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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  April 9, 2015 3:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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work that i did. and, having that taken away from me, i was forced by the texas prison system to resign. and, we had these 7500 supporters and i before the news went out i sent them a full disclosure letter, with my mistakes. these were to the people that i respected the most in the world. so to say hey, look how i screwed up. and then having the news just jump on that. . .
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has a major anymore empathetic to the people you work with? >> that could be a very long answer. i used to think that people cared about me and maybe celebrated the results that i was able to generate because they cared about what i was doing, but i did know the people love me for who i am. and after the news, after i sent my letter to 7500 people 1000 of them wrote to the e-mails of encouragement and what are you doing next. i have nothing to offer you anymore. i realized for the first time in my life at the age of 31 that i was lovable as a human and as a person, not just as a leader who is generating results.
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and that love has been transformative and healing in my life. i hate talk about the mistakes i have made but at the same time it's liberating to not hide undertake many leaders almost all leaders have done something at some point in their career that it became to light would make them lose their leadership. and most people don't get the liberty, freedom of actually getting to speak about it. and i've realized i've realized the hard way talking about this that we as humans, we bond in our humanity, usually a lot more we bond in our successes, and our accomplishments. and so not many people talk about their failures, and we all have some -- do you want to talk about that? [laughter]
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>> take the heat off. my job is to put the heat on i guess. >> in terms of working with the men and the women that we serve at define now, i've always had a passion for it but now communicable i can relate that much more to being covered in a thick wall of shame. i had no money. i did want to be seen on the street here in the now understand that much more what it's like for them to work through that statement in to work through the shame and the healy. so i'm really passionate about it and as a leader, when i started pep when i was 27 i was ignorant and ignorance really was bliss. i've no idea how hard it was. so when i restarted the fly four years ago -- defy a whole lot of things about leadership and i was so much more hesitant about
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leaving again. i was more cautious, i was definitely insecure about announcing that i was going to go for this again. but i've come at it with a more tempered energy, and i would say and even deeper love for the mission that i have. i could've chosen, i got an opportunity back into venture capital after this because i was too tired to lead and i thought no one would believe in me again, but people do give me a second chance to lead to know i'm extremely passionate about extending second chances to america's biggest underdogs. >> we are here in silicon valley and this is a committee i think that does believe that failed is okay. sort of, you know the whole mindset here is you can fail and you can pick up and go one. so how did you restart this quick you are no longer allowed to work in the texas prison system but you were in new york at this point, right, and decide
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i'm going to restart this. even some supporters. >> i got a year of intensive therapy and self-help and everything. i moved out of texas back to new york city where i have been working before just to get some energy back in my life because i was so depressed and i was studying at practices and other models across the country not sure that i wanted to start something again, wrote a bunch of business plans. people tore them up i wanted that because i did want to start something that would be ineffective. and so after a year doing this i announced the defy concept and it was with the -- it was with the support of a small number of really amazing people who have my back but they told me, my mentor said if you're going to do this again you build something that pep still statewide in text today, go big or go home. be something that we national -- national scalable. make sure your building infrastructure, something that can bring healing nationally. i spent the first year on the
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heels of a concert nation raising money which is not an easy -- resignation. i know i screwed up but please give me money. getting methodology and curriculum and staff in place that could likely this into success. >> so you did that and now how big is the program now? you are using technology to the remote kinds of things. how is the whole infrastructure setup? >> i made the decision to work outside the prison system because there are about 2 million people are currently incarcerated in prisons but there are 100 million on the outside who have criminal histories and i know that silicon valley is work something out risk, but many people in silicon valley still will not hire someone who is a fully. there's a huge need on the outside. so we in the city started off because new yorkers said just because you can do in it in texas doesn't mean you can do in new york. for two years we ran a
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traditional brick-and-mortar stock classroom model where we call them eit, entrepreneurs and drink them would come to classroom and ever learn about entrepreneurship intensive character development including everything from how to be a great father or parent and manners and then employment skills. we would run his these business plan competitions and recruit mentors to come. our model has worked out by those. a recidivism rate is aren't exactly but it is through% unemployment rate is 95% and we've incubated and started 71 companies in just two years nearly all of them become profitable within a three-month period. so everything worked really well. they are very simple service business models, and so a year ago one of my mentors kicked my butt and said it's great you are doing this in texas sorry come in new york but we reserve 115 people so he said, do something scalable. and so i didn't know how but we
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decided to transfer lot of our curriculum into an online training format your susceptibility and all you saw in the video is one -- seth godin. we have five professors from harvard business school the teacher online courses so we filmed them and then our eit scum we serve 174 in this calendar year. are helping to service 1000 next year. they learn an online training and then they come together at events like with last night like a business coaching night to apply the information that they're learning as they prepare to launch their businesses. >> i went with the online training it sounds like part of what works in what you're doing is bringing people together in a physical space to get that in person training. >> we do this every month in silicon valley. you are welcome to come. we have a mentoring program that is one on one and share groups. out of that people are transformed just watching something online.
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is through the application and persons through relationships that we heal. >> to me i have to say the idea that people have been in prison who have been in gangs and done drugs and real entrepreneurs make enormous sense to me. it's one of the things that dawned on me but of course i didn't do anything about it and she did and that's, and yet i wonder, how do you decide which people are going to work in the program? because it probably isn't something for everyone. >> the number one thing we look for is to take ownership of the past into the want to transform their future? if you want to hand out there are not well suited for defy and i used to be a hard task of triage people who just wanted to the handout but this year along with switching to a blended learning model to online stuff, we also switched to a tuition-based model where we now charge a very modest tuition to our eit's, entrepreneurs and training to the rest of it is
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subsidized by doors but we've seen when the of skin in the game the ones who really want to move forward in their lives they're willing to pay and the guys who are not serious about the transmission, the outcome. that's pretty fabulous weeding mechanism. >> how much do you charge? >> it depends, it's a $100 a month but we give them, they don't take on any debt and every month we give them an opportunity like a sales expo or anything way to earning and paying for their tuition. been there also earning financial prizes through defy. it can end up costing them nothing in the end which is what to see that the want to put money for it. >> so tell us about the physicist that have been started started. >> they are real simple companies but the worker gets everything from like a tailoring company. we the guy who introduced himself the first time as a third generation fallon, and yeah, because 70% of people end
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up follow in their parent's footsteps. it's a generational thing. he was tired of that and he loved food to start a tailoring business. and now exclusively hires young dads and he is hard like more than 10 of them. he got to leave his job does not suspect him to run this company full-time. it ranges from that we have a couple apps even though we don't think like that's the best model for profitability so we generally discourage it but we have carpet cleaning businesses. i mean we have a whole broad range, dog walking and that care companies. we have companies in almost every, 71 of them. >> which is amazing. in order you said there's money behind the program. are the able to get seed money? >> yes. >> along the way? >> yes. when they're competing for the $100,000 in startup capital those are actually grants that we distribute. it's not like one person wins
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100,000. we have three competitions. our next was coming up. google is hosting it at their headquarters first and tim draper is holding the final at his office. they compete therefore small amount of seed capital and every competition that we have, the capital increase and we would also provide them with microloans. we are partners comments we give them access and the more money that their businesses need to introduce them to angel investors because our network is full of them. >> you have tim draper. how did you get them interested? >> an e-mail saying will you come and be a judge? >> really? any such your? >> yes. it can almost that simple. we do good sending cold e-mails. >> and 21st showed up had he ever had any experience working with people who have been imprisoned and? >> tim draper? i don't think so but he is a classic story of investor who
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loves a great underdog proposition and can see great potential that is not recognized by others. that's what he is so good at his job. >> i am curious. i mean, we saw earlier in the little video, these moments of asking people these questions that you would ask them, like hellman of you heard gunshots ?-que?-que x what is it like when you have people who are successful business people and people were felons and you ask these questions of them? is there any point where they start to find things in common, or are there surprising moments where they have things in common? >> it's actually, so we create a safe place where people can be vulnerable and the premise, a lot of the premise under defy is there so much in common on both sides of that line. and so many of our executives and many of our eit's are driven to their successes does have daddy issues.
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he never had their fathers blessing. they never heard like i love you, son and so they go out and defied the odds. one did it illegally and wanted it legally but they're both on both sides of the library extremely charismatic, passionate influencers and to use their influence to get results. their bottom line oriented. and so when they get together the doctor like a really strong mutual respect. when we tell our executives no pity, no sugar coating look them straight in the eye and if their business ideas stink, you tell them and then they can pivot. so they like that because they get this light, we do serve women to but there's this tough guy thing in the realm but then it's like tough guys can also be soft and vulnerable because what we find is that our eit coming out of prison have had to put on this façade for so much of their lives and then they can come to divide, exactly they are known and loved even though they have
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done these things and they finally get to let their guard down to our executives who are sometimes gazillionaires are also keeping up this façade like keeping up with the joneses the other ceos in their world and they have issues by that defy gigot love and rewarded for being just who you are. and so that is a daunting glue that keeps people coming back and executives remain their friends. >> it's interesting. i don't know whether it's a great thing that felons as excess of businessmen have something in common or not. [laughter] -- successful businessman. what does it take to be successful businessperson? anyway, i do wonder about that. i was going to ask you about women. you started this before "orange is the new black" became popular but piper is last among some of the getting is actually a big advocate for prison reform. i remember hearing an interview with the woman who was in prison
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with martha stewart. and apparently martha stewart, this woman when she got out of prison became start your own business in part because martha stewart encouraged this among them. >> we are serving a woman right now who served time with martha stewart as well. >> apparently so. i wondered how much, there are not as many women in prison as men but -- >> 5% roughly. >> i do wonder to what degree you do work with women because a lot of women in prison i mean they are single moms, they have challenging circumstances and in able to be a good businessperson could really help them. >> right. and so that the women that we have we're trying to attract more, that there are small percentage of the criminal population and the women that we do have our awesome fighters. they hold their own with the guys. >> is it sort of different when you're dealing with the women in terms of or you become in terms
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of background stories, in terms of bonding with executives? >> yes and no. i mean they are there as entrepreneurs in their own right and it's not like they cry all the time and the guy still do something. they are very competitive. one of our women in new york consistently wins every challenge and contest that we have, or takes first or second or third. and so she has a softness to her that i think it's are a competitive advantage. her daughter is also part of her family. we have a family literacy program and her daughter is in it, and her daughter is starting her own company through defy because we serve their kids. her daughter is 21 and the starting her company now alongside her momcome and they're on the legal entrepreneurial journey together and gets some beautiful things to see that happen. >> that's amazing. it truly truly a wonderful thing.
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you know, i wonder, i have heard, people often criticize programs within prisons that help prisoners. i've heard people say like you know, basically probably had your attitude when you started out, these are thugs, awful people. do you get that at all? do you get any criticism of people saying well, you know why shouldn't they get this advantage? they have committed this crime. >> having worked inside the prison system for five years not everyone in prison wants to transform. but with that said, so many of them do and so yes i get a lot of criticism of all flavors. but when people say why did they get, why did these guys get all the special privilege, my first thing is we don't even get public funding so it's not like we're taking funding away from to do whatever. my other answer is if you look at the communities we serve which are some of the poorest communities in america today
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defy is serving people in nine different states already to our blended model. in the committees we serve which is the underserved poor communities, the number one missing factor in my opinion from what i've seen is positive male role models. and so it is a father problem in america, and -- fatherhood -- if you want to move america forward yes, you need to serve the kids but sony people already focus on education and kids programs. ready to give all the consistence tickets and they come to dysfunctional families and to missing fathers they are not moving so much. to our social some people think it's backwards but we are actually equipping predominately men to become not just on to put north but that's why 50% of what we do is working on their character as well so that they can become engaged parents who love their kids and to teach
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them a new legacy of legal entrepreneurship. we've all these events with their kids and the kids come to the sales ex post into the competition and then the kids say i'm going to do, and entrepreneur just like my dad when i grow. this is a family business and that's what we live for. >> when you say you help them become better fathers besides helping them become successful entrepreneurs, fatherhood is about more than bring home the money. in what ways do you work with them around that? >> we have incredible curriculum and online courses that teach this stuff. so it's everything from, we teach the five love languages to them so that they can be better spouses. >> explained what the five -- >> the idea that we all have like one or two so words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, gifts and quality time. i just nailed all five. so basically if my love language
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is physical touch, which is, in my most likely way of loving you is also through physical touch but yours might be worth of affirmation and if i don't realize that, then we're going to get into trouble. if i know yours is words of affirmation i can stroke you all day with words instead to love you in a language that is most important to you. so our eits are learning this as well. how to best love their own children and their spouses, not just that but even letting your employees and your company. then we have a course on how to give a meaningful apology to make amends. the languages of apology which is not just saying i'm sorry but actual offering restitution and say i'm sorry and i was wrong are two different things. we have courses in etiquette come just now to be polite, how to be a gentleman or a gentlewoman. we have a two hour dining etiquette course that i couldn't leave after taking this how rude i was.
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[laughter] it was taught by an emily post etiquette instructor. >> i love this felons get instruction from emily post instructor. that's good. i like that. >> emily post meets hip-hop is the instructor we chose to exhibit getting all these soft skill courses on like what is the definition of integrity. so many courses that are working on them as people and like one of our eits just told me a week ago he said i sit at the computer watching these courses and my 11 year old son is sitting there watching them with me. ask any questions about it. that's pretty awesome. >> what do you think the difference is between the people in prison who discover you and say, i want to do this, and the ones who as you said yourself not everybody wants to be redeemed. in the time you've been doing this work do you have any sense
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about the difference? >> that's a really good question. i always wonder why wouldn't you want to change if he can and one person said to be what i was at pep i think the best. he said when you have been put in the trash can your entire life, thrown away by the people who are supposed to look love you the most, most of our eit came from a very dysfunctional families where family members left them abuse them. so when you put in the trash all of your life, you start to believe these lies about yourself that you are not worth anything, you inadequate amount to anything. so you keep putting yourself in the trash can. >> so you just think some of these guys just can't get past that? >> they don't. i think one of the biggest issues is that they have not had a different vision painted for the. they don't believe it, and it's much more comfortable to not change. it's more comfortable for all of us to stay the same and so if
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you've been marked by failure whole life and you're used to it, it kind of feels normal. >> how many, the ones who come to you how many are violent felons? how many community, where there were drug crimes? >> it doesn't make a big difference because whether they were busted on this or that, almost all of them were engaged in the same lifestyle, but because we intentionally seek out leaders who are good at selling drugs or leading games it has someone who is stuck as a crack on a street corner is going to have a less good chance of making a good entrepreneur. and so someone who is a leader in criminal endeavors usually doesn't get busted for having an ounce of weed in their pocket. they usually get busted on organized crime or a violent crime. so that 80% of our guys have committed violent crime, and nearly all of them and everyone at present are incarcerated on
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some sort of either drug dealing charge violent crime, organized crime, something related to that because that's what we look for as a qualifying factor how entrepreneurial were you in your endeavors last night. >> it's great. they were trying to live the american dream. that was what was in front of them right? had to make a buck right? >> icon in my home, i learned to take my sats and go to college where as big of a prison is right of passage. everybody goes to everyone is doing a pretty good prison, you get smarter. prison is a college of how to become smarter, make a better connection and to get out and you hope you don't get caught again. >> because they don't have a different vision. >> right. and you're giving the opportunity speed and we are dusting them off it would bring in people like yourselves and you will give them in the eye and you say, i believe in you. i see something different for
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you, and i can tell you the confidence that instills in them. it is life-giving, life transforming. it's what they need. >> what is the most challenging part of this work when people are transforming? when you've been coming out of environment like that, the amount of emotional baggage that people have what's the most challenging? >> everything about it is so hard. like i could sit on the stage and make it sound so good sometimes it sound so easy and it's not. it's such a pain actually because like our guys they feel like that sometimes more challenges than anyone i've met. yesterday i was talking to me don't you said what do i do because the woman that i am entering my word about her physical safety because she's in a relationship with a guy who is being abusive. and so i would say that the hardest part for us is walking
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through the tough stuff. and a lot of times since our guys have not achieved great success before right before they're about to incorporate their business, like right before their feet are right there, you know, about to be held, like they want to quit on themselves and not letting them quit right when they see success right in front of them that's tough and that's why we have incredible mentors who said i believe in you. you can do this. let's walk to the other side. >> when you've been used to doing something online when i guess when the moment really comes you're going to switch that must be scary. to just make that leap. you also have you're going to expand and create a greater presence you. you got some good news that made you want to share on that front. you got a little help from silicon valley. >> so i love to. i can't even tell you.
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i have always wanted to come back to this coast and it's been my dream to build a national program, and so a couple of months ago we started our first pilot class. we started serving 20 eits hit were all over the bay area, many of them live in oakland. and then we started planting some seeds out here in the bay area, and his company called google was in the audience, so that people were in the oddest of one of the talks that we give in this is just a few months ago, and it's amazing how these people from grabbed onto this mission and so we want to make this big in the bay area in 2015 comments of this is my first time i have permission to publicly announce this but we have obtained a half million dollar grant from [applause] and this is so that we can serve and 2015 our aspiration and to serve up to 500 eits post
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their family members here in the bay area. so i am really excited that for half of the time of the next year i will be escaping new york winters and spending a lot of time here as we raised a fist after looking to hire an executive director and a team that can lead this important work because they're such a huge need out a. and google has come to us not just with funding by their hosting our competitions and bringing volunteers. it's amazing what a corporation can do when they decide to take action. the action to take it has been -- i'm shocked that we are here in the bay area. >> it's amazing, did you think it's a great place to do it because also there's a lot of entrepreneurs here who have been is the ringer and who you know, probably would really love to get back. >> this is a perfect place to california, you have a serious prison problem and you have a series on to new spirit so there's not a better place for
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defy. >> i think there's something just a stat i want to get up there about that i read about the number of people, percentage of the population that the time it has in prison and you probably know this all the top of your head. >> we are the world leaders. >> and so it seems like and what is it, something it's 100 million people so it is what%? >> 109 have criminal history but are not currently incarcerated we have highest per capita rate. there are about 2 million people who are in prisons but 10 million cycle in and out of every year. so it's like, it's a revolving door. high recidivism rate in america is 76.6%. >> wow. that's amazing. >> and it's often because people get out of prison and out of want to transform their lives that employers are not willing to even let them flip a burger at mcdonald's because they have a rap sheet.
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>> i have quite a number of questions from the audience so let's add a few. somebody asked how do you measure the success of your investments? how are you doing? can anyone take the online training? >> that's a good question that we help them we hope to offer online training to open event. midwicket franchised and license our curriculum to other people or offer online courses to others so that may be coming soon. in terms of measuring the success of our investments we look at the revenue of the businesses. we look at the profit and we look at how many of the people they are hiring them a special when they hired defy grads they get bonus points and we look at the attraction and the growth rate and we have a not for naught and resident who will build up their companies. so are companies are not they are all very young right now. they are in inception and some of them right now are generating right around $100000 in the
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first like year which for us is prettypretty good like we had one business that generated no with of $30,000 in its first made i think we thousand dollars in three months. 71 companies already generated 84 employment opportunities for people aside from the founders. we are proud of that because it's getting other hard to employ people into jobs. >> it is amazing to me and great to see you turn these people around. it seems like it's a great opportunity to have somebody come up to the state who you helped. >> i would love that. here's my warning before this. he is here and this might be sake but he has a criminal history it is really nervous about getting on stage. he was like i think throwing up in the bathroom before this. so if you would please, i'm joking sort of i think, but if
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you would please warmly welcome him up and who and how to make them feel loved for his transmission and he will share his story. [cheers and applause] [applause] >> going to fit you in here on a big stage. we put him in the middle. >> hi. >> hello. >> how are you doing? >> nervous but excited. >> they are very friendly. >> they clapped very nicely for you. why do we start let's get the hard part of the wafers to introduce yourself and people want to know where you come from, your journey. so will you share the summit of your rap sheet and how much time
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you sent? >> i'm jaime flores and i spend or 30 years in prison for drug dealing. dealing. >> to what comes out of the womb saying when i grow up i want to become a criminal. can you talk about the circumstances that led up to your arrest, a brief stint at her job at? >> for chile i was blessed to grow up with two parents unlike some of my peers. growing up i grew up poor. i grew up my parents work two to three jobs at a time, and they worked so much that they needed our help, me and my brother, my two brothers. we ended up helping them out. at the age of 12 i remember mowing lawns at an apartment complex, a part of complex at about the eight lawns in front of a busy street and i still remember mowing these laws and looking up at the street and seeing some of my friends in school see nemo these laws. to me it was embarrassing. i grew with anger and resentment andanswer why do i have to do this?
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why do they get to play? is got to be different way to make money. unfortunately, i think the mistake and headed toward a criminal lifestyle, drugs spent 70 got busted and you are serving time. and that defy we are not there to talk people into change. we work with people who want the transmission for themselves. what was the catalyst for transformation? why didn't you go to prison to become a better drug dealer? >> graduate school for better drug dealers. >> exactly to what caused that? >> for me got saved my life but he said come here. you've tried it on your own. come with me to an ever since i've been walking within. another thing is i remember being in prison, there was an article about defy and motivate me and it i wrote you a letter and when i got out i did a google search and i found out that defy was coming to the west
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coast and immediately i signed up and got him now talking in front of you beautiful people. it's amazing applaud not -- [applause] >> that first day i met jaime it was like three or four months ago and he came up to me and you are trembling and you have this letter and he status of a copy of the letter he wrote me. we weren't even here on this coast yet. i couldn't believe it. so now that you're in defy you're actually starting your own legal business. so why don't you give them a 15-second elevator pitch. tell them what you're doing spent i started a country called diamond level of their which is an apparel clothing company targeted toward the baseball community, to the fans and players of the game of baseball. i have a component of would you buy from us we get back to an underprivileged kid, give them a jersey, a sports bag to carry the equivalent of things of that nature. >> and who's going to win in the
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draper shark tank in january? >> i'm going to hit it out of the park. right here. [applause] >> and last night you were at the business coaching night. we had these amazing ceos that are coaching you. talk about how it feels to get to interact with these amazing people who believe in you. >> it's wonderful that everything i tell myself see the chavez yes you can. being around defy volunteers to give me that reinforces that belief that yes, i can and it feels great to have defy on my back. >> when are you incorporating? >> last week. >> you incorporate your business last week the ou are already the founder and ceo of your own business now. and along the journey of our eit starting to businesses, many of them come it takes a little while for them to become
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profitable enough to live a full life on a. so what are you doing for a living right in? >> right now i'm working at a warehouse for $12 an hour. >> you are working there in a temporary job, right? i make a shameless plug on jamie's death. if anyone here could have an employment opportunity for him and upgrader something else please let us afterward to let them know that daschle what skills you have to offer a company? how could you add value to the? >> i'm a team player, i'm a great leader, and speedy you've got some pretty good hustling skills. and final question for you from the least i know that here tonight you have some family members that are here to support you, and she gave me some very big news last night about. do you want to share the new? >> yet the my baby girl is going
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to be coming into the world pretty soon entered name is giuliana spent and your wife is do you -- >> any day now and here i am. >> how does it feel to have come where is your family? >> in the corner. >> tell them how it feels to have them here supporting you. >> well, first of all i just want to say that i'm sorry for everything that i put you guys through. my wife, tiffany my dad and parents, the whole family, i put them through a lot of stuff, you know. it just feels so good that you guys are here supporting me and i love you guys. love you. [applause] >> great job. >> i'm curious whether or not you become one of the things you talked about is that you actually learn a lot of entrepreneurs guilt out on the street when you're dealing drugs that are something you can transform into a more positive way.
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do you think that's true? did you learn something so running a business? >> yes. i paid attention and i said you're selling a product, you know, just a product that was illegal and this one is legal, you know? it's pretty similar, the marketing, the management. >> the profit margins are different. [laughter] >> that may be true except you don't get thrown in jail speed is exactly. now i can make money the right way and not worry about going to jail, and help people. it's great. >> how is it then, you know meeting people who are successful business people and looking at them as models and having them talk to you in a positive way? how does it feel? >> it gives me kind of encouragement, motivating, i type a personal mentor and his name is eric kwan and he speaks to me from his heart to you can tell genuine that he wants a
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bigger getting that feedback from them gives me more motivation to keep going. >> that's amazing. >> tell them about what you said what happened in the subway last night spent after the coaching that i was on fire because what a lot of volunteers last night, and i came out of there on fire and i'm on the bar station going home and at the bar station there were two guys there with comcast sports net jackets and i talk to them about my visit and telling them my story. but after coming from that night of coaching i said let's do this and went forth and admit i contacted there. so the guys told once i'm up and running to get back to them him and he will try to publish it in the magazine. >> amazing. >> and jaime said, you shared your whole story, he went to prison and everything. >> that's one thing that defy has done for me. it has encouraged me to be vulnerable it's okay and that's the one right there because once
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you're not afraid to share, then it opens up the doors to instead of being what are people thinking about me, shutting down, he gives me an opening. pretty cool. >> i asked you this question earlier and wanted them there's a lot of people in prison who don't end up wanting to change. and you came to this conclusion. why do you think some of the people you've met there might be less open to try to change into what you are doing? >> maybe because they are not open-minded. you've got to be open-minded and want to change. if you don't want to change, then things like this will not help you. if you want to change, that's the first step, wanting to change. >> could use anything to those people you think if you move forward in this process, go back and also try and get back and convince people to change the? >> i am blessed to be on stage to let everyone know that yes, you can.
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i tell them, look, look at my life. i can do it, you can do it. >> amazing. do you want to stay up with us here or are you like -- you can stay and get questions from the audience. i just want to make sure, you know you're having a good time up here. [laughter] >> i'm loving it. >> so i guess a question with from the audience, do you think classes like the ones offered to the eits from the out of your classes would benefit children or young teachers as a way to prevent them from going to prison? >> absolutely. it's part of why we have developed this family legacy program so that they can enroll, like especially teenagers can purchase a, and it's in our hopes and dreams that eventually we will even develop a young kid friendly curriculum as well where we can teach even kindergartners and the basics
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and transmisstransmiss ion and entrepreneurship and setting dreams and goals. so yes spend what you think of that idea? do you think if these kinds of things had been available in school for you when you are thinking, going to make extra money and your mowing lawns and somebody had come to you and said, you could be an entrepreneur, would have it have made a difference a? >> totally. because sometimes at the school, education system can be dry and boring to the youth but if you instill some stuff like this it can spark something. >> kids love money and i don't know if -- >> me, to. >> i don't know why entrepreneurship isn't taught more often in schools, specially, if they think especially children who are raised in poverty would have a greater affinity toward entrepreneurship training as well. you should see these kids when they come to our sales exposed to air all about hustling on behalf of the parrot. it's pretty awesome.
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>> somebody past, this is a good question i think, what are the main reasons community very small percentage who do fail. what are the main reasons for those people who can't quite get it together? why do they feel? >> i would say that generally it's because they are not, they don't have the resilience to failure. because we tell janie and her other eit you will fail. it's not about if you fail it's when you fail. and when you fail it's okay we are just going to keep moving along but you have to want to get back up. i think that some people drown in their failure, and they may be so covered in shame that the noble and to get back up. either that or a lack of a real desire, like you said, to change. and so they try it a little bit but they don't have the stamina and the drive.
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i feel like jamie is somebody who come he can face any obstacle in the world and he is so committed to his transformation, but transformation change is so incredibly hard and going back to what they know it's so easy, so comfortable and presents fast money alternatives. so i think that's the main reason people fail is they don't have, they can't withstand the pressure. >> do they just dropped out or do you talk to the? >> they sometimes drop out and sometimes we actually encourage them to drop out i get this isn't the right opportunity for the right time for them, then we don't want to thank serving so if it's not really going to be the right thing for the if they really want more of a hand out, then we're going to tell them that it's not the right fit, come back to is another time. also a lot of strict policies and so it's sad to us and we drug test and feeling doing things that route they really come up for
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our we because it still illegal in most states, we do separate them for any type of criminal stuff including using drugs but then we tell them cleanup and come back, come right back to us and we can also refer them to other partners. >> somebody asked them getting back to the educational system, is there something that the educational system as it currently exists could do differently before people follow a life of crime? >> entrepreneurship. >> how could they do it? >> there's been an amazing organization called the network for teaching entrepreneurship biggest be the national foundation for teaching entrepreneurship and i was inspired by the great has been a mentor to me and we use some of the curricula. they have curriculum for high school teachers that taught in school. so they are an amazing or musician but there are other great organizations like junior achievement and so many other organizations but there's one in
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the bay area called build that is great as well. there are nonprofits that do it at the education system could like make it a part of the curriculum just like math or science to they could say entrepreneurship is a required part of the curriculum as well. >> it makes a lot of sense. debate that could be one of the first license to do it. another person asks how to become a mentor and how do you become a mentor? i love that question whoever asked it, thank you. we have one slight you can we go. there's my e-mail address, okay? get your phone out right now, send e-mail to write in and say i am in. we will lock you down. says you want to become and mentor with events in january. you can join us at google for our next sales expo. we have an award ceremony where jaime semel get a, watching as he gets promoted to the next level of entrepreneurship. we are looking for more business
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plan competition judges, online faculty, donors, people who want, they want to work for defy, staff members, all the. if you want to higher defy credits in general you can e-mail us but anyway you want to get involved we take all good things to we needed to we are a pure start in the bay area so we would be honored and actually let honored and actually love to have you involved with even have an online mentoring program as well as of people across the country can edit resumes and business plans and provide feedback to the online program as well as in person executive mentoring program. >> that's great. and services in a that loves a good entrepreneur. it's a good area to be. i think with that we're supposed to bring our wonderful host the director of -- >> thank you. thank you. please join in thanking laura and jaime and kathy.
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that was terrific. [applause] >> i just want to say that really it's heartwarming to see the work you are doing. it's wonderful work. keep it up spent thank you so much. thank you for having me. [applause] >> have a great holiday. we will see you in january. goodnight, everyone. [inaudible conversations] this evening on c-span2 on encore showing of q. and a., former abc news reporter and white house correspondent and compton talks about covering presidents from gerald ford to barack obama. that begins at seven each and. at eight it is booktv prime time.
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>> each night this week while congress is on its spring recess, c-span is bring you interviews with new members of congress. it continues tonight with california democrat norma torres but she came to the u.s. at the age of five from guatemala and became involved with politics after working for years as a police dispatcher. here's a portion of the interview. >> it is incredibly hard to get here. the money involved in politics is, it makes it almost impossible for someone like me and average mom a 911
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dispatcher by trade. is as credible that i made it this far but here i am. >> why did you decide to seek office? >> i answered a call at the 911 dispatcher of a little girl 11 year old girl who died at the hands of her uncle. it really pushed me into a political world that i friendly didn't know existed. >> see the entire c-span profile tonight, congressional freshman profiles each night this week at 9 p.m. eastern. >> here are some of our featured programs for this weekend on c-span networks.
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>> next, customs and border protection commissioner ill kerlikowske outlines the key priorities at this agency which include lawful travel and trade, and ensuring transparency. his comments from the brookings institution are about one hour.
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>> good morning. i'm darrell west vice president of government studies and director for the senate technology innovation at the brookings institution. and i would like to welcome you to this forum on u.s. customs and border protection. this event is being broadcast live by c-span so would like to welcome our national viewing audience as well. and as many of you may know, customs and border protection is the largest federal law enforcement agency and also it provides the second largest revenue collecting source or the federal government. on a typical day cbp seizes over 10,000 pounds of drugs, six out of $50,000 in and declared or illicit currency and $3.4 million of products with intellectual property right violations. so needless to say this agency
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is working very hard to safeguard america's borders also enhancing legitimate trade and commerce. our featured speaker today is commissioner gil kerlikowske. is going to discuss his insights from his first year of leaving this agency. is also going to look at some of the highlights in terms of his vision for moving forward. the agency is put out a new vision and strategy 2020 document that lays out what the agency would like to do in the future. the commission was nominated by president obama and sworn in last year. in this position he oversees the donation of protecting national ticket objectives also promoted economic prosperity and security. he brings four decades of law enforcement experience and drug policy experience to this position. before he took on his current position he served as director of the white house office of
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national drug control policy. he also formally served for nine years as chief of police in seattle, washington. so our format or did it is the commissioner will offer his reflection on the past year as well as his thoughts on the future, and then we will move to the q&a period. so please join me in welcoming the commissioner to brookings. [applause] >> well, thank you, darrell, very much. it's a great pleasure to be back at brookings and to have this opportunity. you know, brookings has such a remarkable history. this tremendous public policy resource that we have here and the analysis you all to this wide range of economic, social political issues the opportunity i have to talk about drug policy is just a few years ago to the issues around weapons, the trafficking and to tax reform. so something that's on everybody's mind.
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to get ready to celebrate the 100th anniversary next year, and 15 unites the brookings program, governance and renewal, is one that we at cbp can really embrace. i have been in office as darrell said for just over year and i really appreciate him talking a little bit about the complexity of the nation because oftentimes i think cbp is looked at as an organization that is only focused on border security issues. we will talk about it a little bit about that but when you think about revenue collection and you think about the huge role that we play in our economic security, it's important to recognize and understand that complexity. so cbp customs and border protection, was created in 2003. at that time and just before that every border function was somewhat separate the so different agencies perform different inspections.
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the immigration come to customs inspectors for imports and exports, and you had agriculture inspections for items that could harm the nation's crop and livestock and national come and our natural resources. and like all bureaucracies i think that the communication had difficulties amongst, they were essentially three different port directors at every port. it just wasn't the greatest system. so we have a unified border agency as a result of 9/11 the 9/11 commission and the creation of cbp under the department of homeland security. and it allows us to craft a comprehensive strategy to secure our borders and support our economy. we have 60,000 employees on the ground, on the water and in the air. both in the united states and abroad. cbp is one of the world's largest law enforcement organizations, the largest law enforcement organization in the united states. the primary mission, of course,
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is to give terrorists and their weapons out of the u.s. while facilitating lawful international travel and trade. we enforce nearly 500 laws from 47 different federal agencies, from the food and drug administration to the consumer product safety commission. so this wide array of laws that we have a responsibility for in partnership with all of these different organizations. law enforcement within cbp include officers, customs and border officers that you see when you come into a port of entry, and our agricultural specialists who do those inspections. they are the ones with the little the goals that are really cute and we try to promote those beagles a lot. and to work they work and our ports of entry and then between the ports of entry we have the united states border patrol and chief mike future is with me
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today. a secure our border between the ports of entry. we also have air and marine interdiction agents to patrol the skies and the seas, supporting the border patrol as well as supporting state and local law enforcement. we also have thousands of nonuniformed individuals professionals and managed trade issues, international affairs cybersecurity and other important facets of our complex mission. i am a good thread on tv a few more statistics to add on to that. just in a typical day we process 1 million people at 328 land air and sea port entries. ..
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that's a typical day, but then you have to toss of the unexpected. last year's surge in the
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unaccompanied minors and then the outbreak of a bola that required screening at five major airports. if i could summarize my 1st year he would come down to 3 t's travel, trade, transparency. travel and tourism is vitally important and cdc is committed to make sure lawful travelers are allowed while those who wish to do us harm our don't. we welcome 407 million international air travelers commit increase of four a half percent of the last year. for those returning to the united states the greeting was often welcome home. during the past five years the united states has seen an increase in more than 19 million international travelers. this growth this growth has supported about 280,000 knew american jobs. these these travelers bit more than $220 billion in
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2014 alone. we are mindful of that direct correlation but our 1st mission is border security command it remains our highest priority. we strive for more efficient risk-based strategy successfully execute that dual mission. we are committed to innovation automated passport controls what some of you have seen in some of our airports have been proven to reduce wait times by as much as 40 percent. these automated these automated passport control technologies simplify the process of international travelers. more efficiently with no charge or special enrollment last may we set a goal to
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have them at 25 international airports by the end of last year and command through partnerships we met that deadline in october today 34 airports use abc's, and that is tremendous progress. travelers are embracing it a traveler decided to use technology. she stated that she had the shortest way to she ever had another example of our commitment to safe secure, and streamline travel is a mobile secure path. eligible travelers submit there information. the future travel experience would given to organizations
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that have gone the extra mile to improve passenger experience. lowest travelers while allowing our officers to concentrate on and focus on higher risk travelers. since the beginning of 2014 at additional 1.5 million people are able. as was nexus in the northern border. expedited clearance were preapproved travelers. they pay a fee will undergo a background screening and received front of the line privileges and automatic membership. in the primary goal will bid to keep were secure.
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we continue to look at our risk-based strategy. extending the borders out. have a officers at four international airports to inspect travelers the best means of identifying aggressive threats at the earliest possible. cleared in fiscal year 1417.5 million 1,417.5 million passengers out of that hundred and 6 million that came in. the 17 million people did not have to wait in line with the airport and customs if they arrive they picked up baggage and reported. we intend to expand that operation to knew locations around the globe extending our reach and pushing arizona border security of
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we talked about trade. turning now this great opportunity to travel all over the world in fiscal year 2014 we cleared to a half-million dollars in importance. 26 million cargo containers an increase it can be quite time-consuming and costly. outside outside forces can
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let me give you a couple examples. this was launched as a result of a true terror threat from explosives hidden in toner cartridges intercepted from yemen. that enables us along with
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our partner to jointly target and mitigate air cargo with high risk before it is loaded onto us pound aircraft. the cargo industry recognizes the value of this program helps to ensure security and improve the integrity of the supply chain and prevents major business disruption. membership has expended by 15 percent. we now have 51 participants. we can match the. and i think we have a lot. we continue to build cooperative relationships with trade stakeholders. we focus on amplifying a international engagement a container security initiative.
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the potential use of maritime containers by the terrorists and smugglers. these programs foster innovation. the pushes of our border finally the security integrity of the global supply chain depends on his international partnerships. authorized trader programs are being implemented and are often done with our input and training. active in an organization called the world customs organization. our participation plays a critical role in helping build and foster ties. i could not have been more
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proud to nominate our deputy assistant commissioner to be a united states delegate as the director of compliance and facilitation. ) election process and will bring 28 years of considerable experience including being a port director. her leadership and strength. last year found the arrangements. last month some of you know that secretary duncan signed a preclearance agreement. that country's parliament will have to act to put that agreement in place. mutual definition arrangements are critical tool. these arrangements these arrangements provide a platform to exchange trusted trader information and to try to harmonize the supply chain security programs throughout the world. world. we have these agreements in place since 2,003 and other
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countries now recognize that our leadership and harmonizing is to everyone's benefit. let me mention the 3rd transparency. taking transparency. taking steps to make transparency and accountability hallmarks of my tenure the vast majority of employees do the right thing everyday and a dedicated public servants are committed to our mission top there are times in law enforcement with the level of force must be used to safeguard the public. historically our default was to circle the wagons and say no comment. one of the 1st things i did was to change and make our policy and process more transparent to the people we serve. part of an ongoing and intense debate about how and
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when and where officers should use force. using force during apprehension, but march 31 what the midway. 385 uses of force. on track to reduce our use of force by nearly 30 percent encouraging and considering the assault against a border patrol agents are trending up. force must be justified in the federal policy.
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the review process will help us revolve -- resolve these incidents in a timely and transparent manner. training is critical. we have issued new guidelines and revamp our entire training curriculum to put agents and simulated field situation so that they can practice their responses were they have to make a split-second decision. technology is extremely important. we have an agency live working group. in each part of our cbt environment, air, land sea, and between ports of entry and have equipped and trained agents with less lethal devices and tools that will be practical in the rugged terrains.
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these include things like tasers and equipment that can end capacity and aggressive. the risk to an agent or member of the public being injured. that brings me to something that is too often forgotten when we discussed the use of force, a personal toll for every officer or agent who uses deadly force. for many it is a burden they do not anticipate because it is very rare but when it does happen it can stay with them forever. in a recent op-ed last august a friend of mine said something that really hit home to me. we me. we need police officers with the skill and tenacity of a warrior the mindset of a guardian.
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certainly this remains front and center. one of the primary ingredients is integrity. last september secretary johnson delegated the authority for the 1st time ever to police please our own ranks investigate our employees were alleged misconduct and there implementing this authority in a transparent way. sec. a transparent way. secretary johnson supported me informing and integrity advisory panel. the panel is cochaired by the former head of the drug enforcement administration in new york city police commissioner william bratton the panel is comprised of some of the best leaders in law enforcement, and i am confident they are willing to make a significant a significant contribution to our culture of integrity and transparency.
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we continue to emphasize the need for personal responsibility by every employee for ethical behavior both on and off duty. sometimes sometimes on force that agencies have responded difficult situations to grab the attention of the media to generate interest from all kinds of stakeholders. transparency is critical in these situations, but it is also important in other circumstances. i will give you one example. last spring and summer there was an unprecedented surge in the number of unaccompanied immigrant children and families for tens of thousands primarily from central america arrived in the southwest border. a vulnerable to trafficking schemes by adults who are eager to take advantage. our agency's response and the response by the department of homeland
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security illustrates our commitment to transparency and openness and ultimately benefits the relationship with the public that we serve. as for the border management issue it is nearly all the people we encounter turned themselves over to a border patrol agent. it was not a border security issue. first, we never lost sight of our primary mission to maintain the security and safety of the border. we deployed extra agents continue to stop smuggling and disrupt transnational criminal efforts. second, we treat the children and families with professionalism and compassion recognizing the situation as a humanitarian crisis, and i'm proud of how the agents and officers conducted themselves many having donated clothing from their own families. thirty-four we develop for multimedia multimedia multi country strategy awareness campaign about how dangerous
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it is to make the journey north to the border and in that campaign we emphasize that no legal papers or path to citizenship awaits those who cross illegally. we took we took those actions under heavy public scrutiny. throughout the process we carry full disclosure to the press and public while maintaining the privacy of the children that were in our care. our actions were supported by the inspection process. the office of civil rights and civil liberties. stressful and difficult experience, but they show the world how cbp response to this kind of crisis. i could not be more proud of those individuals. those are some highlights of what is ahead. represents the 1st comprehensive strategic plan in nearly a decade.
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it clearly recognizes that must be balanced border security enhancing our nation's economic competitiveness. two sides of the same coin. going to continue to mature and advance. first, collaboration. the complexity of our mission which are outlined i outlined this morning requires that the agency serve as a global leader in delivering border security and expanding strategic partnerships, innovation. cbp must remain vigilant to continually advance and transform the agency so that we are more agile and adaptable. integration, cbp must lead in the development of seamless global network to integrate border enforcement capabilities and meet the demands of constantly evolving landscape. these three strategic
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themes, collaboration, innovation command integration have service in various ways in the form of many of the accomplishments i outlined earlier. they continue to permeate our culture. these themes are essential to meeting our missions goals. specifically we have four goals combat terrorism and transnational organized crime advance orders security and management, and hence us us economic competitiveness by enabling lawful trade and travel and promote organizational integration, innovation command agility. that vision and strategy outlines how we plan to enhance both are agility and ability to meet these increasingly global and complex challenges. we challenges. we intend to lead and aggressively champion strategic partnerships that facilitate integrated risk
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informed intelligence driven law enforcement operation. this requires a whole of government approach as well as international unity of effort. we are committed to transforming our trade and travel process through technology, public-private partnerships, and simplifying and integrating. to to do that we have to harmonize processes across ports of entry including operational approaches to risk management command we must continue to expand our risk-based strategy and constantly refine our information and data collection capabilities. you have to border management requires layers of security that must consider points of origin, modes of transit, the actual arrival at our borders, and routes of egress or departure from the physical border to a final destination. finally, cbp must strengthen its culture, and that culture depends on our
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ability to recruit, train, and retrain exceptional people. accomplishing our mission directly depends on our workforce command we are committed to doing the best people. that includes placing women and frontline positions to remain competitive with modern professional law enforcement operations. women comprise about 7 percent of the united states marine corps but only about 5 percent of the 21,000 agents and cbp's border patrol. with that in mind the sought and obtained approval from the office of personnel management for the legal authority to specifically recruit women for entry-level border patrol positions located on the southwest border. southwest border. to date we have received 5500 applications. in closing, let me and for -- emphasize cbp and is to be a standardbearer for
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other administrations around the globe. our core values of vigilance, service to country, and integrity, and integrity will continue to serve as the bedrock of culture ensuring unwavering commitment to the highest levels of professionalism. our vision is crystal clear, to serve as the premier law enforcement agency enhancing the nation's safety, nation safety, security, and prosperity through collaboration, innovation command integration. i i appreciate the opportunity to show that vision with you today, thank you, and look forward to the discussion. [applause]
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>> thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us from both the past and the future. you mentioned some of the travel innovations that you have helped to implement and spread. i am a user of the global entry program and the tsa pre. there wonderful programs that i highly recommend. you mentioned that your agency does a lot beyond border protection. obviously an important priority, but you are also actively involved in trade and commerce. you travel to countries around the world. what are they doing and how are they helping to promote trade and security? >> in your opening remarks you talk about revenue collection which is important. the revenue we collect is what made us a free country for funding the revolutionary war. many customs organizations only see themselves as revenue collectors. as changing market when it
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comes to security. here we are at both locations, on the border and at ports of entry command we need to be able to not only do our economic and customs fill those duties but to help those countries understand the importance of sharing information and recognizing the importance of border security command we have these literally stacked up in the office for countries that would like us to come talk about our experience command we are proud to share with them only what we think has worked and what has been successful for us, but we also tell them what is not worked and where we could improve upon. i think that i think that they value that level of honesty and dialogue. >> you also mentioned some of the use of force measurements underway. i think you mentioned possibly adding body cameras to some of the officers. i'm curious the
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implementation schedule of this. >> the border patrol has been a particularly significant changes revealing the entire training curriculum right now but for instance in the training center in artesia in new mexico there are a variety of the different kinds of sensors that exist along the border now. this gives agency and training an opportunity. we have a field test of different types of body worn cameras to take a look. does seem to be popular. often times that evidence can exonerate the officer but it adds a different level of transparency. along with that of the advanced training centers and harpers ferry, west virginia experimenting with looking at a variety of different mechanisms for
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things they can help to stop pursuits along with a variety of less legal technology. that will be a chairman this benefit. >> one of the big challenges is getting information in real-time and having it be actionable. information arrives two information arrives two days too late 02 weeks too late obviously is not helpful. what have you what have you done to get information to the frontline agents in real-time. >> when you go to ports of entry and see using the apcs you go through customs and see a customs officer in a blue uniform and they are busy entering data and looking at a computer screen with that information is already up they can spend
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the time asking the right questions and verifying the information rather than merely doing data entry. the other is pushing the borders out so that when someone is entering the united states and clears customs we can actually make a recommendation whether or not that person would be declared inadmissible should they arrived the united states. it is a huge time savings and the huge security savings. our technology and improvements in technology while still having have a long way to go are an important consideration. >> one more question. workforce development is key
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you know, some heroes are having difficulty recruiting workers, retaining the pretty much in diversifying the workforce. what are you trying to do? >> one of the things we see is the value that they place in working for customs and border protection. honestly, our very best recruiters are the people that work within the organization. they have friends or family members. we work closely with colleges and particularly community colleges. we were just down in brownsville to talk about the benefits and what you can give back to your country for joining customs and border protection and being a part of this important mission. >> let's go from the floor to questions and comments from the audience. there is a question of fact here.
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there is a microphone coming up to you. >> thank you. congressional correspondent with the hispanic outlook and higher education. a couple of questions for foreign students. i wonder what kind of data the customs people have from the foreign student database i think there i think there have been some slips, and i wonder if you can prove that the other is pregnant women. i had thought there was some kind of restriction if someone who is seven or eight -- highly pregnant is not allowed to come in maybe i am wrong. i no we have a problem. if you could talk about those two. >> there is absolutely no prohibition to someone that is allowed to enter the
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united states regardless of whether or not they are pregnant or giving birth. there is no prohibition. the student visa information, i think think, was highlighted during the boston bombing information. and there is a a fusion center, state, local, and federal law enforcement in boston. the discussion was, how can more of that information. so they so they enter on a student visa but then they drop out of school but never enter school. how can we be more attentive to that? that is both the state department system and also with our us cif part of the department of homeland security. we actually have to work in conjunction with them, but you are exactly right. more attention is being paid to that now. more information is being shared that has been in the past.
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>> other questions. right here. >> five. to mourn with international trade today. released statistics on the fiscal year 2014 seizures for intellectual property rights violations and i noted that they were -- there were fewer of them in the previous year and i wondered if there was any thought on why the decrease. >> the report talks about that only the value, but the value, but the number of seizures for violations of the intellectual property rights command we do that in conjunction with ice immigration and customs enforcement. their investigation. we jointly staff intellectual property rights command center for inspiration coming in. over the past few years those numbers and the value of those seizures has increased quite dramatically only within this last year
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did it kind of puts oh. we want to make sure that we are going after the things that can cause most harm to people in the united states counterfeit pharmaceutical counterfeit airbag counterfeit computer chips those types of things. we're concentrating on that. we continue to make progress, progress, but i would not look at a one-year slight decrease as being demonstrative of what is going on. >> near the back there is a gentleman. >> hi, commissioner. good to see you again. i have two questions. you have been praised for your outreach to the trade community, to industry. it has been a year or more since there has been a trade symposium that customs typically hosts. i am
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wondering when you are planning to host or have another trade symposium to bring together the trade community and 2nd with all the budget constraints that cbp and dhs how to have have have you been under any pressure to privatize any of your missions or use some kind of 3rd parties to outsource certain functions and maybe i'm thinking in the ct arena. maybe there are other functions. >> when it comes to vetting those organizations and travelers because we want to make sure that the people in the trade community that have the least amount of risk to the public is reviewed. i only want that done. there is no intent to outsource that. we look at a number of different databases.
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if we are going to get that trade group the kind of good housekeeping seal of approval i want to be assured that it was done thoroughly and professionally. i think that is particularly important. as you know, the federal government has been under a lot of scrutiny. we look at that carefully. a bottle of water if you're lucky. we will be looking at putting that together within the guidelines of making sure we're good fiscal stewards. it is a key element of the relationship and communication is needed. >> you can't be too careful. right here is a question. >> thanks. he spoke about the unaccompanied minor information.
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i wonder if you could give us an update and of the response all the way border patrol is handling it is any different from last year. >> i could not have been more impressed. the 1st week i was sworn into office i got to see perhaps in a room the size literally dozens and dozens and dozens of kids sleeping and concrete floors because we did not have the contracts in place to remove them. we did not have the nongovernmental organizations available. all of that changed dramatically. there aren't much better shape today because of having those contracts and having food and medical care available should we see that. the good news is that the certainly so far this year and if you remember march and april were certainly high points of the influx of
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kids last year. those numbers are down significantly. we are pleased with that fiscal year 2012. >> you mentioned this problem of counterfeiting. counterfeit pharmaceuticals, computer chips, airbags, how airbags, how big of a problem is this and what is the most effective way to make. >> first, it is a significant problem. when you mention how much you are actually seizing and how much you are identifying you know and i admit we are not seizing identifying all the counterfeit material. first we have experienced and knowledgeable people people that can examine
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shoes. my shoes. my wife wondered about my new interest in women's shoes but we have people that can examine these things and really have -- really determine whether or not these things are counterfeit. then we have other experts they can look at the computer chips and airbags. that is important, that is important, but i think the 2nd probably most important part is the more we expand our international footprint in the molière in mall we are in other countries and the more develop relationships and paths for communication and as other countries the better we are in identifying something before it ever gets in the container port ever it's headed to the united states. >> right here on the aisle. >> the aches -- the internet
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study risk benign border protection and terrorists. which agency's counterpart in japan for cpp? second question how us and japan government sharing valuable data? >> on the appointment issue there are two parts. what is the equipment
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between the ports of entry. we have staff many of which have come to us from the department of defense and they have infrared cameras and the high technical surveillance equipment. we have unmanned aircraft you may have programs that are also helpful. we also have things like grounds centers that can be triggered information for alerts to the border patrol agents and in the border patrol agents have a variety of equipment in their tracks and also the ability to have night vision goggles and things like that. that is between ports of entry. at the ports of entry are different pieces of equipment. equipment. one is radiation monitors so that cargo coming through can be analyzed to see if there is a dangerous level or some concern.
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the other is something we call nonintrusive inspection devices. really just big x-ray machines both portable x-ray machines but also those that are mounted. and they can scan a peace of cargo coming through and kind of look inside. the knowledge and experience of our personnel, one of our agricultural inspectors the other day was looking at a power of fresh vegetables that have come in. but he looked at the palette itself, the wooden power and said, you know, i think that power is thicker than what i i have seen in the past, not by much better little bit. of course, when our guard checked on it, sure enough it was filled with drugs. so level of experience and expertise that are people have is particularly helpful. helpful. i am not sure of the agency
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we work with. i was recently in tokyo, but only for a short time. i no i no that our relationship with the government of japan on these issues is very close and strong. >> i was in aruba last year and discover that the us customs office there is actually on the island. island. you go to the customs process before you get on the plane as opposed to writing here. is this is this a model that you are seeking to expand? >> i think the agents in aruba's. >> they seem very pleased. >> but we are in canada, abu dhabi, ireland bermuda and the bahamas also. we we are in negotiation with about 25 different airports right now around the world who have an interest in this. one, it improves border security that number to what
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most people don't recognize is that those governments pay 85% 85 percent of the salary and benefits of the people signed are. so that 17 million people that i talked about when they landed at jfk or dollars los angeles to pick up the bag and got to go and did not clog up any customs lines. so we see a real benefit in that. we'll see how it goes. >> right here is a question. >> i have a question about the joint task forces created in november. i wonder if you could speak to the successes you have seen or hope to see from these groups. >> the joint task forces, secretary johnson school for his effort unity of effort. essentially taking age, hsi homeland security investigation, customs and border protection in the
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united states coast guard and saying, how can all three of you work better together, cooperate and collaborate in the coast guard is setting up florida the caribbean of florida the gulf area customs and border protection is having of the land border from texas to california and homeland security investigations is concentrating on going after particularly the human smuggling networks. quite often the arrest of just a young person involved in smuggling a couple of people is not really get to the network. they have started but are not in operation, we believe that sometime around july the joint task forces will work but the secretary gave myself, the coast guard commandant and the ice director an opportunity to really be a part of forming that unity of effort collaboration.
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so i think we're looking forward to that. i think he is really to be commended. >> in the very back. >> yes. regarding the apprehension of minors it and accompany minors and family units at the border you mentioned that the expected drop of the 2012 levels, this is the larger compared to to, for example, the projection made by immigration policy for think it will be out of that 2013 levels. you expect larger? >> i am hoping it will be about the 2012 levels and looking at the numbers so far. much better information about predicting that we perhaps in the past.
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the earlier early morning for much of last year the information that the border patrol presented on the apprehensions. now we have very good relations and the interaction with officials in those three central american three central american countries. we also think that that dangers or awareness campaign that i mentioned is pretty healthy. by the way, we are almost always issued that and said it is a dangerous thing to try and cross the border. we know from the number of people that perish or suffer really harsh physical conditions that it is dangerous. dangerous. the 2nd part of that campaign was unique last year and said even if you get here you're not going to be allowed to stay. i think that was an important message.
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>> i think we have time for one more question. >> i no you i no you have focus a lot on trade and commerce. how are how are you going about identifying high-risk shipments? >> i think besides having people assigned in foreign ports and making those relationships with other governments and being at the ports themselves and wanting and being willing to demonstrate to other governments how we go about identifying these things there is a 2nd part a 2nd part of that plan that is that we need to make sure that we are exchanging information in areas that may be at risk. risk. they are not going to examine 70,000 individuals 20-foot equivalent's that can come in every day to our
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ports of entry. so everything we do is based upon risk. we are always seen in certainly have the rule of law and authority behind us to be the regulators, to be the enforcer. quite frankly, to the trade community we were not as open to developing relationships and communication with the trade community. the other regulator, and you are the trade community command we are on opposite sides. that really is not true. the trade community wants to make sure that what there bringing into this country is as safe and secure as we wanted to be command when we really open ourselves up to having a federal advisory committee made up of a wide array a wide array of customs brokers, trainers, shippers a retail manufacturers, when we open ourselves up we expanded our network of eyes and ears
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because, frankly, if you are a shipper and someone comes to you and says, i kind of like to ship this. i don't want to go into much detail. the shipper says i'm not going to do that. i'm not going to put my organization at risk. we want that shipper than to call us and say you know, we are a little concerned. we don't know much about him and are concerned. we love and value that exchange of information. of all the technology it still gets down to that human factor. >> i like that exchange of information. >> thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on travel treated transparency. we transparency. we appreciate hearing about your knew initiatives and good luck in the future. >> thank you all very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> an encore showing of q&a, former abc news reporter ann white house correspondent and compton talks about covering presidents from gerald ford to barack obama at 7:00 o'clock eastern. a clock book tv prime time. more than a score.
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's. >> each night this week at 9:00 p.m. eastern conversations with a few knew members of congress. >> as. >> as a result i try to say discipline in my message. i understand i represent everyone montana and montana has one congressman. i represent not only the republican side of the democratic side the tea party side of the union side. represent everyone. take that value set forward. congress represents american to to qa the values in the
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needs and desires of the district but the purpose is to make america better. >> five newest members of congress talk about their careers and personal lives and share insight about how things work on capitol hill. join us for all their conversations each night at 90 quite eastern on c-span. >> supporters and opponents of the health care law recently took part in a discussion of the us health landscape talking about the impact of a possible supreme court ruling against the obama administration in the king versus burwell case on federal health insurance subsidies. new york university host of this hour-long discussion. >> welcome back, everyone, part two of our forum. i just want to begin by
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wishing everyone a happy public health week. i think for the 1st part of our evening here with sec. and sibelius and leader cantor was very illuminating. illuminating. we heard themes around access, cost, quality, equity i think we would hear more around that as we move into our panel and discussion. our roundtable we will provide diverse perspectives and what that means importantly for the health of public health in the united states. knowing the public health feels the factors that proceed in the car outside the walls. can we look can we look at how we might leverage the innovations? also go under the water and
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really look at the deepest actors and get. to help us live in we have a wonderful and distinguished panel. first, i would 1st i would like to welcome newly elected congresswoman from north carolina congresswoman adams has the distinction of being the 100th woman elected to the us house of representatives. [applause] she quickly established herself as a champion for the middle class and for affordable available healthcare for all with an emphasis on preventive care. she wears many hats as you can see, literally and figuratively having come to congress as an artist, educator and public servant. next executive vice president for vice president for strategy, policy command market development.
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merry brings remarkable expertise to this discussion having worked in both public, nonprofit, and private sectors. from academia it is an honor to have the director of public service. from 92 to 93 she served as economist for healthcare and market policy on the president's council of economic advisers. and participated in the clinton health care task force. then following senate confirmation she served from 2010 to 2012 as assistant sec. for planning secretary for planning and evaluation for the us department of health and human services where she worked on the implementation. we are privileged to have senior fellow at the cato institute and author of leviathan how big government conservatism brought down the republican revolution. he worked closely with his colleague who directs health
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direct health policy studies and is recognized as one of the chief architects. i we will do a quick aside about myself, currently serving in the us preventative services task force. nothing we talk about tonight represent task force views. i would like to open up the conversation to our panelists 1st. then we can open it up after questions amongst ourselves to the audience. fear not. you will have a chance in the actual and virtual audiences to have a chance to bring in questions. let let me begin by giving us something to start off with. despite spending more than any other nation the us performs poorly in terms of key health outcomes such as vaccination coverage and life expectancy. so does perhaps you can speak to what your vision is for how we can maximize the health of the population in
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the united states and how well the aca either contribute or contract from that vision. we will start we will start with you congressman adam's. >> thank you very much. it is a pleasure to be here and particularly it has been about three years since i retired from 40 years of teaching at bennett college. it is often good to be back on a campus and to have so many students in the audience. i think this is the appropriate place for us to have this kind of dialogue and discourse and see so many of my friends who i i worked with at the legacy foundation as a member of the board. ..


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