tv U.S. Senate CSPAN June 12, 2015 10:00am-8:01pm EDT
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contacts the concept of excessive use of force but the question of what constitutes a reasonable seizure under the fourth and it is essentially the court has said it's a very factor down in greater where you have speeded stop anyone for anything. >> walking fast, walking slow come into work we have a wandering come you can stop people for wandering. ..
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i'm what constitutes a reasonable -- >> let me respond to that is that leadership within the department is really the most important ingredient in delivery services to the street. and there are different forms of leadership in the department could go a long way and accessing all the information available. most times when there is a criticism of the police department. one of the things i always do is look at the internal affairs or inspectional function within that department. almost universally it is weak and inappropriate and as the disrespect not only in the tv programs by disrespecting the department. basically the best training really is a seamless collection
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of data not only from the courtroom but also what is the suspicion. i've sat in on reasonable suspicion talks, but very accomplished people. it's not just a question of reasonable suspicion, go and do it. it is let's look at these cases. let's see how the judge analyzes the situation. let's apply to what happens on the streets of new york the streets of baltimore and what it means to you. when you act like a cowboy you'll be sanctioned quickly and no longer be in the department. >> there is also this issue which is i ride my bike in new york city. when i ride my bike to work, i break the law. i stop at red lights. i don't run red lights because i used to do that but that is crazy and reckless. that there are a whole bunch of
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guidelines about how i buy can operate in an urban environment and i cut a lot of corners. i could be stopped by a police officer, but i am not. i suspect if i looked different and if i were in another neighborhood i would be. walter scott -- what was walter scott's infraction? he had a car. it had three brake lights, two of which were working. one of which was out. by the letter of the law i ended up spending time in the south carolina brake light statue, by the letter of the law it was a legitimate stock because if you have a brake light, you are supposed to have at least two. if you have one and its outcome of that is a violation. the point is this entire category of stops of policing of contact between police that might be legitimate, might be justifiable, but folks suspect and are probably right, are being driven by essentially a
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cloud in racial i suspicion. >> the minutia of the law, the really good ones i used to do that. for example if in d.c. it is illegal to play in an alley or street. it is a 5-dollar fine. and i was working in an area in 1998 that had a significant amount of violence. the people i had to work with them were perpetrated ended up going to jail on federal indictment. in order to deal with the elements in the things they did every day they were an alley one day playing basketball. it is against the law. believe it or not it is and you can't play the game this way. they challenged me and i went to take the ball.
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he started playing and say you are under arrest. whatever. i ended up arresting him, went to court and i sublet me understand what you're telling me here. it is illegal to play basketball in an alley. yes, sir. it's in the books. i said okay let's proceed. the issue as you can get frustrated with what is on the boat. the police officer didn't write it. >> kaman that is a copout. >> it is not a copout. >> this is a perfect example. >> these individuals -- we did a long-term investigation. those individuals ended up being indicted, the largest in d.c. at the time. one of the largest groups involved in all kind of violence in the community. >> they were playing basketball at the time. >> yes, they were.
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that was a tool in my toolbox. >> we are saying the same thing. you did not arrest them because they were playing basketball. you arrested them because these were guises you wanted. >> had he picked up his ball and walked away he wasn't arrested. he refused. >> you didn't have suspicion at the time they were involved. >> yes, we did. i arrested them for playing ball in the alley. when i arrested them for playing ball in the alley i was on patrol still. i asked them to stop. that's not illegal. yes, it is. he said picked up the ball and continue playing. i arrested him. >> it seems to me there's nothing wrong with targeting police resources where they should be targeted. you knew this is a dangerous and high crime area if you had a basis to make that stop and it did in fact result in a
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prosecution and all the rest. here is what i found a lot. one of the common things written down in a high crime area. this means they had no suspicions before the stop that these people are done anything. and then what happened is that escalated. there is the danger. it is okay to target their resources. it may be okay to make the stop when you have the technical basis to do so. that is what seems to have got lost in the barracks corridor case. this is not a huge crime. this is at most an administrative violation. they say he was resisting arrest. apparently the video shows a man walking backward insane don't arrest me. if that is called resisting that is sort of a strange idea. to go from there to a chokehold and take down and all that followed, that is the problem. the lack of comment on how to
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follow it. the statistics which i could go back to when a black person was not too is twice as likely to be stopped. the seizure rate is actually higher because they had your suspicion. they were a fact is what their perception of cause. with the black guy they stopped them more lightly as a cottbus contraband, less guns were dismissals. the mac in this discussion would look at the community in this police and we are not bringing in the human element of it. unfortunately in a lot of the communities, a lot of the police don't come from those communities, do not have interaction other than policing in the communities. there is a huge chasm between understanding what is reasonable
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in a video culture. if you put me somewhere in asia naturally i don't understand and know how they interact and how the culture is and what should be perceived by some stranger dvd. i think that is a problem we don't address that unfortunately a lot of the police officers that are police in this urban environment that we feel i've been over police aren't naturally from those communities and don't naturally have the conductivity. >> but in the conversation that the racialized suspicion and fear of the police racialized admission by the police is all part of the element of the encounter between the police and the community. there is research on implicit bias that informs who is deemed to be suspicious. why we think people who are walking down the street might be suspicious of a crime. i want to go back to walter's
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point about accountability and the culture of the police department. there's enough into the room which is about the role of the police unit in this conversation. at least from where i sat, all i see for the police union is stored as a defensive approach to this problem. is there room for police union says they look we have very good officers in our midst. irresponsible officers, officers of integrity. can we help the police department the chief within the police department create systems of accountability so we are not all with this broad stroke. >> yes there is a role for the police union to do that. if you look at the history of the d.c. police union i can't
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speak to any other police union but we've been out front and aggressive in demanding quality and internal affairs, very good review. we bought a more robust review. just recently there was a huge debate in washington about our camera program. we supported that. i was there at the chief of the rolled it out. the new mayor doesn't want 80 and wants to make access through foia not permitted. what is the purpose is spending $5.5 million to buy more cameras than put them on the members ever record all interactions with the public because it's for accountability and then turn around and not let anybody access the film. it would defeat the purpose because the members of the union i represent and other police are vilified right now. it is absolutely incomprehensible or mayor would do that. police unions understand we are partners at the managers of the leadership of the police department. one of the things i want is
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always to have the best. not just the best candidates officers leadership equipment. in order to do that we have to cooperate and interact and try to make the police department better. in manchester union leader. i'm a police man. >> let me just comment because at least in my experience when responsible for internal affairs, police unit were an impediment to finding out what happened on the street. there were ongoing cases be made on what was called obstruction of justice in which police union representatives were encouraging officers to get together with the story and explained what was there, to give them something that would withstand internal affairs inspections. so it does vary from department to department. clearly in a system that results in a failed or not his investigative result needs to be
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changed. >> let me say this. there is this the perceptual problem. i understand you don't want to speak to other ones but let me say i've been covering this. they are 100% an obstacle in other places. >> excuse me. some police unions may be obstructionist in their view that this is what happens. you've either grow and move with the paradigm shift or you will get overrun. labor in this country for a long time was a bit part of the private sector. they did an adaptive changes things in the country change. progressive police unions do. i think what is disingenuous -- let me finish this point row quake. when we characterize all unions and public sector unions as obstructionist to the process, my job just like when he
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defends someone is to ensure their due process rights are not violated. that is the role of the union. to characterize them i think does a disservice when we were here at the american constitutional society convention to talk about people's rights. >> let me say this. the tone of statement that it comes from police unions have been remarkable to me. >> i think we are talking about new york. >> i think is talking about the n.y.p.d. a lot. >> i'm talking about a statement released by the police benevolent association two days ago in cleveland to refer to the people who filed an affidavit to bring the case before the judge there to define a probable cause in the shooting death of 12-year-old samir rice. they refer to the people who did that is having miserable lives. >> i can't support that
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statement. >> let me finish my point, please. the unions that strikes me are an animation of the way a lot of police officers feel, which is a lot of police officers feel at this moment in battle. they feel vilified. they feel like every single thing they do with now going to be subject to criticism by people watching the videotapes who have no idea what happened before him. they feel like -- i've been talking to police officers for nine months off the record and on the record. they tell me over and over again they feel persecuted. so the point is there is a perceptual gathering, a profound one. people may watch the videos and say we have a problem. police say like we have a problem that we are being paid down.
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there's not an agreement. we shouldn't fool ourselves to thinking there's an agreement between these two. >> i want to join the conversation that in my case one of the things that was improper for the police that they would be pressured to have a number of spots. they did not like those goals resourcing them into bad police work. to return to an earlier topic which was racial balance of the police force and how the police force should reflect the communities they police in our city, the police force is becoming more and more minority and percentage. ours is getting towards 50%. it doesn't necessarily do away with problems. what about the supervisory level. while the police officer racial makeup is changing, though setting policy and thus at the top they not be changing and that is still a problem. so it's very.
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>> that's right. >> just because i'm a black man police in west baltimore doesn't necessarily mean i connect with the community of west baltimore. the african-americans and minorities are on olympic like any other demographic. it's important when we look at the police force i remember of the national news in freddie gray at cap say what is the makeup of the offices. race is always the underlining driver at how we look at a situation. at the end of the day the institutionalized and normalization generating the response is absolutely nothing to do with race but to do with the particular individual. that is what i mean about individuals to connect with the community. a white officer who knows what's baltimore is a great police officer in his post in west baltimore and do an effective job as opposed to someone who's
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african-american from idaho who cannot connect. >> the white officer has won her shoe to become a total racial divide. he's not evaluated on the good work he did. to go back to the constitutional behavior the judge was referring to. the unconstitutional pressure the leadership plays on the members of the n.y.p.d. to get these numbers. i don't know if you guys remember we had the trinidad check point. the people that object to the most and screams the loudest were members. this is not legal. this is not constitutional. you cannot do this until a federal court told the police department that this was illegal. going back to the fact unions are obstructionist in terms of getting to the point of constitutional policing is just inaccurate. we should be very, very careful how we use language and character is one group of people like the councilmembers that is
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monolithic. police department specifically of 18000. >> i'm happy to acknowledge some progressive police unions and your union may be among them. counselor mosby might be of the speech of this better than i can. am i correct in understanding their sister bill of rights the police have. so there are mechanisms built into the love which protect the police. so if there is excessive use of force the police don't have to speak to investigators right away. there is a window of time. >> what about self-incrimination. that is a criminal offense. the law enforcement officers brides do not come in at all. >> see how as a cashier at a local convenience store and my boss came to me and said did you take money out of the cash register. i don't have to tell you.
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i'm not going to talk to you until i get a lawyer. there's a good chance i'll be fired. so we can talk about -- >> at the police came and asked the same question, what right does they have not to say anything? apples to share his comparison. >> i'm saying my boss and my boss being the mayor. >> we are talking about constitutional rights. we are not talking about where you work. i don't check my constitutional rights at the door when i become a police man. >> you with some rights in the police department for internal investigations. you can also be let go. you have waived that right and agree to cooperate in an investigation as part of the job. the >> if we are talking about
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something that's criminal overtones or potential criminal charges if the police department wants to compel me to answer the question, they will give me a warning vis-à-vis garrity versus new jersey. i must answer the question. until they do that i still put his criminal charges. my constitutional rights attached and nothing to answer the question unless you make it. >> i want to return to bodycare mess. >> so we had this big topic i was just touched on for a minute. some police departments coming your support the idea. this kind of protective of the police officer. a contemporaneous reporting helps that he said she said were that the judge now lives in. we weren't there. once i said this happened, one said the student. the other police departments are completely opposed and will listen to reason.
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they just think it's another way to spy on the police officer. the whole issue where we are heading with today's technology he is going to be there anyway. so the police might as well get on board because there's videos from both directions. the cops could focus on the so-called perpetrator. i don't see why the police department doesn't see it in their interest. there are lot of issues and a great article in your material this morning. a good article of materials about what we will do with the videos. how we store them, who gets access when can the police officer turn it on and off. this privacy issues. it's not easy. it's not a panacea. everyone will put on body cameras and there will be no more interactions. it won't be that simple. we need to talk about why some police unions are so opposed to putting on cameras.
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>> they haven't recognized the paradigm shift. they don't sit down and be part of the solution. the decisions will be made and excluded and force whether they like it or not to use the systems. my advice is that i watch is to be at the table informing the policies the u.k. and protect members. if you don't it's happening anyway. we went from using revolvers to semi automatic pistols. over for not wearing body armor to body armor. computers in the car -- manichaeans. the people who oppose cameras made similar arguments they make now. the big issue we have to worry about is storage, access, foia. other than not you can work out the policy within your agency. >> let me also state and the unlike department will take the view that there is no doubt they
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don't want in terms of assessing the investigative result. they will take it from anywhere, any source. so basically if what your goal is evaluating police performance all data available and data available and that is a police officers that can control proper training. >> the bill is not to protect the police. it's to protect the public. >> protecting the public is department coming out correctly on an investigative issue. protects both sides. you have a real record that you wouldn't otherwise have. >> i understand. i was responding to sergeant burton's point that the body camera is protected that the orientation is obviously her job to protect your members but also protect the peace and safety for the public.
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>> what we found in our discussion is remembered the original proposal or premise was police accountability. once we said yes we will have bodycare mess than the law of unintended consequences that we have advocacy groups ancient police officers encounter sexual assault victims turn the camera on and off. they don't want their face on the cameras recorded. should domestic violence victims be interviewed or talked to while it's recording. with the interviews and the detectives then activate them that guns advocates of course not. we want that part should be private. the initial encounter should be recorded. >> i'll take a few questions here. maybe you can talk about this a little. what is the role of implicit bias and is there a rule to implement training specifically
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on bias? >> there's a tremendous amount of research coming out. philip thought that harvard has a lot of research about implicit bias in policing. i think what we know is implicit bias is a real problem. we all have it. in the context of policing it becomes a real problem because it informs who is perceived as a suspect, who is perceived as suspicious. there are training mechanisms available. i can't speak to them specifically but it's an issue we have to address. >> sergeant burton, how about this one. can you address disproportionate military type it such as overreliance on s.w.a.t some with a lot of attention recently. particularly coming out of ferguson. >> we have had riot for decades and i've heard some people say the riot started because of military equipment.
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militarized equipment, for example, we use them here in washington d.c. in certain circumstances the only vehicle that could go in certain places and safely extract someone with some of the armored personnel vehicles because they withstand the bricks and everything being thrown. the idea police departments have become militarized i disagree with the characterization. the uniforms we wear may look military, but the police department and cells have not become militarized because the mission of the military and the mission of the police department is completely different. like walter i happen to spend some time in the marine corps. our mission to close and destroy the enemy. my community is not my enemy in policing. my job is to help people. my job is to protect property
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and do it in a way that i don't treat people disrespectfully. it's not always easy. i'm not here to tell you police officers don't mistakes and don't screw it up royally sometimes. i think the characterization police forces have become like the military is a mischaracterization. >> there is a detail i always think about and the department of justice and the cleveland police department which is one of the things noted by investigators in a particularly impoverished neighborhood in cleveland and the police department, there is a sign of the caught at forward operating base, which is of course the term taken straight from the military operating base has been might be protected bases in the middle of sort of enemy
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territory. this was pointed out by investigators that's exactly what this target of saying about the wrong kind of thinking. >> that sends a message. one of my biggest struggles is facebook and social media. they have a tendency to post things that if the brilliant attorneys in the room was defending him on could you hang them out to dry in the stand? i give you an example. shooting in aurora colorado i had a number of the facebook page. i don't know what's wrong with you white boys away shooting. i got on the phone right away. have you lost your mind? take that down right now. five years from now someone that is doing research on you will find it. you'll be in court and testify. you will be asked to be a bias against white and boom there it is because you posted it. we try hard to get people to
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understand the imagery and words in a very important way. >> judge will courts be more willing to visit the constitutionality in light of recent police brutality and unreasonable cases? >> to speak for all courts across the country federal and state a lot of course. we just got that indictment from the judge based on the citizen's complaint that bypass the prosecutor. some judges would decided, some wouldn't. with depression issues all the time. some judges are willing to suppress and some aren't. i don't think it's a question that can be answered. i think everybody sensitivities are heightened. i want to take a minute on the last question about the military equipment. if you aren't people to the teeth they will use the arm. if you have a taste their and
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you have it available the tendency is to pull it out and use it out and use it. one of the worst ones in new york was a stairwell inspection. called the burly case. these new cops brand-new cops come his supervisors, kids essentially doing a stairway patrol with their hands on the gun and they are so nervous they take out the gun and shoot the couple. it did make a bit of sense. the couple did nothing to deserve being shot. you are carrying it. it is fair. he pull it out and use it. i thought after i read that you don't even need to have the gun. just go up and down with the baton and do your patrol. they really shouldn't be violence. if you are armed, the danger of overuse of the weapons is there. [applause] >> i don't know how to get past the second amendment. number two i don't know how u.s. police officers to go police and the second amendment
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exists without being armed. number three, the use of equipment like chasers is a response and request in the community. so we're police officers carrying a lot of things and having to make decisions about which less lethal option to use. that is absolutely tragic. >> a quick comment. i say as are almost all questions, it's a leadership issue. there will be times somewhere in new york city where you want to have military equipment. how often does that happen? roving patrols all over new york city. the reality is 95%, 96% of policing should have nothing to do with that. you do not take your weapon out of the holster. unless you intend to use the weapon.
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no longer with the department was acting inconsistently with firearms training. >> maybe he thought he was in fear of his life. that is the racial aspect. but made them so scared? basically if we bumped into. >> he had his weapon now. again disregarding his training had his finger on the trigger. the bullet ricocheted off the wall and start young man coming down the stairway. a tragic set of events because he did not follow training in terms of keep your finger out of the trigger mr. intend to shoot some pain. that is consistently all firearms training. the mac is a tragedy a man lost his life and i hear you acknowledging that. the gentleman's point is let's look at the set of rules the weapons we allow the police to
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carry under circumstances where they may not be needed to pay to those incidents happening. candidly, it disturbs me a little bit to hear an indication of the second amendment rights. what about the due process rights of the man who was gunned down in the stairwell. >> my point about the second amendment and answering questions about the police officer in the stairwell. america is a society are into the teeth. it is impossible to send police officers to face the threats on the streets and the kinds of weapons people can legally carry without having the police officer being armed. >> would need a lot more gun control in this country. we really do. [applause] >> maybe you can sort of address this. a major city or the panelists comment on the role of fear
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causing encounters to escalate minority communities and police and people living in those communities. >> again, and natural gas cannot add the individuals who are called to police communities. when you have unfortunately incidents we have seen play out throughout america because of the role of social media and because of access to cameras the chasm is widening as we speak. it is critically important to develop the training around implicit biases but also ensure we provide opportunities for folks in those communities to eventually patrol the communities. i think that is one of the biggest disconnects. a place at baltimore city again we have offices coming as far as pennsylvania, west virginia to work every single day. not to say you can be in pennsylvania or west virginia but you look at it and have close to 30% of the offices living in baltimore city and the
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other 60 plus% living elsewhere. it is critically important again you provide folks the opportunity to manage and release their own. >> talk about fear for a second. it always strikes me the point you made about guns. it would be very different to police in tokyo or bell jones then it would be in america because the odds of anyone you encounter in tokyo being armed or essentially vanishingly small. that is not true in america. there is a real genuine chance. >> how much do you think that affects police psychology? >> if you hear in a police officer say they went through an entire career without being afraid of telling the truth there instances where fear plays a factor. the metric set aside one level of fear person next to us as
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individuals and it all depends how comfortable you are with where you are. i think to the councilmembers point if you are not from the community, your level of fear may be higher and this is not a white or black issue. if you grew up in the suburbs than that you are now police in west baltimore that is not an environment you're accustomed to. there is a level of fear and its individualized and i'm sure it plays a part somewhere. >> your assumption may be wrong about everybody being armed. the four-point or that stops over nine years remember one point i% were seized. that's an insensible number of 4.4 million stops. >> 1.5%. if you are a police officer, 1.5 out of every 100 stops in over
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the course of the month you'll encounter a gun. that's my point. >> the concerns are nice screwdrivers. anything can be a weapon if someone intends to harm you with it. i can take this pen in his japan are my teeth or anything else as a weapon. in terms of protecting yourself as a police officer against weapons, equipment is important. i just had the good fortune of talking to a bunch of kindergartners and first graders about police work two days ago. i asked all of them what they thought might be just what was. none of them, kindergartners got it right. all this stuff on my ballot -- the biggest tool i have is my brain and how i deal with people. the next most important tool is the law and the way i enforce the law. if i do it properly i leave the encounter with not all citizens
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but as a citizen. >> the human element, the skills and common sense to bring to the encounter sounds like you would agree with me to say somebody had a pad or a knife. the first response should not be to shoot that person. the first response should be to de-escalate. >> or tissue. >> of a person has a knife in the account was calm would put that down while we talk and when we finish a good eager nice back if it is legal. if you have been knife in your hand look at the film at a philadelphia taken this week with the gentleman had a i found already. he had to back up and back up and back. fortunately he had space to retreat because he would have been severely harmed. the other thing about knives as weapons. they were designed to stop
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bullets at high velocity. they don't do very well. that is why police officers are concerned about edged weapons. distance is our friend. one of the things they teach in the police academy is the more distant the more options that allows you to employ. the closer you are, the more danger to both of you because you always bring the gun to the encounter. >> are there any alternatives such as citation and summoned viable as a way to reduce conflict in cost? >> i would say sure. arrest leads to bail. i don't know if you saw the article yesterday about the protesters in baltimore city. the protesters fail to satisfy as the cops who did the murder. they are being set at $250,000 which the folks don't have said they spent a month or 10 months in pretrial incarceration without being conveyed it. this can't be right. arrest is a terrible thing if you can do such as a ticket or
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some and then i think the police department does not and is trying to not do her best. >> is a major study right now going on in the city with recognizing the summons program has been a complete failure. the idea of the broken windows concept i think enlightened policing there are minors riding a bike and running into somebody and killing them. about three months ago there are situations where an arrest is necessary or severe summons is required. riding on the sidewalk they can be a just by much less intrusive types of means. the republican national convention in new york resulted in hundreds of arrests. the bottom-line result was millions of dollars in settlement. i didn't do any good for new
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yorkers. >> we can look at arrest. there's lots of interaction. if you are a young african-american man growing up, the likelihood you will have a consistent interaction with police whether vested or not is much higher than other folks tended satirist to give back to the caps-on of the citizens of the police department. how can we develop ways that the police officers been there to protect and serve in being accountable and friendly and a good relationship with the community. if i'm doing something wrong, i understand that interaction. some of the things disproportionately applied in urban areas to folks walking on the street. >> you now have an arrest record. you have to disclose the employment application. fingerprint or there.
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a lot of collateral consequences to being arrested that are just partially born. >> the summons in lieu of arrest in terms of the escalating situation is not always going to because of the person believes they didn't do anything wrong the summons and some jurors diction it quite a mess. when you pay you have to be both been fingerprinted. there is no difference other than you don't go to jail that day. the issue here is the legislative six. you can only be preventively detained if you commit a crime of violence as defined in the code. this is where the state legislature, city council in congress must make a determination. you show up at trial for use people in jail. that is something the legislature needs to fix. unless it's crime of violence on us to have a conviction or on probation, you will be released.
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the encounter and the successful conclusion of the encounter all depends on the demeanor and behavior of the police officer commit demeanor and behavior of citizen to make sure we leave them in a better place we found and it's not always easy because of their labors for tickets he won't be happy with me. if i leave you with the summons he won't be happy with me. or i leave you with the summons and then you might be happier. >> final question here. is there an obligation part of leadership to distinguish between negligence and criminality in force cases? >> i would say it is a requirement of leadership to have within the department and macinnis said that connect timely, thorough and professional way analyze every encounter and come to a conclusion as to what was the conduct of the officer to go
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when the criminal context going criminal way and if the conduct is such that there are violations of administrative firearms arose and what have you that there can be a concurrent administrative function to apply an effective way. frequently the public focuses on what is the public prosecutor doing without a real meaningful ability to assess whether the department is acting expeditiously within to hold the officer accountable. >> it seems like such a black fox to those of us watching. >> a black box at times new york was close to solution. you've got to get them to agree because they are a wizard to do their criminal case should trump anything the department is doing. the commissioner has to stand up and say look, i cannot afford to have an officer who was acting
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>> what is going to happen today? >> well, it looks like it will vote on three bills today, the two huge boats we are looking at. the trade adjustment assistance, which is a democratic priority. then started to revolt on that yesterday. they just weren't happy with what was going on and they are seen as a way to potentially stop the trade promotion authority bill which is probably
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the second voted today. if they pass ca they can move onto tpa. if either one of the bills failed it would pretty much for right now stop all the trade bills. >> now in the hill this morning you go through all the members of congress to enlist how they are voting. currently, ms. needham, what is your count? >> we are still at about three dozen or so democrats undecided. right now we are really looking at democrats. we are expecting everybody, calling it in niagara falls of those. we are starting to see everyone come out in support or opposition. there is a group of democrats who will probably wait until they are on the floor and watching the vote counts to cash their boat and there may be a handful who wait and decide on
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the floor after they see the results pileup how they will vote. it will absolutely be close. i've heard reports there could be up to 30 democrats who support trade promotion authority. as if any of these type votes on trade it kind of depends on what happens. >> what is the reason that numbers the public hasn't been able to see the transpacific partnership agreement as rich and then members have to go into a deeper grew and take notes or cell phones do not the only place. >> share, trade deals 12 nations including the united states involved in this agreement. the kind of understanding or explanation not at the white house and from the other trading partners includes japan, australia, new zealand is they
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prefer a certain level of confidentiality so that they can put out word their authors on what they want to see in the trade agreement. it is kind of this living document constantly changing and they are always trying to nail down chapter by chapter. if congress does pass trade promotion authority the expectation that this has been said especially nations like canada would actually put down their best deals. so basically they want to negotiate and kindness continually change their offers and that is what they've asked for. it would be available to the public if the trade promotion authority bill passes for 60
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days before the president signed it. most democrats of foes argue that it's too late they can make changes to it. but that is that the explanation of the white house and trading partners has been. they expect more confidentiality in negotiations. >> what has been the role of nancy pelosi? >> minority leader in the house has basically made sure the white house and her members have an open channel with each other. and most of the house leadership including steny hoyer and jim clyburn. a lot of officials have come up to capitol hill. yesterday a big flurry of activity with secretary jack lu on the hill in chief staff. they basically said you guys can come up saw the trade deal might democrats decide how they
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will vote down the road. they basically left the door open and guide you guys can come up here and talk to everyone and i will let the members decide. she has not taken any position yet. they just sort of let members go through the process and make it their own minds. >> john boehner and the republicans have been whipping their members to vote for this? >> yes. in fact, ways and means chairman paul ryan who's one of the co-authors on the tpa bill with orrin hatch is the finance chairman in the senate and the top democrat on that committee, ron wyden wrote the bill. he has taken aggressive role along with his ways and means committee has really helped. they've held up the trade meetings lately with republicans
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to answer questions and a very good number of republicans have shown up including one who was tactical, who haven't voted for trade in the past. they've taken an aggressive stance tried to make sure members are educated and understand what is in tpa in the transpacific partnership in answer any overarching trade question and members have been in the assessors zaniness helped them review what is and all of these bills. the trade is very complex. it's a very open process. >> finally trade for bill what should we watch for? >> that's a great question. it has to be trade adjustment assistance.
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that bill needs to pass in order for trade promotion authority to come out. there's a lot of democrats including sandy levin who's the top democrat on ways and means. he's going to oppose it. a lot of liberal democrats who have come out against fast track authority see that as stopping taa, which is a top priority for them that help so few who've lost their jobs because of trade and it's been included in the package. it's not working as well as getting the votes in the past. to move the bill along with tpa so we are really going to be watching how many democrats go for it and vote against it. we have been hearing some folks will go for two yeah. it's a really interesting mix. a slow boat like we saw the ruling yesterday potentially
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with certain ones coming in and helping out. it was a little more optimism on the side of folks who wanted to see it pass. republicans don't like it but they may need to throw out a few more votes that way to ensure tpa gets a vote today. >> vicki needham is with the hill newspaper. thank you for your time this morning.
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>> the committee will come to order. without objection the chair is authorized to declare recess on the committee at any time. the hearing is entitled the future of housing in america oversight of the department housing and urban development. i recognize myself for three minutes to give an opening statement. as we approach the 50th anniversary of the founding of the department of housing and urban development been struck by president johnson's boldness as he launched the great society with these words. we have declared unconditional war on poverty. our objective is to love it to read. i do is establish one year later in 1965 to become the main weapon in combating poverty rebuilding cities in making housing more affordable for all. they nearly every official
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measure, poverty and its consequences are as bad as they were 50 years ago. poverty rates is essentially unchanged from when hud was founded. billions more americans fall below the poverty line today including an unbelievable one out of five children. this is shameful. i've saved the mission is to create quality affordable homes for all. according to inflation-adjusted figures to the census bureau since i was establish the median price for a double and medium risk has gone up more than one third. in other words it's not just the border find the cost of housing soared beyond their means. it's almost everyone. this is unacceptable. to make matters worse to achieve the unenviable record how to spend one point extra dollars in history. it is asking for 9-cent budget increase. 1.6 trillion is more than $13,000 for every household in america equivalent to the cost
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of feeding a family of four for an entire year. meanwhile one of the greatest drag continues to spin out of control namely the national debt. given the obama economy the last six years clearly attacks care subsidies for the poor need it. it's also an open question whether housing vouchers and public housing projects are long-term solution is simply helping create a permanent underclass. he clearly has not one war and poverty. on the economic growth in equal opportunity can do that. in other words the greatest housing programs in america remains a good career path and a growing economy and not a hud program. if we truly care about the least of these among us we can no longer measures success by the number of dollars appropriated to hide. that should be obvious. success must be measured in the number of fellow citizen who rise in the poverty and
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dependence and the lives of hope, self-sufficiency and pride. that is true success. time to bring the new focus and ideas on how to best help the poor in our society. on this purpose which is a moral purpose there should be no debate. i've been been encouraging or witnessed been encouraging her witness, secretary castro states he believes in evidence-based management dialed. directed to the goal of giving every person new opportunities to drive. to get these opportunities again it is time to think anew, not to reflexively add 9% to programs that i failed again in the words of president john than to not only relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and above all, prevent it. i now yield three minutes to the ranking member for an opening statement. ..
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housing initiatives, and helps millions of families achieve the american dream of homeownership all while ensuring fairness for historically disadvantaged communities. safe, decent and affordable housing is critical to ensuring that our young people are healthy and successful. studies have shown that children who lack stable housing often fall behind their peers in school. and today hud is more important than ever. in the wake of the foreclosure crisis, our nation is facing a significant affordable rental housing shortage. although private capital has an important role to play on this front, it cannot be leveraged without reliable federal funding. to truly address the acute need for affordable rental housing and the epidemic of homelessness it is absolutely critical that we fully fund and expand the housing and homeless assistance programs that have been so successful at hud. this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of hud.
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and as i think about the next 50 years of housing in america, i believe that if we are truly serious about ending poverty and uplifting all communities, we must reinvest in hud. mr. secretary, i believe that these same principles also underlie your vision for the future of housing in america and i look forward to hearing your testimony today. thank you, i yield back. >> the chair never agonizes the gentleman from missouri, mr. luetkemeyer, chairman of our housing insurance subcommittee for two minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman and welcome mr. secretary. glad to see you again. i want to start by thinking for traveling to jefferson city a few weeks ago to meet with myself and every housing advocates and area represented a commoncommon theme was representatives. the common theme was a bizarre need of writing toward relief. that was true in the conversation we have with public housing. i think the longtime executive
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director of jefferson city housing authority put it best when he described the current state of oblivious of the funding situation is in changing and that you, esther secretary takes initiative reduce unnecessary burdens so people can do their jobs with the resources they have been given. in the last two weeks i visited sites run by two different public housing authorities. last week mr. cleaver and i had a tactic held a roundtable talk about the immense challenges facing low-income housing organizations. when it comes to public and low-income housing the status quo isn't acceptable to anyone who says there isn't a need for reform for changes isn't listening to the advocates administrators or residents of public housing. mr. secretary, hubinette job for nearly a year. the most significant action you've taken at this point to be a cut of one of revenue from the federal housing administration. as i stressed with your staff earlier this week when we met a move widely continues to
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jeopardize homeowners and taxpayers. i have yet to see the changes necessary for the american people. i know you and i have some discussions and ideas are looking for and about those as the committee continues to go on. but again i look forward to your testimony, talking with you shortly. thank you and i yield back. >> the gentleman you expect the chair recognizes another gentleman from missouri, mr. cleaver, ranking member of our housing and insurance subcommittee. >> thank you, mr. chairman. and ranking member waters, and members of the committee, mr. secretary, good morning. secretary visited the fifth congressional district of missouri not long ago actually visited both the other side of our state with mr. luetkemeyer and came to the better side of the state and spent time in kansas city. and so we are here today with a hearing entitled the future of
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housing in america oversight of the department of housing and urban development. i think it's always important to look to the future and hopefully this hearing will be with the future more than the past or otherwise if we are like somebody trying to drive a car looking through the rearview mirror. i think we've got to go to the future, they got some things we can do that would be important to critically look at at the past i think it is important for us to think about the fact that when the economy teetered on the brink of cataclysmic collapse in 2008 the housing market was decimated. some families loss of generations of wealth and unemployment skyrocketed. home sales ground to a halt. and in the seven years since our economy has slowed improved. last week as they did of him at the bureau of labor statistics announced the economy added
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280,000 new jobs and the 63rd consecutive month of private sector job creation. hiebert sector employment world take the rose -- scorecard cited the nation association of realtors stating sales of existing homes including single-family homes rose 6.1% from february to a pace of 5.9 can low-income the best since september 2013. i think there are some things that certainly we can do better but i'm very pleased, mr. secretary, that the department of hud is infecting a lot of things well. i get back, mr. chairman. >> the gentleman's time has expired. at this time it is my pleasure to welcome the honorable julian castro back to our committee. this sector sworn in as the 16th my secretary for july 28 2014. is been introduced before. needs no further introduction.
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at the secretary's request before i recognized him, to give an oral summary of his written testimony, the secretary has asked to be yielded a minute in order to offer a statement of honor on behalf of a hud colleague who passed away this week. so for the purpose, mr. secretary, your recognized at this time. >> thank you very much, chairman hensarling, ranking member waters, the members of the committee. thank you for inviting me to appear before you today and for giving me a bit of extra time to talk about one of our hud family who passed away earlier this week, our chief financial officer. brad really took the gold standard during his career to public service over a bridge that spanned three decades. he was a leader whose intellect allowed into master complex
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subject matter, policy and his integrity became a champion for everyday folks who often count on an effective government the most. after decorate economic development career that included time of u.s. department of commerce in the world intellectual property organization, brad came out of retirement in 2014 to join us at hud and although he was only with us for a short period, he made large contributions to our departmentdepartment and to his work on behalf of the american people. he was an administrators administrator, a man of integrity, told that all of us respected, had confidence in. and his passing is an incredible loss for the field that he did so much over his career to contribute to. and chairman, i just want to say that our thoughts and prayers at hud i went brad huther's family
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and wanted to acknowledge him in front of this committee because i know you the opportunity to work with many of you as well. >> mr. secretary, on behalf of the house financial services family, we issue our sincere condolences to your colleagues as part of the hud family. on the gentleman's passing. at this time, mr. secretary, i will recognize you for an oral summary of your written testimony. please know that your written statement, your complete written statement will be made part of the record. again, welcome and you are not recognized for your testimony. >> thank you again. mr. chairman, we gather today at a very special moment for hud. issue marks the 50th anniversary. i think all of us would agree that much has changed since 1965, but one thing hasn't. the important role that quality housing and strong communities play in the lives of the
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american people. where a person lives often shapes how they live the jobs that are available to them, the education that their children receive, and the overall quality of life that they enjoy. that's what all of us at hud come to work everyday knowing that we can make a difference for others. and i'm proud to say we are making an impact in a number of ways. for example, much along with our federal and local partners continues to make progress towards achieving the goals of president obama's opening doors initiative to prevent and end homelessness. from 2010-2014 we've seen a 21% drop in chronic homelessness after 33% drop in veterans homelessness. we will keep working until we reached that day when every person who needs housing can find it in our great nation. we also continue to make important strides in helping families of all income level secure a decent place to call home. one example is our innovative
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rental assistance demonstration which has helped communities leverage nearly $1 billion in private market construction investments to address long overdue repairs in public housing. and with an additional $5 billion coming down the pipeline, it's clear that we are going to help ensure that public housing is quality housing for years to come. we are also helping more responsible families achieve their dreams of homeownership to our federal housing administration. fha serve as a stabilizing force bring housing crisis and to provide access to credit for generations up underserved borrowers. we build on this legacy earlier by making responsible homeownership more affordable by lowering our annual mortgage insurance premium has a percentage point to encourage another 250,000 new borrowers to enter the market over the next three years. all while continuing to strengthen fha's financial health. muddies make a tremendous difference across the board. and almost continue working to do more. in fact, under hud to budget we
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are able to serve only one out of every four people who were eligible for our assistance to is whether examining our own operation to see a we can deliver results faster and more effectively to those that we serve. i have charged hud's deputy secretaries making operational efficiency her topper to be. and she's hit the ground running. the deputy secretary has said her first six must lead an operational and management review that we call deep dive. with many of these findings in hand we are not taking action to improve how we do business, to build on what's working and to adjust what needs improvement. one area of focus is our procurement process which can take over nine months to complete from beginning to end. these delays are unacceptable which is why we've embarked on an effort to transform this process and reduce virtue but days by 30%. in addition by october 1 we aim to reduce -- 10 10 after the 11th
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victory weaknesses outlined in our fiscal year 2014 annual financial review. we are using shared service providers to minimize are unanswered back office functions so we can better serve our nation's families and communities. at the end of the day we know our work isn't about program names or statistics or charts. it's about people. no matter what side of the aisle you're on i'm sure we can all agree on one thing that our nation is at its best when every person has an opportunity to thrive. and the work that hud does does give folks the opportunity to thrive. working with our partners we've given this opportunity to those experiencing homelessness who wanted a fresh start, to veterans who need a little support adjusting to life after service, to older americans who deserve to live in comfort and dignity, defamatory looking to buy their first home, put down roots and build wealth for themselves and their children. and we continue to look for new ways to extend these
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opportunities to all americans. our partnership with congress as essential to this work and with afford to working with you to secure funding to invest improving housing proven housing initiative to build a better and stronger hud and help more families achieve their own dreams. through the strength of our partnerships the power of our policy ideas and/or hard work i'm confident that we can ensure that the doors of opportunity are available to americans today, tomorrow and for the next 50 years. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. secretary. the chair yields himself five minutes for questions. mr. secretary, i'm sure you are well aware this doesn't just mark the 50th anniversary of hud. cough syrup since the 50th anniversary of the moynihan report which many historians actually provided the impetus for the creation of hud in first place. recently the urban institute published a report, the moynihan report revisited. are you familiar with the report
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or have you had an opportunity to view it? >> i have not had an opportunity to read the entire report. i did see some press about it, yes. >> mr. secretary, in that report it states after alluding to the alarming statistics of 50 years ago in the original report it goes on to say about those statistics quote, they have not only grown worse, they have grown worse not only for blacks than for whites and hispanics as well. so you weren't even born when hud was first created, but after 50 years $1.6 trillion, you requested 9% increase. specifically what is the evidence that statistical evidence that night has made progress in achieving its original goal of eliminating poverty? >> and you very much for that. let me give you two examples,
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chairman hensarling. thank you for bringing up that report. let me begin by saying that i see it differently. i deeply that we have made tremendous progress in the lives of americans because of investment that night has me. in fact, if we need proof of that we can look at some of the committee members who are here who grew up in public housing who have been very clear that the fact they grew up and had a place to live in public housing is one of the reasons that they were able to achieve success. >> mr. secretary, i'm aware of of these stories and they are certainly inspirations to all but the statistics i see show that poverty is essentially unchanged after 50 years. so let's just start off with a statistical evidence. we have statistical evidence that hud has played a role in eliminating poverty. >> i did a couple of examples. one of the examples i mentioned in my opening statement is veteran homelessness. we have seen a 33% reduction in the veteran homelessness that a
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large part of that is because of hud vouchers that have been funded by this congress and the president has led the effort to effectively and veteran homelessness. another example -- >> over what time period it? >> we've seen a 33% reduction in veteran homelessness between 2010-2014. another example is our jobs plus initiative. there's been research done on jobs plus that is shown to individuals who went through jobs plus which congress has also funded in the past and which we are requesting a significant increase because of its effectiveness, we've seen that individual to go through jobs plus 10 to earn 14% more than individuals who do not. >> what is the poverty level essentially unchanged in 50 years? >> mr. chairman, i believe the answer to that is much larger than hud and its programs. not only that -- >> let me ask you in a limited time i have.
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you and i have had private conversations and again i've been encouraged by many things you and i've i have spoken about but i'm still somewhat unclear. at the end of the day, as secretary, how do you measure success at hud? how do you define it and how do you measure it? >> we measure success in several ways. you and i have had conversations that we need to continue to get better but not just measuring input, how much investment we make but also measuring outcome. one outcome is the fact that somebody has a roof over their head. that makes a tremendous difference in their lives. we've seen that, for instance, on the policy of housing first that tries to give veterans' housing for so they can stabilize themselves and address the issue to get on the right track in life. however, i believe that we need to continue to measure them invest in things like jobs plus, family self-sufficiency, the
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extent to which those individuals that go through those programs go on and get good job training and get a job the extent to which they get a good education and that they're able -- >> transport my time is winding down. let me ask you three specific questions. in tracking people's right to rise, their ability to succeed number one currently does hud in any way of tracking winning individual needs the assistance of one ph eight and moved to another? >> does hud have any way to track it? >> hud does attract who was on the roles of speed they have a track if one leaves one and goes to another i believe it would have the opportunity to track that, chairman. >> i would like to have you share that with this committee because i haven't seen those. do you have a way of tracking when one leaves a pha and becomes almost?
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>> when one leaves housing authority and becomes almost? >> do we have been way of knowing whether they become almost? >> i believe that we have a way to track within a continuum of care how many individuals are homeless. asked whether that person was -- >> if you would share that with the committee -- >> or somewhere else to -- >> and last but not least as i'm way over my time come is there anybody hud today contract when people become self-sufficient and stay that way, say three years, five years later? >> i would be glad to share with you the evidence we have of that, sure. >> so you can track that? >> we have done some tracking of self-sufficiency, particularly on the family of a strategic program. >> transport i haven't seen us on the fortitude syndicate i am way my time. i went out yield to the ranking member five minutes. >> i think it very much mr. secretary. we are delighted that you're here with us this morning and we thank you for the way that you
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have come into your possession and the leadership that you provided thus far, and i'm very pleased to have him members on both sides of the aisle how generous you have been in visiting their communities, and how you've been so very very helpful. i think i want to ask you a little bit about the rental housing and homeownership crisis that would have. and the current rental housing crisis rent is to get a lot larger share of income and families are facing greater challenges in saving for a down payment and being able to own a home. this could have serious negative consequences for the housing market. just this week, again the urban institute released a major study that predicts that the homeownership rate will continue to decline through 2030 and then a major rental surge that we are
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truly not prepared to meet the homeownership rate will decrease for nearly all age groups and african-americans will fall further behind all racial groups and homeownership. what is your vision for how we solve this problem how can hud given the proper resources enable more families in this country the opportunity to own a home of affordable he read one? >> i.t. very much for the question, ranking member waters. you are correct that what we see up there in the united states right now is an affordable housing rental crisis. a good example of this good demonstration of this was in our latest worst case housing needs assessment. what i found was that there are 7.7 million low income households who either are paying 50% or more of the income in rent or living in substandard
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housing or both of those things. and those families by the what are families that are not in government assistance right now. another report was released last week by the low income housing coalition that was fascinating in what it found. it said that in no decent sized city in the united states could you afford a two-bedroom apartment, a decent two-bedroom apartment, working minimum-wage full-time. and that in the vast majority of communities you can't even afford a one bedroom apartment. so what is hud doing? that's why we've requested additional section eight vouchers, for instance, because we lost 67,000 section eight vouchers through sequestration. it's why we seek to stretch our resources as far as we can to initiatives like brad it's why we believe improperly funding
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both capital and operating for public housing -- rad but look to the innovative and committed with initiatives like choice neighborhoods and promise zone's. we want to take a holistic approach to making more of horrible housing opportunities possible for americans. and as i mentioned early on right now we are only serving one out of every four people that qualifies for hud services. so we see there is about tremendous need and want to do something about it. [inaudible] >> very much. national housing choice underground a deficit of over seven an affordable ability units. and we all know that barney frank worked very hard. i worked with him to get the national housing trust fund. we don't seem to have much support from our friends on the opposite side of the aisle. we must find ways to fully
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capitalize trust fund and defend against republican attacks to abolish the program, including the latest attack in the house funding bill. can you speak to this issue quickly? >> yes. i was glad to see director want flip the switch on the national housing trust fund. this is important and will be a powerful tool in greg moore afford housing opportunities because it focuses on extremely low income individuals. these are individuals who are making 30% or less than we can. sheila crowley would result in front of chairman luca meyer at that is the segment of the population would receive the biggest gap in terms of affordable housing opportunities we are disappointed in the recommendation that is the essentially wiped away and that homes take this can those two programs have separate identities. >> thank you so very much.
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ideal to. >> that you recognize the gentleman from the jury pashtun from missouri, mr. luetkemeyer. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome secretary castro. thank you for stopping by our district the jewel of the midwest and the support area in missouri, contrary to my good friend from kansas city's comic. but i can just kind of curious we had a meeting last week ranking him and i with a bunch of industry and housing officials, and they came up with a lot of different concerned by the same message we heard is the same message i heard last week regulation is strangling their ability to deliver services. let me give you an example of some of the things they were talking about. i see one of the advocates here and i will give you a couple of his ideas. number one recognize that you do the same amount of funds that you like math and figure out how you can use which have more efficiently.
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moving to work program works, expand. regulation is costing too much. figure out how to minimize it. raise the minimum rent. another one talked about the flexibility. flexibility will be very important for them to be able to utilize their assets they have and be able to store the people they are supposed to. another comic they had was there's an inconsistency between regions of hud's officers, special with regard to transportation issues. it's hard for one agency, one area to look at another area c they're getting to do something that you are not. that's a problem within your agency. so i guess my question to you is either our discussion you are looking for ways to improve services and so these are some suggestions we have. are they something you can work on with his? >> absolutely. let me say i also enjoyed the opportunity to visit jefferson city and there from folks
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interested industry and also some of the advocates including the pha representatives. it was a very insightful to hear particularly the concerns of smaller, of a smaller pha the economy say unequivocally that as i mentioned that day to you personally we are ready to work with the and with the entire committee and congress on some of these issues. i'll give you an example. one of the things mentioned was this issue of the administrative burden related to income verification. why do we require income verification every year for certain residents who are making the same income basically year after year? that is a good question because 56% of our household that are hud assistance are elderly or disabled. we are supportive of a change to that that would only require income verification every three years for folks were at least 90% of their income is fixed income sources. with regard to the other issues you mentioned, we are working on
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that in this budget for instance we proposed an increase of 15 agencies and went to look at these other issues as well. >> thank you for that we look forward to working with you on those issues. unity, there were 67000 hud vouchers use of a cut out of the budget. in my discussions with a lot of the integration initiative to talk like there was 200000 that went unused, is that true? >> i'm not familiar with that. >> there were restrictions somehow they couldn't utilize all of them. >> that may have been true some time ago. what we saw is that folks out there can pha have to pull vouchers back instead of letting up on the street. they had to inform those families you can use that voucher to return to get back to where we were spent these are people on the ground using these at this thing about the are left
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unused because of the problems that have to do with from the restriction, the lack of flexibility, whatever it is that's causing the not be able to get a. i think it's something that you need to take a look at because if we've got them going unused we need to -- next question. we have a long discussion with one out a group of your folks with regard to the income that was cut back in january. and again it really concerns me because according to your report, which i have right here you are continuing to take in or land to a group of folks -- linda to a group of folks are probably more problematic from the standpoint you are not going to the 64679 credit scores which is fine. but by doing that it exposes you to more risk which needs more possible loss. if you look at the losses i
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really have some problems with some of the lost information for people and places it should lost $7.5 billion the first half of the year. which means you lose $15 billion issue. i misplaced it says that your boss ratio probably will go down which is great but that number doesn't jive with his of wind farm concerned about that. the bottom line is this seems to be a continued problem in my mind with regards to a build of income to cover expenses and we will watch it very carefully. i hope this all works out. thank you, mr. chairman. yield back. >> the gentleman's time has expired. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from missouri mr. cleaver for five minutes, ranking member. >> thank you -- [inaudible] thank you. spent i think it's the other button to the gentleman's right.
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>> thank you. thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary, i don't know how they're going to be able to erase this stereotype or the misinformation that seems to be the eternal it out here in the world that people who live in public housing move in and there goes to state for a lifetime. the facts don't match the stereotype. if you have children living in multifamily property, the state is about 5.4 teen just about the time my family lived in public housing. and that's just so dramatically different than what people seem to want to believe and how it is perpetuated. did you have any ideas how we
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can erase that misinformation that seems to be all over the country? i think there's always some resentment from those of us who come in my case saw my father worked three jobs to save enough money to buy a lot to get a house. and other families were doing the same thing. but i don't know how we get that out. my father is 92 entities is on c-span is probably watching, so thanks for everything, daddy. but i don't know, it's an insult to him and a lot of other people. how can we erase this? >> it's a great question, and let me say as well i enjoyed visiting with chairman luca mire and his bishop toshiba i also enjoyed visiting with you in your district ranking member cleaver. you asked a great question and what we see every day is that whether it's public housing are focusing a section eight
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voucher, we see folks who want to work hard and want to get on the track to a better life. and we understand that our investment in public housing and in hud assisted housing is way to get them on the track. i reject the notion that somehow folks who are living in public housing are lazy or that it creates a culture of dependency. the fact is that 56% of the households that we serve are headed by someone who is totally or disabled to begin with. and arrest them a significant number of the folks are under the age of 18 they are children of folks are working aged decent number of those folks are working to get if you're not working dinner required to do some sort of community service for the in scope or go through job training to answer this is very much an opportunity for folks to get on track of a
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better life that they want to get on. >> thank you. i agree obviously with everything you said. it's so frustrating to hear the country. let's talk about fha for just a moment. because fha plays a major role for first-time homebuyers, and fha has helped almost a half million people get into homes since 2014, and about one half of them are brown and black americans. is fha deeply fha as we talk about the future, one of the agency's an absolute must be preserved so that we can continue to provide this kind of assistance to first-time homebuyers, as well as others? >> fha plays an invaluable role in creating upward mobility in
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our nation for people of all income levels the it has been the primary vehicle for first-time homebuyers to get into home. people of all different backgrounds. as you mentioned for the african-american and latino community today, about 50% of those homebuyers have and fha insured loan. over the last couple of years we have seen the mutual mortgage insurance fund rising by $21 billion. it is on the right path. so yes we need to everything that we can to continue to strengthen h. date and ensure that it's there to provide that opportunity for folks to reach the american dream. >> thank you. it may also be important to realize those individuals qualified for the loan that they were not just -- >> i know there's a few seconds left. we have to distinct between issue of affordability and access. what we did was we load the mortgage insurance premium so we made it more affordable.
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that did not anyway change who qualify for olympic we still have historically a high average credit score for fha insurance score. average credit score is 687. to give a sense of closeness of those numbers. >> thank you, mr. secretary. >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from new jersey mr. garrett. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary, something we can agree on. fair housing act makes it unlawful to refuse to sell corporate going to any person because of race color, religion, sex or national origin. and that is the law as it should be. however, hud disparate impact rule that allows you the government, to alleged discriminatory practices based not on intent but sold on statistical outcomes and not as a sony discriminate intent of disparate treatment.
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the results of that are the cost of litigation is strangling the market, their credit is cut back to potential voters, the same potential homeowners we hear you say we are trying to help. therefore, what it does is to reduce the supply of new afford the housing as a backward from the projects that are vulnerable to litigation. they're basically punishing people that we are trying to help. let's take a look at your agency. into 2014 fh and report to congress regarding financial status of mutual mortgage insurance fund it says fha indicated a single, endorsement for the year was what? 61-point to as you put in your report to 70% hispanic, 10% for blacks. statistically is that not disparate impact? statistically is that not your agency discriminating? are you doing anything about
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that? is that disparate impact of? >> i reject that premise. thank you, congressman, for the question. i think it is misguided and -- >> let me ask you is that a disparate impact -- >> that is not at all the weight disparate impact has been analyzed or used it as you know this is in litigation and i will say that i believe in disparate impact analysis and that if we look at the legal rationale for the and other entrepreneurs out i have confidence in what it's been used -- >> let me ask you is a 40% disparate impact disparate impact? population of the black community is around 13.5-14%. your lending or endorsing to only 10% speak with this issue had never come up in the context of you are taking it completely out of context. it would never come up in that context and thus off the context that it is being litigated about either. >> you our litigating against lenders and the like for people in housing industry i'm asking about what you are doing it is what you are doing disparate
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impact? should be used the third against you? is it not fair against you? >> what we need to do is preserve disparate impact analysis because it's important in determining where there is a discriminatory impact and where other tools can be utilized to have a better impact. in fact, speed is what is disparate impact? >> i reject that notion, congressman. >> well, there is no -- [talking over each other] i reject the notion of a hypothetical that would never come up in the first place to try and analyze such a serious topic. >> so you cannot define force what percentages are disparate impact even though your agency brings those losses speak with you know very well the definition of a disparate impact is changes in different scenarios in different industries and if that is applied to different cases. >> exactly and that isn't that
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the problem of? >> that's part of the strength of the tool that is not a one size fits all took it as a sensitive dual that analyzed in the context of individual cases. >> if i'm a lender or a builder a homebuilder, i don't know what your charge against me is going to be because as you just need right now it changes from circumstance to circumstance. >> not at all. >> there is no clear -- >> disparate impact law and the burden shifting that happens if it is litigated actually gives of the defendant and opportunity to show that there's a legitimate business reason for why those statistics are the way they are. and then when they demonstrate that it forces the plaintiff to have to come back and show that no, you should be doing it a different way that would be more effective and have not so much of a disparate impact. >> by your own testimony -- >> it protects the defendant. >> the defendant only after he has been brought to court, hires
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attorneys, gone to the extent of this and having to put up a defense fund something you just told me and told this hearing that you do not have a definition of what it really means. >> that's not true. there are plenty of lawsuits better throw out summarily and i'm not sure what what you are talking about the are plenty of lawsuits that are thrown out summarily, dismissed student only after the defendant has to defend the charge of -- >> i would encourage you look at the track record of disparate impact it has a good track record spent what i see is disparate impact by your very own agency. [talking over each other] >> the gentleman's time has expired. the chair recognizes the gentlelady from new york ms. maloney, ranking member of the capital market subcommittee. >> make it so much ranking member, and chairman for this important hearing. and thank you and hud for all you do for a formal housing in america. two programs that i am
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constantly asked about his section eight and section 202 program which does so much to provide housing for seniors. according to your own study seniors with low incomes are the most likely to pay more than they can afford than any other sector in our society. this program is very important not only to new york but i would say the whole country. i'm concerned that we don't have enough funding to meet the rising demand for affordable seniors housing. the capital advance company construction understand has been frozen and is very little in it. and according to the aarp for every section 202 unit that becomes available there are well over 10 seniors on a waiting list. can you describe what mind is doing to meet the demand, the rising demand for affordable housing for seniors under section 202 program? >> thank you very much. i do appreciate the chance to
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speak to this, particularly because as much fuss is made over the idea of young people in cities are chasing these millennials, we all know that the fastest-growing segment of the population are actually our baby boomers are turning 65, who are elderly and are spread out in every single community and are a focus of the section 202 program. we are requesting an additional investment in section two through two, particularly for a demonstration project in this budget. this project will allow us to show the linkage between our investment in housing for the elderly and a reduction in health care costs. because we believe it's important to show that that that does exist and hopefully that will inform policy in the future because i spent a little bit for housing and supportive services on one end you can actually save money in the health care system on the other that is the hypothesis. but more broadly as i mentioned
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a few moments ago 56% of households that we serve are actually headed by someone who is elderly or who is disabled. that goes across hud assisted housing. our service to elderly americans is by no means limited to 202. it's also public housing. it section eight, and it is part of the reason that we are requesting greater levels of voucher in funding for our traditional housing programs. >> thank you. the other hud programs that i'm interested in supporting additional support for is section three, the art income disregard in public housing and the families self-sufficiency program. these are important tools for the department and local housing, providers to families earn more income and achieve more economic mobility. can you talk about the importance of these programs and
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policies and how we can work with you and the administration to strengthen and expand been? >> i can. what we want is that we want the folks that we serve, whether its section eight vouchers for public housing, we want and they are working age come we want them to be able to have gainful employment and eventually not need our public assistance. i agree with folks on that point. and one tool that we can use is section three. section three says that when an investment is made, let's say there's construction pha does that the contractors make best efforts to hire low income individuals in that area, including public housing residents. so this gives folks an opportunity to get a good job keep up to provide better for the families and hopefully to use that to move up and out
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eventually. recently we promulgated a new row on this to give communities stronger guidance on the use of section three. this is about investing in economic opportunity for low income individuals and we look forward to working with you, the committee and congress to ensure that we can make the most of section three. because the fact is frankly the track record is checkered for housing authorities out there and how much they have utilized section three, and we want there to be consistency in the utilization of section three. >> my time is expired. >> gentlelady yield back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary thank you for being here. 20 years ago this month president clinton announced a national homeownership strategy. he said and i quote i want to say there's one more time. our homeownership strategy will
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not cost the taxpayers one extra cent that it will not require legislation and it will add, it will not add more federal programs to a growing federal bureaucracy. i think we can all agree that that vision turn -- vision didn't turn out that way. if you recall back in february you and i had a conversation about the fact about you lowered your guarantee fee by 50 basis points and the fact that you were still not meeting the federally mandated reserve ratio for the fund at fha. i guess, and i think back then the number was .41%. the mandate is 2%. i wonder if you could tell us today, mr. secretary, what is the current status? >> thank you very much for the question. i cannot give you information because that will not be visible until the next annual report. that's done by an independent actuary and so we do not do that
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analysis. that is done by a neutral third party. we expect to have that 2015 report in november of this year. >> mr. secretary, i want to make sure i understand. so didn't know until the end of the period how you were doing? i mean mr. secretary, you were the mayor of san antonio and i can imagine the director of finance if you asked him how are the sales tax receipts come in line with our projected budget it is i will be able to do that for a year. would that be an appropriate answer speak with what i would say this y'all can change the. that is set by congress, not by me. change it if you want to change it go ahead and change it. >> intern i think you would have -- spent let's be clear. as mr. luetkemeyer simply put out a quarter report and to his credit he asked us to have to go into the quarter report within the we would be glad to do that with you. however, your question is what i
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have an update on that capital reserve ratio, the answer is no because congress has an independent actuary that does this once a year. >> another question on the premium revenues you projected to meet the standards, i believe what you told instead what is by the end of 2015 that you be at 2%. so you have any idea what he will be at 2% at the end of your? >> i can just to correct the record. record. what i said when i see on february 11 was that we expected that in two years within two years that we would reach the 2% capital reserve. that's what i said in february. >> well, i mean, here's i think the problem a lot of us have is your money and organization that has a $42 billion budget, has a trillion dollars plus contingent liability and we don't have come would have you believe to track progress other than on an annual basis. i don't know -- >> that's not true at all. in fact, we provided to chairman
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luetkemeyer our annual, our quarterly report. we do track several statistic there however you asked specifically about that speed let me ask about the revenues. are the revenues on track to meet that goal? >> the answer to that is that they are encouraging so far. let me give a precise example spent i don't want to know whether they are encouraging or not. are the on track, are you going to meet the 2% at the end of the? >> are encouraging right now spent encouraging is not -- >> a wiki an example of what i say that, okay? when you look at march 2014 versus march 2015, for instance, there were 8000 more borrowers to fha insured loans. that's just a month-to-month comparison. we have seen as the quarter report indicated a significant uptick in refinancing. so you've got to understand this thing took effect january 26.
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with a limited early data that we have we believe that we are on track. however, we will not get official number on this the assessment until around the thanksgiving timeframe when an independent actuary gives us a report. >> the thing that's troubling as i want my code on the other side of they'll talk about safety net. to me a safety net is something that provides, keep you from failing or falling or hurting yourself. so the safety net that we have today is made out of string and think you would agree that if i.c.e. agent i would rather have one made out of rope. when you have $1 trillion of the taxpayers on the hook and you only have point for 1% equity, the taxpayers are at risk. >> that's apples and oranges but you are conflating two things. i don't think -- >> i'm sorry. mr. secretary how is that apples and oranges? >> the capital reserve ratio is
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not a simple ratio of how much money we have to pay claims. we have more than enough to handle the claims, the losses that we have in front of us. >> economic present value of your liability. >> point of order, mr. chairman. >> the chairman now recognizes the gentlelady from new york. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary, this hearing could not come at a better time as the house unfortunately just passed fy '16 spending bill. which if enacted if enacted we will severely underfunded virtually every hud program and jeopardize the housing stability of vulnerable americans. the shortage of affordable
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rental housing is a huge problem in new york and a new analysis released this week brought the severity of the problem home. between 2002-2014, reins in new york city rose by 32% citywide, even after the effect of inflation when we moved. my question is mr. secretary, what will happen to working families, like in new york city if we did not have public housing? the new york city we have 615,000 people who live in public housing and section eight. these are hard-working people. and if we don't provide that type of resources, where will they go? and people, you know i don't suffer from multiple personalities. i understand that we want to
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tackle the issue of poverty. it takes investment. that if we want to tackle the issue of homelessness among veterans, it takes the role of the federal government. and by the way i am proud to report that in new york city a number of homeless veterans in new york dropped by 40% last year, and declined 75% since 2012. why? because of vouchers and homeless assistance grants, and because of the city is putting also resources. that's what it takes. and so we want to tackle the issue of poverty in our country and then we ask about what is it that mr. hud ensure the effectiveness of the agency.
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it takes investment and the understanding that for the last 20 years, there's one issue that really is impacting americans. they are working harder working two and three jobs, but there's one thing, and that is wage stagnation to love 1% is doing extremely well arrests, 99% are working harder and getting less. so mr. secretary, if the funding bill that passed the house is enacted how will this impact translates efforts -- mr. secretary,'s efforts at? >> if the bill becomes law it was seriously injured, seriously damage our ability to meet the needs of their capacities as i mentioned earlier would only serve one in four people right now to qualify for hud service
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for a couple weeks ago chairman luetkemeyer had in his subcommittee a group of individuals to discuss public-private partnerships which i think is a very fruitful discussion that ought to be had. it was very clear in that testimony whether it was a public or nonprofit sector, public sector private sector that said if hud doesn't do these things come who else is going to do them? it is no private market to serve people who are extremely low income. and those of the vast majority of the people that we serve. and so whether its traditional public housing for section eight vouchers are rental assistance, we need to make an investment. if we don't what he needs is more people out on the street or mothers with children that are homeless or doubling up. more veterans who don't have the chance to other place to call home. those are the human consequences of the budgetary decision that are on the table.
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>> so, trying to mr. secretary i would like to ask you about section three. i've been working on section three for many, many years your when secretary donovan was here, i introduced legislation and i'm happy to see that some of the provisions that were contained in my legislation are being reflected in the rules that you're putting out. but my question is a tool that could empower residents in public housing is section three. without the proper oversight and without the proper training and investment, it's not going to work. >> thank you for that. >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from michigan. >> secretary castro come over here. sorokin unkind hidden behind one of my other colleagues.
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i had a different line of questioning but something that my colleague from missouri, mr. cleaver have brought up about the short time and, versus longtime for a lifetime myth that existed people utilizing hud and housing through you. 5.4 years of families with teenagers. i don't know if that's accurate already got the. are usually without at all? >> yes. that sounds about right in the five year range. i think come and i guess ranking member cleaver is not here right now, however. what he was probably referring to is working age individuals recall that for the majority the folks we serve, these households that are elderly or disabled our goal is not to just get them in an epic so that you have a longer period of average stay but -- >> that sounds correct. ..
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opportunity economy that eliminates poverty and breaks the cycle that may exist. i was a former licensed realtor, started my career in that. some of my proudest moments i was involved in. a two family house that was very transitional. hispanic family on top shared a one-bedroom apartment. luis emily are still friends today and helping them transition to buy their own plays. one that i talked about in this committee before if someone else who still remains a friend, jill, whose has been had left the family and she moved from a trailer park into her first home and i was able to explain to her kid why and how important i was. sitting here 20 years later i am
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getting emotional and choked up because that really is what you exist. you don't exist to make sure we take care of people temporarily. you exist to make sure we take care of people long-term. i don't mean getting into your system and saving your system. what is the opportunity? as i look at the report it seems the solution typically has been to throw more money at it. it is not only subsidizing the market with section eight or other things. it is how do we make sure as my colleague was starting to go out, the people providing it had some assurance and understanding about the ground rules are and what the guide posts are so they are not going to get sued and they will not have questions as they linger over there. that to me is vital.
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quickly i want to hit and miss remaining minute on page eight page nine i want to highlight a couple things. the evidence-based jobs plus program come a proven model for increasing employment and earnings. are you tracking not continue please share -- provide the matrix on that as well? is this just web-based? is this physical presence people are having? that's $100 million. that can provide a whole lot of housing. >> thank you for the question from a representative. i agree with you on the premise for folks who are working age this is what the law requires. if they are not working neither do community service or job training or pursue an education. we want folks to basically be on a path to self-sufficiency.
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jobs plus does track. we do have numbers would be glad to provide on how we do. however, with this opportunity agenda, head needs to get better at measuring outcomes there. >> amen to that. i hope you would get much better and provide that to the committee. >> the time of the children has expired. the chair recognizes mr. hinojosa. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i ask unanimous consent that my opening statement and questions be made part of the record and i am late for a meeting anonymously. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york mr. meeks for five minutes. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary let me ask you. first let me identify myself as
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a proud product of public housing in my whole family, all of whom who are doing fairly well now, don't know how well we would have done or how my parents would have been able to do what they did without public housing. when i think about my friends some attorneys and doctors and engineers and pharmacists all product of public housing that had it not been for the assistance said they could move forward i don't know whether any of us would be in positions we have ran. i personally know the critical need and importance of housing giving individuals an opportunity, giving families an opportunity to come together and be successful in life. i can't think of a greater investment that we as a country can make especially talking about the average everyday
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person and the poor person making sure they have a quality of life. nothing better than making sure they have a decent roof over their head switch out can get an education in a place they can grow and become productive members of society. in new york i am concerned because when i look at the budget end of funding packages that the republican party is putting forward where i see it as failed to restore funds to lhasa sequestration, investment and a national housing trust fund and the assistance program but the low income households. resell me mayor deblasio released a new ambitious plan to release a housing authority and
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bring it back into a stable financial footing and expand and preserve public affordable housing. converted to section eight and subsidies counseling two thirds i wonder how it had coping with such increased demand from communities across the country and how can cities like my city of new york played for the future with the uncertainty around increase federal assistance in affordable housing stocks. >> you are correct. we need a certain level. brad has been one day by doing what folks have suggested that we engage with the other in this
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case so they can renovate the public housing units because the fact is we have a $26 billion backlog in renovation needs in public housing and we lose 10,000 units every year to disrepair. in new york you see that in states. that is why we are requesting a couple things in this budget. $50 million for the program. we also request additional resources in terms of salary and expenses because the cap is lifted and fiscally or 15 to 185,000. we want to ensure we can meet the demand. by the way we have applications that are around 180000. is a successful effort and on top of that what we see as we leverage for every 1 dollar of public money would leverage $19 of private investment. we need to do it right and we ensure the resources are there,
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which are public resources that we treat tenants right and that is still fundamentally public housing even though you have the public-private partnership. >> i'm not sure what the budgets are looking like. i see them move forward and the underfunding continuing for the air because if we get in a scenario similar subsidies to keep them affordable, what happens to the public housing. can you tell me -- >> i agree with you for your not careful the public sector one of the strength to engage the private sector the private sector so they can fruitfully renovate or create new housing. that was a point made in the subcommittee hearing that the
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private sector needs the public sector for affordable housing. >> the chair now recognizes gentleman from wisconsin mr. duffy, chairman of the oversight and investigations subcommittee. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you for being here, mr. castro. homelessness doesn't just exist in urban america. it also exists in rural america appeared in places like my district. for the last two years with how they homelessness and hunger summit trying to bring in stakeholders from across our community, trying to figure out how to address the problem more effectively. trying to figure out the bright spots of what small agencies what they do to more effectively tap into resources and government resources. if they probably think we have to address.
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my comments are in no way trying to undermine the problem of homelessness across the country. added note that your lot about rules and regulations especially for small writers in our community. if you are a one or two-person organization, it becomes incredibly difficult to navigate the rules and regulations. i want to move beyond not. you are asking for more money. a 9% increase of the president's budget. why do you need more money when you would improve the homelessness in america. why do you need more section eight housing money when we've had improvements in the economy and in this space? >> the fact is let's take our vouchers.
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we lost 67,000 vouchers always. we have to conserve one out of every four people. >> cap we had an improvement? >> we've seen an improvement. >> we dedicated more resources to it. to commerce is credited and the leadership, the main reason we seen a reduction in veteran homelessness is because we actually invest. >> i appreciate your comments on better implements a nice number. >> let's talk about folks who live in rural areas. what success have you had about getting people not just in the system of public housing and public housing infection may put out of the system. it goes back to what the chairman asked in mr. huizenga asked. you say at this end this is what we are doing.
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we are bringing people in. we all want to help them. >> that's not true. >> you are the facts and numbers of how we move people out of the space of public assistance and into self-sufficiency. if you don't track people, you don't know the numbers together are people from assistance to sustainability themselves or to another public housing authority. you can't actually give us the right numbers and you're asking for more money. >> i gave an example earlier. a good example of what we've seen is the jobs plus initiative. >> let's talk about jobs plus. it's a 9% increase asked for by the president going to the programs and jobs plus? >> we are going from $50 million to $100 billion.
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that's what the request is. >> a few program -- >> if you have programs that work. i'm not arguing your stats on that. why are you saying congress, listen. let's talk about programs that work will take people off assistance and into sustainability. >> that is what i'm talking about. >> you're giving me a small section. the funding that is asked for his across the board. not to be driven into jobs plus and programs that move people to sustainability. i think you assess how much money we spend. you can't give me the numbers. >> tell me the number. -- tell me the number. >> there is a group of veterans -- >> hold on a second. >> the time belongs to the gentleman from wisconsin.
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please had 10 seconds to the club. >> some of the percentage people who go into public housing and move out into self sustainability. >> we would like to get you the information. we have a waiting list -- >> if you are judging -- >> they getting people off assistance and into self sustainability you would be telling us those numbers. this is not how you judge success in your agency. that's part of the problem. >> you can't give me a number. you don't even know it. >> at time of the gentleman has expired. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from california mr. sherman. >> mr. secretary, i want to recognize with you section eight and other housing programs are successful and every one of our districts and housing program has to cheaply be evaluated based on whether it provides housing getting people off the
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street and in housing is a good thing. whether they get a well-paying job is a little bit outside your department and i look forward to working with the last gentleman to defeat fast-track so we can get the high-paying jobs that will lead not only successful housing programs, but successful economic futures for those who benefit. i think it is wrong for us to say we are going to cut back on section eight until you give us perfect numbers and until you establish providing housing means somebody gets a good paying job. >> one outcome is an important outcome if somebody has a roof over their head. that is what the department of housing is for. we are first and foremost about
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housing. however for the second question, do i believe we should also make investment and we are making investments that seek to get folks to a stronger track so they can achieve the american dream? of course i do. should we look at the outcomes of that? yes, we should. but you say it doesn't count at all the somebody has a roof over the head. >> i now want to move to fha and a couple technical areas. a rule or policy that clashes with another federal rule and hope that fha lives in the direction of the other federal rule. first example is that property subject to transfer fees. 99% of transfer fees are terrible. thank you for working to
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prohibit them. if they just say which oversees dan and freddie have done is fight a more nuanced job instead of prohibiting all of them they've only prohibited 99% better bad. 1% that are helpful are those that benefit the property that are key to the business homeowners associations and find homeowners associations by a reasonable amount and the property is transferred. i wonder whether you would look at technical tweet to the fha regulations and see whether cfh sa similar regulation bill a little more rouen's entrée nuanced for federal programs. >> thank you for the program. after fha are primary concern is to make virus credit.
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and on top of that we are interested where it makes sense and policy that encourages neighborhood stability. we are looking at matching fhs say on the issue brought up so we would love to follow up with you and your staff and give you an update on the revenue. >> and similar agencies try to carry out the same policy. they ought to have identical or close to identical rules and in this one case a sister agency of the more sophisticated rule. federal statute generally acquires to have to start paying mortgage insurance once you have a 78 situation. you've got a situation where borrowers have to keep paying fha forever except they don't have a refinance. if they had to pay forever i
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would say maybe you need the money. if you're not going to get money, they'll just refinance and i was a adventuresome refinance. it's a lot of paperwork. would be easier to compare fha insurance with private insurance if you are offering the same product to save some and canceled a 78%. will you take a look at that? >> we are always of course looking at how we can be sensitive to the conditions out there. as you know the length of loan issue came to pass during the last two years where there was the need to do everything we could to ensure that we built up our reserves and we want to do what is proven. always want to look at the issue. >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from new york,
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mr. king. >> thank you, mr. chairman. good morning mr. secretary. i regret i was not here for the opening statement. i was across the hall with a hearing held on the reauthorization of the 9/11 health care act. thank you for being here today. gentleman asked the the question it's not written out but this i will read as it's written because of the specifics involved. westchester county new york, which is not in my district but the implications of what is owing on in westchester well impact my district. if you can answer today fine, if you have to get back and writing i greatly appreciate that. in 2009 had reached an out of court settlement settle in a thousand six lawsuit that they fail to consider race as an impediment to fair and affordable housing and an analysis filed with todd when seeking block grants.
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it is my understanding from talking to county officials including mr. mr. reno and i don't see this as been a partisan issue with the original settlement of the democratic county executive now implemented. i don't say this is in a partisan issue. talking to the county executive he believes the county has had ahead of schedule and the settlement terms. 469 of the 750 units were financed 424 have permits in the county spent $37 million in my fridge to other sources in at least 51.6 million agreed-upon for 37 and 112. get county police hud is not recognizing progress. in response to a head request the county included in the analysis impediments examination of 853 local zoning districts
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were exclusionary practices based on race and ethnic city and found none. since then seven more analyses each time including consideration of more data as requested by hud. the most recent was for 700 pages finished on the county has found no evidence of exclusionary practices and has been supported by an independent authority. in 2011 with the housing grants which i believe is $20 million today. two questions. can you say why hud has rejected the analysis by westchester county in the past six years and the requirements and also all entitled that grantees such as westchester county must apply they are affirmatively affirm and fair housing and to meet the obligation grantees must conduct the analyses. how often are they reject it and
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what criteria does hud used to determine whether or not an a.i. is acceptable. as i said come in the case as it goes forward can have implications to my district in other districts in the region. >> i appreciate very much the opportunity to address this briefly. i would love to get back to you in your staff with specifics on westchester. let me begin by saying of course we take the issue of fair housing very seriously under the fair housing act of 1968 it requires the secretary of affirmatively further fair housing. as you know the issue of westchester has been with us for a while and there has been a tremendous amount of work hud staff has done in conjunction with local community to resolve these issues. what i have told my staff is of course there was the time when we are punitive and this is one of those cases that develop in
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when it's in litigation. but we often seek what i call mission driven flexibility to work with communities to meet the goals of the programs but also ensure they can undertake feasible actions to get in compliance. having said that i would like to get back with you on the specifics and an update on where we are wrapped with regard to westchester because my staff has been working hard on not. >> and again i don't reside in westchester. they believe they are attempting to comply in good faith. they don't feel hud is acknowledging that. i'm not getting in the middle of this. it is important we can set parameters because there's other pending actions. you are right fair housing is essential. the governments have to comply and it's very expensive and can be complicated.
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i truly appreciated. thank you for the testimony this morning. >> the time of the gentleman has required a request of the secretary of the committee will stand in recess for five minutes. [inaudible conversations] >> the committee will come to order. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts mr. capuano. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome back mr. secretary. to be clear and correct. as i understand it not a single penny a general fund taxpayer dollars has been spent to help the fha. is that correct? >> that is right.
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>> as i understand it, by the way, happy birthday, 50 years old and all of that. and that's 50 years there's been five republican president serving 28 of those 50 years. in any of those five presidents mr. nixon mr. ford, mr. bush and mr. bush, did any of them shut down hud? >> now come up horse not. >> did any of them admit defeat? >> no. >> today we hear how we hear hud is a failed agency and we should close it down. .com is a surprise to mr. reagan and others. prior to hud was there any programs anywhere to help seniors find decent affordable housing? >> with the advent of hud that led to the assistants --
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>> without hud there'd be no not less, but no senior housing programs in this country whatsoever. >> that is right. if not hud, then no one. >> so i guess i've heard a lot of criticism. i believe in giving elected officials what they want whenever possible. i've heard several officials say they think they are failing the program. buy what they want your money. they are doing a pretty good job and i suggest you give them exactly what they want, which is nothing had to spend your money into my district is i think you're doing a great job. [laughter] i'm not saying that out as anything than the spot and i hope is a former mayor you appreciate that approach.
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i guess now i want to move onto something else. i do want to take a little stab at the dacs program, my least favorite program that had participates in. not because i don't like the program. i don't like the focus. my concern is basically a big reselling these to the richest people in the world and that is okay. not a problem. except for me part of the mission was to actually create strong sustainable inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. without mission, i always ask myself who is in the best position to know what that means in a given community. so i looked up to november 2014 sales and i'm not, there is some
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housing, some foreclosed housing in a county i actually never heard of before, but maybe you are familiar with bedside county. >> this is the county that a san antonio. >> that is what i read. 42 properties and miss -- averaging $10600060 on foreclosures sold to a company called management llc. i looked them up in their subsidiary of american homes headquartered in angora hills, california, which is wedged in between thousand oaks and simi valley. do you really think do think they know better what to do with 42 foreclosed properties in san antonio that they may be the mayor of san antonio by a person
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named walter martina who runs the san antonio cdc with headquarters on el paso avenue by someone named oscar ramirez who runs the guadalupe association with headquarters on waterloo bay ave. what do you think is in a better position to know what is in the best interest of the people of san antonio. those people were somebody in california? >> at the point well taken. thank you for advocacy on this. to configure advocacy, the accuracy of others and nonprofits who made the very point the part of our responsibility is to understand the effect the policies neighborhoods. we believe it has been a powerful tool to help stave off foreclosure in some instances. we would like to get back to you on the changes to the
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improvement. >> the time of the gentleman has expired. on behalf of the secretary's ears and for the sake of the gem in the north of the mason-dixon, it is bear county. >> we need to have another lesson. i am happy -- >> not for a texan. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. fitzpatrick. i'm sorry. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from california mr. royce chairman of the foreign affairs committee. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> let me ask you about of line of questioning where you and i may be in concurrence, the last week we had an opportunity to talk about a subject or publicly endorsed moving forward with the built in black housing finance
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reforms and the reforms would increase private sector participation in the secondary housing market and decrease taxpayer exposure to future losses and what over time limit disruption of market. i wanted to get your take on this. the things we discussed for an increase in private or credit risk sharing by the gse including a timeline to ramp up the offers. the creation of a truly common securitization pop or which allows for issuance of mortgage-backed securities and the development of a common residential mortgage-backed security by fannie mae and freddie mac. i thought i would just give you the floor right now to discuss how this might bring private sector capital back into the market and how we might work together to achieve these goals. >> congressman royce i of course appreciate your efforts
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on the issue of the housing finance reform. the housing finance reform has a long and winding road i think it is fair to say. the administration is supportive of housing finance reform. in fact there is agreement on some of these issues. the president has made very clear he does have an interest as all americans do and taking taxpayers off the hook in the event god forbid we did experience the same housing crisis we just went through agreed we can find ways to introduce more private capital into the market. my hope is in there we will find a way to ensure people of modest means who are responsible are able to get access to credit. with respect to proposed legislation, there is some common principles that are the foundation to build on and we
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look forward to working. >> the question i was trying to drive to his gse increasing the risk sharing activities in the form of volume knob offerings and percentage of risk sharing would be a big step to bring private capital in. certainly the common securitization platform and the idea you are familiar with but making that available for the private sector to come in as well would be helpful. >> i am very willing to have conversations about that and build on legislation. we are hopeful the ball within congress' court. >> let's go to another question, mr. secretary. that is the headline i saw. links feed market share to thinly capitalized on banks. we do have a situation where the fha market share for large banks is recently cut in half from 61% to 43%.
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that is a concern. mom bakes have increased 24% a year later 51%. for several years later. is this troubling and using legal uncertainty is maybe part of the problem in terms of getting the traditional lenders more involved here and what about the need for greater certainty about the framework here. looking at that as a way of bringing capital back in. >> the answer is yes we are looking at that. we believe that makes sense to take reasonable steps to create more business certainty for lenders. i know this is something the director as fhfa is working on now is something we work on some aid. we hear from lenders about the uncertainty that does exist in regarding potential liability
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and so we're working on that and we look forward to being able to create greater certainty that will help open up the credit box reasonably responsible americans to get access to credit. >> one of the cei is i know if you want to stick with the program of putting back anytime anywhere, whatever, that is fine. we are just not going to make these loans in nairobi a whole bunch of americans that are underserved. that is the part of this that is concerning. there have been some ideas put forward in terms of how to adjust this and handle it. given the percentage of the revolution here in market share in the fact that it's thinly capitalized on banks coming in it needs to be addressed. the thank you. >> the time of the gentleman has
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expired. the gentleman from massachusetts, mr. lynch. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank reagan number waters as well. thank you for helping the committee with his work. good to see you again. mr. secretary, i'm one of the members of congress he referred to that grew up in public housing like mr. meeks of new york with the colony housing project. five sisters. it has been described as one of the poorest predominately white census tracts in the nation. we consider ourselves very, very fortunate to have at home. listening to the debate about questions posed earlier. does the hud affordable housing program work? i guess from listening to the debate if your family has not struggled, no explanation is
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possible. if you have actually lived in public housing, no explanation is necessary. do you understand what that means? we talked a little bit earlier. i had an opportunity the last couple weeks to cut a ribbon on one of my big veteran housing projects coming out. we just broke down. the new england center for homeless veterans. it is going to provide dirty new permanent supporters housing units for veterans including the dedicated just for women veterans. they've got a lot of them. it'll renovate 59 existing housing units for veterans and create 165 new units. it's got everything. if you've got substance abuse problems with psychiatric problems, the whole city together. i want to give credit to marty walsh who is part of it and
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governor baker who is a republican. there's at least a dozen different agencies city state and federal combined on the project. i've got another project that is an old police station in my home neighborhood of south boston where they convert the old police station to single unit occupancy units for veterans. so like most communities we love are we love our battery of them i want to make sure their service is remembered, is respected and rewarded. but i have to say it has really been a collaboration of a bunch of different projects in trying to figure out all the different aspects of what hud is doing on behalf of our veterans. you alluded to it a couple times, but can you drill down
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and explain what the obama administration is doing on veteran housing in this country today and what your most successful models have been in creating the housing. >> i am glad to do that. this is a real american success story because president obama in 2010 became the first president to say we are not just going to reduce homelessness. we are going to end it started with veteran homelessness. what was seen since that time is a 33% reduction in veteran homelessness through collaboration with congress that funded vouchers. you ask what works. why are we here? strong coordination between hud the pa and providers on the ground to quickly get veterans and housing, the adoption of smart policy and how they basically say we will not make our veterans jump through hoops
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or transitional living. we will again end to permanent housing right away because the research is compelling if you get permanent housing with supportive services, that is a real stabilizing influence on their lives so they can address it there some other issue in their life perhaps an addiction issue or a mental health issue or other issues having housing is the key to stabilizing address issues. what we see now is communities like new orleans that announced amount and a half ago they had effectively eliminated veteran homes. i joined congressman green the other day. houston has put in place the system to get the functional zero. this is a real success story we need to continue to support. >> i only have 10 seconds left. we've had 2.5 million sons and daughters of america since the
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first cold war -- gulf war. a lot of them have done multiple tours of duty. obviously they need some help. i have not mr. chairman. >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. fitzpatrick, chairman of our financing task force. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you, mr. secretary for the time spent with the committee today. i want to finish a veteran housing and homelessness among veterans. you said in your opening statement that you reduce homelessness among veterans by 33% and that is not an insignificant number. we should celebrate that a little bit recognizing us while there is a lot of work to be done. if the subset population of veterans in the country 67% are still without homes and you mentioned president obama has
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made this commitment to and veteran homelessness. one veteran homelessness to many. i remember in november 2009 as private citizen. my home in levittown pennsylvania, watching the news and it has been reported general shin seki was the secretary of pa had articulated the commitment. she put a timeframe on it. he said five years. november 2009. the goal was to end veteran homelessness in the united states. my thought at that point in time as that's a pretty aggressive goal and i love aggressive roles. i had concerns on how we would get their resignation. in my community, levittown is a town that was built for veterans returning from world war ii. many who would've never had the opportunity to own a home had it not been for the va and for that
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commitment. tucked between the city of philadelphia, housing prices skyrocketed. many of the population found themselves over time to be described as house rich and cash poor so housing prices have gone through the roof. in addressing the issue in my community, housing costs are very expensive. my second concern is homelessness is a symptom of other problems. problems like substance abuse problems that behavioral issues of ptsd and tbi come back. there's a community next to my hometown tickets to the issue of bringing a private or solutions. they proposed a 60 unit for so veteran housing project. the mayor has committed to donate the land. there are private developers involved in an opportunity to work with todd so you could be
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the last dollar in the project rather than the first dollar. i would like the opportunity to work with you and the undersecretaries on that. i think this is an issue in housing authorities that other congressional district and members of congress are dealing with. this have to do with the recapture of a sweeping account that occurred before your secretary. housing authorities received a letter where washington wanted to recapture what we're reclaimed reserves in their accounts back to washington to redistribute broader programs. the housing authority which i'm proud of which does a good job and manages well the housing that built up significant reserves and uses reserves for new projects to get individuals on the road to self-sufficiency. they received the letter they
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were going to lose millions of dollars they were prepared to reinvest in the community. it is well known for the problems they had. they had no reserves. they mismanaged authority. they settled lawsuit unrelated to housing paid for millions and millions in legal fees. the message that was sent is if you are a well-run housing authority and the build up cash reserves to reinvest in your community, the mismanaged housing authority are really not penalized because they look at the dollars we distributed. i was wondering if you could comment what message he think that fans to housing authorities and districts working hard to do a good job in managing and investing in the community so we can and things like veteran homelessness in the country. what message does that sound?
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>> on the first issue i look forward to working with you. the second issue on her public housing authorities to succeed. you are right this does predate me a little bit. however, it was the subject of an ig audit and the money is being held by hot but that does the law to the tha spirit we want them to have the resources to be successful and we look forward to working with you and others. >> two of reinvest and managing authorities. i ask you to consider that. >> the chair recognizes the gentleman in texas, mr. green, ranking member of our oversight and investigations. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. chairman, i have literally had tears swell in my eyes as i've heard some of what has been said regarding people who are in
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need of help. mr. chairman, i want the record to reflect that i., personal pronoun, will not live silently by while the tools that are needed to fight discrimination and help those who are in desperate need of assistance are eliminated. these tools have been hard on and hard off for. we cannot allow the evisceration of the program, the decimation of the housing trust fund. we cannot allow disparate impact should be eliminated.
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these tools have been recognized by court. they have made a difference and i applaud you for standing up and standing your ground this morning. somebody has to take a stand. i applaud you and all of your colleagues doing so. mr. chairman, mr. secretary more specifically, under disparate impact, statistical analysis alone will not bring as it reaches a plaintiff. the plaintiff has a further obligation to go on and show that there is a black discriminatory alternative. absent that the plaintiff will not prevail. disparate impact is not a theory. it is a standard that the 11th circuit courts have approved and
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it bears methodology by which one who is accused improperly can defend and win. the fair housing initiative program. this is the most efficacious way that we know of that has empirical evidence of discrimination. it is proven to be the best way. if there is another way i defy i can pass the name of person who which rarely happened. which is why you have to disparate impact standard. people don't come fast. they have facially neutral policy, but an application it is invidious discrimination. we cannot allow what we have thought hard for over the decades to simply evaporate
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because some people don't understand. i know what discrimination has been like. i've had to sit in the back of the bus. i've had to sit in the balcony of the movies. i know what i'm talking about. i know what it sounds like. i know what it looks like. i've had the plan to protest. i am going to make a stand and i wanted very well known that we cannot allow people to go without advocacy to the congress of the united states of america. now who is so that the general assistance program? elderly with children? the elderly themselves to disable the children disabled
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adults. more than 50% of the people on federal assistance are disabled, elderly and children. are we saying that america no longer wants to help the disabled the elderly and the children? have we gotten to a point where we have to cut through the bones all the way through to the disabled? is this the america that we have fought hard to create? i stand with you and i promise you especially those who are listening that don't have the advocacy you need in congress. and there are some among us who will not sit silently by. we will not acquiesce. we will not give our consent. we will fight. >> the time of the gentleman has expired. the gentleman from virginia,
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mr. hurt. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you secretary castro for being here. i'm interested to hear the comments we've heard from colleagues on the other side of the aisle. there are accusations that people on our side want to shut down and hide folks that believe there's anything but full support for the fair housing act. so what interests me to hear that. i don't think that's what i've heard and i don't think anybody certainly that i represent in virginia's fifth district believes that. people i represent believe there should be a safety net and how it plays an important role in providing not. i think we also recognize the people i represent recognize that we have do have federal programs that work that are efficient. i know you believe that as well. need to be efficient not only to serve those who need the
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assistance but we also need to serve those who pay the bills and taxpayers. that is the perspective i bring to this. i am concerned about folks i represent that live in rural virginia. i guess one of the things i would like to ask you about relates to the role of hud and its housing assistance as they relate to rural housing service with the usda. i noted in your testimony and i think we all know in 1965 when it was created that it was really primarily geared and may be safe to say continues to be primarily geared towards urban areas. would you agree that is true and how would you say that is changed in the last 50 years? >> certainly we do a lot of work in cities have significant ties.
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however you could just as easily say we are the housing and community developer department because we do a lot of work in rural areas and tribal communities. by no means are the investments we make limited to our urban areas. so what is sad there was a gao report in 2012 that confirmed that there is indeed a tremendous amount of work that had us in rural areas. my question is if you are interested in trying to make sure that we are most effect way using tax dollars and the leverage of federal government to provide, most effectively and consolidation between the usda and hud programs. >> we are always willing to talk
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about efficiencies. i know the potential consolidation between fha and rural housing service has been discussed recently. just one note of caution there. these are two programs that are distinct. they have different underwriting approaches, other standards that are different. i would say while hud certainly does do a robust amount of work, there is no question the usda has much greater reach in our rural communities than hud does. >> had you say there's not a duplication of effort? >> i think they are complementary. they do have different approaches on underwriting and other things. who would like to take her staffing you to follow up on the analysis. all of that is to say we are willing to explore what is
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possible. at the end of the day the conversation should be had as part of a larger conversation about the finance reform. >> mr. secretary, we did have her house and insurance subcommittee hearing in may. the director mr. fernandez did not seem to be very open to consolidation at all and i guess based on the 2014 agreement that the organizational charter which we were familiar with what has been done. have you met with anybody at the usda to figure out how we can consolidate effort between the usda, hud and efforts as well as the da after us. >> is a great question. i know we have had conversations in the past with rural housing service. of course we can get you
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details. >> i would like to see them because this is some rain that has been an issue since 2011 when the president started out on the course. >> the time of the gentleman has expired. mr. clay, ranking member. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you secretary castro for coming back. before you ask any questions let me personally thank you for the visits he made to st. louis and the state of missouri. we hosted with a newly minted promise on designation. today it is an unfortunate
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reality that a child's zip code has huge implications for life outcomes, including access to quality education, health care and transportation. hud is currently working to finalize the proposed rule for the requirement that all recipients of federal housing takes steps to affirmatively further fair housing. can you explain how this will ensure greater equality for children in the future. >> this is a piece of unfinished business in the 1960 or housing act. the fair housing act required the secretary take steps to affirmatively further fair housing. ..
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i wish i had that tool when i was mayor of san antonio because as a policymaker it would have helped to understand what more we could do. they will file an assessment of fair housing with their consolidated plan every five years. and we're looking forward to rolling this out. this is still in the rulemaking process so i won't go into the specifics of it, but we're
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excited about the possibility of this improving the fair housing landscape in the united states. >> thank you for that response, and for your efforts in that area. you know, studies show that federal rental assistance helps families stay out of poverty achieve stability and ultimately better life outcomes particularly for children. can you elaborate on the positive impacts that hud's rental assistance programs have on our most vulnerable households across the country? >> it's tremendous. the impact that we have provides stability, for young people. it provides comfort and dignity as was mentioned to the 56% of households that are headed by someone who is elderly or disabled. it gives individuals who are working age the chance to get on a stronger path to prosperity.
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in fact, 43% of our working age adults in hud aassisted housing do in fact work, so the rental assistance that we give is in and of itself successful in putting a roof ore folks heads giving them stability and putting them on a path to the kind of prosperity they wouldn't to work for. >> how does the brook rule that caps tenants' rents at 30% of income help families maintain housing affordability while still having enough room in their budgets for other basic necessities? >> what that rule ensures is that of course they have the responsibility to pay 30% of their income in rent so they have skin in the game. they are putting something forward at the same time it does shield them to some extent from increases in rents. what we see out there is that
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the rents are going through the roof in many communities and this is impacting everybody. the fact is that so many households today are paying 50% or more of their income in rent as i mixed earlier, 7.7 million low income households that don't receive any government assistance are paying at least 50% of their income in rent. >> thank you for your response. i yield back. >> time of the gentleman expired. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from ohio, mr. stivers. >> thank you mr. chairman. i'm glad you're hear, secretary. thanks for your call last week, offering to work with me on a lot of issue we share a passion for, and i want to read from hud's mission statement and ask you about four are areas. this is the summary of your mission statement. talks about your -- you want to work to strengthen the housing market. you want to utilize housing as a platform to improve the quality of life, build clues and if
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sustainable communities and transform the way hud does business. that's my summary of your mission. i hope you believe that's an accurate summary but it's excerpts from your mission. >> sure. >> i'd like to talk to you about four areas. moving to work, which you talk about. homeless youth definition, which we talked about individually. housing finance especially involving condominium rules and then the fair housing initiative if we could. i'd like to start with moving to work. it's a bipartisan issue. it's a flexible and holistic program that uses housing to build people's quality of life and transform lives. so i guess i just want to get you on the record as saying you're going to work with us on this bipartisan bill that hopefully will expand the program and allow it to be used to help a holistic program that look ted total needs of the aren'ts and make is more
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flexible for the agencies to administer. >> we absolutely are. we're looking to do what we can do -- >> i'll take yes as an answer. >> the budget propose saturday more. >> thank you. second on the homeless youth. you may be aware that the 2014 annual homeless assessment report to congress said they homelessness among families declined by eight percent between 2007 and 2014, yet the numbers reported through our department of education actually said that they went up 85%. so since the 2007 school year. it's a big disparity and hadiths do with the hud definition, leaving out homeless children. i guess my question -- i don't want this to be a loaded question but kind of is. how are we going to solve the problem of homeless youth if we don't count them correctly. >> believe we are counting them, and i believe -- first of all look forward to working with you. we had a good conversation about
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this issue. as you know we have some concerns about this legislation. one of those concerns is that it injures hud -- in fact may take away hud's flexibility prioritize or emphasize -- >> , gee want to make with you. you have to count people before you can help people. if you don't know their homeless. so the hud definition excluding a whole category of homeless folks under 18 i want to work with you -- >> i will say -- >> give you the flexibility but it's important we count them and your definition excludes them. >> i would say authorization more overlap that handbeen commonly given credit for but let work together. >> there's a disparity in the report and i want to help solve thaws because we can't help those people until we counsel them. they count in my opinion, and i want you to help count them. so i appreciate your willingness to work on that. third of, with regard to con condominiums you may know that the process with regard to fha
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funding for condominiums really is complicated and if fha would simply move to risk based pricing for condominiums only. i'm not asking you do do it everywhere you have had the ability to do risk based pricing since before i got congress. clearly conned minimumuppums have a higher risk than single family homes. i'll stipulate to that. you could move away from a model that excludes so many condos. in fact only between 10 some 20% of condos are eligible for fha financing weapon got to fix it because -- we got fix it because it's an affordable way for some people to get housing big way that urban people get housing housing and to exclude fha from them is a travesty. i want to quickly get to fair house initiative. did you by any chance -- since you've been there you came long after it happened. did you happen to look at your
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ig's report from 2014-i guess issued in 2015, recently -- this is your -- wait a second. the wrong one. it was issued in 2014. have you had a chance to see this -- 2013. i'm sorry. >> yes i'm familiar with this report. >> great. i appreciate it. >> i brought with me, too. >> have you implemented the recommendations? >> we have implemented those recommendations. and we have issued a directive emphasizing the need for on, site monitoring and our fheo has implemented a tracking system as well. >> i'm out of time but can you also tell us have you updated your conflict of interest standards? because they're really low and don't include having board members that compete against the folks that are subjected to
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these lawsuits. >> i look forward to following up with you. >> i'm sorry the gentleman is correct he is out of time. chair now recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. pittinger. >> mr. chairman, mr. secretary good to be with you. mr. secretary, i'm a businessman. i served in the north carolina senate. i led an effort for efficiencies and restructuring our government and looking for abuse, looking for fraud looking for waste working with the democratic legislature, came up with a billion and a half dollars of savings. the amounts weren't contest evidence. work with the speaker to consolidate our health and human services. medicaid fraud was pervasive throughout our government, and as such, around the country about 20% of it. i think the pushback that maybe you have sensed from this side of the aisle today is wanting a
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recognition that there is a concern for some abuse. even you referenced several times that the individuals that you serve come from the very poor or the disabled. the disability insurance has increased the last decade from 88 billion to $145 billion. that's a lot of money. a lot of people. seems that a lot of folks have been able to gain access to that. i've worked with our secretary of health and human services in north carolina on addressing food stamps. there's very little eligibility requirements. i've heard on the phone our majority leader and our staff trying to create the eligible requirements requirements and incentives to address it. i think the overall concern is the bows of -- the abuse of the system and what is being done.
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you have made a clear compelling statement of a great american success story in addressing the needs of veterans and their homelessness. i think what we're looking for is that great american success story in creating a accountability. inside the system. and looking for real metrics. looking for what you're doing to make sure that only those who really need assistance are getting it. if you have 56% of your folks that you're servicing a good portion of those disabled. >> have enormous access to disability, where does that fall in line in terms of people being able to access not just disability but that then being able to get federal housing? all of this is a real concern to all of us. who want -- i reject the
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statements made to imply some type of racial concern here. i've been involved in federal housing in my community for 25 years. you can talk to civic leaders pastors african-american pastors and i understand the need and i'm responsive to the need. at the same time i represent individuals who want a fiscally accountable government and we don't see a dome mon straighted ever how that's been manifest. i would really appreciate your response to those concerns. >> i appreciate the question and the concern. and early on in my tenure, we set out a vision for hud and one important part of that vision was to create a more accountable and transparent department. one of the first think is did was i co-authored a joint letter with our ig that went out to all
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employees, telling them that folks ought to cooperate with ig investigations and reviews. we have gotten our departmental enforcement center to work closely with our ig. we work with our ig to implement the recommendations on audits and reports so we improve performance out there. we're looking at ways to improve monitoring off our grantees, one challenge, for instance, is that we have over 8,000 grantees -- . >> mer sect, could i interrupt you? i don't have much time left. would you agree there's abuse of the system in. >> that abuse happenness the system sometimes? >> yes. >> i agree with you on that. >> i think that's what we want is a -- if you want to come back to us with real measured results, not what you have given to your staff and what to look for, but measured results and what you have done to bring accountability inside your system, that would really demonstrate to us that we're putting our tax dollars where
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they really belong. we care deeply about those in a safety net that need our help. we care deeply, though, as well about the american taxpayer, and what -- how they're being exploited time and again. >> i share that concern and we'd love to follow up. >> time is -- of thetime expired. the chair now recognize the gentleman from arizona. >> thank you mr. chairman. a couple of quick ones to build the box. for the agency, what do you think the thing you do or the agency does very best where you do it efficiently you actually affect people's lives and the costs, the dollar outcome as you measure it, is something you're proud of. >> there are several things that fit that category -- it's fair to say the thing many of us are
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proudest of is the progress we have made working with the virginia and others on veteran homelessness. >> your veteran homeless program. what is the thing that most concerns you where the dollar per life affected or helped or changed is unacceptable to you and what is that? >> what is your question? >> same thing just the opposite the mirror image of the first question. what in the dozens and dozens and dozens of programs and initiatives you are managing -- look you have inherited much of this. is the dollars spent -- is unacceptable to you the quality of the outcome in affecting and helping people's lives. >> it's fair to say every day i read the clippings from around the country and i see one of the grantees that is not spending money the way they ought -- >> no, no. i beg of you i don't want to go the anecdotal direction. i want this to be your math
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brain side. as a manager of a multibillion dollar agency, what program is unacceptable to you that the dollars being spent on the number of lives you're actually helping. >> i don't believe there is a program that hud has -- >> so, no program -- >> i guess what you're calling is basically a useless program. >> no, on the contrary, we all have those that work the way they designed -- >> is your question what program we need to improve in terms of its eefficiency? you just told me your very proud of your veterans homeless so you came up with a methodology and mechanics there you thought was effective per dollar. but the flip side you can't tell me anything -- >> no no. >> out of all the -- >> if your question is, what program or programs can we improve the efficiency on, what programs concern me about the efficiency on -- >> if you had a target right now where it was time for a
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technology revolution, cost revolution delivery revolution in what you do to use that money to affect people's lives what is that program that is time to have that management revolution that you -- >> there are many. i'll disyou an example. >> number one. >> well, one of them that i think we can make more progress on is bdbg. i'm told by me folked that administer mr. this that a lot of the work on dbbg is centered around essentially just routine -- paperwork -- >> what is the technology you can bring to that to bring that revolution about so the dollars per life affected is acceptable to you? >> this is why we're requesting it upgrades so we can improve our i.t. system to enhance monitoring and cut down on the amount of time hour people have 0 spend doing paper work and provide the efficiency that would cover those costs.
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>> that's a program you're going to -- >> that is one example. >> to help more people's lives and accomplish it through the efficiencies and pay for out there the efficiencies. >> your characterization is off it's one program. it's not one program. >> but you do initiatives at the program level. >> sure. there's no question, congressman, there's efficiency we have yet to achieve mitchell message is, it's going to take us improving the systems. that often takes an investment, and we need that investment from you. >> you actually have a misnomer there because if you look at the rest of the world particularly the private sector, the adoption of technology and efficiencies is supposed to save money and a low you to -- >> congressman -- >> let me finish. >> invest in my program -- >> mr. sect, met -- >> room with the carpet and goldening sin nia. >> second -- >> come on would make the
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improvements. >> mer sac. >> the time machinings to the gentleman from arizona. >> you shocked me with that rudeness. >> that's a fact. >> shall we try again mr. secretary? come on, you're better than this. you are much better than this. your brother is one of moyer favorite people here. so -- as we try to help you policy-wise, to find those efficiencies where you believe you can have the most impact, through your testimony you keep repeat over and over, investment inveshen in the same breath, you tell me that these technology dollars are going to provide you efficiencies why aren't you also telling us these efficiency are going to pay for technology investments? with that i yield back. >> time of the gentleman has expired. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. >> thank you mr. chairman. welcome, mr. secretary. thank you for joining us today. i'd like to talk about hud's
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continuum of care program. which i understand is set up to engage local communities and providing transitional housing and services to individuals and families. your staff has been talking with my office and a constituent provider in my district about challenges with hud regulations they've run into as a single sex provider. this provide ever does great work in the north hills of pittsburgh helping women with children avoid homelessness. most of the women there have been in poverty. many are domestic violence survivors. and many have experienced mental health or substance abuse issues. despite that the outcomes achieved have been tremendous. with more than 80% of clients increasing income and education level and finding permanent housing. each of these figures exceed hud requirements. however, the regulation as they currently stand prevent the provider from continuing to serve females with children and i can't national they're the only ones experiencing this issue. in thinking through these issues
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i question whether it makes sense for every program to be all things for all people. this provider serves a unique population that seems like a key user of the program is to empower folks on the ground. tailor programs to meet specific needs of their community. it can't be one size fits all. instead could serve under the continuum of care program for different gender be proceed i at different locations. that's what the community deems to be the most appropriate. >> thank you for the question, congressman. i'm not familiar with this particular case. i'm glad my staff has been working with your staff on it and would love to follow up with you on it permanently. we always strive to allow local communities to meet their own needs, and sometimes it becomes a challenge when those local needs clash with other dictates. however, we would like to work
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with you and with the community to see what is possible on that. >> would you agree that you can work with different genders depending on the context of the situation? for example if you have a resident that has been helping with domestic abuse survivors that maybe there should be a particular sensitivity there to the resident? >> no. i agree with you that does exist in different places, sure. >> should washington, dc come down and say, no no, you can't do that? you have to open up the program when you have a specific population there -- >> again is, i don't want to speak to the specific case. i am not familiar with the details of this particular case. hough in general what we like to do is, as i mentioned earlier, have mission-driven flexibility so we can meet the mission that hud has working with local communities and effectively serve those people that our programs are meant to
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serve. >> do you know whether there are waivers in a program that hud would be able to grant. >> in many programs there are way veries and under certain circumstances we have granted waivers on a whole number of things in order to meet the fundamental goal of that program -- >> we'd like to follow up with you and ask you to consider any way verse that would be appropriate -- waivers that would help this population inch meeting with the housing authorities throughout my district there is frustration with the -- can you tell me how often hud is doing a retrospective review of regulations. >> a good question. when the few years ago the president asked each of the departments to look at all of their regulations and to eliminate at least five percent. that was the goal. of those regulations. in that time, roughly over the
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last three or four years, hud has eliminated i believe the last thing i saw was 11% of those regulations. and we'd be glad to get your staff a followup on which regulations those have been. we share a goal, think and we heard this from congressman and others we hear very loudly and clearly at phas, nonprofits and other grantees, that, hey hud, can you get better about streamlining these administrative burdens? where we can do that, mark my words -- >> any formalized ongoing review of existing regulations so that every two years -- >> oh, sure, there is. there is a streamlining rule that is in development and -- >> the rule is in development right now? >> the rule is in development. >> when can we expect that. >> proposed rule was issued in january of 2015. and our goal is to issue that rule in the summer of 2015, so this summer.
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>> thank you mr. chairman. yield back. >> the chair recognize gentle ladyom utah, miss love. >> hello, secretary, how are you doing. >> doing well. >> okay. i just came in so i don't know all of the questions that were asked, but i want you to know that i'm hoping that we have a good civil just back and forth so we can get some information. good? in. >> sure, great. >> i just finished reading an article on the hill and i understand that the administration the obama administration is moving forward with regulations designed to help diversify america's neighborhoods. you're pushing forward with that. right? >> i wouldn't characterize it that way in terms of diversifying america's neighborhoods. ow talking about the affirmatively fair housing. >> i'm actually looking specifically at a department of
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housing -- your hud rule that is coming out that is dedicated to diversifying neighborhoods in the attempt to try and end areas you think are second be gaited, for instance. >> we just had a conversation about this. the rule on affirmatively furthering fair housing. >> okay. i just want to know some quick examples that you have where the government has actually -- the federal government has actually been able to diversify areas or end poverty in local areas where the local municipalities could not do that. >> that's not the way that i'm thinking about it. that's not the way we're thinking about it. >> how are you thinking about it? >> the way we're thinking about it -- i used to be a mayor. you used to be a mayor. >> yes i know thatth that as a mayor you wouldn't want the federal government to come in and tell you've what to do with
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your zoning rules. you have more of an incentive to take care of the people that live in your area. you're the boots on the ground. i'm trying to figure out where you think this would be a good idea. >> so the linchpin in -- i'm going to be careful about what i say about the rule because it's in rulemaking right now so we don't want to prejudge all of the contents of the rule. however, i think it's fair to say that the goal is to ensure that local communities have the tools to assess the landscape of housing in their area, and where the investments are where affordable housing opportunities are, and to understand what -- >> you think they don't have the tools right now and you need to provide the tools they need to landscape their area. to have more of a -- more data for their area. >> i believe that through this rule they will be able to get through what we call an assessment of fair housing dish. >> do you feelike you didn't
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have the right type of tools to make the right types of decisions in your area. >> i said earlier i wish if had this tool when i was mayor. it would have been fantastic as a policymaker. it truly would have helped to understand how we could ensure that throughout the community people at least have the opportunity for upward mow of mobility. so i'm convinced it could be a fantastic tool. >> i haven't limited amount of time. can i get a commitment you're not going to do anything that preempts what the museumities are doing in their area, that you are not going to go in and make sewning laws or rules that will preempt what cities do. >> i have seen this talk -- >> yes? >> yes ex-this is not about changing zoning laws or anything like that. >> saratoga springs a city i was mayor of, in utah, named one of the most -- one of the belles -- best cities for livability and affordability.
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it wasn't because we put pockets in areas of affordable housing. ones but a we said there are people that cannot afford specific housing so we're going to make sure that we do that. it's because we actually lowered the price. we lowered taxes. we made sure our tasks -- taxes paid for public safety and fire, and we gave people too use their own money for them to be able to pick affordable housing in their own neighborhoods. neighborhoods of their own choosing so their kids can go into -- go to school of their choosing. one thing i'm really concerned about, i just put up an article on facebook that talked about utah going from 1,932 chronic include home loss to 178 homeless. that is remarkable. that a state can actually do that. they have their own housing problems. >> with a lot of our money, so i agree. >> no, no, no, listen. they actually did that because
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that was their decision. >> with our money sure. >> they came -- what do you mean our money in that's the taxpayer dollars. yourself, think the money belongs to you? it belongs to the people. >> i'm proud of it. i'm proud of what utah has down. >> belongs to the people. what i'm saying i yous should take note from wham we are doing. why not follow what utah is doing so we can end homelessness. every program we have aimed at poverty should be aimed at making poverty temporary not tolerable. >> the time of the gentle lady has spired emt the chair wishes to advise all members that in order to accommodate the secretary's schedule, the chair intends to recognize three more members. the gentleman from colorado, the gentleman from arkansas, the gentleman from kentucky, those who are monitoring the hearing in their offices you are a day late and a dollar short. at this time we will recognize the gentleman from colorado mr. nutter.
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>> thank you mr. chair mr. secretary good, to see you. >> good to see you. >> i'd like to talk about some of the sustainability, energy-saving measures that the department is undertaken with local governments with local public housing authorities. i know in colorado, your agency has worked very closely with a number of our local governments and local housing authorities to really to really make sure the residents have very well-built units and complexes that are very efficient in their operations. so, if you could just talk to us a little bit about what the agency's doing nationwide and any specific examples that you want to raise. >> yes. i want to say how much i appreciate representative the chance i got to get out to denver not too long ago and in fact the denver housing
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authority is a good example of this. i had the chance to visit north lincoln homes and at north lincoln homes they installed 10,400 solar panels on the buildings, and what we want is we want folks to have roof over their head ex-want them to live in a safe environment and do in a healthy environment as well, and we have a win-win here because it's the healthier it's better for the environment and they're saving money in terms of energy savings. >> i just want to -- for the record colorado is the fittest state in the nation. so just -- utah has a lot of -- >> i won't challenge you on that. you're probably right. >> i want to talk about colorado for a second and i appreciate your -- >> so, we're doing a whole bunch of work on this. that -- those buildings were part of what is called our better buildings challenge and the better buildings challenge includes a push to get multi-family building openers to agree to -- owners to improve
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their energy efficiency by 20% and we have already gotten 89 multi-family partners that represent about 400 million square feet of space and serve 400,000 people. so that's one significant advancement we have made there are also other big communities like new york, through it housing authority that is working to do green energy retrofit, and we worked with them to make it economically feasible in conjunction with the private sector so they'll have rein novied and more -- rennovated and more environmentally sound green energy units there in new york and we just think this is a victory all the way around. >> i have seen instances where your department has worked with other agencies within the federal government, whether it's education, or transportation, or energy. to make sure that new complexes
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new housing units are near transit, or it's easy for the residents to get from one place to another. can you comment on that? >> i'm confident that one of the lasting legacies of the obama administration is that it has broken through the silos, the sustainable communities would be a good example of this, which was hud dot and epa working together and asking local communities to do the same thing. because we know if we are going to lift up the quality of life for people, it's not just about housing. it's also about access to transit, bat good school, about the opportunity for a good job. how do all of this work together across the silos so that folks have a holistic opportunity to rise and denver is a good example of this. whether it's in investment in transit that connects to some of
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the housing there or environmental investments made. the promise zone wes announced the second round of are another good example of this. we want to ensure that we're making an overall holeisic impact on quality of life and economic opportunity. >> there is anything that it haven't turned of touched on you'd like to touch about. >> a million things, but we're very proud of so much of the investments made. we're also mindful as folks know on this side of the aisle have said, that we can continue to work on efficiency, and accountability, and we will do that. >> with that, mr. chair i'll yield back. >> gentleman wheeleds back his time. chair now recognizes the gentleman from arkansas, mr. hill. >> thank you mr. chairman. thank you, ranking member marx castro go to have you before the committee today. had the measure of being in the great state of texas over the weekend and had dinner in us a tip at the lbj library and i was thinking quite a bit at that
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dinner about would the president this many years later be happy or sad about the performance of the great society programs since we really haven't gotten poverty, the percentage of be population down since his time, and i know we have spent trillions trying. to i do welcome you back to the committee, and i've met with my public housing authority twice in little rock, arkansas, and one thing that came up consistently was hud's bureaucratic delays and disposition of property that it was -- i was informed it can take up to literally a year through your chicago disposition office to take a property that has been sold, take it off the books and therefore we can't redevelop new units without putting that cash to work, can't do a real estate closing. seemed like a really long time to me. i wonder what you consider a good benchmark for that
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disposition process. >> i believe it's fair to say that according to the history of the property and the size of it, that you see a range. however, i agree with you that we certainly should endeavor to do it in a way that is as swift as possible, and while i'm not familiar with the particular case of the little rockhousing authority, i'd be willing to follow up with your staff. give -- >> my question is not case specific. itself is prospective. i've seat it in a couple of instances now and i encourage you to set a benchmark that it substantially better than that. you talked about your success with veteran homelessness today. we appreciate that. but in preparing for the hearing i was really shocked when i read a crs memo that suggests that of
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the 45 billion in new discretionary appropriations provided for hud's programs and activities for fy15, 43 billion, 95%, basically all of it, is narrowly all that funding is apparently disbursed by automatic or computer driven funding and so it's basically on auto pilot. it goes out. they say it's allocated by formula. 95% allocated by formula. so i assume public housing payment or whatever that might be. which means that hud doesn't have a lot of input and this is a real change, i've noticees, since coming back to washington, that our cabinet secretaries don't have a lot of control about mixing programs or changing personnel. we see it at the veterans administration all the time.
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i you have been frustrated by it which you choose to mention that here us your business but appears to me how many more houses could be build or how many more lives could be change if we had a reduction in the 7800 employees that you have, if 95% of your spending is driven by formula do you really need that big a head count and could be reduce that head count? what do you think about that snow. >> we're always looking for eefficient simple he met give you that state in january 1981 we had 16,500 employees at hud and today, by last count we had 7,810. >> you also spent a lot less money then, too you were spending probably $10 billion in 1983 or 1984 year wear having to do more with less people, but i think you and i can agree on this. that we are always looking for ways 0 through the use of technology through doing things smarter, that we can become
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more -- >> does that number shock you 95%? surprise you that crs says that 95 asker of the your spending is based essentially on a standing formula that flows out to your -- >> does it surprise me? i might want to double-check that percentage. doesn't surprise me that lat of our programmers essentially formula funded. however, there are also a number of them that are competitive funds as well, but it's either form laic or competitive -- formulaic or competitive. that's not much discretionary power -- >> what do the nearly 8,000 people do? >> they essentially administer these programs. we have had a lot of talk about how we can ensure more accountability. they are our front line at ensuring that accountability. >> if you just had a good inspector general and a-get congress to agree a big i.t. upgrade, if youer going to have automated spending wouldn't that
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be the way to handle it? where do they get to innovate and -- >> that's why i think we need the investment in i.t. so we can achieve that. i agree. >> i yield back. >> chair now recognizes in the gentleman from kentucky, mr. barr. >> thank you, mr. chairman, and mr. secretary, thank you for your patience, we're winding then hearing here and i appreciate your time here today. the congressional research services you probably know, reports that hud has spent since its origination in 1965, approximately $1.65 trillion on its programs over the course of these 50 years. yet, since 1965, the percentage of prime age male work north america the work hours has declined from over 90% to only 77% today. also the official poverty rate has remained essentially flat. in 1965, seven percent of american children were born
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outside of marriage. today that number is over 40%. that matters because single parent families are four times more likely than married couple families to lack self-sufficiency and to persist in poverty. and finally since 1965, since the advent of your department the number of single parent families in official poverty has important tripled. so we talked about this quite a bit today but how do you personally define success in the mission of the department of housing and urban development? >> we have addressed this, congressman. i define success in several ways. first of all somebody having a roof over their head, veteran that serve our country having a roof over his or her head is success. >> can i stone you right there? -- stop you right there? i agree with you. >> then we agree on that. >> i want to elaborate here. putting a roof over someone's head is success certainly in keeping that individual out of
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homelessness. >> for the department of housing. >> sure. but wouldn't you define success with higher expectations that the aspiration of your agency shouldn't just by putting a person who is homeless into a shelter or putting a roof over their head but instead putting a person in a position where they themselves are putting a roof over their head? isn't that the expectation that we would want? isn't that what the american taxpayers expect in terms of the rub on their investment? >> what they expect is that the department of housing will provide safe quality affordable housing first. and then we also, of course, want to work to ensure that people also have the stability to get on to the path they want in life, but let's not suggest that the fact that they have a roof over their head doesn't count. >> it certainly counts. i just think our aspirations need to be much higher out. expect attentions are far too low. the expectation should be that success is murder not just how many people we're moving in to
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dependency on the department -- >> wouldn't caught ill depep den sis: if disagree. >> moving out do. >> jo evidence to suggest dependency. what's the evidence on that. >> my time is expiring, mr. secretary. let's talk about your testimony which i appreciate. that you're always looking for ways to become more efficient awful working on efficiency and accountability and you have assigned your deputy secretary to lead an operational and management review, that deep dive. to deliver more eefficiency. let me give you an example where i think the department could liver. in kentucky, i have heard from men of my con it students who are grantees of continuum of care, which is supposed to take care of our homeless population, in one city in kentucky with the homeless rate that is average they're getting $8 million in a similar city, with the same homelessness rate, they're getting an eighth of that money and for those constituents in
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that underserved community they tell me hud has been capricious in prohibiting unused funds from being redirected. so, in other words in the city with the large number of continuum care funds the grantee is supposed to by statute have 24 months to expend the funds or those funds will be recaptured. but the statute says that the secretary shall rielle locate the funds -- rielle locate the fund for another -- that meets requirements to be cared out. i have third the request to move unexpended fund inside. from one grantee to another less than an hour away has been denied. so my question to you is, what would you define as a geographic area and why can't we take unspent funds in one area and re-allocate those to another area where there is another
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equal and chronic need. >> that it as great question in fact it's a great question bus because this is one thing we'd like to work on, especially in smaller communes to allow them to share resources whether it's on overhead or direct provision of services. so let's work on that. >> mr. secretary, appreciate your offer. i want to work with you on that colony make good on your commitment to make these dollars go further for the american taxpayer. thank you. i yield back. >> time of the gentleman has expired. i'd like to thank the secretary for his testimony today. without objection all members -- [applause] >> -- >> the committee will come to order. without objection, all members have five legislative days within witch to submit additional written questions for the witness to the chair. to be forwarded to the witness for his response. i ask the secretary to please respond as promptly as you are able. without objection all members will have five legislative days
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to submit extraneous materials to the chair for collusion in the record. this hearing stands adjourned. >> a live look here on the floor of the u.s. house where a vote is about to wrap up on the first of several trade bills on the floor today. this on taa trade adjustment assistance designed to help individuals and communities no loose jobs because of international trade. it looks like this will go down rather easily with only 127 yea votes and 300 nay votes on the much. first of three votes. the next on tpa or fast track trade authority for the president, and another vote on customs enforcement legislation but reports from the hill say if this bill goes down, the whole thing goes down. >> the nays are 302. the motivation is not adopted.
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what purpose the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> mr. speaker i ask nance consent to speak out of order for the purpose of an announcement. >> the membersard viced to proceed on the remaining two motions. [applause] >> i would advice the members that the world is watching and i encourage every member of the house to vote yes. i yield back. >> without objection five minute voting will continue pursuant to house resolution 305. the third possession of the divided question is, will the house concur in the matter preceding title 2 of the senate made. those in favor say aye. >> those opposed no. gentleman from michigan. >> reported vote.
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>> recorded vote is ordered. members record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. >> again live look at the floor of the u.s. house where the taa or trade adjustment assistance bill just failed, and the -- the thought was and was reported in the hill that if that failed, there would not be a vote on fast track. the whole package would collapse however you just heard from the majority leader that the house will go forward with the tpa vote and that is now starting. you can watch the house live on our companion network c-span, and continue to work whether or not the trade bills move forward in the house. live at 4:00 p.m. today here on a discussion on the future of the supreme court
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nomination process and whether justices should have a life-time teche. that begins as 4:00. >> here are features programs this weekend on the c-span networks. on booktv, on c-span2 saturday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, fox news contributor kirsten powers says although they were once its champions liberallers now against tolerance and free speech. on sunday night at 11:00 former deputy director of the cia michael morell, on the successes and failures of the agency's war on terror and its current fight against al qaeda and isis. and on american history tv on c-span3, saturday night at account -- the impact president nixon had on the court and american politics and sunday night at 6:00, on american art facts we visit the -- national
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museum of natural history. get our complete schedule at >> on c-span's road to the white house, more presidential hopefuls announced if the candidacy for president. live saturday on c-span. former secretary of state hillary clinton will kick off her campaign with a speech that will outline her agenda as a candidate, loom from the fdr. on monday afternoon we're live at miami-dade college where former florida governor jeb bush will officially announce his candidacy, and on tuesday on businessman don infield trump announces whether or not he will make a bid for the presidency at new york's trump towers, and you can watch all events online anytime at
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the road to the white house, 2016. >> scotland's national party leader said yesterday that the u.s. would have nothing to fear if scotland were to ever become an independent nation. she also talk about relations with the uk since the may 7th 7th election and the implications for scotland if the uk decides to break away from the european union. the scottish national party wouldn't 56 of 59 seats allotted to scotland in the british house of commons. [inaudible conversations] >> good morning everyone. and welcome to the session of the council on foreign regses. i'm judy woodruff, co-an score managing edit or of the pbs news hour and i'm delighted to preside over the discussion with
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the first minister of scotland. she was elected deputy leader of the scottish national party in 2004, and in that capacity she went on to become a high profile fig in the scottish parliament, scottish parliament, leading to her history-making election as leader of the fmp in november of last year shep became the first woman to hold the position, fit minister of scotland, but she made further history two months ago after a vigorous campaign when her party won a landslide in the u.k. general elections. capturing 56 or 59 seats designated for scotland in the national parliament. she will begin by making remarks and then i'll sit down with her for a conversation before we take your questions. please join me in mcing the first minister of scotland, nikola sturgeon. [applause]
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>> thank you very much, indeed, judy for that warm introduction, thank you for being here this morning. it is a real pleasure for me to be here. a real pleasure for me to be here in the united states, here in washington, dc, and in particular to be here at the council on foreign relations an august and well-respected organization not just in the united states but worldwide. and one thing that has been reminded of often since i arrived on this visit to the u.s. at the weekend is the fact that the bones the very deep bond between scotland and the united states go back centuries. they run from the discussion and the debate between enlighten. think arees to the modern exchange of university graduates and the connections between our
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technology companies the relationship between our two countries, cultural, it is social it is historic, and of course it is economic as well and we value those links and those ties very highly, and from what i've seen and observed on my visit this week is that those ties are set to continue and indeed to strengthen for generations to come. so it is a real pleasure to be here this morning at the council on foreign relations an organization that for more than another -- for 90 years has contributed to the exchange of idea between the united states and the wider world. i'm especially pleased to be speaking at this particular time. i'm very aware that there is a strong interest here in political development not just in scotland but across the unite kingdom as a whole and there is
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understandably an interest in the implications of the develops for europe and the wider international community. before we begin our discussion, therefore, want to provide a very brief overview of my thoughts on where the united kingdom and scotland stand right now in doing that i'll talk about two referendums and one election. i'll look back briefly at the referendum on scottish independence that took place last year, and also at the uk general election that took place just last month. i'll also look forward to the referendum on the united kingdom's membership of the european union which is expected to take place sometime before the end of 2017. although the exact timing of that referendum is not yet determined. now, as you probably guess or probably able to guess the
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first referendum on scottish independence which took place last september didn't turn out exactly as i would have hoped that it would. but while that referendum might not have transformed scott land's constitutional position, it undoubtedly transformed scottish politics and i would argue it has had a transformational effect ounite kingdom politics as well. that referendum has made scotland one of the most politically engaged countries i would argue in the entire world. nearly everybody in scotland last year became intensely involved in a peaceful and passionate debate about the kind of country they wanted to live in. and that debate has had lasting consequences. for example in the uk, general election last month voter turnout in scotland was some five percentage points higher
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than it was in the rest of the united kingdom. many people who perhaps previously hadn't had any interest whatsoever in politics or how the country was governed, now understands that their vote and their voice really matters. they feel involved in decisionmaking in a way that hasn't happened before, certainly not in my lifetime. so regardless of the result the referendum itself, the experience of the referendum has been good for scotland. we're more energized more informed and more empowered than we have ever been before. the result of that referendum also provided part of the context for last month's uk general election. to the casual observer, the u.k. election are just a very clear result. it resulted in the election of a majority conservative government and the return of david cameron
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different system of party politics. so there was no one uniform result across the united kingdom. the multinational united kingdom voted in four very different ways. and shortly before the election i raised the question of what actually constitutes an electoral mandate in the uk win the four nations are voting in and pulling in very different directions. in practical terms of course simply winning enough votes and seats in england can secure a parliamentary majority. but with a government is achieved only by winning seats in one of the four nations of the uk the question arises what kind of mandate is that because there was a party, of course has the right to form the government in the uk and hasn't he done that. but it was not the biggest party in three of the four nations of the uk far from it in fact.
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and so the legitimacy of its actions in those other nations comes very clearly into focus. as i discuss with the prime minister when we met after the election, what happens to the future of the united kingdom now in the years ahead? well at least in part depend upon how responsibly westminster deals with the reality that in political as well as in constitutional terms, the uk does not a unity state. there is no second scottish independent referendum on the immediate horizon, of course but i do think it's a reasonable point to make that if the united kingdom is to remain intact in the years to come, it must demonstrate and must demonstrate very clearly that it can adapt to multinational and multiparty politics in a far more substantial manner that it has often done in the past. but here in the trade of course
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they are very used to the idea of 50 different state governments making for different choices about very significant issues. but that's not something the uk government are used to for much of the last century devolution notwithstanding. the uk has been a remarkably centralized state but it's not increasingly clear that for the united kingdom as a whole, one size doesn't fit all and a one size fits all approach is not going to the bill for the future. of course, distinct political identities which seem to be in virginia to the part of the uk are also relevant to the third vote i want to refute talk about this morning, the coming referendum on the uk's membership of the european union, something that is of huge significance within the uk. but as i found in the united states, this can be a matter of considerable interest to people here as well. while many people back in the uk find quite odd about this referent is that the prime
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minister says he wants to stay in the european union, both of the biggest uk parties say they want to stay in the european union. there's overcoming support or so it seems, for you -- european union membership and westminster parliament and yet here we are into united kingdom standing carelessly close to the exit door of the eu. and interestingly the prime minister is seeking to appease with our european referendum, the eurosceptic opinion in his own party or the united kingdom independence party are unlikely to be appeased by a renegotiated membership of the european union but what that body of opinion was is for the uk to exit the european union and nothing less. if it seems odd in uk as a whole, as it often does that this referent is now looming the uk government approach seems especially odd to many people in
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scotland. in the general election last month across the whole of the uk, parties which want to leave the european union are called around 12% of the popular vote. in scotland that figure was less than 2%. and just this week we've seen an opinion poll of scottish voters showing that 72% would opt to vote to remain in the european union with only 20% saying they would vote to lead. that's perhaps not surprising given the economic significance of to scotland and the uk over eu membership in scotland alone for example, there are some 300,000 jobs that rely on our exports to the european union. so membership of the european union is of enormous importance. so i would argue, for many people in scotland the referendum on the eu simply isn't a priority but nevertheless it does raise the possibility, depending on how the result goes across uk that's
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going to be taken out of european union against iowa. that's why the european question is in some ways very directly linked to the question of how the uk is governed. one of the things of the scottish referendum last year particularly often very powerfully by those campaigning against scottish independence was a that scotland is a valued and equal partner in a uk family of nations. and so surely, therefore, as many people in scotland would say, it shouldn't be possible for scotland's voice to be overruled in an eu referendum. that's why scottish government is arguing for a double majority provision in that referendum where the uk could only see the eu if each of the nation's of the uk votes to leave. that sort of territory requirement of course is often used in federal countries like canada and australia. i think it's time to apply to the united kingdom, a
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multinational state, to give meaning to the sayings that the uk is a family of nations. i said last week in a speech to the european policy center in brussels that if scotland does find itself take it out of the european union against a vote in scotland to remain in then it could, it could produce a demand for another independence referendum which may be unstoppable. but i would argue and do argue that the uk government has it within their power to remove that possibility by agreeing to the double majority provision that we are putting forward. the referendum legislation that could demonstrate what we are so often thought, that the uk government does see the uk as a family of nations and i would posit that it would be one very clear way in which the uk could do what i suggested earlier that it needs to do demonstrate that it can adapt to a multinational
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multiparty system of politics within the united kingdom. searches to conclude my opening remarks, it's clear what i said. i hope i think it's clear from observing politics in the united kingdom, these are momentous very exciting times for scotland and, indeed, for the uk as a whole. that brings challenges but it also brings considerable opportunities. the coming months in the coming years gives us a chance to secure autonomous scotland following is to build a powerhouse economy and ensure a more equal society. they also provide an opportunity to secure better governance across the whole of the uk and they will see a vote which i hope will reaffirm the place of scotland and the place of the united kingdom within the european union. all of these outcomes are possible. none of them are guaranteed. they require positive argument. they require constructive negotiation from political leaders right across the uk. for my part i determined that
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the scottish government will take the lead to making this argument and computing to those negotiations because if we achieve these objectives, it will be good for scotland. and will be good in my view for every nation of the uk and it will secure our place in europe and the wider world. and by doing that, of course, it helps to strengthen our friendships and our alliances both here in the heart of the united states and right across the world. so thank you very much indeed for listening. i am really looking forward to the discussion that will follow. [applause] >> so first, minister, begin welcome and thank you. i think you for talking with us. you said in your remarks, he raised the question of whether the conservative party victory in england, as you put it is only one of the four nations. you sent in only one of the four nations that were holding
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elections can be considered to have a mandate. that's the question to you. my first question to you is if it's not a mandate what is it? are using the david cameron is not legitimately the leader of the uk? >> no, i'm not saying that. the constitution of the united kingdom as it stands at present means that david cameron is the prime minister. he won the election and got enough votes and enough seats across the uk to form a government and that's what he has done. the point i'm making is a point of real politic, it's a point of political reality. although because of the relative sides in england compared to the other nations of the united kingdom, david cameron is able to form a government. my argument is that he needs to accept any of the three nations of the united kingdom, his party did not win and to fork and how he governs the country, that's something that he should take account of any should respond to the democratic wishes as they were expressed in scotland and
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wales and in northern ireland. and in many respects how he had his government response to the political reality will determined at least in part at the united kingdom developed over the coming years. for people in scotland right now, we are watching quite carefully to see a david cameron's government response. if it responds well, then the mass of people will take his westminster is responsive is adaptable company conserved scotland better. if it doesn't then the message will be a very different one. >> are we to understand that there's a new relationship between scotland and the rest of the united kingdom? >> scotland and the united kingdom, the british isles, the arab part in that regard is of what the scotland becomes in the future some point in the future an independent country or not is always integral but we have a reality. the united kingdom is not and never has been the unity state
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a multinational family of four different nations. and in recent years we've seen through devolution and asymmetry develop and how the united kingdom is governed. we sing different voting patterns, different priorities emerge in each of these four nations. and that does bring into sharp focus the relationship between a scottish government and the united kingdom government. i think it's a big test over the years to come of the united kingdom, to construct that is the united kingdom. is about adaptable and responsive, can it accommodate the different views into different directions in which each of its nations wants to go in? or will it prove to be unresponsive in which case our hearts and i think we'd say perhaps the united kingdom will not continue as the construct that it is. >> watching from the other side of the atlantic, i think many americans look at what's going on over there and would say if scotland were to break away
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were to become into penny penny, that greatly weakens the united kingdom. what do you say to that? >> i've never held that view and one of the things i've been talking about a lot this weekend, the united states is about, you know if scotland had become an independent country or if we ever do in the future i stress the point i made in my opening remarks. there is a second independent referendum on the immediate horizon, so we're talking hypothetically at the moment. but the united states, for example, in that scenario would go from having one close ally the united kingdom to having to close allies scotland and the remainder of the united kingdom. i don't believe that weakens the united kingdom in an international context. scotland would always see as its closest ally defending the security of the united kingdom contributing to the security and the rest of the world as england and the remainder of the united kingdom. in many ways i think that to
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strengthen the position and the united kingdom i think can be strengthened by demonstrating how it responds to the will of the people and its different constituent parts. >> well, in the meantime, while there is not an action right now to move toward independent, you clearly are looking at ways to have scotland exert more authority over its own affairs. your deputy leader stewart hosie, said last night and was quoted today in the scotsman essay and the s&p is going to push for full fiscal autonomy which, as we understand it we mean complete control over tax and spending. is this something that the s&p has decided to do? >> that position of the s&p short of scotland being independent, we want the maximum powers in the scottish parliament. i'm very impressed that you managed to read the scotsman before i have.
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[laughter] >> i have a feeling that's not so but we will see. >> i can tell you it is so. [laughter] suggest that is the position of the s&p. as a default part of united kingdom there are some restrictions on the devolution of tax dollars and european union for example, would mean vat rates couldn't, value-added tax rates could be set to vote in scotland so there are some restrictions. we want maximum fiscal powers within the united kingdom. why do we want that? not for its own sake but because the more powers we have, the more fiscal responsibility we have, the more it didn't help to shape things like our system of social security, the more able we will be able to grow our economy, to make sure we're doing the things in pursuing the policies to help us to attract investment and create jobs and grow our economy faster and more
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sustainably. so it's powers and responsibilities for a purpose and people make those arguments that in the westminster parliament as the debate about for the autonomy for scotland continues over the weeks and months to come. >> so you're not saying it's happening in an imminent way? i mean need to push to have this fiscal autonomy. >> but there is legislation going through the house of commons right now that's just started to extend the powers of the scottish parliament in what i would argue are reasonably limited way. was part of that legislative process, we will seek to make amendments to extend the autonomy that is being proposed to the scottish parliament. i think what you been reading in the scotsman debate is about a particular amendment that we are pursuing an house of commons to get a scottish part of the right to move to fiscal autonomy. >> i'm sure you're aware of the analyses that showed this would cost as much as $10 billion a year, cost scotland that much.
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is not a deterrent speak with no, it's not. that analysis looks at the fiscal position of scotland right now and finds that, not surprisingly, scotland is in deficit just as the uk is in deficit. our revenues are not large enough to cover all of our spending. the position of the united states. it's in a position many countries across the world are in. so that's what that analysis is about. countries that are in deficit want to pursue policies that grow the revenues through economic growth so that they can pay down the deficit and achieve fiscal balance. my argument for fiscal autonomy is that it equips the scottish government with greater leverage than greater powers for good responsibility to do just that. to do it introduce and ability for us to tackle the fact that we, like many other countries right now, are in a fiscal deficit position. >> i guess my question is how
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much of a priority, is this the first thing you're going to be pushing for in the coming weeks and months? >> in terms of the constitutional debate yes, we will be arguing the case for maximum powers for the scottish parliament. but as first minister of scotland might 40 on a daily basis as the lead of any government will be the economy in scotland, how we grow jobs in scotland, how we attract investment, how we make sure that our public services like our national health service and/or education system are performing at well and delivering quality services. so these are my daily preoccupations. but in terms of how the constitutional future of scotland developed, we will be seeking to argue for as much autonomy for the scottish government as possible. >> is a good thing if scotland has its own foreign policy, the you think? >> if scotland had been an independent country we would have responsibility for foreign policy as part of the. we are not in a position. foreign policy remains the preserve of the united kingdom
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government. but if you think it is good for a outward looking international skoucher with an upward looking international government as the one i read is to have a voice and to seek to influence the direction of uk foreign policy and we will seek to do. we will seek to do that in a very constructive way. there are some differences in foreign policy between the scottish government and the uk government but there are many, many areas in which we share of you in which the scottish government would be and are very supportive of the position of uk government. we will seek to have our voice heard and to influence the direction of foreign policy as much as we can. but, of course, it is at the moment the responsibility of the uk government. >> so for an american audience what's most important for us to understand to the extent of support at all? what's important for us to understand about where the similarities and were other differences when it comes to relations with the united
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states? you've talked about the eu, your strong you that the uk should stay part of the eu. but what else, how would you flash that a? >> what i would say about my party and my government and how we conduct ourselves in these matters within the united kingdom and the european union and the ways of the world is that we are internationalists and outward looking. we would be and is going to go be independent, would've been absolutely the case. we would consider to be a key ally of the united states. we want to work constructively within the world community to make sure that we are playing our part and resolving some of the complex and some the issues of challenge that we live with in the modern world. we would want to be a continuing member of the nato alliance to play our part in collective security. so the message that we very strongly articulated during the referendum and will continue to
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is the international community would have nothing to fear from an independent scotland. we are not going to be in the payment right at the moment but if that happens in the future then the international community would find in scotland a constructive and positive ally in terms of the many issues that we're dealing with and facing today. >> what do you make first minister, all the attention you've been getting since last month? really since last november but most of all in the last few months? >> i think it's good for scotland. there has been more international attention on scotland as a country in the past two or three years than i can ever remember. now, lest you read a wonderful couple incidents of different events. we hosted in the city of glasgow the commonwealth games. a few weeks later we hosted a ryder cup at gleneagles, big international sporting events to put the focus on scotland.
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most countries would probably thought that was enough to be going on with for one year but we decided we might get bored between the commonwealth games and the ryder cup swede referendum on independence in between those two events. so all of that combined to put a spotlight on scotland that i think in many ways continues to this day. and my view is a very simple one. we should capitalize on that make the most of that, use that to encourage companies in business to invest in scotland. the message i've been taking around new york and washington this week is that simple one. scotland is a great place to live and come to work and come to do business in, to invest in. if using scotland on the television, reading about it in the newspapers and fancy finding out more and please come visit. come to invest. come to study. we are a fantastic country for all of them. >> before we take questions from the audience, how do you are you getting done on this trip
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what you want to get done in this official trip to washington speak with this. i'm extreme happy with how this trip has gone you know. let me just say, firstly we had a fantastic reception from everybody we have met in the united states, both in new york and washington, and we're very grateful for that. but the focus of the trip has been largely trade and economy focused, and that's been very successful. i come in new york met with two copies that were announcing your investment in scotland. so from that point of it was a very successful. but the other practice has been to be very directly to united states audience that scotland sees itself as your friend and your ally and somebody that wants to work with you across a whole range of ways. and in that respect i hope the visit has been successful in getting that message across. >> so the u.s. has nothing to for from scotland. >> nothing whatsoever. on the contrary.
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>> all right. first minister, let's take questions now from the pockets. i would ask you to -- i believe with microphones. ares i maybe there's another one. wait for the mic are phobic we would ask you to speak directly into it, stand up, give us your name your association and let's see who wants to go first. i think over here this gentleman. >> thank you first minister. gavin wilson with ifc. we met yesterday at the world bank. the topic was economic and i was wearing a world bank had today. i'm and anglo scott. of us forced to choose a passport on which is a scottish one. i'm also i was born in london and was just a question about political legitimacy. you mentioned regarding the current government of uk. london has a larger population than scotland. the conservatives lost the election in london as well. so one question is are the conservatives legitimate rulers of london in december you mention scotland wrecks and
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secondly, my wife's family are partly from orkney. orkney's dismal part of scotland, has a very distinct identity. and if scotland were independent would it be legitimate for orkney to say they would like to be independent from scotland? at issue are covered in scotland the legitimate government of orkney given what you said about territorial differences in terms of votes and the political affiliation? >> okay. thank you for that question last night. >> orkney of course being one of only three parts of scotland that didn't vote snp at the gym election. but i have -- but actually came close so maybe in the future we will be able to change that. at me be very clear about this. a state constitutional says the government of the uk is legitimate in every part of the uk. i to question that i'm making a
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political point about the need for any multinational state of different nations voting in different ways a sensible government will be responsive to that and david cameron and his government will demonstrate that they understand that whether they like or not people in scotland didn't vote for his government and will come through the policies and their approach and their demeanor toward scotland, demonstrate that they understand that. but that's the point i'm making. and london of course has its own mayor, its own default the government in that sense. by the way to point it is too late to your point about orkney as well. i make a very sharp distinction and i think both people and the united kingdom would make this distinction as well between nations and regions of the united kingdom. scotland as a nation as a single and, wales and northern ireland. i think it brings up a particular significance and importance to the different voting patterns and the
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different constitutional positions of these nations within the united kingdom. in terms of orkney i spent a fair bit of time and both united kingdom and -- orkney and shetland and the runoff to the independent rhythm. i've been there since then as well. there is no great appetite in orkney or shut them. if scotland was to become independent for them to be independent from scotland i'm not saying you nothing anybody there of that opinion the country to its occasionally presented in the united kingdom and particular scottish media, you will not find a great clamor to break away from scotland in either orkney or shetland. what did you find within both of those islands and other islands is a desire for greater autonomy. the scottish government actually right now is in the process of looking at what powers and responsibilities the default from edinburg to our island communities, to give them greater autonomy and and a sense given life to the police we have in decentralized government and power line as close to people as
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possible. but to wrap it up, my point here is not to say david cameron is not our legitimate prime minister as for scotland is concerned. whether i wanted to be or not is neither here nor there. anticonstitutional since he is at the political we have made it if he simply acts as if he's got the same mandate in every part of the uk and i don't think he will be acting in a way that is strengthening the uk over the country. i think he will be acting in a way that is ultimately going to weaken the uk in that respect. >> on charlie stevenson. i teach at sais. since you opened the door to what scottish foreign policy would be, what are your views on what the uk policy should be toward ukraine and iraq and syria? >> this is a good example on these issues or the scottish government supports the uk position on ukraine and russia.
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we are supportive of the international community position. we are supportive of the sanctions against russia and have been a voice of support within the uk for the government's position and a voice of support wider than that for the international community's position. similarly on iso- and syria, iraq we support the efforts of the international community. they iso- threat is one of the safest threats that not just the middle east faces but the wider world as well because of the implications of that. so do not think that the snp and the scottish government takes a markedly different position from uk government on the vast majority of international issues. we don't. we are of responsible participant and a responsible voice when it comes to these matters. and i both of these issues you will not find any great difference between our position and the position of the united kingdom government.
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>> can you foresee a point though when you might take a different -- you mentioned that you do but i mean -- >> my party wasn't in government at this point in our recent history, but my party took a very different view over the war in iraq in 2003 invasion of iraq. we opposed the conflict so the are some issues where we have taken a different view. ..
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is how the defense structure would be disentangled and i wonder if he would speak about your vision for how defense would be handled if scotland were to be independent. >> we were in the referendum campaign last year and very significant detail how they would configure the defense and then work and cooperate in the best of the united kingdom and internationally. i would be happy. it would be to establish the defense forces and would have taken a period of years to make that transition but
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notwithstanding, the distinct independent scotland would have established and inevitably walked very closely with the defense forces into the rest of the united kingdom. >> scotland it's important and to the defense of scotland and it's inconceivable in any arrangement that they wouldn't work together. the difference of opinion between the scottish government and the united kingdom government and i stayed the fact this is a difference of opinion as well is in the nuclear deterrent. now partly that is an honest
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disagreement in principle but in part it's also a very practical concern that we have about the implications for the content they could defense forces to begin you can see all of this event online at going to leave this program now to take you to the white house for today's briefing that began about five minutes ago. live coverage on c-span2. >> these issues are a priori the end of and the fact is as i mentioned, making sure workers have access to trade adjustment assistance is a top priority of the president. the truth is that as a top are you ready of every democrat too. it was on the floor of the house of representatives that wasn't just a situation many democrats voted for. including the 125 members of congress who the democrats were still in office. so, and as i mentioned earlier we are not suggesting that they should nearly review with a
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voted four years ago. or four years ago. we are suggesting that they should actually support what the website of package that would significantly change it and almost doubles the size of the cap freeing up additional funds to help workers and would allow 17,000 workers over the last et months and eight months and have their eligibility for trade adjustment united to allow them to have their applications reconsidered again. so that is an indication that this particular program can do a lot for middle-class families and we know that there are a lot of democrats in the house of representatives that ran for that job specifically to benefit middle-class families and make sure they have a voice and somebody fighting for them in washington, d.c.. that's why we feel like we have a strong case to make and in building a bipartisan majority for the trade adjustment. >> the voting today was a little confusing. if you can help us out with what happens if they can't pass. does the senate get back
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involved or what is the strategy then? to make it between white house officials and maybe even the president today and over the weekend and possibly next week. figuring out publicly to the procedure will be the responsibility of members of the legislature. but the white house hasn't happened in the past would be involved in the conversations. >> with a meeting this morning backfired in any way? some democrats leaving the meeting and consulted in the integrity when you told them to play it straight is he worried that he may have frayed relationships to another vote? >> not at all. the president had a productive visit with house democratic caucus today and he delivered a very strong case about helping
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those members of congress understand precisely why he was strongly supportive of making sure that we are expanding the economic opportunity by opening up access to the overseas markets for american goods and services. he explained how as a young man she left new york and travel to the south side of chicago where she tried to help a community deal with the closing of steel plants. he talked about all the work that he had done to help the community come front powerful forces of globalization. he talked about how he traveled to annoy with the then democratic congressman evans. and while in galesburg the president spent time with citizens of the community that were dealing with the closure of the maytag plant. it's if they plan to move to mexico.
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he talked about the impact that have on the community and on middle-class families in that community. and the president said that he began for this office determined to go and fight for the people that he fought for as a community organizer in chicago and determined to fight for the people that he met in illinois. the strategy of passing the most progressive trade authority bill that's ever been considered by the congress is an important part of that strategy. it doesn't however eliminate the need for congress to take a progress on a wide variety of other economics identified from raising the minimum wage to passing early childhood education to investing in infrastructure to getting immigration reform done. those continue to be important priorities because they will also benefit middle-class families and the president is confident that he continues to have partners in the democratic caucus when it comes to those issues. but the fact that we haven't seen cooperation on those
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priorities, but on this one we have and the president strongly encouraged democrats to make up their own mind. and when they did, to play it straight. >> do you have any updates on when he's expected to come to washington and whether or not you still expect him to participate and talk on the capabilities? >> i don't have anything on secretary kerry's schedule. you may check with the state department. we are very pleased to see that he is slated to be discharged if he hasn't been already. he indicated that he's looking at his reputation as someone who is determined to get back into his office and determined to get back on the job.
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defense secretary is tough. the truth is he probably benefited from a little rest. he's been working himself so hard the last several weeks and more than anybody, you think that he i think that he understands the long list of priorities awaiting him and we certainly are looking forward to getting back on the job and we wish him well as he continues to recover. >> no contingency plans about putting someone in his place or changing the location of the talk? >> it's not clear whether or not it will be necessary. additional scheduling updates will come from the state department. >> you came up with a midwest optimism but in reality, when you look at it he doesn't have anything on his desk and he has an uphill battle to get something to his desk is my understanding and the votes
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today was an overwhelming defeat by his own party. isn't your optimism a little misplaced? >> there was a was a lot of healthy step to system about the ability of the united states congress to work in bipartisan fashion to pass something like trade promotion authority that is so complicated and so fraught with a lot of toxic politics. and based on a lot of good work in the senate and in the house those odds were overcome. >> that was going to be the hard won hard-won and the broad assumption in here, i think i don't want to speak for you you i've done it three or four times today, many people whether they are in here or not assumed it
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would be easier to pass the trade adjustment assistance than to pass the trade promotion authority. as of the fact so the fact is the hard part has often done when it comes to making the case of democrats why they should support the trade adjustment assistance we have a strong case to make if they don't act on it as early as next week is going to expire at the end of september. we have a strong case to make here because we are not just talking about preventing this program from lapsing. we are talking about significantly expanding. >> the proponents of the bill did they do what they wanted to do which was undercut by defeating the trade assistance bill? that's what was designed to have been. >> i think that's what they tried to do in the united states senate. and and there was, at one point in time a procedural snafu that
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complicated the delay and we are seeing a similar dynamic in the house right now. in some ways the house in the easier to resolve because we are talking piece of legislation the last time it was voted on at the unanimous support of democrats and there are a substantial members that voted for it today. i certainly wouldn't rule out the ability of the house to convince more republicans to vote for the trade assessment assistance. we certainly believe that we can convince more democrats to vote for a program than many of them previously voted for in our economists can demonstrate significantly benefit middle-class families all across the country. >> i've asked about the president's reaction to the leader. i would like to ask about what it felt like to have john boehner bailout for president today for the procedural rule.
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>> i think that what you have seen over the last week the groundwork has been laid out in the recent months and effective coordination between the white house and the speaker's office to make progress on a shared priority. this is the kind of bipartisan effort but the president has long envisioned. and we haven't seen nearly enough of it but you've got to get some credit where it's due where despite the differences they said let's figure out how we can work together to build a bipartisan majority for a policy that we both believe will benefit our economy and will benefit our middle-class families across the country. >> what i see is that there is a bipartisan majority in the house of representatives standing with the president.
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he's willing to step aside his own differences to try to find common ground on this and again, i think the country is very well served by that kind of bipartisan spirit and hopefully this will serve as a template not just for passing the trade adjustment assistance but also making progress on other priorities that have been identified including investments in infrastructure, criminal justice reform and other things. >> helps me understand many of the democrats that oppose did so and i think the former speaker said this in her final remarks as well, did so in the way of stopping which they don't like. so if they've passed and the only thing standing in the way is keeping it dead don't those democrats have even more incentives to continue to be opposed to it next week if you
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bring it up again? how can you say that you're going to convince more democrats to vote for it now when it's even more important for them to remain opposed to it. >> they registered their objections. they hope to block the passage and it didn't work. they did pass a bipartisan majority. now we are going to make the case to them that they should support the policy that they have strongly supported in the past. they have the opportunity to significantly expand it. >> but that means keeping on the bigger role from going forward.
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>> now they have a question about are they going to support a policy that previously earned the unanimous support of the democrat and are they going to seek to expand it and make sure that they are not in a position where they are eventually -- where they can offer support to those workers are dealing with the challenges of globalization. >> but ultimately if you can't get past -- "-end-quotes true as the president shares -- the president agrees that it's the priority. i would acknowledge there are areas we disagree and this is the hallmark of a snafu. we see it now and clearly that's what we have before us today.
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>> so it's not over till it's over. >> i want to put a fine point on this. the president will not sign. >> the president has made clear trade adjustment assistance is a strong priority and if we are going to take steps that's good for the economy and middle-class families to extend access to overseas markets one thing we also need to do is make a similar investment in those workers affected by the broad globalization trends. what we know is we would like to do this now and this is the thing that of a secretary wrote to the members of congress yesterday. but it described what the
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benefits are of the trade adjustment assistance proposal. this is essentially a package of the job training grants and other funding that allows the workers to get access to the job training program that will ensure they get the skills they need to get another job. so the package is a very significant one dose of a package to expire at the end of september and this will expand and make the trade adjustment for six years. it will bubble the program in size and it will allow 17,000 workers who had their eligibility denied. it would be 130 weeks of what's called trade readjustment allowance benefits. that means if you're doing the math that is enough to go through a two-year training program to get some good skills
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that you know you can use to get a good middle-class jobs. so these programs we know make a difference in the lives of middle-class families and that's the case. >> this isn't a situation we have to persuade them to hold their nose and look for something. this is an opportunity for democrats to support the expansion of the program they previously indicated they strongly support. >> the president will not sign without and those have to be attached together are correct? spin as a matter of legislative procedure that's true that the house of representatives can't based on the road their votes today. they can't just send a bill to the president's desk and hope that the bill follows. procedurally that will not work. i would describe this as a procedural snafu. we have a situation that we have a bipartisan majority in the
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house we just have to work our way through the procedures that can work its way to the president's desk. >> why does he wait until the last minute to go to capitol hill at the congressional baseball game last night? and would easy to people in this town who believe that it's too little too late? >> if that were all the president did i would agree with him but he had dozens of conversations with democrats in the house and in the senate to make a case for this proposal. those are conversations that took place over the course of months. often in the course of the skeptical questions about whether a trade could ever get done in the congress, people would ask what is the president trying to do to get it passed and i made reference to the fact of the president was regularly engaged in conversations and that was small meetings the president would convene with three or four members sometimes in a private dining room oval
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office having these conversations. >> they were not previously announced. >> why weren't those announced? >> because the president wanted an opportunity to have a private conversation with him and i think there were some members of congress that came out and said that they had conversations with the president about this and it is often in the context of announcing support for the bill. there are other high-profile settings. we saw the president make his case for example four members flew with the president to germany when he took his trip to the g7 just last week it seems like a month ago. >> when you see stories written over the next 48 hours see this vote that occurred on friday contributed to the president's lame-duck status when the white
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house press secretary was quoted in the stories he said was? >> the president successfully -- >> [inaudible] [laughter] >> what i would do is simply observed that there observe that there is hope the skepticism across the united states capital and across the country about whether or not democrats and republicans would be able to work together in a bipartisan fashion to pass the trade promotion authority. and because of the president's leadership and the effective leadership and republicans on the other side of the aisle are they were ready to coordinate and the president succeeded in that priority. there is still a procedural snafu to work through but that's in the same spirit that has contributed to the success passing through the senate and through the house we are going to use the same strategy.
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>> many democrats felt it was a matter of survival for the middle income americans who could lose their jobs to globalization. what do you say about the issue of survival as you are trying to measure trade with people you want to enhance in case there is a job lost for some of these people. >> this is a significant part of the presentation. it is impossible to completely insulated the united states of america and the american people from the broad economic forces of globalization. it's just impossible to do so and so the question is how are the leaders of the country going to prepare our economy and the american people to whether those forces? there are some who advocate
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trying to shut the united states out from the rest of the world. the president has zero confidence in its strategy and the leaves our economy and our people are best served if we try to engage the world in a way that we enter into agreements whereby they connect to respecting basic intellectual property laws. raising labor standards, adopting higher environmental standards, respecting and protecting basic human rights. but if we can connect them to doing all that in exchange for doing business in the united states what would the united states be doing that leveling the playing field and we can do business in all those places too. we are talking about some of the most economically dynamic countries in the world. they have some of the fastest growing on the planet and giving american businesses and workers
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the opportunity to do business with the level playing field is a tremendous opportunity and that is the right way for us to respond to the challenging forces of a globalized economy. >> when you are calculating what is the white house expecting when the trade bill goes through. hispanic unmasking realistically when you calculate the loss of globalization and you have this trajectory how many people are you looking at that could not be
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insulated and lose their jobs? >> but me see if we can get some economic analysis. what i would say to you is this a come of the united states our economy and our people will be much worse off if we just walk in the status quo and we don't do anything. the president believes coming and there is evidence to back this up but if we do enter into these trade agreements that seek to level the playing field particularly those with economically vibrant entries in the world that will create jobs in the united states. as a company with a history of investing in other countries, taking advantage of the economic opportunity that exists in other countries and what they said is
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if you pass this deal and we get other countries to start to raise their labor standards and environmental standards and respect basic intellectual property rights, what we are going to do is invest in creating jobs right here in america because we've got the best workers and colleges and universities college got the most clever innovators and ambitious entrepreneurs and that's an environment that they want to be a part of so they recognize that by engaging in the world we could expand economic opportunity right here at home. >> the judge finds the police officers that shot and killed a 10-year-old is charged with a murder trial. how do they feel about that after we watched this after the situation in ferguson?
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>> my understanding at this point is it is a case that is in the hands of a local prosecutor and the local prosecutor will take a look at the facts and i'm confident that they will consider the ruling to the judge and ultimately this is a decision for the federal prosecutor, for the local prosecutor to make. the department of justice has been engaged with the city of cleveland to help them implement the reforms that they felt were needed. but as it relates to the specific case i wouldn't have any direct comment. >> did nancy pelosi tell president obama that she wasn't going to support before she went to the house floor? >> prior to addressing the caucus on capitol hill today the president did have an opportunity to huddle with house democratic leaders, not just leader pelosi with other members of the democratic leadership. they had a private conversation before the president addressed the broad democratic caucus and
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that was a private conversation that they had. i'm not going to be in the position to talk about the details of that conversation. >> this is a question based on that meeting that she isn't going to support is that what you're saying? >> they had an opportunity to discuss it at length this morning, and i'm not prepared to talk about the details of the conversation. >> they seem to be all smiles. what was the impression i'm leaving that meeting? >> they have a warm relationship had a warm relationship that has yielded a lot of benefits to the american people and there's so much of what the president has accomplished that wouldn't have been possible without the leader but again i'm not going to get into the details of the conversation. >> were they surprised coming out onto the floor? >> the president had an opportunity to speak to her before the caucuses. did he watch? >> i don't really be dead but
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he's aware of it. [laughter] >> were describing his relationship with democratic lawmakers. i have to go back to this question, the perception coming out of the meeting, i'm going to review his quote and then end here and interviewing their integrity and i don't think it was a very effective tactic. i know you are arguing the opposite you felt the tactic was, but clearly it didn't get through. does he need to change the strategy or the message? >> we succeeded with passing the bipartisan support and passing through the senate with strong bipartisan support and through the house with strong bipartisan support. it's an indication to me that our strategy has worked. >> that the president didn't win today. >> i don't think that is an accurate assessment of what happened. six months ago and even the last
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couple of months we could find questions from you asking about the capacity of the united states congress and the ability of the president to work to try to pass and yet that is exactly what happened today. there were also questions about how much democratic support the president would be able to build for this priority. some are saying are you going to call it a win if you can only get 15 or 18 democrats? from that standpoint i think if you consider the results it is a strong endorsement of the strategy but clearly our work isn't done yet. >> the message isn't getting through when you hear that type of feedback. >> more broadly to follow up on the question yes it's too little too late, some lawmakers say the president has begun to foster relations with them years ago and he would have had more success. what is your reaction to that?
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>> i find it hard to believe that the baseball game contributed to today. >> if the president of god to the congressional baseball game before this kind of thing. >> i think that the president takes much more seriously the than members of congress and their concerns and some analysts do, and they are considering how they make decisions about a significant policy issue. mark? >> did the white house know that there would be a vote on tpa even though taa was defeated? >> i will say i think that there were some indications that there was a possibility today. but just in the short period of time that i've been observing
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activity on the floor of the house of representatives you don't know except when what's going to happen until it happens that there was indication based on pre- the conversations we had with republican leaders that i was a possibility. that was a possibility. >> since it was defeated, were you surprised that it was passed? >> to be blunt no. there was confidence that there was a bipartisan majority that had been built to pass through the house of representatives. >> at last night's game that the president actually bring up the members of congress on the field? >> i wasn't there so i didn't overhear conversations that he may have had with members on the field. mostly they were there to have a good time to read i don't know if he had the chance to twist any arms. but you know again i think that is a pretty good illustration that goes back. i know military members would say it is that they changed
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their vote on this issue. >> it was announced or hinted that the president was going to the game. can you tell us how he decided? >> i think the president did this as an opportunity to get out of the white house which is something that he looks for the chance to do periodically but i do think that he also thought it would be an opportunity to sort of show solidarity with members of congress even if they are out having a good time on the baseball diamond that he could also sort of demonstrate that he is paying close attention to the work they are considering on the floor of the house of representatives these days. >> it was on relatively short notice but thanks to your colleagues in the press corps because most members of the white house in time to go. >> i'm sorry, go ahead.
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>> changing subject to the cyber intrusion at the office of personnel management i think you said it was 4.1 employees who were potentially subject to this intrusion. i think they've reported today that the number may be much higher so two people have been briefed on the matter as high as 14 million. >> at this point i don't have additional details about the ongoing investigation to this particular matter. you will recall that our law enforcement professionals did make an announcement at the end of last week about their preliminary knowledge that they have accumulated so far about the scope of this particular intrusion, but that investigation continues. the thing i mentioned yesterday talking about this is that sometimes our investigators are reluctant to talk about what exactly they've learned because it can give some helpful insight
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to our adversaries about what types of techniques are used to investigate and mitigate and detour these types of intrusions so i know that our investigators are, however, committed to making sure those that have been affected by this particular intrusion are advised as soon as possible and that they get the resources and information they need to protect themselves. >> i had a couple experts tell me that this is the biggest intrusion since the edward snowden affair and i'm curious given the massive size and scope of the federal bureaucracy and the cumbersome nature of turning around an aircraft carrier that size whether the federal government is nimble enough to address these kind of attacks when they can be changed so quickly and the federal government cannot with its
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procurement policies have competitive bidding on the protection for these kind of things. >> you're right. protecting the computer networks and the federal government is a daunting challenge and it does require the federal government to been involved in the something that's difficult when you're talking about an organization that is large. there are a number of steps the administration has taken to address those concerns. we can give you a pretty good rundown but there's clearly more that needs to get done. these are the kind of challenges -- this challenge facing the government is not dissimilar from that which is facing the private sector and large organizations and that is one of the reasons we have been pretty forceful calling on congress to pass cybersecurity legislation the president has already sent up to congress. there are some steps that we could implement that require congressional authorization that
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could make not just the federal government also the private sector born in in bold and effective in communicating with one another to nick sure that we are doing everything we can to protect the computer network and the data of the american people. let me give you one example one of the priorities when it comes to dealing with these matters and being nimble is information sharing. one of the things we can do is one private sector entity has been the object of an intrusion or the attempted intrusion sharing information about how that was attempted with other industries and with the federal government can be an effective way to make sure other networks including the federal government can be be sure that to protect against a similar intrusion. so that is one of the reasons that we are aggressively advocating for congress to pass this piece of legislation and it
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would have a tangible impact on the stability of the country to protect the data of the american people. >> they probably have access to background checks and security clearances now. therefore they know who american contacts are in china with chinese people, friends, family associates in that country. do you think it might be necessary to remove people from embassy positions in china who have close contacts who are themselves chinese? >> we haven't discussed publicly what we know right now about the extent of the cyber intrusion. we've acknowledged the potentially sensitive data about a substantial number of federal employees was breached or is at risk. but we haven't talked publicly about the details of that. i am not aware that the state department has made a decision
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to take any actions in response to this specific matter. but if they have come and you coming you should ask them about it. >> one last question on this where people as high as cabinet officers having that [inaudible] background check information? >> i don't know the answer to that. there's a substantial amount of data that is maintained. we will see if we can get more details about what's there to be at this point we will not be able to discuss in much detail about what data or how much data may potentially be affected in this particular incident. >> [inaudible] they haven't had a chance to meet either. have you decided to advise the organization? >> no. there's been no change in the policy with respect to the muslim brotherhood. the obama administration in the united states routinely engaged
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with representatives across the political spectrum in all countries around the world and members of the obama administration have in the past met with muslim brotherhood representatives including as recently as earlier this year. so it is true that no one from the white house or the administration met with the current delegation but that doesn't reflect the change in the policy towards the muslim brotherhood. >> [inaudible] >> again i don't have a detailed explanation to share with you other than to say we are going to choose when is the appropriate time to meet with these foreign interlocutors and we've obviously met with some in the past as recently as earlier this year, but no one from the administration will be meeting with them. >> harry reid said the chinese were behind this attack. how do you view that
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characterization? >> we have declined to offer our own unofficial assessment about who may be responsible for this particular intrusion. i don't have any information to share with you on that. >> it wasn't that long ago the president made a new policy by green lighting use of economic sanctions against people tied to cyber intrusions such as this one. there was one before this. how close are you to announcing if you plan to announce the the republic three steps against individuals or the nationstate? >> it's correct the president did sign an executive order earlier this year authorizing the secretary of treasury to make some decisions about designating for sanctions individuals who may be responsible for specific cyber intrusions or just benefit from those cyber intrusions. talking about sanctions in the past you know that we've often said it's not in our interest to
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telegraph in advance any decisions that we may be making related to sanctions. primarily because it gives those who may be targeted the opportunity to move her out of their assets to try to escape the sanctions. i don't have much insight to share with you about where we are on the decision-making process other than to confirm that this newly available option is one that is on the table. >> to other things. first how concerned are you that this is going to chase qualified people out of government or dissuade qualified people from joining the government if they worry that there is confidential information and to some of some of these forms go into a lot of personal information. how concerned are you about that? >> while the reason i'm not particularly concerned about the matter is that this is a challenge facing the private sector as well and i know that
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those individuals that are being recruited by the private sector entities as well also have to turn over significant amounts of personal information. and the need and the strategy is something that both the private sector experts and federal experts grapple with. in fact the president spent a lot of time encouraging those in the private sector to coordinate with federal government experts so they can share knowledge and best practices and devise strategies that will bolster the public and private computer systems. so trying to facilitate that kind of coordination will benefit everybody. but there is no doubt that this is a significant challenge and one that is a priority for many of the companies. it's also a priority for the president and every federal government agency. >> a lot of employees have received e-mails telling them their information was
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compromised and offering them support with credit monitoring. have you received that message? >> i have not received that message at this point. my understanding is the notification process is one that is willing. >> [inaudible] on the hacking, it sounds like you're not willing to give a number in terms of what we are hearing as high as 14 billion but if you don't want to go that far are you at least going willing to say that during the investigation the fbi has expanded beyond the initial estimates and qb leavitt is more than i was when you first announced at? >> i don't have any beatles to share about the investigation at this point but as the investigators at the fbi gather more information as they are comfortable they reach a point they are comfortable sharing more information i'm confident
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they will do that information will come from them first because they will be making the decisions consistent with what is in the best interest of the investigation. >> that number last week is that the number that you are sticking to? >> that is the latest member announced and i don't have any updates for you beyond that. >> and also, last week he were asked whether or not federal contractors were part of this and you said you didn't think so. is there an update to that? >> i don't know the answer to that question. we will see if we can get an answer to that. you can also contact them to see if they can get you an answer but if we both try i think we can get you an answer. >> of the issue came up actually i think back monday or tuesday and it seemed like the speaker was onboard. she worked out a deal with john boehner to take it off the table and then she voted against it. were you surprised that after
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being on board she switched to come out against it and should the white house have done more to attack the issue since you knew about this much earlier in the week and the president didn't show up on the hill until friday? >> a couple things about that. the president has been engaged in having a number of telephone conversations and in person conversations over the last several weeks on this issue. so, i am not sure anybody can question the president commitment to engaging on this issue to build important bipartisan support for the legislative priority of his and i think there is tangible evidence to indicate that was successful because of the passage with a bipartisan majority in the legislation. we have additional work to do on the taa bill. when we were discussing this earlier this week, i
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complemented them for effectively coordinating through us all the concerns that some had raised the pay for and in the days ahead again i hope that the democrats and republicans will summon a similar bipartisan spirit to build a bipartisan majority for this legislation that again in the past has earned strong support from democratic members of the house. unanimous consent last time. there's also reason to consider the piece of case of the discussion. we saw a substantial number boat for it today including the speaker of the house and we are hopeful that house republicans will continue to lend support to a program the president believes is critically important to supporting middle-class families particularly those that are dealing with the challenging forces of globalization.
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>> to the new strategy what is the new tactic are you going to focus on getting democrats to be cheerful and as the program going to end in september or are you going to try to get republicans to change their position? >> would have served us well in the process so far in successfully passing through the senate in bipartisan fashion again, passing the tpa through the house bipartisan fashion today, that is an indication that our strategy has worked and we obviously have more work to do but our strategy has been to make the case to both democrats and republicans about why they should support this legislation. there are certain arguments that republicans find more persuasive and other arguments democrats
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find more persuasive. i would submit that means there's a whole lot of other reasons. the same applies when it comes to the taa. and again there's also is not about trying to scare above trying to scare people. this is actually about raising a legitimate concern. this is a piece of legislation that previously was supported by every single democrat in the house of representatives is set to expire at the end of september and what the president has advocated doing is not just preventing that laps of the program. the president put forward a specific proposal with a specific pay for worked out between the leader and the speaker to significantly expand the program in a way that was still the amount of its available that's available every year and in a way that would allow 17,000 people who over the last 18 months have seen their applications rejected to allow them to have their applications reconsidered.
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these are 17,000 workers who are in need right now and if the house will pass this bill we could set it out to work trying to consider their eligibility again under a different set of circumstances. that is going to open up access to these important benefits of many more people come, and that is entirely consistent with the kind of progressive values the president has long championed and that we know are strongly supported by democratic members of the house of representatives. >> a little bit of follow-up on that. when the leader was on the floor, she was talking about getting a better deal for workers. has she asked you to seek more money or a greater package? is there something you can offer her? >> i'm not aware of any specific requests that she may have made but again this is part of the conversation that she's had with
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the speaker and it's possible there may have been some requests made at the white house. but again the case that we would make would be focused on the amount of benefits that are included here. we will show you the letter from the secretary to the hilt yesterday that the detailing of the extends that would be offered in the legislation and explaining how this isn't just a renewal of the previously passed package. >> one of your supporters on trade said he would vote. so why in just wondering how you square the claim that the strategy is working when the allies are saying or suggesting the president's character. >> i would say i would encourage him to consider the track record that over the last month, we
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have seen that the senate came together and beat the odds. it's build a bipartisan majority and then in the face of pretty intense skepticism in spite of the beltway. the remaining stumbling block that i acknowledge is when it comes to trade adjustment assistance. but as i've done a number of times already today county had have a strong case to make about how the whole class families all across the country would benefit significantly from the proposed expansion of trade adjustment assistance and we are going to make the case they should support it and we will keep doing that. >> i think after today's vote and the current leader is the democratic party have taken a position on trade. hillary clinton is the front-runner right now to be the future leader of the party and she would benefit from the fast
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track authority if she became president. how would it affect things in the house if she came out and took a position and as president obama satisfied with the leadership being shown right now from one of his potential successors? >> he would be very concerned about the position of secretary clinton if she had a vote in the house of representatives. i assure you that if she did she'd be subject to a pretty aggressive lobbying campaign by the president on down. and we would be optimistic about the persuasive case that we would be able to make. unfortunately, however, she doesn't have a vote in the house of representatives. she's doing what she's supposed to be doing right now which is running a presidential campaign. >> you don't think that it would be influential to the past numbers? she would be at the top of the
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ticket. >> i think it is entirely possible that she is obviously a significant figure in the party and people care about what she has to say. but she's focused on running her campaign right now and isn't focused on the house of representatives and one in one way or another and that means that she has her priorities straight right now. >> there's this perception that throughout the term the president hasn't engaged very much with members of congress coming and you have tested that perception but why is it so widespread that is if that isn't the case? >> frankly i don't know. i think that what the president has pursued is a strategy that has sought to engage members of congress on important legislative priorities and that's been on full display not just in the last 24 hours or so but over the last several weeks particularly on this trade issue
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and it's served very well in terms of the success we've had in passing these priorities through the senate. we have additional work to do in the house but we are pleased with the progress that we have already made so far. >> you get the last one. >> something that has come up in the course of the debate, paul ryan has addressed this week is whether the tpa might down the road allow the president to implement the rules. one republican said today the concern and i want to ask on the white house perspective would the administration ever consider using the future trade deal for the requirement for immigration? >> my understanding is there a is specific language included that prohibits that. it is a pretty good example that
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is where there are significant agreements between democrats and between republicans and the between republicans and this president. and we have made clear we be the immigration reform is a priority because of the economic benefits that it would shower on our economy. we also made clear dealing with climate change is a priori. they fought thought it very aggressively to make progress in those areas and they didn't need them to do it so the president is going to continue to advocate dealing with the causes of climate change and it's going to continue to implement the executive actions that he announced at the end of last year to reform the broken immigration system. so that's what the president is focusing on. >> [inaudible] twa? >> there've been a been a lot of
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acronyms today. >> on monday the president will attend the graduation ceremony for participants in the 2,015th white house mentoring leadership program. tuesday the president will attend meetings here at the white house and on wednesday the president will deliver remarks at a ceremony for the attorney general were at lunch over at the warner theater. wednesday evening the president will here at the white house post a picnic for members of congress, so that will be fun. [laughter] on thursday the president will travel to the los angeles california area to attend a handful of events and will spend thursday night in los angeles. friday is scheduled to travel to san francisco california to deliver remarks at the annual meeting of the united states conference of mayors as well as attend d. triple c. events and we will have additional details about the trip to california early next week.
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[inaudible] >> i don't have any details about the president's schedule this week. >> [inaudible] >> i don't yet know what the specific address will be that we will have it in your inbox shortly i hope. thanks, everybody. have a great weekend. >> white house press secretary josh earnest spoke to reporters today about the trade bills voted on in the house. the trade adjustment assistance failed, however the other two bills fast-track trade promotion authority and customs enforcement hast. so, regarding trade from the "washington post" this afternoon, the story says the legislation is now paralyzed and the house stuck in the station as nancy pelosi described in her floor speech. house speaker john boehner decided to give president obama the weekend to try to coax enough democrats into supporting the workers assistance package by bringing it up for reconsideration next tuesday.
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that's the taa trade adjustment assistance. white house press secretary josh earnest insisted that the trade agenda is still alive and out and vowed that president obama would continue to urge the passage of the package in the coming days and he noted that the senate approved the fast-track legislation after initially voting to block it. again, that is from the "washington post" this afternoon. now the scottish parliament debate if the uk were to break from the european union. most of the members argue that it's best for britain to stay with the eu. we will show you as much of this debate from tuesday as we can leading up to the live coverage of the discussion on the future of the supreme court at 4 p.m. eastern. >> 13404 on the referendum members wish to take place to speak now.
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>> scotland has been a positive and enter ballpark to the european union for over 40 years and engagement with the european union has been and will remain a corporate dirty for this government. we now stand near a crossroads. the outcome has resulted in the publication of the uk referendum bill for a referendum in the uk before the end of 2017. and while the government is clear in the general election they didn't split the referendum, it is now a reality and we must deal with it. they are debating the second reading of the draft )-right-paren. the referendum today and it fails the gold standard of the independent referendum with regards to the proposed franchise.
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in the reform the center reviews published on the 20th of august, 2014 and these can be achieved without the treaty change. the presiding officer will make the case of the benefit of the membership and what it brings to scotland and to the rest of the uk why it is vital that this continues and why it is incumbent to make the case is the referendum approaches. this chamber has debated the importance on a number of occasions with a strong consensus that continued membership matters to scotland. the referendum is now in the inevitability we must continue to start the case for the membership coming forward and in making the positive case it will assure the facts are set out to tackle the unfounded fears of those that want to see the narrow isolationist position. the first minister was in brussels last weekend the
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commitment to the eu speaks to the policy. to the argument, the membership was as a country of 5 million people we understand we cannot act in isolation. partnership between the states is essential for progress and for the fundamental vision of independent nations working together for a common good. and the corporation is critical to the success in many areas deliver it can only be successful when the member states added together. it seems to put me optimistic that they could deliver significant emissions reductions in the fight against climate change or take forward the plans to develop the plans that would al out into trade renewable energy. and they must look outward globally or it will become the old constant of the path when the rest of the world moves on without it. of course the economic arguments
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supporting cannot be overstated. it is 500 million citizens that enjoy the highest standards of living on the globe. they have the goods and services to consumers and businesses both in the eu in a global market. it's a vital export market for the scottish funds. for the experts in 2013 with a massive 12.9 billion pounds each year. and it's been estimated that those experts support more than 300,000 jobs. it confirmed that they've become the most successful part of the uk for attracting the investment project. much of that is due to the skulls in the workforce and quality of life that we can offer and for many it is a vital selling point. around 40% of the companies in scotland in 2013 or by the funds
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in the eu. they would come to scotland to find ourselves outside of the eu and let's not forget the benefits they deliver to scotland including the 985 million of the structural funds over the period of 2014 to 2020 with 572 million of competitive funding one by the scottish universities in the period of 2007 to 2013. however membership goes beyond the purely economic rationale. the experience of the eu and the vision is one that we can create a more equal and inclusive society. the government believes strongly in europe that tackles the question and they've been at the forefront of protecting the welfare of the citizens for gender equality, improved conditions for workers and strengthening consumer's rights. that is the type that we must continue to develop.
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the members that embrace and promote human rights through the convention rather than to dismiss them or seek to refuse them. it deals collectively with humanitarian issues like refugees with compassion. i also welcome the social cultural economic benefits delivered to the scotland communities. the right to the freedom of movement is also a benefit but moved to the study. and we estimate that 171,000 people now swear in the eu and currently live in scotland. contrary to the claims here about immigration acting in our society it is estimated by the university of college, the migrants to the uk made a net contribution to the uk at around 20 billion pounds between 2001 and 2011. and that would cost all. by being a productive member
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clearly heard in the world, we are able to shape the policies to ensure that they are of benefit to the citizens. alternative to the memberships offer no such opportunity for the uk transforming its status from the lawmaker. and as the minister minister of foreign affairs highlighted in the recent interview days ago have to implement all directives when they are discussed in brussels. none of us here today will be able to to vote to amend the actual referendum bill but that shouldn't stop us from expressing our views particularly if it falls short of expectations. they believe it falls short in a number of areas. the 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in the referendum at the engaged of awful, concerned citizens we always knew they would be. the case in the referendum is
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overwhelming. >> is the cabinet secretary aware of this morning's debate that advocated precisely that point? she is of course a conservative chair of the committee. >> i'm grateful and pleased to hear of that because it that because it is a case that can and should be one and i think that they are advocating and complementing those from a number of parties that would be important is that he'll progress as. the citizens can vote in the parliamentary and local government elections and they are able to vote in the referendum, something of which all parties in the parliament agreed and they've chosen to make scotland their home in the
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case for extending the vote in the referendum is strong. they should have a voice in the issues that affect the country and i don't understand why the government is proposing to grant the rights into the citizens of the other countries living in the uk, ireland, and cyprus is not the remaining 24. the polls have consistently shown that they have a more favorable attitude devoted to their english counterparts. they would argue for the double majority in the builder they can only lead if each part of it devotes to leave. that sort of requirement is not unique in it's used in some federal states such as canada and this should apply in this instance to this referendum bill. >> can i ask if the rest of the uk votes yes how [inaudible] >> i don't think they will vote
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no. if you look at the opinion poll as well in advance of the presiding officer of the health and safety issues into the conservatives are to continue. >> why were the people not given a veto during the referendum last year? >> i think they have their own issues currently. but the plaintiff this is about a referendum it is a point about the future in the european union and i think the provisions are a grade in detail and it was argued i didn't see it going forward into and the double majority when the legislation for the referendum was going through. on timing, no date has yet been
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set but the referendum of the voice in the parliamentary and recollections i hope that this something that should be set and if we disagree we can get a consensus in this place. the scottish have pursued some planes on the reform agenda. they've never argued that it's perfect and the suggestion in the agenda for the reform the institutions have proven distant from the citizens and india to put those institutions to reconnect. we've identified two main ways to contribute, first by implementing the institutions to pursue for that affect reform so the regulation is well proportioned and consistent accountable, transparent and targeted command secondly by implementing the renewed institutions we should reflect
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the fundamental aspirations and concerns of its citizens. they missed object international problems for the member states acting alone could not. to promote energy security to the union package and to complete the single market to tackle climate change collectively cover the growth and competitiveness by all citizens and the collective action on the youth employment. the pertinent practice which was required to be paid in the policy to facilitate and encourage the member states to take action to combat into these reforms are doing things better and in a smarter way and the continued improvement agenda changing the way that it works and expanded set of circumstances change and ideally the existing treaty structures can accommodate this. however, the minister said that he wants to renegotiate the relationship with europe and it is far from clear what he wants or indeed what the proposals would require to be changed.
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david cameron seems to be rather clear in the control. a word of warning we shouldn't cast the negotiations between the uk and other member states in terms of winners and losers. the whole point of the more effective union is whether we should gain from it. compromise doesn't win the confession. and the second of warning as if warning is if we remain concerned about the uk government rhetoric in some quarters which creates the impression that eu membership is not beneficial or present and will only become beneficial if we achieve big enough reforms and that makes it harder to articulate the benefits we already gained from the membership and there is a danger the uk will focus the debate on a narrow agenda on the success or otherwise of the prime minister's negotiations rather than the biggest picture of the value and importance. remember it is the overall decision that will be the debate of the decision on could the decision on the ballot and they
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must conduct a bigger picture in mind. in closing, i'd be the best way to tell the story of the membership is to tell the individual stories and peoples people send businesses and the factors and i call them the members of this parliament to help make a positive case for the membership to give a move the notion in my name. [applause] to move the amendment 104.4. >> thank you. i'm pleased to be here this afternoon. >> we have a conservative government and we will have the referendum by the end of 2017. i do accept the legislation to pass it to their needs to the
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debate had over the terms of the referendum but in the early days of the government in the position to decide the terms of the referendum. we support changing the franchise in the referendum that i took part in that were well conducted debates and the young people showed at the level of interest and knowledge and endorse the franchise. we support the franchise reflecting the franchise of the scottish parliament which would include that eu citizens in the uk and also the latest concerns about the date. the referendum should take place. but we can also have the process to dominate the public debate. the debate is the continued membership and most convincingly to win that argument.
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we cannot ignore the views in scotland we have the election and there will be many that come with a certain name looking to understand the arguments and to be persuaded when we are there have to be naïve in scotland to assume that we know the outcome. we can also be regard while there are many positive reasons, some of them are outlined by the cabinet secretary and i will talk about more of these advantages this afternoon. there will be arguments across the political and social spectrum that it's not working from the concerns of business regulations to the campaign in the political direction and into those concerns need to be addressed. because it is a economic region is also political. all parties who separate the membership are also talking about the reform. but i would remain a member to achieve that reform.
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we are seeing huge economic challenges across. many economies are facing levels of poverty that they haven't experienced for generations and from social problems, the pressure on public services to devise the concerns over the tax avoidance and implications of the future trade deals that were too many people, the parliament, the commission, the council of ministers to send books like that. often it is flexible and driven from the center. it's made it to reform the commission and the parliament and its accountability into the economic model which were too many is imbalanced. so this can only be met from within. i would argue that the economic benefits of the membership are hugely important to the economy and across the uk 200,000
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companies direct a benefit from the membership while 200 billion pounds of annual export in 450 billion of evidence are all tied to the partners. some 330000 jobs are dependent on these relationships in scotland would benefit from the single market with 500 million consumers with scottish exports accounting for almost 50% of total international exports. the economy of the benefits from the freedom of the movement and the members who choose to look and work in scotland. there is a huge benefit to the country. they contribute more to the economy than they use and many citizens i speak to in the sector as well as our health sector services can't operate without employees from the eu member states. but it's a fact of the economy and of who we are. but the debate can only be about the economy. it can't just be about economics or politics. it also has to be the rule in the world. we are faced with the choice of
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working across others to tackle the big challenges are cutting ourselves off from the world. it's in the educational union too. many of the targets of ip diversity targets, water quality coming and we must do more to meet these targets for making the effort strategic levels to make a shared progress. one works both ways. thousands of citizens work across the eu and we travel across the eu. we are part of our family and are more connected than ever and the challenges for human trafficking and a few weeks ago we held a debate in the crisis and a complex set of challenges that needs international action. and that situation was isolated and it encapsulates the demand
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for the modern world but as a part of the decision-making process challenges we need to be part of the debate of moving to the onward looking and overlooking. it is the driving standards for workers across the eu and they argued at the heart again. it can be an effective vehicle in the traditions that work. they brought the measures to give part-time workers the same rights of the full-time workers with regards to the pensions maternity rights and leads and on the working time it's guaranteed to paid holidays. these are rates introduced at the time when it was perhaps easier to demonstrate to people benefits them. we are living in much more complex times and they must
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demonstrate it can responded to the economy. and i don't think that it was in scotland or anywhere else and the initial polling does suggest that yes results but it does have a long way to go. we cannot be complacent about the results. we get a clear result from across the uk. those of us that take up the continuing membership should be emphasizing the positive way forward. and i am concerned about we are focusing too much on the suggestion for the debate trading the skeptics. we should be tackling the debate had on. and instead of talking about the political consequences those of us that support staying in the union should concentrate our efforts on making the case. and i do understand about taking
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the referendum forward on what the conservative agenda is as compared to what other. and my plan on this issue they hold the agreement in the government. >> on the ninth of june, 1975 after the result of the previous referendum mrs. thatcher said one-off cannot let the occasion pass without winston churchill who was the original architect. in the double majority for some of these issues i want to know
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the results across the uk would be difficult and let's be clear that reaction doesn't suggest this will happen but the majority isn't a logical solution and we recognize this. we cannot wait for it depending on where you live in the uk that would be undemocratic. they pointed out last week that it would set up any future referendum giving many you would think that would be what they would want to avoid. the debate was more productive to have the agreement for the uk what's not have disagreements which gave them the key and then the presiding officers have a voice in the world stage and whether its discussions about climate change or the relationship of different economies in the world it's far
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more than they would suggest and we are looking at the corporations and partnerships in that european union that's positive to remain impartial. i would move the amendment in my name. >> to speak to the amendment 1304.2 in the name of alec johnston. >> thank you presiding officer in and with your permission, can i say a word about the tragic death of my fellow charles kennedy because his presence will be missed particularly in the forthcoming debates in europe because i'm sure that he would have relished the opportunity of speaking out for the uk's continued membership in the debate of this kind. now there is a certain approach this afternoon. we all know that westminster
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will ultimately decide the referendum bill. but it's going to take every possible opportunity to use the referendum debates to further their own agenda. and this i think it's is an early warning of that. i suppose it is quite natural for them to do that. david cameron made it quite clear that the future conservative government would bring forward the bill that would enable the referendum on the future membership of the eu. and we now come to have that mandate from the british people. our commitment to allow the citizens of the uk. the changes required and i remind the liberal democrats not long ago they pushed the case with more than we did for the referendum on the membership. now they are supporting the conservative government on
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having a referendum on the membership by the end of 2017. lets not forget it was the snp who wanted britain out of the european community in 1970s with many members campaigning against the membership. so this is at the same time as the conservative government helped create a single market and later the majority government, sorry, the major government and that is john major successfully achieved the principal subsidiary acting out of the successors of the treaty and the cabinet secretary may remember that the concessions were not joining the disasters of the single currency or the social chapter were achieved by the conservative government. now i am i'm a committed supporter of the european union but i don't always see it through the resident and spectacles. and also the rose of the natural
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culture and and authority which is counterproductive and unnecessary. britain has always been an outward looking nation. if other countries such as france, germany and belgium, france, germany and belgium wants a federal model in the shape of the holy roman empire -- okay. i will take an introduction. >> i couldn't help thinking yes britain is an outward looking country or it was. if you look at the european union it doesn't say what happened. maybe it would be left in question because it says that a person on the date of the referendum would be entitled to vote on election -- does that mean i'm allowed because we
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voted in the election in the cabinet. whether the member -- i don't know actually. i have to say i don't believe he would be allowed to vote or not and that is my honest answer. but when we come to other countries such as germany, france, and they want a model in the shape of those in the holy roman empire, so be it. what we want to do is ensure that they that the sewer debate could serve all member nations equally and in the objectives that can be agreed upon. we need a more flexible europe, not one speck of authoritarianism and this is what the prime ministers fighting for practical improvements for all member states, not just the uk. and these are good intentions which surely deserve support. the argument presented by the scottish government and the notion talks about the double
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walked majority suggesting if one constituent votes against the eu then it shouldn't force either england scotland, wales or northern ireland to leave the european union. but i fail to understand the logic in this and that the other constituent policies were given no say at all in the separatism agenda than the other referendum is this not a probable sign of the governments inconsistency? and i think that the point in the intervention deserves scrutiny rather then just a brushoff. i see all of the benefits of remaining in as a member of the next generations committee i would consistently argued that reform of the european union is required. as philip hammond said it, what we are calling for is a fair
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deal for britain. and i'm sure that definitely includes scotland and for my own part, they desperately need the investment as other nations enjoy. david cameron has yet to set up a specific details of the changes we want to see but clearly these would include opting out of the ever closer eu adjusting the benefits into giving a greater path to block the legislation which could have a negative effect on britain. ..
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>> so welcome to the program plenary of the afternoon at which we hope to in the afternoon with a bang. and discuss whether the supreme court is a failure last night and if so, what to me done about it? so this program is being recorded by c-span so you may find it in any random hour of the day or night for the next five years. [laughter] before introduce our distinguished panelists i have to go through my marching orders. one of which is introducing myself. i'm linda greenhouse. by teaching yale law school a member of the acs board and are happy to be a member of the acs
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board because i view our mission as helping to grow and to sustain the next generation of progressive lawyers. and i have been delighted to see how many students there are and lawyer chapter so that's why we are -- that's why we are all here. but we have a diverse panel. that everybody is necessarily on the same page and that's a good thing. cell phones can please mention cell phones must be turned off okay. on that -- [laughter] okay. we will have about 20, 25 minutes of q&a at the end that is to say start in about 20 minutes past five and to be cards and you can use the cards will be collected. if i is there was would like to tweet about the session or the national convention experience that would handle is, official hashtag is #acs15.
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and the session is still the credit. for more information you should consult the blue cle handout in your convention bag. okay. so we're going to take i hope a kind of outside the box response to our topic whether the supreme court is the failure and by the question we don't mean -- we mean structurally. we mean, we don't necessarily mean the problem the supreme court as one justice decide an important case. we may agree that's problematic but that's life. there are many things we can talk about in terms of the supreme court institutional functioning, the nomination process, the confirmation process, various other aspects of the way that justices collectively or individually approach their work.
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what i've done rather than ask people to give us a little piece of the talk to start us off is i'm going to throw out the question to a very distinguished panelists, who i almost forgot to introduce. the question of, just to name one thing that they think indicates whether or not the court is a failure and was elected to about that and will have a discussion in the next person. so in the order in which they are going to speak, which is not the order in which they are sitting, so on the far right is larry kramer who is a former dean of stanford law school and he now runs the hewlett foundation in the bay area. to my left, which is where usually find associate's nelson from george mason law school. at the far left is the founding
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dean of the law school at uc irvine. and it is right is elizabeth who is the chief counsel of the constitutional accountability center. and justin driver on my immediate right from the university of chicago law school. and so these are all very distinguished constitutional scholars and we are very lucky to have them here. so i'm going to start with larry. is that the supreme court a failure, and in what way, if so? what would you like to do about that? >> i have a talk i give call why should you hate the supreme court, although it's too long for this. it depends on how you define success. from my perspective is different because it is way, way, way too much power. the amount of power that has been given this insane within
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the democratic -- >> you wrote a whole book about that. >> i did. one solution would be take away their power. sound like an easy way to see this is there should be some balance for accountability on the other side. so they are and the pendant provisions built into the constitution but we pile on to that and million more as though any attempt to make them sort of the heat to anything that happens outside the court is bad. i will talk about two of those just very quickly. one is the lack of transparency by the way the court operates is shocking and extreme and ridiculous. that cuts across the board whether you talking about their ability to take i pay jumped without having to disclose them to anybody. their ability to decide themselves on discipline and when they will and will not recuse themselves.
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such as the lack of television coverage in the court which, of course, they oppose precisely because they really don't want to meet people this is exactly what goes on and on and on. so that would be one space. you can have a lot more transparent in what the court does and how it operates which what i think change public perception into usable without in any way actually significant undermining plausible emotions. because it is 50 will have this power, we put on the court, i hope those of justices out of their because this would be a little insulting. i'll preface by saying i wouldn't put myself on the court either but if you're going to get people this kind of power, fact of matter is all the important cases the court decides, the ones we care about, and make it an important addition, literally by definition the long runs outcome ginger ninja. what's going to take a going to take a class when she done the legal analysis and did you go one way or the other, what's
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going to take it that last little bit? we used to put people on the court who have done things in life, had real experience and real accomplishment who would then senators or governors or cabinet officials are responsibly for making decisions in the political route and see what the consequences were. and with that country kind of experience and wisdom. that you take people like that remove them from the parsing context and they can bring that to bear in making those decisions we have to make that last little bit. as it may be supreme court more important because this torture in 1970 we strip away the ability to put anybody on the court who had ever done anything like that. in order to get on the court you have to to basically have basically been nothing other than a technical legal expert and have not been anything beyond that. and, of course, the problem is how this thing when the long runs outcome exactly what it is these people have to bring to bear on the cases also runs out and that nothing is to bring to
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bear so they tend to fall back on what you would expect which is ideology and that's what you see. i think the last justice from my perspective provide a kind of experience to bring to bear on this would have been justice o'connor. and you saw that in which he decided cases. very distinct upgrade or not. we need that kind of wisdom slightly changed and i don't have to do this because it's a cultural thing but what we don't need on the court our people the only african technical lawyers. -- and instead of people who have real experience in the world that the court is going to affect. >> one other metric for the need is something that i remember walter dellinger said back in the day when he was advising president clinton on potential nominations is to ask whether that potential nominee if they
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ever made it to the court with her obit get into "the new york times" and what would it say. and i guess by that measure ruth ginsburg would qualify. i'm not sure of anybody else. but back to your point, larry. you make two kinds of points. one on the transparency and sort of with an undertone of effort, and then on the kind of work product of food we put on the corporate so i think those are two quite different points. and maybe we can discuss them separately and also on the transparency point i think you make a couple different points. television is an old issue. one can debate and the date for many years. put that aside for a minute but
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you mentioned judicial ethics and junkets and things. is that a problem? a to disclose their finances like every other federal judge and they do hold themselves bound by the code of judicial ethics. as i understand the reason as a kind of formal matter the code doesn't apply to the justices even though they abide by it is because who would judge the justices? but do others think that these are problems that indicate that the court is falling short? let's just look at the ethical part of the transparency and then we will go to the others. >> just to be clear about the point. it's not so much which point any particular thing they would do about nothing would make a difference. it's more about the overall culture of the court and the sense they can do whatever we want answers public efforts of a watch what we do get what i take
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jumped after junket paid by whatever the sponsors our communion, corporations, pick your side, is that come to think about that come to think what i do that or not does that affect how i decide what i have zero doubt that it does. do i do less and? it's a pervasive culture culture inadequate operates and as much a particular role in the narrow sense of what it may change. >> is there sort of a corrupt culture of the courts because it's about corruption and excessive independence, since we don't have to worry about or care. it's all interconnected. if you undertake or judicial supremacy which i would do, then what can you do nonetheless to give them some sense that the account of the world outside. that's what transparency rules are really about spent i don't think it's a corrupt culture. one of the great things about our federal judiciary and the supreme court is that rarely are there any allegations of corruption. i think though what larry says is right, the ethical rules
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apply to other federal judges should be applied to supreme court justices. i also think it's wrong to lead east justice to decide whether to recuse himself or herself. out of anybody should be a judge for himself or herself. i think the procedure should be changed or added to making that decision rather than the individual justice. >> who would make the decision speak with i think we could create a panel of federal court appealsof appeals judges with some kind of other panel. i do like the idea been submitted to the justices because i worry they will all just defer to each other. it troubles me and we can look at cases where justices are participating even though there are serious questions. we all know it's a just left do justice to decide the related to that justices are reluctant to recuse themselves because of fear it will leave the court with a split. i so knew reason why the could allow specially now three living retired justices wanted to come
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back and sit in when one of the justices would recuse which may make a more likely that justices would recuse themselves and to close cases. and in a close cases it's about if they recuse themselves. >> your idea as an outside body, how does that work to every petition come every granted case would have to be vetted? >> no. it should be submitted to somebody other than that justice. who that body is unless interested in. i would even settle going to the justices of the court to decide i don't like the idea that a person is a judge of himself or herself. we have had instances where they were serious motion to recuse and then the justices, no i think i can be. no i'm going to stay. i think it is for example in the army spy case was decided by the supreme court in the early 1970s. it was a motion to recuse justice rehnquist because you participate in issue when he was assistant attorney general of the united states and he said i
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think i can be fair. quite famously those instance where justice scalia went hunting with a vice president at the participate in the case where the vice president was involved. just a school he wrote an opinion saying i can be there. i think of other examples. it's much better when this question to whether a justice should recuse to submit other than to someone other than that justice. >> i do think it's possible to put larry's comments sort of side by side and think about the way in which the justices are ubiquitous figures at law schools and on c-span, answered one place may be that we don't see them in their oral argued capacity. i define that distressing answer of difficult to explain. it seems like justices before they join the court are often attracted to the idea of televising the proceedings in the corporate as you say it is a sort of argument about cameras in the courtroom but why hasn't
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it happened? is simply put the justices are going to go around and give talks, then they should you know, be seen in a capacity that i don't think that's because people would be embarrassed about the proceedings of the court. i think that justices ask good questions. i don't think they have anything to sort of fear by allowing cameras in the courtroom. if the argument is it's about justices or the lawyers are going to play to the gallery i think that already happens i don't think that will introduce a new dynamic. i think it would be wise for for the for the justices to let cameras in the courtroom. i do think there's a serious argument against it. >> can anybody think of an argument against it's because justicethe justices themselves make the argument that they are concerned or comments would be taken out of context or something like that but we have the audio of the comments and that doesn't really seem to have that much. i would say it is perhaps the
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middleground between the argument against having cameras in the court is at least to have live audio of the argument. i think that would help especially we see in some cases very high profile cases of attempts -- >> acetate and the marriage case spirit they released them earlier but still later that day. those who are members of the bar know that typing audio in the lawyers lounge if there's overflow for the supreme court lawyers bar section. it seems technologically easy for them to do that. i think it would be a very good middle ground for the court to adopt if it wants to make itself more transparent and i think that's only to the good of the american people can be more engaged and more knowledgeable about what the court is doing. >> i think the current system is actually more problematic in that from time to time the court will acknowledge that there's a major case and to put out the same day audio which puts the court and in opposition of identifying the imported cases.
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let's assume every case they grant is important. >> what's the difference between hearing the audio immediately after the argument with c-span putting still photographs of the justices and lawyers and watching it live two hours earlier? there is no distinction. >> for having to put to the john oliver dog reenactment, you know? [laughter] >> is that better? i don't know. >> i have a little bit different view on this. larry said one of the problems with the justices is as they think they can do anything they want. and i think to the extent that that's true it's a much worse form of corruption to any of the things we've been discussing about recusals and televising the proceedings. >> and do you agree agree to speak with you ought to agree to speak what do i agree speak what do you think there's a problem they can do anything they want? >> yes. >> all right.
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[laughter] >> now you are supposed to say which we do about it. >> yeah, i do have some ideas about that. and i could kind of give a little bit of background. i went and read all of the transcripts, the confirmation hearings of the last four justices. and when they were asked what they thought the role of the judge was i found what they answered and you couldn't tell the difference between the answers if i went into judy biggert to which moment it was. they all said exactly the same thing, that the job of a judge is to apply the law to the facts. my personal views on anything have nothing to do with being a judge. it's a very constrained law. but the most striking cases where president obama's nominees, both of them were asked the president said it's all about your hard. that's a really important part of being a judge and that's why he picked you.
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and they said i don't agree with it. both of them said i don't agree with that. so they say and all of the senators seem to agree on both sides of the aisle that's what the job is supposed to do. i think it's not completely impossible that they could do that a lot more than they do now. there was reason i saw a report talk that elena kagan gave at a loss over she described the conference's. and she said the only two kinds of conferences. one are the ones about 50 pages that make the front pages, "the new york times" and those conferences are very short. nobody discusses the case of all. it to say how they're going to vote, and i guess she said they all think if they explain to discuss the case with each other they just i know each other so what's the point? but then she said to our long conferences and those are about the cases that nobody except lawyers who specialize in the
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field is paying attention to purchase it often does go on for quite a long time, and they spend their time trying to figure out what the right legal entities and they don't come in with subtle views and they try to work it out. so my proposal would be that congress did a few things to encourage more long conferences and fewer short conferences. and i have for proposals which i worked up with my colleague, regularly come and i regularly come and post it to conclusions without getting into the recent. first, congress can require all the opinions of the supreme court majority concurring and dissenting to be anonymous. and affect universal opinions. but that would include the conferences and the dissent. second they could expand the jurisdiction of the court. right-wingers often go for the jurisdiction stripping ideas, cut it out and let them do less. i would say let them do more.
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and there's a no longer just a statutory mechanism by which courts of appeal can certify a question of the supreme court. they think the courts, the lower courts need more guidance. the supreme court doesn't like to be told which cases they should here so they never ever any longer except certification. so my proposal would be for every sort of grant on a federal question case they have to take one certify to some a court of appeals. that will give them more opportunity to try to deal with the issues at the lower courts actually think they need guidance on. the third thing i would do is take away pashtun very pernicious effect on the culture -- >> that would break the hearts of the people -- [inaudible] >> the law clerks have a pernicious influence. to the extent they serve a valuable function in doing research. that could be assigned to the office of library and of the
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court and results of the research within be shared with all the justices, not just little research projects aimed at a particular justice. is clerks are librarians wouldn't be doing draft opinions at all. write their records suggest is to write their own opinion would have some of the beneficial effect of term limits because the -- [laughter] if you actually had to do their own job we would have, we would have fewer justices who stayed in the saddle pass the time when they can no longer mounted the horse. [laughter] and my last suggestion would be we bring back the circuit riding. that was from 100 years they were required to do circuit riding by congress even though they hated it. they finally managed to get rid of it and bring it back. they have plenty of time during
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the summer. they can spend a little us time in the alps and more time sitting on some of the lower court doing real judicial work. and i think these are all marginal changes, very modest proposals. [laughter] they won't give us the perfect accord. that would only happen if we appointed a poor justice thomas is, but it would be -- [laughter] >> so these are wonderful blue sky proposals that actually you you and craig have an article in which i've assigned it to my students every spring in a course about the court. i went into the very end of the term so they have formed their own views and to present him them with yours and i think it's one of the favorite assigned readings of the whole semester. >> i'm often good for a laugh. [laughter] so anonymous, anonymous
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opinions. for some of the european courts take a different approach but i think approach the same problem is they don't allow dissenting opinions, right? so you could have anonymous opinions that would speak for the entire court without concurring or dissenting opinions. have you ever thought about writing a new article about that? >> no. i wouldn't do that. i understand the european judicial gulch is quite different from ours. and actually think dissenting and concurring opinions can serve a valuable purpose. partly disciplining the majority by presenting competing arguments, partly by informing the bar about disagreements within the court. what i think making them anonymous would do consisting anonymity wouldn't necessarily do is curtail a lot of the showboating. you know many opinions nowadays
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are not written for lawyers to get written for "the new york times," written for casebook editors, and there's a lot of stuff in my view just doesn't belong in judicial opinions in many of the opinions of the justices. and that's not partisan or an ideological think anyone who filed the court at all know who i'm talking on both sides of the ideological divide. >> so the dissenting and concurring opinions would also be unanimous? >> yes. they would be anonymous right. >> does anybody have any reaction to that? >> i think that, i think having authored opinions is important because if we had anonymous opinions i think would make the transparency problem that larry mentioned perhaps even more pronounced. because i think it's important to be able to say justice scalia offers his opinion and it is in contrast to these the other
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thing is that justice scalia has authored or join. i think that's an important part of president and also allowing the public to hold justices accountable for it they deviate from precedent. and from their own stated views before. so i think that nothing to do that would be harmful. >> .co thank you letters the initial point. how does the public hold them accountable? where is the accountability? it's like tenure. >> i'm not saying they are necessarily very sensitive to public outcry but i think if one does take seriously one's role as a jurist you want to be seen as principled and then not. if you just sort of willy-nilly decide according to your particular preferences as to the outcome indicated that i think they would be a sufficient outcry as we've seen cases where i think it's been important to
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hold justices, he voted this way and raise come you should vote this way when obamacare comes before you get if you don't then maybe it's motivated by politics. as opposed to a principled statement of the law. >> if i could just respond. >> ultimate the way to hold the supreme court accountable is through presidential elections and the senatorial elections. who we elect the for president in 2016 especially if there are two terms,come is likely to fill for vacancies on the supreme court. there should be no issue in the 2016 presidential election more important than supreme court -- >> i got to say, that statement which is sort of true and it's got a lot it's insane, right? something has gone seriously wrong with your democracy when the statement that is made is what we really need to worry about which is a president at our mouths of congress is going to put on the supreme court. that is just this is not critical of you because i think
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it's a good statement and it's a really clear statement of what the core problem is. i mean i would get rid of the law clerks are exactly the reason -- what do you have to make them -- accountability, the court is conscious of its own south africa prop is where we've set those limits is so far out there that they could go really far. so the question is what are the devices you can have to reproduce some symbols of modesty with respect to the views as compared to the use of us if we disagree with them? and so as i said i don't think that's incorrect but it is just what kind of democracy is that was like the unaccountable branch what do we do it because -- like democracy is great except for things that are important. those things have to give to the oligarchy and i seems to me crazy. >> the question is are we as society better off having an institution like the supreme
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court and the federal judiciary largely insulated from accountability to define the meaning of the precious rights and the constitution? while i am critical of the history us to quickly as a society are better off with that kind of institution. >> we have debated this a lot. we are not better off and we didn't have that until very recently and they have not -- actually what always amazes me is the progressive audience should hold these views so much more strongly than conservative ones. a cosmic history the court has been a reactionary institution far more often and in whatever ways that it has ever been. >> the only thing i would say this that when i think of the people who i've represented through my career, criminal defendants prisoners, a homeless man before the supreme court, a guantánamo detainee it's the courts are nothing there to say we're not going to the courts available what is
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the last of a state legislature adopted a law to expand the rights of criminal defendants speak with where are you living? they are doing it all the time now. they come in ways. the delusional capture that a very brief and exceptional period in american history has put over the whole of american history. all of the progressive reforms in criminal justice that took place both in the run up to the '50s and '60s, and were quite a few of them. we tend only to focus on the things the supreme court did without paying attention to the parole. the supreme court to do that. what's happening now is all in the face of really radical conservative supreme court on criminal justice was where we find that the one area which we've got some breakdown in polarization is on prison reform and criminal justice issues. you have to do take the long view and not, he said the people you represent it, you are a lawyer during that period, i see that. if you have to look at the course of american history it's
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hard to justify the court as a progressive this edition although that's not the basis of my view. i don't care in one way or the other i believe in democracy. >> if i can go back to elizabeth's point which i disagree with, i think it's been a pernicious development that the justices feel compelled to stick with their own personal precedence. it used to be that the presidents were the decisions of the court, and oftentimes very commonly once the court decided an issue the justices were in dissent simply accepted that precedent and that was a president of the corporate in recent decades we've seen an increase in the idea that each justice has to be consistent from case to case -- >> some people -- >> stare decisis right. and to contribute to the court behaving less like a court. it's true that if both opinions
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were anonymous people can change their position for political reasons. they can do that anyway because there's not a single justice in modern times that has been able to hire law clerks clerks who can figure out a way to distinguish away. >> i agree with nelson on the idm that the justices should not fear changing their minds as much as they seem to get it seems to be that causes them great pain to say i've changed my mind. i think it would be better if people got away from that but if they could explain what led him to change that much i think i would be advantageous. one question of accountability and how to hold justices. i think one of the ways we hold them accountable is is by having
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them sign the names to the opinions of themselves. if we can identify jocelyn harmon with that opinion, or that they wrote an infamous opinion on behalf of the supreme court. i think it's helpful to be able to identify the particular justice that wrote that opinion i'm not even sure it's possible to have anonymous opinions anymore given the sophistication of computer databases that would be capable of certainly know who wrote the opinion. that takes us to the question of law clerks. as to the law clerks, i think the law clerks, if not all the while ago i was a law clerk. i think at least are capable of adding something valuable to the institution and perhaps what's most important is not so much the drafting of opinions, but instead it's the voice of a younger generation. many of the justices are in their 70s and '80s and
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difficulty cases that come before the court evolving technological issues or issues of import. i think it's viable for the justice of some in the chamber of they can talk the sort of issue. i would be in favor of getting rid of -- >> it would be a funny and election process for people to bring that to bear. i've got a lot of students at stanford who i would say why don't you pick them can afford them about technology come on whatever the issue this. law student who did really well in law school -- i probably should not have been a clerk either. >> your mention of the age of the justices and the need or the utility of bringing young voices into their chambers of course raises the whole topic of life tenure. so i think there's a lot to discuss about life tenure. i would just throw it out and see would like to get rid of it? >> i would.
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i favor 18 year non-renewable term limits for supreme court justice. in part it's life expectancy thankfully is a longer than it was in 1787. clarence thomas was 43 when confirmed to the court in 1990 would i do want to sound ideological. elena kagan and john roberts were both 51 who confirmed. imagine that these three justices state until they are 90. the age of justice john paul stevens step down. that's too much power to exercise by a single person for too long a period of time. also too much and now turns on the action of history. richard nixon had four vacancies in his first two years as president of jimmy carter had no vacancies in his four years as president. 18 year non-renewal terms would mean every president would have a vacancy every two years but i think that would be far better. >> i don't have any objections to term limits.
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18 might be too long too lengthy batter. [laughter] you could have rotating circuit judges serving on the supreme court for two years of peace. that might be even better. >> i think that i am opposed to term limits and here are some argument against them. one would be the constitution of the united states, right? there is article iii section one which talks about the opinion of the justices. assuming one were even able to a constitutional amendment, which i think would be required to bring that about at the seams and credit unlikely. i worry about the cloth of the constant churn of the supreme court justices. if they are a turnover every two years one could imagine the justices have an even greater incentive to the sort strategic arguments about whether to hear the case or not to hear a case. and that caused me some concern
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that i should also say some of her most distinguished justices served for more than 30 years. think about chief justice john marshall and with some rather important opinions that shape our constitution universe will be been on the court for 18 years. the same could be true of oliver wendell holmes. when we start thinking about imposing these tenure requirements i think we should be careful. one of the reasons we should be careful is because of, you think it can is a device is justices to think about what they're going to do after they leave the court. and it seems like a mistake to me. earl warren was attorney general of california during the internment of japanese-americans. and then he joined the supreme court and those in ways that are very incompatible but one of the reasons that he was able to vote in the way that it is as a justice on the court is because
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he didn't have to think about the next election to what was going to come after leaving the court. that is to say there is a real virtue in having people go to the court and understand that's the last position that they're ever going to hold in their professional lives. >> it doesn't require a constitutional commitment in the sense that grants a proposal. the then you see arguments about on balance i think i would favor term limits there you have an occasional justice by can think of the justice overtime to serve her longtime and the vast majority of them don't do that those were innovative but more more important than are so out of sync at the point before the country is. what i like about the idea of a regular turnover is one of those which you can preserve strong judicial independence and even supremacy. and yet know what about the court during too far away from where the country is moving because of constant turnover. and the question which is a question which is equivalent to
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an award about that of an adjustable that too much trouble finding a good job after stepping off the court. the confirmation process would have to change but it probably would if it was every two years. it would bring the stakes down for any single point. >> one answer to justice concerned about losing the best work of the older justices might be that with the regular turnover there wouldn't be such an incentive to put the very young justices on the court. so i think one can make an argument that the framers of view was that service on the supreme court would be kind of a capstone and not something that would come early in somebody's legal career. want to talk a little bit more because people may not be
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completely up on figures proposals that were circulated. looking at the 18 year, it is at least an argument that it couldn't be done without a constitutional amendment if somebody got life tenure on the supreme court, but the actual active job of serving as working day-to-day justice would be for the nine most junior people of the group, am i right about that? >> they say would require a constitutional amendment. i'm skeptical. i think it would require a constitutional amendment but here i may disagree with justin. when rick perry ran for president he proposed just what i've suggested an 18 non- non-renewable conflict with conservatives like rick perry and liberals like me both
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proposing the baby becomes more plausible. i've spoken to a lot of audiences about this and it's interesting, on the rare occasion i get interrupted with applause it's proposing 18 year non-renewable limits so i think it's -- [applause] i didn't do that on purpose last night but i do think there is much more support than we might imagine it would take time to build the support and would turn into a constitutional amendment but i don't think it is an impossibility. >> you mentioned you were concerned about the confirmation process in the hearings into whether i guess people who support the 18 year term is that, that would mean every president would get two nominees. so that they would avoid that kind of interest that problem that fate would befall upon the lucky president of the unlucky president like jimmy carter who
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had none. so would be an expectation of regularity that may lower the temperature can lower this takes a somewhat of the confirmation process. is about something that appeals to you? >> welcome lowering this takes appeals to me. whether this would do much toward that end i'm skeptical about. i think the high temperatures that occur at supreme court confirmation hearings are something fairly will probably want contingent on fica with a somewhat closely divided court and that kind of thing i think is probably a more important factor in driving these things. >> i think that, i'm not sure it would lower the temperature at all because part of what raises the temperature is the fact that these very high profile, very
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important cases get to the court in the first place which against larry thinks that's a bad thing, ma just initial premise. but i would still happen even if we had the 18 year term. i think we would still have confirmation processes. i'm not entirely sure what we get out of the term limits i guess. i think perfect example of counterpoint to the idea that justice is toward long period on the bench and to do some of the best work or are not, feed into current societies. our speaker to mark justice ginsburg she's notorious at the end of her cryptic you can get more embraced by the younger generation and current events than that. we are getting tattoos of her on the arm. if we have term limits we may not have gotten some of her best defense i think in shelby county. a lot of these things come by
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some of the accident of the cases come up with you have which justices. jacketed this thought experiment what would happen if we had the 18 year term limits. it comes to conclusion that ruled the way would've gone the other way. i'm not entirely sure openness to get out of that -- rove versus wade. >> what you get get is this. against up to our nine individuals. i will say he i can state with some sense the term i clerked the last term of chief justice burger, six of the justice or in her 80s. i would say they were not all there. it was not a law clerk stepped in and get what we want a. we didn't. in a way that might've been better. what we did is we would extrapolate from the past eventually thought they would want to go and it was not sustainable to say i don't want to go there. udc district you see a lot of the elderly justices become exaggerated version of their younger selves in their later years. so again you can't do this by
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anecdote exactly but on balance think about the important things that you might want to construct we own lives. who do you want what you want the ability to people who were at the very tail end of their lives and whose abilities are unquestionably declining or which by the people at the peak of their powers? i don't think there's any question that the most work things on balance i will take the people who are at the peak of their power. there's no reason it should be different speaker one part of that has to be a locker. those 40 for a terrible failure that did damage to people and society. in large part that was because justices remain on the court far too long. i think the advantage of 18 non-renewable terms is saying we will have new justices coming on the court but still give 18 years which is a long time to make a mark on the constitution. >> i'm just curious because the
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arc of your career your own scholarship, is that year of clerking, is that what gave you the view that judicial supremacy is overrated? >> i was a part of it was i clerked for judge from his ear before and it was an amazing experience to impose the job i've been taught to you're supposed to go to the supreme court. anyone who clerked with tally i was angry the entire debate was such a disappointment in every single respect. summit was the age issue and did nothing to do with the ideological stuff. it was the way to work. it was fitting inside the bubble realizing what an incredible bob woodward and. complete unawareness of real consequences just initiate cases for i thought i'd some sense of what they were and on and on and on. i didn't come out of the court. it took me a long time to come to the youth of into. we were in law school at the same time. we had this argument at the time
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and i was a staunch defender of judicial supremacy at the time and he was not been. so it took -- you know took a long time to come around. a lot of it was because the kinds of arguments irwin makes what you don't dismiss blindly which is if there is a really hard judgment to figure come on these are benefits of having unaccountable as part of the mix and the question is just how much do we need? we have gone way farther than we need to was my view. there's some notion the court is anything other than an agent of political guerrilla which it is and always has been even in its weakest period. we don't need to be quite so afraid of doing things that get them better information can make them more aware, make them think they need to be more aware of. >> how was judge friendly when you put foreign? >> i do know it's true, he was 82. here's the thing. i talked to a lot of these
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young, he was the smartest him being a government. i talked to the people who clerked for him way ahead clerked for him way ahead of me and was still a decline. i used to think it must've been an amazing to see him when he was in his 40s and 50s. it would have been scary. >> maybes was born at judge friendly decided not to go until his powers were gone. he decided not to stay on the court until his powers were completely gone. >> yeah, yeah. >> just so i understand some of your recent work, your view is that the court has to know something -- right? that's a part of the court house, for the good, that it shouldn't be shy about using. so what did you get talk look at about that. >> i think the supreme court has fallen down in dedicating the
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constitutional rights of marginalized citizen. some people would say that's because the supreme court is fundamentally incapable of indicating those rights, that is just too fragile and institution, and when it comes to vindicate those rights it ends up making matters much worse, right? it can't come to the rescue of marginalized groups. when you hear this all the time with respect to roe v. wade and furman versus georgia, to capital punishment, even brown people would say are sort of seventh grade at conception of the court come to the rescue of racial minorities is inaccurate because the mission of the whole was committed to racial egalitarian. i think that oversimplifies brown, that north was not quite the length of racial enlightenment that we sometimes pretend they're pretty depressed
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more important than that the supreme court does have capacity to vindicate even for very unpopular groups. if you think about kennedy v. louisiana from 2008 decision involving capital punishment for individuals who rape children, the court says that's unconstitutional can't do it. spring based on a mistaken fact. >> yeah, right. if you polled by the pain is not a great surprise that people will say the majority of people would say yes you can affect capital punishment on those sorts of people. if you think about texas versus johnson for that matter in the first than in the context, flag burning, more than 80% of people think of course you should have a law against that. nevertheless, the supreme court steps in invalidates the mesh and stand strong even in the face of proposed constitutional amendments. and so is the supreme court hasn't done a good enough job as the because it lacks capacity to i think it's because of personal
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data on the court. their desires and their constitutional visions are not offering a capacious enough and suction to afford people those rights. so when one looks back over appointments from earl warren whichwhich i think is the beginning of the modern supreme court in 1953 through justice alito's nomination in 2006 there were 23 justices that were confirmed to the supreme court. 17 of those justices were appointed by republicans, only six were appointed by democrats. of the 17. 10 of those appointment happened in a row. and so when one thinks about what the supreme court is capable of doing i think it is mistaken to only look at sort of history and i think about what the supreme court could do going forward.
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i really do worry about people who are in law school today constantly hearing to file lawsuits against ago to the public square. coach of the state of the that's what a real change is great i'm not creating people not go to the statehouse but there are some people for whom going to the courthouse is the only option. the court has been successfully vindicated on at least some occasion of the soviet defense it's an incredibly powerful institution. citizens united is an example. i understand you regret about power but it is a powerful institution. the question is what is the power going to be used for. >> he mentioned when you're talking about the stare decisis problem that the course not acting as a court speed is less so than it used to right. >> isn't acting is it what is the court? if you had to identify. >> i guess they kind of monster.
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[laughter] you know it really is to courts. and i think what justice kagan said at the law school talk i think is the sign of the. the only two courts. there's the political court and then there's the legal court. and for a variety of reasons, the legal court is smaller than i think it should be. and the political court is much bigger than i think it should be. may be that different justices up there with my views of how to interpret the constitution i would feel differently and to defined of a political court by the don't think so. >> i strongly disagree. i think the assumption in a statement is such a thing as value neutral judging, that there can be law apart from value choices. it's impossible. when you're dealing with the constitution you're dealing with a document written in open
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textual language. was cruel and unusual punishment? what is due process of law? there's no way to decide that without value judgments. judgment. also no rights are absolute. there's no protection for sensitive. there's balancing the we call them in all levels of scrutiny. the court has to decide it is a fundamental right or racial minority. is the compelling government interest such as is diversity in the classroom a compelling government issue? the court has decided is the legitimate government interest. into marriage cases even if the court chooses rational basis they still get asked is there some legitimate government reason for keeping gays and lesbians from being able to ameriquest i think the obvious answers there is no legitimate reason but still all of these require a -- [applause] my point is that all of these are legal questions. all of them require a value choice. there's no way of adding value
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neutral judging. so it's a mistake to say there's two courts, one political and one legal but it's all legal at all involved value choices. >> what's interesting is social science research that indicates that the public understands that. so that although is a political culture that forces judicial nominees to say, as nelson said, my job as supreme court justices to apply the laws to the fact that the public knows that's not your and they're okay with that. that you can hold two thoughts come in a way the public seems to want judicial nominees to say that, let's assume for else they wouldn't be required to say the politicians would require them to see. on the other hand, the public well understands that judging is a value inflicted task.
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>> i don't know that the public is necessary okay with the court acting like just another political entity. i think that sometimes -- >> that's not what i was saying. >> i think there's an understanding that the justices how foss in which bridges and so forth. i think maybe getting an increase the diversity of those experiences, talking about justice o'connor as the last state legislative experience than maybe getting a diversity of experience with more public to fewer prosecutors, more folks up in the public interest, people living in law firms. maybe that would help but i think the idea of the court has just to mention as a protector of rights is something that we shouldn't overlook. the idea that you can achieve things in the court that you could through the political process is important. today's the anniversary of lebanon versus virginia. while it's true most of the states didn't have bans on
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interracial marriage on the books that were still a hard-core group of city would not have done this i don't think without the court step in. i think that's important to note that even if the court is that mr. lee on these things many would say in the marriage equality cases this term they are not leaving but certainly there are states that will not without the court telling them recognize these constitutional rights of called it i think that's an important role of the court that just to mention. >> i think all of this is fair. what's bizarre is impossible to have any nuance in this debate. item in this debate, the debate we are having in society at large. on the other hand, there is a big difference in the relative mix and when you take it take a decide based on that because they are also legal consideration i think i feel pretty countable singh 20, 30 to 40 years ago almost to the time by the case like king v. burwell come is ludicrous
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that it is there. so tell you something has gone seriously wrong. thing that's going on this we seem incapable of think the courts should have a role. now have to hysterically protected to enable them to do anything but what. brown is interesting because of the time brown was decided that to question the idea of judicial supremacy was not established as part of the background political culture you see reflected in the pushback at the time and what you got what made his work was not the courts have no role it's the culmination and the legislation that you did in the mid '60s, the civil rights act. the notion you don't want people come and she didn't say this go out to be engaged in a political site. so the question is how do we find a balance we don't have to say the court is going to be a protector of rights and, therefore, no matter what they do no matter unprotected it is or how undermine it is have to
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to a court is going to do that we can't do it, so we need to recognize that pushback has to come both ways. sometimes we need to be able to pushback. but wouldn't have happened so the court didn't feel that it had to step in even though there were people pushing to do that. so we do need some differences.
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that's not exactly where i would like to be on either one if something gets lost when the notion of challenging the judicial supremacy is so fringy and then this is what you get. >> it's not an accident that the number of the supremacy is a french phenomenon we shouldn't leave the story off in the 1930s or if we think about the 1950s there was pushback as you say in the form of the southern manifesto where the group of the southern congressmen and southern congressmen and senators congressmen and senators get together and offer their own constitutional interpretations and legalistic document and one can use that for the proposition that may not have been so widespread and individuals take the constitution and moreover the judicial supremacy was a bit more widespread in the 1950s as the results people responded
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shift so how do you interpret the constitution and suddenly the stakes are so high at what the court is going to do. but it had never been both positions before and the dominant position shifts because of the shortsighted idea and now we have an agreement on the left to the right that is the court should tell us what our rights are and what the constitution means and now we have to wait for someone to die or retire or get rid of the job which is impossible. >> a little bit of flooding going on today on some of the jurisdictions for the standing. they are very generous ideas and the standing and now all of a sudden basically any plaintiff's
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were as sketchy as they come what's not investigate the standing. she graduated from college and there is no redress ability maybe that reflects what you're talking about. i don't understand why the university of texas didn't question the standing. i don't know why the solicitors general's office didn't bring a challenge to standing in king versus burwell. we shouldn't think of it as liberalizing the standing think of the last standing in the roberts court.
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they ruled five to four standing to challenge the federal law given the national security agency to intercept communications. they had likely been accepted by the nsa. it's a terrible decision in terms of the standing and very restricted and that is the most recent one. the court took on about twice as many cases were many more more than twice as many cases as it is decided today that deciding today that some of the things that i'm hearing is they are still taking too many cases before deciding to much?
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the professor did a study of the court practices and what he found is that there seemed to have seem to have been a cultural shift on the court away from an obligation to resolve service. they can always find the true split was the last justice on the court took that obligation to clarify the law where the circuit splits take that seriously and he suggests with a lot of data that that is pretty much gone now. >> they should take more cases that actually involve more wall and less politics to have a pure version of either one ever. >> i don't think it matters. what i said at the beginning is
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they could probably take more. you need somebody to resolve them. then -- >> to get rid of the clerk -- >> in any given turn whether it is 75 or 150 cases there are four or five typically that want to know why we are here and they are the ones that we care about and they would be those in either domains. so i don't think that you are going to see these momentous issues and the supreme court has assumed and always have assumed the role in helping those issues and we don't think that much would change from 150 to 75. hispanic and it's what you think
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every split would be. >> it's how you define the split they decided hundreds of cases every year with no outputs. so, this is not -- they decided the cases the. they decided the cases. they were acting like judges. it's not an impossible thing for them to do. >> are there any kinds of cases the court is failing to take note of? in the second amendment case from the justice. >> we see the cases where there's a circuit split and then
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inexplicably sort of the night. it was 7365 so it is as distant as the 1980s the court was deciding when hundred 60 cases a year. there are cases where there are split along the circuit and the court just isn't taking them. i also think of the consequences of the smaller docket. as the number of cases goes down it would do better in our system >> in defense of the criticism of that criticism of the opinion not being written for lawyers come it's interesting and perhaps long opinions that's one
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of the rare instances that we do have some transparency from the court and the public and if that is the way the public gets its information about what it's doing than having those opinions being written away that is interesting and understandable for the public is a good thing and i would note on the cases of the court should be taking are there cases involving criminal defendant writes the court isn't unnecessarily taking and i don't know if it is because they are not interested but i remember the day whether that counts as evidence disruption they denied where there was a circuit split on whether you can have a non- unanimous jury sentenced a prison to life at hard labor and i think that is a constitutional violation and i really wish the court would have taken that. and i think that some of the cases are not these social issues or high political issues.
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they don't have big business interests but they implicate constitutional values. >> one area that i would identify as involving cases that the court should take more court should take more of that seems to be reluctant would be in the context of the student writes in the secondary school context. they haven't heard the case in the last six terms and the so-called bong hits for jesus case. it's that they shy away from.
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that matter is mistaken because the courts do need guidance from the supreme court in order to deal with the case effectively. >> can you give us a couple of examples of the cases that are being advised. >> one of the areas of importance is the speech that happens outside of the context on a home computer or in some other way that ultimately comes back into the school and so that doesn't fit into the traditional background or categories in any way and so that is one of the major issues and there is a case involving religious speech by the students about homosexuality and these are difficult cases
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but they are common in the circuit courts as well and so they seem to not want to just get involved in the dialog and there is a case in the court denied this term involving students wearing to the american flag to school in the ninth circuit and being told that was impermissible and that seems obviously staying in the context was on the day of cinco de mayo and this was seen as a sign. is that a case that we need the court for? >> i have no opinion on that. i don't. it's one of these areas where i don't think that i know enough to say. >> said >> said he would mention court stripping as a valid way of constraining the court.
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the most recent occasion i could think of is when some people and congress got concerned that it relied too much on the foreign law and that was a house resolution that was passed i think not with an expectation that would have resolved in a serious piece of legislation that it was an expressive price that the court and the justice or the judge cited the foreign law so it has kind of come down to that. hispanic is it a blatantly unconstitutional law including the supreme court will or federal court from being able to review it and if the congress
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can do that then we really have lost what the judicial branch is therefore and what was created. with the also entered another jurisdiction. you mentioned budget-cutting. just yesterday the kansas legislature passed a law that said if the supreme court decides the funding should be stripped if anything is a violation of the separation of power it has to be bad. >> so, it and if you have a really simpleminded and i'm not calling you simpleminded, i hate when people do that, but a simplistic perception of the way that it works at thinking about these matters. so we deal with these devices once the threat is realistic you sell them need them so what happens to the jurisdiction and you almost never passed and was not because of the judicial
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supremacy. it's because if they do about the responsibilities responsibly is an 800-pound gorilla. >> there is a difference between the talk but he took pride when he could say it's bad and wrong but it should be aligned with what the country is doing. so the way that these things become the point of engagement where these issues are then flushed out. it provided the ground on which you have a public engagement.
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you don't get that when the court is effectively to be a shadow of politics. it's never completely shut that off. but the way people respond to the court isn't just a product of whether they agree or disagree. as a product of the extent to feel entitled. when i disagree with him or her and whether the court sees it is for us or our subordinates affect the way that operates if you look historically i think you get a better balance with the devices being available up a few can't about you can't imagine, but they don't seem to happen and instead we have some reasonable responses. it is the availability of the threat. i think the europeans have
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better ways it's just this is where the constitution leaves us because none of them remotely imagined that it gets wrong so this is the strong dependence in their thinking of a different problem and the english common law history problem i don't care if he's guilty or innocent. so in that case that they were stuck having to couple the other day because the six cobble something together. what you get is this court. >> we are having the cards collected. part of the comments reflect on things are kind of working now. we do have these push packs from the branches and when the congress doesn't like what the supreme court has done we have
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the president able to stay after citizens united to the american people in the state of and the state of the union address. this has deleterious effects and it's a problem if he's speaking to the american people in the way that he is empowered and entitled to do so very it when i think that this question of whether the court did a failure or not it is interesting because i've devoted my career to the court so i think that it's a failure in the institution that i might not get out of bed in the morning but i think that, many important ways it isn't a failure because it is the independent judiciary the founders put in place instead of the model that wasn't as independent and about legitimacy as resort their legitimacy as resort on the fact that the american people viewed it even when they disagreed with it and when they say i disagree with
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this decision but i'm going to stand by it and that is an institutional success i would say when you're looking at an independent judiciary but i think that it only continues to be that way if there is some sort of idea that the court asked according to the law and not just politics and no one has said this more often than chief justice roberts who said he doesn't want the court to be considered just another political entity and i think we have a lot of instances even in the roberts court era where that doesn't seem to be true you have citizens united into the court reaching out to something they don't have to decide. when katie burwell will be another major test. when when you have scholars from across the ideological spectrum saying there is no method of statute of limitation that leads you to go for the challengers that is a test of whether the court is going to follow the law or politics and that is something to watch to see whether or not the court as a failure or not but right now i would be the voice of optimism
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saying that it isn't. you might disagree with it a lot but institutionally it's not a failure and it steps in is the same as it did decades ago on this to indicate the constitution of the individual rights. >> our conversation has provoked quite a few good questions. so maybe i will turn to those in the last 15 minutes or so. one question is are there lessons or reforms from the state supreme courts that could inform the federal supreme court? >> i will give you an example. the member states of a selection system for the supreme court justices that i think any president could voluntarily creating so would a president could do is create a commission bipartisan and say he wants two or three at least supported by two or three of the group and promises either to take from those names or ask for additional names. as an example, alaska used the system to tremendous success.
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so, sarah palen picked a person to be on the alaska supreme court to barack obama put on that supreme circuit and the liberal judges he placed on the circuit. jimmy carter created a selection for the federal district court of appeals appointment and i think i can make the argument for the federal court appeals appointment they are certainly among the most diverse in american history and i think that he might have done that for the supreme court had he only had a circuit court vacancy. this would take a constitutional amendment. >> any response to that or any other ideas? >> i had one question which is what the collection system leads to the potential nomination but we were speaking about earlier with senators and other folks that played an important role in public life or that would lead to more traditional way of
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judges of the court of appeal being in effect for the supreme court because like larry, i'm drawn to the old model and it's hard to imagine. even during his own time. i think that it could produce another felix frankfurter that comes from being a law professor in the senate or from the governorship. and it caused the discussion of what we mean by merit.
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they were soft on crime. what is the answer to the judicial impartiality. so take it to reflect on the dangers of the system. it's not quite our topic but we certainly have seen recently in the state courts wisconsin is one example of the method that has created a bearer in the recent election for the chief justice.
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we've seen on the states the problem that may he raised in your mind why we want to criticize the court to make it more like the democratic elected branches i can't imagine right now and i really want -- i can't imagine saying with all of the problems of the court saying it should be more like this congress like that's existing it doesn't seem like it to me and i think that it's something to keep in mind thinking about whether the federal alternatives. >> just to be clear i certainly wouldn't argue that they have been a good thing. it's worth remembering where they came from historically which is that in the early years again over who controls the law
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and they have trouble with that and so they moved as a way to make sure that the people were controlled of the common law. much later in the post-reconstruction era there is a certain irony where this idea comes from. there are all different ways to produce accountability in the balance when the founders constructed the constitution was they thought this through very carefully in each of the branches of government they had a different balance. the long terms, the election by state legislators we have lots of options to be elected to the way congress is but that isn't to say therefore.
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so because i get this pushed back a lot are you serious nothing could be worse. i do agree with that three of your spending $50 million just to see if we can figure out ways to help prove it but the point is if that is the problem than the solution is to fix that and again turned the lawmaking over to an oligarchy. i don't get to that part of it. >> fdr tried to add more justices to the supreme court would it resolve problems or create more problems? >> so of course we have nine justices throughout the 20th century and there's nothing in the there is nothing in the constitution that tells us how many they should designate. we have the right size on the court? doesn't matter? a >> i don't think it matters. again, the court packing thing.
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when linking gets elected they increase the size of the court because they want him to have more say and when johnson gets elected they shrink the court and when grant is elected they increase again so that is that kind of manipulation and it is completely successful but you have to look at it as isolation and the pressure that the court responded to that you wouldn't have today because people say all kind of things that were being set in congress in the 1930s that would be shouted down across the spectrum and you have some pushback. just as president obama takes this one little offhand comment about citizens united and he gets slammed by everybody left or right. how dare you criticize. that is a long way. go back and read the congressional debates around the new deal. that is a robust debate that doesn't exclude the judicial review but it also doesn't assume the court having failed
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the provisions of the constitution. >> this question may be related with what the courts look like if the senate confirmation is no longer required but setting that aside what about the blue sky idea getting rid of the confirmation that the senate -- it would look more like congress. >> if there was the senate confirmation i think we have to remember historical event 19th century, 20% of presidential nominations in the supreme court were rejected and almost on ideological grounds and in the 20th century and even this century, confirmations occur when the senate is in a different political party than the president. it never will the senate reject a nomination of the president when the senate is a same
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political party. it's in the senate and the political party of the distant parties if you have confirmation fight and i think than we do have a very and portent track that i think it was completely appropriate and we are thankful the senate rejected robert bork. think how different it would have been precisely because of its ideology and we can go back to others who were rejected because the ideology. it's one of the checks that's built into the system is the senate confirmation. and what happens is when the president and the senate are of different political parties. >> we can't get rid of it because of the constitution but an interesting subset of the argument is what about expanding the nuclear option for the supreme court nominations. the idea that right now you essentially need 60 votes to get someone through that there is a strong argument that the constitution sets forth the majority rule and maybe we shouldn't have that in the same way that because of the
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deployment of the nuclear option for the court of appeal judges maybe we should do that for the judge i think that it's sort of a possibility under the constitution and an interesting thing to think about. >> i think if they returned the kind return to the kind of power of authority has now the senate confirmation wouldn't change all that much because he would still have the political controversy that happened outside of the confirmation provides you a place to have this pressure but they just made the appointments and no one would care or do anything about it so you would have largely the same debate unless something changed about the power of the court. >> on that line come. myers was briefly nominated in the establishment that rose up as one. so i think that is a real phenomenon. it's possible that the senate confirmation process itself intimidate some people who otherwise may attract the judges
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and obviously the governor was very seriously in the consideration of the clinton administration i don't know what made him but he did to play hamlet play hamlet for a long time and it's possible to sort of scrutiny that one is subjected to in that process and it does make some people say thanks but no thanks. >> is it possible that the courts of law isn't enough power and especially in forcing its decisions case in point what could they do to keep other alabama state officials for refusing to comply with the marriage a quality decision? so the court can't carry out its orders as we are reminded in history. but should it have some kind of an enforcement cover? >> i think it is the belief in its legitimacy and so if that became undermined and i think it would become even harder for the court rulings to be accepted and
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followed which isn't to say we shouldn't criticize the court but when it was decided it wasn't a given that the ruling would be followed and we have that stay so i think it goes into one of my reasons for saying the court as an institution. >> it doesn't need any more power because it has the lower courts to enforce these things. they have the general assumption in a particular case the particular case of lincoln ignores dred scott and every other context i just don't have to follow the rule that then it becomes one of the places to stick and then you get the kind of public deliberation the public is designed to create.
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>> here is a question that is inside the courts. should who'll be reformed by everybody knows what the pool is, so it's eight of the justices pull the clerks to their initial vetting of the 8,000 or so decisions that come in every year and make a recommendation as to which would be taken further or which would be subject to the default load and if nobody is interested they are just the night. so the pool came about in the 1970s and has been subject to various criticisms ever since. does anyone think that it presents a problem that needs to be reformed? >> i think that's partially responsible for the docket. it is read by denying wal clerks any one of whom could recommend. they tend to know the issues of the justices that were
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interested and now it's read by the two law clerks one for justice alito isn't participating and i think that that is a problem and from the leaders perspective is it better by nine people then by two people. >> i assume this is still the case and it was certainly true years ago but there is a strong norm in favor of the night the supreme court clerks and the reason is if you goof up into the case is granted and the justices decide that that was an improper grant, then you are not a very popular person. nobody ever gets criticized and so that feeds into the problem and i think it is a serious problem. >> there were a bunch of
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justices and again i can think they fair enough of confidence they would read the question presented and that's what they needed to decide without looking at all of the underlining positions. >> last question. you mentioned dissatisfaction in the number of cases taken by the court. the think this is an area changes could be made such a quota or having a third-party entity in which cases are granted so they have a recommendation over the years that came up in the early 1980s when they thought the court was browning. >> it is fascinating that the chief justice when he was before the court was interested in the
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size of the docket so we should talk about why that is exactly and why the effective that would be much higher that they would take some of the cases that they currently handled in a summary fashion for the argument and briefing even though i'm sure the justices would be incredibly rotated so i don't think the quote is going to come in the number of cases that seems odd. >> is there one that consists of the court's calendar that is to say you go on the website and
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see the calendar days for argument and the one thing they hate and fear is when they have no cases so i think that we see a phenomenon in the regular order that would be heard in april it's a lot easier to get the case granted in january than it might be in november so that's one kind of incident and i once made the suggestion to some but if they would only cancel the april arguments and then carry over the cases granted in april that would be carried over into october and they would have a better flow of cases that they wouldn't have a problem of having to expedite the briefing schedule in october
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in order to shoehorn the cases onto the january calendar and i was told we couldn't do that because the public would think we were not working hard enough. so should there be a third outside the court third party that would inform them of the kind of cases they ought to take and that they are not taking? >> there is something interesting that can be learned in this regard especially in the certification you have the cases that have lawyers generally from the supreme court law firms and then the improper docket and it's very rare for the case to be granted and that is because the justices that there is merit to this but if they are there in the case in some eager supreme
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court lawyer who have taken the case for the certification and have often the case up that way but i do think in the lower courts you have panels that will look at some of the cases and especially if they are not paid to be heard for the argument might recommend the decision through the staff counsel for the court and i think that is something to think about for the course when you have largely prisoner appeals against overlooked because they are not written in the way the courts generally is used to seeing so that might be one instance where having this sort of administrative body like we have in the lower courts might be used for the supreme court. >> to make a recommendation. >> right, exactly. >> one thing that concerns me about that and that is a problem i think there's an increasing number there is an increasing number of instances where the supreme court is issuing opinions without briefing and oral argument based just on the
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opposition. i worry such a proposal would make that more common and i think that it's a terrible development. as you know, there's an enormous difference in the petition in opposition versus the brief on the merits. the petition is all about convincing the court this is worth hearing. there's a split among the circuit and a national importance and in opposition it is about convincing the courts this is the right vehicle and when the court decides without briefing on the merits of the argument it's really the decision of what we view these as necessary. there's been a lot more of that in the last few years and now we are going to increase it further. >> that is a good point going back to larry's initial point about the lack of transparency. if there is one instance of a lack of transparency, it is a binding judgment off the list which is problematic for exactly
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that reason. >> the problem is that it's a summary that i thought was your point is not that it was procured. >> without having notified the parties that the case was up for decision on the merits as opposed to just on whether to take it. we do have to stop and i'm asked to remind people that there is a reception down the street on the corner of 16th just a block south from here in the direction of the white house that the afl-cio headquarters beginning at 6:30. please have your convention name tag with you and with that i think everybody for your attention and think the panel. [applause]
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is next is the vice admiral to the tsa administrator. he testified about the challenges of the transportation security administration and security gaps at airports exposed by failed screening tests involving explosives and weapons. he currently serves as the vice commandant of the coast guard. >> the hearing will come to order. good morning. i would like to welcome admiral
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peter. appreciate your willingness to serve. we are obviously called to consider your nomination for the position as the next administrator of the security administration. we held a hearing yesterday and i think that you have come into this position understanding that we have significant challenges ahead and we are looking forward to the hearing today. we appreciate your thoughtful testimony and look forward to your oral testimony and answers to the questions. i will hold off on further comments until we get into the question phase but the hearing today will consider the nomination of david the governor of the united states postal service. another agency that's going to require some out-of-the-box thinking. another agency that has some significant problems. so i just want to thank those nominees for your willingness to serve and again coming your willingness to appear today and with that i will turn over to the ranking member. >> thank you.
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admiral, welcome. thank you for your service for what, 34 years? everybody is in your family here today? okay. so just some brief comments if i could. thank you for joining us yesterday and i enjoyed meeting with you and having a chance to take the measure. but as we note, we've been since the highly regarded agency at the end of last year and as we learned from press reports as well as numerous briefings yesterday, we face some cheap tv to serious challenges that demand strong leadership and thankfully the president has nominated and you are someone that i believe we can provide with the kind of leadership that we need right now. and we served as a commissioned in the coast guard since 1982 in the position of the vice
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commandant and throughout the 34 year career in the coast guard, he's displayed exceptional leadership skills to confront difficult challenges head-on. he's no stranger to the crisis having served as the deputy national commander for the deepwater her rise in oil spill and if you can handle that kind you can handle a lot of things. as the inspector general said to the committee just yesterday he said what we need is someone willing to acknowledge and confront the challenges facing this agency. and i would add that the agency needs someone that will strive for perfection realizing that it's harder to achieve and may be impossible to achieve that while addressing at the same time the competing priorities of security and expedited travel. we want to make sure we are flying planes that are safe people go where they need to go safely and we need to make sure we can expedite their movement through the security checkpoint. often times in the context it is not an easy job.
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and we are grateful for the people that do this work and we want to take sure that they are meeting the challenges that we are providing this kind of support that they need and the kind of leadership we need. i had the opportunity to meet recently to discuss his desire to leave and the division for the agency and came away confident that he's the right person for the job at this time. prior to the discussion, we'll consider that a second nominee sitting here in the front row on our left your right. to serve as the governor service the governor and the postal service board of governors considering the nomination in a very challenging time for the postal service house while. as albert einstein once said when we talked about this yesterday in adversity lies opportunity. plenty of adversity for both positions. it took a lot of opportunity to operate the printing logistics industry and it employs millions of people and even as first
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class mail is lost to other forms of communication i think the future is more promising than some of the leaf for the postal service in a number of ways some of which we discussed yesterday. advertising is a popular option for millions, thousands. millions of people still like to receive their magazines in the mail every week. they like the printed copy and not just the stuff on the internet. it's making it a vital partner for businesses large and small and even the competitors rely on it to carry out items the last mile to the communities around the country. they want to deliver, they don't always want to do the last 10 miles into the postal service is happy to do that because they were going anyway. i look forward to talking with you today about what you think
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needs to be done in order to address the ongoing challenges that are faced to end about the skills and experience that you will bring to the board. as the leader of a 10 billion-dollar company with nearly 40,000 employees, he will bring a unique business perspective to the board of governors. if confirmed for other nominees pending before the senate with for the double, the pfizer at least the membership of the board and we need that. it is an opportunity here to give progress towards strengthening the postal service. i want to thank both of our nominees coming out are welcome and now, and hopefully we will be able to call him governor. it's a great job. so, thank you all and we look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you better. >> thank you. it is the tradition of the committee to swear in the witnesses witnesses so that you
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please rise and raise your right hand. do you swear the testimony you will give be the truth to the whole truth and nothing but the truth so if you got? >> please be seated. >> currently serves as vice not of the united states coast guard. during 34 years of service he has held various leadership positions. he served as the commander in los angeles california, home to the largest port complex in the u.s.. from the 20082010 he served as the commander of the night coast guard district where he was responsible for coast guard operations throughout the five great lakes and help secure over 1500 miles. in addition he served as the deputy national incident commander during the 2010 deepwater her rise in oil spill in the gulf of mexico. >> thank you mr. chairman. i submitted my written statement and i have a brief opening statement. good morning churning johnson
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ranking member and distinguished emperors of the committee. i am privileged to appear before you today to head up the transportation security administration. i am honored by the call to service in this important position and by the support of the secretary johnson has provided strong leadership for the department. i would also like to thank the men and women of the united states coast guard into the 30,000 members of the volunteer coast guard accelerate with whom i've been privileged to serve for more than three decades and i've learned important lessons about leadership and service to the nation commitment to excellence and duty to people. to the dedicated men and women i want you to know that i am deeply honored to join your ranks and to serve a long with you and the american people in securing the tradition system. you performed an incredible difficult mission one that demands attention to detail and vigilance while sustaining a high level of professionalism and respect. i have confidence in them and i would be honored to lead them. as we pursue solutions to the challenges presented by the
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covert testing with several critical concepts that must be in place to address the vulnerabilities noted. we must ensure the notions of effectiveness to drive the focus on the primary mission across the agency. in this case securing aviation area must be a culture of operational evolutionists constantly questions assumptions, plans and processes and is able to field new concepts of operation, performance standards and capabilities. finally delivering an effective system and earning the confidence of the public will come for confidence of a disciplined performance and professionalism. if confirmed by will bring the perspective and i will relentlessly pursue these objectives to address the immediate challenges and more broadly to accomplish the important mission and trusted. in addition it might be striking a balance between the security and imperatives of liberty is critical to the discomfort i will take on this challenge with the leadership that has been at the core of my approach as a coast guard leader and one that has been improving in the real world.
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the mission is clear and unequivocal standards the training and resources that enable to achieve success and a relentless pursuit of accountability. during my nearly 30 years of active service i've been assigned to a broad variety of a shovel, staff and leadership positions, needing in the current duties as the vice vice commandant and second commander of the coast guard the nation's armed service and its maritime law-enforcement agencies. each assignment of the greater and more complex response abilities and challenges and confirmed i will apply the leadership skills gained as well as extensive experience in law enforcement transportation security and management of large cup agencies to ensure the protection of the nation's transportation system. nearly 14 million years after we must recognize that the global terrorist threat has evolved. today's threat is more decentralized, more diffuse and more complex. certain terrorist groups remain intent on striking the united states and the rest and we know that some of these groups are focused on commercial aviation.
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we have seen a threat from the lovable actors. the threats are persistent and evolving and they are the most pressing challenge. workforce training, retention and the credibility of the second challenge facing tsa. if confirmed by will pay close attention to the development of the workforce thread i will examine how to use the academy established by john pistol to further improve the performance and to instill in ever greater sense of pride in the agency and its critically important mission they deserve to be treated with respect. the third challenge. we must affect them appropriately. i i will commit myself to ensure that they remain a high performing high-performing and highly capable counterterrorism organization either by the
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risk-based strategy. it's in the intelligence to run operations and they recruit and maintain the skilled and highly trained workforce while placing a premium on professional values and individual accountability. if they pursue the advanced capabilities with adaptation central of adaptation central to its acquisition strategy and the tsa continues to strengthen its integration in the intelligence community with the private sector and its stakeholders. if confirmed by will follow the strategy and engage in the workforce and adapt and invest appropriately. in the complex missions and have an extensive extensive backrub in applying security principles to the operations and maritime threats, principles that translate effectively to other loads and have a proven record of leading for the crisis. finally cut throughout my career we've remained aware of the need to balance the desire for the great security with a protection of the liberties and rights to be cherished and and if confirmed, safeguarding the
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liberties and the interest of all americans will remain a top priority. i look forward to partnering with the committee on the range of initiatives to enhance the safety of the public and to achieve the balance. in closing i think president obama and secretary johnson further confidence of mr. chairman reading under carter, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today and i look forward to your questions. >> before i begin my round of questions it's also in the tradition of the committee to ask all nominees a series of three questions so i will start with those. is there anything that you are aware of her in your background that might present a conflict of interest to issue their nominee? ..
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>> you place the priority. >> well, thank you senator. i'd be happy to speak to that. the priority's always the mission, from my perspective. i think in terms of my career in the coast guard i've never lost sight of the fact that it's about the safety and the security of the people using the maritime transportation system and the safety and security of the system itself. that said you still need to move goods and services through
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those systems. the aviation system is no different. and it's critical that you move people through that system effectively and efficiently. it is always a balancing act between getting those right but i think if you focus on security if you're transparent with the need for that security, by definition a security system creates inefficiencies. we know that. before 9/11 most of the ports in the united states were wide open, and they were wide open for a reason, because you needed to move a lot of stuff in and out of those ports whether they be containers or bulk cargoes or the like and there's a lot of access points to the port because you wanted to be able to get trucks and rail and other services in and out as necessary to move that. after 9/11 when we started looking at some of first attempts to secure the maritime port environment, it was a real challenge to figure out how you do that without clogging up the
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system. i think the way you do that is you work very closely with your private sector partners. believe it or not, they have a lot of good ideas out there, and i think we can benefit from their ideas. i think it's again no different in the aviation sector. so as you look at -- and there may be some need to introduce a few inefficiencies in order to address some of these recent findings of the inspector general. in the process of doing that, you have to do that very carefully with the airports the people who are running the major airlines, the people who operate the airport environment as well as the traveling public to explain why as you're looking for those factors that mitigate. and then this the long term -- in the long term, you have to think about what the security system look like in the future. i know you talked about out of the box thinking. it's going the take out of the box thinking to think about what would the security system look like if we designed it for tomorrow versus the one we have today. and i think it will always be a
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balance between those two but i don't think it's an impossible task. i just think it's a very difficult task. >> were you surprised by the relation of the inspector general's -- revelation of the inspector general's report that said there's a 95% failure rate to detect metal weapons and fake explosives? did that surprise you? >> yes sir, it did and it disturbs me, and if confirmed it is the immediate priority, is to address those findings to close those gaps immediately but then to look systemically at what the issues are that brought that forth in the first place. >> but do you acknowledge that reality? i mean, it's not my words, but other people have termed what tsa does as security theater which let me first say there is some deterrent effect and positive effect for those checkpoints, for that theater. but do you acknowledge the fact that it's simply not working? >> well, if i can take a step back from that and talk first in
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terms of how i view a security system, and it really is a system of security. so i if i think about entering into that system, so if i -- from the moment i put my name into a reservation system, i want to know that i'm being looked at in some way. so i hope some of that is behind the scenes. i want my name to be scrutinized and bounced against all of the right databases. and i want to insure that the people who are doing that have access to the intelligence that they need and the databases that they need. and i know that's been some questions that have been raised. secondly, i want that to be continuous as i'm moving through the system and from the time i put my name in the system until the time i exit my destination airport at the other end, i want to be looked at. secondly, when i get to the airport -- and i want some other things to be happening as well, and there are other ways you can scrutinize an individual. i want to know as much as i can about the travelers moving through. i'm a big fan of known traveler programs trusted traveler programs. i'm a member myself, i did that
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for a good reason, partly to move myself through the system, but to participate in the system in the way that i thought the system needed me to. following that when i get to the airport, i'd like to know that there are a number of things that might happen. so if i'm a bad guy and i'm trying to make my way through the system, i don't want to see a path through. every path i take, i want to be unpredictable on the other end. so i like the idea of layers in the system but i want to be sure those layers are effective. so as i look at what tsa is doing, and they have, they have layers that have been described to me whether they be behavioral detection officers or bomb-sniffing dogs or other methods that they use, i want -- can i would like to understand what's the effectiveness behind that, how do we insure that those are being effective and how do they overlap with one another. so if you can establish, if you can devise a system that has a number of layers that overlap in such a way that you close to the maximum extent possible the gaps
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that exist in that and you evolve that system over time because you still have to keep in mind what the threat is, so you're always looking at the threat, you're plugged into the intelligence community you understand how that threat's evolving read inspire magazine, look at the things that are being recommended by those who would do harm to the system, and then go back immediately and question whether your layers are effective. so although disturbing and of great concern, the ig's find beings are exactly what you need to -- findings are exactly what you need to find out to determine if your system is effective. >> another vulnerability are really the employees of the airports and the airlines working behind the scenes and their security clearances. again, another ig report showing we're not necessarily matching up everybody to all the potential watch lists. is that something you'll make a commitment to make sure that the the tsa enters into the interagency agreement so that every possible watch list is utilized for those checks? >> yes, sir. i think that's an imperative.
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and, you know, in the coast guard we're a full member of the intelligence community. i've been working within the intelligence community for quite a few years now. it as we know, one of the findings of the 9/11 commission was the failure of intelligence community to link itself together and to provide information to the people who need it. so it's absolutely imperative that tsa has information to those same databases, to all the information that's potentially available out there. so i would absolutely commit to that. >> okay, thank you. senate carper -- senator carper. >> somewhere in one of my questions is a statement that secretary kay johnson says you're the smartest flag officer he's ever met. i asked him how many he's met, he said two. [laughter] but the answer, the answer that you just gav chairman's question which led you to this, go through the various layers and so forth, i thought was excellent. when you look at the ig's report that 95% of failure rate
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throughout tsa, i think 70 attempts to try to pierce the system, and they succeeded so-called red team -- not really the red team but we'll call them the red team, folks from the ig's office -- were successful. if you go back over the last ten years or however long tsa's been around, it's been about a decade. for me one of the key metrics is how many people died in flights because of explosions or crashes? and that's what we need to keep in mind. an old methodist minister used to say just remember this, tom the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. and for us the main thing is to try to make sure people can get where they need to go safely and expeditiously. i want to talk a little bit about agency morale. my colleagues here have heard me say more than they want to remember find out what to do or
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or -- more of that. and when i was governor i used to say to my cabinet when we were trying to work out a particular problem or issue or challenge we faced i'd say some other governor has figured out how to do it, we need to find him or her, find out who did this for him and see if that's transferable for us from that state to delaware. when you look at agency morale, coast guard as i recall, has very high morale as measured by common metrics. as we know tsa does not. and there's got to be some lessons learned. the question is just like we try to move ideas from one state to our state to see if they would transfer and work, what can we learn from the coast guard with respect to high morale and help improve that morale of the folks who work at tsa? >> well thanks for that question senator. and you're right i think the coast guard does have a very high morale. and to me, morale begins with a clear sense of mission and a
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clear sense of importance. and then a leadership that investigations in the -- invests in the mission and the people performing that mission. you have to have, you have to have alignment throughout your organization, because if you say the mission is the most important but then you start measuring other things, then the managers' not the most -- the mission's not the most important and that begins to affect morale. i think tsa has a great mission and it's a very important mission. and i see no problem making that a clear statement. then you have to train your work force to accomplish that mission, and you have to -- and it can't just be a one-time training. it's a continuous process. because if you want a learning organization and a continuously-improving organization, you have to continuously train that organization and take advantage of what those front line people can tell you. some of the things, some of the best innovations in the coast guard have come from the people on the front lines doing the work. i tell people today it's -- i'm not the united states coast guard. i represent the united states coast guard but the united states coast guard are those men
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and women out on the small boats and out in those remote units doing the work. that's no different from the tsa itself. i think the transportation security officers at those airports, that's the face of tsa, and it's also, it's also the mission of tsa and they're the ones who accomplish it. so you need to to train them, and you need to empower them to accomplish that mission, and then you need to listen to them when they're telling you where the mission's not -- where they're failing or where procedures or equipment or the like aren't allowing them to meet the mission. and so you have to value that work force and you have to support that work force. you really need to have their backs. you know, i had a great opportunity to sit down with about a dozen tsos over at reagan airport as part of my briefings in preparing for this, the potential of this position. and they were very frank and clear. they understand the mission. i mean, i always remember that they're still among the very few who have raised their hands and said i swear to support and defend the constitution of the
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united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic. that's a pretty powerful statement, and i've always found that when you remind people of that and connect it to a mission, that that begins the upward the upward movement. but then you also have to have accountability across your work force. because the people who are performing well know the people who aren't performing well. and if you allow those that inconsistency to exist in an organization, then it's not long before people feel like, again you don't have their back and you're not really serious about it. so i think you invest in the people you train them, you set and communicate clear standards you engage with the work force. one of the things that you grow up with in the military is an understanding that you've got to, you've got to be out, and you have to talk to your work force. again, they're the people who do the work. my job is to provide them with the resources and the training and the standards and capabilities to do it, to have their back when they've got challenges, and more importantly, to look for ways to
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empower them to do their job most effectively. >> good. you said it in your testimony that from the coast guard you learned a number of important lessons about leadership, and i was going to ask you to talk about some of them. but you've already talked about them. but think about that question. important lessons. the most important element in any organization i've ever been a part of or observed. the most important element for their success is leadership. it's number one, two and three. and talk to us about why you think you've been successful as a leader. >> well, i've been very, as i said in my opening statement -- >> you picked the right parents. [laughter] >> that was luck and i did have great parents. but i've been, i've been really fortunate to work alongside some very dedicated people. again, i -- it's a privilege when you serve alongside people who say i want to do the best i can. i want to take on the hard jobs of this nation, and i want to try to do them to the best of my ability. and i don't know how to get those done, but we're going to figure it out together.
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so that's challenging. and growing up in an organization helps you learn about leadership. and there are good examples of leadership and there are bad examples of leadership. but the best leadership is the side-to-side leadership, what you learn from the people who are working with you. and so what i've learned is that it's again it starts with being trained to do the mission and knowing that the people around you are trained to do the mission and that if somebody's not performing to their standards, they'll be held to account. that's important because that's part of good leadership. it's a leader with a strong vision as to where you're going you know? what's the job, boss, and what are we trying to do here and how do we get it done. and somebody who understands how to organize teams, how to take the best of people's strengths combine them in a way that presents you the best opportunity to succeed at whatever the current task is and then evaluates how that task was conducted when it's done.
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and relentlessly pursues that perfection that you talked about in your opening comments. knowing that you might not get there, but you just might find excellence in the process. >> yeah. >> and so i think that it's engaging with the work force, it's listening to what the work force has to say and then carrying that through at every level of the organization as you move up. >> my time has expired but i think we just received an excellent tutorial on leadership. thank you. >> thank you, senator carper. >> thank you, senator carper. senator ernst. >> i'm going to be in and out. we have a markup going on in one of my other committees, and i need to be there as well as here. we haven't figured out how to do this cloning thing yet but when web do, i'll -- when we do, i'll be at both places. >> thank you, mr. chairman. admiral, thank you for being here today and thank you very much for your service. i'm very impressed. you have done an excellent job of laying out your vision are. i want to address something that senator carper brought up yesterday during our hearing on
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the tsa. he asked witnesses to provide advice to congress in addressing the recent problems that were discussed earlier. and in response, it's employee becky roring had raised concerns about the lack of oversight with respect to tsa's numerous contracts. and she suggested results in these numerous contracts the results are that there are difficulties measuring performance and insuring efficient use of taxpayer dollars. and this is an important issue for me and for many of us, and so i am going to be, hopefully, introducing some legislation. i've been working on legislation to promote the importance of program management. and that's all throughout the federal government. but if you are confirmed sir, how would you address the issues that are raised by ms. roring in regards to the numerous contracts and obligations? >> well, thank you senator
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ernst. you know, i've had a lot of experience with overseeing contracts and looking at how those are put in place in the coast guard n. my current role as vice commandant i'm known as the -- which is a horrible title, but it really means i'm responsible for all of the ways in which we spend money to buy things or to hire people to help us do things. so in the coast guard our contracting is mostly spent mostly in the area of i.t. services and financial management services. i will tell you you have to watch, you have to look at those very carefully. contracting can be a very useful tool if it's used appropriately. but what i've found is you have to have strong controls in place, and those controls are not just at the program management level so you have to have people who are trained and qualified to understand what they're looking at, but you have to have a process. and, you know, i always tell people i'm a substance guy, but i've discovered unless you have good process substance doesn't occur. so that means what are the
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requirements, first of all? how do i generate the requirements for why i'm hiring a contractor in the first place? and then how do i review those requirements on a regular basis to determine if they're correct? how well do i explain those requirements to the potential contractors that are going to bid on the contract? so are they tight enough that they're, that they can be overseen and controlled? and then what's my ongoing oversight of the management of that contract so that i understand that contract when laid against those requirements is meeting my requirement. you have to have that on the other end. is all of those -- and there's a lot more to that process as you well know but you really have to look from front to end. test not just a matter of whatever exists right now. if confirmed one of the things i need and intend to do is look very carefully at not just the way the resources are currently expended, but how effective the expenditure of those resources
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has been particularly with respect to contracting because it can be, it can be an invisible world if you're not careful. >> very good. well, i appreciate the tact that you -- the fact that you do have some experience with contracting, with program management and, of course, logistics. important bottom line. so thank you. one other question as well. i know that tsa has committed to supporting a number of our veterans in hiring veterans and veterans do make up a large portion of positions within the tsa such as transportation security officers. and as they are uniquely qualified, i believe, of course for these civilian positions in the security space, is there even more that can be done by tsa to recruit more of our veterans into the tsa? >> well, that's a wonderful question. i don't have an answer for you right now but i will tell you i'm, i agree with you that our
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veterans provide a wonderful potential source of employment. i mean these are people who know what it means to serve an important mission and know how to accomplish that mission. so i think that there is room for that. if confirmed, i'll look at how that's currently being done and i'll look for opportunities to take advantage of that and to increase it where potentially possible. >> very good. thank you. and just last very briefly we did have some questions about the precheck program that came out from yesterday's hearing and we heard a lot from a number of the different witnesses that expressed concerns about precheck program and maybe how it's being expanded too much and there are security risks with that. could you address some of the precheck ideas that you might have to make sure that we're properly vetting those passengers or those travelers just to make sure we're not handing out prechecks like candy, maybe as ms. roring had
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stated. >> i think the properly vetting piece is the important part of your question. i believe in a trusted population. as i mentioned before i think that the more you can know about a population, the more comfortable i am about that population moving through a system. and so i'm a fan of vetting people going into precheck, and i think the goal should be to have a fully-vetted population in precheck. i understand that there have been some challenges with respect to enrollment centers. if confirmed, that's one of the things i want to look at, how could those things be expanded in a way that could make that entry into that system for those who want to more accessible and more available. but i think the goal should be to move towards a precheck population that is a known population, that is a vetted population and that to the extent possible is one that is expanded based upon that rule set. >> very good. well, i appreciate your answers today, your testimony and look forward to working with you in the future.
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>> thank you senator. same here. >> thank you. thank you, mr. chair. >> thank you, senator ernst. senator sasse. >> thank you, mr. chairman. admiral, thank you for being here and for your past service. the committee asked you if you believe tsa is fulfilling its aviation security responsibilities. you didn't directly answer the question, but you said, quote you would insure that tsa remains laser focused on its core mission. do you believe that tsa is today laser focused on its core mission? >> well, senator, i think that's the question given the results of the inspector general's investigation. i believe that there are still good layers of security within tsa, but clearly we've got -- there are some challenges particularly with respect to the equipment that was tested by the inspector general. so i want to be able to provide you with a true and a complete answer to that question, if confirmed. and my immediate task is to, first of all, get the full results of the ig's investigation as well as the gao investigation and any internal work that's been done by the tsa
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itself. because they have their own inspection team internally. what are they finding? are they finding the same kinds of things, and then how much has that been linked up. and then what's the extent of the gaps that have been found and then what can be done immediately to mitigate those gaps as we look at what the systemic issues are across the organization. and then going back to a comment i made previously, and then i want to look at how that fits into the swire system and whether -- the entire system and whether there are any gaps in the system that tsa currently has in place for that security system. because the system as it works as a whole is what determines its effectiveness, in addition to those individual components of the system such as the equipment that the ig found deficient. >> i appreciate the layering piece of your answer, but i guess i'll ask you more directly, do you think that tsa is succeeding at its mission? >> well, you know, i travel a lot, and i traveled to the west coast this past weekend. i felt safe. but i want to know if that's, if
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that feeling was a good feeling to have. i moon, did -- and based upon the findings, clearly there's a problem with the way in which people are being screened, because the screening equipment did not work in the instances in which they'd done. and it occurred at a number of airports. i need to look at how that's been done across the system. and more importantly, what have we done to mitigate that? what has tsa currently done to mitigate it, and it be safe? i was -- >> i appreciate that, we were in a classified briefing together yesterday, so i know you're trying to do your homework as well, but for those of us who have been pushing on these issues, i'll be honest that i'm not that surprised by this 96% issue in this report because there are other classified reports that we can't reveal the particulars of in this setting but i think you're not answering the question of whether or not
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you think today tsa is succeeding or failing at its mission. >> well i think -- i appreciate where you're going, senator. i think the reason that i'm not giving a direct answer is because i think there are aspects of the system that do work. and what i want to know is how well do they work, and i think some of the secure flight checking, some of the name-based checking is working. i don't know how effective it is. so what i will tell you is that if confirmed, i need really to dill in deeper. i've had a number of briefings about the way in which they do their business. i think some of what i've heard is reassuring, some of what i've heard is deeply disturbing, not the least of which were the ig reports. >> without revealing any details that would give the terrorists a road map to our particular vulnerabilities, do you believe the public hats a right to know more -- has a right to know more about what the administration knows about tsa's failings? >> senator i'm a fan of transparency in government. i'm a fan of making clear people how effective their government is, how its performance is and more
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importantly, what we do about it when we find the performance hats not lived up to the standards or it has failed. so i am a fan of that. i am not a fan of giving away secrets to you are men is -- to our enemies and i'm certainly not a fan of exposing vulnerabilities that we know exist. i think that's a delicate line that has to be walked, but i don't want to give any comfort to those who would harm us, nor do i want to give any help to those who would harm us. >> i don't either. my calls to the administration is to declassify more of the information and for the president to come clean with the american people about how badly tsa is failing. clearly include the caveat that we shouldn't reveal any details that would give the terrorists a road map but to chairman johnson's point about security theater, clearly one of the main benefits of tsa is the deterrent benefit of people who believed it was functioning much more effectively than we know it to be functioning at this point. politico yesterday said you would be leading a herculean turn around at tsa. do you think a herculean turn around is what's required?
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>> i think a turn around, i think, i think -- first of all, a refocus, as i said, on the basic mission. and an understanding that this organization has got to be one that continually changes and adapts. the day you think you've got the security system right is the day that you're going to be defeated in that security system. one of the things you learn in the military is you question every assumption that you have about your performance and you question it because you know that somebody is going to be questioning you if you don't do it yourself. and so if you don't question yourself, then you're not staying ahead of the people who are already questioning you. and it doesn't surprise me that there are there people out there that defeat the system. the question is what do you do about it internally. i think there's a huge effort to do that. >> if you're going to fix a broken institution, i think that requires us admitting that the institution is broken. secretary johnson at this hearing last month said quote -- not quote but said tsa is the best model of risk-based security at dhs, and he specifically highlighted the
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precheck system. however, we now know that tsa failed to catch weapons 96% of the time and that we have 73 airport workers that have links to terrorism. i'm curious your sense of the institutional history. how can we have these kinds of security lapses 14 years after 9/11? >> i think that is the question, senator, and it's the question that, it's the question that made me say yes to taking this job. because i travel and my family travels, and i want that to be safe for my family to travel, and i want it to be safe for americans to travel. i care very deeply about the safety and security of this nation. and i want to be able to answer that question in an affirmative way. i want to be able to say yes it is safe to do so. i don't know if it is right now. but if confirmed, that is going to be my focus. and what i promise you and commit to you is i will come back to this committee and other oversight committees, and i will lay out what i find. i will lay out the challenges that i find, and i will do so in a transparent way. and where it requires doing so in a classified setting we will
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do so in a classified setting. >> but i think the turn around is going to require admitting the magnitude of challenge so i'm curious as to what letter grade you would give dhs and tsa in particular as you begin this mission. >> it may be premature for me to assign a letter grade to it. i'll come back to you with that if i get confirmed, but i will tell you they're not where they need to be. >> as a former college president, i don't know any institution where a 4% success rate could be anything other than an f. i think we need to admit the magnitude of this problem, and i think the american people have a right to understand the issue more clearly. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you, senator sasse. i do underscore your point. coming from a manufacturing background, solved a lot of problems. the first step in solving a problem is fully admitting it, that you have the problem and properly defining it. and, admiral, i just have to say i feel safe flying as well, but only because of the odds. 25,000 flights, you know, what are the odds? so, i mean, i think what the
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line of questioning senator sasse was undertaking there is exactly right, and we have to admit the problem. we have to properly define it. senator ayotte. >> thank you chairman. admiral, appreciate your being here and for your willingness to take on this position. and you are a nominee for this very important position as has been outlined today with the failures that we have seen that the american people can expect so much better from tsa. and so i appreciate your willingness to take this on. and as you've heard all of this testimony yesterday before this committee both in open and classified setting, what would you prioritize as the first thing that you're going to do if you're confirmed for this position? >> well, thanks, senator. i think as you know secretary johnson laid out a pretty clear set of directions to address the immediate challenges, and i think that my first priority is
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to insure that those are carried out, that answers that he's demanded are found, but more importantly, that they're extended as necessary to address the immediate crisis. that's the most important thing right now, to restore confidence in the system to the extent possible, to close the gaps and to mitigate the vulnerabilities to the extent possible. but then more importantly to look systemically across the organization to see how much will are it take to do this over time. some of these things can be fixed right away, and some of these things are going to take some time to fix. >> let me ask you to the testimony we heard yesterday that was quite disturbing with respect to this 73 airport workers that the ig found links to terrorism and then we were told that, in fact, tsa was not fully vetting those employees against all the information that the tbi had in terms of those -- the fbi had in terms of those we might have based on intelligence on our terror watch list. and so here's the question that i have for you.
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when i heard it yesterday before the committee, i heard, yes we identified this problem in '14 but then we went over to the fbi and asked for information, and here we are in 2015, and we think about something that urgent that there budget an immediate -- there wasn't an immediate fix to that, it's pretty disturbing. so is what i would ask of you is this committee and our oversight function you find something like that that you don't wait for the bureaucracy to answer. that you let us know and that we make sure that a fix like that that is so obvious and so immediate so that we don't have 73 airport workers with ties to terrorism, that we find right away that we're vetting people fully, that we fix something that is so obvious immediately and don't let the bureaucracy bog us down. will you commit to us that if you find something like that, you're not waiting for an answer from some other agency, but, in fact, you will engage us to help
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you be effective in protecting the american public? >> yeah. senator, i couldn't agree with you more on that issue. absolutely. if there are legislative fixes that need to be there i will be the first one to come back to congress and request those fixes. in the meantime, if confirmed the first thing i'm going to do is insure that we're connected to all of those databases. as a member of the intelligence community now, as a full member i understand the importance of connection. and, in fact as we said earlier, it was -- that was one of the key findings out of the 9/11 commission -- >> 9/11 was all about connection -- >> it was -- yes ma'am. >> -- communication and knowing the information and sharing it with each other. >> that's right. no, i'm in full agreement with you and absolutely commit to that. >> well, i appreciate that, and i would say that you take on this very important task of leadership right now that, understand, this committee is very committed to having your back. if you find things that need to be fixed right away if you find things that are wrong that you
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need legislation, you need us to say to the administration this has to be a priority we want to do -- work with you to make sure that we get this right. and one thing that i wanted to ask about as well we yesterday had testimony before our committee from whistleblowers. and i think they were compelling. but clearly what they went through individually to be able to tell their story is something that we don't want to have happen in an agency where we have a culture where if you bring forward bad information that you're either punished or you're swept aside. so i would like a commitment from you that as you engage with the employees in the organization and you have those that come forward as whistleblowers or with information as to deficiencies in the agency that you will fully support them and make sure that they have the support so that we can make sure that we understand all the problems and
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address them. >> i do commit to that, senator. i believe strongly in listening to your work force. i believe in finding mechanisms for your work force to express their concerns with problems. if they see a problem, i want to hear about it. and i will tell you if they don't feel there's any other way than to go outside the organization to provide that information, that's still important to get that information, and i don't believe that there should be any punishment against an individual who finds that. because, again i go back to -- these are people who raised their hand and took an oath. and they're finding something. and if -- it takes a lot of courage to speak out. and it takes a lot of courage to go outside your organization and do it. we should commend them for the courage, we should listen to what it says, and we shouldn't be afraid to tackle the challenges. >> i was glad to hear you say in answer to senator ernst that you think that in terms of precheck we need to get, we need to insure a fully-vetted program. i think that's a priority. and also the other issue i would ask you to look at is the badge
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issue because that issue has popped up in other contexts where we know those badges behind the scenes, the access that is given with one of those badges in the airport and that, in fact, this system is one where the airports are controlling that, but we can't account for where all the badges are. so i would ask you to take a very careful look at those badges to make sure we're not giving people access that we shouldn't be. >> i will do that. >> thank you. and one final thing that i would say is the other thing that i took from the testimony yesterday in both classified and unclassified was we've seen that there are many sops as director roring mentioned, but there seems a disconnect in consistent application of those sops. so looking at whether it's a checklist or more consistent application of sops because it only takes as you know, admiral, one instance of an sop
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not being followed in terms of the checks that need to be in place to protect the country to allow a terrorist through. so i think wanted to get your perspective on that and what you think we should be doing to insure consistency. >> that's a great question, and that's fundamental to how people perform their mission. as you know, in the military it's all about standard operating procedures, and the reason you do that is so you can insure your focus on the mission. and, of course, those get refined over time. it's important, first of all, that they be straightforward, clear and understandable, that you have a consistent way of training to those standards whether that be through resident training or through teams that train, individual teams or individual units. and then there has to be an oversight function too. you have to have a way to determine whether those standards are being adhered to. and so again, in the coast guard my experience has been you have standardization teams.
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we just call them standard teams, and these are teams that go around, and they test the people are living up to the standards. it can be up to or including things like the inspector general or others have done but it's usually just a matter of walking people through the procedures and saying, all right, you're going to confront this situation what's the procedure and how do you do that? and, again checklists can help. that's very important where a checklist is point -- appropriate. but it's also an understanding of the process. again, you focus on the mission, and you say what do i need to do to accomplish that mission, what are the standards that i need to have in place what's the process, and what parts can be done in a checklist fashion, and how do i insure it's being done, and then i do that whole process over again. i concur with you, and i think it's important to look at the current sops are they appropriate? listen to the people using them, how effective are them? can you understand what you're reading? if you can does it make sense to you? or are you seeing things we
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ought to add that we're not doing? the other thing that i've discovered over time is you can become a slave to your standard operating procedures and not be aware of what's actually -- what the real process is. so you have to be careful not to just go through the motions. you have to have a thinking population that says wait a second this doesn't make any sense. and we get that all the time in the military. somebody will say why in the world are we doing x and you look at it and you say i have no idea in the world. let's do something else. >> thank you. >> senator lankford. >> thank you. quite frankly, for your past service and for taking this on as a consideration. you've been asked to consider leading an agency right now that has very low no -- morale, that has systemic procurement problems, some recent very bad evaluations and, quite frankly uses wrong metrics in some of the ways they're evaluating some of their own performance. so you have a task to do that is
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not an easy thing to step into, it's not ab easy a-- an easy assignment. so i want to say thank you for your consideration in walking through this. i want to bounce a couple of things off you for you personally. some of the metrics of evaluating the issue of conduct versus performance metrics and evaluations here whether the goal is to quickly get people through the line or to be able to evaluate for safety checks and such. i think we can do both, but right now we seem to be pushing on the speed side of it rather than the safety seed, and it's almost like we're lulling ourselves back to sleep again on critical issues. if you want to go ahead and move to the morale issue of how you reengage some really great folks. when i interact with the oklahoma city tsa folks there's some great folks that serve there and are really terrific servants of the nation. but the morale issues are --
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[audio difficulty] >> morale starts with an important mission. we already have that. this is an important mission. a clear sense of that mission and a dedication of the leadership of the agency to performing that mission. and so when you talk about the potential disconnect between what's being measured and what's most important i think that's key to one fundamental aspect of morale. if i'm being told the most important thing i can do is protect the american public and to protect the traveling public but i'm not being measured as to how i do that then that becomes -- that's a disconnect right there. and my fear is that starts the breed cynicism in a work force,
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and cynicism leads to low morale. i get that completely. so the first thing you do is focus back and say what's the most important thing we're doing out there why did you raise your hand and take the oath of office? not many people do that in this country, so they're still among the 1% that say, you know, i'm going to serve my nation. and you deserve to support them this doing that. so next comes training. you've got to train them, and you've got to continually train them and get them in that continual learning process so that they can do the mission. >> so if i can interrupt how's that different than what's happening now? all those things are occurring now. >> well, i think -- i'm not sure that -- again, i think that over time it's very easy for an organization to shift focus to think they have the mission right and then to work on other things. i think i think you can never stop referring back to it. what i've found in my service in the coast guard is that you can have, even in a high morale organization like the coast
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guard, we can have pockets of low morale. and what causes it? it's when you, it's the day you get even a little complacent at the leadership level and you think you have got it right. no one gets tired of being reminded how important their job is, and no one gets tired of being trained to do that job and no one gets tired of learning how to use equipment and no one gets tired of engaging with their organization and telling them where they think it could be better. so i think it's engagement with the work force. can't just be a one-time thing. you can't think you got it right because you held a meeting with them and you moved on. annual surveys are good places to figure out where you need to start engaging more effectively but they don't answer the question for you. they raise all the questions. >> yeah. both your hiring and your training makes a big difference, because they work in very close quarters with each other. if there are a couple of bad apples in a group it's really difficult for everyone in the group. so just managing personnel and placement and at to do on the line -- attitudes on the line make an enormous difference.
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can we talk a little bit about procurement? tsa has millions of dollars of equipment stored in warehouses trying to figure out how to move old equipment, the efficiency, when they're going to purchase something different, if it has a 2% gain in efficiency is that enough? so is there are lots of issues that involve billions of dollars in procurement nationwide. so talk to me as far as a change in attitude for me on that. >> well in my current role i serve as what's called the component acquisition executive for the coast guard, so i oversee all the -- the whole acquisition process for the coast guard. and that starts with the basic requirements -- first of all, it starts with the mission and how that mission can be accomplished against what the threats are that keep us from accomplishing the mission. and then you begin to build the requirements that you need to accomplish that mission. some of those are human requirements, some of those are equipment requirements. and those are interactive as you go through. and then you have to have an ability to translate those requirements into the actual
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thing that you need to buy. so there's a process that has to be in place. and what i've learned in the coast guard is if we completely rebuilt our acquisition program over the past decade, we did not have one of the best acquisition processes in government. i think we do have one of the best acquisition programs in the government now. and it's because we complete -- we looked at it from start to finish. you can't simply walk out to industry and say give me something that will do something. i don't blame industry for providing us things that don't work. they'll provide you what they have. and, but you need to really examine what, what do i actually need to know. so if you're looking at a detection, a piece of detection equipment, what do i need that thing to find? and then what are the limitations of technology in order to find that so that i can figure out what are the other requirements that go on top of it? it's not just enough to have requirements for the equipment, you have to have requirements for the things the equipment can't do and those are combined
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so all of that fill fits into the procurement process. you have to adhere to the oversight, the controls and the various program -- you have to separate the person who's writing the requirement from the person who's implementing the requirements to the person who's overseeing the program to the person who's contracting for the program. and the more separation you can have amongst those the more rigorous you can hold that process. otherwise you're going to run into schedule breaches, cost overruns -- and i would encourage you to evaluate the effectiveness of this equipment not based on how -- >> real world tests. >> -- but how it functions in the real world. that has been a problem. we've got to have that real world -- and with the chairman's indulgence just one quick comment as well. the precheck issue, we have a lot of people coming through that are not prechecked. we're going to have to change the name because we've got millions of people that are not prechecked or really focus on precheck. and i'm not talking about
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trusted traveler and all these programs where they really have gone through a process. but it seems to me we're increasing the number of people through it to get throughput and get efficiency, and we're losing some of the focus of what it's designed to do and what the actual security is designed toot at the airport in the -- to do at the airport in the other lanes here. so we're losing our focus on security. i think it's a recipe for disaster. so precheck should be precheck and should have some kind of background on them rather than just it's a random or we think they meet some sort of profile. so thank you, mr. chairman, for that. i yield back. >> thanks, senator lankford: senator heitkamp. >> thank you, mr. chairman, and i just want to add my voice to what senator lankford just said you know? it's got to mean something and it can't just be oh, you flew a lot of miles x nothing bad happened on that plane, so now we're going to hand you the pass. we've got to actually know who we're dealing with. and so i want to add my voice to what i surely hope has been the sense of the committee here that
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how grateful we are that you're stepping up to take orb this enormous -- on this enormous challenge. you know i think too to often we don't say thank you to the folks who go through what is sometimes a very onerous and difficult process but we are extraordinarily grateful, and we find that more and more people who put on the uniform of our country in our armed services and serving us tend to step up and continue their service. thank you so much, admiral for what you're doing and your willingness to take this on. we are excited, at least i am excited, about the changes that i know you're going to make and the things you're going to do. having been in such important leadership positions in the past. the one thing i do want to talk about is something that senator lankford and i have focused a lot on in our subcommittee which is how do you engage everyone regardless of whether they are you know, the person collecting the trays at the end of the
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scanning line to the person at the very top? how do you engage them in the overall, overarching mission is so they have a sense of purpose and they have a sense of what they're doing every day? what strategies do you think you can deploy to improve morale by giving people a sense of importance? >> well, as i talked about in my opening statement, the need to look at -- the way in which -- first of all what do we teach people when they come into the organization. how are they -- you know i think back to my experience coming into the coast guard and there's -- you're taught the base culture of the organization. and in our case, you know everyone's read this wonderful letter that came from the first treasury secretary alexander hamilton and it was his first instructions to the very first ten commanding officers of the revenue cutter service which was the precursor to the united states coast guard. and this was a challenging mission because they were told to go do something which had never been done before which was
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collect tariffs from merchant vessels, something they were not pleased about and did not really want to encounter this new government attempting to exert its power. and so in the process of writing this letter, he lays out all the requirements and their duties and obligations and the law that they have and the expectations. but he says something very interesting in the let or, and it's a thing that begins this cultural indoctrination in the coast guard. he says always keep in mind that your countrymen are free men and as such are impatient of everything that bears the lease mark of a domineering spirit. and it's wonderful 18th century proceeds, and it goes on and on. the letter's multiple pages long. but that one line is repeated over and over and over again throughout your career in the coast guard. it's we use it when we advance people in rank, we use it when we promote them in rank, when they swear in a new oath of office and remind them that you're going to do things that
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by nature interfere with the free movement of people. and sometimes you're going to do things that interfere with their, with their individual rights because they would like to go do something and you're going to get in their way. you don't have to do that in a way that offends them, and you don't have to do that in a way that doesn't respect them. so i think how does tsa do that? this is one -- one of the things i'd like to examine is what is the way in which tsa indoctrinates, provides a culture. there's a tsa academy. i don't know how well attended it is. i'd like to to look at that opportunity. and then over time what are the ways that you can continue to engage with the work force. we live in an age in which it's very easy to communicate with people. i don't accept the premise that because you have a widely disbearsed and geographic a-- disbursed and geographically distributed work force i have one that works in small unit
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teams. i can't touch every single member of the coast guard every day, but i can assure myself that they're plugged into the organization. so i'm going to look for ways to do that, if confirmed, in the tsa. i'm going to find out a way to connect leadership to the front line operation. my experience, one of the other big factors of morale is how distant is your leadership from the actual people doing the work. i don't do the work of the coast guard anymore. i have -- coast guard does that work. those front line men and women out there. so how do they know that i've got their back, and how do they know that i'm paying attention to them and providing them with the tools and attention that they need if i don't listen to them and find a way to engage with them. so those are the things i think about as i look to connecting with the work force to learning from them. i meant what i said in my opening statement that i have learned about duty to people, i've learned about commitment to excellence, i've leshed about service to -- learned about service to this nation. i continue to learn today. i'm always astonished at the new
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things i learn about those things. >> i know it's been said already here but i think improving the morale of tsa reducing turnover you really having an appreciation by everyone how important their work is and how much their country's counting on them. and as we saw in california their work can be dangerous. and they need to be appreciated for that, for standing on the front line trying to -- you know, being that visible signal. the other thing i would say that the public gets frustrated with is when they don't see value added to some of the things that tsa does. you know they go, well, why would we need to do that, and why would we need to do this. and i think it's really important that your communication as you're focusing on communicating why they need to do that is also turning it outwards and talking about the challenges that you have so that
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people who are like us who are at airports all the time better understand what that goal is. and so i would just offer that suggestion that that communication not just be internal, that we spend a lot of time talking to the traveling public about the importance of what you do. i mean i just think we have great hope for you and if there's something that we can do and ideas that you have where laws restrict you i hope that you come back to this committee come back to us individually and say this is something that makes no sense. please change it. >> thank you senator. i will do that. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you senator heitkamp. i think we've pretty well covered most of the issues. i know our ranking member has another question or two. i will just make the statement though regardless of the fact we haven't had additional airplanes used as a weapon, i would first say that's because we did take a look at the priority solutions and we hardened the cockpit doors. again, very cost effective but also very effective from the
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standpoint of security. i do believe the has been in somewhat of a state of denial, that what processes, procedures, equipment we have in place again, it'll catch the water bottles, it'll catch my little boy scout pocket knife that i was given and didn't realize i had it in my briefcase. it will do that, but for determined people that want to defeat that system, i think the ig's report is pretty telling. so it is a matter of recognizing reality and admitting we have those problems. i guess until the ranking member comes back, i will ask in our -- in testimony yesterday one of the whistleblowers, ms. roring, claimed that the morale -- we were talking about the morale issue, but there's a feeling of fear and mistrust within the tsa. and, you know, senator ayotte talked about retaliation which by the way we're going to have a hearing tomorrow on whistle blowers and the kind of retaliation they have faced. it is disturbing across the
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government how prevalent that really is. and apparently there's that kind of problem within the tsa as well. so i guess i'm just asking, you know, you have a significant management challenge. low morale, if it's true, and i want the ask your opinion, do you believe there really is? is that possible that there really is a prevalent feeling of fear and mistrust? but, you know, just from the standpoint of the tedious nature of the task, you know it's just prone to complacency. we're human beings, you know? how do you manage that? how do you rotate shifts? how do you provide incentives to keep people alert? really speak to the fear and mistrust statement of our witness from yesterday. >> i hope, i hope that it's not a pervasive fear and mistrust. but i will tell you that i start from the premise of trusting my organization. i want, i want the people who work for the organization to feel free to bring problems to -- that's where you learn the most about what you're doing. i will commit to you that i
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will -- this is one of the most important things for me. it peoples right to -- it speaks right to the fundamentals of no be real. if i work for an organization that i don't trust and i'm afraid is going to take action against me if i bring problems to light then that's a real problem. that's a real morale killer. so you have to address that right up front. so what i will commit to you is that's not the way i do business, it's not acceptable in any of the people with whom i'm working or the people who report to me, and i'll take a hard look at the current climate in the tsa. >> appreciate that. senator carper, do you have a question or two? >> yep. admiral, over memorial day weekend and i think again last week threats were made against international flights bound for the united states. and while those threats were deemed ultimately not to be credible, we know that passenger screening overseas presents a significant risk to our aviation security. if confirmed, how would you work with our international partners to improve passenger and baggage
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screening standards in foreign countries? >> well, i think it's important to have agreed-upon international standards, and those have to be rigorous, and they have to be at a level that assures that you are doing the absolute best you can to stop any potential threat. i've had a lot of experience with that in the maritime sector. as you know, the coast guard represents the united states to various international bodies that deal with international maritime security, international maritime safety. and what i've found is that, first of all, those other countries want their systems to be safe as well. but if you have a patchwork of approaches, then you're going to have you're going to have gaps in your security. so it's important to work with the international bodies in the aviation world such as ikeo to insure that you have clear and well-defined and consistent standards, that you have a
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mechanism for enforcing the adherence to those standards. in the case of the world in which i work that includes spot checks and verifying teams. so we send teams all over the world to foreign ports from the u.s. coast guard and we inspect and make sure they actually are doing what they claim to be doing on paper. and when we find evidence that they aren't, we apply sanctions up to and including the refusal to allow a vessel from that port to arrive in u.s. countries -- to arrive in u.s. ports and we do that. i think the same standards need to be, it's even more imperative you do that in the aviation world, because we know that we're having, we have significant concerns with foreign fighters, we have significant concerns with increasing radicalization of terrorist groups and we know that they're continuing to focus on the aviation system. so i intend to work with, if confirmed, to work with counterparts around the world particularly those countries
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that have last points of departure bound for the united states. and more importantly, to work with the international associations to insure that the standards that are set are appropriate and that there's an oversight mechanism for enforcing those standards. >> all right thanks. in our closed session yesterday which you were good enough to join us for, one of the things we discussed was the role of pat downes in -- patdowns in better insuring our security. it's a sensitive awkward situation. it's important for our security, but it's difficult for those that are trying to insure security and frankly, for the passengers who endure this. ..
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one of the things that are committee, that we ask of the government accountability office, every two years they give us a to-do list. high risk. and the use it as a to-do list, a short to do list. some small chance you are confirmed, the opportunity to serve in this role there are a couple things that we can do that would will be especially helpful. more importantly, the folks to the people of the country >> thank you for that. first, thank you for the help.
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i believe strongly in working with the congress because you have an important role to play and not only oversight but ensuring that the right laws and legislation is in place to allow a mission like the security of our transportation system to succeed and i promise to i promise to work with you on that. i like to if confirmed bring you the list of those things that they can be most effective for this committee to attend to. i appreciate the willingness of every member of this committee with whom i met. i promise you that it will be just as much coming from my side as it is from your side. what i would like to do is bring to you in an open manner the challenges that i find to aware this challenges need to be addressed by work that this
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committee can do and what is challenges i something at the agency has the authority to do but you need to be aware of before it's put in place. >> not what given to hyperbole. he told me a couple months ago. that was it is peak. a coast guard. i must say am impressed. probably will get you confirmed. >> it to it's another nominee. two questions, one of which i will submit by letter. the 1st the 1st is to buy appreciate your statements about your desire to escape to where the puck is going to be an deal with the security threats we face
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over the course of the coming decades and to be forward-looking. i forward-looking. i also appreciate your clear and -- your clear care and concern. there are lots of good americans inside tsa. my worry about the magnitude of the challenges we faced as must are chiefly with workforce issues. obviously some technology failures that we have big leadership problems inside the organization and are at a gap as for strategic priorities and measurement. he mentioned in yesterday the dr. but the fact that there is this tension. almost none of the metrics go to the success in predicting prohibited weapons and materials and explosives. i am curious i am curious and we will submit this by letter about what your familiarity is with what briefings and performance metrics secretary johnson from the department receives our weekly basis some of us
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to have been pushing on these issues have not gotten adequate answers the department about the frequency and the quality of the performance metrics inside the key components and agencies. i would like to understand what familiarity you have had with the briefings at the leadership team gets on a regular basis for the benefit coast guard and what you expect to be included on as far as his performance metrics. we will submit that by letter. the final question and person's i have had a chance to meet with the inspector general john roth three times in the last week and appreciate the work of his organization. he also said public hearing that it is not believe the leadership of tsa truly understands the nature of the risks that they face does not believe they truly understand the nature of the risk. risk. i'm curious what you put yourself in. do you believe is right?
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what do you believe that the leadership has to understand the nature of these risks? >> i had a chance to sit down with inspector general rough as part of my preparation. i understand the risks. i think there are people that do, but i do but i want to understand how effective those voices are and how well they can be heard and more importantly one of the reasons why that information appears to be challenging to make it to the right levels of the organization. i think is tied directly to your previous question. look forward to answering that question and more importantly look forward to engaging with this committee in the future we continue to question whether they are the right measures. the measure you put in place is not appropriate today or tomorrow. you have to continually refine the end be relentless
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in your examination to ensure you keep focused. >> thank you. >> thank you, sen. i have to commend the pres. and sec. for five high-quality vigil individual as yourself someone who is very well-qualified, very well-suited for this position this enormous challenge. i certainly want to tell you and voice my appreciation for your past service, your willingness to serve as also the 30th of this committee and myself number of us have voted for your confirmation. we will try and move this confirmation is quickly to the committee as well as the senate. again, we are so thankful for your willingness to serve in the further commitment to have this committee here to have you back. you have's.
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[inaudible conversations] >> mary todd lincoln was known to be well educated and bright. she spoke several languages fluently and had a strong interest in politics and took an active role in her husband's career. she husband's career. she suffered a series of emotional challenges. three of her four children died and her husband was assassinated while sitting next to her at the theater. mary todd lincoln, this sunday night at eight 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span original series 1st ladies influence an image examining the public and private lives of the women who filled the position of 1st lady and their influence on the presidency from martha washington to michelle obama
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sundays at 8:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv. >> the navy director of submarine warfare spoke at the air force association congressional breakfast series about nuclear deterrence and the navy's aging submarine fleet. awaiting senate confirmation on his nomination to be the next label summary naval summary force commander. this is just under an hour. >> i want to welcome you all here today. the reserve ofc. association, i want to welcome you to this, next in
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our series of seminars on nuclear deterrent missile-defense proliferation obstacle. we are honored today to have rear admiral joe to follow as our speaker. i want to thank him for his extra ordinary help that he gave us what we did the triad conference downing kings bay in the fall of 2013. i also want to make a note of welcoming our friends year from the united states military, in particular the entire staff of the united states navy. thank you for coming. i also want to thank our guests, number of embassies and of course our sponsors. i also want to make a a note that a number of our seminars that have just recently been held i posted the transcript on our website as well as the cds from timberlake and rick fisher who presented remarks this tuesday on china. also remind you also remind you that next week we have jim miller formally with lsd on the 3rd and adm. breckenridge is admiral breckenridge is on the 4th command on the 12th our space event with congressman brad stine is june 12 and
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also remind people who are interested invitations will go out shortly for the triad event where holding on the 17th of september in washington dc. you are interested in getting an invitation please talk to me. as many of you know, rear adm. joe to follow as the director of undersea warfare at the navy staff and pentagon. in this capacity's admiral to follow is the resource sponsor and had officer for the summary force. before this assignment he commended the submarine group ten in kings bay georgia and so he brings the summary of operational and acquisition experience to dialogue on requirements for our sea-based strategic sea -based strategic deterrent. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome rear admiral joe to follow. [applause]
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>> thank you for that kind introduction. it is great to come and talk there is so much up your. it is great to come talk about the summary force. i was talking with joe at the back of the room his grandfather was a world war ii submariner. sitting over here is midshipmen jack is getting ready, midshipmen at the naval academy and came here, heading off to join the summary force. i no that many of you come from time to time. i want to commend you for doing that, that, keeping yourselves involved and informed about strategic deterrence to be there are many who do not understand the moving parts associated with strategic deterrence. it is important for us to keep putting facts
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on the table and i thank you for your commitment and being here today and being part of that dialogue. peter mentioned my biography. and 97 resource sponsor requirements officer for summary force in ohio replacement and virginia class, the centerpiece of my portfolio. because of my previous job working as submarine group ten which has all the ssb in the atlantic in the current job unfortunate to have this operational and headquarters perspective on the sea -based strategic deterrent. it is something that helps me do what i'm doing. today i would say that we are at a critical determining the future of our national strategic deterrent. examples deterrent. examples include our countries actively engaged in negotiation about iran's nuclear program's that will go a a long way toward defining the nature of the 2nd nuclear age. treaties and agreements treaties and agreements are being made and implemented and in some cases violated. russia and china are
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aggressively modernizing and expanding a nuclear capability and iran is seeking to knock on that same door. north korea, whether you believe what they say or not, is unarguably provocative. with this backdrop it is easy to get caught up in the swirl of events, the drumbeat of newspaper headlines and the draw of the 24 hour news cycle. this short-term churn makes it difficult if not impossible to maintain focus on the long-term nature of nuclear deterrence and doing what is required. robust nuclear deterrence is the result of long-term sustained effort of a large group of professionals who carefully tend to technical issues from a policy matters, fiscal resource allocation adversary changes, analyze dynamic. someone has someone has to be working the near term, the midterm command the
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long-term in each of these areas all the time. many of you are involved in some aspect of this. it is vital and challenging work and is what is required. our more rickover knew a thing two about bureaucratic infighting and doing what is required. he emphasize good ideas such as a solid nuclear deterrent foundation are not automatically preserved and protected by the system. he wrote one supplemented good ideas can easily -- can be easily overturned are subverted to apathy or lack of follow-up so that a continuous effort is required. too often important problems are recognized that no one is willing to sustain the effort needed to solve.
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sustain the continuing effort needed to keep a robust deterrent in place. i am, frankly, concerned about how things are going to go and i want to talk to you about my part of this battle lines which is sustaining and effective undersea leg to our national strategic nuclear deterrent. for for today's americans the horror of september 11 remains an indelible memory but our losses, as catastrophic as they were, were less than 1 percent of our country's total losses and world war ii. eleven years ago today may 292004 the national world war ii memorial was dedicated right here in washington dc. if you have been there years in the wall stars and those are a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice the 400,000
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americans who died in that conflict. now, take those huge american losses and multiply that by 100. that number represents a low estimate of global losses during world war ii. we ii. we don't know how many people died in that war. most experts round up the number to the nearest five or 10 million people. think about what that means. when i 1st really got your human in the last large-scale major power war. if i were to say that world war ii must also be our last major power war to my am confident all of you would agree. there there is no question about the endpoint we seek. we all want to prevent large-scale major power war.
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the issue is not the endpoint but how we will achieve it. we must remember we have been down this road before. we look back on world war i and said never again. we get the desired endpoint. no more large-scale major power war but we got the means wrong. we passed some unenforceable treaties outline war. but we did but we did not successfully build a structure to deter future major power war. where were we 20 years later? right back in the middle of a major power war this time world war ii. strongly motivated we were smarter. this time the united states remain
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engaged. we built a robust mutual defense treaty organization with an effective nuclear deterrent. we followed up up apply the continuing effort needed. challenging words, for sure. again, it's was required. in the cold war ended. as long as the world remained benign we hope we can get away with less than a full effort in nuclear deterrence. we deferred we deferred recapitalization and modernization, neglected or toward out some infrastructure commissioning numbers, reduced margins and redundancy into abuse and expression, we took risk. now it is clear that the benign world real poor is not going to be the world we face. the world that we will face is not the bipolar world that we knew in the cold war
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but a more complex multipolar world with players that are equally if not more aggressive. let me give you quick examples. russia has an ongoing robust nuclear weapons production program. a new fsb in new slb am a new silo -based icbm numeral mobile icbm and plans for at least one and perhaps to nuclear capable bombers. they have greatly increased their bomber flight and nuclear submarine operations near us and nato states. moscow has overtly adopted strategy that endorses the limited use lds latoya nuclear strikes and ask you moron, to end conflict on
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terms favorable to russia. china is poised to conduct its 1st regular operational employment of agent class is -- fsb and sometimes you between the carnival united states target at risk. let me risk. let me repeat that come a nation with no nuclear transparency will be capable of holding target at risk for the 1st time. china is not part of the new start or any tree that includes any intrusive expection raising, and they are unapologetic in creating were taking territory in the sea. all of you have seen the articles in the press and a are also working to create a carrier strike group capability. north korea depends on nuclear forces to extort the international community, the only country to conduct a nuclear test since the turn-of-the-century. they are fielding a ballistic missile and is publicly executed there ministry of defense.
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uranian pursuits are concerning to allies in countries like saudi arabia are now openly talking about their own nuclear capability taken together it is clear that we are facing the world that is not benign and there are number of key players out there with very strategic objectives who are investing in or aggressively pursuing their own nuclear capabilities. with all of this is background i want to address for concerns here with you concerned number one for maintaining a triad. maintaining an effective strategic deterrent we will
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continue to require a triad. the navy has long made clear that is strongly support sustaining a triad. this position has been endorsed in every important document. icbms provide a responsiveness that is much faster. ad incentivize the adversary attacked by raising the number of weapons needed. bombers provide flexibility, signal intent in a manner not possible. they can can approach a target for many different directions plus nuclear capable bombers are dual use. fsb ends are clearly the most survivable assuring our
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capabilities deliver a large-scale nuclear response that is independent of over flight restrictions a much more difficult to defend against. each of the legs brings unique strengths that together provide a strong deterrent against a variety of adversaries and threats. there is a synergy here where the emigrated whole is greater than nearly the visual legs. concerned legs. concerned number two covering our strategic obligations as our current ohio class fsb ends age. what drives our obligations? how fsb and four side is driven basically by three things geography, survivability, and target coverage. note that i note that i did not say the word number of warheads. there is always a tendency to derive the number of platforms needed for the number of warheads in the us arsenal. think about this comparison. imagine that you are responsible for guarding the forest perimeter and determined based on threat
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vectors for weapons weapons range of fields of fire lines of sight that you need ten centuries. you have 100 bullets. you give each you give each of the centuries ten votes. something happens command now you only have 90 bullets would it make sense to drop to nine centuries? we one part of the perimeter undetected? of course not. you keep ten centuries ce to cover the whole perimeter and give each line bullets. it is the same idea. the.being at the number is not the main driver. the main drivers are geography, survivability and target coverage. we have to cover to oceans at once and all of the targets they go with each. we have to anticipate changes that might occur between now and the 2080s when ohio replacement will still be on patrol. you knows what new thread
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there will be new friends to assure, new technologies. we have a strategic obligation today and 55 years of patrol has taught us to expect change. in addition to the rising threats there are other reasons to expect a challenge to grow so let's talk about readiness and the age of our force. today today they carry about 55 percent of our nations accountable nuclear warheads but that percentage will rise to about 70% of our accountable nuclear warheads by february 2018 when the new start treaty is fully implemented. today our average fsb and is 24 years old. in 15 years just before we
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start deploying the ohio replacement summary our fsb ends will average 37 years old. that is older than we have ever taken a single nuclear submarine. we're talking about taking an entire class with an average age of 37 years old command we will have to depend on an average 37 -year-old submarine force to reliably maintain the same patrol cycle as they did when they were brand-new. today our ohio class is meeting all mission requirements as you would expect but there are challenges. only because of a significant effort i'll be able to continue. we are still overcoming the impact of previous year fiscal cutbacks and shortfalls, previous sequestration, government shutdown. some of those things still have cascading effects on the maintenance and training these mental a preparation
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for deployment and delay deployment in turn required us to extend deployments for those units that were already on station. a perfect a perfect example of this from this past year is the uss pennsylvania who was extended for a record 140 days due to the maintenance issues on another summary. the good news is that our fantastic sailors and maybe civilians were able to keep pennsylvania at sea for that record amount of time with absolutely no losses strategic coverage. the whole thing was pretty much transparent. our fsb enforced is not cross the red line that meeting strategic coverage but it is that margin that has continued to be chipped away at over years. pressures like this have imposed a cost to the
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resiliency of our people sustainability of our equipment, service lives of ships. to help address those pressures the navy is investing an additional 2.2 billion in the president's budget request to restore and maintain acceptable margin by adding more shipyard workers shifting some maintenance to private shipyards, restoring critical infrastructure and increasing the funding for operational support and research and development. these efforts are vital to putting acceptable risk margins back into this critical mission. as i said earlier, 70% of the percent of the accountable nuclear warheads would be on fsb in. we have to do what is required. ensuring it is survivable, effective command type.
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right now we are going to be refilling the overhaul in our decision that put us right up to the limit of 10 available operational platforms. four ohio replacement we have sharpened their pencils and figured out how we can meet our obligations through the 2080s using fewer ships. to do this, we are working to expand the ships nuclear power core out to 42 year years so that no refueling is required during the midlife overhaul. we are also adjusting the overhaul maintenance process to be more efficient. combined these steps will allow us to get the same 10 operational ssbn's from a force of only 12 ohio replacement
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ssbn's not the 14 we have today. spending the money up front to get the replacement design right enables us to do this. we expect to save more than $40 billion in lifecycle costs by not having to build man and operate those two additional submarines. we must also assure though that the ohio replacement ssbn's show up for duty on time. if we reduce design funding in response to budget pressures that will mean less efficient construction and later entry into service creating unacceptable gaps where we could fall below 10 operational ssbn's. to illustrate how much of a challenge the navy has accepted in this program of record consider this. we must build the first ohio replacement ssbn in the same amount of time it took to build the first virginia submarines get yet the ohio replacement is 2.5 times its size.
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answer number for minimizing the impact of ohio replacement on the net -- rest of the navy. there are three ways to minimize the impact of ohio replacement on the rest of the navy and we are pursuing all of them. first we are making the ohio replacement as affordable as possible. the ohio replacement will have 16 tears, not 24. we have maximize the use of previous systems the trident d5 strategic weapon system designed for the ohio as well as the ssn design features. all of that has been palter into the ohio replacement. the on track to reach our objective cost of 4.9 billion per follow-on submarine and 2010 dollars reagan in the procurement of each tire replacement ssbn will cost less than 1% of one year of dod's budget, less than 1% of windy europe dod's budget. reconsider or carry 70% of the
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nations accountable nuclear warheads and beyond control preventing that major power where we talked about earlier through the 2080s that is a tremendous return on investment. second we have to reduce the number of ohio replacement summaries to the minimum and we have rung out every ounce of efficiency from this program. we have gone from 41 ssbn's to 18 ssbn's 214 ssbn's and now we are headed to a force of 12 ohio replacement ssbn. as i mentioned earlier just going from 14 to 12 alone saves 40 billion in lifecycle costs. add to that the ohio service six six -- life extension and the fact that the ohio replacement will be designed for 42 years on the get-go i think would clearly demonstrated our desire to decrease the number of submarine to the minimum. the third way to reduce the impact of ohio replacement on
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the rest of the navy is ensuring we fund it in a manner that does not impact navies already stressed a ship doping budget. every day you can read an article talking about the navy shipbuilding plan and the associated fiscal reality. allow me to share some additional perspective with you. i spoke earlier about the short-term churn out the 24-hour news cycle and how it is difficult if not impossible to maintain perspective on the long-term nature of nuclear deterrence. likewise if you only take a short-term view out the historic navy ship holding funding levels you likewise will lose the long-term facts of what actually happens during previous ssbn procurement period. during those years were ssbn's did procurement did occur including the 41 for and the ohio class b. navies ships were
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plus that between five and $7 billion per year in 2000 $18 when you compare all other post-korean your wars. during those years in a precarious 41 for freedom and the ohio class a mic point about not taking that short-term historical perspective as he ought to make sure you go back far enough to get the full history included the conversation. you can't go back 20 years. you can't go back 30 years. you can't go back 40 years. you have to go back 50 years because what i talk about the patrol period between the two. enable strategy is always required a force capable of deploying to where it matters so we can be there when it matters. without the plus-up during those times at ssbn construction the first is required to execute the rest of our strategy would have been jeopardized. today we put at risk our strategic commitment to the country and our allies if we
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adversely impact navy shipbuilding as a whole. i view that is as something that would be unacceptable. taking an even longer-term view sequestration is the real threat to the long-term capability of the navy contributing to the u.s. and global security. during his confirmation hearings secretary of defense carter made it clear that our nations defense strategy is not executable under sequestration level budget. the cno's recent testimony to the senate armed services committee explained that two years ago back in fy13 when we have the sequestration period that we were able to reprioritize available resources and continue to operate but this is not a sustainable course for future budgets. a stable budget and no major contingencies for the foreseeable future the country will recover the cno but
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approximately five years after the first round of sequestration so in 2018 and in his remarks he was saying that is when we fully recover from afi 13 events he went on to say there was a return to sequestration we would be unable to mitigate the shortfalls like we did in at 5 13 because prior-year investment balances have been depleted during sequestration. in short the cno said the same thing that secretary carter did. in return the sequestration will require a revision to our defense strategy. it is some port and -- it is more part than ever to look together to find sustainable long-term solution that balances what we need today with the required capabilities needed in the future and to do so in an affordable way. so to wrap up we must remember of vital importance of maintaining a robust nuclear triad and ssbn force we are
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taking some risks today and are working to restore the margin needed to keep the ohio's xc and assure the higher replacement shows up on time and on budget. retaining a safe secure and effective nuclear deterrence makes a complex global threat underscores the budgetary expense of sustained and modernize their nuclear weapons deterrent. in situations like this make a nice expect to find relevant dose of wisdom from winston churchill and this is no exception. he said it is not enough to do our best. sometimes we must do what is required. thank you very much. [applause] so i have about 20 minutes. i can take a couple of questions. rob is going to stick around and
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he will forward any other questions. he will forward any questions to me. >> bill from aviation week. one thing that interests me is given the ohio replacement has a smaller missile load than the ohio why is it that the document shows it's a larger submarine and surely that drives costs up. >> the question was about since the ohio placement have fewer missiles the question was about the size of the ohio and the replacement. he said it was larger. it's not. it's about the same size. a couple of things. one hour placement test at proposers of it are polls are alone is bigger than the propeller then this grew that is on the ohio so that is the size associated with that. the manufacturing techniques are
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such that we can do -- the things that will allow us to build it in the same amount of time is the virginia is part of that and so there are some sizes associated with the way we are building it. that is a significant part of keeping the cost down and keeping the schedule down so the construction process adds to that. i would say that's probably the two biggest things that come to my mind. the bottom line is i can assure you it the right subject from the requirement standpoint. there are certain things about construction that you have to do do. one of them is stealth so that would be a breach -- third thing i would add to that list. because of certain stealth requirements and again we are building a submarine that has to be around until the 2080s and the ohio we would not be comfortable with the ohio and the stealth associated with the
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ohio rejecting that into the 2080s so there are some additional things with the electric dive other aspects of the design that are also part of that. so it's unquestionably the right submarine. has the right requirements and we are going to be able to do it like i said in the same amount of time as building a virginia and that's huge. >> michael air force classification office. we currently have or is this gm's. if those stake out where will their missions go? >> a great question. the question was about before as this gm's and when they go away where it is the mission goes to you are correct all as sgm's retire and 26, 27 and 28. so that is what the payload module is all about. that's another big part of my
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portfolios of those who aren't familiar take a virginia class submarine during construction and cut it in half or you and you put in a plug in a plug this section is about 90 feet long or so. has four big tubes. 87-inch diameter. it smells a lot like a p5 missile tube. we know how to build buzz and we have them on ssgn's so the things that we do for this ssgn ssgn's and the canisters that go on the gm's that have the tomahawks in them that's totally transports into the virginia payload module. in addition on the block three virginia classes and beyond we just have the first block three is just now in the water nd those submarines of vorwerk don't have the 12 individual
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launch cells like blocks one and two that the virginia have and they still have 12 tomahawks up there but they are in the form of two again 87-inch diameter tubes. those are called virginia payload tubes because they are not in a module but the point is week the risk all of that. we have done it on ssgn and we are going to do vpn and block five of virginia and on so it all works together. all the systems are logical and the same and there's great synergy and map. and there are other things will be able to do with the virginia payload module as well future payloads in that kind of thing. thank you, that's great read. >> sydney with breaking defense. first of all i would like to ask you to elaborate on the more economical construction methods
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and if this up and stepping larger volume. it's interesting i hadn't heard that before and he would think it would not so -- be so great and since you are about to change jobs the common thread is keeping those ohio ssbn's functioning to some precedent age. you've seen it from the 97 perspective and so what are the things you are most worried about in keeping those old ssbn's billing what are you worried about breaking first? >> you know the question was about some reconstruction techniques and readiness of follow-on submarines. the readiness of the ssbn's. i don't know that i can count on february 1. as a submariner here you are at
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300 feet. the ohio high-pressure hydraulic nuclear reactor nuclear weapons. there are a lot of things that you think about that you make sure all have to work together. there is no margin for error. i don't care if you are if you were in aircraft and spacecraft or submerged crafts. you have to worry about a lot of things and worry about all of them equally because any one of them could be the end of you. i don't know that i necessarily think about one particular thing. i guess some of the nonnuclear systems which think about your 30-year-old family minivan that you probably take care of the engine and the tires and maybe even the radio but the floorboards, so it's all the other stuff. after 42 years, that's a long time.
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so i guess that's the kind of stuff that i think about. all the other things that are just part of the day-to-day routine that you have got to get right. construction wise, so one of the big things on the construction for ohio replacement is that our target is 83% of design completion when we get to construction. and that's more than we have been virginia class. that's one of the first big ways we are going to be able to achieve the stay on schedule's day on track and be able to make sure that we can build a submarine that's doing outside outside -- times the size of virginia in the same amount of time. anybody else? peter. >> my question has to do with the proposals to go from a submarines to 12. take the warheads on nine to 11 and 12 and put them on the first
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eight and this would delay construction of a new boat by four years and take for our service early. i knows admiral benedict and others have said to congress -- sent to congress a memo on what they should do but would explain how this affects the stealth and operational fleet, what it would do to stability and target coverage. do you think there's a proposal that's out there that needs to be analyzed objectively? >> the question was about the eight versus 10 operational issue. i totally agree with you. that is why i try to address it in my remarks. if you put the other warheads on the other submarines, so now you have more eggs in those baskets. granted you have the same number of warheads but the sentry analogy doesn't apply. you have decreased the number of sentries needed to guard the
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perimeter. the combatant commander said that number is 10 operational ssbn because the number that at the end is not a function of the number of warheads regardless of what is distributed. a number of ssbn's that's poor structure needed is about geography, where you are flight concerns in those kinds of things survivability. there is value to you when ssbn with the ssbn is sitting with no weapon on the pier. set to be out there singing seen it a certain amount of force structure to be out there and then the target coverage peace. so that gets to who your friends are who your potential adversaries are and what are your overflight restrictions on where do you have to be to achieve target coverage and that's where the complexity is and the analysis there given the two oceans approach that the
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numbers 10 and eight just wouldn't do it. yes sir. >> bill faulkner from btr group. can you speak to the expansion of other partner allied military submarine forces and what coordination exists between the united states navy and australia and great britain? >> western was about other submarine forces and cooperation. from an allied perspective we have great allies in the u.k. australia, canada, japan the great submarine forces that contribute tremendously and we work with them on a daily basis. our connections with their british partners is extremely close, so close that we are building a common missile
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compartment with them so that couldn't be a greater example of that. from a non-friendly standpoint potential adversary, i will tell you just take a look at the countries out there that are looking at buying submarines or improving their submarine. every day you read in the paper about another country that is taking another stab at doing that. it's a tremendous force multiplier. if you only have 1 dollar to spend i would spend it on a submarine. the submarine is the anti-aqa force. it's a force that allows you to get underneath that aqap umbrella and envelope and be there, take action to the time and place you are choosing.
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it unlocks the étude aid door to the rest of the joint force and other countries see that. and from a return on investment standpoint it's a great place to spend your last or your first so it's definitely it liberation of other countries and between our friendly nations i would say the relationship hasn't been strong and that's really great. >> jack from the aerospace corporation. i'm very confident that the replacement is going to be a great technical system but with less numbers in your sensory analogy what are your stresses that the crew forces will have to pick up with less shifts to cover this mission? >> you are absolutely right. the questions about stresses on the crew given fewer numbers of ssbn. i'm not going to deny there will be additional pressure there. i can tell you that because of
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the pull through and a lot of the technology that p5 weapon system for example and pulling that entire thing through that decreases -- there are no new training requirements. there is no infrastructure to support that so the churn that would be associated with that kind of newness that aspect, that's a good deterrent. and i can tell you right now because of what we have designed in the ship the whole overall design process and the way maintenance will be done even better than how we get in the type of program in ohio and learn from that and we will do it better. we are still going to have the same notional 33/77 don't quote
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mail back the same import period we have with ohio so again that reduces the stress on this sailor because the model we are really working hard to make the model of ohio the same as ohio replacement so all that other stuff although second, third and fourth effects of training maintenance logistics and people the amount of medical people you have to have all those issues all that stuff is the same. that's where we get the savings. we really work hard at taking that all through. thank you for that question. >> mark sillinger freelance defense writer. can you give us an update on how the design work is going for the ohio replacement decks have you encountered any problems and what are the next milestones for that worked? >> the questions about design replacement. the bottom line is the design is going well. it's on track.
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we haven't designed a submarine for decades. there is always little starting pains and whatnot but there's nothing that i'm concerned about about. i characterize it as on track but we recognize this whole journey is one where you are either getting better or getting worse. you are never standing still so i talk about how that first patrol is in fy31. to be true at october 2030 so we have plenty of push-ups to do between now and then and we are on track. that's the bottom line. i can probably take one more. >> sir i just read a paper that
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was about deterrence and it was about the potential impact of hypersonic and in the paper it mentioned that you talked about 2080, the next 50 years. the possible role that the boomer force might play with the new type of weapon as it relates to sort of a different kind of scenario that may build up for but from a technical standpoint came connectivity. as a requirement when you think about the connectivity we are going to than need with the sobering force in general i think from an r&d standpoint it sticks out in your head that we probably need to focus on it in order to get the connectivity we will need since make that more complex. >> the question was about communication connectivity with the ssbn force given future
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threats. a great question. again i don't want to sit here and say hey the new submarine has to look like this because we have a bunch of people figuring that out. i could foresee an area where we do -- most sobering detections are based on sightings frankly but the point being the more shallow you are the more susceptible you are. that gets to connectivity issues. being able to conduct death operation is not a periscope depth will be i think a part of a futuristic design so again i don't want to say that the answer because i want people to tell me what the answer is so i can get the small -- smart
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people working on it. we are literally standing up that process right now to look at the future. but you know well that go up to the surface and do the things of the periscope does and there's no doppler and it's not moving. it's hard to detect and it can instantaneously get the picture and communicate and it's less susceptible to galician. although scientists thing is so that is one futuristic thing. i worry about not having -- i don't know if there's anything new from an r&d standpoint. that's just an asset. i don't think it has to be just a submarine force. think the air force can take advantage of it. it's on jim opal and it's something that has lots of different people taking advantage of it, different services in different missions i think about that.
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that's probably all i've got off the top of my head. thank you. [applause] >> thank you all for being here and i want to thank our friends from c-span which will be broadcasting this event down the road a number of times and also remember june 30 as jim miller june 4 is admiral breckenridge in june 12 is congressman birdenstine. again my thanks to joe tofalo and his staff and sponsors and i will see you next week. thanks. [inaudible conversations]
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