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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  June 24, 2015 10:00am-8:01pm EDT

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the presiding officer: the senator from connecticut. mr. murphy: are we in a quorum call? the presiding officer: the senate is in a quorum call. mr. murphy: i'd ask that we dispense with the quorum call. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. murphy: i'd ask unanimous consent that i be able to speak as if in morning business. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. murphy: thank you. thank you mr. president. we had a wonderful event last night here in washington that i was able to attend. it was a night honoring champions for antigun violence measures across the country. it was put on by sandy hook promise, which is an organization that's grown up out of the tragedy in sandy hook. a number of parents have become the organizers of an effort to try to learn from what happened in sandy hook and make sure that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past.
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we actually got to honor two of our colleagues there. we honored senator pat toomey for his work two years ago on the background checks bill as well as debbie stabenow. senator stabenow, of course, has been a great advocate for increasing resources in our mental health system. as wonderful a night as it was to honor these champions of change, it also was a night in which we were reminded about that terrible, terrible morning in december of 2012. we watched a short video of the news coverage and we listened to parents of daniel barden and dylan hockley the husband of mary sherlock talk to us about what their lives have been like in the years since that shooting in sandy hook. and i remember the hours and days after the shooting. i remember feeling like i needed
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to be really restrained about talking about the obvious policy issues to me that were due for airing that sort of tumbled out of the facts surrounding that tragedy. i mean, this kid this really troubled young man who walked into a school with a semiautomatic weapon that's designed for the military and he shot 20 kids in less than five minutes. and the gun designed for the military designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible it killed every single kid it hit. there were 20 kids shot, 20 kids were dead in a matter of minutes. and so it seemed obvious to me that we should have an immediate discussion about why this kind of gun is still legal. but i held back because it felt like the mourning and the grieving should take precedence over action. and it took me only up to the first wake that i attended to
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realize that i was wrong. senator blumenthal and i went to every single wake and every funeral that we could over the course of that first week. it was dozens. and at the first, i remember waiting in a really long line, standing next to senator blumenthal. and i remember like it was yesterday talking to a sobbing mother who was standing in front of us waiting in that line, telling us about how her child survived the shooting only because she had been sick that day. and she stayed home from school. but all her daughter's friends were dead. and as we approached that family, i remember struggling with what to say. and i'm lucky that my senior senator who sits behind me in the chamber, he had the words the right words ready. he said to the parents something like if you're ever ready or willing to talk about how we
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make sure that this doesn't happen again we'll be waiting. and the dad didn't pause more than a few seconds before he said clear as day "we're ready now." and so in the years since these mat shootings have -- these mass shootings have become as commonplace as rainstorms, since 2011 the number of mass shootings in the united states has tripled -- tripled. and after each one the forces of the status quo the defenders of the gun industry, tell us that we can't talk about policy reform in the days after a shooting. one prominent commentator called those of us who dare talk about change in the wake of charleston sick. how convenient. how convenient that at the moment when the world is watching, when the country is asking themselves what we can do to make sure that another mass slaughter doesn't happen again the rules say that we can't say a word.
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but think about how these rules would work. because charleston happens ten times over every single day across this country. 86 people die on average every day because of guns. last thursday the families of clementa pinckney, sick and cynthia hurd, susie jackson daniel lee simmons sr. and depain middleton doctor they lost their loved ones lost in charleston. but the day before, on wednesday, the families of angel feliciano and felice mercer and thomas whitaker and roy brown and maragite gentry and keith brown and ronald collins mourned
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their loss. and those were just nine. there were dozens more. on wednesday, the day before who were killed by guns. you can't talk about antigun violence policy the day after a large number of americans are shot then you will never talk about antigun violence policy because on average 86 people die from gun violence every single day. but even if you accept that there is never a bad time to talk about how we can end this carnage, then we also have to have the courage to take on all of the other ridiculous arguments about why we can't act. now, the first one is familiar because it comes out right after the mass shooting happens, and it was a former n.r.a. board member that trotted this one out within hours of charleston. he said that the solution was to just arm more pastors and
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parishioners in churches so that they can defend themselves. the more people that have guns, the less people will die from guns goes this logic. so don't act. the problem with that argument is that -- that argument, that's a simple argument, that the more good guys with guns equals less gun deaths. the problem with that argument is that it is a bold-faced lie. study after study shows that the more guns in a community the more crime there is. the more guns, the more gun homicides. and new evidence makes the case even clearer. as states more clearly separate between those with lax gun laws and those with stricter gun laws, we can look and see what happens. the second argument is that is one that i've heard from my republican colleagues in the senate in the last few days, that these laws, they can't stop
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a mad man like dylan dyllan root. but again the facts these stubborn facts betray that argument. as i said, now that we have states that have loose gun laws and states that have tougher gun laws, we can see what happens. over and over again research shows us that jurisdictions that make it a little bit harder for bad guys to get guns have less gun deaths. in my state of connecticut johns hopkins concluded that our permit to carry laws have reduced gun crimes by 40%. similarly, they concluded that in missouri, the repeal of similar laws increased gun homicides by 25%. now, both studies controlled for all of the other possible factors influencing gun crimes and still found these shocking results.
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and while the facts are still fresh out of charleston, there is evidence that a different set of laws could have -- not would have, could have stopped dyllan root without having any effect on law-abiding gun owners in south carolina. root had charges pending for trespassing and drug charges. neither would have disqualified him from owning a gun. but what if our rules were different so that a pattern of criminal behavior disqualified you from buying a firearm in firearm? or what about a permit to carry law? maybe local law enforcement knew enough about his criminal past to know that he shouldn't carry a weapon. maybe not but if south carolina had a permit to carry law, at least there would have been a chance that law enforcement would have withheld a permit from a young man as planly unstable -- plainly unstable as root.
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but even if you don't believe that any specific law could have prevented the tranl i did in charleston -- tragedy in charleston or in new town, i'm not sure that it matters because separate and aside from the specific case-by-case impact of any law is the collective, moral, and psychological effect of nonaction. no matter how maligned congress becomes, we still set the moral tone for the nation. when we declare something to be morally out of bounds, especially when we do it in a bipartisan or nonpartisan manner americans listen. they take cues from our endorsements and fromments. that's why in my heart of hearts, i believe that our silence has made us complicit in these murders. i don't care that an assault weapons ban or a universal background check maybe wouldn't have stopped the slaughter in charleston. when we do nothing year after
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year our silence sends a silent message of endorsement to the killers. now, i am neat saying that we are -- i'm not saying that we are in conscience alignment with these assassins. but when all we do in the wake of new town and tucson and aurora and charleston is rhetorical then those on the fringe those hanging on the edge of reason, those contemplating the unthinkable take a cue that we don't really mean it when we condemn mass violence because if we did we would, at the very least try to $something, anything -- try to do something anything, to stop it and we don't. and, quite frankly mr. president, removing one flag from one building in south carolina doesn't cut it. neither does a handful of retailers seasing to ceasing to sell
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confederal rail flag -- confederate flag pair fenal paraphernalia. the flag has been perceived for a mainstream american symbol tsm shows that people from all stripes have been so emotionally moved by the shooting in charleston that they were inspired to some sort of action. that matters. but removing the can confederate flag is an insufficient response. taking down a flag from a build sag pretty easy giveback. deciding to spend billions of dollars to make sure that troubled young men get the help need for a sick n.a.s. is harder -- sickness is harder. so is taking on the gun industry and listening to the 90% of
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americans who want to make sure that criminals aren't a continued profit center for the gun makers and sellers. wal-mart still tietionz advertise an assault weapon online. did you know last year that there were at least 92 shootings in wal-marts 16 people died in wal-marts, 42 people were injured by guns in wal-marts? getting rid of the confederate flag from their shelves isn't going to help that disturbing trend line. so we need real action, a real debate. we need real, honest policy to happen here. and, no, it is not all about guns. it is about mental health. it is about law enforcement. it is about a culture of violence and hate that we've just become immune to. in south carolina, reverend pinckney knew something about
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real action. he supported things like expanded background checks and body cameras for police. maybe that's because he came from a family of action. his farther and grandfather were both pastors who fought to end white-only political primaries and segregated school busing. he wasn't just about condemnation. he lived his life to effectuate political chapping. and last night d. political change. and last night at the sandy hook promise dinner, i chatted with my friend mark barden. his son daniel massacred at sandy hook elementary school by a gunning man wielding a military assault weapon with 30 cartridges apiece, would have just finished third great last week. mark recalled how special daniel was. daniel just six years old
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lived a life of action, too. daniel was that kid who sensed when other children were hurting. his dad told me last night how daniel would see little kids sitting alone at lunch with no one to talk to, and daniel would go over, sit down next to them, make a new friend, just because it was the right thing to do. reverend pinckney and little daniel barden new the difference between words and actions. they understood that actions are what really count. the u.s. gun homicide rate is 20 times higher than that of our 22 peer nations. 86 people die every day from guns. that's four sandy hooks ten
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charlstons -- every day. since sandy hook, there has been a school shooting, on average every week. how on earth can we live with ourselves if we do nothing or, worse, if we don't even try? i yield the floor. i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the majority whip. mr. cornyn: i'd ask unanimous consent that the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. cornyn: mr. president, i have eight unanimous consent requests for committees to meet during today's session of the senate which has been approved by both the majority and the minority leaders. i'd ask unanimous consent that these requests be agreed to and be printed in the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. cornyn: mr. president, i want to spend the next few minutes talking about the supreme court and particularly the fact that the supreme
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court's got some big cases that they're going to hand down probably tomorrow friday and monday before they adjourn for this for the summer. but i particularly want to come to the floor and talk about king vs. burwell which as the presiding officer knows, could be the beginning of the end of obamacare. but it also in the process will potentially disrupt the health care coverage for more than six million americans. the court could issue its decision as i said, as early as tomorrow. and what they will decide is whether the i.r.s. is bound by the law that the congress writes and is signed by the president or whether they can make it up on their own. but specifically what the case does is challenge the legality of subsidies provided to six million people in up to 37 states that they've depended on to buy their obamacare-approved policies including about a
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million in my state of texas. if the court rules against the i.r.s., it will literally be the third strike against obamacare from the supreme court of the united states. and it would serve as yet another reminder of the administration's overreach of its authority under the constitution, something that's become disturbingly routine. this administration and our friends across the aisle have failed to own up to the repeated demonstration of the flaws of obamacare since it passed in march of 2010. and the biggest problem was that this is partisan legislation jammed through congress that no republican in the senate voted for. and so the responsibility lies clearly at their feet. through this law the administration has wasted billions of dollars on exchanges that have failed to function properly. you may recall the president even called the
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exchange that was so broken it didn't work, called it a disaster. and that's the president himself. but it's also based on a system that grows the bureaucracy at the expense of legitimate needed health care delivery. i would have thought that if congress was going to reform health care, that it would certainly include reducing the cost and making it more affordable. but time after time after time we've seen that obamacare has actually driven costs up. just last month one study noted that nearly $274 billion of projected obamacare spending will end up going to its implementation bureaucratic and administrative costs and not actually for health care. $274 billion. don't you think that money could have been better spent providing people health care policies they could afford and access to the doctors and the hospitals they
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need? so today obamacare has utterly failed to live up to the many promises that the president and congressional democrats made to the american people. just seeing the presiding officer in the chair reminds me that both he and i served as attorneys general in our state and one of my responsibilities in texas no doubt yours was as well was to enforce our consumer protection laws. can you imagine if anybody other than the federal government had made the series of promises like the president and congressional democrats have made under obamacare, that it proved over time to be demonstrably force whether anybody in the private sector could withstand the flood of lawsuits by the attorney general and other consumer protection officials against that company. so i guess the fact of the matter is that there is very little recourse to the american people certainly in the courts,
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to enforce our consumer protection laws against the outright deceit and misleading promises that were made in order to sell obamacare which are clearly, as time has demonstrated not true. so the president's trail of broken promises has instead led us to a damaged health care system and a limping economy. i mean, there's a reason why the economy shrunk last quarter by .7%. what that means is that fewer people can find work. their wages are depressed. we need our economy to grow. but as long as additional and heavy burdens like obamacare and unnecessary regulation are imposed on the private sector, those jobs and those rising wages are simply not going to exist. well this week many are rightly concerned that depending on what the supreme court decides that millions of people will lose their access to health care should the court rule against
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the president. and i must point out mr. president, that that is a feature of obamacare. that's not the supreme court's fault. that's not the opponents of obamacare's fault. that is the president and the people who passed obamacare's fault, because this will be a feature of obamacare this failed law. but having said where the responsibility lies, while we didn't contribute to getting the country in this mess, we are ready, willing and able to provide an off-ramp for the millions of people who may have their health care interrupted. my state as i indicated earlier, is not immune. close to a million texans could suddenly see their costs shoot up. so i'm here emphatically to say to the texans whose health care coverage may be disrupted we will not leave you out in the cold as a casualty of this
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flawed law. and we will not -- we will no longer allow this flawed piece of legislation to cause additional hardship for hardworking texas families. so in order to protect the americans and the texans who may lose their health care coverage if the court decides against the president and against the i.r.s., we are prepared, having worked for months now to protect those who need it as they transition out of obamacare. make no mistake about it, this will be the beginning of the end of obamacare if the court rules for the plaintiff in king vs. burwell. at the same time we plan to provide an end to the individual and employer mandates. the opportunity for states to opt out of obamacare. and finally an end to government-backed health care that the american people don't want they don't need, and they cannot afford. there is a better alternative.
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if the supreme court rules for king, we will offer the american people what obamacare never could do: options choices the freedom to choose the health care coverage you want at a price you can afford. and most importantly, we want to allow individuals as well as the states to opt out of this disastrous law. all across the country. in doing so, americans can get what they actually need and not what government tells them they must buy. by empowering the states to opt out, we put the states back in the driver's seat. and i must say every public opinion poll i've seen, mr. president, indicates that the people have a lot more confidence in the ability of the states to deal with their health care needs than they do the federal government, particularly in light of the failed experiment here of the last five years. but we put the states back in the driver's seat and allow them the flexibility they need to more effectively lower costs and
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increase choices. so while we didn't create this mess, we are ready to do our best to work together to protect the american people from any more harm caused by this legislation. the american people deserve real patient-centered reforms which again, lower costs making it more affordable and increasing access to the care. not the opposite. so if the court delivers what could be a third strike against obamacare, my colleagues and i are eager to provide the american people with the freedom and the options that they need in order to get the best health care available at a price they can afford. mr. president, i yield the floor. and i'd suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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debate on trade promotion authority, i rise to speak about what the trans-pacific partnership will mean for our nay's -- nation's global standing. according to the congressional research service trade between t.p.p. members reached $6.3 trillion in 2014, the nations represented in t.p.p., $1.6 trillion in trade between those countries. mr. gardner: representing nearly 40% of all global trade. in my own state of colorado countries involved in t.p.p. currently supports over 265,000 jobs the nations represented by the t.p.p. agreement 265,000 jobs in colorado. result from those nations. but we know the t.p.p. is more than just an economic agreement. it's a critical test of u.s.
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strategic leadership in the asian pacific region, a region integral to our economic and national security for generations to come. as stated in the 2015 national security strategy, escaping our leadership depends on shaping an emerging global economic order that continues to reflect our interests and our values. despite its success our rules-based system is now competing against alternative less open models. to meet this challenge we must be strategic in the use of our economic strength to set new rules of the road strengthen our partnership and promote inclusive development. those are important words from the national security strategy issued in -- just this year. defense secretary ash carter echoed that sentiment when he said on april 16 of 2015 that the t.p.p. is as important to me as another aircraft carrier. if we fail to pass the t.p.p.,
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we know others will rush to fill the vacuum left behind with such alternative less open models as the national security strategy laid out. so we should not be surprised when a rising china tries to fill the vacuum and that they would, indeed, exert efforts to fill that vacuum with symbols and programs crafted from their own vision of what is beneficial to themselves and their region. let's take china's recent establishment of the aiib as an example. on the face of it the aiib is a positive response to address the infrastructure challenges in the region it's also the clearest evidence yet that the united states faces a serious credibility gap in the asian pacific. -- asia pacific. the aai b is envisioned as a $100 billion enterprise with china as the largest shareholder that will hold veto power.
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its rules are unclear. yet 56 nations including some of the strongest u.s. allies and including the united kingdom australia and south korea have indicated they will join the aiib and we need to understand why. do they believe the aiib is primarily an economic opportunity for their companies? they might. but i contend the reason is a lack of leadership from the united states, again going back to that credibility gap. china is also part of ongoing negotiations for another regional trade pact, the regional comprehensive economic partnership which would join china, australia india japan, new zealand and south korea with nations comprising the association of southeast asian nations. in addition to the economic partnership, beijing is also entering negotiations to consider six agreements comprising an additional 11 countries. that brings china's total trade agreement portfolio to 33
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countries. while the united states should continue bilateral and multilateral economic engagement with china that brings high levels of transparency and accountability the fundamental question before us today is this -- do we want the united states or do we want china writing the rules? it's clear that while our partners and allies in the region may welcome additional chinese investment, they want more american leadership, not less. they want more american standards, not fewer. we know that the standards of the t.p.p. and u.s. engagement brings not only important economic benefits such as removal of tariff or nontariff barriers but fundamental american values such as transparency good governance and respect for the rule of law and basic human rights. u.s. economic state craft in the asia pacific cements our leadership in the critically important region. we must look at t.p.p. as just one step forward in this enduring commitment.
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despite the crises of the day that are occurring in the middle east where the united states does and should play an important role, our nation's futchels lies in asia. just consider the following the development of the asian development bank. by 2050 asia will account for half of the population and half of the gross domestic product g.d.p. asia's population will rise to $2 billion. it will rise to the europe of today. we cannot miss the opportunity to be a part of this historic transformation. working with japan and regional partners we must eninjure you sure that our policies strengthen existing friendships and build new partnerships that will be critical to u.s. national security and well-being for generations to come. but, unfortunately, the administration's efforts to date with regard to the asia pacific
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region have fallen short. while i commend the president's leadership on t.p.p. and our asia rebalance which many of us agree to, the asia rebalance policy has yielded few tangible results and it is in need of a serious overhaul. the administration has consistently stated that the rebalance represented a -- quote -- "whole of government effort to redirect u.s. military, and commercial resources toward the asia pacific region." but in april of 2014 just a year ago the senate foreign relations committee released a report stating while the united states has successfully moved forward with the initial phases of implementing the military aspects of the rebalance the state department and department of commerce not have substantially prioritized their resources to increase engagement with the asia pacific region. the report concluded that the administration can improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the rebalance policy by increasing civilian engagement,
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strengthening diplomatic partnerships and empowering u.s. businesses. it's clear we need an integrated planning and budget strategy for rebalancing of the united states policy in asia. that's why i was proud to offer an amendment to the national defense authorization act that passed unanimously that would require the president to submit a strategy within 120 days to promote united states interests in the asia pacific region. our partners in the region must know every day that the united states is here to stay and the t.p.p. is the first step in the process. this is an important gate that we have this week -- debate we'll we have this week. later on we'll vote for trade promotion authority and i hope this chamber will see the wisdom of passing that legislation. 265,000 jobs in colorado from a region responsible for t.p.p., responsible for increasing economic opportunity increasing wage growth and the number of jobs we have in colorado and around this country. i thank you mr. president and i yield the floor. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from illinois.
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mr. durbin: thank you mr. president. across the street from the senate chamber here is the united states supreme court. the court this week as several important cases pending. we're waiting anxiously for decisions. but probably the one that affects as many americans as any other is a case called king versus burwell. king is a case brought by someone who is objecting to the affordable care act obamacare, and they are arguing that the bill we passed in the senate and the house did not include a subsidy a tax credit for those who are under federal marketplace plans. my state of illinois is one of those states. in illinois there are about 232,000 individuals who receive a tax credit that allows them to pay for their health insurance. their income levels are such that they need a helping hand. otherwise the health insurance premium would be too expensive.
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in my state the average tax credit that goes to these 232,000 is $1,800 a year. not insubstantial. $150 a month. now, those who brought the lawsuit say that the law does not provide this tax credit, i believe it clearly does. no one during the course of debating this bill ever suggested otherwise. in fact, there were many times we calculated the impact of this law, we always assumed the tax credit would be there for families whether their state had its own state insurance exchange or used the federal exchange as we do in the state of illinois. but the big problem we have here is if the court rules the other way, if those who are critical of the affordable care act and some of my colleagues from the other side of the aisle have been on the floor this morning talking about getting rid of the affordable care act if the court rules in that direction
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we're going to have a problem on our hands because at least in my state, 232,000 people will see their health insurance premiums go up 35% on average based on that court ruling. there aren't many working families that can nays that kind of increase and say well, it doesn't make any difference, it makes a big difference. on average, $150 a month. and for families living paycheck to paycheck and struggling, that qualify for this tax credit it's a big problem. and many of them won't able to afford insurance. so what happens next? we go back to where we were before. more uninsured americans. mr. president, i don't know how many people in the senate chamber who serve here have ever been a in a position in their lives where they didn't have health insurance and needed it. i have. newly married my wife and i had a baby with a serious health issue and we had no health
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insurance. it is a humbling experience as a father as a husband, to be in that position. and it means hoping that you get the best medical care and hoping you can pay for it. for many families across america that was the standard before the affordable care act. but because the affordable care act, the obamacare we now have fewer people uninsured in america. that's a good thing. not just because it gives you peace of mind and access to quality health care, but because uninsured people still get sick and when they get sick and go to the hospital, their expenses they can't cover because they don't have health insurance are passed along to everyone else. how can that possibly be a good outcome? so the affordable care act has increased the number of people across america who have health insurance by about 11 million people. not insubstantial. it's reduced the uninsured rate
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as i mentioned 3.5% in just a one or two year period of time. and six million receive these tax credits. so there are six million families who may not know it but what happens across the street at the supreme court this week or next week could have a big impact on the family budget. i struggle to try to understand those who hate the affordable care act like the devil hates holy water. they can't stand this notion that 11 million people have health insurance. they want to get rid of it. there are proposals from the other side of the aisle to get rid of the affordable care act. they want to eliminate the individual mandate. what does that mean? that's the part of the law that says you have a personal responsibility to have health insurance. do we run into any other aspect of life where we are required to have insurance? drive a car in my state you better have automobile insurance. buy a home in my state virtually every bank requires
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fire insurance. it's a matter of responsibility. so the individual mandate not only says to everyone you need a buy health insurance it helps those who are in low-income categories and it's a critical part of the big picture and here's the big picture. if we are going to say as we do in this law that no health insurance company can discriminate against you because of a preexisting condition that you have or someone in your family has if we are going to say that, the only way it works in the insurance business is if you have a lot of people who are in that insurance pool that includes people with preexisting conditions. so when the republicans argue we're going to get rid of the individual mandate sign up if you want to, the people who run insurance companies say it doesn't work. you've got to have a pool with a lot of people in it, healthy and those not so healthy. otherwise, you can't write insurance that's going to work.
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what else has happened because of the affordable care act? the rate of growth in health care costs has started to -- started to come down. and it doesn't have to come down much to have a dramatic impact on our economy. this affordable care act incidentally, which many on the other side are cheering to have it abolished this affordable care act according to the congressional budget office is going to cut $353 billion in deficit. how could that be? because one of the largest drivers of cost to the federal government is the cost of health care and if the rate of growth in the cost of health care just takes a little dip down and you project it out it's big dollars. we even used what many republicans believe is holy writ called dynamic scoring. we even said take a look -- use dynamic scoring and tell us what impact it has on the deficit. it turns out even with dynamic
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scoring, our affordable care act reduces the deficit by $137 billion. it works. it works. more people are being insured folks cannot be denied insurance because of a preexisting condition, the overall cost of health care is starting to dip down it brings down the deficit, what part of that isn't good news? i think it's all good news. and for a lot of individuals who live in my home state of illinois, it's really pretty personal. i've met with them. last week, i asked people in my newsletter to share with me any of their experiences with the affordable care act. the response was overwhelming, and the majority was positive. danny blythe lives in germantown illinois. he was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2005. at the time he was lucky enough to have health insurance. then he was fired and let go.
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he lost his health insurance and he couldn't afford coverage because of a preexisting condition, a history of cancer. and he required surgery to treat his cancer. according to danny he relied on the local sisters of st. francis to provide basic care for him and his family when he couldn't afford health insurance. until the affordable care act became the law. now danny blythe and his family have health insurance. is this an important law for them? maybe the most important thing we've done here when it comes to this family. i -- i got into a debate back in my hometown once with a group that opposes this law and they were the opposite political faith, and i knew it, and they had some pretty strong feelings about the role and size of government, and they said as much and i would tell them -- i'd answer them by saying well, let me tell you about a family that i met. let me tell you about this family. and finally one of them stood up and raised his hand and said stop telling stories. we don't want to hear these stories. i know why they didn't want to
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hear them, pause these stories are reality -- because these stories are reality. these stories don't reflect fulfill philosophy so much as -- political philosophy so much as the reality of life for a lot of people across america. we know that discriminating against families because of preexisting conditions is a real problem. we know there are many families, for example with a history of some illness even mental illness, who in days gone by had no chance to have health insurance. there were two other things we did in this law and i don't understand why the other party wants to get rid of these provisions. the affordable care act says if you have a child graduating from college your family health insurance plan can cover them until they reach the age of 26. why is that important? because many times young people coming fresh out of college have a lot of student debt and no job, no full-time job and very few of them have health insurance immediately.
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and they think they're invincible. i remember reaching out to my daughter when she graduated from college. jim, i said, what about health insurance? dad, don't worry about it. i feel fine. well i did worry about it, and a lot of parents do. so our law says you can keep your recent college graduate under your family plan until they reach the age of 26. why would you want to get rid of that? why would someone want to eliminate that provision in the law? the other thing it said was if you are a senior and you are under medicare, the part d that provides your prescription drugs used to have what's called a doughnut hole in it, and what it meant was medicare would cover your prescription drugs to a certain point and then stop and then you had to go to your savings account pull out about $1,200 pay for your prescription drugs then coverage would start again. the doughnut hole, we called it. we filled it. we filled it so seniors don't have to worry about going to their savings to make sure that they can keep taking
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prescriptions that keep them independent, strong and healthy. what's wrong with that idea? why do they want to get rid of that? that is part of the affordable care act as well. i just wonder sometimes if those who get all tied up over the philosophy of this legislation deal with the reality of family life in america. jean terry and her husband michael live in evanston, illinois. they are both cancer survivors. jean had breast cancer at age 45. michael prostate cancer same age. neither could purchase insurance before the affordable care act because of the preexisting medical conditions in their family. because of this law, they have an affordable policy and jean is able to do freelance work without having to worry about health insurance. she told me she worries about losing her coverage if the supreme court goes the wrong way or if the majority party here gets their wish and abolishes the affordable care act. i think we owe it to them to
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strengthen the law and not to repeal it. the affordable care act incidentally has been very, very good when it comes to medicare. because of the affordable care act and the slowdown in the rate of growth and roll health care costs medicare has an additional 13 years of solvency. how about that? i worried about it for many years, still do, but it's good news to us to know that we have medicare part a trust fund 13 years more solvency since the passage of the affordable care act. the trustees, the medicare program in 2010 said that the affordable care act substantially improved the financial status of medicare. is that a good thing for america? 40 million americans think it is. those are the people who depend on medicare. the law's helping seniors with their prescription drugs as i mentioned earlier and it's a savings of about $925 a year for each senior in america. so for those who are cheering
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and hoping that the supreme court will somehow derail the affordable care act my question then is very direct. what do you have to replace it? what will you do to deal with preexisting conditions and denying health insurance? what will you do to make sure that parents can keep their kids under their health insurance plans until the kids reach age 26? what will you do to fill the doughnut hole? what will you do to replace the deficit reduction which the affordable care act has achieved? what will you do in terms of the long-term solvency of medicare to make up for the 13 years that the affordable care act has purchased? and the answer is they don't have an idea. they just don't like it. they don't like obamacare. and they don't want to hear these stories. just like the folks back that i i -- that i debated with back in my hometown, because these stories reflect the reality of life. under reality of life, mr. president, i'd like to make
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a statement at a separate place in the record with consent. it was two mandates ago when i came to the floor here, talked about tornadoes in my state of illinois. the north central part of the state. we've had it again on monday night. nine twisters tore through the small towns of five illinois counties monday evening accompanied by baseball-sized hail flooding rains and wind damage. these five counties all experienced severe damage. one of the towns that was hardest hit cole city in grundy county illinois. here is a photo of some of the damage. you can see the destruction. the national weather service said that tornado was an ef-3, winds of 160 miles an hour. some homes had their roofs ripped off others were just flattened. debris was scattered across the town. many streets were impassable.
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downed power lines trees and flooding. this is the second tornado to hit cole city in two years. as soon as the trifer passed monday night the first responders god bless them, went door to door, trying to make sure the 5,000 people there were accounted for and thank goodness there were no fatalities. this tight-knit community is pulling together to help the victims. one man who lives in cole industry rick drew, said he was lucky that one of his neighbors came to find him. he and his family were trapped in their crawl space. the homeowner across the street from rick also trapped in his home that had been flattened by the storm. power was knocked out for 61,000 people in the area. some are still waiting for it. yesterday, we reached out to terry holiday the mayor of cole city. we have spoken to grundy county board chair lee county board chair. my staff connected up with the sterling mayor skip lee and whiteside board chair about the tornado that struck sterling.
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it's another town that is also dealing with flooding. i reached out to each of them last night not surprisingly leaving voicemails. i know they were out and about but we're there to help them if we can. as so often is the case with disasters like this, first responders friends and family waste no time helping their neighbors. it isn't just a midwestern thing, but we're pretty proud of it in the midwest. i have no doubt that the people in cole city sterling and all the others are going to stand up and help one another clean up, rebuild and get on with their lives. our thoughts are with the many people today who have lost their homes and other property. mr. president, at this point, i yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from missouri. mr. blunt: could we suspend the quorum call. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blunt: mr. president, i want to talk a little bit about an agreement that could be reached between now and the time that the senate returns right after the fourth of july. the agreement that's been negotiated for two years now with iran, though it seems to me that using the term "negotiation" is a stretch. most of what we said we wanted to achieve in this so-called negotiation, the iranians have said they didn't want to achieve, and we seem to have
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then moved forward to the next point once we concede that point. yesterday i read in press reports that the state department has now decided it won't demand a full accountability for the past nuclear research on the part of iran before they conclude a deal. one of the early statements was we want to know what iran did, how long they have been doing it, what scientists were involved, what material and what information they had achieved in their efforts to actually have a nuclear weapon. it appears now that we're happy if iran is just nuclear weapons capable with a clock that would start at some time and we seem to feel we have suddenly new ability to monitor everything iran does, even though we don't appear to have the ability to get them to tell us what they have done. as i've said before, mr. president, this is one of
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the areas where there is no question that no deal is better than a bad deal. according to the state department who just recently reported again that iran should still be considered a country that encourages terrorism that in fact you can make the case that there is no greater encourager of terrorist activities in the world today than iran but all of those things seem to be off the table as we talk to iran. the true nature of the regime why we want to have an agreement on just a nuclear program and let all of the other things iran is going on continues to be of great concern to me. news reports today were that the iranian parliament, the iranian legislature has -- will now
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finalize legislation demanding that we -- that we not be able to look at military sites as part of our inspection. well, if the goal here is to stop iran from having a nuclear capability, having a nuclear weapon having the military capacity to use a nuclear weapon, why would we take military sites off the list of things we're supposed to pay attention to? where would we expect them to be finally developing a weapon if not at a military site? the iranian parliament appears to have a whole lot more to say about this negotiation than the united states senate appears to have a lot to say. in fact, i'm afraid we're going to find with the legislation that we did vote on that it's going to be a lot easier to prevent disapproval than it would have ever been to get approval of this agreement that looks like it's headed toward a
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very bad agreement. the supreme leader in iran has ruled out any long-term freezes on nuclear activities and demands that sanctions be lifted immediately. now, when we a few weeks ago said what -- when the united states said our understanding of what the framework of moving forward would be, it seems to be about 180 degrees different from what iran is announcing every day. they want immediate sanctions relief. we say they're only going to get sanctions relief when they begin to comply. they don't want to have inspections at military sites. we say one of the reasons that we want to have this agreement is so that we can ensure that nothing happens at military sites. meanwhile, iran advances violence and instability around the world supported by iran, assad. syria is mass -- massacring his
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own people. at least 190,000 syrians have been killed in the -- what's going on in syria today. iran is supporting that regime. shiite militias support assad they promote division and wage violence outside of syria now into iraq, encouraged by iran. supported by iran, houthi rebels have seized key territory in yemen and seek to overthrow the government and by the way i'd remind the president that this was something that less than a year ago president obama said was a great example of how our foreign policy under his leadership was working. the yemen was an -- that yemen was an example. only a few months later, we are fleeing the country and closing our embassy which actually the president may have been right. maybe yemen is a great example
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of how our foreign policy is working. hezbollah and lebanon wages terrorism against israel, encouraged by iran. palestinian terrorists in gaza encouraged by iran continue to lob mortars and rockets into israel. last april iran's islamic revolutionary guard stopped a marshall islands flagship in the straits of hormuz. iran continues to hold hostages without any reasonable charge. three american citizens, pastor saeed abedini foreign minister hakmati and "washington post" journalist jason rasanian are all being held by iran. a fourth american, a former f.b.i. official robert levinson, is missing is in iran with no
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assistance from iran to find him. in fact, they don't know exactly where he is. i have repeatedly called, as others in the congress have on the administration to just stop negotiations until some show of good faith to let these americans go. i saw just a few days ago where pastor abedini was beaten again in the prison he has been put in the most dangerous prison in iran. how could we not get three people that they're holding under charges that won't stand up in any -- to any public view, how could we allow them to continue to hold these people, and we continue to have talks about something like letting this country become nuclear capable? "the washington post" reporting jason rasanian was arrested after security forces raided his home. his case was referred to a
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revolutionary court on january 14 of this year, but details of his charges or details of his court date have not been released. his mother is concerned as we all should be, about his health which is deteriorating as he is being imprisoned. this "washington post" reporting is being charged with espionage. pastor abedini was imprisoned in 2012. in 2013, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for -- quote -- practicing his religion -- end quote. that's his crime practicing his religion. the iranian government charged that pastor saeed abedini was undermining the iranian government by creating a network of christian house churches and attempting to sway iranian youth away from islam. in august of 2013, his appeal was denied.
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he was then put in the worst prison in the country. he has been beaten up in prison. i think he has been beaten in hospitals when he had to be taken there as his life was almost ended with prison beatings. why do they still have him? why do they have amir hakmadi a former u.s. marine who was arrested while visiting his family in iran in august of 2011? the iranian government sentenced him to death for espionage. fortunately, his death sentence was overturned by an appeals court in march of 2012. however, he was still convicted for acting -- for aiding a hostile nation. that would be us, by the way. aiding a hostile nation and being guilty of espionage. bob levinson, who is retired d.e.a. and f.b.i. -- a retired d.e.a. and f.b.i. agent disappeared in march of 2007 while visiting iran's kisch
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island. very likely, many people believe that mr. levinson is currently a prisoner in iran. just three weeks after he disappeared, iranian state television reported that he was in the hands of iranian security forces. what are we doing here assuming that the iranians will agree to something much more complicated when they won't let these four people go? why wouldn't we insist on that? and finally iran is responsible for killing and maiming thousands of american service men and women in iraq and iran from deadly armor-piercing improvised explosive devices that originated in iran. they don't deny it. i think they take pride in it. the destabilized impact, mr. president, of a nuclear
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weapons-capable iran is hard to overstate. if you want to do one thing that casts a huge shadow over the next decade and perhaps decades of this century unless that shadow somehow is removed before the end of a decade, it's hard to imagine. sanctions with the credible threat of military force were doing good until we decided that we would lift -- that we would ease those sanctions as if iran would come to the negotiating table. two years ago that began. two years ago we said things that we would insist on. two years later none of those things appear to be things that are still being discussed in these iranian so-called negotiations. sanctions should stay in place until iran fundamentally changes its course and its behavior. i'm greatly concerned that the dwreement -- agreement on iran's
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nuclear program will not be presented to the congress in a way that allows the congress to really weigh in, and i am concerned that this program as it will be presented to congress will establish iran as a nuclear-capable nuclear threshold state. when that happens egypt, saudi arabia the u.a.e., jordan have all stated that they will claim the exact same rights to do whatever it is we allow iran to do. if we come up with an agreement that says iran will be within six months of having a nuclear weapon and they have to tell us when they start that six-month clock, other countries will also want to be within six months of a nuclear weapon. and if we believe we can monitor iran within six months or 12 months or whatever the number is i just think mr. president we are kidding ourselves and most of the world doesn't believe that we could do this
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either. turkey and other countries outside of the immediate neighborhood will also want to view nuclear weapons capability as a new status quo in a dangerous world. an agreement that doesn't change the terror threat from iran, an agreement that doesn't allow inspection for military facilities an agreement that doesn't disclose past secret research for nuclear weapons an agreement that doesn't ensure long-term inspections an agreement that doesn't maintain sanctions in place until important -- until important compliance benchmarks are made is not agreement that would be good enough. we are facing a dangerous time. iran is one of the chief perpetrators of terrorism in the world today. how we have let that country that has one example of bad behavior after another one example of hatred for israel
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after another one example of contempt for the united states after another how we have let that country become nuclear capable is amazing to me as it is to the world. this is why our friends question whether they can depend on the united states of america any longer and why our enemies aren't afraid of us as you want your enemies to be. i hope that we don't settle for a bad deal, and i'll say again a bad deal is worse mr. president, than no deal at all. and i would yield the floor. mr. blumenthal: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from connecticut. mr. blumenthal: thank you mr. president. last night a number of us from this chamber many of us from across the country gathered for a remarkable evening to support
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and honor an organization called sandy hook promise. an organization created in the wake of the horrific unspeakable tragedy in newtown that involved a mass murder. 20 beautiful innocent children and six great educators. sandy hook promise was created to make some good come of this horrific evil, to protect children against violence and prevent more gun violence around the country to advance the cause of mental health and wellness and to make sure that no one is alone no one eats alone, no one suffers alone no one endures mental illness
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alone. sandy hook promise is a wonderful, inspiring organization and i was proud to serve as the cochairman of this event, along with my great colleague, chris murphy, who has been a partner in efforts to stop gun violence in this chamber and in connecticut and around the country and i was proud also that the dinner and evening honored two of our colleagues senator debbie stabenow a wonderful friend and distinguished member of this body from michigan and pat toomey, our friend from pennsylvania who added his name and the weight of his support to a measure just last session seeking to protect children
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against gun violence by imposing universal background checks. this evening was designed to honor our two colleagues, but it really was so inspiring to me to hear from nicole hockley and mark barden and bill sherlock whose lives were transformed and changed forever on that horrific day. and i will never forget that day, going to the firehouse in sandy hook, seeing the grief and pain experienced by those families who learned for the first time that their beautiful children would not be coming home that night the searing memory of their faces and voices will be with me forever and their courage and strength in the wake of that tragedy will inspire me forever. and inspire many of our
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colleagues to vote for the commonsense measures that senator toomey and senator manchin helped to advance a bipartisan measure that was advanced so ably by them and many of us tirelessly in those days before the vote. and it was a majority of senators who voted in favor of that package of measures. unfortunately, that majority did not reach 60 votes but last night was a time to renew and redouble our efforts to prevent gun violence and to take positive constructive, commonsense, sensible steps to
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help prevent it around the country. at the very outset of the evening, i asked for a moment of silence, both senator murphy and i joined in requesting a moment of silence to honor the loved ones and families in charleston, south carolina. our hearts and prayers go out now to them as they have since that unimaginable tragedy the violation not only of human life but the sanctity of a place of worship, just as newtown involved the violation of a place we regard as among the safest our schoolhouse killing our schoolchildren. when we finished that moment of silence, i'm sure all of us
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retained the grief and pain. we in connecticut know and understand that grief and pain and outrage because we remember that day when we felt it in the same way that the people in charleston felt it when nine people were killed and their families left with holes in their hearts just as we were left on that day in newtown. but the message of last night was not one of despair or desperation. it was one of hope and energy, and that message came from nicole hockley and mark barden and bill sherlock, and through
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them from the families of sandy hook who came here to washington and have continued their work through sandy hook promise and other organizations to make some good come of that evil. and we can do it. we can make sure that this country does more than grieve and remember, but redouble its commitment as a nation to make our nation safer and better. and not just for those nine innocent people in a church in charleston or 26 nonpartisan people in a school in sandy but for the 11,000 people every year on the streets of hartford and stanford in connecticut in our rural and suburban communities on our military bases throughout our country 11,000 people who
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die every year from gun violence . we can be sure that we will never eliminate all gun violence. we will never stop all the deaths and killing but we can save lives. and that is what the families of newtown said to me in the wake of their tragedy. and that is what i hope our nation will say itself in the wake of the charleston tragedy. we will never stop all evil, but we can take a stand and stop some of it. i recalled last night the conversation that i had with one of the moms at the funeral of her child when i approached her. and i said somewhat apprehensively, you know, when you're ready i'd like to talk
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to you about what we can do together to stop gun violence in this country. when you're ready. and she said tears in her eyes, "i'm ready now. " that was the spirit that the families of new town brought to our capital. that is the spirit that i hope we can honor with action. not justice words on the floor of the senate or in the eulogies that will be given tomorrow, but to make for those victims of charleston and newtown and the 11,000 people who die needlessly and senselessly every year from gun violence an answer to the
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question that all of us have: what can we do? what can we do to stop gun violence? and there are some answers. background checks, ban on illegal trafficking an end to straw purchases mental health initiatives, school safety. those are some. and we should think of others. and work together just as sandy hook promise has done, regardless of party, part of the country, race or religion, regardless of where we live or what our interest is, because we have a common, shared interest in making our nation safer and better. and that's why honoring both pat toomey and debbie stabenow was so meaningful, because they have given so much in their courage
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and leadership to making our nation safer and better. the killer in charleston was not just a murderer, he was a domestic terrorist. he meant to terrify not just kill. he meant to start a race war. he was a racist and a white supremacist and rightly has been regarded as someone who came to that church not just to target innocent worshipers, but an entire community. he targeted the town of charleston, the state of south carolina our nation, and his message was not p about hate for specific individuals. it was hate for an entire race.
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we should recognize domestic terrorism and racism for what it is. we're not the only country with racists, but we are a country with a uniquely high number of gun violence incidents. the shooting of -- in charleston was a physical manifestation of ideas that go beyond this murder er and to prevent future shootings, we must understand and undercut the ideas that he killed so that he could advance. we need to call this problem for what it is and understand it and fight it. hate-inspired domestic terrorism is an evil all its own. but we can make progress against
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gun violence. we know we can just as surely as ten days ago no one thought that the confederate flag on state grounds in south carolina would ever be removed. no one ever thought plausibly that the governor of south carolina would ever advocate. and now that has happened, just as commonsense sensible measures against gun violence can happen, we can prevail. nobody thought before ronald reagan was almost assassinated and jim brady was paralyzed that the brady bill would ever be passed. in fact, it took ten years. so we are here in a marathon, not a sprint. we are here for the long haul. we're not going away, not giving up not abandoning this fight not surrendering to the forces
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of domestic terrorism or racial hatred or gun violence. we are better than that as a nation. and so as we leave and go back home for this recess, i hope that we will not only share the grief and pain of those brave and courageous families in south carolina who were so heroic in the face of evil, but resolve that we will redouble our efforts to raise awareness to organize people who are of goodwill and want to stop gun violence and who need to be heard because the vast majority of the american people want us to take commonsense sensible
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measures to make america safer and better. thank you, mr. president. i yield the floor. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from indiana. mr. coats: mr. president today i'm back on the floor of the senate for the 15th time where we've talked about the waste of the week. now, we all know that the debt clock is ticking and that the federal government is racking up trillions of dollars of debt which is going to have to be paid off at some point in the future by our generation, more likely our children and our grandchildren. and it's unsustainable. it's going to cause immense harm. it is something that's been ignored as of late.
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but we're unable to move forward with any kind of constructive solution to this problem or putting us on a path to deal with this problem because the president of the united states simply refuses to come to an agreement in terms of how to deal with this, and in fact doesn't even bother to mention it. we also have an issue here that is part of the problem and that is inefficient ineffective use of taxpayer money here in washington. the money has hard-earned by people back at home and then deducted from their payroll tax -- payroll income and then as a tax and sent here to the federal government is not always used to be an effective efficient way of per forge -- performing the necessary and essential issues the government deals with. instead it goes to programs that can only be deemed as waste fraud and abuse and that's what i've been trying to highlight in these last 15 weeks as we deal
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with the waste of the week. today what i'd like to talk about is a sweet deal. everyone likes a sweet deal, right? well no, not quite everyone. and not always. and, unfortunately in this case what is a sweet deal for some is actually a raw deal for the american taxpayer. i'm talking about the sugar subsidy. currently the u.s. department of agriculture, the usda issues loans to sugar producers and allows them to repay those loans with raw sugar if sugar prices fall below a certain price. after obtaining the sugar through this so-called loan, the usda then ends up with a bunch of sugar that it needs to resell and it resells that sugar at a discounted price. as a result, these loans
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function as a price support for sugar, ensuring that sugar producers never sell their product below the price determined by the government -- not the fair market, but by the government. this costs taxpayers nearly $300 million in 2013 alone i don't have the figures yet for 2014. i assume they're the same, it may fluctuate a little bit up, a little bit down, depending on the world sugar price. in this sweet loan deal for sugar producers isn't enough, $300 million a year there's more. in addition to providing a subsidy to sugar producers through the program i just described, the federal government also enforces a system of quotas and tariffs on imported sugar. thereby blocking americans' fair market access to cheaper sugar
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and resulting in a large difference between the international or global price of sugar and domestic sugar prices. in fact, the usda's sugar program has caused the price of american sugar to be about 40% higher than the global price resulting in an estimated cost to consumers of $3.5 billion annually between the years 2009 and 2012. so when you take these two programs and put them together, they effectively function as a mass federal subsidy of sugar which drives up prices for consumers and provides a double benefit to the sugar industry. as a result of these two sweet policies, thousands of jobs in sugar-raising industries, particularly candy manufacturers, have been lost and the american taxpayer pays for it all. now, why were these policies
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put in place in the first place? well, the global price of sugar was much higher in the early 1980's so the idea was higher sugar prices would result in more sugar growers and the more sugar growers we had the more sugar would be produced, thus lowering the price. that's how fair and free markets work. it's a supply and demand issue. but government interference through subsidies distorts the free market price of goods and in the case of sugar it results in a direct hit to the taxpayer and much hire costs for the consumer of sugar-based products. to this day the sugar subsidy remains a giveaway to sugar producers and a raw deal for sugar consumers. iced cream doughnuts, cakes, pies, you know, we're not the healthiest things we eat but they're some of the more desirable things we like to eat
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particularly after we've been forced to eat broccoli and greens and our mothers raised us on you can't have cake or a pie after dinner unless you eat what's on your plate. and so we would suffer through eating some of that green stuff -- i don't mean to belittle that, it is healthy and we should do that, but i'm not going to mandate that the public -- government have the -- tell the public what to eat. nevertheless is these products and many many others that incorporate the cost of sugar in making the product that drives up the price of the product simply because of the subsidies that are provided by this government through its policies to sugar producers. it ends up in companies not being able to provide the jobs that they would like to provide, be the dynamic industry they would like to and puts them in a less than
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competitive position against our overseas producers. many companies in my home state of indiana have been affected by this subsidy. let me just give you a couple of examples. a albane seven e confectioner group is a renowned group of confectioners including the world's best gummy bears in germany they call them gummis, here they call them gummies. very successful manufacturer. but they estimate it could save $3 million annually by having access to sugar from the world market price. but no, they're not allowed to do that. they're forced to buy it at the u.s. subsidized producer price which is as i indicated earlier, roughly 40% more than what they could otherwise pay. lewis bakeries, headquartered in evansville, indiana, one of the few remaining independent bakeries in the midwest and the
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largest wholesale bakery in indiana has the same issue. higher prices contribute directly to costs that hamstring businesses throughout indiana. artificially high sugar prices affect the large companies also like kraft food, which has a marshmallow plant in concernedle, indiana. they said dismantling the program would enhance the competitiveness of u.s. manufacturers. if congress were to terminate the subsidy program which we've tried to do year after year after year and it's not succeed ed in passage here, we could save billions of dollars for u.s. taxpayers not just from the u.s. treasury but also in the grocery bills of america's families. these savings could have extremely positive consequences for our economy if it was allowed to be used to support the economy. according to an iowa state
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university study if the sugar program were abolished domestic sugar prices would fall by roughly a third and earlier we were talking about 40%. saving consumers said this study, at least $2.9 billion to $3.5 billion a year. and according to a recent report by the nonpartisan congressional budget office, eliminating this subsidy today would save the federal government at least $116 million over ten years. so here we have a subsidized programs by the federal government costing consumers nearly $300 billion a year. and here we have a second subsidized program by the federal government through its policies of pricing and unfair practices, in my opinion costing nearly $116 million a year to the american taxpayer. this is a per expect example of
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an outdated government program that's hurting consumers and wasting taxpayers' dollars and the net effect of the program is americans are paying higher prices for sugar and more taxes to pay for the sugar subsidy. so what's a sweet deal for the sugar producers is a raw deal for the american consumer, and it's a subsidy -- a package of subsidies that only go to the producers and deny the consumers the right to have a reasonable price for sugar in accordance with international pricing. i have joined with a bipartisan group of my colleagues in supporting legislation the sugar reform act introduced by senator shaheen from new hampshire that would end the sugar subsidy if we could pass this legislation it would result in the savings of at least $116 million according to the congressional budget office. so today i add to our chart
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$116 million of savings that the government can incur moving our chart ever closer to our goal of $100 billion of savings. we talk about how do we pay for essential programs here, where are we going to get the money why don't we start here? why don't we start by eliminating some of these programs -- better yet why don't we let the taxpayer keep their around-earned money than sending it to washington to pay for waste and abuse that occurs almost on a daily basis here. we're gradually creeping up to our $100 billion, i think we're going to have to go way beyond that because these examples just keep rolling in of how documented through nonpartisan agencies, related to congress and related to the federal government keeping inspector generals in various programs here keep saying why are we spending this money in the first place? the program is wasted, it's
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abused it's misused it doesn't need to be in place. so we're going to keep coming down here week after week talking about the waste of the week. number 16 is on the way. stay tuned. mr. president, with that i yield the floor and note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from oregon. mr. merkley: thank you mr. president. i rise to speak to the fast-track legislation -- the presiding officer: the senate is in a quorum call. mr. merkley: mr. president i ask that the quorum call be lifted. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. merkley: mr. president in just a short period of time here in the senate chamber, we will be voting on fast-track legislation designed to create a very quick path through the u.s. senate for the trans-pacific partnership and for trade agreements to come thereafter,
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so i rise now to share with my colleagues and to share with the american people my concerns about this course of action. it is president kennedy who once said -- quote -- "the trait of a nation expresses in a very concrete way its aims and aspirations." what are our aims and aspirations in the context of this trade agreement and fast-track? from my perspective the thing that really matters is whether or not this trade agreement will create good-paying jobs or will destroy good-paying jobs. will this trade agreement make the american economy work better for working americans? and i feel it fails the test, and i'm going to explain why. now, it is true that the trade agreement is complex it's multidimensional, it has a
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dimension that deals with intellectual property, with the extension of property rights, patents and protection for trade secrets. and that's certainly a win for protecting an innovation economy, innovation by american and american companies. and it has an agricultural section. and we've sought out an analysis of this agricultural section and don't have one yet but those in the know say it's a good chance that the tariffs that are struck down and the nontariff barriers struck down as barriers to u.s. products may on balance demonstrate the analysis of the u.s. economy. i look forward to the analysis of that in detail. but the heart of the trade agreement is about manufacturing. we have multinational companies that are seeking to be able to make things at the lowest possible cost. that's the heart of this trade agreement, as with other trade
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agreements. and that means being able to incorporate into an economic circle countries where the costs are very low to make things. and that is certainly the case with this trade agreement. this trade agreement includes a couple countries that have no minimum wage and others that have a very low minimum wage. we're really talking about vietnam, malaysia, and mexico. in vietnam, they have a regional minimum wage so it varies from place to place and you hear different amounts but are roughly it's 60 cents to 75 cents an hour. malaysia $1.64. in mexico, it's 66 cents. those are all incredibly low compared to the american minimum wage of $7.25.
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many of our states have state minimum wages that are higher. but the minimum wage is only a part of the puzzle. when you include the costs of labor in the united states, you have to include such things as workers' compensation and set aside expenses for social security and disability insurance and the cost of maintaining safe working standards that are rigorously enforced. and so when you compare all of that you probably have a labor ratio that is on the order of about 20 to 1. that is a playing field tilted against the american worker at a 20 to 1 ratio for manufacturing. that is certainly not a level playing field. our companies will say time and time again here in america, we will thrive with anyone in the world on a level playing field.
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but when the costs are 20 to 1 that is the cost overseas in countries like vietnam malaysia and mexico are lower than the united states on a 20 to 1 ratio, that is a playing field steeply tilted against the united states. so it's no wonder that in previous agreements we have seen an increase in trade deficits and a big loss of jobs here in the united states of america. let's take a look at three of those cases. in 1993, we signed the north america free trade agreement and that incorporated mexico into our economic circle. so let's compare the trade deficit in 1992, a year before, with 2014. in the course of those years the trade deficit increased from $5.3 billion to $53.8 billion.
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that is a massive massive change. now, by various estimates that translates into a job loss of between 480,000 jobs to 680,000 jobs. so half a million americans lost good-paying jobs as a result of nafta. or let's take a look at china. china came in to the world trade organization or w.t.o., in the year 2000, so let's compare 1999 with 2014. the trade deficit went from $68.7 billion to $343 billion. that is a quarter of a trillion-dollar increase. that is a deficit. that is not a collective amount. that is an annual amount. and by various estimates, that is a result of job losses
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between 2.7 million and 3.2 million american jobs lost. or let's look at south korea. remember how folks said that this will facilitate so much access to consumers in south korea. it won't have a big impact on our trade deficit. yet, south korea the agreement was signed in 2011 or ratified, so comparing 2010 to 2014, just four years the trade deficit ballooned. it ballooned from $10 billion to $25 billion and the resulting job losses are estimated to have been between 75,000 and 150,000 jobs. now when i say jobs, maybe that's abstract, so let's translate this to families. between the low estimates and the high estimates, we are
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talking about 3.3 million to 4 million american families losing their job a good-paying manufacturing job. you know, there is no better foundation for a family than a good-paying job. so when we pull away that foundation by striking agreements that send our jobs overseas, that is utterly devastating to families across our nation, certainly families in my home state of oregon and certainly families in every single state. so you can't be profamily and also be for shipping our good-paying jobs overseas. there is no government program that substitutes for a good-paying job. and that's why i'm so deeply disturbed about the outlines of the agreement that we're
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undertaking. because each and every time that improvements to wages here in the u.s. will come up, the makers will say if you raise your wages, if you add family vacation or family leave or sick leave or medical leave or help with day care for your children, you know what? we may just have to move our manufacturing overseas or we may have to move our supply chain overseas. or we may have to produce less at the factory here and more at the factory overseas. and it doesn't stop there. the construction that is envisioned by our multinational manufacturers in pursuit of their lost cost production is not just to play off the united states against malaysia or the united states against mexico or the united states against vietnam, although all of that will happen. it's also to play off each of
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those low-cost countries against each of them. so they can say to china that has a certain cost structure and is not yet envisioned to be part of the trans-pacific partnership but does benefit from the w.t.o. access, they can say china your costs are going up. oh, you're enforcing those environmental laws and your costs are going up. oh you're adding health standards, labor standards; your costs are going up. you're paying overtime, your costs are going up. we're going to ship more of our manufacturing to malaysia. and if you keep at it, we'll ship all of it. or malaysia, you're just close by to vietnam. your costs go up, we're going to shift more to vietnam. or to vietnam you raise your standards, you raise your costs you raise your pay you raise your standard of living, we're going to move those jobs to mexico. so this is a tremendous leverage
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if you are an owner of a multinational, if you own stock in a multinational if you are an investor in a multinational because you can sell, you can produce your product at a lower cost by playing off economy against economy. and you sell at the world market price, you make more money. but if you are a worker in the united states who is being played against a worker in vietnam, it's a bad deal. and if you're a worker in vietnam being played off against a worker in malaysia, it's a bad deal. that's not all that's wrong with this arrangement. let's look at the various things that could have made fast-track stronger that are not in fast-track. we've heard a lot of conversation, a lot of presentation that this is a gold standard framework that this is a new style of trade agreement. but the fact is key provisions
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that could have made it a gold standard or a new strategy are not there. let's start with the fact that there is no minimum wage required in this agreement not even a minimum wage of $1 an hour, which would have certainly affected mexico and vietnam. and no mechanism were there a minimum wage, to increase it gradually over time to help lift up workers in our poorest nations and to reduce the gap level off the playing field between low-wage countries and high-wage countries like the united states. second the agreement does not address currency manipulation. everyone in international trade understands that tariffs can be replaced by a pseudo tariff through currency manipulation, through intervention in the currency markets. in 2009, when i came to the u.s. senate, we estimated our economists estimated that the
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currency manipulation by china amounted to a 25% tariff on american products and a 25% subsidy to chinese products. why would we agree to an arrangement where currency manipulation can produce a tariff against our products and a subsidy to our competitors within that framework? third, we have had a problem with the loss of our sovereignty on health issues and environmental issues, consumer issues by giving that sovereignty away, that decision-making away to an international panel just weeks ago under the world trade organization structure w.t.o. structure, we lost a case, and the outcome of that case was that here in america we are not allowed to label our meat "produced in america." that's a loss of our sovereignty. i want to live in an america where if our consumers if our
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policy-makers, if our legislators believe it's in the best interest of this nation for our consumers to know where their meat is raised, if our consumers want to exercise some patriotic decision-making in support of american ranchers, they ought to be able to do so. we ought to be able to have that law, not give away our law-making authority to an international panel. so this investor-state dispute settlement panel of three corporate lawyers who can be advocates in one case and the judges in the next does not provide anything close to an appropriate mechanism to decide issues of health and safety to the environment. we could have taken those off the table so that if we want to control a dangerous environmental toxin like cancer-causing flame retardants in our carpets, we can do so
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without going afoul of trade agreements. but there was no effort, no effort to protect our health and safety here in america in this trade agreement. if we really believed that we were going to have a new order agreement, we would have an enforcement mechanism for labor standards and for environmental standards. and we've heard folks talk on the floor about there are such new enforcement standards. and so i'm aggrieved to report to you that that is simply not the case. now, let's start with the fact that we could have required the passage of laws before countries are admitted into the trade agreement, required that they bring their environmental standards and their legal standards, their labor standards up to snuff before admission and then show that they were actually implementing them. have a two-year demonstration period to show that they were actually enforcing them. because that's the easiest point
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at which to bring nations accountable before they are members of the trade agreement before they get the lower tariffs. that's the point you have incentive. that's the point you have leverage. but there was no effort to force countries, to require countries to meet those minimum standards before being admitted into this trade agreement. we could have had some form of snapback provision that said if you fail in bringing your laws into accordance on the environmental side or the labor side, if you fail to enforce your laws, then tariffs snap back. but there is no snap-back provision in this agreement. we could have expanded the dutching provisions in international law to give a way to take on situations where countries are producing below cost because they're not abiding by the goals and the
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environmental or labor area. but there is no such provision envisioned or required in fast-track or anticipated in trans-pacific partnership. there has been in the course of our trade agreements only one situation that we challenged labor laws, and it was with guatemala. we challenged them seven years ago, and to date that case has never been adjudicated. it is virtually impossible after a country has failed to come up to standards to go back and retroactivelien force these -- retroactively enforced these without some new strategy, but there is no no new strategy that would solve the guatemala case and actually end up with it being adjudicated. to continue with the challenges to this fast-track, the failures of this fast-track, there is nothing in this that provides for congress to be consulted when other nations dock -- that
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is tie onto the framework that will exist in the trans-pacific partnership. so when we had an amendment here on the floor that if china was to try to dock with the t.p.p. and become a t.p.p. fully privileged member that it would have to come back to the united states for consideration to give us a chance to look at china's currency manipulation or cheating on international intellectual property. it would i have gus a give us us a chance to look at a whole lace list of things. now because of the way that the -- that this process has proceeded, there is no guarantee that there will be trade adjustment snadges assistance. i find it absurd that the same folks who say there will be virtually no jobs lost say the
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cost of compensating families by giving some minimal training to them when they lose they are jobs will be vastly expensive and america can't afford it. on one side they say too many jobs lost. so they're okay leaving american families not only stranded woo a -- stranded without a job. if we gimmick go back to president kennedy and his vision that the trade of a nation expresses its aims and aspirations, our aim should be to create good-paying jobs here in america. our aspiration should be to create a trade agreement that works for working families.
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unfortunately, this trade agreement is constructed around a different aspyings, one of maximizing the value of stock in multinational manufacturing corporations and that is done by shipping our jobs overseas. that is the wrong aim for this nation. it is the wrong aim for our working families. we have seen the impact of korea. we have seen the impact of china joining the w.t.o. we have seen the impact of mexico and and a half it, and as a result we have lost millions of good-paying jobs in our nation and undermind the success of millions of american families families. there is a lot of conversation here on the floor of the senate about inequality in our nation. you know what drives inuquality? it is this. when you create trade agreements that are great for investors but are terrible for workers that drives inequality.
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and that's why i encourage my closing to vote "no" when it comes to the fast-track legislation being voted on later today. it's wrong for america because it's wrong to solving inequality. it is wrong for america because it's wrong for working families to have their jobs shipped overseas. it's wrong because it does not fulfill the vision of working for working america. thank you mr. president. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: will the senator withhold that request? mr. merkley: yes.
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the presiding officer: the senator from rhode island. mr. whitehouse: may i ask unanimous consent for 15 minutes in morning business. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. whitehouse: thank you, mr. president. i am here today for the 104th time. one of these days i'm going to get it right -- to urge that we wake up to the dangers of climate change. the scientific community has been sounding the alarm for decades. our most respected scientific institutions are virtually unanimous in their verdict. carbon pollution from humans burning fossil fuels is warming our atmosphere and oceans, raising and acidifying our seas, loading the dice for more extreme weather and disrupting the natural systems upon which we all depend. they're not alone.
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our defense and intelligence communities warn us of the threats these climate disruptions pose to our national security and to international stability. public health officials warn that greenhouse gas pollution and its effects trigger human health risks. economists even very conservative ones, have long recognized the distortion of energy markets ignoring the true cost of carbon pollution. our government's accountants now list climate change as one of the most significant threats to america's fiscal stability. the new republican c.b.o. chief even put sea level rise and increased storm activity from climate change into his budget
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outlook just last week. and, of course, voices of faith call to us. they plead that we heed the moral imperative of protecting god's creation, of seeking justice for all people, and of meeting our own responsibilities to future jn reagan administrations -- future generations. his holiness, the dalai lama, has called for us to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity and address climate change. the archbishop of canterbury recently i should a declaration along with other british religious leaders warning of the, "huge challenge of climate change." and supporting an international climate treaty to be negotiated in paris this december.
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ecumenical patriot bartholomew the spiritual leader of orthodox christians worldwide has called climate change a matter of social and economic justice. more than 350 rabbis have signed a rabinic letter on the crisis calling for vigorous action on climate disruption, reminding us that -- and i quote -- "social justice sustainable abundance a healthy earth and spiritual fulfillment are inseparable. and last week, mr. president pope francis the worldwide leader of the catholic church, which is the largest christian denomination in the world the largest christian denomination in the united states, and the
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largest christian denomination in my home state of rhode island added his car ismatic voice to the call. in the roman catholic church, anencically cal is a papal letter sent to all bishops. it is considered among the most authoritative documents of catholic teaching. rather than just an internal communication to the clergy, however, thissencically encyclical is specifically addressed to every single living person on this planet. it is entitled " "praise be to you" a reference to the cantical of the sun by saint francis of asierra leone the patron saint of the environment friend of
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the poor, and namesake of this pope. this encyclical accepts and affirms what we know about climate change; that most is due to the greenhouse gases emitted by human activity, that seas are rising oceans acidifying, polar ice melting that weather is worsening at the extremes and that basic systems of life on our planet home are being disrupted. we need only take a frank look at the facts, pope francis writes youwrites to see that our common home is falling into serious disrepair. the things are now reaching a breaking point. humanity has disappointed god's
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expectations. end quote. the earth herself he says, groans in tra travail. humanity, pope francis tells you is called to recognize the need for change of lifetime, production and consumption in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it. end quote. and specifically, he says, technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels needs to be progressively replaced without delay. end quote. the pope reminds us that, as we empower sleepwalk through this crisis, we are hurting people who have no voice today. we harm future generations
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leaving them a world that, to use his own words is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth. the world is a gift a gift which we have freely received and must share with others, the pope writes. intergenerational solidarity is not optional but rather a basic question of justice. the pope also emphasizes that when we damage that gift, we inflict particular harm on the poor who live close to the earth, outside our privileged bubble of consumption. they rely on agriculture fishing, and forestry for their livelihoods and sustenance.
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as climate change disrupts natural systems the poor take the hit most directly. as a result, pope francis says, we who have profited most from burning fossil fuels owe a debt to the rest of the world. he calls it our ecological debt. the united states has produced more carbon dioxide than any other nation. our historical responsibility calls us to help other nations develop cleaner energy, relieve their systematizeed poverty and soften the blow of climate change. this responsibility, this call from pope francis matters particularly for america. the indispensable and the exceptional nation. years ago daniel webster
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described the work of our founding fathers as having set the world an example. set the world an example. from jonathan winthrop to ronald reagan, we have called ourselves a city on a hill set high for the world to witness to emulate should we ignore the climate disruption we have caused pope francis warns -- and i'll quote him -- "those who will have to suffer the consequences of what we are trying to hide will not forget this failure of conscience and responsibility." will not forget this failure of
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conscience and responsibility. in saying that, pope francis aligns squarely with daniel webster's warning from that same speech. his warning about our american experiment in popular liberty -- quote -- "the last hopes of mankind therefore rest with us" daniel webster said. and if it should be proclaimed that our example had become an argument against the experiment the knell of popular liberty would be sounded throughout the earth. end quote. pope francis' even has something to say directly to us in congress. to take up these responsibilities, he writes, and the costs they entail, politicians will inevitably clash with the mind-set of short-term gain and results which dominates present-day economics and politics.
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but if they are courageous, they will attest to their god-given dignity and leave behind a testimony of selfless responsibility. end quote. remember the pharisees mr. president. remember the traders and the money changers in the temple. if we choose to ignore the call of the pope and of leaders of faith around the world and choose to protect the side that is polluting and destroying even when we see right before our faces its ravage of our natural world its harm to the poor its robbery of future generations, what are we then? what are we then? jesus himself the lamb of god
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lost his temper twice the bible tells us. once at the pharisees and once at the traders and money changers in the temple went after them with a lash actually. are we to take their side now? must we in the senate serve caesar in every single thing? is there no light left here at all? here in the senate the hand of greed lies so heavily upon us. please may the pope's exhortation give us the courage to stand up against the power of these selfish forces and do what is right for our people and for our planet. the fossil fuel industry has been a particular disgrace, polluting our politics as well as our planet.
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ever since the citizens united ruling gave polluters the ability to inject unlimited and untold amounts of money into our elections, the tsunami of their slime has drowned honest debate on climate change. senators who once supported commonsense legislation have gone silent as stones under the threat of the polluters spending. getting past the dark influence of the fossil fuel industry will indeed take some light and some courage, especially on the part of the republican majority whom they so relentlessly bully and cajole. but we must do it. again, mankind will not forget this failure of conscience and responsibility. senator schatz and i have even offered legislation rooted in conservative free market
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principles. we would put a fee on carbon pollution and return all the revenue to the american people. it would reduce:pollution 40 -- reduce carbon pollution 40% by 2025 and be a significant debt to the rest of the world and be significant tax cut for american families and businesses. i urge those across the aisle please take a serious look at our bill. in seeking a solution to the climate crisis, pope francis asks each of us to -- quote -- "draw constantly from our deepest convictions about love justice, and peace." he dares us even -- and i quote him again -- "to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering."
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into our own personal suffering. "and thus discover what each of us can do about it." end quote. he urges us to recognize that the systems around us, the financial systems the industrial systems the economic systems, the political systems are drawing us down a destructive and unjust path. but his encyclical to the world eliminates another path, a compassionate path, a path blazed with abiding faith in the human family, a path towards the preservation of our common home and our common decency. mr. president, the choice which path we that i can will be a fateful one s. i yield the floor. mr. wyden: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from oregon.
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mr. wyden: mr. president before he leaves the floor let me just commend the senator from rhode island. he has made a number of important points this afternoon but i'm particularly pleased that my colleague has laid out such a thoughtful way the implications of the pope's encyclical. this is very, very important as a major new focus of the debate, and i really commend my colleague. i suspect we're now on 101 or 102 in terms of -- 104. i was there for 100. i must have missed one along the way. but i commend my colleague and thank him for his commitment. he knows i share many of your views with respect to creating a fresh set of approaches as we deal with this climate change question. i look forward to working with my colleague. mr. president, today the senate is taking major steps towards a new more progressive trade
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policy that will shut the door on the 1990's north american free trade agreement once and for all. one of the major ways this overall package accomplishes this goal is by kicking in place a tough new regime of enforcing our trade laws. and here i'm talking about our customs package with the fact that later today the senate's going to vote to go to conference with the house on strong bipartisan legislation that was passed by the chamber only a few weeks ago by a vote of 78-20. and it has long been my view, mr. president, that vigorous enforcement of our trade laws must be at the forefront of any modern approach to trade at this unique time in history.
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one of the first questions many citizens ask is, i hear there's talk in washington d.c. about passing a new trade law. how about first enforcing the laws that are on the books? and this has been an area that i long have sought to change, and we're beginning to do this with this legislation, and i want to describe it. and for me, mr. president this goes back to the days when i chaired the senate finance subcommittee on international trade and competitiveness and we saw such wide spread cheating such widespread flouting of our trade laws, my staff and i set up a sting operation. we set up a sting operation to catch the cheats. in effect, almost inviting these people to try to use a web site
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to evade the laws. and they came out of nowhere because they said cheating has gotten pretty easy, let's sign up. and we caught a lot of people. so we said from that point on that we were going to make sure that any new trade legislation took right at the center an approach that would protect hardworking americans from the misdeeds of trade cheats. and in fact, the core of the bipartisan legislation that heads into conference is a jobs bill a jobs bill that will protect american workers and our exporters from those kind of rip-offs by those who would flout the trade laws. and the fact is, mr. president
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when you finally get tough enforcement of our trade laws, it is a jobs bill. a true jobs bill, because you are doing a better job of enforcing the laws that protect the jobs, the good-paying jobs of american workers. and i guess some people think that you're going to get that tougher enforcement by osmosis. we're going to get it because we're going to pass a law starting today with the conference agreement that's going to have real teeth in it. real teeth in it to enforce our trade laws. foreign companies and nations employ a whole host of complicated schemes and shadowy tactics to break the trade rules. and they bully american businesses and undercut our workers. so what we said in the finance committee on a bipartisan basis that the name of the game would
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be to stay out in front of these unfair trade practices that cost our workers good-paying jobs. my colleagues and i believe that the senate has offered now the right plan to fight back against the trade cheats and protect american jobs and protect our companies from abuse. it really starts with what's called the enforce act, which is a proposal i first offered years ago that will give our customs agency more tools to crack down on the cheaters. then we have a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on the need for an unfair trade alert. that's another major upgrade that responds to what we heard companies and labor folks say again and again mr. president. what they would say is the trade enforcement laws get there too late.
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they get there too late. the plant's closed, the jobs are gone the hopes and dreams of working families are shattered. so what we said is we're going to start using some of the data and the information that we have to have a real trade alert so that we can spot what's coming up get that information in our communities, in our working families and our companies to protect our workers. this unfair trade alert is another major upgrade in how we tackle mr. president enforcing our trade laws. my view is that any bill that comes out of that enforcement conference the customs conference needs to reflect important american priorities. and that should certainly include smart protection of our environmental treasures. when our trade agreements
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establish rules on environmental protection they've got to be enforced with the same vigor as the rules that knock down barriers for businesses overseas. our colleague from colorado, senator bennet, offered in my view a very constructive proposal that's going to accomplish this important goal. it was overwhelmingly agreed to by the finance committee and passed by the senate. and i'd like to note that much of the good work done by senator bennet mirrors what my colleague in the other body, senator blumenaur, is doing on this issue as well. it is my view, and that is why it is important to hear from senator whitehouse, that climate change is one of the premier challenges of our time. and it's critical to make sure that this enforcement package sends the right message on environmental issues and whether the issue at hand is climate
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change fisheries or conservation this package the package that we're going to be dealing with in the customs conference strikes the right balance for the environment. now, i also want to take a moment to build on what i discussed yesterday with respect to the democratic priorities that my colleagues and i are going to fight for in conference. and this stems from an important point that was made by our colleague from north dakota, senator heitkamp, who said we really need to go into this customs conference with some markers, some strong markers that lay out a path for some of our priorities with respect to enforcing the customs law. so after the pro-trade democrats met on monday night i talked
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with chairman ryan with respect to these issues, and we intend to champion provisions by senator shaheen, which is going to help our small businesses take full advantage of trade. a lot of people say oh, trade bills are for the big guys. the big guys are the ones who are going to benefit. i've always thought big guys can take care of themselves. they've got lots of people to stand up for them. well what senator shaheen is saying -- and it's particularly important in my home state mr. president, where we have mostly small businesses -- senator shaheen is saying that she is going to make sure as part of the enforcement effort we beef up the effort to help small businesses, particularly at the state level not mr. president, at the federal level, at the state level promote these efforts to have
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more markets for our small businesses in the export field. so in addition to senator shaheen's amendment, as far as those markers those customs markers are concerned we're also going to make the environmental protections provisions that i just described offered by senator bennet a priority and senator cantwell's trade enforcement trust fund, appeared i am a he very hopeful about the trade enforcement trust fund as well. there's an awareness that again you can have some trade laws. you're going to need some resources in order to make sure they're implemented. so i think that trade enforcement trust fund is another very important priority, and it is one that the pro-trade democrats have said would be part of our short list in terms of our customs markers. so as i noted, you know,
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mr. president, when i have town meetings at home, had more than 730 of them, going to have more of them this up-coming week, i do find that people say everybody in washington talks about new laws, new proposals trade ideas. enforce the laws on the books first. and it's been too hard, too hard in the past for our businesses, particularly our small businesses to get the enforcement that matters the enenforcement with teeth the enforcement that serves as a real deterrent to cheating. so this legislation is our chance to demonstrate that strengthening trade enforcement enforcement of the trade laws, will now be an integral part of
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a new modern approach to trade an approach that says, we're not part of the 1990's on trade where nobody had web sites and iphones and the like; we've got a modern trade policy with the centerpiece enforcing our trade laws. our policies are going to give america's trade enforcers the tools they need to fight on behalf of american jobs and american workers and stop the trade cheats who seek to undercut them. i strongly urge my colleagues to vote "yes" later today on the motion to send the enforcement bill to conference and work on a bipartisan basis as we did in the finance committee to put strong trade enforcement legislation on the president's desk. now, mr. president i also would like here briefly to make some remarks on the trade adjustment
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assistance package. as we've said, later today the senate is tabooing take a going to take a series of votes that, again speak to how we kick off a new progressive era in trade policy that closes the books on the trade ideas of the 1990's once and for all. once again a key part of that effort is protecting our workers and ensuring that more trade means everybody has an opportunity to get ahead. and that's why the package of legislation under debate expands and extends the support system for america's workers called trade adjustment assistance. now, this program dates back to the days of president kennedy.
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president kennedy during his push for the trade expansion act of 1962, called it -- and i quote -- "a program to afford time for american initiative, american adaptability, and american resiliency to assert themselves." since then, this program has been extended by republican and democratic presidents. the program is now a lifeline for more than 100,000 americans including 3,000 oregonians who receive job training and financial support. the heart of it is is provide a springboard to new opportunities, and it garnets -- and it guarantees that workers and their families do not get knocked off stride when times are tough. in my view, it is a core element of what i call trade done right.
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and as i noted yesterday mr. president, tim nezbit, the former past president of the oregon afl-cio essentially said that our legislation was a blueprint for trade done right. now, for a year and a half, the trade adjustment assistance program has been running at reduced strength, but that's going to change once this legislation becomes law. the funding for trade adjustment assistance goes back up to a level that will cover everybody who qualifies. once again service workers will be eligible for the program because in today's economy they're facing competition from overseas as well. trade adjustment assistance
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would take into account competition from anywhere in the world, not just from our trade agreement partners. there are significant improvements here that i will tell you mr. chairman and colleagues i fought very, very hard for in what were negotiations that really lasted well over six months with chairman hatch and chairman ryan. i believe these changes are going to make a big difference for workers across our nation who fall on tough times. if china manages to lure a manufacturer away from the united states -- for, for example now those workers will be covered. they'll have a chance to learn new skills and find a job that pays good wages and they won't have to worry about whether the bills will get paid or if
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they're going to have food on their table. along with trade adjustment assistance this legislation will rein-state re-instate the health coverage. tens of millions of middle-class people and their families get health insurance through their employer. the health coverage tax credit guarantees that workers and families affected by trade are going to still be able to see their doctor. if they get sick or suffer an injury they aren't going to face colossal medical bills or the threat of bankruptcy. they get protection, and they get it until they're back on their feet. i'm in the process of bringing this legislation together. my friend and colleague on the finance committee senator brown, offered a proposal that goes a long way in my view, to
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strengthening our enforcement of key trade laws. it's called leveling the playing field. i urge the senate majority leader to include this important legislation in the t.a.a. bill, both because it's a good policy and it's a sign that both parties are working on issues that are logical bipartisan priorities. level the playing field -- and i can say this, mr. president, at this point in the debate. if you look at the committee's debate level the playing field was a top priority for those in the unions, the steel unions and others and it was a also a top priority for their companies. and so having this policy in the trade adjustment assistance is exactly the kind of bipartisan
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work that the american people want done. business labor democrats republicans -- a strong record of evidence as to why it's needed. this legislation is going to be the difference between steelworkers and paper workers being on the job or being laid off, because it ensures that the remedies of trade law -- what's called counter-veiling duty law anti-dumping law -- is going to be available to workers and their companies earlier and in a more comprehensive way. it's going to protect jobs, and it is a priority of both political parties. i made mention how important this was to me. my first hearing my first hearing when i became chairman of the finance trade subcommittee was on trade enforcement. so i could have taken a lot of topics mr. president.
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we could have talked about exports, hugely sport important to my state. we could have talked about the fact that the trade laws haven't kept up with the digital age. hugely important to my state. i said my first hearing was going to be on trade enforcement, and my good friends from the steel industry spoke about how american workers wants to see the senate and the finance committee stand up for them and finally fix the shortcomings in our trade remedy laws. that's what we have done now. getting behind sherrod brown's proposal to strengthen our trade laws to stop unfair trade so that foreign companies do not undercut american workers and manufacturers ought to be an american priority, a red white and blue priority, a priority for every member of this body. and i'm proud to have worked
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with senator brown on this important issue. i want to thank him for the fact that he has brought this up again and again and again. i said quite some time ago that we weren't going to let this package become law without level the playing field authored by senator brown at the outset, and that is going to be the case, and i thank him for his work. the three programs -- the trade adjustment assistance program the health coverage tax credit, senator brown's leveling the playing field act -- are now moving through the senate alongside legislation that creates new economic opportunities for impoverished countries in africa and other places around the world. this trade package will extend the biggest of these programs, the african growth and
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opportunity act what's called aagoa for ten years. it works for africa, it once for our country and it builds a stronger economic future for so many around the world. we worked hard again in a bipartisan basis in the finance committee to find ways to strengthen african-american goa. that was -- to strening agoa. that was the point of our hearing, to extend it for another decade. the committee came together on a bipartisan basis to make smart improvements. once again mr. president you see the value of a progressive trade policy. two of our very outstanding colleagues -- my colleague senator coons on this side of the aisle our friend senator isakson on the other side of the aisle -- always working in a bipartisan way pointing out that this is what our country is all about and certainly creating opportunities in
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impoverished parts of the world. it is a core american priority. hearts and minds around the world hoping that we'll have this kind of leadership. and i'll just close mr. president -- and i think this will be my last comment before the vote it's my view for all who want to see trade done right, for all who want american workers to thrive in the 21st century getting behind these key programs is an ideal way to do it. by supporting this legislation the congress reaffirms as president kennedy really rhapsodizeed over half a century
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ago, you get behind these programs it reaffirms america's commitment to american initiative to adaptability, and resiliencey and i urge all of my colleagues to vote yes to support these important programs when we vote later today. mr. president, i yield the floor.
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from minnesota. mr. franken: thank you mr. president. i rise today to talk briefly about trade adjustment assistance or t.a.a., and about trade enforcement. i will be supporting the t.a.a. bill but before i talk about that i'd like to recognize my
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chief of staff casey ann winesbury, who has never been on the floor before. she asked to be on the floor today since she's leaving and of course i said yes but i said that so that i could talk about you casey. you didn't know that. so you have to sit through this. okay? casey has served in my office since i joined the senate in 2009 in july of 2009. she's leaving washington next week is heading to san francisco where her husband will be starting an amazing new job. jamo has a great job and he has been so supportive of you casey, and also casey's parents you'll now be much closer to them.
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so i'm very excited for casey but i wish she weren't leaving. everyone in my office is going to miss you. no one more than me. when my grandson was 30 minutes old, i held him in my arms and i said to him "it's all staff." and it's true. it is all staff and casey has been an amazing chief of staff. she is the most focused determined person that i know. i am a member of the writers guild panned screen actors guild so i get screeners and we got zero dark 30, you know, sent to
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me for those award season and my wife and i were in our living room we put "zero dark 30" on and at a certain point in the movie i said the lead character reminds me of someone. and finally i just said -- it's casey. and if casey had been in the c.i.a. i think we would have gotten bin laden a little earlier. casey deserves an enormous amount of credit for all the work that i and our office have been able to get done in my first term. the day-to-day work that we do to improve the lives of people in minnesota and across the country. whether it was mental health in schools or improving work force
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training or protecting net neutrality or defeating the come cast--- comcast-time warner deal, it was casey has led that staff brilliantly every step of the way. so i will miss casey more than anyone, including myself, really knows. whoever gets casey next will be very very lucky indeed. casey, i cannot express how deeply thankful i am for all that you've done for me and for our office and for the state of minnesota. so thank you. now i would like to turn briefly to the trade adjust assistance package. -- adjustment assistance package. when trade is done right it can benefit our communities and workers and our businesses but i
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was concerned that the fast-track procedure set up by the trade promotion authority bill will not do enough to make sure that we do trade right, so i voted against that bill and i'll vote against it again later. once we are done with that bill we will consider the trade adjustment assistance bill that was originally packaged together with the fast-track bill. i will support t.a.a., it is far from perfect for one thing it simply doesn't provide enough assistance but it will go a long way toward providing help for workers who are displaced by trade. as we know some will be. i also strongly support the leveling the playing field act which is included in this package along with t.a.a. senator brown's bill, of which i am proud to be a cosponsor
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would help strengthen our trade remedy laws. the laws that enforce our trade policies and protect our domestic industries from dumped and be subsidized imports from other countries. in minnesota i have seen firsthand the damage that happens when we don't have and can't enforce strong trade protections. in the last few months alone we have seen what happens when countries unfairly dump their goods here. nearly a thousand minnesotans in the iron range are losing their jobs after a flood of dumped steel imports. leveling the playing field would help improve our antidumping laws including restoring congress' original intent in setting the standard for when a domestic industry is materially
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injured by unfairly traded foreign imports. we need to be able to respond effectively when dumped imports are harming our domestic iron and steel industry, and when the workers in that industry are hurt or when those imports are harming other industries, as is happening now. this bill will be an important step in enabling that more effective response so with these provisions we are standing up for american manufacturers by putting in place and enforcing fair trade practices. for these reasons i will be voting for the trade adjustment assistance bill and i look forward to it being enacted into law. i thank you mr. president for allowing me to say a few words
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about casey and about t.a.a. thank you. and i would suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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the presiding officer: the senator from ohio. mr. brown: thank you mr. president. i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the quorum call. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. brown: thank you mr. president. i have come to this floor a number of times arguing against trade promotion authority. we've done that for months. this body should not give up its authority to amend trade agreements, should not pave the way for a trade deal that looks like it's going to be more of the same. corporate handouts, worker sellouts. we've seen it with nafta. we saw a similar kind of move on pntr with china where the trade deficit, our bilateral trade deficit has almost literally exploded since 2000, when this body and the other body moved forward on pntr. we saw it with the central
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american free trade agreement where president bush had to get waked up in the middle of the night and get on the phone with republican member after republican member to get them to change their votes on fast-track so that he could get the central american free trade agreement which he sold in the name of counterterrorism. we saw it with the south korean trade agreement when president -- when this president made promises on higher -- promises of more job creation and higher wages neither of which was borne out. we've seen big promises and bad results on trade issue after trade issue after trade issue after trade issue. we've seen it through the presidencies of george bush the first, of bill clinton of george bush the second and now barack obama. this body, as i said, should not give up its authority to make better trade agreements. in essence what we are saying in this body with this vote within the hour or so is we're willing to give up these powers to the executive branch to give
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us more of the same, trade agreements that don't work for our communities don't work for our workers don't work for our families don't work for our small businesses. while we -- while this chamber will vote on trade promotion authority today so-called fast-track it doesn't mean we throw in the towel on congressional oversight of our nation's trade policy. moving forward with fast-track means it's more critical than ever that we protect congress' prerogative to have a say on a deal that could offset 40% of the world's economy. members on both sides of the aisle, members on both sides of this debate, supporters and opponents, republicans and democrats, a good mix of each, have had conversations with me and with many others about how this deal is too secretive the trans-pacific partnership. they have had conversations about how this -- how the u.s. trade representative is not answering the concerns of members, even supporters of t.p.a. even supporters of
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t.p.p. on issues like currency, on issues like worker protections, worker rights, on issues like tobacco on issues like public health. we need to make sure, starting today -- starting today we need to make sure that any trans-pacific partnership deal -- that's the deal we will vote on later. i assume t.p.a. passes today. i assume it will go to the president. i assume he will sign it. the next step is what happens with the trans-pacific partnership. that's 12 countries coming together a handful of countries in the western hemisphere including the three nafta countries, canada, the united states and mexico, a couple of south american countries and asian -- asian and australian continent, sub continent countries will be part of this trade agreement. we hope that if china is added to it, that there is a vote of congress although no promises there yet either from the administration. but we need to make sure that any deal on the trans-pacific partnership includes strong labor protections always big
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promises about labor protections, never any president yet delivering on these labor protections. i am particularly concerned about vietnam a large country of tens of millions approaching 100 million people. vietnam a country that has one labor union controlled by the communist party a country that doesn't have collective bargaining rights, yet we're assuming somehow that wages are going to come up high enough in vietnam that they don't under cut u.s. wages even though they don't have free trade unions, even though they don't have collective bargaining, even though there is no mechanism so far in any of these trade agreements whether it's t.p.a. or whether it's trans-pacific partnership, that vietnam reached these levels, reached these wage levels, begin to move towards collective bargaining and free trade unionism prior to its admission in t.p.a., we need to figure all of those questions out. we need to make sure any t.p.p. deal has strong environmental
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protections. again, big promises in other agreements. never much on the delivery side on these promises. we want to see strong currency provisions. again, big promises on t.p.p., little results in the past, and so far an administration not willing to carry it out. we need to make sure we protect medicare and medicaid from investor state dispute resolution. we need to preserve access to medicines. we know that medicines in the developing world, -- that citizens in the developing world simply can't afford the high cost of western medicines. americans much of the time can't afford the high cost of medicines, and we're an affluent country. when you look at some of these t.p.p. countries in south america and in asia, they can afford them even less. we've got to make sure there is strong preserve access to medicine provisions, and we need to include protections that be prevent this deal from being a tool for big tobacco. perhaps the simplest to
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understand one of the most troubling because of its moral bankruptcy. that this body, this body is about to vote for fast-track legislation which if we don't stop this train from going down the track in which it seems to be heading that big tobacco -- we are handing big tobacco even more power to addict children to tobacco in the developing world. countries that don't have nearly the public health system we do, countries that don't have the affluence to be able to fight back against big tobacco that we have been pretty successful in doing in protecting our children. i remember, mr. president about 15 years ago, i was a member of the house energy and environment subcommittee on health, and i remember seven tobacco executives came to our committee. there was a picture on just about every front page of the country where these seven c.e.o.'s of the biggest tobacco companies in the country some of the biggest in the world raised their right hand, pledged
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to tell the truth the whole truth, nothing but the truth and then out and out lied to that committee about -- about nicotine and cigarettes and about the addictive qualities of nicotine. these same tobacco companies over time pledged that they would no longer put billboards into their school yards pledged that they would no longer hand out sample packages of cigarettes near schools pledged that they would do -- that they would stop their joe camel promotions, those kinds of joe camel promotions. i remember the ranking member of the finance committee senator wyden, was a member of that committee and was outraged -- as outraged as i was on big tobacco. well then i asked them a question at this hearing. i said so you're willing to do that in this country. you're willing to say no to -- no billboards near high schools you're willing to say no handout of sample cigarette packs in your schools you're going to stop your joe camel ads. i said are you willing to do that in other countries around
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the world? no no, no, no, no, no. these tobacco companies they -- you know, they -- when they go to the developing world and peddle their poisons they know that public health in the developing world is about fighting cholera and fighting aids and fighting malaria and fighting tuberculosis. they simply don't have the public health resources that we do in our country to fight big tobacco. that's my concern about what could happen. so let me talk for a moment about how big tobacco is using this trade -- uses trade agreements generally to undermine public health. tobacco use we know, mr. president, it's the world's leading cause of preventable death. it's why countries around the world are passing stricter laws to protect their citizens from the massive health risks tobacco poses. big tobacco has turned to trade deals -- has turned trade deals into a tool for defeating commonsense international public health deficits. how could that happen?
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why would a trade deal be a vehicle to weaken tobacco -- antitobacco laws, the laws that protect children especially against addictive tobacco? here's how it happens. it uses a trade agreement provision known as investor stake dispute settlement to attack a nation's public health law. under this process corporations use trade agreements to dispute domestic laws that they say undermine their investments. right now let me use the best example but there are several. australia. australia passed not many years ago the tobacco plain packaging act. big tobacco challenged this law. first of all they opposed it in the australian legislature. they lobbied against it. they were unsuccessful. the australian legislature passed the plain packaging consumer protection anti-- antiaddicting children tobacco law in 2011. then they went -- then they sued and went to the australian supreme court. big tobacco lost that case, too. so you know what they did?
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this is pretty clever. i give them credit. they pay their lawyers a lot of money. big tobacco challenged this new law under the australian hong kong bilateral investment treaty and a world trade organization dispute settlement proceeding. that means even australian courts made up of -- amazing -- australians, australian courts had ruled in favor of this law. their legislature passed it, their supreme court said it's constitutional. big tobacco from the outposts -- from the platform of hong kong sued the australian government saying that fundamentally that was takings that that would undermine their profits. so the tribunal -- i believe three-person trade lawyer tribunal that will hear this case these aren't australian lawyers. australia has nothing to do with this case except they are going to be victimized. so potentially -- and i know that the presiding officer cares about sovereignty for our country. i know that this cuts across party lines conservatives as much as progressives care about
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sovereignty and public health, that what we are doing is turning over the sovereignty of our nation to these tribunals that can undercut their sovereignty. tobacco companies have launched similar cases against uruguay and togo over proposed laws. cases like these can bankrupt small countries. togo one of the ten poorest countries on earth. it was forced to give up its tobacco labeling laws, falling under pressure from philip morris a company whose sales, i believe, are larger than the g.d.p. of togo, bowed under pressure from philip morris which threatened -- quote -- an incalculable amount of trade litigation." so here are u.s. trade lawyers that threatened to sue a poor african or in some cases latin american government which wants to exercise its sovereignty and protect its children against potential addictive tobacco marketing -- marketing that will lead to children being addicted to tobacco. but they
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back off because they can't afford to go to court against the deep pockets of philip morris. this is their strategy, litigate bankrupt countries into submission. using trade laws to blackmail countries. use another word if you want, blackmail is as close as it gets overturning laws passed by their legislature, usually ratified by their court system and people from another country a very rich country, one of the richest industries in that country represented by some of the most privileged, harvard-yale trained lawyers saying we're going to overturn your democratically elected law because our profits are more important than protecting your children in togo or your children in uruguay than protecting your children's health. that's fundamentally what we're saying. so a vote today since we haven't fixed this tobacco a vote today on fast-track is essentially saying unless the people voting for it are going to go to bat for a change
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against big tobacco fundamentally we're saying it's okay for big tobacco in the privilege of the big tobacco lawyers to go to court and choose big tobacco profits over 15 and 16 or may i say 12 and 13-year-old children's health in the developing world. that's a rather uneven match but we ratify that with a yes vote today. we also have a responsibility to look out for the american worker who we know will be hurt by this deal. we know that while i may disagree with the presiding officer from pennsylvania over whether or not these trade agreements produce net jobs or what he i think believes, i believe these trade agreements produce a net loss of jobs. that aside people on all sides of this debate understand and have acknowledged that because of our actions because of what we do here in this body and in the house and in the white house, what we do here, with this trade agreement we'll throw some people out of jobs.
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we know that there will be dislocations. people will lose their jobs because of our decisions. so how in the world could we possibly pass this without first taking care of those workers who lose their jobs? we make a decision, you get thrown out of work, my colleague makes a decision, you get thrown out of work, we're going to turn our backs because we don't care about helping you even though you lost your job because of our decision. so t.a.a. is particularly important. it's not just -- not just that we should pass the trade adjustment assistance. it's what we should do with it. i'm disappointed the t.a.a. bill being considered today is minimalist is significantly less generous to those workers than it should be. there will be many workers who lose their jobs even if we pass t.a.a. there will be many workers that lose their jobs that are not taken care of under t.a.a. that does -- it does not make the program available to all workers. i'm disappointed the bipartisan funding levels that almost every
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democrat in this body has cosponsored, my legislation at a more generous level for t.a.a. that we agreed to it in 2011 in this body, but we are for no reason at owl those numbers were cut. i want to expand eligibility increase its funding we're making it easier to pass t.p.p. but we're tax cutting the t.a.a. program by 20%. how does that figure? we're saying we're going to pass this trade agreement 40% of the world's economy yet we are unwilling -- we are cutting the protection for workers the aid to those workers that lose their jobs because of our decisions in this body, we're cutting those workers 20%. last mr. president we have an opportunity in this bill today to once again support the level the playing field act to make sure it gets to the president's desk. this will be the vote after this -- after the t.p.a. vote. this vote is essential to protecting our manufacturers from illegal foreign competition. we can't have trade promotion
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without trade enforcement. it shouldn't be partisan, regardless of how you vote on t.a.a. we need to make sure our deals are enforced. level the playing field to against unfair trade practices it's critical for our businesses our workers who drown and flood of illegally subsidized import. it has the are support of business and workers republicans and democrats. i want to thank senators portman and graham and casey for their work in support of this issue no matter where you stand on t.p.a. we should be able to come together to have enforce -- enforceable laws. we have trade. we will these agreements cause wages to stagnate, we know these agreements cause factories to close calls imports to increase debate families and communities. this is a terrible mistake we will make which we've made over and over and over and over if we
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pass this today. if we pass t.p.a. it's the same mistake we made with nafta. big promises, job increases wages going up, bad results. we did it when we passed pntr, when we passed cafta the central american free trade agreement, with the korean free trade agreement, we're about to do it again, shame on us. ate least take care of workers if we're going to pass this legislation. i yield the floor. mr. sullivan: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from north dakota. mr. tillis: thank you mr. president. there's a lot of talk about the imminent decision on the supreme court ruling of king versus burwell and i'm going to get to that a little bit later in my speech but i'd like to start by talking about how we got here. i'd like to review what the americans were told as the reasons for obamacare. it was supposed to help the 50 million people who were currently uninsured to get covered with quality affordable insurance. everyone else, we were
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promised, would be left alone. remember that promise, if you like your doctor, you can keep him, if you liked your health care you can keep it? that's the first of several broken promises that obamacare has ultimately produced and i'm going to go through a few this afternoon. let's take a look at what's happened since obamacare was implemented and where we stand. most of the uninsured nationwide are -- and they were prior to obamacare -- working families. 71% in 2013. they either couldn't afford the cost sharing of their employer plan or their employer didn't offer a plan. those who got insurance under obamacare, too many of those were working families who actually didn't get private insurance under obamacare, they were ultimately forced into medicaid. which is supposed to be a safety net, not a permanent solution for working families. is medicaid the quality
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affordable insurance we all want for americans and that people thought they were getting with obamacare? i don't think so. the provider payment rates in medicaid are so low that many doctors refuse to see patients and participate in the plans. and i don't really begrudge the doctors and the health care providers for this because the cost of care oftentimes exceeds the medicaid reimbursement rates and the red tape that comes with it absolutely is destroying the administrative side of health care. that's why doctors don't participate in the plan, that's why the doctors are not available for the people that actually need good quality health care. it's not for a lack of investment though. states are drowning in unaffordable medicaid programs that eat more and more of their budgets at the expense of other essential services. states are throwing everything they can and then some at medicaid. but it is still unacceptable in
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terms of cost, quality and access. that's exactly why north carolina refused to participate in obamacare's medicaid expansion. i was the speaker of the house in north carolina at the time. it has to be a real solution. we have to bring back a vibrant, robust, patient-centered private insurance system. mccollumized for our state rather than dictated by bureaucrats in washington. my constituents deserve a plan that pays doctors fairly so that provider networks are big enough to ensure that people don't get turned away at the door. hurting more of our hardworking proud neighbors into substandards plans designed to be a temporary safety net is no solution at all. but that's exactly what obamacare has done. the president even brags about it. in north carolina, prior to the implementation of obamacare there was some 1.9 million of
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our citizens who were uninsured. who are these people? 10% are already medicaid eligible before obamacare. most of them were children. we could have enrolled them without ever passing obamacare. and disrupting and destroying health care for everyone else. about a third were people who were eligible for subsidies on the exchange. almost a half million. so did all those folks get help? it might look like it. after all 459,000 have signed up through the federal exchange in north carolina. but wait -- are those the same people the same ones who were insured before obamacare? it turns out that even more than that 473,000 people, had their plans canceled by obamacare. 473,000 north carolinians received a letter saying that
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the affordable care act has determined that you can't keep your plan. they didn't like it even though those who were insured were satisfied with their plans. and this is a nationwide trend. the associated press reported 4.7 million people had their plans canceled because of obamacare. there was such an outcry that the president by executive fiat instructed the insurers to continue to allow the plans for a period of time. so how many people lost their at this time it's still not clear. what is clear is that the individual mandate is going to cause problems down the road. those who lost their plans who will lose their plan are going to be required by law to buy washington-approved insurance plans. no matter how unaffordable obamacare has made insurance. again, in north carolina more people received cancellation notices for the plans they liked
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than have actually signed up for obamacare. between the half million whose plans were initially canceled by obamacare and the 1.9 million people who were already uninsured prior to obamacare we should end up with a wash. with no change in the uninsured figures for my state of north carolina. but actually we don't. the uninsured rate has gone down 2.7%. from 19.9% in 2013 to 17.2% in 2014. after the first full year of the obamacare implementation, so roughly about 200,000 people in north carolina. but were all of these people getting quality affordable plans on the exchange as promised by obamacare? hardly. the reason is medicaid enrollment. the majority of the people who the administration claims
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obamacare covered have been those who went to the exchange to get insurance but were then forced to enroll in medicaid. and when i say forced, i mean forced. the law requires them to have insurance. but the exchange doesn't allow them to buy a private plan if they qualify if they're eligible for medicaid. it shows them one option, medicaid. but wait, you say north carolina didn't spanned medicaid so how did this happen? it is true, medicaid enrollment for my state has increased 300,000 people, the biggest enrollment increase of any of the states that didn't expand medicaid. what that means is much of the drop in the uninsured rate is due to north carolinians enrolling in medicaid through the exchange. these were the same people who were eligible before obamacare was ever passed.
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nationally last year nearly 909% of obamacare's net coverage gain was through medicaid. a study from m.i.t. released in april found that medicaid enrollees received much less value from the program and the cost of paying for services. so far i've been talking about people who were targeted by obamacare. including the population of previously uninsured, as well as those who became insured because of obamacare forced them into the exchange. again, obamacare didn't really make a dent in our uninsured numbers, not to this point in north carolina. and it actually harmed many who were forced on to the exchange. it turns out that obamacare is an equal opportunity wrecking ball. it hurt the people it was supposed to help. it forced working families who needed quality affordable, permanent care into a temporary program that provides the lowest quality access there is,
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medicaid. obamacare took over and removed the insurance options the individual market for people who didn't have employer coverage, i should say leaving those washington-approved obamacare plans with increased premiums, increased deductibles and increased co-pays. you see, increased coverage doesn't necessarily mean better health care. if you can't afford your plan or you can't find a doctor, then your health care suffers. but that's not all. obamacare broke health care for everyone else. those of us who were supposedly happy with our doctor and happy with our health plans have been affected and will continue to be negatively affected. the majority of americans who actually have insurance what about them and their employer insurance? they haven't necessarily lost coverage yet but they have been harmed. despite the president's promise the lower insurance -- to lower
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insurance premiums, the average family premium employer-sponsored coverage has risen $3,500 a year between 2009-2014. in north carolina, during the first full year of the exchange rollout, premium price increases outpaced increases in wages and inflation, losing ground to the american or to the working family. even worse premium prices in the individual insurance market, a market that my daughter is a part of, the premium went up 147%. 147%. as a result of a plan that promised to reduce our health care costs our insurance costs. now, i know i'm not the only one who remembers what the president said about obamacare. he said that the average premiums would go down $2,500. the reality is they have gone up an average of $3,500 a year. all this leads to the problem of people having insurance they
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can't afford and they're not able to use it because their deductibles and co-pays are simply too high. between this group and the group of people now on medicaid who can't get appointments from a smaller group of doctors who accept medicaid, what you get is a dramatic increase in the use of emergency rooms. this is exactly the opposite of what the supporters of obamacare predicted. they predicted that emergency room business would go down. we were told that once everyone was insured on obamacare people would go to their doctors in the outpatient setting and not show up in the e.r. instead, people can't afford the cost-sharing the co-pays the deductibles to get an outpatient appointment, so they wait until their problem gets critical and then they go to an e.r. in fact, the kaiser family foundation reports that emergency room utilization is up significantly from obamacare participants. in a survey of more than 2,000
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emergency room doctors three quarters of them said the emergency room visits have risen since january of 2014. medicaid recipients covered under obamacare are struggling to find doctors who will accept coverage so they have no choice but to end up in an emergency room where the costs skyrocket. a spokesman for the emergency room doctors association dr. howard mell noted there was a grand theory the law would reduce emergency room visits. well guess what? it hasn't happened. visits are going up despite the affordable care act and in a lot of cases because of it. one of the most troubling elements of obamacare to me is the intergenerational well transfer from the young and the poor to the older and the wealthier. and when i say older i don't mean elderly and frail the population who may be on medicare. i'm talking about a wealth where
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welfare transfer from young people in their 20's to people like me in their 50's. i would never ask my daughter, who is about to start a career in nursing to pay for her mother's insurance or for my insurance. neither would any of you nor any other american. that's not how parents are wired. but an impersonal law that empowers an impersonal bureaucracy does not have the same moral compass as a parent. for example obamacare's mandates subject the premiums for young people to keep premiums down for older people like me. i'm not sure children or grandchildren is a winning talking point. so supporters of the bill try to hide the truth in washington speak. they call this age rating bands. another talking point that tends to fly -- or not fly too well with folks is let's kick seniors off of medicare advantage plans.
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that's exactly what happened in north carolina. many of you that know about medicare advantage plans know it's very important and very cop larry among seniors. in -- very popular among seniors. in my state last year, 57,000 seniors, more than any other state in the nation, were sent cancellation letters from the medicare advantage plans they like. many of these seniors were offered a minimum benefit plan with higher co-payments and higher premiums instead. all because of obamacare reimbursement for medicare advantage plans out of some bizarre but long-standing aversion to the program on the part of some of our friends on the sore side of the -- other side of the aisle. i've never understood it. does medicare advantage somehow give seniors too much control? stability? convenience? in their medicare benefits? i suspect my mom is watching me right now in nashville tennessee. i bet if you ask her that question she would say.
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and just when you think it's really bad realize that some of the toughest obamacare hits haven't even been taken yet. first the individual mandate penalty. the penalty for not having insurance increases next year to almost $700 per adult or 2.5% of your annual income, whichever is greater. this is a penalty that many people were surprised or will be surprised to see when they get their tax return and they're expecting this amount and it would be $700 or $1,000 less to pay for the immigranted care. if your individual income is $50,000, you will pay a penalty of a thousand. a family with two adults with an income of $50,000 will pay $1,400. and you add a college kid to the mix and the penalty is $2,100. a lot of people are in for a shock when they open up that tax refund and they see the additional hidden costs of
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obamacare on working families. that penalty however is still dramatically lower than the out-of-pocket costs of the obamacare plan. so we're forcing americans to pick between bad and worse. second the important mandate and -- employer mandate and penalty. the obama administration knows what the employer mandate would cost not only for businesses but employers and workers. employers would be forced to cut workers. they will be forced to reduce wages and drop employer health plans altogether and pay the penalty because the penalties will cost less than the mandates will to provide the care, and many employers simply can't afford it. so far people with employer-sponsored coverage have been harmed only by rising costs and shrinking provider networks, but they haven't for the most part lost their plans yet. the day is coming when the president can no longer delay
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the employer mandate and that is when the plans they were promised they can keep will be canceled. we will see a massive disruption in the group market where most north carolinians get their health insurance. premiums are going up every year because fewer younger healthier people are enrolling than projected. this was completely predictable. young people are no dummies. they know this is a terrible deal for them. as a result, insurance companies recalculate premiums based on the cost where people have actually enrolled. the largest insurer in my state announced premium hikes for next year. now, you know it's a bad thing when i felt better about the fact that our premium increases in north carolina were only 26% because in some states they were upwards of 50%. and there's more to come. obamacare relies on people paying into a pool to subsidize the sicker and poorer members of the pool.
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that's how insurance works. but virtually nobody is signing up who isn't eligible for the subsidies. c.m.s. released data yesterday showing in 2015, exchange enrollment is 30% below projections made just three years ago. and those who do enroll, they're doing it because of the lure of the subsidy. 93% of the north carolinians who are on the exchange receive those subsidies. that means that the plans are unaffordable without massive subsidies. those ineligible for the subsidy don't bother to sign up. that's why we've seen almost no movement in our state for uninsureds. obamacare is forcing employers to cut jobs and move full-time workers into part-time positions. new data show a decline in the average hours worked per week by lower wage employees and many more workers are just below that 30-hour threshold. 30 hours a week.
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i was at a restaurant in north carolina a couple of months back and i was talking with the manager. he said it's heart breaking for her to go and talk to a single mom who is able to make ends meet between the tips and her salary at 40 hours a week and tell her that she can now only work 30 hours a week because the restaurant simply cannot afford to be exposed to the mandates. now you have people who may have been able to make it on 40 hours a week, 45 hours a week having to get two jobs to make ends meet. i hear employers talking about how they are having to call each other to try to work out the schedules for these hardworking folks. now, the c.b.o. projects obamacare will reduce employment as a result of all this by two million, two million full-time equivalent jobs in 2017. president obama campaigned saying he wouldn't raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year. let's talk a little bit more about that. obamacare broke that promise as
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well by creating or raising 20 different taxes amounting to more than a trillion dollars in the first decade. several taxes directly punish families making less than $250,000 a year. the university of chicago economist casey mulligan modeled the macroeconomic effects of obamacare, and he estimated that the damage would be twice as large. he expects obamacare to cause a 3% drop in unemployment -- or in employment i should say and work hours and a 2% drop in our gross domestic product and worker income. if he's right the total loss in worker compensation caused by the president's health care law will exceed $2 trillion between 2017 and 2024. so now let's talk about the keene vs. burwell says that has everyone's attention with the
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supreme court evidently -- they will be in a position to issue a ruling sometime next week. the question before the supreme court is this -- did the president break the law by going around the will of the people and the states who wanted to opt out of establishing a state exchange like we did in north carolina? mr. mr. mcconnell:: would the senator yield for a very brief consent agreement? mr. tillis: i will. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i ask unanimous consent that notwithstanding rule 22, at 4:00 p.m. today june 24 all postcloture time on the motion to concur with respect to h.r. 2146 be considered expired the pending motion to concur with amendment be withdrawn and the senate vote on the motion to concur and that if cloture on h.r. 1295 is invoked all postcloture time be considered expired, all motions and amendments be withdrawn except the motion to concur with the amendment and the senate immediately vote on the motion
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to concur with the amendment. further, that following the disposition of h.r. 1295, all time on the compound motion to go to conference under rule 28 on h.r. 644 be yielded back and the senate vote on the motion to invoke cloture with a mandatory quorum waived. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection, so ordered. mr. tillis: well, the majority leader's timing was perfect because what i just finished was a very long list of broken promises and the fiscal disaster that we call obamacare but again now i want to talk about the keene versus burwell decision. again, the question is this -- did the president break the law by going around the will of the people and the states who wanted to opt out of establishing a state exchange like north carolina? i'm not interested in litigating this. i'm not an attorney. i'm a businessman. i'll leave it to the lawyering -- i'll leave the lawyering to others. when i look at keene versus
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burwell, i don't see a legal battle. i see an opportunity. it may sound trite but i see hope. the court may give us a chance of a generation, the chance to fix health care once and for all. we can't fix obamacare but we can fix health care. but here's the thing. we don't come up with some solution ourselves the press is calling on us to come up with a solution others are pressuring us on the other side of the aisle, but here's what i think we need to do. i think that we need to look beyond the traditional way of trying to solve health care to a new way and it starts with something fairly simple, humility. now, i won't read the definition for you but i think it is something that is sometimes missed here in washington. here's the solution. we take the power out of washington and we let the states do it. we give states who are closer to the people the chance, the privilege, really, to offer
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health care solutions that are local, accountable and affordable. every state's different. let's respect those differences. i believe the solution is one that will give states the flexibility, the funding and the control to decide how best to serve the people of their particular state. now i just went through the long list of problems with obamacare. it's been problematic from the start with higher costs lower quality, less freedom people losing their coverage. it's a badly written law and it hurts almost everyone. washington had its chance. now it's time to let the states decide what's best for their people, and let the people decide what's best for their health care. to do that, we're going to have to do something we don't always do up here. we're going to have to jump on this opportunity and work together republicans and democrats. the federal government and the states and find commonsense
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solutions that are truly patient-centered. that's the type of patient-first approach that will give patients more freedom more choice and control over their health care. that's what will expand coverage not bureaucratic power. that will promote genuine quality and innovation, and it's also what's going to bring costs down. i don't think our -- my responsibility is to my party. i don't think our responsibility is to the institution of the senate or the prerogatives of the federal government legislative branch. i think our responsibility is to the patients who deserve the highest-quality care. to the patients who want the best treatments for their children, to the nurses and doctors who deserve freedom to heal according to their wisdom, their experience and their conscience. to the businesses who deserve the freedom to design affordable
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coverage that fits their workforce. finally, i think we have a responsibility to the seniors who have paved america's road to prosperity before us and who deserve a strong, secure medicare program. the court may just give us the opportunity to firmly and finally reject obamacare so that we can deliver what everyone in america deserves: a health care solution. the law has not worked. it cannot work. and it's time we return the power of medicine to the people. it's time to stop fighting and start cooperating and find a permanent solution. patients deserve portability and affordability. they deserve the peace of mind when their parent or their child or they themselves are in their hour of crisis, that they can count on getting the best health care america has to offer because sometimes politicians in washington forget, health care isn't about systems or rules
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structure or even markets. it's about real people and real families and real lives. so my commitment is simple. our commitment should be simple. no one who has obamacare-subsidized care today will lose their coverage tomorrow. and we're equally committed to providing long-term state-designed patient-empowering solutions to deliver better long-term results. safe secure affordable health care in an improved economy. we commit every patient with a preexisting condition will be able to find affordable coverage. no caps on benefits. anyone can renew their health plan. that's our commitment. health care is about patients not politics. it is about doctors and nurses, not politicians. from the millions who have been affected, from the canceled plans to the higher costs we're committed to make health care genuinely personal and
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affordable. hardworking taxpayers deserve stability and peace of mind when it comes to health care. a temporary extension of subsidies alone will not be enough. it would just be another washington gimmick. it would not address the very real problems with the president's health care law. let's commit to each other republicans and democrats that we will show a little modesty. we won't assume we know what's best for every american. and let the states come up with solutions. we'll work together to return power to the states, to the people and really to the kitchen table where most health care decisions are made. i know what you're thinking. i'm new been here for six months. maybe i'm a little bit naive. but i've herded a lot of cats in the north carolina legislature and stepped up to serious challenges and produced a lot of results for my friends and colleagues in north carolina. i know it can be done at the state level.
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when policies are on the line that have a real impact on our neighbors, neighbors we have to face in the check-out line and the church pews. i'm looking forward to providing a solution to the health care problems in the united states. i'm looking forward to seeing bipartisan cooperation to deliver on the promises that we make here and fulfill the promise of fixing health care for our great country. thank you, mr. president. mr. hatch: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from utah. mr. hatch: mr. president we're now one vote away from final passage of our bill to renew trade promotion authority. one more vote and we can finally at long last send this important bill to the president's desk. that vote is expected to take place within the next 25 minutes. this is a critical day for our country. in fact i'd call it an historic day. it's taken us awhile to get there, long than many of us would have liked but we all know anything worth having takes
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effort and this bill is worth the effort. this is perhaps the most important bill we'll pass in the senate this year. it will help reassert congress's role over u.s. trade negotiations and reestablish the united states as a strong player in international trade. renewing t.p.a. has been a top priority for me for many years and as chairman of the senate finance committee, i am pleased that with the help of ranking member wyden we've been able to deliver a robust and bipartisan bill. it's also been a high priority for the senate majority leader. and thanks to his strong support and leadership, we're one step away from completing this important task. this bill will help farmers ranchers manufacturers and entrepreneurs throughout our country get better access to foreign markets and allow them to compete on a level playing field. this bill will help give these job creators and the workers they employ greater opportunities to grow their
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businesses which will help create a healthier american economy. the business and agricultural communities understand the importance of strong trade agreements. that is why they came together in strong support of this important legislation. we've heard from all of them throughout this debate, and i appreciate their enthusiasm and support. this has from the outset been a bipartisan effort, and i'm glad it remained that way. throughout this entire debate here in the senate, over in the house and here in the senate again we've been able to maintain a bipartisan coalition in support of t.p.a., fair trade, and expanded market access for u.s. exporters. this is no small feat, mr. president, and i'm appreciative of everyone who has worked so hard to make this possible. with this final vote, we can complete the work that we began so many years ago. but let's be clear passing t.p.a. is not the end of the story. it's just the beginning.
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as chairman of the finance committee, i intend to remain vigilant in our oversight as the administration pursues the negotiating objectives that congress has set with this legislation. and if they fall short, i will be among the first to hold them accountable. but that is for another day. today i urge my colleagues to help us finalize this historic achievement and join me in voting in favor of this bipartisan t.p.a. bill. if the vote goes the way i think it will today today will be remembered as a good day for the senate the president and the american people. mr. president, once we vote to pass t.p.a., we will then be voting to invoke cloture on the trade preferences extension act of 2015. this bill will reauthorize and improve three of our trade preference programs: the generalized system of preferences, or g.s.p., the african growth and opportunity
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act, or agoa, and tariff preferences for haiti. i want to take some time to reiterate why each of these programs is important. first, the g.s.p. promotes trade with developing nations by providing duty-free tariff treatment of certain products originated in those countries. the program helps beneficiary countries advance their economic development and move toward more open economies. it also helps manufacturers and importers in the u.s. to receive inputs in raw materials at lower cost. approximately three-quarters of u.s. imports under the g.s.p. are raw materials parts and components or machinery and equipment used by u.s. companies to manufacture goods here at home. the program expired in 2013. as a result, businesses that would typically benefit from this program have had to deal with high tariffs on these
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imports for the last two years. last year alone american companies paid over $600 million in tariffs that would otherwise have been eliminated with the g.s.p. in place. once we finally pass this bill, we will take a long overdue step towards solving these problems. the preferences bill also includes the long-term renewal of the agoa program which lowers u.s. tariffs on the exports of qualified sub-african -- sub-saharan african companies. encouraging them to further develop their economies. since agoa was enacted in 2000, trade with beneficiary countries has more than tripled with u.s. direct investment in beneficiary countries growing more than sixfold during that time. the program has also helped to create more than a million jobs in those countries. the agoa authorization in this preferences bill will improve on
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this past success. some of our colleagues here in congress have voiced concerns about the agoa program and the fall lure of some -- failure of some beneficiary countries to live up to their commitments. i share many of these concerns and we try to address them with this bill. most notably the bill creates a mechanism under the agoa program to allow for benefits to be scaled back if a country is found to not be making good-faith progress on eligibility criteria. we expect the administration to use this new tool aggressively. finally, the preferences bill will also extend preferential access to the u.s. market for haiti. as wee all know, haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. the haiti preference program supports the creation of jobs and stability in a country dealing with debilitating poverty and unemployment.
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i hope this extension will encourage continued economic development and democracy in haiti. mr. president, it's easy to see why these programs have all received bipartisan support. i expect that support to continue. in addition to these preferences programs the bill we'll be voting on includes legislation introduced by senators portman and brown to strengthen the enforcement and administration of our anti-dumping and countervailing duty laws. as i have noted in the past, anti-dumping and countervailing duty laws are among the most important trade tools we have to protect u.s. companies from unfair foreign trade practices. a number of utah companies do benefit from these laws which allow them to compete against imports that unfairly benefit from support from foreign governments. i'm pleased we were able to include this legislation in the preferences bill. finally also included in this bill is an extension of the trade adjustment assistance, or
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t.a.a. program. i think i've said enough about my opposition to this program here on the floor over the past several weeks. i won't delve too deeply into that issue here. however, i do understand that for many of my colleagues who want to support t.p.a. and free trade, passage of t.a.a. is a prerequisite. from the outset of this debate over trade promotion authority i've committed to my colleagues to working to ensure that both t.a.a. and t.p.a. move on parallel tracks. i plan to make good on this commitment and today will show that. that is why despite my misgivings about t.a.a. and with the entire picture in view, i plan to vote for this latest version of the trade preferences bill. mr. president, back in april the senate finance committee reported four separate trade bills. all of these bills have enjoyed bipartisan support and are priorities for many members of
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congress. i am committed to doing all that i can to get all of these bills through congress and on to the president's desk. and while the path has taken some unexpected turns, i think the light at the end of the tunnel at this point is very visible. once again we will shortly be voting to pass a t.p.a. bill and send it to the president. shortly there after i expect we'll pass our trade preferences bill which includes t.a.a., and send it to the house where i think it will pass hopefully without much difficulty. then we expect to appoint conferees on the customs bill which will get us closer to the finish line on that important legislation. needless to say, i am pleased with these developments, mr. president. i think they speak well of what congress is able to do when members work together to address important issues and solve real problems. once again i want to thank my colleagues for working with us on the bipartisan effort to
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update and improve u.s. trade policy. most notably i want to once again thank senator wyden for his assistance and support throughout this effort and on all of these trade bills. he's been a great partner and deserves much of the credit for getting us this far. i also want to thank our distinguished majority leader for his unwavering support even in the most difficult times. i also i also moo he had to thank chairman rayian of the house ways ans means committee who's been a key partner in this endeavor and of course i want to thank speaker boehner and the house republican leadership for their efforts in getting us through all the twists and turns we've had to take to get to this point. we also need to give credit to president obama and ambassador froman for their work in building and maintaining a coalition of support for this entire undertaking. ultimately mr. president i need to thaipg everyone who has supported our work on these
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bills here in the senate, over in the house and in the administration and elsewhere. that list is too lopping for too long for me to go through on the floor. i'm grateful for the work that they put in. i hope we can build on this success, mr. president a understand that we can find more ways to work together to solve our nation's problems. i want to also praise my chief staffer on this matter everett eisenstadt who with his vast foreign policy experience and trade experience has been nothing but a tremendous help to me. chris campbell, who is our chief of staff on the finance committee, has played a helpful role here and so has jay cosava, my chief policy advisor. all the rest of the stat staff
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that has worked on this -- i want to compliment senator wyden's staff as well. they've worked long and hard. we've had a lot of tough days together. hopefully it will come out all right. i can say without reservation that i look forward to tackling the bipartisan challenges that lay ahead. with that, i yield the floor.
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from south dakota. mr. thune: mr. president it's been said that there's nothing certain in life but death and taxes. well mr. president i'd like to suggest there's a third element that can be included in that saying and that's bad news about obamacare. because if there's one thing that can be counted on, i.t. i.t. the regular ref -- i.t. it's the regular leaflation of new obamacare concerns. the obama administration cannot verify if $3 billion of subsidies was properly paid. thanks to the government's failure to ensure that a reporting system was in place by the time the exchange plans went into in effect in 2014, the government paid payments to insurance companies without any way of verifying if the payments
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were correct or if the people they made payments for were still enrolled in their plans. unfortunately, mr. president missing systems are just par for the course when it comes to the president's health care law. i don't need to remind anyone of the massive break-downs that occurred when the partially finished kicked off two years ago. the president himself re-e. -- referred to last week as "a well-documented disaster." un. but as bad as these problems have been for a program that the president once claimed would make purchasing for health care as easy as shopping on ma does on they're just the tip of the iceberg. two weeks ago i came down to talk about the massive rate hikes that customers are facing for 2016. let me read a couple of the headlines from the first week in june. this is from cnn. "obamacare sticker shock: big
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rate hikes proposed for 2016." from "the new york times," "many health insurers go big with initial 2016 rate requests." from "the wall street journal," "more health care insurers seek big premium increases." from the associated press "eight minnesota health plans propose big premium hikes for 2016." from the newark star ledger, "premiums to jump more than 10% on many obamacare policies." mr. president, i could go on. nationwide insurers have requested double-dynel i think premium increase -- double-digit premium increases on hundreds of individual and small group plans. facing archl rate increases of 10% or more. around the country rate increases of 20% 30%, on the one hand even 40% are common. yet the president promised that his health care plan -- and i quote -- "would bring down the
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cost of health care for millions." end quote. well, in fact, the president's health care law has been driving up -- up -- the cost of health care for millions since its inception. the average family health care premium has increased by almost $3,500 sings 2009 despite the president's promise that health insurance costs for families would decrease by $2,500 if his law was passioned. mr. president, i could go on about obamacare's many fail iewmplets i could talk about the state exchanges that are failing or those that have already failed. i could talk about the individuals that lost their health insurance plans plans that they liked, as a result of this law. i could talk about the people who can no longer see doctors they saw for years because their new obamacare plans have severely limited the network of doctors that they can see. i could talk about the small businesses that are struggling with the costs imposed by obamacare or the fact that congressional budget office has stated that the law will reduce
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work hours equivalent to 2 million full-time workers by the year 2017. mr. president, i think every american gets the point. obamacare is broken. it's been broken from the beginning. it's failed to deliver on the president's promise of more affordable accessible health care and it's made things worse for american families. mr. president, the next few days the supreme court will release its decision in the king v. burwell case. if the supreme court abolishes out or faces out the obamacare subsidies, the republicans will take action to provide assistance to affected americans while we work to repeal the mandates that forced these americans to buy government-approved insurance in the first place. our plan will protect families while we move away from costly top-down government-mandated health care and toward a system that will actually drive down cost and increase choices for american families.
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mr. president, president obama promised that his health care law would be a solution to the problems plaguing our health care system. the last five years have approved that obamacare is -- have proved that obamacare is anything but. not only did obamacare fail to solve the existing problems in our health care system, it's created entirely new ones. and the american families are those who are suffering as a result. it's time for democrats to stop defending this broken law and start working with republicans to replace it with real health care reform that will lower costs, put patients back in charge and provide greater access to quality care. that's what we should be working on. that's what the american people expect and it's long overdue. mr. president, i yield the floor.
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nor senator mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from georgia. a senator: i ask to speak for up to six minutes. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. mr. perdue: i rise to speak about a fundamentally flawed law that is holding back our economy and limiting people's premium freedom -- freedoms when it comes to choices in health care. i'm talking about obamacare. obamacare was the creation of a democratic supermajority that crammed obamacare through congress without open debate by the american people. in the last five years since obamacare became law the american people have not yielded in their strong opposition. in fact, today more than a majority of americans continue to disaprove of this law and
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there's no wonder why. when i'm back home in georgia mr. president, one of the most frequent and sobering concerns i hear about is the insidious negative economic impact of this law. the consequences of obamacare are hurting georgians in many ways and millions of americans. first, the individual mandate is forcing people onto obamacare whether they can afford it or not. like my wife bonnie and i many people have had their insurance plans actually canceled, lost access to their preferred doctors, or were forced on to insurance plans that cost more, not less. in georgia aloafn, alone dozens of obamacare plans are spebted to have double-dynel iterate hiewks in next year with some people's plans skyrocketing over 60%. that's just unacceptable. second obamacare's employer mandate is causing small businesses to cut back workers' hours and in some cases businesses have actually stopped
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hiring completely. due to the 30-hour workweek rule inside obamacare many people are being forced to move to full-time or part-time -- from full-time to part-time work. this is devastating to families already struggling to get from payday to payday. without a full workweek, many moms and dads dads are juggling multiple part-time jobs to froir their families and try to save for the future. next year, for example 2.6 million people are in danger of having their hours cut because of obamacare. 60% of those individuals are female and over 60% are the young first-time workers between 18 and 35 years of age. third, mr. president given the growing analling population -- aging population, obamacare is contributing to a dangerous doctor shortage. the association of american medical colleges is predicting a shortage of as many as 90,000 doctors by 2025. another survey by the physicians
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foundation found that 81% of doctors described themselves as either overextended or at full capacity and 44% said they plan to cut back on a number of patients they see retire, work part-time, or actually close their practice to new patients. ultimately obamacare is raising costs, not lowering them. cutting cutting workers' wages not growing them. decreasing access, not expanding it and making it harder on the middle class not easier. while the sentiment of the supreme court on obamacare is still to be determined one thing is crystal clear -- obamacare is hurting people and our economy. it must be fully repealed and replaced. we have to -- we've got to stop allowing washington to dictate what's best for individuals and their families. putting bureaucrats between patients and their doctors between patients and their insurance provider and between
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doctors and the insurance providers is what created this catastrophe in the first place. obamacare was wrong from the start. we've seen the growing unintended consequences of this flawed law in its glementation over the last five years -- implementation over the last five years. we now have to choose a better course. and i remain committed to using every tool at our disposal to repeal obamacare. achieving consensus on replacing obamacare with a patient-based alternative will require diligence and robust debate. i'm hopeful that we can achieve that goal. i urge my colleagues to continue to work to not just fight against obamacare but to fight to protect the millions of people that are hurt by it every day. we can create a health care system that offers the american people affordability transportability and yes insurability. we can create commonsense health care policy that lowers costs
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and doesn't harm the economy like obamacare. and, yes we can create a bipartisan solution that helps people by putting patients first and getting washington out of the way. it won't be easy but it is achievable. it must be achievable for the sake of our kids and grandkids we must do this, we must get rid of obamacare once and for all. thank you mr. president. i yield the floor. the presiding officer: under the previous order all postcloture time is expired. under the previous order, the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate ality to h.r. 2146 with an amendment is withdrawn and the question occurs on the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate amendment to h.r. 2146. mr. hatch: i ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. the clerk will call the roll.
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the presiding officer: is any member wishing to change their vote? on this vote, the yeas are 60, the nays are 38. the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate amendment to h.r. 2146 is agreed to. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from south carolina. mr. scott: thank you mr. president. i ask unanimous consent that senator graham and i be allowed to speak for about five minutes, equally divided. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. mr. scott: mr. president -- the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. the senate will be in order. the senator from south carolina. mr. scott: thank you mr. president. a senator: the senate is not in order. the presiding officer: the senator is correct. the senate will be in order.
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senators will take their conversations out of the well. a senator: i would reiterate mr. president, that the senate is not in order. the presiding officer: the senate is not in order. senators will take their conversations off and out of the well. the senator from south carolina. mr. scott: thank you mr. president. i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of s. res. 212 submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate resolution 212 contending the attack on emanuel african methodist episcopal church in south carolina and prayers for all those injured in the assault. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. scott: i ask unanimous consent the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: is there
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objection? without objection. mr. scott: thank you mr. president. i stand before you today before the nation not as a senator, not as an elected official but as a humble south carolinian. the past week has been one of terrible tragedy and amazing unity. last wednesday night we experienced an unimaginable tragedy. nine men and women nine mothers, fathers sisters brothers, sons daughters lost forever. the hateful and racist actions of one deranged man has changed nine families forever. it has changed south carolina forever. charleston forever. but what we saw from the nine families at last friday's bond hearing was simple, was
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powerful and absolutely the best of who we are as americans. just a few minutes ago i was back in the cloakroom and i had the opportunity to talk to one of the victim's sons, daniel simmons jr. i was talking to them back there and i said is there anything you want me to share when i go on the floor of the senate? he said please share that god cares for his people god still lives. i was amazed. then he said with great enthusiasm and energy, a sense of excitement that this evil attack would lead to reconciliation restoration and unity in our nation.
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those are powerful words. it is with great sadness and amazing hope that our future as a nation hasn't changed. it has been changed because one person decided to murder nine. it has been changed because the response of those nine families has been so courageous. so inspiring. and if you permit me, i will
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read the names of it those nine individuals. we honor the reverend sharonda coleman-singleton, a beloved teacher, coach at goose creek high school. her son chris has shown us all what an amazing mother she was through his strength over the past six days. we honor cynthia hurd, whose love for education has been shared for over 31 years as a libyan in the public library system. we honor suzy jackson which at 87 years young still offered her beautiful voice to the choir and had recently returned from visiting her family in ohio. we honor ethel lee lance who served her church with pride
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whose daughter calls her the strong woman who just tried to keep her family together. we honor depayne middleton-doctor who dedicated her life to serving the poor and worked as an enrollment counselor at southern wesleyan university. we honor my good friend, reverend clementa pinckney, an amazing man of faith a great dad and a wonderful father. we honor tywanza sanders beloved son of tyrone and felicia, whose warmth and heartfelt spirit has kept us moving. we honor the reverend daniel simmons sr. whose granddaughter said my granddaddy was an amazing, amazing man. it seemed like every time he
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spoke, it was pure wisdom. and we honor pastor myra thompson, who served the lord with grace and dignity. she loved her children, her grandchildren and her grade -- great grandchildren. if you would just pause for nine seconds, a second for each one i would appreciate it. [moment of silence] mr. scott: thank you. in closing i want to thank all my colleagues in the senate and the house for their kind words over the past week and for the prayers that continue to come into our city from across the nation. we are charleston, we are south carolina and we are absolutely
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united and we are committed to replacing hate with love, pain with kindness and ill will and hostility with goodwill and comfort. i yield to senator graham. mr. graham: thank you. the presiding officer: the senator from south carolina. mr. graham: and i just want to recognize senator scott. we all know tim as a man of quiet faith. he does it when no one's looking, by the way. i remember being in the cloakroom watching a basketball game, which is consistent with me and tim's over in the corner with headphones. i said what are you listening to or what are you doing? he said i'm doing my bible study, very sheepishly. tim, you have been a great comfort to our state because you are truly a man of god. to the rest of you i -- i want to tell people in south carolina the senate -- we've got a lot of differences and we display them a lot. i wish you could have heard what was said to me and tim. everybody in this body has come up to us and one way or another
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said the most kind things. so the united states senate, we have had our problems but we're still a family. so thank you all from all over this country for the kindness you've shown during these difficult times. very quickly, i don't know how you can sit with somebody for an hour in a church and pray with them and get up and shoot them. that's something i department think we had here, but apparently we do. i just can't imagine what it takes of an individual to be welcomed in a church -- and here's what happened. he went to charleston with a plan. the people in the church had no idea who he was or what he had in mind, and he came into the church and he was sitting in the pews by himself and they invited him up for the bible study. and spent an hour with him. and he said they were so nice, i could almost -- i almost backed out. that says a lot about them. it says a lot about him. but tim mentioned something that i cannot get over.
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within 48 hours of having your family member murdered, they appear in a public setting looking the guy in the eye and saying you have ruined my life, but i love you and i forgive you. that is a level of love and understanding that can only come from some higher authority. i don't have that within me. so when it comes to representing south carolina, tim and i will do our best, but on our best day we're nowhere close to these people. there's no politician in america that can represent their state better than the people of mother emmanuel a.m.e. church, when they went to a public place looked the killer in the eye and said i forgive you, i am praying for you. i wish we could muster that kind of love for each other just a little bit what would america be like? thank you all for your kindness. i ask unanimous consent that the votes following the first vote in the series be ten minutes in length. the presiding officer: is there
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objection? without objection. the clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. the clerk: cloture motion: we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate, do hereby move to bring to a close the debate on the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate amendment to h.r. 1295 with an amendment, signed by 17 senators. the presiding officer: by unanimous consent the mandatory quorum call has been waived. the question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate amendment to h.r. 1295 with an amendment shall be brought to a close? the yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the presiding officer: on this vote the yeas are 76, the nays are 22. three-finals of the senators duly chosen and sworn having voted in the affirmative the motion is agreed to. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: could we have order in the senate. the presiding officer: the senate will come to order. the senate will be in order. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i ask unanimous consent that the cloture motion with respect to the compound motion to go to conference with respect to h.r. 664 withdrawn and that following the disposition of 12 the 5 the senate vote on the compound motion to go to conference with respect to h.r. 644. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. mr. mcconnell: okay, so let me tell everybody what that means. for the information of all
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senators this means that we will be able to process all the other votes on trade by voice vote and so there'll be no further roll call votes this week. having said that, the senate will be in session tomorrow. there are multiple committee meetings that are going to occur, but no votes will be expected tomorrow. mr. president? the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent that the -- following the vote on the compound motion, the senate proceed to executive session to consider the following nominations en bloc, calendar number 129 130 149 150, 151 152 154 that the senate proceed to vote without intervening action or debate, the motions to reconsider be made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate that no further motions be in order to the nominations that any statements related to
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the nominations be printed in the record, that the president be immediately notified of the senate's action, and that the senate then resume legislative session. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: house message to accompany h.r. 1295, an act to amend the internal revenue code of 1986 and so forth. the presiding officer: under the previous order all postcloture time is expired. all motions and amendments with the exception of the motion to concur in the house amendment to the senate amendment to h.r. 1295 with an amendment are withdrawn and the question occurs on the motion to concur with the amendment. is there any further debate? hearing none, all senators in favor say aye. all opposed say no.
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the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. the clerk will report. the clerk: house message to accompany h.r. 644 an act to amend the internal revenue code of 1986 and so forth. the presiding officer: under the previous order the question occurs on the compound motion to go to conference on h.r. 644. is there any further debate? hearing none all senators in favor say aye. all opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the motion is agreed to. under the previous order, the senate will proceed to executive session to consider the following nominations which the clerk will report. the clerk: nominations department of state charles c. adams jr. of maryland to be
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ambassador to the republic of finland. mary katherine fee of illinois to be ambassador to the republic of south sudan. mr. mcconnell: mr. president the senate's not in order. the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. the senate will be in order. the clerk: nancy bikoff pettit of virginia to be ambassador to the republic of latvia. gregory t.delawie toes ambassador to the republic of coast. ian c. kelly to be ambassador to georgia. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. the question occurs on the adams amendment -- the question occurs on the adams nomination. all those in favor say aye.
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all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the question occurs on the phee nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the senate will be in order. the question occurs on the petit nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the question occurs on the delawie nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no.
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the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the question occurs on the kelly nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the question occurs on the noyes nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. the question occurs on the wall nomination. all those in favor say aye. all those opposed say no. the ayes appear to have it. the ayes do have it. the nomination is confirmed. under the previous order, the
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motions to reconsider are considered made and laid upon the table the president will be immediately notified of the senate's action and the senate will resume legislative session. the presiding officer: the majority whip. mr. cornyn: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. a senator: mr. president? mr. coats: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from indiana. mr. coats: mr. president, i would ask unanimous consent to speak for up to 20 minutes in morning business. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection.
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the senate will be in order. the senate will be in order.
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the presiding officer: the senator from indiana. mr. coats: mr. president i understand senators have some business to wrap up, unexpected early out here today and i'm happy to let some of them finish their conversations. i do want to speak. i appreciate the unanimous consent request to go forward and i think probably this is the best time to start. mr. president, the nuclear negotiations with iran are now approaching a self-imposed deadline of june 30 just a few days from now. the negotiators chose that deadline when they concluded the interim accord six months ago and reportedly have been determined to stick to it. to focus their efforts. at the same time it may be the case that a brief extension deadline rather than a rush to a conclusion that would bring us to a bad deal is something that we ought to consider. senator corker has told secretary kerry exactly that. cautioning him that there is no
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need so desperate that requires either accepting a bad deal or yielding to unacceptable iranian demands. i don't necessarily oppose a short-term extension to reach a better conclusion or a better deal but i have deep concerns about whether that will be the case even if we extend for a small amount of time. i fear that the obama administration is not hearing the message the message that a potential bad deal could be in the making. and it raises great concern. i fear that yielding to one iranian demand after another in order to secure a deal is exactly what the obama administration has been doing in its negotiations. i fear that we will return from our independence day
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celebrations to take up a pending iran nuclear deal that neither permanently foils iran's nuclear weapons ambitions nor makes us or the world more secure. i fear that this administration is so seemingly desperately eager for a legacy will choose to define any iranian deal at all as a great success for diplomacy, no matter how much it concedes to iranian positions. in may i and many of my colleagues worked hard to impose a requirement for the administration to present any iran deal to congress. despite strong opposition from the obama administration 99 of the 100 senators were convinced that congress must have the ability to evaluate in detail every aspect of a negotiated settlement and how it is to be imposed how it is to be monitored and verified.
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that is our core task once a deal is presented to us. it is an immensely important duty of historic dimensions. i hope and pray that each of us will evaluate the proposed deal on its merits alone and what it would mean for our nation's security both now and in the future when the terms have been -- have expired. unfortunately to take up that duty and perform that task we will have to immerse ourselves in some of the arcane technical details that lie near the heart -- near the heart -- of such negotiations. i say "near the heart" rather than "at the heart," because the very central issue for me, and hopefully for my colleagues, is the nature of the iranian regime they're proven, demonstrated -- their proven, demonstrated ill-will by decades of murderous
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aggression and lying deceit -- that is the proven record of our negotiating partner. and all their claimed commitments will have to be evaluated in that light. however, evaluating the technical details will present its own challenges and we need to perform ourselves for that challenge. we need to take stock now of some of those details as they appear at the moment any deal is finalized. to do that, though, we will have to look through a fog of claims and counterclaims to see the outlines of something that is still evolving even as it remains in the shadows. but with just those partial images, i have some deep concerns. first, it now appears from public comments that our negotiators and especially secretary kerry himself are no longer insisting that iran come clean on its past nuclear weapons development activities.
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this has long been a central demand by our side as often confirmed by our negotiators themselves. to cave on this demand would be a fatal flaw and should all by itself lead to rejection of the deal. let me state that again. to cave on this demand that iran come clean on its past nuclear weapons development activities all by itself should lead to rejection of the deal if we do not achieve that goal. the international atomic energy agency iaea, has been pressing for information from iran about the past nuclear weapons programs for years. recently the iaea director general explained the importance of the issue this way -- and i quote -- "what we don't know is whether they have undeclared activities or something else. we don't know what they did in the past so we know a part of
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their activities but we cannot tell we know all of their activities. and that is why we cannot say that all the activities in iran is in peaceful purposes. the agency is not in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in iran and therefore, to conclude that all nuclear material in iran is in peaceful activities." the obama administration has long agreed with the iaea that iran needs to come clean on its past activities to create a baseline for understanding future activities under any agreement an absolutely essential standard that has to be met. the u.s. head negotiator, wendy sherman, who incidentally, negotiated the utterly failed
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deal with north korea as well told a senate committee in 2013 that -- and i quote again -- "iran must agree to address past and present practices which is the iaea terminology for possible military dimensions. we intend to support the iaea in its efforts to deal with possible military dimensions," she said. later she told the fsrc that in the joint plan of action we have required that iran come clean. these are the statements of our negotiators. these are the commitments that they made to the senate and to the american people, that these were the standards that could not be breached and if it wasn't part of the arrangement then we would not accept this deal. and so we're quoting here from the record of what policy and what conditions the united states has laid out before the
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iranians as if not achieved, a nonstarter of a deal. secretary kerry has repeatedly said that the possible military dimensions of the iranian nuclear program will have to be addressed and that -- quote -- "iranians will have to do it. it will be done" he said. however, i was shocked to read last week that secretary kerry told the department of state press corps that -- and i quote -- "we are not fixated on iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another. we know what they did we have no doubt. we have absolute knowledge with respect to the certain military activities they were engaged in. what we're concerned about is going forward" -- end of quote. first of all this is completely misleading. it is a complete, 180-degree
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turn from what had been committed to earlier. as a member of the senate intelligence committee, i can state emphatically that we do not have absolute knowledge of anything. that's not how intelligence works. and secretary kerry's statements suggest he may be misusing one of our most valuable tools of statecraft, perhaps a more concerning issue than the statement itself. if we did have absolute knowledge, of what the iranians had done, and have done to this date we would not have spent the past years joining with the iaea and the responsible international community to demand that iran come clean. i for the life of me cannot understand what secretary is thinking about when making such a claim. it is in total contradiction of
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a key facet maybe the key facet of this deal. and now suddenly we are backing away saying we know everything when we have for years been pursuing with the iaea to get the knowledge of what we do know and the iaea basically saying to us no, we don't know everything. there's a lot we don't know. in any case, i regard this new position as a blatant reversal of the key part of our negotiating objectives and a cap pittualation to the iranians, a capitulation that reveals perhaps how desperate the administration is to secure a deal any deal. the next point of concern is the type and pace of sanctions relief we seem to be dangling for the iians to accept any deal. this is one key point is that throughout these negotiations the administration has consistently argued that any
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deal would lead only to sanctions relief regarding nuclear issues but the fact sheet that the white house put out following the interim deal framework stated -- and i quote -- "u.s. sanctions on iran for terrorism, human rights abuses and ballistic missiles will remain in place under the deal." let me say that again. the administration put out this fact sheet following the interim deal and stating "u.s. sanctions on iran for terrorism, human rights abuses, and ballistic missiles will remain in place under the deal." now it seems this limitation was not good enough for the iranians. and we have caved again. yesterday the so-called supreme leader ayatollah khomeini, included this matter in his expanding list of red lines. he said -- and i quote -- "all economic financial and
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banking sanctions implemented either by the united nations security council, the united states congress, or the administration must be lifted immediately when the deal is signed." according to media reports which have not been refuted by the administration since they began appearing last month the supreme leader has won again. the emerging deal may roll back sanctions that had been imposed for these other nonnuclear reasons. according to these reports based on leaks from the negotiating teams, 23 out of the 24 currently sanctioned iranian banks will be delisted as sanctions targets including the central bank of iran. this is the revolutionary guard core dominated institution that was sanctioned because of its role in money laundering financing terrorism, ballistic missile research, and campaigns
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aimed at bolstering the assad regime in syria. removing sanctions applied to these banks will give iran hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used for their terrorism activities and regional proxy wars. these reports if true, constitute yet another reversal of clearly stated policy, and yet another capitulation to the iranians. number three. it appears the negotiators may be aiming at an arrangement to set aside the dispute about open free access to iranian facilities. we have long maintained that any agreement would have to give the iaea such access. stated over and over to us through our briefings by the secretary, by others negotiating this, what this means is open, free access any
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time anywhere. it appears that this is not now the case. we have long maintained that the iaea have access any time, anyplace as their spokesmen have often emphasized, president obama himself reassured the region's arab leaders on this point to gain their accept answer of the deal. -- acceptance of the deal. once again the supreme leader has stated emphatically that no such access would be granted and other iranian authorities repeated this red line at the -- that the iranians have drawn on the deal and we're capitulating to one after another. their parliament passed a law to this effect. it looked like an unbridgeable gap. khomeini repeated this position again just yesterday. some argue his declarations are part of the negotiating
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strategy. well if so, it seems to have worked. anyplace access for truly inspections -- intrusive inspections has been taken out. we've dropped any time, anyplace. the buzz word, the phrase now given to us is "managed access." i first heard that, i thought what in the world does that mean managed access. with this concept it appears there would now be a mechanism that we valuate requests for access to determine if there is a genuine need. instead of any time, anyplace, anywhere for any reason, in order to verify that the iranians are not cheating that has turned into now a request for a search or for access to at their time and their decision as
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to what the place would be or what the place would not be. this makes a mockery of the state of the original required demand for any -- access at any time at anyplace, access where needed when needed seems to be the new mantra. where needed, when needed, giving them plenty of time, plenty of time to make a decision as to yea or nay or remove from those sites damning evidence of their pursuit of nuclear capability. because of this issue of access is crucial to the issue of credibility, verification and compliance it argue ewably is the most important of all for an acceptable deal. those are boasting that this artful dodge is a negotiating victory. is there anything more we need to say about the weak and
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compromising negotiating strategy of those who are currently at the table representing the united states? mr. president, i have just named and spelled out three major concerns regarding these negotiations. but there are many other aspects of the apparently emerging deal that separately and together show a pattern a very disturbing pattern of constant retreat and capitulation by this administration in the negotiations with the iranians. i won't go into details of each of these but let me just run off several other issues of major concern. one, the clearly inadequate time frame for any agreement the sunset clause, is no longer a part of the negotiations. two, outrageously generous details of sanctions relief both scale and timing. the laughing, specious claims of snapback provisions, whatever that means once the
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sanctions are dismantled. the types and numbers of enrichment that can be retained by the iranians, the types of activities that will be permitted in the mosfet inside bunkered facilities. limitations on our ability to monitor compliance and the joint plan of action provisions that iran has already blatantly violated without any white house comment. my colleagues, once a deal is announced, it will be critical that we exercise the wisdom and courage to evaluate it honestly. my doubts about our ability to do so are aggravated by the public relations campaign we can foresee. indeed we have seen it before. when the clinton administration told us the nuclear deal with north korea was -- quote -- "good for america." i was a member of the senate at that time. i raised a number of issues and
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concerns about whether or not this deal with north korea was good for america. and i did not vote to support that effort. nevertheless the treaty was agreed to. the framework agreement with north korea as president clinton said in 1994 -- quote -- "is a good deal for the united states. north korea will freeze and dismantle its nuclear programs." north korea will freeze and dismantle its nuclear programs. south korea and our other allies will be better protected the entire world wire safer we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. the united states and international inspectors will carefully monitor north korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. only as it does so will north korea fully join the community of nations." that's what was promised in 1994. that's what was stated to
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senators on this floor in 1994. that we can count on the fact that we're going to know if the north koreans cheat. and police department we're not going to allow them to do that. how much -- how significantly this resonates now all these years later as we are assured by the administration and by secretary kerry that don't worry, everything's covered the inspections will take place, they won't be able to cheat, we'll know it if they do sanctions will come back on we'll snap back those sanctions relief, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. some members took a bite of that apple and regret that. i didn't and i'm sure not going to take another bite of that apple or no one else should view this current negotiation with iran without putting it in the context of what was done before. we've been here before.
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we need to learn the lessons from that. we now know that north korea possesses dozens of nuclear weapons. the ballistic missile capacity to deliver those weapons. we now know they cheated blatantly and we didn't know it. the so-called guarantee of verification was not accomplished and not achieved. so before making a final decision on the iran so-called deal, we need to learn the lessons from the clinton administration's agreement with north korea. the similarities between the secret negotiations then and the secret ones now are remarkable. in 1994, a key sticking point was complete access to nuclear sites and then, too we caved in order to get the deal. in 1994 the white house and major media outlets trumpeted a deal that would make the world safer, a victory for diplomacy over force and hostility and those who didn't see this as something that was going to be
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enforced were called warmongers and here's the choice, war or peace. some choice. north korea promised to forgo their nuclear weapons ambitions and though i could not vote to support president clinton's request, enough of the senate did to approve the agreement with north korea and now we know that they have between 30 and 40 nuclear weapons icbm's, to put them on and recently tested submarine launch mixes. another lesson is the time gap between the heralded diplomatic breakthrough and the revelation we have been taken to the cleaners. it took years to learn what we had really done in north korea and not done in north korea. the failure of a bad deal with iran will not be evident to most of us for years perhaps. perhaps even ten or 11 or 12 years, even when president obama concedes that iran's nuclear breakout time will be zero. in fact, touch a delay in the
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unlikely event iran actually complies with the deal is a stated objective of the p-5 plus 1 negotiators to impose a delay of a decade or so on iran's nuclear weapons program and that's what they will define as success. but we must remember this -- today's brutal unhinged nuclear-armed north korea is actually a product of misguided and naive american diplomacy. sold to the senate as something other than what it was. we now know that the agreement with north korea was not a diplomatic victory but a diplomatic and policy failure an absolute failure. my deep concern is that this time many will once again see the emerging deal as a great victory for diplomacy no matter what it contains. the utterly false claim that it presents a choice between peaceful resolution of a dispute
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and war as a consequence of not arranging and agreeing to a deal will be a central part of the discourse and salesmanship that will confront us as senators. those opposed will potentially be labeling -- labeled as warmongersers -- warmongers. it is good of us to remember something that was said by winston churchill leading up to world war ii. peace at any price does not lead to peace. it only lengthens the path to war. with far greater consequences in terms of costs and blood. so for us for us, we're going to have to stand up to those that posit the false choice between peace and between war. we have a more difficult
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obligation of historic consequence, looking to the following decade. such a duty must not be guided by party and must not be guided by politics, it must not be guided by deference either to the white house our own leadership or even our constituents. we must look at each and every detail of any agreement presented to us to reach a judgment on whether or not this so-called deal with iran will prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. then and only then we must decide on that basis whether to approve or reject the deal that will be presented to us by the president and his secretary of state. to do anything less, anything less than fulfilling this obligation and this duty that each one of us has, it will be a failure for us as a duty of being a united states senator
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with historic consequences if we get it wrong. my hope and prayer and wish and desire and admonition is that each one of us see this as something with historic consequences that will affect not only the future of our nation and our people but will affect the future of the world and so therefore we must give full attention and every ounce of our best wisdom and judgment in determining not for political or party or any other reason other than finding out and determining whether this deal is acceptable or not acceptable and make our yes be yes and our no be no, well reasoned and well judged and well decided. mr. president, with that, i yield the floor.
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from montana. mr. daines: mr. president this saturday june 27 marks
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posttraumatic stress disorder or ptsd awareness day. this marks a critical opportunity to remind people about the prevalence of mental illnesses like ptsd among our active-duty troops and our veterans. by generating more awareness we can help remove the stigma about ptsd and encourage people to seek treatment and in turn to save lives. ptsd is a serious problem affecting too many of our country's bravest individuals and we must do more to help our heroes. according to a study by the rand corporation, 20% of iraq and afghanistan war veterans report symptoms of ptsd, and of those only about half actually seek treatment. you know, our nation made a promise to our men and women in uniform when they come home in
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our time an service to our country, we will be there for them. we need to have the same concern for our service members' mental health as we do for their physical health. for far too long, we have been focused on the physical wounds of war but as many of our veterans know too well, the mental wounds also inflict great damage. i'm proud to serve as a senator for a state with a rich legacy of service. i am proud to be the son of a u.s. marine. one in ten montanans have proudly served in our armed forces making the treasure state home to more veterans per capita than almost any other state in our nation. according to the v.a., montana is home to nearly 100,000 veterans. 75,000 of whom served our nation during wartime. and as the son of a marine, i strongly believe we have a duty to ensure that the promises we made to these men and these
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women are kept. there's no greater honor or responsibility than fighting for our veterans. we owe them our freedom. we owe them nothing but our best. anything less is unacceptable. you know, i've had many conversations with the brave men and women who have gone overseas in the name of freedom and one of the many concerns they have expressed is the negative stigma surrounding posttraumatic stress in our military. for too long, our service men and women have attended a high mental health issues from their fears out of being discharged, and that is why i am committed to raising p. tsd awareness to overcoming misinformation and the stigma surrounding these mental health challenges. i'm proud to be working on senate bill 1567 with gary peters and tom tillis to ensure due process for veterans who suffer from mental health illnesses and may have been
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erroneously given an administrative discharge rather than honorable discharge. it helps ensure that active duty service members who suffer from visible wounds like ptsd and traumatic brain injuries, also called t.b.i.'s are not administratively discharged, putting their hard-earned benefits at risk. this bill is just a small step that congress can take toward ensuring the stigma facing ptsd and hopefully allowing more vets to seek out treatment for ptsd. in the last few years i'm proud to say our country has taken steps to make sure our troops and veterans get the mental health services they need upon their return home. more than ever our troops and veterans are seeking treatment seeking timely diagnosis, they are getting needed care, but we have a long ways to go. too many veterans are taking their own lives and unfortunately montana consistently ranks near the top for suicides in our country. one story from montana
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particularly resonated with me. in fact, it occurred in my hometown of bozeman. i went to kindergarten through college in bozeman. because on may 29, 2013, u.s. army private first class wade christensen took his own life. he was 23 years old. private first class christensen served this country as a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne division and was deployed to afghanistan with his unit in 2009. during an ambush, he sustained severe injuries to his face, to his arms. after his return to montana wade struggled with both the physical and the mental healing process. wade's brother matt talked about how wade's mood would change when he wouldn't be able to take his medication when the v.a. failed to give him the meds on time. i wish i could stand here and tell you that wade christensen's story is unique. unfortunately, he's just one of the many veterans who committed
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suicide in my state that year. in fact, between 2004-2013 there were 566 suicides by montana veterans. in montana and across the nation, too many of our veterans struggle with ptsd, they struggle with depression. and veteran depression not only affects the individual but also the loved ones closest to the veteran as well. the emotional toll on the family is immense. to have a loved one serve overseas only to come back as a shell of what they once were is difficult. ptsd awareness day invites us to address the larger issues facing veterans who are suffering from posttraumatic stress. we do everything in our power to protect our service members while they're overseas. we must do the same to address their needs once they return home. that includes reducing the stigma attached to ptsd and doing more to help our brave
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vets find good-paying jobs in that transition back into civilian life. now is the time to act and to work towards real solutions that protect our veterans here at home. they are an embodiment of the ideals this nation holds dear, and i believe it's our job to do everything in our power to protect them. before i end my remarks mr. president, i want to encourage everyone if they or a loved one is struggling with mental illness or ptsd, there's help available. you can visit they will find resources that are available for our veterans. mental illness is not something anyone should have to go through alone. seeking help is not a sign of
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weakness but instead it's a testament to an individual's character. thank you mr. president. and i yield back. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from delaware. mr. carper: mr. president it's good to see you this evening. i would like to start off mr. president, by talking about two subjects. the first of those is the nuclear agreement that our nation and five other nations are seeking to negotiate with iran. and the second is i'd like to do something we don't do often enough and that's thank some people some people who serve all of us, some folks in the coast guard. but let me start off with the -- with the agreement that we and part of five permanent members of the security council plus one, germany are attempting to
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negotiate with the country of iran. we are closing in, i hope, on a historic nuclear agreement with iran and today the united states the united kingdom russia china france and germany are hard at work. they're trying to hammer out a final nuclear deal with iran that will hopefully put an end to that country's pursuit of nuclear weapons. we have a key role to play in the fate of this potential nuclear deal. if the pief -- p-5 plus 1 in iran can forge a final deal, then the congress would have a chance to reject it by supporting to lift the sanctions against iran. it's my great hope that when congress comes back from our fourth of july recess, holiday recess, we will be returning to the news that the negotiators have succeeded in striking what
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they believe to be a fair deal. we'll then begin our job of consideration whether that deal presents the best path forward for our nation's security and the security of other nations including our allies. should this agreement come together, i will assess the final nuclear deal on how to implement three key requirements that were articulated in last april's nuclear framework. let me take a moment and explain these three requirements. first, any to inial to any final agreement must block iran's pathway to developing a nuclear weapon. the iranians will have to agree to measures that prohibit them from requiring weapons-grade proulx to enium enriching enough uranium to build a bomb and developing a covert nuclear program. fortunately, as part of april's nuclear framework the p-5 plus 1 agreed in principal to close
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off iran's pathways to a nuclear weapon. here's how: iran would no longer have a source of weapons-grade plutonium as the framework requires iran's heavy water reactor to no longer be able to generate the plutonium. iran would lose one path to build a bomb by being forced to reduce its current centrifuge inventory of almost 20,000 down to 5,000 units. moreover the remaining 5,000 centrifuges would be iran's oldest and least capable variants making it almost impossible for iran to restart weapons-grade enrichment activities. under the framework iran would lose its other path to acquiring enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon. iran will be required to dramatically reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium from 10 times to just 300
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kilograms. it will not be able to enrich about 3.7%. lastly the framework eliminates the ability of iran to covertly develop a nuclear weapon by monitoring not just the declared facilities but also subjecting the country's entire nuclear supply chain to inspection and continuous surveillance. if a final agreement makes good on these promises in a verifiable way in a verifiable way, then it will earn my support. so i've argued that a infaoal agreement must require -- a final agreement must require iran to dismantle its entire nuclear infrastructure so it cannot enrich uranium even for peaceful nuclear energy. this is an unnecessary requirement on iran, in my view. if that country agrees to these four roadblocks to a nuclear weapon then iran should be able to maintain an enare in.
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program producing only peaceful nuclear energy. that brings mae to my second requirement. in any final agreement iran must submit to intrusive inspections. if weapons inspectors for the international atomic energy agency identify a facility that they suspect of housing i will list illiterate nuclear activity then these inspectors should be granted access to these undeclared sites. if iran fails to grant access to the inspectors, iran should be in violation of the agreement and that should trigger expedited and appropriate consequences for iran. in the weeks since the announcement of the april framework agreement we've heard some contradictory claims coming from iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khomeini. and he has said that iran will not allow inspections of military sites.
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well perhaps the supreme leader is only playing to the hard-line domestic audience in iran. perhaps he is attempting to rhetorically walk back on the concessions his negotiating team promised to the p-5 plus 1 nations, or perhaps he's just not being honest. whatever the case may be, i certainly do not trust the iranian supreme leader, nor do i want my acceptance of a deal to be based solely on his record. to borrow a flaiz from president reagan a phrase we've heard in this chamber hundreds of times since i came here 14 years ago "final deals should not be predicated on the mantra 'trust but verify.' rather it should embody the mantra of 'distrust and verify verify'." it must have incentives in place to ensure that iran complies with its promises to submit to
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inspections. third, any lifting of sanctions against iran must be conditional on the iranians meeting and implementing core requirements of a nuclear deal. iran must prove to us that they are serious about following through on their commitments. if they live up to their promises only then should they be rewarded with sanctions relief. fortunately, the administration has made this a sticking point in the negotiations. as the president said upon the announcement of the nuclear framework on april 2 these were his words "sanctions relief will be phased in as iran takes steps to adhere to the deal. if iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place." close quote. additionally after announcing the nuclear framework secretary kerry made clear that the
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iranians will not get sanctions relief until they have implemented their obligation to the satisfaction of the international inspectors and the u.s. and these are the words of senator kerry secretary kerry: "iran has a responsibility to get the breakout time to the one year. when that is done and sutered by the iaea that iran has lived up to that nuclear responsibility and we make that judgment with them, at that point we would begin the phasing of sanctions relief." those are the words of secretary kerry. now, secretary kerry and president obama are right to insist on this point. they're right to insist on this point. i imagine this is one of the details still being worked out in talks. but if iran is serious about
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abandoning its nuclear weapons ambition -- i hope they are -- they must agree to take action before being rewarded with sanctions relief. mr. president, for two and a half years -- two and a half years -- our negotiating team has been working tirelessly to strike a deal with iran that strengthens our nation's security our allies' security, and the security of the broader middle east. whatever the outcome next week, we owe these negotiators a debt of gratitude for their service and dedication. at the end of the day however -- at the end of the day i feel confident that we'll reach a deal that blocks iran's pathways it a bomb, subjects iran to intrusive inspections and only provides sanction relief after iran takes action. if the final deal includes these three key provisions, then it will certainly have my support.
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moreover i think that if each senator who evaluates this deal on its merits, forts about the rhetoric forgets about the preconceived notion and considers the alternatives, then this deal will enjoy broad support in this congress. mr. president, i want to set these remarks aside now and before you took the chair as presiding officer i mentioned to our colleague who was there just before you that i had a two-part address. this is like a day/night double-header. the presiding officer: the senator has used his ten minutes. mr. carper: i would ask unanimous consent to proceed for an extra six minutes. may i -- would that -- could i prevail on -- >> the presiding officer: is there objection? mr. carper: i would ask the senator from --
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the presiding officer: without objection. mr. carper: thank you so much. i thank senator portman for his kindness. over the past few months i have been coming to the floor to recognize the work of a few outstanding employees of the department of homeland security. they secure our borders they secure our skies they respond to natural disasters they protect us in cyberspace, a few other federal agencies touch the lives of americans on a daily basis more than the department of homeland security. although the jobs they do every day may be dwerks all d.h.s. employees go to work with one critical mission: to ensure that our country is a safe, secure, and resilient place where the american way of life can thrive. today i recognize the outstanding service of several officers from the united states coast guard. as a law enforcement agency in one of our nation's five armed services the coast guard has safeguarded our interests on the high seas for over two
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centuries. thousands of brave men and women who honorably serve our nation at the coast guard dedicate their lives to its important mission. these missions range from maritime law enforcement to military operations, to search and reserve scaw and environmental protection. last month, homeland security secretary jeh johnson recognized three individuals from the coast guard for their valor petty officer max kameric, and petty officer chris leon, and petty officer matt war deny. standing on the chart right next me. these three brave individuals have each demonstrated outstanding courage in the face of perilous circumstances. acting selflessly and without hesshesitation to render lifesaving aid to their fellow americans. they were in the words of the
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coast guard motto semper powerless. always ready. i want to stndz my congratulations to these three officers officer kaczmarek leon and worden. these employees are an inspiration for me. i encourage my colleagues to learn more about their heroic stories. for the 42,000 active duty coast guardsmen and women the mission may take them to ports and waterways across our country and around the globe. for petty officer joycelyn greenwell, her service with the coast guard has taken her from california to hawaii to my home state of delaware. originally from cape canaveral florida, petty officer greenwell has served our country for over seven years in three different coast guard units and stations. she first spent three years on the high-endurance cutter hamilton in san diego california.
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while aboard the coast guard hamilton she was one of our many brave service members assigned to provide disaster relief following the catastrophic 2010 haiti earthquake which we all remember. in haiti petty officer greenwell and her fellow crewmembers transported clean drinking water to save lives. she received a unit commendation award for outstanding efforts in that mission. after a time in san diego petty officer greenwell spent two years aboard the patrol boat galveston home ported in honolulu hawaii. today she calls louis delaware, her home. delawareans and people from across the country and around the world are flocking to our nation's pristine five-star beaches. thankfully day and night petty officer greenwell stands watch over parts of the delaware bayh
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bay and the atlantic ocean. delawareans can rest assured that she and her unit stand ready to answer our call if ever we need their assistance. according to her superiors petty officer greenwell takes ownership and responsibility and is committed to the safety of the public. her colleagues say she always goes above and beyond what's expected of her. for example, in addition to her usual responsibilities, she received her certification as a boat operator coxsin in just one year. she demonstrated an outstanding level of skill and professionalism throughout the certification process. she's also served as a menner to to junior person l and assisted multiple shipmates in receiving their qualifications as watch standards, as boating team members and as coction since. her commitment to her team truly exemplifies the coast guard's core values of honor respect and devotion to duty.
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petty officer greenwell i just want you to know tonight that your service to our nation has taken you around the world and i know you'll continue to go far both literally and figuratively, in all of your endeavors. every day you help to ensure the safety of your fellow americans from the bottom of my heart i thank you for your tireless dead dedication tireless service to the nation. we say in the navy, "bravo zulu." across the department of homeland security, the employees who dedicate their lives serving and protecting america and americans, please know that what you do every day is important. i hope it fills your work with meaning and your life with happiness. on behalf of the people that we all serve together, thank you for your service. you know, sometimes you ask people what they like in the coast guard the department of homeland security, you ask them what they like, some people say they like more money.
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they like more this, more of that. what most people -- about half the people when the questioned is asked they say i just like to be thanked. to all the people i mentioned tonight and those they serve thank you god bless you. i thank especially my colleague from ohio for his generosity. and to the leader, to the leader. go to work, bravo zulu ogee the work done here this weefnlgt week. the presiding officer: the chair appoints the following senators to the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses with respect to h.r. 644, which the clerk will report. the clerk: senators hatch cornyn thune isakson wyden schumer, stabenow. mr. mcconnell: mr. president? the presiding officer: the majority leader. mr. mcconnell: i ask consent that following leader remarks on tuesday, july 7 the senate proceed to the consideration of calendar number 63, s. 117 the
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every child achieves act of 201567892015. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection sms. mr. mcconnell: mr. president i ask unanimous consent that on tuesday, july 7 at 5:30 p.m., the senate proceed to executive session to consider executive calendar 81, that the senate vote on the nomination without intervening action or debate and that following disposition of the nomination, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table no further motions be in order to the nomination that any statements related to the nomination be printed in the record, that the president be immediately notified of the senate's action and the senate then resume legislative session. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. mr. mcconnell: now mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the committee on indian affairs be discharged of further consideration of h.r. 53
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and the senate proceed to -- h.r. 533 and the senate proceed to its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 533 the act to revoke the charter of the miami tribe of oklahoma and for other purposes. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged. the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent the bill be read a third time and passed, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of s. con. res. 19. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: senate concurrent resolution 19, providing for a conditional adjournment or recess of the senate and an adjournment of the house of representatives. the presiding officer: without objection, the senate will proceed to the measure. mr. mcconnell: i ask unanimous consent that the concurrent resolution be agreed to and the motion to rereconsider be considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate.
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the presiding officer: without objection. the presiding officer: the senator from ohio. mr. portman: mr. president, i rise to talk about what just happened on the floor passing trade promotion authority for the president of our united states and for our great country to be able to get out there and expand market for our exporters. this is for our farmers and our workers, our service providers. this is a significant change because for the last eight years, the united states of america has been been engaged of opening up these markets. while other countries have completed these trade agreements, we have not been able to. so this gives us as a county the ability -- country the ability to open up those markets and it's significant. it will have a positive impact on our market. exports not only means more jobs but better jobs. so we'll see more jobs on average that are 15% to 18%
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higher pay better benefits and we'll be able to compete more globally. this is really important to get america off the sidelines. there's also a value of trade because it lets america set the rules on trade rather than other countries. and while we have not had this ability to open up new markets? what's happening. other countries have been completing agreement shutting us out, our farmers, our workers our service providers but also they've been setting the rules of trade. we want to set them because we're a country that believes we ought to have a rules-based system, that it ought to be fair that there ought to be the rule of law and that the standards that we have which are high standards in terms of getting tariffs down but also not being able to unfairly send imports into another country that those are upheld. so this is a positive step. what i'm also really happy about is that the after we pass the trade promotion authority for the first time in eight years and sending that for signature to the president which he has indicated he will sign, we then
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passed legislation with regard to trade adjustment assistance which is extending benefits to people who are displaced so that if you have someone in any particular trade agreement who loses a job or a company that's hurt, you have the ability to help them get the worker retraining money they need, get the help they need to be able to get the skills to find a job and to get themselves back on their feet. so the trade adjustment assistance is important. but within trade adjustment assistance, there was even something more interesting which is we included an amendment which senator brown and i my colleague from ohio, had promoted previously and this is to help all of our workers all around america. because it enables us to be able to have the ability to go after countries that send their products to us unfairly. meaning that they subsidize them which is not fair under the rules of trade. or that they dump them, meaning they sell them at below their cost -- also unfair. so this is a really important
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amendment. we call it the leveling the playing field amendment because as we're expanding exports which we of course should do because that creates more good jobs in my home state of ohio and around the country, we should also be sure we are more aggressively enforcing the trade laws that are in place international rules and our domestic rules. this amendment that just passed the senate tonight enables us to do that. so i'm excited about it because it gives us the chance to be able to compete. it gives the steelworker in ohio who's playing by the rules doing all the right things, being more efficient being more productive companies that are using technology to our advantage to be productive, not to be undercut when other countries dump their products, say their steel product their tubes and other products, structural steel into the united states of america because they want to get market share. we're going to be able to stop that with this amendment because it enables us to be able to not just file lawsuits against these
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countries but actually get them resolved more quickly. right now my concern is that too often with these trade laws by the time you bring a case and are successful at it you've got so many jobs that, in effect, although you get a remedy, which is winning a trade case and getting higher tariffs on that product, it's too late. so this is a really important amendment, the leveling the playing field amendment, and i want to thank my colleagues for supporting it. i know there were some concerns and questions about it and we've spent the last couple of months talking about it. tonight it actually passed. i'm told that that legislation is now going to go owe to the house and that -- go over to the house and that that will be passed in the house. i'm told that speaker pelosi has said today that she's going to support that legislation. this is the trade adjustment assistance legislation with the leveling the playing field amendment as part of it. finally, i will say as part of that t.a.a., there's another really important measure that i appreciate my colleagues supporting. it's one that i offered in committee and have offered over the years in committee and it's to help workers who were left
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behind left behind back when it was necessary for the united states government to intervene and help our auto companies there were some people who weren't helped. this provides a health care tax credit to those individuals who through no fault of their own lost health care lost pensions. this is when their plans went into the pbgc. this includes delphi workers in my home state of ohio. there are several thousand of them. it includes some steelworkers and other employees who were left behind when other workers were given their pensions and their health care. every year we have fought for this, we have now been able to put in an extension of the health care tax credit they desperately need. for most of these people, it's to provide them the ability between the age they are now say, in their late 50's, and when they get on medicare, a critical time for them to be able to have this bridge to be able to provide health care for themselves and for their families.
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the health care tax credit again, is part of this broader t.a.a. trade adjustment assistance legislation that was passed here on the floor of the senate this afternoon. again, i thank my colleagues for working with me on this. again, over the past civil years but also -- past several years but also with respect to the past several weeks with regard to this specific provision. again, that will go to the house now and that will pass the house has it is, in other words they'll take up this exact bill and pass it and send it to the president for his signature. this is another really important opportunity for us to reach out to people who are hurting today through no fault of their own and provide them the health care tax credit that they deserve. in the legislation that we passed this afternoon, we also did something else really important that we've never done before and that's to help protect israel from discrimination. we included language in the trade bill itself that senator cardin and i had championed in the committee and it's part of the bill that says that
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countries that engage in boycotts or sanctions or divestment of israel in a trade agreement with the united states of america would not be able to get the benefits of trade with us. we think this is incredibly important leverage to help protect israel from what's unfortunately happening around the world too often now which is a double standard. telling the state of israel that somehow you're going to be treated differently than other countries are treated. i think it's part of a larger effort to try to delegitimize the state of israel and it's one where the united states ought to stand up. people say well, why is this being done in the context of trade? because it works. it's an area we do have leverage. when i was u.s. trade representative, i had the honor to be able to negotiate agreements with various countries and one was oman, one was bahrain one was saudi arabia. in all three cases we were able to make great progress in that case of boy -- boycotts of israel by telling those countries if you want to do business request -- with the
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united states and have a free trade agreement with us, then you've got to treat all nations favorably. you treat countries fairly and don't discriminate. initially, they would say no, gosh politically that's too hard for us but after discussions and with the united states standing tall with israel, we were able to succeed in all three agreements. so i know it works. i've seen it. and, again that's in the legislation that was passed today here on the floor of this senate. i'm proud of us because we're actually doing some of this work on a bipartisan basis to help our country to help our workers to help our service providers, our farmers but also to ensure that these rules of trade are fair globally. finally, mr. president, i will say that we're not done. there is another bill that we were told would be part of this whole package. it's currently being negotiated in conference after this afternoon because we named conferees between the house and senate. it's the customs bill. and in that legislation, there are some additional provisions
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that i think are very important that we pass including one called the enforce act. and this is to avoid the situation where a country is told well, you're dumping product in the united states or you're subsidizing your product in the united states, you can't do that anymore and instead they find a way for divert that product to another country and still send it to the united states using the same unfair trade practices. we need to be sure that we are putting in place provisions that allow us to stop that diversion as well. that's what the enforce act does. that's in the customs bill, as one example. there are other important provisions in the customs bill as well so i would urge our colleagues to work with us to get that conference done as quickly as possible because the house and senate versions are a little bit different and be sure that we can come up with a way to resolve those differences and bring that back to the floor as part of this package. the final one in that package is something that's very important to manufacturers in my state and this is to enable us to bring products in from overseas that are not made anywhere in america under what's called miscellaneous tariff bills. this is something we've not had
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the opportunity to do in several years because there were concerns about earmarks. i agree with those concerns. we should not have earmarks. whether it's in trade or whether it's in appropriations or elsewhere. we have resolved that issue by not having it be earmarked under the definition we have in the house and senate but rather, have it go through the international trade commission, have them be the ones that determine whether a particular product fits within a miscellaneous tariff bill or not. this will help in terms of adding employment in america reducing the cost to consumers and making our economy more productive and more efficient adding economic growth. so it's another example of where once we complete this package which includes, yes expanding exports, which was very important. we had to do that today because america's been sitting on the sidelines for too long. we were losing market share for our farmers, on workers our service providers. we needed to get back in the game. and send more products stamped "made in america" around the world. that creates jobs here. that's good. second, we needed to be sure that we have a level playing field.
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that we work on this issue of current -- currency manipulation which has some unprecedented language and also the legislation we talked about today, the level the playing field amendment to make sure products are not being sold unfairly accident and -- unfairly, and trade enforcement and finally conclude the customs bill and that we conclude all these provisions which are so important as package to make sure yes we're expanding exports, we're letting people know they're going to get a fair shake. when they work hard and play by the rules in america, you are our workers are going to be told you're in the global marketplace, we're going to watch your back. it's important to me. it's important to my state. it's important to the people what sent us here -- people who sent us here, who expect us, yeah to set the conditions in place for more exports but also ensure that that's fairly done. so again i thank my acolleagues for the work -- thank my colleagues for the work that's been done today and i also urge
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my colleagues to work quickly passing trade adjustment assistance in the house and then passing the conference report on the customs bill so we can keep this package together and actually give our economy a shot in the arm and give american workers the chance to compete. and if they're given that chance, we've got the best work force in the world. we'll be able not just to compete but to win the global competition. thank you, mr. president. i would the senator yield back my time. my time. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from massachusetts. the senator from ohio. mr. portman: i've been asked to do the closing script and then the gentleman from massachusetts will be recognized. i ask unanimous consent the judge senate adjourn until 9 501-c:on june 5, following the journal journal approved to date and the times for the two leaders reserved for their use later in the day. following leader remarks the
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senate be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak ten minutes each with the first hour equally divided two the democrats controlling the first half and the majority controlling the final half. the presiding officer: is there objection? without objection. mr. portman: if there is no further business to come before the senate i ask it adjourn under the previous order following the remarks of senator markey and senator shaheen. the presiding officer: without objection. the senator from massachusetts. mr. markey: thank you mr. president. mr. president, june is alzheimer's and brain awareness month, an opportunity to join the global conversation about this equal opportunity killer alzheimer's. everyone with a brain is at risk to in fact contract alzheimer's. worldwide right now there are 47 million people living with
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alzheimer's and with other dementias and without a change, these numbers are expected to grow to 76 million people globally with alzheimer's by the year 2030. in 1998, my mother passed away from alzheimer's. that's the year that i created the bipartisan congressional alzheimer's task force. and the reason i did it was that it's very hard, as people who have an alzheimer's patient in their family know, it was hard to deal with this disease while my mother had it. but for me, it became something very important something that i felt that the congress had a responsibility to deal with. because for 13 years my mother
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just stayed in our living room, being cared for my by father. and my mother was quite fortunate because my father had been a milkman and the right arm of a milkman carrying milk bottles for decades is the strongest right arm you can have and so my father could care for my mother. my father could keep my mother in our home. but not every family has the strong right arm of a milkman. keeping an alzheimer's patient at home is a difficult task. and we just have to accept the fact that statistically while we now have more than five million americans with alzheimer's -- let me say that again. five million americans as we
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gather here on the senate floor, have alzheimer's in our country. but that's before all the baby boomers have retired. by the time all of the baby boomers in america have retired, 15 million of them are going to have alzheimer's. and like my family, someone else in each one of those families is going to have alzheimer's as well, because they'll be the family caregiver. so that will be about 30 million people by the time all the baby boomers have retired. whose principal reality in life will be this one disease. now, how big is this disease as a drain on our country? well this year we are going to spend in medicare and medicaid dollars $153 billion on
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alzheimer's patients. can i say that again. this year in america with five million people with the disease, we're going to spend $153 billion. how big is that number? well we're debating out here the defense bill for our country. how big is the defense bill to protect our entire country here and overseas? $560 billion. one disease alzheimer's is going to cost us $153 billion. by the time all 15 million baby boomers have the disease the amount of federal money in medicare and medicaid that we will be spending will be equal to the entire defense budget of our country. that is obviously nonsustainable
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we have to find a cure for alzheimer's. not just for our country but for every other country in the world. we have to be the leader. our caregivers are the heroes today, but even heroes need help. as the true neurological wasting effects takes hold of the next generation of alzheimer's patients, the cost to our society will mount unless we make the smart investments to treat and defeat this disease. we have an opportunity here in the united states senate to provide the leadership. for every $27,000 in 2015 that we are going to spend from the
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united states senate on alzheimer's out of the medicare and medicaid budget, the national institutes of health invest $100 in trying to find the cure. that's right you heard me correctly. we're spending -- for every $27,000 of federal money this year on an alzheimer's patients, $100 to try to find the cure. the n.i.h. budget has to increase it has to increase dramatically because in the long run, you cannot balance the federal budget if one disease in 30 years is going to consume as much federal money as the entire defense budget in our country. every 67 seconds someone new this this country develops alzheimer's.
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in my state of massachusetts 12% of all seniors have alzheimer's. we need a breakthrough in research. research is medicine's field of dreams from which we harness the findings that give hope to families that children will one day have to look to the history books to find that there ever was such a disease as alzheimer's. right now is not the time to cut funding at the national institutes of health. they are the national institutes of health, but they're also the national institutes of hope. and we must give that hope to american families that we can find a cure. we cannot cut that budget, we cannot allow discretion to come in and -- sequestration to come in and slash the budget again. in 2015, the n.i.h. has the
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buying power that is 20% lower than it was ten years ago. this is at a point where it should be ramped up 20% higher, not lower. this is a debate which we should be talking about. the terrorists call the people fear is that some doctor will call the house to tell them yet another member of their family has alzheimer's or some other tragic disease. we need to increase the n.i.h. budget. we need to give that hope to american families. and so that's why senator crapo and i worked to pass the alzheimer's accountability act into law. it requires the director of n.i.h. to submit an annual budget directly to congress outlining what resources are
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needed to meet the goal of preventing and treating alzheimer's disease by 2025. it's why my colleague senator stabenow and senator collins and senator capito and i introduced the hope for alzheimer's act which will allow medicare beneficiaries to receive comprehensive care planning services when they are diagnosed with alzheimer's. it's also why senator wyden and i included the independence at home program as part of the affordable care act. this program allows chronically ill medicare beneficiaries like those with alzheimer's to receive primary care services in the comfort of their home. independence at home allows teams of doctors and nurses to continue to care for severely ill medicare patients in their home, bringing the house calls of the yesteryear physicians
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into the 21st century. just last week some game changing data was released on the success of the first year of this program. we learned that when implemented properly the independence at home program has the potential to save $21 billion of medicare money over the next decade and at the same time it also improves the quality of care for medicare beneficiaries. this is a win-win situation. it is possible to design medicare so that it works smarter, saves money and improves the lives of beneficiaries. patients want to be cared for in their living rooms not in the emergency room. that is what my father, john markey the milkman was able to provide for my mother with alzheimer's. that's what independence at home does. it creates a program where nurse practitioners physicians, nursing homes are able to say
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we're going to help to keep your loved one at home. we will give you the help that makes that possible. independence at home is steering our health care system towards a focus of quality and not simply the quantity of care. as we build a future free of alzheimer's disease congress and the american people need a blueprint on how to be more effectively prioritizing federal resources to reach our goal. when america makes a plan, america can do great things. we need an action plan to cure alzheimer's and to care for those who suffer from it. in the 1960's, president kennedy called for a mission to the moon, and we accomplished great things. to make that happen. in the 21st century, it is not a mission to the moon, it is a mission to the mind which is our challenge. and we must make the same kind
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of investment in research that was made in the 1960's. we did not allow the soviet union to come nature. we cannot allow this disease to deaf state 15 million lives -- devastate 15 million people lives. it was first identified more than a hundred years ago. we now have to make sure that our legacy in the 21st century is that we have been able to build the momentum to fund the research that ensures that families in our country have hope. so i thank you mr. president and i yield back the balance of my time. mrs. shaheen: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from new hampshire.
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mrs. shaheen: mr. president last week i returned from three days in poland and latvia. i participated in the global security forum in warsaw, poland where i met with key foreign leaders from eastern europe in particular. i also visited u.s. and allied forces who were participating in military forces in latvia. for the first time since the end of the cold war the west is confronted by an armed aggressor who is directly challenging the principle of the europe shall whole, free, and at peace. european officials i spoke with see russian president vladimir putin as opportunistic as ready to exploit any vulnerabilities in nearby european countries. our friends on the front lines in central and eastern europe want more than words of solidarity from the european union, from nato, and from the united states.
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they want a more robust response and they want concrete actions to counter the russian threat and deter further russian aggression. the crucible for this effort must come in ukraine. with the revolution of 2013 and the subsequent aleks of president parishen co-- president pour cinco the people have made it clear their hearts are with the president. president putin responded by invading ukraine and annexing crimea and destabilizing the ukranian state. ukraine is a symbol of resistance to come nation in the same way berlin was in 1948. the ukrainian army has performed incredibly -- commendably under incredibly challenging circumstances, but it is no match for russia's military. however, as we witnessed
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throughout the communist era in eastern europe, military power is not the only kind of power nor does it necessarily always prevail. there is also the moral power of those who dare to resist. people like andre sakarov vaclav havel and leach walesa. they didn't command armies. instead they commanded immense moral authority. they stood for freedom and ultimately they triumphed. last friday at that forum i had the privilege of presenting freedom awards to ukrainians who embody their nation's courageous resistance and indomitable spirit. one of the awardees was nadia sabchenko. she has been well known in ukraine for many years as one of the first women to serve as a pilot in the ukrainian air force. in 2014, she joined a volunteer battalion to fight separatist forces in the country's east.
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nadia sabchenko was not present to receive her freedom award because tragically, outrageously this hero of the fight for ukrainian independence is imprisoned in a russian jail. at every turn, nadia sabchenko has been courageous and unbowed the embodiment of ukraine's die phiance of russian aggression. captured while fighting in the east, she was handcuffed to a metal pipe, surrounded by armed men and interrogated. asked who's fighting the pro-russian separatists she answered and i quote "all of ukraine." held as a prisoner in russia, she went on an 83-day hunger strike. appearing in a cage inside a courtroom, she refused to speak russian, she wore a t-shirt that displayed the ukrainian trident and she held up a sign reading i was born ukrainian and i die
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ukrainian. president poroshenko awarded her the title hero of ukraine and her fellow citizens elected her to parliament. but truly she's a hero to all of us who seek to restore a europe that is whole and free. i presented the second freedom award to the next -- dinet national university. last year, pro russian separatists seized the city and declared a republic. armed rebels took over the university the region's most press teddy roosevelt bridgeious college. they asked of the school's ukrainian rector order the rectification of the curriculum and destroyed any sign of academic freedom. rather than submit, the rector and core faculty members left the city and they transplanted the school roughly 20 miles to the left. this became ukraine's first university in exile.
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it's been a struggle to survive but this university has become a proud symbol of both academic freedom and ukrainian independence. mr. president, the attack on ukraine has not only galvanized europe it's also focused the attention of congress on european affairs like no other event perhaps since the end of the cold war. certainly like no other event since i have been in the senate. on a bipartisan basis members of congress admire and support ukraine's stand for universal values and independence. and congress has responded. in december, we passed the ukrainian freedom support act authorizing the president to provide defensive military assistance to ukrainian and to -- to ukraine and to tighten economic sanctions against russia. through the european reassurance initiative the administration has pledged $1 billion to bolster u.s. military
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deployments to increase our training exercises and step up our partnerships with allies, including the baltic states, poland ukraine moldova and georgia as they strengthen their own defenses. i was pleased to learn last week that the administration is planning to preposition tanks and other heavy weaponry in the baltic states and in eastern europe to support training with regional allies and to show resolve in the face of russian threats. these are all important steps forward, but they're not sufficient. within the transatlantic alliance and nato, the united states remains the indispensable nation. there's going to be a renaissance of the alliance in the face of the russian threat, the united states must lead it with our european allies. the u.s. must mobilize the alliance our european partners and international financial institutions like the i.m.f. to
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provide generous economic support to ukraine because no amount of security assistance can offset an economic collapse in keiv. we also must recognize that the challenge for mr. putin is not only geopolitical, it is ideological. he has mobilized a vast propaganda campaign against what he calls decadent western values and western style democracy. the united states, along with our allies, must go on the offensive to champion our values and our democracy just as we did during the cold war. we must develop a 21st century united states information agency and a radio-free europe style campaign to counter russia in the information space including in the competition of ideas and values. now, while american leadership is essential our european allies must also step up. nato leaders made important
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spending pledges at the wales summit last september. now we all need to make good on those commitments including increasing defense budgets to respond to russian threats. as we confront a newly aggressive russia, we should also take heart from the trans-atlantic alliance's remarkable track record of achievement, thanks in large part to american leadership. over the last seven decades, we have risen to every major challenge. rebuilding europe after world war ii maintaining a united front during the cold war liberating the captive nations of eastern europe and integrating them into a europe whole and free and today standing united against the challenges of terrorism russian aggression and a nuclear iran. the russian threat to eastern and central europe is very real. president putin is an autocrat whose pop popularity is based largely on his determination to
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reassert russia's domination over its neighbors but we have the means to counter this threat to support ukraine and other front-line states we need vigorous u.s. leadership in the trans-atlantic alliance. we need a robust mobilization of the alliance's military and financial resources and we need toen gauge vladimir putin aggressively -- to engage vladimir putin aggressively in the competition of ideas and ideals. our friends in ukraine are already in this fight. our allies elsewhere in central and eastern europe fear that they could be next. for the west to rise to this new challenge, the united states must once again be the indispensable nation. and i know that here in the senate we support that effort. so thank you mr. president. i yield the floor. the presiding officer: the senate stands adjourned until 9:50 a.m. tomorrow morning.
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floor. mr. wyden: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from oregon. mr. wyden: mr. president before he leaves the floor let me just commend the senator from rhode island. he has made a number of important points this afternoon but i'm particularly pleased that my colleague has laid out such a thoughtful way the
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implications of the pope's encyclical. this is very, very important as a major new focus of the debate, and i really commend my colleague. i suspect we're now on 101 or 102 in terms of -- 104. i was there for 100. i must have missed one along the way. but i commend my colleague and thank him for his commitment. he knows i share many of your views with respect to creating a fresh set of approaches as we deal with this climate change question. i look forward to working with my colleague. mr. president, today the senate is taking major steps towards a new more progressive trade pohat witoor the senate is taking major steps towards a new more progressive trade policy that will shut the door on the 1990 north american free-trade agreement once and for all. one of the major ways this overall package accomplishes this goal is by kicking in
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place a tough aging of enforcing our trade agreement and talking about the customs package with the effective leader today the senate is going to vote to go to conference with the house and strong bipartisan legislation passed by the chamber only a few weeks ago and it has long been my view mr. president vigorous enforcement of trade laws must be at the forefront of any modern approach to trade at this unique time in history. one history. one of the first questions many citizens asked is your there is talk in washington dc about passing a new trade law.
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how how about first enforcing the laws that are on the books. this this has been an area that i long have sought to change and we are beginning to do this with this legislation. for me this goes back to the days when i chaired the senate finance subcommittee on international trade and competitiveness and saw such widespread cheating such widespread flouting of trade laws that my staff and i set up a sting operation, set up a sting operation to check -- to catch the cheats, and affect almost inviting these people to try to use a website to evade the law and they came out of nowhere because they said that cheating has gotten pretty easy.
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let's sign up. and we caught a lot of people. so we have said from that time on we were going to make sure that any new trade legislation took right at the center and approach that would protect hard-working americans from the midst of trade sheets. in fact the core of the bipartisan legislation that heads in the conference is a jobs bill, a jobs bill a jobs bill that will protect american workers and our exporters from those kind of ripoffs by those who would flout the trade laws. the fact is mr. pres., when president, when you finally get tough enforcement of our trade laws it is a jobs bill a true jobs bill because you are doing a
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better job of enforcing the laws that protect the jobs, the good paying jobs of american workers. the enforcement by osmosis. real teeth in it. the whole post of complicated schemes and they bully american businesses and undercut workers. so what we said bipartisan basis that the name of the game would be to stay on in front fron of these unfair trade practices that cost workers
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good paying jobs. my colleagues and i believe believe that the senate has offered now the right plan to fight back against the trade change. it really starts with what is called the enforce act which is a proposal i first offered years ago that will give our customs agency more tools to crack down on cheaters. we have a bipartisan bicameral agreement on the need for an unfair trailer. that is another major upgrade that responds response to what we heard companies and labor folks say again and again the trade enforcement get there too late. the plant is close jobs are gone, hopes and hopes and dreams of working families are shattered we're going to start using the data and the
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information that we have that have a real trailer so that we can spot what is coming up. communities are working families how we tackle enforcement trade laws. my view is that any bill that comes out of that enforcement conference the customs conference needs to reflect important american priorities, and that should certainly include smart projection of our environment treasures. when our trade agreements establish rules on environmental protection they have got to be enforced with the same vigor as the rules that knocked down barriers for businesses
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overseas. colleagues from colorado offered in my view a very constructive proposal that will accomplish this important goal, overwhelmingly agreed to by the finance committee and passed by the senate and i would like to note that much of the good work done by senator bennett knows what my colleague in the other body is doing as well. it is my view command that is why it was important to here from senator whitehouse that climate change is one of the premier challenges of our time and it time commanded is critical to make sure that this enforcement package sends the right message on environmental issues and whether the issue at hand is climate change fisheries or conservation this package, the package that we are going to be dealing with
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in the customs conference strikes the right balance for the environment. i also want to take a moment to build on what is this yesterday with the respect to the democratic priorities of my colleagues. this stems from an important.made by our colleague north dakota and operators of clicks on clicks hello priorities with respect to enforcing the customs laws. so after the pro- trade democrats met on monday night i talked to chairman ryan respect to these issues and we intend to champion provisions by sen.
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shaheen which is going to help our small businesses take full advantage of trade. a lot trade. a lot of people say trade bills are for the big guy. the big eyes of the ones who will benefit. i have always thought the guys who take care of themselves, lots of people to stand up for them. but the senator said particularly important in my home state sen. shaheen is saying that she is going to make sure as part of the enforcement effort we beef up the effort to help small businesses, particularly at the state level not the federal level, the state level promote these efforts to have more market for small businesses and the export field. in addition to senator shaheen's amendment, as far
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as those customs markers are concerned we will make the environment protection provision that i just described offered by senator been the priority in senator cantwell trade enforcement. and i am hopeful about the trade enforcement to respond and suffice it to say there is interest on both sides of the aisle because there is an awareness that you can have some trade laws. you're going to need some resources in order to make sure they are implemented. the trade enforcement trust fund is another important priority and one that the pro- trade democrats of said would be part of our short list in terms of our customs markers. so as i noted mr. president: i have town meetings at home i do find that people say everyone in washington talks
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about nuance new proposals trade ideas, trade ideas enforce the laws on the books first. and it has been too hard in the past for our businesses, particularly small businesses to get the enforcement that matters enforcement is key this serves as a real deterrent to cheating. so this legislation is our chance to demonstrate the strengthening trade enforcement that will now be an integral part of a modern approach to trade that says we are not part of the 1990s on trade 1990s on trade
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where no one has websites and iphones and the like. we have a modern trade policy with a centerpiece enforcing trade laws. policies would give american trade enforcement the tools they need to fight on the house of american jobs american workers and stop the trade chiefs who seek to undercut them. i strongly urge my colleagues to vote yes later today on the motion to his den -- to send the enforceability congress and work on a bipartisan basis as we did in the finance committee to put strong trade enforcement legislation on the president's desk. mr. president, i also would like your briefly to make some remarks on the trade adjustment assistance package. as we have said later today the senate is
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going to take a series of votes that again, speak to how we kicked off a new progressive era, progressive era and trade policy that closes the books on the trade idea of the 1990s once and for all. protecting our workers and protecting our workers and ensuring a more trade means everybody has an opportunity the package of legislation under debate expands and extends the support system for american workers called trade adjustment systems. this program dates back to the days of president kennedy. pres. kennedy, during. president kennedy, during his push for the trade expansion act of 1962 called it, and i quote a program to afford time for american
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initiative, american adaptability, and american resiliency to assert themselves. since since then this program has been extended by republican and democratic presidents. including 3000 oregonians who receive job training and financial support. the heart of it is to provide a springboard to new opportunities and it guarantees the guarantees that workers and their families don't get knocked off stride when times are tough. in my view it is a core element of what i call trade done right. and as i noted yesterday mr. pres., tim nesbitt the the former past president of the oregon afl-cio
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essentially said that our legislation was a blueprint for trade done right. now, for a year and a half the trade adjustment assistance program has been running it redo strengths but that is going to change once this legislation becomes law. defending for trade adjustment assistance goes back up to a level that will cover everybody who qualifies. once again, service workers will be eligible for the program because in today's economy they are facing competition from overseas as well. trade adjustment assistance will take into account competition from anywhere in the world not just from our trade agreement partners no
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no no no next line five hard and what were negotiations that really lasted well over six months with the chairman. i believe these changes are going to make a big difference for workers across our nation following tough times. if china manages to war and manufacture away from the united states now those workers would be covered. new line the chance to learn new skills though whether along with trade adjustment assistance this legislation will reinstate the health coverage past credit that will expire at the end of
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last year. the majority of workers in this country, tens of millions of middle-class people and their families get health insurance through their employer. the health coverage tax credit guarantees that workers and families affected. the still the still be able to see the dr.. they are going to face colossal medical bills with the threat of bankruptcy they get protection, and they get it until they are back on their feet. i'm in the process of bringing this legislation together. my together. my friend and colleague on the finance committee offered a proposal that goes a long way in my view to strengthening our enforcement of key trade laws called leveling the
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playing field. i urge the senate majority leader to include this legislation in the taa bill but because it is a good policy and a sign that a sign that both parties are working on issues that are logical bipartisan priorities, level the priorities, level the playing field and i can say this. if you look at the senate finance committee file leveling the playing field was a top priority for those in the unions, the steel unions and others and it was also a top priority for the company. so having this policy in the trade adjustment assistance is exactly the kind of bipartisan work the american people want done. business, labor, democrats republicans, a strong record of evidence as to why it's needed.
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this will be the difference between steelworkers being on the job were being laid off because it ensures the remedy will be available to workers and their company's earlier in the more comprehensively. it will protect it will protect jobs as a priority of both political parties. i made mention how important this was to me. my first hearing was on trade enforcement. we could have talked about exports. usually important
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to my state. we could have talked about the fact that the trade law has not kept up with the digital age hugely important. my first hearing was going to be on trade enforcement. my good friend from the steelworkers together with us steel chairman spoke at length about how american workers wanted to see the senate and finance committee stand up and fixed the shortcomings in trade remedy laws. that is what we have done now. getting behind the proposal. the stop unfair trade so that foreign companies do not undercut american workers and manufacturers. it ought to be an american priority. she has brought this up is brought this up again and
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again and again. i said quite some time ago that we were not going to let this package become law without leveling the playing field offered by senator brown at the outset and that is going to be the case and i thank him for his work. the three programs: the trade adjustment assistance program, leveling the playing field and are now moving through the senate alongside legislation that creates new economic opportunities for impoverished countries in africa and other places around the world. the trade package royston the biggest of these programs. i am a strong believer. the stronger economic future for so many around the world he worked hard to find ways
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to strengthen. to find ways to strengthen it and send it for another decade. the committee came together on a bipartisan basis to make smart improvements. once again improvements. once again you see the value of a progressive trade policy. my colleague on the side of the aisle from our friend senator isakson on the other side of the aisle this is why our country is all about and creating opportunities and impoverished parts of the world. the core american priority, hearts and minds around the world hoping that we will have this kind of.
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i will close and this will be my last comment for all who want american workers getting behind these programs is an ideal way to do it it reaffirms america's commitment to american initiative and i encourage
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all our colleagues to vote yes to support the important program only vote lead today clicks we have argued against trade promotion authority for months. it should not pave the way for a trade deal. it looks like it will be more of the same corporate handouts and corporate sellouts. we saw it with the social american free trade agreement where president bush had to get woken up in the middle of the night and get on the phone with
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republican member after republican member to get them to change their votes on fast track so that he can get the central american free trade agreement which he sold in the name of counterterrorism. we sought with the south korean trade agreement. made promises on promises of more job creation and higher wages. they promises and bad results on trade issue after trade issue after british after trade issue. in essence what we're saying in his body with this boat within the the hour or so is very willing to give up these polymers to the executive branch to give more of the same. they don't work for small businesses.
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therefore with fast-track means it is more critical than ever that we protect congress' prerogative to have a say on a deal that could offset 40 percent of the world economy. members members on both sides of the aisle in both sides of this debate supporters and opponents republicans and democrats, a good mix of each has had conversations with me and many others about how this deal is too secretive and have had conversations about how this -- how the us trade representative is not answering the concerns of members come even supporters of pta pta supporters of tpp on issues like currency,
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worker protection, worker rights and issues like tobacco and issues like public health. we need to make sure starting today that is the deal we will vote on later the next is what happens with the transpacific partnership. so we hope that of china happens there is vote of confidence. we need to make sure that any deal with the transpacific partnership includes a strong labor protections always they promises about labor protections, never any protections, never any
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president yet delivering on labor protections are particularly concerned about vietnam the large country of tens of millions even though they don't have free trade unions don't have the collective bargaining weather is tp aortic trans pacific partnership, vietnam reach these levels reach these ways levels beginning to reach collective bargaining and free trade unionism prior to his submission. we need to figure this questions out never much on the delivery side of these promises. promises. we want to see strong
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currency provisions. they promises the tpp little results in the past we need to make sure we protect medicare and medicaid for investors dispute resolution preserve access to medicines. medicine in the developing world, citizens in the developing world simply cannot afford the high cost of western medicine. americans much of the time can afford the high cost of medicine, and we are an absolute country. when country. when you look at tpp countries in south america and asia they can afford them even less. strong preservation of access and we need to include protections that prevent this deal from being a tool for big tobacco. perhaps the simplest perhaps the simplest understand, one
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of the most troubling because of its moral bankruptcy that this body is about to vote for fast-track legislation which if we don't stop this train from going down the track which is seems to be heading that we are handing big tobacco even more power to addicted children to tobacco in a developing world. countries that do not have nearly the public health system we do countries that don't have the affluence to be able to fight back against big tobacco we have been pretty successful in protecting our children. where is the right-hand, pledged to tell the truth and then out and out lie to the committee about nicotine in cigarettes.
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these same tobacco companies pledge that they would no longer put billboards in his clearance place to hand out sample packages of cigarettes, pledged that they would do that they would stop their joe camel promotions, those kinds of emotions. no billboards near high school. these tobacco companies when they go to the room and
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elder poisons than a public health is not fighting cholera, fighting aids fighting malaria, fighting tuberculosis. it'll have the public health to fight big tobacco. using this trade agreement under my public health. protecting their citizens from the massive health risks. a tool for defeating common sense. sense. how could that happen? why would a trade deal be a vehicle to weaken antitobacco laws that protect children especially against addictive tobacco.
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here is here is how it happens. using the trade agreement provision to attack a nation's public health law. they undermine investments. there are several, australia past that many years ago. the tobacco plain packaging act. they opposed it and asturian legislature. they lobbied against it, unsuccessful from the australian legislature consumer protection anti-addicting children anti- addicting children tobacco logic in 2,011. then they seated and went to the australian supreme court big tobacco lost the case. this was pretty clever. they pay the lawyers a lot of money. they challenge they challenge this new law under
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the australian hong kong bilateral investment treaty and a wto dispute settlement proceeding meaning even australian courts made up of australians australian courts ruled in favor of this law. there legislature passed it, supreme court said it is constitutional. big tobacco from the platform of hong kong sue the australian government saying that fundamentally that was going to undermine their profits. the tribunal the three-person trade lawyer tribunal that will hear this case are not australian lawyers must really has nothing to do with this case except to be victimized. potentially and i know the presiding officer cares about sovereignty for our country. this cuts across party lines, conservatives as much as progressives care
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about sovereignty and public health. but what we are doing is turning over the sovereignty of our nation of these tribunals that can undercut their sovereignty. sovereignty. tobacco companies have launched similar cases against uruguay and tokyo. cases like these can bankrupt small companies -- countries. forced to give up its tobacco labeling laws falling under pressure from phillip morris a companies philip morris companies whose sales are larger than the gdp of togo bowed under pressure which threatened the incalculable amount of trade litigation. here are us trade lawyers that threatened to sue a poor african or in some cases latin american government which once exercised sovereignty and protect children against potential addictive tobacco marketing, marketing that will lead to children being addicted to tobacco. they backed off because they cannot afford to go to court against the deep pockets of philip morris. this is big tobacco strategy
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litigate bankrupt countries into submission. we are facing his youth corporations using trade loss to blackmail countries. call countries. call it what you want. i thi rich country, one of the richest industries in that country represented by some of the most privileged, harvard-yale trained lawyers saying we're going to overturn your democratically elected law because our profits are more important than protecting your children in togo or your children in uruguay than protecting your children's health. that's fundamentally what we're saying. so a vote today since we haven't fixed this tobacco a vote today on fast-track is essentially saying unless the people voting for it are going to go to bat for a change against big tobacco fundamentally we're saying it's okay for big tobacco in the privilege of the big tobacco lawyers to go to court and choose big tobacco profits over
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15 and 16 or may i say 12 and 13-year-old children's health in the developing world. that's a rather uneven match but we ratify that with a yes vote today. we also have a responsibility to look out for the american worker who we know will be hurt by this deal. we know that while i may disagree with the presiding officer from pennsylvania over whether or not these trade agreements produce net jobs or what he i think believes, i believe these trade agreements produce a net loss of jobs. that aside people on all sides of this debate understand and have acknowledged that because of our actions because of what we do here in this body and in the house and in the white house, what we do here, with this trade agreement we'll throw some people out of jobs. we know that there will be dislocations. people will lose their jobs because of our decisions. so how in the world could we possibly pass this without first taking care of those workers who lose theirs? we people will lose their job
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because of our decisions. how can decisions. how can we possibly pass this without first taking care of those workers. we make a decision thrown out of work. we're just going to turn our backs. we lost her job because of our decision. it is particularly important. it is not just that we should pass the trade adjustment assistance. it is what we should do with it. i'm it. i'm disappointed the bill being considered today is minimalist significantly less generous to those workers and it should be. there will be workers who lose their jobs even if we pass taa. does not make the program available. disappointed the bipartisan funding levels that almost every democrat in this body is his body is cosponsored by legislation and a more generous level for taa. we agreed to it in 2011 that
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we are too far but for no reason at all the numbers are cut. i wish to expand eligibility here making it easier to pass but cutting the program by 20 percent. how does that figure? we are unwilling -- we are cutting a protection for a protection for workers that lose their jobs because of the decisions in this body. lastly, we have an opportunity in this bill today to once again support the level of the playing field and ensuring it gets to the president's desk every this will be the vote after the tpa vote. this this is essential in protecting manufacturers from illegal foreign competition. we cannot have trade promotion without trade enforcement. this should not be partisan. partisan. regardless how you vote, we must make sure deals are enforced.
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this will increase us company's ability to fight back against unfair trade practices, critical for businesses, workers who drown under a flood of illegally subsidized imports as the support of business and workers republicans and democrats. i want to particularly thank senators portman and graham and casey for their work in supporting this issue no matter where you stand we should all be able to come together. we cannot we cannot have trade promotion without trade enforcement, without protecting workers that we know will be left behind. we know that these agreements cause wages to stagnate cause factories to close cause imports to increase, devastate families and communities. this is a terrible mistake which we have made over and over and over and over if we pass this today. if we pass the tpa the same mistake we made with nafta. better results.
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the central american free trade agreement the korean trade agreement and are about to do it again. take care workers which responding to last week's shooting in charleston south carolina church resulting in nine deaths connecticut sen. chris murphy called on congress to enact stricter gun control measures. his gun-control measures. his remarks from the senate floor or 15 minutes. clicks thank you mr. president. we are in washington. it was a night honoring champions for anti-gun violence measures across the country put on by sandy hook promise an organization that has grown up out of the tragedy and sandy hook. a number of parents have become the organizers of an
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effort to try to learn from what happened and sandy hook and make sure that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. we got our two of our colleagues there. we we honor sent to have honored senator pat toomey for his work two years ago on the background check bill as well as debbie stevan now, sen. now, senator stevan now has been a great advocate for increasing resources. and as wonderful as it was to honor these champions of change it was also a night in which we were reminded about that terrible, terrible morning in december of 2012. we watched a short video of the news coverage and listened to the parents of daniel martin indwelling huxley talk to us about what their lives and the like in
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the years since the shooting and sandy hook. i remember the hours and days after the shooting feeling like i needed to be restrained about talking about the obvious policy issues to me that sort of tumbled out of the facts surrounding the tragedy. i mean,, this kid this really troubled young man walked into a school with a semi automatic weapon and shot 20 kids in less than five minutes. the gun designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible killed every single kid it hit. twenty kids shot and 20 kids dead. it seemed obvious we should have an immediate discussion about why this gun is still legal.
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it felt like the morning and grieving should take precedence over action. it took me only up to the first wake that i attended to realize that i was wrong. the senator and i went to every wake and funeral we could over the course of the first week. first i remember waiting in a long line standing next to senator blumenthal and remember talking to a sobbing mother telling us our child survived the shooting only because she had been sick the day and stayed home from school. all her daughter's friends are dead. and as we approach that family i remember struggling with what to say. my senior senator had the right words ready.
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he said to the parent something like, if you are ever ready or willing to talk about how we make sure that this doesn't happen again we will be waiting. the dead not pause more than a few seconds before he said clear as day were ready now. in the years since these mass shootings have become as commonplace as rainstorms the number of mass shootings has tripled tripled. after each one after each one the forces of the status quo, defenders of the gun industry phyllis we cannot talk about policy reform in the days after shooting. call those of us who dare talk about change in the wake of charleston sick. how convenient that at the
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moment when the world is watching, the country is asking themselves what we can do to make sure that another mass slaughter does not happen again the rules say that we can't say word. think about how these rules work. charleston happens ten times over every single day across this country. eighty-six people die on average every day because of guns. last thursday the families they mourned their loved ones lost. the day before on wednesday the families of angel and the leak and eric and michael kidd junior and
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thomas whitaker and roy brown and keep battle and ronald collins mourned the loss. and those were just nine. there were dozens more on wednesday were killed by guns. if you can't talk about them gun policy that you will never talk about anti- gun violence policy. on average 86 people die from gun violence every single day. even if you accept that there is never a bad time to talk about how we can end this carnage then we have to have the courage to take on all of the other ridiculous arguments about why we can't act. the first one is familiar. it was a former nra board
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member. he said the solution was to our more pastors and parishioners and churches so that they can defend themselves. so don't act. the problem is more good guys with guns equals less gun deaths the problem with that argument is that it is a boldfaced lie. study after study after study show that the more guns in a community more crime there is, the more guns more gun homicides. new evidence makes the case even clear. as states more clearly separate between those with lax gun laws and those who stricter gun laws we can look and see. the second argument is one i
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have heard from our republican colleagues in the senate that these laws they can't stop a madman. the only recourse is to close your eyes and pray. again these facts betray that argument. that we have states with loose and tougher gun laws we can see what happens over and over again research shows us jurisdictions that make it harder for better guys to get guns have less gun deaths. in connecticut john hopkins concluded leeward deuced gun caused by 40 percent. in missouri increased by
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25%. both studies control for the other possible factors influencing gun crimes and still found these shocking results. while the facts are fresh there is evidence of different set of laws could have not would have could have stopped dylan. he had charges pending for trespassing. alone alone neither would have disqualified him from owning a gun. what if laws were different? multiple misdemeanors a misdemeanors, a pattern of criminal behavior disqualified by farm or permit to carry law. maybe local law to know that he shouldn't carry weapon. maybe not.
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but if there was a permit to carry law at least i would have been a chance the law enforcement would have withheld apartment from a young man is clearly unstable as. even if you don't believe any specific law could have prevented the tragedy in charleston i'm not sure matters. separate and aside. separate in deciding the specific case-by-case impact of any law is the collective moral and psychological effect of nonaction. no matter how maligned congress becomes we still set the moral tone for the nation to become legal or something to morley out of bounds americans listen take cues from our endorsements and operations. that is why in my heart of hearts i believe our silence
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has made us blessed in his murderers. i murderers. i don't care an assault weapons ban or universal background check maybe would not have stopped the slaughter in charleston. we do nothing year for year our silence sends a message of endorsement of the killers. i'm not saying you're an conscious alignment but when all we do is rhetorical those on the french hanging on the edge of reason contemplating the unthinkable take a cue that we don't really mean it only condemn mass violence. if we did we would try to do something, anything to stop it and we don't. quite frankly removing one
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flag for one building in south carolina does not cut it when mounted as neither does a handful of retailers ceasing to sell confederate flag her finale. the title wave of sentiment to remove of the last vestiges of the symbol of slavery and racism is significant. that flag is quietly endorsed particularly in the south for as long as it has perceived to be a mainstream american symbol. it showed the people emotionally moved that they were inspired to action. that matters. but it is a but it is a necessary but totally completely insufficient response. that's a pretty easy get back. spending spending billions
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to make sure troubled young men get the help they need is hard and so is taking on the gun industry and listening to americans. walmart should be congratulated for but they still advertise an assault weapon online. did you know last year that there were at least 92 shootings and walmarts? sixteen people died and walmarts, 42 people injured. getting rid of the confederate flag is not going to help that unbelievably disturbing trend line. we need real action real debate real, honest policy. and it is not all that guns.
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some mental health law enforcement, a culture of violence and hate that we have become immune to. the rev. supported reverend supported things like expanded background checks and body cameras are police because he came from a family of action. his father and grandfather were both pastors who fought to and white only political primaries in segregated school busing. he was not just about condemnation. he lived his life to effectuate clinical change. that is nice. the sandy hook promised dinner five chatted with my friend. his son, daniel massacred at sandy hook elementary school would have just finished third grade last
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week. recalls a special daniel was had him just six years old. that kid who sensed when other children or hurting. his father told me how he would see the kids sitting alone at lunch with no one to talk to and go over sit down next to them make a new friend just because it was the right thing to do. that'll dale knew the difference between words and action. they understood that actions are what really count. the us gun homicide rate is 20 times higher than that of our 22 peer nations. eighty-six people die every
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day from guns. that is for sandy oates, ten charleston's everyday. since sandy hook there has been a school shooting on average every week. how on earth can we live with ourselves if we do nothing or worse if we don't even try? yield the floor. click south carolina senate delegation spoke about the shootings. this is ten minutes. clicks i ask unanimous consent i ask unanimous consent of the senate proceed to the consideration of s reyes 212 submitted earlier today the clerk will report.
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click's expressing encouragement for all affected by this evil assault. quick subjection? without objection. quick thank you. i ask unanimous consent. quick subjection? without objection. quick thank you. i stand before you and the nation not as a senator or an elected official but a humble self carolinian. the past week has been a while terrible tragedy and amazing unity. we experienced an unimaginable tragedy. nine men and women, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers sons, daughters lost forever
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the hateful and racist actions of one deranged man have changed nine families forever changed south carolina forever charleston forever. but what we saw from the nine families that last friday's bond hearing was simple powerful and absolutely the best of who we are as americans. a few minutes ago i have the opportunity to talk to one of the victim sons. .. share when i go on the floor of the senate? he said please share that god cares for his people
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god still lives. i was amazed. then he said with great enthusiasm and energy, a sense of excitement that this evil attack would lead to reconciliation restoration and unity in our nation. those are powerful words. it is with >> it is with great sadness and
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amazing hope that our future as as nation has been changed. it has been changed because one person decided to murder nine. it has been changed because the response from those nine families has been so curages and inspiring. he honor sheronda singlingeton. her son showed us what an amazing mother she was for strength.
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we honor cynthia herd. we honor susie jackonsonjackson, 87 years young and offered her beautiful voice to the church and returned from visiting her family in ohio. we honor ethal lancewho served her church are pride. we honor the woman who dedicated her life to helping the poor and helping students at southern weslen university.
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we honor reverend clementa pinckney. and we honor sanders whose warmth and spirit kept us moving. we honor daniel simmons whose granddaughter said my granddaddy was an amazing man and it seemed like every time he spoke with was pure witness. and we honor pastor myra thompson who searched for the search with dignity and loved her children and grandchildren. if you would pause nine seconds for each one i would appreciate it. [silence while pausing]
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>> thank you. in closing, i want to thank are of my colleagues in the senate and house and for the prayers continuing to come into our city from across the nation. we are charleston we are south carolina and we are absolutely united. and we are committed to replacing hate with love pain with kindness and ill will and hostility with good will and comfort. i yield to senator graham. >> thank you. i want to recognize -- >> senator from south carolina. >> i want to recognize senator scott. we all know him as a man of quite faith. he does it when no one is looking. i remember standing in the room watching a basketball game and tim is in the corner with
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headphones and i said what are you doing? and he said i am doing my bible study. tim, you have been a comfort to our state because you are truly a man of god. to the rest of you, i want to tell people in south carolina the senate has a lot of differences and we display them a lot. i wish you could hear what was said to me and tim. everybody in the body has come up to us in one way or another and said the most kind things. so the united states senate we have problems but we are still a family, so thank you all from all over this country for the kindness you have shown during the difficult times. i don't know how you could sit with somebody for an hour pray with them and get up and shoot them. i just can't imagine what it takes of an individual to be welcomed in a church.


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