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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  June 2, 2015 8:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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to be taken for a different view of religious liberty the with of possible litigation of religious freedom? >> i think what is true but i haven't spent much time watching the supreme court but i think veteran supreme court watchers would caution against drawing lines between the two supreme court cases. . .
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>> and a senate hearing on the ongoing drought of western states. today the senate approved the house version of an nsa surveillance law 67-32. the bill goes to the president for his signature. mitch mcconnell proposed several amendments all of which failed before the vote. we talked to a capital hill
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report. >> nancy is joining us. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> the amendments senator cab mcconnell wanted failed in the senate today. what happened? >> he is the leader of the senate and majority party and all of the amendments he put forth and argued vigorously in favor of failed. and not by a close margins. they all failed pretty comfortbly. he wanted to impose safeguards into the new bill. a bill he is not supporting, the freedom act, which requires the nsa to stop collecting phone records of all-americans and puts those records in the hands of the phone companies themselves. so he wanted to do things like lengthen the transition time between when these records stop being collected at the nsa, when they start being collected by
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the phone companies from 6 months to 12 months. and make sure the director of national intelligence could sign off on the new system before it went operational. the senate said no. and the house said no. they passed the freedom act and liked it. the whitehouse was saying don't doing it. he was in the minority on this one. >> it passed in the house and caleb mccarthy said pass the bill as it is send it to the president's desk and don't change it. republicans were saying the same thing. >> one thing they were afraid of was not only house republicans wouldn't like the changes but they would start to say if the senate can change it then i would like to add an amendment and you have a new can of worms as a time when the patriot act
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expired or portions of it which no body wanted, and this program and a few others are in limbo so they want this done. >> for those who follow the senate it has been an interesting 48 hours. what is your take away? >> what is most interesting is the republican party, the party of defense hawks, is enjoying a moment where it is the party of privacy advocates. the privacy wing, the libertarian side is winning this debate. you have mitch mcconnell john cornan saying this program is working. we are using this data quickly, easily and we need to to track terrorist to see when they are talking to. why would you fix something that is not broken. but you have rand paul other
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republicans, and a lot of democrats arguing the government shouldn't be holding on to all of this information about americans who have done nothing wrong and that if investigators want information they should have to get a warrant and go to the phone companies and get it that way. >> and as you pointed out this morning on cbs this morning, an interesting dynamic between the leaders and the words sharp, critical, some republicans like john mccain very angry at senator rand paul. >> isn't it fascinating? i know you are talking about republicans. but democrat dick durbin had a good answer saying i don't want to be an extra in someone else's campaign commercial. democrats and republicans alike felt the way paul was fundraising off the issue was too transparent and felt he was doing some of this for show
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especially because the delays he imposed only meant the program went out of commission for 48 hours and now what has he actually accomplished? and i think republicans in particular felt that he was selling them out. he was making the leader look bad. he runs the senate when something goes wrong he is the one with egg on his face. these are supposed to be close kentucky allies. they have been in the fox hole and mcconnell endorsed him for president. even if paul wasn't running for president i think he would take this stand because this is the issue that brought him to capital hill in the first place. when he does his famous fill busters this is the issue he talked about so he would always jump at the chance to sort of medal with the patriot act and with this meta data collection program but he happened to be
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eager to benefit from it this time because he is trying to raise money to run for president in a crowded republican field. >> as you talked to members of congress, was america's national security at any point at risk during the last day and a half or so? >> not in a significant way according to the chairman of the senate intelligence committee richard burr of north carolina he acknowledged a short-term halt to the programs isn't really problem. it is if these programs were shutdown long-term it would be difficult and that is because the meta data program and this wire tap program that enables investigators to track terrorist who are using and discarding multiply cell phones are important tools but not used all of the time. they are used infrequently. so you know it is not as if
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investigators missed out on dozens of opportunities over the last two days to utilize these programs. but if they are not restored in a timely manner that is when you could run into some security problems. >> and finally your observation of mitch mcconnell promising a return to order. have things changed? >> he promised a more open amendment process where senators from both side would have a chance to introduce amendments for bills and let the chips fall where they may, he said he would go through regular ordinary often where bills came up from the committee in many cases he has held true to that. and senators feel more empowered and like they have more of a
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hand in what the legislation that is being crafted and what is being passed. on the other hand he is still wrangling a party that now has something like five u.s. senators who are running for president who are all very eager to set themselves a part and show they are not of washington and sometimes they are willing to go against official washington. well mitch mcconnell is about as official washington as you get. he is the leader of the senate. so sometimes they end up thwarting him in unpredictable ways. in this case, even allies say this was a tactical error leaving the vote to the last minute on sunday afternoon the way he did you could almost predict the way that things would have gone down. that doesn't mean he had a lot of other options decides, i suppose canceling the senate
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recess or coming back several days early but he certainly gave rand paul the opening he has been waiting for for years. >> nancy, covers congress for cbs news, we will look for your reporting on the cbs evening news tonight. she is joining us on capital hill. thank you for being with us. >> before the final vote on the nsa surveillance bill the lead democrat patrick leahy called for passage of the bill. and then mitch mcconnell and harry reid talked about the nsa's role in national security. this part of the senate session is 15 minutes. >> mr. president. the distinguished majority leader, i will be brief. we worked for two years across the capital -- >> order.
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>> session is in order. >> senator from vermont. >> we worked for two years across the aisle, and capital and i don't know how many meetings senator lee and i and others have had and now we are poised to pass the usa freedom act and send it to the president for a signature for the much-needed reform ending the bulk collection of american's records, increase transparency, improve oversight and most importantly help restore america's privacy. the intelligence community will also have what they need. i am proud to protect the constitution and rights of all-americans since 1975 when i cast my first ever vote as a senator to approve the establishment of the church committee. i will continue to fight for america's privacy.
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i ask my statement be made part of the record. >> without objection. >> mr. president? >> majority leader. >> without objection the senate will be in order. the majority leader. >> earlier this year i observed that president obama's national security policy has been no worthy for its consistent. he has been very consistent in objectives drawing down our conventional and nuclear forces withdrawing from iraq and afghanistan, ending the tools developed by the previous administration to wage the war on terror and placing a greater reliance upon international organizations and diplomacy. that has been the hallmark of the obama foreign policy.
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none of this is surprising. the president ran in 2008 as the candidate who had end the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the war on terror. and our nation has a regrettable history of drawing down our forces and capabilities after each conflict only to find ourselves ill prepared were the next great enemy. the president included the declaration that guantanamo bay would be closed within a year without any plan for what to do with its detainees and the executive orders that ended the central agency detention and interrogation program. some of these detainees, my
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colleagues, some of them are now in qutar preparing to rejoin the taliban some are in uruguay camped out in a park across from the american embassy and regrettablely some are back on the battlefield in yemen afghanistan, and syria. other hallmarks of the obama foreign policy. and last year the president announced that all of your combat forces would be withdrawn from afghanistan by the end of his term in office whether or not, whether or not, the taliban were successful in capturing parts of afghanistan, whether or not al-qaeda senior leadership had found a more permis
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environment. i will repeat, the pattern is clear the president has been a reluctant commander and cheer and between the two bookends my colleagues much as occurred that has undermined our national security. there was the failure to negotiate a status of portions agreement with iraq that would have allowed for a recidual force and prevented the assault by the islamic state of syria. china is aggressively expanding their fear of influence. there is a threat to veto funding for the troops.
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we just heard it from the minority leader and their equipment without similar increases. the president is threatening to veto a defense bill unless we increase the funding for the irs and epa. this is going to diminish our military's ability to respond to the threats facing us today. we know what they are. al-qaeda and the arabian peninsula has pursued things to circumvent all we have done since september 11th 2001 to defend our country. so while the president has inflexiblely clung to campaign promises made in 2008 the trip from al-qaeda has metastasized
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around the world. isil which is broken from dwied dwied -- al-qaeda -- uses social media to encourage travel to the would be caliphate and encourage attacks at home. al-qaeda and isil publish online magazines instructing people in terrorist tactics. and they may present the greatest long term threat to our homeland. the president's efforts to dismantle our counter terrorism tools have not only been inflexible they are especially il ill timed. and today the senate votes on
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whether or not we should take one more tool away from those who defend this country every day; the ability of a trained analyst under exceedingly close supervision and only with the approval of the foreign intelligence surveillance court to query a database of call data records based on reasonable suspicion. no content no names, no listening to calls of law-abiding citizens is going on. we are talking about call data records. and these are the provider's records which is not what the fourth amendment speaks to. it speaks to the right of people
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to be secure in their persons, housing, papers and effects. but these records belong to the phone companies. and let me remind the senate the standard for reasonable articuable suspicion is that terror suspect is associated with a foreign terrorist organization as determined by a court. no body's civil liberties are being violated here. the president's campaign to destroy the tools used to prevent another terrorist attack has been aided by those seeking to prosecute officers in the intelligence community, diminish our military capabilities and to leak classified information putting our nation further at risk. those who reveal the tactics, sources and methods of our
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military and intelligence community give a playbook, a playbook to isil and al-qaeda as the associated press declared today the end of section 215 program is a quote, this is the headline on the ap today, a re-sounding victory for edward snowden. a re-sounding victory for edward snowden. it is also a re-sounding victory for those who currently plot against our homeland. our chairman and colleagues have worked with determination to educate the senate concerning the legal, technical, and oversight safeguards currently in place. we hear concerns about public
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opinion. cnn poll released today, just today, a cnn poll this is not part of the right wing conspiracy, states that 61% of americans think that the expiring provisions of the patriot act, including my colleagues including data collection should be renewed. so if there is widespread concern across america about privacy we are not picking it up. they are not reporting it to cnn. 61% of them said i am not concerned by about privacy, i am concerned about my security! so my view is that the determined effort to fulfill campaign promises by the president in 2008 reflects in inability to adapt to the current threat of what we have
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now. a view of past political grieveiances -- grievances a policy that will leave the president in a weaker position of fighting isil. this doesn't enhance the privacy protections of american citizens, and it undermines american's security by taking one more tool from our war fighters, in my view at exactly the wrong time. >> mr. president? >> democratic leader. >> the majority leader is concerned, as he should be about why the countery is less secure, especially in the last couple weeks, he should look in the mirror. we have a situation where he tried to divert attention from what was going on. it was as if there was a neon
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sign flashing saying you cannot do highway reauthorization and you cannot do trade for five days. and they should have spent time on fisa. and because of the mad rush to do the trade that didn't happen. so today to try to divert attention from what i believe is a miscalculation of the majority rate making this country less safe every day that goes by that the fisa bill is not authorized is a bad day for our country and makes us less safe. to divert attention like he has in the last few minutes blaming the administration for closing guantanamo bay pulling troops out of iraq -- i have seen my friends looking in the wrong
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direction. with the issue before us it is not to be criticized in the house of representatives, for passing this fisa bill. to reauthorize it in a way that is more meaning full and makes us saver and so people are secure about the intelligence operation we had going on in this country. is he criticizing us for working hard to get the bill reauthorized in a fashion that the american people accept? because his criticism is not to people who voted today but by the bipartisan efforts in the house of representatives who passed this bill overwhelmingly 338 votes, they did it for the security of this nation. so i don't think any of us, mr.
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president are responsible for why we are less secure. i would hope everyone votes to continue the surveyillance opportunities that we have available. if it doesn't pass what are we going do? it will go to the house of representative and mccarthy said they don't want anything from us. they want this bill passed. they want the usa freedom bill passed today. and of course that is what the democratic leader would like as well. mr. president, let's vote today to pass this bill and make our country safer immediately, not a week from now which is how long it will take at the minimum, if this bill is changed and goes back to the house. it should go directly to the president.
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the president can sign it within a matter of hours and put us on a more secure track to protect ourselves from the bad guys around the world. >> mr. president? >> majority leader. >> the majority leader always gets the last word as i have been reminded. and look his fundamental complaint is he doesn't get to schedule the senate and he want to kill the president's trade bill. so he didn't like the fact he moved the trade bill early enough before the opposition to it might become more severe. so i say to my good friend you don't get set the schedule anymore and my observations about the president's foreign policy are directly related to the vote we are about to cast. it is my view and i know there are differences of opinion and i respect people's opinion this bill is part of a
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pattern going back to the time the president took office. i remember the speech in cairo back in 2009 to the muslim world which sought to question american exceptionalism. oh, we are all pretty much alike, if we talked to each other more everything would be okay. and in almost every measurable way, all of the places i listed plus ukraine you name it we have been pulling back. and so my view with regard to my position and my vote is that this is a step in the wrong direction. but i respect to views of others and suspect the majority leader is happy at the end of the day and it appears this was there to pass the bill and it will go to the president and i think it is a step backwards from where we
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are. it has been a great debate. i respect all of these who have engaged in it on both sides. i think it is time to vote. i yield the floor. >> the senate went on to pass the house version of the nsa surveillance bill at 67-32 vote. democrat tammy baldwin and bernie sanders joined 30 republicans voting against the bill. the senate returns on wednesday at 9:30 and is scheduled to consider the 2016 defense bill. live coverage here on c-span2 when they return. tomorrow on washington journal early bloomenhower looking at state marijuana laws and why the house plans to debate several pot related amendments to the justice department 2016 funding bill. and then thomas massy discusses nsa surveillance and his support
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of rand paul's efforts to force the expiring of the key patriot act provisions. and then lauren sandler talks about her article on paid family leave. live on wednesday at 7 a.m. eastern on c-span2. >> the new congressional directly is a handy guide to the 114th congress with color photos of avenue senator and house member and bio and contact information with with twitter handles. and a fold out map of capital hill a look at congressional committees, the president's cabinet, federal agencies and state governors. order your copy today. it is $13.95 plus shipping and handling through the cspan online store at >> defects in airbags manufactured by tekata led to a
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nationwide recall affecting ten automakers. a house hearing on the widespread recall included testimony from tekata's executive vice president in charge of north american operations. we will hear first from the head of the national highway traffic safety administration mark rosekind. >> everyone can take their seats. i want to welcome dr. rosekind to the subcommittee on manufacturing and trade. the chair recognizes himself for five minutes for the purpose of an opening statement.
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i want to extend my welcome to everyone as we revisit a very serious motor vehicle deficit. six months ago this subcommittee held a hearing looking at the same issues and members of the subcommittee were told everything was being done and testing and expertise were being brought to bear. there was a lot of unanswered questions. i was not chairman but i sat in on the subcommittee hearing and remember raising the concern that safer doesn't mean the same thing as safe. here we are six months later and i was hoping we were getting down the road of safer but it is still unclear to me how far away we are from safe. a few we can weeks ago the national traffic safety administration called the largest recall in history due to defective tekata airbags. this will affect 13% of the
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country's driving stock and spanning 11 vehicle manufacturers. since the last hearing there has been an additional death attributed to an exploding tekata airbag in my home state of texas. every morning i fear i am playing headline roulette waiting for another injury or detect. we don't have any great clarity as to the root cause and how we will know when we get to the point where we are safe. clarity and transparency are needed. one thing that is not clear is why we are launching this national recall now instead of almost a year ago when the same information was before us. the american people deserve much better. they deserve to know with when a national recall is announced if their car is part of a recall.
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i am visited by vehicle manufacturers getting drivers to respond to recall notice especially following a year of record recall and a sense of recall fatigue. when we do have the attention of consumers, how is it helpful to tell them there is a recall but to check back later to see if you need to do something? it serves a fundamental role in vehicle safety and it is critically important it is part of the solution in every step of the process in removing defective vehicles from the road. the supply of replacement parts is also of concern. i am glad the agency is acknowledging they have a role to play and united states drivers are competing against a global supply chain and recalls in american parts of the world. i acknowledge that dr. rosekind is new to the organization as
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well. i have serious concerns on where we are in the process. it is not conceivable to me that none of the test conducted by tekata over the past year on 30,000 inflaters has given us a clearer picture and dictated more direct action. and why is it we still don't have deployment testing being done boy anybody besides tekata? at what point do we accept we need to eliminate defective inflaters and implement process. are they all using different inflater compounds? what is different about the passenger side inflaters? we have many questions but the most important doesn't involve compounds or moisture or o-rings. it is simply this: when will we have a plan that can be present today the public identifies who is affected, and when they will
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have a safe replacement part available. nothing is more important and nothing else is acceptable. in the meantime the driving public should continue checking their vehicle identification numbers against the database to see if their vehicle has been affected and this includes vehicles that have been previously recalled. i will give ms. blackburn the rest of my time. >> thank you mr. chairman and i want to thank the witnesses for both panels for being here. as chairman burgess said this is an issue we have followed are continuing to work on and you will see us stay with this issue. the fact that we have these airbags and the rupturing causing serious injury and death is of concern to us. i questioned tekata at the last
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hearing about a november 19th 2014 new york times article which noted that the engineers at tekata's moses lake washington facility raised serious concern about the use of ammon ammon ammonium nitrate as an airbag component yet they persisted. i thank you for being here. >> the chair recognizes subcommittee of the ranking member ms. schakowsky. >> thank you for holding the hearing on the tekata airbag recall. the american people deserve to know what went wrong with tekata's abs airbags and why it took so long to respond and how this committee responds to insure it never happens again. chairman upton remarked about his airbag deployment after
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hitting a deer and said i am lucky it wasn't a tekata. but millions of americans are not lucky. we have a guest here who was a victim of a tekata air rupture that has killed six people. angelina's case was three years ago and in a car accident at 25 miles per hour and the shrapnel ripped her chest and we are thankful to have her here today. here is an example of such an airbag that has these holes in it where the -- am i on the wrong side? there we go. that shows where the shrapnel came out. this is an example. these are examples of these sharp pieced that landed in her chest in two places.
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they are not the exact ones but shrapnel like this. it is very very dangerous. we need to stop it. my big concern about this recall is the root cause really has not been yet determined. we have been told that a combination of factors including humidity and age contribute to the rupture but we don't know if the flaws in the design, or manufacture or another aspect which means we cannot be made sure that replacement airbags are any safer. this is really dangerous and we need to know what caused the failure. as we wait for those questions to be answered there are steps we can take to improve vehicle safety right now and many are included in hr-1181, the vehicle safety improvement act, legislation i introduced earlier this year along with my colleague and several others.
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frank pallone and others. half of all cars on the road were recalled. gm honda, toyota failed their customers. the vehicle safety improvement act takes lessons from those recalls and addresses information sharing, oversight, and accountability regarding auto safety. the legislation includes provisions that would have benefited consumers whose cars have the faulty airbags. it would double the funding for our safety vehicle programs. a programs that is severely underfunded. hr-1181 increases the quality and quantity of information shared by the manufacturers with
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the public and congress. had more information been dialogued i believe lives could have been saved. they will fix all of the vehicles recalled free of charge rather than those purchased in the last ten years and tekata indicated indicated age of the airbag is a contributing factor and many of the cars are more than ten years old. this should be subjected to mand tory fixes. under the legislation, we would have new hazard authority to expedite recalls and eliminate the regional recall program insuring that all cars subject to a recall are repaired regardless of their location. both of those changes would have improved the speed, scope and ethicacy of the tekata recall. the ongoing investigation may identify additional policies that would limit the risk of
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similar recalls. if it does we should enact them as soon as possible. we cannot afford to wait and act on legislation that we know would save lives. it is thought just committee democrats who want action. a who is who of people support hr-1181 and for my republican colleagues, i implore you to join me in this legislation. i ask for consent to add the letter from the advocate to the rescue. >> without objection. >> i am eager to hear what happened to this failure and how to insure it never happens again. i urge the committee to advance the vehicle safety improvement act without delay and i field back. >> chair thanks the gentlelady and recognizes the senator from
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michigan. >> you hope to never use your airbag and if you need it you want it to work. i had an incident going back from memorial day break in michigan. it was dark, night and not much moon and i was driving at 70 miles per hour and hit not one but two deers. i was lucky. the airbag deployed just as designed. i remember thinking i am lucky i didn't have a defective tekata airbag at the time. and then i thought the safety of your airbag can't be just a game of luck. being from the auto state we understand better than most just how complicated cars are and how much goes into each and every part. cars are certainly safer today than every before with miles driven and age of the car goes up death and injuries have gone
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down. the multi year safety investigations concern nowhere we can identify a problem but a solution is nowhere in sight and the preferred approaches are band aids instead of a occur. we have a problem with the tekata airbags that has persisted for years. we are opening up an investigation and closing it before visiting it years later. the technology is rocket science. but you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see more needs to be done and should have been done quicker. when lives are put in jeopardy delay dangerous. dr. rosekind was not the ad -- administrator at the time of the
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november hearing. on the passenger side of the car they continue to try to perfect a set of manufacturing variables which for ten years or more have resisted perfection. we trust this time the moisture will not get in and everything else will be just perfect. once we have safe replacements we need people to be able to replace them. recall rates at 15-30 percent are not acceptable. we have to understand the plan for the automakers. they will act as a central cord coordinater coordinate. the message around the airbags has been tortured at best. they released the recall numbers at a time when the information is not accurate for consumers.
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drivers read about the erecall but couldn't look up to see if their own car was part of the recall including mine a week or two after my incident. how does that help safety? surely a better way exist. at a time they should focus on how to update and roll out the better technologies and improve recalls, and take rates, we are forced to understand and it is sell relegated. change is overdue, what should i say to the mom in michigan who asked me if she and her family were safe behind the wheel, six months later i have to ask the same question. we will make sure this problem is resolved, restoring the safety of the nation's wide roadway and trust of the
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american people. >> thank you, chairman upton and distinguished members of the committee. >> i telephoned my car dealer last week. i have a 2004 honda accord. i was told i need a new airbag. it seems the purpose of the hearing is to make sure john public is aware of the recall, able to be informed quickly as to whether their automobile is affected. one of 34 million recalled. and be confidant the replacement is safe. during the subcommittee's hearing six months ago, tekata showed extreme reluctance to
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respond. and characterize this as con convention. i hope their recent change of heart will be sincere. of course after being fined $14,000 a day it occurred. i look forward to discussing this with the distinguish personal in charge mr. rosekind, and mr. chairman i hope this is a hearing of dprat substance for the american people. >> chair thank you. chair recognizes mr. pallone for five minutes. >> thank you. though it has taken months i am glad tekata admitted their airbags are defective and moved forward with the recalls. getting the dangerous cars off the road is crucial. airbags are supposed to save lives and not take lives. but the nag national recalls
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came a year after the exploding airbags. each automaker handles it differently. some have high absolute humidity areas and at the same time others conducted recalls in the same area and some expanded their recall to other states and some conducted national recalls of certain cars. one auto went against using front seats until the airbags are fixed and offering to disable them until fixed. drivers are unsure if their cars are part of the recall those who had their airbags replaced don't know if they need them replaced again, and most importantly people don't know if their cars are safe to drive. this is the second hearing the subcommittee has held on the tekata recall and the first hearing was six months ago and in that time we are left with many of the same questions like not knowing the cause of the
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tekata airbag defect. we know enough to take action however however. i am disappointed by the lack of action here. auto safety is not a partisan issue. after the gm ignition switch issues the tekata ruptures and going back to the toyota sudden excelleration problems this committee failed to take appropriate action. the ranking member schakowsky and i and she mentioned it with a number of other members from the subcommittee introduced the vehicle safety improvement act of 2015. many of the things that occurred in the recalls would be addressed with our bill. i have mentioned to congresswoman schakowsky, i had a 2008 chevy impala and it was subject to the ignition switch issue. and you know, i received a notice in the mail but there was
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confusion on my part even as to what this was all about. i was told until i had the opportunity to go to the chevy dealer that i should separate the two parts of the key from the key chain or whatever this thing is called. and you know i continued to do that even after they fixed the key. and of course i had to look up and see if my vin number was one of the impalas that was recalled but in my mind there is a lot of confusion about what was being accomplished. and i think that is why we need legislation. the national highway transportation safety administration has received much of the blame in gm recall and this tekata recall. but it is clear they don't have the resources and authority it needs to protect drivers and passengers and to hold automakers and automobile supply makers accountable. the bill has increasing fines
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for manufacturers that violate safety laws, and automakers and parts suppliers failed to produce critical information that helped identify problems earlier. the bill includes the reporting warning system by making information public and requiring manufacture provides significantly more information about a fatal accident. chairman burgess and chairman upton i appreciate your continued interest of continued oversight but i think we need to begin the legislative work and not talk about more investigations. i hope we can work together to move forward with a bill to keep our citizens safe on the road. i yield back. >> that concludes the member opening statements. the chair would remind members pursuant to rules all opening statements are made part of the record. we want to thank the witnesses
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for being here. today's hearing consist of two panel and each member has a chance for an opening statement and a round of questions. once we conclude with the first panel we will take a very brief recess to setup for the second panel. the first panel consist of administrator mark rosekind of the national highway traffic safety administration. you are now recognized for five minutes to summarize your opening statement. >> chairman burgess, ranking member schakowsky, and members of the committee, thank you for allowing me to provide an update of the tekata airbags. let me summarize what we have done and are doing. all of our actions are focused on achieving one main goal and the only acceptable goal of a safe airbag in every vehicle. on may 19th it was said tekata
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filled four defective reports covering 33.8 million parts shipped to automakers. they don't know which vehicles they were installed in. all of the may 19th defect reports involve recalls national in scope. since may 19th 11 manufacturers are scouring their records to find out what vehicles were affected and the total is 38.4 million vehicles right now. it was clear consumers might have to wait to determine if their vehicles were covered by the expanded recall while automakers made their own recall findings. tekata's defect filings were a first step before the automakers would issue filing containing
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detailed make, model information, and vehicle identification number that would allow individual owners to see if they were affected by the recall. this delay is frustrating and if there was any way to avoid the anxiety it would have been done. our philosophy is simple: to make information available to consumers as quickly as possible. to that end, we have established a site called recall spotlight located at and including information on recall issues of high public interest and including updated information continuously on the tekata recall. after the dot announcement more than 1.5 million people conducted vin look up searches including one million on may 20th. on may 19th secretary fox announced the consent order giving oversight into the company's testing and requiring
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full cooperation with investigation and importantly gives us the ability to fully evaluate the proposed remedies. it was announced an administrative process was launched. a program to coordinate the actions of tekata and the manufacturers. this is provided by the safety act and congress in the tread act for the first time. we need to acknowledge congressman upton for providing a mechanisms to address the challenges and circumstances. many americans ask whether we can trust remedy inflaters more than others and the consent order with tekata and our own testing all are actions designed to provide full answers to that question. we will continue pursuing answers until the american people can have a safe airbag in every vehicle. their continues to be a greater
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in the in establishing the root cause. a definitive root cause hasn't been discovered. as a veteran of many major transportations investigations it may be there is no single root cause or the root cause may never be known. secretary fox addressed this directly on may 19th stating that uncertainty cannot stop the organization from acting to protect safety. it is a must act in areas of safety focused on our safety mission. lastly, whatever the final numbers turn out to be this may be the largest most complicated consumer safety recall in our nation's history. fixing this problem is a monumental task requiring effort from the auto industry and from
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nhtsa. the same people managing the tekata recall must also continue to analyze consumer complaints investigate scores of other defects and oversee 1200 recall campaigns that automakers and equipment manufacturers have underway. they must accomplish this with a budget when adjusted for inflation is 23% lower than the budget ten years ago. we need your help to protect the safety of americans on our country's roads. the president has submitted a budget request that would fund significant improvements in our investigation efforts providing the people and technology needed to keep americans safe. the administration has proposed the grow america act. as the proposed grow america act and the recently introduced bill if eminent authority was available this hearing would have a different focus.
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we address safety risks every day here. i urge the members of the subcommittee and your colleagues in congress to help address the safety risks and keep the travelling public safe on america's roadways. >> the chair thanks the gentlemen. we will move into the question and hearing answer portion. i recognize myself for five minutes. mr. administrator thank you for being here and making yourself available to me in person and on the telephone as you worked through the process. just so people are clear the vin number we keep talking about, vehicle identification number people can access that at the lower left hand of their windshield or driver's door? >> they can find it there and go to to see if their vehicle is in the recall. >> if someone checked their vin number got the all clear on may
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1 st do they need to do anything further or are they good to go? >> we suggest you check it on a weekly bases. >> you issued the initial recall at the middle part of may. how quickly can people assume they are getting the updated information so they are confidant the information they get is current when they check the website? >> thank you for that question. clarity for consumers is critical here and tekata had to file their defect reports before the automanufacturers could put together their information. we cannot just get numbers. they have to be accurate and we have to do our due diligence and them doing theirs. ...
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>> >>.
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>> let me stop here we are no longer concerned of the remedy works? >> we absolutely are may 19 the focus changed to read acknowledged that there is every call with toccata -- takata to be involved with testing to make sure the remedy is adequate with the nhtsa and the coordinated remedy program that now nhtsa is in the driver's seat we will prioritize to make sure that supplies are available to get out as quickly as possible. >> just to be clear are the replacement device is safe unequivocably not safer? the neck that is a confusing point. people need to look up their vision number -- vin number
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now there are airbags out there every day did from. >> host: data are functioning properly for though they need to get it fixed but we will identify the issue are correct correct, they're not have the longevity to make sure it is for the entire life of the vehicle. >> what am i supposed to do if my a kid says i have the bad kid number but there is a replacement am i. okay with that in my hotel letting my child in a drive that car? secured dealer should tell you if it is long-term or interim. if there is the interim remedy you should get a call back when it is time to get it fixed for the long-term cimex the wit may not really
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better be fixed. >> the dealer better make that clear. >> to was a national business show last week they pointed out new york they call dealers around town and they were left at if we could bring in the vehicle that they did not have supplies. so i called my local guide basket and the district and he provided me some recent information that nobody is reporting any irate customers i know some were complaining about bad customers but i would assume that was when there was a process in place but another had 1,000 that needed replaced but nobody was bringing in their vehicles. that will continue to be a problem that people are not recognizing their vehicle needs to be fixed.
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my time is expired. >>. >> not all love the big numbers are up yet they may be driving with the takata airbag that their vehicle may be recalled. >> that is correct seven out of 11. they should just keep checking even though they may not feel secure. i want to check on the authorities of the vehicle safety improvements act to give nhtsa more authority for recalls. there was in the russian
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80,000 for that is 11 years ago. after nhtsa called for changes last november takata has finally relented because it is in their authority to do that. nhtsa has authority to take emergency action even where the defects are known with the strong and immediate risk of serious injury so and mr. rosekind as the call for the national recall with the driver's side airbag takata has refused to conduct a national recall parker i know you were not there but if nhtsa had the authority to mandate emergency recalls, do you think the, let me put it this way would you have used it with regards to takata? >> at my confirmation
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hearing we would use every tool available we would have used it. >> the legislation does allow for the hazard of authority and nhtsa has testified before the subcommittee asking for that authority. i guess you have already stated that you agree for the need for that. >> absolutely. >> would it have been from reducing deaths and injuries and economic losses promoting vehicle crashes? to make absolutely and just to highlight as the imminent hazard would allow us to get the airbag off the road. there is still procedures to make sure that we would not have been waiting ever be lives saved and injuries prevented. >> there are a number of
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other provisions in the vehicle safety act that would double funding for nhtsa. in terms of the resources is that you have to do the job for everything that is being done? >> for those that we need to look at those with every resource from the outside. for every stage we can add me doing i could give 29 different things but we a people to get the job done. >> i highlighted in disease -- in december looking at the complaints now with the recall group and the other 1200 campaigns going on at
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the same time. >> so if you have additional resources how that would be used and how that would impact consumer safety. >> i would be happy to do that. so we could talk about that trend analysis division. >> that legislation would increase civil penalties to eliminate most maximum penalties to make sure the bad actors have the incentive to end it will also make sure what it would eliminate the first of regional recalls.
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>> america is at 300 million clearly the message is the 35 million is not enough. so a thing beyond that is great but as far as regional recall my perspective is everything is national. >>. i yield back. >> the chair recognizes you for five minutes for questions. >> we welcome your appearance before as we wish you the best. i know what the appropriations committee did but i will find out soon. prior to the may 19th announcement what could you so they could identify the
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teethirty number impacted by the recall? >> before i go to that specifically there is a lot of actions and inactions it has been raised to go for a national recall to be denied any defect. >> even december before you were on board. >> and auto manufacturers to take on those recalls even though takata was denied. >> so just use my own little experience, i don't do this very often but i did plugged in and i am not sure we still can determine today with the ford explorer 2006 and i cannot really even tell today if it was takata or who else because the information was not readily
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available when i was on line last week. >> it will not give you the specifics senator paul allaire was supposed to be checking every week? >> is a good thing to do anyway airbags decide it is of good source to have parked -- bookmark. >> so the manufacturers really did step up? >> that was previously when takata denied and what they could do. sold to your question specifically we had contact their debut for related to the defect to have the headset bin then to be with the coordination. >> so we talked in the audience of the announcement
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what is the timetable or the goal for a complete the resolving the issue? which vehicles have these defective airbags? to make sure they are replaced? what is the hopeful time frame for this to be resolved to the next issue? >> if anybody gave you a number at this point they don't know what they're talking about. we have already initiated contact with the auto manufacturers and suppliers to bring them together that will create a plan with the supplies to get to a hundred percent recall it will lay all of that out of all three of those elements. >> what steps have you taken or has nhtsa taken to ensure
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the evaluation being submitted by various parties that seems to be a real element six faq for highlighting that because it allows us to focus with the adequacy of the vanity now we have some direct oversight before we were on the receiving end and people were focused on group cause now we're focused on remedy. >> if somebody has a defective airbag they cannot replace just a propellant they have to take the whole thing out withhold new device? >> that's correct. thank you very much. i yield back. >> on february 20 of this
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year larry takata informed the company the failure to cooperate of the fact -- defect as well as the prior knowledge resulting in fines of $14,000 per day of failed to cooperate progress the times they were suspended under the consent order it was fined 1.2 million dollars. so how mensch of that takata has the company paid? >> basically we major the investigation continues as well as potential for future penalties for crack this point nothing has been collected because we're looking at it all been investigation. >> so when you suspect there will be paid? to make it could be anytime i think that will come as the investigation continues as we're focused on the
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safety element there could be before further penalties and that could be part of the package. >> day think there is the possibility of future penalties? okay. but it was a factor of the national recall but with three months of daily fines to get them to agree. financial incentives insurers compliance with your opinion? >> no question. >> going from 35 down and no caps i would highlight of penalty or a preservation order in nhtsa was working on that unilateral program to make sure was communicated to takata as well as very you agree increasing the size would allow more pressure on
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takata and enter to reach an agreement sooner? >> no question. >> gm was fined the statutory maximum of 35 million for the handling of the ignition is which recall. many including the chance rotation's secretary ask them to lift those maximums to send us stronger message to the bad actors. part of this is loss of life with no financial compensation and can bring back a family member bedstraw under financials could deter them from hiding the defects and not cooperating with the investigations. so as we mentioned on the committee we have introduced the vehicle safety improvements act not only raise per violation in civil penalties but eliminate most maximum penalties.
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do you believe stronger by now that -- penalties from hiding defects or incentivized protraction? >> absolutely. >> what i would think is more likely to cooperate? >> yes. >> the gentlemen yields back. the lady from tennessee. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thanks for taking your time to be here. let's go back to the november 182nd special order from takata to come to you with further information about the propellant mix. what we would like to know is what you have been given
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given, wedding is the specific use is the hub of the parts? -- the remedy parts? >> blood is identified as one of the orders that trigger the it daily penalties because we had 2.4 million documents dumped on us with their permission to understand where the meaningful pieces were. we have some of those now identified and we can bring as much technical information as provided. >> are you satisfied with the information takata has provided you on the of propellant factor? >> they have been open but the informational and that you are asking about from those millions of pages we're making our way through that. >> garner day forthcoming to bring clarity?
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we want to know what is the mix of the propellant so are a satisfying of questions that consumers will have with the component in the vehicle to make it safe now exploding and causes injury. that to make sure it is safe >> they will now. they are required to provide that information. >> you are satisfied? if you could provide a summary is a we have that for the record that would be helpful for future hearings and legislation. let me go to the point that was made back to the december hearing that the ammonia nitrate was used as
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a propellant in the 1990's. so what we would like to know is have you found have you found any ruptures from what occurred in the '90s? and does nhtsa have any insight into why not? ltd. is the good question and we will find out if that is information. about the consent order earlier in the driver's seat to direct testing we will look at that historically. >> we would love to have that as a follow-up as to what occurred in the '90s as you go back to do with the revisit with the information it would be helpful. you mention this to the auto manufacturers and how the
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dealers are being compensated if everybody takes the car in is a lot of man hours and a loader cars. >> ask the individuals that on the next panel because we are focused on that only if it interfered with the recall. >> we will ask them that but i want ted your insight. i yield back. select us gentleman from massachusetts. >> i appreciate your service to a the country. i want to touch base with you a of little bit you heard from my colleagues and i want to do touched on that's for the safety of
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grades for used cars. barge and a full of this year reach more than $3 billion, sold but they face major the polls with auto safety. the vehicle safety improvements act would help to reduce car market safety. first to include information about the history and recall repair history were would prohibit dealers from each you used vehicle subject to recall and tell they have repaired the defects. concerned that the used cars are safe and free of defects is that true? what might kill a new shine on that? >> the growth america proposal the you are sharing is that i cannot imagine you
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would sell a car if you knew there was a defect not to have it fixed before you put into someone's hands. >> i would agree but the purchase of the used car from the national motor vehicle systems it is available only if they know where to find it to you agree day could benefit that it has been salvaged or marked as sell-offs? to make any information to help them determine the safety is useful to the consumer. no question is directed vehicle safety improvements act is to be made available from the national motor vehicle system with a buyer guide. that is a smart provision? to make every piece is
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helpful. >> those of her subjects to be called less than make the necessary repairs but the say regulation does not apply to used cars the completion rate is about a summit by percent that a full 25 percent of all be called cars and a repaired so with a the recall rate has been much lower. in many cases it is not repaired because the owner doesn't know anything about the recall so what effort has nhtsa taken to increase the awareness of the used car buyers and what obstacles does nhtsa face to get the information out to consumers? >> it is the huge part of the whole system we emphasize you don't get it fixed as a matter.
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with the event for a new idea is as self ledger% target -- and us a 100% target. >> so do you agree with any defect of remedy would help to increase completion rates included make the driver's seat for? to make absolutely. >> would improve the safety of those cars what would they be? >> there is a great list of possible things that could be ted really looking at all of them. there are some things we need to figure out what nhtsa could do. >> can this committee me of any service to you? >> frankly i think the bill has been introduced right now with the authorities and
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budget with the other opportunities. >> did i hear you say earlier that you had eight staff working over 34 million vehicles and that same staff also working on 1200 other recalls? >> eight of them looked at the 80,000 complaints and a different eight are looking at the recalls. >> the gentle millenials back. the gentleman from new jersey you have five minutes. >> i went on line with my own situation and though website is
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question. what is the timeframe? >> we have seven out of 11 i hope over the next two weeks we should have the complete data set. >> i did not ask this because i called them a dealer in there very cooperative he said he thought he would have good new airbag between one week in four weeks and i would get the loaner car but should the american people ask if this is for the driver or the passenger? i have no idea and perhaps i shed four my personal situation. in some situations it is both. could you in light in the committee on that aspect? >> will tell you what it is for specifically the driver or
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passenger see you will note to ask the dealer you don't have to rely on them. >> are there situations where there is the need for a new airbags for both in the same automobile? >> that could be. >> to the automobile manufacturers themselves have their responsibility i trust, to inform those of these potential defects? >> they make that information available through those that provide the make and model and vin number. >> what about those who own the vehicles? >> there are recall letters to know what is being recalled. >> dr. rosekind, how many of those letters have gone out
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so far? >> i would have to get back to you. >> based upon a german study based on four factors that include damage, the position , their bank system a prolonged exposure to heat and humidity and variability are you analyzing the study that what they suggest may be true? >> there are multiple folks doing testing you hear from the coalition of the auto manufacturers the consent order give us access to all data. your comment why this is so difficult across all
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different makes and models it is part of the problem. >> part of this is using the airbags what does that mean? >> the shape or the designed of the propellant container is the perfect example of over 10 and different scintillators and certain manufacturers that have ruptured. >> you have been very helpful and either a foreign tour the testimony of the second panel. yield back the balance of my time. >> you have five minutes for questions. >> thank zero for all of your service and for answering our questions today so the people that they represent throughout
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the country to get an understanding to protect the american public but to put the vehicles on 2014 to run to 53 million nearly 4 million more of the original estimate. and nhtsa but jeff has remained relatively flat but this fleer 2016 budget appropriation of $837 million is 70 million short of their request. do you believe the stagnant funding is part of the do more with less culture that has resulted from sequestration has made it harder for the administration to do its job to keep the unsafe vehicles
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off the roads? >> no question when it is it is addressing the budget they help to create more risk for us from the confirmation hearings i have identified we can do everything in internally to be more effective but at some point looking at 80,000 complaints up from 45000 now people who can get the job done. >> i have been elected to office and i constantly hear my colleagues talk about fiscal conservatives and how government needs to operate like a business. i don't know how they could react with eight human beings with those moving parts that is in deficiency
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but delinquent on us we to do a better job to help you do your job to protect the american public. the office of investigation that is responsible for those complaints per year had 51 full-time staff down from 64 in in 2002. the nhtsa budget request includes more than double the personal. as a house appropriations committee approves isn't sufficient? >> no. that is a flat line of today. >> to do that appropriately that number was last year because of all the attention
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last year it is now 80,000 complaints. >> so that is 80,000? okay. it is clear additional funding source is would be critical to ensure the drust ration can keep drivers and passengers say if that is why for the vehicle safety program we would authorize a new safety user fee to be paid by vehicle manufacturers each certified to meet the federal safety standards beginning at $3 per vehicle. but this could generate tens of millions of dollars specifically on safety to using nhtsa could find efficient and effective ways
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from consumer safety? >> no question. if anything is all about the safety mission for the agency and me if you give us more resources we give you more safety. >> looking at the numbers the vehicles on american roads is growing? direct fortunately rehab better systems to identify a defect that means we are much more aware quicker of how many more in this case went to be notified to get them in a safer place of one that could be defective? direct we want to move it to a safety culture of rubio identification. >> american is taken for granted in day could
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appropriate. thank you very much. >> the gentleman from kentucky. thank you for being here today. talk about going to the side the affirmation from seven from 11 in manufacturers is there a time line for the other four? direct the plan is to have been a couple of weeks if not sooner. it is in just the numbers but to check the accuracy that they all have to do. >> takata suggest a particular make and model could contribute to the defect as -- has nhtsa reviewed that analysis? >> it is not just 10 + different designs but at
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different makes and models. there are some that has not ruptured the same in a different make and model so if you think about the variations that is the challenge right now. >> is seems like it is difficult to recreate but the nichols last a lot longer than they used tear in changing the oil every 3,000 is there any vehicle that says routine maintenance at all? prophetic is of very good question but i don't believe so. right now the average vehicle is in service 11.4 years we have amended those statistics that say just 10 years.
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people that buy a vehicle they expected to last but there is not a routine maintenance check to check the airbag. >> since the hearing in december to vetted how many additional fatalities? >> six worldwide people have lost their lives and at least 100 injured. >> i testified he would hire an expert for airbag production within one week. i try to identify we have at least four people on staff but now we have with someone with a particular expertise. >> are they part of those eight people you were describing?
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>> we as an airport -- staff in those people. >> are is that you were describing? >> this individual was picked specifically with a propellant side but with the other elements we're focused on the chemistry of the propellant. >> we appreciate you being here. says december's six we have saved hundreds of lives and injuries. thank you. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york for five minutes. >> hq very much. dr. rosekind thanks for your testimony here today. first asking takata to do the national recall takata
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responded with the national recall and in that hearing of the subcommittee takata reiterated the belief that many auto manufacturers servicer recall any way and do the six months to the day we're in a much different place. but also six months behind from where we should be with those dangerous airbags in today's world to frequently spent time during they're lifetime and given the reality is that possible for nhtsa to say a recall would be sufficient?
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>> our approach or my approaches to focus on national recalls that is part of the challenge previously that there was a denial that there is even a defect and there was a wide range of patchwork that was all over the place and may may 19th with a coordinated remedy to a change all of that. >> the vehicle safety improvements act would eliminate those recalls to make it clear of those replacement parts must be carried off on a national basis to prioritize certain parts of the country but the quantity of parts is limited earlier in the hearing you
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said the recalls are national could this be part of the vehicle safety act? >> we did start a national recall. >> takata says two-thirds of the takata airbags are regional and nhtsa will have to order takata to expand the hour recall nationally would you commit to expanding all. >> host: t nationally now? been a kid is interesting to watch people's response those to passenger airbag inflator is are the most problematic to ensure those at the highest risk get down as quickly as possible. in those will be national spin and so we're looking to have a national recall now?
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>> with a very specific focus to get the high risk people covered as quickly as possible specter recalls began as the safety improvement campaign with only certain parts of the country with high absolutely committed a. as nhtsa and takata learn more about the defect and to ruptures occurred outside that area each responded differently sunset recalls two additional states or expanded nationally and that information was hard to find for cuisine's the regional recalls in this case only added to a consumer confusion and i it would allow other characterization of the most vulnerable to geographic areas first.
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rd-180 agreed recall could have been handled better? >> i've only been in the chair about one month i can only speak to the last five minutes of the national recalls to make sure every american gets as safe airbag in their vehicles. >> and want to make sure relearn from this lesson. it is interesting to read tried to reorganize out redos things when we know from the very outset to would minister of best practice is going forward. >> absolutely. >> i yield back. >> the chair recognizes a gentleman from the heights humidity houston texas. >> welcome dr. rosekind.
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to be a victim of the takata airbag his name is carlos. he was 35 years old he went to high school and both worked with his brothers. he bought a used 2002 honda accord that was involved in a minor crash and killed him this year. his airbag deployed that was supposed to save his life it took his life. he left behind a wife and three kids. the recall had come about in 2011 he bought the car in 2014 he had no clairaut the
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vehicle may be defective and he fell through the? so how can nhtsa make sure why you track the vehicle? >> thank you for recounting that. in 2013 there were 32,718 lives lost we know the exact number because we give them the name and face is the concern about the person had to use car with the recall notice out to some people are buying used cars are renting them that have a recall with an acknowledged the fact that is not being fixed so we're looking forward to introduce ways to fix the gap. >> because he had no clue
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his car was defective. somebody gets an accident dies because iraq -- thereby kills them. it was stated nhtsa will look into the safety of the replacement airbags for those uses same propellant where did those investigations lead to? garett there is a consent order to be signed previously was almost exclusively on the root cause never have the ability to major testing goes to the adequacy proposal right your question which is a variety of complex to make sure testing goes:that they are effective long-term.
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>> others to be examined? >> one of the concerns at this point of the other hand we do know there are plenty that are functioning in 2,013,611,000 crashes were airbag deployed so we know they can function and even the different version that is not rupturing we have other examples that can be pursued. >> with the fatigue of recalls last year the american people with the gm recalls and the tire recall san the past year i have the pickup truck i have a notification from gm there is a defect. my question is to using various recall fatigue that
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they say i am tired i and driving it. it is fine. >> i do think it exist and we hauled in any event to retool the recalls with 100% completion but then the number of manufacturers that come up with creative ways some are taking their teams that helps sell vehicles applying them to the recalls with special hours or even a disorder with the kids are they go to their homes a whole list of new ideas will try to find a way everybody has access to those ideas. >> i yield back. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina. >> first but we think zero
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chairmen for holding today's hearing hopefully we can get some good information for that would have a bearing directly on the issues that we talk about. i am somewhat surprised to learn that takata malfunctions have been linked to areas of high committee for i am not sure that i really knew that or did not appreciate that until recently. ideal the finish amid district of north carolina maybe not as much as texas but we are a region that is very humid from time to time. although it is not a high absolute humidity area but it one is calling -- causing the security of the airbags manufactured by takata for
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my constituents to be harmed seriously or worse for or what practical impact and the impact on the rental car market i will focus on this story my question time today. the rental market is huge and one study estimates 2.1 million rental cars in service last year. however despite that scale federal drug law does not require them to fix the defects before renting them so accompanied could be subject to the recall without an airbag that is yet to be replaced. >> do you believe that rental car companies should be a prohibited from renting a car and tell all defects have denver for a -- prepared? to make a shed be fixed
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before the keys are put into their hands. >> day think those concerns -- consumers led assume that a rental car is a safe vehicle? >> that is the problem we could have this hearing and have people go to almost nobody who rents a car will probably ever do that. that is the gap we have to fill. >> i drive a 1995 toyota and a 2004 ford explorer and although karzai have far better than mine. teeeight think consumers have a right to to a freeloader car while their car is repaired regardless if it should be a requirement that have no outstanding recalls? in that question comes up
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often and we tell people if they are concerned about the inflator to talk to about of the owner or rental car. >> recently there was introduced a bill that with her head a rental car to have paid notification of any defect safety standards unless it is remedy. nhtsa has supported similar legislation that prohibits those from renting vehicles subject to a recall and tell it is remedied purdue continued to support this type of legislation? train wreck we have done that as well that typically has a used car and rental car defect issue.
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>> you were very clear in your responses. thank you in the manner you responded. >> i yield back spinach the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. >> thank you dr. rosekind for testifying today. is lighter standing the takata inflator may have been caused by high as humidity. what is the minimum exposure period before it is considered to be a bad whiskey and a higher humidity area? and apple by to hear that as well. >> i would be very cautious at this point there is no root cause but there is data that shows humidity because of the moisture can have an
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effect to get into the chemistry but what we have seen with 12.three years that it could rupture. >> i understand they have urgency in what is needed roast. to have that finite supply for those that are projected more quickly but this approach does not appear to match with the nhtsa rollout on may 19 that cover 34 million vehicles but it is the nuclear if they could have replacement parts and at which point can day obtain replacement parts in the future? are they available now in
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florida but not in new jersey or other parts of the country? are there enough replacement parts available? >> will let them know if they are checking for a recall they need to see if the parts are available. there is no question one of the issues we have is to make sure there is sufficient supply of the invaders are available across the country. >> and to cover those questions i yield back. >> we recognize the gentlelady from indiana. >> i have to say that when you testified that he 58 was working hard so you could
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verify the work, a kid and you give us a status update it is there a new nhtsa testing facility for the is in flanders? what is happening? >> previously he ranged to have that data but now it is and other resources for any testing whether takata or collision we can look at that. so it allows us to do some testing but you have to blow them up so to help us do that so as of may 19th the plan is under way. will never own independent testing being done to help us do that. >> because it required a
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different type of testing you now have a different? permit you have any idea how it is going? >> i know that the most important was to get a plan to emphasize not just at the root cause but focus on love and the dade i kinky the reformation read the contract was signed -- i can get you the date when the contract was signed. . .
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so between those two things there is an opportunity to still get a solution. >> essentially taking your experience and how that would be the proposal that you will use going forward with takata. >> and let me just add because i have not had a chance to say this you have just raised one of the core questions we have been asking how long do you wait we could not wait a year t


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