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tv   The Communicators  CSPAN  June 8, 2015 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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this week on "the communicators" and author we interviewed at richard matt las vegas talks about the impact of internet on society. we also took a look at some of the new technology on display. ces international is the largest consumer technology show in the world. >> host: joining us on "the communicators" is andrew keen whose most recent book is called "the internet is not the answer"
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answer." first of all of mr. keen what is the question? >> guest: the question is what should be operating system be in our country the commerce economy. >> host: why is the internet not the answer? >> guest: the internet is not the answer at the moment. it's not the answer because in effect it's not working currently. it's lending itself to undermining jobs. it's compounding the inequality of our economic life. it's creating new massive monopolies that were unimaginable in the 20th and 19th centuries and it has created this economy in which we have all been, all internet users have been turned into products. you and i have been packaged up. we have become the product like a big hitchcock movie. >> host: what you write in your book is that silicon valley in 2014 has all the social and
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economic hierarchies of 1914 without any of the social constraints of the old aristocracy. >> guest: yeah i think that's a really interesting point. it's an interesting point in the sense that the old aristocracy had a sense of obligation and responsibility. i don't think one can criticize the silicon valley elite. the problem is a broader culture issue. the problem is the internet has created that cause in the creation of a culture of rights rather than responsibilities so we want, want, want. we demand, demand. want free content and we want twitter auma facebook and google but we are not willing to give anything back. it's the same with the company in the same with entrepreneurs so they are making large fortunes. they are not giving anything
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back and what we need from this new elite they need to acknowledge themselves that sense of responsibility. some more than others. a guy from i think is a better sense of. in some ways even just these those critical of amazon in this book but perhaps his investment in "washington post" will make him a more civically minded person. >> host: rather than an internet bill of rights but we really need is an informal bill of responsibility. what would be included in that? >> guest: responsibility to behave towards each other with respect to respect other peoples property not not to steal content on line not to hide behind anonymity to the extent that they commit suicide and in terms of the companies themselves having a row respect for the consumer. we have the ideology of the consumer. everything is supposed to be in the name of the consumer but
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really it's the consumer that's being exploited because our data is being mined and thirdly in terms of responsibility companies like amazon need to show more responsibility to workers. in the 19th century we have a long struggle between capital capital and lie about working conditions. in many respects amazon's labor policies in amazon's distribution centers and the experience of working for amazon is rather like 19th century factories. there are incredibly exploitative so we need to see more respect for workers and more respect are real people as opposed to the ideology of the consumer that doesn't really exist. >> host: andrew keen when it comes internet privacy isn't the cow already out of the bar and? >> guest: i hope not. if the cow was out of the barn we might as well go home. i think there is still an opportunity to maybe not put the cow back in the warrant but to
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reinvent the farm and away that the business model works. at the moment and this is, not just my critique but the critique of silicon valley. at the moment the business model of free does not work in terms of policy. the only way that google and facebook make money is by giving their stuff out for free. we all use it, wonderful products that ultimately they are collecting our data which they pass on to advertisers and that is where their fortunes lie. that defined the economy. it's not just me. ethan simmers and -- zimmerman one of the original idealists of the internet has become so cynical about this because his business model the original sin of the internet. i think we need to acknowledge the henry think business models. maybe mark zuckerberg is watching this. i would rather pay 10,000 -- $10 a month to facebook. i'm not on facebook because i
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don't want my data to be appropriated and i don't want to be watched all the time but i'd be happier to pay $10 a month to facebook. it's a great service and i can connect with my friends around the world but i don't want i.t. to being mined. this economy that exist now that's more than just on the horizon is really a dystopia. something that science fiction writers have warned us about for centuries. it's becoming real. everything we do and now an internet of things we are at ces today, the internet of things 50 billion connected devices. everything we wear our cars our homes are all connected so everything about us will be known. >> host: being here at ces what is that like for you? >> guest: noisy. >> host: are you enjoying seeing these products? this is gary this is gary duquette does it worry you? >> guest: it's scary and very exciting because ces is the
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future. at ces you see the next five or 10 years on the phone. i've been coming to ces for 20 years and i had an internet startup in the 90s in the music space. i remember coming and seeing the future of connected music. then we have the invention of the ipod downloaded. today the future is in connected cars. the future is in connected clothing and education. the future is in this thing called the internet of things and we see that at ces. becoming real and every year people say it's real and it never really is never really as real by 2015 is one of those watershed years where these great revolutions outside entertainment and outside the media and health care, and education and transportation you are seeing it with companies of course like google so it's a fascinating experience if you think about the way in which
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this new world of connected cars in connected clothing will create a more ubiquitous surveillance state. >> host: the original name for this book "the internet is not the answer" was epic fail. >> guest: the original title is something i can't repeat on your channel but yes epic fail because they think the book is an attempt to evaluate the internet. the internet is almost 50 years old than the first couple of chapters that tell the story of internet. the web in 2014 celebrated its 25th anniversary. it's a late adolescent now. we can't keep saying it's too young and we can't touch it. we have to say but you have got to grow up. you are behaving badly is not working. almost 50 years into the internet and 1969 was when the first computer communication to place so it's four or five more
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years until the 50th anniversary of the internet itself. we have got to step back and say okay plus or minus. we were promised more economic equality, opportunity. we were promised that everyone would be producers and the reality is the reverse. it has enriched a tiny proportion. it is exploiting sn is not working at the moment. it doesn't mean he cannot work. i'm not against technology. i'm as wired as anyone. i'm not against technology and i don't think we should shut the internet down. i'm not in favor of internet status. at the moment we had to be honest it's not working in the important thing about this book i hope is that connect was happening in silicon valley. it says the antuna -- internet is not just the thing that is intimately bound up with some of the things that most worry your
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viewers issues of jobs, economic inequality and data. >> host: andrew keen you write it about silicon valley seceded from time and place a reference to a place called the battery. >> guest: the battery in the narrative of the book the battery becomes the symbolic car. the batteries in his social club set up i have called -- a guy named michael birch is one of the early successors of the internet. he sold his company to aol for a few hundred million dollars and some of that money be put into a social club in downtown tampa cisco. a lovely place in the nrda of the book built around my experience going to lunch there. it's a symbolic place because birch presented this egalitarian place which will draw in all the most interesting people so in a sense what birch is doing with the batteries presenting it in a way which the internet has
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presented the internet itself but the batteries of private social club of multimillionaires and billionaires. it's a place of incredibly fine food and wine, beautiful hotel with spectacular views over san francisco but it's exclusive. it's not inclusive. we were promised that the internet would be this inclusive place for everyone but it isn't. it's just more but we have had in the past and the battery epitomizes that. >> host: andrew keen you seem to have a special animosity towards uber. is that there? >> guest: i wouldn't say it's a special animosity. i have known the ceo for almost 20 years and i respect him. he is a smart guy and he has done an incredible job in terms of turning a tiny start up or hundreds of thousands of private startups into a company that's
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worth $40 billion. >> host: valued at avis and -- combined. >> guest: this is the most valuable privately held company in history. certainly start up kind -- company in history. he has done a remarkable job of executing in a business sense. he has done a remarkable job taking an idea and making it real. you go-round the world and you can get uber cars. it's not just an idea. he is put into practice. having said that uber represents two or three things about the new world that i find particularly troubling. he himself is an example of someone who has no sense of responsibility. he is a party boy. he is a frat void charming and buried it became popular with the ladies. he has boasted about how uber has made them even more popular which is angered a lot of people
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understandably. he doesn't seem to nail to grasp that he's not just a kid with a shiny new toy anymore. he is a profound responsibility because he is reinventing the world. he is challenging and undermined the jobs of tens of thousands of taxi car drivers and operators and small business people all over the world. that sounds i would like travis to become more of a match, to grow up and become responsible. he epitomizes the childishness and irresponsibility of the silicon valley entrepreneurs with have gone from nothing to multibillionaires sometimes in the space of a few months. secondly oprah is an example of a company that is breaking all the rules. only save the internet is not the answer bernat -- uber allows anyone to become a cabdriver and use their cell phone to get cabs cabs. in that sense it's competing and
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i'm i'm not a defender of the old system. we have all sat in the back of filthy dirty cabs with incredibly rude cabdrivers who endlessly try to rip us off so the old world needs to improve. however uber is problematic because they make no attempt to regulate their system. let me give you one anecdote in this sense. i was in detroit a few months ago in the back of a cab, an african-american entrepreneur was driving. he was endlessly complaining about oprah because he said it would undermine his business and put them out of work. he would have to work for uber. he said his brother-in-law just came out of jail and did 10 years for manslaughter. if you have been in jail for 10 years having done pretty serious crimes you can become a cabdriver.
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so he became an uber driver great is that what they want legs uber isn't checking. we have a case in india were one of the drivers raped a woman. we have more and more cases in the bay area where driver stalk women and they exploit them and are rude to them. we need more regulation. the internet is not the answer in the sense that when the government. i'm not a european socialist in favor of doing away of the market but the way the industrial revolution worked in the 19th century and that's why the book is historical is the industrial revolution only succeeded because of regulation. it didn't do away with innovation or the afterburner but we need more regulation with networks like uber would say they are representing the consumer but they aren't. and thirdly the economics of the
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uber trouble me. first it's incredibly exploitative in terms of consumers. when it rains and there's a storm they put their prices up. we have no defenses of against being completely ripped off but most importantly oprah claims it is emancipated anyone becoming a cabdriver doing away with the old monopolies but the reality is it's a new uber monopolist. 40 billion-dollar valuation. i think it is raised five to $10 billion. the money comes from wall street and silicon valley and it's an attempt to do away with all these mom-and-pop taxi drivers in every every city in every world and replacing it with a single entity, uber. oprah will control the american and global -- that is what it's worth $40 billion that is why google put $250 million of its own money in. if uber represents the example
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of a new platform monopolist. very scary. i don't want travis kalanick controlling me every time i get a cab particular because it's a big data company. as we have seen with recent revelations that oprah is looking at our data. i do want to uber looking at where we are going. do you? but what is futurecast? >> guest: futurecast addresses all of these issues. it's held at the follow-up to the foundry which is an at&t ericson innovation center. what i like about futurecast is it shows my commitment to innovation. i'm not a a reactionary. we bring in small -- more people to talk about the way technology is changing the world. we have an invitation only list of people who come to these events and it's a really fun way to think about the challenges of the future. we have for example the ceo of utah city who was the guy who
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invented google glass and self driving cars. we have politicians and investors. we have the guy behind -- so in its attempt to seriously think about these issues and is in terms of this book an attempt to turn kids of silicon valley to grub to make them more responsible for the impact on technology which is changing the world in every sense. >> host: has tom perkins ever spoken at futurecast? >> guest: i would like to have him as if he's watching his more than welcome. tom perkins -- >> host: who. >> guest: tom perkins was the original venture capitalist of silicon valley. a very brilliant man who made a fortune but also an ultra-libertarian right-wing just as travis kalanick. i could have invented travis kalanick is the epitome of an irresponsible entrepreneur so
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tom perkins is the epitome of a massively rich venture capitalist who is out of touch with reality. tom perkins believes for example that we don't have to worry about the impact of google buses are silicon valley or living conditions in the bay area. tom perkins is a radical free-market guy a hard-core libertarian and it's bad hard-core libertarianism that opposition to any kind of regulation the idea that the market can rule everything, the idea that it's internet and its unregulated form is the answer. >> host: "the internet is not the answer" is the name of andrew keen's book, epic f incorporated failure was the original title. this is "the communicators" on c-span2. >> with that with creators of technology on display at ces
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international. >> host: ces gives a innovation were worse for new technology and startups that are displayed at their annual convention and pseudo-labs won one of those awards. the directors daniel rubin. you have to start up new technology. congratulations on your award. how old is this technology and we will get it? >> guest: the technology is new. it moves across the paper and i'm excited to show you our new developed technology. >> host: what have you got? >> guest: we have the first media robotic pritzer. the printers we have at home we took the print head out of the box and put it on a small robot with wheels and it rolls across the page printing. >> host: let's see how it works.
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first of all this is the printer itself. just so we know that. >> guest: this is the printer and you can print from any device, phone, computer microsoft word. our apps is how much inc. is left then much battery life. we will open a recent item and open zuta graphic. we are using this text to show you the complexity and different types of black and white that it has. >> host: that is your brand name. >> guest: we are going to click check and the size of the paper. was is unique about this printers you can use any size paper. it's not limited to 8.5 times 11 paper. we'll tell you to position the paper in the top left-hand corner. the way it works is there's a 90-degree angle on the printer. but printer will go to the corner of the paper.
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there are no buttons except for an on-off switch. as long as zuta is lined up simply click print in their toes. >> host: as we watch this happen do you have inc. inside there right now? >> guest: it's an inkjet printer that holds over 100 pages were worth of bank. this prototype is lower than the actual printer. it pauses at the end of each line. the real printer -- this illustrates the movement of the printer. >> host: daniel rubin had to get this started? >> guest: we are on kickstarter. we had amazing support. thank you guys for all the support and we would be here for work for them. we raised over $500,000 on kickstarter and now we have gone from there to the ces innovation award and. >> host: if someone wanted to print a document how long will it take wax. >> guest: the average is under
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a minute. it depends on if it's taxed or graphic. this prototype is lower than the average pitcher. >> host: we are about at the u and i don't know if you u and i don't know if you can see the c and d over there or not. we will try to get in and see if it's there. when will this be on the market? >> guest: we are open for pre-orders now and you can get them in september. $199 to buy a printer. when it goes into -- it will be 299. the point of my excitement is some bigger companies charge a lot for the ink. it's easier for customers to refill and $29. >> host: wordy, but the concept of a robotic there? guest of the founders were sitting in a coffee shop and they needed to print that i couldn't. they looked for certain photo printers and there were some but
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none that looked as beautiful and practical as this. >> host: what is the name of the printer? zuta pocket printer. >> host: zuta. daniel rubin is the business developer. thank you for your time. >> guest: thank you so much time. it is done. >> host: "the communicators" continues its tour of the eureka park area. ces international in vegas. this is where a lot of startups and a lot of new technology is demonstrated and exhibited and now we wantage ducey to steve dubnik the ceo of -- >> guest: from your language to someone else's language at the same time and they hear you
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in their language and you hear them in your language. >> host: if i found someone in mexico i would speak in english and what would happen? >> guest: when you speak english they would hear you speak english and they wait a couple of seconds and they hear it translated to spanish. they were polite to in spanish and you have an ordinary conversation like he you can with someone in your language. >> host: what is the technology making this happen? >> guest: we have played host to platforms in the clouds so you go to the telepathy network to access it and any speak. we use a combination of technologies were voice-recognition text translation and text-to-speech is the technical term behind it. >> host: where did you come up with the idea? >> guest: our company was founded by a computational linguist ph.d. who lives in israel and he was the visionary behind the technology. he has been chasing after the "star trek" type of translator
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for many years. if his vision to do this. he created a project started in 2010. we started to commercialize and 2013 and i joined the company last year to help them take it to the marketplace and to get it out there. >> host: when do you foresee it being on the market? >> guest: it's on the market today. if you go to our web site you can register your phone number and get the first 10 minutes for free to try it out and see how well you like it and you can buy it on a prepaid basis. >> host: is this the first type of this technology? >> guest: there are a lot of companies coming out with technologies like this but we are the first real-time language translation system is out there. we offer 16 languages so we are able to help many people communicate. >> host: what is your background? >> guest: i have a telephone background.
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>> host: doing what kind of were? >> guest: telecom companies. i have been ceo of both the companies and found some companies in the boom with my own company at the time so i was invited to look at this company for investment. i like the investment opportunities-o-meter decided to join them. >> host: you are based in rochester new york. >> guest: our headquarters remain in israel. >> host: steve dubnik exifone in rochester new york. thank you very much. >> guest: thank you very much. appreciate it. >> if you'd like to see more programs go to
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>> >> and would be heading back to europe to continue talks. the crisis did you grade was escalating and we will he your id detail about ukraine isis was on a rampage. and the u.s.-led coalition was weighing tough choices to defeat the growing peril of american interests and allies in the middle east including israel.


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