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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  August 14, 2015 3:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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published on that refuted that and in fact proved the opposite of that. we now have 12 peer reviewed studies and i have cited references that there is an increased risk of losses associated with increased air pollution around conception and/or pregnancy. ..
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>> uc davis 2012 just came out with a new study that said the 2015 clock of autism related expenses are $268 billion, and by the year 2025, it could beer near 25 trillion in related costs. we know that aviation emissions have traced heavy metals, they have a by-product, sulfur, the
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aviation jet fuel contains 100 times more sulfur than diesel trucks, and we can talk about autism but also high air pollution areas also decrease i.q. of children and interesting thing about that is that even when children hit six, seven year they still did not catch up to their peers. so this damage is caused by low i.q. and pollution has an a effect on one of the most important things that i will tell you, if you want to know how dangerous air pollution is you have to look at the transgenerational changes so there was a study done in -- that i have in the reference by let's see here. where's it, by tracy in 2013, and so what they did is expose life to jet fuel and what they found is that it department change the jean but the way that
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the yen is expressed and the way that gene is expressed for obesity got into genome and pasn to subsequent generations this is why i care because my nieces, nephews, my children would potentially marry somebody else's kids who are in a heavily polluted environment and that change in a genome gets into the gene fool pool, so your grandchildren could develop transgenerational changes through environmental pollution. another way besides green house gases ilk keep this brief there's evidence to show that persistent contrails do, in fact, warm the earth and block outgoing infrared radiation, and so there were studies done by nasa and what they found is that after a 9/11 attacks there was a one degree celsius spike between max mumming high and maximum low
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in terming's terms of term so skies without contrails after 9/11 because the planes were grounded for three day and found the spike in the temperature range. so, in fact, contrails do change the climate. i'll end with a a nasa scientist used data from the 90s to 2000 but what he say says that increase in surface and lower atmosphere temperatures by .36 or 5 degrees fahrenheit per decade that's what he's saying contribution to contrails could be to warming. .36 to .345% fahrenheit per decade. i think that proves that contrails do, in fact, effect temperature an other thing to
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know about persistent contrails is we have more combustion more airplane as you're going to get more contrail and warming so it is a whole vicious cycle and thing about contrails is they produce clouds that morph when they study contrail spreading they steady within hours and not the whole life of that artificial cloud that is produced and that artificial cloud that is produced would not have formed if there would not have been a contrail in that area. these clouds that are producing clouds that would not naturally be there that changes the high droj call cycle which is rain, and the other thing you should know is that the way it could change the rain is that when these -- the engine that high altitude freezes the ice crystals in the atmosphere, it is actually changing the vat pour content in the atmosphere. so that vapor content will have
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a change on regional climate change. and i thank you very much for having this open hand. >> representing for biological university. thank you for convening this hearing and soliciting public input concerning agencies crucial efforts of green house gas emission for aircraft. the center for biological diversity appreciates the opportunity to comment. with these -- the center for biological diversity is a nonprofit organization with more than 800,000 members and online activists. centers climate long institute seeks to reduce green house gas emissions and other air pollutions to protect diversity and environment in human health and welfare.
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specific octobers is securing protections for species threatened by global warming, and ensuring compliance with applicable laws to reduce green house gas emissions and other air pollution anding and educatd mobilizing on global warming and air quality issues climate changes are already upon us with unprecedented temperature increases, rising sea levels extraordinary rate of expansion and more extreme weather events. efforts to quickly and sharply curb and then eliminate carbon pollution are essential if we're to avoid worst efnghted climate change. science tells us that this requires the u.s. to reduce emissions in range of 35 to 65% by 2030 from 19 base level. to begin to approach those levels, every significant carbon emission source must reduce its emissions in aircraft industry has too long evaded every attempt to make it contribute
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its fair share. in fact, if global aircraft co2 emissions compared to those of countries it would rank 7th just behind germany outranking 150 other countries in the world. aviation could triple within decades unless epa puts in place increased aviation traffic will cause sector to become one of the fastest growing sources of harmful emissions. and within the global community, united states is by far largest emitter of aircraft carbon pollution with its domestic and international flights, contradicts 29% of the total something that amount into the global skies absolutely unchecked. in other words, u.s. aviation emissions harm the global community in a hugely disproportionate fashion. u.s. must reverse thisfindg than emissions engage human health
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and welfare. we believe, however, that this proposed finding was much too late in coming and we urge the agency to make up for lost time by finalizing its fourth and no later than november 2015. three months officer the close of the current period. we also urge epa to follow-up with pr with same time is it it finalizes its endangerment plan no reason to outwait negotiations at acao would hardly make a dent in the problem. in fact, under the likely outcome of the international negotiations, in 2030 only 5% of the global aircraft fleet would even be regulated and this by a standard based on technology and existence in 2016, or some 14 years behind 2030 technology. more over iaco has no cap on
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emission in other words icao proposal next to nothing as business as usual and outcome utterly incompatible with duty and under clean air act, president climate action plan and the demands of climate science. epa should cease the opportunity to issue propose emission standards in times to make a difference that the pair of december of this year. we're pleased to see epa acknowledge that they authorize to regulate not just aircraft engines but the entire aircraft. we add that the act delegation of authority to epa under section 231 is extraordinarily broad. and that epa is explicitly authorized to set emission standards for all classes of aircraft. moreover, is epa recognized in the 2008antr epa regulations can encompass aircraft regulation and air traffic management.
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finally, the standard i pennsylvania seghtses on should be technology forcing not following. epa should set emissions for new kinds of aircraft but for all aircraft currently in production and in service. should base them on currently existing and underdevelopment technology and should include operational and air a traffic management requirements that reduce emissions. aircraft failing to retrofit to meet achievement standards should be phased out we urge epa to craft standard by employing and approach similar standards for vehicles. setting flee wide averages for new and a service aircraft. these standards should be sufficiently stringent to hold total emission it is that are set cap but to actually reduce them for the entire u.s. aviation sector within the coming decade. the center will be submitting at the close of the common period working with other organizations we thank you for that
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opportunity to be heard. >> thank you very much. thank you for all speakers, appreciate your comments and thoughts. now i'll move to the next group of speakers, call your name please come up to the table kef kathy kensly from northeast states reporting air a use management. sue valdez member of the public, and andres from sierra club. thank you. thank you. good morning, my name is kathy kens city i'm a advisor with the northeast states for coordinated
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air use management. would like to thank you today for the opportunity to be here to testify on epa's proposed endangerment finding and on the advance notice of proposed rule making. netcome is an organization of eight states six northeast states and new york and new jersey an my testimony today here reflects the majority view of our states an does not necessarily reflect the views of all of our individual state members. so netcome sports proposing finding under clear act section 231 that aircraft green house gas emissions in endanger health and welfare and this port is consistent with the support, our support in 2009 for epa's proposed or endangerment finding per mobile sources. since the 2009 rule making climate science has only grown stronger, the latest science is
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summarized in the 2014 international panel on climate change. whrishs that chiement related threats are already affect aing our states, our nation, and the world. sports that aircraft emissions from certain kinds of aircraft are contributes to mix of green house subjects that are to this rule making. we support adoption of aircraft green house gas emission standards for u.s. aircraft. in this regard, we support a whole aircraft approach to adopting standards. that doesn't focus solely on the engine. whole aircraft approach recognizes that it is influenced by aerodynamic and engine specific fuel consumption. we urge epa to adopt green house gas standards for new aircraft and a end production aircraft. that that approach will begin to
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materially reduce green house gas emissions in the next five to ten years. from the projected business as a usual levels and it will be based on reflecting current aircraft performance. a scenario based on outdated performance will only lead to inflated estimates of green house gas emission reductions from current reductions. and finally, net com urges to take this rule making to revise the current aircraft not emission standards. giving the continuing ozone attainment problems in our region, the northeast region, and a the nation as a whole and fact that under its current process it is unlikely to adopt new aircraft standards prior to 2022 if then epa should take the opportunity to act now and establish a production cutoff date of december 31st, 2018 for
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the united states after rich pier 8 not standards will apply to newly manufactured aircraft in lieu in the tier 6 standards netcome will have more records an we thank you for the privilege to be here today. >> thank you. my name is andres and i'm an associate attorney with gyre are a clucks environmental club and is largest and most active grassroots and organization in the united states. with over 2.4 million members and supporters as well as 64 affiliated chapters nationwide, the club works to secure a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainability environment for world and for future jnses alike one of the clubbest most urgent goals is to curb climate change and strongly advocate for green
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house emissions from all a sectors of the government. unless governments act now, we will be unable to avoid worst impact of climate change with rising sea level. extreme temperatures in weather events. displacement of peoples more severe and a drought and floods and harmful pollution and extinction of plant and animal species. it supports green house regulations for aircraft to help mitigate posed by climate change and limiting unlimited amounts of pollutants into the atmosphere. domestic and international u.s. flights now contradict nearly 30% of the world co2 emissions far more than any other country. infact, u.s. aircraft submit nor green house gases than the entire economies of all but eight a countries with none with a population below 80 million port more those will increase by 50% over the next two decades unless mandatory restraints are imposed. epa finding that green hog gas emissions from aircraft endanger public health and welfare is
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entirely found. climate change and gas emissions so well documented they require no additional discussion here. under section 231 of the clean air act a endangerment finding triggers obligation to issue binging aircraft regulations. gfn the sign and scope of the problem epa must not delay the regulatory process in any way. in particular the agency must forge ahead with these regulations without awaiting green house gas standards forth coming from international civil aviation organization ore icao. most stringent proposal under consideration would cover 35% of global aircraft and rely on 2016 technology for aircraft a felt in 2030, and would not impose a total cap on emissions from the global fleet. under best case seminar joe standards will do little if anything to curb the aircraft emissions. the united states must exhibit leadership on this issue and epa should move forward request strong effective standards under section 231. to that end epa must adhere to
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certain principles first the agency must cover all a aircraft under any final standards. this requires regulation not only of new design and/or newly constructed aircraft, but of aircraft currently in use as welg. epa is correct for the authority to regulate emissions from entire aircraft a rather from emissions or from engines and may address all categories of aircraft in its regulations. notably, section 231 broad man does not constrain the agency authority to regulate existing aircraft in any way and epa must take advantage of the statute if it expects advantage from the u.s. fleet. second in keeping with the spirit and purpose of the clean air a act but in market contrast to icao efforts must be technology forcing rather than following. the language of the statute makes clear that congress intended for standards not merely to reflect at a girch point and time, but tone chance those capabilities above what they would have been otherwise. hence, section 231 provides regulations shall take effect on a time frame that would permit development of application of
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the technology. epa must therefore base the forthcoming standards on existing technology, but on indevelopment technology as well. next, epa should consider a fleet wide average program permitted under section 231. a regulation of this nature would allow the agency to achieve the greatest submission at the lowest cost. agency should address air traffic management practices in its final rule to provide emission reduction communities at very low coast. finally, epa must require any aircraft that cannot be designed to meet the standard or retrofitted to achieve to phase out and retire. it is critical that it permit from continues to pollute our skies and contribute to climate change while better more efficient designs are readily available. sierra club appreciates effort to move ahead with green house aircraft and urge agency to have a strong and effective and technology forcing. while epa must take the time necessary to develop and appropriate and a women considered final rule, time is
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of the essence in december president obama administration officials, will travel to ferris to negotiate an a international climate aa cord with leaders from around the world. stronger commits to reduce green house gases domestically, the more eivetsive our negotiating position will be of the other countries. strongly wen courage to move swiftly ahead with regulations to choose the best possible outcome this fall in paris. i thank you for thepportunity to speak on this and sierra club on the proposal in the near future. thank you. thank you both for your comments and thoughts and before bill to introduce the next group is sue valdes here? no. okay. thank you both. >> thank you. going to move on to group number 5. could we please hear from angeles? amanda base. and david oci.
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thank you. thank you for the opportunity to testify on this important issue my name is kp angeles a climate and energy campaigner. research has shown that we must keep 80% of the world possible in the ground, to have a good chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate disruption. as a the world's largest historical emitter, the united states must shoulder the greatest share of the burden from making emission reductions. in order to achieve a necessary emission reductions to avert catastrophic climate disruption, the united states must take significant strides to reduce car boar pollution from every sector of the economy, and including air aircraft.
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the epa has already taken action to reduce emissions from cars, trucks, and power plants, now the epa needs to show the same leadership and limit aircraft carbon dioxide emissions. globally, airline operations produce 705 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2013. to put that in perspective global aviation emissions industry would rank 7th in included in country emission rankings, just after germany's total country emissions. this sector is too big to leave unregulated. so the epa must take immediate action to reduce car boar pollution from aviation. green house gas emissions from aircraft are currently responsible for more than 3% of the total united states emissions. while this may not seem significant, emissions from aviation sector one of the fastest growing sources of green house gases in the world. they are also the largest emission source that is unregulated in the united states. without regulation to limit emissions carbon pollution from this sector is expected to
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triple by 2050. regulation is especially important because of the potentially disproportionate climate impact of high altitude aircraft emissions. when emissionings are higher in the atmosphere they can add greater warming impact than at a ground level. the united states must take the lead in reducing emissions from our aircraft since by account for a large proportion of the world's aviation emissions. the united states is domestic flights account for 24% of the world's commercial aircraft carbon dioxide emissions, and 35% of carbon dioxide emissions from international commercial flights. when the epa first began thalzing measures through reduced carbon dioxide from aviation in 2008, it estimated green house gas reductions be available from airframe changes alone at 13.3%. expiet this research shows from 2012 to 2013, united states airlines overall did not make any net fuel efficiency gains. yet there are plenty of improvements that could be made as a evidence by the fact that
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there's a gap of 27% from the most to least fuel efficient domestic airline. this demonstrates that the industry is already implementing retrofit reducing carbon dioxide emissions. epa regulations would force all airline it is to adopt similar measures. the epa has legal authority under section 231 of the clean air act to address emissions ems from aircraft. this authority to act is broad. the clean air act requires standards put forward from pollution from any class or class of aircraft engine that may endanger public health. only substantive restriction that law places on this authority is that new rules cannot increase noise or hinged hinder safety and set pollution starngdz for existing engines in 1973. but these standards did not address carbon pollution at the time the standards were introduced the climate change was minimal.
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since then the scientific evidence for the ?eed to address this pollution has become ire irrefutable. epa must put forward new rules that reflects the need to take fast an meaningful action to reduce global warming and reduce emissions. united states cannot wait for the international ave auation agency to take action. so far it is succeeded in delays to set climate policies. it was finally expected to put forward coming standards in early 2016. but they are likely to be incredibly week and in position. in part because they will not apply to in use aircraft. the epa has a legal authority and a emission reduction exists to make far greater than it was expected to mandate. the epa should adapt its proposedded finding that aircraft emissions and endanger public health with three months of the close period and adopt in broad and scope than focus on
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new aircraft and engines, and new rule that epa puts forward should include existing aircraft and not limit coverage to just engines, but the entire aircraft. epa should use authority to set emission standards for cost of aircraft, aircraft -- and a way that is technology forcing. tone sure the greatest emission reductions possible. epa should follow the example that is set for passenger and a medium heavy duty vehicles and establish fleet wide averages for new and existing aircraft. including those in service. these starngdz standards must reduce them for the entire united states aviation sector over time. further mother, epa should work with the federal aviation administration to develop complimentary standards to produce the use of low carbon jet fuel. thank you for the time to consider my comments. good morning my name is amanda i lyft in virginia beach,
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virginia, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak to you today. for the past five year i've documented aircraft emits trails across the sky. i've taken hundred was videos an thousands of photographs of these persisting emissions. many of the aircraft i have witnessed appear to be spraying something into the atmosphere. uneasy with my observations i wanted to know what was cause to leave visible trails that did not dissipate. i reached out to local, state, and federal government agencies for information in assistance. what what i experienced was disillusioning to say the least. when i called the epa i was told that the faa handled aircraft emission when is i called faa they told me to call epa i was schultzed from office to office with no agency ever accepting responsibility or accountability. my calls were not returned nor my concerns addressed by afghanistan if i finally accepted from the epa was the
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hire a plane and do my own testing thftion disheartening because i was led to believe that the environmental protection agency was the protector of the environment. they advised me to contact quality for the state of virginia. not surprisingly the deq informed me that they do not regulate regular forces of emissions don't go to airports and don't check what is loaded on to plains as a request for my yard to be tested for biological contamination, i was told that the virginia deq could now the use state money to test for those materials. further more my complaint was in an area where they have no authority to investigate another dead end. i reported naval station -- military jets for dumping fuel over my neighborhood and spoke with at least 30 individuals at the base. i finally spoke with terry
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chamber land head of the environmental office at and blungtly told me that it regulates itself. needless to say they continue to dump unburnt fuel over the residents living close to the base. for several years, i electronically reported on airplane pollution using the environmental violation form on epa's website it was referred to me by an asrs federal contractor working for the epa. i have always included my contact information on the tip report, and identified specific aircraft that can easily be traced. no one from the epa has investigated any of my formerly filed complains. since i became interested in the possible danger of chemical spraying and environment i have contacted virginia pollution control board, national weather service, and military bases, noaa, nasa department of
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defense, national laboratory, the department of energies, department of homeland security, fema, the health department, the department of travel countless federal agent as and operators, the virginia beach police department, and even the white house. all to no avail. to date no one from any agency has investigated my complaints. i was told to talk to my local representatives. every agency if i contacted responded to my report by telling me i was seeing condensation from engine exhaust. aircraft engine dos emit water vapor, of course, but vapor that quickly dissipates. what i was witnessing was persistent and long lasting -- how can anyone reasonably conclude that a particular aircraft emission is nearly a contrail without testing it? that is both unscientific and irresponsible. tim trails opposed to contrail describe aircraft emissions there's a rise in international
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concern about the existence of airborne chemical spraying bolstered by evidence. what is in the air a we're breathing? one proactivist from california, decided to have -- excuse me to have his hair tested for heavy metals at his own expense. high level of barium uncovered i have a copy of his lab results that he voluntarily sent to me. i will post this document on my facebook page madison star moon following this hearing. but this contamination come from chemical spraying? how can we know if local, state, and a federal agencies refuse to take ownership of the issue? to provide testing and usable data and ultimately regulate when required? the whole burden of investigation cannot rest with the epa but must be shared with other agencies in congress, however, there must be clear lines of authority so that the public is fully offed in and protected.
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the state and purpose of this hearing to consider full range of pollution generated by aircraft that desire for education in chemical spraying has if become a worldwide phenomenon. we're counting on you as protectors of the environment to act a. no more wren around for citizens deeply concerned about the health of the world. and the individuals that inhabit it. thank you. >> thank you for the opportunity to speak today my name is dave back i'm the fellow and attorney at the natural resources defense counsel. nrdc is a national nonprofit organization that works on all environmental issues, and we represent 300,000 members nationwide. eight days ago, administrator mccarthy laid out a powerful
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case for acting on climateç change. she said, climate change is one of the most important issues we face as a country, and a citizen of the world. it affects everything we know and love our kids, our communities, our ability to earn a decent living. it impacts our health, our safety, our livelihood. one thing is crystal clear, acting on thisç challenge is a moral responsibility. ed a administer tore is right united states has a right to reign in climate change and showed admirable leadership in -- going after emissions from cars, trucks and now power plants, and a we need to epa exercise the same leadership when it comes to regulating aircraft. airplanes are unregulated in the united states transportation sector, they're responsible for 11% of transportation sector emissions. 3% of total u.s. emissions and 0.5% of total global emissions.
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and these emissions are skyrocketing. we expect epa expects nearly 50% increase between 2015 and 2035. and in light of these facts it is indisputable that they cause or contribute to air pollution that may be anticipated to engage public health or welfare within 23 and epa should quickly adopt proposed finding. thereafter epa must take bold action to reduce these dangerous emissions. the united states under president obama has pledged to reduce economy line emissions by between 26 and 28% between 2005 and 2025. we must make good on this commitment and it is our moral responsibility as a administrative mccarthy reminded us but as world resource institute has shown, we cannot do so without taking meaningful action to reduce aircraft emissions.
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and i include a citation in any comments but projected that we would need to reduce aircraft emissions by 2% to meet that target. give urgency of the climate crisis epa should propose standards that go far beyond options currently being considered by iko. we will welcome in meaningful international standards and encourage eshes pennsylvania to continue pushing iko to greater strengyy to adopt coverage of production of aircraft a as urges other epa do today. but girch that it has committed to adopting a technology following standard and ruled out the possibility of regulating existing aircraft, it is clear that the united states cannot deliver on our commitments if we overstamp the standards. it must do more.
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fortunately the clean air act proposeds epa with clean authority to reign in aviation. as epa recognized in 2008, in its advance notice of rule making on regulating under clean air act section 230 the clean air act authorizes a fleet wide averaging system that applies to both new and existing aircraft. drawing on the authority -- epa should propose a fleet wide average system that is sufficiently stringent to stabilize u.s. aviation emissions by 2020 king the with industries commitment. an a reduce them thereafter. we know that this can be done. in 2010, at the request of senate -- of then senator kerry epa developed a scenario for approximately 250 million metric tons per year by 2.2% to 2015 and 2030. epa noted that airlines have historically improved by 2 to 3%
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per year and concluded that similar improvements would be achievable between 2015 and 2030 the agency cited improved operations and new aircraft technology including geared turbofan engines, lighter airframes, and blended wing body design. as possible contributors to such a reduction. these operational technological improvements are clearly achievable, as well as cost effective. and we believe that epa should use this 2010 study as a baseline in sites proposed domestic standards. finally, epa should also consider the opportunity to retrofit existing aircraft. industry leaders have already taken significant steps with cost effective safe retrofits. winglets which our wing attachments that reduce drag and
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improve efficiency by 4% per flight on trips over 1,000 nautical mights. alaska lead ergs recently introduced pronounced -- s-c-i-n-t-a-r, this technical term, and they reduce emissions by an additional almost 2% per flight up to about 6% total of reduction. so this is cost effective epa should run it across the entire fleet. and epa should work with faa to have standards to reduce low jet fuels. jet fuels that reduce life cycle g emissions compared to conventional fuels. industry lead rrs already using these fuels on a commercial scale. for example, alaska airlines has been using low carbon biofuel on regularly scheduled flights since 2011.
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and united recently investigationed 30 million in a project to convert household trash into jet fuel which is expected by enough low carbon fuel for 20,000 fuel at a competitive cost. building on this work of industry leaders epa should work with faa a to have a low carbon fuel standard to compliment its 231 emission standard. in conclusion, epa should adopt its proposed endangerment finding an as soon as possible. it is indisputable. next epa should push iko to greater string city including coverage of in production aircraft. however, it should also prepare to propose standards to go far beyond the options the organization is considering. specifically, epa should propose a fleet wide averageing strategy to stibblize emissions at 2005 levels by 2020 and reduce them significantly thereafter. epa should consider retrofit options including possibility of
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requiring airlines to use winglet on their entire fleet. and epa should work with the faa to develop a low carbon fuel standard. thank you very much for the opportunity to be heard. >> thank you all for your comments i would like to invite up our last two speakers for today, patrick rorks and patrick and max. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> okay, go ahead. >> my name is patrick, i'm san francisco based activist and researcher and i run stop spraying us -- today's hearing it has supposed to address whether green house gas emissions from aircraft
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endanger public health. but when you mention green house gas, most people think of carbon dioxide. a harmless placed gas that is essential. but co2 represents just 3% of the planet green house gags. 95 a% of it is water. even preschoolers know overcast skies make a night warmer and day cooler. clouds insulate trapping in heat and reduce temperature range of the night's low etion of the days highs. persistent contrails all willfully ignorant notice the sky change over last few decades. dark blue skies of childhood replaced with a milky white haze with a contrail stretching from horizon to horizon and spreading out to cover the sky. these trails can stretch for thousands of mile and can be seen by anyone visiting these trails per cyst regardless of altitude, temperature,
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humidity or other and used to be rare and now an everyday phenomenon all over the world. this physics hasn't changed. what makes trails form per cyst for hours and stretch thousands of miles? which are they forming on? and are these harmful to human health? geeo engineers spray tons of particle into the atmosphere in eamght to reflect sunlight back into space and therefore reduce global warming. this is aerosol injection or modification. this process patented by contractor and it is simple. tiny particles spread from jets without the nuclei with persistent contrails which would then spread out to torment cloud cover.
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when geoengineers discussed management in public, the only substances they would consider spraying is acid. however, their own literature concludes that they have limited effectiveness and they are aluminum and barium should be used instudy when confronted they refuse to address the proposal. other geoengines are more candid about their deploys in the sky. they admitted in an interview in 2006 that he discussed putting pathogen in clouds to wage chemical an germ warfare in populations when he worked for the government lab. no surprise that the public debt of the scientists have best interest at heart. last month i brought this paper to the ferris climate conference addressing the -- human health tax and proposed solutions, i formerly asked to enter it into the record. document of increase in
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alzheimer's and respiratory failure when persistent con dlb trails they are knew with the solar management program has been deployed since at least the 1990s. what a modification research is nothing new. earliest date is back to 1920. patent proposes reducing global warming by other oxides in 10 to 20 in the stratosphere using jet exhaust. the u.s. navy patterned another delivery method which forms art artificial air shut ships rocked flights. best known for opponent is doctor david kef. he told the annual meeting of the american association for the advancement of science, that
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aluminum oxide has four times the forcing -- for particles with sulfur and the coagulation rate. the particles fall out of the straits stratosphere and proved it was simple to spray particles from a plane by injecting a vapor into the exhaust. 2010 paper for levitation of air assault for geoengineers had a spraying 50 titanium instead of sulfate. all concluded that it is more effective than sulfate in a 2010 permit of in nature climate change. the materials safety data sheet for not particularly aluminum states irritant to respiratory disease in disiewms and tumors and shouldn't be released
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without permanent ferments. rose to 6th leading cause of the death in the united states from the age between 1999 and 2013. in 1994, it didn't make the top ten now people in 20s are showing science of alzheimer's. it accumulates in the brain and brain ages and creates stress and inflammation of the brain and a seven times more available. barium is deadlier. according to his material safety sheet it can cause pull money their and tremors. muscular paralysis. shock and cardiac failure. barium tarts cardiovascular nervous, gastrointestinal and systems as well as the adreen l gland an liver, and develop irritant into the skin and should not be released into the environment. respiratory failure overtook
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stroke in the united states as a time when smoking was at all time low. emission standards and power lants restricted and heavy industry reloabted china. hundred was scientific papers proved that toxicity of aluminum and barium will take fractions to prove. according to epa, particular pollution can cause early death from heart attack, congest eve heart failure and cause asthma and cancer and developmental harm. pollution can lower life expectancy by one to three years. water and ice have produce rainbow with 42 degrees on the solar point. but in recent years, a formerly rare phenomenon has become common place at 21 degree halo completely and circling the sun. some argue that these halos are incredibly rare sundogs forced
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by ice crystals but nothing can change that water and ice that forts 40 degree halos. metal is higher reflective in that and tighter halos. aa aluminum had 1.62 and bareium as 6.26 these are formed by melts with a high refractive index than water and reenforced taken during a 30 day period when i recorded 21 of these halos in -- march, april 2015. i collected rain water and clean glass on the roof of my san francisco apartment building on april 5th, 6,000 miles from the nearest factory plant and refinery coal mine and sent it to a certified lab that reported it less than a meter less than
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one gram. earlier test of rain water collected in january of 2014 but i submit both of these rain water test it is for the record. san francisco's air should be press teen we get winds off the pacific ocean. why left to concerned citizens to pay for rain water analysis and why did epa stop publishing data on aluminum back this 2002? whether you take this opportunity to formerly submit a freedom of information correct for epa to release historical reports of test in air and rain water from 1980s to present. i recorded hundreds of videos showing progression of contrails in 2011. thousands of others worldwide have documented alarming increase in the contrails. sorry. does ns have persistent contrails met with deafens
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silence from three organizations like green peace who are a proud member in the solar radiation management governess initiative and government agencies including epa. your mandate is to protect environment especially the air we breathe. i wouldn't have met you to be the manhattan project even when blatantly obvious to increasingly aware at at rage populous when you with a program is causing millions of deaths a year you must be back and forth between three letter agencies. history will judge you on actions or inaction. >> firstly i would like to thank organizers for making this hearing possible and thank other contributors a big thank you to those who have helped to make my
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trip possible. my name is max. in fact i'm a general builder who has worked outside all of my life. after moving to southwest of france in 2009, to a region famed for high sunshine hours and deep blue sky i was increasingly aware of the increase in contrails in associated cloud cover. i began to notice this daily and greatly troubled me i started film sky for four years. barely a day goes by without seeing various contrail, fake spreading for most alarming is watching spurts within contrails some -- watching and then watching the sky blotted out. subsequently i wanted to learn more became a passionate environmentalist. i have attended and participated in climate engineering conferences. with respect to this hearing on proposed finding the green house gas trs air cause or contribute to air pollution that may
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reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare. major component 95% of green house gas is qurrter vapor. to get with others from exhaust or reject particulate matter from formed contrailed. haziness and cloud blankets that eventually certainly do affect changes to the weather or during rainfall or temperatures reducing frost, et cetera. and ultimately affecting climate change. when the planes are grounded following 9/11, and in 2010, there were, obviously, no contrails. the sky cleared of clouds and natural clear blue sky returned with aviation is affecting cloud cover. according to various investigations such as the 1998 subsonic contrail and clouds effects sperm study, they have noted that apart from water and co2 there are particle including zinc and titanium and since
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sulfate, et cetera found in the exhaust contributes as -- ice crystals to form contrails. a 2010 study for the right patterson air force is titled nanosized at aered immune function opens ab tract of this sentence on basis of use in jet fuels, emissions and the most likely scenario for the particle exposure is inhalation to concern of fume incidents. in 2004, investigation into covering air quality found that the peak particulate matter pownsd in the air doesn't duct was from lubricating oil os contaminating the air supply via the air bleed valve worthy to note that 6 o% of the cabin air
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comes from the atmosphere and as planes often fight through contrails all of the air cells left by other planes have presence from planes were, though, very difficult must be initiated as soon as possible. many hundreds of pilots and frequent flyers report the dehabilitating linked to carbon air. please refer to arrow toxic syndrome. there were many new studies with outside dementia and various other ailment in humans animals, whales, fish, and even bees. plants, trees, and all life is affected by toxicity. recently announced that one in three seniors will die without. just becomes clear with research that man nanoparticle are planned in near future also for that matter in biodiesel.
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not only has potential linked to health impacts but also known to contradict to making clouds as it is used in trace rockets for nasa. the oxide has been suggested by geoengineers but is known to damage ozone. it is a location. mentioned in modification -- although there are hundreds of weather modifications using various methods and ingredients. in a 1966 u.s. to 756097 for weather control, the office states we have discovered that quantities of very dry superheated work vapor will disturb the thermal and electrical balance of cloud formation causing dissipation or precipitation. we established this process of our invention by injecting water or water solution of ionic salt into heated it exhaust gases of a power plant such as internal
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combustion jet engine and the like. from investigation into the huge disturbing increases in contrails associated cloud cover and changes to the weather, one will be left wondering if this indeed is intentional or deliberate as a the extra contrail and cloud generation is excessive in correlation with the increasing growing aviation use. i have taken pictures of line with the engine on pileups. these are described as oil drain but some patron of similar nozzles state they can be ejected from them. even if oil was leaked out smoke could be generated and smoke is used for clouds for weather modification. a 197 o paper by wallace bmc cray under possibility of weather modification by aircraft contrails, he describe how ice crystals formed effectively below as ice crystals fall into
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lower deck altitude increased as dry ice clouds. writes possible consequence of this are comfortable seems probable that one of the projects for modifies climate discuss discussed by fletcher modification of cloud cover over the basin by clouds is already underway. up until mid-1970s documents suggest that establishment desire was to intentionally know that arctic sea ice to free up shipping lanes excess rich resources and open up ice locked land and adversity climate changes could be blamed on the global warming to instigate governess for agent 21 sustainable development program to create the new world order. interestingly, when one begins to research the history of weather and a climate modification it is surprising
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how fire the desire for developing large scale weather and climate modification was president ich howard, and onwards an high wards with a high priority put on possibility they were using gee lo political coverage in 1997. :
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>> we do not need to be scientists to observe the sky and see the obvious negative effects aviation is having, and research the spiraling health impacts. just looking up and wake up. god bless and these forward. >> thank you both for your comments. i believe unless there's additional residents have come
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in since a few minutes ago we have concluded our hearing for today. no, have the whole panel and the epa other like to thank everybody for your thoughtful comments and suggestions today. i want to remind everybody that coming. officially closes on his action on august 31 at 11:59 p.m. i encourage written comments. we want additional information and anything you can provide. so thank you all for taking time today. we appreciate it, and we hope to hear from you soon. thank you. [inaudible conversations] >> the house of representatives in the u.s. senate are out of session for their summer recess your both bodies are back on tuesday september 8, and expected take up the nuclear agreement with iran and the senate vote on a judicial nominee on its first day back in session. when the senate returns live coverage here on c-span2.
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>> yo >> this month with congress on its summer recess these tours are containing network c-span each day at 6 p.m. today we visit omaha, but the history of the largest city in nebraska. after that at 17 p.m. donald trump holds a town hall meeting in new hampshire. live coverage at 17 p.m. on c-span. tonight at eight eastern on c-span2 its booktv in primetime.
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>> the national urban league held its annual conference late last month in fort lauderdale. in the opening session education secretary arne duncan, fcc commissioner mignon clyburn and a panel of young professionals discussed education, jobs, justice, and the future of civil rights. this is one hour 20 minutes. >> this is about looking into the opening plenary, the 2015
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national urban league conference. it's my honor to get to preside over this session. once again be of great importance. to identify the core of the next generation of leaders. we always have to be prepared to pass the torch, but who in our ranks have the ability, fortitude, intelligence and commitment to move the platform and agendas most important to all of our communities, to the next level. is a conversation worth having? do you agree? so we'll start this discussion at today's opening plenary but it will not in today. leaders in the fight for justice, education and jobs, for economic equality, for political parity are not a dime a dozen. it takes a certain strength to lead. it takes integrity and the ability to keep fighting. it requires that one's ego in
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check, despite fear it requires you to have guts and determination, cannot give up or when the odds looked stacked against you, it takes courage and compassion, and it takes a lot of of people. and that love is like the love that god has for all of us. it's not a role for the week apart, and the speakers and panelists in attendance today will be to address some aspect of the subject, starting with our first speaker today, robert runcie. robert runcie -- [applause] robert runcie is the superintendent of the broward county public schools, and as a superintendent of the nation's six largest school district, robert runcie is absolutely committed to educating today's students to succeed in tomorrow's world. ladies and gentlemen, urban leaguers, please welcome robert runcie. [applause]
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>> good morning, everyone. how are you doing? all right. thank you. i'm proud to serve on the local board of the urban league, the urban league of broward county, and i want to take just a second to just give a special shout out to our local leader and president. she demonstrates the kind of tenacity and determination that we will need to save our cities, to save our country. we've all heard of the troubling and seemingly intractable statistics about the achievement gaps in our nation's education system, where black and brown children, poor children trail whites, students and others on standardized assessment, graduation rates and college and
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career readiness. the gap becomes intensified by the school to prison pipeline where black males are disproportionately represented in the more than 3 million students suspensions that occur each year in this country. that is one for almost every teacher and classroom in america. make no mistake. the achievement gap is a link to the opportunity gap. we see increasing numbers of students showing up to our classrooms each year, each day struggling to overcome the challenges of poverty, violence, and homelessness. the future of our nation will be determined by how we treat our most vulnerable people. now is the time for this generation to do whatever it takes to break the cycle of poverty for the next generation. i'm here today to tell you that broward county public schools, the six largest school district in the country with over 265,000
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students, we have the determination and tenacity to become a national leader in closing the achievement gap and we will get this done. [applause] and we will get this done i doing several things. one, heaping our kids and our classrooms and not sending them to courtrooms. [applause] we've implemented an intervention program to support our kids who are having behavioral challenges, and we've seen a 63% reduction in suspension that broward county over the last couple of years. secondly, we will be redoubling our efforts on early learning and others a to ensure that our students are successfully making the transition from learning to read, to learning, to reading to learn at an advanced level by third grade.
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third, we will build and continue to work on developing great relationships with community partners such as the urban league and many other agencies who we must work with collaboratively to ensure the success of all children. and, finally, we must provide our children with no. we must show them every day that we love them and believe in them. [applause] educating our kids is not a spectator sport. let's all get in the game. may god bless you all with the strength and courage and wisdom to give our kids a fighting chance to achieve the american dream. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, superintendent. all of our efforts to save our cities begin and end with education. i would like to know bring to the stage federal communications
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commission mignon clyburn to give remarks. mignon clyburn serves on the federal communications commission. the federal communications commission has a very important role. they oversee many emerging technology companies, television stations, radio stations, telephone companies, internet companies. and commissioner clyburn has been steadfast in pushing equity issues inside of those industries. so we are very proud that she is with us today. ladies and gentlemen, what an honor it is to recognize and present to you federal communications commissioner mignon clyburn ♪ ♪ [applause] >> good morning urban leaguers. what an honor it is for me to take part in this year's annual convention. save our cities, education, jobs and justice. what a fitting theme that so
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boldly encapsulates the events of the past year. but he would please allow me to speak about the progress we've actually made over the last 12 months, because two rarely as you know we focus on the good. we knew db -- we need to do better by the. we are seeing improvement when it comes to education. the high school dropout rate is falling. we are witnessing gains on the jobs front. the national unemployment rate is decreasing. we are making incremental at noteworthy steps when it comes to justice. we are witnessing a nationwide bipartisan conservation -- conversation on criminal justice reform, and we are seeing more scrutiny, investigations, and charges levied on those who may have fallen short of the oath they were sworn to abide by. [applause] and yet most often approve of this is bolstered by a video but it was not so long ago that even
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this degree of proof would not have made a big difference. and as dr. king reminded us, human progress is neither automatic or inevitable. every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle, as a tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. you are those individuals. from president marc morial to your national or local trustees to the leadership of your affiliates and volunteers to the urban league and young professional to enter the national and local staff of supporters. we are so grateful for your commitment to ensuring that african-americans and underserved population have access to the training and support needed to receive quality and justice. without a doubt the progress and optimism we have are too often clouded by heartache and struggle. the protesters, supporters and sympathizers of black lives matter, they are heartsick but
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are engaged in determined to bring about change. 11.3% of african-americans currently unemployed are heartsick, but they continue to struggle to support their family and search for opportunities. and nearly 500 countries in our nation classified as persistent poverty areas, communities that have been disproportionately and desperately poor for 30 years or more, they are heartsick, but many remain hopeful. they are long in deserving of our support. like you, i hear them and i refuse to let the heartache wear me down for stifle my resolve. each of us is here today because we realize that we are the architects and builders of the change in no. it may sometimes seem that we are the only drafters and designed of those footprints and blueprint for success and opportunity, but we keep pushing, don't we?
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we keep moving, right? we refuse to keep our heads down or our backs spent. for me, urban leaguers, it is about providing opportunities through communication. we are witnessing some real gains went broadband and technology are used to tackle some of our most chronic societal problems. our economy is growing and our lives are being made more convenient. whether it is applied for the job completed difficult homework assignments, buying a plane ticket, or seeking medical help, increasingly this is all made less difficult when we are connected to the internet. entrepreneurs are assessing, accessing of platforms and solving new and long-standing problems. broadband is breaking down barriers to achievement for minorities, people with disabilities, and the poor. after all, when you are shopping online you may never know that seller or purchaser. you may never know he or she looks like.
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i have heard stories i people of color who say they are making much more money online than they ever did when they were pounding the pavement, knocking on the doors and facing rejections that they concluded may have been due to long-standing prejudices and biases your but even as an equalizer of opportunity, even with all of the hope that broadband brings, to me in our communities simply cannot afford to be connected. way too many of our schools and libraries have an adequate broadband speed. our communities schools are not offering advanced placement or advanced student courses, and this is putting our most bright and talented students at a competitive disadvantage. companies that they the best wages will never hire those who were not digitally proficient, and with each of us challenging
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high-tech companies to recruit from hbcus and state-supported schools, and without being the bridge for those who do not have those corporate contacts, our young people would never have a chance. being employed by these high-tech companies or in the other companies, leaving our most talented unable to fully develop and market those excellent business ideas that are waiting to be unleashed. our communities are being left behind, and stuck on the wrong side of the opportunities divide, leaving them less likely to gain access to venture capital networks our wealth. but we can change that. this is what i am passionate about connecting the dots between the promise of broadband and actual results in everybody's lives. i am determined and will commit to work with you to modernize our countries only low-income telecommunications adoption program by making the existing
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support for lifeline to include support for broadband, not just for his service as it does today. because we have heard -- [applause] -- that relevant not cause is the reason why many of our citizens do not have broadband connection at home. but as community leaders university in that we ask a proud senior citizen on fixed income, where does he want to sign up for broadband, her dignity will not allow her to admit to you that she cannot afford the service. what she would tell you is that it's not relevant or she does not need. but we know that is not the truth. pew research center just reported that african-americans have adopted broadband faster than any other group over the past 15 years. but they also reported is that a majority of those without broadband have a household income lower than $30,000 a year. so that is why we are committed
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to assuring that cost is to longer a barrier to broadband adoption. but this will only happen through partnerships with industries, the government, technology. last week the commission voted to approve a merger between at&t and directv. but what you may not have heard is that our office worked with a company to design a program that will offer individuals and families eligible for snap the ability to purchase 10 megabits of broadband for $10 a month without any connection these or hidden charges. for those who don't know what that means, at speed you could affordably download instructional videos, did well this care through telemedicine and start and maintain an online business. this could be the key -- [applause] -- for some in our communities and they will be able to use of affordably. we also recognize that even if we could these larger to mitigation companies through
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mergers, we still have an obligation to look out for those small businesses and ensure that we promote independent state and diverse television and radio programming. i promise you i will never abandon those goals, and i've called for proceedings to identify more opportunities. and i will not quit until the fcc finally and completely answers the call of thousands of petitioners who have been pleading for well over a decade for relief from those exorbitant telephone calling rates that are charged by companies that service jails and prisons. we made a critical step two years ago, but that did not solve all of the problems for the majority of the 2.7 million children who are struggling to make -- maintain contact with an incarcerated parent. the core of families, friends and legal aid lawyers are shelling out 400-$500 a month to keep in touch with loved ones.
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they can't afford it. their clients are not been able to serve those individuals. what legal aid company can afford $400-$500 a month to protect and stand up for a client? hundreds of thousands of inmates are unable to stay connected with their communities, and as a consequence of not being able to stay in touch, they go home ask strangers. it is i am convinced, and i know you know, play the role and effect of 7075% of those who leave, are back behind bars within five years. i may not be able to stop every inmate from we are thinking, but i can't and it will do my part when it comes to those phone rates in criminal justice reform. i can make a difference. you can make a difference. so that costs will not be the main barrier for family and friends and lawyers when it
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comes to maintaining contact with those who are incarcerated. the reason why this has gone on for so long that these calls have not been answered is because too many of us have remained saw it. we remain silent no more. that time is now for us to stop ignoring this problem. the time is now for you to push the fcc to finish what it is started. the time is now for youth to demand that those 40 plus states who refused to address the issue of unfair inmate calling rates stop ignoring what was called a tax on paying for too many. we are all the hope that they had each of us has the capacity and ability to push we needed, to pull if required, to prod the necessary, to protect when awarded, and to deliver when, always. lethat the use of these hours we
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have to share with each other during these sessions to sharpen our tools, be enlightened by new concepts and strategies, and get energized so we have the stamina needed to carry the torch of hope and change. i thank you, urban leaguers. i am working with you, urban leaguers. i am yours, urban leaguers. thank you very much. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the national urban league the secretary of education arne duncan. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> in first of all, good mornin. >> first of all, let's welcome
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secretary hogan back to national urban league, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] he's been with us many, many times. i want to start because you've really been in the trench working hard for now six years. as they present sectors of education. and i want to start by just giving sort of a long view as you look back on those years. what's been the most important part of the last six years when it comes to improved outcomes, education, things our kids speak with let me cheat over tennessee made a couple. to be clear with of all the way to go but i would start with early childhood education. that's the best investment we can make. our department didn't do much of there. we put more than a billion dollars behind states that would increase access and make sure it's high quality. we are thrilled with it. where the long way to go but that's been fantastic. on the k-12 side with high school graduation rates at all time highs for the nation, 81%.
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dropout rates are down significantly, african-american dropout rates down 45% hispanic dropout rate cut in a. that's 1.1 million additional students who not just graduated from high school going to college so we are thrilled with it. on the higher education side, you had jim prince he, his brother with a, robert runcie. were able to put $40 billion behind pell grants that go back to taxpayers for a nickel. put the money to students and went from 6 million held recipients to about nine. we've made progress at every level, early childhood k-12, higher ed, along the way to go. >> there's a real good -- [inaudible] we all know as a historic civil rights organization that 50 years ago president johnson put the elementary secondary education act on the books and it is a fold over the years.
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now there's a debate about what that blueprint up to look like as congress considers reauthorization or renewing the law. update as. where is the discussion? which are looking at? we've been in the trench. mostly aligned with your thinking and the president's thinking but i think people would like to hear where it is because some of it has been played out inside the beltway only. >> first off the no child left behind has been broken a long time. unfortunate congress has been broken. congress has been pretty dysfunctional as well. we step in the cab, provided wavered -- >> congress is dysfunctional? >> provide waivers, to maintain accountability. more so innocent then the house there is a good faith effort to we don't know if we will be successful, republicans and democrats for the first time in our six and it just starting to work together to get the right
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point. i want to thank you so much, thank you, everybody, other civil rights organizations. this is not an education law. it's a civil rights law. we have to make sure whether kids get educated or not is not a state-by-state decision to this is in our nation's best interest. i always say this isn't the right thing to do for the black community or the hispanic community. this is the right thing to do for our country. for the first time ever our nation's schools are majority-minority. i do we will help every child be successful have strong families and strong communities and a strong nation or the whole nation will struggle. struggle. avenue and other stand up and say we need to be held accountable, make sure young people are graduating, make sure we are measuring progress, that voice from the civil rights community and business community is extraordinarily important. that the voices say walk away, hand out free money, let states do what they want. we know the history of what happens when we just give folks a past.
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>> accountability is a word often misunderstood. there's a debate about what -- [inaudible] testing. we will pass it back and forth. about what accountability really means and what type of accountability should we have. one of the things people tend to forget is that elementary and secondary education act and falls a bit commitment by taxpayers of the united states to elementary and secondary education. how should we think about this word accountability? what does it mean in real terms? >> so you and i interviewed here, we are putting out billions of dollars. let me be clear, it's not enough money. we are asking for another billion dollars in title i money for poor students but we need to make sure from a physical standpoint that our investment in these closing those of insidious achievement gaps. but it's not just about the financial part.
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this is fighting to give kids a chance to lead. we know today if young kids drop out of high school they're basically condemned to poverty and social good the are no good jobs out there for the. a high school diploma isn't enough. we're talking some form of higher education. so we talk about a candidate but it's important to be clear. for me it means a couple things. it means assessing kids everything with your. we should step backwards from too much testing. we need in each year our kids making progress or not, what are the strengths, weaknesses? how do we help them? we need to the david, transparency, but it goes beyond transparency to corrective action. we've had too many schools across the nation is totally illegal dropout factories were huge percentage of our kids are dropping everything to do. we challenge the party hard and as part of recent graduation rates are going up. accountability isn't just numbers.
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it's not just transparency. it's not information. we can't just admire the pub or label the problem. we have to do something about it, stepping in. we need to be held accountable to do that. that to me is what to accountability is. >> the issue of adequate and capital funding is a big issue for the civil rights community, a big issue for the urban league. i had the opportunity to serve on the commission that looked at that issue. paint a picture of where we are when it comes to the lack of equitable funding to what does it really mean? once the picture? what do you see from where you sit? >> it's a devastating and we are so for go as a nation, marc. you should have the money comes from states and 40% of the local level. look across the nation. i go back to my home in chicago. we in chicago countless than half the money each year than wealthiest suburbs four or
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five miles north of along lake michigan. you think of the key with the impact of pre-k 12, 14 years of education where my kids who are 85% poor, 90% minority countless than half the resources each year of kids in other places. we actually sued the state. unfortunate we lost but we have so far to go to give every kid an equal opportunity. i've talked about all the time. we need to focus on achievement gap, close it up close what i call the opportunity gap. >> what does practically lack of equitable funding mean? so some argue quote it gives local statistics more money to waste. what does running from a superintendent with your experience as an educator, what does it mean for kids in the classroom? >> it's a very, very simple. if i had chicago, ballpark numbers, eight, $9000 per pupil.
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and other suburbs they had 18, $19,000 per pupil. my teachers in chicago made less money than wealthiest suburbs. my class size was much larger than we would have liked it. our children have less taxes early childhood programs. i'm a big believer in extra crigger sports and art and dance and debate, your book. our kids have less access to extracurricular program. technology is a game changer. less taxes the. of right and the line. decades internation who need the most, with its inner-city urban which is our background on whether it's rural our native american reservations get our kids who need it most often get a lease. that is unfair and it's un-american. [applause] >> thank you. how do you feel about the experiments underway with longer school days, longer school years? once the information sank with what is your. >> usually when i talk about this some adults cheered and
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kids throw tomatoes at me. but if we're trying to close gaps, help kids are not born with a silver spoon in the mouth been more successful, it takes more time. you have to work harder. you have a very successful. i don't think he got where you are to succeed by networking our guide to anyone who is successful it doesn't work hard. is most kids going to school six hours a day five days a week and i must a week and i'm proud of you year, that works well for some kids. i think of the kids may need eight or nine hours a day. might need saturdays. might need some of the this is s not sitting in the classroom but maybe to study ballet or study music or to the base for robotics or coding. it's a chance to develop your skills that self-interest. if you are behind you to work harder to catch a. because we don't doing of early childhood education, the average child in the dissident community starts kindergarten at five years old by year to 16 months behind, and we don't always
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catch them. we've got to start playing catch-up. we've got to invest more early but longer days, longer weeks, longer years i think are so important. i think our school should be community center. we have 100,000 schools in our nation. white neighborhoods, black neighborhoods, which inhibits to their classrooms, gyms, libraries, computer labs, pools. they don't belong to me or to the principal or to the union. they belong to the community. and why we shut down these great facilities at tw two or three cn happen doesn't make sense. they should be open until 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. bringing churches, nonprofits, social service agencies, let them run programs afterschool. after school. chicago like 150 programs like this, community centers, not just serving children with their families. when you have ged and the is unfounded lose tonight and counseling and food banks, and families are bound together in school is the heart of the committee, those kids will do just fine. we have to think differently.
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us. we are going to cheer on that because we believe that, right, urban leaguers? [applause] what message should urban leaguers have for one governors and local school superintendent? what message should urban leaguers have and what should they demand from those that want to those that want to be president of the united states speak with you got a few presidential candidates coming in friday, right? i wish i could stay. i would love to the conversation. let me be clear that i'm passionate about this and i'm a proud democrat but i could care less, republican, democrat, education should be the ultimate bipartisan -- [applause] but we don't have in this country is politicians on education who walk the walk. but i'll talk the talk. never met an anti-education politician. i've never met a politician who didn't like to have photo ops with kids and hugged babies and kiss babies. is what i would ask you to ask every candidate.
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what is your goal for access to her childhood education books don't say you are for childhood education but what is your concrete goal for what percent the future access and are you going to get there? what is your goal for the nation's high school graduation rates over black students graduation rate? wants to go for dropout rate? over four years you want to go from where to where an increasing good numbers, decreasing bad numbers. what is your strategy to get there? what is your strategy to increase not just college enrollment but college completion rates. they have to get past talking points, get past soundbites, get passport education budget ask concretely early childhood, k-12 outcomes, higher education outcomes, what are your goals and what strategies? i think to change the conversation. let me be clear every politician is coming here, they don't want your vote, they don't want to support they need your support they can't get elected without
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you. i don't blame the politicians. i blame the voters. that's on us. have you used to be held accountable and folks need to go vote. the top of the list around education the last thing i will say, the last presidential debate in 2012 i was really, really sad. education was bound to mention, barely a topic. they talked about what people vote on. so can i do blame the folks who put together a presidential debate. it's on us as voters to demand that folks take us the service of the you have an amazing opportunity to start to set the national conversation tomorrow. and the more you can challenge people to be concrete, i think it's a huge, huge deal. republicans, democrat, doesn't matter spent historically black colleges and universities, big passion. no, hc bu grads in the audience? one of those historic institutions talk about the administration progress, strategies and challenges in
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trying to lift up our hsbc years. many are struggling. many have challenges that are specific to hbcus. what have you all done? >> we have done some. we need to do more. we need to hbcus not just to survive but to thrive going forward. one thing we haven't talked about is i worry about the baby boomer generation moving toward retirement, our teachers, we'll need about a million new teachers. i what our teachers to reflect the great diversity of our students. there's a growing imbalance between what is to look like and what are educators look like to hbcus produced about half of our black teachers. and so for a whole host of reasons but for me, we need a pipeline of talent coming in. so the increase in pell grants and other things we've done has provided some support for hbcus but there's a long way to go. to present at that is a point the american college, to make community colleges free, newt
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move as free, newt in a fascination from pre-k-14 system. part of the american college promise bill introduced would bring about another billion dollars to hbcus and other minorities serving institutions as part of the pipeline but rather than incremental change, this would be huge boost in resources. this bill was introduced bobby scott and house, senator baldwin in the senate. america's college promise to the president talked about in his state of union. we need more of our republican friends to come on board but if that were to past not only would make community colleges fleet would be a massive investment in hbcus but it all minority serving institutions. >> you played about, with the president we understand that. can you sing like the president? [laughter] spent we will get you back spent if i start singing everyone leaves i don't want to ruin of the show. >> ladies and gentlemen, please
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welcome the secretary of state arne duncan. we appreciate efforts, the hard work. give the president our best. >> thank you so much for having me. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for the discussion from voices of a new generation. please welcome the moderator for this panel, author of global tv show host back at the urban league one more time, shannon lanier. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> all right, good morning, everyone. how are we doing? are we awake? come on. i we awake adequate how are you all doing this morning? we are a life into the could you have your health and i hope you're taking is because there's
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a lot of jewels been dropped, continued to be dropped on this conference like arne duncan giving the call to action. i hope you're paying attention. we want you to focus on social media can get involved and continue thereafter this conference is over. all right. again would like to thank you for joining us today would like to get right down to business by first welcoming our panel will be weighing in on today's topic of who will comprise the next generation of leadership and the urban community. first up on a panel we have janaye ingram, national executive director for the national action network. [applause] >> brandi richard, president of the national urban league young professions commission also a national urban league trustee. kevin pollak, president and chief executive officer of you las vegas urban league. [applause] reverend tony lee, convener for
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the b-1 b. block men and boys initiative national coalition of black civic participation. andra gillespie, professor of political science at emory university. [applause] >> maya wiley, counsel to the mayor of new york city, also the founder and former president of the center for social inclusion. [applause] >> and before we go any further i would like to take just a quick -- i know having music playing but a quick moment of silence for all those innocent men and women of color of lost their lives unnecessarily to the injustices we are facing in our communities. [silence] >> senator glenn, walter scott -- sandra bland. trayvon martin, mike brown and
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emanuel night in south carolina, and the list goes on and on and on and continues to grow. i know that many issues a seeing our urban communities right now and it's hard to ignore one of the most glaring concerns out there so let's start with one of the things that's been pinned hashtag black lives matter. i will walk right over there and ask the first question and esther and i walked over there. it seems like i will start with usage of radio since we are still fighting some of the injustices that we fought during the civil rights movement but do you think that during the time it was easy to sort of galvanized around one person practicing like there were less people leading to fight a post in now with our many trying to fight that fight? how do you think a new dynamic and so when people try to get their hands on adult is affecting arctic are helping our cause? >> i think that's a great question. as you join us. good morning, national urban
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league. i'm so excited to be here this morning. i think that's a great question in terms of leadership i would actually challenge that there were as many people leaving and as the are now. in a lot of ways coming out, now we're in this world would look back and reflect and think of probably three leaders, but they were just as many leaders then asked that are now. you have so many people who were leaving different efforts and leaving different movements. you have different movements. and yet people to unnecessary leading an organization but to do the work on the ground. i think it's the same thing now. i don't really see a difference in the. i think now with able to see and let it in real-time so we see so many leaders and we see so many movements and with the organizations and we see people who are not affiliated they were just literally doing the work on the ground. it's the same thing. >> you bring up a great point
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sayinthink we are seeing an epit the difference between people sight this is happening but do you guys think this is that happen all along we've just now able to capture because the social media, because of cameras? >> yes. [laughter] >> i've always said the civil rights movement never into. i think we look at it as now we can have th that same public accommodations as a phone calls but that was the tip of the iceberg. i think when we stop looking at all of the issues that needed to be addressed in gain equal rights and equity, we sort of lost our focus and lost sight of what was will afford and what we're trying to do. when i say we, i know there are a lot of people who stayed focus on the. national urban league is one of those organizations that has been there throughout, continued to be there. nan, we are the baby of the civil rights family. we will be 25 next year. so we came in at a time when pop a lot of people were not
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focusing on issues of police brutality and that's a big part of what we started focusing on. >> about to both echoed that and say that the civil rights movement didn't start in the '50s. it started with the abolition of slavery. , talk about the civil rights movement is limited. the point about we have actually been in a struggle for citizenship in this country since the 1600s. each phase of that change is not based just on leadership because the point is we have many, many, many different kinds of leaders and we always have. the question is whether or not that it becomes explosive in the form of a movement, which is a different kind of activity that happens. i think what we're seeing with black lives matter is an expression of that level of frustration that has grown over decades because of the actual exclusion of black communities from all forms of opportunity,
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and most symbolized in the form of the death of innocent black people. >> so what type of leader should we be looking to write networks used in a lot of this in your work. what type of leader, what characters -- characteristics should they possess? >> getting to some of the earlier questions i think we have a very romanticized hollywood type version of the civil rights movement was. a lot of that has to do with how it was oversupplied in k-12 education. you think it was called martin luther king and there was a cult of personality. the truth was is very, very and/or many layers. the same thing applies, we should be looking for one leader or cult of personality is going to take many different types of leaders because the the rs many different experiences of blackness as there are black people in the 20. a lot of different perspectives have to be brought to the table. you can expect one organization to be the be all and end all of
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that. want to do things that people have critiqued the civil rights movement a segment of the civil rights movement, is that it was a very middle-class is moving. want to do things about black lives matter is that social media has helped to democratize the movements we have more younger people involved assembly people were called with sncc in the 1960. people have greater access to social media in ways that may not have previously existed. i think there's a tendency towards more middle-class types of policy initiatives but not our ways to circumvent that had not existed before. the thing that's interesting about that is when i teach my get unsupervised in the african-american politics class we go through why the 1950s, why does it explode at that point. people were mad, but a much were compelling three form is this idea to check the right social,
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political and economic conditions, together at the same time. part of that is social media as a new form of communication which would've and equipment of the phone tree in the 1950s. you have a political moment where people feel empowered because there's an african-american president. while the battle of economic dislocation there's also been places of opportunity where people can see that maybe we can effect change. if people are really, really discouraged and downtrodden, they would usually keep quiet. but when they feel there's an opening, a path or breakthrough they will make a wider hole and try to push through and make something happen. i think we should be encouraged by that. >> kevin, seems like social the is a new march on washington. what other ways which you see, would you help encourage other people to also get involved besides the social media? >> i think information, especially recognizing the truth of us of rights movement,
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something we can borrow from today. you have to realize for the height of the civil rights movement over for him as he appeared it was 329 uprisings in 27 cities to all of that was led by young people who wanted to make a difference in their local community. and so in your local markets, recognizing that change we are experiencing and the change we seek will only happen if leaders in local areas decided take up the cause and recognize that in all of the civil rights era, there was never a messianic leader even though dr. king is sort of hailed as the individual that we think a. the truth is the real people just like everyone in the audience who are taking up the mantle of leadership in the local communities and affecting change. >> historically we will look back and with those people are right now as would end it, we're not paying attention to some of those names ms. eshoo at the some of those people prefer to be nameless because yo you are t
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concerned about getting the credit. it concerned about seeing something happen. one of the things i want to point out is the fact that beyond reconstruction we had lynchings in this country that impacted our folks every four days, a black person would die as a result of a lynching. so now what we're seeing on television via media news, what have you, stories that have been buried what people have been dying in this country but we didn't know it because we don't read it before newspapers. we just watch good morning america and we're laughing and talking and whatever else they are doing. but i think it's really important that seeing that and knowing that it exists is what catalyzes people to move and to do something. now you see someone from your community better than everybody. we want that type of individual leadership. i think this generation is so over it.
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and we are called the microwave generation. we say we are impatient, and we are impatient for our generation is to do with it. our moms generation, our grandparents generation dealt with it and we believe we can make a change. >> you do a lot of work with young professionals and reach over 2 million professionals around the country. what are they saying this is get done with it about what's going on in our communities? do they think there is a leader they are following right now? >> they are following themselves. they are following themselves and their following themselves as they have ideas about how they can uniquely impact the situation which i think is amazing. the work we do of the national urban league and with the national urban league young professionals is informed by policy agenda and it's a robust policy agenda at it includes as. so we can use that information able to push for advocacy changes and things of that nature, but individually when we go home and we see a protest on twitter, we just get up and go
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and walk around the committee. i met a young lady recently has been doing some great work in baltimore, and there is a pocket of individuals are being affected by this length of young black men and women in our communities that we don't even touch with the young professionals. we are the young professionals and then there's the folks in the community that our family members and things. so there's an opportunity for us like this young lady does. she goes back into the committee and the porch conversation with people about how they can actually make change in their communities. that's what's going to be necessary in order to bring all of us togethe together to make e of change it back i just want to add, think it's adam bland. sanda bland with someone who is an activist. but would any of u us us have kn sandy bland's name had she not been arrested at all but died in a jail? she was an activist in her own right using avenues and told that she had to speak out on issues that matter most to this
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generation. much to bring this point, a lot of it is helping individually with people just using their voices and whatever we're taking. but it's through socially, what is by going door-to-door, with its eye-catching of young people. i think a lot of what's happening is happening on an individual basis. we find inspiration and other leaders but it's not necessary that we are following a leader. >> people don't know sandra bland was just one, this month alone there have been five women have died in jail. usually patty murray but i do want to do so because let's face all these problems. now i have to worry about it for my daughter's as well. in my mother's generation they would run to the church as a place of refuge, a place to find the next steps. how relevant is the black church right now and how they didn't involve? >> i think the black church is extremely relevant. i think the challenge is the black church is its worst pr firm. that people don't know what the church is doing and people
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assume what happens is that people right now because with the tv driven, when you look at tv you look at the megachurches on tv and you say that's what the church is doing. so that we don't see a lot of social justice, you don't see a lot of folks standing up on tv. so you say that's, the church isn't doing anything. bolduc of what our enemies are attacking. that young men decide to go and tell my folks, where did he go? to the church. when folks are burning of churches? what are they burning? the churches. when the gentleman went entity horrible horrific killing of mother emanuel ame church, you all of a sudden heard the name of clementa pinckney, the past decade been doing amazing work, part of the state legislature of the church, had a history of social justice that went all the way to denmark but no one would have known that, no one would've talked about that. this unknown brother, no church
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has been doing great work, which is what you all said, you all these people who are doing the work but no one really knows about it because there's not these huge major names. i say the church is extremely relevant and you can tell it by what our enemies are attacking. >> some argued he was a target is was a target because authorities doing it because he's been so vocal at that point. i'm not sure a lot of people, maybe i'm wrong, arguably to give their lives for this site? >> i think the short answer is yes, because i think we've seen people get lives, give their lives to the site. sitting here in the role of an appointed government official i want to add one thread to connect this because something else is different now. it starred in 2008, and that's outside more progressive elected leadership that does actually create a different relationship with committee. i say that because, you may not know this, but my marriage -- my
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major is a white. i say this because one of the things he has done is he said, he's done 33 critical things that are taking change in new york but also organizing around cities nationally is, one, we have covered different relationship with community. so we actually, he created a clergy council. there is a very few times that their issues happening to see what he does not to put every last one of us to a church. and/or to interface with community but to the point of irrelevance of community, including what we can get out of a different relationship between community and the police department. secondly, he has focused deeply on how we treat more youth engagement in the city the 67% people of color. and done several things to great opportunities for you to tell
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government what you'd need and create more services for youth. i think the third is being willing to talk about race. and i think that is a fundamentally different kind of leadership we have elected leadership that is willing to talk about race and when you have someone to stand up and say, i've had to give my son the talk and my daughter the talk that's a very different kind of public dialogue we have elected leadership that doesn't that. the one thing we should not lose sight of this demographically 21% of eligible voters are between ages of 18 and 29 in this country now. ..
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should we be focusing on one issue at a time and attacking that with all of our energy or should we simultaneously be hitting all these issues at the same time? >> i think we can operate on the the -- principle. this is, for many different places. during the 50s and 60s evil focus on a couple of main issues access to public accommodations that franchise ending jim crow formally in the south it is those


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