tv Book TV CSPAN July 19, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm EDT
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hard surface turnpike. hard surface being stone covered. and an engineered road rather than simply and the track across the countryside. his argument was that it would serve a larger area and it would serve commercial traffic. andrew jackson in his literal interpretation of the constitution did not see the target that way. he said that the constitution said that any project that was essentially local in nature could that be supported by the federal money. ..
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and please do mince the road is one section of a much larger highway that is going to cannot pittsburgh area with new orleans on the one side and the literal interpretation of what the constitution is calling for him the other side. we in the center of the village is about 14 miles south of the ohio river. it is a logical stopping point far enough south of the ohio river so stage coaches might want to water their horses or change horses. this is an important farming area of the richest land in the state of the kentucky mason county where we are right now. we are going to be on a section of the road that probably dates the 1920s and 30s.
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fred decides the road is another small section of the langston trade. it is called an alley now and it runs right in front of a couple houses well below the level of the growth. there used to be many businesses on the road. 15 to 10 taverns along the road. the tavern was built about 1806 is a rest stop from a tavern, overnight stay for people moving along the road. there were between 15 and 18 taverns on the road this building is on the left. the larger building which would've been the family home, you will know the lower building to the right has two different
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doors to it. individual doors to individual room. you'll notice there is a stairwell leading up to an attic area where there would've been another room. this building is a great treasure. in the sense that gives us a good idea of how these taverns or direct it how they were placed along the road for easy access and how they were raised out in such a way that made sense for stagecoach companies who needed new every 10 miles or so. to your right would have been a mill site. part of the old mill is still here, tobacco warehouse right here. this became a major tobacco wholesaling center by about night team five 1910, a major
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distillery right here. that is the old warehouse there. that is all that laughed. and then we have a tobacco warehouse with rebate to. and you can see the warehouse company number one and there were a number of those on the other side of town, but each of the farms in kentucky by about 1905 1910 will become a major auction or early tobacco and by 1925, lexington had become the largest early auction market in the world, certainly in the united states.
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a lot of the least appreciated aspects of the american history and american geography is the infrastructure built to make all this possible. none of this would be possible without road. rather than the absolute that on which a national economy is built in nothingness until you get the railroad comest emotes on the rivers, every dang it is in a road. if you are not connected to the road during pioneer times, you are not connected in everybody when the trace was established and upgraded to a turnpike, everybody wanted access to the road because it meant you were good. part of the economy not only the regional but the national. they could not have been selling chinese tea without the road. the folks that read the book will have a much greater
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appreciation for the road the roads in people's lives, people who establish homes people who establish businesses, people who are able to conduct business because of the road. again the idea is don't take the infrastructure for granted. it is what is making your business possible. >> how is any number on this committee, any person in this
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room or any person in this country would like said about him or her in this fashion. for this dirt dredged up and this gossip and lies displayed. how would any person like it? the supreme court is not worth it. no job is worth it. i am not here for that. i am here for my name, my family, my life and my integrity. i think something is dreadfully wrong with this country when any person, any person in this free country would be subjected to this. this is not a closed room. there was an fbi investigation. this is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed
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environment. this is a circus, a national disgrace. spring that the supreme court confirmation hearings in the u.s. senate reconsidering the charade refers to the fact one of our most recent nominees wrote a piece when she was a law professor where she criticized the hearing and called the hearing the charade and she was very consistent with many other scholars pundits and politicians for criticizing the syrians for the most part for them not working the way they should for nominees not getting forthcoming answers and they were more or less there to answer questions for the cameras. senators were going through a charade. prior to the decision, the nominee hearings before the senate judiciary committee were hit or miss. some nominees had hearings.
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some didn't. so more open, some are closed and sometimes nominates an even answer questions at these hearings. with 1964 every nominee since then has come down to a hearing for the u.s. senate judiciary committee. what that means us look at a much closer look at the nominee record believes and is important because the nominee will have a lifetime appointment . we looked about the hearing hearing transcripts from 1955 all the way through 2010 and that includes roughly 30 nominees who have appearing as before the senate judiciary committee. we had a line by line analysis of the hearing, 11,000 transcripts. with that data exchanges between senators for nominees. in exchange for a question by the senator for answer by the
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nominee, that counts as exchange. what we found was by a much contrary to conventional wisdom that nominee candor forthcoming this is the nominee has not dramatically declined over the recent years. conventional wisdom as you may notice that jazz that nominate candidates decline in 1986 with robert work or ruth bader ginsburg. some people attribute that to her assaulter famous line don't have the previews. 1980s 1993 people attribute the decline to the nominee candor. nominee candor by at march has hovered the entire time. what we did find is the only real decline was a small decline and it really only is attributed
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to questions that focus on civil rights and liberties and those are the questions people tend to pay attention. in a later chapter we focus on trying to look at what explains the myth if you want to call it that. why is there a perception people believe the hearings are working to get nominees are still answered between 70% 80% of the question and by and large a number things have changed about the hearings themselves and are asking farmer questions today than they were many years ago. for example, most recent foreign nominees with several hundred questions if you go back to the 1960s and may face roughly six questions. we also find television itself has changed the game and how the rules are structured. prior to justice kennedy o'connor the nominee hearings were described as a free-for-all. senators may or may not show up to ask questions.
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the only people who witnessed what went on to the orders to shut up to take notes and write a story the next day. by at march, people knew what was going on unless they went and read the transcripts. that changed with sandra day o'connor and all of them since then have been televised. they gave senators a nationwide audience to ask questions and they could then speak to their constituents interests with those questions. what that did was give them a platform for picking issues and speak to those issues as well and senators by and large when television comes to play it becomes near perfect. they all want to ask questions. they all want the camera time. there are several examples that make the study of this memorable. thurgood marshall was a good example of a hearing and an
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outlier in a sense he was asked a tremendously large number of question relative to those nominees around him and by and large what my co-author and i like to say the same rebuild like to more or less occupied all the time at hearings the time at hearings and he was asked question after question and what it amounted to was basically a quiz or test that has thurgood marshall's knowledge because he was the first african-american nominated to the court during the height of the civil rights movement. a lot of opposition from southern senators as well. just trying to trip them up asking a series of questions i'm not really stuck out in our mind has been one of the bigger moments of the hearing. it was fairly contentious out of a great marshall did a good job of answering questions in a straightforward manner and not getting too involved and being too candid if you will.
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contrary to the obvious counterexamples when robert orrick appeared before the court he thought this was an intellectual exercise for intellectual discussion about why should the constitution looked like when you decide these cases. he gave a lot of forthcoming open answers that by and large scared a lot of people. >> point as i see it is talking about the rational basis test was to test the supreme court is for 100 years to deny equality for women. some years ago the court altered that to a bigger standard to sex discrimination come at the rational basis test is used in terms of economic regulations on pollution ordinances and he restated earlier and you respond that this is a test where the
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court itself has moved to a much more a previous standard to sex discrimination. >> i don't thing in the case of senator that my tester what you call my test in one way or the other would come out that much different than in the intermediate standard. >> a lot of the answers he gave were characterized by interest groups as being far outside the mainstream and outside groups is where you see a lot of groups really rally against the nominee that is when the tidal wave hit. clarence thomas had to hearings and they're very controversial. but as to the controversy itself is the fact he was replacing thurgood marshall on the bench
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and as most people know he was liberal on most issues and clarence thomas by george h.w. bush was a fairly conservative judge and he would not be representing the same sort of thing he went through without too much surprise that men can live the need to allegations that the badge of hearings where things really become much less focused on his record as a judge or expert but more in the personal relationships he had. >> i think this today is a travesty. i think it is disgusting. i think that this hearing should never occur in america and from my standpoint as a black american as far as i'm concerned it's a high -- high-tech
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lynching for those who think for themselves, do for themselves, have different ideas and it is a message of months the countdown to an old order this is what will happen to you. >> one of the interesting findings we discovered was that nominee senators i now basing their vote on different things prior to tv. prior to tv we found how forthcoming they are would influence how they voted. the more forthcoming, the more likely they were to vote in favor of him. however we find they no longer have a relationship but what does have a relationship is the ideology and the label so if it
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is a senator of the opposite president they are much more willing to vote no nowadays than they were prior to that. party attachment had no relationship at all with how they voted. we find television in combination with a polarization of the u.s. senate during the 1970s and early 80s plays a key role in terms of how that has taken over. we find by and large in the forthcoming massive nominees really has no bearing or affect on how they vote. what makes our book different is the fact that toca says on the hearings themselves and how the senators the nominees and iraq and how forthcoming or how not forthcoming for an forthcoming the nominees are themselves. very few on this hearings themselves look at those angles. what people should take away is
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by and large conventional wisdom is not entirely accurate. conventional wisdom before this was the hearings are broken and the hearings need to be fixed. arango was more or less if the hearings are broken out, they've always been broken. nominate kander hasn't changed that much. going back to the early hearings back in 1955 i roughly the same in the modern era. what has changed is how the press coverage covers then and it's much more prevalent today. it's a much more outside interest group it is hearing about confirmation hearings.
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>> technology -- we are in the basement of the library building at the university of kentucky campus in lexington at the king library press founded by 1966. they used a chandler and price sometimes called a clamshell press and decided it would be interesting to bring her press to the library and get librarians on their lunch hour to learn to print. the printing press is unique for a couple of reasons. it is one of the few library
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presence in the country, perhaps the only one. there are other university press is tied to the english department in different locations. we have a range of printing equipment that more or less covers the entire has reprinting for marc almond press that would have been used in 1450 down to the 1820s when it was supplanted a flatbread press says used until probably in some parts of the world were supplanted by the job being pressed in 1878 and the new technology in 1910 was the flatbed cylinder press. we have examples of all of those here and a printing history museum is really a working
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printing press. they've crammed lots of ephemera for other departments at the university. we have at least one book in publication. we have to at the moment. we are in the process of printing a short lecture by john edgington called the importance of the library. all common press says that the person -- the people polled in the bar all the were. sometimes someone has to push and someone has to pull. a small illustration type getting ready to do it. opening it up again.
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in the completed image. certainly his hand to obtain a broadside preprints cradles dolls would she have done long ago and illustrated book and these are some of the dolls from the book in a black-and-white our charming line drawings but in color that come alive in a way that is not in the black-and-white. we usually sat all of our own type by hand, print by hand do the binding of the book if it is a full book or a smaller piece all by hand. for the student body, those who find their way here often become not only apprentices, they take
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a free credit book or course. anyone if they are interested can learn to be competent and make a book. >> we spoke with maryjean wall author of "how kentucky became southern" about cultural changes following the civil war. >> they are often the kentucky derby. >> what people don't realize is kentucky nearly lost the horse business at the highest level at one time and this is more for a generation when it would not be used. it was a case that there is always bad courses here come the thoroughbred and kentucky bred the highest number of them but the big money when outdoors to
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new york and new jersey after the civil war because that is where the financiers, the stock market were. it was a crazy and i went people were making fortunes with no income tax and they were getting rich. they were displaying the wealth. so these people for whom belmont is named. other wealthy persons instead of coming down here and having were signs here, they were building them in long island or westbury fircrest river in new jersey. what was kentucky doing? they had the most prolific routing stallion whose name is lexington. but they didn't have a huge amount of money. mr. agriculturalists and industrial money trumps and it
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is not here. why wasn't i coming down here to buy a horse farms? because kentucky was a very long list from a dangerous place to be and even "the new york times" was warning against capitalists investing in kentucky because this pretty tarnished reputation for a lot of flawless, evil deeds. amends built their farms close by where they lived and they could get over there and see their horses and they went to escape the pressures of work sure themselves as an afternoon off. they start moving down here and not did not begin to occur until
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1915 at least and then we became known as southern. that is in the historic turn occurred. we were westerns. we were not southern. people say what i see houses with columns on the front. the whole idea of the kentucky derby as a quote unquote southern event with 7000 people wearing big cats. but we were known as a western region. i was their reputation from pioneer days when people begin to move westward kentucky became the state in 1792 and it was on the western frontier at the time. that is how kentucky was known. you don't see daniel boone pictures in people's imaginations as a southern gentleman come in the stereotype
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of the southern colonel. he is the guy weren't frontier clothing and that is how people do this at the time. they either just settled here or move further west. why did they start looking on us as southern? i think a good part of that was at the time southern plantations literature fiction was very popular. people were going through nostalgic turn about a generation after the civil war. everybody's reading writers like john cox junior and is asking about the southern place here in the image of southern miss in people's imagination. kentuckians were always eager to make a dollar off their horses were quite glad to go along with that. at the same time, the northern moneyman like the industrialists, bankers, stock market investors were most happy
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to buy into the notion of kentucky for central kentucky being southern because at this point they are looking for an escape from their lives that have become very troubled and they have the money to buy into this notion of going into the near south for the period is a manufactured idea of southern is right here in kentucky. they didn't have to travel in mississippi. they come here and by buying a horse farm here can be a southern squier on a farm where everything seemed well worded to them. already in place down here are people who know how to raise a good horse and a bit are good managers their colleagues, but they don't have the big money. the infusion of outside capital
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start and let's say 1915 to 17 is what made this place. at already had a reputation for horses and for the brass the limestone here the supposedly. but they didn't have the huge amounts of money is needed to make this place look like horse country. people are raising horses here on farms that were not modern looking it did look they were just corn farms or tobacco farms. everybody had a tobacco barn and in not it would raise their resources. they didn't have horse farms per se, but then it became the in thing to come here and develop a horse farm and now was this
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whole turn of events for now kentucky is becoming southern. as a central kentucky is. at least the bluegrass is. the violence is still going on. this is an interesting thing in my research. it didn't stop. african-americans are being lynched here. still a huge amount of killings here. just a lot of lawlessness that takes place because our officials did not have the will to change things. there is a story of one of our early governors after the civil war pleading civil war pleading and has a natural address for people to stop killing one another, for the ku klux klan to go away. nobody cared by because the gentry class of the locals were part of the ku klux klan here. but if it's not stopping violence, where another nurse --
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northerners say to stay away from here. racing is getting competitive up north in new york and they need a competitive edge to keep winning and now the bluegrass the limestone soil is looking very appealing to maybe that is the way to make your stay about mark competitive to reach her verses here and raise them here. obviously the first one that really changed here and develop nurseries. other fire manager arrives they think about 1885 and lexington. yet pistols and knives strapped all over his body. he is so afraid of the reputation for lawlessness here that he is arriving fully armed to defendants of the locals are laughing in a way. it really was a real threat.
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you could get killed very easily here. john clegg son of henry clay who had a farm here want someone after the civil war with come and visit them one day. he said don't walk back to lexington tonight. it is too dangerous. so here is the man coming to town fully armed. if it had been a modern era he would've had an ak-47 with him. but he has saw these pistols and knives they developed their place are incidentally man-of-war was sold and raised. so august belmont five years later becomes leading breeder in north america. this got people's attention. they didn't come flooding in right away but it slowly began to think and maybe there is something to the bluegrass land
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as far as having horse. that working in conjunction with its rising popularity of all things that learn about the same time. it's going to make it very appealing. another reason, the antebellum south is having her station the popularity in the late 1890s, early 1900s is because the daughters of veterans for going all over the south and building memorials to the confederate and week out one and lexington. this is what started the entire research for me. i wondered why we could have a guy on the horse in front of our old courthouse, a confederate guy who actually was court-martialed for waiting for the court-martial to take place when somebody off 10 because he
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lost control of his men. his own army, the confederate army is going to court-martial him. now he's made into a hero in lexington. he was raised here and he is on this horrors and still is downtown. why could this happen when we were a union stayed. we were not the show as they taught generations of people around here. we were only for entrée neutral for the first few months. kentucky had to make up its mind which way of his going and i would suggest largely for economic and business reason he was known as the great compromise and he made all kinds of compromises and congress and with other states trying to hold off a civil war because he wanted the united states to remain together. so we went with the north.
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what is that guy doing on a confederate produced a bronze memorial downtown because these women, the daughters of confederate veterans are going after work but this huge undertaking of monument domains so future generations would not forget the confederate army, the confederate states of america. it was an era of memory building. now we get this image of a southern kentucky cast forever in a bronze statue. it is no wonder people started in camera something. so that helped this growing image that kentucky was something. it's completely construct it. it never was that all, but it
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helps grow the horse industry at a time of otherness that very popular. you have to understand the horse industry is fragile here. we have the bluegrass. we have the soil that people have always believed is very conducive horse. we have the knowledge year. we have a history here. we have the star they were all taken away in a heart need. maybe not a heartbeat, but other states offering better incentives. we thought this battle for a long time. there's multiple reasons. you cannot take it for granted that the horse industry is here. people thought hard's civil war
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in the early 1900s they thought a huge battle to get the money here to get the industry back here where it had to. i believe it was in danger of leaving here permanently at that time or been so fragmented to different parts of the country harness horse -- is >> dan ephron, what happened on november 4 1985? >> does today the israeli israeli prime minister was assassinated. the first time an israeli leader was murdered. he was killed by a right-wing
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extremist and it was a shock to the country because of the assassination is love but doubly because the assassin was a fellow israeli. >> who was the prime minister? >> i think he would describe himself as a military man, a lifelong military man. that was certainly his demeanor. he spent the first three decades of his adult life in uniform and he was commander of the israeli army in the 1967 war on the west bank gaza and another pivotal moment. over the course of the research of the book i came to think of rabin as a man of first. the first nativeborn israeli to become prime minister. he was the first israeli leader to embrace the palestinians and try to resolve that conflict once and for all including to shake hands with yasser arafat's
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who is really the embodiment of terrorism and evil. and of course he was the first and only israeli prime minister to be assassinated. >> why was he assassinated? >> the assassin was a 25-year-old law student at the time of the murder and a real extremist. extremists through and through. he was exceedingly religious. every word of the bible of the jewish torah with little truth. exceedingly liberal said the peace process started was for a mere betrayal of israel and judaism, of the trail because it involved handing back some territory that god had promised according to his interpretation.
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he was also exceedingly smart. when he is caught and convicted at some point in prison psychiatrists administer i.q. tests above 140. he is a real extremist. >> was it planned? >> meticulously. over the course of two years. he started plotting the day after rabin shakes hands with arafat on the white house lawn in september 1993 and it takes them two years and he makes several attempts. his military training and serves an infantry unit and so he knows about guns and knows how to use them. psa handgun he keeps in his pocket anywhere he goes. he goes to different events were rabin shows that.
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prayer for times before he manages to get a place where where he sees an opening. >> in "killing a king," i got the sense that israeli prime ministers are not as surrounded by protection as an american president. is that fair? >> pallister at the time. it is not true now and you see when israeli leaders travel around israel and certainly when they are surrounded by 20 or 30 secret service people. at the time the idea that palestinians might take a shot at the prime minister mr.a on the minds of israelis who protect it for being. the idea that an israeli even in this. they process when there are threats against rabin for the israeli right, it is very hard for secret service people to get out of the mindset they are
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looking for palestinians. there are profiles for the would-be assassination. the would-be assassin is an area. i think it almost didn't dawn. >> how popular politically but it's not rabin in 1995? >> israel was and remains a divided society for the very issues. for being wanted to hand israel's military occupation of the west bank and gaza his military rule and he was selected by us on margin. so you know i covered israel at the time. i remember people talking about the country being divided 50/50 between people in favor of handing back the territory and people absolutely against it and during the course of his term
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his popularity waxed and waned because peace process set off a backlash of violence by the extremists on both sides certainly the palestinian side with hamas, the islamic group. this is the era where we see the first suicide means by palestinians against israelis and not eroded the popularity of the peace process and rabin as well. >> we in israel on november 4, 1995? >> yes i was. i was a young journalist. i worked for reuters at the time and because rabin's popularity had been adding, we all is turned on its thought of it as an indicator for what is standing is. i am not sure what ordinarily would've covered something like this. but it was a let is tested in a
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way that you're a huge crowd over 100,000 people. so that was a significant event and i worked for a wire service i had to file quickly. >> were you at the rally? >> i was at the rally. i covered the rally. i had actually left as did most of the journalists and that is why you don't see video footage of the assassination. there is one amateur photographer dare. so i had left a few blocks away in order to file and i got a message in the 90s saying shots fired in the vicinity and i turned around and ran back to the square. >> was to cut immediately? >> now. he was rushed to the hospital
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and shot around the evening and was pronounced dead an hour and a half later. the doctors i spoke to the surgeons on the up routing table said he was pretty close to clinically dead when he arrived in the hospital. >> what kind of access to juab and writing "killing a king"? >> i have the cooperation of the emirates and rabin. i wanted to reconstruct the two years leading up to the murder and the night of the murderous thoughts and what followed. i knew i wanted to focus on these two protagonists and get the cooperation of the family and the assassin's family. the israeli authorities don't allow prison interviews. i could not speak to the assassin himself. his father was the co-conspirator and came out
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around the tennis garden working on the book. i interviewed him extensively and spent a lot of time with his family. the book alternates in chapters between rabin and a near. >> dan ephron, why do you call it him for? >> well, the lion killing a king appears in a letter that brother in coke is girders wrote home from prison in the days after the assassination. killing a king and he puts the murderer in the context of jewish history and local history and the sad killing a king is supremely.
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i read that 17 or 18 years after it was written when i started researching the book and i found it chilling because that is precisely what happens. that moment, that could altered the way. not what it was in 1995. >> you talk about israel being a small country. is mrs. rabin still alive? does she ever interact with the family? >> she died five years after the assassination. and did not connect with the family. but also did not, this is largely true that rabin family that while at the gala near was the shooter, the gunman there is a broader campaign in the years leading up to the assassination by the right and
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the extreme right especially. people referred to him regularly as a murderer and street protests and held up signs ever been dressed in a uniform in one instance. for the family the culprit, not just amir but a larger segment of the right wing against the israeli leader. >> amir's family. his brother is released. what is he doing today? >> he was released more than two years ago is studying physics at the time. a university student studying physics in 1995 spent 17 years in prison and large the return to the life he had left. back in his song, back in the same room he shared when they
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plotted the murder, back to studying electrical engineering and one of the things that surprised me was the end to which he and the rest of the amir family are recognized on the streets and i spent enough time in front of television cameras in the weeks and months after the assassination that people recognize that and the extent to which they lived a family normalized including the brother who spent all that time in prison. >> will he ever be released? >> he is in for a life in israel of my sentences almost automatic early a period of 20 to 30 years. very few people spend their entire lives. i suspect -- it is hard to imagine a president in israel
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signing a computation of his sentence and having him walk out of prison. i think it's about 90% convinced that it will never happen. >> "killing a king" is the name of the book ephron, former bureau chief for "newsweek" in jerusalem is the author and it comes out in october 2013. this is a quick preview of tv on c-span2. >> i've read all of his works. this is a great almost a minute by minute description of what
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happened to lusitania and it's very dramatic back-and-forth between what happens in europe, washington and what is happening to passengers on the ship, their stories. it is really a great read, well, well written and really brings that piece of history back to life and really makes it very human. it's not called history. these are real human beings. story. the illustrious jed is all about how tight this really was responsible -- [inaudible] the sanitary conditions of the
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dead simply didn't allow them to protect themselves against this bacterium and it was devastating. really devastating. napoleon mosque more than 90% of his army invasion of russia and alaska and by the way that a century later, century and a half later did not tend to his regret. a friend of mine actually grew up, and historian out the university of virginia wrote a great book on dramatics. it's sort of a revision of history about the outcome of appomattox, how he used and misused the agreement of appomattox to foster sort of a resegregation reciprocation of black americans after his the
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civil war and slavery was supposed to be over. essentially invokes the free spirit of appomattox is deeming that none of them should be prosecuted for crimes. robert lee had been indicted and he insisted the u.s. grant -- in both the agreement they had to protect robert e. lee. robert lee to his death remained reprimanded on the issue of race. he has escaped the view of the history. but this is penetrating and compelling reassessment of what the meaning of appomattox determined at south. and really did damage for the next nine years in terms of race in america. this book by thomas cromwell is a reappraised old of an historic
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figure during the reign of henry viii. those who are fans of saint thomas more in england under henry viii and would not agree to the marriage of henry viii who also lost her head. cornwall is the instrument of both the kerry and the voice in arguing for the separation of church in england and ultimately for thomas voice as well. ultimately ironically as maybe a more sympathetic or trailed at the very skilled statesman from a very skilled manager to manage the kingdom of england but also answers of the ball for the destruction of the monasteries the breakout opponents of
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property and ultimately a severance of the relationship between england and the church of rome. the real depredations of henry viii. coincidentally house call on public radio. this is the single best biography i've ever read of napoleon and in one volume is a stupendous read, and very accessible read about who napoleon was and is trying to send yours. he won almost all of his battles but unfortunately the ones who lost were pretty dispositive. he was a brilliant statesmen, a brilliant manager a brilliant general but you kind of touristy and because the price kind of loss side of his own techniques his own lessons learned and
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ultimately they returned against him. this is a great read and a reappraised all, reassessment down to modern history. scott for one but this wonderful biography also that the appraisal. will send -- you all have this mix of incredible progressive record, especially in the first term during world war i but also certainly a richer great attitude towards race relations in america. but it is a great balance and one that appreciates the moment the woodrow wilson most certainly took advantage of to the benefit of americans in my view. a single volume biography. this book is in september by lawrence wright. it humanizes diplomacy.
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it talks about the camp david accords and the 13 years jimmy carter spent together not always harmoniously at camp david and how the process worked out good personality, history, fears and anxieties ms. trias by president jimmy carter. jimmy carter put a lot on the table including his own reputation and it were. at camp david accord through this day remains the only lasting in the middle east. jimmy carter deserves a lot of credit as to the other participants as well do you want to see how a human level diplomacy works. great, great book by every graduate school. another biography, i'm benjamin franklin an american life, a
11:59 am
wonderful biography. benjamin franklin comes to the cages. we relate to him easily based on portrayal. on balance, this is a great man great vision lived a long life many episodes in pennsylvania as a political figure on behalf of the colonies in europe as a political figure back with the declaration of independence. that to europe representing now confederate e. of america during the revolutionary war and then comes back and worked as a key figure hoping the constitutional convention in arguing for what was a very close and in the approval of constitutional convention and the 13 states. benjamin franklin, quintessential american, true,
12:00 pm
smart entrepreneurial represents so much of the american care nurse. this is a wonderful biography of. finally in dying every day. i happen to love ancient roman history. this book is all about the roman poet who asserted the artist in residence at the court of europe and sort of the odd juxtapositions between this thoughtful man and this type and how he tried to survive while being on the other hand a senior at visor. ..
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