tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 25, 2015 10:00am-12:01pm EDT
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they have sensors equipped on them so they can detect vibrations. using vibration detection, you figure out when a bridge is likely to fail and intervene before that happens. this has huge implications. we saw in minnesota the collapse of the bridge there. recently i-10 outside of los angeles. this is a huge problem in the united states. using connected devices to get real-time information about which bridges, highway structures should be replaced sooner. i pressed the button everyone told me not to press. i press it again. how's that? the other thing transforming homes. this is really interesting way. people are familiar with the net thermostat. now net has whole line of devices. they have along with that, my favorite is a, they have a smoke alarm and smoke detector and
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carbon monoxide detector. this is not just a smoke detector connected to to the internet. why does that even matter right? working together with the rest of your home system, if there is fire detected in your home for example, it knows, maybe i should turn off the air conditioner, blowing air into a flame is bad idea with a fire. these small innovations like that actually have big implications for housing and safety. on the left this is device put out by elkin they have a whole line of smartphone devices. this one is around detecting specifically, specifically detecting water usage in your home. if you look on there, there is a little device on there, detects vibrations in your home's pipes. when you use different, you know, if you use the sink in the bathroom versus the toilet, versus a shower all these have different vibration signals.
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just by listening to the vibrations this device actually measures all your water usage in the entire house. it can tell you things like if you have a leak. if you have a vacation home, for example, and you're away from it most of the year you might want to know, is the water running? is there a problem in my home? this has big implications for, you knowing that, having peace of mind but for insurance. when you look at, you know, what insurers are paying out, water damage is one of the top claims. so if you can start measuring this, you start reducing risk, you start reducing costs for individuals, you can changing a lot of how industries work and how we live. finally on the right, we have this is the smart light bulb from phillips. one of the interesting things from this, you can control it just from your smartphone. you can use these lights, they're colorful, to signal thing to you. part of the internet of things is having feedback signals.
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maybe you have a light turn a different color when it is raining outside. the light turn a different color based on some kind of a signal you have set up so it alerts you. on top right we have amazon echo which is a new product. this is how ubiquitous connectivity we're seeing in many homes. finally the the internet of things is transforming people. i want to highlight really interesting products here. glow caps is a smartpill bottle. basically lets you know when it is time to take your medicine. this is very important for a lot of people. medication is one of the big problems in health care and fixing that device is -- >> two reserve tables. either one works. i will call you up. not that big of a room so. you may want to get wired up
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first. all right, as i say i hate to interrupt good conversations. cpe stands for continuing professional education. i forgot my book i was going to give out. there you go. we'll talk a little bit, we talked a lot about possibilities, what can happen and cool things that can go on. we've also heard that, is there bad people out there and occasionally they do bad things? and for all the government people who know all your information is out with the chinese you know all too well about this but let's talk about how you at least have a mind-set how to protect your sell. and i'm on the wrong page. i can do this one. mark is the acting director of federal network resilience with dhs's office of cybersecurity communications with the national
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protection and programs directorate. mark, you fit all that on business cards? wow. one of those eight-by-ten. mark nitenger, with dhs. thank you. >> thank you. actually continues on second part or second half of the business card. seems every time i turn around there is another aspect being tied to it. good morning or good afternoon, or good morning still. good. a bit chilly if here. you think so? so basically what i've been asked to do is talk about what dhs is doing in taking a look at how we are supporting agencies, government agencies in regards to identifying and mitt fating threats. the focus today, talking to is really about federal government.
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folks here and others, dhs, actually supports from cybersecurity aspects, private sector. all the critical economic sectors of the government or the country as the economy as well as state, local and tribal. many things i will be talking about today are actually also available via federal, state, local, tribal government agencies. on the federal side, when we look how the agencies are interconnected, strategic activities that basically the government's put in place, specifically dhs, what i think about this presentation, i think, well, i have a diagram, this is only diagram you will see. not sure, if you really want to look at my face or sort of black that out, it is fine, but basically you have three circles, basically three
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severals of strategic activities we're currently involved with. they would include first being programs. these programs dhs is putting in place across. the second is the metrics, how are we measuring success and how we're encouraging success and the third is communication. communication from awareness perspective but awareness from people sharing information as well as machines sharing information. so the first part of that circle, intersection is really weird protection, that is supporting the federal agencies. first part of the program is a number of different programs, those in the government here i'm sure heard many times since i've presented on it about 350 times so far, cdm is one. anybody here heard of a cdm program?
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so the cdm program, they have mitigation. it has three different phases. basically serving the 8.7% -- 98-point% of the federal government. this is closing gap on agencies as far as hardware and software management and configuration management and node management. across the management, 98.7% of the services will be receiving those services very shortly in with regards to having, increased capacity to to assessing other devices on your network. i had the opportunity to work across 125 agencies. i'm one of the few people in the federal government who knows where all the agencies are
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located. basically through that, one of the things that really resonated there are a lot of folks that have poor understanding what is really on their network. phase one is cdms. phase two are the cdms programs related to people, credentialing, privileges things of that nature. that is accelerated to move throughout the government, primarily being driven by cyber activities that occurred over last several months. this is going to encourage and support agencies taking a look how they are going to provide authentication through cards and things of that nature that is being accelerated to support the agencies. third part of cdm dealing with events. this is thing that is new is, in regards to being brought to the table. in other words sensors, service, things of that nature but that
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area is really going to focus on the events. what is happening on the network? you have who is on a network, what is on the network but what's happening on the network between the trusted and untrusted activity that's going on. so that is cdm and that's well-understood and out there in regards to the programs. second program is einstein. there are three parts to sign stein. einstein one focused on correcting information. the second part then, in regards to detecting it and third is blocking. so einstein accelerated for the third part of einstein is really looking at blocking the malicious activity and we're in the process now of working with many other agencies to have that in place. einstein i and ii is in the majority of the federal
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government. cdm, you have einstein and the third is our tick activity. looking at at consolidating trusted internetconnections, bringing down those numbers, so basically you have less exposure outside to malicious attacks. so tic, einstein, cdm are three primary programs dhs is involved to address a key element of trying to close those gaps as well as dealing with malicious behavior that is occurring supporting all the federal government. the second part is metrics. great to have these things in place but how successful are they and how can we encourage agencies to put additional controls in place and how are we at measuring their impact? so on the metrics side there are several activities occurring.
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one is dealing with the cyber spring activity that omb initiated going back, let's say, would have been the late june, july time frame. and in that activity one of the things that we observed is that you can actually move rapidly in government. i've been in government over 35 years yet you can move fast in government if you have you know necessary support and understanding of what is going on in your environment that it is important that you do something. so the cyber activity supported about seven working groups but the focus that came out of there, that was being measured literally on daily basis literally with calls to the cios and monthly basis with their desk sets, dealt with
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hvas, or high value assets. how do we identify what a high value asset is and what are we doing to protect that? and to protect that are you on schedule? that is main thing that came out of the cyber spring activity, that cios were responsible for reporting on daily basis. with regards to taking who has a piv a card from privileged and unprivileged and why. what assets do they have and why do they have it? making sure that folks that don't need it don't have it. so methods put in place by others at omb saying we need to address this in timely fashion. again, daily calls. the third, the third area dealt with two factor authentication
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and accelerating that. another one dealt with making sure that everybody does have a cdm in place and receiving those services as well as accelerating einstein. making sure that's in place. so there are metrics that were put in place were in support not only of the programs but also key areas of priority that were identified as critical, critical cybersecurity areas that we needed to address as part of closing that loop. the third area dealing with communications. communications from a machine perspective is as well as people perspective. from a machine perspective with u.s. cert making sure the information is available to the departments and agencyies through and information moved through the einstein program. another element in regards to communication along that line is
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also the activity that is being put in place across departments and agencies as part of the cdm program. because that will play two roles. one is, allowing the agency to be able to see what is on their network that could have a visual perspective of that. a prioritization of those issues so that you can bet they will distribute your security resources. but also from taking a look at trends going across entire governments, being able to push down some dashboard to the agency dashboard capability of raising the risk scores or risk management awareness so that you're aware as an agency doesn't matter if you're an agency of five people or an agency like va. but you're aware that this is trending across the government and you should be, doing
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something about it. right? that information will be coming from the federal dashboard down to the agency dashboard. those are some of the machine sharing. what is interesting i have been a cio in five different agencies. just shows i can't get a job. basically the people interaction. what we saw as part of the activity of the cyber sprint activity that was occurring, is that much more communication going on between the system, the cio, cios heavily dependent upon the systems what is going on there. and cios need to be aware because there is also an increase in communication path from the deputy secretary. when your deputy secretaries meet on monthly basis and basically becoming more responsible for cybersecurity they want to be aware what is
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happening in their environment. so that communication is open as well. in fact see the point where one of the, one of the additional metrics that we did put in place through binding operation or directive that dhs put out to the agencies for critical vulnerabilities you would think when you're putting out a binding operational directive, the secretaries and folks wouldn't be happy about that but we actually had two secretaries call jeh johnson, our secretary, to say thank you. thank you for putting these binding operational directives out because it really forced our awareness and forcing this communication. so the communication between the deaf 2nd and cio is -- def-sec, and cio, having their hands tied behind their back,
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responsibilities and funding and starting starting with, taking a front row seat. communication is being supported by the def-sec and cio. one other area we're also emphasizing supporting agencies from the cio to the mission. when you're putting cybersecurity capacities in place often times the mission owners say, well, this is starting to inhibit me being able to do my job. i don't understand why you're doing that. so bringing that awareness to the mission owners is a key element of another activity we're involved with because cybersecurity, addressing cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility. especially when we talk about how everybody is so interconnected. you know, there was a conversation i think i caught a tail end earlier in regards to state and local and federal
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government. the thing about how many interactions are between state and local government and federal government. i was a cio in new york for 20 years. worked for the deputy secretary of virginia for technology. so i have a pretty good understanding of interactions between states and the federal government and that's increasing as more and more activity is being shared between the state and federal government. so one of the approaches that we're taking in regards to addressing this internet of things through the federal government is also making sure that on the stateside they also have access to similar type of capabilities and programs. such as like the cdm program where state, local, tribal, can actually access and leverage the bpa for cdm. there is a number of other activities that are that dhs directly involved with the state and locals to support cybersecurity through our
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activities. so we look at it from the perspective of how to address internet of things, interconnect tivity of the federal government from three per speck tis. doctor perspectives. programs we're providing and putting forward, metrics how we're encouraging that success and basically communication. that is the approach dhs put in place. i guess for ten minutes i have i go into wide detail of all that. i wanted to go into perspective of key elements in those areas. the intersecting point we're working with agencies on and omb with that type of support. with that i'm done. there will be questions at the end? >> we'll do more questions at the end but as folks are thinking about the internet of things world and of course i mentioned earlier on, we live in a world where target got hacked through an air-conditioning system for god's sakes.
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>> yep. >> so we hear about all of sudden our toaster being connected and seems kind of scary. are they going to attack us through our toaster? how do you begin to deal with the world of possibilities? how do you kind of do some risk management around that? >> the key element there is from very basic is understanding of what is happening on your network. and that is the first first emphasis we put in place on the cdm program. what is the hardware? what is that software? because awareness, the level of awareness is all over the place. so now, at least if you're aware of what is going on there, then you start looking at policies how to insure that you keep aware. then you take a look at, that is in essence how you track malicious threats may be coming through and able to address that in timely fashion, there is all
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tools we're putting in place at least across government. part of that is when we look at all the different type of connectivities outside of the federal government, right if that's where we need to, take a look at what is, what are the policies allowing that to occur and then basically how are we engaging if we want to have the connectivity or not. sharing of information what we're learning with regards to threats what is happening along with the threats. that is key element dhs involved with across the federal government providing those. one time, you know the rates were usually provided to those people that only were at the operations level. awareness is all the way up to the def sec level. we're talking about where the
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activities are occurring and what are those threats, we have it up to a def 2nd -- sec level, to have understanding. full range of people involved, addressing those cybersecurity threats. >> many more questions. you will stick around a couple minutes? >> i am. >> to join the roundtable. we'll get to some of those. mark, thank you very much. we appreciate that. let me bring up, i'm sill on the wrong page. [applause] feeling temperature more to our liking? we can actually feel our extremities, thank goodness? we have the associate director of cyber physical systems programs. he is with the national institutes of standards and technology and have focused on this stuff for a while now. the last time he worked in government he spoke to us. so we're happy to have you back. >> thank you, chris.
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[inaudible] a lot is happening with multip microphones. thank everyone. good morning. thank you for being here and sitting here to listen to the presentation that i have. i work at the associate director of cyber physical systems program at nest. for those not familiar with nist, it is start of department of commerce. it is u.s. federal agency and works on standards and measurement sizes. it is one of those institutions in federal government that are specialized in science and engineering, specifically i think interoperability, which leads us to internet of things. so the, how many of you have heard about something called the cyber physical systems, raise your hands? okay. very few. that is good and bad. bad thing obviously i didn't do
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my job in promoting my title. good thing, that there is a lot for you guys to learn from this presentation today. i'm going to talk about iot, internet of things, at the same time, cyber physical system as little bit. that is really iot on steroids like i will call it. iot with more focus on system control, not just monitoring, monitoring plus system control with robustness and resiliency. think of any like basic critical systems, they are part of iot as well, but at the same time we call it cyber physical systems that means a lot more science and engineering to make sure they are safe and secure. so, this is kind of like my definition of iot. it is essentially an ecosystem. by the way when you talk about iot, i know you guys know what
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it is. at the bottom there is hardware layer actuators, sensors, chips, radios. you can kind of touch. on top of that there is communication layer. bluetooth, wi-fi, long-range, short-range communications, everything that can connect these hardware. a lot of people think it is only two layers, that is what iot is. that is not necessarily correct. there are two more layers more important in the whole iot ecosystem than bottom layers. there is software and data analytics layer. it collects data. data doesn't have a lot of value. you have to extract useful information from the set of data. when that information is extracted and can be shown to be valid we call this whole iot system has a value.
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that is what the analytics layer does. onp to of that is the most important layer, service. you have the information and data what will you do with it? if you have collect and put in a database, it is not that much good for us. you have to take action. the action could be human in the loop actions. a human makes decision based on data or autonomous action. so, smart cities, why smart cities? if you look at all the iot applications they're talking about, transportation, health care, energy, everything, there are really factors or stuff we always see in the cities. this is the playing field that you can see all these different applications actually provide real benefit. so from smart city perspective they actually, they pretty much categorize smart cities in two layers, bottom infrastructure. that is what hardware and communication is on top of
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applications. what is missing in this diagram is the human factor but, the application, human factor is in there. you can't not do any smart iot without human factors. so opportunities for smart cities. we talked about iot but really the question there is, what is the real benefits of iot? we can collect all this data but unless we take action and which have to take action meaning somebody has to take action with some infrastructure. that is where the smart city comes in and issue with the smart city is that it is very fragmented like iot still. every city does literally its own thing. it is not to scale or to business because they can not resell their product from one city to another city.
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important pieces is the rep flickability, scalability and sustainability. we need to find those kind of models to really catalyze the deployment of iot and when i say catalyze, you can not just pump into money in this. you have to have some goal and directions. you have to find the right model that creates a real benefit for us. real benefit, without the real benefit, these iot smart cities, whatever you want to call it will not be sustainable, okay? and that ace the key and that's the theme that i have all in my program in all these presentations. so i'm going to go backwards. okay. that's good. so this is instead of each city doing their own thing, why don't we bring in multiple cities and technology innovators including companies and universities and lit them, help them take the issues that can create a real
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tangible benefit to us from the cities. cities know them very well. cities know what their problem is. they just don't know how to solve those problems in manner financially viable and sustainable. technology providers have a lot of technologists. a lot of times when they think they are solving some problems, the problem may not be the real problem the cities or us really feel. so we want them to group in clusters then with specific topic as andres the problems. how you run the problems, around the september time frame and culminate the time frame. we have nist and the partner with to bring in all the different players from different cities and help them identify
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the problems they want to address. again, replicable scalable, to have tangible benefits. in that process last year we had private sector partners like the corporations they listed here. and more than 200 corporations, about actually, 250 corporations and organizations participated to address the issues of smart cities using iot and other technologies. so we had about 50 cities participating. cities are very important. we partner to show their solutions this is no different than any trade show you go to. we had 50 cities around the world, including large cities like new york city, chicago, san francisco. also smaller cities like
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amonite? how many have heard of that city? it is pretty small town but they are a smart city. netherlands, italy, spain, israel, indonesia, they all gathered together to address their common problems and show off their existing solutions that can be replicated to other cities. i give you a few examples. i'm trying to see -- being, i have two more minutes. i have 250 teams but only show a few of them. this is from new york city. this is comes with a couple other companies which is google has invested in some of the partners that participated here. it is pretty simple concept. replace a pay phone booth, which is not really used these days, with a huge wi-fi hot spot which
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gives free wi-fi access to citizens, then generated revenue. like sprint put up there. they are expecting as i heard last time, $700 million revenue generation for next 10 years. that's where sustainability is because you generate revenue. that is rep flickability, this is not just one block but cover the whole city. we provided to u.s. army to pick up soldiers in battlefield without putting other soldiers at risk driving ambulance to the field. now the military is being adopted. typically the application right now is the elderly care, when you have elderly home and a lot of times these folks have hard times just coming to the bus
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station because it is hard for them to walk. so why don't we have shuttle automatically goes to each house of the elderly to pick them up instead of when they go to the hospital. that is application. being deployed in several cities. london is actually deploying it right now. scaled projects on top of, bottom left is in a county. they're doing a bunch of stuff. this is a unique case. the city instead of passively just participating in the iot infrastructure, they actually, proactively work with the companies to bring in different solutions. on bottom right is portland working with intel and several other cities in air quality monitoring. the question is, they're expensive. each air quality monitoring station that is professional grade costs about $60,000. that is not going to scale, you
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will not have a $60,000 station on every corner of your street. you knee lower costs but good enough sensors that can show granularity in the process. so these culmination of the last year's programs happened on june 1st at national building museum as you can see. we turned this museum into massive exhibition hall and presentation stages. we had 64 teams from municipal governments. we had high-profile folks like queen and king of netherlands. also tony foxx, secretary of transportation give keynote and white house nsf. we had 1500 attendees and more than 50 media outlets from around the world. this shows you pictures except
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on bottom right, with tony foxx, the top right is the king of netherlands. so we are planning the next challenge this is not end of story. but huge success. we know the model works. companies and are looking for issues they can address. so we are launching the next challenge and official announcement will come soon. and the focus this time will be more on the measurable and quantifiable impact. let's say we can reduce a traffic jam. that is great. so how much? can you reduce the commute time by 15%, for example? can you show that? can you prove that? once it is proven suddenly now you see a real business model happening. cities will be more interested because this is proven with actual numbers. then all of these corporations
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can, it is a lot easier for them to talk to cities because now they have real hard data that things we can solve. deployment, we talk about this all the time. deployment, deployment, deployment. having a pilot and testing it is interesting but until it comes out of the lab and being widely deployed andscapable and rep flick kateable and it will not impact your lives. it is important to have common understanding of what smart infrastructures are. there is more information. i will stop hire. i will be happy to take any questions. >> wasn't ready. quit too quickly. in the next phase of this, because you've been through a lot of phases of this, right?
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>> yes. >> i needless sons learned from the smart cities program so far. what is your big takeaway? >> smart cities program the big takeaway is this. the market is huge and opportunity is huge. and everybody is trying to solve the problem in their local scale and you need to work with interagency collaborative. it is very important public/private part farship is very important. the reason because iot by definition is cost cutting technology. so, transportation, energy and water, they have that agencies have to work to adapt what you're trying to achieve. >> not that i'm ignoring you people. he will come back in couple minutes. we have one more and then they all come back and we can have a full conversation. thank you very much. >> thank you.
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[applause] >> i had it right here. there you are. peter romnus, cybersecurity solutions lead for cisco public sector. there you are. hi, peter. >> hello, good morning. >> good morning. >> so i am as they mentioned i am the last speaker before our town hall session. so i have the distinct opportunity to kind of such things up and to leave you guys with some with good thoughts where we go on the internet of things. i would like to start by talking about, and this really sums things up, there are really three things you can gain when talking about the internet of things. you can do things more efficiently. you can gain operational efficiency and hopefully gain some money. if it is secure you can create
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new things your citizens and your customers will be happy with and will like. and then you can improve the quality of the delivery that you are doing. so those are, if you look at all of the benefits of the internet of things, these are the, if you sum them up, you get these three goals. sorry, let me go back. when you think about the internet of things, in industry and government we think about industrial controls, we think about lighting, we think about parking. those are all very good and can save us money and increase efficiency and do those things. but our users are thinking other things. our users are thinking about their senator phone, their smart thermostat, their smart toaster if you will and all the many devices they want to bring and to our users this has become
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very important. and especially when you talk about the new workforce that is entering our businesses and our government, the younger generation, are coming in with these preconceived notion that all of these things are going to work. and in fact, bit com did a study where they surveyed fourteen to 29-year-olds, they asked them, i can't imagine life without? the answer was mobile phone was 97%. internet was 84%, a car which was very important generation, becoming less important. and most telling of this survey, is that their current partner is only 43%. so it is very important. and of course all of these devices are growing. we see it is growing back in
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about 2009, we had the inflection point where there was at least one device on the internet for every person in the world. by 2020 we're estimating 50 billion devices on internet. it is starting to look like that number may be too conservative. adoption of this internet of things and things on internet has grown faster than any other technology that has come along in our lifetime or in previous lifetimes too. so with that come as challenge. we have all the devices out there. and by doing that, there are more places the bad guys can attack. so there are more devices out there, but not only more devices they're in more places. you have to worry about all those places. additionally with all the different devices there are a lot of different ways to find a
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weakness and get into the device. when you add that to the fact that the ends points being created, especially in the consumer world, are not really being designed with security built in. so there are often times designed to get to market very quickly. you know, they want to beat their competition with this next new greatest device. they want to keep it low cost so it can be adopted by more people. you know, there is a, there is a sensor out there about the size of my thumbnail that is about $2. it includes internet and can sense the moisture, the amount of moisture in a field. and so they're very inexpensive. and they're designed that way without security built in. often times using code that is either purchased or comes from open source. and so there is some, there are problems there. as well as the hardware is
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bought as cheaply as possible and it may not have you will at security built in that we need. okay. so when you start adding all of this together, it becomes very complex. so the people who are trying to keep data secure, it becomes a problem. the big question out there is, okay, if you have all this stuff, how will you orchestrate, how will you control? most importantly, how are you going to protect your data, your intellectual property, your business, and maybe your country? okay? so i'm here to tell you there is no silver bullet. and we have seen that in the news lately, with all of the high-profile, high-profile hacks and things like that. so the way that the security has been done and networked forever, is that you build a wall around your enterprise and, as things
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try to come in or out of that wall, you do an inspection and you look for things that you know are bad. and you have this one point in time when you can say, yes, i will let it in, or no, i'm going to block it. well that doesn't work anymore. in addition, over the years there has been all these great new technologies that have been introduced to go after these threats, and so our big organizations have tons of security devices in their data center that don't talk to each other. they're fragmented. they just are too much to manage so at cisco what we're talking about is a new paradigm we're going to talk about what are you going to do before an attack, what are you going to do during an attack and what are you going to do of a an attack? in the before, you want to know everything that is in your
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environment. so survey the products out there. mark talked about cdm, the continuous diagnostics and mitigation. that's the first step. there is also controlling who can get where in the network. a poster should not be able to access point of sale data or an air-conditioning technician should not get to point of sale data. you're not just allowing access to your enterprise via user name and password. it's a user name, a password, it's how they're connecting, where they're connecting from, what time of day it is, what their title is. so you want to segregate access to all of the things on your network. all of this is done before. during an attack, you want to block as best you can. and, there are many technologies out there. we offer them.
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our competitors offer them. and, it is important to use the best intelligence you have to block. and then, if we know that things are going to get in, we have to worry about after. so after, can you find what is in your network quickly? can you get rid of it and quickly and get back to your mission? that is what we're pushing at at cisco is before, during and after. we say it no longer can be perimeter based. it has to be based on threats. are you looking for the threat? are you using your platform? all of the things at your disposal in order find what is going on to your network and getting ready and back to business. so visibility is critical. that is for the standard network. we haven't really gone that far
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in protecting iot yet for all the reasons i talked about before. so if we apply this to iot, we have pretty much a standard data diagram here. when you start adding iot you need to add things like a connectivity platform that takes into account internet of things. you need to have, maybe some specific network elements. at cisco we're creating rugged routers and switches. we're making small form factors. we're making all things that are, what we call flop, which is size, weight, power, for internet of things. but in addition to that, you also need sensors which is what we talked about all day here today. you need what will you do with all of this data? so you want to have these
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applications and business processes that take advantage of it and we talked about that today also. in order to do all of that you need big data and analytics and all of the things listed here. most importantly from my perspective you want to spread security throughout the whole system. when people say, peter, you're out there talking about security in the network, how do you secure these iot devices? my first thought is, well, you can't, they're not designed for it. but the other thought is, if i push my visibility and my capabilities as far to the edge, as close to those devices as possible, then i'm doing the best job i can. if i can push it into these devices, and get some innovation in the devices that take into account the security, then we're starting to talk about having it secure.
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so i would like to talk about probably the most famous case study for internet of things. that is the city of barcelona in gain. i'm sure you all know that spain went through quite a bit of a recession. they were hit hardest in the last 10 years and so they decided that they wanted to use technology to pull their city through. and they started by building a wireless foundation throughout the city where they could capture all kinds of data and put sensors on things. and as a result, many of the things you heard about this morning happened. so parking, they, they were able to increase revenue. and decrease the traffic in the city with parking. they were able to make it so that trashcans were emptied appropriately. they were able to put smart buses, smart bus stops, all kinds of things like that, save
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tons of money. so they saved $47 million over a 10-year period just by doing smart lighting. they're saving $10 million a year on smart trash pickup. there is all kinds of dollars involved in it. but the most important things that they have done, they have resitized their city and -- revitalized their city. they say they're bringing more than 1500 new jobs in the next three years. most importantly people are happier. the frustration for looking for parking space has gone away. the ability not having to look for coins in your pocket has gone away. they pay over a smartphone app. people standing at bus stop are happier, and see things on the screen knowing when the bus is coming. it is attitude that has happened in barcelona is a huge thing. and the link for the case study is the at bottom of this slide. you guys will have a access to all these slides if you like
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them. so it is not just, if it is secure and i can put the internet of things out there i can save money. there is a lot more to it than that. so and that is that, you can increase services to your citizens. you can be more open and accessible to make it so that your citizens can do some self-help, better analytics and decision making. most importantly, much happier citizens. so i would like to leave you with a thought of, you're going to hear all kinds of scary stories. it is important that we secure the internet of things. and it is important that we do it right. but, as you leave here today, think about if you could have all of the security that you need and that your data is going to be safe what new things can you do in order to bring new things to your constituents? and i think that you will find that the opportunities are
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endless. that is what i had to tell you guys today. [applause] >> stay right up there. i'm going to invite back up on stage to the seats any seat. it will be like musical chairs. we'll see who doesn't end up with a sight. mark, sookoo, peter, kelly, chris, all coming up. i love a parade. this is a real opportunity for us to all talk about -- do we want to move this? okay. there is james. can i do something. there you go. my goodness, i'm just getting out of the way. i'm going over to these guys. i was talking to them during the break about what they're working on in terms of internet. marcus has been at a couple of events that i've done. he is the google glass guy. he takes pictures of me with the
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google glass. he posts it on twitter. it is actually not bad. it is kind of amazing. they're not making google glass anymore, right? we're waiting? >> we're waiting potentially for another version. we were talking about what you guys were doing on internet of things. talk about that. >> we've been involved, some of the speakers mentioned today about inneroperability and standards. we are with a spatial consortium. they're a group, developing a way to exchange geospatial standards from things or away to define things within the standards. ogc does, for example, does gml and kml, for visualization for google earth. they handle that. so -- >> describe to me what that means in terms of having -- okay i understand what geois, basically puts it on a map to
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see what it is. these are things we're talking about. how does this help government do its job? >> premise of the ogc is to show the usage of different organizations in operating asing just these standards. there is actually a pilot at the ogc is doing that is dealing with internet of things in a first-responders scenario. it is sponsored by dhs and snt. it is showing how you can have different agencies or different responders, whether it is fire, police, or incident commander be able to have the ability on a scene from say, like on the apple watch app that will be able to both display data that is coming in like alerting for a hazmat situation, or take data from the user, from the firefighter in the field and feed that back in. and doing that using just open
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standards so. >> so one of the things that's really colorful about the world we live in, 2.0, whatever we call it, particularly like the emergency response situations you can get all sorts of data coming in and i think superstorm sandy was the most tweeted event ever but making sense of what it all means. where it is coming from, essentially having some kind of situational awareness, right? >> making sense of that data and being able to make sense of data coming from different things and not just vertical application but converging systems and how you deal with that. another thing brought up, bring your own device or bring your own thing, when you don't know exactly what assets that somebody entering a first response scene will have on them. so being able to at least, make an attempt to have these devices inner operate is the key. >> awesome. one of the things all of you
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have on your tables, there is a case study for fire service which is we're all keenly away away -- aware of going on out west so you can find that online hi. kelly, talk a little bit, i was fascinated about your discussion, there seemed like someplaces the postal service can go. you hear about this in terms of, first-responders. it almost feels like, how do you choose amongst all the options, how do you choose where to spend your time, energy, effort, money early on? feels like we're really treading into the shallow end right now. >> that that is a good point. i think the example you brought up is a perfect one for us to talk a little bit about, how important it would be to know who the first-responders were in advance. you're only getting access to that information, to the
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appropriate people who need it and we would want to do that with an in person proofing event in advance. they share that information with appropriate agencies. for us, because we have, unlike our other agency friends we don't take the taxpayer money. everything we do we have to make sure we have solid business case and we can return some revenue to the organization to sustain it. so we would first want to address whether or not it is needed to do something to reduce our costs associated with the delivery of mail or physical goods to someone. and then figure out if there is an opportunity to turn at least it into revenue stream and monetized by someone else. which we would partner with an agency, maybe fema and do something, to help support the initiative that we talked through. allow that to be monetized out through other companies that would integrate it into tools.
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we do get the opportunity to do work sometimes that is strictly for the greater good. we appreciate that opportunity when they do come to us but typically it is through the white house or other organizations requesting us to get involved. >> so again on this topic of how you prioritize, how do you spend, if there are a world of opportunities out there, how do you make sense of, how do you decide where to spend your time, energy and effort? . .
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the are a lot of them out there. you have to focus on the want of an impact, the eventual impact you can create to all those and that's how we prioritize and focus our efforts. >> chris, you want to pipe in on disk? >> i completely agree. it's really up to each agency to look across the spectrum of technology and be creative to figure out where they can increase operational efficiency. it could be in a lot of cases cost, it could be resources, it could be reaction time, taxpayer dollars. really we are looking to work with the different agencies to help them reach out and understand what is the art of the possible, and working to increase these by bringing new
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sensors, new devices to bear on the problem. >> my sense is a lot of agencies are saying okay there's a lot of cool things they could do, but how do i find the money, the time, the energy to do this? again it needs to be typed into your mission, right speak with us. when you prioritize, my first thought was what they do -- you pull your hand out of the fire. the other thing is it's not defining -- finding the money. some of these projects can create revenue. you talk about the phone booths in new york with the kiosks are not generating revenue, or the parking in barcelona they generate money by better enforcement. so that automatically, i take it is automatically generated if you stay too long. by better collections.
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it's much easier. you can even reserve a parking space and a blocked it off for you and you can go park there. you get better service but you pay for it and it generates revenue. >> an interesting stat in d.c. where we have park mobile app which has been awesome, but revenue from tickets has dropped precipitously, kind of throwing the city, having a problem did with that because they made make money off tickets. >> but they do benefit from less traffic and they get that revenue. >> on security, mark, was talking to cybersecurity company said was really, really terrible at risk analysis. human beings to do a good job of this. talking back when the whole ebola things going on and everyone was running around with their hair on fire about ebola. he said the most dangerous thing we do is get into a big hunk of
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steel and move along at 60 miles an hour and out we never do that but do we take out a device into something else while they're going at 60 miles an hour. in terms of risk analysis we do every really bad job of this and trying to port it into a different world where we have all these things attached, do we do an effective job of risk analysis in that kind of space? >> basically, what came out of the -- [inaudible] with the high value assets are. so being aware as to how or which one are high value added, setting that as a priority and looking at regards to access,
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that is a key element that dhs is engaged with omb on. a number of agencies identified, high-value assets were working, providing assessments and things of that nature, two what is it that, you know, the threat is looking to being access to. and then how do we sort of wrap that a protected from the networks i. second is information. basically that a lot of input coming in from across federal agencies. we also have a lot of -- but how do you put that together? what trends are we seeing from that? that's also going to help identify where we need to put
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additional efforts in the priority. the third element is working in essence from the perspective of our best leverage resources you have? everyone is to hide regarding cyber resources. we have quite a challenge their, bringing new the resources and. so taking a look at how best to use of it, that's, we can use scoring capabilities you can put into like the dashboard apart. instead of have a team attack a thousand things at once, let's take a look at which ones are prioritized based on their tolerance but also the threat sector. those are just three aspects were promoting with regards to try to help agency established
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risk management's. managementspirit it just seems like different agencies like opm, they knew what data was important and it does feel like it was protected to the degree that at least from everything, i'm sort not going to put you in the position of commenting on opm. i will put in a plug for my next live show in two weeks were talking about the opm had, trying to pull some lessons learned. take some lessons learned that we to make these mistakes again. does anyone else want to comment on the cyberthreat? go ahead. >> the example of cars, hacked remotely, not with any kind of stronghold, not any kind of breaking. that's scary could sell. if you look at it like someone can sit in the family room into something with a mobile device, drive your car. really it comes down to
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fundamental concept of design. i will toggle the only tactical perspective. i hear a lot of people say we have experience of 40 years of cybersecurity. why can we apply that to our fiscal system? my responses you are absolutely right. applied this knowledge is to cyber part, but physical part is completely different ballgame. and most importantly the space between cyber and physical hasn't been without a. at the end of the day when i talk to cybersecurity friends and say talk about the car, they need a better firewall. welcome if you look at from higher level, firewall itself is not easy. you should design system so you can separate the critical stuff from connectivity. you should put some sort of hardware measure.
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so it comes down to not having firewalls anymore. yet to think of more holistic perspective, combine cyber. that's a new barrier. >> i got to try to cancel an account to download because they found some hacks and so it's like my own phone. all of a sudden i feel safer, no one is going to attack me. questions? no one? thank you. i love your tie by the way. >> thanks. usaid. there's been a lot of discussion of smart cities today and we work a lot with cities in the developing world. the question i have is what is the most important piece of the enabling device, enabling environment for lack of a better
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term forces i think cities that want to become smart cities to visit having good connectivity, high smartphone penetration? was the real key piece? 's québec what i keep hearing is a lot of these poor cities have been able to almost jump step and also have a lot of infrastructure in place that we don't have even in this country in some ways. >> in some cases, sure. >> what do you see out there? >> i a little bit out of my -- it is, you will notice, when i talked about the barcelona case study, the first thing they say is we need the infrastructure to be there. so they put in wireless throughout the cities. there's a lot more than just saying they're going to put in wireless. you need these capabilities, put it up there.
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but you did mention the political will has to be there. several speakers today talked about the need someone who's going to drive forward and you need the citizens to support it. so i would say those are the two things. whether people cell phones right now, that's not so critical. >> i'm going to take this question at put in u.s. context because there are times you can drive or and you feel like you're in a third world country with some of the infrastructure that's out there, or not out there. what should they be thinking about, where should they start? >> i would say start with the social media. so if you look at the today, there's ways for your taking everybody, their driving experience, all feeding into a they now know what traffic is really like, what the police are, kno where the best route
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after leveraging it that way. somebody else mentioned potholes, having the postal service are out on the roads every day, having been report potholes. you can go online up in those cities to report a pothole, things like that. religious leveraging your citizens more. we all have come in the u.s. we all have cell phones now. that's pretty much standard. to be able to design an app that will engage those users and get them to contribute and put in the information so that communities, local, state, national can harness that data and make it useful. >> just to add, i think to a certain extent there's a bit of an advantage in not having a tremendous legacy that countries like the united states have. when you are having the opportunity to build from scratch with all of, the mobile
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first perspectives, then you can begin to crowdsourced information from those enabled citizens of those countries because we are seeing such huge penetration with smart devices. if you start there, he naturally inherit from all of the data that is already out there as opposed to her we are currently. it does make it a little bit easier in some ways to go down the model of building a new security right off the bat. you do that through identifying, having verified providers and enablers of content to your solutions. i think -- >> in some ways we've learned that even on the federal perspective, new agencies, consumer financial protection bureau, the recovery board, they got to start from scratch but they didn't have any of the old crap -- can we say crap on c-span? sorry. old stuff.
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we may be taken off the air in a minute. they don't have the old stuff that they have to maintain and fix and pass all those kinds of things, makes it a lot easier. does anyone else want to comment? >> go back to the idea example, i would also suggest the political support, in being a former -- [inaudible] i know the cities you're talking about. from a smartphone, i think there's a lot of that after. [inaudible] smart city note and roadmap, in the cities i think you're talking about what nations are, the political support because they will have to break through a lot of the super silos between agencies within those cities, within the country itself.
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>> mark, i'm not sure which is the case the eu can't keep a job or ago and is recruiting you, so congratulations on that. >> the question and particularly at kelley sullivan but i guess anyone can address it, when it comes to workforce, a prior question you answered, kind of indicated the hope is that of a bunch of jobs should have people repurpose her other roles. i was hoping you could expand on that. did i read your response right, the idea is to hold onto jobs? in general how to change that workforce as radically as to what people should be doing? >> particularly a workforce like your states postal service. is not an easy shift, right speak with it's not an easy shift for us and some of it has been quite public. there is a lot of conversation about what's happening with our
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unionized workforce, and i'm sure that's probably what you're referencing as well. our unions are partners with postal service in this conversation. they also would like to see us around for the workforce. which means it is a reinvention. in some scenarios using the postal service now testing delivery of groceries. interesting expansion of the mail service, they're coming to the house in addition to doing those packages were the other items we can provide that would be of value to the consumer's? that's part of that extension. their job is still to deliver and secure the united states mail but if they can provide an additional service that allows us to extend do something that consumers are interested in, that is what we are interested in pursuing. >> does it change the nature of
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work essentially, how people do the work? there will probably be jobs the end of disappearing trick that happens with every sort of development of technology. andy kay and we love change as long as we don't have to change. >> you, right. there will be some jobs that may not be kept at the same level as we have today. but if you look at hundreds of years, that happens anyway. 50 years ago there was really no job category called -- [inaudible] now we have -- that's a huge job category. there are no, right now there were a lot of -- dedicated person with a lot of typing. we do that with word processors these days. the world is going to change and iot is not the exception to that there will be new jobs
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created talk about drones a new technology. think about it if you have a drug, who's going to operate in? someone has to be able to get expert, get expert and fluid. that's a new job category. so we don't know exactly what kind of jobs will be created, but i'm kind of like a little optimistic about it. a lot of experts are needed, training, education, that's critical but eventually -- >> and overtime our lives have gotten better. even the less advantaged people in our society today, life is much better than it was even 20 years ago. like any technology can be used for good or for evil, and hopefully you are seeing some of these sensors on trucks driving
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bad behavior make drivers to do the things that may not be positive. but on the other hand, it allows the driver of the truck to automatic logging so it is pulled over by police and he can show that he didn't try to meet hours with things like that. there's always a balance and it's down to the people making the decision, not the technology. over time we've seen our lives improved though. >> hi, chris. my name is learned that. i'm a serial entrepreneur and based i in the arlington area ad i see a lot of investment by small amount of investment going into very much millennial -- to our embassy for national covenant with with pressing problems. so i encourage those of you who are in a position to influence the angel investment community, early stage investment community particularly within. i see a little bit of the hey,
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let's bring important people to silicon valley because to shake things up and shows how to do things. there's lots more people in the d.c. area who work within govern and with government and contractor capacity, and they just need to get funding for our company, to be able to work and make it big and awesome just like their getting funded through silicon valley. let's stop fixing millennial simple nice things and really fix some of our country's infrastructure, and you guys can play an instrumental role in doing that. >> you're talking about uber or something, right? yes, cisco. she needs money. [laughter] but it does raise the point about money out there and how do we get, there's lots more people in the photo, kind of figured this out, and how do you come to respect what we're taught but in terms of priority but also sometimes there isn't owes them
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an associate with these kinds of projects because they just, you haven't proven themselves yet, right? >> i joined -- two years ago. before the isaac started, and i worked as a programmer basically the you are correct. in d.c. they're all kinds of smart people inside and outside of the government and i'll talk to silicon valley a lot of time, but it's only because there's probably more concentration of engineers and companies that you know of over there. funding issue is not an easy question regard us with your accountant employed or not. the only thing i see is the reason we talk about silicon valley is, and the reason they have a lot more venture capital in d.c. it is probably because it's just a number, not quality, more engineers and more entrepreneurs over there.
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even look at how many of them actually got funded, and that's not the percentage of auditors decade funded it's not that different across the region of the united states. yes, i absolutely agree that we should do more in funding great ideas and entrepreneurs who have the right business model, that's the key, the right business model. technology itself doesn't cut it. you have defined a model. investor needs to return, and provide a right path to return. >> i grew up in silicon valley. there's a big chunk of luck there, too. right people right time right place and it somehow magically appears. are you writing your check? >> once the main differences, it is more geared towards more millennials. millennials in general are a lot earlier on their adoption curve.
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the government, it makes it harder for startups because a lot of times we're looking for more mature technologies. we are waiting for all of that stuff to be flushed out. and in doing so it leads itself to being a little more conservative and that's what we're not seeing a lot of start up funding your. >> kelley, on this, talking about small c. conservative, the government has been more conservative also because there's a certain risk aversion, we don't want to make mistakes. >> the stakes are higher. >> right. you need for a safe way, it's not like we used to be in a place where we will just wait and look at what else tested to make sure work and then go jumping. my sense is this that doesn't work. you have to be practicing as you go because it's really evolution but if you just wait your soul for bend the curve it's almost
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impossible to back up. >> you are right, he mr.. and they're on to the next opportunity. that's what i think it's important for agencies and the government as a whole, that's lazy or decisions -- that's why you see organizations doing rapid prototype trying to identify opportunities that we can -- find things that add value to not only our current consumers but the larger companies and country as a whole. part of that is would love to take a bit of a risk. be successful more quickly. part of that is just executing through our prototypes, participating in conversation in a community like this and we get a lot of interesting feedback, and look what's happening with the private sector. i think the public-private relationships are very important
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monitoring that has driven the price down because of the massive reduction cost of hardware with the center box below $5000. so we will give the government a good went with my and publish a weekend collected for a lot less than what epa pays which is a $200,000 a box as shown impacts of air quality and chemical exposure. my findings are that innovation is really easy with sensors and open-source software and open source hardware. it's difficult to get government to publish the data largely because of sheer embarrassment.
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we work with the pretty closely to get to the slow migration from the need to share. i with the agencies, information secret officers are the biggest roadblock because they have nothing to gain professionally by allowing data out of the agency, only blame if it goes wrong. >> that's a good point because we see that a lot. my favorite line about open data was from the former head of the recovery board who said if you are easily embarrassed, don't get into the open data space. all of us have really bad data someplace and you just need to basically say we're going to be embarrassed about something, get on with it. i do think chief information secret officers conducting chief information no officers were there people who stop you from doing things. how to get that kind of partnership so you can get things done? ever wants to do it safely and
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securely, but how do you find that safe space speak with a goes back to one of the points raised on communication. basically the dialogue between the cio and ciso are critical. so as you're putting forward one example with the exhilaration of gift cards, what does that mean for usaid as an example, when you have -- you will be graded as okay, if all of his cards have been addressed for the privilege area, but the impact on the nation needs to be able to define if we're going to put this situation for this specific cybersecurity asset in place, what is the missing impact? we are grouping is in to what
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activities they now need to be able to adjust to because of this? they argue, in the end result is protecting the critical data that you're responsible for. the dialogue is critical to make sure that -- sundeck sophistry type activity that we don't have all these smart deals work around them. partnering together. bats in the oven has been addressed at cio at cisco. especially if we are accelerating cybersecurity implementation. >> one of the challenges for cio general is to not be the chief information officer, if you are that person, these days people just go around you, right? if they get technology find a
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way. >> and that is happening. >> go to a drop box for something and they could how to deal with out you. >> you are talk about change is good us once i do have to change. eco divide used to do business information consultant the used to say that the hard stuff is easy and the soft stuff is hard, meaning that the technology, the processes, those you can do reasonably well, where's getting people to change his the hard part. when we look at specifically this technology, the technologies are getting there and are almost better. we have the technology to me almost everything. we have technology to protect most things but most of the time is getting people to use it, is the hard part. >> transformation consulting, that sounds like guaranteed employment. you are not getting out of a job anytime soon.
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>> if i.t. is getting my way, i'll go around. we've done surveys and we said, it outside suppliers do you have a cloud? they will say 10. our averages we are finding five to seven times more applications using their environment than the i.t. managers know. so it is getting done. people go around it. >> kelley, how do you do with this world, because you to do things in a secure space, but you want ciso and the security folks and their to help, here to get your job done, right? how do you navigate those spaces? >> i think -- >> solve the problem for us. we have been talking about this for way too long. >> we have five minutes, we can solve the problem with everybody here in this room. i think one of the easiest things we can do is first create a framework for developers.
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ultimately, all of us have business goals and objectives were trying to reach. the established sort of this is the way it's been in this is the way that it is doesn't always work when you're trying to drive rapid change, you know, read something that's in the market right now. if we can create an advanced, if you will, recipes, going to do with this type of information and you want to share this information publicly, this is how we're going to do. go ahead and dive right in and tackle some what are some of the biggest things before asking for. and let the kind of road map. these are the languages the developers are allowed to use, these are going to be the security practices that just have to be in place in advance. i think in doing that in advance, you have more people comply. but when you take the old
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standard of these are the 400 controls you have to put in place and this is what going to do, going to reevaluate you over a period of eight months, as afr finished with activities will see whether we let you deploy. that's when you end up with business that is going to fight against the ciso and i.t. functions and try to find an easy way which ultimately is going to break the security of the system and attack the end users. because it will be scalable. it will create problems for them. i think we can proactively try to get what you're driving at it. we know what they
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issues we talked about today will be a lot easier to figure out. >> it's good he brings up standards. >> i had to. >> or else they don't allow them back into building. i'm going to ask a final question of all the. we need something folks walked out with. what should we think about? before i do that, a couple of reminders about if you want your cds, it's ingrained our heads, we will send an e-mail to you.
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there's a code in the back so make sure you fill out your evaluation. we will shift all the slides to you. anything i'm forgetting bikes no? i got? how unusual. chris, leave folks with about. what should they take home after spending time think about the internet of things? >> technology is just continued to increase and it's going to end with going to see sensors everywhere. we are learning more we will see more wearable computing devices. we will see them places that we haven't in the past seemed and. what i'd like to take away from this is that you need to be in a place where you can take advantage of all that data. you need to start think about how you're going to fill out your infrastructure to be able to collect, harness and make use of that because it's going to be
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there. the standard are developing the we do have the technologies. the technology is there today, it's just really how are they going to build out our infrastructure to utilize all this data. >> when you think about, when have they gone too far? in what synergy they like you would want to share information? that's a question i think we all need to ponder as we continue. where do we draw the line? if i can be anonymous, maybe it's not a line at all. >> i found out i was doing, they all know my data which is a little freaky, right? go ahead. mark. peter, sorry. >> i am very enthused all this and i said look at the
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possibilities. in your job, what can the internet of things due to measure the change, to enact, to make your job easier and make it so that you are more effective with your constituents. and, of course, did not forget security it is built in, not bolted on. >> just to point. one is that have everybody here exchange ideas. we need all the smart people in the world to look to share the information, to address the challenges of cybersecurity. second is that cybersecurity is owned by all. as we talk about agencies and cio and ciso, collectively we are responsible for securing the critical date of the government. >> sokwoo? >> i would suggest we all look around in our agencies and see
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how we can improve this new technology, and how to work with other agencies. there's virtually no agency in the federal government that has no stake in iot. transportation, energy, whatever you call it. the are some things that you can always do, and by combining forces with other agencies expertise, you could escalate and by doing that, the way to get the standard is by practicing and coming up with the best practices to show real efficiency and impact and real loud. so i would suggest everybody kind of try to work with other agencies as much as you can pick because if you keep yourself in a silos, you will never scale spent information comes when it issued. i will leave you with two
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points. want is, i'm not counting the times are for government to do its job. we've had furloughs and sequestration and shutdowns, oh, my. but my goodness, the opportunities out there these days are just so humongous and you can give them relatively easily and relatively quickly, as he returns on those investments pretty quickly, pretty exciting stuff. i agree with chris. go do it. tried to any other thing is the power of sharing information. some instances of people saying we can't share that with another agency, we can't work together. my, goodness, let's change that and you guys can do it, and i know you are so go do it. do good work. we will talk very soon. thanks, c-span. thank our sponsors. go, have fun. go do the work.
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[inaudible conversations] >> a reminder that if you missed any of this event you can watch it anytime in our video library at more live coverage here on c-span2. pulitzer prize-winning journalist ronnie greene will be at the politics & prose bookstore in washington, d.c. to talk about his new book, shots on the bridge. examines the real-life case of six unarmed citizens were shot by police in the aftermath of hurricane katrina and the events that follow. that's live at 7 p.m. eastern here on c-span2. all this week we are marking the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina with special programming. tonight, scenes from new orleans one year after the storm with a tour of hurricane damage and conversations those on the
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ground. that's followed by 2005 house hearings featuring testimony from new orleans residents who left the city were trapped by the floodwaters. here's a preview. >> why were we held hostage? anr i didn't go anywhere. why were we held hostage? and not allowed to rescue ourt. people? we have proof of it. why was that the case? call you know what, baby?nity that is i'm from the '60s. i call the police. that's the only reason why i am a. i m didn't, to represent me. i didn't calm representing diane. i came representing the people n fie bng on the street riowght nw around a brick fireplace becausn of the only thing we have mber
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indecent for. if hurricane happened in augusts somebody needs to hear, why wert less than 500,000 people spread over 50 states is a question whether my neighbors wants to know. >> it's never before us to say should be rebuilt or not rebuild. i think it's reasonable to ask that heavy flood protection system that is going to work. but when you see this and just a few blocks up the road there is holy cross with all that they can housing, you would think, well, first things first. maybe get people to higher ground because that house cannot be rebuilt. it's not possible. and you can still smell that bad
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smell. even notice it later when someone tells you, you smell bad. you end up small the bad acting after. >> is to find people because they can't go into until they demolish it. when they tear down the house like that, they bring the dogs first to see if -- this is typical house where they would find a body still. >> watch our special program on the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina all this week beginning at 8 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> next a panel of experts including a women's world cup athlete, a person economy and editor of a blog focusing on the politics of soccer in the former soviet to discuss economic political and social impact in russia as the nation prepares to host the 2018th train for world cup. this is 90 minutes.
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>> a really fantastic sense because. we want to talk off the project that we sort of thought up in anticipation of 2010 world cup in russia. starting with the premise that everything is connected, that sport is not disconnected from history, from politics and sort everything else. if you don't agree, is not up for debate. you will have to live with it. additional what the intent of today's event and the program going forward which will include additional pell discussion, publications and collaboration usually gives you the opportunity to view a social club economic issues to build a sport. that's good for two reasons. one, we've all been invited to rush in 2018th effectively. as we were talking before we kicked off just a second copy is a rough time for u.s.-russian relations, rough time for i would say the russian people increase the isolated in many respects and this is an
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opportunity for something sort could happen. the debate of whether russia should host the cup has caught on expected over. those of you are soccer fans know that just recently the world cup qualifying draw took place in st. petersburg. if your soccer then you know you can't we do that. so the sport has overtaken the political. we can talk about sort of discussion about the cup was awarded the story behind that but nonetheless i think that train has left the station so to speak. so we look forward to diving into this and i'm going to have introduce the speakers briefly. we've had opportunity to pack the program file be quick if we are very, very fortunate. a buddy you want to come to this and talk agreed to it. i appreciate you coming. i think you'll be happy with it. so to my left, professor marlene laruelle here at george washington, assistant director of the institute for european,
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russian, and eurasian studies. she is, research focused i was his nationalism and the what to do what we're going to do here today. next is lori lindsey who was described in an article what is researching the background as the title was totally awesome. i don't know what else you can do with have i offended. she's also been a variety of ways. to time player of the year. which i think it's an honor she shares only with mia hamm. is also a fan favorite. those of you who know her know why. or style of play the slots a very articulate and energetic advocate for gender equality in sport and she works with athlete ally which is a very excellent organization in that respect. but happy to have her here to her perspective as an athlete importantly. i'm going to go down the end of the table to professor lisa neirotti, has been a professor
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at georgetown for almost the court of a century, right? that was good or bad, i think it's good that she's been speed at george washington spent on site, i'm at george washington stood myself so i'm ashamed. but she's been to 17 olympics and four world cups, an expert in mega sports. or research falls along the lines of sports tours and management specific of spectators, how they interact with event. that's an interesting subject i think for the world cup which unlike the 11th so unlike the 11th of the health and certainly more than one city. i think we are at 12 right now. and then finally we have transcended i who is a ph.d candidate with king's college in london. why he is sort of interesting to me, he is doing his dissertation on football in the former soviet space and he did a fantastic job putting together a website, sort of the park offers additional research that he was able to step into his dissertation.
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i said let me go and see if we can do this because the heat is gone down there from victoria canada and we will work together for the next three years and we hope the spectators together in kaliningrad our summer over there. so with that, manuel a moderate, start off. they we will save time for questions and answers towards the end of the session. >> well, thanks, mike. i want to thank the global interests george washington university for having us today. i think that this is a really fantastic event this would just highlight some of the issues that will be with us for the next three years as russia gears up, not only for the world cup but what would prove to be a year in russia in 2018th has putin will seek to be reelected for another term.
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so we will have two major defense taking place in russia in 2018. now about myself, i did my dissertation on the transition of football, classroom communism to capitalism. i looked at the period between 1987-2014. i would've liked to go further but they couldn't because you know, it's a history paper, you have to stop at some point. but what it made me realize is that there's many issues going on right now but every a setting that did not fit into a ph.d dissertation. some of these issues, those of you who are familiar with football greg linsin those issues. since 2013 we have been having conflict in ukraine. which was kicked off by the events. from there on we spiraled into a whole bunch of events that some
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commentators say that we are now in a state of the cold war, with this comparison i don't like very much. but what i think is, go a lot from what is going on in football and was actually going on in russia right now. there's certain things that when you look at the way football is structured, the way football operates, that it reflect things going on elsewhere in society. i'll give you a few examples. win euro made in kicked off, we saw protests in the stadium, sort of reflecting the mood in general and status. and an economic base we had the sanctions on russia which affected the ruble last christmas immensely. that wouldn't crisis had a deep impact on the way football is being played right now in the country.
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because as the ruble crashed, players and coaches and specialists in russia, they all played in europe and dollars which then all of a sudden sal for increased dramatically. so we seem collapse and russia for pointing confronting this issue and sort of gives us a present on how the rest of society and the rest of the economy sort of deals with this issue. another thing that's come up very result is the fact that the russian football union has fired fabio and has replaced him with a russian coach. the way that can about shows us a lot to help russia deals with kind of problems that come with them this date, a wave reform, the way at a tough time reform its football success were blamed on a coach with highly overpaid and did not get the results. so whatever they want to say
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this but football gives us the truly unique opportunity to understand some of these issues. and gives a wide audience. because when you look at, and the elephant of around the world, it's a lot more than when people of all data politics. so what football is for me to futboldgrad is on it, it's a prism, like a window into understanding how russia and with the entire region operates. and has futboldgrad says, to understand the region that is widely misunderstood. thank you. so with that i get it now over two -- >> well, thank you. i don't know if i need this or not. it's a pleasure to be here, and i want to say about it, i mega
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event specialists not an expert on russia itself like my esteemed colleagues here, but it did have an opportunity, had five opportunities to visit russia started in 1988. so i've seen quite a bit of change over those years. and my last experience was in sochi during the winter olympic games. and of my 17 consecutive olympic games, i must say sochi ranked very high. it was extremely well organized. it was a beautiful city. the people were great. the volunteers were super, and despite what everybody may have read in the american press, i must say that i think they gains went off fine. i'm not talking about the politics behind it or the money spent or anything else. i'm just saying about the games that sell. i think they're going to do a great job as well with the world cup because they know how to organize. maybe not living up to a little crisis situation, but during the
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games, during the tournament it will be fine. i heard the same thing about the 1980 games, that they want of the best. i was not have those, but just wanted to put that all into perspective. now, in terms of financials, that's another situation. we've heard the reports, and actually some of my contacts who work for the organizing committee, did confirm that of that $50 billion figure that was thrown out for the winter olympic games, about half of that was probably not will be spent on the venues. but they also, the also to put that into perspective of that, say 25 billion that was officially spent, that was to build a city. that wasn't for the olympic games. so about 5 billion of that -- 25 billion, i'm just going to
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say that was the real figure, was on organizing games. the rest was to build a train system, to build hotels, the roads, everything else. i'm using the winter olympic games just to give a perspective. because then we go to the world cup, and the figures right now are about $12 billion. they got half a billion dollars out recently because of the financial situation. but you can't blame all of that money on the world cup. about that it has to do with the national government that decided to build 12 stadiums versus the minimum of eight stations. fifa has a minimum o of a state district most countries do once they get the world cup can't figure out who to leave out. they want to please the whole country. ..
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