tv Book TV CSPAN July 5, 2015 7:39pm-8:01pm EDT
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million dollars. judging from the sales of his new book he is going to be on a book tour for the next two thirds of ammonium to cover that if we went. but so that is it. we will -- i think we will be going to trial. and it is a free speech case commanded is an important free-speech case of the most important one and half a century. i called his hockey stick fraudulent. i described it as fraudulent since the year 2001 and the national post of international postal canada australia's national newspaper, the australia the australian, the united kingdom's biggest selling broadsheet the telegraph. telegraph. probably a lot of other newspapers around the world all the way to hawkes bay today in new zealand. anyone hear from hawkes bay? take about. go. really.
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[applauding] i think they are faking. they thinking. they are from the general area of new zealand. but so we would be in a bizarre situation if he won the suit that you would be able to say things in canada, the united kingdom my new zealand, australia about michael man science that you can't in the united states. and it was the intention of the framers of the first amendment that americans should have fewer free-speech rights that countries which remain within the british empire. it is an important free-speech case the most important for half a century. if he loses it will be a great victory for the first amendment. if amendment. if he wins, it will be an absolute catastrophe. his hockey his hockey stick will in effect have smashed the first amendment into pieces. >> stan goldenberg from the hurricane research institute
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of miami. i am sure other people are thinking the same thing. would you like to sing a few bars for us? [applauding] [laughter] >> no. i did that in front of the first judge. [laughter] they tell you comes green. she resigned from the case. she said to all take another 20 years of landlord and tenant for i hear that kind of another it bars. i sang for i sang for the second judge command he added just another seven charges to michael mann's complaint this mann's complaint this for him. it gets worse. it gets worse. clicks case in coop here. i was a contributing author to the high pcc report buried somewhere. a you trying to
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tell me that you are taking my nobel prize way? [laughter] clicks yes. [laughter] i am. i don't know what. michael man he resisted this thing. we tried to take his nobel prize away. he away. he had to amend his complaint. he said he had the certificate that you remember the railroad engineer they ran the high pcc. pcc. he had gone to the high pcc branch of kinko's and run off 47000 of these authentic looking nobel ask gloria like nobel prize certificates. and michael man has his. if you get a real nobel prize you get a medal and go to a a big dinner with the king of sweden. and as you may recall or
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gender virginia drupal tori got into a little trouble in india. his choo-choo jumped the track. and he has had to resign. michael man,. michael man he got no metal, noting of sweden but he has got the only nobel prize awarded to him by an accused sex fiend. that is a very unique and appropriate distinction, i think. [laughter] and ridge and chandra pakistani -- am sorry, rajendra pessary his case comes up before the daily high court. i i would give anything to be before the high court. he will be halfway through his 20 year jail term before my cases come to trial.
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>> one last question clicks yeah. >> worry even from the great dominion. i am interested in who is funding the other side. i think that is the real horror of this case. as the university of pennsylvania actually helping, or is it just all of the people? quakes yes. it is penn state. i don't believe that they are. are. there is something called the climate science defense fund. and they are apparently funny. funny. now, and i will say just one final thing. that is an important topic. anarchy briefs were filed last fall. and all kinds of people filed briefs against man, including nbc the los angeles times, the washington post, the tribune enough because any of them likely. they agree with him when it comes to climate
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alarmism but they understand that this will be a disaster for free speech in the united states if he wins. and i am thrilled to find myself looking at this case in the same way as the aclu and the "washington post" in all these people. it's very unusual for me. we think it is a free-speech case. he thinks it's about taking a stand for science. and yet not yet not a single scientists, not a single scientific academy filed an amicus brief on michael mann's mann's behalf. and that is the lesson of this. [laughter] he claims that he is taking a stand for science. and it turns out that science is not prepared to take a stand for michael man and that is great news for scientific integrity in the united states and the wider world. thank you very much. [applauding]
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>> now we take a literary tour of omaha nebraska boy spoke we spoke with matt holland office of the head of their time history of the omaha the porsche which advocated for social justice and racial integration in the early 1950s. clicks the omaha the porsche club was this phenomenal story of an unlikely group of people and an unlikely
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place an improbable time in history that faced and challenged racial discrimination and segregation in omaha, nebraska. and it took place in the late 40s and early 50s predating other civil rights activities but not by decades, at least for years. it was a group that may be defied the stereotype of what you think about. it was men and women, women, young people and old people black and white, led by two white men. it is men. it is this very wonderful story that has all these amazing connections in an unlikely place. the quote the birmingham of the north was when i found by john howard griffin was the author of black like me. and and john me. and john howard griffin use that quote to describe omaha within the 60s. and omaha had a reputation in the african-american community and omaha and in
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the united states as a city that when you came in if you are black needed to keep your head down and be aware that you are going to be served in restaurants, be restaurants, be able to stay in hotels and that there was this informal industry is staying in homes in the black community, eating at the restaurants. even if you were an african-american knows part of the band playing in the white hotel a part of the play being put on in a mostly white attended theater. that is not a quote that omaha shares proudly, but it is one that i found repeated it was known and that description was an apt one if you are african-american. they started in 1947 by two gentlemen. one was a catholic priest a jesuit guatemalan a half south a half south of where we are now. the other founder was a gentleman is actually my father a 20 -year-old
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student and she met and talked about social justice commanded his son to start a group to talk about it. my it. my dad said he remembers thinking he had joined a prayer group. there are going to sit around, talk about the moral and theological implications. and he implications. and he had different ideas and over the next seven years he was the core and the center of that group has been moved and boycotts and picketing and challenging and doing things that my dad said scared and spiritless. when the club began their operation the idea and in fact the term civil rights, they use the term social justice because civil rights wasn't even part of the national lexicon of that time. the idea of civil rights was so far removed from the idea
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of the greater community of omaha for the united states that they were kind of operating in a a vacuum. i like to say they are operating without a net. there were not so support groups. there were not the prior experiences of other groups to challenge racial discrimination. in some cases they were making up their strategies techniques that they used because there wasn't -- i am an educator and i do this presentation often from middle school and high school students. and i say it felt like you can shoot someone an e-mail and say hey come out of the protest go? there wasn't any of that. there were they were sitting down and say were going to try to challenge the business and hand out leaflets, but leaflets but we won't do it yet because we are sure if it is legal. in their meeting minutes, there are things like we will wait on the protest because we are checking to see if we can legally hand out flyers in front of the business.
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there were there were that far ahead of what became the norm later. it was led by whitney young who ended up being the national leader of the urban league. there was a strong branch of the naacp. and then came this omaha club those operating outside of the bounds of the regular established rules of how you got things done in the city. and it created attention in the black community, but in fact, one of the very first levels of tensions that was created was because they were racially mixed. there were black men in white women and black women in my teeth of white men meet together and having a beer after the meeting was created a stir. people in north omaha saw that is a problem. a problem. they did not need any attention drawn to north omaha. the club was seen as a dating center to one of the terms of is used. there was the tension of for you black men and white women meeting and they are
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single and that's a problem. that was 11 of the first problems that they came up against, but really once people understood what the club was trying to do they garnered support over the years from the urban league, the naacp league the naacp and ended up working closely with both groups. ministers of local churches as they saw the club was about challenging and changing institutional racism. once the institutional racism. once they understood that was what they were about the father once gave a speech through a group of thought maybe the club has some other motivations command he stood up and quickly said the goal of the club is to kick jim crow's out of omaha and then he sat back down. and that was the message that came through loud and clear. when people understood that they tended to get on board or at least not resist the efforts.
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the first boycott, a block down the street. it is now a daycare. the sherman laundry, how white owned business that refuse dire blacks to do anything other than wash laundry even though since it was located in the black community almost all the customers were black. it would not hire anyone to work in the office go to drive the delivery vans. so this would have been about 1950 after a couple years of doing this week pleasant things went to this business and said, business said, why are you here? this is another problem. problem. been doing this for years and no one has complained. or not change your policy. so the cost of a stir. he decided they decided to organize a boycott. in the black community had the tendency should they do this? is it going to cause problems beyond what they wanted. a star of the
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boycott. the business went out of business muscle to another laundry and eventually that laundry hired a black clerk and then as it happened in a lot of these efforts, it ripple affected. other laundries to avoid challenge started hiring african-americans. and one brilliant businessman open to business on north 24th street that employed only african-americans. so but that boycott started in july of 1950 and finally came to fruition in february over months letters leafleting at happened. and so they have that successful boycott. then they boycotted the coca-cola -- coca-cola bottling company. the same thing. you located in the black community that don't hire a african-americans. coca-cola said yeah. we never have. and the club started a boycott. coca-cola eventually after
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the club picketed and leafleting got a petition on north 24 street and get 45 businesses said it would not carry coca-cola anymore coca-cola finally hired a couple of african-americans to work in the plant. there was an ice cream plant six blocks north. and when the club approach them for their response was, we will go out of business before we hire black workers in the club said really? that's interesting. so interesting. so they organized a boycott. this one took about a year. and after a huge loss in business for each ice cream finally hired african-american workers. the one that was an ongoing probably the one that would have caused the most frustration and exhaustion was the omaha railway company which is the company that was given the charter by the city to do the bus services. it was not about blacks being able to run streetcars. it was about the company
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hiring blacks to drive. in 1948. in 1948 members went to visit the of the company to ask them why are you hiring african-americans to work for your company? and the in several answers. the one my dad remembered was the vice president telling them well you know that if we have a black driver and come to the end of the line and is a white woman you know we will refer. that was was one of the justifications in 1948. my my dad would have been 22 of the time. i i can see him walking that meeting and concocted he just say that? that went back and said we went said, we went to this meeting and this is what they told us. anyway, go back out. he. he turned right around and pushed them out the door.
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in 1948 companies of they would not hire black drivers. forty-nine, 50 51 52 that picketed leafleting, held rallies. finally the bus company hired for black drivers because the city have threatened to take away the charter if they didn't change their hiring policy. and so those are the four main efforts. the same time, they were helping a black world war ii veteran who had been at tuskegee airmen who have been shot had been shot down and held a pow camp. he bought a house one black outside of the bounds of the segregated neighborhood command's command his house was stoned by neighbors and threw paint on. the white neighborhood threatened to run the family out. when the young came to the club and said can you help the help the sky. the club help to move in. they protested a they protested a blackface fact that was put on at a local high school. as they as they were doing
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those long-term boycott efforts against businesses there were dozens and dozens and dozens of other things going on. all that was met with incredible resistance as hard as the club pushed against the resistance was just as forceful over the same time. one of the interesting things was as they do these activities and efforts they were operating in a cone of silence on the north omaha the black community knew it. because of the black newspapers. if you are white in omaha this never happened. happened. for all intents and purposes it was a nonevent. the greater mainstream media never carried it. so if you are black and did not read the north omaha star, but omaha guys, you didn't know what happened.
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so when people ask me, well what is the community's response? the community's response was nonexistent because there was nothing to respond to. the main newspaper would not carry it. in 1954 there was a television program that carried in episode. and that would've been the first time that you would have been like who were these people? so that sense of pushing and not getting any response did wear down. ..
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