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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  April 16, 2015 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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a senator: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from wisconsin. mr. johnson: madam president i have seven unanimous consent requests for committees to meet --. the presiding officer: the senate is in a quorum call. mr. johnson: i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the quorum call. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. johnson: madam president i have seven unanimous consent requests for committees to meet during today's session of the senate. they have the approval of the majority and minority leaders. i ask unanimous consent that these requests be agreed to and that these requests be printed in the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. johnson: thank you madam president.
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a senator: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from wisconsin. mr. johnson: thank you madam president. i come to the floor today to recommend to the senate confirmation today of a very qualified individual mr. russell c. dale to become under secretary for management for -- deyo to become under secretary for management for the department of homeland security. we are very fortunate to have an individual of mr. deyo's qualifications and integrity willing to serve our government
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working with secretary jeh johnson in trying to help him succeed in his mission of keeping this nation safe. mr. deyo has a long and successful career and background. after law school, clerked for judge john hanne inch for the eastern district of pennsylvania and spent two years at a private law firm. in 1978 mr. in deyo joined the u.s. attorney's office as an assistant united states attorney. in 19 3 he was promoted chief of the special prosecutions not unit for public corruption. in 1985 he joined johnson and johnson as a litigation attorney and became associate general counsel in 1999. he ultimately became vice president, general counsel and later in 2009 was responsible for human resources. after retiring from johnson & johnson in 2012 he served as a standing member of a panel for potential product liability for alley eye lily,
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the chairman of the board of advisors of la raza. he obtained his education at dartmouth college with an associate and bachelor's degree and georgetown university with a j.d. in june of 1975. again, i want to thank mr. deyo for being willing to serve his nation in this crucial capacity. i would also like to thank the members of our conference for clearing his name. i've worked very closely with our ranking member the senator from delaware, trying to develop not only a mission statement but also a commitment to enhance the economic and national security of our nation and we listed a bunch of priorities. i know, madam president you're on our committee you're also committed to those exact same goals but one of those priorities we listed was our commitment to do everything we can to help the secretary of
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homeland security, secretary jeh johnson succeed in his mission of keeping this nation safe. i think the fact we worked hard over a number of obstacles to make sure that mr. deyo has his vote now for confirmation, so i want to again thank my ranking member, the senator from delaware i want to thank my republican colleagues for clearing the way for this vote,a and i really do urge all of our colleagues here in the senate i would really love to see a unanimous vote to approve mr. russell deyo as the under secretary for management for the department of homeland security. thank you madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from delaware. mr. carper: i want to congratulate my today chairman, for his confirmation of russ deyo and to bring his name
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forward for hopefully confirmation this afternoon. russ deyo, i met him i said how do you row independent counsel your name, deo as in -- deyo as in rio. i try to do that. he's been called a lot of things. one of the things we both agree is he's talented, dedicated and we should call ourselves lucky that a guy or gal with his credentials from the private sector is willing to go to work for the people of america and to serve all of us, the department of homeland security is a department as we know does enormously important things to protect us, people all over this nation in the air on the ground and our borders and our cities and countryside they have my gratitude i hope the gratitude of all of us. every organization of any common sense needs good management and the idea of bringing in russ deyo this is a guy who will strengthen the management team at the department of homeland security. we need him and we're glad he's
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ready to go into the lineup and i hope we'll put in him later this afternoon. the position he's nominated for, under secretary of management is the third highest position in the department of homeland security. while this vote is long overdue, he's been approved by the committee not once but twice and, unfortunately we failed as a senate to act on his nomination before before the end of last congress, now we have to start over again and i'm glad he's willing to serve in this role. after this week more than a year after the last confirmed under secretary for management, rafael boreas, stepped down from his post. and i thank chairman johnson in our joint efforts to move this nomination forward. everything i've learned about russ deyo has led me to conclude he's an exceptional candidate to be under secretary of management at d.h.s. chairman johnson has walked
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through his impressive career. he's no stranger to public service. we tend to emphasize his significant responsibilities at johnson&johnson, a partner in a major law firm, he was assistant u.s. attorney in new jersey for eight years something we don't always note. included a period as a chief of public corruption unit. his perspective from the private and public sectors will be great assets to jeh johnson. it will act in a more cohesive manner creating one d.h.s. if confirmed he'll have plenty of challenges to face. for example, the government accountability office continues to remind us that the overall management of the department remains on the high risk list of government operations that need urgent attention and if confirmed mr. deyo will inherit the problem of employee morale across the department. he i believe he has the skills to attack the challenges in the
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kept and will -- the department and make a difference. let me clay say in closing all the organizations he's been a part of, a school, a university a sports team, a military unit, a business, a church the house or the senate, here at the local level, the most important element in the success of those organizations is almost always leadership. almost always leadership. what we've endeavors to do over the last year, a little more than a year is to take a department the department of homeland security which was largely bereft at the senior levels of senate-confirmed leadership and with the distance of russ deyo and this number three position to be charge -- in charge of the management shop at d.h.s. they'll have a full slate and have a full slate not the team or the b. team but in many respects an a team and we intellect them to rise to the challenge and there's plenty they face and russ deyo will
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help make that possible. i want to say to russ deyo, thanks for hanging with us, till we get you confirmed and to the deyo family we appreciate your willingness to serve your spouse and in this case your -- your dad with the people of this nation. we need him put him to good work and after a while we'll send him back to you safe and sound. thank you so much. with that i yield the floor and i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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