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tv   In Depth  CSPAN  June 7, 2015 2:50pm-3:01pm EDT

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d by america's cable companies 35 years ago and brought to you as a local service by your cable or satellite provider. presidential candidates release looks to promote views on issues. here is a look at books written by declared candidates. ben carson calls for greater responsibility to preserve america's future in one nation. and former rhode island recounts her time serving in the senate and hillary clinton looks back on serving in the obama administration in hard choices. andane time for truth, ted cruz talks about his family coming
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from cuba. and in rising to the challenge, difficulties and triumphs are discussed. and mike huckabee gives this take on his life. and kentucky senator rand paul calling for a smaller government in his latest book "taking a stand". another entrance to the 2016 race is former governor of texas rick perry talks about how the government is too intrusive. and in florida dreams, marco rubio talks about his plan to restore opportunities. bernie sander's book the speech is a printing on the
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eight hour filibuster on tax cuts. and rick santorum argues the republican party must focus on the working class in order to retake the whitehouse. in promises to keep he looks back on his we're and explains his guiding principles. former governor jeb bush argues his politics. and we have the louisiana governor who has a book book "leadership and crisis" and explains high conservative principles are needed. and ohio governor calls for a return to traditional american values. and businessman donald trump is expressing an interest to run for president and in time to get tough he criticizes the obama
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administration and outlines his plan. and in a fighting chance massachusetts senator, elizabeth warren recounts events in her life that shaped here career and james web looks back on serving in the military and senate in i heard my country calling. >> >> the journey into american shame, i have been to the houses of people who were destroyed by most people like us. people had not left the house, waking up in the middle of the night and forgetting who they
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were. everyone is deshaming each other. and then when the power transgressed we realized we could do something about it. so if a right ring colorist spoke out we could hurt them with a weapon they didn't understand. social media shaming. it felt like democratizing justice. when the sunday time and vanity fair did a story about shushing society because he wondered what it would be like to shoot a person. i was the first person to alert
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twitter to that. my book about psychopaths decided that test. like all of us wanting to shoot a person is classic psychopath and giving my television documentary bad reviews is classic psycho. not so long ago a family came up to me saying i will never sue another journalist. i said you know how you wrote the column about shooting and i said it is not all of us it is not the normal thing to think, it is just you.
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we were attacking people misusing that privilege and we fell in love with it that a day without shaming felt like a day of picking fingernails and shredding. it was weird and empty in our lives when there wasn't anybody to shame. we started, i think, attacking people who were misusing that privilege. >> you can wind chill this and other programs online at >> as you can see people are filing in for the next event will begins shortly. we will be back with more live coverage from chicago in just a few minutes.
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>> here is a look at the best-selling non-fiction books according to the chicago tribune. the life changing magic of tidy up. the job to simplifying life. and david mccall, a two-time winner of the pulitzer prize recounts the birth of flight in the wright brothers. bill o'reilly and david fischer come in third with a campanion book leanlygendlegends and life. and then fox contributor shares
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her life in "the good news is" and american wife, the wife of chris kyle recounting hoar her life after her husband's death. and in the road to character, david brooks looks at the live of ten individuals as examples to achieve success. and the inventor of tesla and paypal. and tom broke caw discusses his personal battle with cancer in a lucky life interrupted. and that is a look at the current non-fiction best sellers according to the chicago tribune.
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>> here is a look at recent books featured on booktv's afterwards. one recent guest was april ryan whitehouse correspondent for the urban radio networks discussing her life and career. and we spoke with mike huckabee. he talked about politics and culture. wes moore was here for his book the work sharing the quest to find meaning in his life. and booktv talked about his book, gateway to freedom, detailing the history of the underground rail road. and cornel west talked about his book the radical king a collection of speeches by martin luther king junior. and tax reform was the
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discussion from the book end the irs before it ends us. and appearing recently was the author of be safe love mom talking about being a mother to four military officers serving in a war zone. and we looked at the life of the first lady through childhood up to the whitehouse. afterwards airs every saturday at 10 p.m. and sunday at 9 p.m. you can watch all episodes on our website. >> you are watching booktv on c-span2. live coverage of the chicago tribune printers row lit fest held every year in downtown chicago. scott simon is the next author. he will be talking about his


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