all nuclear things. the under secretary of defense responsible for acquisition technology and logistics. and the deputy secretary that ran the pentagon for three different secretaries of defense. that is what i would call experience. i did not just occupy those
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jobs. he achieved remarkable results. in each of those positions his tenure will be the standard by which all other occupants of the position will be measured. early in the 90s he and i took on -- both and universities at that time and took on some track to diplomacy which ultimately led to the program. in 1993 he became the assistant secretary of defense responsible for exercising that job. under his tenure he is responsible for dismantling 4,000 nuclear weapons in ukraine, cousins done and belarus. when he retired as assistant secretary, i spoke at his retirement ceremony and said then, there will never come in and to the good that he has done.
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when he became undersecretary he galvanize the pentagon into real action real action. he supplied the troops in afghanistan with a protective equipment and surveillance equipment they desperately needed and did it on an accelerated schedule. his actions in my judgment saved countless lives of our soldiers. the casualty did come in back to the hospital see her he and stephanie countless times went to visit our wounded warriors and for which i think both of them. their tireless dedication was an example for all of us he we will be the secretary who cares for his troops. his actions uniquely qualify him for this job but it is
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going to be severely tested. the danger security problems we are facing today during the 90s _ and i _-dash and i and others worked hard to bring russia into the western security circle. we had a chance to do that tried hard,, tried hard, our success or tried hard. obviously we failed. russians at that time signed an agreement which we had a big hand in negotiating by which they agreed to respect the territorial integrity of the ukraine. they violated that agreement threatened their neighbors with nuclear weapons and threaten the united states official russian media announced russia is the only country that can turn the united states into radioactive ash.
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in addition to back up this kind of threat they are investing billions and billions in rebuilding the nuclear arsenal. we work together hard and trying to denuclearize north korea. i don't have to tell you we did not succeed in that objective. today today they are building a nuclear arsenal and making blatant threats about its use. so these are just some of the dangerous security problems he faces not to mention iran and isis in afghanistan. when the president called on him to take this job he was fully aware of these problems and believed he was the best qualified person to meet -- face these problems. at the time he was back in stanford, california pursuing a nuclear and
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academic career at stanford and a business career in silicon valley. he was reluctant to leave. but he answered the call and here he yesterday. speaking for myself and a grateful nation, we thank you for your willingness take on this demanding task. in a few minutes associate justice elena kagan is going to swear in doctor carter for the position of the 25th secretary of defense. justice kagan does not know this but she is my favorite member of the supreme court. [laughter] both because of her court decisions and because of her amazing academic record. degrees from oxford, harvard professor at the university of chicago and
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university of harvard law school eventually becoming the dean of the harvard law school. in 2009 pres. obama asked her to become the solicitor gen. and general and a year later associate justice of the supreme court. that's a brief summary of a truly spectacular career. i am proud to introduce to you today justice elena kagan, a woman for all seasons. [applause] >> thank you so much secretary. i promise not to tell any of my colleagues you said that. and thank you general dempsey. most most of all secretary carter for asking me to be here. it's an honor for me to be
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here to all the men and women who make this department work and most of all to all the men and women in uniform who sacrifice for us on a daily basis. thank thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the state. if you walk around this town and talk to people what everybody says is exactly what the general and the former secretary said which is he is the perfect man for this job, the consummate public servant the person who, by virtue of his experience and his judgment and good sense and his brilliance will be able to deal with the challenges that this important office as and so i feel very privileged to be able to swear un today. ..
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>> ladies' man gentleman the 25th secretary of defense ash carter. >> chairman dempsey secretary paid it -- secretary and justice kagan and distinguished guests, so many administration and family and friends they keep for being here today. the pastor and a half weeks have been an opportunity to reconnect with the of many fine public servants at the pentagon and here in an in-house washington and viewfinder than chairman dempsey. i sleep better at night with him on the job. our men and women did you former fortunate for your of leadership and our country is stronger in and safer for
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it. thank you. justice kagan, after two days of congressional testimony it is nice to spend some quality time with a different branch of government. [laughter] you have made remarkable contributions in academia a policy and of the bench. i also noticed dean of harvard law you were a fierce advocate for the schools veterans community. thank you for that leadership and for doing me the honor to be here today. there are three mentors who might want to recognize today and two of whom are here and one sadly is not. bill perry. you helped the united states right to more peaceful and prosperous post cold war history and in the process
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you established a model of a modern secretary of defense. bill, you stood up for me dearly in my career, you stood in for my father at my wedding and hear your again today. our nation and the world are safer because of your of leadership and intellect and also because of your civility. thank you for always standing by me. if we do not have enough time to talk about all the history that french scowcroft figures. with a cool head head of state for over five decades and through troubled u.s. waters. with a warm heart he helped countless men and women to strengthen their faith of cup -- public life. here reminds us to look the
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dangers with the prospectus to see opportunity when many see a crisis in remember ever strength when many focus on challenges. thank you. and jim's schlesinger i'm sorry did not live to see this day was the mentor and a model to bring a fierce analytic intellect that he surrounded himself with the best people wherever they came from and relished strenuous and constructive debate to follow the evidence wherever it took him. i was the beneficiary of this openness to new people into thinking and from him i learned to do the same. my fantastic family is here as well. my daughter and my son son, don't make any mistake
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mistake, the pride of my life. and my perfect wife stephanie is my partner in life and in service to this great institution and especially to military families who will love so much. ladies and gentleman to serve as a 25th secretary of defense is the highest honor. i am grateful to president obama for his trust and confidence into the u.s. senate for my conformation and to all of you for your friendship transport without which i know i would not be here. being back i reminded how easy it is in washington and in this building to focus solely on our challenges and indeed it is a turbulent rode out there. but as a nation, and as the department this is also a
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moment to continue to shine the beacon of american leadership to seize the opportunities in front of us. the men and women of this department not only continue to protect our country, but also insure relievo more peaceful and prosperous and promising world to our children to live their lives, raise their families and to leave their dreams. we are standing for our shared values in europe for those to turn back the clock in standing with our friends and allies against savagery in the middle east and in the asia pacific where new powers rise and tensions simmer were half of humanity presides we stand up for a continuation of the decades-long your call of development and progress underwritten by united
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states. in cyberspace standing with those who create it in ovate against those who seek to steal or destroy and exploit as technology in globalization revolutionize how the world works and as the pentagon budget tie-ins tie-ins, we have the opportunity to open ourselves up to new ways of operating and recruiting to innovate and much more. american is home to the world's most dynamic businesses and universities we have to think outside the five sided box to be open to best practices and ideas and technologies. has said 9/11 generation begins to lead we also have the opportunity to retract
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gifted and idealistic future service members and civil servants even as we honor the sacrifices of those who came before them. i have learned from my students and my kids that every generation is different. this new one has no memory of the cold war. and dim memories even of 9/11. but they are still devoted to living lives of service and purpose with must attract the finest among them. and did realizing all these opportunities previous generations of recent predecessors the most honorable public servants i have ever worked for gates, panetta, chuck hegel had and secretary, they have of powless dust with a remarkable inheritance a
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stronger institution with the world's greatest military. i will remember that these three the end of president obama office just as if within a day of service were the of our extraordinary men and women in uniform. of the best of our armed forces here today, you represent the finest fighting force the world has ever known. with gettysburg and midway with fallujah. is in the years ahead your
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country will call when you to continue the tradition and would put you in harm's way but my greatest obligation will be to help the commander-in-chief make those decisions with wisdom and the care. to get you what you need. for the dignity of you and your families and thank you for all you do rand the trustee place in the plus you end the united states of america. thank you. [applause]
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>> good morning welcome to the united states association and fifth cybersecurity forum. before we begin if anybody is trying to access the network this is the password. if you did not get it mary can give you the password. today we are here to listen to industry and government leaders discuss issues that are defining our understanding of cyberattacks pose to national security and economic security of public health and safety and the very social and political fabric that governs our lives. indeed as noted in the world
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economic for report he released last year repeaters in business and civil society realize for the world economy to fully derived of value inherent from technological innovation a robust coordinated system of resilience is essential to mitigate the risk of cyberattacks. this report found that senior leaders across different industries are aware of the need for cyberresilience in urging greater collaboration with the broad ecosystem that spans technology providers law-enforcement and other institutions. with the ongoing discussions taking place today's forum
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and within government but also of the increasing scope of cyberrelated activities. now a key question for policy makers one we are debating today is identifying what initiatives are necessary to insure the highest probability of success to mitigate cybersecurity risks. we're honored to have with us three officials who have given a substantial thought to these questions in each of their influence. the keynote speaker is ron johnson chairman of senate homeland security in we are also pleased to welcome the white house senior director of cybersecurity and the senior information technology policy adviser each will speak on a panel that addresses the recently released executive order on information sharing to for a
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vote in advance cybersecurity risk management. as a new chairman of the committee senator johnson plays a major role to further advance ever security legislation by speaking too broad bipartisan consensus on key issues in addition to the cybersecurity of leadership he serves on the budget committee, a commerce committee of foreign relations committee before election to the united states the day he spent 31 years had a polyester impala -- manufacturing businesses co-founded. mr. chairman thanks for joining us today in professing fee of up for the coming year with this legislation. [applause] >> thanks for braving the cold and the snow.
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leges if you had to travel further did battle some issues. i will open to questions and answers and opening remarks that is the best forum to address the details on that but i will make a cup of -- a couple of additional points my background is in an accounting and finance but i have been here 31 years or have solved a lot of problems but to have that type of perspective is pretty important here in washington d.c. when we talk about cybersecurity or regulation there is too prevalent of an attitude we need to force businesses to provide safety to their workers or we have to make
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sure products are safe. i come from the standpoint of a business is bad business to have airplanes fall a lot of the sky or bad business to lose customers private information is a necessary at richard or the important attitude for this discussion. when i talked to do business chrysolite to take the opportunity here is mine. in the private sector for far too long businesses are viewed as evil rather than celebrate we demonize so this lays the foundation for what i want to talk about ever asking them to defend themselves. for people to work with them
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it is extremely important for every business manager and owner and every corporate chieftain to make sure people work with them to protect -- produced products a.m. services we all value and we all need to produce good paying jobs. you need to make sure people working with you understand if they ever get better pair better benefits that will not come from what in washington d.c. is a lot better job security or opportunities the business in the people working together meet tuesday o by the way it is measured by profit that is not evil it is absolutely necessary but in today's culture as we've demonize businesses for a decade that is a heavy lift but if you succeed to
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convince a really is good to succeed and make a profit to invest that money to have better products and services and make sure they realize your suppliers have to succeed, your customers the entire free market that we call the american economy has to succeed even big pharma and big oil. the maya the only one that was a life-saving drug or ironclad that there is a gas station at the next interchange? even big telecom has to succeed it is just a tragedy that now they have decided to regulate the internet on the basis of the phrase of neutrality so we don't have faster speeds to get more information on the internet. what will end up happening
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is you have decreased the incentive for capital expenditure to expand a broad band and a spade to provide innovation. what is the better model of innovation and advancement of economic activity than the explosion of the internet all the jobs it has created now that is at risk for growth but they talk about my attitude to the committee in this is key how we move successfully a cybersecurity bill. i did a lot of negotiating and relationship building but i would start those arguing. projected the i would figure out all the areas of agreement to develop a relationship bendel level of
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trust then it is easier to find common ground. such rights defined areas of agreement. upon taking chairmanship my man of integrity once bigger government so let's develop day mission statement that is a goal we can all agree on to enhance the economic and national security of america. by concentrating on that shared purpose it will be a lot easier to find common ground with a gift i our point presentation you shed to yourself lucky that is not the topic of conversation or that would ruin your day.
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