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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  May 30, 2015 3:18am-5:31am EDT

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they have usable water in san francisco bay. this is not exactly the best use of water. we are going to have to get over the old subsidies to industry as we like. i like farmers in central valley. beatty something incredibly worthwhile. the fact is if you are one segment of the population that represents 2% of gdp i may think almonds are more valuable. i may think that is more of a value to the united states. guess what, free country. i should go to pay for the water. the reason it's happening is the state of california. people in urban and agricultural areas. you would've thought competition for the water and water usage would have gone down. you go to the store. has anyone ever run out of bottled water? no. nobody ever wants out of coke. they produce more and it comes
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in the next ship them. when it comes to water because it's artificially deflated, and by the states and local government, that means the water has been running for a long time because how we decided to give you that. >> host: what is the argument against desalinization? >> guest: you have to use particular enzymes. this chemical is used in order to make sure that happened in a lot of the chemicals are supposedly dangerous although israel never had a problem and it is very expensive. it is extraordinarily expensive. they should certainly be pursuing it now. >> host: there's a new plant opening. >> guest: they need to really ratchet up the water production. >> host: charleston to west virginia. this is booktv on c-span2. >> caller: hello, great to talk to you. the question i have is that
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possible for states attorneys general to possibly bring prosecution charges against the obama administration, and the members of congress who thumb their nose that citizens of the constitution by sitting back and turning heads away while we are flooded by illegal aliens. i'm not afraid to use the term. that's what it is. i am scared because what i see happening is with giving the back taxes for the past three years for these people, the free college educations, the housing and everything, to me that is buying votes for the next election. what is it going to take to finally have others in congress besides ted cruz and michael lee, the great pastries they are, what will it take to get these people to stand up to the administration and tell them to pretty much are thumbing their
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finger at the american people. >> guest: as far as my own stamps, there is no welfare state. and totally open if there's no welfare state. come in coming to work. in fact if you want to work i will trade you. if i working which i am fundamentally opposed. i would trade the illegal immigrant who wants to work and the guys have been on welfare. it's not your place of origin. the problem is we have the entire system of benefits we are giving out to people and that draws people here. everybody inherently have selfishness. we are all taking benefits from the federal government. everybody take something from the federal government. until we stop offering these things in the first place the answer is to watch it happen
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right now over president obama in the amnesty program temporarily put on hold. we'll see if it goes to the supreme court or not. as long as it is more palatable to the hispanic vote and the media by pretending you have a plan that doesn't end with closing the border and at least doing something about the folks who are here illegally, you don't have a solution. both right and left it is cynical. they want cheap workers for the corporation. no one is in favor for the individual. everyone in the country illegally will not say everybody ought to be deported. everybody ought to be assessed and we had to determine whether they are in a state for -- went to the united states and on an individual level whether they get to stay or go. it is bewildering how the irs goes to 100 million tax cuts down to what i ate for lunch six months ago at a kosher
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restaurant and whether his business lunch or not but they can't track down 14 million people and decide whether it be good for them to be in the country or not. >> host: ben shapiro from charleston, west virginia. seems like a fan of yours. if she wants to listen to you read you what is the best source? >> guest: truth is one of my websites. you can check there to pray partners. if you want to listen kr l.a. every morning, 19 and on the east coast. afternoon i do a second radio show. my second radio shows 3:00 to 6:00 in seattle. you can google in bothell. >> host: you also tweaked. >> guest: as you know i'm rather volatile on twitter. it is@ben shapiro. political debates extraordinaire
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as well as bill clinton's 1970s kinship. if you've ever seen what bill clinton looked like in the 1970s, there is a picture hillary clinton and bill clinton next to one another. i sent that out with we are home. >> host: eli will attend california. >> caller: eli actually different gender. >> host: i apologize. angered enough an ipaq. >> caller: no problem. i don't want to spend my time correcting that. obviously gentlemen i want to print out his name. it is quite intelligent. it is unfortunate enough. i am jewish and i have to so strongly object to is trying to
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portray his own misguided attempts at politics and talking fast. not all jews talk fast and promote stereotypes. he does a great disservice to jewish people all over the world. and he is laughing matter, which i find -- i hope what he's doing. i just came from a wonderful jewish film festival and saw the film the jewish card all. this man and a catholic polish clerics did far more when they smartened up and had a little more compassion for people than this guy has. as far as -- >> host: politically do you
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disagree with ben shapiro when it comes to his politics as well? >> caller: i'm sorry. >> host: do you disagree with ben shapiro when it comes to his politics as well as some of the things you've mentioned? >> guest: i do disagree with his politics quite a lot. but it is a separate issue to promote stereotypes against jewish people. >> host: terrific. let's get a response. that is at least in wilmington north carolina. >> guest: i didn't realize the grim reaper of the sense of humor was on the lease today. the worst stereotypes about jews is that we speak quickly. i am going to worry significantly more about the president of the united states and a president of the united states who has leaked israeli national security information democratic partisan republican
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parties to sign off and that i will worry more about that and less about whether jews talk quickly. >> host: hollow -- [inaudible] >> guest: back in 2007 he was already talking about how he wanted to create distance between himself and israel. the fact is the president has been radically anti-israel since he began running for president. there is staffed by people negotiating with hamas whose radically anti-israel. general mayor mick p. coos said new york city is still around foreign policy and united states. he spent his entire life associating anti-israel, anti-semi. he is a palestinian liberation organization terrorist advocate. he was a close friend of president obama. it is a radically different
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church. i have been in the synagogue since i was 11 years old. if at any point the rabbi had got not been started speaking about black people the way they spoke about jews white people in america, would've been out there so fast. don't tell me they didn't believe any of that. the president is acting out his system in real-time and has has real ramifications for real people. you watch it happen in egypt where he cuts off military shipment to a secular regime. he is busily going again the regime. i'm not a fan of the saudi's but they're a lot better than the ukrainians at this point. the president has single-handedly turned a rainy as this is part of a broader policy. both anti-american and anti-israel and anti-western of them personally.
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>> host: john san francisco, good afternoon. ben shapiro is our guest. >> caller: pleasure to talk with you. i want your take on something as they tiscali responsible lesser government kind of guy. it makes my blood boil somewhat. the propensity of the u.s. to take billions of dollars of taxpayer money and put it towards a national and down that for democracy and other such ngos that view of foreign policy and it seems as if what they do is something we would not expect here is interfering within the internal politics of countries. you can see it manifested in the ukraine where victoria newland had spent $5 billion over a period of time to achieve the regime change and you can see a follow-through with the constant propaganda against the people in
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the east of ukraine who were more or less against the my.movement from the beginning and were culturally russian and it was not then who attacked the western ukraine. >> host: john? hey, john, where did your interest in this interest in these issues are just discussed come from? >> guest: well it is a history. a bit of a history buff going back to world war ii. to understand the ukraine it is a complex country in the situation is very complex. i think the facts have not come out in the united states about what is really coming on. >> host: let's hear from ben shapiro. >> guest: not familiar with the project he's talking about come as a he's talking about. the american policy has been egregious. the united states led on the ukrainian revolution under the assumption we would defend them
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and that we didn't defend them when the russians came. no big shock it was happening. the president has so far sold out every potential or real ally in favor of people he would prefer to woo. poland czechoslovakia all of these countries in favor of a russia he basically signed off on sending missiles to iran. the president of the united states is actively oppose and someone will fill the gap in the people who fill the gap are the worst people on the planet. >> host: helen, palo alto, california. you might be the last today. >> guest: perfect. i will use my time well. i find it so egregious that he would calm and conflate so many slogans and all this information that jeremiah wright of the republicans always call up something from obama's past. anyway, my biggest issue is how the republican party if you are
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aware that both the congress and all of the republicans they are are all creation and the republican party in congress -- excuse me, the gatekeepers hold the purse strings and we have no clue about the budget. and did you know about $22 billion go to faith-based funding and we don't even know who or what is going there. most of them are christians and how the money for the faith-based funding and it's almost impossible to get the information without suing for the freedom of information act to get the information and a lot of the money is funneled. >> host: you know what, we are going to leave it there. ben shapiro final comment. tesco government involvement is significantly more dangerous for religious or could it issues to be about than not.
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the strings are always attached as far as the federal government, i would recommend people look at where the money is going because a lot of the time it goes towards adoption projects and house building for the homeless. i object to that on the grounds i don't think the government should be involved. that is nothing to do with the money being spent on an attempt as an issue. i'm not worried about that in the united states. >> host: ben shapiro, best-selling author, editor at large at breitbart "the people vs. barack obama: the criminal case against administration." his most recent book is coming out in paperback. thank you
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