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tv   BOOK TV  CSPAN  August 15, 2015 3:24pm-3:31pm EDT

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likely to use violence. a movement can -- or i'd say that nonviolence or violence, either way might lead a movement to success under different conditions related to who the nature of their struggle, the nature of international dynamics, the kinds of resources they have. my question was not so much about explaining success as much as explaining this curious pattern between violence and nonviolence given the degree to which violence can be so devastate ising for all involved and the degree to which the world seems to want to support nonviolation as the moral option. part of the lesson i'm drawing is if we really support nonviolence, we can't also ignore these internal dynamics, and we can't support continued divisions, in the palestinian case, or contribute to a situation in which continued division is very likely and then ask why not violence or why
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nonviolence? they're two sides of the same coin, and you always have to give consideration to this internal organizational part of the story. not just ask why are palestinians so radical, why do they hate israel and so forth. there are domestic political causes and dynamics that create this kind of violence. palestinians have real domestic politics just like we have domestic politics and israel has domestic politics. it's not just a matter of religion. it's not just a matter of the single charismatic leadership that presses a button on and and off, violence or nonviolence. it's not just a matter of ideology. there are real domestic political issues to which we have to attend. >> host: wendy pearlman, assistant professor of political science here at northwestern university and the author of this book, "violence, nonviolence and the palestine national movement." you're watching booktv on c-span2. >> you're watching booktv on c-span2 with top nonfiction
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books and authors every weekend. booktv, television for serious readers. >> here are some programs to watch this weekend on booktv. missouri senator claire mccaskill talks about her life and political career on "after words." dinesh d'souza weighs in on current political issues and discusses his pleading guilty to violating campaign finance laws. and a look at the history and impact of the americans with disabilities act. also this weekend barton swale on his experiences as a speech writer for former south carolina governor mark sanford. an account of the lives of people on the gulf coast during the american revolution and a british consul turned spy in charleston, south carolina, in the lead-up to the civil war. for a complete television schedule, visit booktv, 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors. television for serious readers.
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>> here's a look at the books president obama is reading this summer. the list includes three nonfiction titles, "between the world ask and me," which looks at race in america; elizabeth kolbert's pulitzer prize-winning record on the relationship between humans and the precipitous loss of species in "the sixth extinction," and ron chernow's biography of george washington. president obama is also reading three novels this summer, "the lowland, ""all that is" by james salter, and this year's pulitzer prize winner for fiction, "all the light we cannot see" by anthony dorr which looks at the lives of multiple characters in nazi-occupied france. and that's a look at what's on president obama's reading list this summer. >> of you have responded to our
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question what are you reading this summer. kathleen posted to our facebook wall: >> send us your summer reading lis. tweet us, @booktv, post to our facebook wall,, or e-mail us, >> sunday, september 6th, booktv is live with leadership cheney -- lynne cheney, the former second lady and senior fellow at the american enterprise institute, on "in depth." mrs. cheney has authored a wide
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variety of books including biographies, novels and books for children. her most recent book, "james madison," is an account of the life of the fourth president. other titles include blue skies, no fences. and be a time for freedom describing key events and little known facts about american history. her other books range from profiles to members of the house of the representatives. lynne cheney live on booktv sunday, september 6th on "in depth." you can join us by sending your questions or comments for lynne cheney to, on twitter @booktv or call in live. >> this is booktv on c-span2, television for serious readers. here's our prime time lineup:
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>> that all happens tonight on c-span2's booktv. >> former deputy assistant secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs thomas christensen is next on booktv. he argues that the real challenge in the region lies in dissuading china from participating in regional aggression and encouraging the country to contribute to the global order. [inaudible conversations]


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